#I'm stuck with my girl Athena for a month
cocoapeaches · 2 years
i. bill withers and earthquakes
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When her head hit the end of the bunk bed roughly, it meant either of two things. A) a monster had decided to say hi in the middle of the night, trying against all odds to break through the barrier around camp or B) one of her siblings was seconds away from clashing two bronze plates near her ear as a 'wake-up' call. 
Emmie didn't know which was better.
A soft pillow was smothered against her face, and she was smacked with it twice. "Gods, get up, you snoring pig!" 
Emi blinked to clear her hazy vision. A multitude of groans rang out in the dark and the faint buzzing, like that of radio static, grew louder until she could distinctly recognize Lovely Day covered by her father playing in her mind. 
"Bill Withers?" Victoria shrieked. "That man has no taste! Zero, zip, nada!"
You are a daughter of Apollo, they said. It'd be fun, they said. 
See, that was the catch about having Mr. Sunshine as a dad, they did not have a choice to wake up with the Sun. Either that or bleeding from your ears. Most preferred the former.
Will had beaten Yan to the bathroom and peeked his head out with a toothbrush stuck in his mouth, mumbling, "Be grateful it wasn't a sonnet. I don't think I'll ever recover from the last one."
Ah, the one with the naked grandmas having bird poop for hair.
It was still dark when Emmie stepped outside, knowing full well that she would not get a chance to freshen up before all twelve of her siblings had. Pulling the zipper of her jumper down, she took a deep breath.
For all the chaos the campers created in broad daylight which lasted till a couple of hours into midnight, the quiet camp was eerie in a sense. No Hermes kids looking for trouble, no Aphrodite children tweaking the campers' appearances for the summer. Not even the Ares kids had energy to pick fights this early.
A chime from her wristwatch pulled her out of her trance. May Fifteenth aka beginning of stress month for Chiron and Mr. D. It marked the start of week when the handful of demigods who went home after summer's end started arriving. Year rounders like Emmie looked forward to the day, too, eagerly awaiting their friends, siblings and all sorts of gossips they carried with them. It was their only link to the outside world, especially for the less experienced fighters and the young ones—she was also lumped in that category—who were not allowed past the border.
The last time she had stepped outside was when Aunt Calliope had taken her to meet her newborn brother—her half-sibling. As if there weren't enough of those already.
Someone whistled behind her. "Your turn", Austin called out.
Kayla was yelling at a smirking Felicity, threatening the older girl with a strangely lavender shampoo bottle, when Emmie went back inside. "You did it! And don't you dare deny it, Felicity Jake! I see right through you. You purposefully went before me and swapped the shampoo with the dye!" Oh, yeah, Kayla's hair was blue instead of the normal ginger with green highlights.
Felicity sat on her bed, arms behind her to support her weight. "Oh, come on. Blue suits you. Alright, watch this. Everybody who agrees raise their hand up!" More than ten hands shot up. Kayla grumbled but didn't argue."
"Hey, who's in-charge of which cabin again?" Emmie asked. She took her bathrobe and the coconut-scented soap from the toiletry cabinet, stepping into the foggy shower.
Lee scrambled for his list that they referred to as their version of 'chore distribution'. "Let's see. . .Vic with the Aphrodite bunch, Jerry with Demeter, Ellis gets Hephaestus, Emmie you'll handle Hermes and Gracie gets Athena."
The remaining paled while the already chose ones cheered. "And I'm proud to introduce today's victims—Michael and Tessa. Apologies in advance, my dear siblings. You tackle the Ares kids."
Safe to say, the two had some choice words to hurl at their Head Counselor.
It was sort of an unspoken rule for the occupants of Cabin 7 to wake up the rest of the campers. Albeit without a choice, they woke with the Sun and some crazy sibling of Emmie's from possibly decades ago had decided to sentence them all to being human alarm clocks. Too tired to argue, having spent majority of the night flipping through a new find from the library—an adventure following a poorly mixed crew of six who attempted and succeeded in breaking into some super-jail for witches—Emmie walked up to the Hermes cabin without putting up much of a fight.
From there on, it was a routine job. She flipped over the 'Not you again!' doormat and dragged out the silver master-key. The lights were off when she managed to get in. For being children of the literal god of thieves, they weren't very good at countermeasures. Tiptoeing past the lengthy rows of snoring sleeping-bags, she took the vinyl she had carried and placed it on the player.
Gangnam Style blasted out.
"Who the fuck?!"
From her perch on the wooden dresser pushed against the far corner of the cabin, Emmie smirked. "Good morning to you too, cousins."
"Morning, Emmie", Luke mussed up her hair as he exited the Hermes cabin with his siblings and too many unclaimed or children of minor gods and goddesses in tow. "Don't be late for practice later."
"Aye, captain." She smiled up at him, imitating a nymph. Her eyes were fixed on the two astonishingly similar individuals for not being twins. They caught her eye and gestured toward the secluded area behind the Zeus cabin. "Did you get it?" she asked once they were out of the others' earshot.
The Stolls smirked in unison and Travis fished out an obnoxious pink snow-globe from his pocket. "Top quality product. One smell and you'll be bleaching your nose for the rest of the week."
She shrugged, passing them a ten-dollar bill. When she went to pat her pocket, it was empty. Narrowing her gaze, she tried to snatch back her wallet only for Travis to hold it up higher. Curse him and his ridiculous height. If only she had a heckin' ladder. "Give it back boys."
"For another ten, sure", Connor replied, scouring through the worn-out leather item and dropped it in her hand. Emmie huffed, pocketing it and followed them to the dining pavilion.
