sweetronancer · 1 month
i think i understand what it feels like to be a kitten now
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voidchillz · 2 years
SoLYGBM Dating Headcanons
(Since I live for this damn fanfic)
(Part 1 of the Gaster Brother Dating HCs💕 more on the way)
- His preference is usually humans and/or women (sorry fellas) but who knows, maybe if he meets a particularly handsome and funny guy he’ll think about it
- He legitimately doesn’t know how to “feelings” at first
- But after he figures his sh-t out, from then on you got an official sweetheart on your hands
- Even if you forgive him for the cr-p he pulled, he’s still gonna be pretty guilty for it. Expect the spoiling treatment from your new bonefriend
- He likes being the reason you’re happy💕
- He does have a bit of an attachment issue. He doesn’t like being away from you too long. But at the same time he doesn’t want to seem too clingy, so good luck with that affection paralysis
- Oh and mommy issues, out the wazoo (this is canon. not up for debate)
- He loves how little you are compared to him. He’s always been the shortass of the group (people tend to stop making fun of him for it when he passes them a death glare) so it’s nice to just coddle you and wrap his arms around someone he knows he can protect
- Please tell him he’s doing a good job. Please.
- Or literally any form of verbal or physical praise
- This touch-starved, praise-denied and affection-refused puppy bear will roll over for you
- Speaking of big puppies, this guy is the prime example. He’ll happily fetch you little objects you need or run you a bath or shower, pretty much anything he can do by himself to prove his devotion
- There’s not really a single love language he chooses from. He loves physical affection, complimenting you, doing things for you, getting/making you gifts. He wants to do anything to be closer to you
- EXTREMELY protective, like close to insanely protective. And that’s not an embellishment
- Might have a tiny itty bitty thing for you calling him a “Good boy” Would never in his life admit it though… unless he was very very very drunk
- Cuddles with him are amazing, he never knows how to ask though. He thinks it sounds dumb if he says it out loud
- He likes holding you on top of him, cuddling your side and big spooning you. But the best cuddles are when you let him bury his head in your neck so he can cling onto you
- If you’re not a fan of physical touch, he’ll happily resort to other love languages. Same goes with the other types
- Rumbles softly whenever he purrs
- When this guy’s in any state of mindless euphoria, he growls like there’s no tomorrow. Yes he’s fine. Nothing’s wrong. He’s not angry or hurt in any way. Why would you think that? Just please keep doing whatever you were doing
- He makes you breakfast in the morning :)
- His will doesn’t match your physical attributes, you give him some cute puppy dog eyes and he’ll melt to your whims. As long as it’s nothing serious of course
- Unfortunately not a non-monogamous kinda guy. He wants you all to himself. That does mean you get the occasional jealous spikes, but it’s more because of his insecurities than mistrust
- If given the chance, he’ll cuddle with you for hours. So keep an eye on the time so you don’t miss anything important
- One of his absolute least favourite things is watching you cry. Whatever it’s about he wants to see that gorgeous smile again as soon as possible, and he’ll do anything to get it
- If you tell him that you’re AroAce or on the spectrum of it, he’s going to be a little confused at first (the 20s wasn’t a great time for lgbtq representation). But he’s an accepting guy nevertheless. So don’t worry about that part. He can work into his head whatever boundaries you may need
Bone-us (see what I did there)
- When I said he’d roll over for you, that wasn’t a joke. He’ll do anything to make you feel comfortable. And if it means you feel better in control, he’s happy to take it
- He knows how vulnerable you can feel and wants you to feel relaxed, so expect a whole heaping pile of praises and body worships. He’s a sucker (👀) for making you blush
- He does actually enjoy the teasing. Not for weeks on end but just something playful he can translate as your affection
- If something ever goes wrong he makes a big deal out of it, sorry, that’s just how he works now. He’s worried you’ll associate being with him like that with pain, and that’s not even on the list of things he wants
- If he went a little rough and ended up bruising or puncturing your skin, you best believe you’re having an aftercare day after that. He won’t accept anything less
- He doesn’t usually pick favourites on body parts, he loves every inch of you without hesitation, but anything soft and plush, he’ll occasionally favour. Oh, and anything he can clearly distinguish as yours. Hair, lips, skin, hands, heartbeat. Those kinda things
- He’ll looks after you every step of the way, but I suggest you take a moment to reassure him too. Anything to calm him down after that. He’s always so worried he’ll lose his cool and break you like glass. He’s a very strong monster, and a lot bigger than you. So just letting him know he didn’t hurt you and that you enjoyed it will work. Maybe a kiss too… maybe another…? Please…?
- He starts sounding more romantic and deeply in love with you towards the end. It’s more of a baseline instinct. Something he reaches for when his head’s getting all cloudy and fuzzy
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Jack's Big Rambly Nonsense Theory Post About Episode 3 ✨️
I am a merciful fella so the rambles will be contained under the cut.
hey! what's up? this is the only thing I care about for the time being so I'm gonna ramble about it! I don't know what I'm doing! all of this could be wrong! I'm very excited!
Please feel free to reply/reblog or like.. idk, y'all can tag me if you wanna make a separate post jumping off of, responding to, or completely annihilating (in a friendly way!) any of my theories here.
What The Heck Is Antikythera?
i didnt know what this was and it seemed somewhat important since it's in the title (lol) so I looked it up.
one of the first things I found was the wiki article for the Antikythera mechanism, which is basically a computer/calculator from Ancient Greece that predicted astronomical positions and eclipses. It was found in a Roman shipwreck in the Mediterranean in 1901 and might have been constructed as far back as 205 BC. (it had gears and everything! cool!)
Considering this device is related to astronomy and approximately, oh, ALL of our protagonists are interested in and have connections to astronomy, I don't think that's a coinkydink! additionally, since this is fictional and there are no limits, mayhaps the Antikythera mechanism is a part of the story and it can do (and does do) more than predict celestial events...? 👀
Now, I admit I read about this one interesting thing and kinda just ran with it, but in case there's anything else about this itty bitty little island, I did look into it more. According to the Wikipedia, Antikythera was settled and abandoned several times throughout history. This is also where the wreck with the mechanism was discovered (hence the name), and apparently lots of birds use the island as a pit stop during migration, but that's about it. It's enough for me to laugh shrug and carry on with my mechanism theories, lol.
The Ellen Austin, The Bermuda Triangle, & Maybe A Ghost Ship
Since our beloved quartet is confirmed to be aboard the Ellen Austin and they're en route through the Bermuda Triangle/Sargossa Sea where the Ellen Austin is said to have encountered a ghost ship, I'm gonna continue with my previously-held theory that we're getting a ghost ship encounter! (In one story about the Ellen Austin, they had some of the crew go onto the ghost ship to bring it back to shore with them, and the crew ~mysteriously vanished~ which is... interesting. 👀)
I have a few ideas about what this potential ghost ship might be:
An Ancient Greek vessel straight from Antikythera, with or without a mechanism, but probably with. [squints at map] I mean, the Mediterranean isn't that far from the Sargossa Sea/Bermuda Triangle area. And/or maybe there was some time-and-space nonsense happening that could land it on the other side of the Atlantic. If our quartet could get poofed from a satellite in 1835 back to Earth in 1881(?), then a mysterious ship could plausibly get zapped to another place and/or time. Might be a bit too on the nose but c'mon, the name is in the title, there's gotta be a connection to Antikythera, and who says it can't be this? Could also have ghosts!
A slightly less ancient Roman cargo ship like the (shipwrecked) one that had the Antikythera mechanism. (Please see above for hand-waving about date & location.) Maybe the ship has a mechanism on board, and maybe it's also got ghosts—both of the Ancient Greek variety via the mechanism, and of the slightly less ancient Roman variety via it's their dang boat. Bonus points if the Greek/Antikytheran(?) ghosties were scaring the daylights out of the Romans and are responsible for the ship becoming a (double) ghost ship. Of course this also hinges on how literal the "ghosts" in The Ghosts of Antikythera are, but I'll ramble about that in a little bit.
A much less ancient ship from whatever eras make it more likely to be in the Sargossa Sea, but it has an Antikythera mechanism somehow. This would take out a lot of fuss about how the ship got here or how it could have survived this long without being wrecked or discovered, AND it would bring up new and fun questions such as "why does this random ship have an Ancient Greek mechanism" and I call that a win-win. Could be a classic pirate ship, could be a newer vessel that'd be more familiar to the crew of the Ellen Austin... idk im not a boat guy but I think there's some fun possibilities.
bonus theory: the ghost ship has "witch" in the name or has a name related to witches, or maybe literally just has "wicked" in the name, purely based off this tweet:
Tumblr media
thank you @man-down-in-hatchet-town for being my Twitter scout, lmao
Just 'cause, you know... wicked, witches. The waves could be just part of the water theme since (i assume) the episode takes place predominantly at sea, or perhaps the ghost ship is literally carried "this way" by the waves.
Ghosts — Like, Literally? Or Do You Mean Metaphorically?
We already know that Pulp Musicals will be exploring multiple genres—sci-fi, horror, mystery, adventure—so I'm betting episode three will add some horror to the mix, especially after Matt's delightfully ominous words in the trailer:
In this web of mystery, Margaret has begun to unravel her own... but she is not the only one awakening. And soon, our heroes will find that the light of discovery can bring forth shadows darker than anything they could have ever imagined.
...Yeah, sounds like horror and/or ghosts to me! So maybe the ghosts of Antikythera are real actual spooky scary spirits, in which case I am very excited to pull up a chair and listen to Herschel scoff and try to find a rational, scientific explanation for any spooky happenings. (Idk if he believes in ghosts or not, but in this case I hope he doesn't because that will make it much funnier for me. <3 )
On the other hand, "horror" is incredibly vague, so maybe we won't get jump-out-and-say-boo ghosts at all. Maybe the ghosts of Antikythera are more unsettling because they aren't an active, supernatural force wreaking havoc on the open sea—maybe they're just an empty vessel, forgotten memories, and the lingering consequences of the actions taken by people who are long since dead. What's scarier—the dead staying behind to screw with you face to face, or the dead abandoning their troubles & mistakes and leaving clueless strangers to get stuck with the deadly fallout?
