#I mean personally I'd love to have a place to post rambles about what I think and snippets of drafts fo get feedback
royalberryriku · 9 months
Huh I forgot there's a lot of social justice on here, which is weird bc I started sj-ing from Tumblr so idk why I didn't just assume that obvs it still would be the same lol. I guess I was just so used to the popularity and mainstream-ness of Twitter that I forgot that Tumblr also could reach a lot of people and is a great way to write social commentary and fight for equality as well...
Maybe I should revive "NoahsNibNook" or formerly NoahSnzPolitics back on here? This time with a focus on not just politics but writing and such? I'm unsure. I'm also wondering if I should copy the trend from other writers of having the name I'd use when publishing a book + author in the format but idk. I still don't feel stable or secure enough irl to be out using my full name or anything when being so open with my political stuff.
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hazerun3 · 1 month
I just saw your post about the difference between passive and swan. I'd like to ask the difference between young swad and dream?
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shittier doodle this time cuz Im getting tired but the ramblings are probably more unhinged
I dont have particularly strong feelings on dream so this is gonna be mostly younger swad and comparisons to dream when needed
-Views social interaction as inherently transactional and as a game that he can learn to play (he doesnt realise that in the village he was never going to be a player on equal ground, this is why after his ascension his persona is more deity ified rather than a king or smth like nm cuz he wants to be Above it all and in control.)
-Been obsessed with swan even as passives (His Duty to help people got drilled into him, the village feels entitled to his help and swad slowly grows tired of them, but his little brother is always kind to him and doing things for him feels so much more rewarding [tho eventually the village tries to stifle any attempts swad does to get something nice for his brother which frustrates swad so much and swan not asking for anything and just being happy to see him and trying so hard just to make swad happy, even as hes hurt fuels this.] so the mix of the sense of duty, him being the older brother so self imposing a sense of responsibility and swan being nice to him leads him to adopt a mentality where Swan is the only one whos special and actually cares about him not just what he can do for him, but with the way hes raised by the village he tries desperately to try and do something for swan in return cuz he still feels like hes failing in his part of the social bargain)
-Also the cult village placed sooooo much value on stuff like never being angry, always being happy :), youre not allowed to be mean, you Must be hardworking all the time, visibly showing that youre sad is Evil. And swad seethes constantly cuz no one in this fucking village follows that and the one person who embodies all these values the most is swan (who everyone still hates for reasons inexplicable to swad, who believes theres still a way to get swan out of his outcast status if the village just realises that swan is the kindest soul in this rotten place.)
-Dream maintains a more "child" status in the village even as hes older than when swad fights to "adult" status, seeing it as a way to get more social power cuz he picked up that Adults have more power than Children but lol not for him, he just gets to have more responsibilites, the expectation to cut off swan and no money OR gifts for his work cuz gifts are for children doing chores not working adults and since its both swads duty and the fact that he doesnt have anything to spend it on that wouldnt be spending it unwisely they just dont pay him at all! and also hes an object not an adult to them so rushing to try and be an adult backfired miserably
-Swad loves listening to swan read stories to him, reallly wants to be the Prince who saves the damsel and sets his enemies on fire and he projects that persona
-Both he and dream were taken hunting I think, but dream didnt take to it (he had a knack for archery but as soon as he was told to turn that arrow on an innocent bunny he couldnt do it, his more "child" status helps him get out of it) swad was also aprehensive at first but since he places a lot of importance in being the Older Brother and being responsible (also he wants to kill people) so he shoots the bunny, he feels bad and cries about it to swan but he cant let go of the feeling, the smell of blood, the idea of that being someone who hurt swan
-in my head he killed people already lol (used the hunting trips as cover but his hit list is soooooo long and he gets less and less opportunity...)
-he loves shiny things so much but being materialistic and greedy is one of the sins, swan cant get him anything but he does press little flower ornaments for his brother and so much flower jewlery so that swad can roleplay being a prince.
-he hates everyone soooooooo much <3
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Ok so. so. As I am rapidly beginning to figure out the ARG stuff might just be important to our understanding of the overall story of TMAGP. And so I started digging through all the wonderful detective work the folks who participated did (their data and thus a decent bit of the ARG are still preserved). I'd like to draw your attention to one file in particular (I might make more posts with more ramblings as I think about more stuff but for right now):
klaus.xls is an excel sheet that they were able to dig up in the ARG which seems to contain partially corrupted data regarding, to my best guess, incidents. I was particularly interested in this file because that name came up in episode 4's transcript as the name of the person Lena had a disagreement with/seemed to be threatening. I have thoughts about this as well but it will be a separate post.
This data might actually be internal to the OIAR, and if what I'm guessing is correct, then this data actually corresponds to FR3-D1 entries! Using this, I think I've been able to dissect the case names (for example, we're going to use episode 1's magnus institute case)
A lot of the information on the leftmost data cluster seems to correspond to what's in the table, so:
CAT23: Category 23. There were only a few categories in the Klaus data that weren't 1, 2, or 3 so I'm guessing inputting multiple numbers means this incident could either be category 2 or category 3 (or someone thought this case needed a very very high category shared by almost nothing else).
RAB: Rank A/B. This we know means the ranking is either A or ranking B. I have not, however, managed to determine what the difference between Category and Rank is, so if someone else has thoughts on that I'd love to hear them. Based on other case titles the R is not always part of this section, only in cases where multiple rankings are specified. This also places this case very high in the ranking system, as most cases in the Klaus data appear to be rank C or B (with only a single S and two As, one of which is a dual A/B).
2155: This section is always a four digit code. It corresponds to the TSHU column of the Klaus data, which is also always a four digit code. If I had to speculate, I believe this is the internal code for the case category (which are all laid out in that giant binder on Sam's desk). I wish I knew specifically what each one meant but I figure we'll have to watch the numbers and see.
10042022: It took me a minute on these number strings, I'll be honest. There's nothing approximating them in the Klaus data, but then I noticed that the second string contains "2024" at the very end in every statement thus far recorded. Then it dawned on me: these are dates. This first string corresponds to report submission date, I think: this report was submitted to the OIAR on the 10th of April 2022. This then means that:
09012024: Corresponds to the date of filing. Sam filed this case on the 9th of January, 2024. This also allows us to go through and see that the episodes seem to be following the time passing between episodes for us almost 1:1, with most cases being a few days before when we receive them.
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nights-at-crystarium · 8 months
You know what, I assume that people always read my pinned, or notice the pointer "new reader? start here" in every new Fragments' episode. I might be deluding myself. So hi hello lemme TALK ABOUT MY COMIC.
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Before I get too rambly (and I mean RAMBLY), here's a quick intro. Fragments is a comic focused on feels and slice of life, made by a queer guy, aiming to ~character study~ the main cast (Vivi, Raha, Alisaie, Feo Ul) and fill in the gaps in canon (or linger in canon moments that needed more air imo), the tone ranging from angst to fluff to meme. Good punches require a good windup, so please don't expect angst anytime soon :3c
The story's segmented (fragmented, heh) into episodes. Episodes 1-11 take place in ARR, you can enjoy them with no worry about spoilers. Episode 12 onward is ShB, with all the spoilers and lorebending.