Breakfast was always something everybody looked forward to. With the plates spawning every kind of food someone craved, the aroma mingled to form a mouth-watering scent.
Emmie slipped in to sit beside Kayla who was seated at the end of the table, opposite to Lee. The now bluenette quirked a brow but did not question her tardiness.
Their older brother, however, noticed. "And where have you been, Parker?"
Emmie hung her head and shoved a piece of bacon in her mouth after dumping her offering into the hearth alongside a quick prayer. "Tending to some business."
"What business?" Instead of letting the matter drop, he prodded further. "I don't suppose it's got something to do with the huge ball in your pocket?"
Victoria gasped, clamping her palms over Will's ears with mock exasperation. "Mind your tongue, Fletcher. There are kids present!"
Will snorted. "I'm seven, not stupid."
"I did not mean it like that!" Emmie cackled with the rest of her siblings while Victoria continued riling Lee up.
Finally, Michael sighed and tapped the tabletop thrice. "Alright, gutter rats. Some of us are trying to eat h—" He smiled, pursing his lips. Victoria giggled and all hell broke loose. Soon, everyone was guffawing, chuckling or laughing like a maniac. "Not a word."
Camp Half-Blood was like summer camp that lasted for a whole year. Naturally, teenagers with ADHD needed a lot more than food and familiar faces to keep them occupied. That's where the activities came into play. From climbing-walls with dual modes to simple old school arts and crafts, every day was filled to the brim with recreational activities.
The last time she tagged along to deliver strawberries to the local market, Emmie had experienced a massive culture shock. Most kids her age were glued to a screen for the better part of their day while she barely knew how to work one. Chiron claimed they were like magnets to monsters and demigods were better off without them.
First came 'Sword and Sheild' with Clarisse La Rue. Let's face it, Emmie sucked at it, and the big and daunting daughter of Aeres made sure to drill it into her head with "You cannot leave your left side vulnerable like that! ", "The shield is there for a reason, Parker, use it!" and "What part of 'dodge and hit' do you not understand?!"
Emmie worked best with a bow, even better if it was a crossbow. As such, archery with Chiron went nice and smooth. No hollering mentors and no threat of being hanged upside-down by her ankles looming over her.
By the time she had made it past horseback riding with the Demeter cabin, her arms felt ready to fall off. 
Luke greeted them with a large bone-like object that looked like it could very well belong to a megalodon as the sluggish swarm filed into the arena once more for Monster Assault Technique class. "Can anybody guess what today's topic is?"
Annabeth's arm was up in the air before Emmie could get herself seated in the very back of the class with Valentina. "That's an Ethiopian Drakon's tooth. They are known for their deadly claws and can be traced rather easily by their feeding habits."
Luke smiled, setting the tooth down on the low table with a missing led that he had snagged from the store. "Very good. Annabeth's right." The blonde daughter of Athena gave a pleased hum and Valentina chuckled. Apparently, her 'love senses' were acting up again.
"Today we'll be covering Ethiopian dragons. Now, our good ol' Director wants a five-page essay on this topic so I will humbly suggest that those who think being here is a waste of time, please pay attention. Clovis, buddy, your pillow should've stayed in your bed. Can someone sprinkle some water on his face? Yeah, thanks, Katie."
Emmie had almost made it up to the Big House without drawing unwanted attention to herself. If only the Stolls has mentioned that the bomb needed a trigger and that being a drop of wine. And the only place one would keep alchohol - besides the infirmiry - amidst a bunch of impulsive teens was inside a cabinet in the baby blue HQ.
"Emmie? I thought lights out was an hour ago. What are you doing up?"
She jumped, clutching the front of her t-shirt. "And I hoped you would be asleep, Mister Chiron. But we don't always get what we want, do we?"
"Luke gave me a heads-up about the Stolls and Valentina dropped by earlier to reveal your scheme. Now, go back to bed."
Emmie sighed, clenching her fists. "Those two will get it in the morning."
Chiron smiled knowingly. "So will you. Expect extra tasks tomorrow. Off you go."
"Dang it!"
Before she made to leave, Emmie caught sight of the resident God of wine and lunacy who was sound asleep on the recliner, a goblet tipped over his stomach. "Mr. Chiron, can I head to the kitchens? I can do with a late-night snack."
He seemed to contemplate it. Big mistake, Mr. Chiron. "Yes but bed immediately after. I can barely deal with one sleep-deprived powerhouse, two is pushing it."
"Okay. Good night, Mr. Chiron."
Just as her hand grasped the doorknob, thunder rumbled in the distance, sending tremors through the ground.
Usually, the weather in camp was always pleasant. Therefore, when it came to sudden thunderstorms, it could only mean one thing.
Zeus was throwing another temper tantrum.
But judging by the look on Chiron's face, it was a lot deeper than that. She followed the Director out into the night.
"Did something hit the barrier?" Emmie asked as they hiked down the hill and towards the entrance. "What in Holy Hera is that!"
Down on the ground, a boy about her age was lying unconscious, one arm wrapped around Grover the satyr and the other clutching a huge bull's horn close to his chest. Chiron ran to them and pressed his fingers under the boy's nose. "Alive."
Emmie felt the sinking feeling dissipate before noticing the trail of blood that went down the boy's face. "We need to get them to the infirmary!" Chiron seemed to agree as he slung the two on his back effortlessly and away he went.
