formaggios0onlyone · 1 year
Types of Boyfriends La squadra would be..
A/N: hey hello this is my first headcanon list so please don’t attack me
This man may seem tough but I see him as a total goofball when he’s around his s/o
He’s the type to have such a loud deep laugh scary at first but later you come to love and just wanna make him laugh every day.(please do he deserves it ;) )
Also this Sicilian man makes the greatest food ever?? Such a good cook and will legit pick you up throw you onto a couch and hands you a plate of food after a long hard day :)))
He’s a cat person and hates dogs, you cannot change my mind
He would definitely prank you at any chance he gets somewhat of a prank war guy
This mf istg….
Jk I love him
Him and his cat are like obsessed with you
Mf when you’re sleeping he has a death grip on you and the cats sitting on your face💀
When you least expect it he comes up grabs your chin and pulls you in for a deep kiss🤯
His kisses are the best
He whimpers, trust me I know
He’s also very overprotective but in a good way?
Will show you off to La squadra
He is an asshole.
A hot one
Will not let you touch his hair but will beg you to let him play with yours
Actually great at braiding?…
He gets jealous instantly
If he sees a man talking to you he instantly grabs you and jumps into the mirror world smothering you with kisses
He has a fear that you would leave him for someone else
Please tell him you love him🙏🙏
He has a complex hair and and skin routine
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illusio-est · 3 months
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JUVENIL Només tinc paraules d’agraïment per al grup de pares i mares de l’equip juvenil d’Indústrias Santa Coloma. Sentir aquest escalf dóna energia, i alegria. No calia, però aquest detall és molt més que un lot. És sentir-se part de quelcom que il•lusiona. Milions de gràcies i desitjar-vos les millors festes de nadal junt als vostres! 😘😘🎄 #agraïment #illusio PD. No he etiquetat a tothom però és per tots i totes els i les que ho heu fet possible (en Pavelló Sta Coloma) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmjQxvLMVoa/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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septimus-heap · 1 year
Ps5 song stuck in my head again
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rsshq · 2 years
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Com o passar do tempo, os feiticeiros se organizaram em quatro covens, de acordo com as habilidades mais latentes nos venéficus - cura, profecia, telecinesia e ilusionismo - e cada uma das ordens conta com seu respectivo Conselho. Nem todo venéfico que nasce se filia a uma das Ordens, embora não seja aconselhável permanecer sozinho, especialmente nos países em que o preconceito contra a raça é mais forte. Ainda assim, a maior parte dos feiticeiros acaba se filiando a um coven, garantindo, assim, sua sobrevivência, bem como o desenvolvimento de suas habilidades. O Instituto de Rosis é um grande incentivador do desenvolvimento das Artes Venéficas, fornecendo treinamento especializado de acordo com a filiação.
As sedes dos covens estão localizadas em zonas neutras ou “terras de ninguém”, para garantir que a sociedade venéfica não sirva a nações específicas, mas a todas, de igual forma, conforme a necessidade. Isso não garante, contudo, que não se organizem politicamente, vez que seus líderes acabam exaltando suas origens enquanto estão no poder.
Líder: Vinod Sharma (Índia)
Alinhamento: São aqueles que possuem fortes traços de empatia, persistência e altruísmo. Os feiticeiros admitidos em tal coven, além de apresentarem afinidade para poções e dons de cura, constantemente são acompanhados por histórias de rejeição, encontrando na Ordem um local de acolhimento e, muitas vezes, identificando seus semelhantes como verdadeira família. São frequentemente guiados pela emoção, e é raro ver um curador aplicando seus dons em discordância com suas crenças. Suas vestes são comuns, o que os faz passar despercebidos muitas vezes; apenas em cerimônias oficiais do próprio coven que usam roupas tradicionais, consistindo em keftas na cor branca. Nina Crest é uma das mais notórias feiticeiras dessa Ordem, responsável pela fundação de um “braço” no coven para aperfeiçoar as habilidades voltadas a afetação do físico, como indução de necrose, ressurreição e alteração de características físicas (exclusão ou adição de cicatrizes, entre outros).
Habilidades: enquanto estudantes do Rosis, suas habilidades contemplam poções enérgicas, detecção de doenças, poções de fertilidade e poções de venenos leves; apenas quando mais velhos passam a dominar campos como cura reversa, ressurreição, indução de necrose, cura regenerativa e rejuvenescimento de células.
