#Im so sorry k2........
bacchuschucklefuck · 27 days
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My Accolades
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wolfziedraws · 15 days
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Alter Emos
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sesamestreep · 5 months
number 50 for the rogue one crew!! knowing full well that i have a prompt of yours regarding that very crew wallowing away in my inbox .... humblest apologies
50. the hands of fate (from this list) a quick sequel to this. cross-posted to ao3 here happy more joy day 2024 🩵🤍💙
Baze spent a good twenty years of his life listening to Chirrut tell him that they couldn't leave Jedha, whenever the subject arose. Baze's arguments—that their fellow Guardians were gone, that their religion had been all but wiped out, that their holy city was overrun by the Empire, and that there was nothing left for them there—had never made much of an impression. Chirrut remained adamant that they needed to stay and when Baze asked him why, he only said the reason would become apparent in time. Baze, at least, had a lifetime of experience listening to Chirrut's vague proclamations to prevent him from getting too annoyed with this non-explanation. Being more in-tune with the machinations of the Force than Baze is, and being deeply beloved by him regardless, Chirrut can get away with such things.
He'd almost shouted at him on the ship as they narrowly escaped the destruction on Jedha. Had that been why they needed to remain? So they could watch their home, already stripped of its autonomy and its peace for so long, finally be annihilated before their very eyes? His eyes. Chirrut does not—cannot—watch. He hadn't been sure who, of the two of them, was the luckier in that moment. But they hadn't been alone then. They were surrounded by strangers and, while he wasn't above giving Chirrut a piece of his mind with an audience present, he hesitated to give these people on whom their lives now depended the impression they'd picked up two raving mad men in the desert. After that, everything else had happened too quickly for Baze to have the luxury of deep contemplation and the matter had been pushed aside in favor of following the captain, of helping Jyn, of keeping an eye on their pilot. Arguing with Chirrut would have to wait.
Baze is ashamed to say he doesn't put it together on Scarif, not even when they'd all nearly died. He doesn't put it together when they're back with the Rebellion, keeping vigil in the medbay as, one by one, their crew—Rogue One, Bodhi had called it—healed up and moved on. He doesn't put it together even as he watches with mild amusement as Jyn and Cassian grow closer and closer like two trees twisting around each other in the wild, becoming inseparable as he and Chirrut did long ago. He doesn't put it together when what he once thought of as a natural tremor disappears entirely from Bodhi's voice, replaced with a tone of gentle command, or when the frost melts entirely from Jyn's demeanor when she interacts with her partner's droid and he is so entirely shocked when that same droid delicately—delicately!—inquires about Jyn's bloodwork halfway through her pregnancy and listens sympathetically as she rants about the medical droids the Rebellion employs that he can be forgiven for not noticing it then either.
No, he only puts it together when he's sitting with Kitri in his lap and she wraps her whole fist around his pointer finger and refuses to let go. It's a random, seemingly insignificant moment for his heart to stop and the whole of his life to suddenly come into sharp and coherent focus, but he assumes no one really gets to choose these things or their timing for themselves.
Next to him, Chirrut makes an inquisitive noise, which probably means Baze stopped right in the middle of speaking.
"This is why we couldn't leave Jedha," Baze says, impressed that he's managing any words at all right now amidst what could most reasonably be called a life-changing revelation. "This is what we were waiting for, all that time. Them."
"Of course," Chirrut says, wiggling his fingers within capturing distance for the baby, much to her amusement, not seeming to understand or appreciate that Baze is going through something at the moment. "You mean to tell me you didn't know that?"
"You're telling me you did?"
"Not beforehand. I'm not psychic," Chirrut says, as if such a thing is entirely ludicrous to believe. As if that's not how it sometimes feels to Baze when Chirrut describes the way the Force moves around them all. "But the moment I spoke to Jyn, I knew. That's why we followed her and the captain! What did you think I was up to, if you didn't know until now?"
"I thought it was one of your strange whims, Chirrut."
"It's been years, you daft old man," Chirrut laughs.
"Yes, well..."
