#I specified that I don't have experience to back my assumption up and I also know my body better than you ever will
aisaariel · 4 months
New discussions happening around BTS fs energy shifts, Aisa can I ask for BTS fs update, how are they doing and what's up with the connection??
bts fs updates
req: october 24, 2023. post: december 23, 2023. cards: indicated in each section
i am so sorry for making jk's future spouse's section long. i promise you that this was NOT intended on my part. i asked jungkook to keep his section minimal, but the man did not listen and i kept having so many cards fall out. the reading i did for his section is the shortest way of reading the cards or else it would've been way too long. please understand that i did my best to shorten it.
☆ namjoon fs:
king of wands, five of swords, the hanged man rx, page of wands
namjoon's future spouse is at a moment where they have withdrawn from the world for a bit. they were previously the king of wands before this moment of withdrawal, meaning they were a leader, bold, very straightforward and one who acted on their thoughts without much plan or consideration. however, it seems like they had a moment where they faced some inner conflicts. i do not know what triggered this phase of reflection, but they seem to have realized that they need to reevaluate themself, the people they're surrounded by, and the situations they have gone through over the years. they're trying to view things from a different perspective and hopefully come out of this phase as the page of wands, who will rebuild themself into the king of wands again. i think they're working on their ego and also doing some shadow work that they tried to avoid for a very long time.
☆ jin fs:
i've been given too much information that i know should not be shared with the public, so i won't be saying anything for jin's future spouse. i will say that they are living life and learning many lessons at the moment, and they are having some realistic moments of reflection, reevaluation, and reconsideration.
☆ yoongi fs:
i'm so sorry, but i also have to abstain for yoongi's future spouse as well! oh my gosh! is all i will be saying for this one. sending my support to them.
☆ hoseok fs:
guys, what the actual f*ck???????? i can't share for jhope's fs, too. why are they (jin's, yoongi's, hobi's fs) just dumping so much tea on me at the same time- don't they understand that i am literally A READER? what if i share this information?! of course i won't though but like... DANG. i guess it's on me for not reaching out and doing more check-up's with them :')
☆ jimin's fs:
the moon, king of cups, nine of pentacles, eight of pentacles rx
i think jimin's future spouse is experiencing a down in their life right now. past thoughts and experiences that they didn't give proper closure to are resurfacing now and they may be having a bit of a hard time as a result. i see that this may be about a king of cups figure, who was, to them, very emotionally intelligent and understanding. i believe the future spouse felt very comfortable about this king of cups figure, but for some reason, that person is no longer with them (reason for this is not specified and it would be great if no assumptions or theories were made about this figure). they're being asked to balance out their current feelings, to make sure that they don't allow those emotions to overwhelm them and take control of their day-to-day life. i also see that they are reconsidering what success means to them. they're also working a lot on self-improvement and practicing more discipline to get back on track with their life. they're being asked to walk out of their current phase of withdrawal and isolation, and to move forward from their current situation. please send lots of support to jimin's future spouse.
☆ taehyung fs:
seven of swords, eight of pentacles, ace of swords
(1) they feel betrayed. but they will not elaborate and they also do not want me to elaborate. (2) they feel conflicted about something that they have been working on for a very long time. they may be confused on what they have to do. "did i make the right decision?" "is this really what i truly want?" they are withdrawn at the moment and they're reflecting a lot on whatever they were working on and developing. (3) i see that they might be receiving some romantic offers from people but they do not care at all. they seem to have feelings about a certain someone. it's like they feel a calling to this specific person who is very mature, stable, successful, and reliable. they're considering what could've happened with this person because from what it seems, something very unexpected happened that resulted in their very sudden separation. it feels like the future spouse is reminiscing.
☆ jungkook fs:
the devil rx, temperance & the emperor, four of swords, queen of cups
so the sheer amount of clarifying cards i pulled tells me that a lot has happened over the span of time that i did not check up with them :'). they are currently letting go of lots of unhealthy and negative thoughts and attachments that may have clouded their mind. they're going through a huge moment of transformation right now in every sense if that makes sense. i also see they're letting go of an attachment with some figure that was a part of their childhood. this figure is represented by the page of swords - very enthusiastic and full of energy, fun to be around. i feel lots of giddiness, warmth, and laughs from the future spouse's side. i see that the future spouse was very close with this figure and they were able to be vulnerable and true to themself around this figure. i see that they were/are very grateful for this page of swords figure but something happened pretty recently (from what it seems) and they were left very withdrawn, exhausted, overwhelmed, and disappointed. whatever happened has made them 'stuck' currently, in the sense that they are not moving on and they are lacking discipline in the way they are using their time in a sense. again, there is a sign of past feelings or memories that are resurfacing that is making them have a really hard time right now as this figure had a very close relationship with the future spouse. seeing how the two of cups came out, they may have been soulmates and even past life soulmates with the six of cups coming out as well. however, through this experience, there is an emperor figure in here, and i am guessing this is someone who is a fatherly figure(s) to the future spouse who is helping them with their current situation and being patient with them as they are withdrawn due to whatever happened. the future spouse is also asked to be calm no matter the situation and to see what happened from multiple perspectives as not doing so can create big misunderstandings. i also see that through this experience, the future spouse is rekindling a relationship with a king of wands figure (someone with very masculine energy), and the future spouse may be feeling more hope and faith in regards to this relationship. i pulled the star card, and this card represents renewal, discovery, and generosity, so do what you will with those meanings. they are also at a current state of rest at the moment. i asked what this break was for. they may have felt deceived or betrayed recently. they may also be taking a break from sort of collaboration with the people they work with. i also see some form of reunion going on and celebration on the reunion. i do not see that it's with jungkook though. lastly, jungkook describes them as the queen of cups, so someone very emotionally in tune with the people around them, intuitive, caring, nurturing, and kind. this is someone who would be willing to sacrifice themself for the needs of others. they're very maternal in a sense, and he really appreciates those qualities of the future spouse. (he had to put this in here. he insisted.)
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adambja · 7 months
How many times have you manifested through void and what is the proof? how do we know if you're just bullshitting us
First of all this is a good ask but it sounds a bit aggressive and fun anyways let's answer
• How many times?
Literally a lot I don't even count them since I actually wake up in my void literally everytime I nap/sleep after that time I manifested it
Sometimes I just manifest things spontaneously I am not really focusing on everything I manifest cause they are literally my whole life because I always move on with myself and I am just here and now in the present moment! Also I don't use it that much cause my manifesting abilities were/are already the same as manifesting in my void state!
• What is the proof?
Okay like what is the proof anyone ever entered their void state? what is the proof the void state even exists???? Think about it literally nothing also as I mentioned many times with/without my void state I was already having my best life and manifesting normally in my life I just think/affirm once and it just already happened and it happens that's literally my life even like everything was perfect I already had everything I wanted my family members are so fine my money since I was 14 is actually like so great because of my dad and what he taught me so yeah i don't what proof should I give you? entering/waking up in your void state isn't like going to the moon or mars like lmao I am not gonna get you some dust with me to prove it
But fr I did and I do everyday which makes me believe that all this ain't even real cause it's just a creation from my imagination
Go ask another blogger and let them answer it too you will find the same answer or they might give you proof idek what proof do you want you didn't specify at all
• how do we know if you are just bullshitting us?
It depends on your assumptions I really mean it cause some people convinced themselves I am a scammer about coaching so yeah am I a scammer rn? Nope I am not a scammer at all! It's just their assumption! And I am literally the opposite of a scammer but some people just got trust issues! I can't actually blame them for having trust issues! But I can blame the person who scammed them! Also I am not responsible that they got these trust issues! So all of this isn't really my responsibility even proving it to you or to anyone! Also I literally have no one who never got their things everyone is getting their things ready on time and the ones who are waiting for their things is just because they want it personalized or like I am asking them about what they exactly want it to be and what they wanna add and that's it!
Also this was about the coaching but clearly your question was about entering my void state so let me tell how would I have people who actually entered their void state using my tapes and many of them manifested what they wanted already and my coaching is already finished with them? Like how? Even the experiment!?? Someone actually entered WITHOUT the self-concept tape I sold to almost all my clients who wanted to enter their void state! Did you actually ask yourself this and did your own research about me? And about what I am posting here? Not about what people said about me here!! Cause talk and drama are so cheap they can just begin out of nothing also the rumors babe!! Before asking me all this!? Did you?
I just answered all your questions!! So yeah whatever if you got more you can ask as an anon or come to my DMs I don't mind it at all🫶🏻
And.... Mmmm I am ending all that coaching like by the end of this month hehe and NOT SELLING THE TAPES ANYMORE after like days so I AM SO FKIN HAPPY CAUSE I WILL BE BACK TO MY LIFE AGAIN completely AND I WILL DELETE TUMBLR AND ALL THE CHATS BUT I WILL STAY IN TOUCH WITH MY PRESENT CLIENTS LIKE MAN FINALLY THIS BS HERE IS OVER AND SEPTEMBER IS OVER WITH ITS LESSONS I literally learned a lot of things here like how to deal with things what to talk about what not to talk about and more I am happy 🫡
So byeeee lmao
Have a good day/night! 🫶🏻
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stahl-tier · 9 months
shock images on cigarettes are not new unless you’re speaking on a specific country that recently adopted them and didn’t specify that. canada’s had them for 20+ years.
Didn't know Canada has them. Honestly most of the time I forget Canada exists, since it's very far away and you barely ever hear about it in the news or in any context really. I assumed OP was referring to the EU countries (honestly an automatic assumption whenever someone talks about the United States as Elsewhere and especially when I reblog from my European mutuals), and specifically where I live the images weren't a thing until literally a couple years ago.
As a rule of thumb, whenever I don't specify what area of the world I'm talking about, especially when in contrast to the US, feel free to assume by default that I am talking about the EU countries, Central Europe, or at least DACH. Since I don't talk with authority about the experience of living in places that I don't have any personal experience living in or directly next to.
My memory on the exact year was a bit foggy so I looked it up, and for reference the EU ruled that its members have to put a large warning text on cigarette packaging in October 2003 (20 years ago), at this point I was only 10 years old so I did not smoke myself yet, but my family has a large percentage of habitual smokers so I do have memories of a time before the written warnings were a thing. Then in April 2014, the EU ruled that the giant shock images have to be added as well. At that point I had already been smoking for around 5 years so I distinctly remember that change. People were annoyed by it but not at all discouraged from continuing their habit, and a popular method to not have to look at the images all day was to buy what we sarcastically called "condoms" (little sleeves for the packs). I don't see these sleeves much anymore nowadays so it's safe to assume that people became indifferent to seeing pictures that used to be disturbing to look at. So really, all that was achieved was to dull people's feelings towards the meaning of the warnings as they became background noise.
What did make people try to reduce the amount of cigarettes they consume a little bit was the fact that the prices have risen very sharply in the past years (but the same is true for most consumer goods) and bringing them over from neighbor countries is no longer a viable way to get them cheaply in bulk, either, after it started being treated as smuggling with harsh fines.
Not very long ago, there were some specific laws introduced in my country that set the minimum age of buying tobacco of any kind to 18 years. And when I say not very long ago, I really mean it in this case since this law took effect in January 2019. Before 2019, you were allowed to buy tobacco at age 16 (back then this meant cigarettes, mainly, but e-cigarettes and shishas are also specifically included in the new version of the law). This was the same as the age at which you were allowed to buy and consume alcoholic drinks (with some "harder" drinks being restricted to 18 years, but the youth protection laws are specific to each state and only have been somewhat unified in 2019, but with some differences remaining... for example one of the states lets you buy tobacco and booze under the age of 18 if your coworkers send you to do it, and another lets you not buy tobacco under 18 or booze under 16 but you can consume it in non-public places).
