#I'd be writing loveletters
tamelee · 11 months
What do you think of Kishimoto as a writer?
Oh. Well.. allow me.
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I'm not a writer myself so I feel like I am in no position to say anything regarding him as a writer specifically. But I'm studying to become a storyteller partly because of Kishimoto. As a writer your tools are limited no matter the amount of creativity you have. Imagine a blank page and a pencil. How do you get from an idea to the story that is 'Naruto'? A Manga where he for the most part had to be his own director, storyteller, storyboard-artist, artist, plotter, scriptwriter, character designer, researcher, special effects artist, tone worker- you name it.
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But of course, that's not to discredit Kazisa, Takahashi, Yahagi and Ikemoto who assisted him. Or the editors at Weekly Shonen Jump who helped Kishimoto outline his story to what it is today.
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Outlines often get rejected and many of Kishimoto's ideas/original plans did too.
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I'm glad as well because some of them I don't think were as strong. Neither were some ideas for example a sketch of Sasuke's original introduction compared to what we have in Chapter 3 now. This fits his character way better and even though I'm often complaining about Naruto's ending (as we all should tbh,) the editors of SJ know their target audience best. That doesn't mean that every story or decision succeeds.. but it does mean there is a structure that generally works. A golden way for Shonen Manga. (Ki-Sho-Ten-Ketsu). One that Kishimoto often struggled with not just 'Naruto' but in general I think because he explained that no matter how many ideas he had for an adventurous story, he never got any green lights. He decided to go for a sports theme and sketched out a baseball Manga.
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And it's very apparent in many excerpts when he says that the editors were pushing him a lot towards entertainment, that Kishimoto himself embraced elements of realism and more serious topics himself that weren't necessarily suited for Shonen.
(Side-note: Shonen is not really a 'genre'. Also, the difference between Shonen en Seinen depends on the way it's written. Rating or themes does not classify a story as either one by itself although Shonen is targeted at a younger audience and therefore its plot should generally be more easy to understand within a wider audience group. Often the stories are focussed on external conflicts while Seinen expands a lot on psychological struggles. Even if you were to tell the same story separately it can still be the same story- just executed differently, therefore it's not really a "genre" but a demographic. That's what I mean when I say "I wish 'Naruto' would've gotten a Seinen sequel." It's not about the story being more "mature" as some believe.)
But... even though that all is true for 'Naruto' and its world focusses a lot on external struggles of being a Ninja in it's incredibly adventurous Shinobi-world, Kishimoto didn't shy away from making it a very character-driven story as well. A story where partly, Naruto and Sasuke as our main-act, with their internal conflicts till this day, are somewhat hidden away from that very same demographic even though their feelings are in plain sight. Why? Because it isn't suited for them and certainly not that easy to understand. If you've come across posts here that say "omigod how can you not understand this simple thing? 🙄" regarding something in the story then I'm here to tell you that they probably also didn't the first time they read it, unless they have some media/literacy-experience or something similar. In which case I admire them, but also, don't worry- you're not alone and it's pretty normal.
There's a reason Kishimoto had to fight his own staff so hard to get certain scenes through. (For example his reverse Harem no Jutsu.) And seeing him say that he felt pressured a lot makes me sad but it's understandable because I think what mattered to him at some points through storytelling would've become too complicated for SJ's audience. I can't imagine his own internal battle having fought solitude and rejection himself but then hunching over a desk for 15+ years, immersed in doing what he loves only for him to most likely not be satisfied with the ending. In fact, I'm pretty sure as that last Chapter felt painful. Like a bucket of icy water slapped in your face on your way out.
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Hehe. Well, he did.
As him being a Mangaka and creator of stories, I genuinely respect Kishimoto so much. There's a reason why people in the industry call him Kishimoto-sensei. A teacher and master of his craft. It shows in his work and most of all his art.
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I mean.. how can you not respect that?? Honestly I could go on and on but I'd be writing entire essays. The writing process itself is complicated, people are involved, editors, but I think he was able to show very well why 'Naruto' at least meant a lot to him and why he wanted to create it. I'm glad he was able to push his ideas through.. despite SJ's demographics in his own way and I can only hope that one day he would have it in him to create a satisfying resolution regardless of anything else. He and the fandom deserve it. But I can only hope. Oh! I love his other stories too actually but, I'm not sure if you're asking about that.
