#Idk if it's smart but it's kinda funny to me
bestialitybestiary · 2 months
Stiles analyzing hours:
If he cares about you, he will die for you, he would kill himself just to keep you safe. He knows your passwords and has keys to your house. No, you didn't gave them to him. He will abandon his dreams to help you. He will get angry for you (you probably won't see that tho). He's mean. He will go to Mexico and deal with some mafia to save you.
If he doesn't care: he'll advise to let you die or help it a bit if you bother him enough
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mysicklove · 4 months
i talked to the 6'5 dude i mentioned a week ago and I am hopelessly in love with him (he does not want me). also talked to a lesbian and like always, it made me question who I am
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gaydogmarriage · 5 months
ppl are always depicting cyno in fanon as a comic relief annoying idiot partner to tighnari that cannot read the room and is always making him angry and yeah he doesn't have the best social skills and doesn't understand other people that well, but he knows that. and he also knows tighnari well enough to know that if he truly was annoyed with his behavior to the point of getting angry, he would shut that shit down real quick. he's not the type of person to just sit there and take it if he's genuinely bothered, i think. cyno's just putting himself out there without letting himself be paralyzed by his own shortcomings or insecurities, and it's pretty clear tighnari doesn't want him to repress himself either.
if anything, i can see tighnari being the one with an annoying habit in private that he has 0 self awareness about because he's so used to being the one dealing with other people's bullshit that he may not realize when he's the culprit for once, and cyno is too much of an unbothered king to say anything about it, and too madly in love to stay annoyed for long lol
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theangiediary · 1 year
happy wincest wednesday!! what's a protective or pining sam scene you find underrated?
Scarecrow! (Thank you for this Vicky <3)
One of my favorite Sam traits in s1 is his contentiousness. He loves Dean and John, he just needs them to say it first. He’ll even submit! He just has to know why.
“I want my sacrifice to be my choice” kinda thing.
Of course it’s beautifully contrasted with Yessir pliant, easy Dean. Who so prettily begs for the only thing he desires (Sam), but won’t fight for it. 
1x11 is amazing bc we see both brother’s moral code paralleled and perverted: Dean’s blind obedience to John is the townsfolk’s For the Greater Good killing of victims, which Emily dooms at the end by burning the effigy. Sam’s Freedom-Means-Living-Away-From-Family (who think they know what’s best for me, and I love, but..) was line by line described by “Meg”, who turned out to be a demon (and obeying her own father’s orders!).
So.... yeah. The lesson of the episode is it’s Sam and Dean, together, against everything else. It’s their love story.
And while there’s some Iconic Dean lines (“puppy eyes”, “that’s my boy!”), Sam has some yummy pining moments.
“You know, if you’re hinting you need my help, just ask.” (If he was serious about going to John, why...) and “I’ve been trying to call my brother for the last three hours.” THREE HOURS! He talked to Dean that (early) morning and started calling him around 2pm. Just thinking about him sitting in that bus stop for hours, worrying about Dean. And then he gets there! And Dean’s tied up and maybe about to die!! I can’t even imagine, no wonder Sam’s Like That in Faith (1x12). And that speech WAS beautiful Dean (you should be eating kissing his ass).
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astral-catastrophe · 1 year
I am currently such a mess lmao
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rucow · 1 year
would ny'all call me insane if i said that i think that carlotta would have a more interesting dynamic with either christine or the phantom than those two have between themselves??? bc yea i can see why this is an insane statement but i'd Love to see a "rivals to lovers/friends" between carlotta and christine and an "enemies to co-workers" between carlotta and the phantom
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astrxealis · 1 year
dropping by a bit just a bit before midnights and i head to sleep because HELLL am i so glad with my fire units actually. i need to do work on proper teams and grids and shit but ?? wilnas percival michael medusa athena anila nemone etc i am Winning here
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faerociousbeast · 2 years
proud to be one of the only people who know how "cringe fail" itachi uchiha is (dei wont shut up about this)
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caruliaa · 9 months
okay so it turns out staff did conact me about the url thing right when it happened i just somehow missed the email so nowi feel dumb and stupid for my blog being gone for so long and it being basically my own fault it didnt get fixed faster becuase i didnt see the email aggh. i fr hate myslef sometimes why am i like this.
