#I'm kinda excited to see his unhinged arc
emletish-fish · 2 years
So I'm partly sending this just to say that I really love your CK fics and you've captured all the characters so well and they're EXCELLENT!!!!!!! But I also wanted to ask you something about Daniel, and that is - why doesn't he have any sympathy for the kids in Cobra Kai? Like I get that a lot of it's to do with his KK3 trauma, and also his issues with Johnny, but aside from a warning to Miguel near the start there's basically no sympathy, no real attempt to reach out, and I always wondered why? Considering he knows EXACTLY how Cobra Kai can get into your head, he doesn't extend any concern to any of the teens and I don't know whether it's just his KK3 trauma in general or whether it's because he feels the kids should know better automatically or some other reason, and I'm interested to know what your take on it is.
Firstly, thank you so much!
I'm so glad you enjoyed my fics!
Cobra Kai is such a fun sandpit to play in.
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Now, onto Daniel.
I'm not sure I would rate Daniel not reaching out to Cobra Kai kids as character flaw exactly, especially considering he has no relationship or connection with any of them aside from Aisha (and later Robby).
Like, it would be kinda inappropriate for Daniel to start up an awkward conversation with hawk or bert or any kid he doesn't know to tell them of the evils of Cobra Kai. Who is Daniel to them? some random toyota salesman they see on billboards.
Also it would have been tricky even with the one kid he does know - Aisha. Lowkey, judging from Aisha's mom's attitude to Daniel at the Country Club in season 2 - that relationship is frosty. Aisha herself is actually not at all negative to Daniel until he starts insulting cobra kai in youtube videos - so there is a window in which he could have reached out to her, but during that time she and Sam are at odds, so you know, it would have been tricky.
in the beginning, Daniel prefers to 'save' the cobra kai kids by fighting Johnny and/or Kreese, and using subterfuge to try and get the dojo closed down. I think there is three things in general that affect Daniel's choices here.
The Ghost of Miyagi - no bad student, only bad teacher. Daniel is more comfortable tackling what he sees as the source of the problem - the teacher. So his efforst are directed at the adults and the dojo as a business.
Also, Mr Miyagi never once reached out to any of the Cobra Kai kids or tried to influence them in any way. He stopped them from hurting Daniel by kicking the shit out of them and he stopped Kreese from murdering one of them and then peaced-out. That was the end of his involvement with Johnny and co. He did not take any kind of duty-of-care upon himself or see it as his place to 'save' them, even though he clearly recognised the toxicity of their environment and that they weren't inherently bad kids and you know, that whole attempted murder/blatant child abuse thing he knew was going on. Mr Miyagi was a pacifist who espoused non-intervention. Daniel is following the example of his beloved mentor.
(PLS - I know fandom likes to put Mr Miyagi on this impossible pedastal - but he really was just some guy. He was a wonderful man. he was wise and kind. but he wasn't perfect or all knowing. He had such a wonderful connection to daniel, but he didn't see it as 'his mission' to rid the valley of CK. He only gave a shit when they were messing with Daniel.)
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Personal precedent -
you speak of Daniel's experience with how Cobra Kai can get into a kids head, but I actually think it makes him almost less likely to reach out to the kids; because he will focus in on Cobra Kai as The Problem.
Remember Daniel learned CK as a solo student, so he doesn't get the camaderie/friendships that can keep kids in Cobra Kai. They wont see it as A Problem when it is solving the other bigger problems in the their lives. Kenny is being horribly bullied. Tory's life is just horrible in general. Robby is getting back at his Dad.
(Johnny, you numbnuts. Robby's rebellions are so specifically you-related. He's learning karate from people you despise - not taking up an ill-advised flirtation with vaping -
Sidenote PSA: don't vape kids.)
For kids like Robby, Kenny and Tory, there is an upside to Cobra Kai. As Robby said, it's helping him get what he wants.
(Was it, Robby? Was it really? Cause, and this is just me, but I kinda get the feeling that you wanted something else rather than aggressive indoctrination, you know?)
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But, anyway, these kids will be much less receptive to the whole 'Cobra Kai is evil' thing that Daniel has going on, because they see Cobra Kai as helpful.
(But you, know, they're kids with limited world experience, who've experienced injustice, have anger issues and are lashing out to get back/assert control over their lives etc).
Daniel doesn't see the wider problems most of these kids are dealing with. He doesn't 'get' what drives them to Cobra Kai in the first place. There had to be a whole subterfuge hoopla with attempted murder and rape threats in KK3 before Daniel even considered going to CK, so the idea that someone would just walk through the door willingly isn't going to jive for Daniel.
Also Daniel had Mr Miyagi and his Mom. He such a loving and supportive parental figures to guide him, so he will take that into how he views the situation. He probably unconciously assumes most of the kids in CK will have an adult to guide them.