In a country where according to statistics at least 20% of the (adult) population are active, regular smokers and the age where people start is way below even the previously allowed 16 years, you can probably imagine that it's not something that will simply stop even with rising prices and slightly tightened restrictions on buying the stuff.
In another effort to reduce the smoking there were also laws introduced in the recent years that restrict smoking inside establishements/buildings like restaurants, government buildings, public transportation (trains, trams, etc.) or workplaces to designated smoking areas (usually seperate rooms or zones outside the building, or in the case of the vehicles, only at the stations), something that was received negatively by many and especially the people who ran such places. Because in the luckiest case it meant expensive modifications to the buildings, but in the worst cases having to completely ban smoking from their establishment (which, in the case of the small taverns/cafes/pubs that dominate my country's food service industry, meant a large part of their patrons are smokers and were not thrilled about having to go outside every couple minutes, so they'd go hang out in other establishments with more space and dedicated smoker rooms). This was amended due to all the fierce protest and - as is typical for my country - an exception ruling was added that allows establishments of less than 50m² floor space to ignore the new rules. (And those "less than 50m² floor space" did indeed apply to a vast number of those previously mentioned small establishments.)
As you can see, our relationship with The Vices is a complicated and delicate one. And that's just one country I'm talking about. One of the smallest European countries. I'm sure our neighbors all around have even more thrilling tales of their own to tell.
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gschamig · 3 years
How do you know receiving oral is too gentle you, then?
I suggest you go back and read my response.
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rpbetter · 3 years
Thanks for your thoughts. Nope, I don't have another problem with the psa. It's the subtle word choice pretty much, but nothing else. I don't mind if people use me as a meme farm, so when I see psas like that or comments like that, I get upset because I associate it with people who make other blanket assumptions about all rpers, I have it linked in my head with people going around saying "rp is a hobby not a jobby" and making other assumptions about how all rpers do their thing.
Thank you for answering those questions!
The assumptive quality of the RPC can seriously be annoying as hell, especially if you're in the minority on any particular issue. When that's the case, the PSAs are so rarely geared toward you and any issues you might be experiencing that it's legitimately upsetting. I absolutely feel you on that!
I mean, obviously. Obviously lol I do. It couldn't be much clearer that I have a serious issue with the constant bombardment of PSAs insisting that we normalize shitty behaviors that are the damn norm, that we're all just losers RPing on tumblr so no one should be anxious about anything ever (instead of, you know, maybe trying to legitimately boost people's confidence, radical thought), or that anything that isn't being hostile to oneself is being hostile to everyone else.
I think the issue is that, while there is obviously a majority set of takes/issues/experiences (though, those, too, absolutely can skew toward one's particular RP corner and style), there's no way to address every instance and variable of an issue. Particularly not when anything other one paragraph is too lengthy for a lot of people here to engage with in a meaningful way.
So, I know I have to frequently ask, "is this a legitimate or hostile sort of blank-statement, or is it just addressing the majority experience? If it's the latter, is it genuinely enough of a problem to address?"
Like, did they mean that this is an experience most RPers have, or did they mean this is the only experience/is the correct and only way to do things? And that's not always answerable, of course, but when I feel like it is, it's usually found on OP's blog and RPC itself.
If OP has expressed things that are not the majority experience, expressed that they do not agree with blanket-statements, and doesn't imply with every rule, PSA, point on the DNI, and so on that to approach and proceed with RP in a way they do not is to commit some manner of terrible IRL crime? It's almost certainly that they were just expressing a majority experience and nothing more.
And in this case, yeah, as I'm sure you've noticed from being on the opposite side of this, it is the majority experience. I don't recall ever seeing very many RPers who do not espouse having an issue with having their memes and aesthetics reblogged without some manner of (rules specified if they're not a dick) interaction/relationship with the other mun. (Such as "mutuals are okay to reblog" or "I expect reblog karma and practice it.")
I don't know if there has been an influx of newer RPers or those who have migrated from more relaxed areas of the RPC, but recently, there really has been an increase in at least my corners of muns being used as resource blogs when they do not wish to be. They've all expressed in their rules their particular boundaries for that, have made overall posts politely but firmly asking that people who do not write with them and haven't even read their rules not do this, and have gone directly to the worst offenders to ask them to stop. And it continues to happen. So, I imagine that is why you might be seeing an influx of PSAs about the matter in response.
For anyone watching this conversation that might not understand why some muns are so against this, some reasons are:
clogging up their notifications
the aesthetic was their picture, edit, quote, etc. and not meant to be shared off their blog/only by the partner(s) tagged in it
when you reblog from someone, their URL is obviously attached, spreading them to another dash full of people - they might like you, but not want some of your mutuals following to their blog
their muse doesn't get much interaction, but other muns keep reblogging memes/aesthetics from them when they won't write with them or send anything in
they feel used for the above reason or any variety of other reasons
I'm really sure you know that, Anon, but I think it's important that we all understand where we're coming from because there are so many different preferences and experiences. It's really not good enough to just feel like everyone can do whatever they want, so long as it isn't harassing anyone else/they're being respectful of others. Because can feel that way all we want to while still getting upset when we lack the understanding of preferences that are extremely different, or even in opposition to our own.
We can't effectively respect each other without that sort of understanding of even the things that annoy us, you know? So, I try to promote that understanding and explain things for people who might simply see this on their dash.
Like the "hobby not jobby" thing! I don't get that, I think it has some concerning IRL connotations people are not recognizing, and it's a great way to treat other muns like shit while justifying the behavior. It's in opposition to what I do not because it exists, but rather, because it is weaponized in order to excuse bad behavior and vilify muns who do not engage with the hobby in this way. It doesn't have to exist in hostile opposition to how I enjoy RP, the use of it has made it this way, is what I'm saying.
But I understand where it came from and what it means for the more rational, adult muns here who feel this way. To them, it's just that this is an ultra casual hobby. The way I engage with RP is like a full contact sport lol it requires a lot of effort and engagement, and the effort and engagement is fun. They way they engage with RP is an act of disengaging, it is more like what watching TV is for me - they're just here for some light, quick entertainment.
Understanding this difference is understanding that not everyone who feels so casually about RP is a jackass insisting that everyone else better feel the same way, that their way is the only correct and good way. I'm still not interested in writing with them, it's far too different for that to work out, but it allows for delineating who is enjoyable on my dash/OOC that is into casual RP and who needs to stay behind a block somewhere because they think anyone who has RP as a primary hobby is trying to ruin it for them somehow, attacking them by existing, and the following list of terrible things as a person.
I think that all problems in the RPC could be drastically mitigated by a combination of understanding and mutual respect. People who are alright with others treating them like a meme resource absolutely can and should interact with people who don't feel that way without a problem, for example - all that takes is being aware of your mutual's rules and respecting them.
Damn near 100% of the PSAs out there honestly should not ever have to exist, they come down to the same factors of just exercising some easy respect for each other.
Again, the trouble often comes in at those very differing factors we need to be mindful of. When we feel like the weird one out in the RPC constantly, whether something is actually othering us or not, it starts to feel like it is. We start finding reasons and evidence, and much of the time, at least among those whose first inclination isn't to label OP as various terrible shit as a person, that takes the form of "not everyone."
Well, of course, not everyone! But unfortunately, when we are of the minority opinion/experience, we sometimes have to just realize that very thing. It isn't personal, and that while someone has caused issues coming from this side with that difference, we are not for our mutuals, so this isn't about us. We're actually doing the thing the PSA is speaking of by not pushing our preferences on others. If that PSA is just speaking from a place of the majority experience and nothing more, we're just annoyed with it for that reason and nothing else when it comes right down to it. We're just kind of sick of being in the minority opinion on this issue, and now are geared to feel like we're being hounded by most PSAs.
It's not an easy thing to get over or work with, it's not even something that gets to be faultless, but it definitely makes the experience less irritating when we can get to a point of stepping back and analyzing the situation without those emotions intensely in play. Seriously, if I allowed the issues I have with most PSAs out there to be evident by reblogging them with refutations or anger? That's all I'd spend my time doing, that'd be my hobby and not actual RP...and I'd absolutely be the most hated and blocked mun on tumblr in short order no matter how valid my points were. (And, I think, with good reason, I really do not support reblogging that sort of thing with negative commentary.)
What helps? Make your own positive PSA about your experience! Make one of those "reblog if" posts, I have never seen one that says "reblog if...you are alright with your mutuals reblogging memes and aesthetics from you without reblog karma."
I'm being dead serious, I encourage you to do that! It's great when you're of the minority opinion and do something like that because you can literally see not only that you're not alone at all but also that it's made other people feel seen. If you do that, let me know, I'll reblog it, even.
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csykora · 4 years
Tumblr media
[A tabby cat curled up in the middle of a bubble hockey board. Or you, being comfortable in an athletic community that’s good enough for you]
Hiiiiii! I’ve been looking at ice hockey and it seems a cool sport and something that I might want to do as a hobby. Only Im disabled. Do you think I could still do the thing? Do you have ideas on how to start doing the thing? Ive often found it hard to do sports because coaches or trainers don’t know shit about disability and so have no clue how to teach you things or what you may or may not be capable of and telling them is useless because they make assumptions about your body and gah. Cheers
Yes. Do the thing. Please go do it! I am not your coach, not your trainer, only friendly local bone witch—which I am very annoyed to have to say because you are a great athlete to work with.
Can I point out a couple things you just said?
You’re offering to do a trainer’s homework for them.
The early game didn’t have coaches. People milled on and off in whatever situations they felt like. Coaches and trainers came onto the scene so that someone was keeping track of who was actually good at what, when they needed support, and how to use them to best effect. That’s their whole gig.
Talking to folks on this blog, I’ve learned lots of people have this impression that capital-A Athletes have some factory-settings-standard body, any deviation a disaster (and they themselves can’t be athletes because they don’t.)
I think it’s very useful to smash this idea. Every athlete is a grab bag of weaknesses and weirdnesses, from old injuries down to handedness. Every coach longs to have three right-shot defensemen, and has made peace with the fact they’re not going to get them. Their job is to play with all the mismatched pieces they do have until they fit into a team.
If you present a coach or trainer with information about your abilities, and they don’t want to use that information, the problem you got right there is a shit coach.
Despite what the National League believes, there are more than 32 coaches in the world. 
Throw a stick up here and you’ll hit another amateur coach. When we’re little, if we get a shit coach or PE teacher, we get stuck. That does real and lasting harm, which I am happy to go on at length about, but to flip it around:
Now, you are a big Zee, who wants to learn to play as a hobby, with the goal of having fun. That’s a powerful place to be.
I won’t say there aren’t stakes: you could get hurt, physically or emotionally. Sharing information about your body with other people to try to keep yourself from getting hurt all the time can be hard. Playing can make you feel physically accomplished and capable in your body, which is a deep need I think we all have, so having to back away if a team does turn out to be shit is hard. So I don’t say “you can always quit a team” lightly, but…there is no threat if you quit a shit team, no one (who matters) will get mad or make you go back.That means you can advocate for yourself, and if a reasonable shot at advocacy reveals that a coach isn’t just unfamiliar with how to do their job for someone with your disability but uninterested in doing their damn job for a disabled person, you can wave them farewell and find another.
