#I simply cannot lose yet another Netflix show that I fell in love with again
xxstrangermusicatxx · 26 days
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…delulu better be the solulu
This better be true, this better mean something-
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charly1902 · 25 days
Love them so much 😍
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(Actually going to delulu because it is the solulu)
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shadow and bone rewatch s1e6 while drinking mid-range scotch
I wish I have a face that is as unlined and pretty as Ben Barnes' when I'm 39
Arken you dirty dirty liar
the face Alek is making at his lies that he knows are lies firstly because he knows the art of lying so well and also because he can read people very well
okay Ivan is kind of a bad bitch with his smirk at Arken's lies
alek's eyes narrowing and his little smile when Arken says 'im an entertainer' bitch I love this show
*grabs hand, pulls up sleeve, and discovers Arken's hand is full of marks indicating successful passages through the fold* 'well, that is certainly entertaining' I love this man with all my heart
him screaming is so fucking hot, is that weird for me to say
Nina being the Darkling's spy is quite interesting
Ben giving the Darkling crazy eyes when Arken owns up to his guilt is so cool
also wtf is Arken a fool trying to negotiate with possibly the strongest man in the world
kind of loved the darkness literally eating him
also love Alina learning to use her powers better when she is alone than when she is with anyone else, wish we got to see the cut in this season as per the books, ah can't have everything I guess
the camera pan to Jesper's gun at his side, amazing
god Jessie is literally so beautiful I need to see her bring Alina to the peak of her power so bad
netflix you better renew this series to let the plot run to its completion
'And where is my Summoner?' my little Darklina heart ouchie I really wish you hadn't used and manipulated her like this Alek it was incredibly fucked up especially considering you actually caught feelings
'Ivan and I won't fail you' oh Fedyor my baby, my angel, you don't deserve what is coming
Helnik literally recreating Titanic lmao stop this is a joke
I too would jump off the raft if I came to consciousness to see a gorgeous woman with magical powers with her hand on my back
omg but why is ryevost so pretty though
'I know exactly how she felt. The King's soldiers treated me the same way... I'm not myself today.' why must you do this to me, why must you fuel my darklina soulmates agenda idiocy
I don't quite think I have a problem with the Zoya Darkling relationship as much as I have a problem with the line they chose to reveal it to use with.
my drink's over and I don't know if I should have another, considering that it's 7 am
the tenderness with which he looks at Zoya and takes her hand and then when he says 'I shall relax when I have Alina' makes me believe more that the man that is reduced to tears time and again in front of Alina could in fact be the master manipulator I know him to be
god I can't wait for Zoya's character arc
'I speak six languages, it's part of my job' why is Nina literally the fucking coolest
Alina blinding the oprichniki was so hot, I can't wait to see more of her power and her ruthlessness
I know I've said it before but good god is Jessie Mei Li gorgeous
I simply cannot get over Calahan's accent lmao it's really funny
'im not afraid of you' he says to the insanely gorgeous girl with magic
'You're just a man. Like all the others.' she says and then forgets her train of thought looking at him as he strips. god I love this
not sleeping all night and then scotch is not a good idea, I think
'I promise not to ravish you' 'I hate the way you talk' her hand on his chest, his hand gripping hers, my fucking heart feels like it's about to explode
good god these shooting locations and sets are so beautiful
Alina throwing the flask at Mal and Mal going 'OI!' I fucking can't, I guess I am a
simp for childhood friends to lovers, give me more of that banter and childhood friend energy, I am thriving
wow it literally seems like they took book! Mal sl*tshaming book! Alina and made show! Alina sl*tshame show! Mal, hmm, interesting
'They would have split us up!' MAL'S LITTLE SMILE AT THIS, and the 'You wrote me letters?' Mal's nod, the Malina yearning stare, the Malina hug, 'thank you for finding me' 'always. I'll always find you.' NO MALINA YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND YOU HAVE MADE ME ABSOLUTELY FUCKING FERAL
I understand they had to split time between my ravkan babies and the crows and that is why there were several aspects that were sort of not reflected on enough but Alina's training at the Little Palace, Alina's cut, Mal's personality, a teensy bit of backstory for the crows, maybe one lockpicking scene from my boy Kaz
random note: we have far too many idols and paintings and pictures and whatnot of Hindu deities in our house apart from the specially designed temple (we are Hindus, so maybe it's not that weird but it's a little weird)
Kaz's cane is a literal star, it's so beautiful my heart wants to explode
'Why would Heleen get the Crow Club?' *literally fucking gets up and walks aways instead of answering the fucking question* I LITERALLY CAN'T BREATHE I'M LOSING MY MIND
'We won't starve' omg get you someone who packs food for you when you go on the run together hiding from your ex who wants to capture you and use your powers as a weapon against your consent
Mal looking surprised at her summoning sunlight, Alina looking cautiously at him waiting for him to disapprove or run for the hills in fear or smth like that, 'I'm sorry it took me this long to see you... But I see you now' my dumb little shipper trash heart ouch
they really said we're gonna feed you this part asian couple as the protagonists in this show in 2021 and guess what I'm eating it's really tasty I'm very satisfied as a south asian
'I can feel how much you hate sleeping next to me' 👀👀👀 BITCH SAID IMMA SPILL THE TEA AND THEN SHE DID
it's 8 am and guess what I'm getting another drink my parents have c*vid and are in govt qu*r*ntine centres there is nobody to supervise or stop me
I too say 'Why do you have to say things like that?' to my pretty crush when she flirts with me
Nina smiling at Matthias bragging about his conservative ways is my aesthetic
'No, it's not natural for someone to be as stupid as he is tall and yet, oh, there you stand.' MY FUCKING QUEEN
Matthias laughing uncontrollably at Nina saying something which isn't even that funny is a whole ass vibe
Kaz Brekker saying 'The Black General' ooh fuck yeah
isn't alcohol supposed to like kill germs? well, the amount in my system definitely will
I love my crows so much (always but this time particularly for setting that alarm in the stolen carriage)
ooh Polina recognising Inej by the knife yesss let's go writers
this Ivan Jesper showdown is all I needed from life and yet did not know about
Ivan taking off his cloak was, um, sexier than I wanted it to be
I just realised how thirsty I am going to sound in this post
