#I've posted a few AU versions of him on twitter
cold-neon-ocean · 11 months
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It's world orca day so I decided to share my boy Wolf! He's from my Orcafolk fantasy race, but he's now a space fairing killer(whale lol) for hire 🌊🐳🌌
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Okay so I have a fnaf dca au in my head and I wanna post it here because I think it'll get better reception than on insta stories or twitter. So hear me out.
Royal Guard AU
WAIT- I know it's been done before, but this one is different I promise! So this is lowkey based on a dream I had and I'm still working out the details.
Basically there's this kingdom that is know for clockwork and robotics. And it's in a bit of a conflict with a neighboring kingdom. So to protect their young princess they build a far off hidden sanctuary of sorts entirely staffed by some very advanced clockwork robots. You got your daycare attendant as per usual, responsible for the overall care of the princess. Then there's the glamrocks, Freddy is sort of like a tutor, teaching her general knowledge and also things she needs to know about how to rule a kingdom and stuff. Chica is the chef, she grows the food and cooks it. Roxy is the stylist and tailor, responsible for keeping the princess well groomed and making her new clothes as she grows. Monty is in charge of guarding the main entrance. And Bonnie is responsible for keeping the princess active and fit. maybe the DJ (a smaller version of him) could give her music lessons idk)
This hidden care facility is hidden deep in the woods and is fairly large, the largest room being the daycare of course. I have this vivid image in my head of a large room where the ball pit is the floor and there's a long bridge overtop of it that connects to rooms and play structures that line the walls.
And I think the general plot would be that she was only supposed to be hidden out there for a few years at most and then she would be retrieved when the war was over. But it just like... never happened. No one ever came to get her. And while she loves her robot family, a now adult princess would be concerned for her kingdom, for her parents. So you've got sort of a tangled situation, but instead of being evil and keeping the princess trapped for nefarious reasons, you've got sun and moon just genuinely concerned for her safety if she leaves the facility. I think maybe they would venture out together, the princess and her royal guard (daycare attendant). But I don't have any ideas past that.
Mainly I've just been having fun imagining the slice of life of her younger years in this isolation with her robot family.
Idk is this anything?
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Have you ever considered what to do next after the show finally ends or astruc finally retires from the project? (it’ll won’t stop him from getting into Twitter but he’ll eventually run out of things to say or fans of he’s version of miraculous to ban or insult, because I don’t see any fan of the movies or anything he didn’t take part of wanting to ask him anything, outside of maybe little kids who think “he’s the creator, so he must have all answers”)
I mean, i don’t think you’ll be able to find another Thomas astruc with a extremely flawed show but with the popularity of big names while it was on its earlier seasons (like Star vs the forces of evil or Steven universe)
Will you even make a new blog with a premise like this? or just take a break from having a blog with a constant influx of materials for posts and asks to answer?
I've got a few projects I've been thinking of, mostly fanfics and other AUs related to stuff like Miraculous Ladybug and other franchises.
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pastelwell · 1 year
With a new season airing I figured I would do a lil post of tomgreg fics I’ve written that I’m kind of proud of, just for funsies 🙈 I've loved being part of this fandom, and I'm hoping to contribute even more as the final season plays out :) I have two things half finished right now, so I guess we'll see.
I love to make friends (I know I'm so laaame shut upppp) and talk about succession so if you see this feel free to reach out here or on Twitter :) 💜
Hope you enjoy! Let me know if you did ahhh...
Truth or Dare Rating: E Probably my magnum opus lol. Tom & Greg play an insane game of truth or dare that drastically alters their relationship and throws everything they know into question. I love when Tom’s a little insane, and he is definitely insane in this (in a hopefully canon-typical way at least?!).
Landslide Rating: E A bit of a character study on Tom and his complex and layered emotions. He goes on a bit of a journey in this fic, trying to figure out how to be the most authentic version of himself after repressing it for so long (with Greg being enduringly patient).
Little lies Rating: T The blossoming of Tom & Greg’s relationship through the eyes of Shiv. I loved writing this so much that I made it into a mini series.
For what it’s worth Rating: E Tom propositions Greg over dinner and it goes better than he expects. The dialogue is some of the best I’ve written, I think, which isn't bad considering I'd watched like 5 episodes of Succession when I wrote it (plus about a million tomgreg fancams :'))
Pictures of the past Rating: E Wrote this for my iconic pal @chasingbodies birthday, who actually came up w the idea in the first place. Tom’s friend from college unearths pics of him from his youth and Greg kind of becomes obsessed with seeing them. Such a fun concept, Ana has the best prompts.