Now, our goal is for you to find a good trainer, who just needs to be given information about what you (not someone with the ‘same’ condition, but you specifically) have got going on.
I’m going to tell you to look up an adult learn-to-skate program. Most rinks will have regular learn-to-skate and learn-to-hockey programs spaced throughout the year (often paired so you spend “first semester” on skating before the people who want to move up to hockey). Look up different rinks, talk to people about the rink culture and the coaches there. If you have the time, maybe spend a while hanging out there watching the open skates, local team practices or public classes, getting a sense what it’s like and telling yourself you have as much right to be in that barn as anyone else. Then sign up for a class. But first I want you to be devastatingly, Hepburn-ishly confident in talking about what your disability means for you.
From the information you’ve just given me, I don’t know almost anything I would need to work with you. You may or may not know that information about yourself already, but you can figure it out.
“Mild hemiplegia” is not a super-medical phrase. Hemiplegia is complete paralysis on one side of the body, where you are unable to move those muscles on purpose. A mild to moderate loss of muscle strength on one side is hemiparesis.
These terms are, to be honest, mostly used to organize medical literature. They describe very specific signs that might happen for a variety of reasons. Other symptoms like loss of sensation, loss of range of motion, involuntary muscle spasms, or loss/delay of involuntary motion (reflexes), which may or may not occur with plegia/paresis, have to be specified and described. If I were treating you I definitely wouldn’t describe your case as “hemiplegia”, I would call it “hemiparesis” with a lot more descriptive words around that (and I probably wouldn’t use either when talking to you).
It’s not that you used a word wrong. I’m concerned that 1. people have made you think you have to use A Medical Name for your disability for it to be taken seriously, but also 2. because the stroke happened so early, you’ve actually been denied care and opportunities to learn about it.
1. First, for the record, you don’t have to justify your disabled identity to me. And while I really (really) understand the self-protective urge a lot of us have to try to say, “my condition is really real and serious, it has a Real Medical Name, please believe me”, I think that (outside of a legal context where you’re seeking protected accommodations) that strategy often isn’t as useful as we hope it will be to communicate with other people in our daily lives. The people who demand to see your Really Medically Serious card before making accommodations will always find something else to demand, while people who aren’t trying to be assholes will be better able to help you if they know exactly, practically how.
It’s not that one way of talking about your disability is wrong, but I want you to talk about it in ways that are useful to you, that help you connect with other people and get you what you want.
2. I’ve worked with a lot of elders who have paralysis or hemiparesis from strokes later in life, after being able-bodied for most of their lives, and doctors and therapists jump right up in there teaching and training them to “recover” that “lost function”. They/their families can’t not know all the medical words just from hearing them over and over. But what often happens when a person is disabled since childhood is that…they aren’t seen as having “lost capacity” that can be “saved”, but as having a baseline “low level of function” that’ll never change, so much less attention is payed.
I’m using the air quotes because many people’s disabilities are present throughout their whole lives, and someone’s disability or disabled identity is not just a “problem” to be solved or gotten rid of. But people with disabilities grow and change, especially when we’re, you know, children. What often happens is that parents/authorities encourage able-bodied children to play, practicing motions and building up their bodies’ ability to move, while children with disabilities get benched from practice, benched from not just one activity but from being active at all, which means being benched from developing their bodies in the ways that might actually work for them, and from developing relationships with their bodies.
Proprioception, for example, is a combination of some fundamental ability/capacity/threshold/potential/whathaveyou and skill developed through experience that changes in context. Ever seen a baby? None of them know where the hell they are. A baby that can crawl is let loose to explore the world and bump into things that trigger their nerves until their body learns to fit all that sensation information together and use it. A baby that doesn’t crawl for some other reason often doesn’t get a chance to explore, to experience those sensations or train up that skill. And a kid that has a different threshold for stimulation, who naturally seeks out more or less or a different sort, is often stopped from stimming in ways which would provide their body information they could process.
As an adult, you get the chance to look at what you want to do and how your body can do it again.
I want you to go throw a ball at a wall. Try to catch it. If you do any exercises already, sit-ups or pushups, do some of those. Run around the block, jump around on your bed. Stretch or just swing your arms and legs around. Find some small objects to use as weights and lift them, with either arm and then either leg (or set them on the floor and see if you can push them).
Work your way up your body one limb at a time, first thinking just about that limb on its own and then comparing the two sides after you’ve done them both. Don’t put a value judgement on anything yet, just pay attention: if your feet feel okay after running around, if you had more strength in one spot than you expected, if you had fun jumping, if there was a time you thought you might wobble but were able to correct, count that too! Think about each activity you did, the sensations around it, and whether that stim was satisfying, overstimulating, or not stimulating enough.
I want you to be able to go to a learn-to-play program, ask to talk with the coach at an appropriate time during the application or orientation, and say things like, “I have this condition. This is what it means: I have less strength with one arm, but I can move it as fast as the other, and with the same range of motion. I don’t grip items as well with one hand, or I tend to grip very hard. I don’t feel this type of sensation in this area, but I do feel that”.
Your coach is then going to recommend exercises to build strength in particular areas, or modifications to exercises so that you can do them without needing to use a particular area; they might have you try different equipment (find a tape job or adapted hand position that helps you keep hold of your stick, etc), and they may also encourage your towards and start training you for a particular position where you could do the most. When it comes to sensation, they’ll know to watch you closer for injuries in that spot that you might not notice.
This came in while I was applying to go back to university, and I bribed myself through the short essay section by pausing every hour to eat chocolate and sketch out what I would have you do for hypothetical positions and exercise plans. That’s still a long way off, but I’m very invested, so a couple things I want you to think about as you work towards the goal:
Keep sled hockey in mind. It’s not always a fit for people whose disability involves their arms, but it’s a cool community and most rinks will offer clinics where you can try out a sled and get a sense of the game.
How do you feel about getting hit with a puck? From your description, stickhandling and shooting may not be super fun for you. They may be, but if you give them a fair try and start to fee discouraged, try picturing yourself as a defender focussing on positioning or shot-blocking, or a goalie. Some people never ever want to do it, which is fair, but if you’re at all interested I’d love to see you try some time in goal! Everyone’s different but some folks the weight of the pads and the focused role can be really good stimulation. If your handling or footwork doesn’t feel great, goaltending would let you focus on moving your body more naturalistically as a whole to position in front of shots. And everyone else will love you for volunteering!
Write back and tell us how it goes!
21 notes · View notes
lizzybeth1986 · 5 years
Quick Thoughts on The Royal Heir, Book 1 Chapter 1
• We're back! Hopefully with a better series this time, but I'm not going to keep my hopes too high.
• If my QTs are clogging up your dash, I recommend you block these particular tags: #trh quick thoughts, #trh qts, and optionally #long post.
• Much like my Book 3 QTs, I will be exploring as many playthroughs as I possibly can to see how each LI's route is being written. Last book, this experiment definitely helped me figure out that they were putting more effort into some characters and less into others, and I'd still like to keep an eye out for these things as much as possible.
• I feel this QT might be shorter than my usual (edit: joke's on me - it's not!! 🙈), mostly because the opening chapter itself is...pretty light, and is mostly meant for us to spend time and have fun with our chosen LI. Plus a tiny smidgen of buildup to the premise, which is having a child in Cordonia. But I do have a theory about the overall theme that I'm going to be expanding on towards the end of the chapter.
• Okay that's it for preliminary explanations, it's time for me to start with the chapter! XD
• Ooh. Oooooooh. This loading page now has tidbits about Cordonian society!! Interesting.
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• Title: Happily Ever Afterwards
Alternative Title: Be Grateful We're Letting You Have This Much Sex For Free This Week, Because That's The Last Time It's Happening.
• I'm extremely offended they're making me wear that Pepto Bismol outfit again.
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...thanks so much for reminding me you still don't care about Hana, PB! 🙄 Everyone else remains to be some version of "loyal", but Hana is still considered more for her skills than for her own steadfastness, even though she was the most hardcore-loyal of the four (SHE LEFT HER FREAKING HOME. HER FREAKING FAMILY. FOR YOU. While the other three were certainly loyal and honorable to the MC, they definitely didn't have to completely cut ties with their families to do right by the MC).
• The "fairytale" aesthetics of the frame story were what drew people into TRR in the first place, so it's not too surprising that the LIs and MC give a nod to the flagship series with a "once upon a time". If you're with Liam, it goes straight from "falling in love with the Prince" to what his relationship with her taught him, before the happily ever after. If you're with one of the other three LIs, it specifies that she came there for Liam but fell for someone else. Sounds a lot like Maxwell's book 😄 In Maxwell's playthrough, in fact, there is a reference to it when the MC calls him a "famous author".
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(Screenshots organized as follows: 1 - Liam, 2 - Drake, 3 - Maxwell, 4 - Hana. Liam's and Hana's are my own. Drake's from @thefirstcourtesan, and Maxwell's from Kaitlyn Walker's YouTube channel).
The other interesting thing to note is that in Liam's playthrough, he leads the narration. While in everyone else's the MC is the one who steers it. One reason I can think of is that the narrative still treats this story as Liam's story as much as it is the MC's (if I'm right about the theme) - which...has honestly always been a sore point with the fanbase in TRR. That would depend on how us and our baby are now further involved with Cordonia in the story. Another factor for why she leads the narration...could be that essentially, the MC took initiative in the other three relationships, while in Liam's case it was he who took a more active role by proposing to her.
• The little story ends with this question from the MC:
Question: But what happens after Happily Ever After?
Answer: Mess. In Cordonia it's always mess.
• Cordonians (specifically the upper classes, since I don't know enough about the common populace to tell, since they're, yknow, practically invisible) are addicted to tea, apples and fucking shit up where they don't even need to.
• ANYWAY. What (literally) happens after 'happily ever after' is a tropical honeymoon on Liam's private island. In the case of the other three, he allows them access to the place and gives the staff instructions on making the stay comfortable for them.
• Now, since Liam owns the island and has probably visited it a could times, he shows more familiarity with it. He tells his wife that on previous trips the island had more rustic accommodations, but the villa they're now staying in was prepared recently. Additionally, the butler welcomes Hana, Maxwell and Drake as newcomers to the island, considering it's their first time. With Liam, there is an air of familiarity - he calls the butler by his name (Javier) and enquires about him and his wife (Mariana) - to show us perhaps how familiar he is with this holiday spot.
• Why the hell does everyone call Liam "Your Highness"? It's been two whole books since he became King, and the proper title for a monarch is "Your Majesty". How is it that Constantine gets to rake the MC over the coals for calling him Your Highness, yet Liam has to hear this from practically everyone. From Javier to freakin' Protocol-Monitor-Madeleine! The disrespect, I tell you!
• Okay so we're having a candlelit dinner by the ocean, and we get our first OOTD. Cute beach dress, has bright flowers and some crochet work on the bodice. I bought it because I couldn't bear to have Esther stay another minute in that Pepto Bismol of a dress.
• LOL @ all the LI responses to "this spot is right where the sharks are!"