Chirrut shakes his head, amused. "You really will follow me anywhere, won't you?"
"Yes," Baze says, only vaguely embarrassed by the admission. "Don't act surprised."
Kit makes a noise of objection from her spot in his lap, the smallest foreshadow of an all-out cry, probably because she hasn’t successfully captured Chirrut’s hand with her own yet in this simple but frustrating game he’s initiated. Across the room, Baze sees Cassian, who has dark circles under his eyes again after many years of looking healthier and better rested (though these ones have appeared under happier circumstances), start to rise from his seat, ever watchful over his daughter’s moods and needs. Before he can get far, Baze sees Jyn put a hand gently on his forearm to arrest him and an entirely silent conversation happens between them in the brief eye contact that follows. He feels like he can read all of the beats of an argument and a counter argument and a surrender in the smallest lifting of eyebrows and lowering of lashes.
“We have help,” Jyn says, softly but firmly, as if they’ve spoken all of their concerns out loud so far.
“I know,” Cassian replies, and settles back in next to her. He briefly closes his eyes and rests his head on the back of his seat. Jyn doesn’t take her hand off his arm until he moves it to rest around her shoulders a moment later. Looking over to Baze, Cassian adds, “If you need me to take her, though—”
In the very same moment that Jyn reaches out to swat him for that, Kit screeches with laughter, having finally captured her other uncle’s hand and covered it in an unfathomable amount of drool in an incredibly short amount of time, and diverting Baze’s attention from her parents at last. Next to him, Chirrut smiles with a dangerous amount of pride.
“The Force moves delightedly around this one,” he says, surrendering to this injustice with good sportsmanship as always. “She would have made an excellent Guardian.”
Before the pain of that pronouncement can hit him, Baze hears Jyn speak up. “Good thing we picked up a couple of them in our travels back in the day,” she says, turning to Cassian. “Smart of us, wasn’t it?”
Cassian nods, not so successfully hiding a smile. “Wouldn’t want her squandering any of her potential,” he says. “You’ll have to keep an eye on this connection to the Force, Chirrut. Let us know if she needs any training…”
Chirrut lifts his head at that, looking like a hunting animal picking up a scent. The idea of it hadn’t occurred to him either, then, which makes Baze feel less stupid for not thinking of it himself. He’d grown so accustomed to think of the Guardians as gone and dead, like Jedha was, or at the very least nearly extinct. Kitri���s far too young to have the survival of an entire religion on her shoulders, but he and Chirrut can tell her the names of their teachers and elders and friends and their stories will survive for another generation. There are other children of the Rebellion, too. Their way of life need not die with them. It’s a heady, baffling new feeling, this untempered hope. They’ve been rationing it out carefully among them for years and to have his fill of it all at once is slightly overwhelming.
Chirrut’s expression would be closed off to anyone who hasn’t known him for fifty years, but Baze sees through its defenses quite easily. He sees the surprise and the awe and the barely guarded delight all there plainly. Chirrut turns his attention down to Kit, still chewing on his hand happily, and runs a palm over the sparse but silken hair on her head lovingly, and something heavy and ancient slots into place in Baze’s soul, the final piece of a long forgotten puzzle settling in where it belongs.
“Good to see there are some things in the galaxy that can still surprise you, old man,” Baze says, not sounding nearly as irreverent as he wishes to.
Kit laughs in the same moment Chirrut does, like she’s in on the joke somehow, like she’s been waiting for it. And who knows? Maybe she is. Maybe she has.
