#I wouldn't be able to afford the licensing I think?
stuffedeggplants · 8 months
Received an intellectual property infringement notice for a WWII-style recruitment poster I made today. Apparently I should have applied for a trademark license so that potential products could be evaluated for "quality" and "good taste," but given what I've seen of certain officially licensed products, some of them should never have been approved in the first place on the grounds of "good taste" alone.
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river-taxbird · 4 months
Have YOU got an old Windows PC Microsoft has told you can't run Windows 11? It's time to give it a new life!
How to install Windows 11 on unsupported PC Hardware using Rufus. You can also disable some other Windows 11 bullshit like data harvesting and needing a Microsoft account.
It has been in the news a lot lately that Windows 11 isn't allowed to be installed on PCs without certain requirements, including the TPM 2.0, a chip that was only included in PCs made in 2018 or later. This means that once Windows 10 stops receiving security updates, those PCs will not be able to (officially) run a safe, updated version of Windows anymore. This has led to an estimated 240 million PCs bound for the landfill. Thanks Microsoft! I get you don't want to be seen as the insecure one, but creating this much waste can't be the solution.
(I know nerds, Linux is a thing. I love you but we are not having that conversation. If you want to use Linux on an old PC you are already doing it and you don't need to tell me about it. People need Windows for all sorts of reasons that Linux won't cut.)
So lately I have been helping some under privileged teens get set up with PCs. Their school was giving away their old lab computers, and these kids would usually have no chance to afford even a basic computer. They had their hard drives pulled so I have been setting them up with SSDs, but the question was, what to do about the operating system? So I looked into it and I found out there IS actually a way to bypass Microsoft's system requirement and put Windows 11 on PCs as old as 2010.
You will need: Rufus: An open source ISO burning tool.
A Windows 11 ISO: Available from Microsoft.
A USB Flash Drive, at least 16GB.
A working PC to make the ISO, and a PC from 2018 or older you want to install Windows 11 on.
Here is the guide I used, but I will put it in my own words as well.
Download your Windows 11 ISO, and plug in your USB drive. It will be erased, so don't have anything valuable on it. Run Rufus, select your USB drive in the Device window, and select your Windows 11 ISO with the Select button. (There is supposed to be a feature in Rufus to download your ISO but I couldn't get it to work.?
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Choose standard windows installation, and follow the screenshot for your settings. Once you are done that, press Start, and then the magic happens. Another window pops up allowing you to remove the system requirements, the need for a microsoft account, and turn off data collecting. Just click the options you want, and press ok to write your iso to a drive.
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From there you just need to use the USB drive to install windows. I won't go into details here, but here are some resources if you don't know how to do it.
Boot your PC from a USB Drive
Install Windows 11 from USB Drive
If you had a licensed copy of Windows 10, Windows 11 will already be licensed. If you don't, then perhaps you can use some kind of... Activation Scripts for Microsoft software, that will allow you to activate them. Of course I cannot link such tools here. So there you go, now you can save a PC made from before 2018 from the landfill, and maybe give it to a deserving teen in the process. The more we can extend the lives of technology and keep it out of the trash, the better.
Additional note: This removes the requirement for having 4GB Minimum of RAM, but I think that requirement should honestly be higher. Windows 11 will be unusable slow on any system with below 8GB of RAM. 8GB is the minimum I think you should have before trying this but it still really not enough for modern use outside of light web and office work. I wouldn't recommend trying this on anything with 4GB or less. I am honestly shocked they are still selling brand new Windows 11 PCs with 4GB of ram. If you're not sure how much RAM you have, you can find out in the performance tab of Task Manager in Windows, if you click the More Details icon on the bottom right. If you don't have enough, RAM for old systems is super cheap and widely available so it would definitely be worth upgrading if you have a ram starved machine you'd like to give a new life.
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remcycl333 · 1 year
i really like when u talk abt ur own experiences when dealing with all this!! could u expand more on how u manifested ur apartment? like what ur daily life looked like, etc. bc im in a similar situation w a mentally exhausting family and im trying to get tf out lol
TW: narcissistic/co-dependent parent
yeah! so my older sister got married and moved out, leaving me alone with a narcissistic parent, so i knew i really wanted to move out and live on my own. but i had negative circumstances. for instance my parent was really co-dependent, which led to them never letting me get my drivers license or a job. even when i was 20-21. plus this was during lockdown so i didn't really have the ability to learn how to drive from other means. plus along with not being able to drive and not having the money to afford living on my own, i knew my parent would never let me move out bc they didn't want to be alone. so i was really depressed because my situation felt very hopeless.
but then i remembered the power of manifestation. i had manifested an sp at this point and other things, such as appearance changes and money here and there, but this was a "big" manifestation. big meaning that so many dominoes had to fall in just the right places, so to speak. for instance i was nervous that i'd wake up in a new apartment and not be able to pay the rent to live there and have to move out. so i was unsure if i should manifest money first, and then manifest the apartment. but what i was imagining as my end was me in my apartment with more than enough money to survive, so i decided not to manifest in steps.
i was triggered a LOT at first, bc like i mentioned i was dealing with a co-dependent narcissistic parent. like sometimes they'd talk about how i'd still be living at home till i was 25+ and the idea made me go absolutely crazy. i went through months of being miserable at the idea, thinking about how all my peers were living on their own and not having to deal with the shit i did. but eventually i just got so fed up and i decided i just needed to go completely in, because i had been putting off really applying for the longest time.
so what i did was make a note in my notes app describing my dream apartment, and i included pics i found on Pinterest of different features i wanted in my apartment. like what i wanted the kitchen and bathroom to look like, the specific vanity i wanted, etc.