My storytelling style assumes you haven't only played through ShB, but know it like the back of your hand, i.e. it's for nerds and thinkers. Of course there's plenty of silly moments that don't require any deep knowledge, but the overarching story does. Often I skip canon events, only hinting that they took place, simply because I don't wanna retell the msq 1:1, I've got plenty of original scenes waiting to be drawn. You're in for a treat if you like obsessing over emotional and moral implications of things. And, yes, this's a story about a morally grey mc. Don't expect to be spoon-fed "and this's why that thing's bad, kids".
Currently I've outlined all the main story beats up until post EW, so it's like, not being winged as I go. Yes I refine things here and there, but I know where I'm going. I'm going ham!!!! With the lorebending post ShB. Initially I didn't plan to, but the more I learned about Vivi and personally grew as a writer, the more courage I got to "divorce" from canon. The general xiv story may still be good wherever it's headed, but it's not suited for an established wolgraha, so I'm making food for myself.
Everyone imagines the lil scenes from their wol's life, I'm taking that a tiiiiiny step further. Fragments tells a cohesive story that's looking to be the longest project at least in our corner. I can and will hyperfixate on this for years.
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I started out just like many others, being hit with ShB like a truck, I wanted to put a catboy under a microscope and rotate him forever. Although I'd already been drawing for decades, I didn't have the comic-making skills yet, or eloquence to write the dialogue, so I spent the first half of 2022 self-studying, just because I needed a mouth to be able to scream about my ship.
Vivi didn't exist prior to my obsession with Exarch. He was made for this, he started out as a reagent (or a foil, now that I know fancy writing terms) for a rich and fun chemistry, and keep myself entertained for years, first and foremost.
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Me, a fool: okay let's make a guy that falls in love with Exarch in this particular moment, what kinda life must he have led to- Me: ....oh no
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The chemistry quickly bubbled up and exploded in my face, involving not only Exarch, but other characters (first as a means to subtly tell about Vivi, then they also demanded their own screentime), and here I am, sitting with a massive script on my hands, drawing my blorbos every day. Thanks for enabling that btw.
I care about characters a lot. I ask a lot of whys and hows. I'm critical-minded and burned on many bad stories that did their characters dirty, and I wanna be an opposing example. What I'm doing is extremely ambitious and risky, yes, but I can only invite you to tag along and see if I stick to my word.
The internet's a cruel and unforgiving place nowadays, and here I am, pitting my passion against what feels like decaying humanity. I'm making this comic to keep myself happy above all else, being sincere and cringe because life's too short to be anything else.
Thanks for reading this, and if you haven't yet, read Fragments here!
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acetone4veins · 30 days
Quotes + Mean Girls
associating angsty quotes (and some fluffy ones) to mean girls characters and dynamics, this is definitely longer than it should be and will probably be part 1 of many but anyways. lmk which were your favorites and which ones ruined you :) also shoutout to the cautionary tale discord who saw some of these already and ramble about these characters with me <3
posting under the cut so i don't clog anyone's feeds
"what a terrible thing to wound someone you really care for - and to do it so unconsciously."
Haruki Murakami
"and when nobody wakes you up in the morning, and when nobody waits for you at night, and when you can do whatever you want. what do you call it, freedom or loneliness?"
Charles Bukowski
"i am changing. i am trying to be better. it is slow; it is rough; it is repetitive, but i swear i am."
Abdulsamad S. M.
"i did not like to be touched, but it was a strange dislike. i did not like to be touched because i craved it too much. i wanted to be held very tight so i would not break."
Marya Hornbacher
"i was not a loveable child, and i'd grown into a deeply unlovable adult. draw a picture of my soul, and it'd be a scribble with fangs."
Gillian Flynn
"if only my heart were as cold as i pretend it is, maybe i could get over this."
Jessica Katoff
"i wasn't beautiful anymore. now i looked like what i was, a raw wound."
Janet Fitch
"i'm restless and harsh and despairing. although i do have love inside me. i just don't know how to use love. sometimes it tears at my flesh, like barbs."
Clarice Lispector
"i did not mean to be cruel. i swear i am good, i am good, i am kind. i have love inside me. some place far far away."
"how much can you change and get away with it, before you turn into someone else, before its some kind of murder?"
Richard Siken
"your worst sin is that you have destroyed and betrayed yourself for nothing."
Dyodor Dosteovsky
"what and how much had i lost by trying to do only what was expected of me instead of what i myself wished to do?"
Ralph Ellison
"my god, my god, whose performance am i watching? how many people am i? who am i? what is this space between myself and myself?"
Fernando Pessoa
"it was good for a while, being empty. i didn't hurt anymore. but as time went on, it was like i could hear myself from far away, begging for permission to come back."
Myra McEntire
"is it better to out-monster the monster or to be quietly devoured?"
Friedrich Nietzsche
"who's the real you? the person who did something awful, or the one who's horrified by the awful thing you did? is one part of you allowed to forgive the other?"
Rebecca Stead
"you're a mess of good intentions gone wrong. you strike a match on yourself to keep others warm, and now the whole goddamn world's on fire. you try to put it out, and you try so hard. the dam breaks, and the waters of your sorrow pour free. you are sorry; so very, very sorrow - and you will drown everyone to prove it."
"there are times when i am convinced i am unfit for any human relationship."
Franz Kafka
"i am eternally, devastatingly romantic, and i thought people would see it because 'romantic' doesn't mean 'sugary'. it's dark and tormented - the furor of passion, the despair of an idealism that you cannot attain."
Catherine Breillat
"but whatever came, she had resolved never again to belong to another than herself."
Kate Chopin
"there were two reasons i was scared to let people in; the damage they could do, and the damage they could find."
Chris McGeown
"perhaps its good for one to suffer. can an artist do anything if he's happy? would he ever want to do anything? what is art, after all, but a protest against the horrible inclemency of life?"
Aldous Huxley
"i want so obviously, so desperately to be loved, and to be capable of love."
Sylvia Plath
"she wanted to say 'don't leave me', but she couldn't do it, not again. she was so tired of begging people to love her."
Kristin Hannah
"he is charmingly telling me how much he does not love me...and i, - listening to him carefully, - am approving it."
Marina Tsvetaeva
"she's gonna forever say 'i got this' even with tears in her eyes."
"still there is this terrible desire to be loved. still, there is this horror at being left behind."
Michael Cunningham
"can you understand me? someone, somewhere, can you understand me a little, love me a little?"
Sylvia Plath
"i am trying to make myself digestible. i am trying to make myself easy to love."
I.B. Vyache
"do you think it is possible that some people are born to give more love than they will ever get back in return?"
Tyler Knott Gregson
"the sensitive suffer more; but they love more, and dream more."
Augusto Cury
"a lot of people tell me i'm a bit dreamy. but i like the idea of that. of being somewhere else."
"you cannot make everyone think and feel as deeply as you do. this is your tragedy, because you understand them but they do not understand you."
Daniel Saint
Regina and Janis
"the bear loved the deer, it was obvious. it ripped the deer's throat out, and then licked the dying deer with the most passionate affection. i thought of you and me."
David Cronenberg
"can you hate someone for what they have done, but still love them for whom they had been?"
Jodi Picoult
"love isn't soft, like those poets say. love has teeth which bite and the wounds never close."
Stephen King
"i love you as certain dark things are to be loved, in secret, between the shadow and the soul."
