Fear Toxin Perfume
Essence De Trauma
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kstarlitchaotics · 4 months
Most likely of what I'll never forgive about Bruce Timm is the fact he destroyed two most iconic couples and gave the other half to each other which is so very wrong
I get that DickBabs and BatCat isn't for everyone but whyy did he do that to them 😭
Not to mention Selina flirting with Dick 😣
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coffeebooh · 5 months
the mcu still deserves to go to hell for pushing stevep*ggy like… the worst ship w the worst chemistry. the crazy thing is there ARE good het ships in the mcu, peggy and steve were just never it
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I must say that, as much as I love that Prowl is going to be in TFES I don't want to see any Tarantulas x Prowl content. The comics have been a bad ride for me...
Thought, maybe I could change my mind if they don't follow the comic version and the fact that we still do not have info about Prowl's role or if Tarantulas and Prowl know each other.
But, if he is the same as in the comics... I will just skip his parts.
I say this because I don't only dislike the ship (yes, I do dislike ships) but it also brings me nausea due to some past experiences...
That would be my only negative for TFES 2s take for now. Stupid of me for not saying my other negative takes but from 1s (╯▽╰ )
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theneonghosts · 1 month
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This just gives vibes
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wereh0gz · 9 months
favorite werehog moment?
Every moment of screentime he has in Unleashed
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I am making my spicy chimken nuggies for lunch so I can take the time to type this up but like...heeeeeeeeeell no the roles are so reversed. I love my girl. We all know she was one of my first muses. But lil miss abandonment issues, miss 'i can't trust you and will try to turn the avengers against you', miss did the thing at the south pole that we don't fucking talk about because it was so ooc- HELLO SHE WILL TELL YOU TO DUMP THEIR ASS LIKE A HOT POTATO. Meanwhile Remy is over here talking her through self doubt, offering himself and his memories/life for her to practice with, backing off when she felt too crowded but telling her he would be ready when she was, the one who turned down a perfect mimickery in his shower (which was SA let's not forget) because Rogue means more to him than getting his dick wet...he's the one you go to for advice. The man who drinks his respect women juice. The one who gives you a whole ass speech about how he knows you work, even if she's too traumatized to see it right now, but he's not going to force it and still loves her. That person.
Aight, I'm done ranting. As you were.
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devilmaycrynetwork · 2 years
Any DMC artist, could anyone draw DMC2 Dante and Lucia like this?:
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Art Credit By Helena Masellis
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questing-wulfstan · 2 years
I'm certainly not questioning the fact that Dream is Emo, but have we considered the possibility that he exclusively wears black as mourning dress for Orpheus ? As he has yet to overcome his grief ??
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Man, I was here for Buffy, Angel, and Oz taking a massive road trip together (through Boston, Paris, and Italy) in the second "Gatekeeper Trilogy" book (Ghost Roads? I think that's what it was called).
Granted, they didn't really have time to stop and enjoy the sights, since they were fighting for their lives and trying to save the world the whole time, but still: good times.
We did get some nice, flirty Bangel moments throughout. And it was kind of a nice callback to the one Buffy book where she and Willow were playing "Anywhere But Here," and Buffy wished that she was in Paris with Angel. LOL. Though they didn't get to thoroughly enjoy it.
More than anything, I'm just glad that Buffy got to see some of the world (even though she didn't really get to stop and smell the roses), since even in this book she was thinking how she'd thought she'd always be stuck in Sunnydale and probably always would be.
And it was cool getting to see Angel flaunt his knowledge about places, and his language skills (though Buffy still teased him some even then: see the aforementioned Bangel flirting). And to have him drive Oz and Buffy places (though Oz did some driving, too). Because with all the driving he does in AtS, looking back on Buffy, I'm like, "Why didn't he drive on that show?" Granted, Sunnydale's supposed to be small, but still. So I'm glad the Buffy books remedy that by having Angel driving the Scooby Gang places at times (usually in Cordy, Giles, or Oz's car, because we really only had four characters who could drive. So these novels sometimes have the Scooby Gang split up so people who can't drive are with someone who can).
And I also really enjoyed getting to see Buffy and Oz bond more than usual. So many great scenes here and it's lovely, actually. Again I ask why we didn't get more Buffy and Oz moments in the show.
But this book was just so good? This trilogy as a whole is honestly better than some of the episodes/arcs we got in the series. And book two here might honestly be my favorite. I liked it better than book one, for sure. And though I haven't finished book three yet, so far I think I did like book two better (I might explain all of that better in another post). But overall, it's a really solid trilogy that I adore.
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secondlina · 4 months
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New Crow Time 🐦‍⬛🦊🌟
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kstarlitchaotics · 2 years
Jason: I'm the only impulsive and reckless member of the family never waiting on Bruce and his orders
Dick: I can be impulsive and reckless too
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jordanbolton · 5 months
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To The Substitute Art Teacher - Jordan Bolton
Pre-order my new book ‘Blue Sky Through the Window of a Moving Car’ here - https://smarturl.it/BlueSky
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shubbabang · 4 months
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bowlifecomics · 1 month
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It makes me happy when they listen
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itsdappleagain · 1 month
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jesus no
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