#I'm so very tired right now so I'm sorry for any typos/mistakes
sophieswundergarten · 11 months
uno reverse! do you have any favorite fun facts/infodumps you would like to share? :D
Hoo boy, an open invitation to ramble about something that gets my brain excited? I hope you won't regret this. (Also, thank you, Milk :>)
Today we're going to be talking about Deb Cook!!!
Deborah Cook, as she is usually credited in films, is the head of LAIKA's costume department. She has worked on every LAIKA film that has been made, from Coraline (2009) to the upcoming Wildwood (2025).
The thing about stop-motion animation is that there is a massive amount of planning that needs to be worked out before the actual filming process even starts. Part of this is the costume designs for all the puppets, so that they fit into the world and can be used as vessels for a cohesive story.
Cook does a lot of research into historical elements that can be used in costumes, as well as using computers and collaborating with other people in the art department to create her own version of textiles that are perfect for the character. She takes her job very seriously, and works to consider what each character's personality is so she can create a fitting look for them.
But, the!! The thing is, these puppets are generally about eight to twelve inches tall!! So you can't just go to a craft store and buy any old fabric, because the weave might be too rough, or when a camera is focussed on a piece of clothing so small the colors are distorted. So there is a necessary level of detail that must be adhered to, otherwise the final product will be kind of disastrous. You can't just make tiny jeans out of regular denim, you have to find a fabric that looks like denim, but is light enough that it'll be flexible when placed on a tiny puppet.
Now, there are a lot of insanely talented people who create all sorts of miniatures and have come up with ingenious solutions to this that can be pointed out. HOWEVER, a great deal of these are because of how much work LAIKA has put into that field of art in the last seventeen years.
In Coraline, some of the costumes were made out of a child's sock. A sock. And it worked because Deb Cook is a fantastic and dedicated artist who works really hard to do her best in literally everything. But, now that LAIKA has had over a decade of experience and accolades and new highly clever artists joining them, they have come up with many new ways to use technology to help.
But Deb Cook is an artist and she will go out of her way to make something look as authentic as possible. For the iconic beetle crest on Kubo's clothing in Kubo and the Two Strings (2016), she dyed rice paste, painted the fabric, and then carefully washed it off to leave the image.
So, after all of that, and the meticulous attention given to every thread, you must remember that they have to animate all this. That means rigging in skirts and weighted sleeves and armature in capes. Each and every piece of clothing, in addition to needing to be replicated or else durable enough to be used for the two or so years required to make a stop-motion film, must be controlled down to the tiniest motion. In addition, the costume department she manages has to be able to make repairs or tiny alterations when something is damaged or an animator needs to get at the inner workings of a puppet.
There are so many more things that need to be considered in stop-motion versus live action, since the majority of the materials and designs are made from scratch in the studio.
And yet, despite all this, the woman hasn't won any awards
SO. That was my insane, unpolished rant about how much I love Deb Cook. Sorry and/or thank you if you made it this far, and if you want to learn more here are some resources:
> 1
> 2
> 3
> 4
> 5
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frxxxncx · 7 months
3:00 a.m - j. wonwoo
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»best friend!¡wonwoo x fem!¡reader.
»Summary: wonwoo’s phone rings religiously at 3 a.m. every night.
»Tags: smut (MDNI), nicknames (pretty doll, darling), nonidol au, blood, mention of edged weapons, management of sulfuric acid, wonwoo is two years older than reader, reader15¡!, wonwoo17¡!, yandere behavior, wonwoo is an instigator.
nota: Super hyper mega late spooky season little thingy because wonwoo looked so cute on today’s gose.
note 2: Any typo or incoherence that you might find was completely intentional, it’s for the sake of learning about my mistakes.
»Words: 1.3k
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The ring of the phone filled the room, making an echo in the wall and vibrating over the table.
Wonwoo looked at the phone rumbled over the nightstand, not moving a muscle, still sitting on the edge of his bed.
Ring, ring, ring.
"Ah, y/n?" He asked you as he answered the call, not paying attention to the name of the caller in the phone.
An affirmative sound was heard on the other end of the line.
"What happened?" He asked with a soft voice "You calling at this hour..."
Your blank yet sweet tone interrupted him "Oppa, can you come over, please?" you asked impassively.
"Right now?" Wonwoo queried with a smile in his tone.
"Yes, it is extremely important, I need your help to load some things" you answered with a very sweet tone.
"Okay, I get it" he said, confirming what you needed "Which place?"
"Y/n?" He called your name at the entrance of the old house, looking for something in his bag. "I'm coming in," he warned, closing the squeaky door behind him.
Wonwoo walked slowly in the dark corridor of the house carefully to not touch anything nor bump into anything, until he got to the back door. He gasped at the sight of you sitting beside a girl with the same uniform of your school, but when he saw your smile, even if your face was splashed with blood, it calmed him.
"It looks like this time you made it very extravagant too, pretty doll" your friend said giggling softly.
"I'm sorry for calling you so late," you said, insecure, making weird figures on the floor with the splattered red fluid, due to the cute nickname.
In fact, it was three in the morning, but you were there in front of him with your face painted in carmine just like your clothes, and you also had a small ax in your right hand, covered completely in the thick substance, Wonwoo thought to himself that you matched perfectly the ungodly hour.
"Don't worry, it doesn't bother me, because it’s you" his voice caressed your ears like honey while he was still looking for something in his bag.
A victorious sound came out of his mouth when he finally found it "Take here" he said lending to you a plastic bag with clean clothes "You have to change your clothes, I brought you some of the things you have in my house"
"Ooh, thank u, Wonwoo '' you went to hug him, but he stopped you.
"Go take a shower, I'll clean here" he demanded, putting on gloves.
You nodded and went quickly to take a bath. Wonwoo fixed his scarf leaving the ends in his back so they wouldn't get stained, he looked closely at the dead girl and finally remembered her, she was his desk-mate in chemistry, understandably he didn't recognize her at first glance, the fair skin of her face was covered in cuts and scratches.
That day... he helped her carry some papers to the principal's office, probably you didn't know her. He looked at the girl with a tired expression and opened his mouth.
"Y/n!, what do you think is faster!?, clean everything with water or get it all out through the back door!?" He shouted high enough for you to hear him.
"I would only use a bucket to do it" you yelled in response and Wonwoo could help but chuckle.
"Of course you would" he mumbled getting out of his duffle bag a container with sodium peroxide, he got up and exited the house, grabbing the bucket beside the tap that was sticking out of the house, the water was freezing cold, he continued, putting a layer of the yellowish powder in the water.
He entered once again, still hearing the shower upstairs, he knelt and started to clean, the ceramic was starting to look more and more white, making Wonwoo feel proud, and at the same time, the girl's body was starting to become a hindrance.
"Uff" sighed the man zipping the black duffel bag.
The chirp of the wooden stairs makes him notice that you finally had finished washing.
"Welcome back" Wonwoo said brightly, while you finished putting your glove in your right hand.
"I'm wrapping up here" he commented grabbing the huge bag where the body was hidden, he lifted it and put it in his shoulder, and you looked at him with your mouth shut
"Let's go"
You were walking in the little forest behind the house, stepping through the trees, sticks breaking below your feet, you couldn't stop biting onto your lower lip nervously.
"Oppa, I'm sorry" your tone was solemn, and the older heart ached a little.
"Hm? Because...?"
"You know… for always being like this” you answered looking at your fingers.
"That's okay, Darling, I'm good with tough work, besides if you carry something so heavy you would become shorter" he joked with a beautiful smile getting close to you to caress your damp hair.
Both of you continued your stroll until you got to a familiar place, it was remote and isolated, very deep into the forest.
"Hey, y/n" he called out, dropping the hefty bag on the floor, now grabbing the shovels that were being held by you, "perhaps, do you like me?"
"I'm not sure" you didn't know what your feelings were, for all you know when you looked at him, you just wanted him to be yours, and only yours.
"I see," Wonwoo whispered with a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes, both starting to dig in the floor.
You kept digging and digging in silence until the hole was deep and vast enough to fit the body in, once the now naked body was in the improvised tomb, you talked again.
"You definitely hate this part of me, right?" You muttered sadly, looking from the corner of your eye how Wonwoo opened a gallon of sulfuric acid -that he had stolen as from his chemistry lab- and poured it onto the girl's body, putting emphasis on her face.
Jeon hurriedly left the container on the floor and went straight to you.
"Not completely" his calloused hands stroked your cheeks sweetly, his honeyed voice was serious, eyes shimmering with adoration.
"I love you"
"Only you"
"I love you desperately"
The red invaded your face, your flesh was burning under the soft touch of his hands, a timid smile slipping from your lips.
"Okey" you stumbled feeling tender at his words.
Wonwoo grabbed your chin and cupped your lips with his own, the warm embrace making you moan happily, lips dancing and melting together.
"Fuck, it's pouring rain, don't you think?" He said, making a pouting while you looked at him with a big smile.
His eyes fixated on a girl who was classmates with one of his friends, she looked sad at the rain, whispering to herself something about having to stay there all day due to the heavy rain.
"Where's your umbrella?" Wonwoo asked you, with curious kitty eyes.
Your face had a question mark painted on it, and you looked at your bag.
"Is here" you moved your bag jokingly, still smiling .
He smiled at you nodding and went to the blonde girl.
"Excuse me" he called out to the girl whom saw him with intrigue.
"You can have my umbrella, my friend and I live in the same neighbourhood, so there is no problem, you can lend it back later" his voice was sweet and the cheeks of the blonde were tinted in a cute shade of pink.
You saw them, and the smile that was brightening your face was nowhere to be seen, eyes glaring at the girl, when you saw your friend turn in your direction your face moved quickly to keep watching the rain.
"Y/n, I don't have an umbrella, mind to share?"smile favouring his pretty face.
"It's okay" You said in a mutter, barely perceptible. 
Wonwoo was there, once again, sitting on the edge of his bed, phone in hand, smile drawn in his face while looking at the dark screen, eyes dropping off instantly in the clock on his bed-site, 3:00 a.m screaming in a green fluorescent light.
His phone vibrated in his hand, an obnoxious melody filling the room annoyingly.
"Hello, y/n?"
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kaylaz-world-00 · 6 months
Laserhawk!Rayman x Reader
A/n: Okay, I couldn't help myself and write this down. I've been thinking about this idea for a while now. I've been not going to any airports for such a long time, forvgive me if I made a mistake. This is not the special for 300 followers so you know~👀
I am sorry if there is any typo mistakes. I wrote the end in a rush 😭
Summery; You and Rayman trying to go to your arranged hotel peacfully.
Warnings: cursing, guns.
Words: 3.4k
Taglist: @blorbostation @eateableworm @livelaughluvvfaithyy @darkchanx @astoraa @shiroisotto64
Btw does anyone want to be in the tag list?
Dear anons; I would really appreciate it if you could choose an emoji while sending your asks and requests (and stick with it) so I can tell you apart. Thank you~
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"We are sorry but you can't go through unless you show us a proof that you are infact his manager. Rayman doesn't seem to be very aware of your presence either. If you are lying--"
You growled, "What do you mean I can't go through?! Didn't I just tell you that I was Rayman's manager?" You were angry alright. You could see Rayman from your point against the few guards in front of you. He was surrounded by young kids. My god. Why would there be so many children at the airport at this hour anyway? Now how were you going to convince these fuckers? You didn't want to have to deal with these jerks in the middle of the airport with a bunch of luggage. It was too late at night for that.
"I'm not lying! I can't find my cards and information, they must be in Rayman's bag. At least let me call out to him-" you were stopped by them once again. Normally this wouldn't be such a problem, but you were experiencing this because they found a few... unapproved items on you. To be more specific, weapons. They slowly advanced towards you, making clear their guns precence to you. They weren't pointing it at you... yet. You frowned. It was a warning.
