regledefleurs · 8 years
Naturally staying in line, Hisui seats herself obediently, folding her hands upon her lap as the principal goes about handling an impressive tea set. It seemed to belong; she could imagine a man of his authority and reputation would spend long hours in office each day. The shelves are decorated densely with texts that would edify one on the standards and the practicum of education. Now that she has had a moment to soak it all in, it seemed the state of principal’s office was incredibly immaculate. 
She turned her attention back just in time to meet Principal Lee’s gaze as he plated her tea before her. Startled more by her own preoccupation than the proximity, she ducked her head in both thanks and embarrassment. The tea was incredibly fragrant. 
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“Y, you are very obliging, Principal. Your generosity is very humbling.” She took the delicate ceramic cup into her hands, taking note of the perfectly mellow color.
“It... suffices to say that the philosophy in the ‘west’ is far more liberal than it is here. I cannot say it applies to most institutions, but many schools at the secondary level in North America have introduced programs that prioritize student engagement and contribution over the instructor’s classroom teachings. The general sentiment is to induce practical skill, I suppose...” She tilted her head pensively. “Still, most of the schools I have attended are strict about textbook education. After all, the universities have a set criteria that is reflected in the grades of its intake of students.”
Well, that was a feat he could take pride in and credit for. The education milieu at Ye Ran was given just as much attention as academic quality. No such thing as success without the requisite passion for learning, after all. The great deal of investment he had devoted to its establishment reflected more than just fraction of his own mania for the quality of learning: it was the product of his fathomless devotion to someone who deserved to be paid only the best. Needless to say, Frankenstein took genuine pleasure in the woman’s input.
“Why, that’s everything someone from my position wants to hear. If only all of my fellow colleagues on the education board were as honest as you,” he quipped lightheartedly. “But there’s also no need to be so formal. Just ‘principal’ will do. Take a seat. I’ll prepare some tea for us.” 
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As the electric kettle clicked into function, Frankenstein took his time measuring out the leaves. “As this is your first job out of school, I want for your time here to be memorable. But, I’d also like to see to it that you leave with teaching experience that benefits all of your future job postings.” Straining the brew finely, he gently set the plated cup before her on the coffee table between their seats. 
“Your records state an impressive history of schooling in quite a few countries. And how did you find that? I’m interested in hearing about what the quality of instruction is like in the west nowadays.”
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regledefleurs · 8 years
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ooc; (I am so sorry for the lack of activity here, school has really gotten to me! ;; But my midterms are over and my mini break has been had, so I will try and get myself back into the swing of things here as soon as I can! Shoutout to @100-whiteorchids for being so sweet to me by the way. ;;; I really can’t ever be grateful enough for how kind you always are to me! ;v; 
Finally, I’m not threaded with everyone I follow here (I don’t follow that many to begin with) but if anyone would like a starter, feel free to hit that Like button!)
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regledefleurs · 8 years
She dare not make any less of the high school than what she genuinely thought of it. Its space was vast, and the institution was walled in by high cement gates which, in Europe, were more common with private schools than those of which were public. Ye-Ran seemed no more embellished than any of its kind found in the Asia: the setup looked standard to her. Although, the staff she had crossed paths with so far certainly were not typical.
Suited security guarding the yard; a towering hulk of a man disciplining students at the front gates; and a completely Caucasian principal to top the oddities off. 
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Hisui meekly moved through the frame leading to the man’s office, lowering her head deferentially. He spoke the Korean language more perfectly than she could ever hope in her own mere 4 years of training in the language. Moreover, his body language, however friendly, showed a kind of elegance like no other kind she had ever seen.
“It’s...” A momentary pause as she considers what best to say. “-- a very lovely place. I would have wanted to receive my secondary education in a school such as this one. But I’m even more grateful to have the honor of being able to teach your students for the next little while, sir.”
She was a suitable fit for Ye Ran High. For starters, her application indicated an erudite candidate, just as much motivated for constant learning as she was for teaching. The inference was which was only further verified by the recommendations forwarded by her former professors of the alumna. Although she was inexperienced, Frankenstein had a good feeling about the prospect of bringing the woman into his staff ranks. Surely, the fact that she was young and reared under the innovations of education in the west would be welcomed as a refreshment by the students of his institution.
