midwestvalleygirl · 2 months
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bamieysz · 4 days
girlhood is screaming song lyrics into your cats face 🎀
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littleoblivions · 8 months
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loopsisloops · 6 months
watching the eras tour film while drunk is the move for tonight two vodka crans in we are litty mc titty
happy saturday everyone, hugs and kisses for everyone
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amiharana · 10 months
would u guys jump me if i said cruel summer taylor swift was a revalink song
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wiseatom · 1 year
so true bestie
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doubletrucks · 1 year
regardless of your feelings towards taylor swift we MUST admit. sometimes it really is a cruel summer....
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sweetheartsaturn · 1 year
Realising almost all of Taylor swifts songs are about men
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Me 5 minutes later screaming to cruel summer
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oatmilk-whore · 1 year
im in my cruel summer era
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chanselysees · 1 year
every day i wake up and i get psychoanalyzed by cruel summer’s bridge
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miami2k17 · 7 months
hungover asf jus got in my uber to work and cruel summer is on the radio girl stfu i aint need that rn
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siriuslynephilim · 1 year
I just finished do flightless birds
I want more fics of them and i don't even know these guys but it's a need
omg tell me about it how much did u like it?????????????? pls it's my favorite fic of all time and u finished it??????? why didn't u liveblog it to me :(( also.....u will be pleased to know.......it has a 120k+ words sequel!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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gh0stsp1d3r · 3 months
Send Rafe reqs im begging ‼️🌚
Warnings: established relationship, possessiveness, cursing, fight, suggestive at the end
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He watched you dance around with your friends while he stayed at the side, leaning against a wall. You had a smile on your face, and he swirled the cup in his hands around, eyeing you.
He watched you come up to him, leaving your friends in the crowd. You greeted him with a kiss on the cheek.
“Hi, baby.” He mumbled, looking down at you.
“Hi! What are you doing back here? C’mon, have some fun.” Your words were slurred, and you were obviously drunk. He chuckled at your state, putting his own drink down.
“Let’s go home.” He said, knowing damn well you would be complaining tomorrow morning about your hangover.
“What? Why? It’s still-“ you immediately protested.
“Cause you’re drunk, princess.” His hands were on your hips, as you let out a whine.
“Okay, okay, can we leave in like… 20 minutes? My friends are waiting on me.”
He sighed. “Fine. 20 minutes.” He couldn’t say no to you.
“Thank you!! I love you!” You said, giving him one more kiss and leaving him, going back to your friends who all smiled when you came back. He picked back up his drink, shaking his head to himself with a small amused smile on his face.
He let you have fun with your friends, while he talked with his own. His eyes drifted right back to you while they talked.
“Who’s that?” Rafe suddenly asked Kelce, nodding to a boy that had been staring at you the whole time you were on the dance floor. He had a hint of jealousy in his eyes.
“Oh, that’s Ethan. His family moved in like last month. He’s an asshole.” He mumbled the last part under his breath, taking a sip of the drink.
Rafe’s grip on his cup tightened, crushing it. Kelce furrowed his eyebrows and looked at where he was looking.
You were smiling and laughing with one of your friends while he made his way behind you, one of your friends pointed him out and you turned to see the boy.
“Hey!” He said, the music drowning out his voice.
“Hi?” You said, a little confused at him. You’ve never seen him before, and your friend told you he was just checking you out.
“Are you single?!” He shouted.
“No.” You scoffed, terrible question to ask. You turned back to your friend.
Thankfully, you didn’t seem interested in the man, Rafe thought. But the boy just looked around, and came even closer, his body pressing against yours.
You furrowed your eyebrows, elbowing the man off of you. Rafe was furious at this point, and without a second thought, stormed over, pushing past the crowd.
“C’mon, don’t be such a-.” He groaned, holding his stomach. His sentence being interrupted when Rafe came over. The partygoers watched, knowing something was going down.
“Who the fuck do you think you are?” Rafe said, his hands moved faster than his brain did, and he punched the man. The man groaned and began to fight back, shoving Rafe.
Rafe pushed Ethan onto the ground, getting on top of him and landing multiple blows to his face. His face was bloody, the people yelled and shouted, he didn’t care.