The Hirsch Foundation for Waifs and Strays Rating: T Throwing this in here because it’s just silly and cute. When I’m sad I write the softest nonsense and I was so sad when I wrote this 🫣 the plot is essentially ‘Greg can’t stop adopting dogs, and Tom let’s it happen bc he’s in love with Greg’
Surreal, but nice Rating: E Notting Hill AU. Ewan gives Greg his aging bookstore as an early inheritance, and in attempting to run it he meets mega famous actor Tom Wambsgans, who develops an interest in him 🤭 it’s literally a reimagining of the movie Notting Hill, which I highly recommend if you haven’t seen it. (Though I don't think you need to have seen it to enjoy this, it's just like if tomgreg were a romcom)
Microfics Rating: Varied An ongoing project that I have neglected of late, but just a home for drabbles that I’ve written to submitted prompts! You can see a chapter-by-chapter list of prompts here.
I’ve written quite a few tomgreg fics since I started posting 12 months ago, and you can find them here if you like! I always welcome prompts, though there’s no guarantee I’ll fill them. I have a bit of a list I’m working through though so… you never know :)
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rey-jake-therapist · 2 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗 (i don't know if you do these sorts of chain-letter things, or if you'd prefer not to, but for my part i do like to know which of their works a given author is especially hype on, so consider this an opportunity to gush!)
Well I've only got 6 fics available online so it's going to be easy to answer that LOL I used to have more, all Reylo fics, but one day I took them all off because 1) they were my first and last experience at writing "AUs" aka at playing dolls with characters I never really shipped in their canon universe (sorry for those who like them but I really don't get the popularity of that ship) 2) they were constantly snubbed so I thought I was a hack who couldn't write. Wrong fandom + imposter syndrome = I woke up one morning and went through a destruction phase. I kept the fics in my docs though. There's one I think I could convert into an original story.... One day 🤣
But back to the subject: I'll start to class them by personal preference rather than by fandom, so sorry if it looks a bit messy... Like the inside of my head haha.
Rise and Shine (The Sandman/Sweetbitter crossover)
I wrote this one as a gift for Tom Sturridge 💜 There was a girl on Twitter who had the wonderful idea of putting together a book containing fan art, fan letters and short fics, with the purpose of giving it to Tom when she'd meet him at the Basinkton Con. So I came up with this one shot, where Jake from Sweetbitter meets Dream of the Endless. Definitely my favorite work.
2. Lost Souls (Sweetbitter)
It's an unfinished project but it's my 2nd favorite fic. I just love this story and even though it's quite clear that I lost my audience lately, probably because I spend too much time on my characters' personal story and not enough on the romaaaaance for most of fanfic readers, I like very much the direction it's taking. I'm actually considering dropping it as a fanfic and turning it into an original novel. Lately I've been sick as hell and unable to write a line, but I thought a lot about this fanfiction thing: I don't get the hang of it. I tried, and tried, but I can't seem to grasp what the average fanfic reader wants. And Lost Souls, well, with a few changes I think I can easily make it an original story. Not to mention that "Jake", yikes.... I really don't like that name. Anyway, I love this fic.
3. Dream a Little Dream of Us (The Sandman)
It's my version of "Johanna Constantine, Nuala the Elf and Hob Gadling walk into a bar..." Except it's happening after Morpheus' death, and they're all dreaming. It's a very sweet fic that I wrote for Sandtober 2023 and I like it very much:
4. It's So Cold (Sherlock, platonic Sherlolly)
I warned you it would be messy, didn't I? 🤣 For this one I put myself in Molly Hooper's shoes and tried to imagine remember how it felt to be in love with a man who doesn't love me.
5. Bitter Sweet Lullaby (The Sandman, Dream x OC)
This short "story" is in fact an excerpt from the Sandman fic I began writing several months ago but that I have reworked so it would stand on its own for Sandtober2023.
It tells a part of Dream's past, where a fae named Eleanora, the princess of Faery, made Dream happy. I'm sorry I can't tell you more about her and what happens to her because it would spoil the fun to come, except that she is post Endless Nights and pre-Vortex but pre-Titiana and pre-Alianora.
In this scene I also include Larri Bea’s lovely song ‘Dream’s lullaby’; as it was written specifically for Dream, it gave me the idea of having it sung to him by the woman he loved :)
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nikatyler · 1 year
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𝟚𝟘𝟚𝟚 Recap: Main Characters
Long post, woah. Well, I do have eight main OCs so no wonder...😂 I tried to pick my favourite 9 pictures of all of them from 2022. It was really difficult with some because they only had a few pictures (but in the end, everyone had more than 10). As always, Ross and Tyler win.
Let's talk characters under the cut, shall we?
