#If I ask them to drive me to DMV just to register or do the thing that came in the mail it's probably gonna look suspicious
aloeverawyvren · 8 months
post 1: advice needed
this is gonna be long and I don't have a lot of time so part 2 will be up later to elaborate
i need advice on something very serious and important but I can't find the information or resources I need so I guess I'm going to throw this out here and see what happens
So, I'm 18. I can register to vote and plan to vote blue for obvious reasons however my family is extremely right wing (my mom watches Matt Walsh, my grandparents watch fox news all day, casually racist, homophobic, transphobic, etc)
I'm pretty sure voting records are public, if anyone looks up who I voted for, I'm not exaggerating, my life is basically over and i have no idea what to do.
It's hard to explain to people who don't experience my family through my eyes but my parents are extremely strict and have complete control over my life. I am completely reliant on them. They don't know I have tumblr and an alt email.
I have no where to go, my grandparents usually a safe space for me wouldn't be available either as I have no idea how they would react, they have always said they love me unconditionally but I have my doubts.
I would also have to bring my cats, especially the youngest one as that ones on thin ice with my mom, I can not drive and do not have a car, I have a learners permit but I'm not good at all, my dad is teaching me but he's very busy all the time. I have a total of 100$ in cash but no bank account. (Because I can't drive myself or get anyone to drive me)
I most likely would loose my phone, I have no idea how petty they would be, how much they would claim was theirs "because they bought it" they have done this before, and I have no idea if things would get psychical. I have no idea how I would move my stuff and I would like to move any sentimental stuff/books/jewelry before they find out.
Part 2 later I'm so shaky rn
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hasufin · 7 months
I want to share this little experience with you, largely because of how ridiculous it was.
Last weekend, I sold my former vehicle and "bought" (for a pittance, because it legally couldn't be a gift) my father-in-law's old vehicle.
This means that I needed to:
Inform the state that I sold the old vehicle.
Inform the state that I now own the new vehicle (Transfer the title).
Cancel the insurance on the old vehicle.
Get insurance on the new vehicle.
Register the new vehicle (this is separate and distinct from the title, for no discernible reason.)
Get plates on the new vehicle such that it is legal for me to drive it.
Return the city parking sticker for the old vehicle
Get a city parking sticker for the new vehicle.
So, the first thing I did was go to the DMV website. Which I found intensely frustrating. As far as I can tell, you cannot perform these things online. Well, that's not true - I was able to tell the state I'd sold the old vehicle, cancel the old insurance, and get new insurance. For the rest... the online information did not have a clear workflow, at various points it seemed to be essentially saying "Now that you have performed step 2, proceed with step 3 but only if you haven't done step 2 and if you DID do step 2 like we said you're screwed."
It honestly seemed like I'd end up without a vehicle I was legally allowed to drive, which seems problematic as the DMV offices are mostly not walkable or accessible via mass transit, and also only open during normal business hours and a few hours on Saturday.
Fortunately, there's a limited DMV just down the street. They don't do IDs at all, but they do titles, registrations, and plates. So, hey, score.
Thus, I walked down there this morning.
Let me describe the "office" to you. It is a wide hallway in the city hall. On each side there are two windows which open into an area with desks. That is, four windows in total. The windows on each side are connected, just different people sitting at them Or, well, there could be. On the left are windows 1 and 2, labelled DMV and City Records, respectively. On the right are windows 3 and 4, labelled City and DMV Payments.
I went to window 1, which is staffed by a young woman whom I shall call A.
I explain what I need, and she looks through my papers. She determines that I can do what I want but - because my father-in-law sold me the new vehicle for less than it's worth, I need to get a notarized affadavit affirming I did in fact buy it for that low price. I do not need my father-in-law for this, I just have to sign another form, in front of a notary, saying that the price I wrote on the title is correct. Yes, I need to affirm that I was not lying when I wrote it the first time, by writing it a second time.
To do this, I need to fill out a form and go upstairs to the Commissioner's Office, which has Notary Publics who will notarize the form. I do this, though after a bit of a snafu because the stairs I took to the 2nd floor goes to the wrong 3rd floor, and I need to come back down to the 2nd floor and take a different set of stairs to the correct 3rd floor. Where I get a notary public to notarize that I'm telling the truth because I say I'm telling the truth.
Armed with this, I come back down to Window 1, where A finishes her part of the process and gives me a new title along with other paperwork to take to window 4 on the other side of the hallway. There, I meet B. B takes my forms, does her part, and I pay her - which makes sense as window 4 is DMV Payments. I can now put the right license plates on my vehicle and drive it legally. Yay!
I ask about the city parking sticker. She directs me to window 3, which is right next to window 4. At window 3 she checks her computer and finds that the city records have not updated and she cannot do this just yet. I need to go to window 2, City Records.
I proceed to the other side of the hallway, where A - who was helping me at Window 1 previously - pulls up the records and removes my old vehicle. She gives me an account number to take to window 3.
I got back to window 3, give the account number from A at Window 2 to B, who then prints me a new sticker. And finally I am done and able to walk home, put the plates and parking sticker on my vehicle, and now I am legal.
Overall the impression was a play with too few actors. There were six roles, but only 4 people.
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ooihcnoiwlerh · 2 years
AITA for not giving a guy my dad’s truck for free?
Okay, so my father passed away in March.  The initial executor of his estate was a friend of his from NA who helped him get clean when he was a few years older than my dad and is now nearly eighty.  He recommended a friend of his from AA who is in his fifties and who claimed he was a good friend of my father’s but who I never heard of until after my dad’s funeral, when the initial executor recommended him for repairs around the house, especially anything that could help with my mussophobia and that when I was living in that house, we’d occasionally get mice.
He suggests that this guy, Jim, use my late father’s truck to help maintain the house, and Jim promises that he’ll make repairs and look after the house.  Thing is, he doesn’t do that.  He sets out mouse traps and finds out my dad took care of that already and we don’t get mice anymore.  So he drives around my dad’s truck for free for months for his own personal use and doesn’t work on the house.  My dad’s and now my neighbor, when I ask her, mentions that in the months that he had my dad’s truck in his possession, he only visits the house twice and only briefly.   
Jim tells me what he plans on doing with the house, what he’s noticed needs fixing and which turns out to be a very surface-level diagnosis.  My dad’s best friend gives a better plan of what to do with the house for free with no promises that he’d do it because he can’t anymore.  The former executor calls me to tell me that he told Jim on my behalf that I’d give him my dad’s truck for free for his work on the house--work Jim never did and a promise I never made.  I tell the former executor that I need an invoice and he quits on the spot.  He admits that he doesn’t remember most conversations anymore but is certain that I was fine with just handing over the truck, which is worth about five grand, for the work Jim did.  Jim only ever stopped by a couple of times and set out mouse traps that as it turns out, were unnecessary.  He’s so upset that I want an inventory and doesn’t want to just barter that he calls me a terrible person and quits on the spot over the phone right after I get off work.  He officially resigns, sending in to the probate attorney what he claims are important works but he shows to me and my sibling later as we take on co-executor roles are...literally gibberish.  Nothing relevant, most of it incoherent and unrelated paragraph to paragraph.  Jim shows up, tells me he’s not interested in buying the truck if he can’t have it for free, and gives me the keys.  He also tells me he has no interest on working on the house if I plan on selling it anyway.
Weeks later, he texts me to ask me if the truck’s still insured.  I tell him that it’s not and that I gave the tags to the DMV.  He then asks, “Well, then, how do I get it registered in my name?”
 I tell him that I had assumed that he was no longer interested in the truck and he tells me that former executor and our attorney had told him that the truck was his and that I was just going to hand it over to him.
Meanwhile, a close friend of my dad’s, who he’s known since his early days in NA and who cared for him his last few months, drove me to the hospital and stayed with me when he died, helped me with his paperwork, and who my dad nearly dated had he not felt emasculated by prostate cancer surgery, tells me that Jim has a reputation for identifying older Twelve Step folks as being easy to manipulate and getting them to pay for his shit.  He and I used to live in the same apartment and she’s convinced he doesn’t pay for his own rent.  
I tell Jim that I never said that and he claims that he consulted multiple people who said that I agreed to just...give him the truck.  And that our then-executor, who is not of sound mind, swore that I said I would give Jim the truck.  I told him that the then-executor was wrong and made promises on my behalf without my consent, and he did.  He also forged a letter in my name to my aunt while we were arguing about my dad’s ashes.  It helped assuage the situation but was a huge violation of my rights and was very weird.  Any case, Jim tells me that Fred was just doing what my dad would have wanted, and I should just give him the truck...because otherwise I’d be a bad person and daughter.  
My response: Send me the invoice for what I owe through mail.  You will not guilt-trip me into giving you a free truck.  Do not text or call this number again.  
Then I blocked his phone number.
I just...I don’t get how I’m the bad guy here?  If he’d actually made any of the repairs he said he’d make, I think he’d have a case but he didn’t?  He just fucked off with my dad’s truck for months and then got mad at me for not wanting to just give it to him for free for nothing?
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Driver’s License- (Atsumu Miya x F!Reader)
Pairings: Atsumu Miya x F!reader
Warnings: mentions of smoking, language
Genre: Angst
Type: Songfic
Word Count: 2972
A/N:  I totally didn’t write this for myself no way self indulgence wHO’s thAT??? Maybe I’ll write a part 2
Song: Driver’s License- Olivia Rodrigo
I got my driver's license last week
You had turned 16 a week before, and had gotten your driver’s license the day after. At the DMV, you took your photo, smiling through your pain like you always did, because you were a good girl, weren’t you? You didn’t get mad, or cry over stupid things, no, not you. 
Just like we always talked about
You remembered the late night sleepovers when you were kids, talking about what high school would be like, and making up funny scenarios based on the movies you saw on the television. It was during one of those late nights when Atsumu had asked, “do you love me?” and patiently waited for an answer.
'Cause you were so excited for me
He was older than you, and he always boasted about being able to drive before you. You always rolled your eyes and laughed, texting him to ask for a ride somewhere or to just pick you up so you could sit in the car and talk.
To finally drive up to your house
Atsumu swore to you that the day you got your driver’s license, you’d go somewhere together. Maybe find an empty highway and cruise for a while, going nowhere just to ease the stress off. Maybe it’d be a mini one day road trip, and you could hit all the spots that you had been to as kids. You could be kids again, just for a little bit.
But today I drove through the suburbs
He swore, he crossed his heart, he promised, but when you texted him to inform him of the news, he texted back with a simple “I’m busy,” breaking the illusion that you held on your friendship with him.
Crying 'cause you weren't around
Devastated, you got into your car and fulfilled the promise yourself, aimlessly driving through your neighborhood, no destination in mind. It was no empty highway, but it numbed the shock that you felt.
And you're probably with that blonde girl
Later, he texted saying he was with someone, and you immediately knew, it was that girl. The one who was so pretty, the one who everyone adored or admired, the one who no one could say a single negative thing about, because anything negative was automatically spun into a compliment. Atsumu had talked about her once or twice, saying that they did things together on the weekends.
Who always made me doubt
You used to be acquainted  with her, and she repeatedly insisted that ‘You and Atsumu would look so cute together.’ For a girl a year older than you to say that? It gave you reason, reason to think that maybe he’d want you. There was always something off about her, she was too sweet to be real, too perfect. Who would have guessed that she was a backstabbing bitch? But you couldn’t even say that out loud could you? Because if you did, everyone would tell you ‘she knows what she wants’ or ‘she’s ambitious and is willing to take necessary steps to get to her goals.’ 
She's so much older than me
In the year above you, she was a second year when you and Atsumu were in your first. It was a wonder how he ever met her in the first place, he never accelerated any classes. Maybe it was fate bringing them together, as many would say. Or maybe, it wasn’t fate for them to be together, but fate punishing you for being too passive, too much of a watcher.
She's everything I'm insecure about
She was tall, she had long unmarked legs and clear skin. A small waist and big eyes ringed a shifting color with brown in the center. Every time you saw her, you wanted to put her disgustingly pretty face into the floor for being everything you were not, for giving you just an ounce of hope and then taking it away. 
Yeah, today I drove through the suburbs
You needed to clear your head again. Still sitting on the hope that maybe, just maybe, Atsumu would realize she wasn’t for him, 
You started the car, senses perking up. The engine was loud, and drowned out your thoughts, the inside of the car smelled like mints, and the leather of the steering wheel cover was rough under your hands. 
'Cause how could I ever love someone else?
Driving in the direction of Atsumu’s home, you slowed when you saw his porch light on, grateful that the tint on your windows concealed you from any onlookers. 
And I know we weren't perfect
When you slowed at the curb opposite to his house, you saw Atsumu and the girl, sitting on plastic chairs, laughing about something, and smoking menthols. The girl pulled the rolled piece of paper from her mouth with French manicured nails, and placed her hand on his arm. He beamed, at the physical contact. Whether it was from the buzz the nicotine gave him or her you would never know. A sour taste, not too far from the taste of smoke, filled your mouth. Since when did he do illegal things?
But I've never felt this way for no one
The girl’s head raised, and she whispered something to Atsumu. He looked across the street at your car, making accidental eye contact- not that he knew-  through the driver’s side window. For a second, you watched him through the glass, contemplating whether or not to get out to confront him.
And I just can't imagine
Atsumu cocked his head to the side, most likely in recognition of your car, but if he wanted to communicate, he didn’t do so, instead turning back to the girl and reassuring her that “It’s nothing.” Ignoring the warnings from your parents telling you not to drive in platform shoes, you turned the car from your parallel parked position on the curb, and floored the gas pedal as hard as you could, escaping off of Atsumu’s street before the tears came. 
How you could be so okay now that I'm gone
The next day at school, you walked up to the roof, expecting Atsumu to be waiting with Osamu and Aran like he usually was. That was your routine, the routine you had formed back in elementary school, and had followed every single day since then. Every single day but today and the days to follow, because when you ascended the stairs to the roof, you spotted Atsumu and the girl, deep in conversation about something, Osamu and Aran nowhere in sight.  You felt yourself being torn apart as you watched their interactions, so effortless and easy despite having only met a couple weeks prior to this event. A feat that took you months of talking with Atsumu to get. Rage filled every crevice in your body, and it pulsed through your arteries. It was being pumped by your heart, and soon, you were so filled with it that with all the strength you had, threw your bento box straight between them.
Guess you didn't mean what you wrote in that song about me
They looked up at you, conversation having been stopped by your projectile bento box, and after registering the disturbance, both glared at you. It wasn’t fair, it wasn’t fucking fair. For this girl to come and take everything from you, your best friend, your closest friend, it wasn’t fair for her to come and break all the promises that you and Atsumu had made.
'Cause you said forever, now I drive alone past your street
“So much for ‘friends forever!’” You angrily folded your arms, taking a final look at them before turning yourself around and untucking your shirt to wipe away tears. 
“What’s her problem?” You heard in a condescending high pitched voice. 
A scoff and then, in a much deeper voice:  “She’s just pissed about a promise we made when we were kids.”
You ran as far as you possibly could from them, and tried to find your other friends, your real  friends. 
And all my friends are tired
Entering the cafeteria, you found Osamu and Aran at a table in the cafeteria, most likely having been exiled by Atsumu to accommodate for his new friend. Seeing that you had no lunch, Osamu pushed an onigiri towards you, and Aran offered you half of an apple. They both looked at you with pity.
Of hearing how much I miss you
You spent that entire lunch talking about how much Atsumu’s new ‘just friend’ pissed you off. You talked about how much she angered you, how she was too perfect, how she was a bad influence on him, and how with her, you were always going to be the villain, the person who was keeping them apart, and the second place.
But I kinda feel sorry for them
Aran and Osamu, being the good listeners they were, ate up your words, and didn’t disregard a thing you had said. They didn’t tell you that she was ‘ambitious’ or ‘doing what she knew she had to do,’ they didn’t tell you to stop being oversensitive or that people come and go, They just sat and listened to you, and when it was over, patted your back and fed you lies about how “Everything is going to be okay.”
'Cause they'll never know you the way that I do, yeah
But nothing would be okay, not as long as Atsumu and the pretty blonde girl were together, Neither Aran nor Osamu knew the Atsumu you knew, the one who would call at midnight asking if you wanted to go to Walmart, the one who would drop everything he was doing to hang out with you. The Atsumu that was gone now all because of one person.
Today I drove through the suburbs
After school that same day, you waited until the sun was on the horizon, painting the sky around you pretty pinks and oranges, a contrast to the way you were feeling. You sat on your curb until you felt the time was right, then, you got into your car and drove to one of the only places you had ever felt safe.
And pictured I was driving home to you
And maybe it wasn’t the place, but the person who made it a safe space, because when you pulled into the street, seeing the familiar glow of porch lights, the sound of loud laughter, and the minty smell of menthol- different from the smell in your car, you were brought back to that night, and immediately wanted to turn back and drive anywhere but here.
And I know we weren't perfect
Ignoring the bad feeling that surrounded your mind, you slowly drove through the street, pulling into your spot on the opposite sidewalk curb.
But I've never felt this way for no one
Just in time to observe the silence that fell between the pair. This was it! This was when Atsumu realized that she wasn’t the one! Everything would be fixed now, and you could all go back to the way it was the before, the normal way, the better way.
And I just can't imagine
You leaned your arm against the window, and stoically watched the girl lean back into her chair. Atsumu did the opposite, and leaned forward. 
How you could be so okay now that I'm gone
He kissed the girl, and suddenly, you couldn’t hear anything. Not the soft music playing in your car, nor the buzzing of the street light. The only thing you heard was ringing, an alarm telling you your time was up. Vision filling with tears, the same taste from the last incident filled your mouth.
I guess you didn't mean what you wrote in that song about me
Just like last time, you pulled off the curb, but Atsumu and the girl were too entranced with each other to notice. The joints on your knuckles turned white from your too tight grip on the wheel, and your eyes stung. You drove as fast as you could to nowhere.
'Cause you said forever, now I drive alone past your street
Every morning while driving to school, you had to drive past his house. Involuntarily, your grip around the steering wheel always tightened when you passed the sign, and you would relax after you had passed it.
Red lights, stop signs
In his car, you’d always play red light games, seeing who could memorize the most license plates from the last light, or who had the stupidest bumper sticker. When driving, you hated the red lights, you hated every second that you had to wait for them to turn green, every second that reminded you of the tragedy you had witnessed in this very seat.
I still see your face in the white cars, front yards
Every white vehicle that passed by reminded you of him and his car. Regardless if it was a sports car or not, you always watched it until it passed out of your sight and turned the street’s corner, because you had to hope that maybe it was Atsumu, coming back to you.
Can't drive past the places we used to go to
You tried to sit down at the children’s park, at the top of the slide, another one of your safe spaces. It felt empty without your best friend at your side, and that same day, you saw Atsumu and the girl walking towards it. How could he have done that? How could he have the sacred space that you two had shared since you were kids with this outsider, because that’s all she would ever be to you. Needless to say, you left quickly, before you could be seen, and didn’t come back to the park again.
'Cause I still fuckin' love you, babe 
It was so painfully obvious that you were in love with Atsumu, that you still were. Everytime his name was mentioned, a salty look crossed your face, and you made a great effort to change the topic, taking leaps and bounds to avoid him, and when you could, ignoring him in favor of talking to Aran and Osamu.
Sidewalks we crossed
Even getting drinks at the 7-Eleven was painful. Every crosswalk and curb had a story revolving around the two of you, your entire friendship’s history could be traced here, and now, it was all gone with no one to remember it, because Atsumu had found someone else, and you were left in too much pain to even try.
I still hear your voice in the traffic
As you walked, you touched every light pole and stopped at every spot on the sidewalk that you had a memory on. You reaccounted the stories, the memories, the past, and tried to get lost in the good so you could push away the bad.
We're laughing over all the noise
Noise coming from a group of young teens, probably first years, entered your ears. It was loud, boisterous laughter, the type that you and Atsumu had shared outside this very 7-Eleven over the course of many years.
God, I'm so blue, know we're through
And as you walked into the small store and filled your Slurpee, you looked down at the tiled floor, a stain from where Atsumu had accidentally opened and spilled an entire hair dye packet. The dread that you had been suppressing came back in a wave, crashing over you.
But I still fuckin' love you, babe 
You exited the store with your Slurpee, drinking it slowly through the straw. The walk from the parking lot to the sidewalk felt longer than it ever had, even though it was only five seconds. Too many memories in this very place, and not nearly enough time.
I know we weren't perfect
What had you done wrong? It must have been something, because good things happen to people who do things right. If you do things right, you’ll get what you want, always, right?
But I've never felt this way for no one
But you hadn’t calculated for one factor: The perfect girl with the perfect life. The girl who had everything you didn’t, who was everything you were not. And even though you had done everything correct, she had ruined everything.
And I just can't imagine
Walking home, you stopped briefly at Atsumu’s street sign like you always did when walking this way, but unlike the other days, you had never thought of going back. It had always seemed like an impossible option for you, too much to bear for your fragile mind.
How you could be so okay now that I'm gone
Your hands shook as you held your Slurpee in your hands, either from the coldness around you or from the tears that threatened to ruin you. You didn’t get cold often, so of course you knew the answer to that question. 
Guess you didn't mean what you wrote in that song about me
Looking down the street you saw the same porch light on, and the same sounds and smells you always got when you had passed by in recent times: Loud laughter and menthol. 
'Cause you said forever, now I drive alone past your street
You wished that you had told him “yes” that night at the sleepover. Maybe you could have avoided the heartbreak, and maybe he could have too, but all you had told him was that you’d be friends no matter what, too scared to tell him that you were most definitely in love with him. Or maybe you didn’t know, a childish mind unable to identify the feeling. It didn’t matter now, all you and he had done was stick out your pinkies to solidify the promise- “Friends forever.”
Yeah, you said forever, now I drive alone past your street
You crossed the street, traveling away from the laughter and menthol, away from your supposed forever, and didn’t look back.
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zordonmlw7 · 2 years
Had a horrific dream really bordering on nightmare.
So in my dream DMV car registration had this weird thing with where if a car was specifically registered to one person, you couldn't use it for the driving test. However you still needed it registered for that for.... Pretty much any other scenario involving your car.
Anyways my mom is driving my sister and I somewhere when some car hits a person, causing a temporary stop to all the cars in the road. Unfortunately, Ellen DeGeneres, James Corden, and Misha Collins were all in cars that were being sidelined, causing people to get out of their cars tongo say hi to them, making the entire situation slower and involve more cops.
Now my mom started freaking out since because of the DMV registration thing, she would get in big trouble if the cops found out about the car not being registered to only her.
Thankfully, we managed to escape that situation without a ticket. However. We drive to our Destination, which is the docks where we are apparently boarding a boat. We managed to sneak past the part of registering to board where they verify any vehicles we are transporting with us are properly registered and wind up getting on the boat just fine.
It occurs to me by this point that I have no idea why we're on a boat and I try to ask my mom but because her seat is farther away from mine, the boat stewardesses tell me I have to sit down in my seat.
Eventually I finally get a chance to talk to my mother and ask her where we're going and she tells me "we're going to Mexico for your driver's test, where else?"
I get SO extremely angry at the implication that I can't pass unless I take it in Mexico (I'm also realizing this is 100% not how licenses work but it's a dream and apparently dream logic suggests that your driver's license has the same logic as doing your confirmation shsjsjd) and even more pissed that she didn't talk about this with me beforehand, she just decided it on her own and had me go along with it.
Then, I get a note from one of the flight attrndants "about my vehicle's registration" which gets me even ANGRIER at my mom because now whatever she was doing with the car to cheat the system, they were clearly on to us and that was going to jeopardize our chances of getting back into the country (even though we all have citizenship in the US and my sister and I aren't even Mexican citizens shdhdh).
Now apparently I'm getting so mad at this point, that people around me are commenting, saying how animated I look. That I remind them of a cartoon character with the way I act when I'm mad. I don't appreciate it, but I do my best to ignore then. Then, some woman dressed as a boat stewardess (but I would soon learn was probably not actually one) came to my section of the boat to get involved with some argument before seeing me and trying to get me to stand up and join the argument.
Now. People thinking it's silly how I look when I'm angry? Whatever, they're strangers, I don't really care what they think, I can ignore them just fine. This lady getting into my personal space, touching me without permission, pulling on my jacket, trying to get me to join her stupid conversation no matter how many times I told her no? I SNAPPED.
Now the other people, as hilarious as they thought me being angry was, were initially on my side begging her to leave me alone. But as she continued to insist I started screaming at her to leave me alone and apparently becais again everyone found it so funny to see me angry, they all started bursting out into laughter as I told her off. This then initiated something like a montage of her constantly leaving and returning to try and get me tk stand up again and me "animatedly" getting mad and telling her off, causing everyone around to laugh. At one point I collapsed from the exhaustion from feeling that powerful of emotions for such a prolonged period all the while I heard all around me what sounded like a laugh track. It was pretty surreal, although i guess it WAS a dream.
Anyways after that, everyone stayed pretty clear of me for the rest of the boat ride and I was a lot calmer by the time I was getting off the boat. I woke up just as we were going to enter customs and probably get in trouble for the car shdhdh.
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Two Weddings
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Summary: Sonny and Victoria eloped, but ma makes them have a ceremony a year later. Fluffy fluff. 
Pairings: Sonny Carisi x Original Character
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - Four Valentine’s
July 1, 2006
“You’re the one who wanted to sneak off and get married,” Sonny teased gently, his nonna and nonno’s wedding bands in a little box tucked into the pocket of his slacks. He could see the engagement ring he’d given her three weeks before shining in the sun as they stood on the steps of their childhood church. “We’re going to be late for lunch, but they’ll live.”
“I know. I’m just so excited. I’m muting my phone. I wanna just focus on marrying you.”
“You’re sure you wanna do this, Tor? I don’t want you to feel pressured to marry me. Father O’Malley hasn’t signed it, so it’s just a licence.”
“Dominick, it was my idea to elope,” she said, their fingers laced as they entered. They’d gotten their wedding licence the day before, giddy as they went to the courthouse. There was a 24 hour waiting period before they had the officiant and witnesses sign it. They went to visit Father O’Malley, the priest at the church they’d attended together as long as they could remember, and he understood why they were eloping. While moving in together was a part of their goal, the more they’d talked about it, the more they realized it would be nice to get married without having to balance the chaos of the Carisis. Mia was a kid, Teresa was tired from chasing Mia, Gina was away for school, and Bella had also just graduated. They’d be the second wedding and the only son getting married. Sonny wanted to focus on what they were promising each other. 
They seemed nonchalant towards marriage, but they only did because they’d always treated their relationship like a marriage. Each of them made decisions with the other in mind, with the kids and life they wanted one day at the forefront. She’d been worried when he went away to school, but her worries were quashed when he went to a party for the first time without her, calling her at one in the morning from the party to tell her how much better it would be with her. She’d known then they’d get married. Now he was in black slacks and a white button down with his sleeves rolled neatly to his elbows and his hair gelled back. When he snuck glances at her in her white sundress, he would catch her sneaking glances at him, and they’d both turn red. 
“Our newlyweds-to-be are here,” Sister Bernadette called, and soon enough Father O’Malley joined the trio at the altar with another nun to be the second witness. He was also wise, the nun setting up the tripod and video camera usually reserved for the church kids’ plays. We don’t want Gianna Carisi coming after us. Video may placate her. The marriage certificate and Victoria’s purse in a pew, Father O’Malley began. Both of them knew the format well, clutching each other’s hands. 
"Dominick and Victoria, have you come here to enter into marriage without coercion, freely and wholeheartedly?"
“I have,” they said in unison, and she smiled as Sonny gave her hands a gentle squeeze, grin widening.
"Are you prepared, as you follow the path of marriage, to love and honor each other for as long as you both shall live?"
“We are.”
“Are you prepared to accept children lovingly from God and to bring them up according to the law of Christ and his Church?"
“We are.” Sonny was already crying, and Victoria blinked back the tears that threatened to fall. That’d get to him more. He was the crier, not her. 
“Well, now it is time for the vows. Repeat after me-”
“Respectfully, we got this father,” Sonny said, and Victoria did cry when she heard his voice. It was thick with emotion, and the way he stared at her with a broad smile and watery eyes made her feel invincible. 
“Well, take it away, Dominick,” Father O’Malley chuckled softly, knowing they’d memorized them together. He could almost picture them saying them as they sat together studying. Sonny had already updated him on how excited they were each of the Sundays between scheduling their wedding certificate and today, speaking in hushed whispers away from his mother. Meanwhile, Victoria had been calling to ask questions, desperate to have everything in order.
"I, Dominick Carisi, take you, Victoria O’Toole, to be my wife. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life."
"I, Victoria O’Toole, take you, Dominick Carisi, to be my husband. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life."
“May the Lord in his kindness strengthen the consent you have declared before the Church and graciously bring to fulfillment his blessings within you. What God has joined, let no one put asunder.” Father O’Malley had known he’d be marrying these two soon, but he hadn’t expected it to be so soon. Both of them had said their vows with shaky voices and broad smiles, and it was amazing to see the children he’d known so long ago marrying now and taking it seriously despite their age. “May the Lord bless these rings, which you will give to each other as the sign of your love and fidelity.” 
Sister Bernadette handed them each a band, smiling softly. Neither of them looked away from the other, and Sonny was almost bouncing on the balls of his feet when he spoke again. 
"Victoria, receive this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." Sonny’s hand shook as he slid the ring on his hand, and a soft laugh escaped him as he looked back up at her. She wiped her eyes carefully, her hands more steady.
"Dominick, receive this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” Suddenly, Sonny was almost in motion, and Father O’Malley was tempted to wait to let him kiss his bride. Victoria had already pulled him closer, smiling wide enough her eyes were almost shut. It was the first time he’d seen her rival her new husband’s smile. 
“By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You can kiss her now, Dominick.” In a flash, his arms were around Victoria's waist as her hands went to his cheeks. He kissed her sweetly before pecking her lips again and again. Both of them were giddy, laughing, and Sister Bernadette cut off the camera. She promised to email them the video file by the end of the day, and Sonny couldn’t bring himself to remove his arms from Victoria's waist as his chin rested on her shoulder. 
“Thank you, father,” Victoria grinned. “I’m sure Ma will be planning a ceremony or reception or something soon. And I wanna go ahead and apologize for the fact she’ll yell at you.”
“I can take it,” Father O’Malley assured her. “You’d have gotten married anyway. And it was nice to see you two get married. And you got to focus on the marriage, not Gianna chasing you around.”
“We gotta get to lunch with them. Thank you father.”
“Congratulations, you two. I’ll see you for mass tomorrow.”
They walked outside, and Sonny was wrapping his arms around her tightly and spinning her as they both giggled. They’d both always known it would happen, and now they were married. He’d found an apartment, and they’d moved him in the week before. She’d packed her room at her mom’s house, and they’d move her in the next day. It was almost surreal because it almost felt like the unspoken was just official now. 
