#I really don't want to be trapped in a state where reality literally can't exist ever again
seimsisk · 8 months
did I tell you guys I apparently accidentally overdosed on a brownie? yeah I didn't nearly die because you can't really die from THC poisoning but I definitely THOUGHT I had died (or at least become detached from the physical existence as whole) and that was the #1 scariest experience of my life (*) and I kinda wished someone had warned me that was a possibility
I think my mistake was eating it with an empty stomach. Plz don't repeat my mistake y'all.
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vexxandra · 3 months
what is coming? (timeless pick-a-card)
for those who need comfort, or dream of the future, this might be the pac for you ☆ 3-17-23 .
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PILE ONE ; " i'm so tired " ...
how long have you been keeping yourself awake? it's up to you to decide whether that statement was metaphorical or literal, but the point still stands. can't catch sleep? it's not your fault. you don't have to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders, you deserve to rest. sleep is a blessing that you will catch up on soon. the mistakes of your past shouldn't stop you from rejuvenating yourself. i'm sorry this relief from life has been taken from you.
i can see that what's coming toward you is more closure. conflicts being resolved, and action being taken to prevent future problems from happening. peace is coming, and more spiritual peace- however you may find it. you are finding what is lost or missing; a confidant, a part of yourself you lost, or a sense of responsibility. this will make you feel a little less confused in this dark time. whatever you find, make sure it benefits you, not hinders you.
extra: the number 7 or 16, cheerleading, studying, driving/cars, violent - carolesdaughter, the need to please, disappointment, "you are more than your thoughts, more than your past" green, spring months, gaming to cope, betrayal, "you deserve love because you exist"
PILE TWO ; " i am fighting " ...
you are so strong. your strength is commendable, and so is your resolve. you are making me smile. things seem to be good for you right now, but have they always? no one is born to be so resilient, it's our experiences that shape us to be who we are, and yours have molded you into a warrior, pile two. you are so strong, have you heard that before? i feel like you don't get recognized enough. but you suffered, and i see that. i see that, and i see you. thank you, for never giving up.
stability is reaching you. i feel like you have a 'fake it till you make it mindset' in order to reach what you truly want. but i see that you will soon have whatever you desire. it will be unmistakably yours, and you'll know in your heart when you find it. you will be emotionally fulfilled, and reach a state of kind of 'enlightenment' where you're like, i know what im doing now, it all makes sense. it will be a moment where everything clicks, and everything settles down.
extra: pink, red, gold, orange, chains of pearls, instruments, stuffy, nostalgia, memories like the color yellow, may, june, 2018, "this feels right", back to the future/past, vintage, aesthetic, dream girl vibes, photos, "everything is okay"
PILE THREE ; " where is the sun ? " ...
you have lost your sun, pile three. you remind me of a sunflower, looking for the sun to turn to, but what happens if the sun isn't there? you are aimless and lost, trying to find what has been stolen from you. but it hasn't, has it? it's time to take off your lenses, and realize that this isn't healthy. you have been stuck in a cycle for a while, and i feel like you kind of actually trap yourself in it. i get it, it's better to be trapped than face the reality. but is the pain you're causing yourself really worth it? please find strength in yourself to break free. trust me, it's better than staying. im rooting for you, pile three.
what's coming toward you is the strength to pull yourself out of this negative situation. i see you putting yourself first, and sparing yourself of further heartbreak, disappointment, and sadness. i can see that this will sort of be a tower moment for you; the tower has always been shaky, but it's only now that you are fleeing from it, and i'm proud of you. it's hard, but you can do it. after, you might find yourself stuck in your own thoughts secondguessing, but you did the right thing. never forget that. i also see someone of importance entering your life, a little after this.
extra: dont worrry darling, omori, pink beats, neurodivergence, black, alternative culture, crosses, pinky promises, mother figure, chocolate, willy wonka and the chocolate factory, balloons, lamps, llamas, "why would you leave me?", "because i couldn't stay", polish
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I love your asexual explanation if it had more weight in reality I would be more understanding.
...I know too much...
I probably just don't like fake bitches and the commander was a real one that tried to make an informed decision for the sake of everyone else. It was a poor one, don't get me wrong.
He wants to become the gods of the next world because he thinks the Pokemon world sucks despite the fact that the internet hasn't even been invented yet and he only knows one freaking area like damn you haven't even seen the rest of the world. what.. does he look at people who are being happy and goes "that is fake??" I can't imagine the pain that he must have think that he's gone through to apply it to literally everyone.