Caleb, Tyler, Bianca
I didn't really develop their sims selves, but rather their nonsims counterparts in my vampire story -- Killián, Tori and Bianka. I need to get back to that. The burnout was getting to me so I took a little break but I should get back to writing now. Long story short, shit's going down and I'm so close to wrapping everything up!
I continue diving deep into Tyler's feminine side and I love every single minute of it. I should not be feeling this much gender envy but yes I do get a lot of gender envy from Tyler okay lol
Same deal, I mostly developed her nonsims counterpart, Saren.
For her sims version, I considered making her a werewolf again, but I still haven't made the final decision...however, I'm like 99 % sure she will canonically be a werewolf.
Aka new Rachel because I wasn't really happy with Rachel's design anymore and needed a change. Rory is hands down one of my most beautiful sims I've created this year.
I haven't taken many pictures of her though...something to fix in 2023.
Ross & Claeb
Ross. The man, the myth, the legend. Not much to say about his development, but he got a lot of attention. Especially on twitter. Instagram too, I guess. Why is it that wherever I go, people love him? Is he really that amazing? 😂 I mean, I love him, but I never thought people would feel the same way and I still find it hard to believe.
Thank you, though. When you compliment him, I get more powerful, and that's not even a joke lol.
As for their relationship and the way I feel about them. Well, the rollercoaster lasted for...years, actually, but I think we're finally done with the ride. Caleb just *is* part of my OC group, there's no way around it. The face might be a townie but the personality I gave him, that's all my work...but at the same time, pouring that same personality behind another face just doesn't work lol.
And yes, they did break up in the legacy...I'll wrap up that storyline too, don't worry. 👀
Started off as a Caleb replacement, now a separate character who doesn't have that much in common with Caleb actually. Still needs a lot of development but boy. Do I love him.
Part of me wants to do a BC with him next year, part of me is like...he wouldn't settle for one partner. He's immortal, he's had many mortal lovers, he knows they'll go away, he's not too bothered by it. That's just the way he rolls, he's not looking for a forever soulmate.
Oh and he has history with Caleb...and shhh, I'm not sure if I'll explicitly say it in the legacy, but he'll have a thing with Ross too off screen (ts4!Ross I mean, ts3!Ross is a different deal) 🤭 And I wonder if I should have all three of them canonically meet later but...
Well, in an AU save...👀 All I'm saying is that they all would get along very well 🤭 Callias would somehow insert himself into their relationship for a bit and they'd just accept it. I feel like neither of them would realize they lowkey became a polycule until someone else would point it out 😂 But still, Callias wouldn't be with them *all* the time.
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leprosycock · 10 months
oh shit, older brother lud/younger sister j is such a genius concept- I love your older/dad j with young lud but I never thought about it the other way around! somehow it fits them really well- j is very 'younger sister' with the way he's so attention-seeking and annoying, I can imagine her just wanting older brother lud to love her, he won't emotionally open up to her but at least he'll have sex with her, maybe even share a joint with her if shes lucky
also!! you said something abt making a twitter or something centered around your novel, will you post the acc name if you do make it? im extremely hyped for the book and I desperately want to know more about it kdfgajkrsg
i've gotten a few asks about this au. i had a feeling it would strike a chord. here's some prose-sketching i was doing ages ago when i was trying to work them out in my head 👇
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he takes her to college parties and pressures her into giving him handies...... he pops pills with her......... he drives her around in their mom's car and obsesses over her and dreams about killing her and eating the flesh off her bones and thinks she's the greatest fucking thing ever and jenna idolizes her big bwother so muuuuuch. i'll definitely pick it back up sometime soon, it's kind of exhilarating and i really don't talk about siscon enough. jenna is also VERY very cute as liddol gorl.. every version of her is good actually. i actually have another jenna fic in the works. maybe two. but this one may take priority
also, yes i will be making a twitter! once i finish my script, i'll put the account together and link it on here for those interested. thank you anon!! <33
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lilypadding · 11 months
Hii! I haven’t really been active here for some time sooo how are you? How have you been? :)
HIIII!!! honestly I haven't been very active here either, I just hop in every so often. I should go back to the time when this was my #1 social media cause that was a lot easier to digest than twitter LOL
(this ended up being longer than i thought so I added a read-more)
I've been okay generally, I feel like I'm in a bit of a transitory period in my life where I'm trying new things and attempting to get myself to chase dreams that feel very far away. I just recently got on my Summer break from school, so I'm grateful for that! I was planning on taking another summer course, but I dropped it last second because it's technically not a requirement
I posted a random scene that I've been wanting to post on AO3 because I wrote it a while ago, it's basically an AU where Nagito is a fem musician and the whole premise is that she's popular (and so is the rest of the DR cast and some others, like just generally a fame AU cause I dig the idea so much) but it hasn't gotten many interactions since it primarily involves a rare-pair. (I've been so into Taylor Swift's music and her rise to stardom, it's been a recent fixation for me so I completely blame that on that AU/snippet of a fic.)
