fuzzynecromancer · 1 month
Who else thinks that Inuyasha is ace?
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inukagfluffweek · 10 months
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16 Days until InukagFluff Week starts
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mango-fizz · 5 months
Ending favorito de Inuysaha? :00 el mio es el 4 aklsdjklas
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avionvadion · 10 months
Sneek Peek of the next Forest Deep chapter! (Not proof-read)
Loss was… something Inuyasha was well-acquainted with. 
He knew what it was like to lose a loved one. He knew what it was like to lose someone he thought he could trust. He knew what it was like to love and not trust, and to have that love and distrust thrown back in his face. He knew what it was like to love and lose, because he had done it several times before, and each time was more painful than the last. His entire childhood was spent running and hiding in fear, trying desperately to stay alive, because all he had known had left him and the world was intent on getting rid of him too. 
Inuyasha spent a very long time avoiding people because of this before the day Kagome came into his life. She taught him to love and trust again, to have faith in others. It was because of her he has friends like Sango, Miroku, Shippō, and Kirara now. 
But… with Irene- at first, he had trouble allowing himself to get close to her. He firmly believed she would just be yet another grave to dig. He didn’t see the point in letting himself care, since she would be six feet beneath the ground soon enough. 
She proved him wrong, though. 
Oh, Irene proved Inuyasha so very wrong, and before he knew it he began to care. It felt like they were far too different to get along, but in truth they were actually far too much alike. That was why… he believed she’d be fine; that she could handle things on her own. Despite her illness, or maybe even because of it, she was much tougher than people would think when they looked at her. She was more stubborn than any pack mule or bull demon. In Inuyasha’s eyes, Irene had a thirst for survival. 
A talent for it.
In a world where everything and everyone will try to reject you, just because you’re different and because you don’t look like them, she fought to survive. Irene never let anything or anyone keep her down. She clawed her way to freedom, to life, and pushed ever onwards, not slowing down once- even if it led to her suffering fevers or colds or particularly bad wounds. She was a fighter, even though her talents were more suited for healing. 
He was… proud to call her a friend. And that’s why… 
Inuyasha could hardly believe she was dead.
“…Sesshōmaru went after her.” He finally said after way too long of a pause. Sango inhaled sharply, her gaze intense as she whipped her head around to stare at him. Inuyasha could feel the eye of his friends boring into him, his mouth oddly dry as a bitter taste formed on his tongue. He felt a little light-headed, and he dazedly wondered if the pungent smell of Irene’s blood mixed with Naraku’s miasma was becoming too much for him. “He was… there, at the castle, to save her.”
Why, he still didn’t know. None of it made sense to him.
“If… If he… actually cares about Irene, then…”
Gods, why does Inuyasha feel so ill? 
Miroku stepped forward, understanding dawning on his features as his blue eyes grew wide before quickly narrowing, a frown pulling across his lips. “Inuyasha, tell me; you don’t honestly believe Sesshōmaru is capable of wielding the tenseiga, do you?”  
At his inquiry, Inuysaha’s ears drew back and his lips curled, fangs bared. His claws dug into his palms once more, drawing blood with his bad his fists were shaking, and everyone jolted and jumped, looking on at the half-demon in surprise, when he suddenly let out a loud growl and barked out, practically shouting, his expression hidden as he hung his head low, “Of course I don’t!” 
The trees around them shuddered and shook, several birds flying out from the comfort and protection of the leaves out of fright from the loud noise, his voice echoing in the sky for quite some time. Inuyasha was trembling. He was furious. He was ashamed. He didn’t know what it was he was feeling. 
There was so much confusion, so much… contradiction. 
It felt as if everything he had known up until this point had been some kind of lie. 
“Inuyasha…” Kagome curled a hand close to her chest. Her brows furrowed in her concern, her brown eyes shimmering with untold sadness. She knew he was hurting. She knew the thought of Sesshōmaru helping a human hurt him, as he had rejected him for so long because of his human blood. But she also knew she didn’t truly know just how deep that pain reached. 
“Sesshōmaru is a monster.” Inuyasha hissed. “He doesn’t have the heart to care about others. But…” 
Shippō moved to jump and climb up on Kagome’s arm so he could sit on her shoulder, and once perched there he gazed at the half-demon with big green eyes, concerned and curious by what was going on in his mind. “But… what?” 