So in Daniel's mind all he has to do is get rid of CK and their problems will be solved.
Cobra Kai was the biggest problem for young Daniel and once it was gone from his life - he was fine. completely fine. he doesn't need therapy. he does breathing excerises. He did cobra kai and it was bad, but then he has Mr Miyagi and everything was fine again.
Daniel's black and white thinking -
Daniel has really black and white thinking. He's pretty uncompromising when it comes to anything Miyagi or Cobra Kai related. This is a mindset he is only just beginning to grow from at the end of season 4, and even then I would argue that he still sees Cobra Kai as Eviiiil but has come around to begrudgingly seeing some benefit in Johnny's EF style.
Side-note: That said, I think it is important to point out that while Daniel can be hypocritical, Daniel isn't wrong about CK. Cobra Kai indoctrinates kids into an unhealthy, authoritarian and violent world view. Some of the teachings like the emphasis on strength and power, using violence to get your way, the whole might-is-right thing, the disdain for showing any kind of vulnerability are low-key entries to fascism. Cobra Kai indoctrinates kids into a way of life and then It ruins those lives.
Daniel might believe in no bad student in theory, but he also sees anyone associated with CK as bad. Just look at the drastic change in his attitude to Robby as soon as he is in CK. And Robby is a kid he actually knows very well. Look at how he treats Hawk when Hawk is sincerely trying to make amends in early season 4. Look at how rude his to Carmen's face about Miguel at the start of their double date based solely on the AVT.
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(oh Carmen you are a more patient and gracious woman than I would be.)
When kids are 'worthy' of his help - they get it in spades. So the kids who defect from CK in season 2 get lavished with positivity and welcoming when they first join. But when kids are 'unworthy' they get completely written off.
Why are you even helping this girl? Daniel asks Amanda. He truly cannot see any benefit in helping Tory. Daniel's black and white thinking = After everything she's done, she doesn't deserve their help.
Oh but Tory needs it. She needs an adult who is not a total snake so badly. And that's a seperate point, but it is one I think is interesting and I hope the show expands on it.
Amanda is intervening directly, something which is against the Myagi teachings. But she is also doing so without violence and through showing genuine care and wanting a better outcome for both girls.
Ultimately, I think Amanda will be more successful in ending the girl's rivalry that Daniel. But treating Tory as a person and showing her understanding, she is laying the first bricks on the road to peace. Daniel's method - to badger Sam about taking the high-road while getting deeper and deeper into a karate war and training her to beat up this girl at a tournament was always going to get mixed results at best).
But yeah, the shorter version is that I don't think Daniel sees the current crop of Cobra Kai students as 'worthy' of his help.
And they wont be until the renounce Cobra Kai and come back to the light.
Even Robby gets this treatment, and he's the kid Daniel is most invested in besides Sam. (Sorry anthony).
This puts the onus of reaching out on the kid, not daniel.
Sam is very much echoing Daniel when she says to Robby:
you made your choice.
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Finally, I wrote a different meta about Daniel's story isn't really about his relationship with kids. It's about his need to fight 'the snake'. He has his whole attention focused on the monster terrorising children that he completely loses sight of the children in his care. Even his own daughter (the relationship he is arguably the most invested in) doesn't feel seen by him.
There is always going to be less focus on interpersonal relationships with Daniel's arc. He's preoccupied with the monster he hates rather than the people he loves.
I think it is a mixture of the influence of Miyagi, Daniel's personal experiences and his black and white thinking that prevent him from actively reaching out to the students in Cobra Kai. Daniel thinks it is sufficient to 'save' the kids by getting rid of Cobra Kai without any knowledge of the complexities of their lives and the how the challenges they face can push them into embracing Cobra Kai.
But I give him a pass for that because he has not personal connection to any of these kids (aside from Robby and Aisha).
I think the way Daniel's black and white thinking affect how he treats/uses children directly under his duty of care is a much more valid thing to criticize him for. I actually don't have a problem with him not directly reaching out to any CK students (aside from Robby, but you know, those attempts did not go well).
Thanks for the ask!
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urfavnegronerd · 10 months
a little rant while im on break at my job
okay i know we're supposed to like ghostflower ships but i... i have some thoughts.
i see the love and lust between those two in into the spiderverse, miles is so giggly around gwen and gwen is slightly less unhinged (you ALL know what im getting at, love her but our good sis gwen is.... *hand motion*) etc. allat good stuff.
but i can't see that happening especially w the events of atsv, like there's definitely room for patching up the relationship but anything romantic between the two would feel forced as fuck i feel like. and maybe that's just me being an intensely passionate empath who likes to act like a nonchalant lil asshole, but still. i LOVE gwen, sony set her up beautifully for an amazing character arc that i'm so excited to see in the next one. HOWEVER, also this could just be me being an annoying little afro latina shit, she's not coming back from opening the collectible, going through miles' sketchbook w/o permission, and the shoes on the bed. that doesn't mean i HATE her i just can't look at her the same.