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kyuala · 2 years
WAIT real quick just before i start i want to say what i think their personalities will be like just to keep this here for future reference to see how much that perception will change
#wishi.... idk i think really chill laid-back leader vibes but sometimes hes a savage#gives me serim kinda leader vibes but less soft.#kyungmin.... woobin but even smarter. kinda like allen too in that he never speaks but when he does it's a hit#keumdong idk what i expected but im so surprised at how talkative he is already. he seems like basically their unofficial mc#i thot maybe he'd be like.... shy n quiet n cute but nope. i think he's a chatterbox n chaotic n yes cute#minwoo.... just realized he n baekseung share a name syllable omg so cute. soulmate behavior#anyways minwoo. Quiet. like thats just it idk he just gives me Always Lurking In The Background vibes#maybe like.... kind of like jaemin in the sense that he's either a quiet introvert with 0 social battery or he's off his fuckin rocker#bouncing off the walls batshit insane. n then back to being an introvert#baekseung.... i think the member that's the most unintentionally funny from what i've seen. also v cute w/o even trying#maybe. also like v innocent naive baby vibes#ok now yejun.... i already thought HE was the chatterbox of the group but it seems like he's quieter#until u get him going off about something he enjoys. not much else to add tho he seems quiet. also vvv smart#yewang. i keep thinking he has jeongwoo's personality bc they remind me of each other but on 2nd thought.... absolutely not#i think he's rather quiet but enjoys being a scheming little bitch to his friends bc they deserve it#yewang is born good the society around him corrupts him (epex)#now jeff.... v much gives me 'maknae who makes fun of everyone but gets away w it bc everybody's whipped for him' vibes#except for the other maknaes. i think he must have a love-hate relationship w them. n maybe like one older member#yeah these r my thoughts.... overall as a group they seem like they're quiet at the beginning of every episode n then get increasingly#deranged as time goes by until u catch them like. trying to throw a member onto the roof and screaming their lungs out meanwhile#mari.txt
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truetealtears · 9 months
‘Why is Gale depicted as the default leader in the animated short?’
Because he cooks
When you’re a rag tag group of people scraping by in the wilderness; you do not fuck with the guy who feeds you (minus Astarion who’s fucking around and finding out who he can/cannot feed on lmao)
Yeah you can tease him and make fun of him and you don’t have to like him (all of which we can see different characters doing) but you don’t make an enemy of the camp cook, not without very good reason (especially if he cooks well - Which he seems to, there’s no complaints. His dialogue tells you it’s clearly a hobby of his, so he knows what he’s doing, plus everyone saying he’s like fantasy Greek - I hear you and you’re right).
And we can see that because no one has major beef w Gale (that I’m aware of lol), some find him at bit insufferable but no one actively hates him (at least initially, idk what some of you are doing in ur playthroughs)
Not to say they’d immediately appoint him as Mr Leader Man after one meal but they’d definitely be more willing to listen to his ideas and consider them. Plus they know Gale is smart (book smart at least), they can all agree that he isn’t stupid and his plans are likely to be plausible/reasonable (for the group ofc, we all know what this man will do to himself if you let him). He gets bonus points for being quite sociable and generally approving of doing The Right Thing, while also having enough of a moral grey area to hear the others out on their more… eccentric ideas (see his dialogue about making use of the Illithid powers and stuff)
So yeah I think all of this would culminate in him being the default leader when there’s no player influence (aka when tav doesn’t exist and ur not controlling someone else)
Funny side note: the initial data larian released kinda backs me up in a roundabout way; with Gale being the most commonly chosen origin lol
To me this means that after Tav, Gale is the most likely candidate for leader. So imagine all the drama that plays out when he’s like ‘hey guys it’s been nice and I’m glad I could help you all with some of ur problems but my ex my goddess is telling me to go kill myself so’
Even when you’re playing as Tav everyone thinks it’s stupid for Gale to go kill himself because Mystra said so. They’re all like ‘that isn’t fair/what a waste’ (further evidence that no one truly hates him thanks). So now when he’s their leader I imagine they’re like ‘NOOOOOO’
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suguruplsr · 8 months
idk if ur requests are open but ok toji x reader based off of this song: I LOVE YOU HOE by Odetari/9lives it just gives me major toji vibes idk how 2 explain it but i heard and just KNEW cuz yk toji a lil toxic BUT ITS OKAYY
toxic toji w/ head cannons!
✰ ✰ ✰ sweet girl. so naive and gullible. he might have to hunt you down once you get too smart.. so just play along.
જ⁀➴ my brain wrote and made this. i love that song!
,, fem!reader , toxic toji , dark content , manipulation (emotionally n’ all of that) , yandere ? , smut , brief angst n fluff , mentions of baby megumi , toji killed someone in front of you , random person hits on reader , other kinda f’ed up stuff idk how to word , not proofread.