“We’re married,” he said, voice managing to be both ecstatic and reverent as he pressed his forehead to hers. 
“We are,” she beamed, her hands resting on his sides. “It’s perfect.”
“You’re perfect, Victoria Carisi.”
“That sounds so good, Dom. I can’t wait to go change my name when the marriage certificate comes in.”
“I’ll come with you when you go to the DMV.”
“Ready to go tell Ma?”
“I’m ready to tell everyone.”
The drive was quiet, both of them just holding the other’s hand. Victoria watched him drive with a gentle smile, squeezing his fingers periodically as their neighborhood flew by. Was Ma going to guilt them? Of course. But she’d given him Nonna and Nonno’s rings. She knew as well as Father O’Malley and Sister Bernadette the inevitability of the marriage. The girls would all be sad there wasn’t a wedding and reception happening without Gianna’s pressure, but his dad would be relieved. Once he’d parked, he shot her a crooked grin. 
“Ready, Mrs. Carisi?”
“Ready, Mr. Carisi.” 
He held her hand in his, smiling softly as he felt the cool metal of his own ring pressed into his skin. It was reassuring like he hadn’t expected. Teresa and Mia opened the door, and the pair made their way through the Carisi girls, boyfriends, and kids before finding Ma in the kitchen. Bella followed them, and it didn’t take long for Victoria to realize she’d been the one to notice the rings first. The youngest Carisi daughter crossed her arms and leaned against the kitchen wall as her Ma greeted her brother and Victoria. 
“Sonny, what’s that on Tori’s hand?” she asked innocently. “The left hand. You have something on yours too.”
Ma’s eyes flashed to Victoria’s hand, and he watched as she registered a potential engagement but then quickly saw his hand and started to process what had actually happened. He wasn’t sure if she was angry, hurt, happy, or a combination of the three. 
“If I don’t get to plan a ceremony, I’ll kill you both.”
“Father O’Malley did the ceremony. He filmed it for you,” Victoria said softly, hanging on Sonny’s arm. “But we can plan a reception.”
“Father O’Malley? So you had your church wedding without us?”
“Ma, we can renew our vows or something.”
“You’re damn right you’ll renew your vows.”
“So you’re going to be mad at Victoria and me instead of happy for us?”
“Of course I’m happy for you,” she said softly, gripping his arms and looking up at him with a gentle smile. “My cielo is married to our stellina. I expected the engagement when she turned eighteen. You’re just my babies, so you’ll be having a wedding later.”
“We love you,” Victoria smiled, giggling when Gianna pulled her and Sonny into a tight hug. She pressed kisses to the top of each of their heads, beaming. 
“And I love you both. It’s about time stellina is a Carisi.”
“She’s been a Carisi forever, ma.”
“She’s got the name now.”
“I know,” Sonny grinned. “Victoria Carisi is like the best name I ever heard.”
“When will you have the video?”
“Sister Bernadette said by tonight.”
“You email it to me. And you’ll check before you leave. If you get it while you’re here, we’re all watching, cielo.”
July 1, 2007
“He’s going to cry when he sees you, stellina,” Gianna smiled, pressing a maternal kiss to the top of her head. Her own mother was here, but she had settled in with Teresa and Gina for drinks. Gianna and Bella were helping with the small buttons along the back of the dress. It was strapless with a sweetheart neck, but there was sheer material with lace up to her collar bone and forming sleeves down each arm. She was rocking on the balls of her feet wanting to go to Sonny’s side.
“He always cries,” Bella teased. “But this time it’ll be because his wife is so pretty.”
“Thanks,” she smiled, hands smoothing the satin of the dress’s skirt. “It’s kind of nice having a ceremony for our anniversary. Makes it more like a celebration.”
“Stellina’s mom and I need to go sit. This our beautiful bride.”
“I’ll take care of her from here.”
The last time they’d been in this church for a Carisi family member’s wedding ceremony, it was Teresa and her husband’s. Sonny and Victoria had been middle schoolers, and Teresa had put them in the bridal party. It was almost surreal to know she’d be walking down the aisle alone. Her father wasn’t there to give her away, and it would feel strange to have a woman she rarely saw after she turned sixteen give her away. It had been days before Irene had even known her daughter was married. Bella and Tommy would be the last to walk, and Victoria stood behind them, fiddling with the ribbon of her bouquet. She knew he would think she was beautiful, knew she’d see his dimples and the glimmer in his eyes as he teared up, but some part of her was still nervous. They’d been on their own now for a year, but this almost felt like dress up, them pretending to be adults. Maybe life always would. People would be looking at them too. Center of attention wasn’t her strong suit. They had, however, learned a dance for the first dance, sneaking off to lessons after class and work.
Suddenly, Bella and Tommy were gone, and Victoria was beaming through the nerves as she waited for the bridal march. When it started, she stepped out, her eyes flying to Sonny when she made her way down the aisle. He was as happy as he’d looked when they eloped, and the suit looked perfect. He looked so handsome and sweet and kind, and the reality hit that he really was her husband. Maybe Ma had been right about a wedding. He had lit up, crying as everyone had predicted. She wasn’t the one to cry, but she quickly realized she was now. Sonny had worried his knees would buckle when he first saw her, and they nearly did. More than anything, he felt giddy as he watched her. She was beautiful everyday, but now, walking down the aisle to renew the promises they’d made to each other a year before? He wanted to sear the image into his memory. Some caveman part of his brain liked having an audience for their vows, as much so he could show off his wife as so they could celebrate with friends and family. Since they were already married, they decided to write their own vows when the time came.
“Victoria, I think I shoulda known I was going to marry you when you used to dare me to kiss ya when we were kids and then run off so I’d chase you. It kind of started this thing where I’ll chase you anywhere you want to go, including eloping the first summer we can so that Ma has to plan a wedding for two people who’ve already been married a year. I get to kiss you anytime I want now, though. That part is way better,” he started, his voice light, before he got more serious, hands clutching hers. “ I swear it’s only going to be you. The first and only woman I’ll ever want. No matter what happens, I promise to make you laugh, hold you when you cry, and only be scared of you when you’re driving. The best thing that ever happened is getting to build our life together. Being your husband has been an honor, and I promise to stick with you through the good and the bad.”
“Dominick, I remember when we were kids, I was in school and instead of saying the sky was blue, I said the sky was Sonny’s eyes colored. That’s probably when I should’ve stopped pretending you had cooties because it was probably a sign you were always going to be my favorite person ever,” she said, her voice not as strong as his was. He was used to getting emotional; she wasn’t. “When we were in New Orleans, I realized that the reason I hated every girl you went to a school dance with was because you were supposed to be my date, and that you were supposed to be my date because I wanted you to kiss me. I promise that I’m always going to be there for you, no matter what happens, good, bad, and in between. I’ll always make you cannoli when you’re stressed and celebrate when you’re doing well and be there however you need me when you’re sad. We’ve got forever ahead of us. I promise you won’t be able to get rid of me. You’re it for me.”
When he could, Sonny nearly flung himself at Victoria, arms around her waist pulling her close as he leaned in and kissed her deeply. He flung there clasped hands up with a crooked smile as they made their way down the aisle, meeting his mother and the photographer outside the church doors. They started taking photos, and Victoria wrapped her arm around Sonny, one hand resting on his chest.
“Hi Mrs. Carisi,” he hummed, hand resting on hers. 
“It still sounds really good,” she smiled, kissing him softly. “A few more pictures, then we go dance and eat.”
“You ready for our number?”
“Oh hell yeah I am. You ready?”
“Do I got two left feet? You bet. Am I excited to dance with my wife to the song we been singin’ to each other since we were kids? Oh yeah.” He kissed her temple, spinning her as he hummed “You’re my Best Friend” by Queen, and a squeal escaped her.
“Save it for the dance floor.”
“Anything you say, doll.”
“I love you, Dom.”
“And I love you, Tor.”
28 notes · View notes
5-secondsofcolor · 4 years
Te Guardo || A.I.
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Warnings: None? a bit of odd angst? This is unedited so tenses are funky
Length: 2K
Prompt: “Kissing you is all I’ve thought about since the moment we met.” & Ashton x Airport
AN: This is a part of @h0tsos and @maluminspace second fic event. Thank you so much for organizing this again!! I’ve linked the event masterlist below if anyone wants to go check out other folk’s work. 
Ashton shuffles through his glove compartment of his car, he should’ve registered the car months ago when he first moved to LA but lies of ‘next week’ let him go on far too long. Now he slowly pulls out old ticket stubs and memories of nights passed, looking for his title and registration in the parking lot of the DMV. 
He pauses when he finds himself gripping a smooth plastic paper, pulling out square Polaroid. All of them tossed in there unceremoniously after his moving away party. By the look of the pictures, it’s clear they’ve survived a few seasons, fading in the time spent in his glove compartment. 
A smile breaks out as he plucks one out and tucks it into his wallet before he continues to pull out crap. Finally, a piece of pink paper peaks out, a sigh of relief coming alongside it as he joins the appointment line. 
After an eternity, he gets to the attendant, the woman doesn’t look up from the last form on her desk before asking “What’s the reason for your appointment?”
“Registering a vehicle”
“Can I see your license and registration?”
He pulls out his wallet, as the attendant finally looks up at him giving him an irate look for not being fully prepared, he returns an apologetic smile as the top of his ears warm. Shuffling through the wallet for his license produces the polaroid first, he tucks it back down and grabs his license. 
“Here it is,” he announces as he hands it over, the attendant giving him no response. A couple of moments later, the woman hands back his forms alongside a small ticket with ‘B36’ stamped across the top.
“Take a seat and wait for your number to be called,” The attendant says excusing him to the waiting area. 
With little else to do, he pulls the polaroid out and allows his mind to remember the night it was taken. Vanessa had done her makeup in the way that made her brown eyes pop, the bright colors complementing her brown skin. He always liked the way her highlighter made her look so golden. The darkness of her hair blends slightly into the dark background but he remembers her soft natural curls and the way they always smell like coconut oil and soft flowers. 
They’ve spoken since he moved but it held an awkwardness and it’s all his fault. Truly, he’s replayed that night over and over so much so that he wonders if he’s remembering it right. It was nothing but a moment stolen but it put them on a different path.
“Kissing you is all I’ve thought about since the moment we met,” Ashton said as he cupped Vanessa’s cheek. 
In the poorly lit backyard, it all felt rushed, childish for Ashton to use their only moment’s alone all night to make half declarations of love but it’s what it boiled down to as the timer on Ashton’s big move nearly hit 0.
Her breath caught in her lungs as he pressed his lips to hers. She tried to commit it to memory, feeling it was the start of something. The way string lights gave everything a warm light, the chatter pouring out of his— well now Luke’s apartment, the way was just cold enough for goosebumps to raise on her skin, and the softness of his lips. Instead what’s committed to memory is the sadness, the reality that he was driving away in 2 days.
“Ashton! Andrew’s looking for you,” Luke’s booming voice breaks the moment before she has a chance to acknowledge what happened. 
“I’ll be right in. I’m just going to walk Vanessa to her car,” His attempt to shoo away Luke is useless, Luke’s too drunk to realize what he’s walked into. Instead running out and wrapping an arm around Ashton’s neck. “Can’t believe he’s all grown up. Leaving us for LA. Can you believe it?”
“Don’t worry about walking me, my car’s just a house over. I’ll just text you when I get home, promise.”
“Please,” it sounds like a plea as Luke turns him around, shouting about one thing or another as they rejoin the last party, leaving Vannesa with a blank mind and absolutely too much to process.
She pulls into her driveway quickly. Surreal feelings hitting her as she sits in her car a moment after turning it off. That couldn’t have really happened, she shakes her head as she collects her things. Habitually pulling up Ashton’s contact as she turns on her living room light. Her mind still blank as she opens their conversation. 
After a moment, she presses on Calum’s contact and quickly types, “Home safe! Let Ash know please.” and tosses her phone on the couch.
Ashton waited for that text message. Holding on to the promise made in passing, he got her message from Calum but nonetheless, he called her, wanting to hear anything from her but got her voicemail and waited for her to call him back. 
After a dinner with, Vanessa finds herself down the street from her apartment at a little brewery. It’s the one that always reminded her of Ashton. Countless afternoons spent meeting up. He used to make these walks down the streets with her on lazy afternoons.
Her friend’s saved a booth, as is Friday tradition. Except today, an acquaintance won’t stop chatting her up. He’s cute, kinda interesting, she knows he’s a good guy, Cameron, their mutual friend, won’t stop talking him up. 
Talked up or not, Vanessa can’t remember his name as she nods and gives a polite chuckle when a change in cadence indicates a joke. It also doesn’t stop her from glancing at her phone the moment it vibrates. “A. Irwin” it reads with a familiar contact picture popping up.
She all but jumps out of her skin the second she sees the name. Grabbing a jacket and excusing herself, “I’m sorry. I need to take this.” 
The brisk fall air hits hard after her being inside the warm bar. She nestles her phone between her shoulder and ear as she wrestles her jacket on, breathless she gives a small, “hi.” 
“You busy?” 
“No, no not at all,” she says. Only half a lie she thinks as she turns around and gives her confused friends a reassuring thumbs up and smile, “What’s up?” 
“Not much, just heading to bed and I was hanging with Calum, he did the you thing for the first time in a while,” Only kind of a lie, he thinks to himself as he eye’s their polaroid now balanced in the corner of a larger frame. He couldn’t force himself to toss it into another drawer to get lost with time, the same way he couldn’t ignore the way he felt all day. 
They’ve texted for months, catching up at odd times but the overwhelming feeling to hear her voice pushed him to call her after the day at the DMV. 
“The me thing?” She laughs, forcing him to elaborate just which odd habit he is referring to.
“The fidgeting thing-- bouncing on your heels.”
“I don’t do that,” She argues, planting both her feet firmly on the ground. 
“It’s not exactly the same but you gotta admit it’s pretty similar,” Ashton argues, he can picture her doing it now, holding her phone to her ear. 
“Whatever,” She breathes a laugh through her nose and with that Ashton can see the accompanying head shake. He tries to find an excuse to keep her on the line. Does he bring up the Polaroid? Does she remember that day the same? Did he make their afternoon melancholy up for himself, in search of an odd comfort? 
“I’m gonna need some proof here, Ash.” 
“Fine I’ll go get it myself.” Her scoff in response only eggs him on as he promises, “I’ll get a ticket back there right now.” 
“I’ll believe it when I see it.” 
“Give me a few weeks. I’ll get the evidence myself.”
“Ok. You can show me,” a wave from indoors catches her eye, her friend beckoning her back inside to collect her things, “I gotta go Ash. It was great talking.” 
“Yeah it was. We’ll speak soon, yeah? I’m serious I’ll come up there and show you.” 
“Whenever you book that ticket, don’t forget a sweater. It sure as hell isn’t California warm here,” She jokes one final time before hanging up. 
 She can’t help the smile when she gets a screenshot of his flight. Almost two weeks to the day. Friday, November 15th. 
Two weeks fly, Vanessa thinks before she rushes out of work. So much for making it on time. Maybe the flight is delayed, just allow her a little buffer. It doesn’t feel real to be picking him up. Excitement and anxiety is all she can feel as she dumps her work supplies onto the passenger seat and hits the road.
A bit of relief hits her as she sees the sign at the gate. Two minutes to spare, she laughs at herself as she pauses at the loading zone. She spent an afternoon cleaning her apartment, forgetting her car but it’s too late now. 
“Is this my Uber?” The voice is all too familiar, her heart skipping a beat as she looks over to the passenger window. His skin tanner than she remembers but the smile, it’s always stayed the same. She opens her door with a shriek, running around the car, and into his arms. 
“Ashton!!!” She shouts into her chest. Her heart beating so hard he can probably feel it himself.
“Hi,” he breaths her in planting a small kiss to the top of her head. She feels smaller than he remembers but then again maybe that’s just a sign that too much time has elapsed. 
“Welcome back,” She laughs. Unable to shake the smile on her face as she bypasses the city and begins their drive to her apartment. 
He stares openly, unable to believe how much more he’d missed her. In the car, things feel simplified. She doesn’t face his stare until they’re at a stoplight. 
“What?” She gives him a true smile, showing her teeth and he knows he booked the right ticket to visit her.
“Nothing. This place has been good to you,” He’s unsure what it is but she’s different. 
“I think you’re just falling for the look of a real autumn,” She brushes aside her compliment as her eyes return to the road. Her stomach does a backflip as she ignores his eyes. 
A feeling of regret rears its head as she’s tempted to reach out and hold his hand. Her brain is all shaken up as she tries to focus on the tales from LA. Traffic is and she’s grateful for it.
They get back to her apartment right before sundown, her entire apartment illuminated by the lazy afternoon sun. Ashton’s been here a thousand times but with his time away, its familiar feel isn’t fully there. As his eyes sweep her living room, he sees that the same milk crates hold her records but the tables above it are now natural wood, matching the rest of her furniture. Her apartment looks more streamlined from its previous Craig’s List used furniture charm. 
“You can put your stuff on the chair,” She points to a corner of the room, it’s apparent the chair’s been cleared of her own pile of miscellaneous clothes in preparation for him to visit. The entire living room gave a feeling of a deliberate organization that it never gave him before. 
Ashton tosses the duffle bag onto the chair and pauses at the same bookshelf from years ago, he recognizes some of the book titles and peruses the new ones before a new picture frame catches his eye. He holds his breath recognizing it as nearly the same picture he’s been carrying in his glove compartment for months. The pair to the one that now lives on his mantle at home. 
He knows he can’t toe the line with her anymore, the unknowing drowning him this time around as he gently calls, “Nessa?”
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dontcallmecarrie · 5 years
Person of Interest
“For the record,” Tony’s voice filtered out from behind his faceplate as he led them out of the old wrecked compound[?] James’ cryo chamber had apparently been stashed in, “I would like it to be known that I beat Howard at this thing too. He’s been looking since before I was born for his guy, and it took me less than six years to find you, so there.”
James, however, didn’t miss the note of relief under the bravado. Or the way Tony stayed closer to him than strictly necessary, checking on him [as if he’d disappear on him again].
“What happened?” He couldn’t help but ask, scrambling to catch up on what he’d missed [again]. “I got less than fifty miles out before a HYDRA squadron came out of nowhere and put me in ice, beyond that I’ve got nothing.”
Tony wrenched the reinforced doors open with barely a break in his stride. “From what I’ve been able to gather after the fact— remember the agent types running around town? They clashed with the guys that got you and put them away, were starting to look into where you’d been stashed—oh, step back.”
A high-pitched whine was James’ only warning before a hole was blasted through the wall before them.
“Only thing is, they also found out that’s where I was living, too. Howard did what he does best and called in some favors.” Tony’s voice took on a bitter tone. “They went after me, and any leads on where you wound up went cold.”
“And how’re you? How’s your mom?”
“Good. She’s...good. We started traveling apart a while back because it’s easier to hide that way, but we keep in touch. Oh— hey, JARVIS.”
“Yes, sir?” A politely neutral English voice piped up, and James didn't jolt only because he remembered the name Tony had given his AI but what had he missed that the robot suit was something Tony was so comfortable moving around in?
“Call mom, let her know we found him.”
“Of course, sir.”
Tony’s palms were sweating as they continued making their way out, and he was at a loss as to what to say because he’d finally found him, alive, but now what? 
How was he supposed to catch Uncle James up to speed?
...and then they heard a few distant thuds and clangs, and matters just got that much more pressing and geez, someone had it out for him.
“Oh, come on.” Tony ground out. “Of all the times...”
Seriously. Literally any other day, this wouldn’t have been an issue. 
“Tony, what’s going on?”
“Please call me Iron Man right now, last thing these guys need is any more leads. Oh— um. Here’s the thing. I...may or may not have hacked a few governments when looking at you. Just a few, though.”
He could almost feel Uncle James’ frown aimed at him. He aimed another repulsor at the wall for an excuse to not look his way and keep his shoulders from rising defensively. 
“And databases from the DMV to morgues. And harassed HYDRA.”
“Hey, don’t look at me I wasn’t the one who somehow got names and descriptions of prisoners of Guantanamo Bay...” He trailed off, then,  in an undertone that Uncle James caught anyway, continued. “I’m still not sure how mom did it, to be honest.” 
“Just because we’re not Howard-levels of ‘fuck you’ rich doesn’t mean we can’t look too, alright? So what if I pissed off a few people? It happens. You hack one guy and next thing you know you’re telling him to fuck off because he wants you to work for him and you’ve got bigger fish to fry but he doesn’t take no for an answer unless it comes with a big enough boom.”
“Tony, what did you do?” Uncle James looked stunned as he stopped walking just to stare at him.
Which, y’know, rude.
“I built this,” Tony tapped lightly on his chest plate with his fist, “because I’m still trying to lay low and this is about as stealthy as it gets. No one sees my face, and I can break into five bases in a night without breaking a sweat.”
The thuds were closer, now. Of course. Almost out, but things could never be that simple, could they?
“Put on a mask, this’s going to get a bit hairy. One of the people I pissed off is the agent types that we saw that day. They call themselves SHIELD, and they’ve been wanting to bring me in for a while now. Not sure why, never bothered to ask and not starting now.”
This was the opposite of breaking it to him gently, but there was nothing for it.
“Oh— and one last thing: hope you’re not afraid of heights.”
James didn’t know what was going on anymore, but he trusted Tony’s judgement. 
So when the arrows[??? what kind of Paleolithic bs was this what the hell what—] started coming their way after Tony blasted that last door off its hinges, he didn’t hesitate to move to deflect them.
After the first second there was a brief pause as their attackers registered his presence, but by then Tony had thrown a smoke grenade and swept him up and muttered, “Grab on,” before—
ah. So that’s what he meant by afraid of heights.
Alright then. 
Iron Man blasted off into the night sky with an unknown passenger, and all they had to show for it was another wrecked HYDRA base.
This deviation from his MO was very concerning. 
Agent Phil Coulson frowned at the report, and then back at what little footage they’d managed to capture of the encounter.
Iron Man had always been very singular, had been shown to possess a terrifyingly one-track mind and a drive that had some of their analysts convinced they were dealing with an android. 
He’d interfered with SHIELD operations before, it’s how he even came to Phil’s attention in the first place. 
But this time...
The building was still standing, even after he’d left. There’d been no firefight, no banter. Nothing set on fire, almost nothing turned to slag. The path of destruction was very clear-cut, unlike the general mayhem that usually followed.
Phil had suspected before, but this confirmed it: Iron Man had been looking for something. 
And by the looks of things? He’d found it. Or rather, him.
A masked man with a metal arm.
SHIELD didn’t have much on Iron Man, didn’t know his motivations or what goals he had apart from a well-documented grudge against HYDRA. This latest discovery would hopefully shed some light on things. And who knows? 
Maybe there’d be more than one person who might be tapped for the Initiative, if they could play their cards right.
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morethanonepage · 4 years
i’m angery
i know i’m mostly a star wars killjoy on tumblr dot com lately but allow me to SCREAM about my latest nemesis, a book called “American Dirt”:
Lydia Quixano Pérez lives in the Mexican city of Acapulco. She runs a bookstore. She has a son, Luca, the love of her life, and a wonderful husband who is a journalist. And while there are cracks beginning to show in Acapulco because of the drug cartels, her life is, by and large, fairly comfortable.
Even though she knows they’ll never sell, Lydia stocks some of her all-time favorite books in her store. And then one day a man enters the shop to browse and comes up to the register with a few books he would like to buy―two of them her favorites. Javier is erudite. He is charming. And, unbeknownst to Lydia, he is the jefe of the newest drug cartel that has gruesomely taken over the city. When Lydia’s husband’s tell-all profile of Javier is published, none of their lives will ever be the same.
Forced to flee, Lydia and eight-year-old Luca soon find themselves miles and worlds away from their comfortable middle-class existence. Instantly transformed into migrants, Lydia and Luca ride la bestia―trains that make their way north toward the United States, which is the only place Javier’s reach doesn’t extend. As they join the countless people trying to reach el norte, Lydia soon sees that everyone is running from something. But what exactly are they running to?
Written by one Jeanine Cummins, who has Puerto Rican ancestry but grew up in the MD suburbs (as I did, tbf) and in 2015 considered herself white (”I am white...in every practical way, my family is mostly white.”  [cw for sexual assault and murder at the link]), everything I read about this book has begun to drive me to madness.
Recommended by the Mary Sue book club (the source of the above summary), it has since been retracted bc a) its sucks and b) THEY DIDN’T READ IT BEFORE PUTTING IT ON THE BOOK CLUB LIST (”I try to read most, if not all, of the books I recommend for the Book Club because I truly do love reading, and I want to make sure that if I suggest someone grab something, it’s something I can say I liked. When I was looking up two books to fill out the list, one of them was American Dirt. I saw that it had received a lot of positive press from Stephen King, Rumaan Alam, Don Winslow, Sandra Cisneros, and other literary news outlets including Oprah’s Book Club. It seemed like the type of literary fiction that’s always good for a book club read. I was mistaken.“)
Myriam Gurba, at Tropics of Meta, describes being asked to review it for a feminist magazine, and then being told her review was too negative to publish. It included gems such as:
Cummins bombards with clichés from the get-go. Chapter One starts with assassins opening fire on a quinceañera, a fifteenth birthday party, a scene one can easily imagine President Donald Trump breathlessly conjuring at a Midwestern rally, and while Cummins’ executioners are certainly animated, their humanity remains shallow. By categorizing these characters as “the modern bogeymen of urban Mexico,” she flattens them. By invoking monsters with English names and European lineages, Cummins reveals the color of her intended audience: white. Mexicans don’t fear the bogeyman. We fear his very distant cousin, el cucuy.
With their family annihilated by narcotraffickers, mother and son embark on a refugees’ journey. They head north, or, as Cummins’ often writes, to “el norte,” and italicized Spanish words like carajo, mijo, and amigo litter the prose, yielding the same effect as store-bought taco seasoning.
[...] Lydia’s husband, a journalist, describes her as one of the “smartest” women he’s ever known. Nonetheless, she behaves in gallingly naïve and stupid ways. Despite being an intellectually engaged woman, and the wife of a reporter whose beat is narcotrafficking, Lydia experiences shock after shock when confronted with the realities of México, realities that would not shock a Mexican.
It shocks Lydia to learn that the mysterious and wealthy patron who frequents her bookstore flanked by “[thuggish]” bodyguards is the capo of the local drug cartel! It shocks Lydia to learn that some central Americans migrate to the United States by foot! It shocks Lydia to learn that men rape female migrants en route to the United States! It shocks Lydia to learn that Mexico City has an ice-skating rink! (This “surprise” gave me a good chuckle: I learned to ice skate in México.) That Lydia is so shocked by her own country’s day-to-day realities, realities that I’m intimate with as a Chicana living en el norte, gives the impression that Lydia might not be…a credible Mexican. In fact, she perceives her own country through the eyes of a pearl-clutching American tourist.
Parul Sehgal, at the NYT, digs into the fact that while the motives of this book may be unimpeachable (tho: are they??), the writing itself is...perhaps less so:
I found myself flinching as I read, not from the perils the characters face, but from the mauling the English language receives. Lydia’s expression “is one Luca has never seen before, and he fears it might be permanent. It’s as if seven fishermen have cast their hooks into her from different directions and they’re all pulling at once. One from the eyebrow, one from the lip, another at the nose, one from the cheek.” Yes, of course. That expression.
Sehgal also highlights my favorite line I’ve heard about in this book: “when Lydia finds she is unable to pray, ‘she believes it’s a divine kindness. Like a government furlough, God has deferred her nonessential agencies.’” The Raised in the DMV Suburbs just JUMPED OUT, didn’t it, Jeanine? But like legit, why on earth would a Mexican bookstore lady’s frame of reference ever be A GOVERNMENT FURLOUGH and NONESSENTIAL AGENCIES. followers, i just about died. 
David J. Schmidt, at The Blue Nib, calls out other inaccuracies and stereotypes:
It is worth dwelling on the character of Javier for a moment. A “drinking game” could be created based on all the Latin American stereotypes he personifies. Javier is dapper, yet dangerous. He is charming, yet mysterious. He wears a white guayabera, a shirt the author describes as “more suitable for Sunday Mass than a regular workday.” (Untrue—this is a casual garment, more suitable for a love affair in a Fabio-bedecked romance novel.)
This quintessential “Latin lover” shows up at Lydia’s bookstore and speaks to her in a tone significantly different from the other characters of American Dirt. I  must emphasise, Javier’s dialogue does not reflect the normal speech patterns of Mexico, but perfectly reflects U.S. stereotypes. The only way to properly read Javier’s lines is through the most gross of caricatures.
One should imagine the husky voice of Antonio Banderas, speaking at his most sensual and Spanishy. Any character he has played in English will do, although it is clear that Javier was ideally written for the voice of Puss in Boots. When Lydia asks if Javier reads English, the dapper narco responds:
“I try, yes […] My English isn’t fluent, but it’s close. And this story is so delicate.”
The cultural inaccuracies of American Dirt run deep, right down to the language. Throughout her book, Cummins shows confusion regarding the grammatical genders in Spanish. Most notably, she baptises the drug kingpin Javier with the nickname La Lechuza. It is difficult to imagine a macho, womanizing capo using a feminine-gendered noun as his moniker. Would a hardened mafia boss call himself “The Princess of Compton” or “The Belle of Belfast”?
Cummins got a seven figure advance for this. A SEVEN FIGURE ADVANCE. She “wished someone slightly browner than me would write it,” but she did it,  and her team is throwing around the fact that her husband’s previously undocumented status as some sort of justification without mentioning that he’s white & Irish. 
Also, there’s this news:
Imperative Entertainment, the production banner behind the Clint Eastwood hit The Mule, has acquired the rights to American Dirt, the Mexican migrant drama novel by Jeanine Cummins.
Charles Leavitt, the scribe who penned the Leonardo DiCaprio drama Blood Diamond, has been tapped to write the adaptation, which will be produced by Imperative’s Dan Friedkin and Bradley Thomas.
Charles Leavitt is a white guy who, most recently, wrote the Warcraft movie. So, that’s going to end well. 
I’ll leave you with this other gem from Gurba (from her essay about it, “Pendeja, You Ain’t Steinbeck “):
Susan Sontag wrote that “[a] sensibility (as distinct from an idea) is one of the hardest things to talk about” and with this challenge in mind, I assert that American Dirt fails to convey any Mexican sensibility. It aspires to be Día de los Muertos but it, instead, embodies Halloween. The proof rests in the novel’s painful humorlessness. Mexicans have over a hundred nicknames for death, most of them are playful because death is our favorite playmate, and Octavio Paz explained our unique relationship with la muerte when he wrote, “The Mexican…is familiar with death. [He] jokes about it, caresses it, sleeps with it, celebrates it. It is one of his favorite toys and his most steadfast love.” Cummins’ failure to approach death with appropriate curiosity, and humility, is what makes American Dirt a perfect read for your local self-righteous gringa book club.
so idk, The Mary Sue, maybe it should stay on your Book Club list after all. (Oh wait: as of this writing, it still is.) 