"Well, scoot." Chiron laid the raven-haired boy one of the beds while she took her place on a stool beside the bedframe. Drawing a long breath, she started a slow hymn to Apollo, hovering her hand over the boy's chest. Looking closely, it was no doubt he was a demigod - tanned skin with a fluff of jet black hair and sharp features. He was fairly good looking, better than half the camp's boys even.
But who's kid? Hopefully not Dad's, that would just be weird.
Soon, the wounds on the boy's face and arms began to glow faintly and disintegrated into mended skin.
Emmie looked up at the centaur who was totally lost in thought. "You're hiding something", she said. It came out stingier than she intended but Chiron's attention was gathered all the same. "Who is he?"
Chiron frowned but did not answer directly. "Emersyn, I want you to keep tonight's ordeal to yourself. If anybody asks, let me handle the talking." He paused to glance at the knocked-out ravenette. "He can turn out to be a crucial part in deciding where demigods stand today."
Well, geez. That was very informative.
Emmie had finished her healing and turned her stool to face Chiron. She had just registered the newbie demigod's spoil of war and couldn't help imagining how he had ripped it off. "That's Minotaur's horn. Did this kid really beat him?"
And got tossed around like fried rice in a wok, she guessed by his wounds.
"Likely. Can I take your word for it? That you will keep this between the two of us?"
That you will co-operate, went unsaid.
Emmie studied Chiron's features intently, noticing every frown line on his face. The man was as older as the camp itself and no doubt he had much to worry about. She decided against messing with him anymore.
Emmie disliked being stuck on a puzzle as much as she hated quick and breezy games. Perceus Jackson was the former in the category. After hushed agreements and exhausted goodbyes, Emmie stayed back in the infirmary, feeding nectar and ambrosia cubes to Grover before returning to the cabin. It would be morning in a little while anyway.
As she lay wide awake, twisting and turning in his sleeping bag and listening to the cicadas chirping outside, Emmie felt intrigued if anything.
Maybe this summer would not be as uneventful as the last. Perhaps she would annoy Clarisse into a re-match on the lava wall tomorrow.  
Maybe, maybe. . .there were endless possibilities.
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ragtimedrakes · 2 months
ok here's my tierlist like I promised
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s tier:
hephaistos 1: i LOVE THIS FIGHT!!! my only gripe is the way cooldowns get misaligned depending on which transformation you get first. but it's sooo fun otherwise I love all the transformations I love snake <3 hephaistos 2: I <3 high concept. healing this was a blast athena 1: I wish I got to heal this (and athena 2) tbh... I think I disliked progging this but doing it for reclears the past couple weeks it's been really easy and smooth. I just don't like superchain 2b that mechanic sucks.
a tier:
hippo: hippo. I enjoy the water slide mechanic even if it pissed me off for my enochian timer. the stacks are fun hesperos 1: funny vampire man I like him. I think I had a lot of small gripes with mechanics but not enough to put him lower than this bc I enjoyed the fight. I think pinax is funny and I enjoyed the bloodsucker mechanic a lot. passing rot is fun hesperos 2: I enjoy the themeing of this fight a lot. I think act 3 is super mid but the rest of the acts are quite fun even if they're a little simple in hindsight? the thorns obscuring the mechanics is the only really hard part. that said I think curtain call is fun even if it's basically just a heal check carbuncle: tha buncle. stellar first fight of a tier it's just an impeccably designed fight. no notes kokytos: another good first fight imo. "limit cut" is fine I think it's fun. the second one is kind of pointless but whatever. I had a good amount of fun doing this on black mage specifically pandaemonium: this fight sucks bad in a good way. it hates you so bad it wants you dead this giant fucking spider HATES YOU. playing it on black mage makes me seethe like no tomorrow but whateverrrr I'm not thinking about that I'm over it. every mechanic in this fight is pretty fun except for what I call "stupid spinny thing" at the end because it's stupid themis: I love themis <3 my themis <3 honestly he's such a nothing fight to be completely real the only mechanics are like. dark and light + letter of the law. and dark and light is kind of mid. but whateverrrr he makes me happy athena 2: recency bias maybe but she's funnnnn. I like caloric a lot because I'm crazyyyy and I love these kinds of really precise movement mechanics. pangenesis is fun except for when I'm a 0 I hate being a 0. fuck that. honestly the more I think about it I could probably drop this down but I do genuinely like caloric. and I think gaiaochos is really fun. this fight is carried on its theming imo
b tier:
erich: my buddy erich you're a very easy fight but I love you. I still remember the stupid ass encounter I had on my first week raiding but I love you. hegemone: I enjoy this fight a lot but I don't think I can justify putting it in a tier. I'm sorry hegemone I saw your epic parasite worm... cachexia is really fun
c tier:
phoinix: oh my sweet awful fucked up bird. this bird hates you in the same way pandaemonium does but the difference is I was stuck in this stupidass fucking fight for months. FUCKING MONTHS!!!!!! it makes me so fucking mad. if I stop to think about this rationally I think phoinix is pretty fun it could definitely be b tier at least. but it's so fucking ass man agdistis: it literally took me a few minutes to remember her name. sorry girl. she's fine. I actually enjoy purgation a lot and I think the harvests are pretty fun mechanics on their own but the design of the fight sucks such ass. very sad
0 notes
Coach (1)
Fandom: Dylan O'Brien
Pairing: AU Dylan x Fem!Reader
Mini series summary: Being a newly single mom of two kids wasn't exactly easy. And love wasn't exactly part of your agenda. So, should you avoid lusting over your son's baseball coach? Absolutely. But with a man like Dylan, could you really resist? Probably not.