'Has no one told you that keftas are Fabrikator-made and resistant to bullets, hmm?' 'Oh, I do love a challenge' LITERALLY EVERYTHING
im sorry to be pointing out flaws in a perfect show and adaptation but the line delivery on 'You robbed me of my brother, now I'll rob you of your life' from Polina was kind of weak
'You're a-' *gets knocked out with the back of a gun* LMAO we love the hints
got excited at the prospect of kaz v. zoya until I realised they will not be letting the opportunity of kaz v. darkling pass up
my goodness is Amita Suman a splendid actress
'Are you sure you added enough cloves?' literally warranting a wide ass smile from my queen Alina making my entire fucking day
for some reason, no matter how much I push it from my mind, Ben Barnes dressed up as the Darkling, dancing to 'push it' keeps coming to mind, it's absolutely ridiculous
I got somehow distracted with interviews but good things came out of that as it gave my body the time for the booze to kick in
and I would just like to say that I love Leigh for all she has given me
Alina is so fucking compassionate, I have no much love for her. I can feel her guilt and her sorrow as Mal talks of Mikhail and Dubrov
don't particularly like how the stag plotline is woven in, could have been executed better
'You're afraid you might start to like me?' *flaps furs like a bird's wings in frustration*
'I DO like you' my fucking heart you idiots
the sexual tension is so palpable and the moment is so intimate I simply cannot
that moment where you think he might let her fall despite having read the books and he doesn't and he tells her his name I- <3
people have talked about this endlessly but Freddie's little jaw tic after he says Inej because Inej is wounded and he can't physically bring himself to help her I fucking cannot
and now for one of my favorite scenes in television and cinematic history, David Kostyk throwing a book at Jesper Fahey without even knowing who he is merely because he opens the door of his carriage and says hello to him before getting knocked out by Kaz Brekker while trying to run away
Immediately followed by another, the scene with David Kostyk raising his finger to put forward his point in front of the Darkling and the Darkling trying to let him know he doesn't have to before obliging is one of my favourite scenes in the world
also sir please stop being devastatingly attractive in your glorious appearance with your face and your black kefta and cloak because all that comes to mind is Ayesha Erotica's Emo Boy and I'm afraid that is terribly inappropriate.
'No, you look great.' *literally looks down from embarrassment or blushing* MALINA RIGHTS?
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mcrmadness · 4 years
I’ve been tagged a lot lately, which is awesome and I want to thank you all for that! :) To this one I was tagged by @charlotte-lancer.
Play time: List your five favourite movies and why, then tag some more players.
This is actually extremely hard question as I’m a massive movie freak. I watch so many movies and I pretty much watch anything that is not a) romantic movie b) romantic comedy or c) a horror movie. Thrillers are okay, but I don’t like movies that build up a certain tension. I have anxiety disorder of my own so I don’t need anything to add more fuel into it.
I also own so many dvds and blurays that I had to go and see my collection to remember what I even like and I still feel like there’s tens of movies that should make to the list but I don’t want to remove any of the existing ones because they should be on the list as well! But I will mention here 5 movies that mean something to me or that I have attached to for whatever reason, but I’d say only the first one in the list is actually the favouriteFAVOURITE movie, the rest are in just a random order. I’ll put this under the read more link as this is gonna be a veeeery long post!
Beetlejuice (1988) I am a fan of Tim Burton. I have seen his movies so many times and I love Danny Elfman’s scores especially in his movies. In fact, when I was a kid, Burton’s movies were always my fave ones but I was probably a teenager when I finally started to connect the dots and realized my favorites were always from the same man. And so were the scores too! This is also one of those movies from my childhood that I have seen so, so many times and I have called different Burton movies as my favourite movies but somehow I just always go back to Beetlejuice and then one day I just realized that hey, why do I even try to choose the one as this apparently IS the favourite one! So, this is my fave from Burton AND from all the movies I have seen.
And why? The humour is just perfect here, I live from dark humour and there’s so much of that in the movie! And I have also always been so fascinated by the idea of death not being permanent, makes my fear of death a lot easier. As you might know already, this movie is about a couple who die and become ghosts and try to survive with the family moving into their old house, trying to make them move out but failing. And I just LOVE how Burton has imagined what death is like! There is so much to see and I feel like I see something new every time I watch that movie and I just love it when movies or any media has so much details in it. And I have always been saying that if death is like the one in Beetlejuice (I said it for the third time now, whooooops), I’m really happy to die one day.
The Dark Knight (2008) This I just HAVE TO include into this list because of memories. I was 17 when this movie came out. I remember not being interested in the newer Batman movies at all but then one day I watched Batman Begins (2005) from tv and the last frame of that movie caused me to go crazy and I knew that the next movie would be even more interesting. Then it was confirmed that TDK will have the Joker in it and I’ve been a Batman fan since I was 7-8 years old and Joker has always been my fave villain from the Batman universe. I was watching the 60s tv show as a kid and I had seen Burton’s Batman (1989) many times before as well, and that movie also has the Joker in it.
A remember following the news of the movie so closely all the time and I remember the news about hem casting Heath Ledger, who was a new name for me but seemed very interesting for the role, but sadly passed away before the movie even came out. When the movie finally did come out, I was so blown away by Ledger’s work as the Joker that I still cannot decide who has been my favorite Joker of all times. But he’s at the very top of that list, for sure. And that whole movie was just the best thing the 17-years-old me had seen in a while that I actually did go to see it 3 times in the movies. I even drew kind of fan art of the movie and I had 2 TDK Posters on my walls, as well as 2 Joker posters on my walls and I still plan on hanging the Why so serious? poster to somewhere one day.
As a side note, I also like Christopher Nolan’s other movies a lot but TDK is definitely a favorite from them. I have seen almost all of his other movies and they all are really fascinating and interesting and I just love Hans Zimmer’s music and the combination is so perfect. I have to mention that my other favorites are definitely Interstellar (2014), The Prestige (2006) and Inception (2010).
