#I still ship them but like I used to be so hardcore into this ship
olderthannetfic · 12 hours
I think the discussion about if loli guys are into actual children misses the point tbh. Even when they’re well aware that it’s not actual children and they don’t WANT it to be and they’re specifically into the non-realism of it…. A lot of loli (and moe, which is not unrelated since it’s rooted in the aesthetics of it but applied outside the specific genre) in anime is still about this fantasy of women as helpless and innocent and needing to rely on you and, above all, not having real world problems. Granted, a lot of romantic fantasy is like that, arguably especially stuff about women aimed at men…. But I think that is what personally makes me not really want to deal with guys who are super into it that in my own personal life. Like, let’s not pretend that a certain kind of guy getting used to expecting women to be like that in anime and video games hasn’t had some real consequences for women in nerd culture who insist on being full human beings over like, the past decade and a half lol. Like it’s just hard to imagine that being the fantasy of a guy who specifically wants a take-charge, dominant, independent kind of woman over like…. Idk, lady villains stepping on his face or something, lol
I’m hardcore anti-censorship and don’t believe that preferences in romantic or sexual fantasy in fiction has an exact relationship to what we want in real life…. But it seems strange and anti-intellectual to argue that media *never* has that influence. Like, just divorce this from arguments about porn and “problematic shipping” for a second. There are a ton of people, of multiple genders but especially over age 20 or so they’re more likely to be men, who seem to think that if they’re friendly enough to someone of their preferred gender (or really, opposite gender, since this is based on an “everyone of my preferred gender is a potential partner” norm that people into the same gender just can’t assume) they’ll eventually reciprocate their feelings, or they *should*. The Nice Guy thing. Do you really think that the numerous romantic comedies that have that as a dynamic, or the video games whose “romance” mechanic is “give them gifts and talk to them enough and they’ll eventually be a love interest possibility,” doesn’t play into that at least somewhat? Like, we’re all smart enough to know that Stardew Valley and Harvest Moon aren’t like real life romance, I think…. But did you know that yet when you were 13? Do you think *everybody* who plays those knows that?
Take it out of the context of romance at all. If you’re a lawyer, how many times have you heard people who have misconceptions about what you do based on legal dramas? Or for doctors, about medical dramas?
And that doesn’t put any responsibility on the creators to change stuff (I mean, the “reward = romance” thing is just a very easy video game mechanic for instance, and programming in something that more closely resembles actual romance would be impossible, and it’s not like it’s any less realistic than like, how you fish or mine or farm in those games), it’s still on consumers to think critically (again, that the video game that has you fighting slime monsters in mines or where you grow broccoli in just a few days and harvesting crops is just one click isn’t going for realism perhaps. People wring their hands about the general popularity of farming games like it’s yearning for some political/cultural thing, and forget that the specific fantasy is it without all the toil. Just like plenty of people love playing restaurant games who work(ed) in restaurants irl and hate(d) it). But like, we talk about “society” influencing people in terms of stuff like racism and sexism. Mass media is part of society. This is why a lot of feminist criticism over the years has focused on critiquing broad patterns that recur in media, to the point that they become societal trends — and a lot of people take this in *unconsciously*.
I think what that one earlier anon meant with “especially with porn” is that porn shouldn’t be like, an exception to this. It’s kind of weird how people who are all for media analysis of problematic patterns in other kinds of media think it suddenly doesn’t apply if it’s media designed for the purpose of getting off. And sure plenty of us are into things in porn we have no desire for IRL (I love mpreg and I love kidfic, I have less than zero desire to have kids and especially be pregnant irl, to the point that it’s actually a squick for me in *het* fic), plenty of people are into specifically the fantasy version minus the Issues they have with that stuff in the IRL version. But… that’s not everyone. Some people’s porn preferences do match up with what they’re into irl. Even when they don’t, as with the loli example there’s often some other particular reason they like that
I don’t think it’s right to go around asking strangers to go around explaining their porn preferences to you, but I think it’s fair to think about it yourself (in the interest of introspection if nothing else), and to critique broad patterns in fandom, same as we would for any other kind of media. Why is porn the special exception for which all the other rules about 101 media analysis don’t apply?
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scripturiends · 1 year
but you know what the eddie x fabian in s3 was so excellent i might rewatch JUST for them this time
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pinkbutterflygaming · 3 months
Okay, so I watched the Percy Jackson series, sadly didn't get to watch the eps after ep 5 due to no longer having the subscription and had to look for the scenes of Ep 6 and 7, and there's one thing I don't think anyone pointed out yet, which I think was made clear in Ep 7.
Poseidon in the books called Sally "a goddess amongst women", he said that he hasn't met someone like her for a thousand years. The TV series makes this very clear about Sally. She challenges the way of the Gods, and was even open about it with Poseidon.
THIS is the woman that Poseidon fell in love with.
I cannot make this any more clear, Poseidon fell in love with Sally the same way Annabeth would fall for Percy.
Because Sally changed him. Poseidon had to live with the ways of his family for a very, very long time. But when he met Sally, his perpective changes. She showed him another way. That there could be better. Just like how Annabeth, who used to live for glory, once held the same views like everyone else, was changed by Percy's kindness, and strong beliefs that it isn't right. That there has to be more than just this.
Poseidon fell in love with Sally because she was better than him. She was better than those his family.
I think some part of Poseidon was already kind of unhappy with it. We know what happens when mortals challenges the Gods in the myths. But Poseidon fell in love. Hard. Despite all the risks.
It makes the whole thing more painful for Poseidon, because as a God, he still has to abide the strict rules that his family has. No matter how wrong it is now. When he meets Sally he acknowledges that Percy will always be Sally's son. And because he is Sally's son, he will be better than the gods, just like his mother.
Now, just imagine Poseidon secretly hardcore shipping Percabeth because of how they remind him of his summer love with Sally. IMAGINE. Athena just angry and Poseidon just being all giddy about Percy's girlfriend lmao (I mean, if you think abt it, he was fine with them kissing in his domain-)
Hits different when Annabeth says "I trust your father", lol
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The most hilarious thing to come out of S2 so far is rereading all of my favourite Izzy fics and realising how they got Izzy's motivations and character arc so right but literally everything else about him so wrong.