You glared and slowly spoke for them in your own warning tone, calmly stepping back and slightly raising your hands in the air, "I'm his bodyguard. Okay? That's why I keep them with me. At all times. You never know... what might happen any moment." You didn't want to cause a scene here right now. You reminded yourself that you are in the middle of an airport with a lot of bystanders and especially children around you.
"A second ago, you said you were a manager. When did that change? I'm sorry, but I think you're just trying to get out of trouble, but that won't work. We have no reason to believe you. Now come with us without making a scene." You were trying so hard for this right now.
"I'm doing both! I'm telling the truth. Just lemme--" You couldn't keep your calm any longer as they were coming towards you like a truck, and you wouldn't stood still staring like a deer, you couldn't do that. There was a great injustice here and you were definitely can't stand it. You called out to Rayman one last time before you could do anything wrong. If he didn't have your phone, you would have called him already. "RAYMAN, COME HERE Damn it!" you shouted but in vain, it was impossible for him to hear your voice over all the noise, you just hoped he would notice your absence. Right away.
Luckily, Rayman finally managed to notice your absence before security could do anything. You might have laughed if you weren't so tired at the look on his face when his eyes caught your figure. You gestured for him to come here immediately. Now. He looked so scared by your expression that you could have laughed at that. He ran over to you as he apologized to the kids, "Hey, hey! They're with me!" He quickly took out his card and showed it to them with a polite smile.
You rolled your eyes when they were finally convinced to let you in. Rayman helped you carry the luggages. He apologized to you several times as you stared ahead listlessly.
"I thougt you were right behind me! I forget that I was the one carrying your cards! I am really sorry."
You huffed in defeat, "No, it's fine, kids come first." You chuckled tiredly, "It was my fault I should have been the one carrying them in the first place. Whatever let's just catch the plane before they leave without us." You glance at your wrist. "We are only minutes away, god those fuckers took all our time. I suggest we start running." And you did just that, alerting Rayman along with it.
He start running along with you, "Hey, no need to rush Mr/Miss OCPD! We can always buy tickets for another one for today."
"Today? You mean tomorrow?" You scoffed. It was nearly midnight. "I don't want to stay up all night. It's already too late, let's just go. Also I don't have a Obsessive whatever personality disorder, I am just punctual. All my jobs are planned and need to be in time. Especially yours! Do you know how much pain in the ass would be for me if you miss something?! God, Eden would kill me." It's not even like they pay you good for your every success. It wasn't yours it was his success.
He was out of breath from the long, fast, non-stop run, as if you were going to get a reward at the end of it, but he still let out a laugh. But you were going to do whatever it took to get the job done, "Sure. You are a people-pleaser--" he start counting as you rolled your eyes.
"Look who is talking."
"You have Anxiety, obsession, probably dyspraxia too."
"Okay now you are going too far, you jerk. I am completaly a normal person trying to live a normal life. How normal it could be as long as I am stuck with you Mr. Rayman. The man who sheds light in the darkness."
"I'm taking this as a compliment."
The two of you were finally able to board the plane before it took off. You wanted to say that you could finally breathe a sigh of relief, but your clumsiness didn't quite allow it and continued to be a pain in the ass for you.
"You should be happy that we got the best seats. Because I am! Do you think we could see some nice view when we are up above? I heard the weather will be clear tonight." He daydreamed as he looked outside of the window with the biggest grin you ever saw on him.
"Yeah, sure whatever." You grumbled as you tried to push your suitcase into the compartment above your seat. You were obviously struggling but eventually managed to get it inside and quickly closed the compartment with anger and impatience. And finally sat down next to Rayman with a sigh, you can relax a bit now. Your body ached from all the things you were carrying and running around so much causing your frown to deepend.
You give a real remark to his previous statement, "How nice of Eden to be such a gentleman and give us the money for two tickets first-class plane. Unlike the last time..." You scoffed.
Finally deciding to look at you, he took his eyes off the window and turned to you, already aware of your discomfort and exhaustion and hoping to finally address it gently, muttering, "Hey, how about you relax a bit? We've got a four-hour flight. Sleep could do you good. You look like you've been up all night for three days straight. You're much crankier than usual. And you definitely need makeup. For your under eyes." He nervously eyed you.
You rolled your eyes at that, suppressing a sudden yawn appeared in your chest at the mention of sleep, "What a coincidence. How did you know? I've been working and writing non-stop for three days. Trying to get your work done."
He turned to you with a warm smile and a bit of embarrassment, "Hey, you're a lifesaver, okay? But I'm serious. Sleep. I'll wake you up when we land. Don't worry about me or yourself. If anyone tries anything, I have something up my sleeve too." He whispered with a grin and whinked.
"How reassuring. But you're right. I really need some sleep." You needed to gather your strength and mind for tomorrow. You couldn't be this anxious and stressed. Nor this lose and tired. You sighed in defeat and turned onto your side. He didn't say anything and you didn't need to hear any more.
You've been working all your life to get what you want to be like the majority. You always wanted to be able to make a change for the world. Working with Eden wasn't your biggest dream, in fact, quite the opposite. You hated them. But you had no choice. And you were forced to do this. But if it would make a difference, you would even be willing to die. You followed Rayman wherever he went, in a way you became his bodyguard. It didn't take long for you to receive that title from Eden. It had become official, and frankly, it made your job a lot easier. The fact that you knew how to fight was a bonus to them and a reason to use you. But after meeting Rayman and becoming his manager, something changed... He always manages to get into trouble, even if you don't know how, but you were always there to save him. Physically, of course. He already knew how to verbally get himself out of shit. At least that's what you hoped for. Even though some of his words might cause fights in some places... you finally know he doesn't meant to. You knew how much of a trouble Eden could be. So much so that sometimes Rayman needed you not just as a bodyguard or a manager, but as a friend... Rayman needed you to be there... he needed you to support him. He was needy, isolated, manipulated. And you are not saying any of this to insult him. Before that, you didn't realize he was actually innocent... and you continued to remain cold and distant, but he was always innocent, to say the least. You decided to be there for him after learning that. You don’t know why you decided on that. Maybe it was conscience. Or the unfair threatment he is having. Your sense of justice did not allow this. You wanted to help so badly. Even if it means throwing away your job. Yes, you've come to that point. You couldn't believe it yourself either. You saw the real him. Not the person on TV who lies and smiles through his teeth, the face Eden shows. He was defenseless behind the walls he built himself, he was being victimized and used by the company he worked for, even though he had little knowledge and was unaware of it. He was made to believe that what he was doing was a good thing, he was made to believe that he was saved, he put up with what Eden did to him for the sake of the children and for peace. He had no one to call his real friend, damn it! You would have wanted to fill that out, but... the only part you were allowed to do was keep him safe and pass on information. And nothing else.
You slept deeply and surprisingly restfully for the four hours until the plane landed. You woke up soundly asleep without anyone even having to wake you up, which surprised you. Normally this would never happen, especially in a place where you sleep outside of your bed. You were a light sleeper too. So it was normal while you wake up while landing but Rayman didn't woke you up? After yawning a little, you were about to get up to get your suitcase when you notice the weight on your shoulder and glance at your side. Your lips turned into a soft smile upon noticing Rayman was sleeping sound asleep, leaning against you, in a deep slumber.
You couldn't help but giggle, "And here I was hoping you'd stay awake the whole flight. Who am I kidding? Rayman and not sleeping?" How were you going to wake him up now? He's a really heavy sleeper. Your experiences speak for you right now. It's almost impossible to wake him up. Actually you have to but do you want to? He looked really relaxed and happy. Ah, come on he always looks like that! Just wake him up! But... something about that soft smile plastered on his lips telling you this was a real smile unlike the ones he seems to wear on his face all the time. Especially in front of the camera.
You pouted, this is your job and the two of you can't stay on this plane all day… besides, Rayman can sleep at the hotel Eden arranged for you two. Also, you didn't want to be late for your meeting...
You nudge his side. You knew a little nudge won't help him but you started of slow and gentle. You were in a good mood today. "Hey, Ray Ray." You whispered, calling out his nickname. You pushed his head on the other side and turn to him, "Ray! Wake up!" You hold onto hid hand and shook them, "Ray, Rayman! Wake up!!" You get up starting to shook his body, "This isn't sleeping you idiot! This is dying! COME ON! WAKE UP!" You grabbed his clothes and jolt him a few times, you were up infront of him by now, with all your might you continued, "Come on! We landed! Wake up, we need to go! You can sleep later!" You were about to slap him, "If you don't wake up right now I'll throw you off of the fucking plane!" He grumbled a few words hard to understand causing you to halt and lower your hand on his chest once again gripping his clothes. He was still asleep.
You fucking ask for that. You groaned as you wrapped your arms around his body and lifted him up. "God, you're a lot heavier than you look." You huffed and start to carry him towards the exit of the plane.
"I'm fucking throwing you out." You weren't actually gonna do that. You were hoping he would wake up as cold fresh air of the night swarm him. Almost all passengers on the plane had disembarked. The rest were still looking at you strangely because of what had just happened. You didn't pay any attention to them and continued on your way. Even the way you carried Rayman was weird. But how else were you going to carry him when half of the man didn't... exist? His arms and legs were nope, and the only place you could hold on to was his chest. His feet and hands were almost rubbing on the ground. He was still asleep with his head on your shoulder. Oh my god.
When you finally reached the door, you barely lifted him into the air and held him out against the night wind. Even you were cold when you realized he was shivering, he whined a few times and winced. He muttered something about him awoke and rubbed his eyes. Of course you didn't believe that, "If you don't really wake up right now, I'll let you go, don't test my patience. You'll fall down the stairs. My arms are already torn off. Lose some weight."
He grumbled, voice horse from just waking up, it was clear four hours wasn't excatly enough to satisfy his tired body, "You lose some. I am perfectly fine, thank you. You are heavier than I am." He pouted sleepily. "Also... Please put me down my butt is freezing here."
You muttered, "Your ass is freezing because of you."
You scoffed and do as he wished, sighing in relief when you got your aching arms back, massaging them gently, you couldn't hold yourself back from talking further, "We are nearly at the same weight. But you are half of my height. You are fucking heavhy. How dare you can insult me? You are a pain in the ass to wake up! Why I have to be the one to suffer everytime!? Pray that I am in a good mood today or you've been on the cold concrate with a terrible headache."
"You love me too much for that. You wouldn't do that to your favorite... would you?" He hesitate.
While the hostess watch you both argue back and forth like married couples, she couldn't help but smiled at your relationship. You were finally able to wake him up and gather your belongies, finding a taxi and finally on your way to your arranged hotel. Thank god.
While on your way you did everything in your power to not let him fall asleep again. Him grumbling everytime he was woken up before he could sleep on your shoulder.
"I am not gonna carry all that suitcase myself."
"I am not sleeping." He grumbled.
And he fall asleep afterwas. You will gonna rub that in his face later. When you finally arrived at the hotel, luckily the taxi driver was a kind person and helped you carry your belongings. Rayman was still sleeping on the bed you carried to his room while you pay the driver. After closing the door you took a deep breath and sat on the bed. Finally, you can breath a little. Sun already risen, it’s 8 in the morning. Four hours passed, huh? You had still time until your arranged meeting… You pondered to yourself. You watched him sleep a bit, the way he calmly breathed, his chest slowly rising and falling, his blonde locks of hair covering his eyes. He looked so serene.