Honestly, tho? I'm excited either way, and I'm very curious to see how scary Matt plans to go.
Theories That Don't Have A Ghost Ship, Because You Never Know
I am 100% behind the ghost ship theory, but making theories is fun so why not throw some other ones out there. Full disclosure, I don't think these are that likely, and some are mostly gonna be for laughs.
They find a shipwreck. I'm really only considering this because the Antikythera mechanism was found on a wreck. I don't think the Ellen Austin would stop to investigate a shipwreck if they happened upon one, and I also don't know if they'd even have the equipment to safely or effectively investigate it if they wanted to. Then again, maybe they would stop if they saw the wreck go down, and also who needs to go down in the water if you have a passenger with magic powers? If Margaret could launch the Sagitta, she could probably fish up a wreck easy peasy. Maybe she wouldn't even need the ship to stop, she could just see (or sense?) something in the water and reach out with the Radiance. And if whatever she brought onto the Ellen Austin was haunted, then that could kick off the ghost stuff... huh. I actually kinda like this idea!
Atlantis? I think someone mentioned this in the chat for the trailer's premiere. I'm inclined to say "probably not" though... unless the quartet gets poofed or otherwise summoned closer to Greece. But I think they'll probably be sticking around the Sargossa Sea, since there isn't a lot of time for them to be traveling all around in a ~90 minute episode, and the previous episodes kinda picked a place and stayed there. Doesn't necessarily mean we couldn't get an underwater city (or formerly underwater city), of course. It just probably wouldn't be Atlantis.
...I actually don't have any other ideas right now, lol. I really think it's gonna be a ghost ship. And that the Antikythera mechanism has something to do with it.
Oof okay, for the sake of my eyes and brain, I'm going to stop staring at my phone and thinking for now, lol. I will probably come up with some more thoughts & theories as time goes on, but I think I have used all my batteries for today.
Again, if anybody reads this and wants to contribute or comment, feel free! 💫
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viky2318 · 7 months
It is I, the usual trash seller! here to sell you my trash after WAY TOO MUCH TIME. Enjoy this third to last chapter (I think).
Whatever was going on, it was becoming all but what Sam imagined. They planned that game for months, making sure everything was in place. They thought about every possibility they could imagine, every action, every sentence, making sure that no matter what they would get to that one ending they choose. And yet… there they were. Grillby was out of the way after becoming an important member of the group, but Sam couldn't expect him either to be important for them as well and to die, especially in such a dramatic way; Maddy wanted them dead, but she also had the old man and Flowey by her side; Raehel was probably going to show up; Muffet was at the super cool important choice, but the stake was way higher than what Sam previously thought; Template died too soon in the story, and the human had to cut a whole part with other out-codes because of it and also because of the "meeting" Muffet had with the old man; Sam knew a lot of new things about themselves and their abilities; Fresh got in the way twice and made the trust-to-hate process, as they liked to call it, more quick. Sam had no idea of where this was going and, they had to admit it, it was exciting. It felt like playing directly with the creator, being at its same level, making it scared of their actions and in need to actually intervene. A stupid thought since the creator itself was the one to make them act, but they didn’t give too much weight to that detail. The human closed the editor screen of the little monster soul they were messing around with, then placed the latter back in the glass cylinder next to the other. Sam wanted Muffet (now alone in an isolated part of the Void they were in before) to make the choice they wanted, no matter what. They didn’t have another option. Grillby’s soul shattered when he died (something they didn’t expect even if they should have), so he had no way to bring the Grillby they knew back. They could only take the Grillby from that timeline out a half second before it disappears, and then bring him back to his timeline so that it would be as if they “brought him back and erased his memories”. Of course that new Grillby would be a little different from the original one because the two had two different lives, so with time it would become obvious that it wasn’t the truth, but our human didn’t care. 
“Soooooo… still messing around? Dontcha think you got enough reasons to just let them be for a little bit?”.
Of course, the guy had to show up again. The human gave Fresh an irked glare, before replying: “I know what I’m doing. I know the consequences of my actions, their effect on the multiverse, and most importantly, I know you shouldn’t be here”. The skeleton shrugged, his glasses switching to “IK&IDC”. “Ya should know by now I really don’t follow the rules. I tho don’t kill a buncha fellows just to feel cool”, he commented. Sam didn’t speak for a couple more seconds, before huffing in annoyance. “Get to the point and then go away. I’m not in the mood to deal with you”. Fresh took a few steps closer, his chilled smile not leaving his skeletal face. “I think I got to the point more than a few times, pal. What you’re doing is real unrad, and you should stop trying to be what you aren’t. Chill out! No one’s gonna judge ya if you aren’t some sorta godlike being, you know?”. The human raised a brow. “Who wants to be a god? Gods as we know them are as weak as us mortals compared to the creators. I want to have my little story, my small contribution to this wide multiverse. Once I finish, you’ll never hear about me again. Maybe a few times for something silly, but nothing as nice as this”. The skeleton just shrugged. “Eh, I doubt it. Yer mess is an itty bitty too big to just pass without consequences, yanno? After all, you killed around a half hundred fellas and still you got nowhere. The good old G wouldn’t really be happy to see what you did and-”. “Do you think I care about the opinion of an old man like him?” Sam cut him. “Did I end the lives of hundreds? Yeah. Did I lie, make others suffer, destroy families just to have fun? More or less, yes. Do I look like I care? Creators do it every time with us, everyday, every single time they write down our destiny, or paint it, or code it, or whatever they do to please their hunger of pain. I have no idea of what goes through their mind, but surely I am having enough fun creating my own story in the same way they do”. Fresh tilted their head a little, his glasses changing to “CHILL BRO”. “Yeah, got it. You’re just constantly slamming your head onto a wall. The thing’s always the same. Ya can’t keep doing that. It won’t end well for you if ya keep up this “game”, yanno? I think people are kinda getting tired of this messy thingie yer doing”. The human silently nodded, but they actually didn’t give too much weight to the skeleton’s words. “... so you’re planning to actually do something about it or just give me a scold and leave?” they quietly asked while thinking about a way to make him go away. Fresh shortly replied: “But I already did, my lil’ brotato chip. I already did. I’m just having fun hanging around for another little while”. Alright, that definitely meant there was no way to make him leave. And Sam had to wait for another while before Maddy and Muffet’s arrival. They decided to try to ignore the skeleton, and opened a small portal to take a look at how things were going.
Muffet took a deep breath as she sat down on the black floor of the Void, more thoughtful than she had ever been. She was in a truly bad position. She hated making big choices. She always did. Big choices often meant big changes, big limits, consequences damaging either her or others and a lot of possibilities getting cut off. She had enough of all that stuff when she was head of her clan. She either assured her friends a hopefully happy life and ended the ones of others, or… or what? That stupid human never specified what happened if she refused, as if they were sure it wasn’t a possibility. So she either accepted or had no idea of what could happen, and Muffet didn’t trust Sam enough to let them do anything. In all this she was closed in what seemed like an invisible cage in the middle of the void.
How. Wonderful.
She had to find a solution. A third option out of this mess. She couldn’t let things happen around her. Grillby was the one who usually did that and, apparently, he died. Muffet wasn’t planning to let herself or anyone she cared for die. She already tried teleporting or breaking the “walls” restraining her more than once, but to no avail. She could try tricking Sam somehow… no. That would have been too dangerous. Flowey commented something about Sam knowing that they did…
A sudden whistle, a sound similar to a portal opening, made the spider suddenly jump up, raising her gaze to the source of the noise. And the last thing she expected to see was Maddy getting out of an unknown portal followed by Flowey, wrapped around the arm of a tall smiling man. “Maddy?! What are you doing here?!” the spider exclaimed, both relieved and concerned to see the cat. Maddy extended a hand to Muffet, but the invisible wall blocked her. “What do you think I’m doing? We have a dumbass to kill”. She tried to punch the wall, only resulting with a bunch of glitches appearing all of the sudden, flickering quietly for a couple seconds before fading away. That thing didn't happen when Muffet tried to break the wall down. "... that stuff is all codes, almost nothing physical. Just a hitbox and some air. That dumbass didn't even try to make a nice work", Flowey commented as he slid down the stranger's arm and got close to Maddy. "Of course", the man started. "Their goal wasn't to keep her from escaping. They just needed her to stay here until our arrival". Muffet noticed how the man had a really familiar voice, but she couldn't figure out where she heard it. Maddy rolled her eyes at the man's words, debating a few things. "Yeah, whatever. It's not like it makes any difference at the moment", she commented quietly. The cat then raised her other hand and laid it on the invisible wall, then pressed hard on it. The flickering glitches came back, more and more loud, before stopping all of the sudden with the noise of something cracking. The wall disappeared, and Maddy smiled widely at the result. "Woah. This thing practically melts codes! I could almost feel them evaporating under my hand. You really must be one of a magician" she said, turning to the smiling man. He simply nodded in response, his smile getting a little wider. "And you never saw my greatest works", he replied with a slight pride. The cat then turned to Muffet, her grin turning more resolute. "Ok girl, we're going to kill our dear human idiot. You ready?" she asked. "Wait- killing Sam? … is that even possible? They always sounded awfully powerful with all those code things they can do'', Muffet asked in response, frowning a little in skepticism. "Yeah- well, I think so. I tried by myself and it didn't work too well, but this time I have you, a soulless flower and what could probably be a royal scientist, so I think we can do this". The man stepped closer to the others, smiling quietly as he glanced in an unspecified direction. "Now that we got everyone, I think we should get going".
