#I’ve asked this before but
violetsandshrikes · 2 months
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this poor woman ended up in hospital because she ate cayenne + cinnamon coated orange (unpeeled) because there’s a health and wellness influencer with millions of views who recommends it for digestion - she burned her oesophagus
i always saw a few really good other additions of similar things on the comments
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please be so, so careful taking advice from these people online, as many of them are not formally trained or educated, brand ambassadors, deep in pseudoscientific rabbit holes and unfortunately, there are many out there who struggle with disordered eating habits
(not mentioned here but another one worth noting: i have personally known people who have burned their oesophagus with viral apple cider vinegar shots and drinks. don’t do that. a burned oesophagus is not fun)
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ghostdrinkssoup · 1 year
nbc hannibal is a romcom purely because the central conflict results from hannibal not understanding his feelings for will and being a total loser about it because he’s never had a friend or been in love before which makes him act so silly and do the most insane things that will interprets being framed for murder as hannibal having something against him (as anyone would), and this series of misunderstandings is not resolved until hannibal’s ex girlfriend and former psychiatrist tells will that hannibal is so in love with him it makes him look stupid. after that will does not hesitate to break hannibal out of jail and douse himself in blood which is this show’s equivalent to the protagonist running to the airport to stop their love interest from leaving the country and marrying someone else before they’ve had the chance to confess that they’ve loved them ever since they’ve known them
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glitchedcosmos · 3 months
Sonic and Shadow never really wanted to admit that they liked each other, especially to their crush's face, but that went flying out the window when Sonic took one of Shadow's threats during their sparring sessions as flirting, and he went for it.
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Sonic got gut punched immediately after.
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Just wanted to say that I love your comics so much! Do you have a favorite character to draw?
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As of late, I’ve been having a lot of fun drawing Mike Schmidt,,
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foldingfittedsheets · 4 months
My betrothed and I were driving the other day and they said, “I do think it would be cool if you did a compilation of your comics for printing some day.”
“I guess… but it would be so much work to change their formatting for print instead of for scrolling.”
They heaved their eyes in a massive roll and said, “Yeah, I guess some people want to actually be published and then there’s you.”
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time-slink · 11 months
gem's palette on joe?
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definitely fitting!! i think these kinds of earth tones are my favorite
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shepscapades · 17 days
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carmyboobear · 3 months
the jaw all white outfit from the sags… so many weddingday!carmy thots…
UGH he looked so good in the all white!! Those pics of him got me thinkin about taking the clothes off of him…although he's putting the clothes on in those imgs… let's just pretend…
Tags: suggestive, wedding night, telling carmy he’s pretty, undressing him
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“You looked so handsome today,” you tell him when you're alone. It's the two of you in your bedroom after the wedding, still dressed in your formal attire. His suit remained fairly pristine throughout everything, especially given how you couldn't get your hands off him. To be fair, he wasn't much better in that regard.
“You were more beautiful,” he replies quietly. He pulls you in, hands gentle on your waist. “I still can't believe it.”
“What, that we're married?” You run your hands down the white lapels of his suit.
“Well, that’s one way to put it. I just…still can't believe that I got to marry you.” He's smiling again, like he's been doing all day. “Didn't feel real until I saw you walking down the aisle.”
“Didn't feel real through all the planning?” You tease, and he sighs. The planning was a huge source of stress, even through all the joy that came with it. “I know what you mean, though. Seeing you in this suit, I just…”
“Liked seeing me dressed up, huh?”
“Yes,” you whisper, carefully unbuttoning his jacket. “Couldn't stop thinking about taking it off of you.”
You kiss him on the lips, slow and sweet. He tastes faintly of the wine you both had earlier at dinner. You kiss his cheek, his jaw, and he tilts his head back when you trail your lips down his neck. Your hands gently take his jacket off his shoulders and down his arms.
“You’re so pretty, Carmy,” you continue softly, your fingers unbuttoning his shirt now. He chuckles, likely in equal parts affection and bashfulness. “So, so pretty.”
“You think I’m pretty?” His cheeks are flushed by your praise. You’ve undone the last button, creating a sliver of bare skin down the front of him. You slide your hands under his shirt to gingerly take it off of him.
