#I was like haha what a weirdly specific headcanon
boydykedoctor · 2 years
finding out who has dads from the steve standing looking at the tv post
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cupidjyu · 11 months
a little crush
(ot11) when he has a crush on someone (specifically, you)(request hehe thank you!!)
notes: headcanons yet i write a whole FIC for each of them LMAO sorry!! and for the anon who requested like a whole month ago IM so sorry i am working on it, i didnt see it until yesterday :( word count: 2k
the tough guy
believe me when i say that this dude will put on the dumbest tough persona on
like as soon as he realizes that he has a crush, he cannot handle any of his feelings
so whenever he’s around he just… sort of puffs his chest out and does that stupid deep voice thing
“oh yeah i definitely enjoy that movie.” his throat is STRAININGGG “we should you know… *coughs* see it together some time.”
“is your voice okay?”
like bro already has a deeper voice and he makes it lower?? to seem cooler? like man you sound like kermit the frog but okay
but other than that, since his love language is acts of service, he utilizes that so much
almost too much
like if you’re thirsty, he suddenly shows up with smoothies of every single flavor
and if you ever question why, he says some dumb thing like
“im rich”
like ???????? okay????? good for you????
anyway, just know that he tries to put this tough guy thing on but if you ever so give him any affection, he will melt into putty
the overthinker
he’s just so sweet i don’t even know how to describe it
like when he realizes, it doesn’t really change anything for him. he just thinks oh!!! that’s why i was sweating around them haha
but i feel that he starts to overthink everything
because he likes a person of course he wants to treat them 10x better
but hes scared
he wants to hold your hand! and so he does. very. slowly.
like he’s um that sloth from zootopia. and you notice and you stare at him weirdly like
“do you want to hold my hand or something?”
“what!!! no!! definitely not!!” and then he will blush and pout ADORABLY. “maybe i do,” he would whisper under his breath
and it’s so hard to resist him so you just grab it for him. and he kind of just explodes
and as you’re walking together he will STILL overthink
like he’d bombard you with questions. “is my hand too sweaty? too hot? do you want to let go?”
maybe shush him up with a kiss (WHAT)
anyway, he just panics a lot, i think. so best to soothe him or he might just combust
the softy
initially, when he thought of you just as a friend, he liked to tease you a lot. like a bunch of jokes and insults
but after he comes to the realization that he might have a crush on you, he starts treating you with utmost care
and it kind of scares you at first
“aren’t you supposed to be bullying me?”
“me? no never! who said?”
“said the same younghoon like a week ago.”
but it doesn’t mean that the caring side of him isn’t the cutest thing ever. like it’s so cute that you might just question how much sweeter he would be as a… boyfriend
what!! snap out of it!
he’s just naturally a very observant person and knows exactly what you would need
if your eyes are drooping from exhaustion, he would shyly lend you his shoulder to sleep on
a really great pillow. falling asleep on him is now your guys’ new thing. and he loves it
sometimes he’ll take a selfie of you asleep on his shoulder and he’ll stare at it for hours
the jokester
when i tell you that hyunjae is the opposite of younghoon
at first, he’s a bit more serious. of course he has his jokes, but he’d rather treat you with politeness
but once he figures out that he might have a crush!!! he kind of loses his mind
he knows that he’s not good at hiding his feelings, his blushing, his sweatiness, his everything
so how does he cover it up? jokes. very obnoxious jokes.
like bro will not leave you alone. of course, he never does anything downright mean, but he does enjoy teasing you
but always after the teasing, he’s completely genuine again
like if you dress up one day he’ll say “look who’s dressed up? trying to impress someone?”
and when you get bothered or flustered, he will give you a sweet smile and he’s quick to reassure you
“you look very nice today. im sorry” he will blush and laugh sheepishly
sometimes though, he gets a bit too much
like if he’s getting really really loud, all you have to do is lean closer to him
his eyes would widen and he will be quiet REAL fast (gotchu!!!!)
he will stutter and pull away and he will not talk for the next 30 minutes with how dazed he is
he gets dazed very often. if you laugh he’s in a trance. you smile and he’s smiling back with GOOGLY EYES (like how he does to chanhee LMAO)
the clumsy one
he’s such a fool
like that’s just it
when it comes to him that he likes you, oh he doesn’t know how to act
and since he’s already clumsy, when around you he’s like 100x time clumsier
like if you guys are walking together and you laugh or smile, he’s so busy staring at you that he trips on the sidewalk
and then he has a bloody nose
and then he’s overthinking so much he’s like oh my god oh my god my crush hates me now
but once you reassure him that you still like him he will relax again. in fact he’s just too cute to resist
he definitely tries his best. sometimes he wants to get you something good to eat. he will spend so much money for you
and when he gives it to you, you’re allergic. nothing works out for him and he’s spiraling again
“i’m so sorry” he would whine. “i didn’t know”
“shh it’s okay” you would laugh. bonus points if you press a quick kiss to his hand and he will be stuttering forever
the natural lover
he is the most natural out of everyone. when he figures out why he’s been so nervous around you, he doesn’t actually change much
he’s still nervous but he isn’t going to fall down stairs for you or anything
but he is going to start giving gifts a lot more. like anything that reminds him of you he will be buying
especially his art!!!! (yk how much i love artist kevin)
like you know how artists don’t tend to draw other people when asked? if you ask him oh he will gladly oblige
he will have you posing so ridiculously and he will be drawing to the best of his ability
“you’re so focused that you’re tongue is poking out.”
he would laugh nervously “oh really? i just… want this to turn out good.”
and when he gives it to you it’s just so beautiful. like it’s so beautiful and colorful and it makes you wonder is this how he sees you??
okay so now he’s blushing. it’s his art what would one expect?!
but compliment his skills and he will definitely be giggling himself to sleep.
his sketchbook is full of you from every angle btw
the moment capturer
chanhee seems to be a lot more somber about it
he’s genuinely not so sure if he would ever have a chance with you
so yk what he does?? he takes pictures
he loves to take pictures of other people with his camera
so when he realizes he has a crush, he will bring his camera with him whenever he’s with you
“you took like fifty pictures already!”
“never enough” he would stick his tongue out
he loves capturing you doing anything. eating, smiling, anything
and once at home, he will look through the pictures and laugh to himself about how nice you look
sometimes he’ll send some to you and you’ll tell him to delete them
he keeps them anyway
and at some point if you ever so leave him, at least he’ll have the memory
bro someone needs to tell him he has a chance
he’s so hopeless TT
like it isn’t the end of the world, he just needs to confess LMAO he's just scared
the runaway
when he realizes that he has a crush he will flee from you immediately
he’s afraid and doesn’t want to take it face on
so whenever you try to be near him, he will flinch away
he doesn’t want his feelings to interfere with you, he doesn’t want to bother you
but don’t worry!! as soon as you talk to him about it, he will be ALL OVER YOU in a second
though of course, he’s still a little bit more cautious then before, he puts more feeling behind his touch
he used to only hug you as a joke or to bother you
but now, he hugs you when his feelings are too strong
“wh-what are you doing?” you ask when he suddenly pulls you into a tight hug
HES SO ADORABLE he’ll just bury his face into like your shoulder and BLUSHHHH
“im just… happy with you.”