Warnings: nothing major yet, small sexual innuendo, mentions of cheating and divorce
WC: 1.9k
A/N: a yes, to those who have been following me for a while may recognize this title, it's my old Dylan AU fic. Yes I decided to continue it. Updates will come periodically, because I write spontaneously and I cant guarantee quick updates. But I do promise I wont wait a whole year to update. And since I did some slight updates in the first 2 parts I decided to archive the old ones and repost them again. So yeah, if you've read them before great, give it another read, my writing is much better now I promise and if you're new welcome, I hope you like this mini series.
(You are here, part 2, part 3)
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Dylan stood by the side of the large field, near the home plate, occasionally yelling out suggestions and pointing out mistakes to the young boys. 
"Ezra! You have to watch the ball! C'mon! I know you can do better!" He called out to the blonde boy standing on the home plate with a bat in hand. Dylan then turned his attention to the dark haired boy with the baseball mitt and ball in hand.
"Roman! What's going on, buddy? You gotta focus, alright? You gotta work on that throw!" Dylan called out to the young boy, who half nodded and sighed heavily in response.
Not long after, Dylan signaled the young boys scattered throughout the large field to gather around. He spoke some encouraging words to the boys before allowing them to disperse and gather their equipment which meant practice was over.
Your son, however, stayed behind for a minute. There was an inaudible conversation happening between Dylan and your ten year-old, Roman. You watched from the bleachers as your son made some tired gestures at his coach followed by a small pat on the back from Dylan. You couldn't help but follow them with your eyes as they made their way to the bleachers, your eyes lingering a bit too long on the brown haired coach. An action that wasn't taken lightly by the female sitting beside you.
"You're staring at him again." Your best friend, Ezra's mother, Eliza -or just Liz, commented.
"I'm not." You muttered out quickly, tearing your eyes away from the handsome coach, your mouth hanging open for a couple of seconds. "I wasn't staring." You stated matter of factly and shrugged as you looked down at the small six year-old sitting on your lap, making sure she wasn't paying attention to the conversation.
"Really? The drool coming from your mouth says otherwise." Liz playfully ran her finger across your chin, pretending to wipe away at it. You slightly glared at her, an eye roll going her way.
"I'm not drooling. I wasn't even staring." You tried to defend yourself, making a small sassy gesture to her.
"Hey, I don't blame you. If I wasn't married," she took a pause as she eyed Dylan as he removed his baseball hat to run a hand through his messy chocolate locks, you couldn't help but stare as well. "I'd jump on his bones any day."
"Hey, there's young ears present." You said quietly to Liz as not to disturb the young girl in your arms.
Despite your attempt not to, you couldn't help but allow your eyes to fall once again on the field, following the handsome male that was the topic of your conversation. You had to hide the infatuated sigh that left your lips at the sight of your son's coach running around the field, talking to the kids and picking up equipment.
"Well he is handsome, I'll give him that.." You admitted quietly, "and he's really good with the kids."
Your friend smirked slightly at your words and wiggled her eyebrows at you.
"I bet that's not the only thing he's really good at." She eyed you suggestively and slightly nudged at you with her shoulder, "You should find out what other things he's good at."
Your mouth instantly fell open and your eyes widened at the insinuation.
"Eliza! Oh, my god. Don't say that." You slightly shook your head to brush off the embarrassment and hid your face on your hands to cover the crimson on your skin.
"Mommy you're warm!" Athena, your six year-old giggled as she grabbed your warm, sweaty hands. Even your daughter noticed the nervousness that crept up on you when it came to Dylan, even if it was just the topic of him. Truth was, you had been shamelessly crushing on your son's baseball coach ever since he joined the team a couple of months ago. 
Get it together, you should not be crushing on your son's baseball coach.
"I know baby, it's just hot out here." You tried to brush it off, but the knowing smirk on Liz's face wasn't exactly helping. "Thena, why don't you go get Roman and Ezra? They're over there." You pointed to the field where Roman and Ezra were talking —or more like just Ezra was, to the other kids on the team. She quickly nodded and bolted off the bleachers, somehow not tripping over the steps as she went down. You sighed heavily the moment the young girl was far enough and slightly turned your head in Liz's direction.
"You should totally ask him out." She said out of nowhere with a shrug and a smirk on her face. Your eyes widened for the hundredth time, and you instantly shook your head frantically, the idea alone giving you a headache.
"Ask Dylan out? No way. I.. No.. That's just.. No." Your cheeks slightly heat up at the preposition. But you quickly turned it down with a vigorous shake of your head, not even giving the idea a minute to sink into your brain. "No, he's Roman's coach. It's just wrong."
"Why? I mean, you're single, and as far as I know, he's very single. Soo," she dragged the 'o' as she wiggled her eyebrows and she nudged your shoulder, pushing you over a little in a high school girl manner, "Why not get ready to mingle with the hot coach?"
"First of all, I'm technically not single, not yet." You groaned with an eyeroll. As much as you and your husband —or ex-husband or whatever were no longer living together, the divorce process had been unnecessarily long and dreadful. So as much as you wanted to be legally single, you were still married to that piece of shit. 
"And second of all, if I were to date someone, which is a big if, I can't date Roman's coach out of all people. He already has enough as it is. It'll just confuse him and probably upset him more." You sighed heavily as you looked over to the side of the field, where all the boys were having a conversation about elementary boys' things. And there you saw your son, trying, and ultimately failing at joining said conversations. And with little Athena tugging at his side, all he got from the other kids was laughing and rejection.
