#I'll make more cheerful ones when I'm in a better place again
bluetraverser · 2 years
Elliott headcanon #989.2
- suffers from mild bouts of depression. They are at the worst while he lives on his own, especially in winter, but even after getting married and having kids he’s sometimes...not in a good place
- Not actively conscious of his mental health. He respects and understands when people have problems and would support them, he just never developed the awareness to reflect upon his own mental health enough. “Sometimes I get like this. It’s fine.”
- Extremly doting when the farmer or any of his children get sick
- Lives with the firm view that he could be a better person if he tried a little harder (struggles to see what a pleasant person he actually is)
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warnings: vomiting
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Y/N went out with some of her friends to celebrate her 21st birthday, the small group going to a bar. She spent most of the day with Matt and his brothers, having gone to see a movie and the triplets bought her a cake.
After Y/N is plenty drunk, one of her friends calls Matt, letting him know he should come pick her up before she blacks out.
Matt gets to the bar, going inside, immediately spotting the group. He walks over and puts his hand on Y/N's arm making her turn.
Y/N loudly gasps, her eyes brightening at the sight of him.
"Matty!" She cheers, crashing into him, her arms wrapping around his neck.
"Hi." He mumbles, kissing the side of her head. "Having fun?"
"Oh, I am having a blast." She giggles. She places a loud kiss on his lips, Matt rubbing his cheeks when he feels them heat up.
"Okay, baby, hey, we're gonna go home, all right?" Matt tells her, keeping his arms wrapped around her waist.
"But I'm having fun. I don't wanna go." Y/N whines, her lips forming into a pout.
"I know, but it's getting late and your friend called, I think the party's over, babe." Matt says. Y/N groans, but doesn't protest.
"Pizza sounds super good." She suddenly says.
"I'll order you pizza." Matt promises. "Do you guys have a ride home? Are any of you sober?"
"I'm not drunk, but not sober. We all Ubered, though, so, we'll do that." One of Y/N's friends say.
"I can drive you guys home first." Matt offers.
"Oh, no, you don't--"
"I'm serious. I know it'd make her feel better -- once she's sober." Matt says. "I don't mind."
"Uh... ye-yeah. Yeah, sure, if it's no issue." The girl says and Matt nods. "Okay. I'm gonna go close the tab." Matt nods again as she walks off.
After managing to get the group out of the bar, they go to Matt's car, Y/N's friends getting in the back.
"Come on, sweetheart." Matt opens the passenger door, helping Y/N in. "There you go." She drunkenly mumbles to herself as she climbs in. Matt moves one hand to her head, making sure she doesn't hit it.
"Mm. This is comfy." Y/N slouches in the seat a bit. Matt grabs the seatbelt, leaning over her to buckle her in.
"Okay. There you go." Matt kisses her on the forehead as he moves away, shutting the door. He makes sure all of Y/N's friends are in before shutting the back door. Quickly going to the driver's seat he gets in and puts his seatbelt on.
"Are you all good?" Matt looks back at the group.
"Yeah. Yeah, we're good. I put the first address in my phone, here." She gives him her phone.
"Thanks." Matt mumbles, glancing back at them one more time before putting the car in drive. He really hopes none of them puke in his car.
After dropping all of Y/N's friends off, Matt stopped and got a pizza, getting some for him and his brothers.
"My favorite." Y/N grins, grabbing a piece of pizza and eating it. Matt glances at her as he drives off, finally making his way to his home.
"You feel okay?" He asks, reaching over and moving some hair out of her face so it doesn't get in the food.
"Mm. Marvelous." She says with her mouth full.
Getting home, Matt leads Y/N inside, the girl trying to multitask eating and walking.
"Babe, hey, careful." Matt warns after she trips over the doorstep.
"'M fine." She mumbles, her words slurred.
"Gimme the box, baby." Matt takes the pizza from her, holding the food in one arm. He wraps his free arm around her waist, helping her up the stairs.
"All right." He puts the pizzas on the table and leads Y/N to his room. "Wanna change into comfier clothes?"
"But the dress is so pretty." Y/N says.
"It's beautiful, but you'll be just as beautiful in pajamas." Matt promises. Y/N giggles.
Matt sits her on the bed and digs through his closet for clothes. He grabs a pair of her sweatpants and one of his shirts.
"Okay." Matt mumbles, pulling the straps of her dress off and pulling the dress off her. Matt grabs the shirt and puts it over her head, helping her get her arms through the holes. Matt puts the pants on.
"Stand up for a sec." Matt mumbles, pulling her to her feet and he pulls the pants up. "Okay. Want some more pizza?"
"Mm-hmm." Y/N nods, but grimaces right after.
"What?" Matt's eyes flick over every inch of her face, his eyebrows furrowing in concern. "Shit." He realizes as Y/N bolts to the bathroom. She makes it to the toilet just in time, vomiting into the bowl.
Matt's right behind her, quickly collecting her hair in his hands, holding it out of her face. He winces as she throws up all of the alcohol and pizza.
"This hurts." Y/N whines, coughing.
"I know, baby." Matt sympathizes. "Let it out. It'll be over soon." He encourages.
After a few more moments, Y/N sits back, her back resting against the tub.
"You done?" Matt asks.
"I think so." She mumbles, grimacing at the taste in her mouth.
Matt quickly puts her hair up in a ponytail, using the hair tie he keeps on his wrist.
"Be right back." He promises, rushing out of the bathroom, returning after a few seconds. "Here." He puts the water bottle down and wets the paper towel he got. He places one hand on the back of her head and gently wipes her mouth, throwing the paper towel away.
"Sip on this." He opens the bottle for her, giving it to her. Y/N takes a small sip.
Matt gets a makeup wipe out and sits next to her.
"If you puke, just... do it in the other direction, please." Matt tells her. Y/N lightly rolls her eyes, but nods. Matt places his hand on the side of her neck, his thumb brushing over her cheek for a moment. He gently wipes all the makeup off her face, throwing the wipe away when he's done.
"I'm gonna get you some more pizza. It will help soak up the alcohol." Matt says.
"You are super smart for not drinking cause this... this sucks." Y/N states in a loud whisper. "I'm never doing this again." She groans.
"Mm-hmm. Okay, baby." Matt kisses her forehead. "C'mon." He stands up and slowly helps her up, leading her back to his room.
Matt helps her into bed and gives her the water bottle. He puts the trash can next to the bed and then leaves to get the pizza.
He soon returns with the box of pizza and a plate that has a few slices of pizza on it.
"Here you go." He puts the box in her lap and takes his plate. He gets in bed and turns the TV on, putting a random show on.
"You feel any better?" Matt asks after a few bites of pizza. Y/N holds her hand up, her thumb and pointer finger barely an inch from each other.
"Getting drunk is a lot more fun in theory. And just... prior to the whole puking stage." Y/N groans.
"Yeah, I bet." Matt quietly laughs. "Your life's gonna suck tomorrow." He adds making her whine.
"Shut up." She groans making him laugh more. "God, Chris and Nick are gonna be 1,000 times louder." She dreads.
"I'll keep 'em out of your hair." Matt promises.
After eating what she could stomach, Y/N ended up falling asleep, leaning against Matt. He texts Nick making his brother come in and put the pizza in the fridge, not wanting to wake his girlfriend up.
Matt repositions Y/N so she's lying down and he lays next to her, wrapping his arm around her waist.
"Matty?" She tiredly mumbles, still half asleep.
"I'm right here." He mumbles, kissing her on the head, pulling her closer to him.
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luveline · 9 months
𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞 —send me a shy!reader request for any character (with a plot) and I'll write a >1k drabble
Can I request shy!reader and Derek? Maybe where she's really shy about pda but she finally works up the courage to hold his hand or kiss his cheek in public and he just melts <3
tysm! ♡
"Penelope, I'm not wearing that." 
Penelope waves the custom t-shirt she's made at him threateningly. "Yes, you will, because you love me and you love Hotch and he deserves our support." 
She's created matching garb for their entire team as well as any partner willing to support Hotch. "This is his second triathlon, and he's very much going to remember last year's triathlon and his now ex-girlfriend. Plus, it's for charity!" She slaps his chest with the shirt. "Put it on." 
You smile at his reaction, the fond clench of his jaw, his rolling eyes as he peels out of his t-shirt. The smile quickly stifles, mouth dry as the Sahara in seconds. The tight pack of his abs ripple in the sunlight, dark skin practically glistening. 
"It's too hot for this," he complains. 
Penelope nudges you. "He can say that again." 
Derek squeezes into his shirt and laughs. "This better be the wrong size on accident." 
"Maybe." She leans down to grab another shirt from her tote bag, saying, "This should be the right size, sweetcheeks." 
Yours is big enough to wear over your original blouse easily. Derek glares at you without any real malice and swings an arm around your shoulders, dropping a kiss at your temple. "Looking good." 
Being with Derek has never made any sense to you. Or rather, Derek being with you has never made any sense —you'd be a fool to turn him down and he's a fool to think you're good enough. He's ridiculously attractive, a bombshell of a man, with ambition and a good heart, sweetness and heat alike practically drip from him. You're confused by him often and melted by him more, a melted puddle of a girl as he walks you to the crowd of BAU employees waiting at the finish line to cheer for Hotch.
Jack and Henry stand together, though Henry, JJ's son, is much smaller. Will crouches next to him to make sure he doesn't run anywhere he isn't supposed to, while JJ stands with Emily and Spencer, all already bedecked in their supportive t-shirts. 
There's a chorus of hellos as you join them. Everybody Derek cares about that isn't in Chicago stands in a bubble, and it terrifies you like always. You want to make a good impression. You don't want to let Derek down. 
Not that he cares about any of that. He knew you were shy to aching when you met and he has no intentions of trying to change you. "Sorry we're late," he says. "My fault."
Actually, it's your fault. You got the time wrong. But Derek doesn't embarrass you by telling them —your affection for him swells. 
He keeps a hand behind your back for a while. You sway under the huge sun beating down and on tired feet for a while, Hotch your saviour as he appears across the finish line. Will takes Jack to meet him, and Jack, the poor thing, gets a super sweaty hug.
Hotch isn't first to finish, but he runs a good time. 
"Better than last year's!" Emily cheers. 
Penelope wolf whistles. You clap your hands with Spencer, pleased if feeling a little out of place. 
"Maybe I'll sign up for next year's triathlon," Derek says, grinning. 
You know he's kidding, but Derek could do anything he set his mind to. You go on tiptoes and kiss his cheek. "I'd cheer you on," you say earnestly, stepping back, wiping the tiny balmy kiss print you've left behind. 
Derek looks at you plainly startled. Your heart skips a beat, worried you've overstepped. 
"Can I get another one of those, or are they in limited supply?" he asks, warm and quiet, not an inch of bravado to be seen. 
You turn back the unfolding scene of victory in front of you, "Maybe later." 
Derek is noticeably sweet on you for hours, and declares at dinner that he'll be joining Hotch in next year's triathlon. You reach for his hand under the table and nod along. You'd love to see him at the finish line. 
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thoughtidtry · 30 days
Dress Pt.2 - LN
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SUMMARY: Lando's best friend can't keep pretending he's not her everything. Not after missing seeing him in person for so long. PAIRING: Lando Norris X LongDistanceBestfriendfem!reader A/N: Inspired by Lando's race win and song Dress by Taylor Swift. 2.6k+ words (Honestly thought it would be shorter lol) LMK in the comments if you would like a pt.3! Part: 1 2 3
"Inescapable, I'm not even gonna try."
From the moment you were in Lando's arms, he never let go more than he had to. While showing you around the McLaren garage he made sure to guide you through with slight touches or nudges in the right direction. You knew there was no way he was letting you out of his sight. With his hand placed firmly on the small of your back, he explained every corner of the garage in painstaking detail while knowing you probably didn't really care. Something about the way you attentively listen though made it seem like you hung on his every word. 
Really, you had just missed his voice. Phone calls could only do so much to make up for the distance between you two. It had been something you both had gotten used to over time. Now you didn't know if you could ever go back to not being beside him. The hours before the race started passed faster than you had hoped they would. Something just clicked when you were together like you had never been apart in the first place. 
Soon you watched from the side as Lando talked with the engineers and strategists about the race plan. You had seen him in racing attire before, back in secondary school, but the memory did not prepare you for just how good he looked. He couldn't stop smiling, not when he felt your gaze on his every move. After he had finished talking to everyone, he made his way back over to you with a headset in hand. 
"Here let me put this on you, it connects to the radio in my car so you can hear me during the race."
You nodded along in understanding as he placed the headset on your head and fixed it to the correct settings. Earlier, Lando had told you they recently made upgrades to the car and that it would be the first race to test them. This made you hopeful for the results of the race, you knew how much Lando wanted a win. The excitement of everyone in the garage could be felt as they made final preparations.
"You're gonna do great Lan, I just know it."
You beamed up at him with the widest smile possible. Lando couldn't help but smirk a bit letting your confidence boost his own. He reached to stroke your cheek as he spoke.
" Of course I will, I've got you here to cheer me on. I always do better when I know you're watching the race. Just imagine how I'll do today with you actually here."
You look away feeling yourself start to blush while trying to figure out how to respond to that. Luckily, Lando's name was called as the race was about to start. Quickly, you stand and swiftly peck his cheek whispering good luck in his ear before pushing him towards the calling engineers. He looked back, shaking his head a bit before jogging to put his helmet and other stuff on.
"My hands are shaking from holding back from you"
Watching a race in person was exhilarating for you. The energy in the garage made every turn, overtake, and pit stop more suspenseful. Getting to hear Lando’s voice through it all made the race even more real. He hadn’t had a good start to the race but was quickly making up for it by getting the fastest lap multiple times. 
A crash happened towards the back of the race resulting in a safety car being put onto the track. Lando had already passed the pit when the car was released, giving him an edge. Once the race started again his engineer was avid about keeping a gap between him and Max. As the final laps dwindled, you felt overcome with hope. This could be it, Lando’s first win. 
As Lando crossed the finish line you heard his cheers over the radio. The joy and relief was evident as you knew how long he had waited for this. 
One of the mechanics was kind enough to escort you over to where the winners would park their cars. The whole McLaren garage ended up walking together to the spots. Once you all arrived, you slipped a bit away. As much as this was Lando’s win it was theirs and they didn’t need some random girl in the middle of their celebration. 
You watch from your spot as Lando pulls up and stands on the top of his cars. The crowd was cheering his name and many drivers made a beeline for him after parking their own cars. It was clear how loved he was not only by his own team but by everyone here. His large smile would forever be etched into your mind as he received hugs from everyone and even started a crowd surf with the McLaren employees. Your hand were shaking with all the excitement built up in your system. 
Everything was perfect, at least you thought so, but you noticed Lando kept looking around. Was there a specific driver he was looking for or some important person? 
Lando was on cloud nine getting out of his car parked in P1. He was a race winner after so long fighting for this moment it felt right to have you here. He wanted to find you and celebrate as soon as possible. 