AWWWWWWW he becomes so genuine
same thing with holding hands. he used to grab it to pull you closer from a passing car. but now he does it because he believes your hands are cold without his
it’s summer time.
but don’t remind him
the treater
haknyeon’s love language is showing you all the places he enjoys
he already does this with you but that would be like a weekly thing
after realizing, oh boy it becomes a daily thing…
like everyday, he shows up at your place and is like
“let’s go i know a good ice cream place”
“it’s like 6 am”
“but there’s usually a long line there!”
he just loves treating you to things. when he treats you to food, he will watch with an adorable smile when you try out his recommendation
or when he takes you shopping, he will always give you compliments when you try on clothes
and after, he will buy it for you !!!!
no matter if it’s super expensive or not, he just wants to see you smile
when you catch onto the change in his behavior, he will not deny it
he will definitely be shy about it but eventually he will tell you the truth with a shy smile
the shy boy
ik that a lot of peoples impression is that when he likes someone, he will be a big flirter
but really he’s only flirty when he thinks of you as a friend OR when hes already dating you
in between, where he has a crush on you oh my god hes the shyest cutie youll ever see
like say he’s handsome and he cant breath for the next hour
or if you ever so smile he will be sitting next to you trying to hold in his giggle
“*covering his face with his hands* you’re so…. AGH” and you stare at him like he’s insane
you may be confused but it slowly becomes more and more obvious
like just test it out! grab his hand and he’s biting his lip so hard to hold in his smile
like once he was smiling so hard he fell backwards in his chair
your best friend
this dude is genuinely the most confusing guy you’ll ever meet when it comes to feelings
like he has a crush on you but hes also a huge coward
so yk what he does
he friendzones himself
like BRO??
like if he does anything remotely romantic he will literally be like “oh this is what friends do!!”
like one time he literally kissed the top of your head
you ask why
“its because we’re best friends” HUH??
like no two bffs do that cmon bro fess up
but if you confront him he will never lie
hes not capable of lying hes like an honest puppy
so he will slowly begin to stop friendzoning himself
like when he intertwines fingers with you
now he says, “i enjoy being with you.” with the sweetest smile
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oddballwriter · 2 years
Various MH & EMH Guys with an S/O who can Speak a Different Language
Summary: How Jay, Brian, Tim, Evan, Jeff, and HABIT react to a s/o who can speak a different language
Warnings: HABIT is here
Relationship: romantic 💕
Author’s snip: This idea came to me when thinking about a few headcanons that I have and then thinking about how some of the slenderverse guys would react to you speaking a different language.
Notes: There is no specific language and also if you can speak more than one foreign language that’s awesome. And if you have a native language feel free to place that here too. I just felt like making something for my bi-/multi-lingual peeps.
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy!
Marble Hornets
He’s actually the one who gave me the idea for this because I hc that he knows how to speak Spanish
Idk where this hc came from but I just hc that he knows it to the point that he can hold a decent conversation and probably learned it from foreign language classes in high school or whatever
Idk the foreign language requirements for Alabama high schools but I’m just gonna assume that that’s where he got it from
Anyways, if you speak Spanish then it’s fun for him since you guys can talk in a completely different language which feels weirdly fresh to him. Maybe you can help his Spanish become better by doing that
If you speak another one that’s fine too
Jay would probably get curious and ask if you can teach him some words in that language or maybe even how to speak it a little
If English isn’t your first language and sometimes only remember how to say a word or thing in your native language then he’ll have a bit of fun trying to guess what your trying to say via you trying to describe it like it’s charades
You: It’s like… a bug…
Jay: Okay.
You: But like, it’s not born that way, it’s something else at first. Like a worm?
Jay: A caterpillar?
You: Caterpillar! Yes but then it turns into something?
Jay: Oh, a butterfly?
You: Butterfly! Yes!
He thinks it’s fancy that you can speak a foreign language
Even if it’s not one of the fancy or romantic languages like Spanish, French, or German or whatever languages are considered fancy to know
I actually think he wouldn’t really notice till you were on the phone with a relative or talking to someone who only speaks that language
Once he does he asks you what language you just spoke and what you said
He does the same as Jay where he’ll then ask you to teach him some words and even laugh at some that he thinks sound funny
It’s not to be mean when he laughs obviously
He just thinks that some of the words sound funny
If you forget how to say a word in English then he’ll let you take your time trying to remember
He does however think it’s cute when you try and describe it by trying to imitate the sound that it makes or describe what it looks like
He doesn’t know how to speak any languages other than English so he finds it interesting whenever you start speaking in any language other than English
Soon he actually likes it when you do at some point even if he has no idea what you’re saying
Idk he just likes hearing you talk
He’d gladly let you teach him some words
Hell, maybe at some point he’ll even ask you to teach him how to speak it so that he can have conversations with you and understand you
It’ll obviously take him a while to get the hang of it but he finds it pretty fun
If the language you speak has weird vocabulary and grammar he’s definitely gonna ask questions
Tim: Wait so even if there’s way more girls than boys in a group, you still use the plural for the boys in Spanish?
You: Yup.
Tim: That’s a bit sexist.
You: Haha, yeah.
Look me in the eyes and tell me that he knows any type of foreign language or words that aren’t known in mainstream media or foods
He thinks it’s so fucking cool that you know how to speak a language fluently
He begs you to teach him how to speak that language
Of course he wants you to teach him how to cuss in it first /hj
But no, seriously, he wants you to teach him so bad cause he likes the thought of being able to talk shit about people with you in plain earshot of them and also just having a cool way to talk
He realizes that that’s easier said than done later but he’s still committed to trying
Once he gets the hang of it he thinks he’s so cool because he knows how to speak a foreign language
Let him bask in that glory, it’ll wear off in a bit
He also likes to guess what you’re saying whenever you forget how to say a word in English but he genuinely treats it like a game of charades
Here comes Mr. romantic lover boy 🙄 /hj
No, because he thinks it’s so attractive that you can speak a foreign language regardless of what language it even is
He also begs for you to teach him since he wants to be able to talk to you and even flirt with you in it
He likes to use you teaching him how speak that language as a form of date
Maybe once he knows enough to have a basic understanding then you guys can watch movies with the dub of that language so that it’s still a movie date but he’s also still learning how to speak it
So I have this hc that since he’s humanity’s bad habit. He inherently knows all of the languages in the world and maybe even some forgotten ones
He’s a weird inter-dimensional demon so it’s not that crazy to think that
Plus he canonically knows French since some of the videos he’s put in the EMH channel’s titles are in French
Im getting slightly off track, anyways
What I’m trying to say is that you can have a full on conversation with him in the language that you speak
Even languages if you’re tri- or multi-lingual
He won’t teach you any tho
He doesn’t have the patience for that
But 100% if you wanna talk in any language at all, you can just start speaking it and the second he realizes which one you’re speaking he’ll just start talking in it
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kitausuret · 11 months
flash and 15-17
15. Worst storyline he had ...will I get evicted from being a Venom fan if I say "Agent Venom"?
No, no, I'm kidding. Mostly. There have been a few clunkers, but the one that immediately comes to mind for me is the whole... Hobgoblin mess. Mostly the OOC-ness that was written as a way of being like "ooOOooOOooOO is he the HooOOooOOobgoblin??????" and it was ultimately like. No. No he was not. He was just?? Being shitty as fuck and borderline abusive to Sha Shan for no reason??? Anyways! That was bad.
I also did not like how he was written in the Howard Mackie ASM run (so vol 2 until JMS took over) but that's not so much a storyline as it is just, I don't like Mackie ASM.
16. A childhood headcanon I think Flash taught himself how to do basic makeup and hair stuff so that he could help Jesse with hers. Cis/heteronormativity probably kept Flash from experimenting too much on himself, combined of course with the terrifying fear of being caught by his dad, but... idk, it would be sweet to me.