Life of Brian (1979) I’m a Monty Python fan and this movie is yet again a part of my childhood. I have seen this movie millions of times and I never get bored with it and I never get over how funny the jokes are. I will laugh for the same jokes every time, no matter how many times I would watch this movie. My favorite scene is simply the one where Brian jumps into this pit and the man there starts jumping and finally notices the crowd and hides again. I cannot explain why, but I just find things like that way too funny :DDDDDDDDDD And it’s not even close as funny when I try to explain it, so look for yourself. I’m still losing it during that scene XD
And it’s not only funny, but it also has some really smart, hmmmm, perceptions of the world to it. I love that scene where Brian is trying to tell the people not to follow him because they don’t need to follow anyone and they’re individuals and should use their own brains, and these people just don’t understand a thing, they will just praise the ground under Brian’s feet no matter what he would say.
Breakfast on Pluto (2005) With this one I’m not exactly sure what happened with this one. I was just quitting my antidepressants when I saw this movie and I had just got all my emotions and ability to feel back so I don’t know if I fell in love with this movie because of my brain chemicals trying to get their shit together, or if I would have fallen in love with this movie anyway if I saw it some other time. But this one still gives me so strong reactions every time I watch it and especially the starting and ending music causes me so strong wave of happiness that I feel like exploding and I wanna cry from happiness. Oh and I watched that movie 3 times within one week back then. I feel like the antidepressant did have something to do with this.
Amadeus (1984) / Se7en (1995) / Donnie Darko (2001) / A Beautiful Mind (2001) / Joker (2019) The last one is actually impossible to name now. There’s so many good movies out there and I’m already leaving out some of the best ones. Some are classics and some are just movies from my childhood that I grew up with and attached to. TV was pretty much my biggest friend when I was growing up! So here’s a bunch of movies that I wanted to mention as they also tell a little bit of the movie genres as well. Shortly:
Amadeus - Another one from my childhood and it’s a biography film over Mozart. I don’t know why I grew to attached to this film but I feel like ever since I’ve had this need to rewatch this every once in a while. Because of this movie I get chills every time some of the Mozart music pieces used in the movie play somewhere. I don’t know if I like the music or if they just remind me of this movie. And for some reason, after seeing the movie millions of times, at the age of 9 or so I suddenly was so upset after a character’s death.
Se7en - I was bit older when I saw this (thank gods) and this is a good example of the type of thrillers I like to watch. And this movie’s plot is insane and it has one of the best endings to a movie that I know. I won’t say what kind of feelings it wakes up, but some very strong feelings. And this reminds of the fact now that I forgot to mention The Green Mile, which is also one of the best movies I know. Gosh this post is failing so badly already :D
Donnie Darko; A Beautiful Mind - Both have a plot that is wrapped around a mental illness. I actually like to watch movies about mental illness a lot, “Girl, interrupted” is also one of those movies that I like a lot. These movies are nothing like each other but both basically do a portrayal of schizophrenia. Donnie Darko is of course a bit more scifi and A Beautiful Mind is a biographical movie. I actually saw Donnie Darko for the first time several years ago, I was to school and watched it from Netflix and wanted to rewatch it so badly but it got deleted from Netflix and finally I was able to find it on a blueray and now it’s in my shelf and I love that movie.
Joker - This is definitely the best movie of the 2019 imho. Again, pretty much a movie about mental illness. I was bit afraid first that it would make the treatment of mentally ill people take a turn back(?) and would make healthy people be afraid of us instead of make them open their eyes, but I’m happy it didn’t turn out that way. But I feel like the people who got upset after the movie are actually relating to the groups attacked in the movie as maybe they finally (subconsciously?) realized what COULD happen in the world if things keep going like they’ve been going so far. But as a mentally ill person, I just got so attached to this movie. Plus I’m still a Batman fan whose fave villain ever is Joker and this was another great version and even greater portrayal of the character.
And that’s it, no more text. No idea if anyone found this even slightly interesting but oh well, I don’t care, it was still fun writing all that. And I’m so tired after this now that I don’t really have energy for tagging anyone but I guess I could tag at least someone or some people... let’s see... okay, @hanhan156, I’m gonna tag you! :D I have no idea if you watch movies and how often/many if so, but do this if you want! (And you tagged me so many times today so here’s something back ::D)
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erraticsketchings · 5 years
A Fortunate Ending
Fandom: A Series of Unfortunate Events (Netflix)
Summary: I decided to write a happier ending for the series to give myself some closure and that happier ending mostly consisted of Lemony Snicket encountering the Baudelaires on Briny Beach when they land for the 4th time and finding a new family. 
I have spent many years of my life in the pursuit of certain tales that would haunt the mind and chill the soul. The knowledge of the unfortunate events surrounding the three incredibly intelligent children of my now lost love have been my burden to carry. Many an hour of my life has been spent bent over a desk reliving the terrors they had to endure after their parents were lost in a terrible fire. The story was bleak, the kind of story to make you lose all hope in finding anyone alive at the end much less happy. Yes, the Baudelaire orphans lived an utterly arduous life but, as is sometimes likely to happen when one is smart but without luck for a long period of time, there did finally come a time where the tides turned, a term here meaning a reversal of fortune. For example when a man loses his job only to win the lottery the next day, or when a boat on the sea carrying four orphans suddenly changes course leading them toward a beach where a certain former volunteer happened to be watching.
On that fateful day, I was retracing the then cold case of the Baudelaires for the third time looking to turn up new information. I had arrived on Briny Beach with low spirits and little hope, only to find a new hope floating just on the horizon. The stories I am about to retell to you are not like my works in the past. By reading this you will not be stripped of joy or left so distraught that you cannot go on, no, these stories are quite the opposite. These are stories of new beginnings, of found families, and of safe havens among outcasts. This is once again the story of the Baudelaires and the newly adopted Snicket, but this time they are saved, adopted by a man who had lost the rest of his family in the same conflict they had. The one who happened to find them out on that beach years after they had disappeared from the world.