Fanon Izzy: "Poor little meow meow is so repressed, he has no social skills, doesn't know what fun is, has never relaxed a day in his life, probably doesn't even drink, has no clue just how hot the rest of the crew find him, and when he finds out he's gonna freak out, they'll have to slowly and gently teach him how to enjoy his sexuality and laugh a little (or give him some hardcore BDSM sex just so he can calm down a little), can't handle storms, also has IBS."
Canon Izzy: Struts around the ship like an absolute slut, slaps a man on the ass with a smile on his face, steals another man's cigarette and puts back to his lips, has numerous cool and fun hobbies like whittling and practicing artsy homoerotic candle swordplay while shirtless, sits with his feet up on the table (well, foot...sorry), recites ominous warnings for sheer fun even though he doesn't believe them, eats a raw fucking seagull, drinks several bottles of rum right after losing litres of blood and still stays conscious and somewhat coherent, probably does drugs too (just not right after massacring a wedding), carries out some masterful precision target shooting in the middle of a storm after having just almost died, not only knows what an 👌 is but unironically uses it too.
Tbf some of it was some rapid character growth that started in S2, but let's be honest, the roots have always been there, I mean this is the man who slashed his name into a man's shirt Zorro style to strategically rip it open. I love my fellow Izzy fans but we have all collectively underestimated what he's been capable of all along.
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booksandpaperss · 1 year
idk who exactly on this tag needs to hear this but it’s definitely a lot of you:
it is perfectly okay for a fanfic writer to have Mike and Will having physical and sexual thoughts about each other. They are teenagers and it completely normal for allosexual and even acespec teenagers to have sexual thoughts about the person or people they like. Yes adult fanfic writers can do this too it’s literally not weird as long as it’s written respectfully and accurately, and I’m actually so fucking tired of all this discourse that is so clearly rooted in people feeling uncomfortable with two boys being sexually attracted to each other, or even queer teenagers in general having sexual thoughts about each other.
I do think it’s weird to write explicit sex scenes between minors and especially in this case when these characters are represented by real people with real bodies who were minors while filming the vast majority of the show, but honestly anything suggestive between two 14/15 year olds and up that’s not explicit and/or sexualized is normal. And before any of you come at me saying I’m sexualizing minors, you can fuck right off bc I am 17 and I am sick and tired of teenagers and especially queer teenagers being shamed for sexual thoughts that are perfectly normal.
I understand if you personally are not comfortable reading and writing anything suggestive, that is fine bc I have a solution for you! Wanna guess what it is??
Just. Don’t. Read it.
If it’s content u don’t like, simply don’t interact!!! No one is forcing you to read or write anything that you don’t want to, so simply don’t. It’s that easy 😱
I will say though, that if reading an even vaguely suggestive thought in a byler fic makes you extremely uncomfortable, maybe you should take a moment to ask yourself why that is. Bc love between teenagers is not all fluffy and pure and innocent, and its honestly way weirder to have that ideal than to write teens having sexual thoughts, so maybe do some self reflection. If you’re ace and suggestive content in general makes u feel weird then that’s different, but if that’s not the case then if you’re allo and u still feel this way… idk just take a moment to check and see if you’re internalizing anything before complaining about it and spreading legitimately harmful discourse.
So, to recap:
-it’s normal for teenagers to have suggestive thoughts about each other and it’s normal to write it
-writing teenagers having sexual thoughts and making out with each other is not sexualizing, fellow queer ppl who think this literally why do u hate ur community so much 😑
-anything short of an explicit smut scene between minors is fine as long as it’s done accurately and respectfully
-it is still weird to write explicit smut in the byler fandom specifically (and any other ship between teens in ST) just bc you’d be describing the bodies of real people that were minors until very recently with actors who have stated that they’re not comfortable being sexualized like that, but first and foremost…
-…if something makes you uncomfortable or you don’t like it, simply don’t interact
-stop shaming queer teenagers for being physically attracted to each other, and stop idealizing teenage queer love as something completely pure and innocent, if you’re going to do that, please keep it to yourself
If after reading this post you 1). want to block me bc you think this whole post was sexualization or 2). plan to use this argument as an excuse to actually sexualize minors and write hardcore explicit smut between them, block me. Weird reformed purity culture is not welcome on my blog and neither are people who enjoy sexualizing minors. Fuck you ❤️
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victimsofyaoipoll · 7 months
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Every Supernatural Woman
Supernatural is so mean to women and committed to queerbaiting but it still gives Sam and Dean lovers to kill. The writers kill and villainize them and the fans get the few that remain
wincest and destiel shippers cannot handle the idea of their blorbos having a Woman THREATENING their SHIPS god FORBID
It literally used to be a running joke that if a female character got introduced you knew she was going to die soon because fans would react so negatively to her "stealing" one of the boys away from the big ship, whether it be destiel or wincest
Misa Amane
she gets treated in-canon the way fandoms treat female characters that Threaten an m/m ship. it's like, "oh why don't you go sit in the corner and be pretty, misa, while the Men have intelligent conversation and pretend they aren't ten seconds from fucking each other, doesn't that sound nice?" it's infuriating. and MAYBE it's better now but i remember her getting treated the same way in fanfiction too, like we all need to do just as badly by our female secondary characters as fucking tsugumi ohba, but with the added insult of making her be alternately oblivious of the relationship between light and L or actively trying to sabotage it—incompetently, of course, because god forbid misa be allowed dignity or moments of cleverness.
she's one of the first characters I think of when I consider old school fandom misogyny. The annoying bitch and clingy crazy gf allegations were AFTER HER ASS. She's also a lot more intelligent than people gave her credit for, but most seem inclined to take the Very Biased word of our unreliable, narcissistic narrator and his homoerotic arch nemesis and claim that just because she's bubbly and into romance that she's also a complete moron. Which is blatantly untrue. Everyone was afraid of Misa girlbossing too hard. Killing people and devoting yourself to the deranged twink of your dreams even though you know he'll never love you back??? Having a hardcore goth aesthetic and being so Hot even literal Death Gods are into you?? God forbid women do ANYTHING!