now a bitch is biased because black love is forever 🔛🔝, but also in the comics and video game miles has a black love interest. there was definitely also THE connection w/ miles and margo (however i'm also kinda in favor of prowlerbyte anyway--), and lil old me in the theatre was loosing it. i think that staying true to the aspect of black love interests is also going to be so important for the community, both comic/video game fans and black fans alike, mainly because of how black men interact with black women. speaking from experience i can't even count how many times i wanted to be the short lil white girl with blue eyes and blonde hair instead of the tall and awkward black girl with the wide nose and corkscrew curls. now here's where i think my personal bias kind of skews my opinion on this, but this franchise has been so important to SO many people. again speaking from experience, when i saw miles in atsv with the EXACT same hair texture as me i almost cried because no one in the history of ever has animated my kind of hair right and miles' hair was right. on top of this i saw so many little black boys practically tripping and falling in anticipation to see this movie in theatres. so i think i favor miles having a relationship with a black girl because this will reach such a new audience and possibly open doors for black men and boys to start treating black somebody and girls with respect. because if these little boys in the theatre see their like, idol for lack of a better word, treating black women and girls with respect i think then there's gonna be an aspect of healing within that.
i'm not really sure how well i'm communicating this, but i don't really think i can fully get behind the ghostflower ship. to me it feels really fucking forced in a way that kinda icks me out, however this is not to say i won't absolutely love the shit out of these two if it happens. in a way, this franchise feels like something the black community needs in several ways. like yeah this shit is pro black but FULLY pro black, not pro-black but anti gay, trans, or whatever the fuck. it shows blackness in a new way, artsy and nerdy but also really fucking cool at the same time and i never fucking got that as a little kid. like i kid you not the other black kids in school would call me a wanna be white girl. and to see someone with similar interests as me just sort of opens the world up??? like i visited my older sister at school in the dmv while wearing a spiderverse hoodie, and people actually wanted to talk to me about it!!! like not ina "oh i like ur sweatshirt ma" type thing like a "omg you like this movie too??" type thing and i just--
yeah i def strayed from the topic, but i hope our baby does get his lil black girl (or his lil gwen, from a big sisters perspective i don't hate her as a prospective partner i just think that there would need to be a clear breakdown in the difference of cultures. for example i was taught that anytime you meet anyone formally (like a parent or something) you shake their hand and or go in for a hug and kiss BOTH cheeks and talk about their home their clothes or whatever) but for like the sake of authenticity (sorry to be that asshole but come ON) but like.... flowerbyte 🥰🥰
did this make sense i feel like i word vomited like a bitch, idk maybe i'm projecting my personal shit into a franchise i really like
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macabresymphonies · 2 months
You know, recently I came across the idea that Sam will become an antagonist and honestly? Kind of makes sense I would really be excited for it to turn this direction.
EP 10 was kinda mushy for Sam and Alice, but there are few elements that make me think Sam might turn towards whatever the evil, eldritch side is this season:
Alice constantly remarks how weak Sam is, calling him "a shrimp" or "noodle arms". I'm not implying Alice is doing it maliciously, but it definitely brings our attention towards Sam being physically weak while also being weak of character (as in, he's easily overpowered in the office environment, yet to see how he is in everyday life)
Alice definitely seems like Sam's "bond", but there is SO much drama brewing between him liking Celia, Alice still having feelings for him and Celia (low key) flirting with Alice (while Celia's energy towards Sam seems more friendly), it might end up with Celia "choosing" Alice over Sam (while Alice herself not really reciprocating those feelings for Celia), which plays well into next point
Sam seems to have some type of insecurity about being "chosen". It's quite a common insecurity to have, one where you feel you're always the last option, the "backup friend", never the first choice in something. The institute didn't choose him, Alice had to refer him for the job implying that without it he wouldn't get it and if the "love triangle" sorts itself out like I mentioned before, it also hammers on that "not the first choice" insecurity.
It would directly mirror Jon's arc. Jon never "wanted" to become an avatar, actively avoiding it and only giving in either against his own will, under a lot of duress/emotional trigger or due to not understanding his own powers. Sam on the other hand would be somebody who actively sought out the powers, gave in and "thrived" in them. Wouldn't be the first time we saw somebody "thriving" more as an avatar (or protocol equivalent of one) and with how it seems to work in protocol (items that do not directly corrupt or bind you to them, but are just dangerous or taxing to use) I could easily see an arc where Sam gives in to this power.
Wouldn't be the first time Jonathan Sims turns cinammon roll unhinged (looks at Martin post-change), but this time going all the way.
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swordfright · 7 months
YOUR FIRST LORE STREAM WAS LN4? That's actually insane, I'm amazed you weren't just confused out of your mind. But it's true, every LN stream is a masterpiece.