You get up and reached towards the door. Giving a final glance at the soundly asleep boss of yours, you get out of his room. You already left all his suitcases in his room. He can do whatever he wants with then when he wakes up. You both gonna stay two weeks in there. Reporting things and such. Whatever Rayman does. You heard there is a beach nearby too. Though it was too cold to swim. You are sure Eden especially choose this time around on purpose. Just to tease you two. Those fuckers.
You went past your own room and went straight ahead for the elevator and pressed the top floor. You want to see the view.
After a bit of wait the doors opened with a ding. You walked in the penthouse, glancing around, observing the nice view with a deep happy sigh.
You closed your eyes with a smile. But it faded quickly, you gripped the earphone between your two fingers. You sighed with a thoughtful expression, putting it in your ear and pressed it on, calling for the only contact inside. Before you could even open your mouth, a very familiar voice quickly answered from the other side. "Light. It's been so long since I've heard from you! Honestly, it's good to see you're calling. Do you have something to report?" Light... that was your code name.
"Bullfrog." You greeted back, "Actually no... This time... I need to talk to you... like a friend."
You waited for him to say something. Hearing a few gunshot and a grunt from him your expression soured, "Fuck, was this a bad time?"
"Non, non, not at all. Just gimme a sec."
You waited a few minutes for him. You heard him fight with a few armed people. He heaved a sigh, "I would like to talk also, mon ami. What's up?"
You sighed, "It's about our mission... I can't... I can't do this to him. I want to tell him--"
"If you do you would risk our mission." He sounded serious but you are too.
You chuckled, "Aren't we always under heavhy danger?"
"I always trust your instincts you know that. But you actually believe he could change just so you said so? He believes he is doing good."
"I know. Don't worry, I am not gonna do anything that can risk the mission or us. I just need a right moment. I know we can able to get him to our side." You knew Bullfrog didn't actually believe what you said.
You heard him sigh, you knew he wanted to argue about that, he only softly speak up a few words, "I find it hard, mon ami. Just be more carifull." You heard more gun shots on his side. "I need to go. We'll talk more about this later. You just continue observing." You were an agent after all.
"You want to meet?"
"That's too risky. Just wait for my call."
"Alright. Try to stay alive until then."
"You too, prends soin de toi." He closed the call.
You took a deep breath and took your earphone off. You just need to wait the right time.
The right moment... you wonder...
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captain-mj · 1 year
I'm here to greatfully ask you, for another Part of the Wolf shifter AU
I wrote this while half dead from being tired so please forgive any typos
Soap shook his head but smiled. “Good to know. Is there anything else you don’t like?” 
Ghost started to dress in his other clothes, thinking. He eventually shook his head. “Not that I can think of.” 
“What was your life like before?”
Ghost suddenly feels like the changing room is too small. Very reminiscent of the cage. 
“Remember. Fight hard. Go for the throat.”
Soap was staring expectantly and Ghost felt like his jaw had locked up. If he opened it, he was sure he’d sink his teeth into Soap's pale throat. It looked soft. The man, despite his build and muscle, radiated softness. 
Was this just for him? Did Soap only give this softness to him? He hoped so. Selfishly, he really hoped so. 
It had been so long since something was his. And now something was. Soap was. 
Ghost must’ve stared too long because Soap looked away. “Let’s get out of here. Price sent the money to buy all of your stuff.” He reached up and gently scratched his scalp. Ghost relaxed a little and nodded  
“Wait… Who’s Price?”
Price sat on the couch. Gaz on one side and Alejandro on the other. Soap stood awkwardly in front of them and Ghost stood behind him. After their shopping trip, Ghost had changed into some of the clothes they had bought. He was also still collared and Soap tried not to think hard about that facts. 
Soap, also Gaz and Alejandro honestly, kept waiting for Price to start in on him. Either order him or argue or just… say something. But he hadn’t. Not yet. 
“We going out to eat? Or I could make something?” Soap said awkwardly, trying to break Price’s weird stare at him. He tilted to one side and noticed that Price’s gaze didn’t move with him. It stayed firmly on Ghost and Ghost was staring right back. 
“Sergeant Riley.” Price broke the quiet first.
Ghost tilted his head. “Should I know you?”
“No. Not at all. I remember seeing you were part of a squad that went missing. Thought I recognized your eyes.”
Ghost cringed and moved closer to Soap, putting his head on his shoulder. He didn’t want to think about it. Didn’t want to think about them.
Soap decided to change the subject and dramatically sighed. “I’ve told him he doesn’t have to wear the,” he motions towards his throat, “but it makes him feel better. We’re working on it.” 
Ghost growled softly and he sounded more like an animal than a person. 
Alejandro stood up and offered his hand. “Sorry for threatening to shoot you, Simon. Didn’t know how much of you was in your right mind.” 
Ghost stared at the hand. “Prefer Ghost. Only Johnny can call me Simon.” He reached out for a moment, Soap thought he was going to shake his hand. Instead, he just did… it wasn’t a fist bump. Not at all. It was something else. Just a sorta vague touching of their hands. 
Before Ghost grabbed his hand and held it, staring into Alejandro’s soul as he did. 
Soap knew he had to be fucking with him. Ghost was clearly a bit odd and yeah, he was scared of some modern technology, but if he could handle a car ride and knew what Green Day was, he fucking knew what a handshake was.
Ghost shook Alejandro’s hand before dropping it. He continued to stare and Alejandro looked like he wanted to sink into the ground. 
“Alright…. Ghost….” 
Gaz learned from Alejandro’s mistakes and just tipped his hat. “I also had a gun on you but I don’t think you noticed. Sorry about that.”
“It’s okay. For both of you. I would’ve shot me too.” 
Soap grimaced. Yikes. “How does Chinese sound?”
“That sounds great!” Price hit his thighs hard and got his phone out. “I’ll call and order.”
“We could use DoorDash.” Gaz pointed out.
“I’m going to call and order.”
“But it would be eas-”
“I’m going to call and order.”
“Okay, Captain.”
Soap sat in his chair like always. He wasn’t used to having so many people and he really didn’t have the furniture. If they brought the kitchen chairs in they might…
Ghost sat on the floor between Soap’s legs before he could voice this. He had his back to him and his legs splayed out. It wasn’t the worst thing he could do. Price looked at Soap but didn’t say anything. 
Gaz luckily did not speak about this but he did speak. “So Ghost, I like the shirt.”
“My dad was big into the scene so I know a lot of bands.” Ghost spoke calmly but his hand, the one the other guys couldn’t see, was white knuckling Soap’s leg. He was tensed up and ready to bolt at the slightest problem and Soap couldn’t help but appreciate how hard he was trying. 
Soap put his hands in Ghost’s hair, knowing that made him feel better. After a moment, Ghost began to relax just a little. 
Price hummed. “Hate to have to spring this on you so soon after you decided to shift back, but we do have some questions. We want to help stop the people who originally did this.”
Ghost grabbed the loop of his collar and applied a little pressure. “What do mean?”
“The cartel members in Mexico. Do you remember them?”
Ghost thought back to the ring he fought in. At first, always human. Then one of them shifted. Then came the day Roba said he didn’t want him to shift anymore.  
His makeup had smeared. Roba had grabbed him but Simon only focused on how his makeup had smeared.
“What does it take huh?”
“If you’re going to be useless a human, then you don’t need to be human. You can stay a dog. Don’t ever need to change back.” 
“You act more like a bitch anyway.”
Soap ruffled his hair to get his attention. “Roba.”
“Roba? The Zaragoza Drug Cartel leader?”
“My leader betrayed me. Led me right to him. Later, he called my other teammates lambs he led to slaughter.”
“And what were you?”
“The slaughter.” Ghost hummed. “Didn’t work out that way though. I wouldn’t kill them. Refused. Wasn’t… They were….”
Adrenaline flooding through his veins. It’s not his. They pumped him full of something. The world is melting. Things are breaking. Someone’s blood is in his teeth and he hopes its one of them. God he hopes its one of them. 
“They were on my side. Until the end. Don’t blame them.” Ghost continued. “But I wasn’t going to break. I couldn’t. I refused.” He sat up straighter. “Simon did die down there. Died bloody and fighting though. Just like I was supposed to.”
Soap’s grip in his hair tightened and it was grounding. “Well. Obviously not anymore. I’ll help you guys get it figured out. Take them down.”
Price shook his head. “You’re not going anywhere near any fighting. You understand?” 
Ghost didn’t. It was clear it was an order though. He wanted to bark back. Lash out and get angry. But he held his tongue because this was Price and apparently Soap considered him important.
“Yes, sir. I won’t go near any fighting.” Ghost put his head on Soap’s thigh and promptly zoned out. 
Alejandro waited until he was sure Ghost really wasn’t paying attention to ask. “Where does he sleep?”
Soap flushed brightly. “My bed… In my defense, I didn’t really think that far ahead and I couldn’t make him sleep on the couch!”
“Uh huh.” Gaz glanced at Ghost whose eyes were glazed. “Nothing to do with him checking all the boxes?”
“What boxes??”
Alejandro and Gaz took turns. 
“Deep voice.”
“Dark backstory.”
“Puppy dog eyes.”
Price raised his hand just a little and Soap hoped he’d tell them to stop. “Also, broad shoulders. Don’t forget those.”
“I hate all of you.” Soap hissed but he couldn’t really deny any of that. Even now, his fingers were still going through Ghost’s hair. He wondered briefly where he was right now. Ghost had been zoning out more today, or it was more noticeable, but he hoped wherever he was right now was happy. 
Ghost was back to it when the food came, moving away from Soap to sit at the table. Soap had gotten him sushi so him eating with his hands was easier and could be chalked up to him being bad with chopsticks. He didn’t know why he was trying so hard to hide these things. None of these guys would care. They may even have advice. But something told him he shouldn’t so he didn’t.  
Ghost left right after eating to hide in their room. 
Price got up. “Soap.”
Soap tensed up, waiting.
“Be careful. Both with yourself and him. He looks… a lot worse than I was expecting.”
“Really? He’s considerably less scarred and injured.”
“It’s the eyes.” Price said softly. “Just… both of you be careful.” He left. 
Gaz and Alejandro stuck around for a bit longer, but they gave him a knowing glance when he mentioned getting tired and he kicked them both out. 
Soap cleaned up and went to their room. 
Ghost had stripped to the boxers Soap had bought him and was on top of the covers, leaning against the headboard. It had to be on purpose. He looked like he was on display. 
“That was awful. I hated that. All of it.” He glared up at Soap. If not for the blank expression on his face, Soap would think he was pouting.
“I’m sorry Simon.”
“I want to wear the muzzle next time. I don’t like them seeing my face.” Ghost insisted.
Soap absent mindedly imagined his wolf ears. When Ghost was angry, they would stick straight up and twitch. He put them on human Ghost and had to bite back laughing. 
“Look, it’s no-”
“Johnny.” Ghost said firmly. “You’re trying to make me independent and make my own choices, yes?”
“Yes. I suppose so.” Soap huffed a little, amused.
“I’m choosing to cover my face. Why is that a problem?”
Soap got an idea. “It’s not a problem at all, Ghost.” A mask might be a good idea for him. He could think of something. 
When he was within grabbing reach, Ghost yanked him over and between his legs, a mockery of how they were before. 
“I also think I should be rewarded for my good behavior.”
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lost-inthedream · 2 years
ONF reaction to you accidentally turning them on with neck kisses
Genre: fluff + suggestive
Pairing: ONF x gn reader
Warnings: everyone is just very touchy, also mentions of sex.
Bonus song rec: Dream by Jung Jin Woo
Sorry for any typo or spelling/grammar mistakes
He is so absorbed in the new drama you two started that his hand is resting inside the popcorn bucked. With your head laying on his shoulder, you chuckled at yourself and accidentally steal his attention. "What's funny?" he asks scratching his chin on your hair.