“Oh my god, yeah. You’re gorgeous. I swear I’ve told you this before, baby.” You’ve slipped his shirt off, and now he stands before you bare chested. You openly rake your eyes over his figure, running your hands over his warm skin. You start at his happy trail, go up his toned stomach, and smooth your thumb over the faded triangle tattoo on his chest.
“You have, I just…” Your thumb runs over his nipple, stiffening it, and he inhales sharply. “I, um, have never been called pretty before…I think.”
“What?” You gasp, aghast. How could you have missed this? Have you really never called him pretty before? “Well, clearly I need to tell you more often. Because you are. You’re my pretty boy, and I get to have you all for myself.”
“Mm, I’m all yours, beautiful,” he murmurs back, pulling you into a soft, sweet kiss. “I love you so much. So, so much.”
“I love you too, Carm,” you say, your chest full of affection. “I’m so happy you’re mine.”
“And I’m so happy that you’re mine.” He surprises you then, sweeping you off your feet and throwing you onto the bed. He’s peppering your face in kisses, and you can’t help your giddy laughter. “Let me show you. Let me show you how much I love you.”
“I like the sound of that,” you reply, somewhat breathless. Carmy just smiles, and he starts taking off your clothes. He’s not gonna take it easy on you tonight.
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I feel like people who aren’t homestucks need to see this to understand what we mean when we say vriska is…..divisive……
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happyheidi · 2 months
Gods spare my eyes from the sight of your tiny generic dog and generic cosy blankets and generic moomin aesthetic.
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No gods can spare you from this generic dog laying by a generic moomin pillow.
Ur welcome 😏
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rampantram · 22 days
How long did it take for Lamb and Narinder to fall for each other?
Falling for each other happened while the lamb was a vessel, prior to their battle with Narinder, during their little talks and visits between the lamb’s crusades.
As for actually getting together? About a century - during the time it took for the lamb to get all of the Bishops out of Limbo (just kind of rough-estimate going off of Follower lifespans). There was a lot of tension and bitterness in the beginning, and the first couple of years looked mostly like this:
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But over time they got things out of their systems, addressed the transgressions they felt, leaving more room to grow closer than before and form a genuine, loving relationship.
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housecow · 15 days
Girl please stop romanticizing obesity, it will literally kill you eventually (and I know it’s not the first time someone says it to you). Like are you even ok? Romanticizing being immobile & being humiliated on the street? Why would you even aspire to this? For some attention of questionable men on this app? Girl they don’t deserve you. This message comes from a place of concern, it is not intended as an insult. You said you want a career in the future, maybe focus on that, I’m not sure how possible it is do all that while being immobile or having whatever condition.
omfg 😭 i apologize for writing little stories to get myself off, i guess?? lmfao. i have a fetish. i state clearly in my bio that this is what to expect. sorry im horny posting anonymously on tumblr.com ???? stop being weird when u don’t even belong in these spaces
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malenjoyer · 9 days
Good morning 🙏🏼
I want to thank everyone their support with reblogging my stuff over the years and reblogging some of the context of the situation.
Tumblr and Instagram is filled with the most supportive people I’ve ever had the chance of meeting. The last time something like this happened, I didn’t have much support, not even from people I thought were close to me. It took me a year or two to be okay with being perceived again in fandoms. So I’m very grateful for everything.
I just wanted to post that I appreciate all of the asks and I’ve been reading all of them. I actually get anxious I’m spamming everyone too much so I probably won’t reply to everything. Please don’t feel pressured to support me financially, there’s is a free option on patreon to follow. I’ll post future project plans and occasional updates because I still love comics and I still love DC/Marvel. I do enjoy having people following along for my art/reading journey so I would always be okay with people just following for free. My brain is telling me this post is too long now so I will go 🙏🏼😭
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noodles-and-tea · 1 month
i dunno if youve done this yet, but could you draw Giulia? /nf! I’d love to see her in your style :)
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thebayclans · 29 days
will there ref sheets for each of the characters? or at least the most important ones?
Most of the major characters have already had refs posted on this blog, though some refs need to be updated.
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archersartcorner · 5 months
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I think the Bad Kids deserve to cry a lil. As a treat. IT’S CATHARTIC!!!!!!!!!!!
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