Not only is she the victim of yaoi culture, she is the victim of early 2000s misogyny by an author that wanted to introduce a girl character because he knew his male rivals were getting too homoerotic. She is a goth bimbo icon who portrays what I think is one of the few callouts for stan culture and what parasocial relationships can do to both the stan and the idol. The fact that she is a toxic fan of Kira and also hot, funny, sociable is tragic in its own way, which I think the author did try to touch on but was too misogynistic too really get through. Of course, she was reduced to villain status by the fandom and anime alike because she got in the way of the supposed romance in their psychological horror anime.
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nardo-headcanons · 2 months
it's been an age since i've been into naruto, and now that i have plans on making my own version on how naruto shippuden ended, i was wondering, how do you think naruto shippuden should've ended? like are you pro or anti naruhina? pro or anti sasusaku? whats your opinions on how the fourth war was played out? if you already spoke about this i'm sorry lol but im just wondering.
OMG HIIIIIIII @ofrolysdogs you're one of my OGs! How have you been????? Please please tag me or let me know once you create your rework. that sounds so intriguing!
This post is gonna be controversial, beauties.
How do you think Naruto Shippuden should've ended?
Ideally, with Naruto realizing that he doesn't need to become hokage to get the attention and validation from the people he loves and cares about. Or at the very least, with Naruto becoming hokage but abolishing the shinobi system. Maybe even make Danzo hokage along the way, just when Tsunade falls into her coma, and slowly make Naruto question the system more and more. Also, Sasuke's whole "redemption" arc should have been handled differently. First and foremost, he was a victim. He did a few things that were wrong, and I agree that there need to be consequences, but for this redemption arc I'd rather have him travel around and teach people around the world about the customs and culture of the Uchiha.
Are you pro or anti naruhina? pro or anti sasusaku?
I am both Anti NaruHina and Anti SasuSaku, but for two different reasons. I used to be a hardcore SNS shipper, but not so much nowadays. NaruHina had so much potential, they could have explored their class and privilege differences together, learning from each other and stuff. But Neji dying for their ship to sail? That was a hate crime. The reason I'm Anti SasuSaku is because I simply don't really like the thought of shipping Sasuke with anyone. He has enough to go through and putting him in a romantic relationship is not something that would make it more interesting or add stakes to it, although I wouldn't mind seeing him adopt a kid or two, given how family oriented Sasuke is.
Whats your opinions on how the fourth war was played out? I found the use of Edo tensei very interesting, albeit a little cheapened here and there. The Itachi and Sasuke vs Kabuto fight was a little disappointing. Don't get me wrong, I loved seeing he two of them fight together side by side, and Itachi's final parting was very touching - but them fighting Kabuto of all people? Maybe if Kishi fleshed out Kabuto's story a little more, he clearly had no idea what to do with him. Poor bastard.
Madara just 'knowing' the hand signs of edo tensei is actually not so unlikely, but it still irks me how he was able to just "come back" when Edo Tensei was released.
And let's not talk about the power scaling, which went completely through the roof in the end. Oof. Kaguya, as is, ruined the storyline completely. It could have worked, but not in the way it was executed in shippuden.
But alas, I suppose there is only so much Kishi can do within the confines of a genre.
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jikookuntold · 4 months
A Word With Jikookers
“The masses have never thirsted after truth. They turn aside evidence that is not to their taste, preferring to deify error, if error seduces them. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.” Gustav Le Bon, The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind
You might have known that most of my posts go under categories like analysis and reviews, and I usually don't address hates and haters in this blog except a few times that I had to respond to some anonymous asks, which is now turned off.
I'm aware that no Jikooker likes to be policed by other Jikookers, I hate that too. I hate woke Jikookers so much, and this is not about policing you guys or telling you what to post about. But, as someone who reads tweets on army Twitter on a daily basis and follows almost every drama between shippers, I'm aware that antis sound so bold and brave recently for no specific reason, and this is expectantly triggering most Jikookers to fight back.
Haters get hit tweets by "comparing" moments, shading members, bringing back their old and frequently debunked theories, and fabricating the dumbest stuff to give themselves some sense of winning against the loud and clear truth of Jikook. If there was any competition, they had lost it many times since 2017, but this breed is not going to admit their defeat, and you can never convince them no matter how strong your logic and evidence are. 
I did that a few times, yes. I convinced several hardcore Taekookers that their ship is not real, and if there is one duo in BTS that might be romantically involved, it's Jikook. They admitted that to me after facing the evidence and facts that were hidden from them, but it didn't last long. Just a few days of interacting with their Tkkr fellas was enough to get brainwashed by more appealing theories and call me a liar and manipulator lol. This chain will never break, looking at the community of shippers in 1D made me sure about that.
It's not that they are trying to convince you (us, Jikookers), they are trying to convince themselves, the newcomers who have no clue about what goes on, the Tkkrs with some brain cells left who start to lose faith, and any weak mind out there is their target. It's already a lost battle for them, and they know it well. All they want is fewer losses.
But it's not just that, besides their attempts to keep their community big and in the majority, they are doing their best not to let you feel satisfied or winning (in the competition they made inside their minds). You need to knw that this is a mental war against Jikookers, and it's not just done by Tkkrs, all the breeds of Jikook-antis are on it these days, that's why I'm addressing them as antis and not just Tkkrs. For example, the other day, a JJK akgae tweeted something like 'jikookers are mad because JK likes girls', but in the quotes and replies, she had admitted that she was annoyed by Jikookers celebrating Jikook's new military photos. 
It's clear who is mad here. They deliberately and blatantly lie and project to belittle you, trigger you, and reach some level of satisfaction by affecting you mentally. So, don't let that happen, don't give them what they want. I already said there's no battle or competition, but don't let them win this mental war against you.
Why So Serious?