Bonus if Jesse is like, "idk, I have my eyeliner and these two bottles of nail polish and I'm good" and Flash is standing there with a giant deluxe makeup kit and fifteen kinds of brushes and thirty bottles of polish.
Jesse just seems like a girl who keeps it simple.
Tumblr media
(Spectacular Spider-Man #249; JM DeMatteis, Luke Ross)
17. What do you think their first word was? This is such a weirdly specific question. My instinct was "no" but that possibly gets into reasons that would make me too sad so I don't wanna haha. Ummm. "Ball" would be really funny. Future jock in the making. Tiny Flash playing on a basketball as big as him is also just the most adorable image in the world to me.
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sobeksewerrat · 9 months
Why I am literally Drew and he's literally me and we are the same.
aka: me trying to justify why i am a Drew kinnie even though I don't really need to-
uh, word of warning, this is a long list.
We both have brown eyes and tan skin (not really valid point but worth mentioning)
We both have one specific black hoodie we really like (again, not valid, but sure)
We have the worst luck with blondes (will not elaborate)
We both love/used to love Zoey (Zoey my queeeeeen)
We were both cheated on ✨✨(will not elaborate x2)
I AM RICH ✨✨✨(not really, but i am amazing)
I like bullying people [jokingly] (especially you, milo /j)
We're both super smart honour students (not humble brag, i am very much smarter than milo)
We both love flexing yet have the most fragile egos ever (unlike the egomaniac, milo)
One of my friends is a jake kinnie (yes, that's you, milo)
My irl friend group is literally exactly 4 cringefail fruitcakes (not a joke fr)
I have an enemy group of 5 (Except THEY bully ME, not the other way around)
We can both sing but don't understand music (ik in canon drew is never mentioned to have been able to sing, but Dosh can, so I am counting it anyway)
We both have weirdly colourful sneakers in the exact same colours (biggest coincidence on this list fr)
✨ family issues✨
We both have an Xbox (again, not very valid, especially since he has a Lunibox)
I just realized we both have grey pants we always wear (i legit didn't notice all of those coincidences in clothing)
Angry issues (yes, i misspelled that on purpose).
We both hate Jake ✨✨✨(and jake kinnies, milo /j)
This is more of a headcanon than anything, but a lot of people agree with me that Drew speaks at least 4 languages, and so do I! (haha, more than you, milo <33)
We're both gay for Liam-
We both take fictional media way too seriously (check out driam rosy edit)
Uh- something i hate admitting but i sorta have to is that I am very stubborn and kinda never try to take accountability- (i should really work on that)
Expression emotions?! Honest communication?! What are you talking about?!
I get a lot of bitches and simps ✨✨✨ /j
I am sure there is more, but this is all I can remember, will probably make a follow-up later. Thanks @jufferingx for making me do this <33
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faffreux · 9 months
Re: Beans
So this might be weirdly specific and more lore-focused an ask than you're used to getting, but you seem like one of the better authorities on the subject of Fawful out there, so I'll ask: Is there any support in the Japanese script for the idea that the reason Fawful was collecting beans and valued them so highly in Partners in Time was to create a backup body, such that going into his perfect master plan in Bowser's Inside Story, even if everything went as catastrophically and continuously wrong as it ended up doing, he could still come back and plot another day, with the added benefit of being presumed dead so nobody would go looking for him? It's a theory I've had for a long time and am kind of proud of, and I'm curious what thoughts/information you have on it.
Nope, there is no confirmation or reference of that at all, sorry to tell you! His Japanese dialogue in Partners in Time is actually strikingly similar to what we get in English - it ends up communicating exactly the same things with only a slight difference in wording. There were more differences in English VS Japanese in Bowser's Inside Story than there was the previous game, tbh. But yeah, nowhere is there any mention of that being Fawful's use for the beans he collects. I think it's a neat headcanon, though!! (In my own story where Fawful survives the events of BIS he absolutely does use everyone presuming he is dead to his advantage so 🤝on that bit, haha.)
But yeah, hope that helps. Sorry for the potentially disappointing answer!
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ticklishraspberries · 3 months
Oh no, I hope you feel better soon! I'd love to hear your thoughts on your faves from BG3, and maybe any underdogs you don't see represented much?
I'm still super early in Act 1 but I know people really like Rolan, Gortash, and a lot of other non companions so I was just curious if you had any that stole your heart too haha 😄 -Sheridan (I moved over here to make this my new main ❤️)
omg hiii!! just followed you, sorry i didn't notice you'd moved blogs!! i did a headcanon post about the main 6 companions the other day but here are some represented characters i like and some thoughts on them!!
i do like halsin, i just haven't come up with hcs for him yet. i have never added minthara to my party, i've barely met jaheira, but i do adore dame aylin and isobel soooo much and would def do hcs/write a fic about them...just realized they aren't on my fandom list must go add them omg.
i looveee dammon!! i haven't met back up with him since act 1, but i think he is so handsome, charming, and i really ship him with karlach. i think there's something very intimate about how he helps her with her infernal engine and essentially can help her get the ability to touch people back, so like...what if they touched, yknow?? lol. i don't get any specific tickly vibes from him, i just really think he's a cool character!!
i also love alfira, i think she is so fucking beautiful and i wish you could have a fling with her or something because damn. again, no specific tickly vibe, i just think her character design is gorg and her little scenes are great.
this one is weird but i love the nurses in the shadow-cursed lands, sisters lidwin and sinda?? they are SO COOL LOOKING AND CREEPY AHHHH. 0 headcanons, not the vibe, just think they are so cool and i weirdly like wanna cosplay them even though i don't cosplay lol.
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ziracona · 1 year
Do you have any trivia about Alex the crow? (I guess "headcanon" is the wrong word because anything you decree about her is canon). I could see her being taught to use those communication buttons some people have for their dogs. Was she a fly on the wall for any of ILM's events? (Besides the Doctor fight of course).
Thanks! Haha it always feels a little weird to call author thoughts on my own story HCs too. Let’s see.
The Entity re-uses crows rather than make new ones, so she was there for maybe a third of any given trials in the book? Definitely a crow he had fed in the woods before (let’s be real, that /is/ most of them, but she was one of his first successful times feeding crows way back when he arrived). She saw him killed in the Trapper trial during Solidarity. In general, the crows eventually liked less any killer who specifically targeted Jake, and since Evan went after him for breaking hooks, Trapper was ‘we feel disdain towards this pleb’s taste in what survivor to hate’ for the crows. Crows gossip, so they all knew most of what any of them ever saw, if it might be interesting to them. She saw him ditch Claudette in the woods and think he’d lost her for good and collapse at camp in relief that one time Claudette mentions in a journal. Thought it was funny. Was there (albeit outside, listening) during Waking Nightmare. Saw the events of Distortion/Iron Maiden, and the part of Proven that takes place in the Doctor’s realm. Not the crow who gave Jake an apologetic look before taking off and making noise bc Dwight was with him, but she saw that and was like “It do be like that rip ✊😔” about the event. I don’t have a full running tally though.
She eventually just kinda does her own thing. She’s not a flight risk after a while, because Jake is the only person she truly loves and other crows are weird towards her because to them she’s some kind of weird eldritch crow thing pretending to be a crow. She gets to fly around and explore and come back. (After a few years, when he knows her behavior super well and it’s safe to do so). She gets friendlier with the other survivors too, but weirdly her second favorite being (excluding Rin, in the brief time before she passed) is Michael Cat. They should not vibe, given feral cat and eldritch corvid, but they do. They like to be mean and steal things or sneak up on each other and attack, but in a ‘we both actually love this game way.’ Took everyone else a /while/ to realize they were both into it, and not true hate filled fight on sight.