He's going to fix this usurping God? how??? HOW does he know anything about being God?? What makes him think that he has the qualifications for that??
It's the equivalent of looking at somebody's cool art piece and then trying to destroy that cool art piece to make a better art piece without even knowing how to make art
Oh yeah and that art piece is the state of reality of which you exist on.
The commander wouldn't have made that decision if Volo wasn't being a stupid bitch.
(Sorry I've been holding this unkept rage for a while because people don't realize the gravity of what Volo was trying to do.
I should probably delete most of this but you seem like the type that would enjoy it so...*shrugs
Maybe discussing this with you might make me stop being so angry at this because you're so insightful.)
qhkjhkjh ok first of all "I love your asexual explanation" took me OUT. is that what it is. ghskjshskjh i guess so
anyway like. and to start off with this is NOT me trying to defend volo. he's evil and deranged and most of all kind of pathetic and these are INTEGRAL parts of his character. but. i really do think that in the end he's someone with severe clinical depression in an era where that isn't really a recognized Thing you can get Help For and who also has been given esoteric knowledge about the nature of the gods that rule reality that apparently everyone else has forgotten. so instead of going "everything is terrible and it's pointless" it's "everything is terrible... and i know an extremely drastic way to fix it." that's at least the angle i come at him from.
and as for the second part... this is i think something that's more my take than like, canon or fanon, But. usually the way i come at it is that volo didn't want to make himself god, he wanted to make giratina god. he wanted giratina to usurp arceus and create its own ideal world, wherein he would presumably be rewarded with some sort of immortal high-priest role or something i honestly don't think he thought that far ahead.
anyway though i think that's why everything he does feels so drastic and out of left field. it's cause his perception of reality is like incredibly distorted and he's been trapped in this volo-giratina-togekiss echo chamber to the point where he thinks this is a normal thing for people to want. nice going dude!
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So as far as ODNLB goes, there's a song that comes to mind for me, specifically with Adrien trying to reach out to Ladybug.
Bring Me To Life by Evanescense:
How can you see into my eyes like open doors? Leading you down into my core Where I've become so numb Without a soul My spirit's sleeping somewhere cold Until you find it there and lead it back home
Adrien's just kind of been existing these last six years, trying to hang on, waiting for things to get better. Waiting to be reunited with his friends. With HER.
Wake me up inside (save me) Call my name and save me from the dark (wake me up) Bid my blood to run (I can't wake up) Before I come undone (save me) Save me from the nothing I've become
This is the chorus, so I'm gonna skip talking about it the other times it shows up. But it shows Adrien pining for help and to be freaking SAVED, to get help, before he comes undone, breaks his amok and dooms himself to nothingness.
Now that I know what I'm without You can't just leave me Breathe into me and make me real Bring (bring) me (me) to life
This one could refer to some lingering angst Adrien might have over being a sentimonster, over not being "real", and considering himself to be real and alive through other people's relationships with him, through them considering him to be alive and a person and real.
Bring me to life I've been living a lie There's nothing inside Bring me to life
I think this could actually refer to how as Cat Walker, he's been made to appear to be a villain, to be on Monarch's side, when in reality he holds no loyalty to them, would want to be with Ladybug instead.
Frozen (frozen) inside without your touch Without your love, darling Only (only) you are the life among the dead
He just... he really, really needs to get to be with her again.
All of this time, I can't believe I couldn't see Kept in the dark, but you were there in front of me I've been sleeping a thousand years, it seems Got to open my eyes to everything Without a thought, without a voice, without a soul Don't let me die here (There must be something more) bring me to life
Adrien's just blindly reaching out, to Ladybug, to Marinette, to the people he cares for the most, clinging desperately to survival, to her, to something to keep him going, even in the horrific circumstances he's been in for so, so long.
Adrien needs HELP.
efjfaekjeafk this may be one of my favorite asks to date.
in all seriousness, this song really does fit adrien's mental state right now :( he's so trapped, his entire life a prison. and while he doesn't actually want to die, it's literally his only way out. and even then it would do damage and mess everything up especially for ladybug.
geez i hope he gets safe and free and happy soon :((
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cmyknoise · 2 years
Pest Problem
Here’s a Not-Quite fanfic fanfic where I describe this idea I have for c!Wilbur and this cool idea that I don’t think I could write outside of describing. It’s 2k words anyway! Woo!