then whenever i thought about it, i'd tell myself i was already there and the apartment was mine. similarly to Abdullah slamming the door on Neville and saying "you are in Barbados", any time i wondered how it would happen or think about how it hadn't reflected yet, i'd tell myself "you are in your dream apartment." it was a reminder that i wouldn't be wondering any of those things, or worrying or doubting, if i was already in my dream apartment. and i already was there in my imagination! so there was no room for me to be dwelling on stuff like that.
throughout the day, i liked to retreat to my imagination when i had time and felt upset about my 3D. i'd do so by imagining that my surroundings were different. for instance i had a picture saved of what i wanted my shower to look like (it was always my dream to have a really really nice bathroom bc my shower has always been a safe space for me of sorts lmao) so when i was in the shower, i'd close my eyes and imagine i was in that shower i had saved from Pinterest. i also did this in the kitchen when i was cleaning or cooking, and while i laid in bed at night before falling asleep.
i also never really let people come over to my house when i lived with my parent(s) bc my co-dependent narcissistic parent would always come up with some completely insane and random reason why they didn't like that friend and i'd never hear the end of it. so i'd have inner convos with myself about how i was excited my friend was coming over later and i'd come up with different things we'd be doing. this was another way i liked to fulfill myself in my imagination.
whenever i was interacting with my parent, as i way to dismiss my 3D, i just pretended i was visiting home and that's why i was with them/at their house. it helped me remind myself that being there wasn't permanent.
this manifestation took me a couple of months, as i was triggered a lot. eventually, after fulfilling myself enough and finding solace in my imagination whenever i felt bad, i was triggered less and less by my 3d and circumstances. i also manifested my parent being chiller and blowing up a lot less.
the final thing i was missing was that i was in a neutral state a lot and i thought because i wasn't upset by my 3d that meant i wasn't in the state of lack. i just had this epiphany recently on my twitter, so it took me a while to correct this issue because i didn't even know it was an issue. i had that epiphany well after successfully manifesting my apartment.
the neutral state was me being like "oh my 3d isn't too bad i kinda like chilling in my room unbothered." so i wasn't upset at my 3d, but i was still also acknowledging i didn't have what i wanted. this was fixed when i started imagining my surroundings as my dream apartment, like i mentioned a few paragraphs up.
and then one day, i woke up and my surroundings felt different. i sleep with a sleeping mask on, so when i wake up and open my eyes, it's still pitch black. but i felt the air around me was different, and the sounds around me were different. like the sound of my ceiling fan in my room was different. then i took off my sleeping mask and i was in my new room, in my new apartment!
it was kinda spooky at first im ngl. at first i thought i was dreaming, but i wasn't (i checked). then i just explored the apartment! i was paranoid i was gonna find someone in my apartment or something 😭 but the apt was exactly how i wanted it to look, and i had plenty of money in my bank account to cover rent and bills and food! and i've been living here ever since with virtually 0 problems :)
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freakin-edikan · 8 months
Help Dusty Get out of Florida Fund
Hello. I'm Dusty. I moved back home with my parents after school because I couldn't afford to stay in NYC and they refused to help pay for me to stay up there while I was looking for work. My parents stress me out, it sucks and I hate it here. I'm trying to move back to NYC where 1) most of my friends are and 2) I can visit my brother more easily if I need help with something. I take commissions if you want me to draw something (please ignore the music commissions, I don't think I can do those right now) and I think my prices are pretty low. Links below, sob story under the cut
vnmo: @freakin-edikan cshapp: $freakinedikan Paypal me Commission post
My goal is $3300. 0/3300
My parents piss me the hell off and I want to leave. They say they're not stopping me from doing anything but there are so many "soft" restrictions it's basically total control. I can't leave the house because the county's transit sucks shit, I don't have a house key, and I don't have a license (and even if I did, I wouldn't have a car). I have no mental health provider so I've been rationing out my ADHD meds. But even if I did, I'd have no way to get there because I don't have a car. My dad was supposed to get me a bike with a lock but he didn't. He wants to teach me to drive but he's 1) never home bc he works (obviously? how would that work) and 2) when he tried to teach me in 2019 he wasn't helpful at all and was always yelling or almost yelling at me. But he also doesn't want me to get lessons from an outside agency. I keep getting pushed to take some retail or food service job which I know will burn me out so much I'll barely be able to focus on anything else. And I wouldn't be able to get there because I have no transportation. And because I don't clean the whole house or cook every meal I'm seen as "neglecting aspects of life." Meanwhile dad will eat up all the food and not buy groceries or he'll ask me to buy groceries. Even though I don't have an income or a car or a license. Also my dad got mad at me and did this to my door on Friday
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and has the audacity to eat the food I bought for me and my friends with my own money. For my birthday. He's been eating my birthday food. Also the door no longer closes.
I am tired of having to play nice around my dad's volatile anger, which I've put up with since I was in elementary school. My parents paid for me to do a lot of things, which I appreciate. However, they also have repeatedly called me names, they interact with my hobbies with thinly-veiled contempt, they play passive aggressive when they're mad at me in front of guests, and they used to hit me all throughout K-12. They constantly frame their obligations to me as purely financial, they think they have no responsibility to be emotionally supportive or uplifting, but they also want me to baby their feelings and lie about how they treated me while accusing me of making up my mental issues for attention and sympathy. My dad keeps talking about how old and frail he is and how he could die any minute now and where I'm at is that I do not care and if/when he dies I will not be there. I'm literally sick of this behavior and they acted like this in 2019 when they were supposed to be taking care of me after I was hospitalized for attempting suicide. I'm still not over that and yet they're annoyed at me for being disorganized/scatterbrained, stressed out, and depressed.