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edenfire · 2 years
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Happy (belated) Birthday, Ambs!!~~ <3 <3 <3
im sorry this is a little late,,, but i wanted to draw some cozy k2 snuggling on the couch together for you @candyunicornsateme <3 (and of course kyle in a nice fall sweater~ ( ^ v ^)<3)
I hope you had a lovely bday~~~
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candyunicornsateme · 7 months
WAAHH thank you so much Eden!!! 🧡🧡🧡 Rest assured I will indulge myself in some extra k2 ;v;
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0-dear-rose-0 · 11 months
dear god that band au of Kyle Wendy Tolkien and Kenny you just posted is so GOOD i LOVE IT. Makes me... wanna write... you know... 👀👀 would be such a shame if you hit me with some of the brain rot surrounding this au teehee
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Ok the way I imagined is like😭🙏
So Wendy and tolkien and kyle are all study buddies and I imagine that south park decided to have a little event as kind of battle of the bands?? So the prize is like 5000 and Wendy was like WHAT IF we joined?? Just for fun
Tolkien plays the bass, Kyle guitar and Wendy can sing and since they all have a little bit of experience with music, Wendy is all confident that they'll definitely win. Tolkien points out that they probably need a drummer and Wendy's like well shit idk any drummers and then Kyle buts in like " I do !!"
Spoiler, it's Kenny. 😭 and so Wendy goes up to him and asks if he wants to join the band and Kenny is all like sorry I can't :/ I'm already in a band.
Wendy says "WITH WHO??"
UH OH, it's crimson dawn !! They're also joining the event 😔 and Wendy is a little pissed off and salty bc now it's ON and she's not letting Stan beat her (she's competitive) She relays this info back to Tolkien and Kyle and tolkien reason that as much as they want to win they should reallt find a drummer bc without one they'll probably get beat.
And so kyle goes up to kenny and goes pretty please join the band so kenny says yes. and Stan is APALLED. Oh the betrayal
And Wendy's like 🤨 bc obviously kenny is playing favorites (it's K2 I can't escape it)
Stan is very pissed off at both Kyle and kenny. And now crimson dawn needs a replacement for 😭 kenny 🙏 who is it, you may ask?? Idk I haven't decided 😔 part of me is thinking craig simply because it's funny to me when craig and Stan beef with each other. And I was also thinking Tweek because him playing like really heavy metal, I imagine he just puts all his frustrations into it and everyone is like 😧 but it's also not too surprising
Anyways timeskip kinda and Wendy's band wins !! ( I HAVENT DECIDED A NAME ARGHH)
They all work together to write songs and they're actually pretty good, kenny posts some online and they go kinda viral leading them to continue playing music for fun and getting recognized.!! Wupee
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raymend · 1 year
The thing is sayama could have been so interesting as a parallel to y0 majima (appointed to hurt/kill someone and befriends them instead, sotenbori, working within a corrupt organization, literally the same outfit as y0 majima down to the ponytail) but they didnt take her character anywhereeeeee bro. Im heartbroken literally say youre sorry. To women
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final finale thoughts!!
things i loved about the finale
QUEER GODDESS PATHEON YEAAAAAAH!!! i thought it was such a good way to find a happy medium between kristen committing to a worldview that felt authentic and nuanced without being catholic™ about it
everything to do with the scene of Ankarna trying to offer retribution to each of the bad kids, and each of them making peace with past wrongs instead of continuing to stew in it. i love growth!!!
everything to do with mazey and fabian. of all the fantasy high couples aside from fidayda, these two feel the most like they make sense together- they have similar interests, they have similar values, fabian had a crush on her even when she was being 'uncool' (eg. twister) and how mazey actually picked up on that and appreciated the way he used his perceived coolness to extend it to others who might be picked on otherwise. this is the couple i most hope go the distance even post aguefort adventuring academy (again, aside from figayda ofc but i literally cannot imagine those girls breaking up over anything)
fabian's fetus sibling outnemesising him despite fabian building an animosity towards them the whole season before they were even conceived. peak fantasy high insanity
controversial but i thought the maryann/gorgug being introduced and canonised in all of 15 minutes was hilarious. it was very teen of them in a way that felt authentic. my ideal scenario for them is an end of year fling that becomes amicable exes bc they truly have nothing in common beyond thinking the other is hot (real of them) but i dont have a strong opinion on whether they should break up or not
also maybe controversial but i like that kalina is straight up bloodthirsty. she felt like an equal opposite to bakur- rather than being a devoted servant who became corrupted by proxy, she was trying to corrupt her deity into a form she preferred. thematically it extends to the complementary opposites thing ankarna and cassandra have going on (though i get it might be a reach).