The LN streams were actually what got me into c!Quackity! Before that I barely paid him any attention at all. It's weird to look back on—he was almost relegated to being a side character, despite how important he was in the story. But that's what made LN so shocking.
I wasn't, like, super deep in the actual fandom at that point, but I know everyone was, um. Surprised! I actually remember a few of the ccs themselves saying they didn't like how dark the story was getting or how produced it was. The main discourse I remember was the usual "it's still not worse than exile!" stuff, but there was probably so much more that I was blissfully unaware of.
(The funny thing is my first lore streams were when Wilbur first joined, so I watched the whole L'Manberg/Pogtopia arcs from his perspective. Let's just say it somewhat influenced my views on the story! And not in a good way!)
Sorry for clogging up your inbox lmao
I was definitely confused, but I did have a lorehead friend there with me explaining a lot of backstory/immediate context (at like x3 speed of course), so I wasn't as confused as I could have been! Lmao
Honestly it was really exciting, confusion and all. Despite coming super late in the overarching story, I do think anywhere in the LN series is a really good gateway to DSMP precisely because the amount of effort cc!Q put into it was like a guarantee that you would be likely to keep watching. And then jailbreak was my second stream, which just absolutely blew my mind. I remember sitting there watching the viewer counter tick up and up until it was several times the population of the city I lived in at the time. Insane! Technoblade really did that!
I confess I am kinda jealous that your first lore streams were so early. DSMP is very unique in that the barrier for entry got higher the longer the story continued, because if you arrived years late you'd have quite literally thousands of hours of lore content to back-watch. I've seen all the major events from the L'Manberg/Pogtopia era, but there are still SO many POVs I have yet to see. Also, the impression I get is that that era was super influential insofar as setting the tone went, and that's not really something you can experience if you aren't watching live/chronologically.
At any rate - FASCINATING to hear that c!Quackity wasn't really perceived as an important character until LN1. I've read so much analysis of Q during the Schlatt presidency and dethronement eras but a lot of it was written retrospectively, after the LN series started airing. Ngl it is so baller (imo) when a perceived "side character" does something so unhinged that they elevate themself to main cast status immediately, he was so real for that. I would have gone INSANE watching that happen live.
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anonymeqaupdates · 2 months
Chapter 44 review
Okay, it's nice for Yuu to have a talk with Leotard especially since he needed question about why he is in Twisted Wonderland. I kinda like how your Yuu gives out what other isekai protagonists needed, how they miss their old homes and how they want to return. While I like some isekai protagonists, it is kinda hard for them not mentioned their old home unless they have reasons like poor life or abusive life. Seeing how Yuu miss his old home is nice and wants to return but knows he felt that he needed to help others to prevent tragedy.
Man I wished Jack and Deuce at least punch the twins so hard but nice to see how caring they are. I can tell Jack is the most difficult to let go given his strong physique. Ace is lucky to have those two around.
Nice how Yuu call Kalim and Riddle out because they did exclude him eventhough the have good reasons. It basically mirrors what Trey did to Riddle so it didn't do well with Azul. Which is why they should have confess the truth about timeline to Azul before he gained distrust on them in the first place. Riddle accusing Azul didn't help out.
Kinda nice how Yuu and Idia began to be close together as friends. I remember in the game that Idia doesn't mind Yuu that much and even more friendlier (like how he offered Yuu juice in GM with a genuine smile).
And oh there's a incident in the game club since Azul join in? I'm guessing it didn't happened in original timeline, I'm curious.
Nice how Riddle is conflicted on what Floyd did. Ace really does care about certain people but rather not say it. He understands that if he told this Riddle, this would have affected their relationship and blame himself for poking Riddle too much that led to his overblot. Well kinda bad move because it just gives Riddle more distrust to Floyd.
Azul really is letting Ace easy, I guess he is feeling guilty for letting it happened. It didn't help much but kinda a go move.
Man Riddle being frightened what the twins are doing right now kinda hurts. Bad enough that they are letting Yuu signed the contract instead of stopping it. Even worst when Riddle decided to make a deal which shocked even the twins.
Floyd would have love the idea of Riddle in Octavinelle if this wasn't the situation they are in. Riddle wouldnt be truly happy there. Trey and Cater will be so angry once they learn about it.
Azul having a psychological attack on the twins by having Floyd give the contract which he hesitant and Jade decided to be the one, but Azul refused it. Talk about psychological attack. Man you make me love this chapter especially the psychological attacks. I guess besides Azul, Silver is the only second year not to have a contract because he is literally sleeping about this. He really is the least suffered one in the second year in octavinelle arc.
Don't grin Yuu, you know it's a bad timing.
Sebek having a cute crush on Silver is cute. Nice for Kalim, Jack, and Ace to know about it...and about the engagement.