Pablo Neruda
"they will hook me up to a polygraph and ask me if i love you and i will say no but the needle will jump and sputter exactly how you laugh."
"there's a sickening feeling of familiarity, when the wrong person knows you too well and you know them too well. and they weren't always the wrong person."
"we don't mean to hurt each other, but we do. and perhaps no matter how right we are for each other, we'll always be a little wrong."
Beau Taplin
Regina and Cady
"i am intense darkness and you are a golden sunrise."
Arijit Singh and Pritam
"even before you touched me, i belonged to you; all you had to do was look at me."
"whether you come as a lover or an executioner, i am ready to receive you."
Agustin Gomez-Arcos
"for the longest time, i saw myself as a bad person. you don't know how much it meant to me when you looked at me and could see the good."
"but i have seen the best of you and the worst of you, and i choose both."
Sarah Kay
"i promised myself i would never fall in love with you. but it was 4 am, and we were laughing way too hard, and i felt happy for the first time in a long time, and i knew i was screwed."
Gretchen and Karen
"i would rather be with you - even the you that you seem to think is diminished - than with anyone else in the world."
Jojo Moyes
"it hurts, he realizes, to love someone who can't love themselves. like watching a work of art set itself on fire."
"how amazing it is to find someone who wants to hear about all the things that go on in your head."
Nina LaCour
"come love, make me better than i was. come teach me a kinder way to say my own name."
Andrea Gibson
"i wanted you to see a mess and still find me worthy of love, to tell me that you could still love me anyway."
Georges Bataille
"sometimes, love is as simple as watching the moon and sometimes its as difficult as counting the stars. but i love doing both for you."
Janis and Damian
"you may be born into a family, but you walk into friendships. some you'll discover you should put behind you. others are worth every risk."
Adam Silvera
Regina and Gretchen
"but i am very homesick for arms that have never held me."
"i burned so long so quiet you must have wondered if i loved you back. i did, i did, i do."
Annelyse Gelman
"so i wait for you like a lonely house till you will see me again and live in me. till then my windows ache."
Pablo Neruda
"how do you tell someone that the reason you're sad is because you love them?"
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oddballwriter · 7 months
"So I Went Out with This Guy"
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Summary: You and Steven met on a dating app and went out on a date. It seemed nice by Steven is having doubts on if he did good or not after getting back home. It's by chance that he just happens to get his answer to his concerns placed at his lap. 
Warnings: It's mentioned that reader thought that Steven was going to ask to hook up, but that doesn't happen. Steven being a nervous man. Marc and Jake are there but they are honesty acting more as Steven's thoughts and play as no actual role in this. The reader is meant to be gender neutral, no mention of gender and pronouns used for them is they/them. 
Author’s Snip: This was inspired off of my scrolling through my insta reels and coming across a video of a girl talking about a date she just had.
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy!
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"I'm not sure how well that went." Steven muttered to himself after walking through his flat's door and locking it behind him. "What's the matter? Didn't you say they were attractive?" Marc asked from the fold-in mirror. "They are. But- I don't know, I feel like the ending was a bit off." Steven explained as he walked over to the mirror to ponder with his headmate better, pausing for a moment at the last word to find the right word to use.
"Was it weird for me to ask them to come to my place on the first date? It sounded better when I thought about it. They said they admired my interests. I figured that it would be nice to have them come and see all my things." Steven anxiously rambled. "It was kind of forward." Marc admitted.
"Maybe they thought something was going to go on." Jake budded in in the reflection of the other side mirror. "What do you mean 'something'? We talked about my interests. That's something, isn't it?" Steven questioned. "No, no. You know, like, something was going to go on here." Jake hinted more clearly. Steven scoffed at the idea.
"Oh, Jake! Get your mind out of the gutter, will you? I would never do that! I wouldn't be such a brute that I'd try and have sex with someone on the first date!" Steven scolded. "Listen, I'm not saying that you would. But the dating scene isn't as great as you might be. Maybe they've seen enough first dates that that's something they expected you to ask for." Jake defended, "Maybe they were just waiting for the ball to drop.".
"Maybe..." Steven pondered. "Should I text them that I'm sorry if I made them uncomfortable?" he asked. "No. No, Steven. That would make it weirder." Marc suggested, "I mean what are you even going to say? "Sorry I didn't ask to have sex with you"? That sounds weird and out of no where." Marc questioned, bringing up a good point.
Steven sighed. He knew that the first date always felt off every once in a while. But he wasn't used to actually getting to have a first date so he just did what he knew and thought was good. And maybe it wasn't that bad to have you over and see his place since you had an interest in hearing about his hobbies and interests in Egyptian mythology. In all honesty, he liked you. He thought you were lovely and had a great personality, and would like to see you more. But that was him. For all he knew you could have decided that he just wasn't it for you.
It was a lot later in the night. Steven was on his phone scrolling through his only social media feed, which he only had because he wanted to see dumb memes and posts about his little interests. But at some point he came across a video.
It was a post you had made a few hours ago in which you were talking while doing what must have been your nightly routine before bed, starting right off the bat saying "So I went out with this guy," and continued from there.
"We matched on a dating app and had talked for a bit before setting up the actual date. I did see his whole profile for a bit when he came up and he seemed like a really cute guy, but I didn't really know anything more about him than what was there. We just messaged hi to each other and then I asked him when he was free." you explained. "So, we went to this cute little vegan place, cause he was vegan, and it was... nice." you say, with a pause between your last words. "Okay, that sounded like it wasn't. It was. It was really nice. The food was good. He was really sweet. But he was nervous, I could tell, even though he was trying not to be. He mentioned that he didn't go on dates a lot so maybe that's why." you clarify. "He was super sweet, though. He pulled out the chair for me and complimented me. Which I know is the bare minimum, but there was something about it that just..." you remark, doing a little fluttering gesture with your fingers where your stomach was.
"So while we, of course, talked while waiting for the waiter to come, wait for our food, and while having dinner about our hobbies and what we did. And we got on the topics of interests and I tell him mine. But, guys," you spoke before continuing.
"Okay so I asked him about any of his interests and he kind of goes on a tangent about his love for Egyptology and Egyptian mythos. And, listen, when a man starts going on a tangent and takes up most of the date time talking about said thing, I usually just nod along and hope that they stop and move on. But with him I actually listened because he just sounded so enthusiastic about it instead of the whole bragging attitude that most guys have." you explain. "But no. he was actually a really good talker with it and only really changed the subject when the waiter came back with our food and he decided to change the subject to something else since he'd been talking for a while." you praise.
You go on for a bit, just describing the whole date with little intervals where you would make a comment or remark. It felt a bit strange just seeing you talk about the date you were just on with him since you were sort of airing out what you thought and felt. Not really nitpicking. It seemed my like you were recording and posting just to be able to talk about it as you do all your routine.
"Now, you guys might judge me for this because I've mentioned before that I don't do hook ups on first dates. But at one point when we're waiting for the waiter to come back after we've paid the bill he asks, kind of out of no where, if I want to go to his place to see his collection of Egyptology stuff. Now, he didn't imply anything but I've had enough first dates with a handful of guys to know that when they ask you to come to their place, it's usually because they want some." you explain. "And I thought to myself, in that moment, am I down for it if it leads to that? And the answer was sure, if he wanted to." you defend.