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monsterrae1 · 1 year
20 17
Kat! 🖤 thank you so much! I’m gonna put number 17 in here and then I’ll do a post for number 20 on the date! Hope you like it, it’s a little angsty and a little sweet 🖤
17. Miracle
Having a second kid had been something that had been on their minds for the last year.
It started after Maddie and Chim announced they were expecting again, and Buck saw the wistful look on Eddie’s face every time they visited the Buckley-Hans and Maddie had new scans or new things to share with them; sometimes, when he saw that look on Eddie’s face – his shinny brown eyes, and the small smile tugging at the side of his lips – as he looked at their future niece or nephew, he wished he could somehow have kids for him, but unless a bunch of fanfiction suddenly became true, Buck couldn’t bear them a child.
Six months after they got married Eddie finally brough it up, they had just gotten back home from dropping Chris off at a sleepover, and when they parked the truck on their driveway Eddie took a deep breath, turned to Buck and said:
“I want a baby, Buck”
Buck smiled and told him “Me too”
They fucked that night as if that would get them a baby, full of passion and love.
And the next morning they came back to reality and Buck threw himself to one of his research binges.
He quickly learnt that surrogacy, which was the safest option if they wanted to have a baby, was expensive as hell, and with their city salaries combined, a kid on his way to high school, a mortgage and many other grown-up bills, they probably wouldn't be able to afford it. Adoption, which was the most probable option for them, could take years, especially if they wanted a younger kid and while they were open to adopting an older kid, they really wanted a baby.  Fostering, like Hen and Karen did, just seemed like it would break Buck's heart, he just knew that at the end of a single day with any kid, he wouldn't be able to give them back without breaking his heart. 
After weeks and weeks of trying to come up with plans it, after having been put in a waiting list in an adoption agency, after filling they license with the state for emergency foster placement - Buck was working his way up to permanent fostering, but for right now they mostly had kids who needed somewhere to sleep and be placed somewhere permanent in the morning - their heart was still set in a baby for themselves.
"At this point, I think we might just need a miracle" Eddie said one night, tired of wrangling teenagers all afternoon since they had hosted Christopher's friends for a sleepover "Or give up" 
Buck frowned "We're not giving up" they were cleaning the living room, the kids were already in Chris' room, loudly playing video games "It'll happen for us Eds, we just have to wait" 
Eddie smiled at him, leaving the empty pizza boxes on top of the coffee table and walked to Buck, wrapping his arms around his waist and leaning up to kiss him "Babe" Eddie said softly "I don't want you to get your hopes up again, I don't want your heart to break again" 
They had had a nearly success with the adoption agency, a teenager who was giving up their kid had chosen them, but changed her mind at the last moment, Buck cried for days, Eddie did too. 
"I won't, I promise I won't get my hopes up until we have a birth certificate signed" 
Eddie smiled and shook his head, kissing his husband again. 
The second week of December someone knocked on their door just past 2 AM; they had just gotten back from work and they were exhausted, Eddie had almost just crashed into their bed, but Buck had dragged him to the bathroom to at least wash his face and brush his teeth, if hadn't been for that, he would've missed the desperate knocking on the door. 
"Buck, did you order something?" 
It wasn't uncommon that Buck sometimes ordered in something on their way back so it would arrive just as they did, but Buck shook his head "No? I don't have any calls from Rachel either" Rachel was the social worker who handled their usual emergency placements. 
Confused and exhausted, Eddie just walked to the door and opened to find out what ever it was that was on the other side of the door. He was even more confused when he opened it and there was no one on the other side, no one even on their driveway. 
"What the..." his words were interrupted by a cry, a small baby cry, coming from the floor. He looked down and found a baby tucked into a picnic basket, a letter on top and wrapped in blankets. Eddie picked the basket up and then quickly walked inside telling Buck to call Athena and Rachel to meet them at the hospital. 
"What? Why?" 
"Someone just dropped a new born in our doorstep, Buck" 
Buck moved quick after that, calling Rachel first while Eddie told Christopher what had happen and to not open the door for anyone else while they were out, Eddie placed the baby very carefully in the baby seat they had had to have installed in one of their trucks in case they needed it, and tried to leave the rest of the basket undisturbed, in case it needed to be taken in for evidence. Buck called Athena on their way to the hospital, and Eddie somehow found himself wishing for the baby to be okay, trying to quiet down the part of his brain that screamed at him that this was their baby. 
Buck, thankfully, thought to call ahead to the hospital, so when they parked on the emergency bay, they were met with the neonatal team who took the unknown baby from them almost right away, while Eddie grabbed the basket and waited for Rachel and Athena in the waiting room.
"Eddie" Buck said softly, eyeing the envelope in the basket with their names on it "Eddie, what if they..."
"Buck, remember what we said? about getting our hopes up?" Eddie interrupted, he couldn't let Buck get his hopes up, his own and Eddie's.
"I know, I know, but… this feels different, doesn't it?" 
Before Eddie could respond, both Rachel and Athena walked into the room. 
They went through everything that happen twice, they told them everything that had happen in the last 30 minutes, and gave Athena access to their security system for her to check their cameras, and then turned to Rachel. 
"There's an envelope, we don't know what's in it, but it's addressed to us" Buck said, bringing attention back to it, Athena had taken the rest of the things in the basket "Can we read it?" 
"It is addressed to you guys, so you're within your rights to do so" Rachel answered, and Eddie had never seen Buck open something so fast and so carefully at the same time. He waited patiently as Buck read it, and then as he read it again, before he was pushing the papers towards Eddie.