Jack/Ace: His dad is the worst.
Sebek: Tell me about it.
Honestly I'm surprised that Sebek is the one who punched Jade instead of Ace and Jack. But that makes it exciting to see some comeuppance.
Kalim panic to learn the truth about Jamil and everything else which made him question everything including the meals and how he hypnotize Jamil.
And the Djiinn being more unhinged is creepy and the way he psychological attack Kalim about the deal being near and wouldn't hesitant to do things early. Nice for Jamil to hold back and Ortho to rescued the day.
I guess it confirms the Shroud brothers know about it. Man, I feel like the idea of Jamil being taken away feels like a good idea to prevent the Djiin being near to Kalim but kinda a bad idea. I mean who knows what the djiin will do in Styx.
I want to see the tweels squirm by Malleus. They were lucky Yuu stop him but I wonder how they feel about hearing Yuu calling Tsunataro. I'm sure they would have laugh if it haven't been for the situation.
I'm sure knowing Jamil in the lounge makes the twins more distrustful eventhough the deal was made before they learn about the timetravel.
I wonder if Kalim is gonna mentioned about Jamil responsible for the tournament incident to the Impending doom. I'm sure it is bad enough that he is the accomplice but if they learn that Azul poisoned himself and that Jamil made the poison, it will be shocking and terrified.
I'm guessing Ruggie will know the truth about the timetravel from Leona, kinda like Trey learning about the truth from Cater.
Well, going home is an important plot point in the game so it felt natural to include it but honestly? If I ever got Isekaied I'd do anything to come home.
Jack and Deuce really wished they could, trust me.
Yup, Jade made the wrong call and now the roles are getting reversed. It's rather ironical. And they deserved to call out.
I haven't played GM so I really hope there will be a rerun or I'll go read it on YT. That scene sounds cute! The incident happened the first time around. It doesn't affect the timeline so, yeah.
Riddle is so caught up in the drama but he still manages to surprise the Octa trio. Still, Azul psychological warfare was effective. Silver is lucky to not be involved in the mess this time around.
Yuu is low key having the time of his life. He's going to see mer people in their natural habitat! He's going to buy so many souvenirs!
Sebek doesn't knows it yet but he's about to get a lot of unwarranted encouragement to confess to Silver. His life is about to turn into a shojou!
Azul's psychological warfare is bad but the Djinn's is on another level. Jamil can still fight back but who knows for how long? And yes, bringing the djinn into Styx would be a bad idea.
As for the rest, you'll have to wait and see.
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grayintogreen · 11 months
Can't leave a comment on ao3 cause I only have mobile data rn and ao3 doesn't work on it, but the recent chapter of ycdhm was so good. You said it was a set up chapter but it was amazing at connecting things and touching on so many topics. Lucien coming to realise the M9's genuine attempts and accepting the group himself, Fjord and the Star Razor, Caleb and Essek and the spell books, Nott and her struggles and also her empathy, Caduceus' family stuff and how you handle his unstated struggles with it so well, Beau's legitimate conspiracies, the mentions of Eadwulf and Astrid (can't wait to see them, if they appear). Also, the bit at the end? With Rowan? Some terrifying parts all coming together. Her influence on Lucien, how she kinda reminds me of an unhinged and much less moral Loquatius, how she is out to get Caduceus. Cadueceus! He has someone out to get him, specifically, and make his life a tragedy. I am ready for any and all angst. Oh boy this next arc is so exciting. To ask further on Rowan though, is she Ashley's nemesis that you haven't introduced yet? I hope I didn't forget anything but I probably did. It was all so good. Cannot wait to read the next chapter, thank you so much for your work. (I'm leaving this on anon because I think you're super cool but I'm shy -.- Apologies)
I AM WEEPING AT WORK SUFFERING A LONG FOURTH OF JULY SHIFT. Thank you so much!! I always worry about the chapters that are mostly talking because OH NO WHAT IF ITS BORING so I’m glad it’s not!!
Also YES I THINK CAD DESERVES HIS OWN ADVERSARY. I know the Nein were only mid-level fighting the gorgon in canon but since they’re higher now than they were fighting Cognouza, I gotta up the stakes.
And HEE. I think you’ll find Ashley’s adversary is more Jayne than Nerida at this point. She’s the mastermind who told Nerida who killed Alder. Little shit-stirrer that she is.
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c4ts4ndstuff · 2 years
Also for character bingo, how about the League of Villains (so Shigaraki, Dabi, Toga, Spinner, Mr. Compress, and Twice)?
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i'm just going to double up on squares because i was having a hard time finding places for them lol
Shigaraki: if anything happens to them i will cry
i really like his character, and i am convinced he is going to get a redemption arc. if he dies i'm going to be sad :(
Dabi: that's a solid design right there
i think he's cool! i don't love him, but i'm really excited to see his backstory 👀 i know the general idea of it from spoilers, but it'll be really nice to see it for myself!