So there was the answer. You were expecting him to try his cards at getting lucky tonight. But it did relieve him that you didn't actually feel pressured into doing it if he had and had come to the decision on your own consent beforehand.
"But no. He was nice and gentlemanly. He made me a cup of tea which was really sweet of him. And then after a while I left, and he actually waited outside with me for my ride, which, again, very gentlemanly of him. So..." you continue.
"I might text him and ask if he'd like to have a second date." you conclude.
"Let's go, hermano! You're all cleared for a second date!" Jake cheered in the back of their collective head. "Oh, thank goodness." Steven sighed in relief, "I thought I weirded them out too much." he commented.
"The only actual weird thing that happened," you voice in the video breaks through, causing everyone to stop their excitement. "...Was that when I ordered lentil soup as an appetizer for myself and my actual meal, he gave me this weird glance but stopped a literal second after he did it." you finish.
"I don't know what he has against bean soups but I guess if me and him become a thing I'll figure that out."
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elvenbeard · 11 months
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Maybe the biggest gift is the friends we made along the way 🎂
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Happy Birthday, V!
Was staying up way too late and getting way too emotional over these fictional gonks last night, but yes... I've wanted to do a bigger scene like this for so long, and what better occasion than male V's canon birthday today!
These aren't all my favourites from the game (the sofa wouldn't be big enough for it xD), but the people Vince would like to invite over for the occasion for sure, let it be a year or two down the line when they all actually are in the same area at the right time and come together like this (and uuuhhh... obvious problems with one certain ex-bodyguard set aside and solved because I said so!). It would really be a special thing to have everyone there that's been with him during one of the worst times of his life. Thanks to them (amongst many others) he even gets the chance to celebrate another birthday.
Some more ramblings about some of the interactions I'm picturing here and why I placed everyone the way I did under the cut xD And some more pics to come in a separate post later :3
Front and center obviously Vince and Kerry and Judy, my faves, my loves <3 I think this would probably be one of only a handful of times Kerry ever meets Judy in person. He only ever hears her over the holo and knows her from what V told him, because she left Night City before they got a chance to meet prior to the game's endings. I think they would go along so well though, and besides Kerry, Judy is the person Vince feels closest to out of the group pictured here, and he'd be so excited to know Kerry and her get along as well.
Then Judy and Panam... I lowkey ship it so hard, and I mean, they would make one power couple, but at the very least I think they'd become good friends, maybe Judy even travels with the Aldecaldos for a while or joins them, like in the Star ending when she's romanced.
I put River in the back and center cause he's the biggest of the bunch and I think he'd love being there, watching over everyone in a way (and keeping an eye on Takemura, cause he doesn't trust him xD). I'd like to think him and Viktor get talking about boxing, workouts, maybe make plans for a friendly sparring match. Maybe they've even met before on some occasion, only just realizing it now. Viktor is btw out of the whole bunch the person Vince has know the longest, almost as long as he knew Jackie in my background story for him.
Goro keeps himself in the back because he definitely is the odd one out of the bunch (probably didn't wanna come in the first place), but maybe he's starting to realize this moment that a life without Arasaka is not the end of the world after all. That there's always room for new beginnings, no matter how unlikely it seems (but he's still gonna give V shit, and V is gonna give him shit, obviously XD they're bickering like an old couple probably, much to Judy's and Panam's amusement who previously were rather wary of Goro).
Then a pair I only really got thinking about when I set this up were Misty and Kerry because... It does kinda make sense, and I think they'd get along really well? Like, Vince and Misty have known each other for a few years, and he likes her a lot, but he's not as close to her as he was to Jackie for example. She was definitely a positive guidance throughout the whole mess in 2077, and he really appreciates her for always seeing the good in everything. And I think Kerry would be a bit confused about her in the beginning, but since he also has spiritual leanings I think they'd find a lot of common ground. I also think Misty would just treat him as Vince's partner, some guy, not be all in awe about him being famous - aware of it, but ignoring it, because it does not matter in the grand scheme of things how rich and famous you are but whether or not you're a decent human being.
And Nibbles is there because she lives there, obviously, this is her penthouse, her sofa xD Needs to make sure everyone behaves!
I had been thinking about including Rogue in the scene, but then I also thought... she probably wouldn't come xD Be like "nah kid, thanks, but you do you", and she's not that close with Vince on a personal level. Same goes for Claire, I love her so much, and while I think she and Vince get along very well, they're not as close (or maybe she just didn't have time).
I was pondering also if I wanted to include Jackie and Johnny in some way, because they can't be there physically for known reasons (and even though Vince wouldn't have invited Johnny just to annoy him, Johny would have come anyway to annoy him back, so there's that XD). Decided against it in the end because the ideas I had would have meant more editing than what I was ready to do just now, but I have some more ideas with Vince and Jackie and Johnny that work better in a different setting anyway.
if you've read this far, here's a piece of birthday cake 🍰
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crow-the-unknown · 4 months
ok but not enough people are intrigued and obsessed and fascinated by connor mcdavid in the way i and others on this site are. like yes, yes i could ramble on and on about his skill. he is the best player in the world. period. you can't challenge that and if you are... are you blind? potentially uhm, how do i say this lightly, not smart? etc? there's no contention there, everyone knows it. and he's fast, and whatever. but i don't care about that. that's mcdavid. that's the man that i used to be so annoyed with because no one would shut up about him even when he wasn't even playing (and that's still annoying to me tbh it just happens less now). that's the star player on a team i used to hate when the avs played them ( idk why, i just always hated playing the oilers even when i started getting a soft spot for them). but, and i've said it before, mcdavid isn't connor.
connor is the one i'm so fascinated and intrigued by. it's not his hockey iq or his speed or anything. what i'm obsessed with is that haunted aura he carries everywhere and i mean everywhere. he just seems so... out of place? like you can almost tell he doesn't quite fit in. which is a little ironic and sad for the best player in the world, isn't it? but accurate, too. he's so unique and set apart and burdened with expectations that he wouldn't be allowed to be normal even if he tried. and you can see it clear as day. everyone jokes around about him having no personality but what else is he supposed to do when he gets asked the same question a million times anymore? i'd look just as haunted and annoyed if i were him.
but here's the thing. he's not just that broken boy either. he's a bit of a goof, actually. and it still surprises me, but he is. he's a silly fucking guy. i mean he goes out there and just lights it up, every night. and then you come to find out that he was the one organizing those stupid post-game berets and the plungers and shit? like i'm sorry? you're telling me the face of the league and one of the guys known for being incredibly dry, did that? and that he's out here helping with the all-star stuff, being sweet and showing (at least in part) some of his real self to these little kids who are growing up idolizing him, and being lovey with teammates. he's slipping on the ice hugging the team made of people he loves with all the passion he can muster because god he just wants to win it here. with them. FOR them. he wants to so so bad and it hurts.
like seriously i could go on and on about this guy. about how if people would just give a shit they would see the real person he is - haunted and silly in full - behind the layers of stress about expectations so high they're unachievable, annoyance with the same stupid questions being thrown at him, and the pressure to be the perfect star. if they would just care enough to pay attention to how he smiles at leon or how he cellys or how he hugs his teammates like they're his lifeline they would see connor, not just mcdavid. they would see the love and the care that shapes those haunted eyes. maybe. just maybe.
anyway connor mcdavid is an enigma and a weirdo and i love him so so much and i'm so so fascinated by him 🫠🫶
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redhood414 · 30 days
Authors note: sorry for not posting much lately, life hasn't been easy recently because of also a break up that happened and yeah more stuff I'm not going to explain or else I'd write a book lol. Anyways sorry it was short this one, but I wanted to post it since I know some off you have been waiting for this.