"... thats a four. you know what it's for we don't have to talk about it"
riz coming in clutch with the character arc right at the last moment. i joked ab his neuroticism being part of his natural swag, but im glad murph not only made sure riz FINALLY addressed the way he was burning himself out, but also that by extension, he was burning out both fig and kristen bc riz has a very calculated idea of 'success' and while he had the best intentions, those two dont fit neatly into it
THE HOLD PERSON OVER THE LAVA??? RIZ'S 'very good on paper, but no practical application."??? i screamed
a second blimey-related divine intervention roll by K2 leading her to getting pinnochioed into a real straight british girl, in real non-dnd britain, is the best thing thats ever happened in fantasy high. a simulacrum was so powerful brennan had to do the dnd equivalent of sending her to a barn upstate.
adaine and aelwyn talking about killing their mother over icecream can be something that is so personal...
siobhan's incredible play with the earworm??? phenomenal, i gasped out loud
fig maybe moving into fabian's house even after she drops out so fabian won't be alone again... what if i threw up blood actually
i liked kipperlilly copperkettle being confirmed to be rotten to the core. 'the ritual looks very different when one accepts rage willingly' GOOD!!! i like evil ambitious teenage girls who try to burn the world down to get what they want. i get why they didnt bring her back, that detail definitely cemented her as in the zayne/penelope category of 'past villains who could possibly be redeemed'
FIG AND AYDA MY LOVES!!! sorry but not even the lesbian goddesses are doing it like these two. brennan put his whole pussy into creating ayda aguefort and my life has been changed forever
zac once again dming K2's alternate universe campaign
things i hated
ik it was payoff to the running bit and it made me cackle when it was revealed, but the implications of hallariel and gilear having a baby are so bad to me. fig talks up gilear a lot, and sure, he came around to being a good dad to her, but gilear has objectively been a shit stepdad to fabian and hallariel... is hallariel. its got to sting was watch your mom be basically catatonic for your entire life, and then suddenly prove that she was capable of being an present mother the whole time- just not for you. im hopeful that senior year will address this though!! lou has always been so good giving his characters' weighty emotional arcs that feel satisfying
i dont like the implication of trackerbees getting back together. i never thought bladebees was good beyond a realistic rebound, but trackerbees was SO codependent together, i dont think its a coincidence that kristen had her best emotional intelligence moments when forced to think things through on her own. tracker always struck me as kind of a 'fixer' type, like she feels most comfortable with someone she can act caretaker-y to (hence bouncing off kristen to another girl who had similar issues). i really reaaaally hope they dont regress back into their s2 dynamic
ruben's memory wipe. i thiiink the implication is that those who were the most willing to follow through on porter's orders maintained more of their memories bc they were in control of themselves and those who didn't were compelled into obedience (which might be why ivy and oisin remember more), but it wouldve been nice to actually see the lucy/ruben close friendship brennan said they had with him sobbing and apologising to her
it felt very weird that kristen didnt get some kind of resolution to her yearlong gentle prodding at bucky?? i think ally got sidetracked with the possibility of kristen getting back together with her ex that it kind of slipped from their mind (maybe bc to them the ankarna vision of her upbringing was kristen resolving her feelings towards her family but still), but considering all of elmville was coming apart, i feel like bucky's faith could've been swaying into doubt pretty easily. idk maybe bc ive become a trackerbees hater over the season but it felt annoying that that was what ally focused in on and not their character's more meaningful relationship with her little brother
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09kyledere · 9 months
day 4: k2 week!!
hellohello, im rin/kyle and i love these goobers a lot :3 so youll see a lot of them from me probably. i was busy so i couldnt do the first 3 days, but i was able to do day 4 really quick!! (so sorry if it looks really rushed😭)
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theyr cuties
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youre-ackermine · 4 months
hello dearest, I hope you’re doing well 🩵
for the aot ask I’ve come with new questions:
15.a) if you could have prevented the death of a single character, which one would it be? (I already know the answer but still 🤣)
15.b) what is your favorite (top 3 if you can’t choose one) soundtrack?