Throughout all this, Maria was completely silent. 
Inuyasha couldn’t bring himself to finish his train of thought. He felt like he would throw up if he tried. The idea that Sesshōmaru had somehow softened after the last time he had tried to kill him- it felt… like some kind of fever dream. 
Inuyasha was just so convinced it was impossible. 
Sure, they were brothers- but only on their father’s side of the family. They had nothing in common. Sesshōmaru spent most of Inuyasha’s life trying to kill him. After doing all of that, after trying to erase Inuyasha’s existence from the world so he wouldn’t have to live with the knowledge that he had a half-demon for a brother, a brother with mortal blood, how was Inuyasha supposed to believe Sesshōmaru cared about his incredibly human friend?
Irene was… the most human a human has ever been. 
She was so weak, so frail, so sickly, and yet fought so hard just to survive. She showed kindness when others would show cruelty. She gave forgiveness when others would demand vengeance. She was soft. There’s no way Sesshōmaru could ever… care about someone like her. 
Furthermore, knowing him, how was Inuyasha supposed to believe that Sesshōmaru could care enough about anyone or anything to actually use tenseiga? Only one with a compassionate heart could wield that sword; there’s just no way Sesshōmaru actually had a change of heart. 
Irene had a way with others, sure. There was that headman from Kasasagi Town who fell for her after she forgave him for imprisoning and hurting her. She even somehow managed to get one of the people who kidnapped and tried to sacrifice her to fall in love with her. Tōran is probably still at Kaede’s village waiting for Irene to return so they can talk, or maybe just to try and steal another surprise kiss from her. Inuyasha doesn’t know and doesn’t really care. 
But Sesshōmaru wasn’t like other people. He was ruthless. Brutal. Cruel. He didn’t have a heart to care. 
So why was he at the castle? Who was the little kid? Why did he bring that dragon, if not to carry the kid and Irene out of there and to somewhere safe? He rarely ever uses it.
It just didn’t make any sense to Inuyasha. 
“Irene…” Sango began, realization flashing in her eyes. “Irene said that Sesshōmaru helped her before. And then there was that time with the Panther Demons…”
“Sesshōmaru hates humans,” Miroku noted, bringing a hand thoughtfully to his chin, “but when it comes to Irene, he’s always there to help. Why is that?” 
Poor Shippō looked so confused. “Wait, so do we think Sesshōmaru used tenseiga on Irene? Or not?”
A small noise from the transformed Kirara made it obvious that she believed the demon lord did. 
Sango stood and walked over to the rest of them, resting her free hand atop her demon companion’s head. An unreadable look was in her eyes as she scratched behind Kirara’s ears. Everything Irene had once told her about the demon lord was coming to mind now, and it left her with the strangest feeling in her chest. “Maybe… Maybe Sesshōmaru does care about Irene. At least enough to want her alive. I can’t imagine him going out of his way to save her a third time otherwise.” 
All of this was so… weird. 
Lifting her gaze, Sango turned to stare at Inuyasha again- the boy chancing a glance at her out of the corner of his eye, over his shoulders. To the demon slayer, who had been informed how badly Sesshōmaru had treated him in the past, and had seen them fight at least once, Inuyasha looked like a frightened dog. 
He was afraid.
Not for Irene, who- deep down- he knew was alive, but of the idea that Sesshōmaru had somehow changed. The person he despised more than anything, perhaps even more than Naraku himself.
Sango remembered all too clearly the way Inuyasha had lashed out at Irene before when she said she didn’t hate Sesshōmaru. When she said she had actually felt safe with him. The idea that Sesshōmaru could have had a change of heart, and was no longer the ruthless demon Inuyasha grew up with- grew up avoiding, grew up trying to survive against- was… terrifying to him. It was like the world he thought he understood was coming crashing down around him.
Because if Sesshōmaru’s heart actually changed for the better, if he was actually going out of his way to save Irene- Inuyasha’s friend- then that meant Inuyasha would have to feel gratitude towards him. One of his best friends would be alive because of the half-brother that had so-often wanted him dead.  
But… that doesn’t erase the past. 
