#I miss akutagawa and his sassiness so much
when he has to interact with another person for 10 seconds
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[ID: An edited "I am going to create an environment that is so toxic" meme, showing Akutagawa instead Sue Sylvester from Glee. The caption reads: "I am going to create a a conversation that is so passive-aggressive." End ID]
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nxathyx · 10 months
Bsd boys with a sassy reader
Chuuya Nakahara x gn!reader, Dazai Osamu x Gn!Reader, Nikolai Gogol x Gn!reader, Fyodor Dostoyevski x Gn!reader, Sigma x Gn!reader, Akutagawa Ryuunoske x gn!reader
More so with a reader who is good at insulting, back talking ect.
Trigger warnings: insults, cursing, a guy trying to hit on/harras reader but they pop and lock (girlboss besties), mentions of su!cide (on Dazais part, jealousy, mentions of alcohol and clubs/bars, slander, ooc, Let Me know if I missed anything
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Chuuya Nakahara
°he wouldn't admit it but finds it so attractive and straight up admires you when you put someone in their place and or stand up for yourself
°would definitely praise you for it
°if he wasn't as prideful as he is mf would straight up be on his knees worshiping you and your words of degrading
°if y'all ever argued it'd just be you being your sassy ass self and him being like 🤨🙄😃😧😰 (progressively regretting his decisions)
Let's set the scene first shall we? You and Chuuya were currently in a club/bar. You were just engaging in a casual conversation with your boyfriend sipping on your alcoholic beverage of choice (or literally anything if you don't drink). You were having a swell time just enjoying that Chuuya finally had some free time from work, that is until this man came up to you, he wasn't necessarily bad looking, but he was very average and basic to say the least. Chuuya glanced at the male but not speaking anything of it.
"hey, cutie~ how about I show you a fun time, just you, and me alone in bed~
You didn't even spare him a glance, replying bluntly and shortly
"fuck off, im not interested"
The man looked at you with a smirk, totally ignoring Chuuyas presence. Nakahara felt disappointed, disgusted even by the mere nerve that guy had, but sighed and continued to sip on his wine
"a little bit of attitude I see, that's such a turn on baby.."
It was quite clear the individual was intoxicated, you finally glanced at him with a sigh
"shame your such a turn off, with that cheap ass target shirt" (I love target don't come for me😭😭
The male got rather angered by how you spoke to him and were barely even batting an eye at him. Chuuya was grinning just watching the interaction watching you insult this lowlife with no mercy
"aw, come on.. Don't be like that, let me give you a fun experience and a night to remember"
"a night to remember is when you'll fuck yourself on a chainsaw you pathetic lowlife, get your horny ass together, get a proper job, focus on yourself and be respectful that way you might actually get some bitches in your life"
To say the least, the man wasn't too happy, his hand snaking around your waist, your natural instinct of self defence kicking in as you kick him in the shin
"what was that for you bitch?!"
He asked, seeming pissed of at you, at this point Chuuya has had enough and stood up, standing between you and the guy
"can you piss off? They're not interested nor available, jackass"
The fucker simply ignored Chuuya and tried again
At that point Chuuya got fed up with him, slapping him and leaving the place. As soon as you two got home he was by your side making sure you're alright <3
Dazai Osamu
°he lives for your sassiness
°imagine if you both work at the detective agency and Kunikida is scolding him and then you just back talk, not even bothering to look at them
°motherfucker Was like awooga awooga let me rearrange your insides babygirl😻😻
°definetly finds that really fucking attractive
°will proudly stand right beside you like "yes. That's my s/o. Yes, they're a bitch, and I love them"
You and Osamu were currently in the agency office, you were filling in some papers, whilst Dazai was getting scolded by Kunikida like most days. You weren't paying much attention to why he was getting told off, but you assumed it was because of one of his daily shenanigans, like jumping into a river mid mission, or giving Kunikida fake facts and or advice causing pages from Kunikidas notebook being ripped or scratched out by the ink. After a few more scolding words from Kunikida, you're boyfriend went behind you, hiding behind your office chair, you hummed a little "Hm?" as Dazai proceeded to explain that Kunikidas scolding is pointless cause he hasn't done anything wrong, however most of it was muffled due to Kunikidas continued scolding over the desk, it was insufferable to hear as you turned to Kunikida
"can you respectfully shut up?"