Sam quickly closed the portal as they met the old man's gaze, a cold shiver going up their spine. They didn't like that quiet smile he had, that shine in his eyes that clearly showed Sam the man was furious. "So you do mind their opinion!" Fresh exclaimed, their glasses switching to "AWWW". "You better shut your mouth and get out of here. Now", the human replied, not willing to repeat themselves many more times. "Ok ok, chill out! I'll go away, but just because it's you. Cya!". With that said, the colorful skeleton disappeared in a colorful cloud of smoke. After a few seconds, Sam sighed quietly, then looked at the tall portal opening in front of them. “... let’s finish this silly little project”.
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mwolf0epsilon · 3 years
How would all the studio crew, post-transformation, react to an adorable puppy? (Hopefully some won't think it's food!)
Henry Stein - Despite being the proud owner of a massive Estrela Mountain dog, Henry is actually more of a cat person. He can see the appeal of a loyal pooch though. Doesn't really have much of an opinion other than he likes petting them. Being faced with a cute puppy he'd likely melt.
Glasses Woolly Triplet - Sheep and dogs don't often mix, but then again Glasses likes Boris and he's kind of a dog right? If he sees an adorable puppy he'll likely puff up and proclaim himself cuter.
Sammy Lawrence - They're goofy, smelly and drool all over. 10/10 would not recommend owning one in a tiny apartment, but is the kind of guy to hang out with the dog in a house party situation. He's a big softy for pets at heart, so he'd likely dote on a little puppy.
Wandering Sin Bendy/Andy - Unlike Sammy he openly adores dogs. If confronted with a cute pup, he'd beg his pa to let him keep it.
Jack Fain - Jack has always wanted a dog, so if he found a puppy he'd decide to adopt it. He'd be the kind of owner to talk about his pets like they're his children too, so you can bet he'd walk around with a wallet full of puppy photos.
Pigtails Woolly Triplet - Like Glasses he isn't really a fan of dogs, but he'd certainly enjoy the company of an itty bitty puppy if Jack adopted one. Might even take up Boris's position and try to teach it how to do some mischief.
Susie Campbell - She's more of a cat person but she can't say no to taking in a cute puppy. She'll treat it like royalty too.
Miss Twisted - Well it's not Cerberus, but it sure looks cute! Hopefully it'll grow up into a big scary beast of a dog so she'll have the coolest pet of all! Also she wants to paint its nails and get it a spiky collar.
Norman Polk - He already has Stripe so he'll likely give the puppy to someone else. Most animals are scared of him anyway, so he doesn't want to risk the heartache of the pup disliking him.
Cameraman - Puppies are too much trouble. They chew up everything, pee on the carpet and need training. He's a busy camera thank you very much! He would much rather prefer playing with someone else's pets instead.
Allison Pendle - She's definitely a dog person, but her hands are already full with a very grumpy wolf. Maybe someday when she feels ready for such a big responsibility she might get a pup. For now she'd probably coo at one and give it little scritches before handing it off to more capable hands.
Alice Angel - She likes dogs! Everyone knows all dogs go to heaven, so she's always happy to meet a new pup or two! She'd be too busy keeping the other toons out of trouble to really care for one tho...
Thomas Connor - He'd go weak at the knees at the sight of a puppy. Tom is a sucker for dogs. Would immediately want to adopt it too, no questions asked.
Boris the Wolf - Oh look! Another little cute fella to teach the ways of Boris the Wolf! Where's his wooden nickel? Little guy needs to learn how to pickpocket pronto!
Shawn Flynn - He likes dogs, sure, but uh... Best keep that pup away from his dolls...
Bendy Doll Trio - NOPE
Grant Cohen - He's allergic to fog fur. Living with Buddy, Tom and Stripe is already a pain because of how much they shed, so he'd not enjoy the idea of having a puppy joining in.
Edgar the Spider/Edvard - Shares Grant's allergy but it only ever flares up when it's most funny/inconvenient. He'd still want to pet the puppy though... He's a sucker for cute things due to his nature as an Edgar clone.
Buddy Lewek - Because he couldn't own a pet before, he'd probably beg to keep the puppy. Would even resort to puppy dog eyes. How could he just turn this poor little pup away?
The Brute - He is Brute. Demolisher of Faces, Taker of Wallets, and Protector of Tiny Cute Things. Puppy is a tiny cute thing, he will protect.
Abby Lambert - Considering she lives alone and has contact with what little family she has + the other Ink People, she'd get a puppy just for the company. It likely becomes her muse at some point just because she needed a drawing model... She'd also name it something like Monet or Picasso.
Doc Hackenbush - He has a cat. Plus the apartment he lives at is tiny. Would be unfair to subject a dog to such a cramped living space... He's still a licensed vet tho, so he probably has contact with tons of animals anyway, so no loss there!
Bertrum Piedmont - Err... He's a giant ride... He'd rather avoid animals right now...
Lacie Benton - Indifferent to pets. She'll stop to give them pets if they approach her, but she's not really much of an animal person. Will definitely kick anyone's ass if she sees them throwing stuff at wildlife or trying to kick a dog. Mistreat animals, get beat up by a pissed off animatronic.
Emma LaMonte - She's neither a dog nor cat person. Emma would rather devote her attention to parrots. Particularly the chatty kind. She's a bit of an eccentric.
The Ink Demon/Binky Demon - Animals are terrified of him and he's devastated by this. Would avoid the puppy at all costs just so he doesn't have to see it run away from him.
Mel's Butcher Gang/Charley, Barley and Edgar - Charley won't allow the group to get a puppy because Edgar is already enough of a handful. Single parents raising a spider son! Maybe when he's older Edgar might get a puppy...
Incomplete Butcher Hang/Buck and Edwin - They'd adopt a puppy and call it Charles. You can tell they're trying to fill a void...
Detective Adam Sinclair - He's too old for a pet, and he already has a talking taxi cab to keep him company anyway. If he found one he'd probably take it in... Just until he can find it an owner. Yeah, that's it.
Gaskette - No. Please get it out of his seats, that thing isn't potty trained!
Joey Drew - He's fascinated by dogs, but most animals attack him on sight these days, so he might try to make a pet rather than adopt one.
Bendy the Dancing Demon - As much as he wants a dog, observing Joey reading up on Cerberus is starting to concern him greatly... If only someone else could see or hear him, he might be able to tattle on this particularly half-baked scheme.
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mitterstorm · 4 years
Dance For Me
Chapter 1
“Finally we are here today to seek and to receive comfort. We would be less than honest if we said that our hearts have not ached over this situation. We are not too proud to acknowledge-
You couldn’t take it anymore, just by standing here listening to that preach addressed his departure. Your knees feel weak and your eyes burn, but you refuse to make a scene, taking deep breaths while clenching your fists is helping you calm down.
Still, it’s not enough.
You want to scream again just as you did when you saw his body limp against yours, scratch your arms in attempts of making the pain and hurt go away. To drift your mind from these ugly feelings.
A sick way of coping indeed, teensy bit of self-harm ain't going to kill you. It helps you somehow, preventing yourself from breaking even further in a public place like the cemetery.
Finally, you regain control of yourself and shift back to the preacher. Unfortunately, he concluded, now you have to prepare for the worse.  
Henry, who is your most precious friend, is dead. His body was being carried away in the concealment of a coffin; he said his last farewell to you early in the morning when you ate breakfast with him, offering your company so he wouldn't feel alone, regain some strength by appreciation itself.
Something was up that morning; the old fart was more talkative than usual and flashed a smile here and there. You are at fault for not noticing from the start. You should have been more perceptive and observant; you are keen on people after all, especially when he gave you that look as if he was parting ways with you. He didn’t fight death, accepted it as embracing a hug from an old friend. That thought alone fills your head with doubt.
Was he even happy when he left?
 Did he feel satisfied with the life he lived?
 Were you enough?
 Fuck, you never would've imagined his passing will affect you this much.
<<You old geezer, why were you so kind to me? Why did we let ourselves get attached?>>
The time is near, you will eventually have to confront him with all of these people staring at you, but you need to be strong for sake. You are what’s left of his loved ones. Linda died long ago. They never had a chance to procreate and bring a new life, Joey went mad or something along those lines.
Just like the rest of the crew, and he didn’t make any friends while he was on service for the military. If he did, they were dead. He didn’t like to talk about it.
<<I tried to make you happy, make you feel at ease as you did for me>>
Yet he kept secrets from you, of course, you respected his wishes and didn’t pry any further.
However, it stung.
<<Now it’s not time to reminisce, there’s nothing to reminisce for me at the moment>>
They called your name to the front; you ran out of time. It’s your turn. Is your first time burying someone, yes, you have assisted other burials besides this one, but now you are who’s lost a loved one. Those past times were favors people close to you had asked a long time ago; they said it felt nice to have somebody there when someone else is missing in their lives. In other words, you were there as comfort. A shoulder they could use to cry and lean on.
Hesitant, you take away from the burier’s grasp his shovel and with a gulp. You start shoveling some dirt into the hole were Henry’s coffin lies.
<<Shit, I can’t stop trembling! Come on, stop being a pussy and get over with this!>>
Despite that, your body wouldn’t obey, it made you look clumsy. No matter how much you lied to yourself.
You are scared.
After burying Henry, your vision goes black.
Waking up tomorrow morning at home without a clue of how you got there made your mind fuzzy.
How fun.
You try to get up, but end up failing.
“Fuuuuuck! Why do I feel like absolute shit! Everything hurts!” These feel just like a hangover. Why does it feel like one? Did you go to a bar once Henry’s funeral ended? How much did you drink?