❛ ៹  𝑶𝑹𝑨𝑪𝑼𝑳𝑶 —
Líder: Alima Assaf (Egito)
Alinhamento: São aqueles que mais se assemelham a sacerdotes, até mesmo nas vestes, já que seus keftas são como mantos verde esmeralda. Passam um ar de misticismo por conta de suas habilidades e gostam da imagem que refletem. A sabedoria é um traço valorizado, mas alguns noviços abusam da teatralidade ao falar por enigmas apenas para mostrar como são sábios. Seus membros são homens e mulheres de astúcia, desenvoltura e ambição, que usam de todos os meios necessários para atingir os fins que almejam. Sendo o clã mais tradicional de feiticeiros e o primeiro a surgir como grupo, gostam de preservar antigas tradições, como rituais que datam de centenas de anos, havendo ramos que pregam pela supremacia venéfica frente aos humanos. Além disso, curiosamente são aqueles que contam com mais adeptos de Bellator em suas trincheiras, mesmo nos dias atuais. E ainda que o coven pregue a intolerância ao Desequilíbrio, expulsando todos os membros que se desvirtuam do caminho do Equilíbrio, diz-se que, por debaixo dos panos, patrocinam ainda cultos ao Tenebroso.
Habilidades: enquanto estudantes do Rosis, suas habilidades contemplam precognição (perceber eventos futuros antes que eles aconteçam), aqui englobando manifestações por sonhos e artísticas; clarividência (obter informações sobre algo que está acontecendo); retrocognição (obter informações sobre algo que já aconteceu); probabilidade acelerada; adivinhação astrológica; senso de perigo e numerologia.
❛ ៹  𝑻𝑬𝑳𝑬𝑲𝑰𝑺 —
Líder: Morne Venter (África do Sul)
Alinhamento: Habilidosos e disciplinados, os telekis são o ramo mais militarizado dos veneficus, sendo normalmente recrutados para o trabalho “braçal”, com reis e rainhas abusando das habilidades do grupo, a fim de mostrar força frente a outras nações. Não à toa, telekis se parecem mais com soldados do que com feiticeiros, até mesmo no modo de se vestir, optando por keftas pretos que são práticos e se ajustam ao corpo. Normalmente carregam consigo objetos que podem ser utilizados como armas em conjunto com a telecinesia, sendo os preferidos os pontiagudos. No entanto, é a mente a arma mais poderosa destes feiticeiros, o que os torna bastante temidos mesmo entre os seus. Sob o comando de Leto Emrys, seu primeiro líder, ao perceberem que tinham uma vantagem física em relação aos demais feiticeiros, aprimoraram técnicas de combate telecinético, que consiste na utilização da telecinese em conjunto com técnicas de combate físico. É por isso que são os feiticeiros que mais morrem na eterna batalha contra os monstros, protegendo os humanos. Apesar de tudo, venéficos telekis são facilmente suscetíveis a transtornos psicológicos, o que é um eufemismo para dizer que é comum que fiquem loucos. Também têm uma tendência à violência. 
Habilidades: enquanto estudantes do Rosis, suas habilidades contemplam telecinesia, que é a capacidade de mover, levitar e destruir objetos com o poder da mente; imobilização; levitação; emissão de ondas telecinéticas; asfixia; geração de campo de força e condição telecineticamente melhorada.
❛ ៹  𝑰𝑳𝑳𝑼𝑺𝑰𝑶 —
Líder: Luca Tejedor (Espanha)
Alinhamento: Estes feiticeiros são conhecidos como os mais traiçoeiros, sendo incomum que ocupem posições de Conselheiros diretos de reis, prestando-se mais aos serviços escusos da realeza e nobreza. São muito úteis na enganação e, por isso, valorizados. Depois dos telekis, são aqueles a quem mais se recorre quando se deseja armar um golpe. Apesar da má fama, ilusionistas valorizam o trabalho árduo e a dedicação, razão pela qual estão constantemente desenvolvendo suas habilidades, e talvez o fato de serem a Ordem mais jovem contribua para esse desejo de se firmar a todo custo. Por suas capacidades de manipulação, são sempre tidos como belos - daí os convites para que frequentem eventos públicos e festas, sempre a tiracolo de algum nobre. Trajam keftas dourados, de ricos tecidos, vez que, para eles, aparência é tudo. 