You pull your head out of his shoulder and turn to look at him as you explain with humor adorning your face "You. You're funny"
Your smiley and pretty face is enough to tug his attention fully to you. Hyo locks you in a bear-like hug, your face fits in the curve of his neck. The way he smells sweet yet mainly got you nuzzling then kissing and sucking on his skin.
"Y/n you should be careful" your boyfriend advises. You feel his grip loosening
"Why?" you whisper still smoothly moving against him.
"Stop or I'm gonna take you to my bedroom"
J-Us (Seungjun):
His arrival probably was very silent because you simply find him laying on the couch. In fact, you wondered why he was taking so much to come back from the match with his friends. Now you were muddled staring at him apparently sleeping on his stomach, his face buried in a cushion.
"They tired you up, right?" You ask without waiting for an answer. Your palm runs up and down his back, affectionate movements.
You observed his humid hair, then the nape of his neck, his shoulders. You barely thought before straddling his torso to start a massage. The pressure should be collected not to hurt him, anyways his mumbles did not take much to say hello.
"Hey, babe." you greet peppering kisses on his nape, which made him wriggle.
"Hey, beautiful. What you want from me?"
"I just taking care of you, Jun."
"Sweetheart, I may look like a trash bag on the couch but I still have energy to wreck you."
E-Tion (Changyoon):
Those baggy jeans definitely suit him, you think walking into the bedroom. He also wears a cool cap turned backward. The motif on it reminds you of athletes, maybe baseball players. It does not matter, he probably got a good mirror selfie to post. He is still analyzing pictures that are all pretty similar to each other, so you hug him from behind and reassure him without even looking at the scream. "You look pretty in all of them".
He silently chuckles. "I've already chosen. I guess." he ponders. He was actually about to take more pictures just for the sake of it before your arrival. The way your arms rested around him changed his mind nonetheless. "Wanna take a selfie with me, honey?" he suggests "You're pretty too"
You dressed up in the bathroom, thus he has not seen your look yet. He is being a cute boyfriend as usual and deserves a kiss for it. A kiss on his nape. He does not say a word after that, also you feel his abdomen getting rigid under your hold. "Changie?"
"Oh, hey. Are we still going out? Because, huh, that kiss was hot"
Wyatt (Jaeyoung):
The mattress budges a tiny bit when he sits next to you, but you pretend you are asleep. He has not lit the room nor made any noise, Jaeyoung simply stays there, immobile. You want to chuckle for some reason but you do not. Maybe it is because he has got perfectly fooled, he is too nice to this world.
"Sorry, princess" he suddenly whispers close to your face before kissing your temple, then you lose.
"I'm still awake, dear" you sit and try to see his face through the half-light. There is light coming from the corridor and his lips form an adorable arch. It is impossible not to lean toward him for a hug. Your head finds its place in the crook of his neck and you lay a breathy kiss there. His response comes with a sigh.
"I was planning to take a shower and just lie with you. Do you have other plans by any chance?"
MK (Minkyun):
His fingers lingered intertwined with yours. That was peaceful, the opposite of Minkyun. You could pay attention to his scent, to the warmth of his chest against your back, plus you were almost sure you could feel his heartbeat. A part of you wanted to comment on his stillness, so you did. "How did I get you like this for so much time, my lemon boy?"
He then shifted just a bit, nestling you more comfortably. Was it possible? "This view is amazing. Thanks for bringing me here at this time. I guess I'm inspired."
"Are Fuses getting a new song?" you asked excitedly and turned to him, just enough to lean the side of your head on his shoulder.
"Nah, the song will be for you, my muse". The answer was followed by a caress on your head. You ended up kissing his neck, which was so close.
"Oh!" His surprise did not make you move your face from his neck. Quite the opposite, you kept kissing him. "No, baby. Stop, please. I don't think you will be up to having sex in the car. Or??
There is now a pile of t-shirts next to you on his bed. They were all rigorously ironed. Yuto came to collect them but you stopped him. "This one is so stylish. Can I borrow it?" you ask your boyfriend with puppy eyes.
Yuto melts at your cuteness. He is not the type to admit but you know it! He puts that silly smile on before giving you the green light. "The tee is yours from now on, okay?"
He organizes everything inside his drawer and comes back to you with a satisfied demeanor. "Thank you for waiting until I'm done. What do you wanna do now?"
"Nothing. Is it possible?" You softly pull him down on the mattress by the collar. He shows no resistance. All yours. Oh, you want to kiss all over him. Of course, that is not related to the gift you had just gotten. You throw your leg on top of him and start the rain of kisses from his jawline down his neck. He just let you be, since you seem to be having fun.
Once you were done, he warns you. "Hey, sweetie. It's my turn. I won't be as cute as you though."
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onceupona-chaos · 3 years
Feathers and dawn (part II)
Day 18 of Elriel month/ Teach me how to fly
You can read part I here.
"Spread your wings." 
The moment Elain opened her wings, the cold, impetuous wind hit them, and the full impact made her lose balance, almost falling backwards. Instead, she met Azriel's chest, his hands tightened on her waist, and her body went cold and hot all at once.
This time Elain did stop breathing. 
WC: 4164/ Warnings: Language
(I had so much fun writing this! As usual, sorry for any mistakes, English is not my first language. Sorry for any typos as well, but I can't look at it anymore lol)
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Elain had held that light inside of her with everything she got, and even so it came close to controlling her rather than the other way around.
She still could feel it, not the light that shone so bright to blind someone's eyes, but more like a gracious flame of a candle in her chest. But that was nothing compared to how the muscles on her back burned.
When her eyes cracked open, she was half expectant that all of it had been a delirious dream or one of those visions that still hunted her from time to time. But then she tried to move to a sit position, and a scream escaped from her throat at the very, very real pain punishing her upper body.
Her entire back was sore, and she could feel a complex extension of muscles - from her neck to the end of her spine - that was now linked to two massive weights coming out of her shoulder blades.
Excruciating, blinding pain.
Elain didn't notice the tears falling down her cheeks, couldn't even hear the sounds coming out of her own mouth.
Strong, calloused hands were pushing her hair away from her sweaty forehead a second later, and then Azriel’s beautiful face was there.
He was like a hiding spot in the middle of a storm, anchoring her from her agony, even though his expression was contorted in worry.
Azriel's eyes were wild, lips forming her name, but she couldn't hear a sound. Pain was all she knew, making her senses numbed.
Black dots started to dance in front of her eyes, her head getting light, and hazel ones full of terror was the last thing she saw before the world bleed into darkness again.
The next time Elain emerged to consciousness, first she smelled the leafy odor of salvia. Then the feeling of gentle, experienced hands massaged the line of her spine while she was lying on her stomach.
Heavy eyelids opened to the Velaris sunset, shades of pink and purple coloring the blue sky were visible through the familiar floor to ceiling windows, making her recognize her room in the river house.
Elain caught a movement from the corner of her eyes, and she inclined her head slightly to see Azriel, kneeling beside her bed, worry still printed in his face, but his eyes filled with relief now.
His hair was in complete disarray, the dark locks pointed in different directions as if he had run his hands through it repeatedly.
“You’re awake,” he breathed.
Those hands, unfamiliar hands, were still rubbing her exposed back, the gentle touch soothing the pain.
“That’s Majda, she’s almost finishing.” Azriel must have sensed her confusion. “How’s the pain?”
Her mouth was dry and it was an effort just to make words come out of it. “Tolerable” she said, voice raw.
He just nodded and then they fell in a comfortable silence. It was always like this with him - no need for empty words.
Azriel just stayed there in his vigil, shadows curling around his ankles, watching her with those familiar hazel eyes. Not the blazing gold of Cassian's, but rather an embrace shared between warm brown and stark gray, with hues of emerald green that would stand out according to his mood.
Eyes as complex as Azriel's himself, candidly observing her whilst Majda worked, her hands putting the exact amount of pressure to soothe her muscles, the salvia tuning the sharp pain into a dull ache. She didn't touch Elain's wings.
Even with their weights on her back, even with the feeling of that warm power in her chest, Elain still was prone to believe it all had been a dream if it wasn't for the pain.
When Majda finished the healing massage, she merely told them she'd come back the next few days to do it again.
The bedroom’s door clicked shut, and Elain was already trying to get up, Azriel immediately protesting, "You should stay in bed.”
"I want to see them" was her only reply. She needed to see, to look at them. To know they were real.
"Your muscles aren't strong enough to support the new weight -"
Indeed, when she tried to stand, her balance wavered and she toppled forward.
Azriel caught her before she could fall on her face, hauling her up. Gently, one of his hands passed behind her knees, the other around her waist, and he scooped her up.
Elain let her head fall against his chest, breathing his scent as he walked through the room. A few moments later, far more than was necessary to reach her mirror, he put her down, but remained close.
She didn't see her pale face or even care about the fact that she was wearing nothing, but a nightgown that reached the middle of her thighs. Not when two massive wings rested on the floor behind her, the soft, white feathers touching the carpet.
Elain turned around to see her back, to see the point where the skin ended and the feathering began.
They were beautiful.
But she never had felt more unworthy of something. She couldn’t even hold them up, couldn't even lift them from the ground. It had been so exhausting spent months trapped in that murky realm, visions blending together with reality, that she hadn’t want find out what else the Cauldron had given her, hadn't want to touch that flame burning in her chest, not when her own body felt foreign and now -
Only when she felt tears dripping onto her chest, Elain realized she was crying, exhaustion falling upon her as a blanket, covering her to the bones.
She stood there for enough time that the next time Azriel spoke, she had almost forgotten he was there.
Because she always seemed to sense whenever he was around.
"I will teach you everything."
It didn't sound like an offer at all. His words were a promise.
Slowly she turned from the mirror to face him - and nearly sobbed at how lovely and fiercely his eyes were, almost shining with sheer compassion.
Compassion for her, yes. But also for an Illyrian boy who didn't know how to fly, who found himself all alone in a war camp long ago. "I'll be with you and I'll teach you everything."
She didn’t know what to say, what to make of everything. So Elain only took his hand, interlacing their fingers and squeezing firmly.
But then, a thought struck her. "Truth-Teller," she gasped.
A smile curved his lips. "It's with me," he said. "I went back to the Cave. Turns out, without the Orb, the wards were gone."
Relief washed over her. And guilty.
"I'm sorry. I should - ."
Before she could finish her sentence, Elain was again in his arms. Azriel chuckled, but hadn't missed how heavy her eyelids were getting. "Not your fault. You weren't exactly in position to remember it," he said while gently carrying her back to bed.
But before he could lay down the mattress, he stopped by the side of the bed, and turned to look at her. Every ounce of amusement gone.
"I thought…" his words died and he shook his head.
No trace of that mask he so often used, no sign of his usually neutral expression.
The look on his face was Azriel in his most raw state. And she could see it.
I thought I had lost you.
She wished she wasn't so tired as she buried her face in the crook of his neck and breathed, "I know."
He nodded. He understood.
He murmured as he lay her in the bed, "Sleep. I still owe Nesta an explanation."
Elain smiled sleepily, and mumbled, "Good luck."
Just when darkness came to claim her once again, Elain felt the ghost touch of a light kiss in her temple and the smell of mist and cedar. ___________
The next day, Elain was sitting at her usual spot by the window of the living room in the river house, the Orb laying on a desk right in the center of the room. What was unusual, however, was the many pairs of eyes glued to her.
Cassian's jaw was still on the floor by the time Amren, the last one to arrive, entered the room. Even her face went a bit slack when she took in the wings and some emotion sparkled in her silver eyes.