“Enough to blackout it appears,” You say under your breath. Of course, your dumb ass would go to a bar and get drunk to cope with the pain! An upcoming headache awaits you for being arbitrary, instead of showing apprehension towards the situation and mourn, as you should, your voice of reason zonked out. “I reek of booze. Agh, it stinks”.
No more addressing what happened yesterday; feeling like trash isn't doing you any good. Henry would have called you out on your bullshit.
"Stop whining like a whore and man up, chum! I'll buy you a drink. Later we can relax and cut you some slack, nothing a magsman like myself can't do".
“Ok boomer,” You said in a humdrum tone, at least it made you laugh internally. “lo and behold, this will be a shitty morning-err afternoon, it’s 1 PM, I thought it was too early to be awake”.
That means it’s time for brunch.
Must compel your stomach desires, eat a lot little of food. Therefore, you'll have to leave the bed, go downstairs where the kitchen is; you force yourself out of the comfiness that are your covers. So you walk out of the room barefoot towards the kitchen. You open the fridge faking interest with whatever is inside and close it, then repeat, only that this time you pay a little more of attention.
You grab the water pitcher and pour some in a glass, then look for oatmeal and toss three spoonfuls of it at the water, after that you chuck a spoonful of sugar and mix it. A simple drink full of roughage. It’ll suffice for now.
*Clink clink*
Metal hitting porcelain serves you as a white noise to rearrange your thoughts. Yesterday was hectic and had your mind high wire, you were thinking about the old man; how long have you two been friends? Five or six years more or less, you met each other by autumn at a hospital. On that occasion, you were merely an intern in the middle of their practice and had to change sheets, deliver meals, give them their meds and reassure they took them at the time the doctors had said. Like a nurse or carer (the difference it’s you possess more knowledge than one and can prescribe medication, it was also part of your duty as a trainee assisting the doctors with whatever you could). That’s how both of you came face to face with.
Mr. Stein was sick and injured. He needed to tend some wounds since they required special treatment. Battle scars, you didn’t know at the time, however, as days passed, you became close to him, he told you how he got them; the biggest can be found on his back.  
Unfortunately, a sharp pain arose, preventing you from wandering further in the past. You had forgotten about your headache, which it’s more noticeable now, you are sure there aren’t any pills left.
“I ain’t leaving being this crappy, besides I don’t feel like moving right now…” Your eyelids are heavy and keeping them open, it’s such a pain, so you shut ‘em in hopes of relaxing for a little bit. Leaning your back on the kitchen island while drinking your beverage, its coldness helping you somehow with the throb.
Once again, your mind wanders.
Thanks to it, you know where to find some ibuprofen.
“Are these the ones?” You asked while holding a box for him to see, squinting Henry finally recognized the packet.
“What’s it called again?” He questioned, rubbing his head to ease the ache a bit. His voice raspy because of a dry throat. His normal soft tone replaced by a croaky. He’s clearly suffering.  
“Ibuprofen.” You read aloud as you’ve been asked and turn back to look at him.
“Yup, that’s the one, lass. I know I’ve bothered you enough, but could you serve me a glass of water?”
“You old coot, not a bother at all. I’ll be back with your water in a jiffy”.
The pills are somewhere inside Henry’s studio. You can do that, going upstairs isn’t as demanding as buying them, cuz leaving home means changing clothes that look presentable and aren’t dirty. Henceforth, you don’t feel in the mood for seeing the outside.
“I should stop thinking of how lazy I am and look for those meds…” Talking to yourself it’s quite common, so you ain’t no stranger to these situations.
Therefore, you took a break from your bullshit and went upstairs where Henry Stein used to draw; he passed most of his time in there, secluded from the outside world, before military service, he worked at an animation studio owned by the man he once considered his best friend, Joey Drew was his name if your memory doesn’t fail you.
Your friend called him a bastard, never explained why only responded by saying: “He lost his mind.”
Nevertheless, Henry kept drawing cartoons, and sometimes, he would let you watch him sketch and answered your questions. He carried on with his old comics he left unfinished long ago. The same he had drawn back thirty years ago. The main characters are three little fellas: Bendy, Alice Angel, and Boris. Henry said they animated their adventures and later on, added side characters. The Butcher Gang, if you recall, also consists of a trio: Charley, Barley, and Edgar.
When Henry started storytelling, you felt like a kid back again, he could’ve marked your childhood just as the rest of animators who made those toons while you were a child. Oh, how you treasured these memories, you’ll never forget the time you spent together.
Evoking past times has helped to soothe your headache an itty-bitty, yet you still need to find the ibuprofen.
“Where could it be…” You asked to no one, hoping the walls may respond, even though it’ll never happen.
Seeking everywhere you soon turned the room upside down, papers on the floor resembling a carpet, art supplies rolling across the table (pencils, colors, pens, paintbrushes, blending stumps, etc.) and some books based on anatomy and animation were disorganized on their bookshelves. It all ended after you opened a drawer (this one didn’t need your touch, it was already a disorder) and found what you were looking for, and because of your rashness, more papers fell on the floor.
“Damn, what a mess…” You muttered under your breath a little irritated with yourself for being so careless while searching. You collected the papers and put them in order back again one by one, because of it you grew curious and read some of them, a letter grabbed your attention.
It was one of those fancy letters with a seal and all (what does it say? Seems of importance).
You don’t consider yourself nosy, just interested in its contents.
<<From Joey Drew? Huh, looks like your old buddy send you his salutations after all this time>>
Oh, you had no idea.
Henry knew about the letter, he already read it and did as they told him. The old studio where they used to make dreams come true transformed into a living hell.
You finished reading the letter.
Well shit.
Did you just read a confession or a love letter? Why not both? You don’t know why, but it feels like one.
“Okay, let’s stop right there. I can’t make jokes on circumstances as these ones”.
What could be so urgent for Joey to write a letter after thirty years of silence?
Should you investigate?
<<The letter could’ve been sent years ago! Henry surely read it; otherwise, it wouldn’t be inside a drawer of his studio, though there’s a possibility he didn’t, I doubt it. He must have seen his friend has written message>>
Okay, sure. Let’s suppose he didn’t pay any mind to the damn thing, you can pretend, now the real issue it’s the location. Joey Drew Studios must be closed (or broken down into pieces, you didn’t know if they decided to demolish the whole building).
“Wake up ___! Face reality, you shouldn’t be fantasizing, this ain’t some silly story with you as a heroine…instead of wasting my time, I shall swallow that damn pill and take some zzz’s”.
You left Henry’s solace and went to bed once again after you swallowed the pill with some water. A dreamless sleep greeted you.
Bendy’s POV
“ん乇'丂 ムの刀乇”.
Even though he should be celebrating, the Inkarnate can’t seem to find any joy in his being, no emotion tried to overtake him. Why? He doesn’t feel anything. True, he may not possess all the emotions a human has, but anger, joy, sadness, and hysteria weren’t unbeknownst him. There’s no satisfaction nor sorrow towards his creator’s death, not even an ounce of regret. Ok no, he won’t sense any guilt for what happened to Henry, he deserved to die just as much as Joey, but he was grasping straws in here!
How’s it possible to not perceive the slightest of emotion within himself?
The Ink Demon was turning apathetic in regards to the subject; he didn’t have an answer as to why. One thing he’s sure of, his world turned dull no longer exciting as he thought.
It was as if the little dancing demon had opened his eyes for the first time, after all those years blinded by the dripping ink, before that, he only saw what his mind showed him. He finally realized how monochromatic his world truly is.
All is black and white for the demon’s eyes.
A wave of indifference invades his mind and his mind is fuzzy, he dissolves into his inky form and rests.
However, not for much.
That bitch.
He despises her nearly as much as those liars, yet the little devil darling couldn’t give a damn about her right now. Let her laugh all she wants as the malady she’s. The Angel probably got the word, celebrating, unlike him.
Immersing himself even more inside the ink, he found…peace. He can work with that, serenity aids his jumbled thoughts; darkness envelopes him and swallows his body whole.
<<In the end…I feel empty. Is this how revenge it’s supposed to be like?>>
He can’t respond to that, how could he? He doesn’t even know what’s life supposed to feel like.
<<Their imagination cursed us all with life, they couldn’t take responsibility for their actions and show us how to drive through it>>
Back when he was the small little imp everybody loved, there were all kind of colors, unlike now. The studio felt warm in contrast to all the ink that surrounds it now.
The remains of those old days lurk inside the deep abyss as ink creatures, husks who replaced the humans that worked here.
Thinking about it got him tired, Bendy finds himself drifting from consciousness, he’s falling asleep.
“Was it worth it?”
<<Again that cunt>> Despite his thoughts, the Inkarnate didn’t feel irascible towards the narcissist woman. Actually, there isn’t much for him to perceive.
She’s not in here, she wouldn’t dare to step a foot on his domain. The wench had the nerve of placing her cutouts and posters; he destroyed a few just as she did the same. She is communicating with him using a damaged poster with her face.
“I know you can hear me, demon, don’t fake pretend.”
“Wんリ りの リのひ ᄃム尺乇?” He hopes to scare her, even though he knows it won’t work while using his beast form for some reason his speech turns nightmarish. Yet he doesn’t wield it often because of how difficult is controlling his instincts. Thoughts become more primal, talking it’s hard after a few hours transformed in it gets tiring, and he can’t measure his own force. He favors his inky form best: practical and gets the job done.
“I don’t”. So she’s just shitting with him, insufferable.
“Then why ask?”
“Spirit of inquiry. Your relationship intrigues me, up there in Heaven, we get curious as to why you didn’t kill him yourself. And don’t even try to justify your actions. You had many opportunities. The little errand boy nearly ends up killing you, he tried the same with me”.
After listening to what the Angel had to said, his permanent smile turned slowly into a frown. It’s never a good thing when the Lord ain’t wearing one.