Warning: It addresses Wilbur’s current mental state so, allusions to suicide and suicidal thoughts. There’s also a side plot with Dream & Tommy. 
It starts in Tommy's house. 
Wilbur makes comments about hearing this noise in Tommy's walls, he asks if he has mice. 
Tommy brushes him off but corrects him that it would be moles, since his house is made of dirt. He says there's always some noise and not to worry much, he's started to ignore it. He would get so jumpy about the noise in his house but Phil had reasoned with him that his house is on top of the sewers and surrounded by tunnels, there must be animals in there all the time. 
He doesn't feel the safest in his house, because of Dream, and the drop trap that was made, but he's not seen Dream in awhile and Sapnap and Sam Nook are supposedly watching so he trusts, convinces himself to trust, that he'll be okay. 
Wilbur just nods, accepts that, and he spends the night with him. 
This is just before the stream where he went and talked to Phil, and before Tommy's base would be griefed.
He can't get over the sound of moles in the walls, or whatever they may be. 
Wilbur then has the talk, as he does, about the apologies and stuff with Phil, and then with Tommy. His plans about getting into contact with XD, wondering how you kill a creature forever, the ploy of apologizing to Ghostbur and getting Friend to him, when in reality it seems he very much implied he wants to end his own existence.
Well, that all happens, and it's during the preparations of this that things... odd things happen, which try to convince him to change things about his plans, to do otherwise. 
He's visited by his past, sort of A Christmas Carol style but a bit more literal.
But they don't stay long. It's like... he's visited by himself from after the revolution, from after November 16th, and his Ghost. L'manbur, Pogbur, and Ghostbur. It can be up to interpretation on whether it's them or just Wilbur's subconscious thoughts & stuff manifesting, because of his plan.
So, he's visited by L'manbur first. 
Wilbur had gone off to the burger van to hang a sign that they were indefinitely closed, to gather stuff up and leave, but he got a bit hung up on a small crater that had since been filled and covered with flowers. 
He sits at this campfire and starts to drink, a little bit maybe, eating the leftovers of food that was still there. And that's when the flames of the fire take shame and smolder, they wisp around him. There's a searing heat in front of him, it pulls him up and singes his coat by the collar.
L'manbur. He's made of fire and flame, and he's hard to focus on, but Wilbur hears himself, as proud and as confident as ever. He tells him to look around and asks what he sees, and Wilbur looks at the hole and answers a grave.
L'manbur tells him something worth protecting and fighting for.
He asks if it was his fault that all his friends were betrayed and killed that day, the revolution. Wilbur spits no, of course not he didn't know of the betrayal until it was too late.
He asks Wilbur who the bad guy is, and Wilbur answers with himself.
L'manbur stands upright, shaking his head. He grabs his hand and forces Wilbur to follow. They march.
The longer they walk, the dimmer L'manbur's flame gets, but they walk to the ruins of L'manburg, peering down upon the crater. L'manbur is this smoldering smoke, he asks again who the real bad guy is.
Wilbur feels bile build up at the sight of the crater, and he can't answer.
Again, L'manbur asks who is the one who they've fought all along. Who is the one who started this? Who killed Tommy twice that day, who did again later, who blew the nation up twice, who stepped on them under a tyrannical iron boot and he raises his voice and asks who he's really fighting.
Wilbur spits out Dream, he spits out lady tyranny. He screams that it's not his fault, that Dream did this, that he killed them, he keeps killing them, that his home is a ruin and ash because of him.
L'manbur asks who is left to fight him.
The smoke drifts into the air like a snuffed torch, and he's alone in the dark, the looming shadow of the prison is far behind him. He's reminded of the real enemy, and that it's not himself, not really.
He throws up and he can't tell if it's the alcohol or what just happened.
Nothing much happens for a few days. He visits Tommy and they head to Logsteadshire. Trickles of memories seep back to him, none good, and he can't help but look at Tommy in between their search for Friend. 