She’s possessive and gets jealous of causes of Jake not spending time with her. For a while she’s a dick to Dwight about that, but eventually she gets possessive about him not paying attention to, and he becomes a ‘Hey! Hey! Look at me!’ target then instead of a ‘Hey! Hey! Stop distracting Jake from me!’ Not that he knows peace from her, but least he knows love.
She’s very intelligent, and figures out some words eventually, like many corvids, and is absolute chaos incarnate. (IE she loves to find Andrew Park when he visits, sneak up behind him, and as loud as possible and menacingly go ‘He he he’ because it always flips him out and gets an amazing physical comedy reaction.) She loves startling people. If they got a button set, which I could totally see Meg talking Jake into, I’m sure she’d excel at it. Loves collecting things. Has what Meg calls her ‘little dragon hoards’ hidden throughout Jake’s house and the cabin. Will rob you, but also has been known to retrieve dropped precious things like a bracelet or phone on trips, because she knows she will be showered with love praise and rewards.
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kidflashimpulse · 2 years
Thank you for the food. It was delicious. I’m excited to see how Jay reacts to Bart not being with Ed haha!
Can I ask if you have any headcanons you haven’t yet talked about between them (Jay and Bart)? I’m a sucker for those (almost?) ‘found family’ tropes 🥲
so glad u enjoyed it  ( ∩ˇωˇ∩)♡  haha thank u for sharing ur thoughts with me <3  I have the chapter with Jays reaction drafted, I wonder if it will be like wat everyone might be thinking so far sdfghjkl we will have to wait and see 
AND OMG YES I HAVE SO MANY, some of which I have included in the draft and don't want to spoil so I can't mention those, but I will do my best to share some rn
ik u asked about what I haven't mentioned so far but I think ill take the opportunity to flesh out this one that I have mentioned in AAIT, to discuss the specific details. I definitely think they both have a very much father-son kind of relationship, not entirely in the traditional sense but Jay IS the closest/most consistent thing to a father Bart has ever had (since I HC that both Don and Dawn died in his original timeline when he was about 4/5).
Jay definitely views Barry/Wally as family, in Outsiders he mentioned that Wally was like a grandson to him (which very much makes sense, especially age wise) and having known Barry for so long he can easily see him as his son too (which weirdly kinda makes Bart and Barry brothers in the eyes of Jay which is somehow the funniest sht ever but lets not get into that). The thing is he didn't directly raise Barry or Wally and hasn't been responsible for them as a guardian, which is very different to his involvement in Barts life. So I think its very reasonable for him to also feel like Bart is his son.
In comics, Jay and Joan can't conceive so it was revealed they actually adopted an infant boy who just a couple weeks later passed away cause of pneumonia. It was very traumatising so thats why they very much embraced the whole hero mentor aspect of things and easily forming parental bonds to the younger generations of heroes like Barry. 
But because Bart is legally under his care and lives in the same household and all, Jay experiences a different aspect of what it means to be a father which is closer to the traditional sense compared to what hes used to with Barry. 
For instance, the man now has school responsibilities that hes gotta attend to for Bart. He tries his best to fill in the role of what is expected of a father, so he takes things like Barts school responsibilities seriously (lol). 
Since Jay and Joan are literally in their 90s when Bart comes into their lives (wild) they must've been mentally dead-set on thinking they'd never have the responsibility of taking care of an actual kid, so I like to think Jay at the very least (cause Joan is cool like that) is wholly unprepared with all the responsibilities of being a guardian so he tries his best to research what hes got to do lol. 
As mentioned in AAIT, hes hesitant to outwardly tell Bart about seeing him as his son and making it known, for a bunch of reasons (the never ending nuanced depths between found family aside) and one of them I do think is also cause 1. Barts dad literally exists in the timeline, Bart literally calls Don dad lmfao  2. Barry
Whilst Bart and Barry if anything have the equivalent of a really close Uncle/Nephew - Mentor/Mentee borderline parental relationship (with their issues lol), I doubt Bart particularly views Barry as a father figure and vice versa, especially since hes being raised by Jay. But because of the age factor (Barry being closer age wise as a father to Bart than Jay who viewed Wally as his grandson partially because of this) and their literal blood relation, especially with how mentor/mentee relationships can be borderline parental, Jay obviously wouldn't want to take that away from Barry, so he might feel conflicted to take on the label of being a father to Bart. 
Of course, at the end of the day its all just anxiety and Jay and Bart are very much found family father/son, at least, in my HC and understanding of YJA lol
this might not be what u had in mind, but I hope I answered ur question :) Thank u again <3
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elstreem · 1 year
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So here is Zoe, my OC in this story where she is a witch healer!
To begin explaining all this...she's originally a Zelda OC, a Minish character I originally wrote in what still is an OCxVaati ship, haha. As time went on and I got to know her better, I added to her story and even wrote up more lore and worlbuilding stuff for the Picori, stuff regarding elements and apprenticeships (it's somewhere on my blog, something like Minish headcanons, though some of it might be outdated now.)
But I got to know her so well and when I made this design for her, I finally found a story for her where she could be her own character - so here she is, a witch-healer in a world where humans live alongside stranger folk, fairies, demons and deities. This is pretty long so I'll put it under the cut.
Zoe is a fairy-born, meaning she is of human and fairy blood (her mother is a full wind fairy, her father is human but with fae heritage, making her mostly fae herself). Being fairy born, Zoe has natural aptitude for magic - to be specific, she can absorb and generate an impressive amount of magical energy within herself, exemplary even by fairy standards. She does have a limiter of sorts, however - she can never channel that energy towards any feat of destructive intent (great power usually has limits of that sort - for that matter, divinity-level beings cannot interfere with the mortal realm because of how great their power is. It sort of balances out.).
So Zoe became a healer to best use her abilities, and she travels around looking for patients to heal and cases to solve. Specifically, she is best at breaking curses, what with her natural ability to absorb magic. Her job does involve normal medicinal procedures like administering medicine or occasionally even surgery, but half of her job is being a mediator between her human patients and oftentimes nonhuman entities who issued the curses because of some slight. It is an exhausting job, though, and very much dangerous, since she does often earn the ire or scorn of other nonhuman entities. To break a curse, she usually resolves a misunderstanding between her patient and the curse giver, but if a curse will not be revoked, she expends her own magic energy to neutralize the curse. If I ever do write a a story for her I picture it as similar to Black Jack or Mushi-shi in terms of narrative...I am huge fans of both, but the thing is I'm fairly bad at writing self-contained short stories. I'm pretty used to writing (and not actually finishing) longer stories.
…I did include Vaati in this story too, a fae-demon who specializes in magical craftsmanship and also making curses of his own lol. They're complete opposites in their nature, but they get along surprisingly well. But since Vaati isn't mine, if I ever write out Zoe's story as my own project I will have to leave him out or maybe change the personality I gave him into my own character. This explains why he's in some other artworks like these ones:
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And yeah, the backstory behind the scissors is that it's a gift from Vaati. And yes, Zoe does call it Shearious Business.
Some other stuff about Zoe:
-She was a cheerful kid growing up, but became rather serious as a healer, and can't blame her seeing how risky it is. Outwardly, she is no-nonsense and impersonal when dealing with patients, but she is still something of a romantic at heart. It's just very hard to see this side of her unless you're a close friend of hers.