I have SOOOO many fanfics sitting in my documents of this rare pair, like 99% of them have fem nagito, and it mainly stemmed as an "inside joke" between my partner and I but now it's like second language to us and it's this weird thing where this version of fem nagito feels more like an OC if anything, cause the more deviations you take from canon the more creative liberty you impose on them and all that. I always feel a little bit like I'm lying when I post that content, because I love writing canon Nagito and writing him as accurately as I can muster because I'd like to think I do a good job, but then I remind myself that fanfic is entirely optional and I may as well post things that feel completely unique to me and even "out of character" because what's the harm in it? most sensible people will just click off if they don't like it.
Like, I posted this fic titled "3 years different*" on AO3 which was ANOTHER rarepair AU fem-nagito thing (Like, a different AU to the musician AU one) which, again, stemmed between my partner and I and I didn't expect anyone to read it and enjoy it but I got a pretty nice comment on the second chapter that warmed my heart and made me feel like posting was slightly worth it.
and I just love the rare-pair and I love my version of fem nagito that has shifted and grown - and while it's SO much fun to kinda have a little fandom AU between my partner and i, it gets sooo lonely being the only 2 people who are a fan of this hyper specific fandom-amalgamation we created??? like I'm only touching on it lightly here but THE LORE we made runs ridiculously deep, I've considered what a video-essay on it would look like trying to cover EVERYTHING and it would be A MESSS but it's so fun
in my personal life I've just been filling my time with animal crossing, I don't know if you're anything like this but I swing between all of my previous fixations when I don't find a new one and I just ping-pong between getting really sucked into one thing to another. like, a few months ago I was OBSESSEDDD with the sims 2. before that I think it was stardew valley. Now I'm back on animal crossing. I finally have a Switch so I've been decorating my island from SCRATCH for the first time ever, it's fun but I also find myself running out of ideas so quickly so I end up running around my island aimlessly wondering what I should do. I love building on animal crossing with long-form youtube content in the back.
I also want to start doing fan edits again!! I used to be really into it in 2020 (I Wonder why with the state of the world then), but I'm trying really hard to dabble more because playing around in After Effects and making transitions is genuinely a lot of fun. I hope i get into it more consistently
I'm also looking forward to a concert that I'm going to with my partner soon! I've never been to a concert so it'll be my first! I'm excited to dress up and hopefully know the words to the band !!
IDK why I'm just rambling LOL I got so excited to see this question in my ask! You're so sweet for reaching out and asking!! How have you been?!?! I want to know!!
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digitalgate02 · 1 year
Alright folks, i've been writing and doodling a lot this Off-colored Lighdramon armor design that i think i never made an introduction post about the concept/character itself/himself before.
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Who’s “Lightni”/Lightnimon | ライトニモン?
To start this conversation, I’ll just recap one of my design development posts: Lightni was a concept based on a silly project based on a pixiv artist who made the older six dressing up like their partners (in perfect/dub-ultimate form). The original had no mask and had Lighdramon’s original palette. While working on the original Hinode fanfiction, I decided to use said design as “Daisuke’s disguise” for the plot. Then, I made a few questions on twitter & tumblr for the color palette until we reached the final version. The design itself suffered many redesigns until now, in which the latest one is the final version (i think).
So basically, Lightni is Daisuke wearing a Lighdramon-based armor, but said color palette is different from the original mon. He can appear as either antihero, as henchman of the Kaiser (labeled as LightniKaiser)/of an Evil AU concept for other characters, or just… A chef. Yeah, he can use this outfit to go work at Digi-Chinatown Digitamamon’s restaurant.
Is he a digimon or not?
The “original-original” idea was just a costume, but then it evolved into “half-human-half-digimon hybrid” during the original Hinode’s plot, to then end up being just a Daisuke wearing an armor and wielding a Digimental Weapon. There’s a digimon species based on the concept though, in which I refer to as “Pure Lightnimon” to separate them.
Does he differ from Daisuke?
Um… Not really. In some project he definitely tries his best to hide the fact he’s Daisuke, but he can’t. Daisuke’s a bad liar. He’s too honest about his feelings to the point he wouldn’t stand lying for that longer. And besides, anyone who knows Daisuke pretty well can unmask him easily. Some might even think he’s just being a fool. But yeah, he doesn’t change much from himself at all.
Ref Art?? I’d like to draw him!!