He knew best, after all. Frankenstein would keep his opinion under wraps, but the rigidly traditional standards of Korea’s educational system required a bit of a kick every here and there. Even if she would be a temporary intern, he was interested in giving her methods of performance a good probe.
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“You must be Miss Kano. I’ve been looking forward to our meeting for quite some time.” The formalities slipped out as though they were soaped. “Don’t be shy, come right in. As the principal of Ye Ran, I’d like to welcome you to our school grounds. What do you make of it?”
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regledefleurs · 8 years
Symbol for patching up a wound from dino ;
meme; accepting.
Even if only to look after her best interests, the way the Chiavarone boss went about withholding certain matters from her was troubling. His expertise in secrecy, however trained, would have trouble outwitting a woman with the will to follow through with her own intuition. And it was during circumstances such as these that she could not tolerate being lied to. Dino’s well-being was of great matter to her, after all. 
Moreover, his men would be hopeless to think they were fooling anyone by guarding the restroom door as stiffly as they were. The gaze she gave them was icy, thought not quite enraged. It was sufficient to say she felt rather lukewarm towards their constant charades in feeding her vanilla version of all the risky affairs that befell their boss and his family, and she wanted them to become aware of that. As much as they would think they could not stomach the brutality of this walk of life (and they were quite right to think so,) she was not so dainty that she could not grow desensitized, and in time, stronger. 
“Please excuse the intrusion.” 
Her presence surely came as a startle to him. Given her apologetic disposition, forcing her way straight into the men’s restroom could have warranted at least embarrassment, but instead she paid little heed to anything else asides from the blood littered on the sink, his hands, and the bandages strewn across the floor. An open wound? She pushed herself in through the door, allowing it to shut after her before his subordinates could get a word in.
“Where is Romario-san?” Her eyes were unreadable as she gently bat his hands away, unabashedly inspecting the gash in his side. “You should not make light of something like this even if, for Dino-san, this is nothing serious. It would be worrisome if you were to fall ill due to infection.” Washing her hands in the sink and tying back her sleeves, she gestured to the counter, indicating for him to take a seat. 
“Please allow me.”
Disinfectant, a substantial amount of padding, and just enough pressure from the gauze dressing to help stop the bleeding. This was the closest she seemed to have come to the Chiavarone capo so far, but their proximity was the least of all things to deter the quality of her attention. And although she was no certified paramedic, her hands were steady and true enough that they were all that he would need for the time being.
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“I won’t cry for you, Dino-san.” Soaking a clean hand towel with warm water, she proceeded to wipe down his hands, from wrists to fingertips. “But only because I’m certain you would not take it well if I had done so.” And, the last she wanted to do was add to his burdens.
“Please save your words. I promise I will come to accept the way you’ve chosen to handle these things as a leader. With all due respect, I…” A pause, and for the moment, her hand meekly gripped his, though the pressure was only slight. 
Despite their differences in standing, they were both still only human.
 “… Simply do not wish to hear that this is nothing more than an ‘occupational hazard’. I imagine there are a great many other ways you can offer me a peace of mind.”
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regledefleurs · 8 years
All she had done to make it back to Japan in one piece and, still, what had held the most gravity in her integrity, her pride, did not survive the episode. There was far more to this setback than her employer could imagine, more than a stroke of bad luck. And now that she had become the center of it, all she wished was to make peace with the fact that her errors would cost her what she had come to value most, before vanishing some place where she would cope by forgetting. And hopefully, become part of history herself.
Yes, lick her own wounds while her associates toil over the mess that she had created. 
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Unable to respond compliantly with Hibari’s order, she ground down on the twisted notions of self-hatred that would have caused her a crying fit before him. Swiping away the mist that had gathered along her lower lashes, she muttered another fleeting apology that may as well not have been said given how ambiguously it had come out. But this time, it was to account for her dreadfully disrespectful behavior. Despite her wounds, no one besides herself had any hand in the decision not to report her situation straight away after the fact.
Then again, even if her gifts blessed her as being cognitively exceptional, Hisui was not exempt to poor decisions made under pressure. And that very flaw made it impossible to meet his eyes, even if that was what he wanted of her at the moment. If he sensed the fluctuating in her chaotic inner state now, he was right to think she was weak and unable to weather ordeals the way those with iron wills could. And she cried over spilled milk, at that.