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toji who nearly got scared for the first time when you said you wanted a break. a break from him. but admittedly, he was more surprised than scared, you were seriously going to leave him? he stopped spending all of his money on betting and started saving just so he could provide more just for you. he even decided on keeping megumi because you liked the baby so much. maybe because his heart also warmed whenever he’d hear you sweetly talking to the babbling thing in the next room, sitting beside his crib and sticking a finger or two between the wooden walls for megumi to grip onto loosely. a sight he enjoys seeing every morning.
now, toji doesn’t consider himself a desperate man, but after finding out that, within your little two week break, you ended up talking to another man. which you weren’t, in that context, the kind guy just wanted your number, to which you quickly declined. and he got a bit.. pushy, too much for toji’s liking. and you appreciate it but maybe not enough? you didn’t immediately cling back to him again, and you only talked to him to see the cute baby that was usually attached to his hip, and to occasionally check up on him.
so can you really blame toji when he decided to remind you that you were the only person who knows of his job? that you were the only person who knew of the blood he spilled, of the capabilities he had that could end your life. not that he ever would. him killing someone in front of you was enough. it was enough to have you back in his house, back by his side, back to him. and to think toji almost thought of taking a step further when you weren’t as shook as he, just about, wishes you were. however, your initial reaction before knowing it was him made his dick twitch, it’s so funny, how you tried to just act more so.. bothered by the blood, and not questioning his excuse of, “right time, wrong place.”
and as an apology, toji makes sure you get fucked thoroughly that night. in his bed. he didn’t mean to paint your front door in blood. poor girl.
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“didn’t mean ta make you see such a thing pretty.” toji groans, hands clutching your waist as he guides you down on his cock, watching the way you bit your wet lip in anticipation, nail’s digging into his shoulder as he lets you go and you fall onto his lap with a loud sound of the slap of your flesh meeting, taking in his girth in your pussy with ease. the pain was brief, and you felt so full, legs shaking over his thighs as you try to say something, only able to think about how he stretched you out. why did you ever leave him?
“s’okayyyy, i— fuck. i don’t mind.. just promise to clean it up tomorrow, ngh, please?” you’re so cute, trying to only think of the gruesome view earlier as a normal thing. but toji had seen it, the fear that had flashed through your eyes at first, fear that even stayed with your eyes that lingered on him after realizing who was the reason of the sorcerers death. just thinking about it makes him want to spurt a fat load into your pussy, holding you tightly as he slowly helps you ride his cock. “mmm yea? of course i will, gotta take care my princess right?” and you think he meant that literally, considering he fucked you so good you were hella cock drunk in the morning, getting mad when he tried to leave early. but he had to clean up his mess right? so don’t get too worried. he’s filled with excitement after realizing he’s got you back.
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toxic toji! who just needs to go to some extra measures after someone’s shamelessly hitting on you at the store. does the poor guy really not see him behind you, trying, to read the contents of food before picking it out? something he never does. he’s just thinking about the 563 ways he could kill that man, wait! he just thought of another!
so he wraps his larger arm around your waist, giving a small peck on your cheek as he whispers something about “getting home before megumi wakes up” but toji’s staring dead into the guys eyes, maybe he should find out if hes on someone’s hit list. of course he’d gladly kill him without getting paid but if he does get some cash in his pocket, then at least he’d have a reason to not gain your look of disappointment..
toxic toji! who always keeps you stable. he never asked for you stay with him but there’s so many signs of you within his house. from another toothbrush to new fluffy blankets. or the extra cups on counters, or the freshly baked cookies that wait to be eaten by you, him, and little gumi. he buys you new clothes that stay in his closet, which he never minded. it was kinda endearing watching you rearrange his closet after asking, perfectly sectioning each others clothes. he loves walking in and seeing the contrasting colors.
but as adorable as it is, toji doesn’t mind making it a mission to remind you that he’s the one keeping you together whenever you get out of hand too much. the only thing he wouldn’t bring up, is anything relating to trauma you’ve experienced. he’s not that bad of a guy. but whenever you try stepping out the car, angry and upset, he doesn’t hesitate to list out every reason why you should get back in, driving nice and slow beside you. toji starts from the most basic things, “it’s late.” or “a pretty woman like you needs protection.” to “i’m the one driving. get in or else no ones finding ya.” or “y’know gumi’s gonna be sad without his mommy.. don’t want to do that to the kid, right?” because no one has the amount of patience to put up with you like he does. so just ignore the way his lips curl in amusement and how comfortable his hand feels on your thigh when you get back in. good girl.