“Rafe! Rafe!” You attempted to get him off, afraid that he would kill the guy at this point.
He only got off when you grabbed his arm, pulling him up and he panted as the man cried out, still on the floor.
You just yanked his arm, signaling to him that you both needed to leave.
You left at the right time, you thought as you heard sirens going towards the house. You drove, yelling at Rafe who was completely silent the whole way.
“What the fuck, I mean what the fuck?! Are you trying to kill someone, Rafe?” You spoke, parking the car as you pulled up to his driveway, you turned to look at him now.
“That was insane. You’re fucking insan-“ he cut you off by crashing his lips into yours, his hands gripping your face. He slid his tongue into your mouth, and his hand left a trail of blood on your cheeks.
His hand remained there even when you pulled away.
“He was fuckin’ checking you out the whole time! Just had to show him, them all, what’s mine.” He seethed, and you hated to admit it but he was hot when he was angry.
You opened your mouth to speak again but he kissed you again, shutting you up. His lips moved against yours, and he breathed heavily as he left the kiss.
He looked at you and you knew exactly what it meant. You smiled ever so slightly and you both went into the backseat of the car, thank God for the window tint.
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Seventeen as dads part 2
Seventeen as Dads Part 1 Seventeen Masterlist
→Choi SeungCheol
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“Appa, are you hurt?” Siah gets on Seungcheols back as your husband laid on the couch. He just groans in response.
He had gotten drunk the night before and had a horrible hangover happening.
“Don’t worry, I’ll treat you” Siah, the older child says and rushed to her room to bring out her doctors kit.
Cheol manages to open his eyes, but his head still throbbing.
Siah walks into the living room with a toy stethoscope around her little neck and a toy injection in the other hand.
Cheol sees his baby bringing all her doctor toys to him and chuckles. “Are you here to take care of me doctor?”
“I will fix you” she says. “Where does it hurt?”
A smiling cheol points to his forehead. “Here doctor”
She takes the toy injection in the other hand and directly puts it on his forehead. This makes seungcheol laugh. “Thank you doctor, you’re so nice”
→Yoon Jeonghan
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“Catch it, catch it” Jeonghan pulls at the rod, with the fish flapping as soon as its out of water.
The fish accidentally slap your 4 year old son in the face. “It's slippery” he says trying his best to catch the fish. Everytime the fish is in his hands, the next second it slips out. You watch on the whole spectacle laughing.
After the boys are done catching 2 fish, your boys rushed to show you.
“Now we eat them” jeonghan says
Horror spread across the 4 year old boys face. He immediately starts whining as jeonghan laughs.
“We can’t eat them, theyre our friends!” The little one yells at his dad.
“Tell him!” He also yells at you to defend him as he cries.
“What do we eat then now? Aren’t you hungry?” Jeonghan asks him touching his sons belly.
“No!” The baby says with every conviction in him.
“What do we do with these fish?”
“Take them back home and raise them”
“They’re already dead”
This earns your husband a playful smack to his arm. “Don’t say that” as both of you try to stifle giggles.
→Hong Joshua
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“Happy Birthday Dojoonie” your husband, Joshua, wishes his elder son who turned 6 today.
Little did he know, he had a Surprise waiting for him outside in the yard.
"We have a surprise waiting for you outside" you tell him and his little legs rush to take him to the front yard.
"No way" He screams in excitement.
It was a toy car that he could drive.
"Hey, Hey, mister, safe driving only" you say as he gets on the car.
He drives exactly like Joshua. You giggle at that. "He has the same driving face as you" you say to Joshua looking at your son driving away.
"I don't have a driving face" he defends.
"You do!" and you mimic the face he makes while he concentrates on driving.
"He's learning everything from me" Joshua exclaims.
"Im glad, you're a wonderful man Joshua"
"Thank you for saying that, darling" he says wrapping his hand around your torso while you look at your son not braking in time and crashing.
"And thats a crash" you say and both of you rush to him to do damage control.
→Wen JunHui
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"It won't hurt, I promise"
Your son is wailing and hiccuping through his sobs, he is terrified of his tooth falling. It's his first milk tooth and that tooth has been dangling for 2 weeks now.