Elain tried not to blush, but all that attention wasn't helping.
Although Feyre had helped her before to retract and summon her wings, which she was grateful for, Elain didn't want to summon them in front of everyone, so she decided to just get straight to the point.
She didn’t know how Azriel explained what had happened to the others, especially to Nesta. But given the look on her face fixed on Rhysand and on the spymaster, a perfect I Will Slay My Enemies look, according to Cassian, Elain wasn’t sure she wanted to know.
But as for now Azriel just held her sister's gaze, his face neutral.
"So…" Cassian began, waving a hand towards her wings. "What the hell?"
"I think what he's trying to ask you is," Nesta gave a look at her mate. "Where did those come from?"
Elain took a deep breath. "Well..." She bit her lip, trying to choose her words in order to make sense. "After I found out what I was, I've never accessed the full extension of my powers. I knew the Cauldron had given me something else,something more, but I didn't want to find out what it was."
Rhysand asked, "Why."
"Because I was too scared," She replied honestly. That was all she could say. She didn't want to, didn't know if she could relive those days when she couldn't tell reality and dreams apart.
She glimpsed at Azriel, who was at the corner of the room, sorrow shining on his face while he gave her a reassurance nod.
"So when I grabbed the Orb, it… whatever powers I have just grumbled in answer, as if they were the same… they came to the surface. It tried to stop them, push them back, to let go of the Orb, but I couldn't… it trapped me"
"That's because they are the same," Amren said. As soon as the words left her mouth, Elain understood what lay on her eyes: recognition.
"What wicked sort of plans the Cauldron may have for the three of you," Amren went on, nodding to Elain and her sisters.
"Amren," Rhysand said, the voice of the High Lord. "If you know something, just tell us."
The petite female gave him a hard look, before turning to Elain. "The Cauldron didn't make you any Seer." Amren tilted her head, studied Elain. "He also happened to make you an Oracle." Her eyes were practically two blazing stars, and Elain had to fight a shiver, before asking "An Oracle?"
"That 's right, girl."
"What's the difference?" Nesta demanded.
"A different group of Seers… powerful ones", Rhysand murmured, running a hand through his hair. "I thought they were just a myth."
"They were as real as you and me, Rhysand," Amren said, shaking her head.
It was Feyre's time to demand, "Someone please explain."
"Before the High Lords, there was a time where this world lived in complete, unshakable peace," Amren began. "The Oracles were the great responsibles for this time of harmony, a group of Seers who used to celebrate life and pulled the threads of Fate. They travel through words just like we travel between courts, using their Seer powers to See and manipulate the future to their will… to prevent any cause of conflict before it even became a conflict. Subtle, swift creatures those females"
Elain wasn't sure if anyone in the room was breathing.
Azriel asked quietly, "How did they disappear?"
"No one truly knows." Rhysand answered. "The legends don't go that far."
"Common Seers have the gift of sight, but it's limited in its own way," Amren explained. "Oracles, however, have other sort powers as well and they can see further in the future, no matter how distant."
There was one question in Elain's mind, essencial and terrifying. "What is my power?"
Amren's smile was a thing of pure wickedness. "I guess you'll have to find out."
"But why the wings?" Nesta asked, brows furrowed.
Amren eyes softened a little. "Some claimed some of them heritaged from an unknown race of warriors. But not every one of them had wings. If you were blessed with them, they would call you the Leader. The others would fly on their winged horses by her side, travelling through the world and maintaining their balance."
Elain's head was spinning. "But what about the Orb?"
"I might have an idea, but I'll need to do some research in the Helion's libraries first." Rhysand shot his mate a look, his lips curving. "Care to join?"
Feyre only rolled her eyes.
Cassian let out a long breath. "So you're telling me Elain could see if a war is truly coming and stop it before it even begins."
A sick feeling gathered on her stomach, and she blurted, "No."
"No what?" Amren asked thighly.
"No, I won't use my powers to play with Fate." She couldn't help the edge of rage in her words. "Espeacilly not when Fate itself had been playing with me all along."
Silence fell.
"You're right," Feyre offered at last, her voice soft. "It's your choice."
Gratitude washed over Elain.
"I want to learn how to fly, though" she blurted, glancing at Azriel, who was already smiling.
Feyre looked between them. "You'll find Azriel has… harsh methods, but they are quite efficient."
Rhysand, who had been just observing, suggested, "Maybe you, Feyre darling, can teach Elain, too."
"I will train her." Azriel's words were practically a snarl, challenge filling every one of them.
Elain looked at the shadows gathering around him as he stared at Rhysand, who just narrowed his eyes back. Strange.
"I'm sure Azriel is the better option to teach Elain, he was the one who taught me after all." Feyre was looking pointly at her mate. "But I can participate in a few lessons when they get tired of training alone." She said looking at Elain, eyes shining bright with an edge of mischief.
Elain ignored that.
"You'll have to build some muscles, you know that, right?" Cassian asked.
Muscles. It wasn't that Elain was opposed to that, but… she couldn't see herself as a warrior like her sisters. Surely, she wouldn't mind learning one thing or two, but...
"I'll help you."
Elain turned to her older sister, with raised brows. "I don't…"
"You don't have to learn how to use a sword, but I can help with your core muscles," Nesta offered.
Then, Elain couldn't stop the warmth in her chest - not from that source of power, but from pure gratitude. "Thank you."
Amren shocked her head and huffled a breath, edged with amusement, making Elain's brows furrow at that.
"A Made, reborn Fae and a Valkyrie training a new Oracle." Her lips curved in a feral smile. "Three Cauldron-blessed sisters, indeed."
Elain didn't have to use the Orb to know Fate had listened to Amren's words.
Azriel's curse hit Elain's ears, before her arm hit the rock as she fell on her face right into the lake.
They had been training for weeks now. At first, it was more about how to summon her wings and keep them up instead of resting on the ground.
Sometimes Feyre would join them, or even Nuala and Cerridwen made an appearance for what Cerridwen called "emotional support".
Which means they watched as Elain jumped just to fall right into that gods-damned lake and tried not to laugh. Cerridwen often failed spectacularly at that.
But after one particularly hard training lesson that ended up with more bruises Elain would care to admit, especially to her pride, Cerridwen had come to her room with a gift: a brand new and very pink apron with a winged fawn carefully embroidered at the front, the chain stitches meticulous done.
It was the most ridiculous apron Elain had ever seen - and she wore every chance she got with a stupid smile on her face.
But most of the time it was only Azriel and her. First they would stick to training, and she was able to focus only on the lessons. Until one day they had sat side by side at the shore, talking about everything and nothing, and, gods, she had missed him.
But then she felt that ravenous pull towards him and had to look away, before she could do something stupid again - and just like that she remembered why they had kept their distance in the first place.
She knew he desired her just as she desired him. She had seen the longing in his face, and had smelled his scent that night, darker than usual. Had read the hunger shining in his eyes as he looked at her.
But she had crossed a line he didn't want to cross.
Good thing now she had other things to worry about. Like ignoring the pain in her left arm, finding her way to the surface to get the hell out of that chilling lake.
But before she could do any of those things, Elain found herself looking at the sky and then the ground was beneath her.
And a very, very shirtless Azriel was by her side. "Are you alright?" he asked, wrapping his tunic around her shoulders, scanning for injuries.
Even with her teeth almost chattering off her mouth from the cold, Elain couldn't help but take one good look at his muscled chest, those intricate tattoos on display and she felt her face heating. Not from embarrassment, but from pure desire that was pounding in her blood, traveling through her body. All she wanted in that moment, and so many before that, was to touch him, taste him. Be with him, by his side.
She imagined what would be like to have that powerful body hovering over hers.
Then she blushed a bit at those thoughts, too.
"I"m fine," she blurted after a considerable time, enough to make Azriel blush as well. And make her consider throwing herself at the lake again.
To distract herself, Elain closed her eyes and accessed that flame in her chest, letting it shine bright inside her, waves of heat running through her veins and bones until she was no longer cold.
When she looked at Azriel, he was already watching her. He cleaned his throat. "You kept yourself on the air longer this time."
Elain raised an eyebrow, "I fell on the only rock in this entire river."
A gleam shone in his eyes.
Elain narrowed hers at him.
"Are you trying not to laugh?"
"No," he said, clapping his lips together.
Every pound of desire in her blood died. "You said it wasn't funny anymore after the first four times!"
At that, Azriel tipped his head back and busted out such a rich laugh, that even Elain couldn't stop the small smile on her own lips. "You are a terrible teacher."
Except that he wasn't. Azriel was patient and thoughtful. He had refused to let her practice anywhere but the lake, and when she said she didn't need to be coddled and could practice on land, he had scanned her face, so many emotions passing across his, and told her he wouldn't see her getting hurt.
So they practice on the lake. Every day.
That was weeks ago and Elain was starting to think she would never take to the skies. She still couldn't sustain herself on the air for more than a few seconds.
"What is it like? To fly, I mean." she asked, eyes fixing on the lake before her.
She felt Azriel's eyes on her. "It 's freedom." Truth echoed in his words.
Elain nodded to herself. "I can hear the wind calling me." Her wing ruffled as if in emphasis."I can feel every muscle in my body begging me to jump out of the windows and it just… it's getting harder to ignore."
Elain tried to stop the burning in her eyes, her voice was broken when she breathed, "Why me, if I can't even get close to being airborne for more than five seconds?"
Azriel kept silent for so long, she didn't know if he heard her, but she was too much of a coward to look at him. Didn't want to look at him, not like this, not again.
But then gentle fingers found her chin and slowly turned her head to meet hazel eyes shining bright as the sun above them.
"Come with me."
Next thing she knew she was taking his extended hand and he shot to the skies, his tunic flying from her shoulders while she was being cradled against his bare chest.
Even though he was made of muscles hard as rock, his skin was warm and soft as the finest velvet.
Azriel landed right on the top of one of the highest mountains surrounding Velaris, the city bursting with life so far below that it seemed one of Nyx's toys.
And Elain almost stopped breathing. "Are you going to push me?"
Azriel chuckled, but didn't answer. "Turn around and close your eyes."
"So you definitely are going to push me," she murmured, but did as she was told.
She didn't know what she was expecting, but it wasn't Azriel's large hands on her waist or the warmth of his body behind her.
"Spread your wings."
The moment Elain opened her wings, the cold, impetuous wind hit them, and the full impact made her lose balance, almost falling backwards. Instead, she met Azriel's chest and his hands tightened on her.
This time Elain did stop breathing.
Especially when Azriel's breath caressed the
shell of her ear. "Focus on the wind passing through your wings, how each feather answers to it. Try to understand its direction, its temperature."
So she did. And she could feel it. She could feel the most external layer of feathers absorbing the temperature impact of the icy wind. Could feel the most little plumes, so sensitive they could perceive the slight change in any air current direction.
She became aware of everything around her. But mostly of the heat emanating from Azriel's body on her back, of his thumbs now drawing small circles on her sides.
"When I was a boy, I used to think the same thing as you do now," he whispered. "I was locked away and had to suppress so many instincts…" He let out a breath. "These wings are yours and only yours, you command them. It might take some time, but you will fly and control your powers. Be patient. You can do whatever you want, Elain."
It was his words, the meaning. He believed in her, had always believed in her.It was that certainty that had her leaning into his touch.
She folded in her wings and tilted her head, slowly opening her eyes to find his beautiful face inches from hers, close enough for her to see the hues of green in his eyes.
"Thank you," she breathed.
Azriel said nothing. No, he just let every word shine in his gaze as he leaned down and brushed his nose against hers while his thumbs were still caressing her sides leisurely.