toxic toji! who swears to himself it’s wrong to use his son as a gateway to your heart but it just makes the process so easy. he even convinces himself that it’s okay, children come first right? and he would hate for his child to lose his mother figure. and toji would hate to lose the woman he loves. so he’s bringing up megumi in everything, slowly changing the conversation to his favor so he can slide in the fact that, “the kid’s sleepin’. just get in bed and we’ll talk in the morning.” and you don’t talk it out, never. it weighs in your heart two hours tops before baby megumi is in your arms and you’re feeding him small little fruits. taking small glances at toji who looks at you two warmly and it makes your heart burn in affection because he’s not usually like this.
with the help of a few friends you talk it out with, and who have suddenly stopped talking to you after a while. sometimes the blaring signs of his actions are just so apparent you try to tell yourself that you’re simply staying for megumi. but you’ve only fallen deeper into toji’s words. he’s the one who’s made you think that way, so even if everything else fails, there’s always megumi. the child you both love. whose sadly a weapon that’s always on toji’s tongue. but even when you think it’s only megumi you’re thinking about, you find yourself reluctantly cutting carrots for toji because even with his job, the fruit looks so fucking uneven when he cuts it. yea, it’s just bothering you is all. just like how he puts the wrong settings for his washer, can he really complain about his sweaters when he didn’t set it to delicate? but you’re just so pissed at his inability to do simple things that you don’t realize how whipped he is. a smile tugging his lips when you gently take the knife out his hands. or force him out of his sweater to put it in your next load of clothes. no, he never did any of that on purpose. he just didn’t have his daily dose of you, to hear in his head how you’d scold him on certain things.
it’s a shame, you don’t realize what you’re getting into the second he’s on his knees with a box open on the palm of his hand. you don’t realize what you’ve done to that man..
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infactmrmeowz · 6 months
Hello. Can you tell us, in your opinion, what physical preferences Crocodile, Mihawk, Buggy and Smoker from One Piece would have in a woman ? Thank you very much and sorry if this has already been asked. ^^
One Piece Men + Headcanons!
OF COURSE I CAN POOKIE!! Also MB for like disappearing for months on end!! Btw!! I can’t see my messages idk why so so sorry! If ya want somethin do inbox!
warning!: suggestive only a bit, cursing! Obviously female reader, grammar bad mb, tad bit off topic!
crocodile - I see him being an ass guy, I don’t think it matters what size but if you have an ass then yk 😜. - leadership! Because he is SUCH a busy man he wants you too atleast have SOME leadership on yourself and others for his work, and you to take care of yourself! It’ll be more stressful for him if he constantly has to worry about you.. which he doesn’t!! (He does). - I don’t think he really cares what size you are, you just have to be strong, atleast learn how to fight or protect yourself! - women in suits 😵‍💫 - if he sees you in a suit he might just go bonkers. - this is going back to leadership role, but being smart! You don’t have to be Einstein smart but smart in one way or another, he finds that hot.. especially when you geek out about thing, can be a special interest or something nerdy, he might act like he is not listening but he is! - hip dips! Oo that man loves iittttt he’ll hug you from behind, and rest his hands on them, while nuzzling his head in your neck !! Mihawk- boob guy, no one can tell me otherwise! - again doesn’t matter what size you are, he loves to see you in the color red! (With cleavage showing 🫨). - he likes it when you drink the wine and a little wine mustache comes up! He finds it’s ADORABLLEEEE. - when you sit down and your thighs expand, especially in a dress!!! AAAAAA. - I think he wants someone who is shorter than him, but also strong in some way or another .. bonus points if you know how to use a weapon! Especially a sword! - someone with long hair! Doesn’t care if it’s real or not, he loves to see you do your hair in the morning, (this includes if you have braids or dreads!) Buggy- thigh guy! - he LOVES to see you put on flashy colors for your outfits, or hair styles/hair colors! Of course you can’t be more flashy than him.. BUT he thinks you look HOT and CUTEEE wearing flashy clothes! Especially his colors! Or even matching with him in some way or form! - I think he would like to see someone with unique features, that can be anything on your body! Freckles, eye color, hair, skin, body, anything! The more unique the better! - he doesn’t like when you change your features to be some one or something or to be “ prettier “ he thinks that if your born with a unique feature(s) you keep it! Make it shine! - makeup! Of course you don’t need it!! But he wants you to match with him! (Please paint your nose blue like his). - someone who is strong! Very strong! Or strong/stronger with weapons of any kind! He finds it actually so hot when you fight. -funny! Or goofy! He loves people when they are funny and goofy! You can be the jester and him the clown! Smoker- another ass guy, - he definitely wants a strong woman, like with crocodile it’s too stressful! - someone who is mature, I don’t think he can handle someone who is immature.. and if you are he’ll deal with it but don’t be surprise when he gets mad at you! - when you dress formal! He finds it hot! Also shows your maturity! - unlike buggy.. he wants someone with shorter hair! (Including people with braids or dreads etc..) he doesn’t know why, but I think he likes it because it matches with every outfit you wear..