• Tuna sashimi and pineapple aioli, huh? I have never had either so idek what that's supposed to taste like (someone on this writing team likes pineapples). I remember having to cut down on tuna during pregnancy, which meant no more Subway sandwiches since the tuna sub was the only one I liked at the time. IIRC most of my family were also cautioning me against pineapples and papaya during my first trimester!
• My gosh this butler doesn't waste much time jumping into assumptions huh?
• Also Javier, why is Cordonia's future so dependent on the well-being of my foetus even if I'm not ruling the country?
• Does Cordonia have sex ed? My money is on no. (esp in the Hana route).
• So there are two parts to the way the premise of wanting to have kids is built up in this sequence. In the first part, the LI impresses upon the MC the need to have children soon after the wedding. The second part addresses the urgency - the "why right now?" factor, and explores the LI's personal emotions towards having children. This bit also feels a bit like a follow-up to the Valtoria balcony scene in Chapter 15.
• The first part is pretty similar for Drake, Hana and Maxwell - all three of whom are now married to a Duchess and are aware that securing the duchy is important. They word it in their own distinctive styles, but the gist is pretty much the same. In Liam's case, since he is the king of the country, he speaks more about Cordonia and its tensions with neighbouring countries.
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Take note of this because I'll be returning to this point later. (also who are the writers trying to convince about Cordonia's size. "Small kingdom" my ass).
• I'll be going by the LIs' personal reasons to have a baby now, one by one, along with a summary of their views on children in the Valtoria balcony scene last book (since this scene clearly references that diamond scene if you've bought it last book).
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(Screenshots: Liam's and Hana's screenshots are mine, Drake's is from @thefirstcourtesan and Maxwell's is from Kaitlyn Walker's YouTube channel)
- Liam: Liam's love for family and need for children is well-known throughout the series. In Book 1, he's dropped hints about wanting to have a different kind of family dynamic from the one he'd experienced as a child, and in Book 2 there were multiple references to wanting to not be Constantine - both as a King and as a father. In the balcony scene in Book 3, Chapter 15, Liam tells us a number of things - about the value of having more heirs for succession, of him always dreaming of having at least 3 children, about Kenna, Cordonia's most legendary warrior queen which leads to an interesting factoid about how the rules of successions for both the throne and duchies are not gender-specific (he also cites Olivia and Penelope as being in line to inherit their duchies). In this sequence Liam undoubtedly has more to say about the political aspect of having an heir than the personal, but his statement about "someone missing" in their lives is of no surprise when he's been enthusiastic about kids for three books straight.
- Drake: Drake perhaps gets the lengthiest 'personal' bit of all, revolving around his eagerness to be a father and his own family history. This scene has Drake speaking of wanting a child with "your eyes and my hair", but most of all of Savannah and her little family, and wanting the happiness his sister is experiencing now. The writing often manages to tie Drake's thoughts about his future family with his past: in the Valtoria balcony scene, his memories of his father and his desire to bring up his own kids the way Jackson did are dominant in the conversation on children. He speaks at length about the absence of a proper 'home' so far in his life (stating that his room at the palace always felt like "a room in someone else's house") and how high on his priority list the prospect of having children is. The Valtoria scene shows him eager to have kids asap, and this scene builds up the same urgency. You're left in no doubt that he wants those kids now.
• Maxwell: Maxwell's route of this scene soundly pretty sudden, tbh. In his Valtoria scene, Maxwell expressed doubt and nervousness when it came to children, citing the example of Bartie ("I love palling around with little Bartie and everything, but if he bonks his head or something, I can just hand him back to Savannah. When it's your kid, you're the one people hand him to."). While this is referenced in TRH's dialogue when Maxwell jokes about forgetting diapers and baby socks - it's a pretty big jump from the man who didn't exactly feel ready to have children yet, and not enough work was done to justify that shift. This could be somewhat excused in the beginning of Book 3, when the narrative had just begun to treat him like an LI, but they've had an entire damn book and several months after to reflect on how to write him properly. That is...if they actually gave a damn.
- Hana: They don't even have the excuse of "relatively new LI" in Hana's case. Because she is the lone female LI married to a female MC, her scene should have been a lot more extensive and explored her urgency to have children so soon after their wedding, a whole lot more. There are tiny changes, like the one where she hints at the "logistical concerns" that come with two women considering a family, and where she speaks of giving her child the childhood she never had (which, frankly, is an extremely vague statement and could be applicable to more than one character in Cordonia). But there is urgency that, again, isn't properly explained in the scene. Even Hana's Valtoria scene doesn't have much that would explain why she would want a child barely weeks after her wedding. The Valtoria scene does have her outlining her dreams for the duchy (along with a joke about her enacting "Beauty and the Beast") and her happiness at the thought of being a mother (she maintains that out of the things expected of her, motherhood is the one she looked forward to). They could have spent some time thinking up a reason for why Hana would rush this, even before anything has happened, or outlined something personal and not ultra-generic. Both Maxwell and Hana deserved a lot better than this.
• Maxwell speaks about possibly forgetting diapers (PLS NO MAXWELL NO) and baby socks (um okay not as bad but depends on the climate), and one of the MC's dialogue options is to say..."diapers and socks are overrated". Guys your kid won't care how much fun you are when they have a bum rash.
• A-ha! Diamond scene. First-chapter diamond love scenes always come cheap in these series' (12 diamonds) and are usually quite a steal.
• ...and it is also matches Liam's underwear. Maxwell's too 😅
• The scene is nice, there are variations between the ways the LIs work up their appetite before they finally roll in the...well, sand 😅 Maxwell has what they call an "ocean duel", Hana's fulfills her lifelong dream of carrying and spinning around her wife on a secluded beach, Drake chases the MC through the water...and Liam just enjoys being a huuuge tease, okay? 😂
• Oh God, why are they still using the old LoveHacks sexytimes music. That "DHUM-boom-ta-doom-DHUM" beat drives me nuts, and not in a good way. You have better music now, PB! Like the sexytimes tunes from RCD and PM. Use those!
• My gosh this entire group is quite horny for dominant duchesses, aren't they. Every last one of them. Each playthrough has these four gazing at the MC in wonder and telling her some variation of "I think you ordering me around is hot". Olivia could trample over them all with spiked heels and they would thank her!
• As always, when something suspicious happens, my dumbass MC goes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and never thinks about it again until shit actually goes down. This woman will never learn, will she.
• Anyway! We now move on to the rest of the honeymoon, summed up in three-four varying scenes per LI:
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(Screenshots: Liam's and Hana's screenshots are mine, Drakes is HIMEME's YouTube channel, and Maxwell's is from Kaitlyn Walker's YouTube channel).
- Liam: Focused and dedicated. And insatiable as hell. Sex on a bed (SHOCKING!), sex after his wife points out what could be an apple constellation during stargazing (the MC effectively killed Liam's boner for Cordonia, I see), sex after having chocolate strawberries at a sunlit pond, sex again on a bed (Why is he getting four? 🤔). While the staff is still around somewhere on the island. This is a man with a mission.
- Maxwell: Fun and playful - kind of a "let's live wild and do daredevilry while we can!" vibe. In one Maxwell and the MC cliff dive into the ocean, debating over the wisdom of such risky adventuring when they may possibly be having a baby. In another, the MC watches, concerned, as Maxwell eats a raw squid appetizer. There is a nice callback to Maxwell's House sigil - the kraken - when he tells her that a squid would never hurt a fellow squid. The third shows them playing Strip Monopoly in the comfort of their bedroom.
- Hana: Adorable, caring and looking through every detail. Hana's three scenes involve her showing the MC the sights around the sunlit pond (which Hana and the MC lovingly call the "Hana Lee Honeymoon Itinerary"), watching the sunset under blankets, and this little scene of them choosing sperm donors for their baby:
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It's a nice addition, but it still doesn't explain why they couldn't have waited a few more months. Nothing has happened yet in the timeline of the story, the women are (they believe) finally safe and happy, and while Javier seems to believe that babies born to a couple that consists of two women pop out of nowhere, I'm hoping the denizens of their duchy will have at least a little more common sense (this is Cordonia, so "hope" is the operative word).
- Drake: Langorous, relaxed and contented. Stargazing on the beach (I wonder whether this was a nod to the meteor shower scene in Book 1), whiskey on a patio/balcony/whatever in the afternoon, and eating roasted pork by the fire. Plenty of sex but also lots of outdoors, which means lots of the stuff Drake enjoys doing.
• Aaaaaand it's time for sexy scene 2! The couple are now relaxing in bed on the last day of their honeymoon, and the LI proposes a momento in the form of a sensual photoshoot (which comes with artwork of the LI in their underwear, posing for the MC) The male LIs pose with their hands at the back of their heads, smirking at the camera, while Hana strikes a coy pose, leaning against her hand. It's a quick, fun scene that's supposed to squeeze as much alone-time out of the couple as possible, because from here on the focus may shift to other things. Basically this chapter is meant to be one giant (but largely safe for readers) smutfest. I like the artwork - it's different and I guess meant to be a little more realistic than the usual full-page art in the books (like the engagement and wedding photos with your LIs last book), which is why I think it takes a little getting used to. I know it took me some time!
• Maxwell got an underwear upgrade too!
• We've now come to the end of our honeymoon, our bags packed and ready for our return to Cordonia. The chapter ends with us seeing a "familiar face", who could either be Liam (if you married someone else, and he doesn't show any expression) or an unspecified person (if you married Liam, and he looks ultra happy). Now that could either be related to some paparazzi-related stuff, if the flash of light was paparazzi-related, or it could be a fake-out and he's actually brought along the rest of the gang to surprise you. Idk and I don't want to speculate too much on this, mostly because something more interesting caught my eye.
• So that's it for my thoughts on the scenes themselves! On to the "general thoughts" section.
• General Thoughts and Potential Theories:
- As a first chapter for a new series that is still tied to an older one, it worked. It mirrors the light feel and sensibility of TRR's very first chapter, in that both chapters build an illusion of a fairytale-like place, with hints of the darkness within emerging the next chapter onwards (in this series though - since we're already familiar with Cordonia - the darkness is lightly hinted at this chapter itself). In a lot of ways I think we're going to see a lot of parallels between TRR and this new series.
- Unfortunately, one of those similarities also includes the imbalance in the writing for the LIs. Specifically with Maxwell and Hana. It's the most glaring in the dinner scene, which builds for us the premise on which this entire book stands (the topic of pregnancy). There are ways you could have them make the jump from nervous about having kids to excited, if you tried - there are elements in their storyline that could have helped us understand their urgency.
- I played Liam's route first, and was happy overall with it but I still have my misgivings. The good in terms of Liam's story is that he gets importance because the story is also about him and his country, where we are staying. He gives us some very important details in his route, and personally I like that his role as Guide To The Intricacies And Nuances of Cordonian Society still exists...but you can't deny that there were things in his storyline which should have been addressed and never were. I hope those are addressed this book. If they do the same this time around, it will only be to their detriment.
- Also, I find it highly ironic that Drake is the one to mention Savannah and Bartie when it was MAXWELL who was more involved in helping her with the child. Sure, he was - as he confessed in that Valtoria scene - more the "fun uncle" type, but he was still pretty heavily involved. Still keeping track of what Savannah needed and what Bartie would want. In his own final Book 3 scene, Maxwell is shown having an amazing rapport with little Bartie, playing peekaboo with his nose. I can barely count scenes involving Drake and Bartie with the fingers of one hand. Why couldn't Maxwell reference that last moment in Book 3, drawing up some inspirational moment from it? Like spending more and more time with Bartie changed the way he felt about kids? Or maybe that Savannah or Bertrand said something regarding the joy children bring to him. Anything that gives us some idea of when this shift happened.