Kunikida just looked at you completely surprised, Dazai on the other hand had a grin, falling on his knees in an almost comedic manner before you asking when it's his time to hear such degrading words from you
Nikolai Gogol
°does his silly goofy little grins
°pulls pranks on Decay members and uses you to do all the "explaining"
°annoys you as much as possible using his ability just to see you get all sassy
You were currently laying on the couch, in the living room, it was pretty early in the morning and you haven't ate breakfast yet. You were home alone, your partner doing god knows what, and you preferred to not know. You stood up from the couch to go make yourself some breakfast, you were in the mood for something sweet, so you decided on pancakes, grabbing butter to melt on the pan later, milk, flour, sugar, and.. You just looked at the content of the fridge, confused why it lacked the eggs, you could've sworn there was at least half a carton left yesterday, you sighed realising you either have to go to the store or just make something else, you sighed softly once more looking into the fridge, grabbing some jam, putting the flour and sugar back, before sliding a bit on your socks to put the milk and butter back in the fridge, just looking even more confused due to the eggs suddenly appearing, realising it was probably the jester playing tricks on you, grabbing the eggs quite quickly so they don't dissappear once more. You placed all the ingredients on the counter once more, beginning to make the batter, you were about to pour the batter on the pan, before noticing a small yellow portal, taking the pan in with a red gloved hand, sighing once more you said a little.
"I'll chop your dick off and dismember your head with that pan if you don't give it back"
Nikolai poked his head out a bit with a smug grin, holding the pan up, by the center but instead of the handle, causing him to burn his hand and getting a bit of the melted butter on his palm, dropping the pan onto the floor with a loud sound of metal hitting something. Although the sound wasn't pleasant at all you got to laugh at your boyfriend for being a little stupid fucking idiot
Fyodor Dostoyevski
°if you ever Insult Dazai he'll give you like 5 countries
°if he truly loves you that is
°if not he'll Stil probably find it amusing, you might even get a little giggle out of him
°would definetly be sassy towards you as well
Fyodor was currently in his office (discord mod cave) , eyeing like 5 fucking monitors at the same time.
"Fedya, come out of your rat infested room already"
You said a bit irritated by the fact he's been there for like a week, not even bothering to come out for basic necessities, at this point you were even wondering where the hell he pisses— not important. It seems he has ignored you calling out for him. You opened the door, you wanted to ruffle his hair but just looked at that and almost gagged
"you look like an oiled up pan.. You better fucking wash that, I doubt even lice would want to be there"
And after saying that you left the room, leaving a confused Fyodor, who just sat there processing what the fuck you just said
°okay Mr 3-4x bullcut would be nervous asf
°like he's scared you'll end up in a fight from the way you talk with others
°finds it humouring if you insult Gogol though
°would love hearing you insult everyone, in private
You were standing next to a machine in the casino, leaning your side against it until a fairly attractive female came up to you
"are you going to keep standing here and hogging the machine so no one can use it? Or will you move your damn self some where else?"
You were a bit stunned by the sudden hostility but slightly impressed and even amused
"i know damn Well your not talking to me with that 3$ wig your wearing right now, and don't even get me started on those earrings and necklace your wearing, like girl, did you grab those of a Christmas tree?"
The girl turned around on her heel, a few minutes later the number you had got called into the managers office. You walk in to notice Sigma trying to look stoic and not at all nervous, making you snicker a bit. Sigma turned to the woman and told her she's free to leave and he'll take it from here, the girl gave you a smirk as she left as if she just won millions, making you almost choke trying not to laugh
"dear.. Please stop being rude to my clients—"
"well your clients are bitches"
The discussion continued for a bit ending in you nuzzling your head against Sigmas neck as he continued to do his paperwork.
Akutagawa Ryuunoske
°this man is as sassy as you like oml
°don't say anything about Dazai, Gin or Chuuya though, or just people he generally respects
°feel free to talk as much shit as you want about Atsushi though
°if you ever tell Higuchi off he'll find it very amusing
°y'all definetly try to out sass each other
You and Aku were currently laying in bed, you were talking about someone at your work place that has been annoying you lately. You were insulting them freely, not bothered by the fact Akutagawa was trying to fall asleep, not until he told you to shut up, which ended in endless sassy comments going back and forth between the two of you as well as you a bit curled over in laughter and Akutagawa trying to hold back a snicker
I nnot proud of this but spent too much fucking time writing this and didn't even finish 💀💀
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sainadazai · 1 year
d7 and e6 with akutagawa?