Oh yeah, here’s some…
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For non non-pastel-like color reference, check this art.
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aprilandjackson · 2 years
tangled souls and under sparkling lights <3
Tangled Souls is so special to me - it's the first multi chapter japril I have written and it's YA japril which is my favourite AU version of japril :) I am so behind on updating it is not even funny but I love this story so much it is constantly on my mind! the new chapter is still in the notes phases but I did write this little bit a few nights ago:
We’ve spent every free minute in the last five weeks with one another. Driving around town, laying in the grass in my backyard or cuddled up on the porch swing at the back of her house. It’s easy with April, every moment with her feels effortless. Being with her comes as naturally to me as breathing – I’ve never felt this way before and thrilling. April is everything I never knew I wanted.
Under Sparkling Lights was supposed to be my christmas fic that I posted last year and just never finished lol so I've been working on it slowly throughout the year to get it ready for December! I've teased so much of it on twitter I feel so bad that I never actually posted so I'm determined to make it happen this year. Can't remember if I already shared this bit on twitter but this is one of my favourite japriet moments in this fic <3
Once we get the cookies in the oven I help Harriet wash her hands while Jackson cleans up. I set her down on one of the bar stools so I can start weighing out the chocolate we’ll need for the different icings while Jackson washes up. I feel him behind me soon enough, his hands on my hips as he moves us slowly to the music he’s playing through the speaker system. Harriet watches us, a smile on her face when she looks above us and starts clapping excitedly, “Kiss, daddy!” she suddenly says.
“You want a kiss?” He asks Harriet, barely getting a step back from me before our daughter interjects.
“No, silly.” She giggles, pointing up to the ceiling. 
I tilt my head up and spy the mistletoe hanging above us. Jackson’s been putting it all over the house in the most random locations because he knows how much it amuses Harriet when someone has to stop and kiss because usually, it’s her that gets a kiss on the cheek.
“The missy-toe means you have to kiss.” Harriet says, watching us expectantly, “Kiss. Kiss!”
“Oh. So you want me to kiss mama?”
I hear Jackson’s voice behind me and watch Harriet as she nods, her eyes growing wider; whatever he is doing behind my back exciting her to no end. Suddenly Jackson’s hands are on my waist again, firmer now as he turns me around. I startle, a loud squeak escaping as he takes my right hand in his left, his other hand on my lower back before he dips me. Out of the corner of my eye I see Harriet kneeling up so she can see us over the counter, squealing excitedly at her father’s antics.
“I’ve been waiting for this,” Jackson says softly, eyes sparkling as he looks at me, “been hanging that damn mistletoe everywhere.”
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I have seen Kaneda in my dreams a total of three different times now. I don't usually have dreams about fictional characters, it's super rare for me. But Kaneda has consistently shown up in the past few months. Idk what's triggering it in my brain or why him specifically but it's caused me to develop an attachment to him aaaa
Dream 1
This was closer to when I first watched AKIRA earlier this year. I was obsessed with Tetsuo at the time and was planning on F/Oing him before I found out his age. (He's still in my general age bracket of about 3-4 years, but idk maybe Twitter DID brainwash me into thinking a three year age gap is actually deplorable and deviant.) I had already started to develop my version of post canon in my AU (where Tetsuo lives and his powers were nerffed to hell and back as punishment for misusing them.) So for some reason, my dream took place not only in that AU, but an alternate version where I was with Kaneda instead. We were living in a house together eerily similar to my real home and were trying to have a relaxing movie night but kept getting interrupted. First by some of our pets, then by our food burning, then one of the pets again, and eventually we made it to the couch and fell asleep together before we could even decide on what movie to watch. I woke up super confused and questioned why it wasn't Tetsuo or one of my other fictional crushes.
Dream 2
Second dream is super different. Took place in suburbia version of where I live (I'm a country bumpkin 🤠) and my family would take me into the city occasionally. At some point I met Kaneda and the guys in said city and I became really close friends with them. Flash forward an unknown amount of time and it's very clear to everyone that Kaneda and I are pining over each other. It must have been a couple of years because Kaneda looked a lot older, though I didn't look very different (actually not very surprising, I look 12 atm.) He was much taller, his hair was a bit messier, he had a small but dark scar over one of his eyebrows, and he looked very tired all the time. He was going through something but I don't remember what, and I kept offering him to come back home to live with me. He was seriously debating it, but eventually the thing he was dealing with caught up to him and we dealt with it together, and I never found out what his decision was. I woke up. But I remember going up to him when he was sitting on some stairs in a basement (similar to my home, but I distinctly remember knowing I wasn't home at the time?) I asked him if he had decided yet. He looked at me, stood up and smiled. I smiled back, but when I blinked I only saw my real-world room after I reopened my eyes. I'd like to say he was going to say yes. This is the dream that made me seriously consider whatever the fuck my brain was trying to suggest about Kaneda. I was in denial about liking his character that much, but I've since come to terms with it and he's now a top-tier comfort character. Still iffy on the F/O thing even tho he's older than Tetsuo and therefore even closer to my age. Idk lol.