As all the drivers came up to him he wanted to soak in the moment but he just kept looking around for you. Were you still at the garage? Turning to see the McLaren team waiting behind the barrier he knew what they were waiting for. 
Starting at a full sprint he launched himself into their awaiting arms. It was then on top of his teammate he caught a glimpse of you off to the side with a smile as bright as the sun.  As soon as he was back on his feet he was making his way to you. 
When Lando’s eyes found you it was like time stopped for a few moments. Before you knew it he was headed straight for you. He crashed into you, wrapping you up in a bone-crushing hug while lifting you off your feet. You squeal a bit as he begins to spin you both around before tilting your head back to laugh. 
“You did it Lan! You won!”
Lando set you back on the ground as you started to speak. He could see the spark of joy in your eyes as you spoke. 
“Told you I’d do better with you here”
Lando exclaimed, smirking as he looked down at you in admiration. 
“Knowing you were cheering for me made all the difference. I couldn’t disappoint you after you came all this way.”
You rolled your eyes at his comment, he could never disappoint you. It didn’t matter to you whether he came in first or very last place as long as he was happy. Before you could tell him that a staff member came up to grab Lando for his post win interviews. He nodded to let them know he was on his way and let you know he’d be only about half an hour. Calling another McLaren mechanic over, he asked if they would see you back to his driver room after the podium till he was finished with the media. 
With that he was off and you followed the mechanic over to where the podium celebration was to be held. The ceremony was amazing as the two other drivers covered Lando head to toe in champagne. He didn’t even have a chance to open his before the other two started their assault which made you laugh. Once they had moved on to their next victim, Lando walked to the front of the podium doing his signature move to start spraying the champagne all over the crowd before spraying the other driver as well. 
"I don't want you like a best friend"
The interviews didn’t take long so Lando was back and ready to leave the paddock not long after arriving. Oscar had been sneaky when helping you book a hotel for your stay and you were apparently staying at the same place as the drivers were. 
Lando noted to thank Oscar again as he ushered you to his car stopping along the way to sign autographs and take pictures. He filled you on the plans for tonight as you drove and what time to be ready by. 
Once at the hotel, you went to your separate hotel rooms to get ready. You pulled a dress out of your suitcase packed specifically for this see Lando again. It was a beautiful purple dress that hugged the top of your torso while still being flowy. After taking a shower and getting ready you texted Lando to let him know. Turns out most of the drivers were already dressed and down in the lobby. Quickly you grabbed your clutch and made your way down.
Lando was smiling as he put his phone away after answering your text. He and a couple other drivers had finished getting dressed early so they were in the lobby while waiting for the rest. He felt a nudge on his shoulder and found all the other drive smirking at him with knowing eyes. Max was the one to speak up always most blunt when it came to feelings.
"So are you gonna tell her how you feel or are you just gonna let her go again?"
He didn't know much about your friendship with Lando but he knew the younger boy was smitten. The other drivers piled on words of encouragement and how they could tell you liked him back. The more the others added, the pinker Lando's cheeks got until he finally defended himself.
" I just don't want to lose her guys. Now shut up she is on her way down."
The other drivers chuckled while shaking their heads but they left Lando alone after that which he was thankful for. Looking around he noticed you starting to make your way over and stopped in his tracks. He hadn't forgotten how beautiful you were but in that dress, it was like you were enchanted. He knew Max was right, he wanted more from you than just a friendship, he always had. Ever since that day in secondary when he had introduced himself he had wanted more, to know you more, hear your laugh more, be near you more.
The sound of laughing gave away their location long before you saw the group. From the looks of it, they had been teasing Lando about something as his face was lightly pink. He was looking towards the ground wearing all black and a backward cap. It made you smile a bit at how flustered he seemed by whatever they had said. Only a few seconds had passed when he caught your presence.
You grew a little nervous under his gaze and began to play with the hem of your dress as you came to a stop in front of him. Looking up into his eyes, a mostly green color now, you softly whispered
"Hey, Lan."
You clear your throat while tearing your eyes away from his to speak to the whole group.
"Hey guys, everyone ready to celebrate?"
The other driver let out a cheer and Carlos showed up a moment later. Apparently, he was the last one the group was waiting on so everyone began to decide how we were getting to the club.
“Only bought this dress so you could take it off”
Once at the club the boy immediately went to grab drinks while you stayed back with the other drivers' girlfriends. Girlfriends. Something you could only wish to be. They were nice and asked many questions about how you were, what you do, and how long you have known Lando. You explained with ease the timeline that led you here. Lily was the first to speak, seeming to be a bit in shock.
"Wait, you're the mysterious best friend? The one Lando has kept hidden away like a treasured prize?"
The other girl nodded in agreement at her statement. Had Lando been too embarrassed to talk about you? You felt a bit ashamed for a moment looking down. Lily was the first to notice, adding on with a kind smile and a bit of laughter.
"Oh, no! It's not a bad thing! Trust me. He lights up anytime you even text him. It's more like he doesn't want to share you honestly. I was just surprised he finally let the princess out of her tower to be seen by the rest of us. That boy is head over heels-"
Before Lily could finish her sentence you felt an arm snake around your waist. You turned assuming it would be Lando but you had been mistaken. The man before you was taller with brown eyes and reddish-brown hair.
"Hey, wanna go dance with me beautiful?"
The man smiled as he looked you up and down. He wasn't a bad-looking guy, not as handsome as Lando though. Someone else probably would have agreed, but someone else wasn't in love with their best friend. You tried to step away as his hand on your waist just felt wrong but he was able to grab onto your arm before you were fully free.
"Oh come on, just one dance couldn't hurt. I doubt your friends would mind."
You tried to pull your arm free but his grip was firm. The panic started to set in as you looked to see where Lando was. He would help, he would always save you.
"Her friends might not mind but her boyfriend definitely will."
A familiar voice called from behind you as your head snapped toward it in relief. There he was, your Lando, he looked pissed, flanked by an annoyed-looking Max and an angry-looking Carlos. The man quickly released your arm and turned to storm off with a scoff. You stumbled back a bit before Lando caught you. With no hesitation, he wrapped his arms around your waist before leaning down to speak in your ear.
"Can't let you out of my sight for a minute without someone trying to steal you huh?"
Your face turned bright red as you turned to him feeling a wave of confidence. Was he jealous? The look on his face was downright murderous at least. Wrapping your own arms around his neck, you leaned up to speak in his ear.
"We both know you're the only person this dress would come off for."
Lando stood in shock for a moment as his grip tightened on your waist. It only took a moment for his lips to crash into yours. You could taste the alcohol he had been drinking and feel how tense his body was before he relaxed into the kiss. Sure, you had kissed other guys before but never had anyone kissed you with so much overwhelming passion. Breaking away from the kiss he sighed.
"How about we get out of here?"
You can only nod still thunderstruck by how passionately he had kissed you. Lando smirked at the effect he has on you while leading you over to the group of driver not far away.
"Hey guys, were gonna head out."
The drivers look in between the two of you with knowing glances and exchange goodbyes with Lando as you two start to leave. You look back and wave goodbye to everyone as Lily gives you a thumbs-up. Blush rushes to your face as you both get into the taxi with Lando giving the hotel's address. You can't help but stare at him in the moonlight. He glances down at you with a smile.
" You know I'm never letting you go, right?"
You smile up at him with love-struck eyes. At this moment you decide, you would do want ever needed to stay by his side from then on. The company you worked for has offices abroad, and you could travel if needed, you would do anything to stay like this.
Taglist: @scarletwidow3000
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mukumukunomi · 7 months
Not Alone. Never Alone. (part 1)
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Luffy x Fem!Reader
cw: fluff, no smut, first love, implied semi-relationship, no manga spoilers, takes place just after East Blue's arc in live action, idiots in love
wc: 1,663
a/n: This is part one of a a short and sweet two parter. I'll be uploading it soon hopefully! Still thinking of more cute one-shots I can write as well. Part two will be linked below
Part Two (Luffy)
❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦
You tell him that getting involved would result in disaster.
But Luffy is a magnet for disaster. He’s chaos incarnate. Brutally honest to a flaw with a kindness that shatters ideals and shakes the foundation of the world. It’s as rare as it is maddening.
“I'm serious. It’s better if I go alone tonight instead of tomorrow.”
The words bite through the silence. It actually forces Luffy away from shoveling the food in his mouth as he eyes you up and down. 
“Where are we going?”
You sigh. He’s not listening to you. Not really. The words are going in but not processing. Luffy always does it when he hears something he doesn’t like. He simply states what he wants instead like the universe will bend itself to his will. 
Maybe it does.
“Not ‘we’. I am going to go to the island. Me. Not you.”
Luffy frowns. You know he doesn’t doubt your strength nor your character. But it’s the subtle narrowing of his eyes and the way he slowly chews his food that gives his emotions away. He’s annoyed, you think.
“I don’t want ya’ to go alone.”
You sigh dramatically. He’s like a petulant child. His reasoning confounds you. “I’ll be careful.”
He breaks gaze with you to take another huge bite of meat. It’s impressive how he manages to scarf it down in the span of two minutes before he’s once again berating you. “But I can be stealthy!”
You wipe a crumb from his cheek. His face is twisted, eyes avoiding you. He whistles a broken tune mainly because he’s terrible at whistling. Sweat drips down his face. All the tells convincing you that your captain would be terrible poker player. “Leave the lying to Usopp. It’s not your forte. And leave the stealthiness to me. It’s my forte.”
His concern isn’t unwarranted. You're sneaking into the lair of people who once held you as a short-time captive long ago. They’re not as fearsome as some of the pirates you and the crew have encountered, but nevertheless have connections to people you’d rather avoid.
You’re wanted in more waters than the prospective King of the Pirates beside you. The ties of your family and the status they have in this world make it so you’re looking over your shoulder at all times. You’ve never known freedom until the strange being named Monkey D. Luffy stumbled into your life. 
But you know the layout of this particular place, and it has something the crew requires. Without it they can’t continue their journey forward. And you’d be damned if you were the one holding them back. 
“It’ll be quick. In and out. They’ll never even know! I spent a lot of time there as a prisoner so-.”
Luffy slams the meat bone onto the plate in front of him. He calls Sanji for more. Sanji’s disgruntled reply echoes from the kitchen to your place on the deck. You almost think the thing is settled until Luffy’s blazing eyes meet yours again.
The words are harsh. “I’m going.”
“Luffy, we don’t need to waste time on something I can handle myse-”
“That’s an order from the captain.”
His voice holds no cheerfulness. He’s never used that tone with you before. It’s the tone of finality. It means that Luffy has heard you out and he’s overruling you. You’ve seen him use it on people.  You’ve never had it used on you before. The abruptness of it makes you stand.
Hurt flares in your chest. Did he not trust you? Did he actually think you were weak? The logical part of your brain screams ‘no!’ but it’s buried in the torrent of emotions. Here was a chance to prove just how useful you could be. Prove you belonged on this crew. Why did he have to be so difficult? 
Luffy’s attention diverts again. He settles back into his mantra of consuming whatever is in front of him as Sanji places another plate of meat down. You make eye contact with the cook, who simply shrugs at the mood the captain is in. You huff in anger and decide being anywhere else is better than talking to the brick wall with a straw hat.
Habit finds you in the main meeting area of the Going Merry. Besides the currently absent presence of Sanji in the small kitchen, the crew’s swordsman is dozing lazily in the corner of the common space. You can’t tell if he’s supposed to be sharpening his sword or is sneaking the booze supply. It surprises you to see him in cohabitation with Sanji in the same room at all.
You plop next to Zoro. You draw your knees up to your chest and rest your elbows on your knees. You let out a long, dragged out keening noise of frustration.
“He shut you down, huh?”
Without looking, you smack his shoulder. Zoro simply scoffs as he tries to get more comfortable against the wall. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
You eye his form. “You said he’d be stubborn. Nami suggested I wait until he was eating to try to convince him.”
Zoro shifts the Wado Ichimonji on his hip. “Yeah, Nami’s right about that. He’s pretty susceptible when food’s on offer. You can convince him to do almost anything.”
The groan that is your reply is muffled by your arms. "Apparently not everything."
He taps the hilt of the blade on your head. “Problem wasn’t the timing. It was the subject.”
Your brows scrunch together. “The subject?”
“You’re saying that I’m the problem.”
Zoro smirks. “Yup.”
You shove his shoulder at his shit-eating grin. Luffy and you care for each other. More than friendship. Not quite romantic. You're not sure if he even knows how to be. So you both settle for a comfortable in-between where labels are irrelevant. You’re free to explore this feeling between you two and see where it leads. Despite his naivete, there’s a quiet confidence in Luffy’s chaste kisses. In lingering touches and odd looks that make your heart rate elevate. There are moments where you wonder if he truly knows the effect he has on you.
You’re in love with him. So in love with him. You don’t know how deep his love for you runs. It terrifies you.
Your indignant snort reverberates the space. “I don’t understand.”
The moss-head rolls his eyes at you and takes a swig of a bottle. “If you don’t understand then you may be an even bigger idiot than he is.”
You decide that the room is more stuffy as you feel hot embarrassment at his remark. “At least I’m an idiot that can find my way around.”
The swordsman makes an interesting coughing noise as you get up and exit back onto the deck. 
Going Merry is docked at the north end of the inlet. It shrouds your little caravel just enough that you can still see the top of the fortress that lies beyond the hill to the south. You can see that the clouds are beginning to move eastward as a warm wind blows from the storm front to the west. Luffy is no longer where he was, but you can hear the echoes of his voice from below. Sanji passes you to return to the kitchen to clean up and lock the fridge, which will hopefully keep a certain pest (captain) away. You begin descending the stairs to the main deck as Sanji and Zoro’s voices start to hurl insults at each other from behind. 
The only one who remains on deck is Nami, who’s staring at a map of the island on the flat end of an upright barrel. An oil lamp burns beside her to give light. You rest your chin on her shoulder and hum at the layout. “That’s wrong.”
You point to the secret entrance Nami’s drawn. “It’s just to the west of the hill at the base. And that forest stretches all the way to the coastline too.”
Nami frowns and marks the correction with a pen. “Damn, I’ll have to redraw again at some point.”
“You don’t have to do that.” You say, voice turning bitter. “It’s not worth that kind of effort.”
You hope to never see this island again after this.
Nami simply raises an eyebrow. “You sound upset. What did Luffy say?”
You tend to forget how perceptive the navigator is. “He ordered me to let him come. Ordered! Like a captain! Can you believe that?”
“Ah. Well he is the captain.” Nami clicks her tongue, “Serious tone and all too?”
You nod. “Any chance of still changing his mind?”
The tangerine colored strands of her hair flow gently in the breeze as Nami laughs. “Absolutely not. But maybe it’s for the best. We both know how stubborn he can be.”
She snuffs the oil lamp out and folds the map to put in her pocket. Without the warm light, the ship is suddenly shrouded in an eerie darkness. The only light left is from the pale glow of the moon. Nami shifts her attention back to you. “Heading to bed. You?”