Seeing your son's sad and hurt expression when the other boys laughed at him or even told him to go away broke your heart. You wanted him to be happy again. You wanted him to be the energetic and loving kid he was before your waste of a husband left. Ever since Ryan —your waste of a husband left, Roman hasn't been the same. 
For the past six or so months, he has been distant and seemingly unhappy. All he ever did was lock himself up in his room and play video games. He barely ever interacted with you and Athena anymore. He barely interacted with anyone, period. Once Ryan left, it was up to you to support your kids financially. Of course, their father still paid child support, but he sure as hell didn't pay your bills or everything you needed to spend on your children. Which meant you had to take him out of the fancy school he went to in order to still pay the monthly expenses of your home. And he just didn't quite fit in at school, especially now. 
So, you hoped that him joining the baseball team would change that, that it would help him open up again and that it would help him make new friends. But so far, it's worked just the opposite.
"So, I'm making dinner tonight. Do you want to come over with the kids and get drunk? Luke will watch over the kids." Liz spoke, interrupting your train of thought.
"That sounds a-mazing," you spoke in a song-like tune, a sigh of contentment leaving your lips. "But I can't. I told Roman I'd take him to that Italian place he likes."
"Tomorrow then. I'll have that Chardonnay you love so much waiting for you." She winked at you as you both stood up, ready to greet your children.
"Thank God for your alcohol stash." You joked, flinging your arms up in praise. 
You both laughed and smiled in your children's direction, but your smile dropped as your kids and Ezra approached you. Ezra was holding Athena's hand, while Roman walked behind them, with a certain heaviness on his step and an annoyed look on his face. And Athena had a small pout on her face.
"Hey, what's wrong?"
"Rome doesn't want to hold my hand!" Athena whined with a pout of her lower lip. She released Ezra's hand and exchanged it for your own. Ezra going to his own mom. While Roman simply stood there, with a hand stuffed into his pockets and the other messing with the strap of his bag, his gaze stuck on the ground.
"Roman, baby," you sighed softly, not wanting to give the poor kid a hard time. You understood he didn't exactly fit in, no matter how much he wanted to, and that upset him. You didn't want to add up to that. "Your sister just wanted you to hold her hand."
"She was embarrassing me.. I'm already the kid without a dad, I don't need to be the kid with an annoying  baby sister." He muttered, his gaze not once leaving the ground.
 His words were harsh, but lacked emotion. And it broke your heart. But as much as you wanted to tell him that it wasn't true, that he did have a dad, you'd be lying if you did. Ryan was already absent in your children's lives before the split, but at the same time he was there, and Roman felt as if he was. But now, his father really wasn't there, at all. And there was nothing you could do about it.
You sighed softly, gesturing your free hand out for him, "Roman, come here," a heavy sigh left the young boy's lips as he took a few steps closer, standing in front of you with his head hanging low and his eyes stuck to the ground. You used your hand to hold the side of his face, his eyes meeting with your own. "Baby, Thena just wanted to show you that she loves you. She didn't mean to embarrass you, right Thena?" You turned your attention to the small girl that hid behind your arm, her eyes glistening with tears.
The small girl sniffled and shook her head, "No.. I'm sorry Rome.. I won't do it ever again, I-I promise."
You exchanged looks between your children, your eyes finally landing on Roman as you waited for a response. You raised an eyebrow at him, your eyes speaking a silent 'and' to the boy. He eventually signed, almost too heavily, and nodded. 
"It's okay, I guess.. I don't really mind all that much." He half smiled, shrugging slightly.
Athena's expression quickly lightened, the small girl detached herself from your hand and hugged her older brother. And as much as he hated to admit it, he didn't mind the affection. He returned the hug and smiled, for a moment at least.
After a second or two, Roman slightly pushed Athena off him, signaling that that had been enough affection for a day. You breathed out softly, turning to look at Liz, who gave you a sympathetic smile in response. 
"Well my loves, off we go. Say goodbye to Auntie Liz and Ezra." Both your children did as you said. Athena hugging both of them, and Roman simply waving at them. Good enough.
And at last, you gave Liz a quick but tight hug, "I'll call you tomorrow." You said shortly before you grabbed a hold of your daughter's hand and your son's bag, and eventually parted ways.
Today was gonna be a long day.
《Here's an edited version of part 1. As always I hope y'all enjoyed it. I'm trying to get back into writing after a long year, hopefully this will help me get back on track. Let me know your thoughts. And let me know if you'd like to be added to my dylan/coach taglist which I do have》
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wann-der-lusst · 3 years
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00:00 (Zero O'clock)
by Audrey S. Bill
It was late in the evening, and she knew he'd be there because he'd dropped his cigarette in the sink... and just knowing he was there made her entire body shiver.
"Why were you late, Athena?"
As she was about to turn the doorknob, she felt his heavy hand on her shoulder. Her hands trembled and her heart pounded as if it were the first time something like this had happened.
"When will I ever get used to this?" That was her thought as she let him lead the way to his room.
She was putting on her clothes while staring at the man fast asleep next to her. Tears stream down her cheeks as she walks out of the room quietly.
After several days, she is still sore. No matter what she does, she can feel it all over her body. She couldn't eat anything and couldn't go about normal routine... And there she lay on a cold floor, helpless and alone, wishing to be seen, heard, and saved.