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pigeonwit · 8 months
hullo pidge!
ive got three for you: ✄ , ✦, ♡. i already forgot what each of them means, but i trust that you can check the list and know. (for the one thats about comments u can choose what fic its for xx)
also notre dame by paris paloma as vice vermin virtue is so accurate literally everytime i hear that song i think of triple v
sneep you really feed my need to just talk about things all the time and i love it thank you so much for feeding my inane ramblings.
✄ what’s your editing process?
,,, yknow i dont think i really have one? like for oneshots and stuff i just sort of write it all down and try to see if it all Works for the character's POV and the story i want to tell. i try to break it up into segments so i can look over it piece by piece instead of slogging through the whole thing afterwards (cause i hate that and hating it makes me rush through it and that's how i make mistakes) but that's kind of it - for oneshots at least. for stories that i intend to keep adding to i want to make sure everything's followable, like character motivations and mental states and etc etc, so i go scene by scene and REALLY scrape over it. i have a bit in rbr4 that i've revisited at least eight times now because it's just not QUITE getting davey's motivations down the way i want. and then once i'm done analysing all those sections and fitting them together, i normally go to @rebuke-me for beta-ing just to make sure everything's flowing in an understandable way. i don't really do first and second drafts because i've already been drafting every scene bit by bit, so when i'm all done i just proofread as best i can and send it off to jupes if she's not too busy. unfortunately i do occasionally make some little mistakes (repeating a word or phrase too much, mixing up my metaphors, some small grammar stuff, etc) and i have a PROBLEM of getting too bogged down in little details that don't matter, but fanfictions a hobby, not a profession, and treating it like a profession is always what ruins it for me, so i prefer my casual editing process. it's not perfect, but i wouldn't be enjoying myself if it was.
✦ what was your easiest fic to write & your hardest?
ayyy this is. hm. probably 'matches' since it was so short, and i had the idea just kind of pop into my head fully formed. it's literally just one snippet of jack and davey's lives so it was pretty easy to get down. and the hardest is absolutely 'run boy run'. it's every single davey thought i've ever had written into a loveletter to my own autistic experience, which is... taxing, and on top of that it's a bit of a struggle to keep davey's motivations and character clear without projecting too much of myself onto him. but it's my baby and i love it dearly, and even if i don't get it all out perfectly it's still going to be my most treasured fic.
♡ pick a fic and I’ll pick a comment that made me really happy
without a doubt this goes to the comment left by ao3 user 'tablesaltiv' on 'say you came on first (i think you came on fine)' - it's too long for me to feel comfortable putting it in this post, and honestly i'd feel a little vain even if i did, but it's probably the most reassuring comment i've ever gotten. i stopped writing fanfiction when i was around sixteen/seventeen due to a very VERY big personal spiral and didn't post any again until i was twenty. i was REALLY scared of posting 'say you came on first' because it was probably the most character-studyish thing i'd ever done before, and i was. very stupidly paranoid that i had completely misunderstood the characters and should just call it quits again - and then tablesaltiv left their very lovely comment saying that having seen the show live themselves, my fic felt entirely accurate. it was incredibly reassuring for me and filled me with a lot of confidence, and even though i know i'm never going to understand these characters FLAWLESSLY, i at least feel confident enough to think that i understand them well - and now i'm still here and writing a very ambitious fic that i'm worrying about a LOT, but i'm determined to finish anyways :) thank you tablesaltiv
(also - i know i can't REALLY count this since it's not on a fic like the ask game said but i have to say thank you to YOU, sneep, for saying that you think about one of my own silly little fanfics every time you listen to a song?? that's crazy to me. i can't believe that. that's so kind and meaningful in ways i can't put into words. like. holy shit my fic exists in your brain. i can't believe that. so yeah that made me extra happy too fshhs)
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hopepunk-humanity · 1 year
Kinda related to all the song recs but not really, could I get some encouragement/advice for my hopepunk song project??