“Read it, Eds, you have to read it”
Eddie took the papers from Buck’s hand and read it himself. It wasn’t signed by anyone they knew, Eddie didn’t recognize the nickname they used, but the letter pretty much said that they knew they were good people, and that they wanted a baby, the mother explained that she wouldn’t ever be able to give the kid a good life but she wanted them to have her, to raise her as their own, she was giving them her daughter.
“Rachel, this…” Eddie’s hands shook as he handed Rachel the letter “She says she wants her to be ours”
Eddie was trying really hard to not get his hopes up, but it was hard, he knew a letter couldn’t be a legal binding document, but this could be their daughter, theirs, to take home, and raise, and love.
Rachel took a deep breath “This is a mess” Eddie felt his heart break, and reached for Buck’s hand “I don’t want you guys to think you can keep her, okay? But there might be a chance you can”
Eddie felt Buck’s hand squeezing his tight.
They didn't take the baby home that day, they had driven home almost at 5 am after the hospital assured them the baby was stable, being looked after but she couldn't be released back to them until social services determined what was going to happen with her; they understood, they did, but they still drove home with a heavy heart. 
It was a battle after that, but they were willing to right for their kid - because ever since reading the letter they both felt like she was theirs - it was a lot of meetings with Rachel and the social worker assigned to the baby; she was so young, the doctors had determined she was only a few hours old when she had been dropped at their door step, and no matter how much they tried to find the mother, they never did, nor did an existing birth certificate. 
It was Christmas Eve morning when they got the call, Rachel told them to meet her at the hospital and to bring a bag for the baby; they grabbed it - Buck had had it packed for days now - and rushed to the hospital to meet Rachel. There had been a hearing with a judge a couple of days ago, Buck and Eddie had made their case, and Rachel assured them that while the letter didn't have any legal weight, it could be used as proof that the birthmother wanted them to have her kid.
"Is she ours? For real ours?" Buck asked as they walked in, his hand tightly wrapped around Eddie's "She's coming home with us?" 
Rachel smiled "She is officially yours" She then handed them her birth certificate, while both her birth parents were listed as unknown, there was an even bigger stack of papers underneath "You just have to name her, and sign the adoption papers" 
"Milagro" Eddie said right away "Millie, for short" 
Buck smiled and nodded, agreeing with Eddie right away, and asking for a pen so they could sign the papers already. 
It was still a couple of more hours, Rachel had filed their adoption papers just in time before the offices closed down for the holidays, and on Christmas eve they got to drive home with their new addition. 
Next morning, Eddie found Buck in the nursery, softly rocking Millie as she fell back asleep.
"Hey" Eddie said softly, walking to them and wrapping himself around Buck, rubbing Millie's cheek slowly with this thumb. 
“You named her Milagro” Buck said softly “Miracle”
Eddie hummed, eyes lost in the soft breathing of their daughter in Buck’s arms “She is our little miracle, coming to us just when we needed her”
He saw Buck smiling from the corner of his eyes “She really did” Eddie smiled and kissed Buck’s cheek “Do you think Chris’ going to like getting a sister for Christmas?”
“He’s gonna love her”
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krakenshaped · 7 months
Nothing boring about having your projects clearly named! what is couch about tho? :0
Brjskhdkqjdna if I don't clearly name them I'll lose them cause I play a lot of dnd and have so many docs in my drive (too many I need to gut my Google docs so baaad)
Couch is about Manjoume going to therapy and lamenting being unemployed LMAO I wrote it at the beginning of this year and never really did finish it (I got a big chunk of one shots collecting dust like that)
I'll grab a snippet for the funny 👇
"Therapy was one of those necessary chores, you told yourself in an attempt to coerce yourself into going every two weeks. Kind of like cleaning your room or paying the gas bill or walking the dog. 
Jun doesn't have a dog. Nor does Jun pay his gas bill or clean his room or even clean himself regularly. He does go to therapy though. In some sort of strange, hopeful way that therapy will somehow fix his problems and give him meaning to his life, or… Something. At least it somewhat helped him stop thinking so much. 
Perhaps 5 years ago from now, he wouldn't have expected to see himself in this place. Y'know, he thought by 21 he'd be doing something important with himself. He'd be in the pro leagues, all sleek black suits and shiny cars, a name that people knew - no respected.
It would be plastered on billboards, on advertisements, on shining lights. Manjoume Thunder. Not just Manjoume, youngest of three or Jun, duel academy's second biggest crackpot but something more. 
Maybe he'd even have a girl by his side. 
Maybe that girl would Asuka.
But he's not in the pro leagues. He's not in a fancy car. He's not even in his bedroom back home - wherever home is.
He's on Tenjouin's couch. 
He's been on Tenjouin's couch for around a year now. The lead up to that was a rollercoaster ride. Turns out after the world almost ends multiple times and you literally die and are brainwashed into joining a cult all while studying for midterms, you don't have a lot of patience for your shitty fucking brothers - who are both pretty mad that you're back at their mansion and not a baby Seto Kaiba. But then, Manjoume remembered, hey, I'm not 15 years old, I can defend myself now, and honestly, he could only last a couple of months having to butt heads with his brothers over any and every miniscule issue.
God forbid he breathe without somehow getting paid for it. Those assholes thought he was some sort of living cookie clicker for shitty card games.
So he did what most young adults with a brain do when their shitty, rich, totally not abusive brothers slash guardians are completely unbearable to live with. He stole Chosaku's credit card, took all available money out the account and used it until it was frozen. 
Which was totally fine. For like. A year. All he needed was enough money to survive on until he could get a job and start living for himself. Easy. Right? If everyone else can do it surely he can. I mean. How bad can it be? He just needs to pay for his rent right?
Ah, but. He also needs to feed himself.