Two years later, she attempted to live and interact with others again. She joined a school organization and spent most of her days at school, where she met Eros. He is a year older than she is. Everything about him is beautiful, from the depths of his eyes to the gentle expressions on his face. Eros had the kind of face that makes you want to stop in your tracks. While Athena appeared to be an ordinary girl in the corridor, she wore a downcast expression on her face and eyes, as if she were trying not to draw attention to herself. Eros walks her home, buys her dinner, and speaks words that make her want to sweep on her knees. Athena was surprised because it was the first time she had felt so cared for; this is the joy and comfort she has been looking for. It is the same feeling she had as a child. She wiped away the sticky stream of tears that streamed down her face as she recalled her father's days. All of the walls she had built up over the years crumbled. She appears to be willing to let people in... yet again.
Months have passed, and she still can't believe someone has stuck by her side. She now has family-like friends, a boyfriend who adores her, and a mother who looks out for her and has promised never to abandon her again. She couldn't have asked for more. She remembers how sweetly he confessed to her, how he strummed the guitar for her while singing in front of the crowd. She had no idea what she deserved at this point.
Eros flicked her forehead when she was zoning out.
"Are you okay, Athena?" He gently touched her cheek to see if she was okay.
"No, I'm fine. Thanks for walking me home again!" She exclaimed joyfully.
"I'll never get tired of you, Athena." He gave her a warm smile.
"Indeed, it's the little things that matter the most." She reflected on herself before going to bed.
It was the fourth of the month, their special day, and they had decided to go to the mall. On the other side of the road, Athena was waving to Eros.
“Wait up,” he said with a smile and a wave. They waited for the stop sign to turn red before continuing their walk.
3... 2... 1...
As they walk towards each other, he suddenly pushes Athena, and all she sees is him... lying on the floor... covered in blood. Athena was stunned, and her entire body went numb. Her only sensation is the flow of hot tears from her eyes down her cheeks. This was far from what she had hoped for. Many people have gathered around him, calling an ambulance, and photographing him. People have also gathered around her, asking about her health. But all she can think about is how she can't move at all.
“I should be there instead of him. What exactly am I doing here? Why did he bother saving me?” So many thoughts had built up in her head. And when she heard the ambulance, she completely lost it. She has a lot to say but can't seem to find the words. It's just her eyes... closing.
“All I can see is white. Am I dead? Was it all a dream?” She thought to herself.
"Athena," she then noticed her mother's concerned expression.
"What am I doing here? Where’s Eros?" She asked.
"Don't worry, you're fine now. You're here at the hospital."
"Where's Eros?" She asked again.
She simply looked at Athena with a worried expression on her face. “What the hell is going on?” She reflected on herself once more, trying to remember everything that had happened before she passed out. Her head ached at the thought of Eros lying on the floor full of blood... She screamed and cried hysterically as her mother and nurses tried to calm her down, and she gradually weakened as sedatives were injected into her body and her eyes closed.
Five hours later, she woke up and just stared at the ceiling, tears streaming down her cheeks as she remembered the incident. Now that she thinks about it, she realizes how perfect that day was. She awoke the next morning, to find her man sleeping soundly because she forgot to turn off the Skype App on her laptop while speaking with him. She made perfect eggs; she didn't burn the hotdogs. Her Research Paper also received an A+. Everything worked out perfectly for her to get to this point. Her mother just hugged her, but she couldn’t feel her. She can't feel the warmth of this embrace. She was... lonely.
The man she adored was inside the coffin. She can't look at him because the mere fact that he's there breaks her heart into a million pieces. Athena believes that everyone in the room despises her; she feels responsible for everything because she is the one beside Eros as he breathes his last.
“No one expected this to happen... but life is truly cruel to me. How did we get to this point? Why did he fall in love with someone like me? I should be the one inside that coffin, not him. He does not deserve any of this. God, why now?” She sobbed quietly as she stared at Eros’ face.
After Eros died, Athena began cutting again. She couldn't get his smiles out of her head while trying to save her. When Athena sees blood from her wrist, thighs, and other areas that aren't visible to the naked eye, her heart calms. For her, physical pain was easier to bear than the emotional pain she was going through. She couldn't fathom how people went on after Eros died. All of the memories she had buried in the past resurfaced. And as she browsed through her gallery, she noticed that it was filled with photos of Eros and her.
“You know that I rarely pray at night. But I'll do it for Eros' sake. Please make him come back to me. Just this once please...” She cried and prayed until she fell asleep.
After a few months, at her mother's request, she began seeing a psychiatrist. “It's all for the best.” That is what they continue to tell her. Athena, on the other hand, felt she was labeled as "crazy" as a result of this.
"I completely understand what you're going through right now."
"Everything is going to be fine."
"You can count on me."
These are the words she keeps hearing from the Doctor. Athena believed the doctor was simply doing her job, as she had told all of her patients the same things. She still has a sense of emptiness. The words, however, lingered in her mind, and she felt as if her heart was gradually giving in.
“Is this okay, Eros? This doesn't mean I'll forget about you...” Athena contemplated herself.
It's been a year, but it only seems like yesterday. Athena had given up hope, but she is now smiling. She attends church every Sunday, she has grown closer to her family, her friends have consoled her, and they have all contributed to Athena becoming the person she is today. She was overjoyed that God had restored her life. When Eros died, Athena's world collapsed around her, but she soon realized she wasn't to blame; his death was an accident. Her nightmares keep her awake at night, but she is relieved that the man who abused her weaknesses as a child is now in prison.
Am I seeing things? Or is this really Eros? He is dressed in a white coat and is smiling and waving at me. I felt him as I held his face to see if he was real. He doesn't say anything, all he does is stare at me with his piercing eyes. Finally, he spoke...