For context I've been wanting to write a ep (short album) about hopepunk and healing themes as a sort of "loveletter" to what this community and the hopepunk outlook has done for me personally (also because it's harder to find in my genre which is a damn shame /lh), but I've been having alot of troubles actually writing the songs and expressing those ideas out which can ironically be very demotivating + make it harder to create hopepunk music especially w/ being new to the label lol
First of all, that's super cool. I'm happy hopepunk is expanding beyond literature and blogs like mine.
I'm not much of a musician or songwriter. But I think in order to capture what you're going for, you have to figure out what specifically feels hopepunk for you. I think it's a little bit different for everyone.
For example, I find biology, stories, anthropology, and themes of healing and resistance hopepunk. A lot of what I post here is directly inspired by that. But not everyone is going to find those things hopepunk. Some people might be more passionate about radical self-care, or art history, or embracing the odd and misfit, and that fuels their hopepunk spirit. It might help to figure out what specifically fuels you, what aspects of hopepunk connect with you the most. That might help spark more inspiration.
I really hope you keep at it. I'd love to hear what you make.
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leggerefiore · 2 years
The Ingo loveletter has slain me (also damn my intrusive thoughts trying to turn it angsty, I just want fluff today).
Emmet's love letter is either "written" in alphabet magnets, or is essecntially a sweeter thirst tweet, change my mind. No more than 3 lines, and maybe, just maybe, he wrote it in haiku format to impress you/make it more romantic via poetry.
High Five Anon
how about emmet sending a bad selfie and asking for ass
I'd say he's definitely more given to write short memos than actual letters, but he'd try to some cases to be more romantic. Definitely an 'I love you' left on the fridge in magnets if not a sticky note somewhere his partner would find it.
Most of the time, however it's ":( No sex for Emmy."
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carpisuns · 2 years
HI!!! just wanted to say that i really love your art and fic!! your and botherkupo's fic ''Two idiots and a hamster'' was one of the first ml fics i'd ever read and its still one of my favourites up to this day ❤ oh and ''tell me something i dont know'' and ''where roses bloom'' !!!!!! i love those so so so so much and you really executed them both so well omg!! also what i really love and appreciate abt your writing and art is that you love marichat but also the canon show and so you're able to write them so beautifully and true to themselves!! bc i feel like some marichat stans in the fandom tend to like. kinda write them OOC? anyways what im trying to say is how your writing, especially how you do marichat feels like a loveletter to canon and i love that so much ❤❤❤
Omg I meant to answer this and forgot!! story of my life lmao
Thank you so so much 🥺 I’m so glad you enjoyed two idiots—we may have taken a while to finish it haha but botherkupo and I had a blast working on that one bc we got to be sooooo stupid 😌 I’m honored you enjoyed those other fics too! 💜 and that you like my portrayal of marichat 🥺 that’s my favorite love square side but I know there tends to be salt/mischaracterization applied to it so I try to be really careful in how I write them and I always want to stay true to how I feel the canon characters would act in the situation. (Ofc “good” characterization for these characters means different things to different people and im not the Authority on it lol but I’m glad you vibe with my take on them!)
This ask was so sweet—thanks for sending it!!
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amethyst-noir · 3 years
Whenever I saw hate comments that IronStrange is not canon, or when I remember that there's no more chance for more Tony/Stephen interaction, I just tell myself that all of IronStrange fanfics are part of the 14 million future that Stephen saw in Titan.
So, I'd like to thank you and other IronStrange fanfic authors for all your beautiful stories. You guys don't know how much it means to me, to us, that you're letting us read your works for free. I know you guys are getting tired, and I think that's okay, but if ever you guys leave the ship, just know that you authors are the reason why this ship floated and had a beautiful and magical voyage all these years.
Thank you!!!
Well, there are tons of pairings that are not canon so Tony/Stephen is in good company here. We also got so much in a couple of minutes - more than other pairings got in the course of multiple movies! So yes, we’re all writing one or the other version of the millions of timelines Stephen saw. Last I checked we’re at 5.000 something over at AO3; so many more possibilites to explore!
Thank you so much for your wonderful and kind words. The anniversary of them in the MCU is coming up this April/May, btw. Where has the time gone?!