Sango wonders if Inuyasha realizes that. If he knows that, just because Sesshōmaru has the capacity to care now and even cares about one of their friends, it doesn’t mean the scars of the past will vanish. Inuyasha is still allowed to hate him. He’s allowed to hold a grudge.
Sesshōmaru had been awful to him. 
Just because there will be gratitude to the demon lord for saving Irene, that doesn’t mean Inuyasha has to forgive him. 
“Inuyasha…” The bloodied mask felt heavy in Sango’s hand, but she didn’t set it down. Her features shifted into something gentler, yet still so very sad. “It’s okay.” 
The half-demon said nothing. 
“It’s okay to hate Sesshōmaru.” 
I was going to post a sneak peek of the Sess-gang and Irene bit but I was like, nah, let's share the Inu-angst instead. Hopefully Inuyasha's feelings make sense here.
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blackbackedjackal · 1 year
The soul of someone who worked at VIZ will be weighed by the decision to take Change the World out of the Inuysaha dub.
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diaperedxtreme · 1 year
How far into One Piece are you? Do you watch any other anime? Or read the mangas?
Hi, I'm at episode 267 it took me so long to get into because of how silly it is but it's an easy show to watch.
Yeah I watch a few animes my favourite is Fairy Tail (can't wait for for the 100 year quest) and DBZ (I like Super but it's not as good as DBZ). I've finished Bleach, Death Note, Inuysaha, Code Geass. I also need to catch up on Attack on Titan I'm a few seasons behind at the moment and I've started My Hero Academia but I can't get into it at the moment maybe need to watch more
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superfandomcorp · 2 years
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💕Inuyasha/Kagome 💖
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chaosandstardust · 2 years
Unfortunately I have a genuine question about Towa from HnY.
Why would she be calling Rin "mother"? Setsuna too to be honest.
I've read your posts once before on adopted kids/ppl but I can't remember how you'd feel about this.
Towa had parents, an adoptive mom and dad. Is it "wrong" of her to call the 13 year old she's never known "mother" just because she found out somehow (I don't know how, I don't watch this shit) that Rin birthed her?
And Setsuna... Setsuna was raised in caves? Was a drifter??? Idfk. Every post I see on her character she's acting differently than the last. But it still seems ooc for her to be interested in Rin at all, let alone calling her "mother". She didn't give a shit about Towa for the longest, I assume she similarly didn't care about P*domaru. Why the sudden interest in middle school mommy?
And I unfortunately have a genuine answer, LOL! 
My overall opinion on this is that I don’t ever feel it’s necessary to police any adopted child’s relationship with their birth parents. There are way too many different situations that would lead to a child being adopted, and way too many varied experiences to narrow them all down. My own experience with adoption is going to be different from others. If Setsuna and Towa want to refer to Rin as mom, I think that’s great for them. 
Before we get into it; I like the Sota-Towa dynamic. I definitely don’t think it’s perfect, but they passed the (very low) bar. They did fine. The only reason I didn’t talk about it in my original video was because I wanted to wait to see what they did with them in season 2. 
I’m about to go on a roll here, because I’ve been thinking about this ever since they brought Inukag back, and it was clear that they were just going to brush over and ignore Moroha’s feelings towards her biological parents and simplify it into “they’re my bio parents, so they’re better”. I could yell about the Inukagmor dynamic too, but for now, let’s stick to Towa, Setsuna and Sessrin (SESSRINTOSET?). 
The issue with how they approach the SessRin-Towa-Setsuna dynamic is that they’re asking me to be emotionally invested in their relationship without ever doing the work to get me there. This is compounded by the fact that Towa and Setsuna had two very different childhoods and if they were well written, would likely have two very different reactions to meeting their birth parents. They come at this from two opposing angles, and it needed to be dealt with in two different ways. Ironically, they address this in the show that they’re very different, but not when it actually matters. 
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First off, Towa. 
So, like you said. Towa had someone to take care of her. She had people who stepped into the spot that Sesshomaru and Rin and Setsuna weren’t there to fill. She suffered a terrible loss, but she still had somebody. But, and this is a big but; she is in a space where she is not comfortable. The first episode she’s in talks at length about how uncomfortable she is in the modern world. She doesn’t have any friends, and doesn’t care about school. Her family loves her, but they don’t understand her and on some level want her to hide herself.