"Athena," he begins.
The air became cold as he said my name... it's different.
"Why didn't you help me? Why... why did I even save you in the first place?!"
For a brief moment, I was stunned. This is not what I am expecting. I can feel all of his anger, despair, and betrayal from the way he said those words and the way he looks at me now.
I was about to approach him when he took a step back, his eyes welling up.
He shook his head and moved his gaze away. Is he going to leave me again? He's becoming blurry now. No way... We should be together… Eros. No, please...
Athena screamed as she struggled to breathe. Her vision became blurry because of the tears. She had been fine for months, but it suddenly reappeared. Eros was blaming her in the dream… A single dream that has now destroyed everything she has worked for. She's blaming herself once more.
"It's entirely my fault..."
As she stood next to the bridge, she reflected on her day, which she described as "beautiful." She went to see Eros in the cemetery. Everyone was smiling and doing their best to make her feel "loved." She smiled heartily at the thought of people going to such lengths to make her happy. Her heart skipped a beat as she considered all of her loved ones, and the thought of leaving them. Athena gave everything she had, but she was also a master of disguise. Her mind is already made up that all of her misery and the monsters within her will not stop unless she makes a move, and she believes that people who get too close to her, such as Eros, will only hurt themselves.
The cool breeze caressed her skin, as if it wanted to embrace and feel her.
“Is that you, Eros? Dad?" Her eyes welled up with tears as she remembered them. She simply hopes that no one will blame themselves for having to die because it was her choice. She is certain that she will be happier. She sincerely wishes for the pain to end. She's desperate to put an end to it.
She took a deep breath and looked out at the water, which was plain blue but beautiful. She looked down at her phone and smiled one last time.
“Happy Birthday, self.”
At exactly 00:00, she jumped off the bridge, allowing her body to be thrown into the deep blue sea.
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sophies-earbuds · 4 years
Ok so I saw ur post about what music Sophie listens to, but think about the pop culture tho. I headcannon that Sophie was a pjo/hoo fan and u know what came out in 2012? Mark of Athena. She read that book, was anxious for the next book.... And then was taken. The avengers came out that year as well, so she got taken b4 she could see the mcu unfold. She also missed out on frozen, one of Disney's biggest movies, which came out a year later. All I'm saying is she missed out on A LOT of pop culture.
(aight yall this is gonna turn into an hc rant)
gosh sophie would absolutely love the avengers, she'd go ham on those character analyses and stand with everyone else in the "I Hate What The Russos Did With Our Favorite Characters" club, she'd relate so hard with tony because helloooooo child prodigy gang? same with spiderman (and lets face it - she's just like the rest of us, not immune to the charms of tom holland - we already know she loves guys with accents looking at you fitzipoo)
ending on mark of athena would be the WORST because (SPOILER ALERT) big fall to tartarus yknow? she's lived with the doom of wondering what's happened to annabeth and percy for three years (at least, i think it's been that long). amy gives sophie box sets of the books she used to love (harry potter, pjo AND all of the hoo books, the hunger games, the chronicles of narnia, the outsiders, etc..) and she's super grateful because now she has something else to fill her time with when she's not staring death in the eye and telling him to fuck off. let's face it, girl needs some alone time, so she keeps those books in her dorm during her elite level years and reads them day after day trying to hold onto who she grew up as and where she comes from.
i always hc sophie as being able to go back and forth (and she's one of the ONLY people who has a blue crystal) because they already know she's not gonna mess up and accidentally expose the elvin race to the humans. i know what it's like to miss your past, and i try to always make it so sophie can still reach her past in all of my fics and hcs. she watched frozen with amy one time and she hated it but then that little anna/elsa mashup in the castle was stuck in her head for about a month before she could go back and watch it again.
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motleyfuckingcruee · 5 years
Rocket Queen
0.3: New Friends
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Henley's P.O.V
I grin as we get into the dingy bar. Sasha let us in this time. She said that Sebastian had the night off so she was stuck doing the bartending. To me, that made no sense. Colin could easily do the bartending on his own. A lot of the people that come to this bar order the simplest things. Hardly ever any mixed drinks. Mostly just beers and vodka. I prefer to stick to Jack.
Madeline giggles as she pulls me out to our usual table. For some reason no one ever takes this table. Not once in the past few months that we've been coming here has anyone sat there. That is, until tonight.
My eyes widen as I spot two blondes sitting at our table. Madeline gasps in an over dramatic way, but I ignore her to keep myself from laughing. Getting a closer look at them, I realize they're two grown men. They're both very attractive and can't be much older than us. One has fluffy blonde hair and the other has teased blonde hair with an odd brown patch in it.
"I'm gonna go teach those guys a lesson!" Madeline exclaims. She takes a step closer, then stops. "Wait a minute."
"What," I laugh, wanting to see how this pans out. I love the girl but damn can she be dramatic.
"They're hot," She says. "Oh my God! The one with the fluffy hair is extra hot." She wraps her arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer. Honestly, you'd think she'd already been drinking. "The other one is just your type."
I push her off, rubbing my ear. "Why the hell did you whisper like that?" She just shrugs in response, fixing her top to show off more cleavage. I grab her wrist as she takes a step towards the men. "Don't go over there! We can easily find another table."
Madeline sighs. "Look. This is a one time chance! And we can finally get you laid."
I roll my eyes. I guess I'm not winning this argument. "Not everything is about getting laid, y'know."