Hmm… He also needs utilities to make that food. Not to mention to pay for aircon, I mean it's pretty fucking hot in the Kanto summers. You expect him to not have ac? He's also gonna need a computer to type up his job applications… and then an internet connection to submit those job applications… 
Internet is how much a month…?
You have to pay what for a TV license???
At least he lasted the year.
Which to be honest. Is more than he initially thought after he crunched the numbers. He doubts anyone else would be able to survive in these conditions. If there's one thing Osiris dorms taught him is that you can survive anywhere in this world with wits quick enough and your brothers credit card. However that didn't really last forever. Jun didn't think there was anything more difficult than finding an affordable living that doesn't compromise his luxurious taste, until he realised he has to convince people he's worth employing.
People ask for so much. He had no idea that the assholes that run the workplace could be so demanding. They want you to be qualified but apparently the ever-so-lofty PhD in dueling isn't a valid qualification and even if it was they also want you to have experience - the places that don't need experience want you to be young so they don't have to pay you a full wage and to top it off you have to answer every question correctly. That includes the small talk. Don't forget, they also want you to be able to drive because how else are you supposed to be here at 6 and finish at 9 when the first bus in the morning is at 5.59, and forget it altogether if you have anything else going on in your life, because even the most flexible of jobs will knock you back if you have additional commitments.
And so it took him back to Tenjoin. Because who else in this world is his backbone if not Tenjouin Fubuki? Who else will swaddle him in linen cloth and hold him to his bosom like the holy child if not Tenjouin Fubuki? His guiding light. The brother he never had. The harbinger of all knowledge and wisdom this world had to offer- 
"I'm glad you have a support system that's so reliable, Manjoume-san, however if we can loop back to the topic? We were talking about the Society of Light."
"Oh. Right."
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heyyellee · 28 days
I'm so over this situation but I just feel like putting this out there.
I met someone recently who said, "He said he didn't do anything wrong. But it felt like we weren't getting the whole story."
Someone else assured me, "The police wouldn't act without cause, his actions gave them a reason."
I don't think that person deserves to know this, but I went to the police to get a letter to essentially say to leave me alone. The first time I went there I checked that it wouldn't affect their license, they assured me it wouldn't. Once I had the letter I kept updating my report when there was contact/online interaction from that person, as instructed by the police. I never asked them or talked to them about a raid - they never talked to me about it. When I enquired after it happened (the person's friend messaged me about it) , someone said the police would have made the decision after reviewing the case. Note: I was the second women within a year to submit a report about this person.
I broke up with someone because I didn't like them anymore. There wasn't someone else. They did some things and I explained this to them when I broke it off. I tried to be as respectful as possible even though I know break ups suck. I had the conversation in person, I let them come over to mine the week after to talk. I thought we might be able to maintain at least an amicable relationship going forward. However, their actions, the reaction then, and the subsequent actions over the years confirmed that it was the right decision. I was always honest to this person and everyone I spoke to about it, I never lied about anything that happened. I never embellished, I never spread rumors, they did not afford me the same kindness. The whole time I've just asked for them to leave me alone and to respect my boundaries (retrospectively I realised they never really did this). I don't care what this person has to say, because they can't give me that on a basic level. I don't care about the rumors or what their friends think. I know the truth and I can prove it if anyone were to ask.
They can do what they want. Say what they want. Do my hobbies. Steal my words. Take credit for things I've done. Spread lies about me. Put down my partner if it will make them feel better. But they need to face the fact that I broke up with them, because I don't like them. They need to do what they told the police they wanted two years ago, to "move on".
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
Do you think the helpful Europeans on tumblr and twitter who keep advising Americans in red states to move to blue states realize that that distance between Dallas, TX and Chicago, IL is about the same as between Paris, France and Warsaw, Poland ?
I'm going to say probably not, no. Also, "just move!!!" is about as helpful as "start a revolution!!" in terms of a workable solution, which is... not at all. I have had to move a lot (a LOT) in my life, and it totally absolutely sucks even when it's somewhere you WANT to go/do! When you don't and you're being forced by external circumstances, it sucks even worse. It is expensive, exhausting, time-consuming, stressful, and generally a pain in the ass, and when you get to where you're going, you've got to transfer your voter registration, your driver's license, your utility bills, your health insurance, navigate a new administration system, find a job, resettle your life, make new friends, etc etc. It is a total absolute fucking HASSLE, and not to mention, most people who won't be able to afford so much as traveling out of state for an abortion will absolutely not be able to afford moving!
Like, I am lucky enough to be a lesbian living in a blue state (albeit a very red part of said state), so this is very unlikely to apply to me personally. But if, God forbid, a situation arose where I needed to get up and leave immediately, I would almost surely not be able to do that. I haven't been able to do it in the last three years despite vigorous trying, and the only reason that I might be able to do it now is because a) my grandmother recently died and my mom inherited some money from her estate, and b) she also has a job now when she hadn't for a while. So in my personal circumstances, if it was extremely necessary, my parents could help me get out. But that is a sheer fluke and dependent only on our own situation and, given how poor all of us have been for many years, would absolutely not have been an option before.
Besides, "just uproot your whole life because fascists run your home state!" is astoundingly tone-deaf. Due to gerrymandering and other Republican dirty tricks, a state counts as "red" if only 50.1% of the population votes for the Republican candidate; that still leaves the 49.9% who didn't and yet are subject to GOP nonsense anyway. It's like when liberals write off the entire South or see them as "deserving" it, when, like... you know how the South has been structured, built, and sustained on minority-white-conservative rule since the beginning, right? The many good people who are NOT racist Christofascist KKKlowns have been fighting for DECADES to undo some of those structural barriers and systemic injustices, and some of the keyboard warriors need to do as much work as even one day in the life of a southern community organiser or local Democrat before they shoot their mouths off about The Establishment.