I really think that Ironstrange is here to stay. Until the end and beyond. It exploded after a movie where one of the two was dusted and it grew even stronger after the second movie where we lost the other. We’re here to fix it and give them love and happiness. And good higher rated times. 😊
It’s not the biggest pairing ever but with a solid core and new people coming in regularly. We are so lucky with amazing writers and artists who create true masterpieces. Quite a lot of those, actually. I’ve never before been in a fandom where there’s been so much art by so many people. It’s wonderful.
Thank you again for your message. It truly means a lot and I re-read it couple of times before trying to find the words to answer.
Your ask is a loveletter to all of the creators in our corner of the MCU fandom. I hope many can see it and all I can do is to add my own love and appreciation to all of you. 🤍
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expectingtofly · 3 years
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i decided to make a masterlist for july bc i created a lot of different things this month, and i saw so many creations that i LOVED and needed to compile in one list. the creativity on this site is so inspiring, so thx to everyone for sharing your work and thx for all the support!!
(also, plz feel free to @ me or use my tracking tag #user_k in your creations! i'd love to see and share the wonderful things you make <33)
: my creations
reborn : after the empty, cas gets the love he deserves and his wings back
Stuck in Traffic : dean, cas, and toddler jack are—you guessed it—stuck in traffic. they amuse themselves with a drawing contest
love etched into his ribs : dean learns what cas wrote in enochian on his ribs
First Day Jitters : it's jack's first day of kindergarten and dean and cas are a mess
When Peaches Fly : just some farmer’s market shenanigans
angel in the garden : cas gardening. he and dean are in love and everything's well <3
castiel + saturn's rings edit
endverse cas + flowers
: favorite creations
dadstiel & toddler jack : morning snuggles!!! the feelings this fic produces in me are inexplainable. so softttt <3 [@onlyangelcas]
The summer Dean is ten and Sam is six, they stay at Bobby’s for a month. : bobby being the dad young dean and sam need. everything about this is perfection, it's canon [@one-more-offbeat-anthem]
let me heal all your aches : lovely piece of hurt/comfort. dean gets the love and care he deserves [@queen-rowenas]
to survive on this shore : dean and sam spending a summer with rhonda hurley. beautifully written. i could read 200k of this [@skepticalfrog]
loveletter (dear eileen) : sam's pov, reflecting on the healing he has found in eileen. such beautiful writing. made me cry [@deanwinchestergender]
also known as, your handprint on my arm : lovely poetry in dean's pov. anything about the handprint gets me choked up and this was beautifully written [@myaimistrue]
15x18 “Despair” + vintage ad : I’m obsessed with vintageadnatural!! perfect pairing of images with quotes [@windmillcas]
deancas + frog and toad : frog&toadnatural!! this series is so great, and this edit is so poignant [@bugcas]
SUPERNATURAL | 3.14 Long-Distance Call : another edit series i adore. exactly how spn looks in my head [@emptymeg]
The Dry Season, Hannah Gramson // Supernatural : the colors, the quote, the images. perfection [@assigned-boyking-at-birth]
Castiel's Lookbook : HELLO?? i could (and have) stared at this for an ungodly amount of time. so many small details. this looks like it took a lot of time, and it is so so good. ty op [@honeystiel]
12x19 The Future Production Draft // 15x18 Despair : handprint angst. just tear my heart out. it's fine [@credentiast]
Dean/Cassie movie poster : I am OBSESSED. this concept is so cool and the gifs are *chef's kiss* [@burnhamandtilly]
Jack & Cas : when I saw this art I CRIED. happy tears, of course. it’s. so. freaking. cute. I smile every time I look at it [@bee-in-a-trench-coat]
Tombstone comic book cover : when I tell you I was losing my mind during this art stream… so freaking cool, I’m obsessed [@clickbaitcowboy]
He's Your Neighbor : cowboys? destiel? vintage look? can it get any better?? [@liorlen]
Cas + Flowers : cas with an earring and a red cowboy hat smelling the flowers. im in love [@obscurebrother]
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milagrosoymagico · 7 years
i want to write you love letters. i want to buy cute stationary only so i can run out of room on the given card and continue on lined paper. i want to write lines that make you weak in the knees. i want to write about how much i love you. i want to kiss you through the paper. 
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space-kitten-606 · 3 years
Happy Monday!!! Hope you’re having a good start to your week?? If you and Saeyoung decided to make each other homemade gifts for an anniversary, what would each of you make??