15.c) do you prefer the anime or the manga?
much love to youuu 💓💓
Hi my dearest Dee ✨
I'm fine, even if I barely slept last night. I hope you're doing well too!
15 a- If you could have prevented the death of a single character, which one would it be?
As you already guessed, I would have saved Hange of course!
Like Erwin died when the answer to his lifelong quest was within his grasp, Hange sacrificed themself before they could explore the outside world, quench their thirst for knowledge, help make people's lives better with new discoveries... I'm fascinated by their intelligence & all those amazing qualities that make them one of the best written characters in SNK, personality-wise. They would have been such an asset in the post war SNK universe.
15 b- What is your favorite (top 3 if you can't choose one) soundtrack?
If it's about the instrumental OST only, those I listen to the most at the moment are:
For the songs with a vocalist, my all-time favourite are:
I can't listen to 'Bauklotze' without crying now obviously 💔
15 c- Do you prefer the anime or the manga?
To be perfectly honest, I read the whole manga only once. I often read a random chapter or a few panels online but I still have to read it again (& it's a pain in the ass because I have the Edition Colossale & every book is f*cking heavy lmao). Besides, the French translation is not very good imo, it missed most of the dialogues' subtleties / nuances :((
Still, the manga panels are amazing, Isayama has a real talent for drawing the facial expressions & making us understand what's going on or feel so many emotions without a single word.
But I love the anime, even if a few things missing or changed kinda rub me the wrong way! The animation is insane (Levi's action scenes are always flawless & omg it's part of why I love the short badass so much!). The music is amazing & epic. The VAs are phenomenal (I only watch the Japanese version with French or English subtitles). It's a f*cking great show!
Just a few words about the scene between Eren & Armin in the last episode. As much as I cannot accept Eren's actions, I still felt sorry & sad for him. But the scene with Armin in the manga was so pathetic it almost swept away my sympathy towards him. Thanks Mappa for fixing this scene, making it a real moment of emotion between soulmate friends, & giving Eren a bit of his humanity back.
So anime it is!
Thanks for taking the time to send these to me!
Sending much love back ❤️
Have a nice Sunday lovely Dee 😘
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cryleforhelp · 1 year
do you have any k2 fanfic recommendations??
HI ANO N Very honored u came to me for this lol i'm also going to be including fic recs my friends gave to me because i haven't been reading (ive been busy lately!) fic recs below the cut!
Mysterion Begins | K2/Kysterion | T | TW: None author: indirectkissesiniceland I'm still reading this! The chapters feel short but the pacing + story is so good. Kenny and Kyle's relationship in here is sooo ;;_;; it's so soft to me and I'm such a sucker for pining.