Dream 3
The most recent and easily the shortest interaction. He was more of a cameo in the dream. I often get dreams about being back in high school, specifically on the first day of school. I usually never know who my homeroom teacher is or what my schedule is because you're supposed to 1.) Find that out before school starts where I'm from, and 2.) Find your schedule online and only get one printout from your homeroom teacher. This time my dream had our homeroom teachers posted up on the wall in front of the main entrance/lobby, but it was based on your GPA from the prior year. And I didn't recognize any of the names from my old high school so I was stuck not knowing who my teacher was or where to go. And there were zero other adults out so I had no one to turn to for help bc no one takes care of their own out here. I went down the same hallway about four different times before I walked past a very bright red jacket. I was already distracted by a couple of other guys who mistook me for a similar looking guy who happened to be their weed dealer?? (If I had a nickel for every time someone confused me for someone else that looks weirdly a lot like me, I'd have two nickels.) Kaneda was already busy talking to someone else, i think it was Kai, so neither if us noticed each other until the last second. We both turned around to look at each other, I smiled at him and he winked before catching up with Kai. Then I went back to the lobby, met up with some old friends and eventually woke up.
There is no rhyme or reason to these dreams, my brain just spits out whatever plot it can think of. Regardless I'm still happy he's shown up in my dreams. I wouldn't have one of my blorbos without them lol.
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lovelywingsart · 3 years
Here, have some Goretober prompts featuring Emelia!
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My computer died!!! :D I'll be looking into another one tomorrow. I'm pissed.
In the meantime, have some Goretober prompts I've done featuring half of Metalworks, because if its gore, I've gotta use her somehow.
The first one(Teeth) also features a fully mutated Emelia and my secondary Mascot, Mica, in her fully grown Werewolf AU. uwu (for references for size, Emelia in her fully mutated form is about 7 feet(213.4cm) tall at her largest(she can be slightly smaller), while Mica being fully grown is about 10'2"(309.9cm)) No worries though, they're... best fucking interdementional friends in my head. They enjoy causing chaos and occasionally beating the shit out of eachother for fun. 🙃
As for the second one(Bruises), meet Emelia when she first arrived at the factory! While trying to learn to control her Cadou, she was beat to hell and back by a mix of Lycans, Soldats, and Heisenberg himself. Its where she got alot of the scars she has now, as well as turned into a resting-bitch-face extraordinaire. Though, in Metal Mans defense, it was HER idea and she told him NOT to go easy. He wasn't too happy when he ended up needing to help patch her up because she pushed herself too far and this ended up happening, and she promptly passed out for a few days after each time. But yeah! Pre-haircut and pre-eye loss Emelia. I'll be working more with this version of her soon, too! 😊
If you wanna see more Goretober, I'm posting them to my other accounts! 💙
Twitter, Instagram, Facebook: LovelyWingsArt
Furaffinity: Aria-Suna-Kunoichi
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truemeg · 3 years
hi, I'm so excited for your Scorbus NumbersFic! I think it sounds so interesting 😊 I would be intrigued to know how you write it and how you develop a different "texting" voice for each character? It sounds really tricky! I hope you are having a good week ❤️🎈
Hi there! Thank you so much! I'm so happy that people are looking forward to the fic. It makes me really happy when I feel down about it or when I have to put it on the back-burner while life gets in the way 💜
As far as how I'm writing it, when I say it's a texting fic, I truly mean it! Most of the fic is told in just text messages between Albus and Scorpius. There are some moments where they make phone calls, or there's a description of their social media posts, as well as the occasional conversation or group chat with their other friends and family members, but the majority of the fic is texting between Albus and Scorpius. I've written stories similar to this before. A few of my Shadowhunters mutuals remember my Social Media AUs I wrote for Malec a few years ago on Twitter. While there I was making fake texting threads and social media posts and posting screenshots of those to twitter to tell the story, here I'm obviously writing out their texts/posts and posting it to AO3. The format is going to look like this
Astoria (6:42) Good riddance to Lucius, I never liked him anyway.
Scorpius (6:42) Mum!
Astoria (6:44) What? Draco’s known this forever. And you’re old enough now to know this.
The name, the timestamp, and the text itself! Phone calls and social media posts will have their own format, but won't look too different.