When the four first washed up on the gloomy shore I was reluctant to approach them. I simply watched as the orphans I had studied for years unloaded onto the grey sand for, I came to find out, the fourth time.
Their boat was tattered and seemed to be leaking ever so slightly.
“We are lucky that The Beatrice made it this far yet, it feels like a bad omen to end up back on this beach again,” Violet commented as she helped little Beatrice, now an energetic toddler, onto the beach. This was the first time I saw my niece. Klaus, who was making sure the boat would not drift back into the sea, answered her.
“At this point, I’m fairly certain that our luck can't get any worse. I wouldn't worry about the implications.” Violet looked at Klaus sadly in agreement and softly set Beatrice on the ground so she and the others could unload what little supplies they had left after their lengthy trip.
It was at this point that I was discovered when the now fluent Sonny climbed out of the boat to sit with Beatrice and spotted me across the beach. She began to silently signal her siblings before I realized I had been found. Though I was still standing a whales length away from them I could see all four heads turn to face me as they took notice of the stranger watching them from afar. At this point, it would have been customary for me to introduce myself, as one should always do when you are found out for watching others who may not know who you are, lest they take you for some kind of threat to their health, but before I could think of the words the eldest Baudelaire approached me and found her own words.
“Are you Lemony Snicket?” She asked the question cautiously and made a point of stopping just out of my reach while her siblings waited safely by The Beatrice.
“I am.” The answer did not seem to bring any relief to Violet’s stiff features.
“Sonny recognized you from a picture of VFD before the schism. Our parents wrote about you in a book once too, you were a trusted friend. Is this still true?” It was agonizing to hear the apprehension in her voice but knowing her history it was not surprising. When a child goes through what the Baudelaire's went through they have every reason not to trust random men on beaches, even if they are old confidants of their parents. I understood this because I knew all that they had lost each time they trusted a volunteer, but I wanted to do what I could to make up for what they had lost. My dearest Beatrice would have wanted them to be safe, so I did the best I could to show I was trustworthy.  She had asked if it was still true that I was a trusted friend, I told the truth and hoped for the best.
“It is.” I answered, “I understand that you have been through a lot of grief since your parents perished in that fire and have been double-crossed many times by those your parents once trusted, but I can promise you that there are not enough sugar bowls in the world to make me turn away from your parents and that dedication passes on to you Violet, and all your siblings. I have been trying to find you since you disappeared at the last safe place. I have followed everything that has happened to you. I want to help you Baudelaires. ” Violet said nothing, only looked back and nodded to Klaus who led the rest of the children to join the conversation. When they had arrived Violet conveyed to the others that I was indeed who they assumed me to be.
“Mr. Snicket, these are my siblings,” Violet started to introduce them but I stopped her.
“No need, I know who you are. Violet, the eldest Baudelaire who has a knack for inventing, Klaus, the middle child and researcher of the family, and of course Sonny, the youngest with a talent for the culinary arts.” They stood a little straighter at hearing their titles as my focus fell on Beatrice. “but this one, I don't recall in my research”
The pride the Baudelaires had experienced the moment before evaporated before my eyes, as most good things for them did at that time, and was instead replaced by the suffocating memory of sadness from their past and a realization of a harsh truth they would have to convey. Perhaps you have been privileged enough to have lived a life where you have never had to tell someone that someone they cared for is dead, and if you have I cannot explain to you what goes through your head but it was all going through the Baudelaires heads that day. The day they told me, Kit, thought lost to the ocean, had indeed lived to see land and have her baby, only to be taken by the carelessness of the man she had once loved.
“I see,” I remarked, pensively, when they had finished reciting the dreadful truth. Klaus was the first to attempt to comfort me, as decent people do.
“We’re very sorry for your loss Mr. Snicket-”
“Please, call me Lemony”
“Of course...Lemony, we did everything we could for Kit but by the time she had Beatrice, it was too late to save her.” A very deep sadness settled on that beach as often happened when the Baudelaires visited it. Earlier in my writings, I explained how I could not describe what it felt like to lose someone if you have never experienced it, there is a similar experience when you have lost someone and find someone else who knows how that feels. There is a deep understanding between these types of people, like that of the bond between two longtime friends or a parent and their child, an instant and complete understanding of each other that goes far beyond any comfort you could receive from another. This was a connection that the Baudelaires had made with Beatrice and it was one that they, in this moment, made with me. This, I suspect, is why I was not refused when I implored, a word here meaning to piteously beg for something one desperately needs, them to let me hold Beatrice.
She was still small but already clearly intelligent and extremely affectionate. She smiled at me and for the first time that day there was a ray of sunshine on that cloudy beach. Her eyes sparkled like her mothers and like our mothers before her, a sight that was of great comfort to me. Carefully I set her onto the sand and put my attention back on the Baudelaires. I was suddenly very aware of the tears gathering in my eyes. I composed myself long enough to extend a proposal.
“Baudelaires, long ago now I offered to take you away to safety in that taxi cab.” I motioned to the cab I had arrived in that was parked near the trolly stop, “I extend the same offer to you now and I beg you to take it. I still can only offer a life on the run but I can promise you safety from any villains who may still be out there. I once knew your mother very well, what kind of a friend would I be to her if I did not do what I could for her children”
“You would be better off than the others” Klaus answered grimly, “you would still be alive”
The edge on his voice cut through the conversation carrying all of the guilt Klaus had likely been holding onto since the carnival where he and his sisters had been forced to watch a woman who had helped them, plummet to her death into a tiger pit. The same guilt came across Violet's face and even Sonny seemed upset.
“We’re bad luck,” Sonny confessed.
“Well then,” I bent down to match her eye level and smiled, “you four and I have that in common. We will be in great company” The words did little to convince them. I stood to face them all again and saw how deeply their faces were weighed down by their past. I wanted to help but wasn't sure how to convince them to let me. I was contemplating words when, once again, Violet filled the silence.