“… … …”
The closer his understanding came, the further she drew away, going against her own determination to come clean. Her flinch as a solemn pressure rested against her shoulder was what did it: she gazed up at him in surprise, eyes wet, by now already red from the all of the weeping she had done long before. She had not expected mercy from Hibari - least of all consolation. Rather than placate her, the treatment only served to magnify the feelings of self-pity, which in turn bred a strong sense of self-hatred.
Although she would probably never find the will in herself to disobey him, for the sake of her own remaining pride, she would hold off on her recovery until she could tell him everything. Let him decide what to make of her after all had been said and done. Perhaps she didn’t deserve the time, was what she felt, but he more than needed to carry on with his profession and the protection of Namimori without having to go in blind or half so.
“… He’s my father, you know.” 
In her wavering, she neglected to employ her typical honorifics when it came to addressing him. Wandering aimlessly, a hand of her own hovered across her mouth as she grasped for a deep breath; the courage to carry on speaking out of turn; and to keep from cracking. It was all a bit much to maintain all at once, but this was self-spite after all.
She shook her head, hopeless. “Hibari-san. You… really shouldn’t show me such kindness. I stepped out of line. I…” A paused, before she dropped the idea of confessing she had always wanted to inform him of her relations with her father the statesman. Things declared after the fact seemed useless to her. “I was foolish to try and change his mind before the luncheon came, knowing nothing would turn out well for him in the end. But I did not expect for him to truly heed my advice and pull out of the merger at the luncheon. And because he had, I mistakenly began believing that all would be well for our family after all.
“… I-is it… Acceptable for me to hope that the triad will not have executed him already? No,” she bit her lip, looking down, conflicted. “What am I saying? Because of me, he’ll surely be killed, if not already.”
Again, silence.
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“… I-I… don’t know what to do anymore, Hibari-san. I truly don’t. I’m so sorry for all of the disorder I've created.”
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regledefleurs · 8 years
send one for my muse’s reaction to your muse ---
alternatively send ‘ + ‘ after the symbol for the roles to be reversed where possible !
✘ = hugging them . Δ = playing with their hair .  ❤ = kissing them .  ₪ =  asking them out for dinner . ☀ = giving them a gift of ___ ( asker’s choice ) . ♘ = stabbing them . ♕ = bowing down before them . ♒ = lying to them .   ✿ = buying them flowers . ☾ = being found shirtless . ♢ = reading them a story . ☂ = giving them their jumper to keep warm . ✎ = speaking in a different language . ✏ = teaching them a different language . ▄ = telling them a joke . ♬ = singing to them . ☹ = insulting a loved one . ஐ = slapping them . ✂ = threatening them . ❃ = dancing with them . ▤ = falling asleep on them . ☮ = waking them up after a nightmare .  ♣ = discovering them crying .  回 = patching a wound .  ✮ = stargazing . ▓ = caught stealing their belongings . ☽ = wandering alone at night . ♡ = complimenting them . ≡ = offering a place to stay overnight . ☢ = falling over . ✦ = being well-dressed . ❂ = wiping blood off their face . ◎ = taking care of them while ill . ☁ = being caught in the middle a storm with them . ⇕ = holding their hand . ↱ = being lost with them . ☠ = pushing them against a wall .
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regledefleurs · 8 years
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regledefleurs · 8 years
As she briefly escaped the center of attention, Hisui took the moment to observe the short exchange between Dino and his subordinate. The bespectacled one who had tagged closest to his boss’ heel since earlier, with a most grave knit between his brows. Now, however, as Dino mellowly dismissed him from duty, a fleeting show of hesitance from the man does not go unnoticed in her eyes. The behavior was almost father-like.
"Um...” Although the timing of the behavior puzzled her a tad, she lowered her head in gratitude, making sure he would be able to catch the gesture through the rear-view mirror. “Thank you very much for your trouble.”
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Judging from its exterior alone, the eatery looked modest. Having pledged to the diet of a rabbit for much of her life, it was hard to say she would be easy to impress - although it wasn’t exactly having her breath taken away by food that was on the woman’s mind when she accepted Dino’s invitation. He had a sure magnetic appeal to his personality and, before everything, was considerate of his family members. This was surely one of the unexpected faces of the mafia. 
Tentatively, she slid herself to the open side of the car, before accepting his offered hand. “You’re very gracious, sir.” Swinging her feet out onto the pavement, she rested her other hand upon the upper frame of the door for leverage before lifting herself out.