Anyway, I suspect that telling someone from Poland (where abortion is likewise tightly restricted/outlawed) to "just move to France" as a solution wouldn't be particularly well-received. Plus, Europeans, or indeed any non-Americans at all, who feel like chiming in right now should restrict their commentary to "I'm sorry the Supreme Court did this" and "let me know if I can help." That goes double for all the non-American leftists who get cred points on Socialist Twitter by bashing the Democrats endlessly, and never have to live in American society, participate in it, vote in it, live with the consequences of their words, or anything else at all. The end.
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what-if-nct · 5 months
i need to find WORKKKKKK- i wanna be able to afford my private gender dysphoria diagnosis as well as top surgery because my boobas has became far too big that i can’t even wear shirts anymore (living in the uk is the greatest)
i wanna work with children, i always wanted to be a dad and so babysitting seems like a fun job where i could care for children and kinda get a free trial to experience parenthood for couple hours. my mom doesn’t want me to do it but i do- but i need to get my passport to verify myself since i don’t have access for my id except for a driving licence in which it’s not a form of verification.
i just don’t wanna do something as painful and overwhelming as doing retail/warehouse. at least for my first job, that’s not gonna happen. so i guess i’m going to try and get a driving license so i could become an uber driver like my dad.
Aw I really hope you can find a way to make something work. And maybe try to figure out other jobs that wouldn't be as strenuous for you but would be pretty easy to apply for. I'm really just a glorified assistant when I'm not taking care of my elderly aunt. Which proves to me I would never want to ever be a nurse I respect nurses so much but that could never be me. Made me even question if I want kids. I like filing papers and making appointments and running errands. I always said I wanted to be a secretary and I was right I knew it'd be the best for me. So also look for jobs that you wouldn't really think about that have qualities that will suit you and wouldn't overwhelm you.
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dreamboundedstar · 2 years
My Updated Belcher Kids, Zeke, and Jimmy Jr. Job Headcanons
After "What About Job" I became inspired to update the job headcanons. I know Bob is one of the most unreliable narrators in the show, but it's still the closest thing to canon I'm going to get for now so I'm going to tweak my headcanon a bit to slightly fit what Bob hypothetically thinks might happen. Tina: She went to get a degree in literature at community college. I still think she'll be an author of trashy romance novels, but now I like to think she'll also own a small, (sometimes) peaceful farm by the beach. It just has plants to start out with but it will have horses eventually too (sorry Tina, no going big XD). Bob comes by to help Tina with her plants every now and then. They both enjoy the bonding experience. I also didn't say who she married in the original job headcanon post because I thought it would be better if I left it up to interpretation. Screw ambiguity though, Tina is married to Zeke. He helps out when he can and he got some of his family to work at Tina's farm as well. Part of the plants she grows is for Bob's Burgers while the rest is for selling at the farmers' market. Gene: I'm going with he will become a traveling musician, but I still say he got his start by doing miscellaneous things on Bob's Burgers equivalent to YouTube like in the original post. He travels with Courtney and Alex I'm leaving their relationship up to interpretation because I'm fine either way I just think they are cute all together.
Louise: Has trouble finding herself at 18 but eventually decides to go to community college for chemistry. She started out just wanting to do a field that would help her make explosives. However, she later realized that cooking was just chemistry and she started specifically learning food chemistry. She knew in her heart she wanted to keep her family's business alive and used the knowledge she learned to help experiment on alternative burgers and other food they could sell. She's platonic friends and roommates with Rudy. Rudy works at Bob's Burgers as well, he provides the smoothies and suggestions for allergy-free options for the place. Zeke: He didn't have the means to afford college so he decided to join the navy for action, adventure, and money. They rejected him due to his ADHD though. To make matters worse his dad kicked him out at 18. So he offers to work at Bob's Burgers for a place to sleep as payment until he figures out what to do with himself. Zeke becomes part of the family really fast and Bob is happy to have him as his pupil in the upstairs kitchen. Zeke was still sad that he wouldn't be able to see the world like he hoped if he joined the navy. While he still couldn't join the navy, Teddy did offer to help Zeke at least get a captain's license through his connections. Zeke accepted the offer because it sounded cool to be an official captain if he ever actually had a chance at owning a boat. So during that time he balanced getting his captain's license, working at the restaurant, and earning whatever he could so he could go to culinary school. After he earned his captain's license, he is approached by Mr. Fishoeder (who was probably one of Teddy's connections in the first place) and he offers him a job to captain his booze cruise (which is also totally not used for smuggling anything illegal under the captain's nose, no sir!) at the sexy, adult, night hours on the Wonder Wharf. Not what Zeke had in mind when he got his license but he loved to party and thought it could be fun mixing drinks. Thinking of the chaotic memories that could be made sounded appealing as well. Zeke still works at Bob's Burgers when Louise takes over the restaurant. Louise, Rudy, and Zeke all workshop burgers and food ideas but Zeke is the final decision on if the food is worthy to be sold or not (Louise can never be trusted after the bubblegum burger incident even after studying food chemistry XD) So in the day, he works at Bob's Burgers and Tina's farm while at night he is the party animal captain of the Wonder Wharf booze cruise. Jimmy Jr.: Nothing has changed for him. I still say he's a dance teacher. I don't really have anybody I ship him specifically because none really stand out much. Douglas obviously has a thing for Josh so that's out, I don't want Becky Krespe to give JJ another chance, and while I think the concept of JocelynxJimmy Jr is hilarious, I don't think they would work out. So I'm flexible with whatever as long as it's legal.