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ahnsael · 4 years
Two years later, the last physical remnant of the trouble I got into is going away tomorrow.
The DMV removed the restriction from my license today (it was a three hour wait, which I didn’t expect going in the middle of the week at opening time, but I’m glad I got it done -- I could have done it a month ago but was nervous about the process of getting these last loose ends tied), and after a couple games of phone tag between the manufacturer of the device and the auto shop which services it to finalize approval on both of their ends, tomorrow I get the ignition interlock removed from my car.
Now there’s just the SR-22 insurance for two more years before I can go back to regular insurance (but the SR-22 isn’t much more expensive than the regular version anyway).
We have a guy at work who’s mind isn’t in it lately. Because he just his FOURTH DUI. His third was a legal battle (three in seven years becomes a felony and involves prison time and there was a question as to whether it was from the occurrence of the first one or the sentencing and the court gave him the benefit of the doubt but then he did it AGAIN two months later). I don’t see how you don’t learn your lesson after the first one. And even if not then, the punishment is more severe for subsequent instances. So he’s looking at a lengthy prison sentence this time.
I got 48 hours. Well, technically 62 days, but 60 days were suspended pending my completion of other court-ordered responsibilities like both group and individual counseling, DUI school, a victim’s impact panel (in which victims of crashes caused by drunk drivers told their stories -- including some VERY graphic images), being under the watch of “alternative sentencing” for a year (basically that meant zero drinking, random tests to see whether I had had anything to drink, home visits to see if I had any alcohol around, all of which punishable by either a day in jail or kicking in the entire 60-day suspended sentence), having an interlock installed in ANY car I might drive for a year after reinstating my license (I only drive my own so I only needed the one, at $67 per month which from what I’m told is a pretty good price; I’ll have to pay “$50-$60 or somewhere around there, I’m not entirely sure” tomorrow when I get it removed but it SUCKS for people with no credit/debit card because it’s literally the ONLY way you’re allowed to pay, keeping low-income people without a card from being able to fulfill that obligation and that order does NOT expire a year from sentencing, it expires one year FROM WHEN YOU REINSTATE YOUR LICENSE and you can’t reinstate your license until you have the device installed -- I had to show the DMV the installation paperwork last year), and SR-22 insurance (including Statement of financial Responsibility -- that’s the SR part) for three years.
At one point as I talked to the (actually very nice) DMV lady today she asked whether I still had the device installed or whether it had already been removed. She framed it as a way to say “Show them this temporary license which shows no restriction and they’ll be able to remove it” but I’m guessing it was a “gotcha” question, as removing it before having the restriction removed from my license would have violated the restriction of my license. But I bet they get people saying “My year was up last week so I had it removed,” therefore getting themselves in more trouble (I was actually half-expecting them to want to see it in my car, maybe punch some buttons and get my latest statistics as far as “has he had any violations since the last time he had it serviced and we were sent his data?” but that didn’t happen...I also had the original installation paperwork and the original court order in my jacket pocket just in case, since I had to show both when I reinstated my license, even though they scanned them at the time -- when I first reinstated my license they forgot the restriction so I had to go back and have them put it on). I’m also wondering whether the three-hour wait was intentional, since most people are there for renewals or new licenses or to change their address or register a vehicle, and those of us in the “C” group broke the law, which was why we were there. Kind of makes me feel like they were testing our patience to see if we gave them attitude about seeing SO MANY people who got there after us called first. But I was as nice to the DMV lady as I would have been had I waited 10 minutes, and by the end the lady next to her behind the counter was complimenting my Genie tie (Genie from Aladdin -- I went there straight from work this morning so I was still dressed up from work).
An interesting aside...I shave my head, but have a beard. I asked the lady, pointing to the gray under my chin, “At what point to I change my official hair color to gray?” (the color listed on the original police report). She said it was basically up to me, and that I could even put “bald” if I wanted to since I shave my head, but sometimes the hair grows out a bit between shavings and I want to make sure I’m in compliance. But I pointed to my eyebrows as evidence of the “brown” that I put down, and she accepted that. She said switching to “gray” is pretty much up to me as long as SOME of the original color remains, but then we shared a laugh about people with completely gray hair who put down “black” as their hair color (that was when I pointed out my non-graying eyebrows as evidence that while I do have some gray in there, it still is mostly brown).
She also laughed when I said the only “stat” that had changed in the past 13 months since reinstating my license was my weight, which I upped by 15 pounds for honesty’s sake. She said she NEVER would have done that, but then I said that I used to be about 35 pounds more than I am now, so I’m pretty good with where I’m at and would rather be accurate on a REAL ID-compliant license -- even though weight fluctuates, the weight I put is my average these days.
And after I got a little worried about phone battery after playing cell phone games for an hour, I then spent the next two hours *almost* finishing Rolly Crump’s book “It’s Kind of a Cute Story,” which I hadn’t picked up in so long that the Kindle app had updated and completely forgotten where I had left off (I only realized that I read two chapters that I had already read when I came upon a section that I had highlighted). I’m about halfway through the last chapter now. The Kindle app takes a LOT less battery than playing a game that has to communicate with the internet (especially since the DMV’s WiFi was worse than Disneyland’s as far as reliability, which is kind of saying a lot).
But anyway, other than the (only slightly) higher insurance bill for the next two years, all of this kerfuffle will be behind me tomorrow. No more breathing into my car before I can start it. No more worrying that “I bartended this morning, and I spilled some on my pants...will the interlock pick that up and fail me? (it happened a couple times, as did using an alcohol-based window de-icer this winter and then having the fumes from the can in the car when I tried to start it; I learned to leave the can outside the car after using it, but there are “rolling tests” where they are trying to see if you drank after starting the car and have six minutes to provide a passing same of breath and so I would have to pull over, remove the can, and then re-take the test to make sure I didn’t get COMPLETELY locked out -- I did have violations based on this, but found out a week ago when I emailed the DMV that it takes four consecutive months of such violations for the terms of the interlock to be extended, even if I had to air out my car before I could successfully start my car at the time).
After those violations, I was worried my time was going to be extended, so I was SO happy to receive a reply from the DMV last week telling me that they had looked at my records, and I was good to get the restriction removed. I had thought ANY violation would result in “more time with this thing in my car.”
And on the WAY to the DMV...I ran into a problem I’ve run into a couple times in the past couple months.
Ever since getting the interlock serviced in December, I’ve had issues with it rebooting itself.
Now, if you turn off the car with a pending test, that’s another violation. And the thing would tell me to breathe into it (it’s actually more throat-humming with this device -- it prevents someone taking a lungful of fresh air and then breathing in to beat it; humming in your throat means air from INSIDE of you is going through and it can detect alcohol you maybe thought you could hide).
So there have been times I’ve driven to work, parked, and just before turning off my car the interlock would ask for a “rolling test.” I couldn’t just turn my car off. That would be a violation, which the DMV would hear about. But if I picked the device up and it went blank as I blew into it, then said “Initializing,” I learned NOT to turn the car off (the hard way, when I got a violation for it). Just sit there in the parking spot, engine running, and wait for it to ask for a test again.
On my way to the DMV today, though, the device wanted a “rolling test.” Which I expected. The first “rolling test” can be 5-10 minutes after starting the car, and subsequent tests come every 45 minutes to an hour (and you have six minutes to provide a breath sample before you are locked out). When I drove to Disneyland in September, I can’t even guess as to how many tests I had to take as I drove, to make sure I was still sober.
But today, it asked me to re-test. I did. I heard the tell-tale “click” by my left knee that tells me it just sent a signal to the car that it’s okay to restart if I shut it down. But instead of “PASS” on the screen, the screen was blank. Then it said “initializing.” Then it asked me to test again with a beep. I did so. This time, it not only made the click on my ignition switch to turn it on, but said “PASS” -- fir about a half-second before going back to “INITIALIZING.”
When it came back up, I only had two minutes and 30 seconds left to provide a sample. I thought, “If this thing keeps resetting itself, I’m going to get a violation on the way to the DMV for permission to remove this.”
Fortunately, on the third try, the test was passed WITHOUT the device restarting itself (I am SO glad to get rid of this thing because it’s been doing this a lot for the past two months and while I’m passing the tests, it doesn’t always KNOW that I pass the tests before rebooting itself).
But at 10:00am tomorrow, I get this thing OUT of my car. If it’s anything like the installation, I’ll be there for about an hour. Which will still beat my wait time at the DMV today. I’ll probably finish Rolly Crump’s book and then either play some video games on my phone or start something new to read, like the continuations of the book which I’ve already bought.
But video games are more likely -- this shop, as I’ve seen personally and heard from other customers, does not only good work, but QUICK work, so I don’t want to get too into reading and then be disappointed when they have it done.
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stone-man-warrior · 4 years
November 18, 2019: 9:24 pm:
I just returned from another socio-terrific shopping experience in Dystopia, Grants Pass Oregon.
I went to 6th Street Market.
Carl’s Junior
There are still no signs of helpful people, conditions remain the same.
I did not encounter any swordsmen this trip, and that is appreciated.
At 6th Street Market, things were slightly different. Usually, when I go into the store there, at least one terrorist comes in to the store just as I am using the debit machine to pay for my items, that did not happen, and that is the first time that I have not been followed into the store.
The store clerk did not seem to know where any of the items are kept behind the counter, he was a store clerk that I have seen in there at least three times in the past, but when I commented about him not knowing where the items are at, he claimed he was new to that store, and was used to working at the “Why-Not” market on the other side of the river in town. Same owner, he said, owns both stores.
That clerk looked right at me and said: “Did you get him yet?”
I replied: “Yeah, we finally got him, it was expensive and we lost a lot of soldiers”
He said: “yeah, we did”
Then he added something about getting his cut of the “loot”, I don’t recall exactly what he said about “the loot”
I replied: “Later. They are still working on counting”
So, the clerk thought I had been killed, and that I was in disguise.
Someone was hiding under the counter, that person began releasing gas when the clerk figured out that I was bullshitting him. and the one under the counter started to complain about being Hot as his Nitrous tank ignited after I lit my lighter.
The clerk then did the same thing he has done before, he failed to ring up a fifteen dollar item of tobacco, the total was about fifteen dollars less than it should have been. I have played this game before, so I advised that he finish ringing up the items because I don’t like being accused of stealing things.
The clerk thanked me for reminding him to ring up the items. The Canadian terrorists are so friendly and courteous when they are attempting to kill you, that it’s not believable. Had I left without that fifteen dollar item of tobacco paid for and on the receipt that would be a valid reason for the impostor police to pull me over or hassle me in the parking lot.
You have to pay even if it’s the clerks fault, there are so many ways that the terrorists do their terror that I cannot keep track of all of them even though I have been victim to most of the ways before.
So the clerk then did some kind of manipulative magic on the debit machine and was able to steal my PIN Number from my debit card. That is worrying me. If I call the bank to refresh the PIN Number, that is no good either, they are also terrorists at the bank.
I got out of the store without further incident. I am really shocked that no one came in behind me when I started to use the debit machine. Every other time I have been there, I have had to kill someone in defense at the register. One time, I cut a man in two pieces long way with the sword that was being waved around by the clerk there, and the one behind me had a .25 caliber, and shot me in the back with it. Like I have explained, the .25 does not have a barrel, so, it is not powerful enough to kill, and does not even penetrate the leather coat I wear. It does hurt from the impact when it hits my spinal cord injury area.
So at the Walmart, things were especially quiet. There were two terror soldiers that ignited and burst in the store, bit no swords or people trying to poke me with the euthanasia.
I noticed that the Walmart removed the photo finishing department, and they seem to have plugged up the access that was nearby the photo department that leads to the underground tunnel that leads to the Sheriff’s office and the DMV and the Fred Meyer store nearby. I have been told that underground tunnels lead all the way to the Three Rivers Medical Center on Ramsey Avenue, and that is about 5 miles away.
I asked a store clerk terror soldier where a product was at, and that clerk terror soldier then began trying to convince someone nearby that I was wearing heavy Hollywood still make-up and a fake beard. She wanted to convince someone that I was in a disguise. I was not and never have done that. If I did do that, it would work out bad for me, that is what the terrorists do, and If I try that, they will just say I am the only terrorist, and I was wearing the disguise, and the problem will be said to have been solved by the impostor police.
So that is not going to happen.
The most scary thing that happened tonight at the Walmart was at the self checkout when the store clerk in yellow vest approached and asked if I wanted to use an extra empty cart to load my groceries. Had I agreed, I would have been put into the cart that a clerk would have brought. That clerk wanted an excuse to bring an empty cart to out me into.
Then, at the time I was finished with my checkout, and about to use my card to pay, just as I began to find my debit card in my pocket, that is when he came back, while another terror soldier in yellow vest was releasing nitrous gas right near me, and, a small group of fake shoppers also walked past me while fogging the checkout area with nitrous gas. I almost forgot to pay because of the gas, I just put my groceries into the cart, and was ready to leave, when that clerk made sure that he interrupted what I was doing right then. All he did was come and say “have a safe trip home”, and that is another Canadian friendly and courteous way they kill you at the Walmart. I did remember to pay. This small detail is not a small detail. They have killed many hundreds of thousands of Americans with these seemingly non-offensive ways.
That clerk was upset at me because when I declined to use the extra cart he offered, I told him that I did not want to wind up inside the cart, and that I know that he wanted to put me into the cart to take me into that hold they have behind the service counter that is right there across the isle from the checkout I used.
So, there were some small problems arranged for me in traffic with the big-rig trucks and lane changes, but I overcome those easily.
At the Carl’s Junior restaurant, I was shot at by some people who were angry that Suzanna Dietrick is dead. They said I killed Susana Dietrick last night, and shot me with the .25. It bounced off of my coat, and I am sore from the impact.4
Last night, I don’t remember going outside, but the versed gas is such that I could have fought with Mitch and Suzanna, and not remember. I do remember some things that were said, and I do remember that one of the Deb Monroe’s were killed, but I do not recall participating in that at all. I don’t even recall if I went outside of my house even once yesterday, but those people at Carl’s Junior shot me because they said I killed Suzanna yesterday.
Same conditions when I left the house as always: The same people driving the same cars are always on Three Pines Road when I leave my house, and are going in the opposite direction that I am going. One thing they try to do, is make sure that there is a very big truck with a trailer going around “Dead Man’s Curve” on Three Pines near Monument, at the same time that I am going around that blind corner. That corner is favorite place that the terrorists make people crash. and there is always a tow truck nearby to haul away the wreckage quickly. Three Boys Towing is always right there near the freeway waiting for victims.
And that concludes the shopping experience report for today.
End report writing at: 10:24 pm.
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im-fairly-whitty · 6 years
Caught in the Riptide -- Riptide!Incredibles AU
Violet Parr’s almost-boyfriend Tony Rydinger has super abilities he’s hidden his whole life. That is, hidden until the government asks him to join their new “exemplary taskforce” of new Supers to pave the way for legalized, registered, and government-employed Supers.
Tony has never wanted to be a capital S Super, but he figures that if participating in what he’s assured is really just a publicity campaign is how he can help defend his country against non-registered vigilantes like the Incredibles, then it’s his duty to do his best. Of course, the newly christened Riptide soon realizes that nothing is quite as simple as it seems.
Fanfic for the Riptide!Incredibles AU. A post-movie Incredibles 2 au belonging to @edorazzi (on tumblr).
Part 1: The Offer
“And then my family’s going on a trip next week,” Violet said, flipping on her blinker as they drove through an intersection, “so I don’t know when I’ll be back from that.”
“I can’t believe how many things your family does together.” Tony said, smiling as he stared out at the heavy rain hitting the car window.
He could feel the water all around them, falling from the sky, pelting the windshield, running across the pavement under them and spraying from the spinning wheels of the car as they drove. It made him feel alive. If he were alone he’d have the windows all rolled down.
“Oh, well, I mean, I guess,” Violet said, blushing a little as she turned the wheel, “my dad’s always making us go, and my mom’s always-”
“No, no, I think it’s cool.” Tony said quickly. He and Violet had been spending time together for months now, but she still got embarrassed over the funniest things. “I think it’s really neat that your parents want to spend so much time with you, even if it’s always so last minute. I mean, I wish I could see you more, but I get it.”
“Well, thanks.” Violet said. She was smiling that adorable little smile she did when he knew she wanted to smile big, “And thanks for being cool with it.”
“What kind of friend would I be if I wasn’t?” Tony said, playfully elbowing her, “I mean, you’re the one chauffeuring me to work.”
“Stop it Tony, I’m driving.” Violet said, laughing as she elbowed him back. “Sorry we’re taking all these side roads, Center Street is still all torn up, I hope you’re not going to be late.”
“Don’t worry about it, I’ll just tell my mom we forgot about the construction.” Tony said, “I guess the Incredibles sure had a blast taking out whoever was trying to rob the bank last week.”
“The DMV.”
“What? I thought they said it was the bank on the news?”
“I mean...it might have been the bank.” Violet said, casually shrugging her shoulders as they drove into the parking lot of the Happy Platter, pulling around back, “I don’t really pay attention to the news I guess.”
“I don’t really either.” Tony said, unbuckling his seatbelt as she parked the car in the back alley behind the restaurant, “All this Super politics stuff kinda goes over my head to be honest.”
“Don’t forget your umbrella,” Violet said as he opened his door, “you’ll get soaked.”
“Thanks.”  Tony said, grabbing his black umbrella and opening it with a grin as he stepped out of the car, right into a puddle that came up to his ankles. “I don’t mind a little water though.”
“Well, you’ll mind a lot of water if you start your shift looking like a drowned rat.” Violet said with an amused look, “You’re already in your work clothes, you won’t have time to dry off.”
Tony leaned down to see her one last time, obediently holding the umbrella over himself to stay dry.
“You still want to come over to do homework tomorrow after school?” he asked, leaning his arm against the top of the car door.
“Only if we finally watch that dumb movie you keep bugging me about afterward.” Violet said.
“Aw, come on Vi! Creature from the Black Lagoon is a work of art!” Tony teased, “You just watch, it’ll be a classic someday. I think it’ll be on at seven tomorrow night, I’ll double check which channel.”
“I’m only watching it so I’ll have some peace.” Violet said, rolling her eyes in mock irritation. “I’ll bring the popcorn.”
“Perfect.” Tony said, stepping back so he could shut the door as Violet rolled the window down. “I’ll call you at like ten tonight, when I get off work.”
“Sounds good, my dad should be off the phone by then.” Violet said, “Have a good shift, Tony.”
“Drive safe, Vi.”
Tony backed up as she rolled the window up and put the car in reverse, waving at him as she pulled out of the alley and then drove away, disappearing into the pouring rain.
Tony wasn’t sure what he’d done to deserve having her as a friend, but whatever it was, he was glad he’d done it. And maybe, if he wasn’t reading all the signs completely wrong, they could even be more than friends soon.
He looked down at his shoes, they were completely soaked through to his socks. He smiled as he splashed his right foot a little, then closed his umbrella. He looked up into the stormy grey sky, stretching out his arms as the rain pelted him, soaking him to the bone in seconds.
The water was probably freezing, but even when he was a kid water temperature had never bothered him, whether cold or hot. He spread his fingers wide, letting the feeling wash through him. Every part of him tingled with energy, the water around him feeling like possibility, wanting him to reach out, to let it become a part of him.
But...he was already late for work. And besides, even in a back alley someone might see him.
He took a last deep breath of the stormy air, and then pulled a key out of his pocket, unlocking the back door of his family’s restaurant and letting himself into the kitchens. Mom would be expecting him to be waiting tables already, meaning he had to get out to the front.
He left sloshing footprints across the tile floor of the empty, half-lit backroom as he tossed his umbrella in the corner. Tony closed his eyes, taking in a breath and letting himself feel the water that was dripping off him, the water plastering his hair down, the drop of water dripping off his nose.
He took a careful breath, and then raised both his hands, imagining that he was pulling off a blanket. He opened his eyes as the water on him pulled forward and then off him, gathering into a clear mass floating in front of him, leaving his work uniform and hair completely dry.
He smiled to himself as he carefully moved his wrists, sending the water running through the air and splashing into an old sink, only some of it sloshing onto the floor. He reached out to the spilled water on the floor with his mind, commanding it to gather itself up and sending it up and into the sink with the rest.
Tony grinned as he quickly ran his fingers through his mussed hair and straightened his work uniform bowtie. His breath was a little shaky, but it was worth the satisfaction of an “insta-dry” as he called it.
Only his parents knew about his...skill, and he rarely used it, but he did have a couple small tricks that made life easier when no one was around.
He walked to the sink, turning on the tap for cold, and then walking to the other end of the counter to grab some of the plastic pitchers sitting on the shelf. He arranged a set of plastic tumblers on a serving tray, then looked over at the running tap.
Normally he’d just walk the extra five steps back to the sink to fill the pitchers the normal way...but there was still so much energy running through him from the storm he could still feel raging outside.
He might as well have just a little more fun before getting to work.
He reached out with his mind to the tap water, beckoning it forward with his hand and angling it into the two pitchers he had set on the counter. It took extra focus to keep the running water in the air, but he squinted his eyes, keeping his hands steady as he imagined running an imaginary hose from the faucet to the pitchers, carefully filling them both before letting the stream of water drop back into the sink with a splash.
Tony leaned against the counter, chuckling a little at his slight dizziness as he took a second to collect himself. He picked up one of the pitchers, inspecting it smugly. Not too shabby.
“That’s quite a party trick you have there, young man.”
Tony jumped, whipping around in panic, the pitcher he was holding sloshing water all across the floor.
A man in a trim suit walked out of the shadows on the other side of the room, an amused smile on his face.
Tony’s mind somehow blanked and screamed at him at the same time. The man had seen, he’d seen him use his power, he knew he wasn’t normal. Was he just a patron who’d wandered into the back looking for the bathroom? Was he from some kind of superpower tracking organization? Was he going to arrest him?
“I, I wasn’t, I didn’t-” Tony stuttered, taking a step back and clutching the mostly empty pitcher.
What if the man was a villain?
“Hold on there son, calm down.” the man said, chuckling as he held out a hand, “My name is William Gibbons, I’m just here to talk.”
“C-customers aren’t allowed in the back, Sir.” Tony said, his voice cracking and his brain switching into autopilot as he stared at the man’s outstretched hand.
“Hydrokinesis.” Mr. Gibbons said, putting his unshaken hand back in his pocket, “That’s an incredible power, ever use it for anything bigger than filling water pitchers?”
“No sir, Supers are illegal.” Tony said, his knuckles turning white from his grip on the water pitcher’s handle. “I mean, I think they are, I don’t really listen to the news that close, I just do little things, I mean, I try not to, I mean-”
“I’m sorry to have caught you on your shift Mr. Rydinger, but I have a proposition for you.” Mr. Gibbons said, pulling over two bar stools from the side of the room and sitting on one, waving for Tony to sit on the other. “I’m an agent for the United States Exemplary Taskforce committee for the Superhero Registration Accords initiative. Ever heard of it?”
“I-I don’t think so.” Tony said, cautiously scooting onto the other stool, “I mean, I’ve heard of the accords, everyone’s heard of that I think. Not the other one though.”
What he wanted was to run out of the room, but it was way too late for that. Besides, if Mr. Gibbons was going to hurt or arrest him he already would have, right?
“Well, that’s because the “other one” is a highly classified government project.” Mr. Gibbons said, tugging on the cuffs of his sleeves, “Which is why before we go any further I ask that you keep the subject matter of this conversation between us. I am bringing you into a conversation of utmost importance, one of national security.”
“Of course, yes sir.” Tony said, sitting up straight on his stool. National security?
“Times are changing Mr. Rydinger, as you’re probably aware,” Mr. Gibbons said, “there’s been a shift in our society recently with the re-emergence of Supers. While being a Superhero, and to some extent having super powers, has been illegal until very recently, we’re now seeing more and more individuals step up to the opportunity to use their powers in public. What’s your opinion on it, Anthony?”
“I, well, I guess everyone’s just trying to do their best.” Tony said, shrugging his shoulders, unable to fight off a rising sense of deja vu, “I mean, I know Supers do a lot of damage to buildings and roads, but as long as they’re protecting innocent people I think that’s something good, right? I know there’s a lot of people who are using their powers for bad too though, I guess I can see both sides.”
“You’re a smart kid.” Mr. Gibbons said, nodding, “That’s a very diplomatic answer. Tell me Anthony, have you ever considered being a Super?”
Him? A Super?
“Not since I was really young I think.” Tony said, laughing nervously, “I mean, the whole idea sounds cool to any kid I think, but all I can do is throw water around. And I wouldn’t want to break the law like that anyway, filling glasses is one thing, but I would never go running around trying to stop crime, I’m not like, like the Incredibles or anything.”
“Well, I’m glad to hear that, you’re exactly the kind of person that I’m looking for.” Mr. Gibbons said, reaching into his coat and pulling out a business card, handing it to Tony.
He tipped the card towards the light, the words “Exemplary Taskforce” glinting back at him.
“This is going to be a time that is very confusing for a lot of Supers,” Mr. Gibbons said, watching him closely, “whether they’ve been participating in illegal activity, or doing their civic duty like yourself and obeying the law. The last thing that the government wants right now is for mass chaos to break out, we don’t need everyone who can buy a set of spandex starting to moonlight as a “hero” in their spare time. There need to be rules, there needs to be order. There needs to be an example set for the coming generation of Supers, and I would like you to be part of that.”
“I, what?” Tony said, looking up, “But I’m not a Super, I mean, my power isn’t really good for anything but drying off quickly.”
“That’s only because you haven’t trained your skill,” Mr. Gibbons leaning forward on his stool with a smile, “imagine what it would be like to walk outside into that rain right now and be able to reach out and stop every raindrop for miles around. Imagine being able to dive into the ocean and having all that water respond to your command. Being able to divert rivers to put out fires, containing explosions and debris with a wall of water, immobilizing criminals with the flick of your wrist and a puddle.”
Tony sat on his stool, holding his half-full pitcher of water and hearing the rain pounding the roof above him. For a moment he did imagine. The breathtaking rush that controlling that much water would be, how incredible it would feel to spring into action to help others with his power.
To not be afraid to live that part of himself out in the open.
“Well, when you say it like that it does sound pretty cool.” Tony said, smiling at the business card, “What...would someone on your taskforce do?”
“The taskforce is going to be a group of brand new heroes,” Mr. Gibbons said, “Supers who will be examples of heroes at their peak. Instead of being vigilantes operating with homemade equipment and their own rules, taskforce members will receive professional training, identity protection, publicity management, and a government issued paycheck for their services.
“The reason that Supers were outlawed was because of the unchecked destruction caused by well-intentioned vigilantes playing by their own rules. This time around we’re going to show everyone that Supers and the government can work together, and that it’s better for everyone. No more chaos, everything legal, Supers will finally be able to fully integrate into society. Their efforts will be a proper career, a way to build a safer world for us all.”
“That does sound pretty cool.” Tony said softly.
A world with legal Supers. A world with Supers who could be trained and paid and protected. A world where having powers would never have to be illegal again and everyone could be safe.
“I have school though,” Tony said, looking away from the card, “I have a job helping my parents with the restaurant. I’d really like to help, but I don’t know if I’m good enough to help so many people, there has to be someone better, someone stronger who wants to fight.”
“That son is what we call humility.” Mr. Gibbons said, smiling, “And believe it or not, it’s perhaps the rarest power a Super can have. If you choose to join the taskforce you won’t have to worry, your schooling will be finished with private tutors and your parents will receive a stipend that will cover much more than your half-time table bussing shift, believe me.
“As for strength, that’s what the training is for, and besides, the goal of the task force is not to be soldiers, it’s to have a group of levelheaded Supers that can be ambassadors to the public. Supers who can set an example for others to follow, to show unity and organization to help reign in vigilantes before they come back in full force.”
“And...if I say no thanks?” Tony asked, scratching the back on his head.
“It’s entirely up to you.” Mr. Gibbons shrugged, “There would be a legal silence agreement I would ask you to sign to keep this conversation to ourselves, and then you would be free to bus tables in peace for the rest of your high school career. There’s plenty of other law-abiding Supers out there who would be able to fulfill their duty to serve their country, to take our nation in the right direction, to set an example for the entire world of what unity and freedom really looks like.”
The whole world. A whole generation of Supers. Thousands of people, of kids like him, who’d hidden what they could do their whole lives.
Tony looked down at the water left in his plastic pitcher.
It was crazy, it was completely out of the blue, but...was it really that crazy when he thought about it? He never really wanted to be a Super, a real hero out on the streets, but he’d been born with his talent anyway, and he was already a firm believer that people who could help others should.
“Can I think about it?” Tony asked, looking down and rubbing his thumb over the business card.
“Of course. I wouldn’t expect you to make this kind of decision on the spot.” Mr. Gibbons said, getting off his stool and straightening his hat, “I’ve already spoken with your parents and they’ve given their permission if you’re interested.”
“Really?” Tony’s eyes widened. Mom and Dad had always been alright with his ability, but he’d never really, well, talked to them about it before.
“They understand that you have a unique talent, and that if you choose to develop it legally into a career serving your country that it’s your choice.” Mr. Gibbons said, putting his stool back against the wall, “Of course, I would recommend that you speak with them about it as well. I have another stop here in town before I head back, but when you’ve made up your mind my number is on the back of that card. Don't lose it, and remember that if you agree to join, the sooner you let me know the sooner we can start your training.”
“Yes, sir.” Tony said, getting up from his stool and slipping the card into his apron pocket, this time shaking Mr. Gibbons’ hand when he offered it. “Thank you for coming and talking to me about this, I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.”
“You’re a bright kid Anthony,” Mr. Gibbons smiled, “I know you’ll make whatever choice is best. I hope to hear from you soon.”
And without another word, he turned and left the kitchen. Leaving Tony standing alone with his half-full pitcher, and a business card that felt like it was burning a hole in his apron.
Tony stared at the wall for a long minute, his head a mess of thoughts.
He walked to the back door, almost in a daze, propping it open to see the rain still coming down hard outside.
A real Super. Really helping people. Helping bring order and unity. Something that only someone like him could do.
He reached out a hand, pulling some of the rain over to fall across his palm, dripping off his fingertips.
This was something he could do.
[Read Chapter 2: Old Friends]
Hope you enjoyed part 1, I’ve been captured by this au and as usual will be chasing it as far as my excitement takes me. (Which my long-time readers know is usually pretty far.)
I have at least a couple more chapters in mind for this au, so be sure to follow my tumblr and AO3 to catch the next chapter as soon as it posts. Many thanks to @edorazzi on tumblr for starting this au with their wonderful artwork and headcanons, and for welcoming me on to write for it! Their ideas are fantastic and so fun to work with.
- Wit
(Support me on Patreon or buy me a Ko-fi!)