Madeline opens her mouth to respond, but a deeper voice sounds from behind her. "It may not be everything, but it sure as hell is fun."
I look back towards the table to see the fluffy blonde gone. His friend sits there, looking at me strangely. I just blush and turn back to the guy.
"So why're two lovely ladies like yourself hangin' 'round our table?" He asks.
Madeline scoffs. "Actually it's our table. We're just letting you use it."
I half expect the blonde to get a bit mad, but he doesn't. He laughs wrapping his arms around Madeline and I's shoulders. "Well, why don't you join us if it's your table. We'd hate to leave you without a table as special as this one."
"Don't be a smart ass," Madeline says. I know she's enjoying the attention she's getting from this dude. It's obvious by the way she's looking at him. I know that smirk is reserved for when she likes someone.
I move away from the guy, causing his arm to fall. He looks over at me. "We'll hang with you guys as long as you keep your hands to yourselves."
"Speak for yourself," Madeline giggles.
I sigh. "Alright, I'll stay as long as you guys don't touch me."
"It's gonna be a party tonight!" He exclaims, looking really excited. "I'm Steven by the way."
"Madeline," Madeline says, wrapping an arm around his waist.
"I'm Henley," I say almost too quietly.
Steven grins down at me. "You're really quiet."
I just shrug, settling in beside the other blonde. He smiles at me, but I just turn my head to look towards the entrance. I'm hoping that tonight my friend will come in. I haven't seen him for a while at it makes me sad. He genuinely brings me joy. He's probably the best substitute for Tommy. After all, they act a lot alike.
I feel a tap on my shoulder. I try my best to hold back my audible groan. I just got here and I already want to leave. How sad is that?
I turn my head to see the blonde smiling at me. I try my best to return the smile, but I guess it didn't reach my eyes. I hope he's not taking offense to me acting the way I am. I'm not meaning to be rude, it's just that my heart isn't in it tonight. I guess I'm just getting homesick for L.A after that phone call with Athena.
"I'm Duff," He finally says, holding his hand out for my to shake it.
I need to be at least a little bit nice. "I'm Henley."
He grins at me wider. I guess he's happy that I finally spoke to him. "That's a pretty name."
I smirk. "I guess Duff is a pretty name too."
He laughs, taking a swig from what looks to be vodka. "It's a nickname."
"Then what's your real name?"
I nod my head, looking him over. His eyes are this pretty color hazel and his smile is really cute. He dresses a lot like how Tommy does when he's not in his outrageous stage clothes. He has zero makeup on his face which makes me happy. I've been around too many guys that wear eyeliner and lipstick just to be more "rock n roll". I'm pretty sure they're getting the different genres of rock confused. They're more glam rock than anything. Although, I think they're just trying to look like Nikki Sixx. I may not have a crush on the dude, but he is one sexy motherfucker.
"Duff suits you better," I respond, glancing back towards the entrance.
"Waiting for someone?" Duff asks, looking in the direction I am.
I sigh. "Not really. It's really just hit or miss if he comes tonight. We didn't talk about meeting up or anything."
I didn't get to talk to him at all at school today. We kinda avoid each other when we're outside of the bar. I guess we just don't fit in together.
Duff smiles. "Maybe I can replace him tonight."
"Maybe," I grin.
Okay, so this guy wasn't that bad. He's pretty sweet. At least that's what I'm getting from talking to him the past five minutes.
"So," Duff says, taking a drink of his Russian Water. "What do you and this guy usually do?"
"Well, me and Hyde-."
I giggle. "It's his last name." I take the vodka from Duff and drink some. I'm gonna need some liquid encouragement before I say this. I ignore the burning sensation in my throat and smile at Duff. "We usually fuck." That's definitely not true. But his reaction is priceless.
Duff nearly spits out the Jack he stole from Steven. "I didn't expect that," He coughs out. I laugh, watching him. "How old are you?"
"Sixteen," I respond, smiling at him.
He laughs. "I didn't expect that from you."
"And how old are you since we're talking ages here?"
I scoff. "You're only three years older than me."
"Yeah, but-."
"When did you lose your virginity, Duff?"
"Uh. . .," He trails off, not sure how to respond.
I giggle, loving how easily I made him stumble on his words.
I turn my head to see if Sasha or Colin is at the bar so that I can grab Duff and I another bottle of vodka when I see Hyde walk in.
I instantly spot his brown curly hair and sunglasses that he wears all the time. Trailing behind him is some beautiful blonde. I feel my smile drop as they come closer. I don't think Hyde realizes I'm sitting right here. Hyde looks back at the blonde and kisses her. I feel a twang of jealousy shoot through me. I'm not gonna lie. I really liked him. I guess I never really had a chance.
"Henley?" Duff nearly yells to grab my attention.
I turn my head towards Duff, trying to stop the tears from falling.
"What's the matter?" He asks.
Just as I'm about to respond, a familiar voice sounds from next to me.
I look over to see Hyde and his new 'girl' standing beside the table.
Great. This is exactly what I fucking wanted to happen tonight.
All fics: @the--blackdahlia @sugar-content @sharon6713 @siliwanoel @charlyallise @lo-bells @lauravic @livingdeadharley @kawennote09 @ozzypawsbone-princeofbarkness @hllywdwhre @abbysdogcollar @nikkisixxwiththebass @waywardprincess666 @tommyleeownsme  
@rock-n-roll-soul-frankie @unholy-brat @eak1996 @madsthegroupie @sinningsixx @kissyourrosegoodbyemotley
Duff: @daisystuffsstuff
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