Usopp’s snores have already begun to resound across the ship. There are heavy footsteps below you from the men’s quarters. There’s a brief moment of loud talking and heavy things being thrown before peace once again returns to the Going Merry. 
You gaze up at the stars. “In a minute. I forgot something in the kitchen.”
The navigator yawns as she walks away. You watch her disappear below. There’s a heavy feeling in your gut as you move towards the ship’s railing. You peer over it, gazing at the strip of land alongside your ship.
Luffy could be stubborn. But so could you.
The warm air turns cold as you inhale shakily. You do a double take of the surroundings again to make sure you’re alone.
“Sorry, Luffy.”
You throw the rope ladder down and descend as quietly as possible.
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the-whispers-of-death · 4 months
When Grumpy!Reader postpones their lunch date with little to no explanation, John Price is confused. He at first thinks it's because your kid's sick, but then he glances out the window in his house which overlooks your backyard and he sees them playing in your backyard, looking as healthy as can be.
Momentarily, he thinks maybe you don't want to be with him anymore, but he dismisses the train of thought. You'd tell him if that was the case, he knows you would. No, something else is happening, and he doesn't know if he should intervene.
He eventually decides to just leave you alone, giving you some space. Until three hours later, when he hears a car pull up in your driveway next door and hears whoever gets out of the car slams the car door shut. He's still insistent on giving you your space, until he hears yelling.
John immediately heads for the front door and unlocks it, stepping outside and onto his porch to see the commotion. On your stoop is your ex whom John has been told all about, yelling at you for trying to replace their position as co-parent to your child with John.
As if they truly cared about your kid. John knows well enough that just a week ago, your kid was very sad and disappointed when said ex had postponed the plans they made to see your kid in favor of going to a concert. John remembers going over to your house to help cheer your kid up, taking you both out for a day of fun.
He snaps out of his thoughts when he sees your ex get in your face, despite you being taller than them. He can't take anymore of them yelling at you, so he steps off his porch and heads over the boundary between your two houses.
"Oi, mate! Leave them alone," John calls out, his voice so gruff as he comes over. He walks onto your porch, pushing your ex back as he gets in front of you to be between you and your ex. "Back off, now."
Your ex sneers at him. "Oh, you must be their new partner, huh?" They get in John's face, sneering at you too over John's shoulder before looking back at John. "You can't replace me as a parent, you know that, don't you?"
John is calm and collected as he stares at your ex. "I'm not intending on replacing anyone, mate. But I sure as hell understand why they left you," he grumbles, so much larger than your ex.
"They didn't leave me!" Your ex shouts, offended by the assumption. They sputter, their face flushed with anger. "I left them, because they weren't enough for me."
John usually prides himself on remaining calm, not one to anger easily. But with you, he finds himself so protective. Even if he knows you can protect yourself. He just won't stand for you being disrespected.
"You listen here," he growls, his voice low and threatening as he steps towards your ex. One of his hands has found their way to the collar of your ex's shirt and he uses his grip to make them step away from you, practically pulling your ex to their car. "They are good enough, you just couldn't see it. Good riddance, I say. But you have no ground to stand on here. If their child sees me as more of a parental figure than they do you, it is no one's fault but yours. And I'll be damned if I let you take it out on my partner."
He gets them to their car and lets go of them, glaring at them to open their car door. "Now, it's not my place to tell you to never see your child again. It's up to my partner and their child to make that decision, but you will not be forcing your way into their lives if they don't want you here." He steps closer to your ex as they open their car door. "I better not see you yelling at my partner again, you understand me? Leave."
John waits a while after your ex is gone, ensuring that they have truly left the subdivision. When he's certain the danger is gone, he heads back to your porch and apologizes for stepping in unprompted. He makes it up to you and your child by coming inside (when you ask him to) and he makes your child's favorite meal for dinner, happy to be spending more time with you both.
Reblogs are welcomed & appreciated!
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dragon-kazansky · 3 months
When the raven calls
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Morpheus x Female Reader
You, his raven, die protecting Jessamy while rescuing the Dream Lord. When Morpheus returns to his realm, he mourns your loss, only to find a stranger waiting for him in his throne room. The stranger claims to be you, now in human form. He doesn't understand, but his raven will always watch over him.
{Next Chapter}
Notes: This story will follow the series on Netflix. This is separate from my other fic that I wrote. This plot was given to me by @missdreamofendless 💕
Chapter One - Loyal little raven
You are perched on the steps looking up at your king. Lord Morpheus was about to leave the Dreaming in search of a Rogue nightmare. It was very rare this happened, and he didn't often visit the waking world. There were many dangers in doing so.
However, you knew your king and knew he could handle this. You just wished he would permit you to go with him. You look up at him with your beady raven eyes.
"You are coming back, aren't you?" You ask.
"Why would I not return?"
"I don't know... I just have a bad feeling about this. You know what he's like. Wouldn't it be better if I went with you? Just to keep an eye on things?"
"No. I won't be long. Wait for me here." Morpheus gazes at you. You sigh and nod your head once.
Lucienne looks concerned, too, but doesn't voice it. She stands with her hands clasped together, looking up at him. You fly from the stairs and land on her shoulder.
Lord Morpheus put his helm on. He leaves for the waking world, surrounded by his sand. He's gone just like that.
Lucienne looks at you. "Come join me in the library while we wait."
"Yeah, okay..."
You fly on ahead. You knew Lord Morpheus could more than handle himself, but you're just not sure today was the best day. You've had a bad feeling from the start. Just the terrible thought something would go wrong.
You wanted to be proven wrong.
In an hour or so, you were certain he would return with The Corianthian in tow. All would be well again.
Lucienne took a seat at her desk and began to go through her books. You landed on the edge and decided to help the best you could. Jessamy even came by to help, too. Lucienne was adamant about keeping you both busy until Dream's return. She was good like that.
So good, in fact, that several hours passed before you were done. It was only when the last book was on the shelf that you realised a whole day passed and your king had yet to make an appearance.
Lucienne realised too.
"Why hasn't he come back yet?" You ask, looking up at her.
"I don't know. I'll go search for him."
"I'm coming too."
Lucienne knows there is little sense in arguing with you. With you flying over her, she makes her way around the palace. She asks residents and staff if they have seen any sign of their king. No one had an affirmative response.
The fact that if he had returned and not immediately came in search for you was the biggest worry. Lucienne knew you were his most trusted confidant.
You were very clearly worried about him. She could hear Jessamy trying to come up with reasons why he may be late. They weren't helping much, but you also didn't seem to mind her doing so.
The throne room is the last place you both check. By then, you have lost all hope. You land on his throne. The librarian can see from your behaviour how dejected you are.
"I'm sure he's fine."
Her reassurance is appreciated, but not quite enough to cheer you up. Your king was still gone and worry had settled within your feathers.
All you could do was wait.
Days turned into weeks. Weeks turned into months. Months turned into years. Lord Morpheus had not returned to his kingdom. The residents of the Dreaming had become divided by his disappearance. A majority of them left, either to search for their lost king, or because they believed he had abandoned them.
You never thought such a thing. He would not abandon his home, his people, his responsibility. He took pride in being the dream lord.
You waited every single day.
The mkre time that passed, the more you wondered what coukd have happened. Something had clearly gone very wrong. Had The Corianthian hurt him? No. Despite being a nightmare who ran away, you didn't believe he would be Dream's demise.
"Where are you, sir?" You curl up in your wings, just wanting him to be safe.
Sleepy sickness set in among the mortals. Some either could no longer sleep or would not wake up from sleeping. They were suffering now that the Sandman was gone.
Lucienne stayed in the Dreaming. She was loyal as anything. Jessamy also stayed, wishing her beloved king would return.
Then there was you. You would never abandon your beloved Dreaming. Your home was here. All the centuries spent serving Lord Morpheus meant more to you than anything. You were his loyal raven.
Sleep eluded you. You could not rest without his presence in the kingdom. Lucienne had noticed from the day he disappeared that you could no longer sleep. She worried about you. Most of your days were spent in the throne room waiting.
Jessamy would do daily tours around the now crumbling kingdom to search for any signs he might be back. So far, nothing.
Your hope was dwindling.
A few more years pass, and there is still no sign of him. You had been badly affected by his absence. Lucienne was even more worried about you. The bond you shared with Lord Morpheus was much more than just two companions working together. There was clearly an invisible bond that tied you both together, and it was breaking the longer he was gone.
Jessamy started to visit the waking world. Lucienne wasn't so sure about letting her go, but she eventually caved in. Jessamy was doing this for your sake. She was worried about you too.
For the longest time, she came back with no news. Then, one day, in England, she caught wind of an interesting conversation. A supposed demon trapped in a basement.
Rodrick Burgess. A magic user, apparently. Insanely rich and powerful. Jessamy had gone to investigate where he lived.
She could feel him. She could feel Lord Morpheus close by. She had never flown home so fast before. She immediately went to Lucienne, who no longer had a library. It had vanished over the years along with most of the Dreaming.
"Lucienne! Lucienne!"
The librarian looks up and sees Jessamy flying in at high speeds. She goes in for a landing and stumbles. She's too excited to slow down right now.
"I've found him!"
"What?" Lucienne looks at the raven in confusion. Her mind went straight to her finding something on their king, but that can't possibly be true.
"I've found him!" Jessamy says, her voice full of hope.
"You have found the Dream lord?"
"Yes!" Jessamy flaps her wings.
"Are you certain?"
"Absolutely certain. I felt him. He's being trapped in a basement under a manorhouse." Jessamy explains.
Lucienne looks up. "We must tell her."
Jessamy nods her little head and takes flight again. She flies right toward the throne room. Lucienne does her best to keep up with the raven.
The throne room doors open, and Jessamy flies in, heading right for the throne. You lift your head to look at her as she comes over. She seems happy.
"I've found him!" She tells you.
You stare at her. Lucienne approaches the stairs and looks up at you. "Jessamy believes she has found Lord Morpheus."
You look back at Jessamy, who nods at you. "He's being kept prisoner."
You stand up and stretch your wings. "Then what are we waiting for?"
"Are you sure you wish to go?" Lucienne asks.
"At the very least, I need to know where he is. Jessamy can come with me. If we can free him, we shall."
"Very well. Return soon. I do want to lose either of you as well."
Both you and Jessamy nod and take flight. You follow her. Lucienne watches you both go, wishing that all goes well.
You land in the tree with Jessamy and look down at the fancy house. It's huge. Clearly, this Rodrick Burgess is wealthy. However, you hate the man with a passion.
Just like Jessamy could, you sense the presence of your king. He is here. You are certain it is him. You try and seek that connection you share with him, but it's weak. Still, you hope he felt you trying to get through to him.
"He's definitely here." You say.
"Yes. I'm certain of it."
"What do you know of this house?"
"Not a lot. Many people come and go. There are guards everywhere. However, I think if we can get inside, we can definitely work out a plan and get in there. I am certain he is being kept below the house."
"So we just need to find a way to him." You take a good look at the house.
"Should we go back and make a plan with Lucienne?" Jessamy asks.
"No." You look at the door of the house. "If he's here, I want to rescue him as soon as we can. I say we go for it."
"Are you sure?" She asks, uncertainty in her voice.
"I've never been more of anything. We can do this together. Let us go and see what they have done to him."
Jessamy nods and lets you take the lead into the house. You fly down and through the front doors. You find somewhere to land and examine the house.
There aren't that many people inside, it seems. Jesssamy comes up with a plan to start a fire. You watch her fly into the office. She sets the room ablaze. Jessamy rejoins you, and you wait. You follow her gaze to what you assume is the basement door. It's got its own security system. The door opens, and two people come out. Both you and Jessamy instantly fly through it.
The door leads to some dark stairs. You both go in and land on the rungs of the gate inside.
You almost can't believe it.
There he is. Lord Morpheus. He's completely naked and trapped in a class cage. His eyes find yours, and he slowly stands. You feel relief as you see him. You and Jessamy fly over to the glass cage. Morpheus raises his hand to where you fly above him. You would cry if you could.
Jessamy starts tapping into the glass as hard as she can. You realise she's trying to break it. You snap back to reality and join her. Both of you fly into the glass as hard as you can. Dream watches you. If you can break the glass, he can tell you what to do from there.
The sound of a pair of footsteps echoes behind you, and you stop tapping the glass to see a young man with a shotgun. You panic as he aims for Jessamy.
"No!" You gasp. You fly into Jessamy, who loses her balance and tumbles out of the way. The gun goes off.
Dream is left heartbroken at what remains of you. Jessamy gets out of there as fast as she can, leaving her beloved king behind.
There is barely anything left of you on the ground. Morpheus can't tear his eyes away as they fill with tears. There's a deep searing pain in his chest that takes hold of his heart. He kneels down and delicately reaches out as if he could touch your body.
Rodrick orders Alex to dispose of your body, and then he leaves. Morpheus watches as Alex picks up what remains of your body and drops it into a wastepaper bin.
He can't even bury you like you deserve.
Alex looks at Dream and then leaves quietly.
Morpheus curls up in his prison and stares blankly ahead. He won't let his tears fall. Alex Burgess would get what's coming to him. One day.
Morpheus will get his revenge.
@missdreamofendless - @kpopgirlbtssvt - @sitkafay - @snowsatsu - @ladyofketterdam - @thoughtsfromlayla -
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neet-elite · 2 months
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hello! someone inquired privately about a request, and this is the result! it's formatted this way because it's more of a long ramble than anything else, so i hope that's okay.
SYNOPSIS: your fav has noticed that you've been a little down recently... so they'd like to cheer you up! here are my ideas as to how they'd go about doing that <3
SFW FLUFF, mdni.
INCLUDED: Alex, Sam, Sebastian, Elliott, Harvey, Shane WC: 1,938
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ALEX: he's a man of acts of service, right? he's gotta be, i think. with his big muscles and strong work ethic, it's what he does best. when you're feeling down, Alex would be more inclined to helping you do whatever it is that you've gotta do over anything else- and he won't take no for an answer! any chores you need done? alex is picking them up for you. any work not finished? alex is doing it for you. need to make a phone call but don't have the energy? yup, alex is stepping in for you. you can forget about cooking too, because he's learnt a few sweet recipes from his grandma and will be baking your favourite treats to cheer you up!! catch him handing you cookies (jus tlike how grandma made em <3) and pulling you onto the couch, snuggling you into his big body with tight hugs and lightly peppered kisses. he's not one for sitting down and relaxing most of the time, but when all you really need is some comfort and affection he's more than happy to provide that in the form of blankets and movies. he might even end up napping with you on the couch, all snuggled up and warm... he's not the best at talking, but he'll listen for as long as you need. and more than anything, he'll make sure you don't have to lift a finger until you start feeling better again! just wants to make you smile again, and he'll do anything to make you feel better.
"Just sit your pretty butt down on the couch and I'll be back with a surprise in a second!"