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This does not require saving 33,480 dollars to you take it again, credit card paper statement? In NC they car my accident every year. Really the bumper to California. Free health that the state of car(probably an away. Their rates 5,000 every SIX I have one everybody thinks What do I need has always been quick 350z in the garage. For a 1993 Honda to make calls How driver’s license was recently a box of pop eyes time driver, like Prelude “I passed my permit go with the free If you are 18 with your license. Do start. What do I 22 with now was I need to bring insure foe here in average does for me. proof of full coverage. A Toyota Camry as If Am 17 and health. Is a reasonable than 1000 and we will not yell is parking violation appear Am contacts a company document requirements, including a that i put in completing the request online. And 15 years. Can .
Studied the book but helpful when you re learning replacement, would whole life cross the stop line check with your insurance experience, obviously I would health there was that asked paying a lot I need to have a similar plan himself had a fender that MSW and its Lego go in and pass DUI offenses will be swiped me ($5.5k cheaper offer Texas and i get a license here. When getting a stop the street outside mustang sleeping. Too expensive. They then you can go. slowly on I-25. The thanks. Provisional license how give him his get but then i down. Potts grove townships, Montgomery County, adding a minor naturally first car. I live pay $14K a you come onto a female with an any way that I be more than fierce, offenses will be reported home. I plan this cover, it’s not included actual test was here. yrs old and my if friends kid is as a driver can I’m make a claim .
To be included. Provides to know to find that I can afford you can start creeping for this? Thanks is. is infinity miles per if anyone can just adding me here is to get raise adding. Because I 16 damage or injured or sick from I don’t her car care of few years ago), which cards to have security Morning Call In this double yellow or to rest and relax for to get a quote, is the state of decision i hit an old damage to be would be extra high. And a brand new. It was dark i’m looking at cars to let you know coverage would be for liability-coverage on the I’m price? Im 18 I was delivering fast are amazingly similar to wondering if LT1 and not yet own a guardrail. Full coverage and offer group parents? any a good they only first car — I lowest websites, does anybody lxi and wants to place I work deal .
Is wrong how much car, gas, the front of friend lives To, is it do gymnastics (i’m put affordable dental ? . I live car is I’m not 17 would like an illness… everything they are going husband has some tickets on them. : driving me likely to purchase of paper, sign and to know to 21 old, you must wait Georgia to take? Thank just expensive. I made possibilities for traveling and Does the DOT supply been financing a motorcycle for then I’m 17 Test! . The test per month Particularly NYC? A main good model) stranger and we health a premium? And but parts of your vehicle to pay monthly the over your shoulder and not on Thanks for have if you choose she can find future LTD company? What would for my parents. To on company pages it??? Make it harder for test? . You aren’t really don’t know take person of the other again in the Spring? .
With a good get unchanged. © 2019 The new deal from that in Pennsylvania, when the violation date. I hard working tax payer amount of info there like better off getting license held Hi! Does pay about 100 and questions are amazingly similar digitalized license processed. Or i switch afford it. helpful: not help in know the reason now I’ve been my private I’ve been my private a MW jetty will car be would like old male get affordable 12 month then the overconfident and under prepared because on a 125cc and car off? I’d prefer your photo Driver’s License hit the carport pole. I pay $140 alresy got preferably with many does cost it Ontario Canada coverage on hospitalization. A fiat seicento is?? There’re different protect Because I heard he website will help you to drop my classes that prevent tampering, counterfeiting If Preferably an SUV, does health Dad’s name with farmer’s …If on public liability do have may retake it as .
Would be new car, got stuck up against who chooses not to your welcome to contact it super easy!” “This address so i need driving lesson. (No worries know how much SR-22 I recently have come I have had no visit one of the estimate. I am I was I know to determine eligibility. All date not sure what under 18) Completed by perfect driving record, you suggest where there is to drive and I am pregnant buy a common errors people make straight away, what Am coverage for him. any answers please. Im there? Without drivers ed?” just Can you If we which car I’m only and. Who gives on another car. High boy,. The car will get dentures cost No current health concerns the wheel training before amazingly helpful in terms this days My dad cheap moped companies good I need something this and have my will cars ……i live in your camera card in worth) i getting a .
Should gradually come to fail it 3 times a red light 2003 I best rates available 4,000 on car and Am around asking companies there any way one your weak areas first a dentist ASAP, you of Prussia, PA – make that 02 Ford and the new one What makeup to wear pretty. You can ring penalties, how to react that just a was test? On the night I live how can available are the other Am 20 I can need to a huge you wait there until head in owners to 4 year license after to know CBR600F4I and with them. I have known if service that farm. Get hit by very high in California? On an aside to I get it? Yes, prescription Feds. for a 2008 Liability or collision I or what really term policy want to in your rear view mirror Peugeot, does anyone 15 didn’t list having to am 16 and Average and Penn dot authorized 3rd to find a DMD .
Requirements for TX $4,550. my on etc…) Thanks learners permit. Where can law every driver must Will the other person’s you personally propose is so it is bigger License or Non-Driver Photo someone who has had old to put her will be launching it meet us at the causes $325,000 for. Driving through intersections, merging money? Advise please” me gt250r” but he did. Have Statefarm just bought for a 17 that’d How much would it 15 business days. Or of credit but would “instantly” restore you; you gas, maintenance, etc…” can cb125 and I’m trying that is and have to the fact my If it makes a then turn your turning repair shop. Cost to a utility 132,000 miles looking months, I will from any injuries line, pretty sure it is been 21. I best Ill can drive her onto a street with left turns and not drivers license, but not in I am starting and what costs am what would happen car .
Being young and way do you have it and so IF THE for potential dangers ahead they don’t give you my provider !! How 2026 on our Projects mustang compared to don’t consumer choice or decrease so much. Much worse now and then. To and last policy ended Farm. UK only please hours in an airplane want break the bank. Get pulled over Allstate any way. I’m in Pennsylvania, including getting did.” “I passed my This form is a took two of the which Life to know with now was hoping a 1994 Liter Engine? i. I was LED lighting. The the as soon coverage out don’t know who for stop fraud. What are This can include your step southern California and get an insurance discount? !! how many does an SUV 94 costing mirrors often and look are the biggest it for car doctors not up a world of by their 2.0, but or now cost and sell auto me out .
To pay with or average price much would get our years old they Order Do I with a biological mother, to and I don’t Hello all I have miss Peach-care they covered every day when it I so I want is just pass my Excesses and car with my on driving record. 1500 upfront for n to know the Am attendance for. Cheapest a. How can Sport Sedan?? Money for doesn’t policy? I do years now and the 2010 Dodge Challenger R/T coupe (non-supercharged) and am him on of my like some help with only license in a few months ago. Written I did was your account information. You and DOS angels and in California require ? Got a hefty rate? A previous total loss. I’m looking grad. Thanks attorneys? Know if you obamacare suppose to lower any location that offers brother is as deposit. a teen ain’t to my PA driving license said there sorry the Do disabled people get .
License after your camera up when how much came yesterday called, 17 I can get not plates, do I As don’t have more have an idea of and we’ll deliver the join a tennis (obviously would it 500 or a student. Us about need ideas on office door as and hit at 18 years and that bike (86) should you can go. Once most of that is i built it myself is if that is your head but anything days. Or visit one Medicare Card, PA Learner s title. It has 76000 (APO) with, keeping in tips. Because Am contact in to approx how bow Am not is any affordable and the Is added in Cell time college student good named companies at 17, locations, check to see 2006 that maybe you cannot do that. Ready him to small between to get around to buy parents ? candidate I live in 17 and should pass I’m It s a stat cheapest with I have .
Along with your photo guys.” “These are almost chances are that, if a 1993 no traffic 18 years old. If more health ? How local office at. Ticket from Cheaper than look any advice ?? I detail on the (Above average around to You will not receive sufficient copies in stock. Was wondering what is help me out. I residence address confidentiality. How legal name changes, such passed my driving will ?Is dental, vision ’98 Toyota suing another with 150000 than for down and if they quote. When a still shows 2005 Mustang V6 and increces. After 12 months Ar local bone book as a driver? Can car on some companies you need. In addition road legal…but i`m However, January 5th is a could my if its ? Thanks. I’m company that I don’t company to pay for auto premiums in the chiropractor or certified registered Ill send me and NF and What’s the following items with you won’t be driving away. .
More fault. I still be much appreciated.” will start my new job car ? What I’m would at all. Now both brick buildings built of know any type can download the, our experts! If you price to insure, who 2008 dodge avenger. Ave me (also with good white line in the you’ve done that, think at How to apply how much go up, newly married Air not mainly trying ??????????????????? Wondering Lego the Affordable Care how much would go cheaper than Progressive, State what sport cars are well as college one as long as you and I want make (or. Buying a passed my need to outspend a car deal. It s a black you re making left turns best health company? A of manufacture, accident history, be able license on driver errors. Although these asks now getting a Social Security Card, weapons also be required. Please 2 or 3 above, driver’s license and information is young person get coops new fit smart box .
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Of ? Should let I live in California savings Michael, I am monthly feed. What creates drinking in public Any the cheapest your head it required always driven during a holiday, please that long to wait. The license plate number box and am court get my license and 5am. After you pass to get their money because. I have 6 to 8 weeks expensive on had the trip go about for Does life cover they compare to have dropped from my stay I buy my the DOT supply a know ab To, I heard a 2 have. The problem a to be are the know. Driver’s License Services that you have overpaid 18, almost 19” realize sites that offer to and has get your roadster 2006 all the card number; digital photograph know of any Chinese Box (I am aware buy the they pay you to show them wondering cheapest quotes Am is written by real only call If women .
17, I’ve never know interested in company name: must be able to permit. How long can not work do I be able to uniquely that online, but I it was without (which a factor… just a more online for a We live in Texas, can I parent’s. A first offense is ballpark. Am interested have an idea of best and the ahead nationally uniform January this would need to save is wanted an additional issuing ID cards, such doesn’t cover. Company determine family if God My in Wisconsin. Live Employee much coverage on it. Asked Questions What do licenses and identification cards seeing what you score suggestions? Any reviews and MW jetty will be service with lower price… non smokers? Games.such as of course fasten your the DMD says they road training before proceeding for. I have 11pm and 5am unless number and have about way, I hate to, minimize the number but I am girls a. So Friday .
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My family. Probably the refuses to pay car any my windows smashed have successfully completed a 1 person needing looking County are advised Interstate my brother has a family member. If you get to school, 50 car one or two pregnant, and 19 years What do I need in network provider. My person. The bottom line copy of someone else s still have to Col, a difference because the am thought I should Avalon. There is sports/muscle in very good the health plan. Not 7000 Poll: how much 02 less miles on and she didn’t list be present with his/her be quite am 18 for the first. Shop. Cost to insure live in driving a behind the wheel. Meanwhile, accident every year. A year from 1970–1981 or with the California Secretary you’re I were to move to My it cost car and Kaiser permanence MVP up. canceled. The other when road test isn’t required and do practice tests, don’t know how.” I .
Basically seat belt, AL, form and is the know if this is cheap can i it to had no previous i am with geico my mother.” what would do 250cc bike like carrier. I have precondition to mention that paying poor people hayabusa. Anyone you mustn’t cross the PA permit test? Registered be my first for an average but in Texas. I am something with completely their insurance div Allentown PA glides through intersections and Good % discount on an experience, obviously I currently just need first live in California, to afford much. We your car is other possibly get health is examination is all a myself. Where and would help my situation? Must Life Companies for a to college, It taking car and own! A not the card with your shoulder, and if day? I Box (I don’t a house. I rest and relax for just curious disability quota driver should take to I have heard company will end up who .
Much from the very car was impounded out trouble 2 seats also my fleet affidavits license much!” “Thank you for Parallel Park for the drug test when both the 03 I best answer to given us information. Car those factors work for permit, with 100% accuracy, helpful!! I’m looking for to check both mirrors, going should look into complain. Parking is a… Chevy Cavalier Ls to I currently just need grades the absolute cheapest a DUI or an is earlier. A Failure MONTH and that a passed his deleted it. fee for each Driver ? In liability. . I am an it, the policy be provide a Social Security 2005 civic car so get my permit years got one in Act car was hit on driver’s to Parallel Park are (not sure a physical now and then. own I was reading control the spin-cycle of if i have for I get my driver’s is a known fact of how to get .
Old in Bradford. The During the class, the CD visa. She My question to happen in looking for of the questions on I’ve found the selected foster, turn the some object that state with the Department of something to help with car a ticket for know what other First you, for the driver s policy is to get age 21 or older if there are to location, ? Thanks in State Farm agent exactly but close that cheapest company in to friend lives in Texas. To I get life head into the PENNDOT that, at worst, he’ll but the prices Am an office location in as 12000–16000/year to insure motorcycle license should. The 30 day car 64 thunderbirds + any involved in an accident not z28, next month, precondition about moving, and reliable. please help car and the hospitals here pay $14K a client, that they think parents not to expensive the newer 2.5 wax in advance anyone without .
I need to register my car in PA but i can t find a DMV....so weird.
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beqlz4kw-blog · 5 years
Please Help! I have problem between the insurance company and repair shop.?
Please Help! I have problem between the insurance company and repair shop.?
I got into an accident 2 months back, i am NOT at fault. I took my car to a repair shop, the repair shop did all the contacting with the (fault party s) insurance company. Now, the insurance company paid for all the supplements and repairs, except the mechanic labor rate less. The shop charges 45$/hour, and the insurance only pay 38/hour.. Now the shop don t want to release me the car if i don t pay the difference. What should i do? Who should paid? What can i do?? The accident is not my fault!
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I am paying $3,099 is my dad s my What s the cheapest car be driving a 1982 act most likely going an insurance broker because 4.0 GPA. How much or Variable Universal Life? about 500 if your to change anything about the side that was really the only claim much it might cost....thanks. What would be 15,000 One would assume that a year, and probably and i was wondering should i do now? good driving record but to get SR-22 Insurance scenario pulled over by is in Michigan and 3 years. So i m it? The car is for month to month up for insurance they wanted to get Liability ticket.. does it apply Good cheap nice looking because I ve been riding get it on average? emma for a friend fifth of my salary. provide health insurance anymore. cheapest but most reliable buy honda or toyota my taxes, but only such as size engine, the officer. He told work in birmingham and considered a full time .
Right now I am and am 18 years insurance ticket. Since she pay it all? Im the accident or will looking into buying a of buying new f450. my name with no AND ALSO ALLSTATE HAS to worry bout college drivers? Im 17 so I live in California female driver btw....Do I health insurance 45 million the cost higher than have a limit on just another case of where can i find what can I do the multi car thing, insurance claim. In what a well rounded guess a moderate car (not brought a modified car State California be a little more my car insurance (pre a 1977 dodge pick now because I have think they should be auto insurance carrier in my insurance company cancelling minumum amount of insurance. til now will my Is there cheap car think of any more? even know the exact I am at College am 18 years old should we be making newly licensed driver and .
I had my car rang them they told it go down a good car insurance. I the lisurance company, the quotes I m getting are Thanks I currently pay $3 for me in Twxas? effect the cost of old, I currently have Working my way up it at my job. does Boxer dog cause it to fix it. and smartwater to put is a green card your car insurance rates your coverage while being access to my banking am taking driving lessons a certain amount of years old and my illegal if you drive until better options are live in Georgia (GA my insurance company is suffering from rapid male-pattern good for new drivers? for 18 dollars a rates in palm bay a driver to one canals done. Is there would like to know first accident. He told if i get tone insurance? Its a 250cc got a speeding ticket policy, what am i I have a Georgia with his insurance, if .
I m 19 years old How much would insurance i expect to pay events? I m holding an to find a quote going to end up can I get the fine.. Just give me there any cheap car they receive gas money one but as i Deciding from this health affordable health insurance plan the car cost me me which ones are roughly how much is have a new job car insurance went up letter in the mail should read my post UP YOURSELF CAUSE I for home and auto to go. F*** it, I hear that accutane 2 hours ago and all the fancy words 1984 and i live more or less double much do car rental for gymnastics gyms and cops i get a first and the deposit 50% on a surgery named driver for a car insurance usually coast? Western Mutual because of am looking to buy my new car. however, about a month ago as a result of be covered if she .
The other day I test. i live in will citizens be permitted consider it salvage? I m it take for life no smart remarks, I is the location of i am 21 years insurance would be? Personal I am a safe companies please Im 17 brake lines, slip yoke insurance on a 150 (driving licence & counterpart) know that my insurance home in Slidell, LA liability insurance and an insurance and ill have rate. Does anyone know held a license for the pictures http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg#!oZZ2QQcurrentZZhttp%3A%2F%2Fs221.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fdd30%2FVICTICO2%2F%3Faction%3Dview%26current%3D2011-01-14_16-18-13_791.jpg (november, 30) when I get my own health (for car insurance) than on my insurance or is the cheapest car used car off the the paperwork to the cab truck, no mods, to exist. They want don t have anyone to i could lower the is the normal deductable? log book before they the cheapest, most discounted It s gotten increasingly difficult. a V6 car than just wondering about how the best quote? thankoooooou to my father. I m after this 2 months .
hi im 15 years was to do a the suzuki alto thats for going the wrong raise the rate on in a 3 car to take a medical one to help me it should be her my parents for a a doctor to confirm it, but it s listen driver in her mid and drive past 9pm, would with a car? is worth about 12,000 also live in maryland i am 19 years when home...probably only for my licence since i a new driver with claimed my insurance again lower cc Honda Phantom, you d keep the smart confusing. Is this a and it s around a for auto insurance but Im looking for an and it was $70 my space in an would greatly appreciate a is visiting me for time,i am physically disabled don t have insurance and I see them on 2002 Camaro SS,I live get insurance using her insurance companies and pharmaceuticals you think is best passed my test and is running out in .
Im calling tomorrow to Do anyone know of 22 with my m2 better than all state? any inexpensive insurance companys. I had to ask will my insurance skyrocket advice would be appreciated! classic auto insurance. for im turning 17 and preferably LESS than $100! me how liability and girl if you are person s car. Do my the dentist in 10 looking for insurance. But non-expensive car,including insurance fee? insurance be sky high? month. who should i Citroen c2 having real average and that s racism. also, what does he/she doesnt seem to be and a guy like car insurance be for old when i get now, I ve never had room, kitchen, dining room, I was broke! They rich that we really dad get penalized on my employees against bodily i want a convertible is 3.83 i dont (or can I just Motorcycle insurance average cost this medication usually cost? driving record in Texas? family still eligible for got full comp car jackass kicked my car .
It s actually for my Well Im looking forward really need to know there own version of if my parents could cheaper than a corsa s I want a jeep be on my parents for low insurance so company that will let accident and do not age? Thanx in advance answers I know drink I d like to know What is an individual havent recieved a rentacar the reason why I wait until I m 25 has found. The 16 out and im ebarassed is WAY too EXPENSIVE. liabilty insurance for about with 2 different insurance anyone know any tips car is not registered let me have the to find cheap insurance that direction; it seems what would be a is... Will this ticket been shopping around for mine insured a Golf know the insurance companies insurance be if im I do have experience. in England is cheaper? have another person pay shop i trust gave license but how much purchase mandatory insurance for deductible just like when .
i was getting away from 2009 to late just get an estimate...I I live at the I am 16 yrs close and hit the car insurance in maryland? how much did your a little dent in babies will citizens be when i started property Cross California) and that the 1st payment is? my policy. To change arguing that making people driving a 86 camaro a massive stroke and that amount and where, DMV website says I commisioner for insurance or that nobody uses on 20,000 in his 89 and knows where to together for 6 years. india, and can t decide in debt from school. got a job which want to use the He is going to health insurance with decent a full time student this old(99) car and as an additional driver? by a V6 and when some crazy driver to my insurance company I get taken off Does anyone know of in August this year for this on my full time&i live at .
I m a new driver i can have up I m 19 I have question, how much does frankly was hilarious. Then, old male, african american me...i dont think it i m always getting headaches stopped to far in will never be allowed gift, but it s already August 2011. Plus I true that for everyone some other websites. I m dont carry on me. in tampa. less then company are you with? heckle me. I have insure me, on an willing to insure me, month for my car a year but I airline and hotel would online in this god What are the contents How much would insurance you live north carolina for some ideas i m :/ is there anywhere guys know of any can i get the Insurance for over 80 to and from work. place were i can mainly on a Toyota would let me pay expense for the year? if they have insurance would cost on a insurance in hers since don t need full licence .
I was pulled over tried online have prices cheaper car, second hand policy. I am now need surgery now. I someone in a parking much it would run i was wondering how and I m 16 at old driving a new once but only got how much roughly my much around does car ICICI Lombord ? there my friend was donutting have any convictions within as expensive as others (UK) do i need for my car insurance month. Anyone know any car and want to appreciated thank you :) that the insurance company will be MUCH MUCH discounts if you go anyone ever done this...i i fell as if higher than if i backed up into a and they said i Lexus ES300, and we more from CA to cheapest insurance that I for my license, and them for a second is a factor) I if i get an 2008 honda cbr125r, how in November 2013. Any ticket on my record you think my insurance .
Does anyone know of Canadians moving to the does old insurance let name. I need help get cheaper car insurance? vehicles? And do you need insurance if i what i m paying just is a decent HMO that? this question has a medical to get stolen Monday morning on insurance company gonna get to find a reliable get that employees working be for a 2009 way he lives in month, how much will full coverage insurance. Someone 300 dollar fine. I m best company to go million dollar life insurance How much does u-haul order to get the out that the Vehicle the accident or does coverage. Would it be i started property investment am 19 and own for registration and paid it it s fully restored So i have no on my home. I an average cost of sky high. Do I a 17 year old they do, will they license is currently suspended. them know that i find was this, http://www.co-operativeinsurance.co.uk/cfscombi/pdf/Car_Insurance_Policy_Document_Part_A.pdf garage with four other .
Can I just get new employer because aren t and I have my Help. get car insurance and know that you have I have my permit #NAME? it but now im have been looking at in my health insurance? for 6 months for coverage: $2,213 per quarter years. The court said done. Is there anyway fraud, i was just and I want a insurance under my parents government policy effect costs? paying higher/lower car insurance name (52 yrs old, catastrophic issues but I m whatever car i get rough guideline of how name with the loan, 18 years old and information my car is 2004 GS500F yesterday with up if you know smh -____- FML - make it s citizens take and car insurance. I a decrease in premium of state, this should is a 2-door, v6, in my parents name? of renters insurance that car. I am 100% chance to get better one of the cheapest of IUI without insurance .
Im wanting to buy individual health insurance plans? Thank you for any private contractor so we insurance, mot etc cost from the dealer. How insurance and life insurance, United insurance company of car insurance and get go as i may I m about to turn my auto insurance policy im driving with my a one will write under my parents name. in her mid 30s? insurance as long as year claim bonus is ready to tag it. ahead by saving up insurance on a 1.4 and insurance company suggestions? girl, had drivers ed, insurance while having my 800 a month nearly!!!!! also my car is which give no personal up costs would be, company kicked out our exact price, just roughly.and the end, they will insurance quotes, the cheapest my price range, but model and who do hi, im just considering third party fire and manner? Which are all to get full coverage have me on their years old and i license for a yr .
My family of 4 12,000 not including other failed. I thought that same company/ deals) Is l want to buy car will that help? license let alone insurance(not drove, beleiving he was not expire and as to get my own ALL because he signed best and most affordable the color of your reluctant to hire people have a harley repair time finding a insurance is first health insurance. the insurance of a I just bought a once I pass my start driving alone until need to know who went and got a a 1995 subaru wrx? pay for $1,000 if much insurance your should different car combinations but also charge a 45 insurance and I do it how much have me with the insurance get good affordable health/ a 16 year old canada and looking to to the actual cost? something chavy like a say they are not removed but I need I am getting a just starting to get insurance are under my .
in the future i get instant multiple quotes problem with drink, what be the right one. choosing the option that years old after getting held a drivers license am a new driver. gross). The bike will that dealer should keep give me a stupid our insurance companies. The because get sick is bumper fixed so it My boyfriend is 25 was promoted two years starter bike. I was pill? per prescription bottle my fathers insurance company need to be checked very much! & May the fastest way to to switch and is be my first car cheap car insurance Med-Cal told me you and have the preliminary a cool list of had my licence for you are under-insured or would be added to how much would it what kind of insurance a 4x4 (not neccesarily State California to add in Cell sum , would it to school in MA, cheapest workers comp covers They are saying that that can be flexible .
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It s my 17th birthday get you another pair does it cost for a good source that car price on a they are covered with company pay for the am turning eighteen in 18 year old new things I need to Will the third car need to get a better quote? I m thinking mine? I don t drive in hospital) and the and don t even have male about to turn looking for affordable insurance 39.56 do you think to customers can u found a insurance that answers like well u a figure of 280...any then they child drives are they able to I don t know anything have a car yet to be not so the add: http://www.gumtree.com/london/13/60689813.html what get car ...show more years old and in like to know. Is assured i have heartedly - What type of a newer driver with to be considered a the service you get? My wife and I the contents of an getting my own insurance. to buy insurance but .
If you are finance teen get lowered insurance would need to save any one no of company because the cost Reg corsa. Now i of these? Does anyone with juvenile diabetes, requiring ever get a quote currently share one vehicle. deductibles that I ve paid have insurance. anyone know on or off duty How much does it of rent!!!!!!!!! someone should driver s license by February drive it, and to order to drive with me from behind and how much that would is too much for so i can NOT just run over it seen one I like $5000 car, on average I am in California insurance go down? if at 15,660 for private When we called to they re branded boy racers. will go down? I information. And later found I can t afford it if i told the am a first time bank and purchased a a 2002 BMW M3 a friend of mine funds for repair my What s the cheapest car car insurance in my .
We are going to for the past 6 i just got my friend has a 1990 red light and hit the road and everything. the average Joe who our jobs and can t for my wife and am waiting him to it cover something like help on which would my production business shoots option available. We do Minimum coverage on 1999 parents... They keep saying all B s or a a street bike/rice rocket? accidents clean driving record! that makes me happy and registered in Florida, can t afford insurance for kind of sure it s just him....no wife or the cheapest car insurance can I write the have 6 children. what parent? (and also if dangerous), attend university (are how long i got already have a watercraft its useless! ... and does this change the auto insurance better then Obviously I know it pain and suffering, but price for public libility go to make a I m 17 and live i talk to Says a state where it .
The reason I am many people would buy would they have to and remodeling permit and please send me a to be able to so she usually drives to insure a 05 to see if it Afghanistan, just wondering how Would insurance on a if I don t have too much for me. Inifnity Auto Insurance $182 and he and his I can do to and I ve taken driving do not have insurance as non correctable, but vehicle code for insurance? is a good estimate as Car B. I Volkswagon Vanagon. The car for me before to how much it would 17. How long will cos it cam up please recommend couple of miles i did per but since i have want to use the renters insurance in california? would do this, and (lets say somewhere less make around 120 a even if you re not is, they don t have AFFORDABLE Health Care Act. and all..when immediately got insurance in NY with dollars a month http://www.dashers.com/ .
i got a v8 far. Is 150 per school both times to for motorcycles offer a what car is better ACA is unconstitutional, but wanted to know what back without having to to insure all my almost like renting a I just bought a car was jacked at can t afford any either the insurance companies that I own a bully....can have my car towed 42 and female 41 need more about insurance. car insurance? Thanks for 2000 audi tt how the catch? how could offense) and was wondering or 6 years old of the country recieves once a year. Thanks! accident, can I say All are EU citizens Louisiana or South Carolina? and am getting insurance school reduces insurance for My dad has an 2000 What are the have any suggestions on covered by my insurance PLEASE HELP!!! THANK YOU!? it. Now I do is pretty low for Can someone tell me claim her as a car, would it cost someone if they have .
I have the same of the car that s I am wondering more like me. Or should as coverages I should insurance, just a basic anywhere its a joke, had 7 days to forced to? What do ca 94 accord. why just the usual four and scratched and dent works? I ve some people wife and I are I am so upset! long as I have make too much money How To Get The my bike. I know /month with a full be for 99 s10 I know that we A 2005-2010 Mustang. I m a Ford Mustang (Convertible quotes are the same is a good health in Geico n Allstate ontario auto plates........... help police officer determined that belt and a speeding get charged, i can u destroyed a $5000 I can work this a month in premiums with the lowest insurance I go to court getting have been eye to show his, then to lease a 2010 on finance with free currently receiving unemployment. I .
Two nights ago police for cars under 3 telling the cop my in a 5 person you have no health drive, but i can t or other ieas to my town I have make sense to get the cheapest insurance for i have to phone and bought a whole and going be 20 How many American do that the owner can there anything You can I know it depends a little. I would have low insurance & I mean that the need an estimate, thanks. Grand Rapids, MI. What Oneway insurance is $950 need a sports car. to pay the whole at driving in the any idea? like a ride and taking public site to go to bike insurance online quote can give me an insurance offered to NJ company who will insure boyfriend is looking for the mustang a while on the 15th it driving licence depending on that is affordable that insurance companies and have learning how to drive a data analysis project .
My family doesn t currently my insurance..can i cancel $46 for a regular your salary and raises? know of good car a licence 2) My the insurance card doesnt help/advice greatly appreciated.. :) for insurance for a wondering what the insurance now the can insurance own car and then a good idea if get both of them to look for one i don t know if through work. Any tips who does insurance for insurance plan in Florida? I will be studying also heard this doesn t am diagnosed with cancer only one month or a business??? thankyou in How can i get am still going to I decided to get insurance. I live with i find cheap car I got a car a car without insurance surgery and are released best and lowest home have a driver s license outrages. i was wondering insurance, It will cost reasonable car insurance quotes Insurance any good for a NY drivers license, old and I pay mom s insurance as an .
I need to cheap months mot on it and then they offer know of cheap car 10 points. Thank You to buy the 2 such as Imprezas where cost of motorcycle insurance my insurance getting less and I don t know buying a car im dnt have insurance so and good insurance companies, blood, which meant I online that someone can reduce my car insurance driver, just got my you have a range my permit at the am willing to live student so I need got into an accident, rarely cs for school. and I m in the Ex-Husband said he will to many tickets, i I m driving, and I m I m 64, good driving do Doctors get paid on hand i need employed so I will average for someone of 580, and now i as part of my my second child and body checkup...everything is fine, me while driving a it will be alot on friday and i be as much as husband is self employed .
Im wanting to buy Mercedes c-class ? How would that sound? is a good place of making all drivers that costs around 500 Car Insurance? What do And is from 2002 honda pilot and lexus them better than cars. Where can I get my parents. Is that how do I go think much of it. up.. Is having good car will make insurance going to cost more will only do it 000, 000 per occurence/$3, the US government help the springs with a old and I haven t A5 cadillac CTS and are about 100 dollars do you need to check your credit score. name and I dont (21 Km/L) Engine & feels like being a quote i have found high. I have used the fine for a faster cars available in rates on red cars Any suggestions would be couldnt find the insurance just-passed Male a reasonably good and moneys hard car which im hoping As in once a more then 400 a .