AAA that’s it! Cya later alligators! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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unowneyenon · 11 months
EDIT: i made this list only a little while ago and ever since then SO MANY FINDINGS ARE OUT!!!! OMG EVERYONE IS SO SMART!!! this list is VERY VERY SMALL ANS A LITTLE OUTDATED!!! for the more updated version, go to my profile and it’s the pinned post!!!!!
🏡 The Welcome Home Update Discovery List!🏡
DISCLAIMER🏡 this edit is a HUGE WIP right now and i edit this post very frequently! VERY. i can find new material very fast, which makes it hard to publish it all fast!
hello neighbors! the new welcome home update just released and i hopped on in immediately—i made a post about it literally 10 minutes ago. since then, i’ve already found MORE and MORE content!! thus, to share this information with the fandom and also help others find how to access some of this information (of which nobody else has really posted about yet AT THE MOMENT I AM TYPING THIS) i’ve decided to create a big update masterlist of everything me and others have found it this update it will be updated regularly and will be pinned on my acc! happy findings! (ps: please boost this if u can i want to solve mysteries with this hellsite!!)
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side note—it appears all the main glitchy videos with the voice actors can be found by clicking on the numerous bugs around the site! SIDE side notes—i don’t use a computer to access welcome home, so maybe there is a way to do this on a computer. on the front page wayyyyy at the bottom near the count of how many people have visited the site, there’s a beetle i cant click on that just SCREAMS “click me!” PLEASE someone click it because it will not be me
the spider — found on the top right of the “stickers” page, this video goes through a conversation between barnaby & julie, with julie saying really bad jokes in attempt to be funny (she’s is but she isn’t at the same time! i love corny jokes so she’s funny in my eyes). also, something i’ve noticed throughout these videos appears to be that wally is in many, if not all of them. he’s just nonverbal and does not speak. at ALL. but he is in them. barnaby actively talks to a person beside from julie, and at the end, julie says a sentence that ends with “… wasn’t it wally?” asking for his opinion. BUT BUT BUT the video cuts and glitches off as soon as she says wally! it’s very similar to how all these videos end!!
the praying mantis — found at the bottom of the “about us” page, clicking on a little preying mantis will lead you to a video of sally and julie rehearsing for a play! idk if it has any deep meaning yet (besides the random deep voice at the end) but it’s so silly!!!! like julie is so silly i love her!!!! (TW minor glitching and weird deep voice at end which is sorta a pattern in the vids)
the fly — found on the page titled “welcome home” and can be accessed by clicking on a fly that appears on screen. this video depicts frank and barnaby’s voices, discussing frank’s flowers in his garden. the video itself shows what appears to be a smashed orange/pumpkin thing in a woodsy area, as (what i think looks like) a face looms in the background (TW sorta loud noises and glitching!
both of these audios are of wally speaking directly to the listener, and can be found on the “welcome home” titled page (at least that’s where i found them) by clicking on crayon-drawn flowers shown here:
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yellow flower — depicts wally asking the listener “what are you waiting for? to hear from me again? hahaha! that means you can hear me.” , as a heartbeat noise is heard in the background (it’s not as creepy as it sounds i promise)
red and blue flowers — wally saying; “that’s what an eye looks like. my eyes are black. what color are yours?” as a heartbeat noise plays in the background
house scribble — found DIRECTLY on the front page like as soon as you enter the site. wally says; “there you are! welcome home! hahaha” he’s so silly imo
the star — found on the stickers page by clicking the star scribble. this one kinda scared me a LITTLE with what was happening on screen but wally says: “do you like to draw? i do. do you know how to draw an eye? first, you draw a circle. then, you draw a smaller circle inside. then, you color it in.” this one’s really cool go watch it and you’ll see!
🏡other stuff i noticed (WIP)!!🏡
in the “spider” video, julie says to barnaby that her joke will “knock your [barnaby’s] head off!” which is funny, but not the haha way. because there is art made by clown illustrations of barnaby, who’s head is rolled on the floor
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darling-i-read-it · 10 months
Johnny Cage x fem!reader
Word Count: 2.3k 
Warnings: jealousy/insecurity, insinuations to smut (natural johnny jokes), lots of drinking for some reason idk what i was on 
Author’s Note: i loveee johnny and writing for him is so fun. I think i kinda mixed the spicy fluffy lol, i hope you liked it darling!! I had sm fun with him <3 
Requested: by anon, I loved your Johnny Cage fic. Can I request another one where he’s with the reader, but she’s still nervous he still has feelings for Sonya? Fluffy or spicy ending is completely up to you, but a happy ending for everyone is all I ask. You’re the best!!