Maxwell may have been new last book. It may have been a struggle to know what to do with him last book. But that isn't the case right now. By now they should have settled in their writing of him and figured out ways to make his story make sense? To give him more depth rather than simply reducing the man to the court jester? Maxwell's story was supposed to be about him growing, the scene in Valtoria was supposed to be about wanting to be a good father for his future children but fearing he might fail...yet the writers have the same man say the exact opposite. Maxwell's family history was thrown away for no good reason last book, and was replaced by Savannah drama. There was more space given to Savannah's love story with Bertrand (which didn't NEED the entire book to gain fruition) and Drake (optionally) enjoying humiliating Bertrand. That time, energy and effort could have gone in building up Maxwell, getting an insight into what happened to the Beaumonts that they became so poor...but no. The only Beaumont that mattered seems to be Savannah (and we know exactly why). And going by the fact that they're going to force an entire wedding storyline involving Bertrand and Savannah down our throats, that still seems to be the case.
- Hana's is even more worrying considering that it was poles apart from the rest of the playthroughs and therefore SHOULD have had more thought. Yes Hana loves the idea of being a mother. Yes Hana loves children and has a nurturing nature. But the urgency is still the same as the others' in her playthrough, and it made absolutely no sense. There was a clear dissonance between their current situation and the rush these two were in.
Hana's deserved at least some more time in her dinner scene. Maybe one where she could speak about growing up an only child, with no companions and not even toys. She could explain the loneliness involved in having a small family with parents who gave her more duties than affection, and then speak about giving her kid a better childhood. There isn't even any discussion about which of them should be the person carrying (we know it will be the MC, but why it has to be her in their case is anyone's guess).
What the team have done here is give Hana the bare minimum, after an entire two books of giving her even less than that. I know I'll probably be judged for thinking negatively rather than being cautiously optimistic, but the fact is that the moment this team feels they can get away with tossing scraps or less than that, they can and will do it. It's not stopped them before: not from botching up Hana's storyline, not from giving Hana fans a reception full of goof-ups and shoddy writing, not from pairing her with her bully. Perhaps last year I would have been happy and grateful to see Hana and the MC calling each other "my wife". This time...I refuse to settle for just mere scraps. If you can give thought and care to Liam and Drake's storylines, you'd better be able to do the same for Hana and Maxwell, otherwise what's the point of reviving this book? What's the point of using Hana specifically in two of your ads as bait for your lesbian/bi/wlw fans?? Might as well let the entire series rot in the trash where it belongs in that case.
- I've heard theories about our child becoming heir to the throne, thanks to a possible future arc that may make Liam unable to have children. I personally hate this possible plot line for two reasons:
1. As it is the MC gets more importance than she deserves, whether or not she actually puts in the work. She becomes a front-runner during the social season even if she fails. She becomes a Duchess even if she lacks even the most basic skills, while Hana who has done way more than she ever had for the country gets nothing, not even a needle-point's worth of land. She becomes Champion of the Realm even if she is literal garbage throughout that book, when that title could have easily gone to Olivia or Hana instead if she didn't earn enough to get it. And now to have her kid be made an heir to the throne? For no good reason? Get outta here.
2. Forcing Liam into yet another storyline that is tragic and painful (and I'm pretty sure the writers will find yet another excuse to write a thesis on Drake Walker in the time they could be using to let Liam actually break down, or vent. If they couldn't be bothered to explore the man's feelings when his own father died, do you really think they will bother with him in this??) on top of whatever else he's had to experience so far? At this point I can do with less of that. I'm honestly sick of storylines that put Liam in very uncomfortable, painful situations with very little space for him to air out his grief. Give the man a fucking break. Let him have some breathing space to rule his goddamned kingdom, get him a fantastic therapist and get him better friends while he's at it. Pushing him into yet another messed-up situation when you've barely even scratched the surface with what his experiences have done to him, is really just drama for the sake of drama, nothing else.
- Nonetheless, since this is about a pregnancy and a future heir, I believe there will be plenty talk about succession, and about the importance given to fertility and children in Cordonian society. But as with the social season in Book 1, the engagement tour in Book 2, and the wedding + Unity Tour in Book 3, I believe the pregnancy itself is a frame story. The kind of story that justifies the glitz, the glitter, and the glamorous events...that can serve as a temporary gloss to cover the conflicts within. All while the inner stories reveals those conflicts, layer by layer (again, if it's done right. Book 3 is a good example of a great premise ruined by bad writing. I sincerely hope this book does not go in that direction).
- Remember those screenshots I put up in that dinner scene from Liam's route? About Cordonia's tensions with its neighbouring countries, and how the country may be viewed as vulnerable? I think that's where the actual theme of the story lies.
Books 1 and 2 mostly revolved around the illusion of Cordonia - the fairytale kingdom - before the MC herself is confronted with the tensions brewing within. Book 3 was about strengthening Cordonia through resolution of internal conflict. It was about learning about the intricacies of the country, its most powerful duchies, their histories and identities, Cordonia's messy, complicated history - to tackle the problems that lay within.
I feel like Book 4 would be taking a natural progression from resolving internal conflict to finally standing united as a nation against outside forces. Constantine - in his conversation with the MC in Shanghai - hints not only at groups within Cordonia that wanted to destroy the monarchy, but also foreign powers ("suffice to say there are those who envy Cordonia's prosperity...". Not the royal family's - but "Cordonia's").
Keeping a united front and showcasing strength through pride in the country - ergo 'patriotism', or perhaps 'national integration' since Cordonia is home to many different cultures and geographical locations (I originally wrote 'nationalism here, but now realize there may be negative connotations attached to that word in today's times: thanks @musicallisto!) is often viewed as an asset against alien forces. The MC is now a part of the monarchy/nobility, and will be irrevocably tied to the country's future - so it makes sense that she will now dig into the deepest and most intimate parts of Cordonia's history, and go several steps further in helping to unite the nation.
- Why do I theorize 'patriotism' or 'national integration' as being a theme? There are several reasons for this:
The Unresolved Storylines: We still have a ways to go in understanding Cordonian history. We don't know which other forces were involved in previous assassinations, and we don't have a clue what happened to Liam's mother. All we do know is that other people and groups that we have probably not even seen yet, may have been involved. Francesco (who also knew Liam's mother) and Xinghai, the only foreign delegates/visitors that we got to network with in Book 2, have minimal roles so far but SEEM to have had some influence when they were introduced earlier. Francesco particularly could have some sort of role to play, given what we were told about him in Book 2. Now would be a good time to explore why he needed contacts with these people (other than the fact that Xinghai is Hana's dad). It's possible that nothing will happen and we may not even see these two, or exchange any important information, but I'd still hope that there is some importance to their appearances in Book 2.
The Connections We Made In The Engagement Tour: Meeting Francesco in Capri was related to getting access to EU markets for Cordonian products. The engagement tour itself revolved around grabbing international attention towards Cordonian problems - one of which was the tsunami that hit Portavira, which we learn more about in Book 3. There is a possibility that these threads may be picked up in the future.
Both the above points hint at possible threats, or allies. At this point we can't exactly determine who is friend and who is foe, but it is clear that neighbouring countries - and indeed countries we have associated with in the past - will play a pretty big role in the way we view Cordonia, and in the way we direct the narrative of this country.
The Artwork: I love this part of my theory because it is the most based on actual evidence rather than guesswork. The idea of a nation depends as much on items of familiarity and symbols, as it does on history. It's why countries have national animals, anthems, fruits. Why art depicting national and local legends can often be considered almost sacred. The book has barely even begun yet, and already it is FILLED with all kinds of things symbolic to Cordonia.
Let's first take a peek at the cover art:
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Now let's ignore Liam's and Drake's (busted) faces in this cover and focus on what the three are holding.
The MC holds a rattle in her hand, and the jewel within the rattle looks similar to a ruby, which has been associated more than once with apples in the story (Cordonia's most valued variety of apple is the Cordonian Ruby, Liam's wedding gift to the MC is a ruby in the shape of an apple. The same rattle shows up in the second cover [on the left] as well. It's a stretch, I know, but I've got better evidence. Stick with me).
Liam holds a onesie with a crown design on the front - and we know that "for crown and country" is a popular phrase, especially for toasts, in Cordonia. Drake holds out a toy lion: the lion is the national animal, and holds a place of pride in the national Coat-of-Arms. The throne on which the MC herself sits, is blue and gold - both considered national colours. That's at least 4 symbols related to Cordonia vying for our attention on the same cover!
I mean, even Book 3 had just two major symbols - the apple (related to Cordonia) and the phoenix gown (related to Valtoria) - featuring on its cover.
The biggest proof to me, however, is not the cover, but the loading page. To be more precise - what is written above that loading page. A number of Choices books (BB, for instance) write little factoids about the world they are building above the loading bar, which players can read while they're waiting for the chapter to load. This wasn't a common practice with TRR, but they've definitely started it now! Some of the commentary is usual stuff - about gaining advantages through outfits, welcoming you back to Cordonia, etc...but THIS TIME there are tidbits of information given to us as well. And 80% of those involve apples!
Here are a few I managed to catch. One fact on the importance of apples in Cordonian culture, two specifically on the Cordonian Ruby itself including a rare recipe, and two old proverbs (this isn't the only time we've heard apple-related proverbs in the books - in Book 3 for instance, Bertrand refers to their trip to Fydelia as 'slicing two apples with one knife'). Proverbs in general often give us an idea of what people within a region hold up as important, as so connected to their life experiences that they can use those familiar objects as motifs for things that they see in daily life (eg. proverbs in my home state, Kerala, often refer to things/animals we find locally: jasmines, coconuts, jackfruit, dogs, elephants).
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The fact that the apple features so often and with such emphasis in the loading page itself - and we have already seen what this simple fruit means to Cordonia - indicates to me that this national symbol - and the idea of the nation itself - will be of great importance. Not only will we be exploring foreign relations, IMO, but we'll also be learning how to build a national narrative that will benefit and strengthen Cordonia.
What's also interesting is that the apple symbolizes fertility to the Cordonian people as well - the apple cutting ceremony during a wedding (as explained by Regina to Leo's fiancée in RoE) is "a symbol of the fruit the tree will bear - you being the tree, of course", and there are chances that the fruit may feature often within the context of pregnancy/having children as well.
• That's all for now, guys. I hope to write more and theorize more as the chapters progress! Until then, I hope you enjoy this one, and I'd love to hear what you have to say.
• I did the Hana screenshots for this chapter, since the first chapter allows me to play repeatedly within losing keys, but I won't be able to do so from Chapter 2 onwards. If there are any Hana fans out there who keep screenshots of scenes in their route and are interested in sharing, I'd love to hear from you and will definitely credit you for the screenshots I put up!
• If you'd like to be tagged in future QTs, please let me know! Tagging @nikkisha16 for now since she asked xD
• Until Saturday, folks!
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imaginedanganronpa · 5 years
In that case could I request the NDRV3 guys with a bi!fem!SO but they don't find out until they run into her biphobic!ex who "warns" them about her? With the ex being the reason why she was so nervous to tell them in the first place?
This one hits close to home. Ijust want to reiterate that this blog is a Safe Space and that I love all ofyou. I hope you enjoy. Also, I used neutral pronouns for the ex since it wasn’t specified, I hopethat’s okay!