As far as creating their "texting voices, it's really an alteration of how I already write their dialogue in my regular fics. Scorpius is very ramble-y, and can stumble over all of his words, but his dialogue is more on the "proper" side. So in his texts, he leans toward correct grammar, a few big words, and longer sentences. But if he's flustered he tends to send multiple texts one after the other. Albus, meanwhile, is less talkative, more to the point. In his texts he'll cut off the first word or so in his sentence. He's more direct and has shorter sentences and texts. There are too a few instances where Albus is the more talkative one and Scorpius is the one with short replies too, which really reverses their roles (I won't give spoilers for the reasons why they switch roles). So sometimes is tricky, just reminding myself that I'm not writing their "real" dialogue, like if they were face-to-face. Texting is a different way of talking but also a version of how they already communicate.
Thank you so much for the question!
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daddy-eggman · 3 years
Welcome to Eggmanland! You've been granted with an extra special pass to the late hours of park, where things get even more exciting and interesting after the kids leave.
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It's my favorite time because I finally get to ride Eggman after a long day of visiting the park and anticipating his arrival. He's the best ride of them all! ;D
Quick intro post + meet the versions of Eggman featured:
As you know from just one glimpse at my blog and everything I do, I'm deeply in love with Eggman and a devoted eggfucker. Here I'll post any fully explicit nsfw Eggman related content and stuff on here. I'll be sure to share plenty of ideas, thoughts, and maybe some oneshot fics, snippets, and more!
Just to make things clear in case I get asks about things I'm not interested in or have no experience in writing- I'm gay and only interested in nsfw of Eggman solo, with other men, or it being ambiguous when it comes to discussions and hcs. I have no experience in writing female anatomy (if there's a better neutral term lemme know) and it'd be awkward if I tried because I'm gay and clueless af lmfao.
It's unfortunately very rare to find Eggman nsfw along those lines since it's very often m/f stuff. I'm desperate for gay or solo stuff and hope to contribute as much as I can! I'd love if you can help out with asks too. 👀
People often seem to assume that I'm a bottom/sub before they get to know me, probably because of the way I talk about Eggman on my main but I'm actually a vers/switch and write Eggman the same way! He should absolutely be getting fucked in the ass and sucking dick too. >:) 💜💕
I have quite a few fetishes/kinks (outside of ones my second nsfw blog is based on) I'm very open minded and accepting towards a lot. I was going to list of some of my biggest but I've decided to surprise y'all with them as we go along. But yeah feel free to discuss any, if I'm into it I'll entertain it in my answer!
I can't guarantee this blog will be active daily in the same way my main blog is because busy busy but I'm open to asks all the time! You can also send as many as you want at any time, don't be shy! This blog is hidden from search results but everything will be tagged accordingly, so you can blacklist anything you don't want to see. Feel free to ask if you need anything tagged!
My nsfw Twitter is @daddy_eggman. I'll be much less active there and it'll probably mostly only be rts. At the moment you'll mostly see a bunch of art from the one artist I've found that actually draws godly gay Eggman nsfw. The world really needs more :')
I hope to make my own contributions with art someday too but my nsfw art still needs work and improvement before I start to share it with you all. When I do, Twitter is where they'll go since it isn't allowed here.
REMEMBER: All my posts are about modern Eggman unless stated otherwise
Meet the Eggmen:
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The star of the show! 💜⭐ Use the #modern tag for posts involving him! Classic Eggman is the same version but younger and posts about him specifically will be in #classic
Casino AU Eggman:
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Art drawn by @/creativelychaotic, design and AU created by me. See more great ref images here too. 💜 #Casino AU for posts involving him!
King Shahryar:
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#king shahryar for posts involving him!
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#zobotnik for posts involving him!
Vampire AU Eggman:
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#vampire au for posts involving him!
Boom Eggman:
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#boom for posts involving him!
That's all I can think of to say for now! Check back every now and then as I update and add more to this in the future. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy your stay!
So I can be sure that you read it to the end, I'd appreciate if you like this post before following. ^^
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yume-x-hanabi · 3 years
Concubinage Behind the Scenes - intro
I mentioned a while ago on Twitter that I was tempted to write down behind-the-scenes explanations, different pov, etc, for Concubinage, if there was interest for that kind of things. A few people were interested, so I decided to start now.
In this post, I'll talk about how the idea came to me, and give some details about the settings. The next post will be about the characters (canon and OC) who appear in this fic.