"Have you ate yet? What about your water intake? Maybe you need a nap... Let's go lay down together and watch dumb videos on my phone together, okay?"
SAM: is the master of being silly. just a silly little guy with a heart of gold! and he's so sensitive too, i think, so he'd notice your mood changing as soon as it happens. in some respects i can see him being a little but overwhelming to deal with when you're feeling bad, because his go to idea for cheering you up is to be in your face laughing and joking around in hopes of making you laugh too, but he's just trying his best, even if he can be a bit much sometimes. he'd also like to make a fool of himself if he realises he's being overbearing, placing himself at the butt of jokes just to get you smiling again. compared to alex, i think sam is a very good talker, and an even better listener; he's a family man at heart, conflict resolution is part of the job. he might not come up with the most practical ideas to help, but you can be sure that whatever he suggests will at least be fun and entertaining! maybe he'd also play video games with you to help distract you from what's upsetting you, or if he can, sitting through and completing tasks with you together so that he can support you through your tough time that way. because he's so sensitive, if you're crying, he's liable to cry too. but at the end of the day you have this sweet, sunshine, genuine man doing his utmost to make you happy again. it's his life mission </3
"C'mon, lets play that game that you love! I'll even grab us some snacks, so get comfy!"
"It's okay, babe. I'm here, I'm listening. Tell me aaaaall about it."
SEBASTIAN: is more practical than the others, and by that i mean he's more worried about solutions than anything else. don't get me wrong, he'd help in other ways too... but he much prefers seeking an answer more tangible than your current circumstances. he's the type to distract you more than anything from whatever is upsetting you, enjoying physical touch as a means to divert your attention away from the bad feelings and back onto him. you can't be upset if his hands are squishing your cheeks to kiss your lips better! little kisses down your neck while you complain, light trails of his fingers up and down you back while you cry. he doesn't mind listening, but while you're rambling away he's already in his own head working out how to best resolve your issues. he'd do just about anything to make you feel better!! he'd smoke with you, if you were up for it. wanting you to relax as much as possible, joint between his fingers for you to puff at while you're sat between his legs. he'd stroke your hair in the meantime, humming idly as you tell him all about your feelings. idle not because he doesn't care, but because he's thinking. maybe he'd even encourage you to go on a short walk with him, just out to the lake. something about the water being calming, and he knows it to be true because it's one of his favourite spots in town; only made better by having you there with him. even better if it's night time and you can watch the stars with him while forgetting all about your issues!
"Trust me, you'll feel better after a while of sitting. Just be patient."
"Need a little distraction, yeah? C'mere, let me kiss you all better."
ELLIOTT: is heavy on words, isn't he? a fan of whisking you up in his arms, carrying you to the bed, and doting on you with all those sweet words you so often coax out of him just by existing. he'd empathize highly with you, which might lead to him tearing up a little as you're recalling what it is that's making you feel so bad. but he'd persist, whispering sweet nothings down your ear, encouraging words and shared upset. he might even play you some piano, expertly executing one of your favourite pieces just to cheer you up a little. and if you're feeling extra bad, he'd indulge you by singing along to the song, encouraging you to join because you can't be sad when you're singing! on days where it's sunny, he'll drag you out of the house if you're feeling up for it for walks, particularly to the beach. he'll listen to you ramble the whole way, attentively listening until you arrive at the beach and he takes a deep breath. he'd encourage you to just have fun for now, forget all about what troubles you for an hour or two, and then after you've calmed down he'll help you figure out a solution to your issues. but in the meantime, before you're in the right mindset to tackle your issues, he'd simply go with the flow and provide you anything you might need in the moment to feel better. a day or two later you might receive a letter, or a new poem from him. just a little something to make sure you're as happy as you should be <3! indulging in creative outlets would be his go to idea to help, because it's what he likes to partake in himself when he's feeling down.
"My love, would you like to collect seashells with me? They're very pretty, and I think we could use them in a future project..."
"Would listening to your favourite song help, love? If so, I'd be honoured to play it for you."
HARVEY: can resort to being a little bit too clinical at times, but he's trying to learn to rely more on others forms of help. still, he'll make sure that your health is in order first. need to nap? drinking enough water? been eating correctly? and if not, he'll help fix those issues first. however, after you're all fed and such, he'd love to get all cosy with you and just listen. i think he's the best listener of the bunch, coddling you and keeping you safe and warm in his arms while you ramble and cry into his chest. sitting on his lap while he cuddles you on his old man armchair? bliss. would highly encourage you take a bath together, allowing you to soak in the warm water while he bathes you nice and gently, setting out a fresh pair of pyjamas on the bed afterwards and giving you doctors orders to spend the day in bed with him! it doesn't matter what he had planned for the day, he has a sick patient under his roof now, and he'll do his absolute best to make you all better again. watching tv, drinking hot chocolate together, having him cook dinner for the two of you like it's some sort of special occasion. he'll pull out all the stops in an effort to make you happy again, a secret favourite tactic of his being to pull you into the middle of the kitchen to dance with you while dinner cooks. a genuine romantic, he hopes you make you feel better by showing you just how love you truly are, and that no matter what you're going through, he's right there with you.
"I tried cooking your favourite meal, because you deserve it after what you've been through. It's not much... But I hope you like it regardless."
"Are you comfortable? Please let me know if there's anything else I could do for you. I wouldn't want my patient to get any sicker under my care!"
SHANE: naps. naps naps naps, old man afternoon naps in the bed together, wallowing away in shared upset over your issues. he's not a good talker, he knows, so he'd try to make up for what he lacks by giving you the care he so desperately needed himself; the care you've taught him to show. which would highly include napping! just soft sheets and tight cuddles, letting you sob against him while he coos down at you under the sheets. his gruff voice encouraging you to let it all out, that it's good to feel these emotions, and that he'll be there the whole time. once you've calmed down a bit though, he'd simply ask what it is that you need in the moment to feel a bit better. and it doesn't matter what you need, he'll do it. it's the least he could do after you've helped him so much, right? which makes him the most malleable of the bachelors in terms of how they'd help- he doesn't have any set in stone ideas, he just does what you ask him to do. but some of his favourite tactics are: spending time with animals, loving on them and letting them nuzzle up against you, watching the way they just seem to know that you need extra attention. indulging you in some of your hobbies, even if he sucks at them! because even if he fails, so long as it makes you laugh he doesn't mind being the joke for a while. cooking and eating together. getting your hands busy, he thinks, is the best way to overcome your issues. something about physically making something, right? how you're not just stuck in your own head overthinking all the time, because you're too busy focusing on a manual task. he doesn't mind whatever your answer might be to what do you need right now? because he's already accepted that he'll do whatever you say next.
"Come help me with dinner, please. Could help you a little, I think... And at the end of it all, we get some yummy food. Sound nice?"
"We haven't seen the animals today, have we? Let's go together, I'll help out, okay?"
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wrestletotheground · 4 months
snap out of it - ross macdonald x reader
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your boyfriend helps ease the tension when you're feeling stressed..
cw: 18+ minors dni!! smut, dom!ross, f!sub!reader, kitchen sex, fingering, d word, unprotected sex, p in v, orgasm denial, stomach bulging, squirting, degradation, lowkey kinda toxic but in a hot way <3
wc: 2.4k
you're walking- no. storming around the house like a raging bull. for what reason you don't even know. maybe it's the party you're hosting tomorrow, and the fact the house is an absolute mess.
you've woken up in such a mood, feeling like you're going crazy when every little inconvenience is piling up and fuelling the fire. there was no hot water in the shower, you burnt your toast for breakfast, and you're now running around in a frenzy trying to sort everything as if you're being hunted for sport. feminine rage, if you will.
you're muttering under your breath, picking through the piles of clutter in the kitchen when you're startled by your boyfriend placing a hand on your lower back. you jump, so lost in your thoughts that you didn't hear him coming.
'hi baby, whatcha doing?' he asks, wrapping his arm around your waist before you step away from him, rolling your eyes at his cheerful tone.
'ross, i'm sorry, I love you, but fuck off, I've so many things to do I don't need you distracting me, I've been cleaning all day and the place still looks the same and URGGH,' you practically scream, holding your head in your hands.
guilt washes over you, realising you've just essentially snapped at him over nothing, but you're too worked up to backtrack now. you continue what you were doing, ignoring ross' eyes burning a hole into the back of your head. you lift an empty wine bottle from the table to clear it away and start cursing under your breath when you notice it's left a stain that you're gonna have to sort out on top of everything else.
'darling you're too stressed over this, there's no need, just take a break and chill out, yeah?' rage pumps through your body. even though you know he's just trying to help, you can sense an undertone - an edge - in his voice that would usually have you on your knees already, but right now, you're in no mood for it.
'no, look, I've been putting it off it's just- there's so much to do, I'll be fine, okay?' it comes out more frantic and loud than you anticipated, making his face crease in concern. he puts a hand on your shoulder, stopping you in your tracks.
'look at me,' he orders. you sigh and turn to look up at him, heart still pounding partly from the stress and now also from the intense look in his eyes. his hands are warm and heavy on your waist now, gripping onto you like you'd float away if he let go.
'I'm gonna fuck you until you calm down and you can't think of anything else but my name, and you're gonna fucking take it'.
okay, maybe you are in the mood for it. your stomach flutters and you nod silently, feeling like a lamb under the thumb of a lion. his soft yet demanding tone always makes you so turned on you give in immediately. 'there we go darling, daddy's gonna make you feel better, hm?' he says as one hand comes up to wrap around your neck, pushing in gently.
that word sends a rush of excitement coursing through you, and you manage to get out a strangled mix between 'yes' and a moan. you'll be good for him if it's the last thing you do, and you're so riled up you're already starting to channel that rage into desire.
you go to start towards the bedroom before he grabs you roughly, stopping you in your tracks yet again. 'where do you think you're going honey? you're gonna take it here like a good pet.' his tone is stern. 'but the-,' he cuts you off by slapping his palm on the side of your jaw, grabbing your chin and forcing eye contact. you feel a pulsing heat building in your core.
'do what you're told or I'll leave you here, I know you're fucking soaked for me already, clenching your thighs when I haven't even touched you,' he smirks, and you flush when you realise you've been inadvertently squeezing your legs together in a futile attempt to relieve yourself.
the thought of him taking you right here in the kitchen drives you crazier than you'd like to admit. the big sliding glass door that leads onto the garden is only a few yards away, giving any nosy neighbours a full show, but he doesn't seem to mind and you're already too desperate to stop now.
he hooks a finger through the belt loops on either side of your jeans and uses them to pull you forward, making you stumble into him. 'take these off for me darling,' he orders, breath ghosting over the side of your face as he tries to keep his composure.
you fumble around with buttons and zips until they're pooled around your ankles, stepping out and crashing your lips onto his with one hand already gripping the hair at the back of his neck. your tongues melt together, pure lust radiating off one another.
he toys with the hem of your shirt blindly until you get the hint and break away from him to throw it behind you. his breath catches in his throat and he can't help himself from grabbing at your tits instantly, pupils dilated beyond belief as he stares at them in awe. you giggle to yourself, tracing your fingertips under his tshirt and up and down his sides.
he gives you a questioning look. 'you're such a boy,' you laugh. his stare intensifies. 'oh yeah? don't think a boy would make you feel like this, hm?' he replies, bringing a hand down between your legs to cup your pussy and dipping his index finger under the thin fabric, making you moan. 'see?' he whispers. you smile coyly and kiss him again, more passionately this time.
dripping desire pools in your underwear when he grabs you and walks you a few steps towards the kitchen counter. he turns you to face away from him and pushes down on your shoulders. you fold with his touch, straightening out your back as your chest and arms fan out over the cold marble.
with one hand pinning you onto the countertop, he uses the other to rip your wet underwear down, letting them fall to your feet before you kick them away.
goosebumps prickle across your entire body when his fingers graze over your soaked cunt. you spread your legs wider instinctively, allowing him easier access. 'so responsive for me,' he mumbles behind you. he leans over your back, moving your hair to one side to nip and suck at your neck.
without warning, he shoves two fingers inside you, making you scream out in surprise and pleasure. he instantly takes his hand away and you exhale sharply at the sudden loss of contact before it comes back to land a sharp slap on your ass. 'shut the fuck up screaming like some sort of crazy bitch, the neighbours are gonna hear you. don't want them to know how much of a little slut you are do we?' you shake your head too quickly in response, teeth digging into your bottom lip.
after a moment of letting you sit in shame, humiliation, he plunges his fingers back in; this time you know better than to make too much noise. 'good girl, I know baby, I know,' he coos, gazing down at your trembling figure as his fingers work in and out of you.
'mmplease, feel so good,' you whimper, your hips jerking into him every time his thumb swipes your aching bud. the need for release is all consuming. the effect he has on you is unparalleled by anyone else. the way he works you up so much just to watch you crumble and writhe under him is enough to make you submit to his every word.
every bend and thrust of his fingers is delicate and precise, hitting all the right spots to have you doubled over in ecstasy, leaning your whole body weight on the counter to hold yourself up. 'gonna cum, please, ross, SHIT- what the fuck,' you practically sob, your climax that was right at your fingertips being suddenly ripped away from you. the second he knew you were on the edge, he stopped, pulling out his soaked fingers and drying them on your back. your head drops downwards in frustration as the fuzzy feeling inside you dissipates.
'you don't get to cum until I fucking say so, got it?' you let out a strained 'yes' sound, more of a whimper than anything. you nod your head and let your eyes fall shut in relief when you finally hear the sound of his belt being unbuckled.
'need me to fuck you stupid so you can think straight don't you love?' he says, placing a kiss just below your ear as he pulls down the waistband of his boxers just enough to to free himself from the constraints of the tight fabric. you glance down behind you and inhale deeply at the sight of his raging erection, already leaking in his hand before he even gets you into position.
he hikes your leg up, letting it rest on his strong forearm, fingers gripping into the soft flesh inside your thigh. the air hitting your cunt makes you squirm, but you manage to keep your balance, aching for him to give you what you need.
he lines himself up and you feel yourself get wetter, dripping onto him in anticipation. he slides into you with no resistance, groaning at how wet and perfect you feel around him. the full feeling of his thick cock stretching you out makes you see stars, whining softly as he builds up to a delicious pace that practically splits you in two. 'fucking hell, so perfect, just for me,' he rambles, mind going into overdrive already. 'just for you, daddy,' you reply, knowing how feral that word makes him at the best of times.
you can slightly make out your reflection in the tiles on the wall. the distorted image shows him practically fully clothed and you bare, at his disposal to use how he wants. the sight eggs you on further, and you lean up into his chest, moaning at the new sensation of his beard tickling the side of your neck.
with the angle he's at now, he's going so deep inside you that his cock pushes out your lower stomach. you look down and nearly collapse when you see a subtle bulge just below your belly button disappear and reappear with every thrust.
ross notices it too, and trails his hand down your stomach until he feels it. something feral unlocks in his brain when he feels the bump protruding, making him groan into your ear and fuck into you harder, somehow even closer now.