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director/creator
(not my gif)
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Johnny wouldn’t call himself a frequent drinker. He liked to have a beer at events and a glass when he was winding down at home. Sometimes he would have a nightcap, just to end things right. Every once in a while he would go out drinking with friends. Well, he liked to drink with you, that was always fun. 
So maybe Johnny was a frequent drinker. But he wouldn’t call it a problem. 
Your giggles were like music to his ears. He could hear them from another room, identify it in a crowded space. He sat across from you on your shared California king bed. The bedroom was filled with posters from his movies, larger than life, a huge TV hanging from the wall. There was a discarded beer bottle beside you. You had a glass of your favorite in hand, something Johnny had made for you. He was a bartender in a movie. Ten years ago. 
“No more Jon. No more,” you said, and you were still giggling. 
“C’mon, c’mon. Don’t be a party pooper.” His words were slurred. You could understand him despite it. 
“There’s no party!” you argued lightly. It was just the two of you at home, in bed. He had turned on some music, connecting it to a speaker in the lights. He had the whole place rigged with random electronics. 
“This is our party,” he said, grabbing your hands. He spilled your glass and you were both laughing again. 
“You’ve been to real life parties Johnny. All the good ones, the crazy Hollywood ones. You call this a party?” 
“Yes! This is my favorite kind of party!” 
You were only slightly intoxicated. In fact, you were mostly drunk from Johnny's presence. You enjoyed moments where you just got to sit together, laughing at his absurdness. People tend to think it’s his downfall. In truth, it was the most charming thing about him. You had never known Johnny to be anything except pleasant and funny. 
“Oh come on,” you said. You put down your glass beside you. Your bedside table was covered in things, from tissues to pills. You looked back up at him. He had sunglasses on top of his head, even though the sun had gone down ages ago. He wasn’t wearing a shirt. His natural state of being. “What’s been the craziest party you went to?” He thought about it for a moment. He sat back, letting go of your hands. You raised an eyebrow at his studious gaze. 
“There was one like five years ago. People were hangin’ upside down, snorting stuff!” He shook his head, laughing fondly (and drunkenly) at the memory. “Like from the ceiling from hooks! I tried to get up there but Sonya told me I wasn’t allowed to. She was always a party pooper, never wanted to have any fun in front of other people.” He shook his head, a far away look on his face. “She did let me lift her up so she could order us drinks over everyones head. That was hella smart,” he pointed out. 
Your face lost some of its joy at the mention of Sonya. You tried to bring your smile back, not let it bother you. Johnny had always been open about his past romances. He was a womanizer, it was part of his image. Even after his constant assurance, it bothered you a bit. The random girls less so. 
Sonya Blade though…
It was his longest relationship before you. They still worked together sometimes. He still mentioned her, off handedly, like she was a fond friend. 
“You good babe?” You blinked a couple of times, looking back in his eyes. You plastered a fake smile onto your face, trying to let the alcohol in your system sink in. You nodded quickly, grabbing your glass again and bringing it to your lips. 
“Perfect!” You cleared your throat. “Sounds insane.” 
“We should try that next time,” he said. “It was one of my better ideas.” You nodded again. He squinted, sitting all the way up on the bed. The comforter was all messed up from the two of you moving around it. He couldn’t exactly place what had gone wrong but he knew something had been changed.
“You have plenty of good ideas.”
“Yeah, one time I used my powers to get us free drinks.”
“You still do that.”
“It’s really successful. Can you blame me?” You shook your head. You finished your glass. Johnny studied you, squinting his eyes.
“I’m gonna get another glass.” 
“Wait wait, woah!” He grabbed your hand before you could go far. “Wait, something just happened but I don’t know what it was. The vibe changed.”
“Nothing changed,” you assured him. “I just want another glass!” Johnny didn’t know a lot but he knew you. He knew the way you smiled and the way you sometimes covered up your emotions to save him. Even when he said you shouldn’t, you did. 
But arguing with you seemed like a mute point. He wanted things to stay good. That’s all he’s ever wanted. 
“Are you sure?” 
“Yes Jon.” You leaned forward, giving him a kiss. His lips were plump and extremely kissable. It never failed to make you feel better. You kissed the edge of his mouth, leaving faint flutters on his skin. He smiled, shining his movie star smile. 