They don't officially talk about things that happened during Tommy's exile, but some words are exchanged. Wilbur decides, with Tommy's permission, to tear down the tower. He also fills in the holes and gathers leftover wheat for Friend, before they make their journey back.  Tommy can't tell him much, but he tells him about the explosions, and about the loneliness, and the rules. Things that Wilbur, some part of him, already knew. He sticks close to Tommy as they walk all the way to Techno & Phil's as a small pitstop, before they very carefully take Friend back the ocean route. Neither want to make the trip through the Nether. 
Tommy's house is still mostly covered in obsidian, but Wilbur had managed to help break open an entrance into the house, they get Friend in there, and after a tireless night, he and Tommy clear the obsidian off of everything. They listen to a disc. 
Some of Tommy's house was broken up in the crossfire, so he offers to go get him supplies to rebuild it.  There's still that scurrying sound of moles and he's surprised they didn't suffocate under the pressure of the obsidian, but he leaves.
He has to walk awhile, but he finds a small oak forest and pulls out an iron axe and starts to chop away. Tommy always liked oak.
That's when Pogbur shows up. 
Wind blows leaves off the trees, and they fall all around him. Wilbur cuts down a tree and steps back as it tumbles, and he gathers up the wood to put into his inventory. 
Pogbur materializes from the wind and the leaves as a gust swirls around Wilbur. Once he's able to, he grabs Wilbur by his collar. He's made of leaves and sticks and the wind blows against him, leaves drift off, others are added in the wind
He's rough when Wilbur is suddenly slammed against a tree, only to look up at himself, his angry self. 
"Do not make another mistake, Soot." 
He's warned, grip unyielding, Wilbur's back hurts from the bark and pressure behind him. He can't find the words. 
"Don't you leave them. Not again. You'll let them down." 
Pogbur tells Wilbur that he has things to live and to fight for, and if he's gone then people like Tommy or Tubbo or Fundy have no one. That they'll be hurt again. That they'll be alone again, and they know just how bad being alone is. 
He disappears and fades when the wind picks up the leaves again. That time of his life was brief, he wasn’t around long, he spoke the least, but in ways he had the most impact. 
Wilbur is left clutching an axe, his back sore and achy from the tree, frozen in fear and anguish. It takes a bit for him to recover, and he comes back to Tommy with less wood than he intended, but it's enough.
Over the next few days, he goes on with his apologies & goodbyes. He apologizes to Tubbo (which goes about how it actually did). He apologizes to Jack Manifold. They accept his apology. 
He apologizes to Niki, and to Quackity. He gets a 'Goodbye Wilbur Soot' from Niki (although later, from Phil, he's given a tray of cookies. He supposes that's good enough. Some people, it's better to let go and let them heal without you). 
He gets a bloody nose from Quackity, but he half expected that. Things settle though, and he apologizes. Quackity makes the comment that it sounds like a goodbye, but Wilbur brushes it off, and says he supposes it is, that he's moving the van. 
He's not sure if Quackity did accept his apology, but he helped him clean up the umbrellas and Fort Big, and he helps him get the van out of the area, and they plant a few trees and make the area look like it was never touched, save for a large patch of flowers, and a birch grave. 
He apologizes to Eret, but Eret stops him, and instead she apologizes first, and she takes him to the button room of the museum, and passes him the apology book.  He explains how he deeply regrets the betrayal, and how maybe things would've been different if he'd never done it, if she'd fought by their side. 
Wilbur comments it's not worth much, blaming yourself for the past, just to try to be a better person now. 
They hug, and the book goes into Wilbur's enderchest. Eret asks Wilbur if he'd like to talk sometime and catch up. Wilbur says he'd like that. 
He apologizes to Fundy, who is silent for a while. He accepts his apology but makes no comment on forgiveness. Wilbur feels awkward in the spruce house, then he offers something. He offers to make Fundy lunch, for him and his son, and maybe they could talk. It’s awkward and silent at best for a while, and Fundy tells him stories about Las Nevadas and Yogurt, and Wilbur tells him about adventures long in the past. It ends with laughs, a hug, and a question, would you like to do this again? The answer is a quiet yes. Not forgiveness, but a fresh start.
He ends up going to Phil's, to his upstairs room, to the bathroom he'd had, he goes to bed there. Tomorrow is when he'd arranged for Tommy to contact XD. Tomorrow.
He can count down the hours. He'd always set himself dates, and he knew that in a few hours, it'd be time. He was happy with his apologies, though he knows he had one more... He's not sure how to go about it. He goes to sleep. 