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While I did criticize how well things go for Towa in the feudal era, my critique wasn’t that she was suddenly comfortable, it was that she never struggled and things just kinda work out for her and she always has to be the most powerful one while also being stupid (GIVING THE PEARL TO RIKU WAS VERY STUPID). Her comfort in the feudal era opens up a very interesting problem; which is that suddenly, she’s choosing between her comfort and a family she loves.
Towa isn’t just picking between two houses or even two cities, she’s picking between two different timelines (if they go with making it easy for them to time travel, they didn’t understand the point of Kagome’s sacrifice in the first place i said what i said). 
In one, she has a family who she loves and who has loved her for a decade, and in the other, she’s finally comfortable and has found people who understand her and she can fully be herself without much issue. She doesn’t have to hide herself at all in the feudal era. She can totally be herself around Moroha and Setsuna, which she can’t really do that around the Higurashis. Moroha and Setsuna get annoyed with her, sure, but it’s never about who she is as a person, it’s more about how she’s occasionally just really naive and they've never had that luxury to be that.  Don’t get me wrong, I have a ton of critiques for Towa’s character and how the three girls operate, but overall, I think that what the show is trying to express is that they finally feel at home with each other (Towa liking being in the feudal era, Moroha expressing never really having friends before, Setsuna not leaving when I don’t think it would be hard for her to do, etc). 
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So it makes sense for me that she would latch onto any semblance of a parental figure she could find as a way to replace what she would lose if she stayed in the feudal era, which is Sesshomaru and Rin, and would be excited at the prospect of having parents who finally understand her and let her be herself. But she would also feel guilty, because there’s a sense of betraying her adopted family. The modern era has a family that she loves, but she’s not comfortable. The feudal era has a group of friends that she adores, the potential of a family who understands her, and she finally feels at home in her life. That tips the scales. But this would probably lead onto guilt for her, because it feels like she’s abandoning Sota and his wife, whatever her name is. This is why I loved the Sota goodbye scene, because Towa did feel guilty for wanting to go back, but Sota wanted her to be happy first and foremost and he was willing to let her go without any issue. 
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Setsuna, on the other hand, has had the exact opposite experience; she’s never really had to hide herself, she lives freely out in the open (at least as much as she can as a half demon), but she’s lacked the unconditional love and support that Towa got from the Higurashis. She has had relationships with Shiori and Kaede and maybe even Kohaku, but it’s never really implied they’re all that close or that she depends on them all that much. She’s a very independent person. Towa’s unconditional affection and support are completely foreign to her. On top of that, she doesn’t know what she lost because she doesn’t really know what it’s like to have it in the first place. Having Towa and Moroha in her corner is a strange adjustment. 
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(god i could’ve loved this little girl gang, i want to love them looking at gifs like this when you can see all their personalities in one image; Moroha goes HIGH FIVE, Towa’s like YEAH, and Setsuna’s going I’M GONNA PRETEND I DON’T LIKE IT)
I have talked about how Setsuna latching onto Rin right away isn’t that bizarre to me. What’s weird is that she doesn’t show any tendency to care that much about her biological family before that happens.  She doesn’t care to know Sesshomaru or be impressed by him all that much. She’s very dismissive of Towa until near the end of season 1. Which shows you really have to prove yourself to be worthy of affection in some form from Setsuna’s end. She warms up to Moroha much faster than she does Towa because Moroha understands the world they live in and she doesn’t have to babysit Moroha the way she does Towa (also, Moroha and Setsuna is a seriously underused dynamic in this show, I’ll say it!). 
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This goes to show that for Setsuna, knowing her biological family isn’t much of a priority for her. Which is totally fine, some people don’t care. In the first season, Towa and Sesshomaru are just two people who she happens to share DNA with. What makes Rin so different? 
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Convenience. That’s what makes Rin so different. The “Dany kinda forgot about the Iron Fleet” kinda convenience (JUSTICE FOR DANY). It was inconvenient for Setsuna to care about her biological family in the first season, so she didn’t, but now it’s convenient for her, so she’s going to care. It’s that simple. But it’s established in the first season that she needs to have time to warm up to any family figure that she’s suddenly going to have in her life, and her characterization in season one should’ve told us that Rin shouldn’t have been much different. Maybe Rin wouldn’t have had to prove herself as much because of Towa already laying the ground work and like a lot of us she potentially connects having a mother to comfort, but there would likely be a period where Setsuna didn’t want anything to do with her. 