Joost Meerloo, in his famous book 'The Rape of the Mind,' says: “Logic can be met with logic, while illogic cannot, it confuses those who think straight. The Big Lie and monotonously repeated nonsense have more emotional appeal than logic and reason. While the people are still searching for a reasonable counter-argument to the first lie, the totalitarians can assault  with another.” Although we are not fighting a totalitarian regime lol, this is the exact reason that arguing with antis is pointless. They use 'theories' to debunk the 'moments', and call the real moments 'delusional and fake' while celebrating total lies.
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Debunking lies is necessary, and everyone should do that as long as they are armed with perfect and mouth-shutting evidence. Otherwise, you should avoid it because nothing is more damaging than doing a bad defense. And these debunkings and defendings don't have to turn into arguments.
Joost Meerloo, in the same book, talks about a solution: “We must learn to treat the demagogue and aspirant dictators in our midst with the weapon of ridicule. The demagogue himself is almost incapable of humor of any sort, and if we treat him with humor, he will begin to collapse.”
Yes, you can debunk, correct, educate, and even argue in an unserious manner. Shipping is not that serious, anyway. Good humor is not insulting, we don't want to drag down or set anyone up. Spreading facts and truth positively and debunking lies with humor and ridicule is all we need to do instead of endless fights and anxious clapbacks.
This post was supposed to be a word, but it turned out as a long and boring essay of information that I'm sure most of you already heard so many times. But it doesn't hurt if we get reminded sometimes to think more deeply and get a better view on what we are dealing with.
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anon-402 · 6 months
Maxo’s End of Stream Key Points.
Where he talks about his character, what it means to be dead in the QSMP, and what could probably happen in the future!
The only thing the federation couldn’t control was me; how I die.
Chat: “You can return to QSMP as a ghost!” Yeah, I’m gonna think about it…
I feel a bit upset because I wanted to reach the ship and say my goodbyes to everyone. I wouldn’t get on the boat tho.
Chat: “Cellbit, Mouse and BBH didn’t make it either.” The only thing I know is I’m dead, and that’s what I want for my lore.
I don’t have anything scripted (for the future). I’m gonna miss QSMP, but because I take rp too seriously, there’s no turning back. Yeah, I can maybe go back as a ghost and haunt people, but not as Cubito Maxo.
The rest may survive because they want to keep playing QSMP, but I say my character is dead and he’s dead because he died in an explosion. If dying means not being able to return to QSMP, it’s fine.
Going out without saying goodbye is what makes me mostly upset. (Reads chat) Do a tape? As if I did it a long time ago? I didn’t thought about that. That’s a good idea. I’m gonna ask the Admins.
I would’ve liked to do the tapes these last days, but I wasn’t thinking of committing suicide before. I didn’t know what was going to happen. (The only thing I knew) was that my character was desperate.
Dono: It would be cool if you could return as an old island survivor who helps the others to- That’s something I don’t get to decide, this is not my series. I can offer it, but that doesn’t mean it fits. I can’t go and say ‘I’m gonna return as a survivor’ because it doesn’t mean it can fit (in the story).
For the Federation to take the bomb away from me and me dying is a way to show how powerful it can be. This kind of thing is necessary in roleplay.
There’s people who liked Purgatory, but I don’t like when I have to gain points. My thing is roleplay. Purgatory was full hardcore, and it’s tiring for me to farm points. When Aypierre killed me for rp reasons, I was like, ‘look what you’ve done all because of some points’ (I think he’s referring to the other players having a discussion because of his dead)
If my character had to kill BBH… (groans) I can’t, he’s my friend. I can’t switch my mind because of some points. It didn’t fit me or my character and that’s why I didn’t log in. I was going to get frustrated eventually.
If I went through the island saying ‘don’t kill, don’t kill’, they’re going to say ‘look at this hippie mf smoking weed’.
(Reads chat) What do you mean Purgatory 2? I can’t believe it. At least we are dead (laughs). I prefer the other island.
There’s something lore related that I’m really happy about; Quackity accepting he works for the Federation. I mean– everyone suspected it, but there was people still denying it.
(While laughing) Dude, I took the detonator out and no one listened. I mean, yes, there was people roleplaying and asking me what was it. But it was bad timing, there’re too many interactions. Improvising is hard because not everything is perfectly done as in your head. But I was trying to tell them that I had a bomb, but it the end they stole my bomb’s wi-fi.
Tbh, I was already tired of Minecraft. I played almost every day in the QSMP, I needed a rest. In a way, it’s sorta like vacations, only that I can’t return as Maxo Cubito. I will have to return as Maxo Ritual Challenge or Maxo Mutation Zombie. I think I would have a better time with that kinda role.
(Reading chat saying he was evil) I don’t think I made an Evil Maxo rp, because I never wanted to detonate the bomb. What I wanted to do was to negotiate and get everyone out of the island because I love them. I wanted to scape and then detonate it behind us, y’know?
I find interesting the ending, I liked it.
I will make some tapes, so they realize I’m dead and wanted to say goodbye to them.
There’s people happy about my dead because they don’t like QSMP, but honestly, QSMP is really entertaining, it’s really fun, and behind it there’s really cool people. Every time I logged on I was always laughing. Things didn’t go my way, it was catastrophic, but as a roleplayer, I have to accept what is put in front of me.
The night is young. Even though there are tribulations like my dead, we have to overcome things, move forward and enjoy life. Who knows when I’ll play Minecraft again. Maybe tomorrow, maybe never- no, no never (tries to not laugh). No never. Maybe within a year. Maybe in two. But one day I will return.  
(Quick reminder English is not my first language. Sorry for any typos or whatnots)
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piracytheorist · 5 months
Episode 35 screaming notes!
So what if I'm emotional over a fictional, fake family spending one day of vacations together?
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I love Twilight's comment about how he's glad the SSS is looking out for the bombing threat (and we know it's in vain), but it still puts him on edge to be stared at like this. He trusts them to protect civilian life (and Ostania's pride and joy of a ship) but he doesn't trust trust them, you get what I mean?
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We shan't forget. The one thing this man can't pretend to be is someone who is having genuine fun and we'll drag his ass about it and then cry because this is a direct result of his traumatic childhood
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Loid blushing when he spots Yor is so precious. I think it might be him blushing half because she saw his dorky skipping and half because… well. He might be falling in love :)
He notices the swelling on Yor's face, but I think he wouldn't even suspect her at this point. He sounded mostly worried about her.