Toga: *squeak*
she's unhinged and i love her 💕🔪🩸 i think it's really cool how even though her power is shapeshifting into other people, the rest of the time she is so genuinely herself?
Spinner : *puts them in a salad spinner*
i had to choose this for him for the pun XD he's not my favorite in the league, but i think he's an interesting character! i don't really know a lot about him since i'm pretty sure he got more screentime in the manga over the anime for the Meta Liberation Army arc? i'm a sucker for a sad backstory though and being outcasted due to his quirk definitely falls under that
Mr. Compress: not for me but I can see the appeal
i'm just not really impressed by him. i know even less about him than i do Spinner, idk i just don't really vibe with him
Twice: *squeak*
he's just a neat guy! i really feel bad for him, because if he just had one person in his corner his life would have turned out completely different :( to me he kinda feels like the heart of the league? oh and it was SO COOL when he went all out in season 5!!
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caekhoi · 11 months
Hey guys i started fire emblem three houses (on the blue lion campaign ofc) and now im going to dump my thoughts onto everyone here sorry this game has me in a chokehold
The gameplay is pretty fun
The first few chapters of story was kinda mid bUT THEN IT PICKED UP AND JUST KEPT GOING DEAR GOD
Spoilers under the cut (up until chapter 13)
DIMITRI'S UNHINGED MOMENT WAS GOLDEN AND SET UP PRETTY NICELY (felix going 'i told you guys he IS a nutcase!!' is so funny to me)
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hamliet · 2 years
Re: your latest BAB ask and reblog. I too agree she needs an editor. I was really excited to read an ongoing meatbun novel, I still like bab a lot! But I also don’t see the purpose of this arc, and I think there’s only so much the “I trust meatbun” train of thought I can hold onto. I’ve been wondering where have their IQs gone to?
It does seem like plot is moving is forward, finally! But I just think it’s kinda excessive how much XQC has suffered this latest arc? I don’t know, I’m just out here feeling so sad for him…
Hexie… i still like them, to be honest I don’t expect healthiness from two thoroughly destroyed mentally ill people, and I’m not gonna stop shipping them, but I just… I really am tired of their constant miscommunication this arc and I sure hope we get some answers soon. I know healing is not linear and that sometimes you become worse, but I didn’t expect this regression in character :((
And I know meatbun wanted to write an insane and unhinged gong and I still loved HY very much but alas at least give me some progress will ya?
I think BAB could’ve easily been in the middle in terms of length 🤷🏻‍♀️ I sure hope it’s not longer than 2Ha cause I don’t see why it would have to be that long
Yeah to all of this. I do trust her, but that doesn't mean I can't call a spade a spade, and this is not great writing. If people like it, good, but I don't personally think this arc works for the story. I'm okay with regression as I've said ad nauseum--in fact it can be a very powerful arc--but it needs to be new, not a retread, and right now it's a retread.
The miscommunication is honestly defying belief at the moment. I can't believe Xie Qingcheng is really buying that He Yu willingly worked with the Org after that note. The other thing is that we are 200+ chapters into the story, so I did believe Xie Qingcheng and He Yu were intelligent characters, but right now they seem to be forced into miscommunication for... angst reasons, but when forced, the angst just doesn't feel real. I can't bring myself to weep with them, because I don't believe they're this dense. The novel itself has shown them not to be, so like... yeah. I'm rolling my eyes.
As infuriating as He Yu is acting, his arc still makes more sense to me at the moment than Xie Qingcheng's, which is a shame. At least He Yu has a heart chip to explain why he's suddenly a shell of his former self. But there is no logic for Xie Qingcheng to suddenly be such a shell (pre this most recent assault, that is! and because the sudden lack of brain cells was going on pre-assault, I just... don't buy that it's trauma either; I don't see much change in his demeanor). Hence it feels like Xie Qingcheng is only characterized by his suffering at this point which... is not great.
Gah. I'm frustrated. If, as I suspect based on timing, JJWXC was providing her an editor and now that's gone, she needs to find a new one who will work with her.