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So you’ve got two girls who are probably going to have very different reactions and reasons to want to be around their biological parents. Towa would probably attach on too fast while feeling like she’s betraying her adopted parents but be excited at the fact that her mom and dad finally GET her, Setsuna would take her time because she’s never had that experience of having an adult care before and would chafe at the confines of having parents. All three girls would probably have a much easier time connecting with and bonding with each other than they would their parents, let’s be real. 
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This brings us to Sesshomaru and Rin and what role they would have to play individually for their children. Because fixing this family should’ve been at the root of this season if they really wanted to go the “Sessrin with sesshomaru is more of a egotistical jackass than usual on the side” meal plan. 
Now Rin, she’s nothing right now. She’s just kinda... there. I have talked about about how they could’ve fixed so many of the problems with SessRin without changing a single thing from season one if they wanted to, but they didn’t want to fix it so they didn’t. When Rin is let out of the tree, I wish they had shown her and Sesshomaru being actual partners. But I want to push it farther than that. 
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Right from the beginning, Rin is not a priority for Towa and Setsuna. The show is primarily about their relationship with each other, and the hierarchy after that goes: Moroha, Sesshomaru. Rin isn’t even on the list. They don’t talk about her at all for the entire first season unless prompted to by someone else, and it’s never with each other (Towa has one conversation with Kaede about Rin, and she doesn’t mention this to Setsuna). When they find out they have a father, they don’t ask “who is our mother?” She is never part of the conversation (not that Sesshomaru is ever really a part of the conversation for them either, but at least they’re aware that he exists). 
But what if she was part of that dynamic from the beginning? What if she was there in the forest with them and they thought they had lost her? What if Towa not only felt guilt for losing Setsuna, but losing Rin as well? What if their problems came from not only their different worldviews but the loss of their mother? 
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Imagine if at the end of season one, when Zero dies and Sesshomaru brings her back to life, rather than the fake out of Setsuna dying, they instead have it that Rin comes out of the tree. This means that Sesshomaru would actually have to get Towa’s and Setsuna’s help to deal with Zero ASAP, forcing them to work together. After fixing it near the end of episode 2 of season 2, Rin is reunited with her daughters. After seeing how Sesshomaru has not only hurt her children, but also her brother in law, her sister in law, and their daughter, hasn’t even told Kaede where she is, she doesn’t even want to look at him, much less be his loving, supportive wife (more on that in a second). 
The first half of season 2 is mostly just random filler arcs that really go nowhere. Setsuna, Towa, and Moroha aren’t even together for a good chunk of them; they’re in entirely different filler storylines. That time would’ve been better spent bringing Rin into the picture. An entire arc where they work together to bring Inukag back (who should’ve disappeared at the beginning of the story not 14 years earlier and should’ve been captured by Kirinmaru not trapped by Sesshomaru LIKE COME ON). They could’ve connected and built up a relationship. Like just imagine a bunch of episodes where demon hunter Rin and the girls travel together. That could’ve been so fun! In the show, Setsuna goes through her first human night (and not with Towa, with Hisui, of all people, like, come on) and as I was watching it I couldn’t help but be like “OK, what if Rin and Towa were here, and Rin stayed up with them in solidarity.” That would’ve been a great bonding experience for them, and richen her relationship with her daughters. 
Plus, when Inukag meet Setsuna and Towa, Setsuna apologizes for what her father had done. But if that had been Rin doing that instead, it would’ve given Rin much more depth and given insight into how she feels about all of this. Now it’s just “Sesshomaru knows best, better listen to him”. Like there are so many moments in season 2 where I was like “OK, what if Rin was present for this conversation”. 