And of course, Anya wasn't plaguing her with questions because she knows all, but it's funny that neither went like "Isn't our super curious five six-year-old going to ask where this bruise and swelling is from?"
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The following montage was absolutely adorable, and the insert song just made it even cuter. I love how it was Anya who lead them to each activity; neither Loid nor Yor had to drag her around anywhere, their attention was on her and on what she wanted. They even explored a cave! She was their priority, she truly must have had an amazing time and this is such a sweet way to end this cruise!
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I mean, look. One of the ways Twilight learns how to parent is by fearing 24/7 that his daughter may fall. Very normal things.
Maybe it's because I'm the youngest child, so whenever we were out as a family and I asked to do something my parents would usually decline, because they had two more kids to look after and a place to go, but I have a lot of appreciation for the Forgers going around the resort and stopping to do whatever and anything Anya asked to do.
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Very normal man who is definitely not an elite-trained spy trying to fit in. Normal things.
And like. Okay. Yor looking at Anya with such a soft face as Anya is having pure unrestrained fun is one thing.
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Like, for real. I can't stop looking at this. It's just his eyes but there's so much longing and yearning in them and also some sadness because deep down he thinks that what he wants is something he'll never get but this is really deep because it'll take him about three to five business years to accept he's grown feelings.
Like. It's not just "growing feelings" anymore. You don't look at someone like THIS when you're just "warming up" to them. He'd grown so accustomed to life with the Forgers that after Yor was away - though in the very same ship as them - for a couple of days he went all yearning looks and doe-y eyes at her when he met with her again. He's in LOVE.
I am so excited to see how their dynamic will develop from now on! It's gone on an entirely new page!
Anyway. I love how Yor went like "Oh they might see the wound on my chest" for the snorkeling but when she saw they could wear wetsuits she went like oh that's okay then and DIDN'T WORRY AT ALL ABOUT THE FACT THAT SHE'D GET SALTWATER ON HER WOUNDS. THIS WOMAN EATS HOT COALS FOR BREAKFAST AND WHITE HOT IRONS FOR LUNCH.
I mean, I'm guessing she is a fast healer and her wounds are not openly bleeding anymore but still. Hardcore.
And of course she'd beat the shit out of sharks. It's funny seeing the trio try to come up with excuses now but I think it's going to be a different type of good post-reveal, cause they'll be like "I have nothing to hide" and act on their abilities without a single moment of hesitation. Imagine Yor beating up sharks and Loid and Anya looking at her with heart eyes.
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Aw, but look at them snorkeling. It's Yor who is holding Anya. I wonder what Yor's thinking is on that since she thinks that Loid is Anya's biological father and has been longer in her life. I doubt she thinks anything bad about Loid, but it is something that would make someone wonder.
I was so impressed by everything in the episode up until that point that I completely missed what the dialogue there was XD I only had more thoughts after I rewatched it.
Anya is having fun looking at the colourful fish. Yor has hunting in mind. Loid is… not impressed XD
Though very light, this could be a reflection of their characters. Anya is a child full of curiosity for the world, easily impressed by new stuff; she loved the aquarium, and she loved seeing new fish from up close.
Yor's encounters with animals were either for hunting (for food) or with guard dogs from people she was sent to kill. She understands the concept of pet animals, of course, but it seems to be a "secret third option", as tumblr would say. Her first instincts are either hunting or fighting, and since those fish were too small to be any threat (I mean, she's confident about fighting sharks), her mind went to food.
And then you have Loid. His wide knowledge of the world has rendered him almost incapable of getting impressed. There's nothing new for him to learn in anything… except for child rearing, of course. And maybe human connection. And so, he seems to be looking at those two in the last shot.
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Just like Gram, Anya gets thrown around by a professional, super strong assassin and she just goes like "Again!" And Loid doesn't even make a comment about Yor pushing Anya too strong. He really took to heart and meant it when he told Yor that her being strong is one of the things that make her an amazing mother.
I had guessed right, as Yor had indeed not rested at all for the entire three days of the cruise and had a long and intense fight the night before. AND THUS FANSERVICE HAPPENS <3 <3 <3
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No but seriously, there's a lot to love about this moment. Apart from how cute it is, Twilight at first only seems annoyed by how this attracts attention to them. He was already alert from how the SSS was looking at everyone, this would only add to his uneasiness.
But it doesn't take long for him to find an excuse for his wife. Blaming all her exhaustion on her work, being thankful for her going along with everything Anya asked to do, and smiling at her!! Bruh!! And he STILL can't see it, this man is such a good liar he can even lie to himself!!
Seriously the way Eguchi delivered those lines? Superb <3
They didn't have to go so hard T_T It was a relaxing (and quite prolonged!) chapter to wrap up the cruise arc, but it was wonderful T_T
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Even the Handler is up to him, though. Fullmetal Lady won't fall for his emotionally constipated bullshit.
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She even drew the family in their colours! Yor in red, herself in pink, and Loid in a muted green! I can see Yor holding one of her stilettos, but what is the other thing? A rose? I don't think I can tell what Anya is doing in the drawing, but Loid looks like he's holding a bomb? Or a surfboard?
AAAAAHHH It was wonderful!! T_T
The parts with Yor and her coworkers and Yuri and Lieutenant Guy were actually added by the anime! I feel Yor about the gifts. I'm so bad at gifts you have no idea. And Yuri is on another level, he doesn't stop talking about his sister and he tells Lieutenant Guy "Are you psychic or something" and he's like "Sure sure". And this being this kind of show I was like "MAYBE???" but yeah no he was just messing with Yuri XD
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Hey psst. You know what will look even more convincing? If you both slept on those pillows 👀👀 next to each other 👀👀
I was cringing so hard at the scene in the school! Anya! We love you as you are, you don't need to go embarrass yourself!
It was interesting, though, to see that Damian stayed out of it all. It's proof that he can mind his business and keep his opinion to himself. I hope he learns to do that more often.