(if you don't write for him can you do chuuya?)
Breath Play + Dom/Sub with Akutagawa
Warnings ⚠️ Foul language, sexual themes, dom/sub dynamics, choking, akutagawa being sassy and mean!!
Working for the port mafia has always been a job of convenience. There was no desire on your part to do the job other than to get paid, no passion behind your position, no alterior motive. However, as you grew and climbed the ranks of the port mafia you soon learned that times change.
What was once a daily ruitine, a nuisance, was now the highlight of your morning.
You wake up, dress up in casual black pants and a black shirt alike, you get your morning coffee and you head to work for your assignment, but, recently someone new has been in the office waiting for you. Someone you practically pray to see each day.
"Good morning Akutagawa, sir." His eyes peeking up from the coffee he was stirring and for a Meer moment brighten with interest. The assassin.
See, he has notably began to desire seeing you each day as well. The way you smile cutely when you come in to say goodmorning, how your gaze frequently lingers on his long fingers and drops subtly to his legs when you notice how he spreads them in his chair.
He could just eat you up, and it excites him so. Ever since becoming a person of higher power among those in the mafia, he hasn't quite been able to tame his need to boss people around. To be mean.
And oh, it's so cute when he is mean to you.
You never take it too personal, the work isn't why you come here anymore. It's him. And to watch his face scrunched up in disgust as you overshare about a recent killing, to see his eyes darken with some emotion you can't quite place whenever you confess you've made a mistake. It soils your panties and you can't get enough.
And so today, you come in again, after being assigned to an assassination of a man who was unfortunately at your favorite coffee shop. And I mean, it's not like you could risk not getting coffee tomorrow so you decided the kill could wait. He didn't need to die today, it wasn't urgent.
Or so you thought.
Akutagawa didn't take so kindly to this news.
"You think your so safe just cause you walk around all pretty and sweet, don't you?" He hisses through a clenched jaw as you are trapped between his slim form and the wall.
Despite his thin build he dwarfs you, making you shrink further in your stance.
A hand flies to your throat before you can respond and what you don't expect is that next a sensation of pain arises from your now bare shoulder. He bit you. Another thing you aren't quite prepared for is the all but needy whine you let out at the feeling.
And you're soaked. You can't lie and say you've never dreamt of something like this, getting him mad enough to hurt you. It's not even out of lust per se. It's an infatuation that goes beyond surface level. You want to know what fuels that fire in his eyes. What makes this man so mean, so angry, so sexy.
"Oh? I see, you've done this on purpose." A smirk pulls at his lips. His eyes tracing the mark he's now left on you, a sense of pride welling in his chest. You are someone he can control, he can bully into submission. You take him seriously.
"No, akutagawa, sir, i would never." And he almost hisses at the sly glint in your eyes. You wanted this. You were testing and teasing him and he knew just how to fix it.
The hand around your throat tightened and began to lift you higher against the wall. A light feeling overwhelmed your senses as you lacked oxygen but it made the sensation of his touch so much more intense.
"What a silly little girl. Hmm? Thinking her boss isnt going to punish her?" His hand loosens for a second, he wants you conscious.
After a deep inhale though, he is squeezing again, not missing the way your eyes roll back and your thighs clench together.
"I see," he forces a knee between them, licking his lips as you roll your hips down onto him.
"Sir." It's a meer whisper yet it has him growing painfully stiff.
"You want me to fuck you." A devilish smirk overtakes him and he's moving to begin ripping you to shreds.
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linkspooky · 4 years
A Mafia Member Who Doesn’t Kill
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Bungou Stray Dogs chapter 88 has made it clear to me just how strong the Akutagawa and Odasaku parallels are. They are both orphans, raised to kill and taught their only value is the strength of their abilities that they use for killing, only to slowly unlearn that behavior over time. They are both characters who value life above everything else. I’m going to explore the connection more in depth, under the cut.
1. Origins
The temptation might be to parallel Oda to Atsushi, and Akutagawa to Dazai. Not only is Akutagawa Dazai’s first and direct disciple, and currently wearing his coat, but Atsushi has always been “the good one” of the pairing. The one obsessed with being good, and saving people in the way Oda was. Oda is also the closest thing Bungou Stray Dogs has to an example of living the life of “a good man” that all the main characters are currently striving for. However, I would say that it’s Akutagawa who parallels Oda’s life far more than Atsushi. 