Tags: @animequeen4
Part 4: The Games
(No one's POV)
Everyone introduced them to Y/N and she seemed to immediately make judgements over them. Now it was only Damian's turn, the brothers looked at each other with a knowing look he'll be rude and mean towards you. Or so they thought..?
(Damian POV)
Everyone expects from me that I'll be as rude as always towards *her*, the princess. That's utterly ridiculous. I, myself, wants to also win these games. I stare at her and then walk over slowly. I take her hand and place a soft kiss on her palm as I bow and keep my eyes locked on hers. God, those eyes...ehem. Stay professional here, Damian. She doesn't need to know that. Just be polite. "Princess Y/N, it's such an honor to finally meet you in person. My name is prince Damian, I may the youngest, but I've got better skills then those three over there." She raises an eyebrow at how overconfident and cocky I am. Then I add:" The stories about you certainly didn't dissapoint about your beauty." I say, from my side eyes I take notice of how my brothers are in shock. Y/N blushes. "Oh ...it's a pleasure to meet you too, prince Damian." I could tell my charms worked on her as easy like how I'm going to beat Drake. "Your (y/n eye color) are like the sun and the moon reflecting in it. I could stare into them until my last breath." She gets even more flustered.
My heart is racing. My mind just quit it's job. I can only stare with bright, red cheeks at him and a shy, stupid smile. He smiles back and it's gorgeous. He doesn't seem so arrogant like others say, or rude, or violent. Or...maybe it's because he's talking to me? Oh God, am I falling in love? No. Okay. Keep your cool..focus. There are still those other three too. "I can't wait to spend more time with you, my lady" Damian says with a polite smile. "Yes, me neither, prince Damian " I say back, getting butterflies in my stomach ones again. He gives me another kiss on my palm and then joins his brothers ones again.
My father looks at me with a smile and seems very pleased. And so am I...
After dinner in my chamber, my maid looks at me with a smirk. She is also my best friend so she can be informal with me. "So, princess, who would you pick? In my opinion prince Jason is quite good looking, don't you think? Both prince Tim and prince Dick certainly got the charms! And oh, not too mention prince Damian" I laugh, finding it hilarious how she's always rambling on about guys. "Lily, make sure you don't fall in love" I tease her and she laughs. "Don't worry. They're all yours" she winks but then smiles. "But seriously, who do you pick? Or would you pick?" I shrug, not knowing really what to answer, after all they've all got the looks...but the personalities are very different.
This isn't going to be easy, is it?
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fuckyeahdindjarin · 11 months
Behind the Seams: Part III
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Welcome to the first instalment of Behind the Seams! Thank you everyone who has responded so positively to this slightly self-indulgent idea I had. I know I take so long in between chapters, this seems like a fun way to keep you guys in the loop, and also to keep myself motivated and productive while I work by sharing my thoughts as I go.
This time, I'll be rambling about focusing on the characters as I'm still in the thick of developing personalities and interpretations in the Seams universe, and I'd love to put all the thoughts that have been rattling around my brain into words to help me process it.
I will be tagging these posts as 'behind the seams' together with the chapter number 'seams iii' so you can filter this out if you don't want to see them! For those who are interested, let's dive in below the cut!
Current status: 3.2k written, fully outlined rough draft with most of the dialogue drafted.
Initial thoughts: This chapter wrote far more easily than I expected to so far. Each story is different, but I tend to find the 3rd to 5th chapters hardest to write, when you're building up the shape of the arc of the whole series.
I'm still keeping my options open with regards to what Seams is or can be, but I'm still thinking 'loose fit series' i.e. there won't be a solid, overarching story arc or ending to the series since it's not a plot-driven story. It will be interesting to see if my approach changes after a couple more chapters!
The challenge: The first two instalments were so hyper-zoomed in on Joel and Pin, I knew that the challenge for this chapter is pulling back the camera and seeing how they interact with each other outside the safety of the Outfitters, and how they fit into the wider community.
Joel and Pin: I was re-reading Threads in preparation for writing Part III, and what strikes me is that these two really don't know a lot about one another. They've barely had a fully formed conversation despite the forced proximity and some very charged moments in the last two chapters. I've tentatively written most of their dialogue in this chapter, and it's interesting that a couple of times, I've stopped myself and thought - is this too playful for a shy person like Pin? Is it too familiar with two people who are practically strangers, despite their chemistry? It's a balance that I'll have to find as I edit, and I'm excited to see how it turns out.
Tommy: For some reason, Tommy comes fairly easily to me, a testament to Pedro and Gabriel’s chemistry on screen. Without giving too much away, I'm really happy with the angle I found for Joel and Tommy in this chapter. There's a lot to unpack between the two brothers, but the happy occasion means that I can focus on the good part of their relationship for now. However, I am keeping the tensions in their history in my back pocket because I don't want to gloss over the very real and three-dimensional relationship we saw in the series.
Ellie: I've talked about how I'm nervous about writing Ellie. My Pedro boys are all lone wolves - sure they have their best friends (Teak to Palomino!Jack, Santi to Grays!Frankie, Pete/Rebecca to Consent!Dieter), but Ellie is Joel's kid, and she's part of his life more than any BFF is to my other Pedro boys. Luckily, I have found an in with Ellie that I think works well with the story in Part III, and also fits in with the broader direction of the fic. It's going to be nerve-wrecking, but I'm ready to write her into Seams!
Tess: I'm not in a place to say too much yet about Tess, but it's so important to me that she isn't erased from the Seams universe despite her not being there. I've been thinking a lot about Tess lately, about how she will fit into the story, how Joel will fit Pin into his and in relation to Tess. There are no easy answers, and it will be something to mull over in the next few chapters.
Something fun: Ok, all this character stuff is pretty heavy, so I want to end on a light-hearted note - Joel's tummy makes a cameo in a white undervest 😌
And that's it for Behind the Seams: Part III! I feel a lot lighter having found a space for all the things I have been thinking about while drafting the chapter. I hope this was a fun deep dive for you guys as well, I'll be hitting Google Docs hard this weekend to try to get all of the writing done for Part III so that I can start editing next week. My askbox is always open if anyone wants to chat 🥰
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lxmine · 1 year
I really liked your itto hc, can I request one more?
We know how well he's clothed in the game so the reader can't help but keep staring at his chest and eventually reaching out to touch it. They feel him up a little before realising what they're doing and promptly remove their hand. I'd really like to know how you think he would react.