V3 Boys with a Bisexual Fem!S/OWho Doesn’t Come Out To Them Until They Run Into Her Biphobic Ex!
Saihara Shuichi
You disliked keeping secrets from Saihara, especiallyconsidering how easily he was able to pick up on when you were lying or hidingsomething. You always thought that, eventually, he would figure you out.
He was already a bit skeptical of you and has clued into some ofyour mannerisms, but his intuition told him to wait. Saihara would never forceyou to tell him something if you were uncomfortable or pressure you in any way.
If it was important, he figured you’d tell him at your own pace;if it wasn’t, then he has no reason to worry, right?
But there was a reason why you kept this secret – your previouspartner wasn’t so accepting when you came out and that rejection has since madeyou unbearably nervous to tell anyone else.
You two went on a spontaneous trip to the Mall, mainly becauseSaihara had some items to pick up and it wasn’t something you did very often. Achange of scenery was nice, so you gathered yourselves and spent the dayaimlessly roaming through the building and exploring together.
It was a peaceful date, winding in and out of the various littleshops until you ran into someone that you stored in the back of your mind.
The two of you were holding hands while heading towards the FoodCourt for a break when you spotted them leaning against a table near theentrance. Quickly, your grip around Saihara’s larger palm tightened as youimmediately whipped around and started walking in the opposite direction,catching him by surprise and jolting him backwards.
“Hey, (Y/N)!” He exclaims as he stumbles, in which you promptlyhush him. You didn’t want your ex to hear your name and hone in on you, tryingyour best to avoid causing a scene. This certainly wasn’t the way you wantedhim to find out about your sexuality.
Saihara’s eyes narrow and he glares at you, putting his footdown and refusing to move until you give him a proper explanation. “What isgoing on? You’ve been acting like you have something to hide ever since westarted dating.”
“That’s because she does havesomething to hide.” An all-too familiar voice sent chills down your spine,causing you to clench your teeth. Your hands began trembling as your exapproached you two, a sinister smirk on their face. Your stomach twisted andturned, and Saihara immediately sensed danger in their presence.
The Detective, clearly puzzled, glances at the stranger and thenback at you. He’s arching a brow and you can tell that suspicions are racingthrough his mind.
“I just wanted to warn you to get away from her before thingsget too serious, trust me.” Their tone was cold andevery word felt like a punch to the gut. In your mind, you hoped that Saiharawas more understanding than that and wouldn’t be so easily swayed by theirunconvincing words.
His grip around you tightens protectively as he assesses thesituation, his eyes never leaving your ex. Breaking the silence, theycontinue. “She’s easy and will leave you for anyone, you have to becareful with her,” they impolitely gesture towards you. By this point, you knowthat their words are only meant to get under your skin, and it was working.
Silent for a moment, Saihara’s lips form a frown and he looks abit disappointed. Not in you, though, but with your apparent ex. “I think youneed to leave.”
Stunned by his response, they back up and stare at himquizzically. Repeating himself, Saihara barks at the stranger through hisgritted teeth, “I said… leave.” His voicewas stern, and it was rare that you see him get this serious or angry.
After the encounter, he guides you to a more secluded area tohave a serious talk. Clearly, you can’t fool a Detective and he wouldn’t letyou go without understanding what just happened. 
Somewhat backed into a corner, you hesitantly sigh and continuestaring at your feet. Drawing in a deep breath, you mutter. “I’mbisexual… and my ex left me for it because they didn’t like it, they thoughtI’d cheat on them or something and were incredibly biphobic.”
Saihara’s face softens as he finally connects the dots and makessense out of your behavior. He was visibly upset, but not with you. Although,he feels a bit disappointed in himself for not knowing earlier, he embraces youin a long hug and places kisses on your forehead, reassuring you that heunderstood. 
“Is that why you didn’t tell me before?” His voice was a bit shyand weak, and all you can do is nod into his chest. He lets out a long,exasperated sigh followed by a breathy giggle. 
Then, taking your hand in his, he calms your nerves forgood. “(Y/N), you don’t have to be afraid to tell me anything. I stilllove you all the same, and I always will. Don’t be afraid to be who you are, nomatter what. I will always have your back.”
Content, you melt into his embrace and are finally able to letall your fears and memories of your previous relationship free.
Coming out to Saihara only tightened your bond and affirmed yourrelationship. You wondered why you were so nervous to tell him in the firstplace, because ever since then he was only ever supportive and appreciative ofyou.
Ouma Kokichi
Your sexuality was at most a little white lie, at least in youreyes. Why did it matter if Ouma knew or not? You were together, and you didn’thave eyes for anyone else so it’s not like it really matters now… right?There’s a stigma that bisexual people are more likely to cheat which simplywasn’t true, but you didn’t want him to make assumptions like that.
In all honesty, you’re a little bit surprised when he doesn’tfigure you out. He’s typically very keen about these subjects. Maybe it was forthe best, though. 
Your past experience with your ex has created a series of trustissues and anxiety when it comes to telling others about your sexuality. That,and you knew that Ouma would tease you and poke fun at it had he known becausethat’s just what he does. Although you’ve wanted to tell him since you don’twant to keep secrets from one another, you haven’t been able to bring yourselfto do it.
It’s not like you didn’t want to tellhim, but you were nervous and afraid of history repeating itself.
One morning, Ouma starts pestering you about how he was starvedand begged to get breakfast together. He was shoving you in bed beside him andwhining like a little kid which causes you to rise from your peaceful slumber.
You knew that your boyfriend was stubborn and persistent, so youhad no other choice but to save yourself the trouble and give in. Together, thetwo of you make your way to an old-fashioned diner-style restaurant.
While walking in, you catch a glimpse of a figure which causesgoosebumps to rise all over your skin. Cautiously entering, you recognize themonce you walk through the doorway of the restaurant. 
The moment you lay eyes on the figure, you stop dead in yourtracks which causes Ouma to stumble backwards. Perplexed, he eyes you and tellsyou to keep going. “Why’d you stop? C’mon, (Y/N), I’m hungry~!”
But all you can do is stare forward. Your heart-rate increasedsignificantly as you watch them slide out from their seat and make their way toyou. You began tugging on Ouma’s sleeve, begging to turn around and leave, buthe didn’t realize the weight of your situation - not until he felt the loomingpresence of someone over his shoulder.
“Oh, looks like you’ve moved on.” They taunt with a bit of achuckle. You were too stricken with fear to respond, and Ouma glares up at themwith irritation.
“Who the Hell are you?” He snaps back, glancing at you and now notingthe fear on your face. It throws him off balance because he wasn’t used toseeing you look so worried, but he quickly regains confidence and shakes itoff.
“I guess (Y/N) doesn’t talk about me? Not surprised, I’m willingto bet she isn’t honest with you, either.”
This causes him to furrow his brows. You could feel Oumashifting beside you and you knew that he was growing even more antsy with eachpassing second. “What does that mean?”
Shrugging their shoulders nonchalantly, there was a peculiar slysmirk plastered on their face. “Just trying to warn you to stay away from her.She’s revolting, trust me.”
Ouma was fuming – he wouldn’t stand for someone walking all overyou like that. Flinching away from their words, all you wanted to do wasdisappear. You continued trying to pry Ouma out of the diner, but nothingseemed to work; he wouldn’t budge.
“I don’t care what you have to say, but I love (Y/N) and I thinkyou need to leave us alone. You’re irrelevant now, she isn’t with you so why areyou still bothering her?” His voice was rising and you could tell he was holdinghimself back. By now, heads began turning to watch the scene that was unfoldingin the doorway.
Before they could respond, a waitress approaches the three of you and asks your ex to leave. Stunned and disappointed they argue and point the finger at you. “Tell them to leave! You don’t want people like her here, do you?”
Afterwards, you two are guided to an empty booth. Ouma was stillcoming down from the high, muttering under his breath about how he was secondsaway from punching them in the stomach. You, on the other hand, were stillsilent and afraid to speak. The embarrassment and fear had yet to subside, andyour anxiety only increased when he began questioning you.
“What did they mean by ‘people like her’?” Burying your hands inyour palms and sharply inhaling, your eyes remain glued to your thighs. Youwished that you could do this in a more private area, but you also knew Oumawould pester you about this for the entirety of breakfast if you didn’t tellhim now.
Wanting to rip it off like a band-aid, you come out with onedeep breath. “Listen, I’m bisexual. My ex treated me poorly after I came out,and they were really biphobic towards me… as you could see.”
Once you finally gain the courage to look him in the eyes, you aremet with a shocked expression. Ouma’s jaw dropped, and yet he still lookedamused. “Really?” You nod your head wordlessly and watch his face twist into alarge smile.
He leans over the table and grabs your hands, rubbing calmingcircles into your skin. “That’s so cool! I wish you would’ve told me sooner, I’mnot like that bastard, you know,” he offered a wide, loving expression. A blushappeared on your cheeks as you meekly nod in return.
Ouma was pummeling you with questions, which wasn’t exactly whatyou expected to happen. He was so fascinated by your sexuality, and insistedthat it only made him fall even more in love with you.
Rantaro Amami
Rantaro is a very understanding and loving boyfriend, and youknow this. However, a big part of you was still far too nervous and shaken upfrom past experiences to tell him the truth. You’ve tried to on a handful ofoccasions but always give up. Your nerves get the best of you and you can’tseem to bring yourself to go through with it.
There was no doubt in your mind that he’d understand, but you’drather not test that theory. Not after what you’ve been through, anyway.
Rantaro, although sensing that you may not be entirely open withhim, isn’t the kind of guy to pressure you into telling him something you’reuncomfortable with. He’s tried one too many times with his sisters and hasnever had any luck; he really isn’t concerned, though; he trusts you anddoesn’t believe you’ll keep these secrets from him forever.
It was his idea to go out to dinner; his treat, of course. Youhadn’t been on a date in a while and heard several good things about thisplace. His hopeless-romantic shines through in situations like these.
It was an extravagant and fancy restaurant, and since it was newand only recently open to the public, everyone had been dying to try it. Youknew it would be busy but you weren’t expecting to see a familiar face – or atleast, not this one.
In the middle of dinner, your waitress seats them at the tableopposite of yours, and you almost immediately lock eyes. Your stomach sank andyour hand, which was resting peacefully in Rantaro’s, sinks into his skin andtenses from fear. He could sense that something was wrong and acknowledges it,but the only thing you can focus on is the person sitting just a few feet awayfrom you.
Swallowing hard, a lump formed in your throat as you watch themlean forward and whisper something to your boyfriend. The green-haired mannarrows his eyes cautiously, his attention now turning to your ex.
“How long have you been together? And do you know what I know?”Their voice was filled with danger and your adrenaline was flowing. Rantarolooked perplexed whilst trying to make sense out of their cryptic questions.
He draws his hand away from you now and props his elbows on thetable, resting his chin on the tops of his hands which were locked together. “Andwhat would that be?” He asks with a mischievous smirk. Although Rantaro may notthink this is a big deal, you already know where this was heading and yet,there was no way you could stop it. You felt physically sick, wishing that youdidn’t have to deal with this right now.
“If you don’t know by now, I’ll just let her tell you. Butbelieve me, you’re going to want to get away from her before its too late. Youcan’t trust this one.” This causes Rantaro’s ears to perk up, but he soonrelaxes, then his eyes dance over to meet yours once again.