Of course Akutagawa parallels Dazai’s life quite a lot as well.He was recruited by Dazai the same way Dazai was recruited by Mori,wears Dazai’s jacket as his most precious possession, but he shares so much in common with Oda too including his origin. 
In their youth they’re both referred to as killers who kill without showing any emotion. They start out completely empty and dead to all feelings inside, because neither of them have experienced anything to give them a reason to value life. 
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Fukuzawa suddenly recalled a rumor he had heard about a young redheaded hit man who wielded two pistols, and killed his targets while never showing any emotions. - BSD LN 3
They both kill because they’re strong, and that’s all they’re seen as. Both boys, orphans with nothing else to live for have been gifted with incredibly strong abilities. They kill, they don’t relish in it, they don’t gain anything from it unlike men in positions of power like Mori Ougai because they are ultimately tools, but they kill nonetheless. 
“I’ve been working alone as an assassin for as long as I can remember,” he began. “I’ve never wanted friends or a boss... but seeing a martial artist like you compromise your principles to save one of your men... It makes me kinda jealous. He must be the happiest guy in the world to have you as a boss.” - BSD LN 3
They both start killing as a means of survival, because they are both orphans who have no one to care for them and look out for them. However, they also slowly over time begin to kill as a way to demonstrate their worth. Akutagawa was an orphan who lost the small amount of friends he was protecting, Oda had no organization he was working for, no connections their lives are utterly empty except for their strength so they come to understand killing as something that gives their life meaning and value. If only because there is nothing else for them. 
However, for both of them killing isn’t enough. It’s merely surviving not living. Which is why no matter how strong they become they both remain empty, and they both feel insufficient, and even jealous of others. Oda is jealous of Fuzukawa’s connection to his subordinate, Akutagawa is jealous of Atsushi who is valued and connected to everyone around him and treated better by Dazai. This jealousy is also a realization that they are missing something in themselves but they don’t know what. 
Most skilled hitmen looked down on others as if they were insects. Their eyes were cold and lacked compassion. But this boy’s were different. They weren’t cold or any temperature. They were just empty. Not only was there no compassion or kindness, there was no hate or passion to kill. His eyes were those of a person who had given up on hope and despair - the eyes of a person who had removed himself from emotional things. - BSD LN 3
Both Akutagawa and Oda start at a point where they are killing, not because they enjoy it, or they’re particularly sadistic, or think they are just or right. They kill because it’s the only thing they’re good at. They kill to demonstrate worth. 
This kid’s different from the old me. Perhaps he never felt any joy from killing others. He was probably only killing because he had nothing to do. - BSD LN3
This also plays into a fundamental misunderstanding that Atsushi has of Akutagawa. He basically views Akutagawa as a bully who kills people to flaunt his strength in front of others. 
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He doesn’t realize that Akutagawa is strong yes, but that’s all he is. He clings to that strength, because he’s been given no other alternative. He hasn’t been given nearly the opportunities that Atsushi has. If there is a difference between Oda and Akutagawa, Akutagawa is noticably angrier, more resentful, but that’s because anger is the first emotion he ever definitely felt. 
I feel hatred.  I am no longer a dog. I have become a human being with feelings of my own. -’A Heartless Dog’
Akutagawa and Oda are both boys who lived considerably empty lives, that is until they meet somebody who shows them an alternative and changes their lives forever. Oda and Akutagawa meet someone and from then on they want to find meaning in their lives. 
2. An Assassin Who Doesn’t Kill
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Akutagawa kills without hesitance, and yet I would say he’s the only character in the manga who values life as much as Oda does. This might seem like a paradox but both of their characters are built around this paradox. That’s why they become mafia members who do not kill. 
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Akutagawa’s response to the old man in the latest chapter seems sassy, but Akutagawa’s never sassy, he’s overly serious and sincere about everything. He’s saying what he really thinks. All people are equally alive. Akutagawa is someone especially aware of the value of life, because in the past his life was treated as something so worthless. 
He was not afraid to die. He was thinking perhaps even hell would be a better place to live then here. JJust continuing to live in this state was suffering, after all. 
What’s the point of our lives? He had once asked travelers in their place this equestion. Why Must I go on living?