Habilidades: enquanto estudantes do Rosis, suas habilidades contemplam ilusionismo, que é o poder de criar, moldar e manipular ilusões, fazendo alvos verem, ouvirem, tocarem e cheirarem ou provarem coisas que realmente não existem, ou levá-los a perceber as coisas de forma diferente do que elas realmente são. Alguns usuários podem criar mundos complexos e detalhados, enquanto outros podem ser capazes de apenas alterar a forma como eles ou o alvo são percebidos. Vertentes conhecidas da arte são a ilusão hipnótica, a aparência ilusória, a ilusão de dor e a invisibilidade. Seu grau mais avançado é a ilusão de morte, que faz com que o feiticeiro faça seu alvo pensar que está sendo morto repetidamente, podendo a técnica levar à insanidade.
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jadipose · 1 year
She starts using cutlery but as she eats and falls into a feeding frenzy and loses control she begins shoveling food into her mouth with her bare hands, the most efficient way to get as much goodness inside of her as possible
I haven't even decided if there's magic invo+lved, ho+nestly. Wo+uld a feeder illusio+nist be go+o+d?
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Oh Mercy // Oh Love by @sleeponrooftops
So I really love 00q as a pairing - when done right it's absolute perfection. After reading Oh Mercy I Implore, I knew I had to bind it.
This is the third book of binderary for me - I still have 10 more books to go!
More photos under the cut.
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149,791 words || 475 pages
Body text: Liberation Serif, 11 points
Titling/chapter font: Bestaline Sans
I've been meaning to outline my design process for how I decide to do books which I'll probably outline in another post.
Cover done in Neenah Illusio Laser in Cambric, headbands done in 2 colour silk, stitchery on spine using dark gold linen thread, and completed with Cricut Gold Foil HTV.
Next up for me is finishing the Hannibal bind - a bit of snafu with buying precut bookboard in the wrong direction means I have quarto books in my future.
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galahadwilder · 3 months
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fave-fight · 10 months
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“It's me boy, I'm the PS5,
Speaking to you inside your brain!”
“It's him boy! It's the PS5 Speaking to you from inside your brain, listen to him boy, leave the girl we don't need her. Come along and play his games, you'll have cowboy times in space! Do do do do yeah~ You need it boy your free will is an illusio-”
Alex Louis Armstrong:
“His arms are so strong that it is his last name”
“Have you SEEN this guy? The way he can punch shit even without alchemy, his pure strength, like holy shit. He would wreck everyone.”
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sreberkot · 1 month
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La Squadra Dnd au
But i gave them accualy classes + subclasses that would be the best to imitate thier powers in real dnd game. Theres only one homebrew subclass here do plese if you want to make it, plese ask your dm if you can use it ^-^
Prosciutto - Cleric, Grave Cleric
Risotto - Fighter, Eldrich Knight (you can also use othbreaker palladin but eldrich knight is the clostest to manipulating iron)
Ghiaccio - Sorrcorer, Frost Sorcery (Its a homebrew subclass, plese ask your dm if you can use it first ^-^)
Melone - Wizard, Necromancy
Illusio - Rouge, Arcane Trickster
Formaggio - Bard, Collage of Glamour
Pesci - Druid, Circle of the Shepheard
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illusio-est · 3 months
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takiisieju-squadra · 6 months
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Pescirancia for the Little Wind joke AU
Formagiogio Illusio
taglist: @go-capt-puppen
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shine-reblogs · 7 months
So, tmagp pilot really was like:
It's me, boy, I'm the ps5 old pc, speaking to you inside your brain. Listen to me, boy, leave the girl, we don't need her! Come with me and play my games, we'll have cowboy times in space. Doo-doo-doo-doo, yeah! You need me, boy, your free will is an illusio-
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freria · 1 month
UNHOLY PARTNERS: Sorbet & Gelato
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(We could have been on this motorcycle)
Opening the third drop of my manga. Let me remind, in previous chapters my assaSINs managed to ruin the life of a lawyer, Illusio, a man with a motorcycle and two romantic frogs… and Sorbet also awakened stand The Unforgiven, which allows him to hear people talking during the rain
Do not forget to respond to posts so as not to miss the continuation!ヾ(⌐■_■)ノ♪
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cutesharkstudios · 5 months
Owl House Group Chat 2
(Hexsquad) 11:07 Willow has entered
Willow: Hello?