Thank you for indulging our requests and working so hard on them.💪
❝i know i shouldn’t but….❞ + itto, capitano, dottore x gn!reader
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+. Crackfic kinda?, big honkers, slight suggestive,, lower cased letters
+. Summary : them reacting to you wanting to touch/touching their broad chest :p
+. A/N THIS OMG T-T im surprised but HELL YES HEBEIDBEJDBI i added capitano and dottore bcuz why not >:) and im having writers block rn and i tried my best to post pls forgive me for this ugly ass writing T-T AND IM SORRY BUT I GOT CARRIED AWAY AT CAPITANO’S
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it’s raining pretty heavily outside, and you’re laying in bed with your beloved oni who’s rambling about this and that.
he’s half bare, it’s cold yet he doesn’t really mind. he looks and observes you as he talked.
a grin then creeps up to his face seeing that you’re looking at his chest and your hand that was resting on his waist was now on his chest feelings him up.
“sigh, my chest is that distracting huh?” realizing what he meant and said, you quickly took your hands off him and covered your face with the blanket.
“shush! you just looked comfy is all.” he chuckles and scoots closer to embrace you, you’ve hugged him many times before but you’ll always find his chest so damn comfortable.
“don’t get shy on me now, i know how much you love to cuddle onto me.” he pulls the blanket down to pamper you with kisses. “go on, i’ll be your personal pillow for the rest of your life baby.” he smirks pulling you even more closer to him.
“stop that, you’re embarrassing me!” you chuckled burying your face into his chest while he laughed and caressed your hair at the same time. “let’s just take a nap.”
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he’s working on his piled up desk while you sat beside him doing some of his easy paper work he forced you to because he doesn’t want you to annoy him while he worked
you were getting hella bored, his office have nothing interesting in them so you just stared at the masked man who is too focused to even spare a glance at you.
“did i allow you to stop?” he sighs as he continued to sign papers, you only responded with a grumble and stood up to grab a treat. “do you maybe want coffee?”
he humms in response and so you quickly went out to take some.
coming back with a lollipop in mouth and hot coffee in hand. you noticed his coat is now off and is lying on his couch near his desk.
skipping over to him “careful, don’t want you spilling that thing on you.” he says still not averting his eyes from his papers not like you can see his eyes but you get what i mean
“damn, i wouldn’t mind working with you if you looked like that everyday.” you said sarcastically, taking your seat beside him and placing his coffee next to him and he only scoffed.
he then took his mask off while you admired him as he took a sip of his coffee. he looked so……….. so hot. the outline of his chest is visible through his black turtle neck and his stern expression draw you into him more
“get to work, thought you wanted to eat dinner out tonight. help me finish these, faster.” he ordered giving you a small glare. a small blush creeping up to your face while you looked up to him and his chest
“w-well if you want me to work for hours, i need motivation you know…!” you said crassly teasing him, but he didn’t look to happy about that (when did he ever?)
“if you wish to touch my chest then you must finish at least a dozen of these, do we have a deal?” he offers, grabbing your pen to start writing
“yes, sir!”
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“nah, how the hell is that even gonna work?”, “you seriously think that’s gonna work?”, “i just know that’s not gonna work.” and more of your annoying comments about the ruin he’s experimenting on repeated.
you love annoying the living shit out of him just so he could do what you want so you wouldn’t annoy him. he groaned glaring at you, who is sitting at his couch.
“zandik.” you called and received no response, only the sound of grinding metals are heard.
“zandik..” “…” “zandik!” “…” “zandik, zandik, dottore, dott-“ “IN THE NAME OF THE TSARITSA, WHAT IS IT!?”
“it’s warm, can you take your coat off already?” you said standing up from the couch to grab some candies from your candy jar that he kept in his lab for you they’re totally not poisoned or filled with some weird medicine
he gave you a look before rolling his eyes and taking his coat off along with his mask. “if you wanted to see my chest, you could’ve just asked, you insolent brat.” he then throws his coat at you and genstures you to come closer to him. “now would you be so kind and tie my hair for me, love?” he smirks and kisses your cheeks. “sure, sure! as long as you’re gonna come home with me tonight so we can cuddle.” you winked.
he sighed, he rarely comes home because of his piled work and experiments but he guesses he can make exceptions for you.
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was twirling my hair and swinging my feet while writing this LMAO and i just turned 15 back in october 30th yay!!! anyway, here ya go. i apologize for not posting in so long i ws busy grinding my ass off for scaramouche cuz i couldn’t help myself and wished for nilou LMAO and just so u guys know my requests are open and you’re free to request fics or hcs you want! just not nsfw/smut ones. anyway stay safe and hydrated, take care of your mental and physical health I LOVE YOU <3
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baskeigh-ball · 1 year
Loving your seperated raph au so far! So if Raph wasn't around, Leo must be the leader up til now? How did that affect his personality?
Thanks so much! And I actually have several ideas for their dynamic without Raph that I've been exploring, so prepare for a long-winded rant because I have Too Many Thoughts
I've brainstormed a lot about how the leadership role would work with Raph out of the picture, and my consensus is that Leo isn't a full-fledged leader. Instead, he and Donnie accidentally end up as co-leaders!
And by "accidentally", I mean "Leo elects himself as leader but Donnie hates the idea of being ordered around by his slightly-older annoying twin so much that he turns it into a competition for the leadership role". Actually in this context, I'd call it more of a president/vice-president dynamic, with Leo taking charge more often and Donnie occasionally stepping up if he doesn't agree with a decision. Poor Mikey kinda ends up stuck in the middle of all this, lol.
Outside of leadership, Leo is definitely more responsible as the self-appointed oldest brother, but that responsibility is more spread out between him and his brothers than it is with canon Raph. My reasoning behind this is how he's just barely the eldest. The difference in age between him and Donnie is so small that his younger brothers feel more inclined to help him out. Overall, the trio is more mature than in canon, but not by much (this isn't one of those super serious AUs where it's all about survival and familial issues, trust me. they're still a bunch of gremlins that love each other and do as they please, they just. know how to do their chores now.)
Also side note, without Raph around to be the tank/shield that takes the big hits, the trio's missions default to stealth if they're unfamiliar with whoever they're facing. At least until they get a handle on their mystic weapons; after that they can go into fights guns-blazing in all of their unhinged glory >:] (and i'd say Donnie with his tech takes up the mantle as the "tank" of the group, i mean did u see the first episode's fight with draxum? he was the only one getting effective hits in)
Exploring their dynamic is gonna be fun, especially how Leo and Raph might clash about leadership once things start winding down and Raph is finding his place in the family. He'd definitely feel like he should be the protector, what with his size, strength, battle skills, street smarts, etc etc, but I imagine the trio would be hesitant about the idea. After all, they've survived just fine up until now. Sure, they've got a few extra scars they could've done without, but they're still kicking!
To sum it up, Leo and Donnie somewhat share leading the team while also competing to become the True Leader, then Raph comes along and unwittingly joins in on the competition while Mikey has to just Deal in the background. Wonder how long it'll take for Dr Delicate Touch to step in?
Anyways, rant over. I hope this answered your question! (and sorry if it's kinda rambly, my thoughts usually come out as word vomit and this is the first time i'm posting them publicly ('._.))
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cousticks · 5 months
What's your opinion on Chuuya and Shirase's relationship?