It’s because they have both lived through the absolute worst circumstances, that they value life more, and go on searching for these answers. Akutagawa equally treats life as worthless (kills people without hesitation) and also values life (tries to give people a reason to live, tries to justify his own life, tries to fight against the idea that someone from the slums lives a meaningless life). 
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When Kyouka finds a reason to live even though he’s not the one that gave it to her, he’s genuinely happy for her. Because Akutagawa values life, and wants people to find a meaning in life even though he kills. 
Akutagawa is currently on the same path Oda is on. The lines in this scene are vague because they’re meant to apply to both Dazai and Akutagawa. He met a certain person, joined a certain organization, and the hope for death in his eyes vanished. 
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Oda gave Dazai reason. Dazai gave Akutagawa reason. Oda was also given reason when he met Natsume. All three continue on with a life of empty killing until an outside force intervenes and teaches them there could be something more to life. 
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They both come across someone who tells them that there is more to life than just killing. That they are capable of more than that, and they actually follow through and stop killing. Because, Akutagawa, and Oda deep down respect life. As cruel and heartless as they can be, Akutagawa is also one of the most heartfelt and respectful characters in the series when he opens up. 
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Akutagawa and Oda are people who understand other people on a level deep down, because they’re genuinely interested in the lives of others. Akutagawa is the only person who thinks about Atushi in a deep way, in ways Atusshi doesn’t even really want to understand himself. Oda is the first person to treat Dazai like a person, behind the genius. They understand, even the ugly parts of people because they don’t really look away from the dark parts of the world, of life, because no one’s experienced life’s cruelty like they have. Oda sees Dazai for who he is, and tells him that helping people probably won’t make him feel good, and that he’ll never feel good, but he should help people anyway because he’s capable of doing good. 
Oda is the one who started the journey in an assassin trying to find meaning in life, but he didn’t finish it. In the end Oda’s character arc ends tragically, and his path is half finished. Because, Oda eventually chooses death. 
I think a lot of people don’t realize this character flaw of Oda, because he’s usually such a good example, but he chose to kill again, chose to become a martyr to Dazai because he genuinely gave up on living when it became too hard for him again. 
“Odasaku...” Dazai said softly. “Forgive me for the absurd wording, but - don’t go. Find something to rely on. Expect good things to happen from here on out. There’s gotta be something...” - BSD, Osamu Dazai and the Dark Era
Oda died because of tragic circumstances yes, but Oda also dies because he chose death. He chose the escape. He chose the easier path. There were still people that needed him even after he lost the orphans, people like Dazai, and Akutagawa who were orphans in need of help as well and Oda chose to let go of them. 
Oda gave up on his attempt to find meaning in life, because the best way to find meaning in life is simply by living it. 
‘People live to say themselves, it’s something they realize right before they die, eh?’ - BSD, Osasmu Dazai and the Dark Era
Oda chooses to die for the sake of someone else, rather than living for himself. While that’s a tragic choice it’s also a bad choice with consequences, because now there’s nobody around to help Dazai and Akutagawa who also appeared in light novel two and who both needed him to some extent. 
In that sense Akutagawa can be stronger than Oda. Their lives are parallels but they’re also exact opposites. Akutagawa starts out by losing every orphan he was trying to take care of. Oda finishes his life when he loses the orphans who he was trying to raise and protect. 
The choice they make in those moemnts is the opposite ones. Akutagawa tries to choose simply revenge at first the exact same way as Oda did, but when he meets Dazai he realizes there was something he wanted even more than revenge. 
The question resounded in Akutagawa’s heart, and a single answer floated to the surface. Something he qished for. His heart’s desire.  The lowest of the low. In a world that was the lowest of the low, it was a wih that could never possibly be granted.  Akuagawa had to force the words out of his dry, trembling throat. “I want to find a reason... a meaning to my life.” - SHORT STORY A HEARTLESS DOG
Akutagawa wants to live for himself, stronger than even Oda did. Whereas, Oda stops wanting everything. 
Dazai paused before continuing. “I would be able to find something - a reason to live.” 
I looked at him; he looked back at me. 
“I wanted to be a novelist.” I said. “I thought I wouldn’t deserve such a life if I killed someone during a mission. That’s why I never killed anyone. But that’s all in the past. There’s only one thing I want now.” - BSD VOLUME 2, Dazai Osamu and the Dark Era
Oda’s words to Dazai to conitnue to live are meaningful, but he’s also a hypocrite to those words. He tells Dazai to live on, when he made the choice to go off and die. While, Akutagawa as dirty, and arduous as his path is, is the one who keeps struggling to live no matter what like a stray dog starving in the streets.