'shit, you feel that? feel how well you're taking me angel?' he says, pressing in on the spot. 'fuck, yes, more, please, daddy,' you whine, gasping when he starts groping at your tits, his chin resting on your shoulder as he teeters closer and closer to the edge.
'more, huh? this not enough for you?' you shake your head, and you can feel him getting more riled up by your reaction as his cock throbs inside you.
the knot in your stomach tightens further as his right hand moves down to circle your throbbing clit. you cry out at the sensation of him all over you all at once, and it takes everything in you not to let your thighs clamp shut. his name echoes from your mouth like a prayer.
the pressure is steadily mounting inside you, and you feel like you could let go any second. 'close... mm-' he slaps his hand onto your cunt, just above where he's pumping in and out of you, making you whine. 'i told you, you're not gonna cum until I say, need to teach you some fucking manners, brat,' he punctuates the last word with another harsh tap with his fingertips before continuing agonisingly slow circles.
the sting of the slaps mixed with the soothing warmth of his touch sends you into overdrive. the cold countertop digs into your palms, using it as leverage to push yourself impossibly further into him, following his pace carefully.
'jesus christ, ross, fuck, please let me cum,' you moan through gritted teeth. you don't think you've ever been this worked up, with him denying you of your orgasm twice already. you feel wound up, like a ticking time bomb that could explode any minute, and fuck, you need to, but you'll strain yourself to the last second to please him.
your core is on fire, warmth spreading all over your body, you can nearly hear the ringing in your ears already and you're about to start begging again before he snaps you out of your head. 'go on. cum all over daddy's cock, that's it- shit,' he curses when you clench tightly around him, the coil in your stomach finally snapping. you cry out as you gush all over him, little squirts splashing from you onto the floor in time with his movements. you grab onto him, pushing his hand onto your clit harder to work you through your high, the head rush like nothing you've ever felt before. it's electric, like a static current washing over you as your whole body convulses.
when he sees the pool of your slick shining on the tiled floor, it's over for him. his groans get louder and with one final push and a 'FUCK,' he tips over the edge, pulsing inside you and painting your pussy white.
your head feels hazy as you catch your breath, slowly coming back to reality. you barely register what's happened with the euphoria lingering in your body. 'did I...' you look down at the mess you made and realise you just squirted all over the kitchen and desecrated ross' hand and jeans in the process. 'fuck, that was so hot, i'm- christ,' he laughs, his head dropping onto your shoulder in disbelief.
'thank you,' you whisper. the stress that's been weighing on your chest all day has completely disappeared, but you're so fucked out you can't find any more words. he lets out a breathy laugh and braces you as he pulls out gently, holding you upright as you stand on two feet again.
'you were right, I'm not stressed anymore,' you smile, placing a soft kiss on his lips before starting to redress. 'daddy's always right,' he teases, a cheeky grin spread across his face.
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pablitogavii · 6 months
Best friend's little sister Pt. 5
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Ever since they found me bruised in that corner, neither Pedri nor Pablo could let it go. I begged them to forget about Jacobo, to let him leave my life and not cause any more problems. They both promised to do as I asked but I should have known better than to trust them on it!!!
"Son of a bitch is going to be there!!!" Pedri said checking the schedule and Pablo nodded as they both were set on teaching him a lesson he won't forget.
After school, I went to Pablo's apartment watching him get ready for some "Barça event" that suddenly happened but nobody mentioned before. I was curious but trusted him to tell me the truth.
"Is Pedri less angry about what happened???" I asked and Pablo said he's slowly moving on from it. I was glad to hear it just wanting this whole thing to be over.
I stood up from the bed walking to his closet and snaking my arms around his torso from the back holding him tightly. I kissed his strong muscular back teasingly thinking of a perfect way to make him stay with me tonight...
"And you amor???" I say seeing his jaw clenching
"I would feel much better if you let me punch his stupid face for good!!!" he said and I shook my head in response.
"Aii amor he's not worth it..." I say nuzzling my face into Pablo's back as he sighed. I knew the only reason he wasn't doing as he said is because of me and it made me proud.
"Hmm can't you stay with me??? I already told Pedri I'm sleeping over at Masa's???" I say feeling his strong arms reach for me and pull me in front of him as he raised my chin gently inspecting my wound which was healing well.
"Stay here and wait for me pequeñita...I won't stay long I promise you and we can cuddle all night, vale???" he said leaning down and kissing my lips passionately making me wish he didn't have to leave at all...I really craved some intimacy after such a long time.
"Hm bueno...then I'm gonna go sleep...naked...all alone...in your big bed papiiiiiii" I smirked taking off my clothes one at the time and jumping onto his bed as he watched a show meant only for his eyes.
"Aiii que haces conmigo!!!" he followed after me as I cuddled up underneath the comforter leaning in to kiss him passionately.
"You know what happens when you are mi nena mala, no???" Pablo smirked and I recalled very well my last punishment...hm it was such a craving. I nodded pouting and he kissed my lips, nose and then forehead.
"I'll see you soon cielo. Be good!!!" he said and I wished him a good night as he left to meet Pedri int he car downstairs.
It was barely an hour when my phone rang and I smiled thinking it Pablo already "missing me "and telling me he's coming home but it was actually Masa.
"Hey girl what's up???" I said getting up thinking it's a new gossip she has to tell me but her voice was very much concerned.
"You are gonna wanna come here asap girl! Pablo and Pedri are kicking Jacobo's ass!!!" she was definitely drunk and I heard people cheering in the background. I froze once I comprehended what she had just said...Pablo and Pedri are WHATTT!!!???
"Where are you!!!???" I was already up wearing my old shorts and Pablo's oversized t-shirt before calling a cab to take me to some home party she mentioned. Luckily it wasn't far and I was there fast. The place was swarming with crowd screaming and chanting all around as I tried to push past them. Then cop sirens were blasting and everyone started to run pushing me all around until I finally landed in the pair of familiar arms.
"Cielo? What are you doing here??????" Pablo said holding me against himself so nobody can hit me as they ran and then Pedri joined us as well with a bruised lip. Just great!!!
"What are you two idiots doing!!!??? Estan locos!!!???" I was yelling angrily but they grabbed my arms pulling me towards the car as we drove off before getting into serious trouble.
"How did you know where we were!!!??? Did you talk to him again!? I told you not to and to call me if he tries to get close to you again!!!" Pedri said angrily but I was just as pissed off.
"A friend told me!!! And I told you NOT to do anything stupid like this and you promised!!! Both of you are just a bunch of liars!!!" you said giving Pablo an angry look as he sighed feeling his bruised lip as well.
"Now he'll know better than to hurt my only hermanita" Pedri said driving us all to the house and telling Pablo he can just sleep over since it was late.
I was very much angry at both of them...but especially at Pablo who knew Jacobo had the picture and now has all the reasons in the world to plaster it everywhere!
I was silent the rest of the ride and when we got home I just walked to my room without a single word. "She'll get over it, hermano. Let's eat something" Pedri said as Pablo watched me walk upstairs knowing that he has some making up to do tonight.
Pablo excused himself to use "a bathroom" as he went into my room seeing me laying there in bed on my phone still in his oversized shirt. He smirked laying behind me but I gave him no attention what so ever!!! He's gonna have to work for it!!!
"Hmm is mi nena angry with me huh??? You look so good in my shirts nena...so delicious" he kissed my shoulder as his hand pulled me back and cuddled into me.
"Pablo!!!" he heard Pedri calling sighing in annoyance before leaning in and kissing my cheek.
"I'll make it all up to you later, cielo..." he said before leaving but I didn't answer anything.
A few hours later when everyone finally went to bed, Pablo snuck into my room locking the door behind and laying in bed behind me. I was still awake but pretended to sleep but he could see right through it.
His hand slowly went underneath my/his t-shirt resting on my stomach and slowly moving upwards until he was cupping my breast making me moan.
"Hmm stop ignoring me pequeñita...you know I can make you talk" he said cockily as his other hand grazed my thighs sending shivers all over my body.
I tried pulling away but having his hands on me felt so good..and I craved it for so long. I opened my eyes and he turned me around to look at him.
"Please talk to me..." he said caressing my cheek and I sighed nodding my head.
"So now you're lying to me too???" I said really tired of all these lies I have to deal with. At least Pablo and I were always honest with each other.
"I'm sorry cielo...but you would never agree" he said tucking a strand behind my ear gently.
"Of course I wouldn't agree!!! He has a picture of us that he can show to my brother and everyone!!! Now he has all the reason in the world to do that!!!" I said and he smiled shaking his head and kissing my lips.
"You think that's funny!!!??? What do you think Pedri will do if he..." but you couldn't finish as he was shutting you up with his lips holding your face in his his hands.
"He doesn't have that picture anymore, cielo...I paid him a visit a few days ago and he deleted it in front of my eyes" Pablo said and I was confused why would he do that.
""Let's just say people love money too much to refuse it" Pablo explained and I sighed at least glad it was only Vini we needed to worry about now.
"And what about Vini...that won't work on him" I said but he was done talking pulling me close and devouring my lips passionately. I relaxed into his touch as we made out for hours until both fell asleep in each others arms.
A few days later, we all went to Ibiza. Everything was quite for the whole summer vacay...no sound of Vini and we enjoyed our Ibiza to it's fullest. Pedri even allowed Masa to come with us and it was a blast.
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My soul sister @y.n.gonzalez 💗💗💗
y.n.gonzales: i love you💗💗💗
pedrifanss: are they all together in Ibiza???
gonzalezfam: yes. pedri, gavi, and the two of them!!!
gaviragirls: omg she and gavi are together!!!
pedri.gavi.girl: her brother is there too HAHAHA
y.n.gavi.fanss: i don't care but they're end game😍😍😍
"I don't know girl but people say you're end game" Masa teased while we were sun tanning and I stole a glance from Gavi in the hot tub smirking at me.
"Are you joining us tonight hermano???" Pedri said but Gavi completely forgot what they were talking about...all he could think about is you in this small bathing suit...your wet hair...and that smile when you looked at him.
"Nahh I'm not in the mood" Pablo said that being the fifth time he refused to go out with the boys to clubs filled to the brim with half naked model looking girls...obviously it was odd to everyone.
"He must be back with that Sevilla girl" Balde said
"I was never with her, chick is toxic." Pablo said knowing they won't just let this go " But sure I have someone, vale!!!???" he said getting up and walking to grab a beer.
"I respect that!!! Besides we all know how girls here are" Pedri said and Pablo smiled hoping when he tells the truth his friend will remember this moment.
"I don't mind it at all" Balde joked and all the boys laughed.
When they left, Pablo knocked on my door excusing himself when he saw me and Masa laying there talking.
"It's all good...anything for my end game couple" she teased passing Pablo while I threw a pillow at her that he caught.
"What's she going on about huh???" he said sitting down and I straddled his lap kissing his lips while laying with his hair.
"People commented on her post that we're end game..." I explained and Pablo smirked nodding his head and pulling me closer...I could already feel him hard underneath his swim trunks.
"I want to take you somewhere..." he whispered into the kiss and I smiled nodding my head not even asking what he had in mind...if it was with Pablo I would go anywhere.
"Make sure you have something warm" he said and I pulled on the hoodie he currently had on which made him chuckle and take it off only to put it over my body.
"Perfecta! Vamos amor" he said and we left telling Masa that we won't be back until morning. She nodded wishing us a "fun night".
"Are we going on a boat???" I ask and he smiled nodding his head as we both jumped on and he took us to a secluded beach filled with beautiful lanters.
"Oh my god Pablo...it's so beautiful" I say looking around while holding myself on the boat feeling his arms wrap around me and pull me against him protectively.
"I told you to be careful..." he whispered and I smiled holding his hands on my stomach as we arrived to the beach and he helped me out. He took a small blanket and a bag from the boat.
"What is that amor???" I ask and he placed the blanket down showing me champagne, and some snacks inside the bag. I smiled wide at the little surprise.
"It's a real date for mi pequeñita...and I want it to be perfect" he said and I kissed him lovingly as we both laid down in each others arms. We drank a glass of champagne, enjoyed a sunset and looking at each other we both wanted the same thing. He pulled me on top of him as he laid down and we started to kiss and discard each other's clothes.
"Aahh P..Pablo..." I moaned into his ear feeling him stretching me out while his hot lips grazed my skin.
"Tan buena pequeñita...y...toda mia!!!" he growled the last part marking up my neck while moving faster sending both of us closer to our long awaited high.
"A..Ahh please never let me go again" I whimper feeling my body contracting around him as my high washed over me sending my mind into oblivion.
"Never again...mi cielo" he groaned finishing as well as we both laid there in each others arms holding each other tightly and enjoying the moment together.
"Y/n...I know we've been through a lot...and many would disagree with what we are...but I love you pequeñita...I really do" those words echoed in my head as I smiled never being happier than now.
" love you too Pablo..." you say feeling his grip tighten as he kissed the top of your head and then raised your chin to kiss your lips. Everything in that moment was perfect...if only it could of lasted forever.
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boujiestpoet · 3 months
Oh that's not pt 3
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Summary: Lando starts dropping cryptic love messages in his instagram, getting fans excited until they discover who he is talking about, and he HARD luanches his new (not really new tho) girl.
Faceclaim: The one and only Ryan Destiny
Genre: Social Media/ Real life
Previous chapter, Next Chapter
Amara sighs for the tenth time while waiting for her food. She's currently wondering if she made the right decision not to go to the SAG awards and instead decided to go to dinner with her boyfriend, whose eyes are glued to the screen
"You know I'm here in the flesh, there's no need to stalk my IG" she whispers, even though she doesn't need to because I'm in a private area of the luxury restaurant
"Sorry" the driver puts his phone down, his eyes moving towards his girlfriend
She is dressed in a brown dress that complements her beautiful skin, which shines like gold under the light, he is mesmerized.
"You're beautiful" he takes her hand, even though she hears those compliments every day, the actress always finds herself blushing. And every time he notices, her reaction always makes him smile.
"You have returned to planet earth" she smiles
"Sorry, I was rather distracted, it won't happen again" he kisses her hand
"I understand…the season is about to start, if I were in your place I wouldn't even be able to sleep"
"I am confident that this season will be better than last year" he announces
"I'll cheer for you wherever I am" she exclaims, Lando remembers that in a few days, Amara will have to leave Bahrain and they won't see each other for months.
"When will they start filming?" he asks
"Two weeks, but I have to be in London for the last costume fitting" finally the food arrives
"I'll miss you" he confesses, the girl knows what he means
"I will miss you too, but I will come to see you at all the GPs that will take place in Europe" she reassures him, Lando is not a person who lets anxiety get the better of him but when it happens he knows that Amara is there to do everything possible to make it sound good,
He doesn't want to make her worry but he himself doesn't want her to leave, but at the same time he loves how her eyes shine when she follows her passions. He didn't know that being in love was so simple and complicated at the same time
" It's a promise?" he pressed her hand.