              “ We will come with you” Klaus shot her a confused and alarmed glance which she met with a look that seemed to say wait and finished with a qualifier. “We will go with you, to lunch, or something of the like. If you truly wish us to come with you, we need to know who you are first. I want to trust you Lemony, but you can understand our situation I'm sure.” I did, and I agreed.
And so, it was decided, over greasy diner food and root beer floats, that I was to be given the chance. As I have stated and proved, over the years I have learned a great amount about the Baudelaires but nothing compared to being able to converse with them. It is a strange feeling when you meet someone for the first time, or nearly, and know everything about them, but they know nothing of you. At first, I took special steps to tell them everything I felt they should know. VFD was dead now, there was no point in keeping anything from them anymore, but, as I found out, that's not what they really wanted to know about.
“With all due respect Lemony,” Klaus interrupted. “We would really rather hear about you..” My bewilderment must have shown, for Violet was quick to support her brother's point.
“What Klaus means is, we have had many guardians to watch over us in the past, not all of them kind, and we want to know what type you are. It is very kind of you to offer to take us in, and it would be very helpful to have someone to watch out for us, but at the same time, I am 18 now and therefore should be able to protect my siblings on my own if need be. If we don't know that we can trust you we may choose to go elsewhere alone and continue to find our own safe life.” Violet was very formal and she had been very formal the whole time that I had been talking to her. There was a guard up somewhere in her soul and it was preventing me from making a good impression.
As if I was not in the conversation Sonny began to argue with Violet's reasoning.
“But we cannot go back” By this, she was, of course, referring to going back to a normal life., to rejoin the world as normal citizens. They had been through so much (and technically were wanted for so many crimes) that it would be next to impossible for them to go back to being normal people. Even if they managed to settle themselves there was always the threat of rival volunteers seeking them out. They, like me, had no choice but to keep running. What it came down to was just whether they would do it with me or not.
Violet pondered on this for a moment. It was a very miserable ponder. Eventually, after she didn't speak Klaus directly addressed me and asked if he and his sisters could have a moment to talk alone. I conceded to his very reasonable request and went to pay for the meal. What the orphans spoke of they have never told me. Parts of the discussion have come out over the years, there were mentions of their parent's trust in me and of lost guardians but I never truly did figure out what it was that Sonny said that day that made her siblings stop and fall deep into thought. I watched from the counter as her words seeped into their brains and tilted the odds in my favor. I don't know if the comment was something complex like a known story from my past where I had been a savior or if it was something as simple as the idea that my brothers taxi would be a great perk, all I know is when I came back to the table the contemplative energy from before was gone. The four (though Beatrice was so small I doubt she had much input) had made a decision.
From that day forward I became the unofficial, official guardian of the Baudelaires. By this, I mean that there was no legal paperwork tying me to any of them, no bank man to put them in my care, but there was an agreement amongst those involved that we would stay together. Now, as the children are not children anymore, we are not always together but as we are all still on the run, we find ourselves together often enough. When one has very few friends in the world it is always nice to know there is someone that you can trust out there.
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nclkafilms · 4 years
My 2020 Oscar Predictions
Last year was quite a downer when it comes to the Academy Awards. Controversy surrounding Kevin Hart meant no host (which in some instances worked and in some bombed completely). The overall field of films was very weak, which was clear on the night as mediocre films such as Bohemian Rhapsody and Green Book dominated ahead of the few very good films present (e.g. Roma and The Favourite). Personally, it was also disappointing as I only managed to see 35 of the 53 nominated films.
But now, we are back! The final year of the decade gave us some truly brilliant films and I actually will say, that I think 2019 (and thus, the 2020 Oscars) to be the strongest year of the recently finished decade. Personally, it is also much better as I will have reached 49 of 53 nominated films when the show starts in the Dolby Theatre. I am quite satisfied with that count and it truly does make the show a lot more fun to see. There’s still no host, but a stellar list of presenters and performers might end up being enough to secure a great show. We’ll see, but let’s get to it: my predictions for all 24 categories. As always, the films I have seen will be marked with a * - films I will see on Oscar Day are marked with **. Here we go!
Best Picture
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Ford v Ferrari *
The Irishman *
Jojo Rabbit *
Joker *
Little Women **
Marriage Story *
1917 *
Once Upon a Time …in Hollywood *
Parasite *
For the first time in recent years, the best picture race only features brilliant films. And I will say that many of these films, that do not have a chance of winning, could have been clear favourites in more recent years. Ford v Ferrari, Marriage Story and Little Women are the three film I think have the smallest chances of winning. Joker, Jojo Rabbit and The Irishman are long shots, but they could all cause an upset, but their divisive nature makes it difficult considering the Academy’s preferential voting system in this category. I think this will kick out Once Upon a Time …in Hollywood, too, leaving us with Sam Mendes’ one-shot war drama, 1917, and Bong Joon Ho’s critics and audience darling, Parasite. 1917 have swept the awards season so far, and I think that it will receive the biggest of them all too. However, should Parasite, Hollywood or Joker pick up some pace with writing or technical awards, look out for a late shock of Moonlight proportions!
It’s an incredibly strong line-up, but it truly is a shame that there was not room for bittersweet The Farewell or well-crafted Knives Out.
Who will win: 1917
Potential spoiler: Parasite
Personal Favourite: Parasite
I would have liked to see: The Farewell
Actor in a Leading Role
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Antonio Banderas in Pain and Glory *
Leonardo DiCaprio in Once Upon a Time …in Hollywood *
Adam Driver in Marriage Story *
Joaquin Phoenix in Joker*
Jonathan Pryce in The Two Popes *
Five stunning performances from five brilliant actors and yet there is no question here. I simply cannot see, who can prevent Phoenix from picking up the award and delivering yet another memorable acceptance speech. Driver is heartbreakingly good and DiCaprio is more charming than for a long time; had their performances been delivered almost any other year they would have been clear favourites. But this will be a HUGE upset if Phoenix doesn’t win for his simply astounding turn as Arthur Fleck in Joker, which would have been a completely different film without his nuanced performance.