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It wasn’t a matter of her being picky. If she did not like swordfish, she should not have to force herself. Still, he wasn’t going to press it any further; if she was determined to give it a try, than who was he to stop her? “There are other things on the menu you’re welcomed to try,” he pointed out, but had decided to leave it at that.
Lips pursed quietly in thought, hand rested on his knee. “I’m not surprised. Everyone is, for the most part very welcoming and nice.” If not a little on the intimidating side, he admitted. But, he was happy to see that she was getting along with everyone; even Kyouya. It may not seem like it, but the fact that she hasn’t been told to never come back again had to be a good sign.
“Aaaaaaand, looks like we’re here.” Nodding his head, the swaying trees finally started to thin out. Kyouya liked to keep his base away from civilization, but close enough where he can keep an eye on his precious Namimori. Some people never change, and Kyouya was most definitely one of them.At the end of the road, a small cafe came into view and Romario pulled off to the side.
“We’re here, sir.”
Before his subordinate can step out, he leaned forward and placed a hand on his shoulder. “No need to escort you. Have the afternoon off, I’ll call you when you’re finished, ‘kay?” Patting him on the shoulder, he opened the door and stepped out. Romario seemed uncertain, but Dino did not hear him – or rather, ignored him – as he offered Hitsui a hand out. 
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regledefleurs · 8 years
“I wouldn’t dare be picky.” She insisted hastily, seeing that she seemed to have failed to come across as obliging to him. “ If Dino-san is in the mood for swordfish, then I would be more than delighted to join in.” 
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And she would be pressured to say she hasn’t been treated well. For one, she believed in her own hardy quality as a professional without much aspiration: so long as injury wasn’t directed at her personally, she could suffer all manner of criticism, be it from Hibari or Squalo -- the worst case scenarios. However, the bite of Squalo’s temper was simply awful. Still, she couldn’t just put him down seeing as it seemed he and Dino were acquainted.
“Yes. Everyone has shown me unbelievable kindness so far,” even if the statement seemed somewhat contradictory to what had happened only twenty minutes ago. “Squalo-san was the first to... ‘break me in’. And, although I’ve never had the high honor of meeting them in person, I hear from our capo and his guardians every now and then through my associates.” Turning her head, she met his gaze. “Then, Dino-san, of course.”
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“Ha?” A small sound of question escaped the blonde, head canting to the side. “If it’s sashimi you want, I know just the place. If you don’t like swordfish… You can say so.” Stepping forward, he pulled open the door to the private vehicle which had pulled forward, assuring Romario that he need not bother to get out again. He may be HEAD of his own famiglia, but that not mean he expected to be waited on hand and foot. No, he wasn’t some delusional prince.
Sliding into the car after the other, he situated himself comfortably within the leather. “They have an amazing swordfish dish, the cafe we are going to. But everything on the menu is good,” he promised, almost excitedly. It was one of his favorite places in the area. But if she was really intent on sashimi, well, there was plenty of places they can go here.
Folding his hands in his lap, he allowed his eyes to stare out the window. The trees outside reflected on the glass, a vision of a home he became familiar with. “So, who else have you met? The fact that you haven’t been scared off yet has to mean that they’ve been treating you well, right?” Broad grin in place, he glanced her way. 
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regledefleurs · 8 years
She bore the harmless nudge of his elbow, wobbling passively. He certainly had a remarkable way with words, but considering the qualities of a leader, the charm to win people over must be an imperative skill. Maybe she was considering him from too objective of a perspective, but that was just an instinct. Even she considered herself as not being so easy to get on with, for when it came down to it, she couldn’t help but become tame, opening up only when the odd occasion for a little dry wit arose.
“Eh?” A visual of a silver creature with its long, flat bill surfaced in her mind. For some odd reason that escaped Hisui, the thought of Varia’s Squalo followed close after. Well, the man had boasted something about being the ‘Emperor of Swords’, and a title like that was certainly unforgettable. “... Swordfish?”
Although the question seemed a little out of left field at first, she promptly came to suppose he meant to suggest the saltwater mammal under the context of table fare. Still, it sounded a little like he wanted for the idea of consuming it to come as something of a surprise for her. She, on the other hand, happened to be a vegetarian who preferred for fish to stay a sight on National Geographic. Still, she felt a little determined to answer to his kindly charm.