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captainshazamerica · 3 years
dude I have no chill when it comes to asks 😅
2. Do you like the arrowverse if so what's your fav show? (Mines flash but legends is so so chaotically lit it's a dumpster fire of awesomeness highly recommend that even tho they did my fav kinda dirty they had no need to do that to her but hey)
5. Fav character(s)?
15. Dark trinity or trinity?
17. Teen titans or Young Justice?
18. Fav animated show and/ or movie? (BTAS is supreme to me lol)
22. Fav Robin! ( this is so hard but also not I feel like dick gets it just cuz he was the first )
31. Do you like the character of the joker?
38. Who do you think is the most over looked and under used character?
51. Justice League or League of Assassins or Justice League Dark?
🎪I haven't started wayne fam adventures yet but it looks sooo good and is everyone there!? It seems like everyone's there just from what I've saw on tumblr but I don't remember seeing steph? Please say alfred is there!?
random side note just cuz you like jonny there's DC fear state coming out over fall and scarecrow is the main villian messing s*it up in Gotham and the batfam, I ain't gonna be reading that for a while tho cuz I've put a cap on comic purchasing because I'm making myself broke 😅 but it looks quite cool tbh
Dude I love that you have no chill with the asks omg xD Its so great, I get so excited when I see you do it hahaha
2. Do you like the arrowverse if so what's your fav show? (Mines flash but legends is so so chaotically lit it's a dumpster fire of awesomeness highly recommend that even tho they did my fav kinda dirty they had no need to do that to her but hey) Same, my fav is Flash, tho Im not caught up at all/havent caught up since like mid to late season 4, I got too busy during college and I was kinda getting bored with it, but now that Bart is in it, it makes me wanna watch it again! It was also before I got super into DC so Im sure Id love it even more now. I actually havent fully seen the others, just some episodes here and there and the Crisis crossovers! LoT looks like a chaotic lovable mess though, Ive heard that several times xD Who is your fav that they did dirty?
5. Fav character(s)? I mean its me so I can never chose just one xD Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Gar Logan/Beast Boy, Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson, and Edward Nygma/Riddler are my all time favs!
15. Dark trinity or trinity? Dark trinity as in the 2nd Red Hood and the Outlaws? (Jason, Bizarro and Artemis ) Then def dark trinity haha, I love those 3 misfits so much omg
17. Teen titans or Young Justice? AHH this is soooo hard omg. Like the shows or comics or groups in general?! Like imma go with Young Justice show but Teen Titans overall. They overlap though soo
18. Fav animated show and/ or movie? (BTAS is supreme to me lol) Ahh I actually seen all of BTAS! Ive just seen the first couple episodes and seen random ones here and there but like know everything about it xD Hmmm, for show I gotta go with the Young Justice cartoon, and animated DC movie, a tie between Justice League vs. Teen Titans and Justice League Dark: Apokolips War (the Damirae ahhhh). Though oooh also Under the Red Hood is also a classic and Jasonnnn
22. Fav Robin! ( this is so hard but also not I feel like dick gets it just cuz he was the first ) Ahaha I knew you would say Dick!!!! xD I was gonna ask and be like, its Dick isnt it xD This is like the hardest question ever oh my goodness. While they have all been my fav at point point, Jason and Tim have like been tied for first for the last couple of months. Like I love them both so freaking much. But if I absoltly HAD to chose one, ahhhhh, im going to have to go with Jason, Im so sorry Tim D: But Jason's character is just so complex in every version and his comics are sooo good(tho I love Tim's Red Robin ones too) his arc as a character is just SO interesting to me and his constant battle with himself and how far he fell from being robin and its all so sad but makes such a good character ahhhh
31. Do you like the character of the joker? Ahaha, this one is hard/I have mixed feelings. I have always liked him as villain even before my Batman obsession (and of course use to say he was my fav dc villain hahaha) and tbh I still think he is a pretty darn good villain and there is a reason he is so popular, even though he is an abusive piece of poop. Id like him a LOT more if he didnt abuse Harley so much tbh. And I think DC over uses him waaaaayyy too much, though I do like every version of him, excluding Leto's version, and think the acting is always amazing. So yeah, I guess I do like him but he isn't my fav, but I can appreciate him and his pop culture impact and how good he is as a truly evil unhinged villain who is interesting to watch.
38. Who do you think is the most over looked and under used character? TIM DRAKE!!!!!!!! And Riddler!!!!!!!!!!!
51. Justice League or League of Assassins or Justice League Dark? Gotta go with the classic justice league man
And ahhhh yes you have to read Wayne Family Adventure, its pretty much literal perfection. Here is the official link if you need it! https://www.webtoons.com/en/slice-of-life/batman-wayne-family-adventures/list?title_no=3180&page=1 It comes out every thursday! (tho you can pay to read ahead a few weeks) But yes, Steph is in it too! Her and Tim were being the disasters they are <3 And yes, Alfred is freaking great in it omgggg, you will love him in the 2nd one ahhh
Oooooh, I didnt know that!!!!(its soo hard to keep up with dc comics omgggg) I thought I heard something about that the other day but didnt know what it was/anything about it! Thanks so much for telling me!! I hope they release it digitally on DC Infinite!!!! Cause sameeee
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anonymeqaupdates · 2 months
Chapter 46 review
So Jamil's memory was shown first and this time Jamil is able to enter to the memory and even absorb. As always, Jafar is a creep and the fact he is toying both Kalim and Jamil even pointing out that Jamil is a villain just as him.