-Since she constantly absorbs and generates magic, she has a LOT of hair where some of it is stored, and an easy way for her to dispense magical energy into her medicines is to cut off locks and put them in. So in reality, her hair often has bits where it's been weirdly chopped off (she usually takes a bit off her sidelocks.) Her hair grows pretty fast though, in a matter of days, and she's constantly cutting it off to either sell or keep for her own uses.
-Those scars on her arms? Every bit of her body is steeped in magical energy, not just her hair, and one of the most potent sources is her blood. So she's often cut her arms to let out some blood. She cuts rather cleanly and heals fast, so honestly if you're not looking for them, you'd hardly see her scars. Only fresh ones would be most visible.
-As a witch, she does have a familiar, a raven spirit called Argon. He's a wise, guardian sort of familiar, and comes to her whenever she needs help, usually for advice or just some talk since she's pretty capable on her own.
-As for her faery side, her mother was a wind spirit, and with it comes a link to avian and butterfly features. Zoe is...mostly human-shaped, but she's also partly butterfly-like in nature, which can be seen in her features (the shape of her eyes, hair, etc.). She's pretty sensitive to smells and vibrations in the air, something which helps in her job. Also, she's an absolute sweet tooth - could probably eat cups of sugar if she let herself, but she tries to limit it to fruits. Her preference for coffee is to smother it in huge amounts of sugar and cream until she can barely taste the coffee. Monstrous, I know.
-I did say her magical energy cannot be used for feats of destruction, and as a healer she has an oath to do no harm. But for self-defense, if she absolutely has to, she can invert her knowledge of healing to seriously wreck a body. She knows how to close a wound and she very much well knows how to open one, is what I'm saying. This is skirting on the very edge of her nature though, and if she does something that goes much too against her nature as a healer she will suffer terrible backlash, which will cause her pain and temporarily cripple her magic system.
So even though she's kind of scary with how many sharp things she's carrying, they're actually mostly only for preparing medicines from plants and such.
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Don't ever tempt her to use Shearious Business on you though.
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baylardo · 2 years
ok like the fast travel version of my thoughts on how they got to the name Philippa because i guess subconsciously it’s always nagged me that her name didn’t have a reason like the rest of them lol (THIS DOESNT HAVE TO BE IMPLEMENTED HAHAHA PORTRAY/ADAPT IT HOW U WANT!!!!!!!!):::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
but LIKE, kathryn has HUMORED the idea of having children. i think she ironically even mentioned it in Threshold of all convenient places haha. in the autobio it also has her reflect on occasion on how she wanted children (even cringe book canon: going so far as to freeze her ova for laters xddddd i wipe away this canon I DONT NEED IT I HAVE MY OWN AMELIA JANEWAY!!!!!!!!) but i seem to recall her specifically also having talked about it with mark and also getting MARRIED obviously,,,,,,,,,,,,
and at first i was like oh,,,, maybe “Philippa” is a name kathryn liked and wanted to name a future daughter of hers,,,,, which is VERY projective headcanon territory that i dont tend to vibe very much..........
AND THEN I WAS LIKE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, well what if its a name that MARK’S fond of and suggests,,,,,,, in this hypothetical future children conversation they have,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and even more delicious to me would be if kathryn HATED it and laughed at him and teased him about how she’d be nicknamed “Phil” or something silly and poopoo’d the name, but deep down she always remembers that THAT’S the name he’d wanted to name their daughter
and then like,,,,,,, wrapping it into the au around the time that likely Chakotay and Neelix are naming the kiddies,,,,,,,,, i figure theyd had to have asked around or scavenged databases looking for ideas on what to name them. and quite honestly i bet theyd have wanted to have settled on naming Edward “OWEN” but i think running it by Tom would steer them off doing that ‘cause the boy’s got DADDY ISSUES at that point in the series. :) so inevitably they land on the other grandfather haha. and then i think Tom would offhandedly suggest Amelia or neelix and chakotay would think amelia because she’s a pilot and both kathryn and tom took a fancy to her haha. 
and then when i was trying to think of how they’d unearth kathryn’s weird repressed fondness for “philippa” and its association with mark and everything i was likeeeee thinking she might have VERY discreetly in her Janeway Lambda One holonovel maybe have made a little girl named “philippa” that looks weirdly like a next gen or either her and MARK or her and Lord Burleigh hahaha, that i dont think shed have ever actually IMPLEMENTED into the program, but she humored the idea, made it, scrapped it, didnt think about it again. and neelix and/or chakotay stumbling upon this weird buried character she’s made for herself that’s effectively programmed to be her DAUGHTER they figure it’s a name she likes and BLAH BLAH BLAH.
i imagine she’d be taken aback and maybe get a little UPSET at them digging and finding that name and shes like VERY opposed to the idea of them using it to name one of the triplets at first because she’s associated it so closely to Mark and their ideas of a family and everything, but she wont admit that at first, wont confess to herself that these are the children she’s been dealt and everything and its not what she wanted or planned for etc etc. and i bet neelix would be the one to convince her to use it because similarly to his recent experience with kes (YOU KNOW THE SUPER CRINGE EPISODE) you dont know if there will be any second chances or opportunities past this point for having children at the ideal time and everything. :)
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akiiyamashun · 2 years
56. If they’re scared, who do they want comfort from? Does this answer change depending on the type of fear?
weirdly specific but helpful character building questions . accepting
I particularly headcanon Akiyama to be someone who deals very badly with the idea of being vulnerable, at any given point in his life (although there are subtle differences which I’ll attempt to elaborate on now). Basically, up until the moment he was fired from the Touto Bank, he thought himself (rather foolishly) to have no weakness and/or fears; after the embezzlement scandal, he became incredibly guarded and resisted the idea of asking for help up to the point where it almost cost him his own life (mostly out of shame and genuine fear of not knowing who to trust).
Having said that, the old Akiyama thought he had life figured out with a respectable job, the admiration of his peers and a fiancée would not believe he needed comfort from anyone - he did not fear anything and believed himself invincible. The Akiyama that emerged from that episode, however, was a profoundly changed man.
His fears, after his homelessness period, are split into two particular categories: fears associated to his own physical well-being and the ones to his emotional stability. The first group used to dominate his thoughts - and they never fully went away until he learned how to defend himself, at which point they took a very obvious back seat (if they are acknowledged at all). 
He’s not suicidal, but he’s confident in his odds and anything going beyond a mere street brawl will have him reaching out for help for the allies he made over the years - Tanimura, Saejima, Shinada, Kiryu; anyone that he has fought side by side is a person he would call without wasting a second over whether he should do it or not. He would never storm Millennium Tower by himself, Kiryu-style - he would call for back-up not because he’s scared of dying, but because he knows it’s the logical thing to do. He won’t run away from a fight that is necessary (see Y4, Y5 and Y6 finales haha) but he won’t do it recklessly (unless, of course, he’s emotionally compromised).
That leaves us with the second group - emotional vulnerability. This is the hardest one for him - Akiyama has developed some complex issues following his fall from grace and the most glaring one relates to commitment - for him to really trust anyone that he’s not shared mortal danger with is a challenge; either romantically or even in the sense of a working relationship or even with relatives - Akiyama is somewhat jaded in relation to people getting closer to him, and he will often assume they have a secondary reason and keep them at arm’s length if possible, with some exceptions.   