His face doesn’t change, and he looks rather confident whileconfronting them. There was a strong sense of reassurance in his eyes that madeyou feel like you had nothing to worry about, now allowing your shoulders to droponce more. You were no longer unnerved by their presence and rather calmed by yourboyfriend’s demeanor.
With a scoff, he proudly takes your hand once again and holds ittightly. “I love (Y/N), and nothing will change that.” This caused your ex to rolltheir eyes, but this doesn’t waver his words. His eyes remain locked ontoyours, and he simply smiles. Then, raises a dismissive hand to ward off yourex. They didn’t take too kindly to his actions, but didn’t put up much of afight, either.
Although they finally left you alone, you were anxious for therest of dinner. You knew that he would question you once you were in privateand your mind was racing with ways to come out to him.
Once all was said and done, Rantaro guides you to the car with his palm resting on your back. He leans forward past the driver’s seat and intoyour personal space. You knew that it was coming, but he was silent for a long timebefore finally stroking your hair and smiling. “You don’t have to tell me ifyou don’t want to.”
But you did want to. You wanted to finally be honest with himafter all this time. So, with a deep breath, you make it as blunt as possible. “I’mbisexual. My ex belittled me after I told him which is why I kept it a secretfor so long. I know I shouldn’t have been so nervous to tell you but…”
“I understand.” He replies with a confident grin. You look athim, dumbfounded with a blush across your face. While you were speechless, hecontinues. “Thank you, for telling me. I love you all the same and I trust you.If they weren’t going to support you then they never deserved you anyway.”
Rantaro seals the gap between you two with a kiss and then restshis forehead on yours. Tears formed in your eyes and you shut them tightly, asmall smile forming on your lips. All you could do was thank him for being sounderstanding.
Finally coming out never changed your relationship and, in fact,only made it stronger. He was the unapologetically and unconditionally supportiveboyfriend that you knew he would be, and being with him felt like a breath offresh air from your previous relationship.
You didn’t tell Kiibo about your sexuality for several reasons:firstly, and mainly, due to what has happened in the past. You know that Kiibomay not really understand what bisexuality is, and thus he may reject you. Thatwas a risk you weren’t willing to take.
For the most part, he would probably be thankful to learn moreabout you and humanity as a whole. However, you were simply too nervous tobring it up. Although you have tried, your nerves always get the best of you.
It wasn’t a lie, it was just your little secret. Still, youhated keeping such a big part of yourself from him.
You two were having a lazy weekend afternoon skimming throughdifferent movies. Kiibo realized that you were almost out of several basicgroceries and food, so your lazy day was interrupted by an unplanned trip tothe store.
It was the last place you expected to see a familiar face.
Roaming through the seemingly endless aisles, you suddenly noticea figure standing a few feet away. You stop and nearly drop the basket full ofgroceries that you were carrying. Kiibo jumps, lovingly placing a hand on yourback. “You need to be more careful, (Y/N)!”
It takes him a moment to realize that something was botheringyou. Examining your face, his features soften and he tilts his head to theside. “Is something wrong?”
All you can do is turn on your heels and insist that you walk toa different part of the store. Pulling him behind you forcefully, Kiibo beginsquestioning you as he defiantly stands his ground and asks you to explainyourself. Pointing, you gasp as you see the figure now walking towards you andyour suspicions are confirmed. 
It was your toxic ex – one of your major reasons for being sonervous to tell Kiibo about your sexuality.
“Well, well, if it isn’t (Y/N). Seems like you’ve found a newvictim, huh? Tell me, does he know?”
Your relationship went up in flames when you came out to themand they began tormenting you about how you’re ‘easy’ and using other slursagainst you. It crushed you and caused you to feel anxious about coming out toanyone ever again, especially your partner.
The memories came racing back as you feverishly suppress youremotions. Kiibo, now even more confused than before, tried getting answers outof your ex. “Do I know what? Who even areyou?”
“(Y/N) hasn’t told you about me? Then I guess you really don’t know,” their eyes shift away fromKiibo and lock onto you with evil intentions, “I’m her ex. I had to leave herbecause she’s disgusting and I knew she’dleave me for someone else first… because, you know. I think you should get outwhile you still can.”
Kiibo looked as hurt as you were now, personally affected by theway they talk about you. A fire ignites within him as he bravely stands up foryou. 
“Don’t you dare say anything bad about her! You don’t know whatyou’re talking about, and you clearly don’t know her as well as you think youdo. Now, you need to leave us alone.”
Scoffing and walking away with his head held high and no need tosay anything more, once you two are out of sight the Robot begins interrogatingyou further. “What were they talking about? Why were they saying such awfulthings about you?”
He sounded distressed and upset, obviously affected by theirwords as much as you were. It’s true that you never went into much detail aboutwhy you broke up since you didn’t want to bridge a gap between your previousrelationship and talking about your sexuality.
Sighing, you close your eyes and gather your thoughts. Thisreally wasn’t how you wanted to do this but it’s now or never. And knowing thatKiibo was too inpatient to wait until you got home, you sigh and lean against adisplay before your eyes flutter close. “I’m bisexual, Kiibo. I’m attracted tomen and women and my ex was pretty biphobic and never supported me after I toldthem the truth. They thought I was twice as likely to cheat or something justbecause of who I’m attracted to but that’s not true… you know that.”
The last part sounded more like you were trying to convinceyourself, and you hoped that he understood. Looking relieved, Kiibo’s shouldersdropped and he chuckled heartily. 
“I would’ve never known! But I don’t think any less of you, it’swho you are, and you don’t have to be afraid to tell me anything just becauseof them. Plus. Biphobia is even worse than Robophobia!”
You could tell he was trying to lighten the situation, so yousimply smiled in response. Kiibo embraced you and placed a kiss on top of yourhead, stroking the small of your back and telling you that everything wasokay. You felt content in his arms, thankful to have a more understandinglover this time around.
“Your ex obviously doesn’t deserve you and I’m glad you got outof that situation. But I won’t do that, I don’t care who you’re attracted tobecause it makes you who you are, and I love you, everything about you.”
His words really did move you, but you felt slightly embarrassedto get this emotional in the middle of a public setting. It didn’t matterthough, you were just glad to have someone as loving and supportive as Kiibonow.
Kaito Momota
As much as you love Kaito, you know how overwhelming he can besometimes. You didn’t want to take the risk and tell him about your sexualitybecause every time you try, your anxiety spikes and you feel quite nervous anduncomfortable. You just haven’t been able to muster the courage yet.
Plus, he may take it the wrong way. The last thing you wantedwas for him to make jokes and poke fun at your orientation. Besides, youweren’t even sure how to bring it up to him.
Sexuality wasn’t a topic that was discussed between you two veryoften and he was quite oblivious to your attraction to both males and females,so it was easy to hide. You were unsure of Kaito’s stance on said issues andwere scarred from your previous relationship – which is the whole reason whyyou’re so ruined now.
With that said, you were head over heels for Kaito and didn’twant to scare him away and relive those memories, so it was just easier to keepit to yourself.
There was a new Planetarium downtown that just recently becameopen to the public and you had both been dying to go, especially yourboyfriend. He had been talking about it for weeks and you two decided thattoday was finally the day to experience it.
Bouncing up and down with excitement like a child, Kaitopractically dragged you out of the house and rushed you whilst you were gettingready. You always talked about stargazing together but never had theopportunity. You didn’t want anything to ruin today; and yet, somethingjust had to go wrong.
Since it was still Opening Weekend, the Planetarium was packed.It was hard to find a good place to sit and watch the show so you simply letKaito pick the place.
He guided you through the cramped, dark room whilst holding yourhand to a more secluded area along the wall. And yet, you still seemed to getstuck by someone you didn’t want to see.
Tugging on Kaito’s sleeve, you shake your head. “We can’t sithere…” you whisper harshly. He stares at you with a frown, “Why, (Y/N)? This islike the only good place left!” He seemed disappointed andunwilling to move. That’s when you felt a tap on your shoulder.
You were filled with a sense of dread, knowing exactly wherethis was about to go.
“Well, hello, (Y/N). Who’s this, your new boyfriend? Does heknow what I know?” 
Your heart sinks as you immediately realized what was beingimplied. Sighing, your hands tremble and you can’t seem to muster up the courageto respond. You just stood there in fear, hardly making out a face in the darkbut positive that you were standing before your toxic, biphobic ex.
Thankfully, Kaito does it for you and immediately sizes up tothem. “And who are you? What the Hell are you talkin’ about?” It’s just likehim, your hotheaded boyfriend, to blindly come to your defense.
The last thing you wanted was to start a confrontation and Kaitosticking up for you allowed for an ample opportunity melt into the back of theroom with embarrassment; it was dead silent so heads began to turn and lookyour way. This isn’t how you wanted him to find out about your sexuality.
“Oh, just a fair warning: (Y/N) here will use you until shefinds someone better. And trust me, she’ll go for anyone; and I mean anyone.”
You grip onto Kaito’s arm to relax him before he can startswinging. You could feel him growing even more tense, and yet he softens at thefeeling of your hands on his skin. Glancing at you from the corner of his eye,he realizes that you were slinking away and backs off. Without escalating thesituation, he turns, gives one more glare at your ex, and then helps lead youinto the much brighter hallway.
After scurrying outside, the Astronaut turns to you with aconfused face. Even if he had no idea what they were talking about, he woulddefend your honor and stand up for you because that was just the kind of manKaito is – he didn’t care what that was about, but curiosity killed the cat.Regardless, you knew you had some explaining to do and felt your nerves beginto get under your skin.
“(Y/N), I don’t know what’s going on and I won’t make you talkif you don’t want to, but what just happened in there?” Inhaling a shaky breathand clenching your fists together, you meekly smile at your boyfriend. As bluntand straightforward as possible, you spit it out. 
“I’m bisexual, and my ex wasn’t too happy about that fact.That’s why we broke up, and I know I should’ve told you earlier. I’m sorry.”
With gentle eyes, he looks at you with a blank expression;shortly after, his smile twists into a large, receptive grin. He wraps his armsaround you lovingly. “Why are you apologizing? I’m not an ass like theyare, that doesn’t bother me, (Y/N)!”
You reciprocate the sudden, strong embrace and feel the weightlift off your shoulders. After enveloping you in a kiss, he winks and tells youthat you need to let him in on all your female crushes. It makes you roll youreyes and playfully smack his shoulder.
“Now, let’s go look at some stars.”
Korekiyo Shinguuji
You knew that Korekiyo would accept you but were still beyondscared and nervous to bring it up. After your past experiences and how yourlast relationship blew up, you weren’t sure how to approach the subject. Shouldyou just be blunt about it or a bit more subtle? You’ve tried both ways beforeand always shy away and give up long before you get the chance to finally tellhim.
You two have had long discussions about sexuality before, aswell as what makes us human and human nature. It was clear that Korekiyo wasextremely supportive of the community and you had a small hunch that he wassuspicious about your orientation, anyway; he was much more keen about thisthan a lot of other people are, but he isn’t one to make assumptions aboutothers either.
He’s dropped smooth hints and questions before but does his bestto not make you feel forced.
 It was a bit of an irrational fear since you didn’t haveanything to be afraid of, but you continued to dance around the subject andkeep to yourself.
You weren’t keeping your sexuality a secret because you thoughthe’d react negatively, you were just nervous. Eventually youwould tell him but that was a matter of time.