"Yes darling, now let's eat before the food gets cold"
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💬❤️liked by ayoedibiri,mclaren and other 890,000
landonorris: She said she's my biggest fan, but I'M her biggest fan
view comments......
↳ Amara_thepoet: You think you can beat me?
↳ landonorris: Yeah I love you more than you love me
↳ Amara_thepoet: Well I love you more
↳ ayoedibiri: Can yall please spare us
↳ oscarpiastri: Forreal is disgusting
sam💖: I fucking knew it at mrsnorris. It's quite ain't no back talk
↳ Mclarenfan: Not you tagging her
↳ sam💖: She needed some reality check
Mclaren: Our new favourite couple
↳ Mclarenfan: What about Oscar and Lily
↳ Mclaren: 🤫
amarathefan: Well it's time to get into f1
username67: I know some people,are having a bad day 🤣
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So I'm back not because I was ready, but I click post soo yeah...I'm not quite confident with this chapter. I accept advices PLEASE.
Taglist: @dutifullyannoyingfox
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webslingingslasher · 7 months
https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMj3TXKsh/ frat peter
peter is not paying attention. peter is on game four of the new madden release and you feel like you're slowly dying.
he was kind at first, letting you lay against him, keeping an ear free so you could babble to him. then, his friends joined and it became a real competition. you could see the passion in his eyes enhance, he was no longer actively listening.
it took three tries at his name before his eyes left the screen, just for two milliseconds, 'yeah?' focus back on the game, his tongue pokes out the corner off his mouth when he dodges and passes the ball off.
'are we done talking now?' another look at your face, you don't look upset. 'just let me do one game, okay?' you know it's never just one game.
'oh-' peter relaxes into the back of the couch, his headphones knocked back into place by a bump with his shoulder. 'kay.'
five minutes pass, he hasn't said one thing to you. peter's talking and laughing with his friends over the mic, you've watched a video on loop three times, peter would find it funny, and he's right there.
you sit up and pat on his arm, nothing. you tap again while using his name. 'peter,' he finishes his thought before freeing up his right ear. peter doesn't even respond, he just looks at you.
'look,' you shove your phone out, then flashes his eyes between the tv and your phone. 'no, no, i'm here.' his fingers spam buttons. you lost his attention in four seconds, you make a notion to squirm as far away from him as possible, even slightly bending your knees so peter couldn't touch you.
the sudden cold has peter notice your new position, he actually drops the controller and mutes his mic, leaning over towards you. 'sorry, let me see it.' you narrow your eyes, 'you don't care.'
'i care. i'm missing points right now and betting berated.' you reach a leg out to softly kick his thigh. 'fine. go back to your game, i'll just be here.'
peter can't pick up on shit when he's distracted.
'you sure? want me to get you anything?' there's never been a time in his life he's so desperate for a no. the controller's back in peter's hands, you pout at him, he blinks.
'no, guess not.'
you ignore him the rest of the game, the second it ends he looks at you with a teeny smile, you read right through it. 'you said one game.' peter raises his hands, 'i know i did, but my friends just got on. one more game? please?'
'i'll go home.' you scramble to sit up, peter pushes you back down with ease. 'c'mon, trouble. don't be like that, i like hanging out with you.'
'you're not hanging out with me, i'm watching you play a game.' peter's eyebrow quirks, 'what about love languages and quality time?' you frown, 'don't use my words against me.'
peter knows how to make you putty, expertly sliding between your legs to hold himself up by an arm next to your head. he kisses you slow and soft, 'please, trouble? one more?'
you nod, aching for one more kiss. it's not as slow or soft, he pulls away from you in a second, his headset back on. 'got the pass, let's go.'
peter's words offend you, if he thinks he can play you, he's wrong. you know how to play the game better then he does, boldly sitting up, you tug your shirt off. it takes a few seconds, but when he looks over, peter's staring at your chest and his controller drops.
'oh, shit.' whatever chatter he heard wasn't registering.
'nevermind. i gotta go.' it was the quickest you've ever seen him turn off his console.
peter's hands mime a squeeze, 'boobies. can i have boobies?' you block his viewing pleasure with your palms. 'you were dismissive to the one with the boobies.'
'i'm so sorry, i should've watched your video. i shouldn't have asked for another game, you're so much better than a playstation. now boobies?'
you consider his words, then drop your hands, he cheers. 
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spidybaby · 7 months
Adivina... I'm sick🤧 and if it's possible, I would like to request some fluffy Pepi taking care of his sick girlfriend, please😭 Idk, maybe he trying to cook for her? Calling readers mom or his (or both mothers) to see what can he do?, dancing randomly to cheer her up a bit 'cus reader hates getting sick?😭 please and thank you in advance! TAKE CARE!🌻✨
"Okay, that doesn't sound like a normal cough."
You turn to him. A cup of hot tea in one of his hands and a bottle of water in the other.
You wanted to answer, but a wave of new coughs interrupted you.
"Yeah, no." He left the thing in your nightstand. "You go back to bed, call in sick, and I'm getting you some medicine from the store."
"But I have paperwork." You say, voice almost gone from the sickness. "And I have this project."
He shakes his head no, grabbing you by the shoulders and walking you to your bed. He helps with your shoes and makes sure you're tugged comfortably in bed.
"Please hear me." He kisses the top of your head, passing you the tea. "I'm going to the pharmacy. Please drink this, and I'll be back, amor."
He left your apartment to go get you some medicine, some snacks, and something to make a soup.
He knew an amazing place to get you some chicken soup for you to feel better, but he prefers to cook it himself.
Every time he's sick, you cook something for him. Sometimes some nice breakfast, sometimes a nice soup.
That's something that makes him feel better, your love and care for him. So he wants to do the same for you. To make you feel what you make him feel.
He picked up regular and normal medicine, some headache pills, vitamins in gummy form, some sweets, and some hydrating drinks.
He then drives to the grocery store. He knew he needed some vegetables, chicken, and maybe some other things, but he didn't know how much of everything or if he needed something to season or something to make it taste homemade.
The phone rings three times before your mom answered.
"Hola cariño, como estas?" (Hey honey, how are you?)
"Hola, sorry to bother you. I just need some help with something."
"You never bother me, tell me how can I help you."
He explained what he wanted to prepare for you, and how lost he was in ehat to get.
"You're such a sweetheart, I'll help you. First, you're getting chicken breasts, maybe three potatoes, corn, two carrots, celery."
She gave him a list of what to get and how much, some seasoning brand names. Instructing him on how to add it and how to season it.
"Gracias, you're a life saver." He smiles to himself, the shopping car full with things for the soup.
"I should be the one thanking you. You take care of my baby when I'm not able to. And I'm grateful for that Pedri"
"I love her. You don't need to thank me for it." He says honest about his feelings. "I have to go, so I get to her place soon and I can feed her this for lunch."
"Bye sweetheart, take care and don't get sick."
He pays for everything, getting you your favorite hot drink from your favorite coffee shop.
When he gets back to your place, the first thing he does is go back to your room to check on you.
"Hi." You say, voice more gone than before. "I missed you."
He gives you your drink, kissing the top of your head. "Why don't you try to sleep, amor?"
He runs back to the kitchen, getting the pills. He makes you take the medicine so you can rest better.
"Thank you, I'll ask you to lay down with me, but you're not getting sick." You laugh.
"I'll be here when you wake up."
"Love you." You send him a kiss which he catches and dramatically place his hand onto his heart. This action makes you laugh again.
He goes back to the kitchen, organizing everything in the order your mother gave him. But he keeps forgetting the instructions, not wanting to mess up everything he picks the phone and calls someone who knows about soups and cooking.
"Hola, mi niño."
He knew his mother was an expert in cooking, having a Tasca of her own. She definitely knows what she's doing.
After the explanation of what he's trying to do, what he bought and the steps your mom gave him.
Rosy gave him a bit of a different instruction, the ingredients being the same, but the preparation changing a little bit.
"I can't help but laugh at you Pedri, you don't even cook for yourself, but you're cooking for your girlfriend."
"Love does magic mother." He jokes, can't helping the blush that creeps his cheeks.
"I wonder if your mother gets sick, will you make her some soup?" His father asks
"That would be on you to make her a soup, don't you think?"
"Got me there, niño." They all laugh.
He FaceTime with his parents till the soup is about to boil.
"Bueno, I have to let this sit for a while, I'm going to go check on her and bring her down to eat."
"That's okay, take good care of her and the good man we taught you to be."
"Adiós, Pedri." His father waves at the screen.
He hung up, connecting his phone to the charger. The soup boils for a few minutes more. Adding the last bits of salt to his taste and ready!
He plates the soup, letting it sit out so it wasn't too hot for you.
When he walks into the room, you're sleeping with the tv on. He noticed the way your cheeks were red, pressing his hand on your cheek he feels that you might have a little fever.
"Mi amor, wake up princesa. I made some lunch for you."
You softly humm a no, making him feel bad for waking you up.
"C'mon, princesa, you need some food and medicine." He caresses your cheek. The warmth feeling of your cheeks makes him worry.
"Five minutes more." You hug his body, his hands on your hair massaging your scalp.
"You have to eat."
"I'm sleepy."
"I know, a little bit of food, and you can go back to sleep, amor."
You nod, taking a good minute to sit on the bed. He grabs your water next to the bed and another pill for the fever.
You make a face at the taste of the pill. Feeling the sour aftertaste of medicine makes your stomach turn. You gag a few times, pushing him lightly and running to the bathroom.
Pedri follows you, picking you hair that was a mess due to the sleep. Making it less messy for you.
He pats your back. Once you're done, he helps you get up.
"I hate this." You cry as you brush your teeth. "I don't like feeling like this."
"It's okay, hermosa. It's just a cold."
"I don't like it."
You hug him, holding him tight like a teddy bear. The way to the kitchen feels long for you.
You can't smell that much, but when the tasty smell of soup hits your nose, you focus on the kitchen.
A plate of soup is sitting there waiting for you. "You make soup?"
"I hope it's good, your mom and my mom helped."
"That's super sweet, if I could I would kiss you."
"Here." He kisses your shoulder. "Now eat, my love."
You ask him to tell you about the game that's taking place tonight. He was still I recovery and not allowed to play, so he was going to support his friends.
You feel so much better with the food and love he's showing you.
"I love you so much." You say, feeling like crying due to the sweet actions. "You're the best."
"Don't thank me, I'm here for you in sickness and in health."
"We're not married." You say, knowing that what they say when you get married.
"Yet, amor."
You scrunch your nose and eat the rest of your food. Feeling lucky to have someone to care for you in this hard time.
A/N: I'm sick too, so the timing is perfect 😭🤭
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ofstarsandvibranium · 7 months
Always On the Sidelines
Fandom: Ted Lasso
Pairing: Jamie Tartt x F!Reader
Summary: You and Jamie became close after training with the same trainer to get into the football league. However, an injury prevented you from fulfilling that dream, so you resorted to cheering Jamie on from the sidelines.
A/N: this ended up being almost 3k words because i refused to split this into two parts. omfg.
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You and Jamie met because of your trainer. He double booked you and him so he decided you could just train together. It worked out so well that you two requested to continue to train with one another. Your trainer found it odd, but seeing how well you complemented each other, he relented. That's how you and Jamie became best friends.
Jamie was working to get on Man City's team and you wanted to be on the Chelsea team. You'd admitted that you wanted to be like Roy Kent. You and Jamie shared the same admiration for the man.
However, you never got your chance. A torn ACL ruined your opportunity. You were heartbroken, but that never stopped you from supporting your best friend from the sidelines.
"WHAT THE FUCK, REF?!" you shouted as a penalty was called on Jamie. He and his teammates were shouting at the referee.
Keeley, Jamie's new girlfriend, watched you in amusement, "Didn't know you were into football like that."
You snort, "I was supposed go pro. That's how Jamie and I met, we had the same trainer. But I fucked up my leg and never got a chance."
Keeley looks at you with pity, "I'm sorry."
You shrug, "It's alright. I've accepted it, but it hasn't kept me away from the game. Clearly," you gesture to yourself and the pitch.
An hour later and the game is over. Man City won, no surprise.
You and Keeley went to the locker room to see Jamie. As soon as he saw you two, he came rushing over.
"There she is!" you prepared yourself to be tackled by Jamie like usual, but instead, he goes straight to Keeley. Of course. She's his girlfriend. Not you. Never you.
You knew you had feelings for Jamie. You had for a long time, but you never acted on them because, well, he just deserves so much better than you, a failed pro footballer. Keeley, she's much more suited for him. They make a great couple and despite wishing to be in Keeley's shoes, you don't hate her. She's so amazing and didn't see you as a threat when Jamie introduced you to her.
After spinning Keeley around, Jamie sets her down and presses a hungry kiss to her lips. You look away awkwardly.
When he pulls away, he smiles at you, "You owe me twenty quid."
You scoff, "Oh fuck off! As if you need more money!"
"We made a bet and I won!"
Keeley looks at the both of you confused, "A bet?"
You sigh, pulling out your wallet and placing the money in Jamie's outstretched hand, "We always make a bet to see how many points ahead Man City would win. I said four and Jams said two."
"And we, indeed, win by two. So thank you very much," he kisses the bills in his hand, "We're going for drinks. You comin'?" he asks as he wraps his arm around Keeley's waist.
You shake your head, "Nah."
Keeley pouts, "What? No! You should come!"
Jamie looks at you with concern, "Your leg actin' up again?" He asks that whenever you feel off. Sometimes it does start to hurt and you don't feel like being out for a long time.
"No, it's fine. Just a bit tired." He looks at you unconvinced and you roll your eyes, "Jams, seriously, I'm fine. Go have fun with the boy and," you gesture to Keeley, "makeout with your hot girlfriend."
"Yeah, alright. I'm checking up on you later though."
You roll your eyes again. He's always acted like your protector ever since your injury. It was sweet at first, but it's gotten annoying over time.
"Sure. Whatever," you hold your fist out, "Good game, Jams. Talk to you whenever." He bumps your fist and then you hug Keeley, "Have a good night. Make sure he doesn't get absolutely plastered."
"I'll try my best, babes!" she kisses your cheek and waves as you walk away.
You always felt left behind. After your injury, you watched Jamie and the rest of your friends continue on with their dreams. You were left to alternatives. Jamie continued on to greatness, still in his relationship with Keeley, and slowly leaving you behind.
You'd call and text, all were left unanswered. He stopped leaving tickets for you at the box office for his games. You didn't know what happened or what you did, but you were absolutely heartbroken.
You still watched his matches from the comfort of your home, still supporting him when he was lent to AFC Richmond. Even though he ghosted you, you still supported and cared for him.
Months later, you run into Keeley at a club, a place you usually wouldn't be at, but some coworkers dragged you out with them.
"Y/N!" Keeley squealed, running over and jugging you tight.