She sucked in a breath, eyes falling close as she lost herself at the pure intimacy of that touch. Elain's whole body went molten and she wanted nothing more than to melt against his chest.
But she couldn't cross that line again.
So she pulled back, just enough to look at his face and made herself say, "I think Nesta is waiting for me."
Shadows darkened his hazel eyes. "Right."
On their way to the House of Wind, she thought Azriel would keep silent but he surprised her when he said quietly, "Nuala and Cerridwen never told me you were training with them."
Despite everything, a faint smile curved Elain's lips. "You can't expect to know everyone secrets."
He lifted an eyebrow. "That's my job."
And Nuala and Cerridwen's, too.
"I don't want to be a warrior," Elain blurted. "But… maybe I can use my gifts - my sight gifts, I mean - to..."
A whisper of those shadows still filled his gaze, but Azriel gave her a small smile. "Like spying?"
Elain blushed. "Perhaps."
"You'd make a good spy, but you have to be patient."
Elain looked at him. At that male who had intrigued her and made her feel comfortable and safe from the very beginning. At that male who found her when no one else would, who had seen her. Had truly seen her.
No, she wouldn't cross that line now, but...
"I can be patient, Azriel," she breathed. Promised.
This time, hope shone so brightly in his hazel eyes that no room was left for shadows.
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taehoneycheeks · 3 years
Tuckered out
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"Taehyung had been working alot and hasn't been taking care of himself. Luckily you are there to take care of him"
Pairing: Taehyung × f!reader
Genre: pure fluff, relationship!AU
Warning: established relationship, kissing, tae calls reader jagi, nothing else though just reader taking care of taehyung.
Wordcount: 1.3k
Credit : @taehoneycheeks ©️
A/n: Oh my god! This is my first fic!! Definitely not the last one. I chose this topic because I thought that with the release of their new song 'Butter' I think the work load would also have been increased on the boys and I wanted to write something for a long time sooo why not :) and as Taehyung is my bias, why not start with him! Please ignore any typos and spelling mistakes (I am still learning). Hope you enjoy it!
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You were fidgeting with the fabric of your red dress while sitting on the sofa. Taehyung was late. Again. This has been going on for over a month. On some days, he would wake up super early and would leave to work without even saying goodbye. While at night, he would come super late and till then you would be asleep. You were barely able to see him these days. Their new music video was going to release in two weeks and due to the release, the work load had also increased.
You would pack up his breakfast the night before and keep it in fridge and put a sticky note on the counter to remind him to atleast have breakfast before heading to work. Same would go with dinner. He told you to not worry about him and eat dinner without him and sleep but you would become desperate and sit on the sofa and wait for him to come home which would eventually lead you to falling asleep on the sofa.
Tonight was a little different. He promised you he will come home early from work and will spend time with his girlfriend. You prepared dinner with all of his favorite foods, wore his favorite dress and even lighted his favorite lavender scented candle in the bathroom for a relaxing bath together. But as you looked at the clock you knew tonight would be the same as usual. You were getting desperate and annoyed. But as soon as you were about to get up and retrieve to you bedroom, the front door opened and you could barely make a silhouette of a man standing. You slowly went near the front door and saw Taehyung. You boyfriend. The only difference was.......he didn't quite looked like himself.
He was removing his shoes but as you took him in you saw his shoulder were hunched lower, like he was defeated. His brows - usually very captivating - were furrowed together. He looked pale and there were very prominent bags under his eyes. He had barely gotten any sleep these days and it was showing on his face and in his health. He had a faraway look in his eyes.
Your heart filled with compassion. All your anger washed away just by seeing him being home and safe. You wanted to help him feel a little comfortable. You wanted to take away all his problems. You wanted to make him feel relaxed. Yes, you can't take away his work load but you can help him in being rested. And you couldn't let all your preparations go to waste so you took it upon yourself to help taehyung feel relaxed.
As he was going to remove his coat, you moved towards him and cleared your throat and he looked at your direction. Guilt filled him as he remembered his promise. He groaned and looked at you with eyes filled with with shame. "Jagi, I'm so sor-" his sentence was cut short as you crashed your lips to his in a tender kiss.
Your lips moved together, synchronized, as in a slow and gentle dance. The kiss was deep and passionate as you poured all your emotions in it. Slowly you removed your lips, the kiss leaving you both breathless, and joined your foreheads just taking each other in.
"You don't have to be sorry for anything tae" you said breaking the silence "but I promised you that I would come back early and-" he insisted but you cut him off again "no tae, I understand that you have a lot of work to do but...I just want you to take care of yourself" you cooed. He just hummed, too tired to reply and lowered his head.
You kissed his forehead and moved to his back to remove his coat. After hanging the coat, you linked your hands together and took him to the bathroom.
As soon as he entered the bathroom, he inhaled the scent of lavender and sighed "lavender" he said "yup, your favorite!" you beamed as you went near the tub and started to fill lukewarm water in it. You turned around and saw Taehyung again looking lost so you walked to him and attached your hands to his neck, his hands automatically coming to rest on your lower back.
"What are you thinking about?" you asked exactly knowing what's going on in his mind. "Just thinking about work....there is just so much left, so many thinks to check in and-" he said but you chimed in and said "tae, i know you have a lot of work but can we just relax in this moment? I don't want you to stress about work right now, please?".
"Okay" he promised and in return you gave him a peck on his cheek which made him chuckle. You moved away from him and started to strip out of your clothes. All this time Taehyung was admiring your body and when you were bare you asked with a smirk plastered on your face "Are you going to strip on your own or should I help?". He laughed and shook his head and started to remove his clothes while you went to add a bubble solution in the tub.
After the water was ready you and tae both got settled in the water and sat together in a very comfortable silence. You were playing with the bubbles while taehyung laid his head on top of yours and was drawing random patterns on your thighs. After getting out of the bath, you both took a shower all while admiring each other's features and exchanging 'i love you' here and there.
You got out of the shower and wrapped yourself in a bathrobe while taehyung wrapped a towel around his waist and then both of you went to the closet where you asked taehyung to sit on the bench sofa while you rummaged through the contents of the closet and chose a plain white shirt and a pair of brown pants for tae with a comfortable pair of pj's for yourself.
After getting dressed - and many of taehyung's protests - you both went to the dining table to eat dinner. You took out the dishes and served him his dinner which he finished in record time. He even asked for another serving. "Calm down tae, you'll get food stuck in your throat if wouldn't even breathe" you said joking, "Sorry jagi! But this food is delicious!" he commented with his mouth full. You laughed and after he completed his dinner you took him to your shared bedroom.
You went to the bed and pushed the duvet and motioned for taehyung to get in but he seemed a little reluctant. "What's wrong baby?" you asked "y/n....is it okay if we don't do anything tonight?" and you almost laughed at his innocence. He is so cute you thought and walked to him and looped your arms around his neck and said "we don't have to do anything tae. We're just going to cuddle and you are going to get a well deserved sleep, that's what we're gonna do". A slow smile spread across his beautiful face which made his eyes sparkle.
"I love you y/n" he said "i love you too tae" you said while pecking his lips and then took his hands in yours and guided him to the bed where you both snuggled in. Tae rested his face on your chest while you buried your nose in his half wet hair and smiled. Taehyung felt very relaxed and calm which he hadn't felt in a long time and he let your heartbeat and warmth lull him to sleep. Soon enough you heard soft snores coming from taehyung and you let his comfort take you to dreamland.
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zxntavc-blog · 5 years
*WARNING:(suicidal content,curse words,etc)
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*Hyungwon x Reader ANGST
*I'm also sorry if there are any spelling mistakes,grammatical errors, And typos.
it's my first time writing here, So I'd really appreciate some feed-backs.
You sat down at the edge of the bed,You then looked over at the picture frame that is hanged on the wall.
You couldn't help but sigh,"When will this suffering ever end?" you asked yourself.
"(Y/N)" a familiar voice spoke out.
You looked over to see a man looking staright at you in the eyes, You stared back.His eyes we're red from crying,"O-oh wonho" you chuckled as you tried to hide your sadness.
"It's time to check up on him" Wonho took my hand and motioned me to follow him down stairs. I followed like a lost dog on the streets as we went outside and into his mustang.
I looked outside the car nervously,shaking and sweating I then looked at Wonho who is now busy driving.
What ifs came to my mind..
What if...We came there too late.
Chae Hyungwon,The man you fell inlove with was now in a very complicated position. Where he suddenly looses control over-himself.
He gets very suicidal and the last month was the fourth time he tried taking his own life. You could imagine the horrible stuffs he previously did to himself,He once drank a whole bottle of medicine,Tried bleeding himself to death,Drowned himself in the bath tub,And throwing himself off the building.
Hyungwon lives in a very secured house, But still manages to get himself killed.
He is being taken care by a bunch of "Doctors" and assistants who takes care of him 24/7.
You frowned,"I couldn't even take care of him myself" you muttered. Wonho looked over at you sighing," You know damn right you can't (Y/N) he hates seeing you cry over him"
"And i hate seeing him like that Wonho! He can't even control himself a-and i feel really bad when all i could do is pray that someday he'll stop acting like this!" your tears started falling down making Wonho a little guilty of what he said.
But he actually has a point, Hyungwon doesn't want (Y/N) around because he could get her hurt too,Not physically but emotionally. Hyungwon really hates it when (Y/N) cries cause of her.
The car stopped infront of a large gate where the inside helds a big house. Wonho went oustide and opened the door for you.
You smiled and took his hands before getting up, Both of you looked over at the large metalic gate infront of you. Two guards motioned for the both of You to follow them.
You both followed them as they opened the gate,One of the guards gestured for You and Wonho to come in.
You looked down not wanting to even get your eyes on the house.
This very large house was suppoaed to be You and Hyungwon's house.
But now it's juat only him.
You both planned to buy this house and now it's here,Wonho looked at you with a small smile. "Let's come inside Hyungwon's waiting"
"I hope he is" you thought to yourself
You and Wonho went inside, Both anxious at the same time. "It'll be alright" Wonho whispered to you quietly,You smiled giving him a thumbs up.
As You both were walking up stairs a loud banging sound a loud scream was heard inside the entire house. "SHIT!THE PATIENT" you heard a man said as you saw him ran to the opposite direction.
You looked at Wonho nervously and he did so too, "HURRY" you took his hand and runned off to where you saw the others are.
"WHAT'S GOING ON?!" you shouted as you bursted inside the room,Your heart dropped when you saw hyungwon.
Standing at the edge of the balcony's room holding a gun.
"Where on earth did he get that gun from?!" Wonho said frustrated
Ever since Hyungwon's grand mother passed away,This caused a big infact to Hyungwon and He suddenly became suicidal and blamed himself for her death.
You looked at Hyungwon who is now looking back at you with those dreamy but teary eyes of his.
"I'm sorry baby,Will you forgive me if i jumped?"
You couldn't say a word, Flashbacks from when you were happy with him started flooding back in.
"Ugh cafe again? Aren't you tired of drinking the same caffeine every dayy?" your friend Seung-Hee rolled her eyes as both of you entered the small lively cafe nearby.
"Shh! It's not cause of the coffee you idiot" you shushed her making her grin a little.
"Then—is it because of him?" She pointed at a young handsome cashier, His name tag showed that he is "Hyungwon".
"Ohh (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N)~" Seung-Hee chuckled teasingly as she stared at the Handsome cashier,"Why don't you go order me a hot cocoa or something?" she pushed you over near the line as you only gave her a glare.
Seung-Hee giggled and walked over to a table and started texting, Ypu looked at the line and only two people were ahead of you. You gulped as you suddenly turned red
He looked like an angel. Fuck.
"Hi what can i possibly get you for today?" He smiled sweetly
Oohh does he know he's killing me?