He has a birthday party to attend and he wants to eat everything and anything but the tooth won't let him. So Jun came up with a solid idea of pulling it out himself. As much as I am against it, you kid really wants it taken out but is also scared of it.
"See, we're going to tie this tooth to this floss and the other end to the door handle okay? then you can push the door shut when you're ready, the tooth will fall out" your husband calmly explains.
The boy looks terrified.
"It won't hurt, promise" he says.
Your son holds your hand tight as Jun ties the floss to the door.
"3" his grip on your hand tightens.
"2" his jaw clenches.
your son kicks the door and the tooth comes out in one swift motion. Your son is ecstatic as he rushed to your side to hug you.
"I did it mama"
"You did, my sweet boy, now you can eat all the hard candies you want at Dojoon's birthday!" you say and he smiles at you front tooth missing, You giggle at his missing tooth.
"What about daddy, I did all the heavy lifting" Jun sulks.
→Kwon Hoshi
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Your son jiho has been climbing everything he can reach, he's at that age where his feet are faster than his body. This time he was climbing the kitchen counter making steps out of the drawers. Its dangerous.
"soonyoung, he's been climbing everything, we need to change in child safety on the drawers, it's all broken now"
"I'll get them on the way back from work tomorrow"
Soonyoung sits in front of Jiho with a tiger soft toy, Jiho's favourite.
Soonyoung pretends to voice the tiger and starts talking to jiho.
"Jiho, its me, your favourite tiger, your dad can't hear us"
This snaps Jiho's attention to the tiger. He smiles at the tiger and says the cutest hi.
"Your dad told me you've been climbing chairs and drawers, you shouldn't do that, it is dangerous"
"yes, dangerous, you could fall and give yourself a ouchie then the doctor will give you an injection"
"no injection"
"You shouldn't climb"
"I'll go now" soonyoung says to jiho in the tiger voice.
"Tiger told me not to climb" he tells his dad immediately.
"It speaks?"
"Only I can hear him, he's my best friend that's why"
"Is that so?"
→Jeon Wonwoo
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"Daddy its torn, its torn" your 4 year old comes to you and your husband in the living room talking about his day.
"What's torn honey?" you ask looking down at her. Your daughter holds up Ms. Kiki.
Your sweet sweet baby girl, Min ju, had this one teddy bear she carried around everywhere. Ms. Kiki. It was her emotional support soft toy. She'd bring it to trips, to restaurants and even to the doctors, where she needed it the most.
"Ms. Kiki" she was bawling her eyes out. Wonwoo takes her in his lap. You inspect the tear, it was just a tear on the stitch, a few hand stitches should do the trick.
"Can I do it after I come back?" you had to head out to a meeting in some time.
she starts to whine a little again.
"Daddy will do it" wonwoo chimes and she becomes happy again.
"Ill fetch you the sewing kit, just stitch it here," you tell him showing him where.
The father daughter duo sit side by side, as Minju waits for her dad to sew it slowly.
he pricks himself with the needle the first try and hisses.
"Does it hurt daddy?" Min ju asks.
"Not it doesn't its a pinch" he says and continues sewing while you change into your work clothes.
"After 5 minutes he was done. "Tada!" wonwoo holds up the bear to minju, she was ecstatic.
You were ready to go and stopped by wonwoo to see what he did, and he did a pretty good job.
"Good job!" you praise him.
"Daddy is the bear doctor"
"Bear doctor sounds like a great title"
→Lee Jihoon
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You had come to visit Woozi's studio with your 3 year old Daughter Jia, Jihoon wanted to show her his new studio with a lot of lights, he thought the baby would enjoy it.
The light projecting stars and colourful galaxies, he called it the universe factory. Quite a cute name. He was the hottest looking man when he was in his studio focusing and working. One of the reasons you fell for him.
"So? How do you like it?" he asks.
"It looks beautiful, it's so pretty" looking up in wonder.
Your baby, Jia also is looking up adoring the roof and pointing to the stars she sees.
"So pretty" your child mumbles.
Your daughter now was in his lap, pushing all buttons possible and some beats and sound start to come out of the speakers. Almost like she was making music herself.