Alright. Alright alright. This is half 'their relationship' analysis and half just rambling about Shirase because that boy runs circles in my head. It got long so I'm putting it under a read more, but I really really encourage anyone to read it if you think about Shirase because I'd love to see others' thoughts too <3
Thank you SO much for this ask in particular, it was the push I needed to ramble about Shirase and was a lot of fun to think about
While Shirase... kind of sucked. He's a teenage boy. He's a really arguably normal teenage boy, with a bit of an ego, as teenagers tend to have. He's a teenage boy who grew up on the streets and had a pretty big lack of security. Chuuya, with all his flashy powers? He offered security. So when that security seemed threatened (such as with Chuuya seeming to join the mafia,) Shirase panicked and lashed out because his stability was threatened. And took it out on Chuuya. Which... trying to kill Chuuya wasn't great, but that's the world they live in. They're just teenagers, but the way they grew up? Teenager drama culminates in people getting really, really, hurt, or dead. Shirase is a traumatized street kid too.
When they first meet, Chuuya is half dead. Shirase offers him food and the Sheep as a whole offer him a place to go. At first, they definitely saw each other as just... kids. Like that's it. They were kids trying to survive together and helping each other do so. But if you think about it, Chuuya was in pretty bad shape when he found the Sheep. I really don't think he got out of the Suribachi explosion unscathed. He didn't know what was food. He probably didn't know much in general, honestly. Chuuya probably started thinking of himself as a burden upon the Sheep before he found his strengths (aka combative ability.) I think its somewhere in that period their relationship got more transactional. Self-fulfilling prophecy style, Chuuya would have stepped up to make up for all the Sheep did for him, thinking he had to do have been worth the Sheep's investment. And I don't think he'd ever say that outright. But he'd still make it pretty obvious that's what he's doing. The Sheep are a band of struggling kids, they're going to tend towards a hero.
Here's the thing about people that get popular. Here's an analogy. Think of some of the more rabid fans of celebrities you can think of, when the celebrity does something they don't like. How they post, outraged, about how the version of their idol in their head isn't matching what the actual person is doing. To a band of kids, Shirase included in this, Chuuya becomes an idol. He has an image to uphold. And these people that mean so much to Chuuya, that saved him, are going to get upset when he goes outside of those lines.
Now, Shirase in particular, I mentioned his ego. Originally, he was the savior. He saved Chuuya. He gave him that piece of bread. Shirase led Chuuya to the Sheep. He found the Sheep's hero, where's his recognition? He's jealous, for sure. And he knows Chuuya's status in the Sheep is above him by that point. So, as a jealous teenage boy with a violent life and an ego, he probably takes it out on Chuuya by pulling the "remember who saved you" card. To put Chuuya in his place, in Shirase's mind. To put Shirase back above, where he thought he was supposed to be.
And... all this kind of sucks. Chuuya is idolized and still talked down to. Shirase is jealous and bitter. But they still clearly have some kind of generally amiable relationship. Shirase approaches Chuuya like a friend first, in the arcade. There's definitely fond memories of Chuuya's transition into the Sheep. Its not all one-upping each other.
Let's go back to what I said about Shirase and security. He lashes out when that's threatened. Well, what happened? Chuuya left (Shirase's plan failed) and the Sheep are forcibly dispersed by the Port Mafia. All of Shirase's world pretty much comes crashing down around his feet instantly. Nothing is the same anymore. He wasn't a gang member ruling the streets of Suribachi anymore, he lost his platform, he was just some punk with a job and a cheap motorcycle. And its obvious he was driven to try to get back to where he was. We see in Stormbringer that he was hoarding supplies to try and recreate the Sheep. He craves that same stability back. The boy lost everything, of course he's upset. And who's been his scapegoat all this time? Who would he logically blame? Not himself, with that ego. He blames Chuuya. Shirase's hostile reaction when they first reunite in the car factory isn't surprising at all, all things considered. But... Shirase plays along anyway, eventually. Because he's threatened. He needs protection, security, and at this point, familiarity. Chuuya offers all of that under the threat of being targeted by Verlaine. I really think its that return to a brief sense of 'normal' that helped their relationship start to heal for Shirase's redemption arc in Stormbringer.
It takes until Chuuya is really under threat and duress and actually showing that he's struggling to break Shirase's illusions. Chuuya is still an idol figure in Shirase's head up until the battles in the lab. Chuuya always just gets up and keeps fighting no matter the situation. That's part of his illusion, the part he's forced to play to keep the Sheep's support that he still carries with him. Shirase had to see Chuuya struggling and showing it in a fight for the gears to finally click back in Shirase's head to the boy he offered a piece of bread years and years ago. I think that's part of how Shirase finally found it in himself to tackle the skeleton and save Chuuya in the lab. Its really a reflection back to their first meeting under the bridge. Its kind of like a reset.
Notice how after that moment they kind of start to get along again. They make fun of each other and laugh like kids again. That reset was what they needed to kind of start to heal it. Chuuya had to stop being an idol, to put his feet back on the ground and for Shirase to get over his ego-jealousy to realize Chuuya is still a kid like him.
They part on good terms. They do a secret Sheep handshake. Things aren't great but... things have never been great before in their lives anyway.
In conclusion, my thoughts are their relationship was bad in the Sheep because Chuuya was this hero-figure King of the Sheep, and the disbandment of the Sheep was the best thing that could have happened to their friendship. I think Shirase has a lot to apologize for, but Chuuya is a very forgiving person when he understands where someone is coming from. Hell, he forgave and didn't hold hatred for Verlaine after he killed the fucking flags. Chuuya forgave Shirase the moment he stepped in to protect him. What constitutes a better relationship is unique to them and the shitty hell situations that have followed their entire lives. They part on good terms. They forgave each other in the way teenagers do, by laughing it off, calling each other a mess, and moving on.
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fullmetalgirl98 · 4 months
oh oh oh
happy cozmez day, everyone (a bit late but whatever).
Unfortunately, for a number of personal reasons, I was unable to create anything on the occasion of the two babies' birthday, but I hope that a little themed post in the form of a "Japanese lesson with cozmez' will still work as a good wish for them.
Let's get started.
It's ever since I learned, via Hypmic dramas, the name of the BBs' mother that the reality of what lies behind the names of the cozmez is much deeper than I thought, and OH LORD, how could I not have thought about it before?
I have no idea, but let's continue.
Let's start with the twins' surname, Yatonokami (and no, not that Yato god).
It is spelled as it follows: 矢戸乃上
The kanji 矢 stands for "dart, arrow". I'd almost dare to say that it's perfect for the way the cozmez approach the world, always ready to pierce with the lyrics of their songs, almost aggressive and always straight to the point.
The kanji 戸 is the counter for houses, households, apartments... and I find very meaningful the sharp contrasting reference to the living conditions of the two brothers, who can't hold a real place to call home if not the underground.
The kanji 乃 is a possessive particle, which stands for "belonging to"... So it's quite clear the meaning of this one, the twins live solely for each other.
Finally, the kanji 上 stands for "above, top, over, up", and it's clear the reference to the cozmez's constant attempts to redeem themselves, to never give up and, as they often quote in their songs, to go "from the bottom to the top".
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Let's now move on to their names.
First of all, Kanata. It's spelled like this: 珂波汰.
The meaning of the three kanjis is, respectively, "jewel", "waves" and "luxury" but the most interesting thing is its pronunciation, because it's pronounced as the word "boundary, border", and this is so much in line with Kanata's personality!
If you think about it, Kanata is, of the two, the more narrow-minded, the more conservative, and the less likely to expand his core of comfort people.