"U-uhm" you looked at the menu nervously,"Can i-i uhm uh get a hot cocoa and just an iced coffe please?"
He nodded and wrote down your orders, You stared at him in disbelief. How could someone be so perfect?
"And what will the size be?"
"U-uhm grandes?" you looked away blushing
"alright a hot cocoa and one iced coffe both are grandes is that right miss?"
You nodded.
That's where it all started.
After that your relationship with Hyungwon began. It was really nice
He always had a small present for you when he goes home from work. He would always kiss you on the lips before work and You would always make sure that he has a warm hug when he wakes up in the morning.
It was all Perfect, Too perfect to even last. You have to admit that you missed all those good times together but.
You still stayed.
You promised him that even at hard times you'll be there with him,"Together?" Hyungwon smiled as he held his pinky to yours.
"DON'T I BEG YOU" your tears fell down slowly as he stared at you,He looked away. "Don't do that please" Hyungwon muttered
"None of this was your fault!" you said looking at him straight in the eyes. "I know.." He smiled,"But the thought of it still haunts me and i couldn't help but blame it all onto me even if I convince myself that it was never me" he sighed and looked above the sky.
"stop him!" the doctor said and pointed to his assistants.
"dont" You managed to speak out.
"Thank you baby" He smiled sadly
“Setting you free was hard,But seeing you in pain was sadder”
I had to.. Let my angel fly away.
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minybangy · 6 years
EXO reaction : Their S/O is a medical student/intern...
[Sorry if there’s any typos or mistakes]
Kim Junmyeon — Suho
A 24h shift is hard and very tiring, you ran in the ER all night, prepared an operation with your chief and took care of ungrateful patients who had dared to tell you you weren't doing your job correctly. What did they know about your job? So when you came home and the delicious scent of your favorite dish came to you, you felt truly happy. You quickly went to your kitchen, finding your boyfriend cooking, you couldn't help but come behind him and wrap your arms around him.
“Jagi, I missed you.”
You and Junmyeon had your habits, he was busy most of the time and so were you, but whenever you could, you always made sure to be there and to make time for each other.
Sometime you would run a hot bath for him to relax after rehearsals, sometimes he would give you a massage to help you recover from constantly running and walking in the hallways. Each of you always made sure the other was okay. And your relationship was working perfectly, sure there were occasional tensions but both of you were understanding and mature enough to make it work well.
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Kim Minseok — Xiumin
You had a big exam coming up soon, and you weren't ready, really NOT ready. You worked, you really did but it was simply not enough and now you wanted to cry, frustration taking over, fearing to fail and to lose your chance to be a surgeon. Minseok was working out not far from you, but when he looked up and saw your eyes watering, he stopped, got up and came to you, asking what was wrong, so when you told him about fearing to fail, he sighed a bit, not really knowing what to do. He was covered in sweat, and you were sad, so the only solution he thought of was to take a long, warm shower.
After your shared shower, you were relaxed, wearing fresh comfy clothes, your boyfriend behind you, gently stroking your arms. He then took your flashcards, bribing you for motivation.
"Okay jagi, for every correct answer, I'll give you one kiss, stay focused."
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Zhang Yixing — Lay
Exhausted was not a word strong enough to describe the state you were in. You wanted to fall and sleep for at least five days. Your back ached, and you could barely tell if you could feel your legs. The shower relaxed you though, maybe a bit too much as you were almost falling asleep while standing. You lazily placed your toothbrush in its cup, rinsing your mouth and quickly brushing your hair. You came out of the bathroom, wearing something comfy to sleep, and joined Yixing in your shared bed, clinging to him as he embraced you tightly. You both talked about your respective days, nothing special about it but it felt great to finally be with him and to be able to really relax. He played with your fingers for a little while, occasionally taking a strand of your hair between his fingers, not even knowing what to do with it, but he talked, his voice was low, almost a whisper, making you doze off easily. So when he asked you something, and you didn't answer, he looked down at you, a chuckle left his mouth when he saw your eyes tightly closed.
"You worked hard Y/N, I'm proud of you."
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Byun Baekhyun — Baekhyun
Baekhyun, being the cutie that he is, would want to make sure that you were taking breaks, so as soon as he saw you rubbing your eyes or temples, he would get up, close your laptop and take your hand.
"C’mon, time for some fresh air!”
It could be simple things like just the two of you walking down the street for a bit or sometimes it could be little dates, far away from your books and headaches. He was proud, don't get him wrong, he was so proud of you and knew that you still had to work for a while before to go to bed, but your health is important to him so by making sure that you were stopping for a while, he felt better. And you were grateful, he was saving your head from exploding and your legs from stopping to correctly function due to the amount of time you were sitting.
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Kim Jongdae — Chen
You were confident, there were really no reasons for you not to be. You worked so well and reviewed everything you had to. Your boyfriend had helped you as well and gosh, he saved you. Last month, you had an important exam to pass, well, important? More like decisive. Make it or break it, there was no way back.
Jongdae had accompanied you to get your results, but as you approached the place, you started to stress more and more. You somehow managed to calm down and enter the building, coming out with an envelope. You both sat on a bench nearby, your fingers playing with the sides of the brown paper, not daring to open it and reveal the final results. Your future was in there, written on a document. One word could literally change your whole life right now. Accepted or Rejected.
“Fighting Y/N, You can do it”
"I can't do it Jongdae, do it for me please."
So he did, he took the brown envelope, carefully opening it and took a paper out of it. There was no need to read everything. The most important was written in bold. He didn't say anything though, and you thought it was over until he took your hand in his, making you look up, seeing a wide smile spread on his face. He presented you the paper. Accepted. And at this moment, you thought your heart has stopped.
"Congrats Doctor. May I take you out on a date tonight or are you too busy for me now? Don't abandon me when you accomplish miracles and become famous."
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Park Chanyeol — Chanyeol
Sometimes, mostly at the end of the week, you were struggling to keep everything in your head, too tired to be able to stay fully focused, you were frustrated, sighing and growling, throwing your book on your desk and dramatically plopping yourself on your bed, at least five times in the pasr hour. Chanyeol wanted to laugh at first, but when he saw how desperate and tired you were, he somehow had an idea. So one day, you saw him enter your living room, wearing some kind of human's anatomy printed clothes. Giggling, he planted himself in front of you.
"Jagi, let's make this fun! I'll be your model.”
He got up on the coffee table, facing you, he pointed at some muscles, asking you to tell him everything you knew about it. At the end of the day, you had learned everything you needed to know, and your boyfriend couldn't be prouder, knowing he had been a great help to you.
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Do Kyungsoo — D.O
You were often coming home late, sometimes you would even forget to eat, going to bed as soon as you could and hiding in your man's arms, almost immediately falling asleep. Studies and work taking too much time and you being too unorganized, this mix not giving anything great for you and your health. Kyungsoo wouldn't say a lot, but he knew, he saw, you and your bad habits, so he would've created this little routine for you to follow, it was a pretty simple routine, but it was efficient: Water bottle to empty before a certain hour, not skipping any meals even if you really didn't have any correct schedule due to the hospital being an unstoppable rollercoaster, and finally, a good amount of sleep. 
So when he saw you getting up on your own to cook, he felt proud, knowing that you were taking his words seriously. Yes it wasn't a lot, but it meant a lot to him, firstly because you were listening to him, but mostly because you were taking care of yourself. 
“Eat well jagi”
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Kim Jongin — Kai
You watched your timer for the fourth time, sighing, grabbing your pen again and writing down as fast as you could. You were testing yourself for an upcoming & very important exam, willing to do anything in your power to make as little mistakes as possible. So when your alarm went off, you stopped breathing for a microsecond, hoping you had it all correct. You took the paper with all the answers written onto it and proceeded to correct your test.
You jumped from your chair when you re-checked every answer for at least three times, everything was correct, you didn't expect to do this well, so you felt all the chains tightly wrapped around your lungs, fall, letting you breathe normally again. The little victory dance you were doing since a good minute made Jongin laugh, but it didn't stop him from joining you, taking your hands in his and dancing like two crazy kids for a little while.
"I knew you were smart baby! Now you deserve a long night of sleep and cuddles, come here."
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Oh Sehun — Sehun
As per usual, you were working when Sehun came back from rehearsals, you were memorizing tons of information and medical stuff, just like every other day, and you were not closing your books until late every night. Sehun was proud, and very understanding, knowing that to succeed, you needed to give your all, but he was also worried, always making sure you were still going to bed and you were getting a reasonable amount of sleep before going back to your revisions. He would watch you work sometimes, but of course, you wouldn't know that; this man wouldn't let you catch him observing you lovingly while you were so focused. 
But as much as he would understand and accept the fact that you are as busy as him, he would still want some of your time, and if you ever forget him, don’t worry, he’ll make sure to remind you to pay attention to him.
One last thing, this guy would brag about you at any given opportunity.
"Sehun, we haven't seen Y/N for a while, you should bring her someday, we miss her!”
"Sorry hyung, you know doctors are busy. She's performing her first operation today!"
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ipliers-helpline · 6 years
Hello, everyone! Would it be alright if I got a hug if I'm not bothering anyone and vented for a bit? Also would it be okay if I vented to Dark? So... Tomorrow I have to sit the first paper of another mathematics test I need to complete, last period on Friday (15th December) and honestly I don't feel up to it, at all - not physically, but mentally and emotionally. I do need to revise tonight but I don't even feel like I have the energy for it. ~ Amelia (1/8)
Hello, everyone! Would it be alright if I got a hug if I’mnot bothering anyone and vented for a bit? Also would it be okay if I vented toDark? So… Tomorrow I have to sit the first paper of another mathematics testI need to complete, last period on Friday (15th December) and honestly I don’tfeel up to it, at all - not physically, but mentally and emotionally. I do needto revise tonight but I don’t even feel like I have the energy for it. ~ Amelia(1/8)
It’s not because I’m “lazy”, but because Iliterally can’t find the energy to do my maths revision. I just can’t. I wantto push myself to get up and do some exercises from a text book, but even withthat I can’t find the actual energy to get myself up. One of the biggestproblems is that, as well as feeling like that, I’m getting really anxious. Myanxiety is picking up, once again, and it’s making me panic at the thought offailing my assessment. ~ Amelia (2/8)
The second problem is that I have it TOMORROW. The secondpaper is next week, the last week before I come off for Christmas, and thefirst paper isn’t being held next week but tomorrow. The other thing is thatfor some reason, recently I started feeling like this more often? I wake up inthe morning, all fine (although a bit tired) and content, but as the day goeson, my anxiety just keeps on coming back again and I feel like I can’t find theenergy anywhere to so something. ~ Amelia (3/8)
This does not happen every single day though - ranging fromthe span of the past two weeks to now - thankfully. I’m not really too worriedabout that fully, right now, but I am really nervous about my math test. Idon’t feel prepared at all - mostly mentally… And I honestly can’t go up tomy teacher and be like: Excuse me… I don’t feel up to doing the assessmenttoday since I’m not feeling well mentally. I’m really afraid that if I docomplete it today then I will fail. ~ Amelia (4/8)
I know this will most likely be ignored by my teacher, and Iwill have to do the assessment regardless… Or I will be told that I’m onlydoing this to “skip”. I seriously don’t want to be that “specialperson” (as some people in my school call it) who doesn’t do the test, justbecause she is not feeling well… The other thing is that I haven’t revisedyet at all for the test since I was held up all week by other activities so I’mreally really scared of failing it. ~ Amelia (5/8)
A large part of me definitely doesn’t want to fail and is onthe verge of a panic attack, while the other part has no motivation to get upfrom one position or to do anything else for that matter. I also just want thisday to be over… this month to be over and for this year to be over. Plus, ifmy teachers asks if I am alright, I do want to say that I don’t feel mentallyup to doing it, but I’m so scared. I’m so scared of being told that I will do“fine” and then failing. ~ Amelia (6/8)
I’m, also, being very anxious about being told that I’m onlysaying this to “skip” the test, everyone else staring at me as if Iam the biggest problem in the universe (which I honestly am), everyone suddenlystarting to press into my face with the attitude of: ARE YOU OKAY?? WHAT’SWRONG?? and everyone constantly asking me that, afterwards, as if I was a totallybroken machine… So yeah… But thank you so much for reading this and takingyour time! ~ Amelia (7/8)
I am so sorry that this is so long and if I was wastinganyone’s time at all… And I am sorry if there are any typos, spellingmistakes or errors! Again, thank you so much for reading this, listening,answering and offering support to everyone on a daily basis! Thank you so much!*hugs Dark* *hugs everyone* ~ Amelia (8/8)
“Your mental health should be a priority. If you feelmentally exhausted or extremely anxious, preform some exercises to help calmyou down.”