"She seems like a natural" he says to her and takes her off the keys before she deletes important files.
"A few years, she'll come for your job Mr. producer"
→Lee Dokyeom
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"It's mommy birthday so we're going to bake a cake, but you have to promise me princess you're not going to eat the cake before that" Dokyeom sternly but the 2 year old babbling baby only looks up to see her boba eyes staring at him.
"You're too cute to scold" he says and starts making the cake.
Midway through the icing, Dokyeom was too focus on making the icing, he didn't realise the other side of the icing on the cake was getting eaten, little by little.
Your daughter's little fingers had swiped away at the icing one by one making a big icing mine in the cake. The back of the cake was eaten and ruined, but Dokyeom could not get angry at her. She looked too cute with icing all over her face.
"Here's a strawberry" Dokyeom tells her and hands her a strawberry to eat while he tries to save the cake.
"Finally done, you think mom would like it?" Dokyeom holds the cake to his toddler. "mmh" she hums to the strawberry she had in hand.
You had just returned from a long day of work, all you wanted was to cuddle your two main babies and go to sleep.
You come back to a dark living room and a startling noise.
"Surprise! Happy Birthday Baby!" Dokyeom says with your precious daughter in his arms and a strawberry cake.
"What's with the cake?" you ask looking up at him, then realising your little princess probably ate while making it.
Her hands held a half eaten strawberry as you take her from your husband and shower her with kisses.
"What about me!" Dokyeom sulks and you shower him with kisses too.
"Best Birthday ever"
→Kim Mingyu
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Bora haas been wanting a make up set like you have for ages. Mingyu promised to get her a kids make up set on the way back from work today, and he did.
Bora was so excited she started to jump around the living room.
It was a cute toy, with a mirror and brushes and everything. You just hoped it's goes okay on her skin and doesn't damage it.
"Thank you! Thank you!" her little frame hugs Mingyu.
She opens the kit and gets everything out.
"Appa, do you want to be the first customer of my salon?" she says.
He pretends to be a customer. "Hello, I would like a make over please" he says in a fake customer voice that makes your daughter giggle.
She happily obliges and puts this towel in his collar for his shirt. Quite thoughtful.
Bora roughly brushes over his face with some powder from the kit, being careful with it ends up going into mingyu's mouth and he blows raspberries to get it out.
"What kind of a salon is this?" he says giggling. Bora only laughs.
She finishes her masterpiece with a lipstick on her dad's face. a little over drawn but cute nevertheless.
"Tada!" she says as she holds up the mirror to his face.
"Do you feel beautiful daddy?"
"I feel so beautiful baby" he says and Bora runs to her room to bring one of her play wigs to put on her dad's head.
It was a golden bright wig with pigtails to complete the look.
You sneakily take a picture on your phone as you laugh.
Bora laughs too. "Daddy you look like a clown"
This comment makes you laugh even more coming from your daughter.
"Let's go mommy next!" Mingyu suggests with playful evil eyes and you almost run away before mingyu could catch you.
→Xu Minghao
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"Daddy, it's tea time, cmon! cmon!" your younger daughter grabs your husbands hand and drags him to her room.
"Why am I not invited?" you pout.
"it's only for daddy"
She's seen Minghao do his tea ceremony often. He stopped a while before, but once your daughter was born, Minghao and your daughter started play dates where they would pretend to drink tea, you found it cute.
"How is daycare?"
"No one likes to play tea party" she complains as you watch this interaction.
The little girl pours the 'tea' its just water, into the her father's cup and her cup.
"I'm not sure, but I have you to play with me"
"You do, I'll play tea party with you all day" Minghao says picking up the cup and putting it to his lips.
"Appa, stick your little finger out, like this" she says and demonstrates.
"Ah yes, how can I forget" he says and does as told.
Your daughter really had him wrapped around her little finger. It was adorable to watch.
→Boo Seungkwan
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"Stand here and shoot" seungkwan tells your 7 yer old son.
You were at the basketball court where seungkwan was teaching your son, Channie.
"Shoot, don't get on your toes" he yells at him from the sideline.
He finally makes a score and you cheer. Seungkwan looks very satisfied with himself.
"Let's do a mother son vs dad" you suggest and run into the court to start a match.