SUMMARY: Four years of college didn't get Kyle any closer to figuring out what he wants to do with his life, but his friend Jimmy pulls through for him with an opening in the newspaper office where he works. Newbies have never been known to get glamorous work, of course, and Kyle's first assignment proves it: a filler piece on a costumed vigilante calling himself "Mysterion." When a dangerous situation brings him face-to-face with the hero himself, however, Kyle—and the growing number of readers his articles on the friendly neighborhood superhero bring in—seeks the answer to a question that burns within him: Who is Mysterion? it's three am, i hope you're home | K2/Kysterion | T | TW: None author: JuniperTrees AGH.. SORRY I'M A SUCKER FOR KYSTERION. THIS ONE WAS VERY GOOD, I want to tell you my favorite part but I don't want to spoil it for you!! I think when you read it, you'll know which part it is (hint: it's near the end. LMFAO) SUMMARY: Kyle knows what he wants, but Mysterion keeps climbing in through his window. back to december | K2 | T | TW: None author: JuniperTrees AJGSKLKJHFG9AOJLGKHSHSJODGDKLHJSAGNBLDKFSHJSJGISLKBMSDHJSOIGKLSAGJNASKHSAJSGJSALDK TTHE Y FALL IN LOVE. AND THEY GROW OLD. AND THEY LOVE EACH OTHER. One of my favorite fics, I just really love seeing K2 grow up together and the way the author wrote it was phenomenal. SUMMARY: Kenny has always been involved with Kyle’s holiday celebrations in one way or another. Take Me High and I'll Sing | K2/Kysterion | E | TW: domestic violence, smut author: Courtanie sorry for being kysterion trash i didnt mean it. i actually really enjoyed this fic, i think the author did a great job on portraying kyle's character when it comes to him being concerned about kenny being mysterion (idk if that makes sense). it gave me a rollercoaster of feeLS and ugh... its... its soft. im so bad at giving opinions im sorry LMFAO SUMMARY: For far too many years Kyle has watched Kenny slipping in and out of his heroic persona, wondering each night if it would be their last together. But when it's his needs stacked against the safety of the rest of their town, finding common ground is far more difficult than either of them could have accounted for. Lionheart | K2, Creek | T | TW: None author: indirectkissesiniceland i haven't read this one, yet! though, my good friends recommended it twice AND it's by indi so i trust that this is v v v v good :) SUMMARY: For far too many years Kyle has watched Kenny slipping in and out of his heroic persona, wondering each night if it would be their last together. But when it's his needs stacked against the safety of the rest of their town, finding common ground is far more difficult than either of them could have accounted for.
Ok, Cupid It Isn't Funny Anymore | K2 | T | TW: None author: Courtanie this one is my favorite because i love the oblivious pining and k2 being the dumbest people on planet earth when it comes to each other. stan is so sick of their bullshit here KLJDSGLKSGJSDFLKJ SUMMARY: Years of sabotaging one another's dates and dancing around feelings have led Kenny and Kyle to fall into states of pitiable loneliness. Living under the same roof sure doesn't help the situation, but some vodka might. Playback | K2 | T | TW: None author: Corrupted_Quiet i love britney spears ok and kenny here loves her too. this is one of my favorite fics !! i hope you like it as much as i did too, i thought it was really cute and the way author uses music here is fun! SUMMARY: Kenny's always listened pop music, with its bumping beats, simple lyrics, and easiness at capturing the complexities of love. Sometimes he feels himself in those songs, especially when pining over Kyle Broflovski. No one else knows that part, though, secret kept between himself and his playlist of Britney songs. But one day, his music decides to stop playing quietly, and start blasting out of his head. Oh, baby, baby, how was he supposed to know?
Daywalkerpox | K2/Kysterion (Side Stendy & Creek) | E | TW: sexual content author: Zormikea THIS WAS THE FIC THAT MADE ME SHIP K2 EVEN FURTHER. I have to reread this fic because it's been a while but oh my god i could not stop reading it when i first saw it.. SUMMARY: It’s not love. It’s not affection. It must be a disease, then.
Kyle wonders if it’s curable. Kenny knows it isn’t. Peering Through Windows | K2, Cryle (Side Stendy) | E | TW: graphic depictions of violence, non-con, major character death, sexual content author: jwink85 PLEASE be super cautious going into this fic as it does include a lot of heavy topics and depictions of said warnings listed above. that being said, this was one of the first fics that i read coming back to the fandom (i found it through the animatic based off this fic LOL). personally i like it, i really enjoy the author's storytelling here and how she takes care of certain events happening in the fic. i get that this might not be everyone's cup of tea though! please note that craig here plays a heavy villain in this story and kyle is the victim of the villain in this story, so if they're one of your favorite characters and you don't want to see them this way i think it's best to avoid this one! SUMMARY: Kyle was so in love with the good doctor until he revealed himself to be a monster...by then, it was too late. Fell In Love with a Dead Boy | K2 | T | TW: None (character death but it's kenny's) author: spirograph I NEVER READ THIS ONE!! BUT MY FRIEND SAID THIS AS A RECOMMENDATION SO I'm going to put this down here for you! I hope you like it, anon! SUMMARY: In the 3rd grade Kenny dies for the first time. OKAY, I'll stop here. Let me know what you think when you read some of these, anon!!!!! if i had to suggest what to start off with first i'd suggest mysterion begins and/or daywalkerpox!!!!! two very very very good fics!!!!!!!! if i have anymore in mind, i'll reblog this with add ons!!!!!!!!!!! :DDD @herbietales and @allymumu helped me out with fic recs so if needed, you can ask them too!! <333
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hey sorry if this seems weird but I wanted to ask if it was ok to redraw your Paradoxical comic? Im pretty much invested with the storyline and your portrayal of the characters, and i wanted to show my appreciation of it. I wouldn't change the story or anything, itd pretty much be the same just in my artstyle. If you say no it's absolutely fine I just wanted to ask😅😅
As long as you credit then absolutely go for it! I love being able to inspire and support people, and if you do post it- I’ll absolutely reblog it to share<3
If you’re redrawing any parts that credit K2 then please credit them as well<3 K2 is the primary writer for the scripts- I basically give them an idea of what I want and they go and freshen them up. Her favourite sister is Cassandra so a lot of Cass lines are written by them (including RL Cass!)