So this week only, and for Dino alone, she would become a pescatarian.
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“I could like them.” She puffed a cheek pensively. “... As sashimi.”
Moving closer to the curb as their ride, a sleek black car that must be owned by his family, slid up, she motioned to reach for the door handle before anyone else could take care of it on her behalf.
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Had she laughed, he would not have minded – in fact, that was what he was aiming for. Seeing how that had ended up in a bust, Dino had made it his own personal mission to entice something of a laugh from her. It wasn’t that the Don was particularly interested in her on anything but innocent terms; most people found him to be rather friendly and open. Some even doubted that he was even capable of being part of the mafia, but he often put people in their places once they see him in action.
Following the other blindly, with his hands shoved deep into the pockets of his capris, he allowed amber hues to flit about the familiar halls. The Bronco may – on occasion – find himself turned around when walking down these long halls, he always somehow managed to find his way. Of course, usually it was thanks to a friendly reminder by Romario.
He heard one of his subordinates snicker quietly behind him, in good nature, and the taller male threw a sheepish look over his shoulder toward them. They all were quick to look away, feigning innocence; a show of the sense of comradery between him and his men.
“Why thank you, My Lady,” he hummed, bowing low playfully before he reached out, hand finding the edge of the door. A part of him understood why she felt the way that she did, so he did not press the matter that it was his job, as the gentleman, to be holding doors for the ladies.
Though he was sure that the ladies of this world would not appreciate his sentiments as much as the other would.
When she had spoken, the blonde blinked before a wide grin stretched across his face. “Funny how you thought that you had much of a choice here,” he jested, elbowing her gently. “Romario! Pull the car around,” he ordered, which was followed by a ‘ yes sir! ‘ from his right-hand to carry out the task.
“Say, do you like swordfish?” 
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regledefleurs · 8 years
@regledefleurs Continued from here X
With today being Valentine’s Day the Skylark didn’t think much of it. It was a day that herbivore expressed their emotions to each other, something like that was nothing to the Foundation leader. Even some of his men were clambering about well speaking about the day. As long as they weren’t crowding in the halls of the building their loved ones wouldn’t be forced to see a ‘bitten’ loved one on such a day.
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He wouldn’t be bothered by the chocolates that he had gotten. Looking down at the box from the herbivore Haru Miura the male shook his head. He was thankful that they were Tomo choco. It was a faintly amusing to see that he had received something from that bubbly herbivore well dressed up.
Weeks upon weeks of other speaking never once stopped him from working. He had more pressing things to go about. The Skylark could only imagine how much practice one would have to go through to make the sweet treats that people were given. Looking through some of the reports he pushed the thought from his mind.
Hibari in his own way was committed. Committed to avoiding the female population that is. The Skylark had on occasion received chocolates, but it wasn’t something he cared for. Each and every year it was the same thing. Thinking of Hisui for a moment the female was by all means one female he was fine with being near. She wasn’t irritating to the point that he would need to ‘bite’ her.
With a recent report he had the male smirked. She played a larger role then she gave herself credit for. Hibari’s own sense of showing her gratitude was using her given name once in a while.
If by chance Hisui did end up giving him, the Skylark may, or may not accept them. It depended on the type that were given. Even so that wouldn’t stomp on his duties. Even if she thought it was vile, it wasn’t.  The Foundation leader would simply ignore any advances in the future…maybe. Not once would he think of her as vile though, luckily for her.
Steel blue eyes looked at the small dish that had matcha nama chocolates. It evident that she had made them. Of course he didn’t mind this setting at all. Though the silence wasn’t probably helping the female in the slightest. Reaching forward he took one of the matcha nama and took a bite from it.
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She wasn’t shameless at all in his mind, so there wasn’t a need for her to worry at all. If only the Skylark was enjoying the treat a lot.  Hearing her speak the male raised an eyebrow slightly. Soon his assumption was proven correctly. Bringing the matcha nama piece down slightly.
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“It tastes good and I accept them.”
He didn’t mind that Hisui had done this, if only he was grateful towards her. Going back to enjoying the matcha nama.
It was almost has though she had never felt genuine relief before. 