What a sweet idea. Homemade gifts are pretty hard for me, as I am not a very handy person and get myself hurt more often than not, and the outcome is usually very far from what I initially imagine, leading me to be frustrated and throwing the project to the side. So I woul probably fall back to something I can do - write. It might be a heartfelt letter with too many pages, or even a sappy poem (which is also not my forte but I'd manage I suppose). Another nice idea I could be into would be making a photoalbum filled with the memories we have experienced together, all accompanied by some words of love and adoration.
Out of the two of us, Sae is as we all know the crafty one. I can imagine him going the more digital route, as tinkering with his gadgets it a past time he really enjoys. That being said, he has also made that plush of himself in the valentines story, so he might end up ging the plush route again, especially since I am very fond of things to hug and cuddle. It would be the perfect gift, and adding a little something that makes the plush purr, for example, is childsplay for him. Though of course I would be just as happy about a handwritten letter in which he pours out his feelings as well, I'd possibly like it even more than the tech stuff. Because what is more heartwarming than a loveletter? Nothing. Except possibly being told those things right to your face. But there's just something about letters lolol
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only-mewtwo · 6 years
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🌸Inktober Day 17- 31 +BONUS🌸
So, I finally am done with Inktober. I am glad I got to keep it up until the end. (I even drew a bonus one~) HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
🌸Day 17 : I started off easy. I had a reference picture where real people did this meme. And I just copied the first one.
🌸Day 18 : I wanted to draw cute or sexy mewtwo for this second part of Inktober. Is he cute? I think he is 💜
🌸Day 19 : A shy mewtwo is also hella cute.
🌸Day 20 : Would he write a loveletter for me? I wonder...
🌸Day 21 : We all try to reach for something we can't have... What would mewtwo reach for? The moon maybe.
🌸Day 22 : First time for me drawing mega mewtwo Y up so close. I have a hard time with the right size of his crown.
🌸Day 23 : Same as day 22. Tho mega mewtwo X is harder to draw than mega mewtwo Y I'd say.
🌸Day 24 : HELLO!
🌸Day 25 : On Instagram someone said "JOJO POSE!" and I was like... "Now that you mention it..." 😂
🌸Day 26 : I wanted to at least add a shadow mewtwo in there. It gets the attention because it is the only dark mewtwo on the sheet, before I drew bonus day of course. I didn't want shadow mewtwo to be lonely!
🌸Day 27 : You guys know how hard it is to draw armored mewtwo!? I never drew something this hard in my life! It is the most detailed piece on this Inktober.
🌸Day 28 : Another casual Mewtwo. I drew a lot of arms and hands to complete the heart.
🌸Day 29 : SASSY! I love sassy !
🌸Day 30 : I didn't drew him a lot from his back perspective. I just want to put my arms around his hips 💜😍
🌸Day 31 : I kind of not like the proportions of this one. His legs are too close to his elbows I think...
🌸BONUS DAY : I wanted to add something for Halloween! Pumpkins never get old ~
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thejojosanctuary · 7 years
It’s no problem Milk hun I’ll gladly do it! sorry if this is a little ooc and the translation may be a little off but I did my best! @jjbamilky
- Ghost
Il mio amore più caro,
It feels as though our times together have been brief as of late in fault of my occupation taking most of my hours away from you and for that I apologize. A single letter simply can’t do the justice of expressing my affections for you so I will save most of my words for when we are next able to meet however I want you to know that since the moment you first arrived into my life I have utterly adored you - without you I doubt that the path to the life I have now would have been far harder to obtain without your devotion and support and for that I cannot even begin to describe my gratitude. 
I adore you and wish nothing more than to make you as happy as you have made me and I hope that we can spend the rest of our lives as blissful and content as we are now. I can’t wait to have you back in my arms and look forward to our next meeting.
- Yours, Giorno
…Was this okay? 030 I’m still iffy on Giorno for some bizarre reason I never think I can get him right but I hope you like it!
Hey guys should I make this a thing where you send in a character and I write a love letter for them? I think I’m getting the hang of this so I think this would be really fun to do ^^ Let me know and I’ll see what happens :3 (i won’t start doing em till I know for sure so please let me know if you’d like to have a love letter day or something! :D)
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