How it started
I've always liked the concept of Arranged Marriage AU where the characters have to navigate developing feelings while being already married. It's no secret I'm a fan of period dramas, and Gaius' backstory is a perfect period drama setting. So thinking back, it's not really a surprise my mind eventually started conjuring up scenarios. I was in the middle of other projects then, so it was nothing serious, just me lowkey throwing ideas out there for fun. Hah.
A month later (Feb 2020), I started writing the first chapter on a whim, refined some of the ideas from my first outline, etc. I was still jumping from project to project then, but I eventually finished it a couple of months later, and got a start on the next chapters, so I decided to post it on 25 April. I was honestly not expecting much--my track record for multichapters was abysmal (5 years between ch1 and 2 of Fractured Lives lol), and as it was an entirely self-indulgent idea, I didn't think many people would be interested. I just thought I'd write a few chapters while it kept my attention, then throw it on the hiatus pile like so many other projects. We now know this isn't what happened XD
The main project I was working on at the time was a pre-game canon compliant series about Gaius and Wingul's backstories, so I had worked out a lot of setting details already, and just had to reuse them. I drew a complete map of Auj Oule and added a bunch of locations, made up a bunch of clans, etc.
Here is a screenshot of the relevant area:
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(unlocalized names because I spent a long time researching potential names that fit with the canon naming theme in the Japanese version)
I named the river that runs through Xian Du the "Xian River" and decided to stick the Long Dau capital (named Xian Yang) on it. Despite the proximity to the Mon Highlands, it's under a different, much milder clime.
Darhan, Gaius' hometown, is in the mountains up north, same kind of clime as the Mon Highlands.
wrt clan territories: the area around Khan Baliq (Kanbalar) and the Mon Highlands belongs to the Sarakhs clan, the clan of King Melard.
The eastern part (starting from the Xian River) is split in two: everything north of Xian Du/Labari is Long Dau clan territory, while the south (down to Hamil and Ilat (Aladhi); the latter is not shown here) is Kitarl Clan territory.
The Nia Khera area is neutral and rarely accessed due to the Kyzyl (Kijara) Seafalls and Xagut Floodmeadows. Then the Rakorum (Lakutam) area belongs to another clan, but I don't think it'll become relevant here.
As you can see, the Long Dau and Kitarl are sharing a border, so there's been a lot of feuding over territories between those two big clans. That said, their territories may be large geographically, but they're made of numerous smaller clans that submitted to them. Those clans often also fight each other, even if they're both on Long Dau territories, for example. So lots of clan fighting lol
Canon Divergence
While this is an AU, it is set in the canon universe--it's just that some events happened differently. It's like a fractured dimension, in a way XD;
The main point of divergence is the Battle of Fezebel.
In canon, following the death of Rashugal's king Milan, Auj Oule's king Melard launched a campaign to conquer Rashugal and rallied all the clans under him to fight. The armies clashed at the Fezebel Outback at the same time as Elympios tested its first Lance of Kresnik prototype, resulting in the outback being swept by a giant tsunami. Both armies suffered tremendous losses (the Outway clan in particular, who lost most of its warriors), and that put a stop to clan squabbles for a while, until Gaius, fed up with the way the large clans toyed with the smaller ones, decided to rebel and conquer Auj Oule.
Here, the battle didn't happen. Melard was too preoccupied with his own internal troubles to worry about Rashugal, so he missed his chance to attack, and business went as usual.
The Elympios stuff and tsunami did happen, though, so the Zenethra is now stuck in Rieze Maxia, and Maxwell created Milla and Muzét as in canon.
However, since there was no one in Fezebel that day, the event went relatively unnoticed, and there was no big tragedy that killed a lot of people and changed many things in Rieze Maxia.
So Arst and Lin... got to have the childhoods they were supposed to have within their respective clans.
Arst is still very much a rebel at heart and doesn't like the way the small clans are treated either, but there wasn't that big event that pushed him to act and rebel for good at 15 like in canon. So he was mostly stewing on his own, showing acts of defiance and insubordination here and there. He also started laying the foundations for the creation of Taurus, but it came much later than in canon, and his plans were interrupted by the marriage.
Meanwhile, Lin grew up as a pampered prince, but the more time passed, the more it became apparent that his personality and values clashed with the clan's ideals. So it wasn't all a smooth ride, even though his life is much more stable than Wingul's was at that time in canon.
On the Rashugal side, things changed a bit too, but some things still played out in similar ways as canon. The Fenn brothers fought for the throne, and Nachtigal emerged victorious, with Rowen at his side. Carrie's still around here (and married to Rowen), so he hasn't turned tyrant (yet?).
The Rashugal-Auj Oule relations are pretty much "we're both too busy with our own problems to fight each other, but you'd better not make any suspicious move toward the border" XD;
Meanwhile, Exodus is doing Exodus things...
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