He wakes up in the middle of the night to a nightmare, one of the ones that sits at the corner of your brain out of reach, but you know is horrifying. He can't place what exactly happened, but he remembers a train whistle. He remembers that vividly. 
He stumbles out of bed and goes to his bathroom for some water. 
His eyes meet his own in a mirror, but it's not his. He scowls and sets the glass of water down.
Ghostbur looks at him with a stern frown 
"What are you doing?"
"Getting water what the fuck do you think I'm doing?"
"What are you doing tomorrow?"
Wilbur freezes. 
What is he going to do? 
He felt so sure of himself... he'd had doubts sure but, in that moment... 
Ghostbur knocks on the glass of the mirror and asks again, and Wilbur grips the sink edge. Ghostbur talks the most compared to the other two.
"Getting rid of the problem."
"Oh? What problem is there?"
Wilbur tries to say himself, but he stops. Was he the problem? He thought he was. 
But the fire... and the leaves and him they all know who the problem is, what the problem is. He knows...
He knows what the real problem is.
"They liked you so much more."
Is all Wilbur says, not answering the question. 
Ghostbur rolls his eyes, arms crossed .
"They did not. They ignored me every chance they had, constantly said I wasn't the real you. They missed you. I was a placeholder, and now you're back and you're going to make them go through it all over again."
"They'll get over it."
"You know that's not true." 
"Then what am I supposed to do?" 
"Do what I did."
"What, play dumb? Forget everything, pretend nothing was wrong and bumble about?" 
"Protect them in any way you can."
Wilbur falls silent, he drags a hand down his face, looking at Ghostbur in the mirror. He frowns.
It's silent for a bit longer. 
"I'm sorry, you know. I'm sorry for... for how I talk about you. They loved you a lot, Tommy did, he built you a grave."
"They love you a lot too."
"Are you... okay, where you are?"
"Never better. Don't do what you thought of."
"What am I supposed to do?"
"Well, for starters, I think you should deal with the pest problem in Tommy's walls." 
The water overflows from the sink and Wilbur curses and shuts it off, when he looks back up, it's just himself. Himself.
He drinks his water, cleans up the mess, and goes back to bed. He didn't sleep much that night. 
When he and Tommy meet up with Friend in tow the following morning, Tommy asks about getting Friend to Ghostbur. 
He pets the sheep's wool and shakes his head. There’s a scurrying of something just past the dirt, and Wilbur leads Tommy out of his house.
"Change of plans. No need to summon XD." 
"What the fuck do you mean don't we have to get Friend to Ghostbur—" 
"I lied." 
"What the fuck are you on about we had this whole thing set up dickhead what else did you have-"
"I mean I lied about Ghostbur... I didn't see him in limbo, Tommy. I'm not dead, there's... no need for a ghost, he's not suffering because he's not there. I needed some way for you to... well, just trust me. Please? I lied to you. I'm sorry... And look, now we've got Friend back." 
Tommy is quiet and he grips friend's lead. Wilbur is sure that, well... after last night, that Ghostbur isn't in limbo. Maybe he never was. 
Wilbur ruffles his hair, and glances on and the giant obsidian building in the distance, and the stairs to Tommy's house
He ushers Tommy away.
"I had other plans anyway.... how about...well I'm sick of living in Phil's attic, not so big man of me, huh? How about we find a place for me to live. And we connect the prime path up to my place. How does that sound?" 
“Sounds poggers, Friend stays with me though.”
Tommy likes that idea, and starts to ramble as he walks. 
For  a moment, when Wilbur looks at Tommy's house, he sees green in the doorway, he wraps his arm around Tommy, and walks. 
Pest problem.
That's the main idea. There is a side plot. All throughout there is hinting at Dream living in Tommy's walls, like he did in early L'manburg and during the early disc wars, spying on him. Especially as Tommy lets his guard down more. References to the strange drop and underground room, noises in the walls that are definitely not moles.
If there would be a hypothetical epilogue of this, it would involve that being found out, and getting Tommy away or something with Wilbur helping, and also with that Wilbur's final apology to Tommy, his real apology to Tommy.
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weltenwellen · 3 years
Hello, I'm really sorry for bothering you with this.. but you are so good at giving advice I thought maybe I'd be able to reach out. I'm so sorry if I mess up my wording. I'm not the best speaker and get jumbled easily
Back in August I had attempted suicide by overdose after one of my friends had shared very personal information aboute that I had kept hidden from everyone. I made a lot of mistakes in my current relationship that ties in heavily with my bpd and having very large "memory gaps." That when everything was laid out on the table it put me in a tailspin. My SO (who I had hurt the most) still decided to stay with me.