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Rin has to be two very different things for her individual daughters. For Setsuna, she has to prove herself as someone who can be depended on and let Setsuna work through her abandonment issues. For Towa, she has to give her space to be completely herself and be what Sota/the Higurashis couldn’t be for her. It would also be a chance to let Rin grieve her loss; raising her children. She missed everything. Their first steps, their first words, the chance to show them how to hunt or fight or do anything. She didn’t get to sing them lullabies or tell them stories or help them with their problems. I can’t imagine the pain a mother would go through in that situation. In all honesty, I really do believe that Rin would be such a good mom. She’d be the kind of mom who’d get down with her kids in the dirt and go on adventures with them. Like she’d be such a fun, imaginative mother. 
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And the worst part is that while she couldn’t be there for them, she had zero control over it, Sesshomaru also wasn’t there for them. Like not even in a “Sesshomaru is an important lord” way. He literally did not know his daughters. At all. When they heard his name for the first time, they had no idea who he was. While I guess you could argue that sending your kids away to be trained was normal for noble families, EVEN THE MOST CONSERVATIVE NOBLE FAMILIES STILL KNEW EACH OTHER AND WHAT THEY LOOKED LIKE! SESSHOMARU DIDN’T VISIT SETSUNA ONCE IN A DECADE! 
I’ve been pretty forthcoming over the fact that I don’t like Sesshomaru. I used to say I was neutral towards him, but going to watch Yashahime has reminded me of how much I disliked him in the original. And it comes down to this: 
Sesshomaru is not a guy who has really been held accountable for what he has done in the past up until now, not really, and if he ever were to have a partner, it would have to be someone who was willing to tell him when he fucked up. While Sesshomaru is definitely out of character in this series, I don’t actually find all of his actions entirely unbelievable. Like his insistence of doing things by himself and doing what he feels he has to do to protect his loved ones, even at the cost of others. And his egomania. And his terrible communication skills. My god, his terrible communication skills. I could absolutely see Sesshomaru struggling to be in a romantic partnership because of this.
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Rin should be angry at him. I am angry for her. I wanted her to throw something at him. And it wasn’t just her who was impacted, it was her daughters. It was Inuyasha and Kagome, who lost their daughter. It was her niece, who had to struggle without her parents to love her unconditionally. It was Kaede and Kohaku, who had no idea of what happened to her. Taking the time to establish that grief and anger away from Sesshomaru, to work on the relationship she had with her daughters outside of Sesshomaru, to struggle through the guilt she feels over all of this happening because she was stupid enough to get cursed, would’ve worked a lot better than just throwing them all together at the end and expecting it to just work because biOloGy. 
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There’s a moment in season 2 of Yashahime where Sesshomaru looks like he’s going to die. Rin’s reaction would’ve been a lot more gut wrenching if they had established how angry she was with him. If they had given me even the smallest glimpse into a healthy relationship as a married couple before all of this happened and given me a reason to care about getting those crazy kids back together. If they had shown me what was was lost when Zero put the curse on Rin and what it was that made them fall in love in the first place. Then maybe I would’ve cared. 
Now, Rin has to get her daughters to help her protect him, and that brings them together. Then Sesshomaru is forced to C O M M U N I C A T E with his wife about Kirinmaru. The last part of the season is about Sesshomaru learning about his daughters while taking down Kirinmaru. Them working together. Rather than the random scene we got at the end with him suddenly good with them. The closest thing we get like that in canon is when Sesshomaru distracts Kirinmaru while Moroha, Setsuna, and Towa go inside the pearl. And maybe I’ll make people mad when I say this: 
I really want to see Sesshomaru as a father. And not the way he is now, but as going out of his way to attempt to be a dad. His relationship with Rin could be analysed as a father - daughter relationship (if you want) but in the original text it was so vague that it could be construed in a variety of ways. I’ve always seen it as more older brother - younger sister/unwilling guardian - unwanted charge relationship, less about him being a directly parental figure and more about him just letting her hang out. I don’t believe that he doesn’t have power over her, because regardless, he is still an adult and she is a child, but I don’t see him as her father. Even so, there is a certain distance between him and Rin. 
For Rin, he never had to work at their relationship. She just listened to him without question for the most part. No temper tantrums. No arguing. Nothing of the sort that suggests “parenting”. With Towa and Setsuna, that distance would have to be significantly smaller. To be a father figure to them, he would actually have to work at it. It won’t work like it did with Rin with a child that he decided to be a father to. He would need to reach out to them, because why would they trust him after all of this? You’re asking them to invest in a man who has never done the same for them (which is a common tactic used to dismiss children whose parents have abandoned them when they say they want nothing to do with them; “they’re your father, you should be the bigger person and reach out”). 