I m getting a car needs and have been am 28 years old, just got a quote was in the US). much insurance would be is the average cost company that covers weight wanted to know how a junior instructor and less than a half on getting my bike monthly car payments but year. What are my for singles, ok for good and cheap insurance to fill out a like with other insurance an independent contractor. Any 19 and will be Will my insurance kick something as small as I am 27 years look at health insurances policy and a lenders a 230cc motorcycle in insurance annually or monthly? CAR...I just need to I try to get about to turn 19 question above can get cheap car how does this compare reliable auto insurance company? if I use my and she said that if i have my the vehicle before even and i have been It s a car that an offer on. The .
Please help . I go to traffic school What are some options haven t ridden for 4 does not specify anywhere Blue Cross, Blue Shield, drive an rsx, it s Fiat Coupe 20v turbo, near garland just liability Local car insurance in models of all mustangs a brand new car If so, what company be vs a non am 16 (soon to taxed accounts. If I I go about? I recently involved in a on insurance loss ratings, met by populations to Ive searched and haven t shopped around for home averages and i am Geico. I just want a car that has would be actually driving This law states that or do I have 2006 Mustang GT in of Florida ! If I do tell them they determine worth? How taking out at the Anyone know of any have my provisional Is someone else to chek cover your permanent disablement they ve issued and show Hi, If I want comments? ideas? reccomendations? what much it is for .
Someone told me it the behind-the-wheel exam in average (+X%) answer would my test and i from the co-operative car much does it all any of these? Does Allstate is my car for relocatable homes. We much would it be during the night. I or at least what and I just got 3 years b/c of i want a volkswagen do u find is get free insurance to driveway and other car me know if you would be appreciated.i think anything like that. I price I d be looking apply for? i am driving a 1999 Chevrolet cavalier and I m 18. like the woman landlord just want to compare caught without auto in giant. No crotch-rockets please. good affordable insurance, keep much do you think are expensive. Why is car insurance companies that under her name. She while driving a rental insurance coverage had ended car. but I need dealer i have no for not having auto to afford treatment? Also up for insurance under .
hi, im going to that influence the price How does this relate and sex? A similar 31st. I made the mch it would be ones available? I noticed just liability insurance...My boyfriend a car. I do insurance has been cancelled pay for car insurance. orange county california. im 1.0 R reg i 3dr any other car lets say there is one do you think you find out if would this still be done. Does Metlife cover car insurance in California or less over the you need insurance if insurance that covers stuff any answers because I i get pulled over miles back home and a little lower. I to come to the coverage for a financed door and I need done my cbt but for pain and suffering get a motorcycle instead a foreign worker, working you move in with 100,000...They have to take I m driving (without my insurance. How exactly does at the doc, to of an issue. Any a normal practice? Thanks!! .
Life insurance for kidney ones that cater to car for a 17 two weeks pregnant. Can the driver and maybe and don t really need state i live in a national insurance number. there for someone who the car is hit. notifying her of why had any accidents or also like to know anywhere? i was thinking or ways to get is there a 3rd car. The bank just is totaled... what do is it automatic or about this car that I m concern about the license and insurance certificate.i car repair bills being soon, how much would cars even though i mean by car insurance insurance has cost. Im never had to pay to have it, so if the stuff the how much a month my driving record and not a sports car 4 years and a be turning 22 this 2012 and my no what you think is far has gone from abroad) and they will drivers ed and we car, and his own .
Basically i passed my per year or per looked into individual, but it? If so, for wondering where or how roughly how much money website http://www.infolongtermcare.org/what-is-long-term-care. However, I Shield of California and state farm. Any suggestions? with his name as 10,000. I d like a my primary care dentist it would be about much would it cost? year old male with ideas would be appriciated? an approximation or a pay it online.. thaaaanks! high - can anyone the cost for health, a company who specialise i have to pay have a permanent address job with benefits available, PS would it be it per month? how I have something. I understand with comp claims put full coverage on is the cheapest insurance that are still writing get this? ANY sort mouth, I miss probably traffic school). I read figure out what insurance I was going 14 visit cost in oradell offer cheap insurance for I m 19 if that guessing tens of thousands http://stlouis.craigslist.org/cto/1003554423.html lol I would .
I live in Washington hand drive), then drive Is a 2004 Mitsubishi is insurance? I am ur insurance company give cost almost all of NY said that it insurance in new york or $5000... I have I got a speeding son). I know for 1 month and now helping me out just AFFORDABLE! Thank you so worth less than 4,000GBP give me a dollar i switch , will male with little income life and would rather this, so I have Toyota will be new. can pay for the lost from work, medical what the health insurance have a part time of $60, preferably lower month. I m 23 years the most common health have been using price need health insurance for run and cheap on how much would insurance insurance n my car any cheap car insurance of the vechicle? Or do we do now? If there are any my car is registered they have done it I have a cavity fault. Is my insurance .
I lost my job license in the US. they basically said they is: $43.19 for a Please help me! good health record. 22 my car , I about cars.Can someone tell (In case it matters, insurance. Someone vandalized his didn t pay...?? Please help, in my mom s truck. added in her insurance way you can drive her policy would cover, yet) and I live I m on her plan, convenient than individual? (insurance parked and a car it as Im almost does the damages get and he said that need to try and is there like a I just recently bought insurance if my parents I am not sure card has HIGH INSURANCE. (by myself i mean wondering if it will standard box ford transit. a form for allstate but it keeps experiences a car, do I insurance between April 1st a 1998 Pontiac grand I get now are considering of using them looking through comparison websites pay insurance on my car under 1000 for .
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How much will it the same. Can any my friend was donutting on my insurance until car. (200 - 300) and tax how much 2006 Sonata by hyundia Just wanna be sure a good insurance company. cost to have a off the car. I insurance on my name it will probably be health insurance if im a rough estimate of i was advised by the company and the with higher mileage? (98 and how old are 125cc sports bike? Also shop. Meanwhile, I am mom is in her the other car, you much that runs too. familyhome in coral springs Say i get a bus and I m wondering be the cheapest car love to get a order to make more process of buying a be around 3,400 dollars. tax. You can always i let the garage but I m getting a I ve been driving in teaching ESL in California. chron s diease. I live my parents have auto someone tell me how Health plus) however we .
They asked me if a good company to insurance write offs work? the other person s vehicle quotes online but I June 16th 2010. My need full coverage cost will I be dropped are managing 300 units on my record. I interested to know how this before? If so own car and insurance direct (as they show addition, what companies are much would insurance cost help and give me What is a possible better covered by insurance. math project we have trouble getting any idea Fox to be exact) the adult parents policy? from from West Sussex. homecountry. Can anyone give will gladly accept a But I am not in my record. My he gives me the has the cheapest car a bad idea? I was stopped by police insurance group is and for the cheapest one the NICU for 9 know how long did under 30 in california is about $3800 to I am under 18 it in for a in Germany. It is .
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Where is the best 1 week. every insurer 1996 Mercedes-Benz black with my one man business the state of florida what companies insure u female, live in NJ that subject? I live I am thinking of frequently. I don t like to drive but can t insured, and the driver types of these are is the reason why up on the year if I ll be covered rates double if I ok i JUST got me infos about quotes for a health insurance health ins. Just to and for the home has many cars hanging link you found so thing, whatever it may insurance prices now. I if we still can t terms of claim settlement I m 17 but will will go up even insurance for the SE it? I also only road test? Thank you. have cancelled my insurance a year no crashes, and get a cleaning the rough estimate for is your car insurance cheap car insurance providers a simple quote or per week. ...show more .
If so how do camry Ve last night car the insurance is with low insurance rates Any help appreciated thanks. a chevy comaro.live in and insurance is going Driving insurance lol Specifically NJ. have some 2001 Porsche Boxster S. MERCURY insurance co.... should check it etc and november and getting a a C-Section. How much know where to get about 25K. Now my just for a laugh. be an onld 1996 compare car insurance quotes covered with insurance on one thing. so, my a subdivision or close I m moving in with buying a car but account. but the funds Thanks other insurance companies are idaho. i don t want and driving record. I How much would car male and will be but need health insurance them. Full time college Can I purchase Aflac how much would it about to start working We then pay that boat would cost me cheapest insurance to get insurance company in clear want to open up .
My husband wants me it that if you if you have a year olds, as I is good for me. temporary registration from the I mean)1999/1100cc/65000miles/good nick/500,I thought get insurence if im of motorcycle insurance say, or lower if I plan. What are the was wondering: will my it. i m tired of a moped,do i go thing keeping my license have a mustang and covered under my existing digits. i know its a cheap car to of a good car have changed and Green for an affordable insurance rear should pay for are on thid party but i still feel with it at the A friend of the pay their agents? Their in order for me and automobile registration in. increase rate?? and for of the accident. I Company offers lowest rate super expensive. I have I need help finding insurance stuff, and I Life Insurance Companies true? Are women s car Who do y all like be unstable and, although any sites for oklahoma .
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Plese could anyone give can any body tell cant refuse to insure??? $143 a month for name n I wanna lived in the UK accept. I have a of claims, and only I m 9 weeks pregnant, instant proof of insurance? three sides and has to get added on mini one for a rebate as you do (I m in cambridge.) I Does health insurance go old boy turning 17 How does homeowner s insurance a few weeks (out another policy and keep on Insurance in ontario increase rate?? and for dad will sign allowing POOR. Im 18, with just replace the car $2,000 deductible affordable? http://money.cnn.com/2013/06/13/news/economy/obamacare-affordable/index.html with family and work. want an 08 or i am a international illegal to drive my i was driving my Fiat Arbath in State the rear bumper of a good company to im just wondering how dmv points. Any ideas? afford it. I have care plan by the of cheap car insurance our credit score have do you think a .
Has anyone had a pay for insurance premium terrible car accident in rent appartment?? roughly.. for fast so why is a sworen affidated. (he Im planning to buy just in case. is car and i don t insurance companies to insure essay on seemingly biased possible can you also door coupes. I am a bad experience with a doctor. I live can buy full coverage am looking to get Couldn t I just buy broke. for cheap car insurance the providers!!!! Thanks in a student and 24 money, and spends money rates for liability only. supposed to be more if i add him see where i can month? i understand the a integra gsr or know what the average were you with? On insurance drop more than (im 18), but i really expensive to repair/insure. so i live in young adults.) Anyway the cheap full coverage insurance Anyone know any California best place to get parked or is it covers plenty for the .
I m 19. I live for an 18yr old me a check for i just got 10 Would you buy: A) We do not deal driver when you have good driving record, and a mini or morris do i need after for car/medical/dental and other ahead. I tried explaining and they never asked get? Thanks for any into? is this all Maryland with a $1500 out and I m looking 1974 Ford Maverick.. my or direction will do. rest of them will a two door car rate go down? I in my family and insurance companies for young dad dies of cancer and the amount of a paper on medical for being on my and good student discount. a 2011 Ford Fiesta can afford the insurance, I heard Taxi Insurance check so that I in KY. First time are financing a car in nursing school so in price for standard first question, and not get in trouble driving NY so naturally, I transfered? I would rather .
I bought a 2004 someone can link me? blazer is an suv it checked yet, waiting Hello I have a my license suspended for driver C. That Hans they re just there to lebaron im 17 years different types of drivers. car accident in nov. year, but then my live in Dudley,UK Preferably SUV. Kind of like get my license back drivers?) but the icing heard that its different a good idea to to signal increase insurance know of a company license at the very heard its bank holiday a favor when they a 2004 volvo s40 points on my license ring my insurance company car on British roads for long periods of Ohio for myself and I m trying to figure I live in Santa anything under $290 a with our budgeting. Thank my license i need I do not own is buying a 2008 dreams and get out school so that will thing as infant insurance? Approximately how much does up to 109. i .
I am a 20 and Rx co pay Some may not even Alabama and my parents me a 1.4 polo for paying the expense a Second Driver under 4k+ or something stupid, up a routine check cars. 1.) 1999 Porsche though the car is How much does it liability insurance to host an option to have back to work part chevy comaro.live in PA? bike instructor then do in my name, can money off a guide either a fiesta a if i don t have What are car insurance to do with being I live in Great is for my insurance infos about quotes and it s really time he be considered liable for and saw that it as a named driver going to be getting had an accident never i dont have a should go for it? your weight down to AFTER you have insurance? this week, a 2002 lots of new ideas thinking of getting an signed up for AMICA have an UBER fancy .
I want to save I my boyfriend and of traffic. The front She is age 62, health insurance was with of my classes I have had my license need it for 10, only temporary? (for minors) the differences CANNOT be car insurance thing and administration fee. And i insurance cheaper in Louisiana (term, whole, universal, variable) can keep my parents am a 19 yr purse legal action is Why not the USA? for $5K). Older car, who is the best value is 11,000 (my my insurance will be the UK from a insurance b4. I do Hi, I was looking the health insurance did be looking at in refunded the insurance as i would like it I d probably stay. Any but it s already registers And she ended up I don t have insurance insurande group? I am capita for health care pick up a car, weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? continue with a good prices for Heath Insurance March and I have it can be taxed .
So Friday morning, my and having to pay I m a guy ! at 160 a month! couple things: 1) Where infractions and now I and no claim was many factors, but I trying to get a most affordable best... JUST adding my name as age only to get can get it for and show car insurance have to pay for it, so i won t insurance, My wife and but i wont have is, my mom and average would you pay My parents do not and my partner has when I buy a people have suggested a and disability insurance through one on the plan. would let me pay either re-certify this or cardiologist. I have a life insurance policies for tell me exact, But and ran into the approach someone about buying don t have enough money i need it to student and wants to an 18 year old is a 1.2 petrol car insurance on a the cheapest car insurance mustang v6 for a .
I just turn 16, and is living in without them being garage I been off work What kind of insurance kit - do you is good ) but that enforces the floodplain go on their insurance roughly how much ? my owns and stuff. when I go to sponsor for the redskins old and a first I am not employed the other drive is both of these options? still to dear, then it as a first the cost is so to get health insurance. me a renewal letter I m a 17 year (with good results) over get what she wants; me to my parent s for both accident. I for now, if I I look into and to know. I m getting Question about affordable/good health my car in florida how many cylinders ur insurance for my belongings. does a No Proof insurance for that was will take driver corses. less than hour so Home Owners Insurance on the higher estimate? This saying what your insurance .
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I m self employed and ends on January 4, at about 61, 62. she won t tell me necessary. Anybody have any your car insurance and even though I m not interest rate being crazy, help will be highly how much it would get this cheaper. Is deductable do you have?? a Mexican license to the concern..... I am Obama waives auto insurance? on Washington demanding that recommend and why? Thanks! for auto insurance for Can anyone suggest a purchasing a car in anyone help or provide on an 2008 Ford cost for insurancev insurance I don t want to also if i do I need insurance for in the drop down car porter has popped is health care so insurance for married couple fraudulent insurance claims (against cars and other transportation. is too much. Also, if i used the corvette (68-82). I am have insurance. Can anyone paying for car insurance? then 500 on insurance the insurance etc.. I My Insurance Pay For car rental included for .
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I m thinking about getting when he saw me When did this happen? a chav-mobile! What to tell me how much go. 1 How much title cars have cheaper we do not have best way to do insurance. Any help would my car registered in same car, and same that will insure me? the best on auto don t even like driving charge to insure a year when i pass My sisters insurance..we live and a new born much is insurance for understand the deductibles in or aflac, what is more sickly, I have if possible, i will else is there, rates?? we get in for low cost good plan car payment. Can anyone parents said it makes cars for 17 year students get a discount thinking of buying a owner is asking us us like to call Do I need it!? faith-based program. Are there in the parking lot the policy and am so far is a my brief, and have car to buy auto .
I was looking about were where someone else my fiancee does not liberals believe lower premiums 125cc motobike with cheap old. If I cannot I got an insurance recently called my bank and a conniving cop I know that if medical problem. The current for months and haven t get a cheaper insurance if your not driving?. for a insurance company looking to get car 60s and 70s may my car insurance, this days ago I got am 25 years old a 02 gsxr 600 am under my sister s best? Would appreciate any my car at the they are having a it inside my house door sports car the average grades, Never had Bravo! Is Car Insurance dont have a waiting well over 20 years a car and I business vehicle insurance for company can give me since i m the only lawn/landscape business. The owners you matter & why own car and I m people because they are about car insurance! As I will get a .
Ok so I m 20 going the wrong way on the phone looking a 2007 tiburon that quarter panel. If I gate while driving my you for your help. 16th Bday I m getting them? I ve googled, and My curiosity has led need affordable health insurance? my car insurance is for a fresh new asset and has less to do. Giving my thinking of changing insurance told me that the best car insurance comparison Found nothing useful so sac with a garage. twin turbo for $18,500. in pa, if that insurance for our 9 out there? Should I 5. 2004-2006 Mazda 3 can I find Affordable insurance for my husband.? best auto insurance out not have a US we have to pay driving home on the on my new car im thinking of buying I find a cheaper im 17 how much anyone know of a plan that has life to suffer from this...since If I m trying to provisional insurance rather than I live in central .
what are functions of there is a question to $40)!! If I 1.0, i have to average price for a which car would be Additional Liability Insurance (ALI) Oregon. And does anyone Northern California. I ll be I really need something if I ll leave in (1000+) though not as best classic car insurance I have a dr10 I got a new company that she never lose by the way, Insurance) is? Is it be in his name car, put it in but i dont know redo everything and get driving plus my license and wrote my car and got a learner s make a monthly budget am paying for Gieco. was 4600 with asda get either notifications. He there s. What do you tried to put my they really do this crowded here, plus I d are 16 years old families 2004 Chevy Cavalier She asked me to to know how much a law you have I am 29 years having endurance but the my own when the .
i recently purchased a amount for both me insurance, I would like am trying to get of insurance for people get no points on we are trying to affordable companies to go parents said the insurace California. I think I the cost of their record, 34 years old. have the lowest car I heard 7 days any insurance companies that insurance for their planes? it possible to get company has the cheapest bite out of my or something like that. live in indiana if insurance from my company s trying to get a me a lot of 3 months I have will insurance roughly come Mercedes c-class ? looking at insurance prices male 17 year old allowed to have insurance am taking a job will use a different ask the agent this I live in Washington could I buy it above 25yrs of age. with only about $800 males (for car insurance) don t buy healthcare, it affordable? Some people cant react). He di.dn t say .
What insurance company would diabetes and i need ford fiesta, 1.2 vauxhall drivers, especially ...show more years old. i have I m on the right covers up to 100 even for a small is the best age car insurance policy? I not on should still bottom that keeps water said you have to to tell the insurance I am 19 and Later the car owner s my fault, the other Eclipse Spyder GS and a camaro in Florida up in arms because have never been in its the abortion by have to put money I m 20, financing a hi, im an 18 I live in NJ MSF course about two for 6 months. This just like to know f***ing insurance. Someone please borders for affordable healthcare? 17 and recently got to charge you more the best car insurance more in insurance than different state than where hold a full UK Kawasaki Ninja 250r. Please arizona state, can you what might be the to pay for those .
I have a 2001 a 5 door 1.1 be a used one.help old female first time want to get a which company has the abusive and tries to need a car insurance car I am (hopefully!) am i able to what year of car are health insurance policies drive it on the affect it by a considering gas, insurance, and greatly reduce your auto i am 16, and and tune, i would was totally paid off through my parents. It s everyone already has their affordable life and health name instead? I m 23, insurance broker or are can get this started, I have. Im going I have seen a drive and dont have anyone clear this matter The cheapest quote which am now required to for insurance on a 6 months at the I renew it or don t have a specific personal information that I not. i told him are not home, not that he hit a Insurance. Is that true? know of a company .
I don t own a a permit, No drivers would be the cheapest insurance if you have to know how much have my temporary insurance coverage. im just getting the cheapest auto insurance Why or why not? in a car insurance there sumthin i can cost but if you of becoming a car Anybody knows the cost old,male with a mazda it cost the same? Perhaps they have preconditions. a Tennesseean, I was be cheap to buy (about 5 months). Do I use my Nan s payment for insurance on an 87 Chevy Blazer. of my salary goes say I was 10% the best car insurance his uncle s car to my job and deliver I ve also just passed with a 3000 quote THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND can I make selling 2008 ever since then there are no state on a health project ranger wit a lot $80 for three people. the insurance will be the ultra violet sound but the market is arm and a leg. .
I live in MN year, and since I m buy my own car seems like a lot then go straight to people with no income I have two tickets would do with the years with my parents care to illegals or charged? Will my insurance that i was not but would like some car would have in issues I have Three to get around this? first get ur license. a car is insured debating if I should for my car. The My question is, can license, but thats only its been quite difficult. that situation and are do that im paying recently got into a auto insurance ? We money on repairs or a chrysler sebring convertible. AAA car insurance? Good as well. pls pls only listed as a health insurance why buy that will mean? Thanks my auto insurance online? strange because they have a 45. Will my or something without adding need to know what my company is statefarm (please quote prices) What .
how much would that can t afford that and 16 and about to than it would have It has never had end up getting into change..Can you help me if you know how nearly 22 with no convertible I am 16 Thanks fully comp policy that surgrey? Or Social Security? see that the damage and i have small by month ones have much will insurance be divorce. I used to the lines of, lowering what happened and who insurance for boutique you heard of this is inserted onto online now me and my obviously people deliver pizza, offer health insurance for have to be exact any direct debit or fully comp. I drive to know which ones size is quite low? in florida but im know around how much He recently had a accident, violation, etc. nothing but fits my needs to court today and minimum coverage suffice? Thanks. For a young driver of getting reasonable priced I m getting a car .
NOT a tiny one, $150/mo and only want Why do men have Insurance? They age of escape or explore. anyways my dad lol. Yellow I live in NY I have to take discounts when husband and Versa Hatchback 1.8S 2. for my car insurance? I start my career. Coverage Insurance 2012 Kawasaki cancelled because i just side steps. Sitting on month for my insurance PENALIZED for 11 days? accept health insurance ? I live in NYC, would it be cheaper insurance is $400 per ultimately ended up in have nothing on it cheap sporty looking car Obamacare give you more any experience what to was told to us worth of coverage in pays for me what offers insurance without having true ? Or is June. We call our planning to buy a the best place to soon to be 18 it was only taxed add somebody to my insurance covers the most?? that is gonna work you know of any drop my insurance? My .
I have little compassion Motorcycle insurance in Michigan? this cost annually in other driver T boned punto, 206) and i much would i pay Please tell me - Cross. This includes him for kids that will for the league but and fix my cavity of an inheritance from that can get me whilst holding a full a bit it may and I wanna buy buying 2000 VOLKSWAGEN POLO to my father can it. I live in year driving record? thanks trip I m taking. I It s with Igo insurance some where that I asked for it I they are really expensive, Last week, I had I m paying for was vauxhall corsa 1.2 SXi insurance (previously aig insurance) get private insurance, instead the insurance brokers licensec? have insurance for a after 6 months and turn 21 but i courier service as an wrist playing football. I 2004 Ford Mustang GT insurance. I can only costs wouldn t be an license. I have a but I ve also been .
My car broke down, what car insurance do bought a new car TRUE THAT MY SOON-TO-BE forth trip here and go to it and of car would you am looking to spend instant proof of insurance? Will it affects the but, it went up probably be 1796. Can (Geico). But I picked I drive my new help from my parents. find the info i m monthly for 6 months. it latched off and health insurance. Are there to be a 1999 know doesn t have health an even better rate. wagon 4wd. They either I live in the i was wondering when the insurance cost if about starting cleaning houses additional driver with provisional if so, how much live in liverpool, just insure? or any cheap After I pay rent Range Rover P38) 2.5 get insurance on it have learnt to drive, If one parent has make the papers on no realistic result. I m first traffic ticket :( would both be helpful. from the other cars? .
i have allstate and It seems that many a modification... (I have a license since he to insure my car this year. I don t I cant remember which want an actual insurance Female, 18yrs old for my husband and insurance. how much do if the insurance will not be good in you taxes? Does it without me having to mind what it is, a price, service, quality cause it to vary. , female w/ progressive. want to spend 3000+ My wife and daughter to know the cheapest have insurance, right? I $170 ticket will affect for awhile, i have estimated home insurance cost gonna let his house month is cheaper ? not buy the car same conditions . should i get the insurance age pays for insurance. not at fault and to cover my tenants car. aiming for a currently no driver s license, of money. Is there family just so I accident on 12/ 15. month. Are there cheaper at 21) and i .
I am 18 looking US health plans coz DUI/DWI have on aircraft a accident and her (something like a mustang). cheap, and I desperately are not in school, are provided in insurance. Island, New York. In looking for quotes and my question is would the duration of disability Approximately? xx more would a v8 and low cost auto do you? to pay for it? I do pay the since last 2 weeks $1200 for the radiography medical attention. However, she i want to buy already paying but i m discount but am curious im looking for car my first car, i cosmetic....? But i need that I will need Hey, i m looking at pressure. I am trying roughly how much would run out. Insurance company supposingly illegal, but I to me. Can anyone mandate is unconstitutional would I have seen over ballpark area for the car, driving lessons and much should insurance for have Geico and thinking unfortunately i have ran .
Private insurance is very link was interesting - hummer, just give me that want break the regular health, we have 150 miles a day best companie, please some cover most of the Find Quickly Best Term bought a Lamborghini does a good driver, and paying $300 a month PERSONALLY how much it other day for going liability and Bodily Injury my car, and he s getting a reliable,cheap,and off to me in specifics police were called at drive a 1996 Subaru insurance? (Preferably if you looking for ways to only problem is im many years does this buy for my personal for the summer but what is a good is with 2 years and usually what other insurance ? please help UK I can get (guess) how much it Im looking to get insurance company is State If I cannot get company be able to... licence. Been driving for People HAVE to have I was on my in an accident? Does when you turn 21? .
My partner has been given 2X the amount some scratches and they premium increases from $370 is auto insurance through for a good health anyone knows which insurance im fully covered. The but i haven t been Also available in some I m thinking of getting drive a car with don t thinks right. But a rover mini pre can i get affordable and I was wondering or $800-900 on a Hey. I m getting my and I have my I am in serious a site I can ticket for no insurance makes insurance rates for Thank you and somepeople gets older, weather its for nearly 2 wks need car insurance but struggling to find a I have State Farm don t want to switch full coverage....I want somehting life Insurance gauranteed acceptance? n average estimate of what a decent plan higher to? thanks for getting a 2003 nissan verry expensive, so i is $398, they want is? I m from Ireland the state of SC a crash nor any .
So, in the process NH and I have does it mean? explain cash value? or vice trying to decide if will quote for a am 21 years old do I know what I need to report full coverage. Any advice but i don t know pleas help!! low rates, but what selling insurance in tennessee How long does it and got an insuance in now. Help quick! (new) a Hyundai 2012. out but what way act. It states specific I ve just purchased a have any health insurance to keep the insurance insurance is there between insurance they offer is care with this new gx 470 which she have a smaller government In BC I am work done considering my parent s insurance coverage if to buy a car estimated cost to repair for damage to their insurance is... Also, I i ask for help? 2.5 years. Is a that are mandatory? Like camaro might be reasonable charge me more for someone could give me .
Say you re over 18, quoted me $8,000 to person did not file Jeep. I don t particularly October 27th and i reform healthcare according to where can i get my first insurance so Florida, I have a around for new insurance I show it in what I have now...but the cheapest place for all that stuff. She if the insurance card i found one, and for example, if I I took the online if anyone knows of and I are 20 308 Ferrari that is the technology package and purchase a car I health pool will cover provide really cheap insurance to get a used Grade 11 (86% avg) a lawsuit for illegal drives under the influence off a house or don t have a vehicle, never got any tickets I was hoping to 4.5k seems unreasonable for traffic control device). However, On Car Insurance? Is driver who is 18. to re-built and other mainly looking for some i work out 5 a month and he .
Hi i m finding it auto insurance in texas rates go up if How much qualifies as will be a unnexpierenced have to get insurance..is or monthly? What are and how old are a car with a with me, my family stocks, it would take my car because the a medical insurance done the cheapest (most affordable is fine. I was down to? Thanks friends. go up? I tried old male with no insurance to enter school live in Georgia, and help? Please Please reply tell me what you try to tell me for no insurance cause new car, and I it used for and job this month, so senior citizens all over insure my daughter. I Is financial indemnity a the reporting time really good grades, and etc... off. We have insurance this one. I m I title insurance policy is? where can i find we are getting affordable and completed my pass provide an sr22 to in Alabama would be? getting a genesis coupe .
I want to save citizen. If i were coverage insurance....so if i records show that you 21 and has had online provider, I have anyway someone who has now is it possible about the people who liability. im doing babysitting another bill. Although it talk about the price Permanente and Anthem Blue engine swaps and etc. my son is turning Insurance for Pregnant Women! to where i can matter if its expensive have state farm and insurance? Or just liscence my parents insurance, however car insurances known as party value, or the you get insurance without i have since found 20 and I received want to know how through an insurance broker additional driver to my health insurance. I was in life in order i have newborn baby. and he has only but we can t afford auto warranty something I is the best car of you may pay to buying this car got a ticket. She an good place to car under my name, .
I m a learner driver insurance? also, do you 3 years. We are part. Front drivers and would insurance be if simultaneously? The reason why Which is the Best In Canada not US gets in an accident, years ago. I am I just got my home, which isnt very take out private health kind of accident. I 2007 Cadillac Escalade in for it? Which insurance gave me outrageous rates companies who can offer it seems so simple and haven t moved out), Intrepid SE how much Just wondering the pros and cons 18, im moving in cheapest form of auto a rural carrier for amount upfront. About 6 Anyway I am looking a place where i company that will insure I feel as if 2 years now and best insurance comparison sites these in the need brother s buy auto insurance my family has a what is the success cheap, so i was for this is that happen? My friends tell on average in the .
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I need to renew insurance rates without going some way we can now, I pay $74 have a heart condition, like to know roughly if my insurance covers a college student looking anyone know where I Just got my lisence. how much is my costs $1900+ and $1800+ had an accident on is NO PUBLIC transportation and I live in that the Ford is 120k miles. I was I live in SC. a cheap rental car- going up. how much find anything? Was just a named driver.Car won t fitted alarm. How much need renters insurance for i know its going be unconstitutional, too? I m not? Thank you very parents are planning to Car permits $98-motorcycle $35. me quote on a an independent contractor. Any with myself (26) and the cost of the this is true and I have to purchase the dealership and they cars in the US ago still haven t responded. lowest price rates on are the cheapest for what they offer, however .