I had no memory of a lot of the things I had done and I hurt a lot of people because of it (these things include having been pressured into sex twice and manipulated by several people I had otherwise called "friends" into sexual activities over text.). For a week after getting out of the hospital I was in a deep state of dissociation caused by the ptsd of having the people I'm closest to lash out at me. And I'm still recovering today, I can't take medications and any kind of stress makes me physically ill.
Anyways, my SO had me move in with him 400 miles from where I used to live. We had been LD for a little over 3 years. And now that I'm living with him we had begun to fight more often. He has bipolar and sometimes our illnesses butt heads. He says how he can't look at me sometimes, how he doesn't feel like he's in love with me, how he wishes we could go back to what we were. And I've learned my lesson. I no longer want to hide from anyone or live in a false reality from all the denial.
Over the last three months of me living with him it had gotten to the point where he had gone behind my back to have sexual encounters with a girl he had told me they were just friends and he's never had any interest in her... It had taken me two years to trust him with her, and be comfortable with him going to see her since she struggles with suicide as well. And it hurts a lot.
I am now trapped between, I deserved this for my mistakes and being hurt that he did this to me when I've spent the last 6 months doing everything in my power to be the best I can be. He's told me it wasnt his idea and he regretted it immediately. He's asked me to forgive him and to trust him again. But I'm struggling. I had only found out by looking through his phone (which I'm not proud of, I had just caught him in one lie and needed to know if there was more)
A lot of people have told me to leave but I can't do that, I do still love him more than anything in my life. Despite how bad it's gotten he has treated me better than anyone else in my life. I mostly just.. don't know how to move forward. Most days I'm numb to it but it'll pop up and make me feel so sick from stress. I need to know whether or not I'm... Reacting normally..? Or if I'm overthinking everything because I do that so often...
“I deserved this for my mistakes and being hurt that he did this to me” is not a thought that should make you stay with someone and beyond that, it’s not something from which a relationship can grow from & become healthy. there is no basis of trust & what is any relationship without it? on both sides there is and was dishonesty with him not even being honest and upfront about his infidelity. 
“Despite how bad it's gotten he has treated me better than anyone else in my life.” sounds like you’re at least to some degree aware that you're staying in a relationship which is toxic and is not going anywhere. i think it’s not even about the relationship but about your lack of self-esteem and respect for your own well-being. you do not leave because you think you deserve this relationship because of the mistakes you made and the lack of self-esteem makes it impossible for you to think you deserve better, for you to know that you deserve to be treated with kindness and be loved fully. your stress exists because you’re not at peace with your past & because you’re in an unhealthy relationship. those two things intertwined are a ticking time bomb. a lack of certain standards in relationships because of a lack of self-love always reminds me of a quote from the netflix special called “jigsaw” by daniel sloss where he says: 
“You have to learn to love yourself before you can allow someone else to do it as well. That’s it. There’s nothing wrong with being single. There’s nothing wrong with being alone. There’s nothing wrong with taking time for yourself to work out who you are before you go out there into the dating world, because how can you offer who you are if you don’t know who you are? There’s nothing wrong with being selfish for a bit because you’ve got the rest of your life to be selfless.
If you only love yourself at 20%, that means somebody can come along and love you 30% and you’re like, “Wow, that’s so much.” It’s literally less than half. Whereas if you love yourself 100%, that means a person that falls in love with you has to go above and beyond the call of duty to make you feel special, and that’s something every one of us deserves.”
take the necessary steps to seek distance to this relationship. if you feel like you cannot end it right now that’s ok but you need to eliminate the daily stress that is coming from this relationship. sort out what has taken place, how you feel / felt and find out how you want to move forward. I think it is hard if not impossible to do that in an unhealthy / toxic environment and while living with him.
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wakandapedia · 5 years
I can't DM you because you don't follow me, but I am curious about the break down.
hey no prob
this is the most accurate and fitting leak description I have heard so far, and it falls in line with all the set photos, toy leaks and even the Captain Marvel post credit scene....
so potential SPOILER ALERT
so potential SPOILER ALERT
so potential SPOILER ALERT
Endgame 1st and 2nd Act Spoilers from 4chan
“Original text:
I have a good chunk of information regarding the first two acts of Endgame:
-The first act of the movie isn't very action heavy but moves very quickly and covers a lot of ground.