Nice touch on Jafar's memory being how he fulfilled his first wish. So the last one of the Scarabia arc for both their memories will be Jafar fulfilling his final wish and I'm unsure what Jamil's memory gonna be since you mentioned it isn't his overblot memory. Maybe revealing how he hates Kalim.
Well knowing Jamil wouldn't be present to the cast, I hope the Impending Doom will proceed with their next and final goal being Jamil.
The brothers really having a tense relationship right now eventhough they have no choice but to saved Azul. Man, Azul blackmailed them that he will not take antidote until they did their jobs. What a psychological attack on that. Thank Seven, Ruggie found the poison or they would have Azul died from poison.
Love the sneaky plan on the heartslabyul trio and Chenya, they are manipulate bastards. Riddle should be impress and lucky to have them as his friends. Love Trey's cold smile, he really loves to get revenge on the twins.
Chenya: To think one of them is gonna end up being Riddle's boyfriend. I'm a bit worried.
Trey: Once this is all over, maybe you reconsider.
Jade almost overblot is kinda expected but it really is intense which shows how the timeline affected too much. Everyone is frightened and Floyd has to saved his brother even if he is gonna dragged into this. Good thing for Sebek and Jack, they provided a final punch by Jack. Jack finally has his revenge towards the twins (well, Jade deserve it)
Jack, Sebek, Deuce: That's what you get for messing with Ace!
Too bad Chenya isn't around much, cats really hate water. But consider himself lucky he wouldn't involved in an overblot fight. Hope we see him again.
I bet Vil would have joined in the overblot situation if this wasn't involved RSA and we know a certain student attending there.
Yuu/Jack/Ace smiling that they finally got a way to stop the contracts
The Impending Doom horrified that they got a way to stop the contracts
Floyd: Fuck!
We agree on this one, Floyd.
Ruggie having his own main character moment. Seeing how nervous and the sight of golden contracts. Even he agrees that Riddle should be free from the contracts, his parents are assholes. Love how Ruggie consider Jamil his sorta-friend and cares about him. And I'm sure Ruggie needs to know what is happening with Kalim, he kinda deserves to know of you ask me.
Diasomina Karen! Throw food at him!
I'm happy they recognize the poison and concured an antidote, the twins are lucky they prepare for it. I see that's why Yuu was sneaking in the stock room, to get ingredients for the antidote. I'm sure Crewel will understand the reason behind it.
Azul so desperate that he has to use his octomer form again, showing unhinged behavior. I can see Ursula's crazy eyes on Azul.
Kalim saying he doesn't need the contracts is thinking that he has no future for him and figures he should end things now. How sad.
Ruggie really is confuse especially when the rest ready their pens for the awaiting battle.
I guess they were ready until the theme music comes.
PERCY THE PLATYPUS! - I don't know why, but makes me think of Hans echo.
Hope Hans care for Percy in the infirmary.
Hans: Want me to use the Go-Away Inator at him?
Idia: What kind of relationship you two have?
I wonder what UM did Percy has?
Man, seeing Jade being scared and frightened like this is saddened yet exciting.
Yeah, Floyd kinda has enough given he is literally the voice of reason of the three this entire arc.
Leona laughs at Azul, Floyd calls him lame,
Yuu: What the hell is wrong with you people!? Have you learn nothing from Ace and Lilia when it comes to taunting people!?
Man, Azul really resents the twins too much that he attacks them more.
Leona having his roar be seen again is great that he used it again. Hope he practice more. I knew the roar will come in handy.
This is so desperate because unlike the last two, Azul is still consume with the poison.
Deuce and Grimm comeback is the best!
Time to cure Azul, and really Grimm? Now to eat in the time like this? Man it is gonna bite him in the ass in chapter 4
And man Leona and Ruggie can be assholes, Leona being responsible for the overblot yet saved him from his death.
I'm excited for the next part! Can't wait to see if Azul is gonna think about them now given what he been through.
I’m always happy to read your reviews!
So for Jamil’s part, I’m trying to keep things chronological so no the I hate you part won’t be last. There’s a bigger reveal to be had after all! 😈
Things will finally ease up for Jade and Floyd but they won’t forget about Heartslabyul outsmarting them anytime soon! Too bad the guys victory was cut short by the contracts being destroyed!
We’ll see Cheny’a again don’t worry! Poor guy couldn’t have known about a second OB on the same day! Damn!
Ruggie really shone on his one! Talk about a redemption arc! And convinced Deuce to teach his regular Karen a lesson. A complete win on his part!
And Yes Azul had the crazy Ursula eyes…. Damn those traumatized me as a kid!
Percy tried, and failed but hey, better than nothing and it prevented Lilia from being taken out! I don’t want to think of what would happen if he got drained of magic.
I’m pretty happy with that fight and it seems you enjoyed it too! I think I’m getting better at this!
Anyway thanks again 🧋anon!
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