Like imagine Sesshomaru actually teaching Setsuna and Towa how to control their powers (at the end of season one they were saying Setsuna had an energy whip and I just wanted ONE SCENE of Sesshomaru telling her she’s using it wrong and she’s like “fuck you, you abandoned me in a forest fire” and Towa going “I’d normally be the peacemaker but she’s right” and Rin just files her nails in the corner). Having him actually have try and establish a relationship with his daughters is what I’m looking for. Being a source of comfort for them and trying to understand them. 
This makes Towa’s decision to stay much harder for her because she suddenly has a place where she can be totally herself and Setsuna starts to learn how to depend on having adults who actually give a crap. 
ANYWAY THE POINT IS: it doesn’t make sense. Don’t even try. It’s pointless. Could’ve been a really interesting look into adoption and knitting back together a broken family, instead it’s an oversimplified “they’re my biological family so they’re better”. All of the emotional baggage is put onto Rion and Kirinmaru, which is an extremely basic “I love you but I can’t support you” storyline, rather than where it belongs, which is on Towa, Setsuna, Rin, and Sesshomaru. My conclusion is this: it’s not “wrong” for Towa and Setsuna to call Sesshomaru and Rin mother and father. It’s just badly developed. 
Like they haven’t even had the “what do I call you” conversation yet, which is probably the closest thing to a universal experience that adopted children have where you have to ask your biological parents or the people who have just decided to let you into their family “hey, what do i call you”. 
I normally wouldn’t make a pages long analysis on “this is what they should’ve done” but this series is so boring and not deep in the least that it’s very hard to not come up with “what if” scenarios because of I was dumb enough to make that first video and HERE I AM. I’M WELL AWARE THAT I’M PUTTING WAY MORE THOUGHT INTO THIS THAN SUNRISE EVER EVEN HAD THE CHANCE TO. 
(I am trapped. Send help.)
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inedrox · 6 years
Me: I don’t have a type! I like a wide variety Also me:
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See they all look different.....
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the-shy-artisan · 2 years
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Cringe is dead. Buy yourself something your 16 year old self would’ve loved to have.
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cynthiaandsamus · 3 years
As much as Shiori’s future is one of my favorite parts of Yashahime, going back and seeing how much of a part of her arc her mother was and then just having it be “Oh my mom died of some sickness” off-screen is kind of a kick in the teeth
(Also they say the Blood Coral Crystal is the reason why Shiori can make a barrier in the original but seems like she’s gotten strong enough to do it on her own which I don’t know if that’s inconsistent or just character development)
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shikakunaras · 3 years
Hiroshi Yanaka - Shikaku’s Japanese VA - really voiced a lot of characters I hold close to my heart.
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jose92gt · 2 years
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gracias a Akuru, Towa logra recuperar la conciencia, esto alegra bastante a Rin, el cual le hace una promesa  el cual es abrazarlas junto con Sesshomaru, de momento Towa y Setsuna deberán ir a la época moderna buscar la manera de destruir ese cometa, sabiendo que queda poco tiempo
Moroha recibe un nuevo arco, Inuysaha y su familia pelean contra Kirinmaru, aunque siendo Inuyasha el que estuvo mas contacto con el, pero la pelea se interrumpe ya que Rion se empezó a sentir mal ya que su cuerpo artificial había llegado a un limite algo que Kirinmaru logro que Rion volviera a estar bien, mientras tanto Moroha se une a Towa y Setsuna para acompañar a Akuru hacia el palacio de su abuela
Miroku y Sango se preparan para la batalla
el profesor Kirin, pensando en como lidiaran con este cometa que cada vez esta mas cerca 
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shinner-cxi · 4 years
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Inuysaha is like the puppy I had always dreamed of...
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rwbyfans · 3 years
 i am looking for yashaime  or inuysaha rp i may be    presoanl blog and mutple muse mutilvpe fadmon rp  blog  i cant keep  many  blog i pefre  rp in ims cuase my learing distbyils         i even have    few oc for  yashaime  and ican play canon to   i am upadte     can i make chachter on spot if needd to
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