They’re choosing to go by this alias and not for me to link any of their accounts, so just the mention will be fine<3 thank you for asking!
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imustbenuts · 2 months
kzmj anon again hi. the weird relationships with the cabaret girls in k2 sucks so bad it really feels like the devs went uh sorry for making the majima everywhere system so homoerotically charged here take some dubiously ethical heterosexuality with 0 chemistry
hi kzmj anon senpai
yeah it is. soooo forced. this feels a lot like the game saying "kiryu is straight we swear" when. majima. exists in the game and did all of that MES in k1, had kiryu outright admit that he feels more relaxed in front of goromi than the cabaret girls. when in y0 kiryu was presented with oda's feelings towards tachibana point blank with oda saying he liked tachibana in the non-platonic sense here
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and then having rina swinging a sledgehammer to kiryu's sense of heterosexuality to the point that he had to sort it out on some level...
basically the concept of same-sex attraction has already been shoved into his mind, but the game pretends like it never happened or that kiryu was incapable of considering it. which is. a big contradiction if im supposed to believe that the guy has compassion and empathy to the point of accepting all the misfits he comes across...
it feels like backtracking and being insincere and unwilling to commit to a possibility of kiryu self-reflecting before k2 starts. this brute forcing is not working. i see some minor sparks with kaoru sayama and kiryu 10 hours into k2 but im pretty sure they are gonna fumble the bag so hard given the vibes im picking up overall.
kiryu in yk2 needs like. a female platonic bestie. someone he talks to on the same level with seonhee in y8 (their interactions are fucking amazing, more of THAT please)
ofc there can be a possibility that he isnt the type of person/character to reflect or apply that empathy and compassion to himself. bc he sure is doing some weird things in the name of chivalry and short term goals
after playing y1k my pet peeve is just how insincere parts of the story overall feels. how embarrassment seems baked into the series and even kiryu himself so far because they didn't want to fucking commit (just like kiryu's reflecting bucket list thing going on in y8).
ironically because majima is actually sincere and utterly shameless about his nonsense, majima ends up being best character by default imo so far. >_>;;
im just. genuinely baffled about some of the writing choices here even for the female interests. like u say theres little to no chemistry. i dont know what normal everyday things kiryu and this lady friend would enjoy together and talk about.
(and also part where yumi essentially gets killed for daring to try to move on with jingu while her love is in jail: what the actual fuck, man. still pisses me off thinking about it. this is straight up evil on the ethical heterosexuality scale.)
sorry it got too long, i wanted to justify how im open to straight kiryu if the writing wasnt so garbage. im resonating with some of the ace vibes im picking up from this character but. im just. ggggrh... the girls are written like utter shit outside of y7 and y8 it feels like too.
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astro-inky · 2 years
kdrama ive watched and the score i would give but the reasons are explained badly
Black - 4/5: the first kdrama i ever watched....it gets a good score because of that. male lead was hot af, female lead deserved better. satisfied me need for shitty supernatural romance. ending had me sobbing like a bitch.