"Oh its on"
You jump on seungkwans back while his guard is down and, it becomes difficult for him to steal the ball from Chan and Chan scores. You put both your hands up in the air in celebration.
"Your dad's not that great at this after all" you say sassily to your husband kissing his cheek from the back.
"we'll see, we'll see, get off me! no cheating this time" he warns with a playful smile.
"We'll try"
This time you decide to take both his hands in yours and literally pull him away from the court while your son attempts to score. He misses twice and Seungkwan pretends to escape to save the ball.
Chan finally scores and seungkwan doesn't let your hand go though.
"We won!" you exclaim in your husbands face.
"Come here sneaky" he says wrapping his hands around your waist, not letting you go.
"You're not going to score this time" he says and throws you over his shoulder and grabs your son by the torso holding him with his arm.
It was all laughs and giggles.
→Choi Vernon
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"AAH" you hear a shriek coming from the living room. It was your husband Vernon, running to the bedroom to you.
"There's a bug on the wall, bug on the wall"
You can deal with smaller bugs, so you walk out confidently, assuming it's a smaller bug, but it was indeed a big bug.
Your 4 year old Derek, had come out of his room hearing the shriek.
"It's a bug?" he asks, while you hold a container to catch the bug and Vernon hiding behind you, neither of you taking any action to actually catch the bug.
"Derek will catch it for you" your son says in third person and bravely goes to the bug, climbing the couch to for his little hands to get to it.
"Are you sure he's my son?"
"What do you mean? Of course he's your son!" you exclaim.
You see Derek picking up the bug by its wings and asking you to stretch the container, you outstretch your hand with the container as far as you could. The bug really gave you the ice and made your body shudder.
"Done! Here's your new home bug!" Your 4 year old talks to the bug that's now in the container.
You and Vernon share a look.
"Aw my baby, protects me from bugs" you pat Dereks back.
"That was nothing" he boasts, trying to impress his mom.
Lee Chan
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"What do you think?" you husband, Chan, had just shared with you the most evil plan to prank your daughter. He wanted you in on it.
"She's going to cry" you warn him.
"It's a prank, we'll teach her to be a good sport" he justifies.
"You father daughter do what you want" you let it go. You eerily sound like what your mom used to say and that makes you chuckle internally.
"Okay, I'm gonna go hide it all"
The living room was a mess with all of Yu Na toys as she played in the living room.
"Yu Na" her father appears from the bedroom, "I have to tell you something"
Yu Na thinks its batch time and start whining, she hates bath time.
"It's something else" Chan clears and she calms down.
"Appa was hungry, so Appa ate something that was Yu Na's" he starts.
"My chocolate cake?" she asks in her little voice.
"There's chocolate cake in the fridge?" he looks surprised.
"Yeah, Uncle Dokyeom brought it yesterday"
"Ah, did he? I didn't eat that"
"What did you eat?"
"I ate all your halloween candy"
She looked like she was about to cry, her lips even turned downward. but what came out of her mouth was so precious.
"You were hungry?"
"Yes baby, I was"
"It's okay because you were hungry. You are supposed to eat when you're hungry and I love you so it's okay"
Chan and you were stunned to hear that. She hugs Chan and you give him a heartfelt look.
"This prank turned out wholesome" he says to you.
"Daddy didn't eat all your candies, we were just joking" you explain to your child.
"Just joking?"
"Yeah, we can have some after dinner" the little girl leapt in excitement and ran into the kitchen.
"We're raising the sweetest girl"
"All thanks to you, my love" he takes your hand and you smile at him.
I've been writing this ALL day, this is like 13 fics, I had so much fun though.
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rafeandonlyrafe · 6 months
talk to me
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words: 800
warnings: addiction, breaking sobriety, drinking/doing drugs, established relationship
taglist: @drewstarkeysbae @thelomlisrafecameron @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @winterrrnight @slut4drudy @drewsbabygirll @jjmaybankswifes-blog @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana @jjmaybankisbae @seeingstarks @angelofcigs @cece45450
you can tell from the moment you pick up the phone that something is wrong. rafe’s breathing is so loud that it’s being picked up, coming through your phone speaker.