Releasing her burning face from her hands, she peered meekly as he partook the trifling Valentine favors. The quantity of the chocolates was quite sparse, considering how the initial batch she had prepared for the occasion had failed to set properly. 
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“I’m relieved.” She muttered gingerly. “Hibari-san is very obliging.”
So when it came down to it, Dino, Kusakabe, and the rest of her fellow associates had to take the unfortunate end of her compromise. Each of them wound up receiving store-bought gift-boxes from her instead. Vongola Tenth and the rest of his guardians, too, had received the very same in their mailbox, left for them to distribute among themselves.
But to Hisui, originally, there had been no sense of distinction between tomo nor honmei choco. Everyone whose company she had slowly come to enjoy through the workforce were, essentially, near to her heart. For someone of a mindset like hers, it seemed both unprofessional and unfairly prejudiced to let any one of them monopolize the only hand-made batch that came out the way she wanted it to. But as poor luck would have it, the six that came out fine could only go to Hibari after all. 
Vaguely, she wondered if these was just all the wicked doing of a devious side of herself that she had never been conscious of. After all, for her to go out of her way to use matcha in the chocolate was surely no coincidence:  Hibari was quite fond of his tea after all.
Just as she had begun to quietly revel in the moment, something in the room caught Hisui’s eye in the middle of her going adrift with contentment: an extra box of chocolate. Albeit a little gaudy (she wondered if that spoke for the aesthetic sense of whoever had crafted it,) it was a well-made, pretty little parcel.
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“… … …”
Maybe it was just the spirit of the holiday - she seemed to have become rather sensitized to her surroundings. And while she didn’t feel any particular semblance of ill will inside herself, one thing did come to cross her mind: who had thought to give Hibari chocolates before her?
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regledefleurs · 8 years
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regledefleurs · 8 years
She could never be more simultaneously glad and anxious at the sound of him calling her a herbivore. 
The feeling of Hibari coming into sight was indescribable. He was the only man, asides from her own father, who had constantly crossed her mind during the worst. Her anchor to conscience. Because, otherwise, she always had little to no resolve when it came to pain, and if not for the thoughts of failing him -- there could have been no way her identity would have survived the torture session. Maybe, just maybe, it would be alright if it was exposed that she worked beneath Foundation, the extension of Vongola, because her associates were incredibly strong. That, she could believe. But she did not want to jeopardize Hibari’s position by being the cause of disorder in his organization.
Her unfocused gaze could only make out what was ahead of her, and so she met his gaze after all, hopeful to read the mood from his expression. It was hard to know for sure whether or not she was picking up any signs of hostility from his dark, composed eyes. Her lips part under the immediate instinct to beg for his forgiveness,
... but before she can, the sight of him seemed to veer as he stepped forward, taking ahold of her. Unable to summon a timely reaction, her breath caught in her throat out of fear when she couldn’t feel the floor beneath her feet. The door, suddenly placed behind her, slid shut. 
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And she was alone once again with her seemingly ever-unexcitable boss, back in the makeshift office room that her from four weeks ago thought she might not ever see again. Time seemed slow, and she winced every time her treated wounds were grazed, each step he took towards their usual place near the center of the room. The pulse beneath her bruised wrist was going mad from adrenaline: guilt, apprehension, and fluster, from receiving such kindness from Hibari. 
“...? ... ...?”
Needless to say, it was difficult to sit. Her usual folded position was out of the question, and before his interrogating gaze, it was hard not to fidget. Even if she had made eye contact earlier, she couldn’t find it in herself to do anything besides hang her head in shame now. His order was simple: speak. It was more than sufficient to imply of a lot of things, really. But first and foremost, she had burned up and dragged her leg as far as ‘home’ in order to convey what needed to be said. That was her duty before all else -- and if, by the end of it, she was to be ‘bitten to death’ or to be relieved of her job, well...
She would resign to that fate because of her own failures and miscalculations. 
Despite having had at least a week’s worth of time to separate the chaos of Taipei from her better judgment, she still had not the slightest idea where to begin, especially when the national newscast and her physical state already spoke for most of it.
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“It was...” Wavering, she tried not to let the pain get the better of her judgement. When it came to her objective, she needed to be both clear and decisive, just exactly he would want it. “... all contradictory to my findings from a month ago. I’m... very sorry for my oversights.”
That was the first apology in the line of apologies to come. 