Cinderella and the Four Knights - 3.5/5: It was cliche. It was trashy. It was overdramatic....It was so much fun. Fuck all yall female lead deserved so much better. Fuck her dad, fuck her step family, and FUUCK the secondary female lead she was annoying af
Touch Your Heart - 4.5/5: my expectations for love in life are impossibly high now. unfair. screaming and sobbing.
Goblin - 1000/5: screaming sobbing throwing up rolling on the floor
A Korean Odyssey - 3/5: only watched it to fill the gap when i was done with goblin. it was ok.
Bring It On, Ghost - 3.5/5: yeah it was good, albeit a bit awkward. i saw the twist coming. lake scene had be cackling, never hurt my girl again
What's Wrong With Secretary Kim - 4/5: good romance, the backstory thing was kinda dragged out. older brother can catch these mf hands. THAT scene had me 👀😫
Bonus: Dramas im watching rn
Alchemy of Souls - 4.5/5: minus a SMALL number of complaints, this is almost reaching goblin. almost. naksu step on me queen
Extraordinary Attorney Woo - 4.5/5: really good so far. my expectations for men are at impossible highs
Bonus Bonus: dramas ive dropped
Boys Over Flowers - 1.5/5: im sorry im sorry i know its a classic but what the fuck is wrong with these people. i just cant watch it, i wish i could, but maaaannn. cinderella did it better.
Hometown Cha Cha Cha - 3/5: i was actually close to finishing but there was just something off after they got together. another expectation raiser sighhh
Doom At Your Service - 3/5: i dont remember why is dropped this i think i just stopped watching for no reason. im lazy i dont really wanna pick it up again lol
Vagabond - 2/5: theres nothing wrong with this show i just discovered i prefer shows with a higher focus on romance lmao
The K2 - 2/5: same with vagabond but also more boring :/
Bonus Bonus Bonus: stuff i wanna watch
The King: Eternal Monarch: i heard it was by the people who did goblin sooooo 👉👈 ((also the guy from boys over flowers is in it what an upgrade my man congrats))
Hotel Del Luna: i wanna watch it i just...idk just havent gotten to it im lazy
Backstreet Rookie: looks cute, unsure tho
Tomorrow: looks cool, i like the chick with the pink hair.
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fayoftheforest · 6 months
are you gonna update the fic soon? sorry if I sound impatient but I really like it and I'm desperate for more </3
(fic in reference is deny me and be doomed, probably)
gosh I would love to update the fic soon but realistically i don't think im gonna be able to until january :( ive got like 4 uni assignments due after winter break so thats kinda a full-time job at the moment ;-; plus im still agonising over my fic for the upcoming K2 zine, it really should not be taking this long and yet somehow it is hahaha!!!
im really looking forward to finishing all that and finally getting back to writing dmabd, though! if you're in desperate need of similar fics to get your fix in the meantime, feel free to shoot me another ask/dm and let me know what vibes you're after, and I'll offer up my best recs to get you through these cold winter months <3
thank you for the message anon! it means a lot to know that people haven't lost interest in it yet :)
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raymend · 1 year
im watchmojo rn boy. HOTTEST majima moments so far in no particular order - "i always said i liked this brand so much, i could bathe in it" underrated fave - k2 majima saga opening where he spreads his legs gay - y3 smoking on the millennium tower roof after kiryu leaves for okinawa - when the lights went on in the collesium!!!!!!!! wooooo - when he was covered in blood in kiryus arms in that one scene in k2 - the entire dojima hq sequence from y0. yes all of it. - k1 pole dance majima everywhere event. sorry. im gay if that helps. - hannya man. Sorry again. this one i have no excuse for. - every time he sits on a mans chest Please bro pleaseeeeee please - This is not a moment necessarily but the red and black suit. Just that - "kiryu belongs to me only i'm allowed to kill him" i wont apologize for this. that was crazyyyy i would have lost it
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