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Becky continues being best friend material <3 Anya is so lucky for real
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It's been less than a week
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It's so funny to me that the anime added the detail that it was Loid who picked the snacks for Yuri. I wonder how quickly Yuri would spit them out upon learning that XD
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My mans tired. I felt kinda sad for him ngl XD
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Okay, this was hilarious. His paternal instincts are starting to kick in to the point where he imagines teaching Anya the proper methods of deception. It was also funny that as Yuri was imagining his speech, I went like "Uhm you lie to your sister no?" and before I got to finish that thought, the excuses kicked in.
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And Anya is starting to learn that actions have consequences.
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This isn't what she manipulated two enemies of the state into adopting her for.
TWO EPISODES LEFT T_T I might have to pick up making crack recaps again for however long the next hiatus will last :'D
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youdontneedhenry · 2 months
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It's been a whirlwind day for fans of this show, and it's clearly been a better day for some more than others. I do want to acknowledge that I see and hear and understand the disappointment fans are experiencing.
I would like to speak to my own feelings, which are ones of excitement and cautious optimism because the parts of the show I enjoy the most are still intact for Season 5. I am really excited to see where this show goes. I'll put the rest below the fold so as to be respectful to the variety of emotions.
I enjoyed the episodes that didn't feature the Duke for a variety of reasons. He often talked down to Eliza, or tried to knock bring her down in a variety of ways, and so he seemed to be fundamentally incompatible for her. By the end of season 3, I started to wonder how they could course correct to make William/Eliza believable and work for me. I just couldn't see it because I didn't like how the core issue with Eliza's ambition. That's not something I could get behind.
My favorite parts of the show were always Eliza working with partners who respected her- partners like Nash and Moses. I really missed Moses in Season 4, and one thing I hope we see more of is the diversity of Victorian London that we got to see in earlier seasons.
Look, I am obviously a hardcore #ScarNash shipper. I have loved the character of Patrick Nash since his introduction in season 2. The romantic possibility was there in season 2, and then by episode 3 of season 3 (Hotel St Marc), the chemistry was rather distracting! I liked how he respected her talents and enjoyed having her take the lead.
By the end of Season 4, it was clear to me that Patrick Nash and Eliza Scarlet made the most sense. They were equals, and he recognized her talent from the beginning. Eliza's character seemed to have more growth through her interactions with Nash while her relationship with William had grown stale. The flashback episode really solidified that for me- they hadn't changed in personality in a decade, why would they ever? I forgot to mention the constant mirroring of WIlliam/Eliza romance with Patrick/Eliza's relationship. Talking about wanting to receive a present in a bow with a box to William and then having Nash give her exactly that in an area she wanted- a boost to her career. The way Nash always wanted her to work for him when William only reluctantly hired her. The way Nash acted in the entire Jewel of the North episode, including being there for Eliza when her office was trashed. And that's not even Season 4 where Eliza flat out says he's the only person who's ever had any faith in her!
I know what the writers have said about platonic relationships. And a Season 5 renewal with no Duke doesn't mean we automatically get ScarNash. But a girl can dream. They writers are SO lucky to have these actors with this amount of chemistry and a relationship that has developed over THREE seasons. There's been a satisfying arc with Patrick and Eliza. Rivals to friends to lovers would be satisfying. We've watched them grow individually and together. It would make sense.
My wishlist for season 5 certainly includes: a female friend for Eliza that isn't Ivy, for Moses to come back (I know this is not happening lol) and for ScarNash to be canon. I think it would be incredible, and I hope others can come around.
As a side note, it's been absolutely delightful to share this news with ScarNash fans and to find NEW people who have quietly shipped ScarNash. I sometimes felt like there were only a few of us, but truly there's so many people that love the idea of them. So while I think it's not at all guaranteed that it'll be canon, I certainly continue to hope this has opened the door to it. We'll wait and see! I'm looking forward to the new season with more excitement than I've had for any piece of media in awhile.
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lemongrablothbrok · 8 months
Led Zeppelin - Whole Lotta Love - Earl's Court 05-24-1975 Part 17
Okay, listen up people, Zep-heads, Jimbert shippers especially, because this video is un-fucking-believable in so many ways, and all of them good ways and I have a lot to say about it, mmkay? To start out, we have the boys coming out to do an encore, and Robert just...reclines on the platform thingy like the decadent demigod he is and eats whatever he's eating while Bonzo, the most laddish member of the group, in a fluffy robe, no less, declares that he finds football to be "a load of bollocks". Robert, almost certainly the most effeminate member of the group (I guess one might be able to argue that Jimmy - with his delicate features and willowy physique and soft speaking voice - might be a little more effeminate, but that's neither here nor there, the point still stands, and that point is that Robert is a pretty pretty princess), stands right up to defend the sport that he's so passionate about (side note: anyone know why he says "soccer" and not "football"? Because I can't think of another British person who calls it that. The first few times I heard him use it, it was during interviews with American interviewers and/or for American TV shows or publications, so I thought it was just for clarity so they know he's not talking about American football, but this is a concert in Britain with, I'm assuming, a mostly British audience. Anyone know why he calls it that?).
The song kicks off with Robert and Jimmy doing, as I referred to a few days ago on a post featuring a gif from this performance, "backwards humping", or, "the bisexual secret handshake". They are so shameless in their weird ass public courtship display that you might just miss seeing Jonesy's beautiful smile in the background (and if you do, take that video back a few seconds and freaking look at that gorgeous smile. You'll thank me later).
When we get to the first chorus, Robert freaking throws one arm around Jimmy's shoulder, pulling him close to share the microphone, and I shit you not, Jimmy's foot pops. And if that weren't enough, Robert pulls away for a second just to look at Jimmy's face and smile, only to pull him in closer again. Get a room, you dorks. Then when the second chorus comes around, they have the stupidest lovesick smiles on their faces, which are so close together they can probably taste each other's breath. Then Jimmy sort of pushes off with this shoulder nudge and one of them (Jimmy, I think? I sounds like Robert, but Robert's already in the middle of a drawn out vocal, so I think it's Jimmy) gives this soft little grunt/sigh/suspiciously sexual sounding noise. They spend a moment doing a short rendition of (I think?) James Brown's "sex machine" (worth noting/remembering here that Led Zeppelin have their own tribute to James Brown in "The Crunge", a song that gives off all the bisexual energy that's considered safe for human consumption), and then...then...