“To sum it up: although the luncheon itself took place without incidence, one of the Japanese shareholders of the financial investor announced at the reception... that he intended to withdraw from the deal altogether. Incidentally, following the luncheon, he vanished before he was due to fly back to Japan.” At this, her gaze wavered again as it stared at the floor. She tried harder to keep it together. “I-it... was a member of our National Diet: Gorou Kano.”
//I placed it under a read more, because I typed a lot.
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regledefleurs · 8 years
"Listen to my voice, okay? I need you to stay with me. I'm bringing you to the hospital." ; from Dino
It hurt. It hurt her a great deal. She could feel her entire body quiver incessantly, only shaking up the damage, causing agony to stretch its legs through her. Her toleration for pain had always been abysmal. In the face of such great affliction, it wasn’t long before her sight blotted out from fright and agitation, until nothing but white remained before her. Already, the visceral despair was making her feel so very alone.
Feebly, she heard herself grasping at the only sound she could register past the uncomfortable din of her own heartbeat in her ears.
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“D… Dino-san,” she croaked, struggling to get her voice past the blood that had already become tacky at the back of her throat. “I, is that you…?”
It seemed to be, despite how mature and reliable the voice sounded. There was an odd nuance to it - yes, it was surely Dino who had come to her rescue, even if it sounded like a different man altogether. Not really the man who always had a penchant to trip over his own two feet; who overindulged her with those boyish smiles, always standing in her way to wall off the wicked reality of the mafia world. 
And because of the warm facade he took up to shield the worst from her eyes, she never had gotten a chance to truly see how earnest and solemn of a person he truly was. It was such a pity; she would have wanted by all means to show him how grateful she was for his consideration. She wanted to sit at another casual lunch with him some time. See him escape Hibari’s temper by the skin of his teeth again. 
“I’m… I’m listening.” Her head was growing woozy. “T-thank you.. for being there, ah… always.” Finally, her vision was beginning to clear, albeit it slowly ebbed away around the edges. 
“D-did you say something else? I can’t… seem to…?” 
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regledefleurs · 8 years
Dying rp Starters
"Stay with me. Come on, just a little longer."
"You're gonna be fine, okay? You... You'll be fine."
"No. Oh, no. No no no. This can't happen. No. You can't die."
"Shush, just concentrate on staying awake, okay? Don't sleep."
"Oh my god... Don't give up! You can't give up!"
"You can make it through this. I know you can. Y-you have to..."
"Where did they shoot you!? Where did they sh-- Oh... Oh, god... Oh please no..."
"The doctor explained everything to me... I... I can't just let you go like this. I need you."
"Oh, god. Please be alive. Please still be alive."
"There's nothing they can do. I-- I'm so sorry."
"No. They're wrong. They're wrong, okay? You're not gonna die."
"Please, fight this. You have to fight it. You have to live."
"Don't die... Don't die on me. Please..."
"Listen to my voice, okay? I need you to stay with me. I'm bringing you to the hospital."
"I wish I could tell you everything was going to be fine..."
"Come on, now. You've lived through worse than this. Just... Just live through this too."
"I'm so sorry I let this happen to you."
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regledefleurs · 8 years
"Shush, just concentrate on staying awake, okay? Don't sleep." (@ Dino, or any other muse you see fit!)
                     MEME: accepting!
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Good advice, too bad that was easier said than done. His eyes felt heavy. His breath left him in quiet – if not wet – sighs. A look of mild discomfort crossed his features as a hand clapped over his bleeding wound. “You shouldn’t see this.” There was an apology in his voice, but he did not carry the energy needed to fully convey how sorry he was for dragging the other into this. This wasn’t something the other should have to see.
“I’m sorry,” he breathed out, head rolling off to the side.  Dino was not necessarily afraid of dying, something he has accepted as part of his life. That did not mean the other was.
Clearing his throat, eyes fluttered lazily, his grip on his bleeding wound going slack. “… Just for a little bit, okay?” 
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regledefleurs · 8 years
She still felt sheepish for her own goofy conduct, so in a sense, he might just be reminding her that it’s a little too soon to become overly-excited. Just because the circumstances had shifted, it didn’t mean Hisui would come to forget her place. With or without her eidetic memory aid, she would make good on that commitment. But it would seem that Kusakabe’s loyalty would face some stiff competition from hereon forth, even if she knew that the nature of her boss’ expectations would only grow harsher starting from today. More demanding, more like: as an insider, there was even less margin for error.