Which is why Akutagawa is the one who is going to finish what Oda started so long ago, and be the true inheritor to his will. Utlimately, I predict, that’s the path his character development and arc are going to take him. 
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celeste245 · 2 years
Since I made a bungo stray dogs headcanons of the armed detective agency , i will do the port mafia now .
Guess who started my hero academy .
You can request .
Port mafia headcanons :
Chuuya 🍷
He loves fashion .
Our boy is classy , loves hats and suits .
Don't worry about it he's rich rich .
Expensive wine , expensive apartment . He loves to spoil himself .
Low-key waste his money on whatever find interesting .
Even if he gets bored of it and it became useless or not interesting anymore .
Loves singing , he can't sing though maybe he never tried .
Loves dancing .
Has a special day to take care of himself .
Our boy goes to the salon on that day .
He meets yosano and they talk about different type of wine .
He brought dazai new clean normal bandages .
Totally safe ones , he did not add something allergic or anything .
He takes care of akutagawa and we all know that . This ain't a headcanon this is w canon.
He feels bad how dazai treated him as a weapon and never like a human so he treat him like a human .
But makes sure he never overwhelm him .
Takes care of Elise and Q , buys them candy and plushies , also takes them to the playground and such .
Loves kids .
If he wakes up from sleep he will try to sleep back even if he isn't sleepy .
Find classy old things more valuable than the modern one .
But pretend to loves modern things so he won't get bullied by dazai .
Akutagawa ryuunsoke :
Loves black coffee .
Wake up very early to make gin breakfast.
Also makes sure she had all her meals .
Respect chuuya , little bit confused why would he care if he ate or not .
Totally confused of chuuya scolds him in case he got hurt badly or cought little too much.
He cuts his bangs because it bothers him while fighting .
Totally not because dazai used to pull them as an abuse form so he cut them out of habit .nope .
Low-key hates dazai.
Respect jinko.
Likes to mess with jinko .
Finds him interesting .
Shin sokoukou.
Thinks about what would happen if he dies before gin and what would happen without him around .
Low-key cares for higuchi .
Won't admit it but he enjoy ice cream 🍦.
Big fan of art and philosophy .
Sassy motherfucker .
He loves head pats .
Don't like hugging while sleeping.
But will hug you if you're sleeping with him .
Tachihara :
Has a crush on gin .
Scared of her brother .
Can't watch horror movies because he gets nightmares.
Loves rock and roll .
Can't dance .
Loves marvel . Comics .
Comedy man , a good one .
King of pick up lines ~
" hey Gin are you a bowl of rise ? "
" because I'm starving "
A modern boy .
Loves spring ☀️.
Has fear of deep water .
Sings in the shower .
Good at singing ( shuuya low-key jealous ).
Sleeps like a baby , once he put his hear on a table and close his eyes for mere seconds he's asleep.
Light sleeper , all you have to do is nudge him .
Wonders why the heck would chuuya grow one side of his hear and cut the other one .
" your 15 years old self will definitely bully the hell out of you for having this hairstyle ".
" did you just insulted my hairstyle ?! "
" i said your younger self would "
Chuuya starts glowing*
Hates bugs but hates who kill bugs .
He just take them outside .
" you can't just kill him because he is smaller ! "
" did you just called a bug with 'he' ? "
" yes higuchi ! How would you feel if i use my strength as a man and slaps you right in the face ? "
" that's not the same-"
"exactly be nice "
Can skateboard 🛹.
Mori :
This old man .
He meditate.
Spoil Elise .
Low-key miss dazai .
Not as a mafia member but as a boy who used to keep him company .
Chuuya is less angrier at least .
Their father and you know it .
He may seem cold but he actually cares about his subordinates more than the ex Mafia boss.
Everytime he sends one in a mission he waits for them to come back .
Expect odasaku of course .
Cares for the city too .
He doesn't want to destroy it , he do what's good for the post mafia .
Not necessarily a bad guy .
Thinks his hair is the most important thing in his look.
I love his hair.
Before bed he style it into a pony tail.
Loves sweets .
Sometimes hang out with fukuzawa .
Sorry i couldn't finish the port mafia it's 11:21 pm here and I am extremely tired 😩
I will finish port mafia tomorrow along side with decay if angles ✨
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