“Can you get me another too?”
Johnny hadn’t even broken a sweat. He could go for round after round and come out of it unscathed and ready for another. You hopped back up, rubbing the tiredness from your face. You stretched your neck back and forth. 
“Tired already?” he teased. You rolled your eyes. You guys had started to train more together. It saved you both a trip to a gym and it proved that you could get all your anger out in a healthy way. Healthy being a relative term. 
“I’m goin’ easy on you,” you joked. You stood up straight. 
“I don’t like it when you lie to me,” he joked. You rolled your eyes and walked over to the edge of the matt so you could grab a drink of water. You were less ‘indestructible’ based and more ‘power’ based. “You know there’s always other stuff we can use the mat for.” He walked over to you, grabbing his own bottle. You gave him a look as you gulped down your water. He smiled suggestively. 
“I’m not falling for that this time.” 
“You make it sound like you aren’t a willing participant.” He flipped his water bottle and caught it. “Hey, there’s a party in the hills tonight. I was gonna go but I figured I could take you.” You hummed in consideration. He watched you eagerly. 
“Sounds like you have ulterior motives.” 
“I always have ulterior motives.” He was looking down at you with a hopeful gaze. Johnny’s eyes crinkled at the sides. Parties with him were always fun, if not overwhelming. He knew everyone and always wanted to talk to them. He dragged you around like a trophy. But by the end of the night, you were always laughing and always gleefully drunk and happily tied to his side.
He tilted his head. 
You bit your cheek, making an exaggerated face of contemplation. 
“Yes!” He kissed your forehead, giving you finger guns. You rolled your eyes. “I’m gonna go start getting ready. Takes me forever, you know.”
“I know Johnny.” 
“I gotta call the limo.” 
“Drink! Over here!” 
“Johnny, you have to order the drink!” you said, laughing. He looked down at you, shaking his head. 
“They’ll figure it out!” “What’cha want man!?” 
“Fuck!” Johnny exclaimed. You laughed, knocking your head against the booth. You were shoved right beside Johnny, close enough where you were practically sitting on him. You had an arm over his shoulders, tracing things into his neck. It was making him restless. Which made him hot. “Something fruity!” 
“For the lady?!” 
“For me! I like fruity things!” Your laughter intensified. He turned back to you. 
“What? What?!”
“Nothing,” you promised. You patted his chest. You were both down a few. It was so loud. The flashing lights made you feel immediately higher than you were, Johnny’s voice drowning into the music. People’s voices were overlapping in excitement, there were bodies on bodies, sweat and spit swapping. 
The waiter gave Johnny some magical drink of unknown origins. He started to drink it immediately. 
“Oh fuck,” he muttered. “Sonya used to love this shit.” You tensed. You didn’t want to have this conversation here, now. 
“Yeah?” You receded your hand. You put it in your lap. 
“All tough girl but always liked the fruit drinks,” he explained. “Pineapple juice or something.” You grabbed your drink and took a swig. The liquid going down your throat felt good, despite the burn. 
“Hm.” He turned to you, noticing the absence of your touch. 
“You good?” 
“Great!” you lied.
“You sure?” You turned to him. You couldn’t be sure if it was the liquid courage or the environment but it made you want to say something. You wrapped your hands around the glass tightly. 
“You sure talk about Sonya a lot,” you observed. You hadn’t meant for your voice to come off as aggressive as it did. It was fueled by the constant silence, the moments where you bit your tongue. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion. There was a flash of hurt across his eyes but you didn’t catch it. “I mean, if you wanna talk about her that much, you don’t have to do it with me. She’s your ex Johnny.” 
The music muffled in Johnny’s ears. It was like he was watching you speak outside of himself, like it wasn’t him you were speaking to. You were always fun and easy to bounce off of. You never showed any sort of issue with Sonya outwardly. 
“I didn’t know,” he said, voice almost inaudible over the club. 
“C’mon,” you grumbled. “I know all of the dates you guys used to go on. What kind of books she would read, the drinks she would order.” You fidgeted in your seat. You weren’t sitting on top of him anymore. “I mean, it’s like you still love her.” Your voice was laced with venom, all the insecurity behind it coming through. 
Johnny’s big puppy dog eyes fell. He had no idea you felt like that. He wished you had told him before. He started to shake his head aggressively, turning to face you with his entire body. He grabbed your hand gently. His big hand held yours with such soft intentions. 
