#I'm just so confused
scribe-of-hael · 10 months
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I'm really disappointed to know that 2 major scenes would have explained alot. Having tarantulas instead of Soundwave would make sense SOUNDWAVE IS STILL UPSET and maybe didn't wanna help. Now I have no idea the status of Soundwave for whats gonna be set up for next season cause all points seem to be at Soundwave still being upset and not being ok with any of this.
His lack of presence at the end of the season would have made sense cause mayne he'd be the next antagonist. Everything has kinda pointed to that. Including when he was captured and had ravage pop out.
Which btw WAS explained in another deleted scene
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Kitty ravage (she/her) and Soundwave!! She has a purpose and it explained how and why she popped out. It also gave staracream more time to show "yeah star is still a schemer and not the best guy" not taking away from his trauma but it is starscream we are talking about. Making his character a bit more established and his moment with Hashtag more earned. Given if I had no prior idea to who staracream is , I'd have no idea why ppl domt like staravream and just assumed he was bad.
Also Soundwave character stuff with ravage. The story board arits sound itvwas a good choice to cut it since it took attention away from the episode 14. But??? It didn't???? Like it explained how Shockwave got out, why ravage popped out and more of Starscream's character. I dont know why they didn't go with it because it makes Soundwave and Ravage whole thing so purposeless and makes no sense.
I'm a bit frustrated with it all. It was still amazing. First season. Still a wonderful show. But makes no sense to cut these things out when it laid a better understanding and it left things in that now have no purpose being there and probs won't be mentioned of expanded upon. Because no there is no point to. We're past that point.
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echodrops · 12 days
Why am I all the sudden seeing some nonsense ass take that headcanons can only "add additional information to canon" but "can never conflict with canon"?
What the fuck is wrong with fandom babies nowadays?
Do they just enjoy being as mentally bland as unbuttered toast?
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fnafs-ex-boyfriend · 2 months
Just saw a post that's making me a bit craycray, but what insane brainrotted tiktok kid decided that learning other languages was "cultural appropriation"??? Like. W H A T. It's a LANGUAGE. People learn other languages so that they can communicate. I just--I don't even know what to say.
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lilbitosunny · 10 months
I'm thinking about a future with this person- and it makes me want to cry from joy
They make me want to try. They make me want to succeed. They make me want to be a better person and go out of my comfort zone for them.
I'm feeling so much right now; but it's all /pos
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daedaluscried · 1 hour
please convert to Islam.
*whispers* what
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sundaeserenade · 16 days
good luck with your car stuff!!
thank you kind anon....
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nhlfthallsy · 1 year
it was an amazing episode and i don't want to make it all about buddie but after buck sprinted to the hospital when he found out eddie was awake and how the entire two shooting arc episodes were done and we get...a single tear?? after they said for weeks eddie was gonna break down and show emotion?? they're straight up stringing us along at this point and to completely brush over alternate universe eddie & chris was absolutely insane in to me. especially after chris made that whole speech. just such strange decision making imo when we got him screaming to do more and screaming while climbing up the ladder.
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zazzander · 9 months
I started Crimson Rivers and it's not what I expected and I'm very confused.
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Genuine Question. 
Perhaps this may not be the best audience to ask but I keep seeing random posts on various platforms that are like “when I bring up personal anecdote in response to yours it’s just me trying to relate!” and all the comments are like “oh my god see I told you this was a thing!!” 
What the fuck?? 
Isn’t that just how conversations work? I’m legitimately so confused. You say a thing and if I have a question about your thing I ask it, or, if I have a similar thing I bring it up. I mean. That’s pretty much how I thought conversations were supposed to go.
Do I not know how conversations are supposed to be? Have I annoyed the shit out of everyone I’ve ever spoken to for 24 years? Am I missing a really key component to these posts? Have I lost the context/nuance of these posts in the social media shuffle? 
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whoiskt · 7 months
today in photoshop fuckery: a file just deleted? a whole shade? off a file? like it took a certain value and removed all of it? and then wouldn't let me undo anything? and it said there was no history of me doing anything to the file for it to even undo or restore?
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ketchtheblues · 7 months
I've never played Kirby before. But I've heard that Kirby has.... lore?? I'm honestly curious how a pink ball that can inhale and turn into objects has lore.... and what kind of lore....
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clever-and-unique-name · 11 months
For someone who's generally very reserved with physical contact, I sure do get a lot of comments about how Great and Wonderful my hugs are.
I don't understand what I'm doing different that's so noteworthy and it makes me feel very awkward every time.
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panevanbuckley · 11 months
if i had a nickel for every malarkey/jones fic i've written i'd have two nickels. which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice.
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desertfangs · 2 years
Okay, but where are they getting the vampire lore for this show? A crackerjack box? Because it is not The Vampire Chronicles books, that's for sure.
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wanna-b-poet31 · 1 year
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UHM? Tumblr???
I was curious (as is my sin) and clicked on the reminder of 90′s doom and it turned my dash into THIS monstrosity. 
It took my dash and only is feeding me 90′s tags? Every. Single. Post. is like this. 
Is this the Y2K version of groundhogs day? What’s going on? 
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kingdomheartist · 1 year
i think somebody blocked me cause they found out i have a kid lmao what
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