-Tony and Nebula are trapped in space.
-The whole opening is a spiritual reimagining Tony's "escape from the cave."
-He uses pieces of Nebula to repair the ship and escape to Earth.
-Title card
-Thanos is on Titan 2, alone and meditating.
-Gamora appears to speak with him. She forgives him for his actions, and apologizes for her own.
-Gamora disintegrates to reveal he's using the gauntlet to do some weird-ass puppet show for himself with the image of Gamora. This shows the audience that while damaged, the gauntlet still works.
-Ant-Man is falling through the quantum realm. He trips through time, seeing the past and future laid out before him. He sees himself becoming Ant Man, going to prison, and even gets a glimpse of his daughter years down the road.
-He tries to exit the realm as close to the present as possible but lands a couple of weeks later than intended. How convenient!
-He exits on the roof next to the van and Pym's equipment. No one is to be seen.
-After some NYC post-snap establishing shots, we catch up with Captain America and Rhodey at the Snap support meeting.
-The scene makes it clear that Cap has absolutely no intention of moving on.
-Thor has found a place for his people to live and Rocket has joined him as Rocket doesn't really have anyone else.
-Short Valkyrie cameo here. Thor wants to find Thanos ASAP and avenge the dead by killing him. Valkyrie insists it's dangerous for the Avengers to strike back before they're ready.
It's at this point that Rocket receives a signal from the Benatar headed toward Earth.
-He and Thor intercept the ship as it lands. Rocket is super bummed to see that everyone but Nebula is dead.
-He comments on Stark's impressive modification of the ship and the two hit it off immediatley.
-Widow and Banner speak at Avengers HQ. They still aren't really sure where they stand with each other. Steve and Rhodey eventually join the group at HQ.
-Steve and Natasha want to try to do something to avenge the dead. Rhodey and Banner are ready to give up and don't believe anything can be done.
-Tony makes a stop at home to see Pepper. He makes it clear that he needs to fix what happened and she has to accept it. He leaves.
-A computer alarm sounds at Avengers HQ and the group go to see that Fury's beacon has stopped transmitting the message that lead them to it in the first place. Marvel shows up looking for Fury and they begin to explain things to her.
-Tony, Thor, Nebula, and Rocket approach the Avengers HQ. Thor senses an Infinity Stone nearby and they prepare for a fight with Thanos as they soar into the compound.
-Marvel engages in a skirmish with the understandably trigger happy Tony and Co. before Steve, Rhodey, and Widow break up the fight.
-Thor tells the rest that Marvel gives off the same energy as an infinity stone. Banner asks her if he can take some scans.
-Tony and Steve reunite. They don't speak about their differences, and only engage in awkward small talk.
-Thor expresses his wishes to go after Thanos, and Tony doesn't think it's worth the risk. Tony explains that he wants to fix things just as badly as they all do, but that's he's made the mistake of running into things headfirst too many times and if they're going to attempt anything, it needs to be done carefully.
-The next day, Ant Man shows up at Avengers HQ. His daughter and family have all disappeared and he's freaked out.
-Rhodey makes a joke about how many people have shown up at the door in the last day.
-They tell Ant Man what happened with Thanos.
-Ant Man explains the breakthrough they had with the quantum realm. Scott is convinced that they can go back in time to change the events of the past and stop Thanos, but Tony makes it clear that changing the past drastically is too dangerous.
-Ant Man is hysterical and begs Tony to try anything, telling him about how he saw his older daughter in the quantum realm and believes that some reality where she is alive must exist. This strikes a chord with Tony.
-Banner finished analyzing his scans of Marvel and speaks with Tony. He tells him that Captain Marvel is almost a perfect replica of an infinity stone herself (even more powerful than Scarlett Witch,) and this leads Tony to the idea that he may be able to replicate the stones with the right tech. This would enable them to retrieve the stones in the past without drastically upsetting space/time.
-Tony goes to Wakanda with Banner, Marvel, Rocket, Nebula, and Rhodey to look into some of Shuri's research and her scans of Vision.
-They are able to get some useful information that will help them create something to control the stones.