The fallen angel is laughing at him.
“Not even you know the reason behind your acts of mercy!” He remains silent, it’s not like she’s wrong, the little devil does not why he was so resilient with Henry.
After that fiasco, she left him be.
Thanks to Alice’s short visit, Bendy finds questioning why she dropped by. They hate one another, true. She has eyes here and there, but it’s to keep him in line, so he won’t cross an inky limb on her domain. Unlike the female cartoon, he does not have any cutouts, posters, plushies, or ink servants near her place. He wants nothing to do with her. That’s why he finds it so unusual, it’s not like her.
She fancies something he has.
<<If that bitch knows what’s good for her, she won’t be picking her nose in my business>>
Later he’ll do his rounds throughout the studio, maybe, the imp will find what she’s searching before she does, whatever it may be, he won’t let her have it.
He’ll make sure of it.
Who knows what her deranged mind has planned; he’s tired of the gruesome scenery this place is in, corpses all around, clones of his ol’ friend bring back unsavory images from the past. Oh, Lawrence, he’s a madman, made satanic circles as a way of showing his devotion towards the black devil. Thanks to Sammy, he has eyes in nearly the entire place.
Yes, he’s aware the musician it’s alive, but Sammy Lawrence continues being of use for him.
<<I’ll take care of him when I wake up…>>
He’s exhausted. However, he stays on his beast form sunken in ink.
The demon’s slumber it’s a peaceful one…
   Until you enter his kingdom.
 An animalistic rumble shakes the tinted walls.
 He’s coming for you.
Three days.
You paced on the issue for three days, until you finally had an answer.
“I’m gonna pay a visit to your ol’ pal, maybe he’s still alive…or not…” You lowered your voice in the last part; Henry called Joey a bastard and accused him of being mentally unstable, you trust his word, but what if…what if he changed? There’s a possibility he redeemed himself and went through a rehabilitation process to help him with his instability.
<<I need to look for the address and from there I’ll see what can be done>>
You googled ‘Joey Drew Studios’ on your phone and within seconds Google Maps showed up, you were going to click at it, but then something catches your eye.
An article and it’s quite old.
‘Joey Drew Studios, also known as the workshop. Is an American corporation and an animation studio of the Bendy franchise, established in 1929.
Founded by Joey Drew and Henry Stein in an unknown full date other than the year of 1929, Joey Drew Studios is located at Broadway, Brooklyn, New York City, New York.
In 1946, Joey Drew Studios was under investigation after reports of hazardous work environments, missing employees, harassment, and excessive back pay, as well the company's danger of being bankrupt, all of which are a result of Joey's mismanagement of the studio. Anonymous employees threatened to make labor unions over the poor conditions, which included unpermitted buildings, hazardous electrical wiring, and a plumbing system prone to bursting. In addition, there were excessive work hours, most of which were unpaid and several animators were unable to see their families in weeks, after being threatened with disciplinary action and termination if they were unable to finish animations on tight schedules.
There were reports of barricaded offices, employees locked up in work spaces, and complaints of crazy malfunctioning machinery. Despite the evidence against the company, Joey Drew remained firm that the studio has done nothing wrong, calling the accusations "preposterous" and "ridiculous", dismissing them as either complaint from menial employees, or feeble attempts by competing studios to discredit Joey.
On August 16, 1959, the law firm known as Snooks, Spitner and Snooks sued Joey Drew, having heard the rumors of Joey's mismanaging of his own workers. 12 days later, the studio was closed down in accordance to legal regulation 11 U.S Code § 1125 (which forbids the misrepresentation of legally established companies) as evident by the bankruptcy report found in Joey's apartment, as well as health and safety concerns directly by the mention of a health and safety board meeting schedule found in the appointment lobby.’
<<That’s a lot to take in>>
Why the fuck would Henry’s friend would want to meet at that nightmare show? Has he learned nothing after all this years? And not only that, the sucker it´s/was an abusive prick with his employees!
<<Man, you weren’t joking>>
You fear a screw lose isn’t Joey’s only problem.
<<He sounds like an asshole, I don’t want to put up with his shit...I’ve got enough dealing with people like him on a daily basis. Sure, not everyone it’s an ass and there’s some decent/kind people out there, but handling jerks as the likes of him tires me out>>
Sometimes you aren’t the most patient person, it all depends. But this whole ordeal it’s too much for you.
<<The studio is in the big city, New York it’s fucking expensive. I don’t have the money for travelling that far, I’ll have to bid on my savings and package supplies for the journey>>
Crap. Three days and you didn’t think all of this through! How can you be so stupid?!
Now this looks like one of those impulsive decisions you take for being careless and inattentive.
<<How could Henry put up with me when not even I can stand myself?!>>
You need an adult, that’s what you ought to have beside you.
Your life is such a mess sometimes…
“Before spending money on my idiocy I should read more and prepare myself.” You mutter angrily to yourself.
That’s exactly what you did the next two days, finally you are ready for departing.
You grab your backpack and the car’s keys. “Cellphone in the front pocket, all that’s left is open the door, lock it and call Abby, easy.”
During those two days you made a few calls and went up for gas, it was going to be a long trip from Miami to New York. Sure, it ain’t that extensive, but you’ll be driving by yourself for approximately 20 hours. A place to stay, money, gasoline and food are big girl’s problems. Not counting the money you’ll spend on a cheap motel to rest your head.
“That or make a few stops on gas stations…maybe sleeping in the car won’t be that bad…” The good thing is you have options; you aren’t tied solely to one alternative.  
<<Abby won’t charge me for doing me this favor, another plus>>
She’ll guard the house in your absence and will call if any emergency transpires.
Now, you are free to go.
<<I hope I made a good decision doing this>>
The first 8 hours were a torment, bored and your ass felt numb of sitting for that long, the last time you remained that still was in high school, since you made your schedule. Your feet hurt just as your arms did. You made a stop for eating and going to the bathroom, after that another 8 hours.
Overall, the journey was relaxing, while driving you admired the views offered to you, savoring each sight. It helped you keeping away some melancholy.
You miss Henry, no matter how much you tried to distract yourself with this excursion of yours, the emptiness stays in the back of your mind.
Your wounds are still fresh, you haven’t mourned properly, because you don’t want to. That’s why you are doing this, to keep yourself busy so you won’t think about it. You need it, you ain’t prepared for it yet.
Soon you’ll be.
After a short nap (before that you made many stops, ‘cuz you’re a whining bitch who ain’t strong enough to control her fucking bladder), you started driving again. You have three or four hours left on the road.
Time to listen some music, you activate Bluetooth and connect your phone to the car’s stereo, finally you found a song of your liking in Spotify and play it. You spent the rest of the trip singing along; sometimes you’ll speed up a little bit on the spur of the moment.
Soon you got to your destination, didn’t waste time changing clothes, you collapsed on the bed in the motel and slept for an hour. After that, you washed yourself and got ready for visiting Joey Drew.
“Here goes nothing…”
You regret already coming here, silly you just ruined a change of clothes! Why is there so much ink? You’ll never get out the ink of your shoes, fuck! You have been here for less than ten minutes and all went to shit for you! It doesn’t help this place keeps giving you the heebies-jeebies! Every time you take a step on the creaky wooden floor it feels as if someone is following you, like a slithering sound. The ink splashes keep creeping you out, if it wasn’t black you would think it’s blood, Jesus Christ.
<<Thank God, the lights still work; it would make this place spookier if they didn’t>>
As you venture further deeper into the studio, a beast rumbles, shaking everything around you, more ink drops fall.
At that moment…
…you knew you fucked up.
So you hide.
Your mind provides you one last thought before going high drive
3 notes · View notes
lostchoice-blog · 5 years
Pokemon Verse
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its here fellas
Trainer Notes !
His homeland is the Johto region and he grew up in Ecruteak City, however growing up he would occasionally leave the city and go visit Olivine City because it’s right there and he was always curious about where the routes led to. He’s all too familiar with the burned tower and its story and its one of his favorite parts about the city, the top of the tower is where he usually chills at
Gym battles aren’t his main priority, which is why badges kinda stops at Morty’s gym. He’s more interested in traveling and seeing the sights, however does the gym battles when he feels like it for the experience and to have fun with the challenges
He calls himself a traveler but truth is he’s pretty laidback, not showing too much interest in leaving the region or having a ‘proper’ journey. He stays at his home or leaves the city from time to time to check out other places in Johto but never really too far unless he has a reason to / he has someone to go with
His treehouse is hidden in the trees near Bellchime Trail, he and his father built it there with his father’s promise that it’ll be close enough to Ho-Oh so it can protect Larry. It remains his safe place and hides there away from others when he needs to be alone
Despite his love for Ho-oh he’s a lot more interested in Lugia and wants to one day meet the guardian of the seas due to the fact Lugia is more of a mystery to him than Ho-Oh is, sorry dad
Once he was old enough / okay enough to travel that far he’ll occasionally go to the daycare to help out and care for the Pokemon that are in there, not minding the distance because hanging out with the tiny creatures makes it worth it
On top of that he knows how to bake, especially Pokemon treats and he’s more than willing to share
His method of catching Pokemon more involves letting the ‘mon do what it wants, he doesn’t throw anything at it right away, but prefers to get close to it and befriend it. If he thinks it wants to join him he’ll set a Pokeball down and let it decide. So more often than not he’ll have a few critters following him around that aren’t officially caught yet. Despite this he calls his team more of a family and he treats them as his friends above anything else, since battling others isn’t on top of the list of things he wants to do all the time
He loves his Pokemon dearly; often pampering them by playing with them, feeding them treats, and essentially giving them whatever they wanted. They’re family to them, and hopes that he can protect them the best he can just like they would to him. Despite they’re outside sweet demeanor though he won’t shy away from training them and teaching them ways to defend themselves if the situation were to arise
He’s not scared of Team Rocket, he calls them cowards if anything, he’ll fight them if he has to especially if its involving protecting someone or something from them
He’s team Valor because its the best team I dont take criticism
Mon Notes !