Christian Bale, Taron Egerton, George MacKay, Adam Sandler and Roman Griffin Davis could easily have made up a second group of nominees for their performances in Ford v Ferrari, Rocketman (way better performance than Rami Malek’s winning turn last year!), 1917, Uncut Gems and Jojo Rabbit.
Who will win: Joaquin Phoenix
Potential spoiler: Adam Driver
Personal Favourite: Joaquin Phoenix
I would have liked to see: Adam Sandler in Uncut Gems
Actress in a Leading Role
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Cynthia Erivo in Harriet *
Scarlett Johansson in Marriage Story *
Saoirse Ronan in Little Women **
Charlize Theron in Bombshell
Renée Zellweger in Judy *
This category that has out beaten its male counterpart in recent years, is perhaps one of the weaker categories of the evening - among other things due to some brilliant performances that have been left out. Zellweger is the huge favourite here, and just as Phoenix she has swept the awards so far this season. She is brilliant in otherwise mediocre Judy, but I have to admit that - to me - Johansson is significantly better in Marriage Story. She might be able to cause a surprise, because people want to give her one of the two awards she’s up for, but there is also a risk that this will split her votes between the two roles/categories paving the way for Zellweger to complete her Hollywood comeback for her portrayal of Hollywood legend, Judy Garland.
But, Academy, where is Awkwafina? Where is Lupita?
Who will win: Renée Zellweger
Potential spoiler: Scarlett Johansson
Personal Favourite: Scarlett Johansson
I would have liked to see: Awkwafina in The Farewell
Actor in a Supporting Role
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Tom Hanks in A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood *
Anthony Hopkins in The Two Popes *
Al Pacino in The Irishman *
Joe Pesci in The Irishman *
Brad Pitt in Once Upon a Time …in Hollywood *
I will say that this (along with Cinematography) might the most safe bet of the evening! Brad Pitt has deservedly won every single award of the season so far for his already iconic performance as Cliff Booth in Tarantino’s love letter to Hollywood. It can be argued that he is a leading role, actually, but if we look at it that way, then it is actually only Hanks and Pesci who are truly supporting roles here. Song Kang Ho, Willem Dafoe and Sam Rockwell could have sneaked in here without anyone noticing for Parasite, The Lighthouse and Jojo Rabbit. To be honest, though, I don’t know who I would take out of the category.
Who will win: Brad Pitt
Potential spoiler: Joe Pesci
Personal Favourite: Brad Pitt
I would have liked to see: Song Kang Ho in Parasite
Actress in a Supporting Role
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Kathy Bates in Richard Jewell
Laura Dern in Marriage Story *
Scarlett Johansson in Jojo Rabbit *
Florence Pugh in Little Women **
Margot Robbie in Bombshell
It’s close to being a disastrous snub that Shao Shuzhen is not here for ‘The Farewell’ and without having seen Hustlers the omission of Jennifer Lopez caused many raised eyebrows on nomination morning. Laura Dern has - just like the three other acting categories - swept awards season and the only thing that might prevent the hugely popular actress from picking up a golden statue on Sunday is if people fell Johansson deserves one of the two awards she’s up for. I don’t see an upset here either and we will end up with the usual suspects of Dern, Pitt, Zellweger and Phoenix come the end of the night.
Who will win: Laura Dern
Potential spoiler: Scarlett Johansson
Personal Favourite: Scarlett Johansson
I would have liked to see: Shao Shuzhen in The Farewell
Animated Feature Film
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How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World *
I Lost My Body *
Klaus *
Missing Link *
Toy Story 4 *
The final chapter of How To Train Your Dragon is the only of the nominees to not really win anything big in the lead in to the Oscars. Missing Link has more or less only won the Golden Globes and I Lost My Body might just be too small for the general audience here… It seems to be a two horse race between Netflix’ first big original animated feature, the charming Santa Claus origin story, Klaus, and the big players from Disney/Pixar with Toy Story 4, which never really managed to show that it was necessary to revive this franchise after one of the most satisfying endings to any trilogy in film history. To leave Frozen II out is quite a choice!
Who will win: Klaus
Potential spoiler: Toy Story 4
Personal Favourite: I Lost My Body
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The Irishman *
Joker *
The Lighthouse *
1917 *
Once Upon a Time …in Hollywood *
Rodrigo Prieto’s classic cinematography in The Irishman, Lawrence Sher’s beautifully gritty take on Joker’s Gotham, Jarin Blaschke’s playful 4:3 black-and-white visuals for The Lighthouse and Robert Richardson’s mix of formats and colour palettes in Once Upon a Time …in Hollywood all have one thing in common. They will lose to Roger Deakins, who’s masterful and intricately planned work on 1917 is the main star of its very succesful one-take-construction. It is as simple as that.
Who will win: 1917
Potential spoiler: Once Upon a Time …in Hollywood
Personal Favourite: 1917
I would have liked to see: Ford v Ferrari
Costume Design
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The Irishman *
Jojo Rabbit *
Joker *
Little Women **
Once Upon a Time …in Hollywood *
It’s rare that all five nominees in this category are also up for Best Picture. This is, however, the case as obvious films such as Rocketman, Downton Abbey and Dolemite Is My Name (Critics Choice winner!) are left out of the race. Jojo Rabbit and Little Women has shared the awards between them so far, and I think that Little Women will win thanks to its more classic and obvious costume work. It is the most classic period piece. What The Irishman is doing here, I simply do not know...
Who will win: Little Women
Potential spoiler: Jojo Rabbit
Personal Favourite: Jojo Rabbit
I would have liked to see: Rocketman
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Martin Scorsese for The Irishman *
Todd Phillips for Joker *
Sam Mendes for 1917 *
Quentin Tarantino for Once Upon a Time …in Hollywood *
Bong Joon Ho for Parasite *
One of the most controversial line ups of the evening as yet again we see NO female director nominated in a year that has featured strong films by female directors (Little Women and The Farewell to name just two that could easily have been featured here). It is not to take anything away from the five nominees (or Taika Waititi and Noah Baumbach, who could also have deserved a nod, for that matter), but it is problematic that such films are not acknowledged more and greater by the Academy. The race seems to be between Sam Mendes and Bong Joon Ho, but apart from their tie at Critics Choice, Mendes has taken all the awards, and he will do it again here. Bong’s chance is that the Academy might want to spread the fortunes as in recent years (La La Land/Moonlight and Roma/Green Book).