Anyway, that's all. This all started because I couldn't brush off what Bob thought Zeke would end up doing. I figured I might as well update all of them after that. Yeah, I know the writers needed at least one person with a boat for the "Children of Men" parody but it's still funny out of all the characters he could have chosen, he picked Zeke.
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marshallpupfan · 2 years
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Here's something I discovered earlier today!
"JSM’s Sculpture Studio", model makers found on this UK website (also on Instagram), creates all kinds of licensed statues for toy companies, animation studios, theme parks, etc.. They recently made one of Marshall, based on one of his figurines. Needless to say, I think it looks amazing!! 🤩
I wonder how much something like this costs? Probably more than I can afford, no doubt... but man oh man, what I wouldn't give to be able to add something like this to my Marshall collection!
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doctorguilty · 8 months
It's a constant cycle of I don't know what to do, how to keep up, like I can make all the long term goals I want but if 5 out of 7 days a week I'm falling behind on even the most basic things like eating enough, how can I ever hope to get to the other things?
Ableds always have these easy ideas as though I'm oblivious to them like oh well why not use this time to get your license? And I don't think I need to explain why that's useless advice for someone in my situation.
Like in theory advice is desirable but NOT the obvious things anyone on earth is already aware of like, buy a car, ride a bike, I'd want to know about stuff I wouldn't have been aware of like, disability services, affordable physical aids, things like that?
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spurgie-cousin · 2 years
what are your thoughts on hunting for food/meat not trophy hunting? i know the bates did it when the older kids were young and they were super poor back then so it made sense. lawson is a butt tho with the coyote post
I wrote about this a while ago (probably years at this point who knows) in regards to total gun bans in America, bc I come from an area of the country where subsistence hunting (hunting to supplement your diet) is a real thing that people rely on for food. You mentioned the Bates also came from that kind of area and I think people don't realize how prevalent that actually is....the price of a hunting license can get a family multiple freezers full of meat that can last them all year and that they maybe wouldn't have been able to afford otherwise.
I also think if you're going to eat meat there is something to be said for knowing exactly where your meat came from as opposed to paying for over-priced, inhumanely farmed meat. I have loose ties to the Lakota Sioux which I only mention bc it's brought ceremonial hunting to my attention and I think that should be included under this umbrella as well, a lot of indigenous groups in North America have some practice along those lines and they get a metric shit ton of flack from white SJWs over it even though it's a deeply spiritual and respectful thing.
I'm a huge animal person and the thought of killing any of them makes me cringe but I'm also an occasional meat eater. So I feel like shitting on people who hunt for food would make me the world's biggest hypocrite tbh because if anything, it's more humane than eating factory-farmed meat (when done correctly) I think as long as it's approached with a lot of regard for nature and animals and with a LOT of knowledge about how best to do it, it should be allowed.
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whiskeydogstorytime · 1 month
Lost Castle Chapter Three
Chapter Three
On the mining colony of Autacora there isn't sufficient light from the solar system's star. As a result the whole town has automated lights to simulate a full day and night cycle. Artificial morning sunlight was shining on Shoda. She arrived at the dock having hired a ship and crew. It had taken what little money she had saved up. That would mean a few more years of odd jobs before she could afford to move out of Autacora. Shoda felt certain it would be worth it to make sure Karbon doesn’t slip away.
Shoda arrived at the ship to find its captain and pilot outside of it. Bock Theoma was tall and had a formidable presence to her. She always had a manic glint in her eye. To other captains she always seemed reckless. But Bock knew her and her ships limits and always pushed right up against both.
“Good morning, young Shoda” Bock said. “The crew is already aboard. Just finishing some final checks myself and we can be on our way.”
Shoda nodded and boarded the ship. Mining ships are often extremely utilitarian. Suited primarily for short trips, the crew quarters are very limited. The fact that Bock’s ship had space enough for an extra body made it quite impressive by most miner standards. Compared to most spaces that Shoda had been in her life on Autacora, it was still extremely cramped. The entrance of the ship lead directly to the bridge.
At the operations station was a portly older man. He had thinning hair and an extremely friendly demeaner. Galair Jone waved at Shoda with a smile. He was Shoda's connection to this ship. He had previously worked with her father. He turned back to his station preparing to finish his final preparation. Running the sensor systems was a young man not too much older than Shoda. Moddin Kroff was thin and wispy, with short and silver hair. As Shoda boarded he half turned to her to acknowledge her.
"Welcome aboard" Moddin said. "Are you ready for our tour of the asteroids?"
"I'm ready to hunt down Karbon." Shoda said as she tried to find a spot on bridge that wouldn't be in the way.
"With all due respect to your desire for revenge, how likely do you think it is that we'll actually find her?" Moddin said as he turned to face Shoda. "It seems to me like one of her other unsatisfied customers probably just took her for a short trip out an airlock."
"Gwer sold her a ship and there is no sign of it in Autacora." Shoda said. "She must be off world, hiding out till the next ship back to Cogni."
"Alright, well assuming she was able to pilot this ship on her own and not get herself killed, how are we supposed to find her across all of the belt?" Moddin said. As Shoda opened her mouth to respond Bock entered the bridge.
"It's not the whole belt." Bock said as she dropped herself into the pilot seat. "She's only got 3 days range. We also know she won't be going anywhere near the hotspots. She won't have a license or a transponder so she won't want to be anywhere near other miners."
"It's still a large area to cover." Moddin said. "We'll have to get pretty damn lucky to find her hidey hole."
"What about using the sensors to find her ships exhaust?" Shoda asked. "We could recalibrate the ships sensors for it. Compared to detecting ore deep in rock, detecting that shouldn't be too hard. Just a matter of recalibrating."