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Cinnamon / lvl 30 / m
Agility ● Slam ● Shadow Ball ● Surf
He’s considered to be Larry’s first Pokemon. The two met back when Cinnamon was just a Sentret, and it was like love at first sight. They both immediately clicked and Larry would spend countless hours playing with and talking to the little guy. To this day Cinnamon is considered his best friend and remains by his side through thick and thin.
He’s considered Larry’s partner pokemon, he’s never inside a Pokeball and can always been seeing riding Larry’s shoulders or walking beside him. That’s mostly because he never actually caught him, Cinnamon has just always stayed with him so there wasn’t never any need to officially catch him. Because he doesn’t have an assigned Pokeball he sports a musical note necklace in a similar way as a collar, so Larry can easily pick out who he was and because it was just a nice gift to give to his friend
Cinnamon has a wild personality. Constantly having energy and sneaking away to hide in nooks and crannies and not hesitating to taking anything he can gets his hands on. He’s extremely attached to his trainer and would often push away others with his itty bitty strength if they get too close to him. He enjoys being the center of attention and loves to be given pets and cuddles and treats, it won’t be rare for him to deliver a loud ‘chirp’ to get eyes to focus on him or for him to nudge someone’s hand to get them to give him a scratch. The friendly yet protective leader of the pack, he’ll also be vocal about when things don’t feel right, and it’d be one of the rare times he’d growl if he finds someone or something suspicious
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Marigold / lv 31 / m
Smokescreen ● Flame Wheel ● Quick Attack ● Leer
This a one that Larry actually went all the way to the professor for. After Cinnamon started to be less of the ‘wild’ slot and more into one that he took care of and was part of the team that a part of him felt bad that Cinnamon didn’t have someone else to spend time with. Especially another Pokemon to call a friend. So with the goal to give him a playmate, Larry went all the way to the lab to pick up one of the starters that was advertised to be someone’s actual first Pokemon. A pokedex was offered as well, but he just wanted a new ‘mon. Out of all three starters the Cyndaquil was what caught his eye first, and that was that
Cinnamon and Marigold are like brothers, and Cinnamon is the only other member that Marigold is fine with being around with. Marigold is a lot more on guard, and has issues with ‘attack first ask questions later’. However he has his sweet side, and is a cuddler when he genuinely warms up to someone and trusts them. He has a tendency to escape from his Pokeball to show his face and say hello, more often than not he does this because he wants to hang out with Larry and Cinnamon and see the surroundings, so he doesn’t get called back unless he wants to cause trouble.
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Hoot / lv 30 / f
Confusion ● Hypnosis ● Psychic ● Aerial Ace
She was once Larry’s stalker, as he liked to put it, because at some point she suddenly showed up in the city and would constantly follow his every mood. Of course it would never phase him, if anything he would just drop food on the ground just in case she was hungry and to show that he didn’t want to harm her. 6 times out of 10 she would swoop down to take the free food and then go back to doing what she was doing. This was a routine that Larry got stuck in the middle in for many nights, until she dropped to the ground suffering from an injured wing. Immediately he wanted to help her, but she continued to back off and keep her distance. Despite the hesitation seeing Cinnamon and Marigold be so close to him brought her comfort and she allowed them all to get close. Soon enough Larry had a wild owl in his house.
Once she was fully healed Larry took her to the usual spot where she watched him from and waited for her to head back into the wild. However, she stayed put, and instead stared at him. Her message was clear, she wasn’t going anywhere, yet when a ball was offered she instead knocked it away. She liked him, but she wasn’t going to join him that easily and wanted to show her recovery and see his skill in a fight.
Of course Marigold was more than willing to do it, she was strong but he got the upper hand. Her final move was to knock into Larry himself to unlock a Pokeball. The Noctowl was his.
She continues to be quiet and keep to herself, constantly glaring at others simply because she isn’t a people person. Unless that person was Larry, who is the only person where she would perch on top of the head of with no hesitation. Once or twice she’ll show affection in her own ways, which is usually a headbutt or her sharing pieces of her own food. Due to him saving her life she has vowed to help Larry in every which way she can while also devoting her life to protect the reset of the team. She’s the mother of the group so to speak, the quiet terrifying mother who constantly tries to keep everyone else out of trouble. She’s a battler at heart, and won’t back down from a fight.
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Midnight / lv 30 / m
Screech ● Toxic ● Psychic ● Shadow Ball
Eevees aren’t always the most common ‘mon, so to find one just wandering around felt like it was just too easy to get. Turns out the Eevee was abandoned, tossed aside into the woods after its trainer deemed it too weak and not worth making the effort to take care of. Because of this, it would constantly run off at the sight of any human being and would much prefer to keep to itself. It didn’t take long for Larry to understand his pattern, so he would instead leave food out for it close to his hiding spots and then leave.Usually, he wouldn’t take the food, but one day when he came back to check on it the food bowl was empty, and an Eevee slowly approached him out of the bushes.
It took a few more weeks to fully gain the Eevee’s trust, but once he did he saw that he was a playful creature and enjoyed chasing anything that moved to try and play hunter. Larry was the only person the Eevee was perfectly comfortable with being around, however he never followed him home and still liked to hide in the bushes. During a visit, the Eevee was given a Soothe Bell as another peace offering, which the Eevee happily accepted.
Soon after the Eevee evolved right in front of him, it was late at night when this happened, earning the name Midnight. Midnight pawed at him, knowing that there was an empty slot on the team that was reserved for him and he was finally ready to take it.
Midnight continues to be playful, his favorite toy being a laser pointer that he can chase around and never get tired. Another favorite toy item is the Soothe Bell that’s ties around his neck, he often paws at it to hear its jingles whenever he’s bored and never lets the item out of his sight, viewing the bell as some sort of special safety blanket. He continues to be extremely wary of other humans, constantly sticking close to Larry whenever someone approaches and instinctively growls at them to let them know to not mess with either of them. He’s grown a level of confidence that he didn’t have when he was an Eevee, enjoying battles that he participates in and likes to stand up tall to protect his family. He’s a loyal and observant Pokemon, and wants to prove himself strong.
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Chomp / lv 3 / f
Tackle ● Sand Attack
The Gible was actually a gift egg, the owners having offered the mysterious egg to Larry knowing that he would care for it to the best of his ability. Apparently the old owner was a trainer from the Sinnoh region, but had returned to SInnoh without picking the egg back up, leaving it behind. After days of them never returning the egg became Larry’s, and he panicked. He had never taken care of an egg before but he trusted himself to know he wasn’t just going to break it on purpose. The other members were happy to have a baby in the party, and Marigold served as the egg’s main source of heat because he constantly curled up next to it.
It took a hassle, but the egg finally hatched into a baby Gible. She bit Larry immediately, but he knew it wasn’t out of malicious and more because she was a baby who got too excited. It won’t be the last of those bites, but Chomp was finally born.
Being the baby of the group, Chomp was the team member that everyone in the vicinity vowed to die for. Because she’s just a baby in needing to experience the outside world, she’s rarely inside her pokeball, almost as often as Cinnamon is. He’s constantly carrying her around and doesn’t let her out of her sight, she only gets called back whenever he can’t carry her around anymore for the day or he’s going to go somewhere where its not safe for her to be out. She’s a curious and playful baby Pokemon who bites and chases anything that moves. It’s her own way of having fun, seeing as how cheerful she really is. She tries to act tough though, and would jump out of Larry’s arms in occasion to join in on the fight. That’s another instance where she would get called back into the ball.
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Pepper / lv 40 / f
Icy Wind ● Slash ● Agility ● Shadow Ball
Larry would never in his life sneak his way out and attempt to go to Mt. Silver itself. Then he actually did.
It was a dare, and one that of course he was not going to back down from despite it being a near impossible challenge. He traveled far, but ended up being unable to go up the mountain anyways since it was a closed location only the best of the best can enter. Viewing his current location as being close enough and calling the dare a win, he turned around and headed for the long journey home, unaware that someone else decided to follow him.
Cinnamon immediately picked up that they were being followed and showed hostility at whatever it was that tried to get too close. In that moment a Sneasel finally popped out. Her mischevious nature was clear, and it attempted to steal from the pair, but was immediately stopped by Cinnamon. She retreated back, but she was obviously not going anywhere. Not seeing the Sneasel as a pure threat, he tossed some food down and continued walking.
She popped out again when he was close to home, but this time gives a warning swipe, wanting a fight. They both gave her what he wanted, with Cinnamon being the one who battles her because by that point he was sick and tired of her and didn’t appreciate her following them around. They both gave a good fight, enough for the both of them to suffer from cuts and bruises. The Sneasel was too stubborn to give up and it was only until it collapsed from fatigue that Cinnamon was declared the winner. Once he was rewarded with a berry to get his strength back up, Larry turned his attention to the exhausted Sneasel and treated her with potions and berries too. It felt a little better afterwards, and showed her appreciation for his kindness and the fight by clinging to his leg until the Pokeball was offered.
Pepper is stubborn and quick to fight, often wanting to be the first in line to prove her strength in a battle. She’s constantly finding ways to get into trouble, whether it be challenging random wild Pokemon or stealing from strangers. This is simply her way of having fun and doesn’t seem the harm in doing what she wants to do. Even if she wants to be the problem child, her loyalty to Larry and the team is easy to see, and won’t go against orders when she sees the situation is serious and she’s needed. Pepper also has a soft side of her own, many of the objects she steals are often so she can give them to other rather than keeping them for no good reason.
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U nye loo lay doo??