If there is something scaring him, making Akiyama doubt himself in terms of what he should do/shouldn’t do - then this is a case where anyone that somehow passed through his defenses would qualify. There isn’t much of a shift in terms of what he would disclose to someone he trusts versus another - unless it relates to that person in particular, of course (i.e. falling for them/romantic feelings etc). 
Even so, there might be a tendency to bottle it up so not to worry another - Hana is, by default, someone he trusts completely and still someone he will leave in the dark if he believes it’s for the best. For a guy that’s so generally well-liked and seemingly has no trouble making friends, he sure takes his time to genuinely bond and allow the requests for help and comfort to flow both ways.
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tarnishedxknight · 2 months
Headcanons: More About Gabranth’s Final Moments, and… the Guardians of Ivalice?
{out of dalmasca} Some more end-of-game headcanons coming at you below the cut, and I got weirdly inspired by a Guardians of the Galaxy gifset, so... be prepared for some random scenarios my brain ran away with from that. XD
Okay this makes absolutely no sense since there’s pretty much no way Mantis would ever end up “back in time” in the FFXII verse, but the left side of this gifset made me think of like… the insight Mantis might have had (if she decided to use her powers, that is) into Noah’s mindset during any of the times that he was injured and fell unconscious, whether after attacking Basch & Co. or Vayne. Earlier at the Pharos, or before he was ultimately fatally wounded by Vayne, if at any of the other times he’d fallen unconscious (there were at least two, heh) Mantis had looked into his mind, that first gif on the upper left could be… perfect? XD Mantis says, “He is anxious, angry. He feels tremendous loss and guilt.” If that… isn’t a way to describe Noah through the entire game, but especially after Drace’s death and he’s breakdown at the Pharos, I don’t know what is.
Also, Mantis would have been able to tell that he wasn’t dead after the Pharos. I can just see her matter-of-factly announcing that fact, as Basch is like mourning him and she’s all confused like why are you sad, he’s not gone. I can just see her pointing out that he’s still thinking things, so he can’t be dead, the dead don’t think, heh. And then… cue that gif where she proves it by telling everyone what he’s thinking.
Imagine a verse where the Guardians are sky pirates, heh. It would fit them… SO WELL, in my opinion based on the limited things I’ve seen with them. Mantis and Fran bonding over being empaths… or maybe being scared of each other because of that, heh. Everyone thinking Rocket is a Moogle every time they land and venture into a city, and it pisses him off. Kids call him cute and he gets homicidal, haha. Groot being this little hoodlum who steals stuff in every city they end up in and somehow always gets away with it. He’s the only one who’s told an Imperial off right to their face and gotten away with it because no one can understand anything he says. XD Like I said, it makes no sense and you can’t really take them out of their canon world, but… man it would’ve been some wild fun. XD
I guess if Noah got seriously hurt in the MCU verse on this blog, she could also do the same thing, but.. she doesn't strike me as a person to just automatically use her powers all the time. She'd need a specific reason to want to read him, and a reason why that wouldn't feel like invading his privacy. But if he were dying and wasn't necessarily expected to live, maybe she'd do so to let Basch or anyone else know what he's thinking? I could maybe see that happening.
Okay but having said that Noah had so much anger in him, I know I’m not wrong, and yet… his last couple scenes in the game kindof belied that. Those scenes will never not break my heart because just… Where is the anger? Literally where is that seething, enraged, homicidal hatred for Basch that was just there not that long before? Clearly he’s regained control over his emotions again, and whether that’s because he’s not in a Mist storm like he was at the Pharos, I have no idea, but… it’s like all the anger and resentment has just left him. There’s something so poignant and heartbreaking about that.
Death takes everyone and everything down to its basal instincts, and Gabranth knew he was dying. There just wasn’t a reason to keep being angry. If he was striving for anything, if he had goals, if he had injustices he wanted revenge for, none of that mattered anymore, because it’s all over. Not only that, but when taken down to the basics, what’s most important to Gabranth? 1) Stopping further war, and 2) his son. Or, if you don’t subscribe to my headcanon of Gabranth being Larsa’s biological father, then at the very least… the young prince he’d been charged with protecting and within whom he’d help foster various ideals of stability, peace, and the value of seeking diplomatic solutions… matters most to him. If you think Gabranth didn’t care about Larsa in a fatherly way, even if you reject my headcanon of him actually being his father, you’d be wrong. He absolutely did love Larsa in addition to valuing the hope he represented for Archadia’s future. And Larsa absolutely loved him back and looked up to him, there’s no question. I mean, he was cradling him with a worried look on his face after Vayne dealt that fatal wound, and during the scene I’ve been talking able, where Gabranth’s anger seems to have left him, Larsa is even holding his hand. You can watch it starting here and going until 6:18:30.
And then Gabranth’s death scene, where he’s talking to Basch calmly, respectfully, and Basch is doing the same back… it’s just… so… It makes my heart hurt. It’s sad that it took the death of one of them for them to finally reconcile even just a little bit. But Basch acknowledges Noah’s dying wish, and Noah even says something very telling right when he dies. He says, “Your words put me at ease, brother. Sorry to leave you.” Translation: “Don’t worry about me, I’ll be okay and at peace, but I understand that this is going to hurt you immensely.” Because Gabranth knows how much it would’ve hurt him if something had happened to Basch.
I know, a lot of you might say wait that’s a giant wtf, because hasn’t he been trying to kill Basch himself through the whole game? Not… really. He was lashing out, punishing, fighting, having tantrums, etc., but he never expected or wanted Basch to actually die. He said he’d kill him to Gramis, but did he actually then go and do it? No. I think he wanted to be able to kill Basch, because that would mean Basch meant nothing to him. But that wasn’t the case. Also, don’t place much stock in how battles look in any Final Fantasy game because they’re all overblown like oh lemme chuck a WHOLE BUILDING at you but then you walk away fine the next second. Battle in those games is… ridiculous, heh. SO you can’t go by the fact that Gabranth like… rained fireballs down on Basch or something, it’s all just FF ridiculousness, lol.
If Basch had actually died, especially from something Noah did, it would have fucked Noah up horribly. Irrevocably. It would have destroyed him. That’s his brother, his twin, his last link to what used to be home and any kind of innocence he remembers having. Basch is his only living blood family from his original childhood family unit, and at that point, besides Larsa, his only family period. He’d lost the father figure he had in Gramis when Vayne assassinated him. He lost Drace when he was forced to execute her. He’s got Larsa… and Basch. That’s it. And if he lost either one of them, especially due to his own actions somehow, it would break him. So I think as he dies, he understands what losing him will do to Basch, because he knows what losing Basch would’ve done to him. You can watch this scene starting here and going until 6:26:20.
Alright, I think I’m done rambling about Noah/Gabranth’s final scenes in the game, heh. Two headcanons posts about it seems good enough. Although, I wouldn’t be surprised if something else ends up inspiring me because I’ve been gushing about these two tragic twins since 2006, why would I stop now? XD
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ohscorbus · 7 years
Here are some young Albus headcanons because underneath all that teen angst, this kid is all kinds of fluffy.
*whispers* “Gin…Gin!….GINNY”. She walks into their living room to find Harry sat on the sofa and Albus holding onto his dad’s knee while he looks down at his little legs like he can’t quite believe they’re keeping him up right. The only warning Ginny gets is a quick ‘watch this’ before Harry picks up a handful of Albus’s toys and scatters them in every direction. Harry stops her before she can tell him off for making a mess and wordlessly points at their son as his only explanation. The two of them then silently watch Albus slowly hobble around the room retrieving all the items. One by one, he places them back on the floor in front of Harry and soon enough, there’s a pile again by his feet. Harry cheers as he scoops him up and onto his knee, and turns back to Ginny with a face full of pride. Or at least it was until he saw her face. “You taught our son… how to play… fetch?” It was his party piece for the entirety of his younger years. Then it just became an Albus thing. He’s without a doubt the tidiest in the Potter household.
