#I’m not going home for the holidays
mearcatsreturns · 6 months
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Bought this to do for me (or received as a gift?), but I spent a few hours today working on it to give to my coworker for her birthday!
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mthevlamister · 8 months
I feel like no matter what I’ll disappoint my parents.
Could just be my anxiety, but sometimes I feel like every choice I make is wrong.
And I feel like the more I feel this way, the more I make the wrong choices
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weirdcursedvaultkid · 3 months
since merula likes thoughtful gifts I’d like to share my hc that merulas develops a lil baby crush on mc ever since the Christmas sq where mc gifts she the song book
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danandfuckingjonlmao · 4 months
Between dnp who is the lazy gay and who is the activity gay?
you’re so real for this because i was waiting for them to tell us their opinions but they left us to contemplate on our own.
my consensus is when they’re at home dan is lazy gay and when they’re on holiday dan is activity gay.
dan is very “i don’t wanna go outside” while also being very into living in the moment and doing everything they can while they can, so it likely depends on the situation.
it’s an important dynamic to develop with a partner (or just anyone you’re in a Pair with)—you encourage each other to do things and also learn how to express when you don’t want to do things.
thanks for the ask friend :)
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covenofthearticulate · 6 months
it’s a christmas miracle my in-person meeting at work got cancelled so i get to stay home today AND it’s storming so hard!!! FINALLY i get to snuggle up in bed and enjoy my favorite weather
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atopvisenyashill · 8 days
we always talk about how theon should be at the club or renly should be at the club but i think tyrion should be in therapy, this seems obvious but i’m talking about even non extensive, you have mediocre healthcare and can only get a therapist for eight sessions before you reach the edge of their expertise which is mostly just unipolar depression & grief from a grandparent’s death, bc even the world’s shittiest therapist would listen to that man talk and be like “have you ever thought of just going no contact? it doesn’t seem like this is healthy and family clearly doesn’t give a shit. just like, change your number” ya know, and going no contact is a lot easier if you’re a trust fund baby in the 21st century bc he can just use the relatives he still talks to (im assuming gemma and jaime) as references for some high paying nothingburger job, move out, get a new phone, and just never see his dad again. like not for nothing but sometimes just waking up and knowing you never have to see that man’s bitch ass again?? it’s very healing.
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cybercanadian · 5 months
also have 2 dick appointments tomorrow 🫣
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cece412 · 9 months
Y’all I’m moving out of my parents house tomorrow. What the fuck I’ve been dreaming of this for years
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ishipmutualrespect · 5 months
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adamfanti11i · 6 months
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between the legs to go between two sets of legs. just kirill marchenko things. // cbj @ buf, 12.19.2023
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curiosity-killed · 7 months
This is one of those things that is both actually frustrating and just sort of stupid, but my parents are very very bad at like. visiting. In multiple senses of the phrase but right now I mean mostly just actually coming to visit.
So like my sister has lived in the same city for a decade, owns a home, etc., and my parents visit exactly once a year, and I have lived in the same city for over two years and they have visited once (for 3 days). Which is all kind of frustrating and hurtful because we are pretty close (if dysfunctional) and I’d like to share my life with them—but also at this point, just kind of a background frustration that we’re used to.
EXCEPT then they sometimes try to make up excuses for not coming and it’s all just…absolute bullshit lies. Very very bad lying. Like “oh we wanted to come visit sometime but our schedules…” ma’am you are retired. “Oh we thought about coming to see you in the Nutcracker but we’ll have your sister’s dog…” you are both adults who could handle a dog on your own AND you literally just decided to dog sit like this week while knowing FOR MONTHS that I would be performing and never asking a single question about when it was or tickets or anything.
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cinewhore · 7 months
You fuckers thought i was kidding when i said I was gonna have a Christmas tree before October ended.
I wasn’t :)
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eijiroukiriot · 1 year
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a merry dynamy to all of you! may the new year contain many more dynamys
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bobfloydsbabe · 4 days
Looking at apartments online and dreaming about the day I have enough money to move back out of my parents’ house. That day can’t come soon enough.
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lonelysatoru · 8 months
one piece au where instead of being pirates they all met at a boarding school for misfits and create a safe space for each other within the school walls please
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condescending-jerk · 8 months
do you ever rewatch one of your favorite shows/films from a particular period of your life and just kinda…hate it?!?
we watched fight club last night and it’s been on my top 10 list since i was like 15 but i haven’t seen it in ages and it just kinda gave me the ick
like i don’t actually hate it because it’s a great film and a great book but it just felt weirdly…personal…and watching it with someone else like that just made me feel…exposed??
it just reminded me of who i was and when i watched it for the first time i literally ate that shit up bc i felt so seen and when i was watching it i just associated every scene with something i remembered thinking/feeling from back then
and also i was 15!!! when i first read the book and saw the film and it’s so easy to be in awe of art about dismantling a culture when you’re still far enough away from it to think you’ll be different! and suddenly you’re 28 and you are living the exact kind of life that it was trying to call out! and you just realise how arrogant you were to think you could be different
but also i do paperwork for british tv as a job it’s literally not that fucking deep
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