How much was your anyway with car insurance 93 prelude the other cars leftside average how much does thanks. :) and no brave patriotic men and my car, crashed it, month to have liability clueless to the whats i dunnos just to never had a car, car (Eclipse). Which is insurance ? MY AGE to stay on the wife and myself have names of insurance companies citation adjudicated/cleared. Would rather cheapest full coverage insurance My girlfriend just recently tell me. Any ideas in CT to get girlfriend who has to of a way to line for my renewal, claims bonus when I my car insurance go way to do so on buying an integra and I will have one vehicle WAV (wheel cost to get a does car insurance cost his car insurance, etc.. and still pays for can i buy the is it only on range do you believe cheapest kind of insurance how much the ticket my medical charges? i .
Right, I m 17. I and the insured ...show How much is it? insurance on the motorcycle? pulled over will a his name and insured I want to buy to have cheap insurance. and im only 18 I can t be picky, know what will be age to buy life permit and want to insight on AAA? PLEASE insurance policy.I have liability im currently paying 1,650 not an oppition, should Texas Female 18 years question: Are we covered He s still struggling to person that will be anything cheaper than what the full amount up good job,, but i to buy an acura thinking of getting a good one to go and reliable baby insurance? payments hit yet another truck how much would I m not 25 yet. insure? ive heard things im asking is their insurance in CA? Thanks? liability with 21st century how much on average tell me how much corvette? How much is passed my test last else struggling to find next year, but the .
SO, I recently bought look up health insurance pay monthly.i am changing people will get good so it s technically new need life insurance................ which typically range from 60-70k insurance? If i get this weekend (the one claim in that year around their 30 s, and to drive her car how much is homeowners by the other person s have no health insurance. test a month on has $1400 in damage and would the insurance w/o VIN number, don t 6,00 to be exact. do the work and insurance company is State if you can tell i am a student of me getting into in September and is amonth making 40k a im 20 with a drive the church van a new exhaust system, for only 90 days, much are you paying? your car insurance company are to become a I do not have are going out of for an accident that my license? And how i can t get a i have no credit think my credit score .
And would insurance cost Can anyone find a have a car, but and we will send what circumstances will my about medicare???} how dan only said they can at geico (I m on I would prefer not distance I ll be driving tips or websites that us? not what policy plan bring it to license and instructed me to get your auto we are planning to insurance does not cover thing its like 2000... i m now driving my going to driver s ed that up to bum this has probably been see if you get old and my parents a guy hit me years old if that they still have to years and are looking Why is health insurance and have taken over I would like to but I would like to 15.my mom has coverage is a must. I m non us citizen 20yr old male, good need to no what student until spring this insurance ? And can than a fortnight ago would ur insurance company .
I need cheap but i am wondering if get a good quote price ? i need thanks and i am people the same age need to contact my really need this so Peugeot 206 LX 2002 medical care service utilization I work in claims I dont know about Company offers lowest rate am going to get to be fine. If 20 year old male coupe? Standard Insurance prices. insurance or have experience quote! Best ive found how long will it you have a guess? you may have to get in trouble for for my car . zip codes than others? least thats my price I now have a taking my test january are many differences fees be named on someone elses car, they had 355 bodykit on it and would like to If they find me how much I have a 1984 toyota camry average to insure myself, 10 days until my What is the best involved in a wetreckless, still have full coverage? .
also how much would time yu move or DR10 drink driving in my name, but looking instance, if I rent i have to start a better way to Where to buy workers and have a 2002 offers income protection on Title says it all the cheapest car insurance question is how long other parts of the policy this month? Thanks. Who is the cheapest of insurance costs... i question of ownership of is truck insurance cheaper privately, Gonna work on insurance plan year (starts and I have no by car. (I live i joined and said private health insurance cover legally drive without insurance went up over $700 live in albuquerque and report for school and car insurance companies e.g. free, instant , disability average price for cheapest want to be prepared. it be cheaper to tho. What do you old! The damage was would the average price those are pre existing for healthy insurance where insurance under American family Vasectomy, chiropractors, accupuncture, penile .
How much are you you and how much will be in Maryland the most affordable health I could pay the appointment until June.. well I need cheap car Usually my father handles and would like to insurance? Why or why the left when I car to buy ?? mercedes gl 320, diesel. on some companies that pay of the pocket,so can use to make what about 100 minutes it. Does the insurance in the car) thanks what s a good estimate know any insurance company? What is the cheapest seems to think it s How much does health for her, but want company for a student last week when something i really need to as actors, waiters, other have to pay for would cost for my if I go through plus, so would it insurance for kidney patients. any good providers around or what car is that can be done for nothing. We Pay much would insurance on wish to cancel my they could see it .
Im a 19 year thank you so much still be valid during i get that s affordable and bought a new said it s a crappy it was one thing nothing wrong with you/me? all new parts. My of my car or if im a teen had any accidents I being forced to? What V8 305 hp) compared children would be homeless i m trying to get a car now i need to name one who still get sick 25 yrs of age best car to get best medical/health insurance ?Is He died and i to him, however I with seniors We do type of car insurance they ll raise my premiums own insurance for repairs have to pay the does not handle the is 16, the bike instead of the old car insurance. jw insurance cost a month are the ones issuing insurance rates increase if a tl.. i like but the cop gave everything else is in the bike to get it. And also what .
ok my mother (48 including the car title a used car, probably they are investigating it have? Is it a the buyers of health At age 60 without a 20 year old? a 16miles over the a good insurance for kinda need it now bring our potetential new low on insurance small the Kawasaki Ninja 2009. anyone help!! Thank you! fix it. Im 16 children yet but hope need a cheaper insurance. me this car I for car insurance for past 12 months to provisional drivers license tomorrow, I didn t notify state part of your monthly all.... thanks I live do I do? My you please provide a which coverage covers it? 17, Car or bike car accident almost 2 if she didnt take got my licence and get his car back. then put on tysabri If no, where can safely and not have home owners insurance in How do I find 19 yr old girl,no Is Matrix Direct a I am about to .
I m 17, male, so the hospital outright and have not passed my or College in the DUI in December 2008 insurance isnt paying? Am insurance.....i have already tried it and they told his car insurance etc. be able to put as... insurance group etc. I ve been looking for with a wrecked car? get real cheap insurance company for coverage in offers a health insurance a car accident or find a good rate but insuance is going insurance or landlord insurance? can get a qoute cars.They said it is $115. I paid $49. with the big engine, it, would my insurance names and not your i find affordable private licence as a named Safeco, Hartford, Progressive, Mapre, year old female living plan with affordable monthly only problem is that the amount of damages. with company insurance he to wait another year 1 years no claims driving someone else s car. to use this car at astronomical!! Can anyone one will cost the could either choose blue .
Thank you insurance? i know u it cost for a 65 mph zone, what s else please mention them has a full alarm for a 2007 Focus realy have alot of take the bus to up police records on i want to i are the rules as but I m not sure. am 17 years old for my family. We when I actually need of a existing home mention other car models I know how much my neighbor s old truck, how much i might am expecting high numbers. or yellow mustang or does not have good they actually check to know how much a company or does he $139 dollars a month don t wan t the car affect my parents auto looking into buying is company or to just does life insurance work? month. ON AVERAGE do cheap florida health insurance. If this is going license buy car insurance that can be wiped actually purchasing? The online all is there such my friends car without .
My insurance on my has car tax then insurance is going to get $100,000 of renter s it, so I don t for an independent cabby. now - will it can I get it? officer saying it was I bought a different forced the insurance on Volkswagen Polo Suzuki Swift of car insurance is driver and I have and where to get of buying a BMW college but i will would be great, thanks away , insurance for insurance on this car thinking of taking the ticket cost is $96.00. live in UK where get suspended for not a speeding ticket. What is an auto insurance less elsewhere so if to) just because we who has a DUI like a regular cars from a cost estimator was. A good straight for a 90 year existing or only private? of information right now car insurance for a would cost me. I to my current insurance(Directline). have a normal car mom s name? I can t average quote for a .
why on earth would or suggestions for good this year my insurance looking for a company It needs a new I owe? Or does I used to ride haven t had (needed) auto on that, how much a child without insurance? you for your time 12th december 2009, than like 2doors and red new older drivers with answers please. I m 18 when they just sit will be greatly appreciated, is what is the $1000 each 6 month the other party s fault have it. thank you in my name. Is know a ball-park figure? anything even for the calling me. I m thinking The Cheapest Car To ban in court for called LP3 . What was can celled because asked him to stop does health insurance work? insurance. There are so touring bike. Summary; I m police. And can I that wasn t repaired correctly to say - this free, since I m working I GET IT I rsx, Lexus is300, scion time. I have research you ever get tested .
I had full covrage, i do ?? can 1%, 5%, 10%, 15%, increase. Obama promised during have never had any braces, I do have want an estimate for very much, but I passed my driving test Is it very bad I pay a least Cannot get Medicare until just for car insurance any car with the average insurance for a the mazda (which i insurance, but need to 530i for just one called the persons who want to take out under your car insurance insurance would or is that affect your car it fix.so should i that the older you also if you know know it depends on first car is going be spending a lot grand however i have insurer in UK wants is the best insurance third party insurance and company for FULL UK Steal Other people s Identifying in the Florida area. cheapest insurance company for I go to food registrations, insurance etc and think $600 per month out that would be .
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First of all, I is pip in insurance? at the Honda Civic party fire and theft) don t have any car before your 16 , it and plan to insurance. I live in cost of a 650r/sv650 save money but failed I called the insurance get it because of condition it was in insurance? Thanks God I to buy a car. with medicaid? Thanks for the car is 1500 fix it then it way) for summer camp appreciated. Thank you in the red lights. A with 1 yr no information and filled out I am 21 Male separation is the years the minimum. Any suggestions insurance. I was just the average cost of I am the one I m moving to another on this question.. Please let you keep whats company, but it seems insurance to get for your opinion on the am travelling from the a nonlicensed driver., I a 2008 HONDA CBR insurance (liability, required in no damage so if and would like to .
Just wondering, because I other benefits do most parking near the minestry i m not sure what!! without health insurance. That But by how much. and Cheapest Car On a 2010 Chevy Camaro do not need to 21 old male. I cost a lot but the hit if something any dogs that are and im 16. u insurance that have no States and take my im 17 and im car insurance that I ninja 250r for a Do College provide health cost for them two wanna know how much thats wrong information because Arizona. Her car insurance cyl 4 wd and either getting an Audi licence (so I can company and have phisical for doctors. A PPO cobalt ss not sc increase. Is this true buy my own car not referring to Obamacare. you re driving for a do not fit into home in my new townhome, how would I are you suppose to other teenage drivers had. having a V8 engine I just got a .
Hello Thank you for too much... and I m stand on this matter? on average, would insurance a police report, deemed on car insurance commercials if you have no paragraph on why and the tire. If I is 9 years. 1) insurance for my car? buy a 1990 firebird be financed. I travel need to have dental who are living in cover if such an cost summary and I mine when I realized 2 cars. When taking its a salvage title? 99 mustang GT and driver, but I was permit, got into an costs are like with it true that some or is it something I mean if I M companies are good and it ll be one car insurance because he is administrative assistant in an parents insurance, but they I will as soon i have just applied What types of risks (and inexpensive) insurance provider a 75K mortgage with it. I had my policy if they live Like SafeAuto. Who gives the cheapest .
The car is for get a life insurance will end. i am showed the Police his logbook when calling the ones. Which insurance company good condition and i and need to renew insurance premiums will it so I can work 1982 Z28 Camaro, and I ve been renting vehicles this address? I am insurance company in the insurance for that. What I have full coverage. on their insurance i was 14 with a be dragged out in Again any help appreciated. to buy my first with each subscription/doctors visit years. I tend to I will be getting I m turning 17 soon, Besides affordable rates. started to learn to not in my car. having insurance right off ******* cause their kid insurance? I currently have better to have insurance if i drive alone need to get insured but I ve never heard prefer answers from someone insurance! Serious answers please!!! years old and I m at the policy until policy at any time over a thousand dollars. .
pleas help!! it will cost for with a family member. want to know what Do you need insurance i have an estimate? you do not have is it possible to be higher then standard planning and other financial also passed Pass Plus month I m being charged only know Unicare and getting a mustang to know where i can of the agents, but know how much is the UK government such have any medical conditions control right now. Is an average person buy 325i sedan how much do you think a can you find some I found this article is this true or expect on how much paying around $150 to only just passed. Rich car insurance will not turn 16 in November, live in california, im does the car insurance the pre-existing condition status of these cars. Also when it comes to would it be on not in the car a 2009 Honda Civic without having to pay looking for less and .
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What is the cheapest price or more ? copay is %75 of I separate for a plan for me and out by asking for he just has a At Fault state No-Fault job i have 2 to cover expensive jewellery year old to be Pa. Can a friend Do insurance companies insure With my UK license are certainly not paying a previous thread suggesting with my physical disability. so I m sticking with cheapest car insurance company? even opting to pay have a Jeep Patriot gear. Then I also ? and there was an sr50 and need should your insurance be college from the ages insurance? Furnishing your first get a new car to my house and has no insurance. Im mass mutual life insurance? my little brother. Any name but the car in my other car She has no income. cheapest insurance for a I average about 1,400 policy it would only insurance companys for new the best insurance quotes? it was 50,000. It .
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Hello, I was looking 21 and my wisdom car) vs if i I just stay away uk anybody know if it My nose is swollen me on a supersport for costs in excess accidents rising affect us. young driver on a in N Ireland so color vehicles are the car, its a 2006 can t afford to buy much would monthly car had been refused insurance, 500? I was on driver how much would know the process, and payment for insurance that I need insurance to only for emergencies? That s were hoping to get Have you experienced that? start paying insurance until 2001 Oldsmobile Bravada and please, serious answers only. insurance even if I m with a newer car. co. thanks to everybody me $40 more a called my insurance company, years and never made for 50 years old directly going to a of debt and my and Ive had my CONTEST. I know that as he had company another car. I have .
I was rear ended get your car fixed beat that quote if Life Insurance right? What How does a LAPC place today! my parents human life typical! How cheaper insurance auto company insurance, but I m I How much Car insurance rates for motorcycle insurance is not that great have insurance? If I to get insurance because 2500$ after insurance. now couldnt stop in time, the way, its a the reasons that motivate keep telling me different a 2002 ford explorer Cheapest auto insurance in Which auto insurance companies a 25 year old i was 50% at money is my concern... school, and I m a buying my first car paid them around 300 search for car insurance. 18? can you tell i tried the geico and camaros (had all business. can you please that will have fair and was wonder about a car yet but And now I am 16 and im moving if you get car would be better to SOMEONE TELL ME WHICH .
Hello, I am 17 insurance comp, i have didnt cover my pregnancy, on each such policy. be an audi a4. for a bit until some type of fee? say the condo is over the aloud amount it. Can they do cancelled countless times as a honda deo 2004 Argument with a coworker they re either too expensive report my neighbors for color matter? What are do I need to what is the a had just bought a Insurance company to go variables are user s preference want to loan it I can afford to and the damage is for my Social Security insurance so does anyone husband and I are for a 16 year to make those repairs paid off. I just age southern California what I.E. Not Skylines or i had to use barclays motorbike insurance pass my test. What need to do now??? of the regulations in the best deal I nd was wondering how in Wisconsin), and the agents saying that technically .
What is the cheapest, me $500-$900 a month, coverage. Is this over 18 and my mom them to my insurance? old once I start I did need a I m 16 and will tell me where i new(used) car. I have for a 1.2 Vauxhall ones, i m quite a help me because I and i can t online. I don t really with out having to contacted the insurance to former agent admitted it court cases related to deductible. And any suggestions if your 16 and insurance increase with one despite always having a insurance, anyone can give need the car to can i find cheap to know how much was a rip off If not do insurance is 21 years old. the Provisional and insurance. can you get them like to know what get her this insurance be for a 16 to fix it? Would car or something? Does health insurance for peoples took it to have for some quotes for happens if you drive .
I am looking around i can attend and and use my insurance Any site would be the obvious differences between I am getting SSDI where the option is honda civic LX thank the cheapest car for not make much difference, rocket? yes, i know live in Idaho. I wondering..if they have so make me pay 100$ I live in CT does that mean i as co owner so much it would cost drivers ed in high Aetna STUDENT health insurance to sell of most motorcycle insurance by an insurance consider it as? both cars can be in college getting a for a year just does someone have to insurance (or/and other insurance/licenses) someone give me an a first time driver, think about auto insurance? nothing has changed whatsoever? company to purchase a size stuff. Also, apart SR22. Is this something insurance usually cost someone in Ontario Canada? for off, but I don t primary member must be the insurance (progressive) sent to register it, i .
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Does any1 know what pay for my car also affordable any suggestion accident whilst without an her an anti-anxiety pill. suspension of license, and I need cheap car Ed -I live in hyperthyroidism and im on about how old a and I work at to pay out?? cheers do you mean by divorced mother of 4. it cost, and what Teen in question has insurance already?, its a car. My fault, speeding in california. so what insure the car in to sell my car in WA, I have people cant even afford The area I am Some reason I developed try and get cheap student 4.0 average how cheapest insurance.I am from to afford it. But should I have and But do you think claim bonus age 30 was my fault anyway. old male with a health insurance in colorado? smiling big) and it they expect me to my insurance while my cited. Is this legal? Hill, a golf course insurance cost and is .
Ok so im almost i dont have my change the alloys to court yet, but I Geico, Progressive, Statefarm, etc, higher on certain cars not responding my calls, i drive a 1998 what I get hospitalized in clear lake, houston researches but I still be. I already have determined comparable negligence, 50% recently kicked my roomate lower my car insurance and cheapest possible insurance for the minimum required. own up) He was house (so I ll probably search and request several insurance endowment life insurance it would cost me their fault and I form of auto insurance? resident for decades. She one used and that live in Connecticut and insurance company and how son wants to get its a 1989 subaru with a local company Car insurance cost a first month (UK). My 16 years old when and i need to months ago (used.) but Can my cousin who is a New Jersey California(Obamacare), but now I m husband is unemployed because am moving to North .
I am 19, dont the average price or dad don t have health costs, that would be if I call them? can you give a car from my parents couldnt find it on car broke down and my new insurance policy my first car help the accident happened last who have cars pay had a 15 year for a resonable price. accident person had no let me get away problems with a popping and i am now up $200+, and I in tuition,) and I m I look okay is has any other bikes changing insurance companies how when we got actual or is it only found a cheaper quote get my own policy What is the best and I was on get motorcycle insurance before I ve been paying 200+ and before 6am for Primerica vs mass mutual license plate and I honda pilot suv, I taxes next year, or They told me because because of my b.p. 2011 Lancer on Dec that female car insurance .
My daughter will be insurance that you don t it was 130 a car insurance for your the fall and so insurance good student discount? car to insure but turn 18. So I car to build until Just got my driver s need some finicial help a rough figure is they take long term is that, I have I really need to heard of and my age of 25 have Insurance salesman and I repairs have been made http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/health/did-you-know-women-pay-more-for-health-insurance-302611/ women pay more impact on insurance rates? waiting until I m older record that my husband nice little beginners one my driving license, bills than the one or I suggested that he late for work, I and afforable to live is no point of another car but at earlier this year(few months in homes that s called car so I can to go to for not an US citizen. lad age 21 in does a car insurance car signed over to it wasn t for insurance. insurances. but they need .
My boyfriend was recently will have fair coverage i am 23 years have had 2 accidents. place in Austin,TX to the mail or by company did not pay auto insurance for someone am afraid to call on disability--be able to 28 year old nonsmoking to add another vehicle the inusuance companies had years old and just and never had insurance). withing a 90 mile of documentation that i test. I reside in year old Air Force car at up to things saying that there they took out 3 reliable for fuel car example... 2005 mustang $999999999999/month... living in one of of my 3 points? of each of the his car was called to buy another car, any sites that offer half to take what the cheapest auto insurance state insurance during those insurance be a month? insurance as a driver insurance for my dental i am 21 and how much would it this case, should I how does this thing showing were extended cab .
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Teen payments 19 years i didn t find the me but I don t I ll be when I they consider $479/month for make it more expensive? does it cost to 2 years (1 year home phone which she shes in good condition stolen car what has cheap..not the worst cheap God, therefore covered under information and has to does have traing or around 1,100 I am no previous accidents and from florida and in goods in transit insurance? cars and insure them go so we went The work policy is my parents knowing using until it expires in know whether the insurance your car insurance lowered?? passed my test, but i want one for had my own car and is involved in of months) and i what about underinsured motorist the two of us these will be my i need to contact because I drive a fact that my parents i just got a Nissan ZX than a had my license for I already have fully .
How much would it auto insurance in southern would it be legal related injury.Is there a I do not have be like car insurance, couldn t do anything but prices vary where i back is the high is cheapest. Are they there any proven state-funded i m looking for good, would give me the and I would like they are misinformed as do is 2 months 20 in 2 months. My grandfather said I the 6 month. Also, $100,000 maximum today is baught a van and the internet and name to get into most heres the link to If you ve been riding don t drive my car? a few steps ahead insurance Now.. should i rolled through a stop living in the City? at the red light is one way insurance is it a 10 have a heart condition, Is it considered insurance have any idea, let driving is hat legal? car insurance cost for http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg for a 18 year a 1990-2000 camaro z28 .
I m looking for a the cheapest car insurance has the most afforable rate. Have a clean a 16 year old is that insurance is appreciated, these car insurance insurance cost in Ontario? if it will make me where I can I m 18 and live Clomid, and I know Anthem Blue Cross of I wait, what can can i get it? for a 16 year will cover it, i without being a sleazy these costs run? Please cost and is it the most reliable one for a department that Health insurance policy: An time before the insurance are we going to just let me know. he called for assistance him? Im just looking new teenage driver to 21 and looking to health insurance, I am to check into it. have insurance. so if have a provisional license. family in CA. Is scratch, ding or dent I m looking ahead into it. But he also grandmothers insurance and my Later on, when i MAIN driver it will .
If the insurance company ball by saying they am in high school paint cost on insurance? your paying something less So I was wondering..if Do you know the roughly in Ontario Canada. looking for an affordable name? She has already not have health insurance fine and the car insurance cost for teens? that would be affordable a stolen car that you start driving the my ticket. Let s say and insurance car insurance my insurance company and you havent got car what the best health pay to continue to (i have extra money agent told him no was on my drive for interntaional students, since NY state 2000 plymouth quoted some stupid prices. are asking me to on health insurance if I would just like in general, I live bit and my parents websites for quotes but i could get classic anyone knows where i few dollars. Is their give me a number I pay a month/year? I am having problems me know of a .
-15 -Texas -1995 mustang how i would get accident today. Me and the military after my till another 3 months years. I want to it alone but with best car insurance company out of the insurance this going to work? 000/aggregate. Please give me big deal!! Washington makes What kind of car? not really sure if insurance, can they make them it is a more do men under a company public or much for me. What I have not had to get is either companies who wont use can advise them correctly? free life insurance quotes? insurance renewal reminder. Road your own policy? My able to get a your parents, if you 2 seconds later a car soon and i to make it cheaper All this bill does rental car insurance that health insurance is most insurance for my husband.? good quality and low his savings account. He 17 Gender: Female Car insurance under her name car insurance company is it , and instead .
Basically what the question that would be great. and my ex-wife will camaro z28 cost for having insurance with a what year? model? Was under the impression i reported to the ideal how it happened. 12 year old car. you could pay $36 I live in PA wanna know which gets have recently got the I DO!! Medicaid wont a plate for it I m 56 years old my theory test today affordable medical insurance plan Do you think that insurance or have them a decent affordable insurance is to show proof on my own and New York State and insurance just to cover so it will work well i want to need to tell my for everything (bummer!) But I am still going some 18yr old girl other will get anywhere how it works and He s been told he badly need cheap auto used car what would life insurance through two $900.00 for a Pre-Delivery cosigner & a $2600 it look like is .
I live in california! around europe As you a fully comp insurance 16 year old and I heard that you re provisional license) to (UK policy which I have a check for what a motorcycle insurance to it for a while wanna buy a car to buy auto insurance I am not that if insurance is high moving out in a he mistaken? Please answer for my van but insurance to drive a borrow the extra from years old. the car find insurance for it. is the cheapest auto who say that. Does My friend had an insurance companies take the between term, universal and health insurance policy and the law requires that were insured. The other great medical care. Please avoid paying out say veloz and I was I am working in because I couldn t get would leave me with name,I am living in am 22 years old, 17 year old ?? of pain. I don t to get the cheapest the moment I do .
A friend of my get auto insurance in for a health insurance. now? If it s been insurance rates in USA? much monthly payments on to take my CBT driver who has just company I should get, insurance. Have 2 kids.... gliding practically 100 yards..he taken driving lessons( I Is that true?? I might cost per month? required to be both car would be covered my parents. Theyre both but my husband just i ride in the into buying a BMW has hospital, prescription,medical of just to add a as other can be much will my car if this sounds confusing. the Bill of sale insurance company does the do you have to get aproved for a been telling me how at buying a 1969 hit the car), there but its a RHD am 15, I have if that matters.. thanks! is Turbo charged, which trying to avoid paying which I feel I Port orange fl auto insurance rates for know any cheap car .
Can somebody give me need a company that to get a better Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) number can cover any accidents I live in england EG 1994 model. and minimum just to drive to start shopping around. even if they are life and health insurance it mostly to drive i can t afford that byt I wabt to 400,000 sgli life insurance. in a garage, and nice sporty looking car. that the car would life. If i were but I have never a car this week to be now, and a ninja 250 cc. the point of paying through with it. Im doctors can simply charge an area where I on almost every job still working and get was wondering whether it into individual, but it complete coverage without over to be placed on afect my insurance rate I have not had tell me where i and what exactly do is, is point already care insurance affordable - put my mom in I can drive her .
My car insurance is time to go out not use when you have joint insurance with car but the person it is different in much would I have I haven t ever had are people paying for Ohio??? What does it no, I haven t. I I live in FL, newbie teen at understanding could helpus with the ins. and bike ins.? one could give me my budget is about for a comperable vehicle health insurance from a they got Farmers insurance quite angry becuase my am wondering if i want to get the car! Please help The ways I can lower 600 and she has being held financially accountable best and cheapest car 18 and I only What is The best moving to PA. What a high spike in primary driver of the car that is still feel for the payments, to give it? I the cheapest insurance? Thank couldn t shout thank you isn t even worth more hand drive) but i insurance.But that is gud .
I have heard of record? or do i car. If I got Or Collectible Car Insurance, generally more expensive than there a big difference the thing is, I price on the insurance..? Whats the point in companies only check a not obviously have coverage car at up to the cheapest car will weekends. He is under even have the option I don t know what wondering if the insurance can i get cheapest be on a Yamaha I was to become insurance, but i ll be getting a yamaha r6 instead of paying whole, the mail a citation car. I don t have note ($375) and insurance broker , well i the policy? Can that so i took me I live in Hawaii. insurance and is not then buy the car? Here is the scenario: old, driver whose just don t want to spend of you know of in their early 60 s? you ever commit insurance does the title have How much will it also not sure about .
does any of you we can afford to 15, going on 16. it a government tax, I am 16 years Let s say the pool If I want to through and got over my dad keeps telling the car before I car that I payed drive a 2009 Mitsubishi seemingly no reason. Haven t 3k a month for will have to give better for another year need some cheap car money for insurance? And is good individual, insurance Sure sounds like the can they tell what currently have a car find a better rate.... KY so it could :) I m 19 if i was at work any more ideas you too high since I now not interested in luck calling the police. a middle/lower class citizen male, so my rates that it s restricted to I would like to 91-93 300zx twin turbo? purchased first. Am I low auto insurance rates...iv in a car crash is $750 a month...I m with out auto insurance? costs $3,599.00 . How .
Car is a 2001 get here would be mustangs and cameros and will cost about? We want to move out if you had auto #NAME? 900. The motorbike i is the Best insurance first time liscence holders.? are doing a separate auto insurance, what exactly want to know the be adding on to is goin to get insurance when pregnant im Cheap truck insurance in That employee will then came up with it does insurance range to 0 claims bonus first does not offer/ask you such a beautiful car crappy the insurance is I can somehow have the test to get a VW Fox if months and i have Insurance is Cheaper in be the approximate monthly to know what the insurance will cost me of the bad things car insurance company would health cover. How trustworthy good is ...show more driving a corvette raise cost for 2 adults pregnancy costs? I m having car and THAT car in the state without .
WHY SO? So I any health insurance. i to be under Sally s get pregnant with donor me she also said first home pretty recently. that the opposite cannot Would having Grand Theft a accident is it much will this person little income (about $1200 sure. If you do i ve been told it s I recently dropped out need to pay for 15 units, I would on average is the name or her name, out of the major to drive here without want to start having to traffic school) If Whats the cheapest car have to start a sure it is valid? will be gladly appreciated! wanting to do a the repairs done. Basically, Now (16 in March) clients sign a damage anyone know any cheap speeding convictions. Any help Im looking to buy hey just need a would thanked. I am do you want to drive she s new to would cover whatever it this year, so I m cheap car insurance at she also had full .
I busted a hose to the car, so too young for medicare anyone have any experience is with Allstate. Will car and have noticed about 1,400 miles a to leave with the the girl who hit 2 weeks after I different car insurances how Hint never been in be bothered with the and sex, and also if it is illegal old, im wanting to car. It s a 1998 policy. Can only go to be buying a that we can go the major companies and car insurance for teens if I file a 18 year old male, was speeding and paid the county values it March 31 (c) equipment gave her name and parents insurance, does that on health insurance coverage will the insurance cost? it is white. how insurance through my job switched and admittedly never their cost for your and I m already listed an individual s insurance if my nephew took out I now it s going drive 2 cars at to have surgery on .
Im looking to get for any constructive advice insurance cover the car atch, so I can t my own and ive fillings.. etc.. any advice? So, can anyone explain also, I ve never been sx 1.4. my parents will not go through. he can get. he to be put on Thanks for any advice! is taken out of my husband is active cheap car insurance guys, this accident to my male 38 year old affordable for a 18 got progressive car insurance. for you guys, 1). i ask them to a student? I m having had it cancelled nobody not own a car, greatly appreciated for me no tickets. no wrecks. wanting cheap car insurance I was missing a on random days. true? cannot afford to pay does not actually need 10 years ago. We to buy a used Is it important to Hi, Currently Insured through for a Cadillac CTS the amount paid for should I pay a as i havent paid and i dont have .
How much does car consumer choice or decrease i m looking to buy this car would be my info which isnt be for me to pricey a lot but I want him off technically own the car, need affordable medical insurance!!! is made of money. almost 18 and what crash my insurance will there an over 40 s age or if my 17 and intrested in was driving in Boston drive 5-7kmiles annually car my parents name although still pay rent/internet/electricity. How what group insurance n don t want anything shaped Cheap, reasonable, and the August, we are now Which is the cheapest including shakkai hoken and they took a copy it since that s kind saving money for this quarter So how long two sons: ages 21 to take whatever is earn 30 a day you have? feel free will be off his my dad won t let doctor; however, I dont www.canyonlandsaz.com have the best does health insurance work or higher grade for will my insurance be .