Albus took his role as big brother very seriously. Harry and Ginny would frequently find him curled up (and often fast asleep) in the armchair in her nursery. He liked to make sure her blanket always covered her properly, he provided kisses whenever she cried, and he loved reading her stories. Technically he couldn’t read yet but he would make stories up from the picture books his Aunt brought him. Sometimes his dad would join in too. Those were the best stories.
He was rather fond of ‘aggressive’ and spontaneous hugs. He’d run head first at your legs and cling on for dear life. Obviously this became a problem once he reached a certain height and his dad was not prepared. The jokes about The Boy Who Lived being taken down by a two year old were endless.
Uncle Ron is babysitting ‘hanging out’ with four year old Albus one day. The two go for ice cream but on their way they pass another shop. Albus immediately stops and smushes his face and hands against the glass, completely mesmerised about something. Ron can’t get him to budge for anything. People are starting to stare… So Ron caves and walks them both inside. When Harry picks him up later on, he finds Albus perched on the edge of the sofa, little legs dangling off the edge as he happily swings his brand new orange wellington boots back and forward. He quickly became very attached. Literally. He sleeps in them, or at least goes to bed in them. Harry and Ginny take them off once he’s fast asleep. They blame it on a rogue house elf when Albus questions how they end up clean and on the floor every morning. Or that one time they went ‘missing’. (If you don’t think he started to leave the house elf little notes and drawings inside his right boot by the way then you’re wrong.) He even showered in them a few times. Harry tried to explain why he shouldn’t but it was a waste of time because, and I quote, it “feels funny” when they fill up with water. How is Harry ever suppose to say no to his son when he’s giggling like that? Ginny is going to kill Ron.
Albus had numerous pairs of mittens. They were always attached with string that threaded through the arms of his jacket. He loved them. (Still does if he’s honest.) Even if James would frequently tie him to things. (That hasn’t changed either.)
He was the most prone to accidental magic out of the three Potter kids. One particular sore point were his hand-me-downs. James would enjoy pointing out which of Albus’s clothes originally belonged to him. It was innocent at first and Albus actually thought it was kinda cool to be wearing his big brother’s favourite jumper. But as he got older it really started to get to him and that’s when James used it to tease him. One particularly bad morning, every jumper Ginny tried to pull over Albus’s head kept getting smaller and smaller until they would have only fit a gnome. It breaks Harry’s heart when he realises what’s happening. He takes him out shopping that afternoon. Just the two of them.
Albus got a treehouse not long after the hand-me-downs incident, and he loved it. He felt like it was truly his, you know? Although if Harry and Ginny thought James was reckless, Albus’s lack of fear when it came to heights took their worrying to a whole new level. Harry spent many afternoons teaching him how to use the ladder but despite numerous demonstrations and bribes, Albus still preferred to jump.
Lastly, there was a small blue stepping stool with his name on (so James couldn’t steal it) and it could always be found in kitchen, with young Albus stood on top of it as he helped his dad with the cooking. It’s how he learnt his colours (”Could I have the... red one, please Al!”) and practised counting (”We need four apples, want to help me count?”). Oh and I say ‘was’, it’s actually still there. He resents having to use it to reach the top shelf of the cupboards but at least he isn’t stupid enough to do it in front of James ‘all the growth spurt genes’ Potter.
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fourtownie · 2 years
kinda random 4town headcanons 😵‍💫
- oldest of the group hes 25 and he's an aries
- leader of the group
- he's got a deep voice when he talks but an angelic voice when he sings 🤭
- dad #1
- also can rap and dance hes an all rounder frl
- first to join the group
- cannot do the jerk ☹️
- the kind of guy that can learn things very fast
- good at painting but doesn't paint often
- born in southern france and he stills has an accent when he talks french
- choco mint ice cream truther
- likes some physical affection but prefers to wording his affection
- almost as tall as z but he's 5"11
- dad sneeze
- single dad of twins
- second oldest hes 24 and he's a leo
- singer and dancer what a king
- him and robaire were kinda friends before the group and robaire convinced him of joining
- second to join the group
- lactose intolerant
- cannot handle spice
- white body goated with the sauce
- he's a natural brunette and dyed his hair blonde
- had an emo phase
- dad #2
- hes bi because i said so
- shows affection thru gifting things idk
- 5'10
- his laugh is like "haha"
aaron t
- hes the third oldest hes 22 and he's a taurus
- mainly a dancer but he sings and he's bass
- will randomly do a backflip he's crazy like that
- him and z has been friends since they were kids and became friends just because they had the same name
- has a whole lot of freckles
- ate dirt as a kid
- broke his leg at some point
- steals clothes from the other members
- mint choco ice cream hater
- climbs trees
- likes dogs sm
- best cook of the group his food will make ur toes curl frl
- his hair is weirdly long but he doesn't want to cut it
- bites people ( affectionate )
- literally will eat anything
- high body temperature
- big fan of physical affection
- 5'8 because i said so
- laughs like a hyena
- deep voice when he sings average voice when he talks
- gets exited easily and jumps on them when he's happy
- shows his emotions easily
- like you'll know if u made upset
aaron z
- second youngest hes 22 and he's a scorpio
- dancer rapper and singer like okay all rounder
- only a few months younger than t but t always calls him a baby or whatever
- t joined the group with him they were the last ones to join
- was an athlete when he was in high school
- likes physical affection only with specific people
- the tallest hes 6 feet tall
- not really into sports as much as he was when he was younger
- reads a lot
- likes romance books 🤭🤭
- hes not secretive abt it tho he likes cheesy stuff
- caught up with memes and trends
- his favorite color has been red since he was young
- he tries to learn french but he gets frustrated every time he tries to speak it
- gets easily irritated but not with his loved ones
- very laid back and chill
- kinda awkward in certain situations
- lots of "hummm" and "err.." when he talks
- messy handwriting
- very interested in fashion
- the youngest he's 19 and he's a virgo
- joined after jesse
- singer and dancer yass king
- likes animals more than humans
- when he was like 4 his parents got him a fish and he's been obsessed with animals since
- matches his nails with his outfits
- hes 5'8 too
- he reads a lot too
- but he reads any genre
- he has 4 cats
- all the members live in a dorm and he has the biggest room
- his room is the best decorated like posters everywhere figures on shelves plants on the desk
- he listens to a lot of ballads
- he watches horror movies even tho he knows he gets easily scared
- he and t pull pranks on the other members
- he draws in his free time
- his art style is the kinda style that every artist started with uknow the anime one
- he doesn't have a favorite color he just likes all of them
- his sexuality is unlabeled
- kinda behind in terms of fashion but it's fine he looks good in everything
- he makes fun of jesse and robaire for being old men
- "okay peepaw😂"
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shotorozu · 3 years
hellooo,, i saw another tiktok video(and since ur like the elite on writing this type of reqs im requesting to you aha) https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSJYsk4CY/ for shoto, kaminari and monoma (if u write for him) ty 💕
‘bae lol’
(the greenscreen heart, then kiss tiktok trend)
character(s) : todoroki shouto, kaminari denki, monoma neito (bnha)
legend : [Y/N = your name] for monoma reader’s a part of class 1-A, they/them pronouns used, quirk’s not specific
headcanon type : fluff (x reader)
note(s) : oh, i absolutely love AND hate this trend, it’s mostly bc im single though :,) not like i can get a partner in the pandemic. anyways! i love your thinking, anon <3 also no proofread bc its like,, 2am here </3 will edit later!