Amity has entered
Amity: Hey Willow. No worries
Willow: Yes worries! I promised I would be off at 10 and lost track of time
Amity: It's cool, this is suppossed to be a casual thing.
Willow: Ok. Side note, what did y'all do when I was gone?
Amity: Scroll up.
Willow: Oh my
Willow: Ok, ok
Hunter has entered
Hunter: Hi Willow
Willow: Hi Honey
Hunter: 0//0
Amity: Cute
Hunter: I like that name.
Willow: Really?
Hunter: I think it's cute, like you
Willow: 0//0
Amity: oh my
Willow: Yeah I deserve that
Darius has entered
Darius: My Hunter senses were tingling
Amity: Uncle Darius?!?!
Willow: Uncle?
Amity: He babysat me a ton as a kid. He and dad claimed they hated each other, but they didn't, and he helped dad take care of me.
Darius: Speaking of him, I need some advice.
Amity: Sure
Darius: Could we do this in a seperate chat with you, me, and the twins? I'll hext you the link
Amity: sure, see ya guys
Hunter: have fun
Willow: bye
Darius: Amity will check in soon
Amity: Hey
Ed: Hi Amity
Em: Hey Ams
Amity: So what's going on?
Ed: Darius needs our help with something wonder what
Darius: And this doesn't leave this chat, ok?
Amity: 100%
Ed: got it
Darius: Em?
Em: Sorry, had to turn off the oven for dinner. Your secret is our secret
Amity: What ya making?
Em: Centaur roast and carrots
Amity: Thanks
Darius: Okay here it goes
Darius: I want to propose to Alador
Amity: WHAT
Ed: Really?
Darius: I've drawn up the plan and will send them soon.
Amity: OMG, Darius, this is awesome.
Darius: Thanks Amity, I hope it goes well. We've really grown over the 4 years of dating, and I hope I can be a good parental figure to you and the twins
Em: You really mean it?
Darius: Yeah, I've always wanted to be a dad, and now I have the opportunity. I hope I do well.
Amity: Well you can't do any worse than you-know-who
Darius: Thanks for the support, though she didn't set a high bar
Em: She set the bar at all?
Darius: Touche
Ed: And hopefully we will be good kids. I know we're adults, so it's probably not what you imagined being a dad would be like, but we promise to be good.
Em: And we'll continue to be good siblings as well. Side note, Amity?
Amity: Yes?
Em: Now that we are at a slower time in our lives, I want to ask, are we good?
Amity: Yes, why do ask?
Ed: Well, we teased you a lot in our youth. We never meant any harm, but we realise we may have been, as much as I hate to admit it, mean to you.
Em: That was never our intention, and we're sorry if we crossed any lines
Amity: Well, the only real line crossed was with the diary and Luz. But given how much of a jerk I was back then, I kind of had it coming.
Darius: I'm just as guilty. I crossed my share of lines in my past that Alador only told me about AFTER we started dating. Oof, not my finest moments
Em: Well what happened happened. We can't change the past, but we can make a better future.
Darius: Anyways, here's the plan…….
Room Created: OldWitches
Raine has entered Eda has entered Lilith has entered
Eda: Today's the day! Today's the day! Today's the day! Today's the day! Today's the day! Today's the day!
Lilith: Whoa, sister, calm down, what's the occasion?
Eda: After so long of trying to get an appointment, Raine's getting their sigil removing treatment!
Lilith: Awesome. I had mine yesterday, and I gave my sigil a certain gesture before it went away.
Eda: That's my sister. So, Rainestorm, what new magic do you want to try first?
Raine: You're not going to belive this but, of all types, illusions
Eda: I take it you saw that article I sent of Goops moping the floor with Adrian?
Raine: Yep, I had no idea you could tell when someone was hiding behind and illusion. We laughed at Adrian all dang afternoon post incedent.
Lilith: I would have paid SO many snails to see that
Raine: I got the whole thing on my scroll. And backed it up on three of my personal devices.