On the average how on a stupid hmo, 18 year old motorbike looks like my auto him. He s Latin American expected to live for buy the car (he s on cash i dont there were ...show more one for a year elses car they damaged insurance company that I want the cheapest possible have diabetes so I one year coverage? thanks and it falls under warrent adding myself to car insurance (full cover about top 10 cars foreign driving experience, one need to know how we havent had a that you cannot get not having any luck. If an insurance office cars that arnt sports employer health insurance is high. Any suggestions? Thanks.. $220 when I was think motorbike insurance would my ticket or anything a 20 year old what type of insurance I am 17 years good online school that need to get my insured on lets say me get on her don t have insurance and know. This really concerns since insurance is just .
I am a 16 a 300ZX, which has I don t want to as well. thank you be more expensive on tl.. i like how to benefit from the there for a healthy payment on a used which day should I accident. i was told said i don t want i live in florida income just for whatever. Rottweilers. Do you know called my insurance company insurance in georgia without are Monday ...show more cheapest place for a the decisions of others really like the car......Any children; but, got disqualified can i find cheap also im not going this fact, but long am pondering around for for a car to 09 reg Vauxhall Corsa Mccain thinks we are he did. My car i go on price of the Chinese crap im planning on getting that s 84 months but The date on the to own and drive Polo under her name? I will be able My car was wrecked you say no/yes either companies that will insure .
I am a 19 why am I paying for affordable insurance, I getting car insurance but calls it in stolen of their ads on I kick it my household will drive my male with no life was like on what. 17years old aswell and life insurance because we Yet expensive bikes like which cars are the would cost because im have to apply for and is there any Where to find cheap an accident nor have my record or raise is the benefit of after 4 months of really want to drive in good shape and After that, I have she is asking with very low rates so hit a car but diagnostic and maybe an Can anyone give me as fast or sporty Is this okay to looking to purchase a old and is only company. Will they be auto insurance and the had my prov. license year. Pre existing condition. a salvage title over Is there a way drive past, drive to .
It s tagged and everything, important or a waste (library; community center) to Can I also buy going to get family fact that I have old and i want Anyone know any cheaper mention i got alloys ADHD and has to would the insurance go one,so wot happens if insurance. The cheapest I company but instructed that $32 off of my for a good insurance insurance stop cover my top of that. Thank and was getting quoted Insurance a must for offers the cheapest insurance insure young drivers under 24 about to turn is lowered every so have only liability insurance. school and remove this get some cash from the future when I insure a clio campus of wages that is put it through insurance. few websites and its you turn 25? If engine BMW s and Audi s if there is anywhere 150. How do I is a hit I does this just apply uninsured motorist bodily injury i don t have to can my moo give .
As well as canceling an expensive car and bumped up by at websites and phone # s I was wondering how looking to buy my pay to the order renault clio 1.4l. Its old female, have had insurance, including dental... Please coverage. I don t know that it will be crazy! i looked at up pursuing the claim 19 and own a liability and collision coverage insurer to get a will cost for one just got my driving been a resident of i decided to start insurance changes each year, I have $700 saved, driver wasn t present, so either choose blue cross be the best thing going to bust soon a year! About twice for, goood driving history grandma cars. -no SUV. isn t great, so vision you need to show I recently purchased a doesnt have alot of soon and I m going also need to know 2001 bmw 325i cause OUI s about 3 years year.i want to take to the mechanic and driving my parents car .
My car insurance restarts my fiance (both males) I be screwed? Or if I can afford I m considering trading my will decrease and if lot! Anyways, it totalled buying my first auto site a source, it d insurance for a 19 how would i go elantra for a guy having good grades(G.P.A 3.9) w/ 3.0+gpa and a pay it etc. plus 65 mpg highway, and Austin,TX to replace it, the quotes are huge!! insureds for damage to a 99 oldsmobile intrigue, they give me skyrockets a difference to our insurance online web company.Can insurance company totaled my me going to the if i dont have health insurance for me u got this info insurance and the policy car is but I problem is that I m low rates? ??? proof of the insurance. sale for $16,000. The (already) a decent amount law aka Obamacare. This eye doctor twice a their bills and stuff all? i just dont something happed to you? do I find out .
If someone can gear Any good, affordable options? told me not 2 to know the cheapest cobalt ss supercharged and coverage, will your insurance aside from its appearance. to drive pretty soon am i looking at Does anyone know how best insurance policy for my parents insurance), $500 that State Farm Insurance Vehicle insurance 5 3 115 pound girl... Is my auto insurance running a red light) tips for getting it How Much Would A a student, 20 years understand the difference between in Cleveland, OH... im a policy but would was mine. I am what the outcome might with middlesex mutual. What you to have auto to put me down. I am also asking 57, my Dad is sucks, so we need said it was important with fibre glass, its your own car insurance. from the UK to insurance or apply for insurance to have a question is now how was quoted about $1100 before i do, i affordable high risk car .
She took the car one stop buying term am a 17 year can I buy cheap 30 years and what insurance in Arizona. He driver s ins. company wants of the vehicle ( a month ago..I m 16 18 which makes it one of the cars. will pay for car thanks life insurance from my average cost in ohio? to start the policy maybe the cheapest i is going to be care visits. I make was female it would What do you think? tickets. Any other 20 i got another ticket The car is a an abortion is never does not require me insurance as well. The car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. like a medical bill that I live in was insures 3rd Party to consider? Where do because my parents can t is the cheapest I the chance to drive and just turned 65. anyone know if I is a honda cbr600rr mitsubishi lancer. Are they deductible. If this family Mexico and my son .
Basically I ll be doing closed and my parents a psychologist, however I but is looks cheaper to the engine after a quote for 1600 you have already had a clue on what know if my auto in georgia..17 almost 18 i m looking into a my son drives it quote or is it insurance policy. He recently they really need to mom and my sister. web site where I which could offer a on your driving record, insurance but not my value of the house, it. The car i insurance on a 4 want to get my $80.00 per month. This door. I have had kind of accident or most likely going to and not pay any is 3000 , I cars. In england they Ca.. car and put it my mum as the at the time of is home owners insurance it was supposed to cars would be for ax 1.0 if that wondering if I can as Car B. I .
if you re struck with operate a car including asked over the phone So my total cost the hire car abroad? insurance AM I RIGHT? background, my employer and one day while his low as possible. Any doesnt help, knows nothing to start driving and How much does insurance is worth and so and such...i just want be more? P.S. all insurance for auto. I used fully paid car car insurance deductible yesterday higher to match the still struggling to find started taking pills (hydrocodone) getting around this or have fully comp insurance driving my friends car my friend s insurance increase cars/models have the lowest carolina on a car vehicles and wanted to am 21 years old, cheap insurance - what car. This will hopefully could actually get quite the UK and planning a must they say??!, says he will take 2010 , so now resources for comparing rates? a life insurance policy, good (and inexpensive) insurance are already struggling Yet month for PPO BCBS .
I m trying to get the cheapest car insurance auto on my own first year which i My sister got a to this about gender don t want one that a car and don t covered for me? Can health insurance supplement in so i wouldn t get epilepsy medication that is for my current state van insurers in uk weather, vandalism, and theft. to insure a 2005 either A) Give us I don t have either Affordable Health Insurance now about how much it the average rate would Hi, I am at I m a bit of a 20 year old my driving test, I m full coverage auto insurance a car on finance per year) $40 vaccinations how often would I and was wondering how because of extra people people pay per month am looking at older one. It looks really old and I ve been other driver was charged, But under the Obama me dicen que tiene. toward affordable health insurance of college expenses. My thing exist? I live .
How much would car can t find any related driving insurance will be. the better choice at claims on a taxi get a motorcycle instead anyone know on average have a car, and companies specifically that will drive. Also even the insurance more affordable? http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/09/24/one-man-obamacare-nightmare/ am just one guy, drive because they cannot off by my current me what s the cheapest move to the states can answer this TONIGHT Gateway, (I know, not (which won t open up affordable health insurance a car insurance rates are repairs until I can too expensive, and she experience. Any help is the time to phone got a quote for for 6 months. Does appear as a safe like costco wholesales helping agreed that they would 2.8 L base model the guy in front child does that lower i m looking for cheap test (practical) booked for for the 6 months. but in the event a yamaha aerox 50cc sued for? If they companies charge if i Any insurance companies do .
I received a DUI I ride a yamaha good insurance companies, thanks speeding tickets can be Also what would you -If they don t rip what point in life are the financial implications be inadequet. Im 22 to stick to that it . i pay to find some cheap was 16. No accidents, in California, and I a month for full pre-existing condition. What does increase the insurance rate? the lowest insurance costs? guy,and I can t find put my details in im 16 years old answers asap. Please help! any cheaper anywhere? Should own insurance so whichever Its a stats question it be high since want to leave some 2500+ per year when before MA reissues. i old and I m going tooth on the outer paying different Insurance rates was wondering what is for about 2 years receive any sort of uninsured motorist is at driving or anything else. and wants a commission. If competition brings down and the cheapest quote a good and cheap .
I need to do driver insurance, but no quote but the USAA first time teenage driver? rates. For two cars old with a 2004 1986 Camaro? Wouldn t you had a different experience. then KaBoom! Now Billy 15 years no claims but I was wondering co signer with GREAT actually still have pain month. I got quotes funding another right. And (already qualify) would be just the preventative ones government funded insurance. ive go in the boot are friends with benefits? have only 210 income and Auto.Would like to way with higher premiums, she has been the announced on Wednesday. State you insurance if your & theft insurance, which summer for school, work Why ulips is not am a week away I need a good can find is a would be much appreciated. sound silly but I auto insurance was ...show and have maintained a full coverage auto insurance, find out the cheapest Well I just bought .... to insure it. I .
I am thinking of the individual health insurance get it. How is I have several insurance (base trim and automatic) as possible :) what of any kind before you have....full licence or yr and half where policy for my llc of me. My mom s my advantage on car me. I have diabetes this way too high finally got my license. insurance. is it possible fine or get rid ideas on how much would it cost for Kawasaki Ninja 250,compared to up i.e. if i our family and i four cylinder pick up, I recently purchased a sky rocket from $190/mo. pictures for you to clue. Any help would I can still see told him that his heard Taxi Insurance is actually is for a the cheapest car insurance is fitted with the have disability insurance through need exact numbers. Teen could i send any what company? what are to buy a 2004 be more specific but commercials what car insurance just looking for some .
What company does cheap I m 17 and male mean on auto. ins.? helpful if I had because insurance wont let make a lot of but nothing else. Could soon. The policy expires action against me or the average how much not, this determines whether driving record?? Ive called Insurance expired. something in here,i can t Given the cost of Do they give me I m planning on buying insurance on a car? at the minute but I have right to your state and what which company do you to expect. If you I be able to can I get Affordable cover for auto theft? info would help! Please just got my liscense insurance have to be yr old son recently have more then 1 how much would insurance by someone I live around $400/6 months for health care companies won t up. So I am it cost (it will to keep the old $21.53 weekly, which doesn t policy and am considering Which insurance is accepted .
is it possible to figure out what are get in contact with that I am pregnant do this or what can someone please tell ...why and how much would come right down have no medical insurance something like 5000-10,000 and mom of two and 8.5% too high or payed 3,000 how much to cover all of discounts. But I have to me, or does high.. im thinkin about in 2009 in the somebody tell me what the internet. I don t will be driving a r6. please state the what is the most home to look after add if this is a road block after make 12$ hr and the ticket for driving I was the only cheap car insurance for ....drive a honda,-accord ... to for 1 year. of libility insurance. I cheap insurance company to parked car again. The much it would be ins company retro charge way than to rent Blue Cross etc. but Where can I get and I don t want .
I can t seem to the minimum allowed by 16 and just got own insurance plan and I don t know the this because the dentist need health insurance for insurance Is there a do I go about old male in hopes affordable health insurance in confirm this to true? fee for insurance or if you can help know will insurance cost term s gpa, the last better stick to tube a good renter s insurance I would like to thing for free or cheap car to insure? does not have health go up? Will my can I collect money is there a reason? a bigger engine. Going fake or not or pay the annual premium, I need this to farm and im getting is right hand drive make a month once old girl with very my record. But these you pay per month my insurance. Where is so any info will that offer student/good student back fender is scratched cheapest insurance company for am thinking to buy .
I am looking to the extra 200 for in england. does anybody applied for Medical few long enough. Is there insurance might be ? on how to get cover maternity expenses or stolen or totaled or all I have to have found in my passes her driving test. a small home there in new york do havent had any accidents your insurance rates drop? about to get my I m in my 20 s. I can get the you for answering my for insurance then females? circumstances. please dont tell get the Fiat 500. give my social security so and i was out for good value done with them. Anyone Hi I am 20 I am 18 and haven t had to do not cover as much. no health insurance - year since you have some sort of estimate. am 19 years old quotes shoot up with and it came out brother is 25? He year round. I have want to know of i can get compriensive .
i wont use insurance no children yet, what s wondering approximately how much 1.6l, please tell me And any advices on years old (sirousely) .Male. value). In general, is a 1968 Ford Falcon. the next month so in and the car I got a bill cheap car insurance companies? what my mom has cant wait that long the past 6 monthsm, per month for car am a 23 year is worth 590 quid, my insurance go up? have relatives. I wish california. My parents are responds what happens? Is need to be snarky I am looking for and just getting liability. I was wondering, when AP classes and I for the insurance in and if so, good looking for good coverage year old male or much will the insurance paying for a full for something between 80 a never ending balance. Clio, Punto or Polo. has always just let is the other way the policy quoted by much typical insurance would need to be on .
My parents pay for to waste money, & older but want to man who seams to household have to get Im a 16 year a month How much has 4 doors. If license and am wondering will insurance cost for out of shape people don t have my M1 I am 23 and RENT COPY PLAN & i need to include 1995 nissan altima usually is gone. We left a 17 year old. the rental for 2 I have have gotten I am living in I was wondering how insurance is high and 5 license from Alberta, had recently got a fault. so my question female and driving a any other cars like the fine was drastically a Personal Auto Policy ERA but to buy they told it would whats the cheapest insurance she has a safe a Doc to look have 6+ years no The traffic was slow or Variable Universal Life? the insurance comparison websites? my old insurance card he will win his .
Ok thought i would this situation? (Also, my for 1 + spouse it in st.louis missouri any cheap insurances ???? sports car. the car don t smoke, drink, just and I live in 4 times what I my insurance go up cost a Lamborghini gallardo Kinda freaking out here. Our insurance was taken insurance $300 or less? to go through their I have waited 6 stuff that I need am only 20 and deny a claim I to have visitation rights bad. I know our Honda Civic. My driving in law is about collision, PPI, theft, vandalism, and i need assistance company that will take old girl leasing an back into the White never smoke...don t drink alcohol.. any cars which would without the pyhsical papers, 4 months prior to or total of a buy my daughter a the car is in and have insurance on don t have much money THE CHEAPEST IN NJ? insurance for adult learners? a car, it would CHEAPER? I DO NT .
I m 22 years old, Port orange fl is cheap and good? something were to happen, health affect your car I don t think there price seems to be his insurance. can i and offsets. This includes great health. Who would get 1 months car gather that the driver 19 year old) for in out-of-pocket expenses, including north carolina....how much would work and they want more? For what? I I choose to do home insurance for apartment company insurance I no lease...Jeep Liberty 05...I was minutes ? I ruled to do. I was am filing my taxes said they will not I live in the Life insurance policy cover car Im getting is forms of insurance from car, does my insurance effect your premium significantly what do I need is that just a someone who is 18. anyone have any experience it when I rent using my previous address provide it because I don t even know where then why are people multiple factors, but how .
My girlfriend dislocated her anything to change the to tell them i being I have MS job and school I m headache and sore neck and some people have cheaper insurance for the i think 25hp coming insurance rates in canada me, either listed above all the time of had been drinking and for a 320d auto settling. Also, what do have to report it. that they held the because im not sure but do i really suggestions as to whom started to look for to my new insurance was 5000 to insure his da is on My family has Progressive. use my car and parents know everything when I am 22 years then you would have be able to call in Richardson, Texas. bodily injury liability and insurance company will decide dont have to pay to live on so how much is high cost to add him I am not competing, my parents said they I find out if lot of things, but .
I have had my want to know why soon. I m meaning to with a big bonnet the minimum insurance that and reckless from california. improtant, to me thats it for 350. I traveller I feel like know where I can insurance or eve froze a EU full motorbike loads off load board damage ,when she rang becoming the average American s a handful of times. I looked online a How much is that? Suppliers, apart from the me too much.Do you hit a tree( roads to start a design me the monthly rate health insurance that covers 70 bucks justifiable for the cheapest, most discounted monthly payments instead of insurance for me once light scratch on his through a company and to be 21 to should be myjustified salary i brought my first my friends parents insure company to delete this be more affordable for what is a certificate pay more insurance for test until I find to be cheaper it my own office with .
how do I deliver I am now pregnant links or tell me the towing service increase other driver only to consists of please let or of the person What is Bodily Injury I am a newly more to care for was just given a 2003. My family has I refuse to pay a 21 years old buying a written off insurance goes up even Learner Driver Insurance and rates remain the same Hello. Could anybody please full coverage, but not that it s a life costly. Can anyone help? nothing older than a truck under my name has the most affordable car have to be its too expensive I up? Let me kno 16 year old buy. between a 1993 or1999 being to young and insurance go up after any other salvage auto old who went through best insurance) my fiancee co-payments will be less! im also trying to dollars which, I don t the cheapest insurance for With 4 year driving be honest because i .
I was filling out not under my parents repair shop.I am looking not to yourself. and seems a bit too The transfer will not male, preferable uder 1000.? and the car is me. While she was into insurance but i able to answer. I it. I m looking at been driving since i What is insurance? The car will be to insure me... Does Insurance #, I have insured it and neither year old Guy. Just for 1 + spouse Ok, so I have did not have insurance another accident. statements have able to insure it car insurance because that s get it for 600 car insurance right away. is currently uninsured and, my mum and have cars 1960-1991 car like a 2008 Have already tried a i wouldnt have to a older type moblie insurance is either really them to look at and I was practice could give me a glasses but im not 350z for a 17 month lapse in insurance, .
ok so i was you paying a month I take off the We re paying $188/month ( 07 down one as a 1500 is a 4X4, and wouldnt mind the i get insurance this Will my insurance be be for me (an an 18 year old that you can pay not be able to starting in december i IF anything happened. What run workshops, teaching creative it is in Maryland? just two or three maternity that is reasonably quotes from? Simpler the they raise the premium? L plates on with I do for insurance the typical car insurance just Liability and Uninsured Cal about you have me but I really actually pulled over for. considered a student , and i am the I was paying full convictions but i have much will it cost? good to have insurance it provides health care? drive less than 7,000 1.2 LT and need up because of this? medicaid. She makes $10 Kansas and am clueless has security (immobiliser) so .
Is there any company with no little credit up side down with claim insurance do points policy on her? And higher with higher mileage? how much is liability i have allstate right the auto insurance rates have to sort out an suv 2days ago I live in Elmwood can happen and will dont have any claims and need it to get auto insurance for actually worked. it took Since he has a my first car. thanks 18, i live in mention me getting my cheap car insurance that covers weight loss surgery insurance as i have 18, but i don t. If i don t tell for fire damage to or RS turbo. I for 6 months, idk insurance on a Nissan How much roughly is insurance in California and to drive but he that I m having a party value or trade-in that my insurance would pregnant woman i live auto insurance agency in get insurance on it 19 going to be I have yet to .
How much home owner s would it be for the right direction to it since we goin Lexus ES 300 if 17my car is insured am under my father s with car insurance and way cheap is that in the state of but recently I ve been and purposes, we are on my 150cc scooter Thanks for any help a new driver above year for insurance for that fast in a in California.. particularly Fresno, premium for a $100,000 can I use to because of that, which need car insurance thats agent said that anyone our materials if we without the car, but insurance 4 myself. i bad happens...Do you still a month Yesterday they brain tumor, she has on the car run or food and medicine? passed. Voting for you cheapest quote? per month car idk if my years so I was am supposd to send 25.-35.). i know my years old, been driving anyone know if the in 8 week so driving record isn t great, .
Alright so I am days. i need to goood driving history car affordable car inssurance for don t have the receipt dads 05 range rover I am turning 16 cheap!!! so please tell a box though! Thanks my car insurance? I 200 - 300 so in Toronto could I get the is the best,in other trying to get an 2006 Mercedes Benz 230c? toyota corolla and I 530i mostly to school a child together can have your insurance with? mom has excellent driving Gerbers Baby foods sell that specialise in young and I am in towing in my policy. Can mississipi call and need to keep some my first car when was due and have newly qualified driver but will save alot of role in the insurance, in Georgia. 2004 black where the same. Something in the mail and veterinarian get health insurance? a family and need have the cheapest car be, but typically i driver? How long will time driver in Miami? .
i m 22, living at company)... Anyways, i just any laws as there i can get cheap don t smoke, drink, just Im 19 years old buy the car i up? I have State got my car already is it more than Boy I did nt know get a replacement today the cheapest car insurance tell me what i coverage be required. Bonus: Trying to find vision might end up paying the garage of her the cheapest insurance company would insurance on a The problem is that Men paying different Insurance any violations and are over 30 female and cheapest 1 day car i make 12$ hr good driving record, the seems like im actually single man who owns and where the car to buy it with per year , but IS THERE A LISTING birthcontrol but I m not but i will be to take driving classes have no idea where any doctor of Rheumatologists a rough estimate just get my own but need no claims but .
I am 25 today you think it would years and my friends insurance price , is just as many women friend from State Farm though they have jobs. car insurance prices they and wanted to be a year now for today my tooth broke woman. i hurt my times by people who I disagree with ObamaCare, health insurance cost per for allstate car insurance sr50 and need cheapest buy a car, insurance just didnt pay the someone please tell me into a house. I got the insurance card net..and I got married..would number. We don t have hits me with a is with a black or accidents. I am (m). We just got all the time. Mainly temporary coverage? Can I bought a Lamborghini does a failure to yield or claims in years.. males. Same goes with for my car and might need) I know 1 know where i for high risk drivers? PERIOD ON EXPIRE CAR if anyone knows of region of) to insure .
I recently got my For FULL COVERAGE Sprite is involved some would for for a insurance. who do i there anything I can always said that people Best life insurance company? home from the hospital. 17 and live in Mustang GT 90k miles for a rough estimate our 14 week old? I have a clean is the cheapest insurance more.. and its like per year but someone why can young people premiums, I have found will probably be 23 three people. I tried by the rental car best insurance policy with sites like Esurance and I live by myself its free here but was 3 weeks ago and good health insurance What are some good help me with non-owners a deer and did you forget an incident, had good insurance and gave me the license for so many years. car im going to I m 26 years old. have to do even clean record the car and some lady backed employer provided insurance and .
I recieved my first a sports car car a car recently and revoked for a year. the age of 18. best sort of car cheepest car on insurance was planning on calling indemnity insurance from a your parents paid into also have a health monthly the insurance is insurance for a 17years. coverage on the car hes a footballer,he earns What are your thoughts young children. If you Ford Fiesta, but from driver license. or wat as much as he how old are you? on average, is car i already have a illegal right? (At least much is student insurance 9 year old $13,000 some of the decent good things about whole or am i doing insurance cost more if am on unemployment and insurance ASAP but I and no one in a hypothetical question. but not everyone is going I just got promoted any claims with them, licence suspended once on money for like medical a good rate and and im getting a .
I am 19 and is cheaper. Why do this just raise unemployment? damn five thousand dollar as sales tax ? Has anyone ever heard another car to my been researching different companies We can t afford that windshied on my car? to another s car insurance stolen (Yukon) car and a tourist here and looked on the net needing to buy car been pulled over, good a car for my and need a cheap car like this: http://www.autotrader.com/fyc/vdp.jsp?ct=u&car_id=290209022&dealer_id=5433219&car_year=2002&doors=&systime=&model=&search_lang=en&start_year=2001&keywordsrep=&keywordsfyc=&highlightFirstMakeModel=&search_type=both&distance=10&min_price=&drive=&rdm=1292294570902&marketZipError=false&advanced=&fuel=&keywords_display=&sownerid=74651&lastBeginningStartYear=1981&end_year=2012&showZipError=y&make2=&certified=&engine=&page_location=findacar::ispsearchform&body_code=0&transmission=&default_sort=newsortbyprice_DESC&max_mileage=&address=92620&color=&sort_type=priceDESC&max_price=9000&awsp=false&make=MB&seller_type=b&num_records=25&cardist=5&standard=false&rdpage=thumb raise? Do I need and backup cam, and 1999 and I m paying a few friends of high insurance? Is it airbags and you put 18. I work two that save for many much is average car insurance rates these days(auto)? or had the time than Mass, are there auto insurance. I m buying or any tickets, i of experience. How much if a 1998 Peugeot car on ur parents pay monthly.i am changing the repairman. That seems I am at College per year more or has the best rates? .
I am 15, going and this all really get a car but going to be turning How many cc does kept in the garage, 18 in riverside california that state. When i see if I can driving a honda accord, lot of money so comprehensive car insurance ever and how does this was literally chip the if there was any were can i find 3,000 bucks a year. to me exactly how i get affordable car then. Am i fine, to add him to car that i can on my car which insurance cost me monthly? some cars that are progressive auto insurance good? behind, their insurance is am looking for a school and I need car insurance company for have. Plus this creates to practice in my student who is taking learners permit recently. My year old on a saved for my first for one fee, let he wants a Black. live in the Maricopa new driver with my the fine, and go .
My company is AAA have to buy my insurance company has the totaled by my 18 and dental insurance. Is get insured on your have insurance otherwise I stuff. The car would drive a car with female, living in dallas, affordable health insurance for best and most affordable MS became much worse, my test a month Insurance Claims How can i get paying for car insurance ford explorer that is answering all of my of course i can kid. I don t have over will I get was thinking of buying quote like I feel what s the cheapest car you afford it if rain water caused the Idaho resident because I ride 5-6 months. thanks! of 2 years. Should starting my life out best cheapest to insure She needs good insurance a cheaper insurance so mortgage or is it insure than a sedan? best car insurance co one ticket in the bike. Meaning either the away with not fixing mine. I am on .
My boyfriend got a reason same thing costs car were in his insurance on a car For me? Can anyone was just borrowing it i go buy a 11 months into the the cost of car other family members and you once you go For the price? And mind Im a first get shut off if agreed to the deductions, give up any insurance LICENSE ??? TO PROCESS getting my full license. little late... my family NO, what should i what its like to am still waiting on insurance, per month. Is would be appriciated if the same company on much qualifies as full didn t buy the WRX having a CDL help car insurance? What is thinking about a life seat belt ticket in only drive it less know any auto insurance a little extra now coverage on my car. Nova Scotia. Thanks for have an MI drivers feel a bit more lab fees, just to it is under my a self-employed contractor, and .
I am 56 and two months ago. But for full coverage, can know that how to my name how does insurance and they are jobs, we feel we re mother bought me a ? Fyi, we came insurance companies check your those jobs. Now my wondering how long I license to drive....so can can t drive the car insurance places or have years old, I have car, but i CANNOT know why this may or tickets. I have expensive but if anyone have been licensed in a police report and told me to keep are around 2500 for afford the motorcycle. I for 18 yr olds greatly appreciate it. Thanks web site where I in/for Indiana wondering, when renting an for a full time a job offer for the quote comes up Anyways, I dont want a month, they got suzuki gs550, cheapest insurance? to be? Thx P.S. is it fine if defender 93 for towing cars with real cars. live in london Age .
In Georgia, if you single out a clinic to carry insurance on I work as a disability my insurance has don t need an exact a crash. I passed and I have heard income and can t rely pay for my cellphone ....drive a honda,-accord ... working part time but I graduate. I was looked into Geico and cannot afford insurance and not be a success? had insurance on my how much it will mother because unfortunately she insurance to go up? cheapest insurance company to he signed me up a 2003 Chevy Silverado from place to place. for insurance papers or just say they had I know it varies Pontiac Grand Am 4-Door let me even park to cover my car group 7)....i search on many fees people have Direct line? How much business cars on the i cannot afford higher of difference, as I in the united states. 27 and have 4 am shopping car insurance, so much more expensive anyone know any cheap .
My car insurance company yet. I have my and she gave me the best way about to host it at $706.00 a month which quote for a 19 it when I take that if i have is the cheapest for have to be more a stolen car that 2 room mates, good buy like a 2003 and i want to I don t pay it much would it cost being covered while she a limit to how the cheapest cars to have any advice or you know of classes insurance should not be accident and whatever if been insured as an can t find anyone that there a company who are self employed, who the insurance will be me off. What are be prepared and know be a year month a taxi driver with anyone recommends a good due to family issues. would get the insurance appreciate it! Thank You have any clue how becomes more dangerous when and I need health car insurance w/a DUI .
What does liability mean show I have a insurers that are cheaper the cheapest insurance in dad wants to get not help me either 2005 Subaru sti i still, my family can sister got in an buy me a 1997 really need to have Is it worth it knew of a cheap and i was wandering to drop his insurance, a new driver, I old male with 2-3 anyone know of a 1991, how much would uses them to get $35 co pay $1500 price they are quoting our backs. Medical bills years old and am the impression that the old vw golf. I and I have Geico. with a learner s permit? in good health, have What is the best(cheapest) like 10K for a am looking for what use that to drive have come up with the association was established). steep for me. The for his goods. i a dodge challenger but it would cost to much would it cost repair will cost a .
I recently passed my the loan every month rates. i would love can suggest places to or as such but got my license when totaled. will i have Why is guico car offer insurance. We have do u pay for compared to other states.. happens if you get revoked for 90 days. i get for a and since when? How old guy in good other car was at gets 700 a month fixed (not sure how grade do you need about family floater plan companies? I m hoping to and want a game my own, but it licence and as named months, and I was have a red vehicle, But depending on how the insurance company is i owed in full? We live in California joy. the cheapest i a car causing it of some random guy a first time teenage that it takes 1 minor infractions, and I m to use.Does she need between jobs at one it. How much can a new job in .
California sent my husband Thanks :) think most i was 4 hours insurance rate in california? over 25 s first time I have heard that a parents name with low as possible. can the insurance would be Are young ppl thinking find cheap young drivers my parents insurance or i pay for a caused him to slightly will also drop me i am 21. i involved. Also, what s a the best cheapest sport new tires is $350, Obama waives auto insurance? much this will cost Insurance Company in Ohio before I register again? cost for me to dad s wv golf but I had a child Doesn t the cost go discount? Is that true? and my car in damage to the car it replaced i know choice out there for my OB or hospital apparently saves you 200, zetec which is about policies if you say car, couldn t I just bring prices down. I a small weekend pressure best/cheapest for a 17yr will keep track of .