And that was fine, too. She had crossed one bridge; she could surely summon to courage to cross all others to come for his sake. “Understood, Hibari-san.”
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It was such a rosy moment,
                    --- but that was five weeks ago.
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Essentially, her status as the daughter of a Japanese bureaucrat had saved her life. The irony of it all was bitter on her tongue, especially given that she had roamed out so far onto uncharted territories partly to carry out an objective to help foil the crimes partaken by her father. But none of it turned out as she had foreseen; the burden of having looked into the activities of the triads and its financial bureau had been too large of a responsibility for her to carry alone. 
And now she tasted the full gravity of the consequences of not telling Hibari the truth a month ago.
Cuts at the roof of her mouth. A row of seven straight, clean-cut gashes lined up along the side of her left calf, hexing her with a hellish limp. Bruises in the form of hand prints littered everywhere else from when she had been incapacitated and put up a struggle with enough desperation to make it difficult for even three men to keep her still as they grilled her for information. 
They didn’t dispose of her, but nonetheless opted to return her back to whoever she truly was working for, with a patent threat to end their busy-bodying. But all she could find it in herself to do was escape the hospital a kind samaritan had sent her to in Taipei, then, courageously, hide away in only another hospital in Tokyo until she wasn’t hopelessly in pain. She was long overdue to report back to the Foundation, she knew, for she had seen the headline news from her patient bed: 
There was no way the Foundation would not have seen it, especially when she hadn’t come into contact as soon as the luncheon had ended. Things had become dire: she had to go.
It was the dead of night, several hours past dinnertime on the Hibari Estate. Was he present? She wasn’t sure; there was only the quiet bustle of servants, but no sign of Kusakabe or any of Hibari’s subordinates, for that matter. Where? Unable to make five feet without stopping to catch her breath, gritting down the pain in her bandaged leg, she made support of the walls, clutching the invaluable folder of data against her chest.
“H.. Hibari-san?” Feverish, she found herself thumping the heel of her hand against Hibari’s shoji door, not so much as even realizing it wasn’t appropriate etiquette. “Hibari-san. Are you present? It’s... hah,” she swallowed, struggling to pull herself together. She hadn’t intended to visit until she was better healed, after all. 
“It’s me, Hisui Kano...”
Thesound that had left him wasn’t out of ill intentions. No it was just out ofamusement as to how Hisui reacted earlier. Seeing that she had startingblushing, the Cloud Guardian raised his eyebrow slightly. Was she feeling thatshe was a shameful? No matter though, he didn’t think anything ill of thefemale.
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The atmospherearound here did change, but Hibari would say nothing of it. He was more interestedin what she would do. Was her panic that much high that it was unsettling toHisui? Working with Hibari, or under him was a death sentence to some. A ‘dreamjob’ was not how one would describe this ever. It was a life or deathsituation.
 Hisui seemed like she was willing to go about this adventure, soHibari would ready himself to protect her if she accepted. Well it’s not likehe wasn’t doing that already, but that wasn’t a need to know.
Hibariwas lenient towards Hisui, because he knew there was potential in her. Hisuiwas very reliable, and he was willing to call her by her given name. She was asmart ‘herbivore’ that wouldn’t let small things get to her head. That was afact that the Skylark was confident in. 
Hisui’s assumption was correct, thoughhe didn’t know what she was thinking. He did wanted her to understand that shewas recognized for her hard work.  
Fear wasa means that was needed for the weaker members of the Vongola. As long as theyhad something to fear, there was less chance of betrayal. Steel blue eyesglanced at Hisui as the male waited for her to return from her silence. Sheshould expect nothing less other than stern, cruel orders. 
The female was onhis ‘good side’ to say the least. She was close enough to the rank of Kusakabe,though slightly lower. So far she along with the other male were one of the fewhe could accept.
Stepswere something that each person had to go through, Hisui was no exception tothis. He had given her the chance to join, now he needed to be patient. A smirkwas on the Skylark’s features the second she replied. That is what he hadwanted, and now she was under his wing.
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“Hisuiyou know my reply. I expect to see you keeping things afloat with your skills.”
Welcomingher would be out of character for him. So the male stuck with that answer. Itwas his way of welcoming her into his ranks.
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