Who will win: Sam Mendes
Potential spoiler: Bong Joon Ho
Personal Favourite: Bong Joon Ho
I would have liked to see: Lulu Wang for The Farewell
Documentary (Feature)
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American Factory *
The Cave *
The Edge of Democracy *
For Sama *
Honeyland *
Once again, the Academy refused to nominate the biggest favourite, Apollo 11, leaving us with a category much harder to predict. In Denmark everyone is raving about The Cave, but I don’t think that is anywhere near the same picture outside of Denmark (the film is produced by Danish Documentary). And to be honest, For Sama is arguably a much better documentary compared to the more cinematic (and manipulative) The Cave. However, I think these two similar stories (because here the Academy typically votes story over film) will split too many votes between them for either of them to win. This will leave place for American Factory to swoop in and secure another documentary win for Netflix after Icarus.
Who will win: American Factory
Potential spoiler: For Sama
Personal Favourite: For Sama
Documentary (Short Subject)
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In the Absence *
Learning to Skateboard in a War Zone (If You’re a Girl)
Life Overtakes Me *
St. Louis Superman
Walk Run Cha-Cha *
I haven’t seen what seems to be the two strongest contenders and from I have heard about them, I cannot see any of the three others go near a victory. The one with the biggest chance must be In the Absence that might be able to profit from a general focus on South Korea thanks to Parasite.
Who will win: Learning to Skateboard in a War Zone (If You’re a Girl)
Potential spoiler: St. Louis Superman
Personal Favourite: In the Absence
Film Editing
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Ford v Ferrari *
The Irishman *
Jojo Rabbit *
Joker *
Parasite *
Once Upon a Time …in Hollywood suffered a huge blow to its Best Picture chances on nomination morning when they - surprisingly - missed this typically important nod. It’s a bigger blow for Once than 1917, since the one-shot-construction of the latter made an editing nod hugely unlikely. The five remaining films are very strong and different in their editing feats and it is an interesting category for sure. Ford v Ferrari is the high octane, fast paced film that features the most cuts - something that have secured wins to Whiplash, Hacksaw Ridge and Bohemian Rhapsody in recent years. The Irishman is a completely different achievement; constructing a tight and focused story spanning way past 3 hours run time. Jojo Rabbit is a masterclass in comedic editing and Joker is the result of a huge amount of material thanks to Phoenix’ improvisational style in the main part. Finally, Parasite is the slick and cool option here combing both fast paced comedic, slow/dramatic and nerve-inducing, suspenseful editing.
Who will win: Ford v Ferrari
Potential spoiler: Parasite
Personal Favourite: Parasite
I would have liked to see: Once Upon a Time …in Hollywood.
International Feature Film
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Corpus Christi *
Honeyland *
Les Misérables *
Pain and Glory *
Parasite *
This category is - as always - insanely strong! Corpus Christi and Les Misérables are hard-hitting dramas that deals with redemption, violence, what happens in the shadows of society and they both center on fundamentally human relations. Honeyland is historic by being the first film ever to be nominated for both Best Documentary (Feature) and International Feature Film - quite a feat for the almost meditative story about beekeepers in Marcedonia; a story that has a certain biblical sense to it. Pain and Glory is Pedro Almodovar’s take on a life in film and as such is a both hilarious, touching and overwhelming love letter to his field of work helmed by a brilliant Banderas. Sadly for these great films the fifth film is not only South Korea’s first nomination ever (insane!) but also nothing short of a phenomenon. If Parasite doesn’t win this one, it will be the biggest surprise of the evening. The only chance (risk!) of this happening is voters who want to acknowledge some of the other films considering Parasite already “has won it” with its Best Picture nod. But this will NOT happen. 
Who will win: Parasite
Potential spoiler: Pain and Glory
Personal Favourite: Parasite
Makeup and Hairstyling
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Joker *
Judy *
Maleficent: Mistress of Evil *
Hyper-realistic recreations of real life people, villainous clown makeup, a transformation into a Hollywood legend, fairytale creatures and blood dripping war injuries. The winner will be Bombshell’s seemingly very impressive work with especially Charlize Theron, Nicole Kidman and John Lithgow.
Who will win: Bombshell
Potential spoiler: Joker
Personal Favourite: Bombshell
I would have liked to see: Rocketman
Music (Original Score)
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Hildur Guðnadóttir for Joker *
Alexandre Desplat for Little Women **
Randy Newman for Marriage Story *
Thomas Newman for 1917 *
John Williams for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker *
This is between first time nominee (and sole, female composer in the group), Hildur Guðnadóttir, and fifteen time nominee, Thomas Newman. None of them has won before and there is a feeling that it is Newman’s turn. However, Hildur has won everything up until now and I think her haunting score for Joker will secure Iceland an Oscar here. Desplat and Randy Newman have also composed beautiful scores, while I have to admit that the only compositions I remember from Rise of Skywalker are the old ones. But, alas, John Williams apparently has to be nominated if he has made a new score…
Who will win: Hildur Guðnadóttir for Joker
Potential spoiler: Thomas Newman for 1917
Personal Favourite: Hildur Guðnadóttir for Joker
I would have liked to see: Jung Jae II and Choi Woo Shik for Parasite
Music (Original Song)
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“I Can’t Let You Throw Yourself Away” from Toy Story 4 *
“(I’m Gonna) Love Me Again” from Rocketman *
“I’m Standing With You” from Breakthrough *
“Into The Unknown” from Frozen II *
“Stand Up” from Harriet *
Classic Oscar bait from Beyonce (Lion King) and Tailor Swift (Cats) were unsuccessful this year. Elton John gave the perfect reason for him and Bernie Taupin to win when they accepted the Golden Globs, which was their first ever (!) award together. Can the Academy resist giving them one more? Or do they want to apologise to Frozen II by giving it an Oscar for what is arguably NOT the strongest of its songs? In the background Cynthia Erivo is lurking with powerful, “Stand Up”.