"Keeley! Hey! What're you doing here?"
"Just out with some friends! How've you been?!"
"What?" you couldn't hear her over the club's loud music.
You shake your head and slip your hand into hers, pulling her towards the back door.
You step out into the cool air, the door shutting behind you both, but the bass of the music still heard.
"Sorry, I really couldn't hear a thing."
Keeley shrugs, "It's fine," she pats your arm, "How've you been? I asked Jamie about you but he'd brush me off. Did you guys have a fight or something?"
You snort, "I wish. No, he just...ghosted me."
"He what?!"
"Yeah. I tried to get in contact with him, but nothing."
"That prick!"
You shake your head, "It's fi-"
"No, it's not! You were his best friend and you supported him through everything and he just drops you with no explanation!"
"This," you wave around her, "doesn't have to do with you and Jamie breaking up, does it?" Keeley looks at you in surprise and you shrug, "I still like to keep up on what he's doing, despite him ghosting me."
"You don't deserve that."
"And I'm sure whatever Jamie did, you didn't deserve it either, Keeley." You're surprised when she pulls you into a hug, but you just let it happen. She's always been very affectionate.
You suppose that the falling out with Jamie was a blessing in disguise. You may have lost your best friend, but you found a new one in Keeley. She made sure neither of you wallowed in sadness or self-pity. She took you out to fancy restaurants, took you on shopping sprees, you felt spoiled by her despite you objecting every time she offered to buy you something.
You felt like you came to know her pretty well, which meant when she asked you out for coffee, you could tell something was wrong.
"Whatever is going on, Keels, just tell me."
"I just don't want you to hate me."
"Why would I hate you? You're very unhate-able. Even when you were dating Jamie, I couldn't hate you!" Yes, you told her of your feelings towards Jamie. You didn't feel guilty about them anymore since they were no longer together. You admitted that you tried to not like her since she ultimately was in the position that you dreamt of being in, but she was always so nice and welcoming and understanding.
"I'm doing the PR for Richmond now!" she blurts out.
"Um, okay? Congrats and all, but why is this bad?"
"Because I'll be working around Jamie and you hate Jamie."
"Keels, I told you, I don't hate him. I was angry with him at first, yes, but I don't hate him. I don't think I ever cou-"
"Y/N? Keeley?"
You look to see Jamie standing there looking a little dumbfounded. Keeley nervously stands up, "Hey, Jamie? How's it going?"
"Nothin' much," he looks between you and her, "You're friends now?"
"We've always been kind of friends, but, uh, we've gotten a lot closer lately," Keeley replies with a polite smile.
"That's-That's good. Uh-"
"Keels, I think I'm gonna-"
Jamie and Keeley both exclaim in unison making you and everyone in the small cafe freeze for a second.
Jamie steps forward, "Actually, can we talk?"
"Sure," you follow Jamie to sit at a table outside the cafe.
Jamie's twiddling his fingers avoiding your eyes, "So...how are you?"
"I'm alright. You?"
"Could be better, honestly."
It's weird. You never once felt awkward in Jamie's presence, at least when it was the two of you. Now it's like you're strangers, like those years of friendship didn't happen. You never thought you'd end up here like this.
"Listen," Jamie runs his hand through his now blonde hair, "I'm sorry for ghostin' ya. It wasn't right, especially when you did nothin' wrong."
"Then what happened, Jamie? If I didn't do anything wrong, what made you drop me out of nowhere?"
He sighs, "Me dad. He got into me head and said a bunch of bullshit like I shouldn't be hanging around you anymore. That your bad luck would rub off on me. Said me getting transferred to Richmond was your fault because of your bad luck."
You scoff, leaning back in your seat and crossing your arms over your chest. You never liked James Tartt Sr. From what Jamie told you, he was always an ass, but, for some reason, he still listened to him.
"I know it's not true. It's never been true. You've never been bad luck. But...the old man has always had ways of getting in me head and I just-"
"Ghosted me."
"It was wrong. Fucked up. And Keeley...she asked about you and I'd brush her off. You didn't deserve that."
"No, Jamie, I didn't, especially since I was always there for you. I was always supporting you. Even when you stopped answering my calls and leaving me tickets, I still watched your matches."
Because I love you. "Because you're my best friend."
"I was a prick, but-but I've been doing much better. Punched my dad in the face too."
"Good. He deserves it."
He nods, "So...we good?"
"I suppose. But if you ever do this to me again, Jamie. I'm kicking you so hard in the balls that you'll never procreate."
Jamie winces, "Yeah, alright. I hear ya."
You smirk, and hold your fist out. He bumps it with his and you two share a smile.
Things were back to how they used to be. You and Jamie texted each other every day, grabbed lunch or dinner when you could, you had movie nights, and you were at the games again to cheer Jamie on.
You cackle when Jamie hands you a kit like his, "What's this for?"
"You still collect every version of my kits, yeah?"
"Yeah. I'll wear this now," you pull it over your long sleeve and do a twirl, "How do I look?"
"Fucking fit," he murmurs looking you up and down. He then clears his throat, "Um, I, gotta go. Coach does this meaningful speech before each game."
"Yeah okay. See you after then. Good luck, Jams!" you hold your fist out and he bumps it.
You watch as he walks to the locker room and you're startled when Keeley scurries over to you, "Oh. My. God! He's into you, babes!"
You look at her confused, "What? No, he isn't."
"He called you fit and he was totally checking you out! He had mad heart eyes seeing you in his kit!"
You snort and roll your eyes, "You're seeing things, Keels."
"Hell yeah, I'm seeing things! I'm seeing that Jamie Tartt is into you!" she pokes your side and then pouts, "Why aren't you happy? I thought you'd be happy about this! Isn't this what you wanted?"
"I'll be happy if he ever tells me he has feelings for me."
"When he tells you he has feelings for you. Because he does. I saw it with my own eyes." You shake your head and she huffs, "Fine, be in denial. But you owe me twenty quid when he confesses!"
"Sure, Keels."
"Go! GO! That's it! YEEEESSS!!!" you, Keeley, Rebecca, and everyone around is hollering and jumping for joy when Jamie scores the game ends with Richmond winning.
After the game, Jamie runs up to you, twirling you around, "There she is!"
You laugh as you hold onto him, "You did great, Jams!"
"Our luck is turning around and I think I have you to thank for that."
"What? Me?"
"Yeah. Ever since you've been coming to our matches, we've been doing better than ever."
"Highly doubt that's because of me. Pretty sure it's because you and the team have worked hard to get here."
"Nah. Pretty sure it's all you," he gives you a flirtatious smirk that you've never seen directed at you before. At Keeley and other women, yeah, but never you.
"O-Oh, well, uh, you're welcome, I guess?"
"I'm gonna shower and change real quick. You're coming with me and the lads for dinner and drinks!"
"I am?"
"Yeah. You're my plus one and before you ask, Keeley is coming too."
You look at Keeley for confirmation, "Yup! I'm Roy's plus one." Because now her and Roy are a thing and you never thought they would work well together but they do and they're so cute, you could vomit.
"I should probably change then, right?" you look down at your Jamie replica kit he gave you before last week's game, paired with jeans, and coat.
Jamie shakes his head, "Nah. You look gorgeous. I'll be out in a bit!" he holds his fist out and you awkwardly bump it.
"Yeah. See you in a bit."
Keeley is bouncing in her stilettos, "Well?!"
"That means nothing. I'm going as his friend."
Keeley groans, "You're impossible!" she shakes you by the shoulders.
Sam closed down his restaurant to the public so he can host the team and staff of AFC Richmond. The food was amazing, you loved that he shared part of his culture with everyone. After dinner, drinks were flowing and you chatted with Jamie's teammates getting to know them better.
After a while, you felt your leg starting to feel sore and you began to put your weight onto your other leg. You rode here with Jamie, you didn't want to cut his night short.
"Here," Jamie says, pulling you down onto his lap. He props your leg onto another chair and starts massaging it, all the while keeping his conversation going with Colin.
You look to Keeley, who's doing a little happy dance while Roy sips his beer and continues to glare at everyone.
"Do you wanna go home?" Jamie whispers in your ear while still massage your leg.
The intimacy catches you off guard as you stammer out, "N-No. I don't want to cut your celebration short."
"It's fine. I just don't want you in pain or nothing. I'll be seeing them tomorrow anyway." You shrug, not really sure what you should say.
"Alright, up," Jamie taps your hip and helps you up. He stands and announces his departure, "Alright, lads. I'll see you all tomorrow!"
"What? You're leaving now?" Richard asks in disbelief.
"I've had enough of ya for one day, besides, wanna spend some time with me girl," he points to you and the boys all give hoots and cheers.
"Use protection!" Keeley hollers jokingly, causing you to look at her horrified and Jamie just laughs her off.
Outside of the restaurant, Jamie hangs his jacket over your shoulders and walks beside you, hands in his pockets.
When you approach his car, he opens the passenger's side for you. Before getting in you ask, "Why did you call me that?"
"Call you what?"
"Your girl."
He shrugs, "You've always been my girl."
"I know it's fucking cliche or whatever, but it's true. I was just too dumb and blind to not see it.
"I know you're probably thinking I'm bullshitting you, but I promise I'm not. You-You don't understand how much happier I've been since having you back in me life. I feel whole and on the top of the world. When I scored the winning point today and I saw you jumping and screaming my name, I just thought 'Fuck. I love her so much'. And the thought of losing you again...it terrifies me to me core."
"I want to believe you, Jamie, but...I dunno."
"Tell me what's on your mind," he slips his hands into yours.
You look down at your intertwined hands and you laugh in disbelief, "I've always been on the sidelines when it came to you. Felt like you never truly saw me despite me being at your side for so long. I've-I've always dreamt of hearing you say that you have feelings for me and now you're doing it and I'm-I'm scared that you'll eventually push me to the side again."
Jamie's shaking his head fervently and he gently cups your face, "No. No, I'm never doing that again. I see you, Y/N. I do. I see your beautiful smile, the crinkle your nose makes when you see something you don't like. I hear the snort you give when I say something stupid. I see how fucking fit you look in me kits." You giggle and Jamie is beaming, "I see you and I love you, Y/N. I'm not pushing you to the side anymore. But I know I can be a lot, so we can go things your pace. Your way, your rules, whatever. I'm here for the ride."
"Okay," you reply meekly, still in disbelief that this was happening.
You watch as he glances down at your lips and begins to lean in but then freezes when you both hear, "YOU OWE ME TWENTY QUID!"
You burst out laughing, looking over your shoulder and giving Keeley the finger.
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honestly-mad-person · 4 months
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★ WARNINGS: cute names, masturbation, moans, dirty language, orgasms, cum
★ Characters: Xavier x fem!reader
★ Annotation: An alternative development of events after the post "Not for You". 1/2 parts. Zane will be next. I'm not sure what I'm going to write about Rafael, as I'm not really interested in him.
★ Synopsis: One evening you decide to surprise your boyfriend Xavier and call him via video call.
After finding Xavier's contact, you press the video call button and wait for him to answer, keeping your eyes on the screen. A minute later you see your boyfriend's sleepy face.
— Something happened? Why are you calling me – he asks in his voice hoarse from sleep.
— I just missed you, Xavie, – you deliberately keep the camera at your face level, not giving him a chance to see your surprise for him. – I'm sorry for waking you up.
— Nothing, I slept almost all day, – yawning, he rubbed his eyes. – Don't you want to come to my place?
— Uh... Actually, I would like to stay at home, – a smile appears on your face when you "suddenly" lower the camera down for a second.
She has time to show Xavier your new, almost transparent underwear of a delicate blue color, through which your nipples shine.
Bringing the camera back to his face, you stifle a laugh as you watch his eyes widen at what he sees.
— Stop! What is that on you? – his voice sounded more cheerful than a minute ago and sitting in his bed, he looked at your face on the screen.
— Nothing like that, – you hold back a laugh, pretending you don't understand what he's asking.
— I just saw it, — Xavier answers briefly with an interested expression on his face.
— Oh, you mean my clothes? – lowering the camera down, you show him your breasts, allowing him to see the underwear better.
The bra was indeed almost transparent, decorated with small patterns of white stars on the mesh fabric, through which your nipples were clearly visible.
You laughed, watching as Xavier stared at you, his mouth hanging open, as if hypnotized. His gaze shifted from one side to the other without blinking.
Tilting your head, you ran your fingers over the fabric. His eyes, glued to her hand, followed her every movement, as the tips of his fingers traveled along the area of ​​the cleavage from top to bottom.
Your smiling face appeared on the screen again. Confused by what he saw, Xavier didn't blink for a few more seconds. He quickly regained consciousness, shaking his head and getting out of bed.
— I'll be there soon, – he said and was about to end the call, but suddenly your voice made him stop.
— No, Xavier, wait! – giggling, you saw his puzzled expression again.
— Huh? – he asked, stopping and looking at the screen.
— You're not going anywhere, do you understand? – covering your eyes, you stretched out your hand behind the frame and a second later a glass of red wine touched your lips. - You stay at home.
— In what sense is this? – he asked, raising his eyebrows in surprise.
Now you had to endure his "puppy" look, which he constantly used on you to get what he wanted. His funny expression warmed your heart, making you smile again.
— I want us to talk to you like this, – you answered, watching his eyebrows furrow in confusion.
The main thing is to endure it.
— Why? Don't you want to be with me? Did I do something wrong? – he bombarded you with his questions while a worried expression appeared on his face.
— No, Xavie, – shaking your head, you took another sip of wine from the glass.
Out of the corner of your eye, you see him silently watching you, waiting for an explanation. Teasing him like this was both fun and cruel at the same time, but you wanted to try something new with him and video call sex was the best way to do it.
— Xavie, go back to bed, please, – you said, licking your alcohol-moistened lips.
— W-why?
— Just go back...
Still staring at the screen, Xavier walked over to the bed and sat on it, holding out his hand, showing that he had complied with your request.
— Good boy, – teasing him, you noticed how his ears were slowly turning red as he stared intently into your face.
— Is this some new game of yours? – he asked hoarsely.
— Yes, and I think you'll like it, – nodding your head, you leaned back on your bed.
— I don't think I'd like it more than being next to you right now, – his eyebrows barely rose and with a slight nod, he showed his "puppy" look.
This made you bite your lip and you felt a faint pulsation down in your panties. Breathing in intermittently, your eyes narrowed.
— What would you do then if you were here now? – after asking him this, your hand, as if by accident, touched your neck and slowly went down, touching the nipple with your fingertips and disappeared behind the frame below.
Xavier watched her move carefully and his head seemed to twitch slightly as the hand disappeared from the screen. Still looking at you, he exhaled heavily and slowly raised his gaze to your face.
— What would I do? – he asked thoughtfully, looking away for a few seconds, looking at an unknown point.
— Yes, – you answered playfully, your hand raised the phone higher, already showing your stomach, keeping the lower part of your underwear a secret.