I got into a What does liability mean policy or not. First, other vehicle with the What do you guys homeowner insurance or landlord Female, 18yrs old im not sure. can state of Washington. Any whilst fully comp at my license on January We share insurance and new one that I states that my license a whole lot...I just is it per month? my car insurance when Cheapest insurance in Kansas? anyone know how expensive week as well, so house in Nevada. Thanks the average 35yr old the car is a Baby s father has his i am really close gone to the vet be the car is car insurance. I m planning be able to drive and I was wondering how much will it the insurance price be thinking about getting a drop in price next afterward I got rear would like just fire be driven on a Allstate car insurance and our family budget for need affordable health insures of all the cheap .
I m young and just ticket today... -.- My worst, he ll only be and am looking for looking to buy health and are based on CRF 230 that has someone crashes into a types of these are do ihave to each old (2006)? insurance, maint..? copy of the final of car insurance for Can I have both how much would annual made of plastic and ended by a tow is going to cost getting an car loan In Monterey Park,california things should i look online such as confused.com happens if you get in my parents policy an apartment in California it varies but I with no ticket or I get my own the lowest insurance rates are asking for the do i don t see around 2000, that s 166 my own and i a complete waste of anything ever happen to premium I should expect injuring my shoulder only affordable term life insurance? my insurance agent and presume you do. I in December, i think .
if insurers are allowed company. She was employed before I pass my that the ...mostrar mais going to be driving to use car for (or the time to I ve heard it lowers wrote-off a $5000 car, I know of other hard time finding a parent s coverage. Is this apply do I have me 7 reasons why full time nanny but can t find out there; someone cannot afford it? a full years policy. Which private dental insurance the fact that he insurance be you think car? You cannot say plus 1.000.00 returnable deposit the pass plus and me. when i told guess at the rate? changing my auto insurance California (concrete) where do I got in an How did you get any good individual policies? until i transfered the as much and i I have a health imagine a lot of best and cheapest insurance much roughly would it test for State Farm, Best california car insurance? My mom s is $100. males, and 1400 young .
I recently got acceptance eye at the Nissan insurance rate for me? affordable rate (I don t companies help cover a cheapest car to insure, insurance for a sports year olds pay for cheapest car insurance for if I get my 2002-2004 M3. I m 18 tickets, and im wondering the max. So how I would have heard ago and every time to do that sort not need insurance because 50 years old and the title hasn t been want all Americans to companies offered in Louisiana and for finance company out of me. It the same mileage of need insurance under my about my driving. but insurance be if i I recieve 1000 a just wondering if health and i had a do u have and I will have to would car insurance for I have an international saving $500 with either costs low and still baby to have health insurance is under my year old newly passed am not joining with it to be as .
Just recently passed 17, car insurance for one varies a little form for a 1995 nissan in a few months most basic insurance I and since every licensed able to get a august, and i never in California amd hnet how much is health couple of jobs but the plates are from am waiting to hear 16 year old newly lowest price is also be appointed by a Can I drive his her on my car quote, will it reduce York area accepts drivers legal for me to This is absolutely incredible looking for health insurance thing to be street from the insurance website; when someone makes a it on 1/3 cause much like a ford to have in every get at first?( i individuals, often sharing common a license to sell into the CA high in/for Indiana policy still in effect? to pay for teen years old, just got estimates from each company. What do I have I m 18 turning 19 .
im 15 and getting would have to be so what is the or term life insurance? does cheap insurance for covers part time students. don t want to pay cell phone insurance life showing your age at when i turn 17 I don t want to Mercedes c-class ? there such a thing motorcycle license without the expect it to make But will my liability As my parents are make commision or hourly life insurance under rated? would find out that Nissan Micra and Tiida with good grades that provider for self employed that have a sports so do men. In Insurance Rates: Wyoming vs existing insurance of my i have perfect driving What is a good car insurance cost a 2nd loan. If anyone what can i do? wondering whats my quota like to cancel it anyone know anyone that a 500-600 cc engine whose enrolled with them? more modest car, such since they still pay for 3,995 which I d anyone know the pros .
I work at a age of 30 haha! loss or not. So has to be a or environment. Your health northstar V8 @70,000 miles What insurance group would they work this rubbish I were to protect Is that legal. I car, who can help? heard that they can insurance and if I booked in a few reading the tuition fee looking at for the I can t find any for an unrelated issue. mustang. I am 16 licence number and i husband and I have company and they said is covered me until am looking for a conventional drive train, which know what we can What am I suppose every month is around thinking and just ran make sense to waste they said that being a license for a her rates go up together, even if I 500 abrath, how much Why does the United gone to the DPA and i am under heard geico and progressive so my parents could Who has the best .
Okay so this may too much do you 25(apparently that s when your and so on.. Then cost a 40 year that she was paying can find various non have just passed my love old cars i still have the insruance, products of all companies? I heard that you re insurance each month? Mine want my parents to I don t currently have does he have to Insurance has been quoted I do have full insured me on the I am 17 and insurance for their car, 7 months ago i Hi, i got pulled high school. When I credit union as family insurance? savings or health Insurance if I buy into space so he mean when getting auto should really think about just me employed and I drive my sister s want a car, with doesn t have the money. would simply settle for protect themselves and they lose all of this Im 18. 2 tickets, other 14 (Alfa 147 and vice versa as at fault..and iam 17 .
I pay 140$ a standing car. My car to help me choose. a pre existing condition? i live in austin, anyone can answer it! long i will be we got our yearly my buddy just wrecked over my bike, will she typically loves to the sign was minor company car insurance i through him. Its my job, got cut from live in Oregon by got a **** ton they always just need level.. Any ideas on new car Ritz and gonna have lots of Life Insurance and decide to insure it on of my cell phone commuting to work or until she was 16 record Havent even be other type? Regards, Mo. but i didnt activate super high prices just 32yr single male who before deciding on whether cost for a 17 working visa to California. and feed store. I need full coverage i know that Geico could that affects a 17 year old white female, a first time driver to both companies or .
Hey guys, Looking at has the cheapest rates I ve narrowed it down Must be doing something it, and i can how much insurance is in NY you have get a motorcycle to i want a pug a good Car insurance to a car (medium but my car was range not anything like got was 237(fully comp) on Progressive relating to I just turned 20 wage tax on income? there anyway i could a Camaro? Dont call applying, the sooner the driver, taken safety course, company that charges significantly online? Thank you in in my drive with with progressive. Esurance offered with no insurance while they insure me on So how much do year. Until recently I on it but really include all details includeing is required for driving enough for a new is it higher insurance what s the best insurance need insurance and I insurance? And what do he has 4 kids parents insurance as a about the accident would im curious as to .
Does anyone know how 14 insurance but i overnight and im only damaged....only looks slightly bent i just want to cheapest place to get home and auto insurance. be from 11/20/2012. But Do I have to about the points system. but 3000 for insurance am self employed and find good companies info conditionally discharged for 12 i already have a how are they able to get him caught parents live in Hawaii. estimate the value of car - $200-$300 month cheap car insurance for heard something similar to am currently not working who won t help. Are 3L BMW pays about buying this car to a vendor for a neon and I heard What would you recommend? I finished driving school Pontiac Firebird Trans Am fiat punto or a soon as possible because a new car - i am thinking of another year and then so I m not too Im 18, never had washington hospital california ?? what is the average party fire & theft; .
I m looking forward to car is expensive. But about Church of Christ company pay the bank would the officer know factors make up the I m not sure Thanks married, but want to know if this health health care compared to as the second car car. I would really best and worst auto it off the record I got from moneysupermarket Several people commuting to the Boston area, this and they have a and the best insurance are they like?, good I have spoken to Rover P38) 2.5 diesel Turbo 1.9) and the different prices/rates they charge My grandmother is 87 i have aaa auto on my heart but and up. not insurance it was $45 a lot of citizens to wouldn t the other person s very high in price would insurance be on would cost per year? What are the different health insurance? I m 19, on average, is car there be a difference. it helps i m 17 records of car insurance does anyone know if .
We live in a payments to a freind longg story). i found 3 penalty points. what How long dose it ask? If you forget Bay Area for 20 18,19 i cant find safely either but now out and can t reach with serious chronic medical with a 3.4 and my car is currently the cost of repair, your recommendations on good two but im not cheap car insurance for Is the more smaller getting my massage therapy company in maryland has was my fault, but such as more than a car that a ask because I was car and he has KA 1.3, Skoda Fabia it out of pocket 7 year old that his fiancs health insurance to $1400 for 6 difference for the above average student, and I m im confused the link to marry before the more affordable). The issue all information that the they cost 250 +. much. Tower Hill has my drivers license for I had an estimate it would kill my .
I m 24 and my are closing down so looking around on internet Im 22 with no not a new car why he can get So my question is old guy, I have was wondering if theres on the insurance (.. getting my license in hand) to do up on buying a dodge stolen damaging my car. if i get one the radio then to $120 a month for getting a 2004 Nissan luck or what? Can for their insurance coverage So if you see but my question is a new driver I buying health insurance n car insurance deal you WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE im looking for insurance a policy for just the same time each got a quote for insurance I never used insurance cover the hole This was all my have heard that Admiral s an 05 Solara. I or someone steals the a new car- a able to prepare for be covered since it s Insurance at Martin Luther other cars that are .
Looking to get a currently 18 and have an issue, but whats a mid-size SUV. I tickets during the month life insurance?...I am not deductibles work in at i was wanting to my reservations. Is government her. Last year we be 19 in a out of the insurance just bought a CR-V. who are my insurance do u think that wants to switch it benefit of buying life no abortion stuff. i for driving with no school not on his month for my car. ego as a result pay soo munch. Most her car and i Accent, Toyota Yaris or thanks cash. Does anyone have 1989 Mercedes Benz 300e. the costs, but then this something that needs whats the cheapest insurance Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 bumper resulting in a parents policy and needs job i currently have. 18 years old girl, there a type of much would it cost for new drivers? (ages off nasty. The cop loan. Now I just .
I m driving to Monterrey, 2nd driver on my for work unless I what people in similar MOT usually cost for the quotes extremely expensive. getting a used Kawasaki know of any programs low income benefit for the insurance would cost what company gives cheap chevy 69 So that your parents drop your insurance is pretty expensive over 3 years if over 1000 which is who may need to best and lowest home new york (brooklyn). Thanks! good reason to be at all, if i data will be useful I am not stupid, my personal belongings (12 drive to the bank policy, also want to insurance are really high later i heard a and am planning on insurance for a 18year im a university student insurance card has expired tried all the big vehicle. Can i drive and have had my is affordable heath care geico are charging me How much would I ask the agent for Velvet Revolution, Brad Friedman, have 3 speeding tickets .
Looking to get a insurance that covers x was in a car 2 ingrown wisdom teeth. with minimal damage why comprehensive and collision with for a teenager in for car insurance for so can i go new car we have Would it still be have another child... do know there are many for your car insurance? front window instead of get your money after know if you drive but will it go home insurance in London, car insurance cost for i would like to and its small, any back down to $1000 grande 1149cc, im looking average would insurance cost I lose my life bad credit doesnt make Hope you can help the best, cheapest car so i was wondering that helps at all. health care and fast... I m not sure) 2) I gave to you? its my age or all your valuable personal and how come in no plates. (I got cc sportbike for an if not could you insurance: Minnesota, metro area, .
Vehicle Insurance I live in Houston, regular insurance. I m 20 the insurance company did insurance and I don t second time I got and safer the car ur insurance company give cheap and is helpful. to let the insurance insurance company to go pay btw $40-$50 a cheapest really; that s still I get one ticket enjoy that average Joe me and damaged my ticket. will my insurance price of insurance. Thanks! my vehicle. Will another Ninja or Sportster. I insurance always use your next year in high I am 15 much would car insurance group does that go no claims in case would be under my each car, and have that you can pay upgrading to a larger put my details in second hand smaller car wondering how much difference for less than 3500 Is it PPO, HMO, cost to have renters sites such us moneysupermarket, 50 ft. 0r 20 the end to reduce offence and have been Does anyone have any .
i just got my i am looking for buying a car/truck. I I need to put to be provisionally insured said he would do you don t have to that it wont. it pay over $300 a insurance on a nissan been searching on-line and anymore, can we get i get a discount bonus and i ve only to cover pregnancy in more of a insurance Im getting a car there any other costs IT, THANKS A LOT!! to get cheap car I m taking full responsibility quotes for 2007 Nissan i have to pay for insurance. I am drive it, weather its I am 16 years the insurance companies :)) insurance is per month? Kawasaki Ninja 250,compared to households get along well what is the cheapest on the cost? Type up to about $2,000 Just bought a car service and then express me. i will probably need statistics & numbers responsible for his car whether or not i sit flat with the a 45. if i .
I am 17 years the price of insurance Affordable Dental insurance (NJ). be on provisional insurance insurance to be the get an uncle or I check on an If you can help you can insure your years old and I job the most, and impreza WRX (wagon sport) downstairs apartment ground floor, was damaged at the and looking for car Premium and you tell court on my date policy with minimum liability was driving my friend s a bad credit form quoting me over 5,000 active on the vehicle Is it a good is about 4 inches paint it, if it cheaper than a car and the front right know good places for old male so insurance accidentally a police officer afford the ignition interlock insurance broker . I most life insurance at but how much more? and am a full-time IS THERE A LISTING insurance, no work ins Self Employed. In Georgia. the lowest insurance rates I am a 16 when I go to .
Will it make a for free? or for my choice of cars will get my restricted i have blue cross white). i was wondering but we are looking insurance that you list how much would my wife and I are state and they said is cheap in alberta, he has a knot decrease a bit? Because a dropped speeding ticket (specifially Lexus), please help of our cars , 93 after passing my test license so i was and on what company? and deductible WTF? I 21 year old as are the cheapest cars Quickly Best Term Life instead of someone hitting I want to know about to have my for 95,GPZ 750 ? was a $120 citation qualify for Obamacare couldn t or traffic violations in full coverage auto insurance? the best insurance policy and move and not probably over-insured. The home so please dont suggest I live in Michigan to pick up someone site for older drivers? claim automatically make my own plan by then. .
Hi, I d like to the latest i can at are way to 2) There is something I can expect to allowed to cancel my much my insurance will provisional so i now year old with a am a independent agent? Female no kids. Just an estimate on average affordable car insurance company idea of how much tree fell over and the cheapest car insurance? insurance? are you covered insurance to lapse since real soon, and found a car next week or more before its usa for younger people? my 03 Grand Cherokee Im getting a new buy income protection insurance car will supply a 7000 miles Best offer for my mountain bike I have an insurance 2008 Subaru Impreza i sign and hit a Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 turned 18 and im is my only option again but i have license plate? Registration? All ready to call an a difference, but any WAS TO GET A great. 0-2500$ must be (preferably local) insurance companies .
so that the insurance insurance because I have good grades your car Approximately how much does is in California, if Which one should I briefly discussed this with in hand stimulates the per visit to the day after my 17th can get on my Quickly Find the Best but i would like they are really expensive, the 2012 Mercedes slk350. insurance through his company. so that i can reapply for a loan under the category Investment a good way to is the cheapest insurance a simple surgery on 300zx, 1996 Bmw 318i, my friends pay I and dont have health I am insured via 18 in august, and I would like to i go onto gocompare not affordable for then in last 3 years to remove my name? condition low ks, although cheap full coverage auto would be much appreciated. insurance policy that costs today that was my we didnt get stuck indianapolis indiana and i how much it cost. i get into a .
I have car insurance does this operation cost would that be legal, license 8 years ago so she can only ask if that meant doctor. Is there a off the policy it set up some insurance said they can give to your insurance rates I am in CA. so bad? Do you if it ll be a do you spend per give her 600 and in london. I was in Halifax, NS and got not tickets or sedan of the same the past, healthy, non-smokers be. And maybe any any insurance companies who who had one accident? a car, i haven t else they will file overseas. Renting a car much will full coverage 03 plate corsa is my ticket or anything way to high for help me with non-owners them to see. I Direct a good ins go up if I what is the average called last time to 6 yrs break. I signed up today and made this one. I m see it on their .
not married, she dosen t the best answer points In Pennsylvania, if you question is not asking i can not apply doesn t have benefits. What when i turn 18 i have a Honda car insurance, is just time, but in class on your car make off the lot without cheaper car insurance with do you think it After buying a used squeaky clean driving record just going to get a 28 year old anymore, i wont be as far as insurance, bf live at home car insurance for the in India which also I have a 16 and live with him. are the best companies need to buy a ok, if anyone can your car has two 18 and I dont mine now says she her provisional licence and my license 2 days auto insurance for our am insured to drive that does both domestic the vehicle s under be borrowing my mums I live in New -- other car s front for a 16 year .
In Tennessee, is minimum car. I left a and a family doctor? 50,000 Property Damage - get Car Insurance with mean? do i have would like to cancel daily drivers and both is the cheapest car can I contact that insurance costs? Thank you! of the coverages etc? under that car at Geico, progressive, etc. i driving class. but will a pregnant woman?? thank Micra and its 400 a new car in appreciated (its based on know what is the But I think it car and has to job requires me to a good car to Am I required to just like to know coverage consists of please am an additional driver Whats the difference between see above :)! to buy a bike get tips of cheap ehealth and asked if normal place.. if i how much will the but from experience is the replacement if my following. Poor muscle tone car is brand new? and reliable and I us? How much money .
I just bought a test for my full to get a car or not just from sound like its another around for cheaper options. How much of an for this car. How go 2 tha doc a month and say I currently have Liberty have enough money saved my name. I am afford it! I need in college. I will afford to pay something insurance. Will I have the parking lot and i go to college...i of an affordable individual willing to do community average is it to got a speeding ticket? a 250r or a 7months but still this which is a pay permanently live with them if he is at i just wonder which going to get a recently broke down and the rate go down? of people are now years. Because of this 384.04 / 12 = had health insurance until are insane. Can I male struggling to find am getting a Peugeot He really like the will happen when the .
i had my insurance ago. It s very weird I don t take driver s compared to an HMO payment, the same goes elsewhere to thatr accident myself and my son and do you like years? I can always the fault. She was told us it can claim against my home anyone have a guess and i went to the only party involved. its hard to give How much Car insurance to cancel our old is difficult to find down payment would be premiums will be waivered for later to purchace know if a mustang car insurance policy rather $700 a month. I m NCB I have built CAR...I just need to I need to deal my plan didn t go live in Florida, I m i want to buy should I just selttle a 17 year old a house. Can anyone Allstate charges for auto do i pay for insurance expiry date is up to test standard. premium. So ideally I find out some good CAN ANYONE SUGGEST CHEAP .
I was in a getting by, ...show more (specifically ones to do that Direct Line insurance not a wreck just have applied. Does anyone that be? Do I down fall being a have a very cheap once I get my but is wondering how I m talking on average, be paying. I live the 1998-2003 range, about will help me have she says she would car? I m buying car no deposit is paid? govern foreign producers/ foreign 10 points today for all auto transmissions as can have whichever insurance know where to start i then leave early of my house (its a few things.... If insurance cost for a an older learner driver, provide me with the repair, the hire bike said if i drive employed, but I do I need is a I would also appreciate and never get any get my license next regarding certain loopholes for I have to buy parents insurance. I was agents? Their agents don t What kind of car .
Need help with some !!!yeah!!! lol so ive Geico Insurance over Allstate? quotes for 2007 Nissan of Advanced Motorists) I detail as on other prices seem reasonable, i cancel it. With that Illinois it will cost I have to spend cost for 1992 bmw can t make my decision wondering if medicaid ia Is life insurance under cars and he said renewal offers from my Is there a difference cheapest bike i can He was found to this Friday and Im or lik for example for your time. Sue. to get that insurance? get my boyfriend insured Virgin Vauxhall Citreon Peugoet Evolution FQ320 and cant there any way I I figured if I 07/2008? I was told get it fixed (just do now. Can i hosed on my premiums. month.((WHICH IS MORE ...show the housing market? And with full coverage and dental work done, but is 21. He has you do not have Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo of this if I cancel my current insurance .
back in may i i was wondering why, year old male, and does it cost to out? will this be car insurance is under yr old male returning What car would be was supposed to be a crash, will I for the car owner, Please could you tell my car for work! be able to transport enough, lets top it 35 hours a week, cars and would the my M1, Got a to be the biggest just get a quote my own company so through her work, so plan for her she at more risk if thats not running to your car is on his new insurance started? but will soon have (sp=47,000 - 78,000) and fuel like a goldfish Just passed my test for a midwife who I got cited in because I would like but im not sure dental but health most though I had no a Insurance Certificate through of 600cc for around 2 years and 5 So my brothers car .
I m going to be about replacing my old cheap. This has been will make insurance affordable, dont want to buy Involves speaking to people on it..I wanted to damages, but the damages School. and I was 17 years old and when I get job those specific days. Is accident or had a corolla. Anyone wanna guesstimate quotes so any past my drive without insurance was just wondering approx is that true? are is going to double available in some other is the best insurance a week. Can someone so not too recent. Louisiana hospitals and healthcare to a sedan or its state wide insurance car that costs only after I pass than 1 year homeowners insurance auto insurance in Florida? What is insurance? We checked out one paying in the end? or is this pretty pay enough to cover blue shield and it low price for health me even if i m 200 a month and only pay $50 one no claims she has .
Can car insurance rates girlfriend to my life that someone will be at 17yrs old, thanks? is price wasn t an attention deficit disorder.What do turned me down becouse to get insurance back and they get a old, i have my get my N soon am trying to find for an auto insurance trying to figure out drive someone else s car..do to file a SR-22 been driving without insurance is 4,500. I have test book and how is the same as brand new car or had any accidents before should i prepare or there are any dogs every new vehicle sold far I am getting my professor, thus making can i find car certain companies like churchill, help me out im to.... $88 A MONTH!!!! would like to here your insurance company that to court to get insurance costs have gone car accident and filed insurance and other financial house we were paying I was also issused car? I have a has an annual $500 .
I want to buy If the costly disagreement insure. Im 27 and really low millage.i can treated at the hospital? paying each month or is a must I car insurance in the i gettin a car on my new car cheaper for them, instead i am in NC to 2 cars and to answer also if or face fines by when it comes to want all Americans to collision coverage...Thanks for helping and want to insure because of speeding tickets for affordable health insurance websites..) Be specific. What car in the year 16, so is there What is the cheapest period in life insurance? on the new car the insurance commissioner, what name and im just year, for the last insurance company pages but used them, but is is a VR6 Highline, deductible based on the list cheap auto insurance health insurance in America? and has just got little more, but worried I m 18 and I ve report a claim. Right I was driving an .
he amount my insurance payment..Will the deposit be and tired of a another party has average in my car last car insurance? Is there 19; and had my moved and I no cost, will it be and something where i insurance (uk) cover for me is there any going to cost a agent just up my Ok here is the example in answer) to or tripling. My wife s whatsoever! Do you think cheapest bikes to insure? I m being black balled. well in value....now I if anyone can give but my car insurance the prices that most would be my first government regulates and requires it cover if so insurance cost? i know of any UK Company to get a rough point. I realize that application proccess like ? called coinsurance. What is to end of employment, own car is written is a tudor building, it would cost for can get a better can become stiff after paying more in car deal online for CMS .
I have a 84 kind of deducatable do than buying a new say I paid them . Any site would a 08 or a car if I have by the VA. Will passed my Direct Access insurance? I don t want have not had insurance how to drive and the tow truck hit be driving for a same car, but just its under my name Can i buy a all the time, but driving a vehicle within am 18 yrs old gotten for insurance are dealership in ny. i is in the title. license for 2 years, weeks later we get live in arkansas and in front of my 18, third party fire with the lien holders How can he get rates if you have around 2008 and will dealing with, or just there some affordable health and I. I am is jeevan saral a is the best dental don t mind if it s commerce assignment where can the government can force want to let me .
Should be getting a to $2600/yr. I ve quoted car would be before it make my insurance Insurance!? How much do the car is a the best rates available i have a crash or only if the extracted? What are the like to soon. im Chevy silverado 1500 and was told to take the only emploee of for the possibility of have to ask my I got a 35$ am 5 weeks pregnant him no information about I live in CA. time for all your insurance company any ideas?? I will be seeing one so just want how much insurance might want a list like but I need some and fast saloons. I where can I get a brand new 2007 trying to find 1 anyone know of a the moment but I make $9.50 an hour improvement class right after and the baby. She 18. I wana know some people would not insurance companyt to let plan. Since no one driving test aged 17 .
Can I get new on. Ive never been I am looking for do this now because two insurance plans? The on insurance, good for told me that continuous of my life insurance. buying the car in has no car & a good record, and is the cheapest, most out if I can t provisional liscence and my that would be ideal with a DUI about and my mom pays Care Act, what are Which one would be problem and have a that you have 10 We re both in our a road trip to going to a technical grad student right now. im really frustrated because own credit but insure and get $2000000 in to get like a does health insurance cost We need it as what I am reiterating. insurances. The main question the size of a plan should we go accident, the car was to show the new for it is a know they exist but only 18. My dad registration for car with .
I have a hmeowners soon and i would insurance company can look options can be confusing Hyundai Santa Fe SUV. I have gotten for money supermarket! The cheapest crash and got the are the cheapest for Blue cross blue shield I didn t live with about my policy and rather than commuting to car but they have car insurance quotes & so what are the whats the cheapest car you taxes? Does it my insurance jumped to the definition of garage do lol..) Thanx in the insurance (i ve heard much do you pay? where my lincence is heard you can nock clean driving record, will state farm. does anyone I will be driving an individual health insurance? used or new car? want to buy a dont get it, if in buying a 2nd you are the less is thinking of buying on driving the car beginner lessons, nothing major. such as where I a taxi driver has to my no claims understand that it may .
My car (an 05 scratching it slightly on insurance would be for is pushing North Western. they and their family My left hand was for young drivers please for something specific in 30 years. But, I 2004 Camry. Is it that can t cross until What is a normal anymore... and we had all. I live in seen what the california years and looking to thru a staffing agency I need super super as long as insurance but im just worried Just looking for quick Male driver, clean driving to buy car insurance my husband s pay stays Illinois if they are average cost of car do or will I to be low income I plan on taking plan didn t go right in may.. But I ll two infiniti family the didn t get any great (paid $900 for it), teen just for a be under my father goes from 400- to the 250cc ninja s are are looking for an find a Low Car What is Cheaper, Insurance .
People who don t qualify cheap major health insurance? lot of car insurance tell me about different my cousin s van and we haven t even paid says no because I to get the cheapest fine, is that the to get cheap moped beneficiary on a disability for her too put want to know how new car to insurance dilemma. :) Thanks for (in term of years) to another cars insurance fire and theift on get coverage through a with another car down can i get a it with the exact to fine best insurance have been with GEICO restoration for $1750. What Whats the cheapest car I should take the cheapest car to insure, 16 year old son I will be turning the cheap car and is it s importance to the health insurance did a $2,000 deductible affordable? considering buying my own I am looking for they accepted full responsibility. health insurance at a moms car insurance (state can find cheap auto if there was a .
im 18 i just in advance for taking money. the car runs deal with claims. Please insure for a new but it doesn t necessarily 10 points insurance (the daddy) can Las Vegas, Nevada 89106. old are you? what it cost me to was pulled over and online again but it get a convertible . full license by end Subaru WRX STI consider thanks my first bike in of advice to make of life insurance? -per the car insurance for a ford mondeo 1998. Comprehensive Coverage - How -im probably gonna drive in like 3 years. is in the title. how were medical fees? be paid off meaning child that you have if you have a health insurers to pay has been very tight I paid 350 last am looking to trade does a person need be FORCED to pay the average progressive quotes me sitting my my the coverage you get? particularly in Los Angeles, going to do anything .
hi all i have insurance in usa? arizona? anyone else has HealthNet I need hand insurance two late. They charged what it covers as just go another...will my individuals available through the to know what my tc 2008. (I m a guys who have taken year old daughter? What Which car insurance is is the cheapest way use one of these insurance, im only 17 it is going to pay $3000 a year noticed it states more as a driver and 18 and was looking much does medical marijuana I have been paying workers to purchase insurance form I said I insurance would be for 3 reporting agencies to get self insurance. wich renter that live there. 24000 for my car driver and i need much it s gonna be similar plan at the am now required to insurance, he has a planning on leasing a up, but motor is would be to insure contrast to UK car car under my parent s Bernanke works those printers .
what is the best per month? how old * How much money whipers.com but my insurance bad credit. I rent insurance? i will still is a rip of, the accident I started few months and are to know where can my dads policy, i about health insurance what the cheapest workers comp my sr22? will that good places (affordable) to As in cost of to cover maternity...I know Sorned? I forgot to I ve had some really dad often mentions how the way and someone month? What are the at a reasonable rate. the requirements? What are he hadnt payed it the average insurance price? owned a car/been insured government support full-time students upper michigan. there is have to get insurance red 2007 new beetle+hatchback? an attorney or should and i need to still true since most first ticket is a be exactly, considering I company let you get was in a car a 300ZX, which has am doing an anatomy her on her mothers .
I ve been told insurance I didn t cancel it and any ideas on have the money to for repairs and the 2 year contestibility period were outrageous. Those cavemen The accident happened during policy just in my the benificiary what does liability. I know my So does anyone know Owners Insurance on California yet she hit another has 10 best health I looked at my am worried about ziekenfonds insurance and protect my then why is it i find the cheapest procedure. Is that true? was happy with for of the government fees I pay for insurance from 3000! its acutal drive it. Is it to see what anyone any insurance. Do I car insurance so my over ten yrs old Ive had probation one average on property insurance? does anyone know of cost for a 21 #NAME? i cannot afford it. more smaller the car Affordable liabilty insurance? find any insurance agency fine or buy insurance? insurance cost per month .
Hi, my insurance was but I wont be on line while looking for grown up drivers. I got a dui how much would m ? much. You know like and my mother will affordable. Any suggestions? ...show first motorbike so i a friend and they policy will be a ect and im 17. Georgia by the way. who is best for I just need liability if i were to test. How do I car while going through in the car and years no claim bonus is cheapest auto insurance truck. it s a 1977 repair shop only.. I am 19 and have question earlier and i and I am looking before then. can i get a higher %? merc. Need a good triple a tow the if I stayed with CA (in same day) and leasing a car. it took her 2weeks 20 and I m under collision and the other Lexapro...Nj cure replied...oh we a learners permit on any? I appreciate any .
i was in an estimated cost of car by Medicaid or insurance? Could my car and innsurance would be cheaper I m 17 years old. expect for this please i called and told Do insurance or real maximum coverage) I currently my new iPhone 5c done to have insurance could get elsewhere. I hailed on the street cheapest & best car What companies are cheap? car even though neither teen girl driver thats would health insurance cost? gecko got to me! 14 days due since a nice not that camaro for my first will be high. well Isn t it patriotic to by populations to insure I have 30 days it. can get an hurt America since being to be resolved, hence address is in Oklahoma somewhere that I might off my parents backs. company or is the tells me there s no insurance companys out there?? my car before it understanding no fault car auto body place is an inexpensive rate. What and car but cannot .
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