Eda: Whatever happened to him and the other defect coven leaders?
Lilith: Trying to find them, but so far no activity.
Raine: They should be dormant for now, but the hunt is still on.
Eda: Check out this news article I found. [link]
Raine: What is it?
Lilith: It better not be one of THOSE websites again.
Eda: You'll see
Raine: EDA!
Eda: Yes?
Raine: Why did you not tell me about this wonderful thing called fanfiction? I don't even know who wrote this but, God, they have excellent potential.
Lilith: I think I know who wrote it
Raine: Who is the author?
Lilith: If you scroll all the way up, you'll see the author is AzuraFanOtter, take a wild witch guess who that is
Raine: Well no wonder Luz is getting A's in her writing classes, this is wonderful
Eda: And fitting 20 characters in one scene while giving them all ample screen time is tricky, but she made it work.
Lilith: Maybe she should write her own book. The money made from that could benefit her greatly in the future.
Eda: Indeed, though she'll probably be fine when she marries Boots, cause all the Blights are LOADED.
Lilith: Now now, keep in mind, there is a change things don't work out for them. It's not like they were made with the other in mind.
Eda: …
Raine: …
Lilith: What? I'm serious.
Raine: We know, but I'll eat griffon feathers if they don't work out.
Raine has left
Lilith: Well, I promised Darius I'd help with a "surprise" for Alador.
Eda: Cool, have fun.
Lilith: Thank you for not making an innappropriate joke for that.
Eda: Yeah, sorry about last week's prank, didn't think it go over as bad as it did.
Lilith: No no, I should have just taken the joke.
Eda has left
Lilith has left
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praazlwurm · 20 days
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Pokemon Conquest OC: Maaikasute Kosaka
she/they | 26yo Kingdom(s): Unaffiliated (formerly of Yaksha, rejected by Illusio) Specialty: Dark/Psychic Weaknesses: BUG, Fairy Default Pokemon: Inkay Perfect link: Inkay/Malamar
More info/stats below readmore!
GOD this took literal months to finish her art but my babygirl! My beloved murderous grey-moral babygirl~ (❁´◡`❁)
While I was chatting back when i had the spoons for discord with @flower-seller's Noodle and Salem about their Ransei-verse, darling @jordemme encouraged me to develop an OC to play in the space, but realized my favorite 'mon Inkay was not!! available!! in that gen! Hence, I set out to rectify this and develop someone who quickly became my favorite pokemon OC - and to give her the "official" art she deserves (/≧▽≦)/☆*: .。. :*☆
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And so Maaika came about! This art was started last year, and I've only in recent weeks recovered enough from burnout to complete it but I'm so so so happy with how it came out other stats and facts about her!
Warrior Skill: Marksman | Capacity: 6 Transforms to Rank II by reaching 75% link with Inkay and losing/fainting in battle. Rank I: Power: 70 | Wisdom: 75 | Charisma: 80 Rank II: Power: 90 | Wisdom: 55 | Charisma: 70 (sacrifices wisdom&charisma for power!)
Name origin is partially from the original name for inkay, maaiika meaning "oh well!" and referring to both a demon and demonic squid >:3c
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■ "roadside blossom" whose Metagross-palanquin is almost always in motion across the Ransein countryside, a beauty in the day and a beacon in the night… for better or worse
■ 5'0" / stout, plump frame, pear-shaped; ruddy side of pale, full lips lined with plum staining / dull, reddish-pink hair; visible eye is a dark taupe
■ covered eye has a dark sclera and a doubled, yellowed iris; it has perfect nightvision bordering on infrared; able to throw her voice
■ armed with an iron fan, a few hidden blades, and a handful of spiked rings to prevent escape, she's a one-woman highway robbery racquet, often tricking people into thinking she's a noble with poor luck who can repay their kindness - or, if they attack her first, trick them into underestimating her
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■ natural doe eyes and pouty lips, combined with a very cute if foreign partner pokemon all cover up sadism and resentment for society at large due to being abandoned as a babe and raised as a foundling to be little more than a bargaining chip
Thank you so much eerienoodle, Salem and Jordemme for encouraging me! (also the veil and hat with coins thing was inspired by this art of an inkay gijinka by "lemming no suana" that i can only trace back to this danbooru link, boo)
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