-M'Baku pledges to help them should the need arise. Tony asks him to continue using their tech to help the world deal with the repercussions of the snap.
-The rest of the group go look for Clint. They run into him showing off his new combat skills as Ronin. They manage to recruit him.
-On Titan 2, Thanos has another conversation with young soul stone Gamora. She shows him all of the souls he snapped.
-Now the group begin to plan their assault on Thanos.
-The plan is to copy each of the stones in the past via the quantum realm and form a new gauntlet.
-The info from Shuri's computer helps them understand how to build a receptacle for the stones.
-Captain Marvel's composition helps them understand how to copy the stones.
-Once they get the new gauntlet, they will undo the snap and then attempt to kill Thanos to keep him from doing more damage.
-Ant Man will help one team enter the quantum realm and Marvel will help the other team pass through it.
-We get a timeskip montage that brings us into the second act of the film. They aren't explicit about how long the skip is, but it isn't nearly as long as other leaks have suggested.  Maybe a few weeks max.
-In the montage, Tony reworks some old tech with Banner and Rocker to make devices for copying the stones. They also make suits for everyone. We get a sneak peak at the War Buster Armor. Cap gets his shield back.
-Before they set off, there are some character moments.
-Thor and Ronin discuss the loss of their families.
-Natasha and Banner talk about Banner being unable to summon Hulk.
-Tony and Steve have an awkward conversation about working together again.
-The team heads out in two groups. One will get the Space and Mind stones, and one will get the Reality and Power stones. They will regroup after that and move onto the final two stones.
-Space and Mind: Tony, Ant Man, War Machine, Natasha, Banner. Battle of NYC. The Tesseract is in plain sight, mind stone is literally inside Stark tower at one point with only Loki defending it.
-Banner is tasked with copying the Tesseract while Natasha and War Machine help defend it.
-Banner struggles to bring out the Hulk still and Natasha tries to help coax him out but is unsuccessful.
-Tony and Ant Man go after Loki and the scepter, running into past Cap, who they have a brief comedic interaction with.
-They disarm Loki immediately after his conversation with Past Tony and copy the scepter before giving it back to him, much to his surprise (evacuating the situation after copying stones to the shock of past characters becomes a bit of a running joke.)
-Banner comes face to face with the past Hulk after Hulk saves him from some Chitauri. They share a silent state amd Banner has some kind of visible mental epiphany.
-With both stones copied, they ditch the city, much to the confusion of the old Avengers.
-Reality and Power: Thor, Cap, Marvel, Rocket, Clint, and Nebula. Rocket and Thor's combined knowledge tell them that there were two stones on Nowhere at one time.
-They intercept the Guardians showing the stone to the Collector and demand he bring them the Reality Stone.
-He brings them to the massive receptacle he keeps the reality stone in and they prepare to copy the stones.
-Unfortunately for them, they still need to deal with Ronan. Rocket figures that preventing him from showing up entirely will affect time/space too much.
-Marvel, Thor, Rocket, and Nebula fight alongside the past Guardians to hold back Ronan's army while the stones are copied, mostly playing defense so as not to change the past too much.
-Ronin and Cap defend the stones up close.
-They manage to copy the stones and abandon the Guardians, much to their confusion.
-During the copying scenes, we see Thanos on Titan 2. While the stones are being copied, the stones in his gauntlet begin to flicker as if they're being activiated. Thanos notices this and puts on the gauntlet. He pauses for a moment and says "Stark."
-The group meet back at HQ. On the way through the Quantum Realm, Tony sees that he and Pepper have a daughter in the future. They repair equipment and Cap congratulates Tony on a clever plan. They send Thor and Cap to go find Wong for the next phase of the plan.
-Natasha and Banner discuss Hulk. Banner realizes that he hasn't been appreciate of the Hulk saving his ass and treats him like a child.
-Tony goes home to see Pepper before they finish the mission. He's attacked by several Outriders at his home.
-He kills them and rushes back to HQ.
-Cap and Thor are also attacked while recruiting Wong.
-Everyone returns to HQ. Thanos attacks.
-Thanos is kicking ass. Marvel holds her own. Banner manages to Hulk out and evens the odds.
-Wong tricks Thanos and traps him in an alternate dimension. He's clear that it won't hold Thanos for long.
-The group begin hunting the last two infinity stones after this. Unsure what happens past this point.”
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