"Maybe. We'd still likely be sifting through a bunch of trails." Moddin said. "Even avoiding hotspots doesn't mean no one has ever poked through."
Shoda stopped to think for a moment.
"Gwer mentioned her ship was consuming more fuel than it should." Shoda said. "That could make her trail stand out."
Moddin pursed his lips to one side.
"Yeah, I could maybe calibrate for that." Moddin said. "Maybe this won't be a complete waste of time."
The crew finished their preparations and Shoda found herself a place to wedge herself in. The ship decoupled from the dock and began to take off. It arced up to the barrier. The ship slowed and made gentle contact with barrier above Autocora and slowly passed through it. Once free of the artificial atmosphere they shot out of the moon's gravity and started covering the space between them and the asteroid belt.
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medicinemane · 4 months
I think it really is important that we someday take a look at copyright and like... make it not suck total ass (and that the we doing that maybe shouldn't be ancient politicians who are totally out of touch with the world... cause that's how you get the DMCA)
I'll tell you my personal goals here, my goals are that small creators have the ability to maintain control of their works and not have other people make money off their ideas. I mean to be clear, if I could think how to write the law in a way where small creators had unlimited right and massive corporations had zero rights, that wouldn't be a flaw to me, that would be a benefit
(Though always with stuff like that, I'm well aware of the idea of a company just making a bunch of sock puppet subsidiaries or something like that... like tumblr musings do not make good legal documents, they tend not to look for loopholes more being broadstrokes)
Second goal, is actually in line with copyright's stated goal, of that I want to support creativity rather than stifle it. So that does mean acknowledging that with my first point, maybe you still have to secure some right for the massive corporations so they actually bother continuing to fund creative works... it's just a matter of thinking they shouldn't have such a stranglehold
Cause here we come to my real point, which is that... you look at the massive crossovers that something like MCU or fortnite have, or you look at a soundtrack like Guardians of the Galaxy, and what you're really seeing is a lot of money changing hands with licensing deals
It's literally impossible for a small creator to afford to do that. The best you're going to get is someone doing stuff fair use, like Shag and Scoob, but they aren't gonna be able to monetize it the same way
So my real argument in the end boils down to that I think we need to find a balance on things like letting people use other characters, particularly from multi million dollar franchises, while making sure that people or companies can't just scrape someone's OC and use it for their own purposes
(Not even touching on the sheer insanity of the music industry that uses copyright like a cudgel)
So that's my general thoughts, and you can see why there's nothing actionable here, but that's the direction I'd like to see
I will settle though, for copyright updates that replace the DMCA with something not totally out of touch and massively favoring the music industry in particular
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amzelindistress · 4 months
Every time I think wow, I haven't felt this low in a really long time! I end up sinking even lower into my depression. It's getting really, really bad again. Excruciatingly bad. (I haven't reverted to self-harm, tho. Yet.)
I feel so... worthless. hopeless. empty. void. numb.
I'm tired of having to explain why I'm no longer making XX amount, or why I'm not working, or what I'm doing during the days. I know she doesn't mean anything by it, but my mom keeps bringing it up and it just makes me feel bad. I was just mentioning today how I am only aiming to make X amount a week right now because CS has been exhausting me and she mentioned how I used to make XX amount. And once again I had to explain (for the umpteenth time) how AI has basically stolen my job/livelihood. (And I know she has ADHD and trouble paying attention/retaining the information I give her and I know she doesn't mean to make me feel bad. But it does. I was doing so well financially and now I'm not. It feels like there's a hole in my stomach and it just keeps getting bigger and bigger. (whoever said money doesn't buy happiness was a damn liar.))
I have a lot that I need to do and figure out but it's hard. And honestly, I have... I wouldn't say high support needs, as an autistic person, but they definitely aren't low, either. Medium? I don't know. But I'm not getting the support I need. (ps: I wish I could afford an official diagnosis. I wish I hadn't been failed as a child and had been formerly diagnosed.) I had high hopes when I signed up for the life coach but that was a mistake. It sucks because I don't really have anyone to give me the support/help that I really need. I love my mom but she's not equipped to help me with what I need. I mean, she has ADHD herself and barely passed high school. And I still have to help her with things, too. I just wish I had someone to help me out more. My mom tries. My best friend tries. But it's just not enough.
Finances are so tight right now. Between both me and my mom.
And there's just. So. Fucking. Much. To do. And I don't know how to do half the shit I want to do. And learning is so fucking hard. I need help. Who do I ask for help???
My dad's taking me to Akron on Friday and I'm really dreading the drive because we have to go on an interstate and being in a vehicle with him is really overwhelming. He always stresses me out and gets pissy on the road. Not looking forward to it. Probably won't even be worth the trip tbh. Meeting with my RA but what is she going to do for me? Tell me to lose weight to help my symptoms? Yeah, I already know that. Thanks!
Another thing that's been on my mind lately (although, tbh, I have 2987398472934 things on my mind lately) is my social skills. Or lack thereof. It's so hard for me to connect to anyone or to make friends. Even the group of "friends" I have right now all prefer the company of my best friend. And who wouldn't? She's fun and talkative. And I'm just me. Boring and quiet.
I'm trying to keep my mind busy, too. I'm trying to pick up a new hobby. But it sucks because I have a hard time following along with tutorials. I haven't even been able to get past my fucking Woobles kits because I keep fucking it up somehow and I've no idea how.
I. Literally can't do anything. Wow, wow, wow.
I can't finish my GED. I can't get myself to get my driver's license. I can't get a new job. I can't even pick up a hobby because I'm fucking stupid. I actually hate myself. I really, fucking do.
Right now I'm sucking back tears. You know when you suck them back so hard that your entire face hurts? That's me right now.
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