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todoroki shouto
he’s very aware of your tiktok antics, but out of all of the ones you’ve pulled on him, and asked him to do
he loves this one the most.
because shouto doesn’t have to get the lights scared out of him, and it doesn’t have a chance in ending terribly.
you brisk towards your room, knowing that shouto rests inside— “shou!” you call out to him, and he tilts his head up
“Y/N, tell me it’s not—”
“no, i swear!” you drop next to him on the bed, and you play the video. “this would be fun to do, right?”
he doesn’t say anything at first, but he definitely wants to do it, judging by the fact that he’s replaying the tiktok over and over again.
abruptly standing up, he tugs at your wrist “let’s do it.” he says with determination hinted in his voice
you’d think that he’d get the hang of doing tiktoks because of you but LMAO NO— the greenscreen failed you both multiple times in a span of 40 minutes.
the first take, the heart was blurry, the second take, the kiss was captured seconds before the kiss, and the third take— your phone fell 💀
plus, his movements were a little stiff the first few times, but after the third try— he definitely got the hang of it.
and,, he doesn’t understand tiktok effects, not even the slightest.
on the brighter note, he has more excuses to kiss you so,, it’s a win for him! he won’t get sick of doing any retakes :))
you knew the moment he focused on making the perfect heart, as he firmly pulled you close to kiss you
that, would be the perfect shot there. he almost forgot that there was a camera recording
shouto is seen replaying the filmed tiktok over and over again— and it might’ve looked odd to anyone else
but not to you, definitely. for you, it’s the norm to see him like that.
“do more trends where i could kiss you more.” he pecks you on the lips, before he leaves you be temporarily only to edit the tiktok, ofc
the tiktok itself blows up by a ton, gathering 2M likes, and 5M views, in a surprising amount of time, and you didn’t even notice how he placed his hand on your hip
until the comments pointed it out to him. which shouto replies with “i always do that. you just didn’t seem to notice.” it’s fine bc you do now
the comments consisted of “where can i find a guy like this 💔” “haha that’s so cool *blocks*” “okay but we sEE THOSE HANDS 👀”
nonetheless— please do more trends like that with him. don’t be afraid!
shouto rates the entire ordeal a ♾/10. can and will do it again. oh— and he saves his home and lockscreen as the final outcome from the tiktok. he did a screenshot it, and decides to keep it like that for a very long time
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kaminari denki
again— this man is ALWAYS on tiktok, so he’s aware of most of the trends there. but that doesn’t make them any less scarier
but oh wow, he loves this trend. denki was just praying that you’d see it— and ask him to do it with you.
he was grateful that luck was on his side, since he was ecstatic when you skipped over to him— asking him to do a tiktok trend
“oh, what tiktok trend? wait— please tell me it doesn’t involve me breaking up with you for a week so you could listen to drivers licenses—”
“what? no— let me show you” and when you showed him the tiktok, he showed you this cheeky little smirk
“let’s do it! the sooner the better!” he says, and he seems more excited that you 💀
denki’s so enthusiastic, to the point that the first few takes are a total fail— as he makes you fall over your feet, as the result of quickly pulling you onto him for a kiss.
“denki— one of these days, you’re going to shatter my face”
“sorry, sorry!” he grins sheepishly. and it’s a miracle that he didn’t accidentally short circuit!
you guys try again, still persistent in getting at least a decent video, and this time— when he yanked you, causing you almost slip
he tightened his hold on you, a hand pressed against the small of your back and another hand dangerously close to your bank
the kiss is eager, passionate— and he holds you like you’re on the verge of death
and this flusters you because MAMDKWDK what happened to the goofiness 💀 i suppose that’s what happens when you have an eager denki kaminari.
you upload the video, thinking it would only get 5 likes at the very most— but it exceeds your expectations
though most people couldn’t get a clear view of your relationship dynamic with him, denki’s enthusiasm did attract the attention of 2.8M people
and in a good way, because the video did get 800k likes
the comments consisted of “when he caught you when you almost fell :,)” “damn he was EXCITED” “hey, have you told us where you got your boyfriend? i need the link to find someone like him NOW‼️‼️”
the bakusquad fawned over the video weirdly, but it quickly gets overplayed by denki— since that’s all he watched for a week or so 💀
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monoma neito
bruh </3 as much as he loves you, you’re going to kill him with pranks one of these days.
he’s totally in on it if HE’S not the one being targeted, but most of the time,, neito’s the subject of your pranks
so he thinks it’s another silly prank, where you make him pick a number between 1-5 and ghost him for that many hours.
but when you show him the video one day, when you guys were chilling in your room— as per usual, he declined :,)
“sorry dear Y/N! but no. that’s my answer”
“but whyyy?? it’s so harmless!”
“the class is going to tease me for being a part with a silly tiktok like that.” and besides,, he’d be a hypocrite for participating in that kind of tiktok with someone from class 1-A.
in reality, he did want to do it. he wasn’t so sure on why he said no— but he does want to show that something so easy isn’t really a bother to him.
“oh- don’t be so sad about it! you know what?” he gently pulls you up, “let’s do it. i don’t care what those silly class 1-A kids will say anymore.”
“what? i thought you said you didn’t want to.”
“have you ever heard of a lie?” he clicks his tongue, but he’s glad that you’re feeling much better than you did 10 seconds ago.
when it comes to it, he’s actually really shy about it. not like a ‘i don’t want to be seen with you!’ more like ‘gosh, how many takes is this going to take? will i be able to kiss them properly?’
“what if i end up accidentally copying their quirk? neito— focus, damnit.” he thinks to himself, brushing the anxious feeling away.
he’s determined enough to stay focused— but man struggled a bit with cooperating with the heart shape.
“neito— not that heart!” “well, you said to make a heart, so i did!”
it takes a few tries for the greenscreen to cooperate, and for you guys to get in sync
and when he finally has to kiss you, he grins at you— a very obvious blush adorning his cheeks, as he smashes his lips with yours
then he remembers that he actually has to break free from you— and forces you guys apart, still trying to play it cool
“wow! i look awesome. only i could kiss you like that, right? i don’t need an answer, because i know it’s true!” he says with that proud laugh of his, but it immediately dissipates after the second replay
neito leaves you be, not only for you to upload the tiktok— but also because he needs to THINK WHAT JUST HAPPENED he’s running laps in his mind rn
you upload the tiktok, not worrying too much about it— as you wanted to let it sit for a while, before checking up on it
however— when you open your phone again, you get bombarded with multiple text messages from kendou, and the other class 1-b students.
“you and monoma went viral!” is what you can sum up about most of the messages, and you have to see for youself— wanting to know if the tiktok really did get 800k likes and 1.9M views in a short amount of time.
spoilers ‼️ — it did
the comments were mostly like “why can i smell the dynamic from a mile away 💔 i want that.” “he’s definitely annoying to everyone but you” “sHEESH the way he smirked before he kissed you 😩✋‼️‼️😔”
monoma flexes on a daily that he did that to your class— but he HATES how class 1-b wrecks havoc on him, by teasing him
in short— he does prefer this more than being scared. and! he didn’t have to verbally ask you for kisses 💀
»»————- ♡ ————-««
likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, reupload, translate, or use my works for audio readings without permission
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