Characters/Pairing: Sarugaki Hiyori and Hirako Shinji/ShiYori
Type: Canon, Post!Series, Freestyle
Word Count: 1787
A/N: Wrote this a while back but completely forgot about it! 
The movie had been a pretty great one – Hiyori had been looking forward to it for ages and the latest sequel for the action packed franchise had completely fulfilled her expectations and even more. The excitable pigtailed Vizard had been clamoring to watch it since it came out in the theaters, and so the next time Shinji visited the Living Realms, the petite female had unceremoniously hauled him off to the movies – he was a convenient (if not overly decorated) popcorn holder and he also didn’t mind paying for the tickets (they even went for 3D IMAX for the special effects, much to her delight) so the young woman was pretty pumped and happy by the time the movie credits rolled onto the humongous screen of Karakura’s only movie theatre, much to the other blond’s amusement.
“Hell yeah! This was awesome!” The unusually talkative female was alit with exhilaration. “All the special effects! The part where the Optimus Prime came charging out with that robot Dinosaur thing, all the explosions – it went ‘whoosh’ and then ‘rarrr!!’ and then ‘kaboom!!’” Walking out of the theatre, Hiyori was gesturing excitably as she continued to babble at Shinji like the complete Transformers otaku that she was. It took a while before she reverted back to human language and he could understand her once more. “The Decepticons are the best – they are waaaay more kickass than the Autobots, and they aren’t goody-two-shoes too.”
Shinji had to roll his eyes at her commentary. “Yer s’posed ‘ta root for the good guys, dummy,” he retorted, and she scowled at him.
“Shaddap! I can root for whomever I want!” she grumbled back at him, but there was no heat in her tone since she was still quite in a good mood from the movie date. Her eyes lit up again with excitement. “Can ya imagine how amazin’ it’d be if there really are Transformers in this world?! All that crazy powers and cool rides!!”
She was really thrilled with the movie, he thought with amusement. “Oh, I dunno,” he responded with deliberate blandness. “I personally think that magic swords ain’t half bad too.”
The outraged look that she gave him made him chuckle, but she was not amused. How could he compare their boring zanpakuto to the awesomeness of Transformers? Everyone and their grandmother could manifest a zanpakuto these days (or at least that was what it seemed like to Hiyori), so obviously Transformers were way cooler!!
“I want a robot!!” she declared loudly and decisively then, as they were walking past a toy store. “An evil one! So that I can take over the world and everyone will know to fear the might of Sarugaki Hiyori!!” She pumped a fist in the air, and Shinji looked increasingly amused by her antics.
“Whoa, slow down there, my pocket Overlord,” he responded in a suspiciously deadpan tone, playing along with her. “Ya want an evil robot ‘ta take over the world for ya? Just where on earth do ya think that yer gonna find one-” the Gobantai Taichou trailed off to a halt then, his attention briefly taken by the shop that they had been passing by. A large, mischievous grin lit up his face at the next moment, and he glanced at her again.
“Wait here.”
Without any other explanation, the lean, rangy male turned and slipped into the establishment, and upon closer inspection, Hiyori realized that she was standing in front of a toy store. What the hell did that baldy think he was doing?
The reluctantly curious young woman tried to peek through the shop windows but unfortunately Shinji was hidden behind rows of dolls and toy bricks, plus an assortment of plushies of all shapes and sizes. She would have followed him right into the cutesy place but the fact that this was a toy store immediately made her hesitate. The last time she patronized one, the elderly shopkeeper had tied pink ribbons in her pigtails and given her a ragdoll to play with before telling her to ‘run along with her new friend.’ The damn hage, who had been present that time as well, had laughed himself stupid (though that stupid thing might also partly be due to the concussion that she had given him for laughing at her). In the end, Hiyori had formed an aversion to toy shops, and so the petite female just lingered outside with growing impatience and waited for the dumbass to come back out.
Five minutes later, he did, bearing a package that was roughly the size of one of those plush toys she had just seen on the display shelves, and still wearing that same smug grin he had when entering the store. Just looking at his face right now made her feel like punching him in the nose for smiling so much.
“I’m ‘bout ‘ta make yer day, brat,” he announced once he was within hearing range. Without another word, he passed the package to her, who took it on automatic reflex. “Here. Exactly what ya wanted.”
Even though instincts told Hiyori that she really did not want to peek into the box to see what he had gotten for her, the female Vizard’s curiosity was too great to bear, and after giving him another suspicious frown, she slowly reached her hand into it and pulled out…
It was a hot pink monstrosity. With white polka dots. It was furry like a plush toy, and looked roughly the shape and size of an ostrich egg, only it also had a pair of bat like ears and ungainly feet like a penguin’s. It felt heavier than a plush toy though and it was also easily the ugliest thing she had ever seen.
What. The. Hell.
Momentarily stunned, Hiyori could only stare at it, and then she slowly looked at the box that it had come in.
“Fur-by…?” she read slowly, as if she still didn’t quite understand what she was supposed to do with it.
“Yep, that’s its name,” Shinji affirmed with indecent cheeriness.
Something triggered the…thing in her hand then, and it moved. Hiyori nearly dropped it in her surprise.
Its eyes flickered to life, LED displays running, and its body started to wiggle, ears and feet waving about at the same time. It took all of Hiyori’s self-control not to kick it as far away from her as possible.
“I never asked for- for this!!”
“Sure ya did. Ya said ya wanted ‘evil,’ and ya also wanted ‘robot,’ didn’t ya? For yer itty bitty mini Overlord plans for world domination, this fella will be yer new best friend.” This time, he went a bit too far and his teasing could be heard filtering through his deadpan tone. The vein on Hiyori’s temple twitched, and she quickly lost her bewildered expression.
“Shithead!! Yer just makin’ fun of me, ain’t ya?!!” she growled, looking like she wanted nothing more than to feed him this oddly creepy creature that he had just gotten her. The thing opened its beak and started to squeak at her then.
“U nye loo lay doo??”
Hiyori yelped. “It’s lookin’ at me! And speakin’!!”
“U nye loo lay doo? U NYE LOO LAY DOO?” it squawked again, louder, those unholy LED eyes seeming to stare straight at her. Hiyori, who was really taken aback by its speech, was also somewhat horrified by it. Was it possessed?? But there was no reiatsu whatsoever emanating from it!!
But instead of being helpful, the man was being completely useless as usual and just stood there and looked rather amused by her startled reaction. The pigtailed female tried to shove the mechanical toy back at him but he wasn’t taking it.
The next time Shinji visited the Warehouse, Hiyori’s Furby was sitting innocently on the kitchen counter, though it promptly came to life when it sensed his presence.
“What ya lookin’ at, Shithead?” the little furball squeaked, its mechanical parts inside whirling as it wiggled and danced a bit, its LED eyes flickering as it watched him. “Ya wanna go, baldy, ya wanna go? I’ll kick yer ass!!”
Shinji just stared, looked mildly startled by the creature’s speech, and then he became exasperated by the fact that this furry little football had just challenged him to a fight. “I’ll punt ya all the way ‘ta Hueco Mundo, don’t think I won’t,” he told it dryly.
The Furby’s eyes flashed furiously, and then its beak opened to reply.
“Just try it, ya horse-faced, shitty Shinigami!! I’ll make ya cry for yer Mama!! Just come and get it!!”
Shinji was even more surprised that it seemed to recognize who he was. It was slightly disturbing, how lifelike and intelligent these robots were. Deciding that he really had better things to do stand there arguing with a toy, he backed out of the kitchen and went to find Hiyori instead, the little robot with obvious anger issues squealing at his retreating back the entire way. He eventually found its owner in the underground training arena, going through several kata sets with her zanpakuto.
“Oi, ya really need ‘ta stop teachin’ yer Mini-Me ‘ta call me rude names,” he told her by way of greeting once she noticed his presence.
If anything, the brat looked rather pleased. “Why the hell not? It’s learning from the best,” she grunted back, swiftly and aggressively blocking, parrying, and then thrusting Kubikiri Orochi at her imaginary foe, before executing a blindingly fast spin kick and abruptly ending the exercise with her trademark Suikawari. The fine blade of the unsealed katana thrummed softly from the sheer force of her strike, and once it stabilized, Hiyori got out of her stance and simply sheathed her sword in its scabbard against her back, her movement fluid and practiced.
She tossed him a smirk even as she absently wiped away the perspiration on the brow from her workout. “What do ya want? Ya came all the way from Seireitei just ‘ta nag at me again?”
“Do I need an excuse ‘ta visit?” he retorted back simply, tossing her the clean workout towel that she had left on the side which she caught effortlessly and promptly used to mop at her flushed, sweaty face. “…and go take a bath first or somethin’. Ya stink.”
She glowered at him, and then she threw the used gym towel at his head. He protested mightily, batting the soiled cloth out of his face irritably. “Hiyori!! That’s digustin’!!”  
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angel-0f-verdun · 5 years
Death is Only the Beginning
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I barely slept that night, my insides were churning with confusion. I'd had an itty bitty crush on Rick since I first met him but we had worked out so well as friends I didn't want to screw it up. I'm glad that he had made that move, though I still wasn't sure what we exactly were, it was such a teenage thing to ask.. I'd question it later, it was just one kiss, doesn't mean we were anything... yet. Too soon it was morning and I was tired as shit but nonetheless I got up anyway. Evy shook my shoulder in the morning as if I wasn't already awake. "Come on Joe. Get ready so we can go excavate this mummy." I smiled up at her. "Good morning Eves... Alright lets go." I mumbled and got up along with Rick and Jonathan. The struggle was real for me; I was wishing I had coffee right about now. We trudged down to the city with our supplies in hand, ready to go to work.