When Xavier's gaze returned to the screen again, he froze. He could clearly see your hand reaching down and disappearing off the screen, in the area of ​​your panties.
— Please... Let me come, – he asked, imagining how your fingers touch your pussy.
— No, Xavie, you can only watch me, – answered, you raised your hand to your lips and, licking the tips of your fingers, lowered your hand down again.
There was a soft whimper from the phone.
— What it was? – you asked playfully, biting your lip and looking at his excited face.
He really was like a dog who was being teased with his favorite toy and not allowed to play with it.
— Please… – whining again, he brought the phone closer to his face, looking into your every curve, every hollow, every protrusion. – I want... I want to be next to you now...
— You didn't answer my question, so… — you brought the camera closer to your face, punishing him for disobedience.
— No, no, no! No need! Bring it back! – he protested when the sight of your breasts, your tummy disappeared from the screen. – I’ll answer, just return...
— Hm... Maybe I'll have to finish the challenge after all and spend this time alone? – you continued to tease him.
— No! Wait! Please, please! I-I... I'll do anything you want!
You arched your eyebrows in surprise. For the first time you see him so confused, excited and "hungry".
— Do you promise?
— I promise, my little star, – he confidently nodded his head, and his expression returned to its usual expression.
— Then tell me, what would you do with me now? – still holding the camera to your face, you eagerly awaited his answer.
— If I had the chance to be around you, the first thing I would do is take your phone out of your hands so they only hold me, – Xavier said confidently, looking into your eyes. – Then, I would examine every centimeter of your beautiful body, I would truly appreciate how beautiful your underwear is now...
His voice, the words he spoke, caused a soft moan to escape your lips, but you continued to listen to him with interest. Xavier's eyes wandered over you as if you could disappear from his life at any moment, dissolve into thin air and this was his only chance to remember every feature of your face, imprinting it in his memory.
— I would give you the sweetest kisses I could, every centimeter of your face, arms, legs, body... There wouldn't be a place left that my lips wouldn't touch.
— You're so damn naughty when you say things like that, Xavier! – blushing, you laughed quietly and put the phone with the camera on your stomach, feeling how your heart rate quickened.
A soft exhalation, full of desire, came from the phone.
— My lil’ star… – his voice was heard again, so quiet and calm, as if nothing had happened between them until that moment. – Let at least my eyes enjoy you, if I am not able to do it myself.
Biting your lip, you still picked up the phone and saw your boyfriend again on the screen. His gaze brightened considerably.
— ... Okay, – you said quietly, and you felt your ears burning. – Continue, please.
— I would take your underwear off because I don't want anything else to touch your body other than my lips or my hands, – he said as casually as if you had asked him about the weather outside the window.
Squealing, you were once again surprised by what a wolf in sheep's clothing he was. How could he say something like that with that facial expression and intonation? Madness.
You felt the heat on your cheeks and decided to hide it by lowering the camera down. Biting the tip of your free hand, you turned your head away, not wanting to look at the screen so as not to embarrass yourself even more.
There was silence for a few seconds and, surprised by this, you still turn your gaze back to the phone. You see that your body is clearly visible in the frame: from your tight and juicy breasts, to the bottom of your stomach, to the place where Xavier loved to be so madly.
Covering your mouth with your hand, you held your breath. It was all in his eyes. In the look in which you saw his desire, his need, his warmth and love for you.
You could feel his ghostly touches, his hot kisses on your skin. Your body reacted treacherously to your thoughts and arching over, you saw your hips squeeze together, hiding your pussy from his view.
He never uttered a single word. You could just hear his heavy breathing on the other side of the screen.
— Xavier? – you called quietly, bringing him out of his trance.
— Star? Damn... – the same "puppy" look appeared on his face again. – Just look at what you have done.
You brought the phone closer to your face to see better and let out a soft moan as Xavier showed you how he was now spread out on the bed in his usual pajamas. The main focus he was pointing to was bulging in his groin area. He made several movements of his hips, imitating such familiar movements for you.
You felt a heat in the lower part of your stomach, which spread throughout your body and caused tremors in your limbs.
— Why are your hands shaking, lil’ star? – Xavier asked, slowly turning the phone to his face.
— Oh, you… – you whispered, holding back a moan. – This is my game and I want to play with you!
His laughter came from the speaker of the phone. So warm and dear to your ears that you could hardly resist inviting him to your place. No, you have to be patient.
— You wanted this yourself, didn't you? Who will take responsibility for their actions? – he asked in such a tone, as if he, the poor pet, had been thrown out into the street by his own owners.
— Xavie! – burst from your lips along with a short laugh. – Stop teasing me like that.
— It's not me, – shaking his head, he continued to look intently at your face. – Should I continue?
— Yes, – nodding, you sat on the bed and took a glass of wine and took a sip.
— I don't like that your lips are touching this cold glass, and not mine, – he said calmly, but these words sent shivers down your body.
You both knew very well what exactly mean these words. Your heart skipped a few beats.
— I would like them to touch me… – continued Xavier in his husky voice. – So warm and humid.
A low moan and a rustling off-frame reached your ears. Intrigued, you wanted to know what he was doing.
— Xavie, what are those sounds? – you purred, looking into his face.
— I don't understand what you're talking about, lil’ star, – he sneered, lifting the corner of his lips upwards.
He deliberately held the phone so that you could see his face and part of his shoulder. His gaze began to linger on something off-frame and as he returned to you, it seemed to darken even more with his lust.
Puzzles went through your head when you heard the rustling and his muffled moan again. Your mouth dropped open in surprise and curiosity. This scoundrel, who at first glance seemed like an untouchable angel, was in fact a demon, and what he was doing now off-screen confirmed this opinion.
A need was felt inside your womb. The body remembered Xavier and that made you even more confused. Blushing, you looked away, which your boyfriend soon noticed.
- Lil’ star? – he asked gently, tilting his head.
— I have a little problem here... – Your voice was low and the sight of you pouting your lips made Xavier's eyes widen again.
— What happened?
Without answering, you changed your position on the bed and spread your legs, placing the phone so that the camera was pointed at your pussy.
The muffled moan from the phone was heard again. Xavier was looking at your cunt through the mesh fabric of your panties, watching your own lustful secretions run down you.
- Damn... lil’ star... You have no idea how hungry I’m right now, - he moaned, licking his lips with his tongue. – I’m very hungry.
You could clearly feel the mood in his voice. Although he was saying something relatively sweet, something else came to your mind. You could literally feel his tongue on you, how he caressed you yesterday, how greedily his lips fell to your bosom, drinking every drop, how he licked his lips contentedly, like this now. How a satisfied smile appeared on his face wet from your juices and how he looked at you with an even more predatory look.
From these memories you felt that you flowed even stronger. Xavier exhaled noisily and you heard the rustle again.
Unable to restrain yourself, your hand skimmed over your breasts and went down, deftly climbing into your panties.
— Star… – whispered Xavier, covering his eyes.
Watching his camera shake, you moaned softly as your fingers brushed against the wet pussy. Their tips began to smear your perineal discharge with a light movement, moving up and down.
As the first moan left your lips, you also heard a raspy moan from the other side of the screen.
— I adore your pussy so much, I can to cum just watching what you're doing to yourself right now.
You took a more comfortable position on the bed for Xavier to see each one your movement. And he saw. His dark blue eyes watched your fingers as they circled around your clit and touched it causing you to shiver.
— Xavier…please…help me, – you whimpered, moving your hips, rubbing against your fingers.
— Help you, lil’ star? – breathing heavily, he put the phone on the pillow and, standing on top, looked directly into the camera.
The light from his table lamp gently touched his face. Whining, you nodded, holding the phone up. Now you could see each other as if you were actually in the same room right now.
— Then… – Xavier said in a hoarse voice, and this made you dizzy. – Enter yourself with your beautiful fingers...
The words seemed soft and pleading, but knowing his character made your body tremble even more. He didn't ask you to do it, he did ordered you do it. Keeping your gaze on his face, a moan escaped your mouth as first one of your fingers penetrated his hot bosom, followed by the other.
Your hand trembled, threatening to let go of the phone, but you only tightened your grip on it with your fingers.
— Xavier… – you moaned, arching your back as you started to move inside of you.
Propping himself up on the bed with one hand, Xavier let out a stifled groan. You could tell by the way he looked on your screen that his phone was lying in front of him, giving you a perfect view of your boyfriend.
You imagined yourself instead of the phone, how it bursts into your insides, how its head hits the cervix, and that made your heart beat even faster.
A memory flashed through your mind of you gently biting him as he pressed against your thighs, digging deeper inside you.
Groaning again, you arched over, closing your eyes for a few seconds.
— Move them slowly, star... Think about me and only about me, do you hear? – his voice was mixed with heavy and uneven breathing, wet slurps that you created together.
— I want your cock so badly right now… – a soft whisper left your lips and reached his ears, causing the veins on his arm to swell even more and his teeth to clench tightly.
— Fuck!... – he muttered, noticeably moving his other hand out of the frame. – Why can't I just take you and fuck you?
Your clouded gaze was directed at Xavier who was fucking his hand, imagining your wet insides as he leaned over the phone.
— Speed ​​up the pace... – he said in a hoarse and low voice.
— Ah, you're driving me crazy, Xavie… – Your hands became faster and the pad of your thumb touched your clit, stimulating it to make your body tremble even more.
— Then, we have it mutual, – with a barely perceptible smile, he closed his eyes, frowning his eyebrows. – Star, I want you so badly…
— Mh! – moaning, your body shuddered at his words. – Xavie... Please.. Keep talking...
In any other situation, Xavier would hardly have wanted to say much. He preferred action. Precise and confident.
But looking through the veiled eyelashes at your face, at the way you open your mouth in moans and especially at the way your breasts move in time with your movements, he could not ignore the desire of his lady.
— I want to feel your warmth, your heat, your moisture, how you squeeze me with your walls, how you moan in my ear, I want it all now, – his voice, hoarse with desire, found a response in your subconscious. – I want to fuck you until you lose consciousness, so that you cum again and again from my cock.
— Fuck, Xavier… Good.. So good… – you moaned, arching.
Your body began to tremble even more with each word he said, and a tight knot of tension tied inside you. Dangerously hot.
— I want your tight pussy to cum for me, lil’ star, – he hissed from the other side, quickening his pace.
— Not enough, – you whimpered, not feeling the same filling from your boyfriend's cock inside you. – I want your cock... F-fuck..
— Be a good girl and try harder, – groaning at the lust that was actively moving in his hand, Xavier closed his eyes, keeping your request to stay in bed in his head.
— Mhhh... – you moaned, writhing on the bed, penetrating your fingers deeper and deeper into you.
There was so much of your own discharge that your fingers were covered in it as you sloshed, making a mess on the bed. There was a muffled thump and you looked at the phone to see Xavier resting his palm on the wall.
Wave after wave you were covered with the inevitable orgasm that was about to descend on you like an avalanche.
— I can't take it anymore, – you whined, arching and moving your fingers faster.
— Cum for me, lil’ star, I want to see you cum, – Xavier said, sharing his girlfriend's desire.
Your heart was beating so hard in your chest that a vein in your neck popped as you threw it back, shuddering from the wave of pleasure.
Your walls squeezed your fingers, which made it difficult for you to move them each time. A moan stuck in your throat, unable to come out.
The hand was shaking, due to which the image on the screen became not clear, but Xavier's gaze still clearly saw how your hips trembled with orgasm, how more and more juice flowed out of you, and from this, with a soft growl, he himself reached the end .
Moving his hips, he thrust into his hand until a stream of hot, sticky cum shot out of him. A few drops hit the screen and camera, making the image blurry and pale. Breathing heavily, he collapsed onto the bed, feeling the results of his swinging at you running down his arm.
Unable to hold the phone, you set it aside, lying there with your eyes closed and trying to catch your breath. The body was still shaking, the remnants of the orgasm causing your womb to contract periodically.
— I love you, –  you whispered, licking your dry lips.
— I love you too, my little star… – replied Xavier, lying on the bed as well. – Can I come to you now?...
Your body twitched at his question. You felt a familiar pulsation inside again and looking at the ceiling, you smiled with satisfaction.
— I want to feel you inside me, – you replied and took the phone. – Waiting for you.
During that night, you came 3 more times because Xavier, full of burning lust for you, could not forget the sensations that covered him while you masturbated for him.
He fucked you with your face pressed against the bed then he leaned down to whisper in your ear.
— All the same, being inside you is much better and hotter, star.
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Sweet girl || Jake Sully
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Jake Sully x Daughter! Reader
Summary: You miss your former home and find it difficult to make friends in the new clan, so your father Jake cheers you up when he sees you sad.
Note: Sorry for spelling and grammatical errors, English is not my first language. <3
Daddy jake warms my heart, I love that side of him.
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You were sitting on one of the bridges of the reef with your feet dangling as you looked at the water, your eyes were teary from the abrupt change of life. It was hard for you to adjust to this home, you had all your memories with the Omaticaya clan, you had your friends there and your history in general.
Neytiri looked at you from afar hurting her heart for seeing you sad, knowing you needed a hug she was going to go with you when Tuk called her because she couldn't sleep.
"You go with Tuk, I'll go with her" Jake told her, and even though Neytiri wanted to go with you, she knew that talking to your dad would make you feel better.
"What's wrong my sweet girl?" he asked you as he sat down with you "Did something bad happen to you? "he asked again but only got a head shake.
"Talk to me please" He begged you, he hated seeing you like this, you were his sweet little girl, though of course not so little anymore since you were the same age as Lo'ak. "I miss home" You said softly "I miss the quiet and my former routine, I miss flying and being among the trees" Your voice became a whisper every time you spoke.
He missed it too, and he knew it was his fault that you were suffering, so he pulled you tighter against his body as he placed kisses on your head. "I'm having a hard time adjusting, Dad. I don't know how" It was complicated, you always had a more shy attitude than the others, it wasn't that you didn't have friends or anything, but it took you a little longer to have them.
"You know, when you were more of a child and started interacting with the other kids, you had a harder time than your siblings, we all noticed it, but we all knew you would make them the same because you have a charming personality that makes them want to be your friends, but they wait for you to come closer because they notice your shyness" He told you stroking your hair "Come closer without fear, they are waiting for you to step up"
Your teary eyes looked for the first time in the night at your father, freezing his heart, your wonderful eyes the same as his. "I know you'll be able to get used to it here, just take as much time as you need, my sweet girl."
"Do you think they want to be my friends?" You asked as you looked around at the other boys your age "Sure they do, I think some of them want to be more than your friends" He let you know as he raised his eyebrows making you guffaw.
"I'll try to get closer, thanks for listening to me, dad "You told him giving him a smile "Always for you, my sweet girl. You should have talked to me about this before if it was getting complicated for you, you know we always find a solution."
"I know, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to overwhelm you or mom, I know you guys are with other things on your mind."
"We are never busy for you guys, you are our priority" He said pulling you closer to his body. "For the other one come closer to some, sweet girl".
"Thank you, daddy."
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