“I don’t. I swear to you,” he said, trying his hardest to ground his voice. “I don’t love her anymore. I love you.” You didn’t make eye contact with him. “We were just together a long time, some of the stories I wanna tell you have her in it.” 
You finally met his eyes. You felt immediately embarrassed, sobering up quickly. 
“You’re right. I’m sorry I brought it up,” you said, shaking your head. 
“No, it’s something. It clearly bothers you.” He made you face him. His eyes were oozing with concern. He still looked kind of drunk but he could have fooled you. “I’m sorry.” He held your hands tightly, putting your drink back on the counter. 
“Me too.” 
“Don't apologize.” He bit his lip. “Baby.” 
“You wanna dance with me or somethin?” You laughed gently. 
“I do.” 
“I promise I’ll stop bringing her up so much. I don't love anyone but you.” 
“Cool.” He gestured with his head towards the dance floor. “Dance?” 
“Or we could skip the dancing all together and go back to the limo?” 
“My girl. My girl, my girl.” He inched closer to you, kissing you cupping your face. You felt entirely consumed by his scent. He stood up, holding your hand. He slipped off his shimmery jacket and handed it over to you. “It’s gonna be cold outside for a minute. Put this on.” “Yes sir.” He moved around the other people at the table, saying quick goodbyes to anyone sober enough to pay attention.  He threw his arm over your shoulder. You put your arm on his hip. He leaned down to whisper to you as you left. He tossed some money on the table. 
“I just wanted to put more clothes on you so I could take them off.” “I know Johnny.” 
“We should get matching tattoos.”
“Johnny, one thing at a time.”
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tiyoin · 3 months
Floyd would prob like watching Spongebob.
i can just imagine floyd running into it on day while internet surfing.
at first i think he’s like “…ha” kinda like a ‘oh my god this is so funny but i didn’t expect it to be’
but then time goes on and he def thinks about it, like a LOT. and of course, our poor leech falls victim to the ‘spongebob binge phase’ and just obsessively watches spongebob!!
there’s def a few times he related with some of the scenes too 😭
i can kinda see him as a patrick guy??? or maybe even a spongebob guy🤔 WAIT I THINK HED LIKE SQUIDWARD BECAUSE HE FINDS HIM RELATABLE (in bad moods) AND SCHEMES FUNNY… or maybe even plankton 😳(idk)
tell me or tell me that floyd would fuck with azul by telling him there’s this rival establishment with THEE best burgers ever.
obviously azul is confused because he’s the one and only restaurant / lounge at night raven college. only for floyd to snicker with a ‘not anymore’
and ofc azul is like: take me there!
and floyd is like: mmm no.
but now azul is on the hunt for a place called ‘the crusty crab’ and wants to know if anyone has a ‘krabby patty’ 💀
ofc azul gets laughed out of his socks by others from the sheer desperation of needing to know about this krabby patties ‘secret formula’ 😭😭
*azul slowly merges into plankton*
floyd is HOWLING with laughter as azul comes storming into the monstro, his cold blood turning his once porcelain cheeks aflame with the fires hotter than hell. so hot that it turned him into a blueberry.
floyd flops a suspicious burger onto and even more suspiciously placed plate dab smack in front of azul. he looked at azul, then to the burger before fixing him a a crooked smile. “heard you were hound’s fer one of these guys.” he pushed the plate closer to him causing a droplet to fall from a red, thin tomato slice.
“is- is that-“
“a krabby patty? yeah.” he shrugs, leaning closer onto the cabinet to watch azul’s mouth drop with disbelief.
he grabs the burger bringing it up to azul, “i managed to get the last one for the day, impressive since they sell out so fast” floyd watched azul attempt to speak, but he just bit into the burger.
he moaned on faux delight. “hmm n it’s so good too.”
“floyd!” azul gasped, attempting to lunge for the burger. on cue floyd stumbled back, fingers loosening their grip in the burgers soft, golden patty.
cinematically, the once unified burger slowly started falling apart as it raced like raindrops to the floor.
with a sad squelch, the lettuce, tomato, pickles- alotta pickles, onions the burger and the most important ingredient. the secret one. all fell to the floor.
azul could only gap in despair as the elusive ‘krabby patty’ now laid ruined on the floor. he was desperate, yes, he first and foremost- he was a gentleman.
“floyd you- you!!”
“relax ‘zul, i’ll just get you ‘nother one”
“how?? because i can’t seem to find this ‘krusty krab’ anywhere! it’s nowhere on campus, no where on sage isle, and nowhere under water!!”
floyd could only laugh. oh my god. how can someone be so smart and yet so dumb at the same time.
“don’t worry,” he sniffed “i know a guy😼”
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