Who will win: “(I’m Gonna) Love Me Again” from Rocketman
Potential spoiler: “Into The Unknown” from Frozen II
Personal Favourite: “(I’m Gonna) Love Me Again” from Rocketman
I would have liked to see: “Show Yourself” from Frozen II
Production Design
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The Irishman *
Jojo Rabbit *
1917 *
Once Upon a Time …in Hollywood *
Parasite *
The Irishman is the odd one out here as its production design is not something that I think stood out in the film - much like its costumes. That leaves us with four great examples of production design that aids its film, though! Jojo Rabbits german town is ironically charming in the shadow of war, 1917’s production design team has created an intricate labyrinth of sets and in Parasite two homes have been built from scratch and, yet, they still feel alive and breathing. However, I doubt that the Academy will not recognise the beautiful, detailed work that has gone into the production design of Once Upon a Time …in Hollywood, which clearly is a work of love emerging from Tarantino’s heartfelt memories.
Who will win: Once Upon a Time …in Hollywood
Potential spoiler: Parasite
Personal Favourite: Once Upon a Time …in Hollywood
I would have liked to see: Joker
Short Film (Animation)
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Dcera (Daughter) *
Hair Love *
Kitbull *
Memorable *
Two classic animated shorts and three more artistic takes on the medium. While Memorable and Sister might very well be the two strongest contributions if you look at the complete package, I think that Hair Love’s universal story of family love and the bond between parents and children will grant it a victory. That it has been available for free on YouTube will certainly help its case, too.
Who will win: Hair Love
Potential spoiler: Kitbull
Personal Favourite: Sister
Short Film (Live Action)
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Brotherhood **
Nefta Football Club **
The Neighbors’ Window **
Saria **
A Sister **
As per tradition, I will watch all five films on Oscar night, so I have not seen any of them yet. It seems like the winner needs to be found between the first three films, judged from buzz, though.
Sound Editing
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Ford v Ferrari *
Joker *
1917 *
Once Upon a Time …in Hollywood *
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker *
This category that is about the creation of the sounds that’s featured in the films, is always quite difficult to predict. Both categories seem like a two horse race, though, between 1917’s explosions and gun shots and Ford v Ferrari’s adrenaline pumping race scenes. I think it might be a split between the two films!
Who will win: 1917
Potential spoiler: Ford v Ferrari
Personal Favourite: Ford v Ferrari
I would have liked to see: The Lighthouse
Sound Mixing
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Ad Astra *
Ford v Ferrari *
Joker *
1917 *
Once Upon a Time …in Hollywood *
When it comes to the sound mixing, we typically see action films, war films or especially musicals. With Rocketman surprisingly left out (for a suprise, yet well-deserved nod for otherwise underwhelming Ad Astra), it seems to be a race between Ford v Ferrari and 1917 here as well. The stressing sound mixing of Uncut Gems might a bit too extreme for the Academy, but it would have been a well-deserved nomination for an important aspect of that film’s language.
Who will win: Ford v Ferrari
Potential spoiler: 1917
Personal Favourite: Ford v Ferrari
I would have liked to see: Uncut Gems / Rocketman
Visual Effects
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Avengers: Endgame *
The Irishman *
The Lion King *
1917 *
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker *
Three films in which the visual effects are huge and central to the film’s story, and two films where they play a more subtle, supporting role. The Academy have been going for the more subtle choices in recent years (think of First Man’s win last year). Thus, I think this will be between Irishman’s de-ageing technology and 1917’s one-take-vision that has only succeeded thanks to brilliant, but subtle visual effects. I might change my mind right up until the show for this one. If one of the three “loud” films were to surprise, I reckon it’d be Endgame.
Who will win: 1917
Potential spoiler: The Irishman
Personal Favourite: 1917
I would have liked to see: Ad Astra
Writing (Adapted Screenplay)
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Steve Zailian for The Irishman *
Taika Waititi for Jojo Rabbit *
Todd Phillips and Scott Silver for Joker *
Greta Gerwig for Little Women **
Anthony McCarten for The Two Popes *
This is yet another two horse race between Jojo Rabbit and Little Women, who have shared the awards between each other so far this season. Jojo seems strongest right now having won both the WGA and Bafta. However, this is the option for the Academy to remedy the omission of Gerwig in the Best Director race. That might give her a slight advantage. It is very difficult to call, but ultimately I think the buzz from WGA/Bafta wins outweighs the other aspects.
Who will win: Taika Waititi for Jojo Rabbit
Potential spoiler: Greta Gerwig for Little Women
Personal Favourite: Taika Waititi for Jojo Rabbit
Writing (Original Screenplay)
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Rian Johnson for Knives Out *
Noah Baumbach for Marriage Story *
Sam Mendes and Krysty Wilson-Cairns for 1917 *
Quentin Tarantino for Once Upon a Time …in Hollywood *
Bong Joon Ho and Han Jin Won for Parasite *
An incredibly strong category in which both Rian Johnson for his greatly constructed homage to Agatha Christie whodunnits and Noah Baumbach for his touching and very real divorce drama could deserve the award. However, it seems to be a two man race here, too, between Tarantino (a previous winner in the category) and Bong Joon Ho. Just as with Jojo Rabbit, Parasite comes with recent wins at the WGA and Baftas, and I think this gives it the necessary edge as well (although Once was ineligible at the WGA’s). 1917 would be a huge upset here as the screenplay might be one of its weaker spots.
Who will win: Bong Joon Ho and Han Jin Won for Parasite
Potential spoiler: Quentin Tarantino for Once Upon a Time …in Hollywood
Personal Favourite: Noah Baumbach for Marriage Story
I wish everyone the best of Oscar nights! May the best films win!
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