...we get to the theremin segment. The motherfucking theremin segment. The climax, if you will, of this entire performance. The part where Jimmy and Robert have hardcore sex right there on stage, right there in front of their audience, at least half of whom is probably male, and the vast majority of whom at least claim to be heterosexual, since this is the 1970s and there's very real consequences in store if you're a dude who goes around telling people out loud that one of the main reasons you go to Led Zeppelin concerts is to see and hear obscenely beautiful men fuck each other's brains out. Or even admit that you're aware that's just what's going on on that stage. Yes, this is the part where Jimmy does incredible things with his hands and long slender little fingers that make Robert moan and scream like a particularly horny banshee. Look, there's no getting around it. Even before I shipped it, I had to acknowledge (if in kind of a jokey-jokey way) that, wow, Jimmy is really dedicated to seeing how much and how hard he can make Robert cum. And Robert, in turn, is doing everything he can to let Jimmy know just how much and how hard he's cumming. Which is very much, and very hard. Some things to note are the way Robert not only mimics the sounds that the theremin is making, but also some of Jimmy's gestures, like when Jimmy puts both hands up in the air and then we see Robert doing the same. Meanwhile, the rhythm section are doing their thing, John Paul Jones' bassline providing the sort of bow-chicka-wow-wow type soundtrack to this auditory gay porn. Also, around 5:45, you can hear the bass do something that sounds an awful lot like "Achilles' Last Stand", which at this point hasn't been written yet, but that particular riff has been and will be used in concerts for quite a while before ending up in said homoerotic epic.
What really, really gets me about this performance, though, is what happens at around the six minute point, when Jimmy goes to grab his guitar back from offstage and Robert just has this look on his face. He's saying "ooh, ooh," slowly sauntering in Jimmy's direction, looking straight at him, his eyes filled with what can only be described as pure lust. This part isn't for the audience. Most of the audience can't see Robert's face with the direction he's facing, and those that can are too far away to be able to see it. He's not faking this. He's not pretending to be horny or desperate to be provocative, not in the look he's giving Jimmy, anyway. I'm not sure if the look in his eyes here is one that can be faked. Oh no. He feels it.
And then Robert gets back to singing, "Feel a little lonely, in the middle of the night. I need you darlin', to make things alright." And who is he looking directly at as he sings this? Just take a wild guess.
tl;dr: Robert and Jimmy are about as subtle as a rainbow fireworks display spelling out "WE'RE BISEXUAL DISASTERS IN LOVE"
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rentumblsstuff · 19 days
Y’all mind if I headcanon dump one of my favorite Hatchetfield ships on you guys real quick-
It’s Ruth and Rosary-
Rose is so used to being nonchalant so Ruth’s overreactions and exuberance would throw her off her game and accidentally drop her guard
Ruth would be like “you wanna hear some REAL hardcore shit??” And just throws on a musical soundtrack and Rose finds it so endearing that THIS is what she considers hardcore?? Micheal in the Bathroom??? She actually smiles.
Rose talks big game and seeing someone with so many insecurities and fears out in the open and wearing her heart on her sleeve would make her feel safer not to hide her own. She doesn’t feel like she needs to be hardcore 24/7 to still be considered cool
Rose really helps Ruth with her stage fright so she can pursue her dreams of being a broadway actress (total princess and the frog moment with “my dream isn’t complete without you in it”)
Rus and Bev think Ruth is a wonderful influence and they’re right… but also she’s a superfreak so Rose will allow them to like Ruth even though she’d think it was more fun to be rebellious and have a partner her parents don’t like
Sarcastic pessimist vs blunt optimist
She hyperfixated on Wicca in her sophomore year (GEEK). Ruth would cream her jeans if Rose gave her a palm reading
Rose likes twiggy bitches and doesn’t care if they smell bad (looking at you Kale… Ya mothafucka…)
The nicknames Roo and Rosie-
They’d either by shockingly vanilla and sweet as fuck or literally into sacrificial ritual roleplay no in between
SERENADING EACH OTHER BY SINGING OR PLAYING GUITAR. Moments of them singing and playing together too and Ruth sometimes stops singing cause she gets distracted by the look on Rose’s face (either eyebrows drawn together intensely focused on her playing or she’s looking at Ruth with so much love in her eyes)
Also Ruth deserves an alt gf. Ruth wearing a spiky leather jacket and everyone is like ??? And she says “it’s my girlfriend’s 😊” DON’T YOU WANT THAT FOR HER?!?!! DON’T YOU WANT HER TO BE HAPPY?
On one of their dates Ruth definitely got her a stuffed animal so in Rose’s room it’s all metal as fuck until you see the little yellow bunny on her bed. Rose tried to make it look more metal by giving it safety pin piercings but she couldn’t bring herself to change the little bun bun.
Rose thinks the headgear is honestly pretty metal. She doesn’t know how to explain it until she rewatches Saw and sees the reverse bear trap-
And of course they fit this text post too well
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chromatic-lamina · 1 year
chapter 1081 spoilers—okay, angst is fun and all but...
Shachi literally means orca in Japanese. Ikkaku means narwhal. They can dive deep (Narwhals, deeper than most submarines go, I think) and survive. Penguins are pretty good underwater for a while (though I don't know about depth). The ocean is the home of sea urchins and sea angels (Uni and Clione). And have we forgotten how hardcore Penguin and Shachi went here?:
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And do you think that Jean Bart looks a little fishman here? ( A little Namur-like).