 "Oh, l've dreamt about this since l was a little girl." Evy exclaimed visibly excited once we had got the coffin upright and ready to open. "You dream about dead guys?" Rick questioned her, I gave him a look that said shut-your-face. "Look, his sacred spells have been chiseled off." I said to Evy, pointing at the front of the sarcophagus. Her face displayed shock and confusion. "This man must have been condemned not only in this life but in the next." Evy said. "Tough break." Rick and I said at the same time, I stifled a smile and looked at him with amusement to find he was already looking at me. I blushed, looking away. "Yeah, l'm all tears. Now, let's see who's inside, shall we?" Jon said trying to get on with the show. Jon and Rick gripped the sides and popped it open. A skeletal figure popped out at us scaring the living bejeezus out of me, though I just froze and didn't display the shock that I felt whereas Evy yelled. "Oh, my God, l hate it when these things do that." Evy said after she composed herself. We took a closer look at him. "ls he supposed to look like that?" Rick asked with question in his voice looking at me for an answer. "No, l've never seen a mummy look like this before." I said. "He's still-- still—" Evy said trying to come up with the word for our guy. "Juicy..." Rick and Jon said together in a grossed out voice. "Yes. He must be more than 3,000 years old... and, well, it looks as if he's still... decomposing." Evy said looking at the mummy with concern. "Hey, look at that." Rick said grabbing my arm and crouching down with me. "What do you make of this?" He asked pointing to the marks on the inside of the coffin. "These marks were made with... fingernails." I said tracing them with my fingers looking back at the mummy. I felt a shiver run through my veins. I needed to get away, I quickly got up and backed away from the corpse, feeling as if I was being suffocated. "This man was buried alive. And he left a message. 'Death is only the beginning.'" Evy said looking at me with wide concerned eyes, I knew we would be talking about this later. After hearing that, I quickly walked out of the city and back to Hidalgo knowing he could calm my nerves.
Later that Night
The rest of the group and the Americans rejoined me later near the fire that I had started earlier this evening. 
"Say, O'Connell, what do you think these babies'll fetch back home?" One of the American's said as he held up an ornate looking canopic jar. I pulled my blanket around me tighter getting another weird feeling about these jars.
"We hear you boys found yourselves a nice, gooey mummy. Congratulations. lf you dry that fella out, you might be able to sell him for firewood." Henderson, one of the Americans, said walking up behind us with one of his buddies.
"Look what l found." Evy said coming to sit next to me. She had stayed down in the city with the mummy a little longer than everyone else in order to investigate our friends death. Rick had come up with Jonathan to make sure I was alright and to eat dinner before Evy. "Scarab skeletons, flesh eaters. l found them inside our friend's coffin. They can stay alive for years feasting on the flesh of a corpse. Unfortunately for our friend, he was still alive when they started eating him." I cringed a little, Rick noticed and grabbed my hand intertwining our fingers just like he had last night. I looked into his eyes there was a warmth there that I hadn't noticed before. He looked away from me and back to Evy.
"So somebody threw these in with our guy, and they slowly ate him alive?" He asked her curious about what really happened to this man.
"Very slowly." Evy confirmed.
"He certainly wasn't a popular fellow when they planted him." Jon said poking the fire with a stick. I rolled my eyes at him.
"Well, he probably got a little too frisky with the pharaoh's daughter." Rick said looking at the fire growing a little bigger.
"Well, according to my readings... Our friend suffered the Hom-Dai, the worst of all ancient Egyptian curses... One reserved only for the most evil of blasphemers. ln my research, l've never heard of this curse having actually been performed." Evy said, I nodded in agreement, I'd never heard of it being performed either. Except in mums stories..
"That bad, huh?" Rick asked us.
"Yes, well, they-- They never used it because they feared it so. lt's written that if a victim of the Hom-Dai should ever arise... He would bring with him the ten plagues of Egypt." I butted into the conversation giving my opinion. After a couple hours we had decided sleep had sounded good. I had fallen asleep with Rick at my side, his arm had wrapped itself around my waist during the night. I was peacefully cuddling into his form and away into the blackness of my mind when I heard some footsteps next to my head.
"That's called stealing, you know." Rick mumbled loudly enough to wake me up, but I ignored it and tried to go back to sleep.
"According to you and my family... It's called borrowing." I heard Evy whisper back to Rick.
"l thought the Book of Amun-Ra was made out of gold." Rick whispered carefully trying to get up from behind me, which in turn woke me up for the day. I cleared my throat and raised my head to look at them. Rick stopped moving looking down at me with those mesmerizing eyes of his. We stared at each other for a couple moments until Evy broke the silence.
"lt is made out of gold. This isn't the Book of Amun-Ra. This is something else... l think this may be the Book of the Dead." Evy said to us smiling. Rick helped me up and we walked over near Evy crouching beside her and the book.
"The Book of the Dead? Are you sure you want to be playing around with this thing?" Rick said question in his voice tangled with a little bit of worry.
"lt's just a book. No harm ever came from... Reading a book." Evy said, she looked as if she was in a trance, I had a weird feeling about this. I had been having a lot of weird feelings lately. She quickly crawled over to Jon's sleeping form and grabbed the key out of his pocket. When she moved back to the book the wind startled the fire again. Rick looked around like something was upon us.
"That happens a lot around here." Rick said holding his shotgun close to him, almost closer than he held me the night before. 
"So, what's it say?" I asked her reading it silently to myself as well.
"Amun Ra. Amun Dei. lt speaks of the night and of the day..." Evy translated for Rick. She went on reading in the beautiful ancient language. Before we heard a yell.
"NO!! You must not read from the book!" The man in the fez said. We looked around and the wind started up a bit more. Jon woke up holding his bottle of booze. It would have been a comical scene had there not been bugs flying towards us at an insane speed. I quickly got to my feet and ran towards the city with my siblings and Rick right behind me. 'Shit!! I forgot about Hidalgo.' I quickly did an about face and started to run back the other way.
"Where're you going??" Rick said as he grabbed my arm.
"Hidalgo's up there, I have to get him into shade so..." I was interrupted by Evy yelling,
"Scarabs!"... SHIT I thought and grabbed Rick's forearm and ran the other way.
"Run, Evy!"Jon yelled right after us. We were out of the city and running on this walkway when we all got separated, both Evy and I were on the same block of stone. Rick was across from us and Jon to the left side. We watched as some of the diggers were eaten alive by the carnivorous scarabs. I gasped as I fell backwards fairly quickly. Unaware of what was going on, I only knew my surroundings were changing. I landed on the ground with a thunk.
"Fuck." I exclaimed confused and a tad worried about where we were.
"JOSEPHINE!" Evy yelled slapping me on the arm. I looked around quickly getting to my feet and trying to determine our location. "Oh. Oh, Mr. Burns..." Evy started to say, "Thank goodness. l was just starting to get scared." She mumbled to me. Then turned back to Mr. Burns. "We've lost everyone. l—" Evy began but didn't finish. Mr. Burns turned around clutching at his eyes or lack there of.
"My eyes. My eyes." He yelled in a clear amount of pain. "Please help me." I noticed he sounded really weird, not just scared and upset but the vernacular of his voice sounded... Off. "My tongue... He took my tongue." He choked out. Suddenly a creature, which happened to be our mummy came out from the shadows. I backed up against the wall Evy following my lead. Suddenly I flashed back, where the mummy was an actual flesh human being and the walls of Hamunaptra were restored, it was only for a second but it confused the hell out of me.
"Please don't leave me." Evy whispered snapping me back to reality.
"Sekhmet? Anck-su-namun?" The mummy asked looking from me to Evy, back and forth he seemed confused but started to walk forward to us. Evy covered her face with her hands, I stepped in front of her so she wouldn't have to deal with this weird ass creature. I closed my eyes waiting for whatever was going to happen.
"There you are!!!!" A wave of relief washed threw me. Rick... "Will you guys quit playing hide-and-seek?!!!" He yelled at us. Dashing in front of the creature unaware of what was unfolding before us. "Come on. Let's get out of here." Rick noticed neither Evy or I moved. "Whoa!!!!!" He yelled getting a look at our brand new friend. The mummy screamed in his face, Rick took this in for a second then decided the best plan of attack was to yell back at him and shoot him with the shotgun as he did it.
"Evy!" Jon yelled to us, he dropped his torch as he noticed the mummy.
"Move!" Rick said as he pushed both Evy and I to the right and started to run away. Just as we were about to dash out the exit we were stopped by the same men we had been attacked by a couple nights ago. The man I had fought with had his facial scarf removed for the first time. He was actually very handsome, not as handsome as Rick but relatively attractive. I noted Evy took notice of his features as well. She had that small smile on her face that told me she found him attractive as well and that she may have a tiny crush.
"lt was walking. lt was walking!!!" One of the Americans yelled as he ran up, interrupting my thoughts.
"l told you to leave or die. You refused. Now you may have killed us all... For you have unleashed a creature we have feared for more than 3,000 years." The man scolded us. Glaring at every one of us individually, his gaze relaxed when he looked at Evy and I, suspicious I thought.
"Relax. l got him." Rick said.
"No mortal weapon can kill this creature. He's not of this world." The man said trying to reason with Rick.
"You bastards. What did you do to him?" One of the Americans questioned seeing Burns there in the tribe's arms.
"We saved him, saved him before the creature could finish his work.." The leader tried to explain. "Now leave, all of you, quickly, before he finishes you all. Yallah. Nimishi. Now we must now go on the hunt and try and find a way to kill him." The man replied to us getting upset and annoyed at all of us. I didn't blame him, I'd be annoyed at us too.
"l already told you l got him." Rick just wasn't getting it, that ego of his.... I elbowed him in the gut promptly fixing the problem.
"Know this. This creature is the bringer of death. He will never eat, he will never sleep... and he will never stop..." the man said looking Rick directly in the eyes and immediately leaving on that dramatic note.
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