There was a new, highly anticipated museum opening soon, whichhappened to be one of Korekiyo’s favorite places. You two have gone on plentyof museum dates in the past and it was a given that you would visit this one onOpening Week.
That time rolled around, and he insisted that you two visit it on the first day. Despite knowing that it would be crowded, you adhere to his wishes and spend the day at the new location.
Korekiyo had one arm wrapped around you as you stroll throughthe exhibits. You loved hearing him talk about the different items on displayand the culture behind each one; he was so knowledgeable and passionate.
Whilst admiring an old historic painting of a collection ofpeople, you hear a familiar, daunting voice behind you. It takes you a momentto place your finger on it and once you do, your world halts. 
Your boyfriend immediately sensed that something was up, feelingyou tense and the sweat pooling on your skin, and turned to you with an archedbrow. “What’s wrong, my love?”
“I’m not surprised that you’re here. I bet you’re into everyone in that painting, right (Y/N)? Who’s yourfavorite, is it a male or female?” Their voice was malicious and they were justhere to start trouble.
Sighing, Korekiyo wastes no time turning to face the unfamiliarperson. “Why are you bothering us?”
With a cocky grin, they seem unmoved by his intimidating glareand obvious annoyance. “Just warning you to stay away from the girl underyour arm. Believe me on this one.”
“And why should I believe you over her?” Korekiyo’s voice wassharp and crude, but that doesn’t seem to waver the pest that was getting underyour skin and stomping on your self-esteem. “I’ve been there, we used todate. At least, until I found out about the dirty little secret regarding herpreference.”
Still standing firm and tall, your boyfriend now makes his wayover to your ex and puts a stop to the torment. Pulling down his mask, he leansforward so that their faces are nearly touching and growls, “So what? Whyshould I care?”
Shocked, they stare at him with wide eyes. “It doesn’t botheryou?” Their voice raised on octave so you can sense that they weresurprised by his reaction.
“No, it doesn’t,” Korekiyo states proudly, “I think all humansare beautiful and unique, especially (Y/N). Why would I think less of her forher preference? Clearly, you didn’t trust her when you were together or youwere too insecure to handle her sexuality. I know she won’t cheat on me ifthat’s what you’re implying, she loves me and I treat her right, and I don’tfind bisexual people any different than anyone else. You’re the one withissues, not her.”
Your jaw dropped with his response. He returns to your side andas you are gazing up at Korekiyo with a bright grin and tears on your lashes,he glances at you in the corner of his eyes and smirks at you fondly. 
“H-how did you know?” You ask, although the answer was prettyclear. He closes his eyes as he smiles and shrugs his shoulders.
“I had a feeling. I’m just glad you can appreciate more than onesex.” He looks relaxed, slipping his fingers in yours and squeezing your handreassuringly.
You felt yourself melt into Korekiyo as you recall how lucky youare to have such an understanding and open partner.
Gonta Gokuhara
Gonta is a bit clueless. You can’t hold it against him, though –he just isn’t very familiar with different sexualities. It was a bit of acomplex topic and one that he hasn’t really been exposed to.
Your concern that he may reject you or be unsupportive stemmedfrom your previous relationship. Knowing that Gonta is a bit sheltered andhasn’t been exposed to topics like this very often, you had an intense fear hewon’t handle it very well if you ever came out to him. That was the reasonwhy your ex wouldn’t support you and you hoped that Gonta didn’t have the samemindset that they did.
Keeping this secret from him hasn’t really hurt anything in yourcurrent relationship, although it was difficult at times to pretend like yourfeelings weren’t there. 
It was his idea was spend the day at a local park and hikingtrail. That was one of your first dates and Gonta wanted to return fornostalgic purposes; plus, he was in-tune with nature and found it refreshing.
As you to walk through the winding trail hand-in-hand, gazing upat the trees with butterflies and other insects swooping past you, it feltcalming and serene. You always felt at peace in places like this and watchingGonta stare at the different creatures and nature with such bright eyes warmedyour heart.
Your smile fades when you make eye-contact with someone youdidn’t want to see. 
Stopping in your tracks, you gasp and your eyes widen once younotice your ex standing just a few feet away. Your mind began to race withquestions: what were they doing here?Well, it was a public place afterall, but it was so unexpected. They didn’t notice you at first, but once theydid you felt a pit form in your stomach and started backing up defensively.Your adrenaline started pumping and all you wanted to do was get out of thissituation, your instincts switching into Flight Mode.
Gritting your teeth angrily, Gonta could immediately tell that somethingwas wrong. Completely oblivious to where you were looking, he turns to face youwith concern filling his eyes. “Is (Y/N) okay?”
Your heart races as they inch closer to you. Your body wasfrozen and your throat felt tight – unable to move or speak, it felt as if yourworld came crashing down once they were face-to-face with you and strike up aconversation with Gonta. You pinch yourself, convinced that this couldn’t bereal.
“Well, well, it seems like you have someone new to string along.Tell me, how much do you know about (Y/N)?” Their voice felt demeaning,belittling you.
Gonta’s eyebrows draw inwards and he stares at them withconfusion. Turning to you to see if you were as confused as he was, he quicklyrealized that you were stepping away in fear of this person. An alarm went offin his mind and he became immediately intimidated by the stranger, finding themuntrustworthy.
“Who are you? What do you mean?” Gonta asks with an innocenttone, scratching the back of his head nonchalantly. “What you mean… stringalong?”
Chuckling at his remarks, your ex continued to berate you. “(Y/N) will just end up leaving you for someone new. After all, she’s willing to go for anyone~. I’m just trying to help.” Their tone was lessthan sincere, though, and it’s obvious they were just here to upset you.
You felt a fire in your eyes as they continue spreading suchdevastating information, and all you could do was listen. Your expression wasfilled with nothing but hatred, and yet you were still too afraid to speak up;your body ached to say something. Defensively, you growl at Gonta, begging him notto listen to anything they said under your breath.
Your boyfriend was still clearly puzzled by the encounter.Questioning you, it seemed as though he was being swayed by the destructive words. Feelingvictorious, your ex turns and begins walking away smugly. 
Once they were gone, you turn to your boyfriend with tears inyour eyes. This isn’t how you wanted him to find out but there was nothing youcould do now, and nowhere to hide.
“I’m… bisexual,” shame filled your voice. You hated lying to himfor so long but it felt freeing to finally get this off your chest. As yoususpected, Gonta didn’t understand what that means and only seemed to be moreconfused. “Bisexual?”
Nodding your head, a small smile formed on your lips. “It meansI like both boys and girls. But believe me, Gonta, I only love you. My exwasn’t supportive of my attraction and broke up with me for it… that’s why theysaid all that. It isn’t true, please trust me.”
Your voice sounded pleading and sincere, and a large smilespreads across his face. Lifting you off your feet in a big hug, Gonta embracesyou, nearly crushing you against his chest.
“Why didn’t (Y/N) tell Gonta? Gonta doesn’t mind!” You werefilled with relief, exasperatedly sighing and shutting your eyes tightly toblink away the tears. “Gonta trusts (Y/N) more than ex.”
“Really?” You ask, almost in disbelief. He nods and sets youdown, placing a kiss on your cheek and taking your hand in his onceagain. “Gonta could never hate (Y/N), and that’s a silly reason to notlove someone anymore. It’s not what real Gentlemen do.”
Ryoma Hoshi
Sexuality isn’t a topic that you two discuss very often. Not forany particular reason, it had just never really been relevant in your relationshipuntil now. That’s one reason why you have yet to tell Ryoma, but it was mainly,and more importantly, due to trauma in your old relationship.
You weren’t sure how supportive he was or what his stance is onbisexuality and your last relationship has made you nervous to tell anyone,especially your boyfriend. There were so many gray-areas and unknowns that youdidn’t want to bring it up and potentially ruin another relationship withsomeone you loved.
Plus, you don’t want to catch him off guard or surprise him. Hehad been so good to you for the entirety of your relationship and you wantedthis one to last. Fearing that your sexual orientation may jeopardize that, youdid your best to suppress your feelings.
Ever since you started dating, Ryoma has been trying to convinceyou to go to a tennis match with him sometime. He wanted to introduce you tohis world and his passion, and although you weren’t as into sports and Tennisas he was, you knew how important this was to him.
He was rather silent when it came to watching the match, not oneof those people who yells at the players from the stands; he cares, but notthat much. However, there were still several of those kinds of people sitting aroundand you could tell that it was getting on your boyfriend’s last nerve.
You overhear someone behind you angrily chanting at the players.“Oh, come on!” This causes Ryoma to roll his eyes in irritation.
But for some reason, you feel as though you’ve heard this voicesomewhere before. Turning in your seat, you panic when you realize where it wascoming from. Their eyes almost immediately fall on yours, catching theirattention when you turn and your breath hitches in your throat. 
 Naturally tightening your grip on Ryoma’s hand, he turns to youand asks you what happened, but everything sounded muffled. Your world wasspinning, you’ve never felt such an intense reaction to seeing someone before.
The voice behind you, that you realize belongs to your ex,begins making their way towards you. You helplessly watch them climb down thebleachers, and their very presence made you feel sick to your stomach. Beforeyou could react, they were sitting directly behind you. It made you feeltrapped; you grow antsy and your boyfriend can immediately tell that somethingwasn’t quite right.
“I didn’t think you’d start dating someone so quickly. I’m notreally surprised though, it’s kind of what you do, right?” Their voice wasfilled with malice and you knew they weren’t here for a friendly chat. Wantingto snap and tell them to leave you alone, you were cut off. “He should be waryof you… I wish I had known who you really were before we started dating or elseI never would have fooled around with you.”
Tears began forming in your eyes but you couldn’t stand downnow. As you open your mouth to speak, Ryoma barks at your ex. “Leave us aloneor else.” he hisses sharply whilst side-eyeing them. No matter who it wastrying to bother you, he was definitely not going to let it slide. Itdidn’t matter what happened in your previous relationship because Ryoma wasn’tgoing to let anyone talk to you like that.
Surprised and shaken by his harsh and non-receptive response,they wordlessly stand and begin making their way back to their original seat.Ryoma watches them like a dog the entire time, just to make sure that theywouldn’t try to say something snarky on their way back or, even worse, stickaround. 
Thanking him, you sigh a breath of relief. Before you cancompletely relax, though, he stands and gestures for you to follow him. Heguides you to a more private area near the Concession Stands, feeling like hedeserved an explanation.
Your nerves returned but you knew that there was no way to avoidit or talk yourself out of it this time. So, defeated, you comply.
“I’m bisexual, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you earlier,” there wasbrief hesitation as you try thinking of a better answer, “my ex was neversupportive of my sexuality. They thought I was wrong for it, so that’s why Iwas too afraid to tell you.”
“That’s it? That’s why they tried starting shit with you?” Heasks with his arms crossed over his chest. You nod, a bit taken aback by hisskepticism, but nevertheless glad to finally get that off your chest. 
With a quiet chuckle, Ryoma regains hold of your hand and beganstroking your smooth skin. “Listen, I’m not your ex. I’m not going tothink of you any less now,” he gives you a reassuring smile before abruptlyruining the moment, “so, you like girls, huh?”
A bit wary, you slowly nod and Ryoma breaks out into a smuggrin. “Hm, that’s just another thing we have in common then.”
- Mod Rantaro
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