“rafe, baby?” you ask, but all you here is his panting in response.
“rafe, talk to me. what’s wrong?”
“i’m sorry.” rafes voice is gruff, it sounds like he’s been screaming. 
“sorry? sorry for what rafe? tell me whats wrong.” you plead, feeling tears form in your eyes. you hate being away from rafe, you know that he hates it even more than you, especially now that he’s sober. he used to just get drunk or high the entire time until you were back, but you hated coming back to a strung out rafe, and you knew it wasn’t healthy.
“i’ve been drinking.” rafe says, and you hear the slight slur in his words.
“rafe-” you stand up, already beginning to pack. you don’t need to hear anything else. you know drinking isn’t the worst thing, but for rafe, the drinking will only ever lead to drugs, and he’s been clean for so long “i’m coming home baby. where are you?”
“our house.” he says, and you hear him fumbling with something in the background, and then a crash. it sounds like glass breaking.
“rafey baby, can you go lay down in bed, yeah?” you ask, grabbing your purse and suitcase. you’d text your girlfriends from the car on the way back home to rafe. you thought that he was good enough for you to go on a spa weekend away with the girls. you made sure it was one that was less than an hour away that way you could get home quickly.
“i’m gonna go sit outside.” “okay, i’m heading to the car right now.” you were supposed to head home in the morning anyways, so you have no issue leaving the night before, knowing your girlfriends won’t mind.
“talk to me.” you say as you get in your car, starting it up. “talk to me, rafey.” “i went to the store. i bought whiskey. i fucked up baby, i know that.” “it’s okay, honey.” you swing your car onto the highway, glad that theres no cars so you can speed, praying no cops are sitting hidden.
“and now i’m making you come home because i can’t fucking do it. god, i’m the worst boyfriend.” “not at all, rafey. you make me feel so loved. you take care of me. that’s what you’re meant to do as my boyfriend and that’s what i’m doing for you as your girlfriend. i’m taking care of you.” “i’m so tired.” rafe says. “i just want to do a bump.” “rafe, keep talking.” you say, tears blurring your vision. “i’m coming home to you right now, stay strong for me okay.”
you get rafe to continue talking as you drive home, going at least 20 miles over the speed limit the entire way. you haphazardly park when you get back home, running through the house to find rafe on the balcony. 
“i’m home.” you kneel down in front of him, heart breaking at how spaced out he looks. “i’m home, rafe.” rafe lets out a choked sob, wrapping his arms around your shoulders and pitching forward. you shush him gently as he cries, rubbing your hand up and down his back.
“lets go to bed, yeah?” you ask after a moment.
“i hate myself.” rafe mumbles, but accepts your help standing up. you guide him inside, not even worried about shutting the doors behind you, just focused on getting him upstairs and in bed.
“you have to break up with me.” rafe says, feet slowly shuffling down the hallway. “im going to ruin your life-” you ignore his words, blocking out whatever he was saying as you steer him into your bedroom.
“rafe, stop please.” you cut him off from continuing to speak. “i’m not going anywhere. we can talk in the morning when you have a clearer head, okay?”
rafe nods, leaning forward and pressing his lips to your forehead. “i’m so glad you’re home.” “me too.” you press your face into his chest before pulling away to tug the blankets down, watching as rafe flops down, his head immediately lolling to the side. you sit down on the bed, stroking over his hair as you watch for his breathing to change, only standing up when you are sure that he is asleep.
you gather everything on your bedside table that rafe will need in the morning, finishing it off with a tall glass of water. you’ve learned from his previous binges what he needs, you’re just relieved all he did this time was drink.
you finally get to climb into bed, sighing deeply as your head hits the pillow. you move closer to rafe until your body is pressed up against his.
rafe mumbles something you can’t make out and turns, resting his head against your chest. you smile and wrap your arms around him, holding him close, knowing this is what he needs at this moment.
“i love you.” rafe whispers.
“i love you too.” you press a kiss to the top of his head. “i love you and i’m gonna be here for you no matter what, don’t you forget that.”
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rosekicks · 2 years
2 cocktails in and I’m belting taylor swift because there is something exceptionally cathartic about screaming the bridge to cruel summer
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