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Now, I don't know about snow geese, but we'll give Hakugan some magical properties. So while it is heartbreaking that the Polar Tang
will no longer sail the seas (and, yeah, the boys had had it forever, but this is the sub's own Going Merry moment, perhaps), I think we should believe Bepo here:
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where he urges Law to have faith in the hardiness of his North Blue crew in the depths of the ocean. His concern is more with Law (but we know he'll be okay):
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Bepo urges Law not to die, but the Hearts will continue to overcome. I don't know that they'll be captured either, but they must've almost escaped because Jean Bart was on land, right? In chapter 1064:
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But look at this instruction (also from 1064):
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where Law urges Penguin and Shachi into the water. The Hearts are fine, but I understand the angst (it's glorious, isn't it?!). I think Law's worried, obviously, but I also think he picked his crew and mode of transport for a reason beyond just remaining hidden.
But, the Polar Tang:
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the Victoria Punk
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the Jewelry Margerhita?
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Although, the Wiki says they don't know what happened to it after Bonney was captured by Blackbeard way back when, but in Egghead Jinbei does ask her:
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where her ship and crew is. She states that her ship (which might be the Jewelry Margherita) was eaten by the monsters (controlled by Lilith, right?) outside of Egghead, and that she came alone.
The wiki says: (according to Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0511), Information about Bonney is revealed), that:
Bonney seems to prioritize her own safety over her crew's as she managed to escape Marine detainment but chose not to rescue her subordinates.
That's stark contrast to Law, and we've mostly seen her operate alone, but I'm not gonna believe the Vivre cards just yet.
Also, Kid's obviously alive if Law is and if their losses were similar in wording and visuals. I think Kid's crew have saved him, if not Shanks' crew.
BUT, once Law recovers, he'll not be sequestered in a cell for ten years before he becomes relevant again (poor Kid. Damn!).
As @purplehairedwonder pointed out, the Polar Tang was carrying Law's poneglyph copies, and I bet that the crew is carrying them. Hope so. He'd be wise enough to have them waterproofed. BUT it makes more narrative sense to have them destroyed.
Now, someone was talking about how a Klabautermann is only seen when a ship is doomed (this wikipedia article supports it, but that's as far as my sources go) and therefore they didn't include images/stories/prompts about it for the Polar Tang. I can't remember who it was! Ahh, well it seems that the Klabautermann of various ships have been very busy lately.
Kuzan, too. Kuzan is cool (haha). I'm glad we saw him. And the dialogue with the Blackbeard pirates and Kuzan. OH, I almost forgot, this angst:
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where Blackbeard taunts Law with the fact (yes, fact!) that there are a hundred pirates on Pirate Island still without their hearts, due to Law, and BB would be thrilled to punish Law for the fact, can't help but stir the whump-writer's heart (I'm sorry, Law).
AND, Koby and Law were in cahoots in some way, I'm sure of it (probably be disproven). Something similar to Luffy and Smoker at Alabasta, perhaps? Anyway.
Side note, do you think that Chopper used Caesar Clown's science and ego to help produce the rumble-ball like power-up he gave Bepo? If so, I wonder if this will come to play in the future when Caesar and Judge enter the fray again, if they do.
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gwynsazriel · 6 months
Why i’m 99% sure Azriel’s (and gwyn) book is next.
I genuinely think she heavily set up his storyline in acosf, he was one of the characters that was most heavily involved in acosf (beside nesta and cassian obviously), and sjm genuinely seemed to highlight things about him and delve into more personal things about him (more than we’ve ever seen before in any other book). Azriel has always been the mysterious one that we know nothing about, the quiet one, etc.. but i’ve realized starting acosf, sjm has been slowly making the readers aware of his personal struggles and genuinely just throwing out more random info about him.
i also think sjm is setting up a heavier and deeper valkyrie storyline. it was made clear by the end that their journey wasn’t over. as well as adding lingering questions here and there ( “nesta wondered if they’ll ever see battle”), nesta telling cassian that she’s thinking about leading the valkyries, introducing pegasus to the story (where pegasus are known to be heavily prominent in valkyrie’s mythology as they used to ride them into battle) and already connecting the pegasus to gwyn, nesta, and emerie. (and also confirming that we’ll see more pegasus in the next book and future books!!)
and then gwyn expressing her want to leave the library but by the end of the book she ends up going back there. the illyrians being pissed and are threatened by the fact that gwyn and emerie won the blood rite. her own personal storyline, and the storyline of the valkyries AND illyrians is clearly not over. but not just that, sjm made those topics heavily mentioned and prominent in acosf, (imo) clearly setting them up for the next book. like i’d be genuinely surprised if she threw those topics aside for the next book and then going back to them after, when they’re already set up and fresh in the readers head.
what i think really sealed the deal for me and what convinced me that azriel’s book is next is when sarah said that to her, it was “obvious” who the next book is about AFTER READING ACOSF. like that told me EVERYTHING. she was practically screaming who it was.
like when she said that how can you not think of azriel. she specifically said “after reading acosf”.
he literally got his own bonus chapter. he was one of the most heavily involved characters in acosf.
im sorry but elain was barely involved at all, and that’s quite surprising considering how nesta and elain’s relationship was even closer than nesta and feyre’s in previous books but elain was barely even present. so it would not be “obvious” at allllll if elain was next. and when sjm was asked if we’ll see elain next book she literally said
“we’ll see SOME of elain” ?? does that seem like the next main protagonist to you? yet she was gushing about how excited she was to write azriel’s journey
and to counterargue the argument about “azriel’s bonus chapter doesn’t matter”, i remember when steph (sarah’s best friend) was first reading acosf back in 2021. sarah SPECIFICALLY told her to read azriel’s bonus chapter before she gave her any thoughts about the book. that bonus chapter is clearly important to sarah.
and also another fun fact, steph was a hardcore el/riel before acosf, and after she read acosf and the bonus chapter she switched to gwynriel (then she was bullied mercilessly by e*riels so she just stopped talking about ships)
i just think when sjm said it was “obvious” who the next book is about, it really told me all i needed to know, especially also with the continued comments of her saying she’s excited to write his journey.
i just wanted to make this post because i know people are still going back and forth with who they think the next book will be about (even with some eluciens still believing elain will be next), but i just wanted to clarify my opinion and why i think the way i think!
also my first language isn’t english so i’m sorry if i said something wrong in grammar or spelling or whatever :)
also i want to make a more detailed post with more information about this!! this is just the gist of it and what i can think of at the top of my mind rn
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