“Number 1- Breath”
“One of the most recommended techniques is the 4-7-8 method.Preform the following directions:
Inhale through your nose for 4 seconds. Then, hold yourbreath for 7 seconds. Now, exhale through your mouth for 8 seconds. Repeat this4 times.”
“Number 2- Reassure yourself”
“Repeatedly telling yourself that you will fail is settingup your mind into one way of thinking. Remember, you have already learned theinformation. You can do this. Even if you feel like you can’t, it is possible.”
“Now that you have done those two things, you need toprepare. The lack of motivation will be hard to get through, and in no wayshould you push yourself. Try to put things into perspective. The year isalmost over. This test will not end your life. And because you already know theinformation, and you have a pretty good idea of it, the chances of you failingare not high.”
“If you start to stress out while you study, there aremultiple things you can do to relieve anxiety and not to become overwhelmed. Youcan take breaks every now and then and relax. 15-20 minutes is a good timerange for a break. Have a piece of fruit and a bottle of water with you, this can helpimprove your energy. If you like to study with sound in the back round, put instrumentalmusic on. Keep the volume at low.”
“The number one thing to avoid is staying up. Get 8-7 hoursof sleep. Forcing yourself to stay awake for hours will not help when studying.”
“If you really don’t feel well mentally, then please do tellyour teacher. Even if you think they will not listen, it’s always worth a try.Don’t push yourself to do something that can negatively impact your health. You’renot a problematic person, and there is nothing wrong for looking afteryourself.”
“If they do not listen, stay calm. Use the 4-7-8 method tohelp.”
“Take every question slowly. Fully read it through. If youreach a problem you cannot solve, skip it. You can go back to it later. Gettingstuck on a problem and focusing on it may trigger your anxiety. Just solve theones you can, get back to the ones you’ve skipped after.”
“And of course, as you requested, you may have a hug.”
*Hugs anon*
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doyleanddickens · 5 years
EXCERPT [chapter 2 scene 5]
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So this is an excerpt of my current wip. I just edited it and I thought I’d show you. 
Vincent Hastings is a creative genius and spends his time mostly by reading books and remembering everything he ever knew. He is arrogant, he is selfish but he is the mastermind which the Secret Service is clearly in need of after a suicide bombing at JFK airport.
[English is not my native language. I translated my German into English using my brain and online translators. So there may be huge ass typos and mistakes, I am sorry for that]
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It turned out that my father understood "Café" not only a very upscale establishment but an actual gourmet restaurant.
The "Café Carlyle" was set in a secluded street in the Upper East Side and was filled with men of pompous faces and women with pompous jewellery. So my dad fit in perfectly and it took me a long time to find him at a table for two.
I could not really say what I expected. I could barely remember what he looked like five years ago, but he was the kind of guy who looked five years younger than five years ago. He himself would probably blame it on a "healthier lifestyle," but he actually could not deceive me as easily as the media. I recognized Botox and a supposedly professionally coloured approach. I recognized pedicured fingernails and accurately plucked eyebrows as if I were the stereotype of a fashion-conscious woman. But I was not. I was just not blind to obvious things.
The man, whom I was reluctant to call my father, had neatly patted his nearly perfected hair into a side vertex and, judging by the smell, poured at least a pint of hairspray, which he unsuccessfully tried to cover up with expensive perfume. I could not say exactly if his three-day beard was an aesthetic remedy or if he simply hadn’t resorted to a razor because there was too much going on in the last few days. Judging from his tired eyes and the deep dark circles, it was the latter, since I could not imagine that a man who obviously made every effort to look young, intentionally had relatively unkempt facial hair. His suit was probably tailor-made, and under the dark grey jacket, he wore a classic white shirt and a dark brown tie. I could not remember exactly how old he was but if I had to guess ... I would probably still be right because I was in the knowledge of the details just mentioned. But I was sure that an average lady sharing her limited mind with the rest of the world probably had to think that this handsome man was not even in his early 40s.
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"Vincent," something lit up in the man's eyes when he saw me. I almost gagged when I realized that it could actually be joy.
He had got up and now held out his hand to me. Manicured, as I could already imagine. I saw an expensive watch peeking out from under his sleeve. He did not wear a ring. Of course not. If you had been married to the best woman on this planet, it was difficult to find a suitable replacement.
"Hello," I said coolly, ignoring his outstretched hand and sitting down in the square opposite him.
"I'm so happy you could take you time," James Scott began.
"Of course," I said, looking up. "The actual meaning of time is very distorted, is not it?"
A small amount of confusion crossed his face but only so briefly that I could not fully enjoy the moment.
"Thanks anyway," he finally said.
"Not too early," I countered quickly in a calm voice. "You would regret it"
"I know what you're all about," he sighed. I saw the age in his eyes. It was as if he was visually ageing every second. This case really seemed to gnaw at him.
"Oh yes?" I asked ironically.
"Yes," he said. "You want answers and explanations and justifications, I'm so sorry I left you, that I did not contact you and reappear out of the blue ..."
"No," I said, holding back a small laugh.
"What?", God, the man was not used to being interrupted.
"No," I repeated. "You are well on the way to take the completely wrong move"
"Excuse me?" Came from him.
"You do not always have to apologize if you do not understand something," I said instead. "You are not the only one with limited brain function"
I heard him take a deep breath.
"I'll have a coffee, black, no sugar," I said to the expressionless operator as she came within earshot of our table.
"Me too"
"The only reason I'm here, James Michael Scott is the assassination and the fact that my help is needed," I told him patiently.
He nodded slowly.
I could really see how difficult it was for him not to get out of his skin. He was James Scott, people did not talk to James Scott like that. Why? Because they cannot venture it, because he was always superior. But now it was not like that. I was far superior to him, I was holding the upper hand and he knew that. And he did not like it.
And that's why I liked it even more.
"Tell me about the case," I demanded, folding my hands under my chin and looking at him knowingly. "Why do you need me?"
He breathed in a moment and then straightened up.
"It's a suicide bombing," he said slowly.
I breathed and looked up at the ceiling.
" Of course," I said emphatically. "You're fucking James Scott, Boss of the Secret Service, I was hoping for information that I cannot find on any news page"
He cocked his head in annoyance.
"We do not know any more," came from him and I burst into loud laughter.
I put a hand over my mouth and tried to suppress the urge to point my finger at him and keep laughing.
"No," I finally said in disbelief, staring at him.
He said nothing, just pressed his lips together.
I became serious.
He was not joking. He did not play. He said the truth.
"Are you serious?" I asked, leaning forward. "And you call yourself agent?"
"It could have been an attack on the president," he said softly. "Donald Trump was supposed to be flying back to Washington at the time, from the JFK."
I looked around, looked at my father, and leaned forward.
" No", I said playing surprised. "You don’t say"
I leaned back.
"I admire your willpower to speak out loud about any obviousness," I sighed, silently accepting my coffee. "I wonder how you came to do your job. Did you just throw all the most obvious facts into the room during the interview?"
I smirked.
"That's not funny, Vincent," he said softly.
"I think it's a little bit, especially considering that in reality you just let your son solve your case"
I looked around me, down at me and up to him.
"Oh wait, that will happen again"
I laughed at the pain that flashed in James's eyes. He did not deserve it otherwise.
"Are you helping me now or not?" He finally forced out.
"Why?" I asked. "Are you going to get a promotion at my expense? I'll tell you something: You cannot go any further, you're already the boss."
"Because we need you", he answered emphatically. "Because I need you"
I smiled at my coffee.
"But it took a long time for you to admit that to yourself, right?" I asked.
He snorted.
"Are you helping me?" He asked again.
I moved my chair back slightly, put my coffee on my side, and lifted my lightweight leather briefcase onto the table. James looked up in confusion and I knowingly opened the lid. Inside was a single, small envelope made of heavy paper, sealed with wax.
I lifted it almost reverently out, let the case snap shut again and put the case back next to my chair on the floor.
"What's that?" James asked, looking spellbound at the cream-coloured paper.
"My demands," I said soberly as I handed him the envelope.
He looked at me with a mixture of incomprehension, anger, and relief.
Yes, I had planned from the beginning to help him. I knew he would crawl on his knees in front of me and still I wanted to see him beg. Just because I was the son of the biggest asshole in the world.
James still did not take his eyes off the envelope finally leaned back and opened the seal.
He silently read my demands and his face became more serious from line to line. I saw his eyes flitting across the sheet, reading through the dots several times, sometimes getting stuck at one point and then moving on. Otherwise, his face was almost annoyingly meaningless and I waited patiently until he spoke.
"You were very thorough," he cleared his throat and laid the sheet of paper on the table in front of him.
"Either you conscientiously fulfil all these points or I will not help you," I said and nodded.
"That's blackmail," he said, narrowing his eyes.
"No," I clarified. "That's called a contract"
I nodded to him knowingly.
"This is about giving and taking, James"
"This is about you getting your will," he growled wickedly.
"And about you getting yours," I said. "That's the point of the whole thing"
He said nothing more.
"I mean," I put my hand to my chin. "You may like to think about that. Maybe a few days, weeks, months. I don’t care"
I leaned forward.
"Just be aware: these demands will not change, no matter how long you wait," I pointed to the piece of paper between us. "And the murder case is a game against time"
He sighed and rested his head on his hands.
"Okay," he finally said softly.
"Excuse me?", I bowed my head.
"I agree, I will fulfil your demands," he said louder and looked up.
"Nice that we were able to agree so quickly," I nodded approvingly, conjured a filler from the inside pocket of my jacket and handed it to him.
"Please sign below right"
Then I pulled out my smartphone, finished the voice recording that recorded our conversation and the verbal acceptance of the demands, and sent out a short message.
"What was that?" James asked after putting the capsule back on the filler and returning it to me.
"Oh, I just want to make sure you cannot find a legal loophole," I said, and at that moment a young man in a suit appeared next to us. A waiter put a chair to our table and he sat down on it.
"Lorcan," whispered James Hastings as he recognized the brown eyes under the thick curls. As he recognized my twin brother. His son.
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"My witness," I said, stretching my hand across the table.
"I will comply with the request of James Michael Scott to fulfil the given demands and be available to the Secret Service in the suicide bombing investigation at JFK Airport," I said soberly and had to hold back, not too amused by the perplexed look on his face.
James cleared his throat and took my hand.
"I will comply with the demands of Vincent Michelangelo Hastings on the condition that he is available to the Secret Service in the investigation into suicide bombing at JFK Airport and any related investigations," he said, looking at me with his cold eyes.
Lorcan nodded and as if on command, we rose at the same time and left the Café Carlyle.
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