Kanata is impulsive, grumpy and often seems to look at the world with blinkers on. He's fine with his brother and only him. He's satisfied like this and does not need anything else.
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As regards Nayuta, on the other hand, his name is spelled as follows: 那由汰.
As you can see, the last kanji is the same as the last one in Kanata's name, perhaps as an oxymoron to indicate the contrast between their poor living conditions and the inner wealth, the true love they feel for each other, pure.
The first kanji, instead, means "what?" and the second one means "reason".
The interesting thing is that the pronunciation of Nayuta's name is, indeed, the same as "infinity".
Nayuta is, in fact, the one more prone to expand his horizon, the one who would do anything to see his brother befriend someone, the one who is more open-minded, who reflects a few more seconds before speaking, and who sees further ahead, always with a view to the common good of the two, but still not precluding relationships with other people or the possibility of experiencing new things, concepts that Kanata almost viscerally abhors lol.
Nayuta is, as the second kanji of his name confirms, the light of reason between the two, the one who is able to calm tempers and make Kanata think even when he's rambling.
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mithrifer · 6 months
Okay this is that big HB S2 E7 post I promised yesterday!
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Well, I'm saying big but like idk how long it'll end up being, I just plan on dumping everything inside my brain here. (should I have used another pic? dunno lol). Please excuse me if this is hard to read/is incoherent, I'm just rambling all of my thoughts out. I hope it makes sense at the end.
Where to start, where to start... I suppose I can start with Fizzy, he's kind of the connection point for Asmodeus, Mammon and all of their extra messy relationships. Which I want to dig right into!
So, Fizzarolli huh?
Now, I think Fizzarolli is downright adorable; which was only accentuated due to me watching episode 6 and 7 together, I had just found out not one but two episodes came out yesterday. I think I got some sort of fluff overdose because I told my friends something totally deranged after I was done, from which a surprisingly insightful conversation started, and I just had to share what I came up with there.
In this episode especially, though also a little in episode 6, Fizzy is just all over the place. And I mean that in the personal way. He's like a rollercoaster of emotions, diving into anxiety and doubt them surging into confidence and joy. Just a mess, really. I love him for that.
But well, from the reception I've seen of this episode, and this is purely anecdotal I am not some Helluva fandom expert, it seems like people think all of his stuff is just... resolved? Like the biggest danger people talk about is the future revenge Mammon is going to inflict upon our cute yaoi couple, or whatever!
I sure hope not! Because the way I see it, nothing about Fizzarolli's situation can be defined as "over".
So, Mammon is Fizzy's idol. He has been since the imp was five, he took him in when Fizz was at his most vulnerable, he built him into a giant sensation, he's the reason he knows Asmodeus at all, and Fizz still greatly cared about his thoughts and wanted to be "perfect" for him; the imp being keenly aware of all of this... All until Ozzy and he had a little prance around the dress room, and then Fizz made a really cool show all about how much his boss sucked and how he quit, then they all lived happily ever after.
Let's acknowledge the elephant in the room. Or rather the rooster.
Fizzarolli and Asmodeus' relationship is kind of sus when you think about it, isn't it?
I think this has been a thing ever since Ozzy was first introduced, but it was made especially clear to me during these last two episodes. So, what do you think of when you see the two interact? That they love each other very much?
Well, yeah! They do.
Okay then Mith, why did you take your time to point this out? Where's the sinister reveal? Does he beat our clown boy behind doors, or something?
No. But I don't think their relationship is healthy, either. I'd go so far as to say it's abusive.
The way Asmodeus and Fizzarolli deal with each other is certainly weird! More specifically, the way Asmodeus tries to handle his relationship. I doubt any of you would disagree with me if I said Asmodeus was controlling, but it goes beyond that. He is manipulative and untrusting as well.
First, let's explore the dynamics of their relationship. Asmodeus is the king of lust, one of the strongest and most influential demons in hell. He's caring, concerned and uplifting towards Fizzarolli, his boyfriend. Him, on the other hand, is a performer imp clown. A pretty famous one. Fizz is anxious and a perfectionist, but he's also upbeat, creative and also caring.
Fizzarolli, if episode 6 and 7 didn't make it evidently clear, is very dependent on others around him. Not only that, but those whom he is dependent on hold a sway over him. Whether its Asmodeus or Mammon, their words are arrows shot directly at his heart.
So it's certainly concerning when Asmodeus expresses how he doesn't want Fizz going out alone, finds himself "justified" in his beliefs twice, and also really just can't stand that other guy his poor boyfriend worries so much about!
What am I saying here, exactly? Why is Asmodeus trying to curb Fizzy's agency? Why doesn't Asmodeus trust him to make his own decisions? And why did he overstep his boundaries by going to that show?
Isn't it clear? Asmodeus loves him. He just wants the best for Fizzarolli. And that is precisely why he's abusing him. See, if Fizzarolli wasn't oh so fragile maybe he could go out on his own without being bothered, or if he could make coherent decisions that didn't involve giving himself panic attacks to please some fat asshole he wouldn't intervene behind his back, or if he could just let Asmodeus handle things everything would be just fine... Because Asmodeus can. He can and would do everything for him, and Fizz can depend on him.
I don't think he's even aware he's harming Fizz by not trusting him. I don't think someone who hated love until a few months ago, understands how to love. He only knows how he feels, and when he's with Fizz, with that smile on his face, he's happy.
I came upon this realization about their relationship right after the last scene. To get into that though...
Asmodeus can't be that bad! I mean, just look at this guy? He doesn't even care for Fizz one bit! At least Ozzy loves him, Mammy was just using him!
You're sort of right! Asmodeus is so much better than Mammon. And Mammon is using him, which sucks! That's the part where you're right.
Mammon, does, however; very obviously care about Fizzarolli.
It shouldn't come off as that much of a surprise, I think. He spent years with him. He constantly carries two robot copies of him around with him. He is actually concerned for a moment when Fizzarolli is stressing out, even though he's mean and demanding. He loves his show, even if it's shitting on Mammon; and the list goes on.
But I don't think any character within the series is aware of that, including Mammon himself. The closest thing I can think of is Fizzarolli deluding(?) himself into thinking his idol does.
Fizz has the motivation to believe Mammon would care about him, after all. He practically saved his life, he's his idol, and he just wants him to be perfect.
But why wouldn't Mammon just be upfront about that?
Funny thing about owning things is that you don't really notice their values until you lose them. Still, you try and keep what you have. Mammon throws pageants every year, knowing full well Fizzy is going to win, even with competition. It does make a shit ton of money, sure, but there are probably better, easier, cheaper ways to promote his favorite. Why bother?
Fizz happens to come back every time. Which is great for profit.
Why did he get so mad when Fizz told him he quit? It certainly wasn't due to the crass words used. He loved that show, and begrudgingly watched even after realizing it was about him. So why? It's not like he lost out on anything. Fizz is just a clown imp. He's completely replacable...
Mammon is really greedy. He doesn't want to let go of Fizzarolli. Fizz is his. He spent way too much time and money on Fizz. He's had way too much fun with Fizz. And in the end, he's irreplacable, isn't he? Not out of any pragmatic or practical reasons, but because Mammon wants him. (read into this any way you want).
But... why does how Mammon feels about Fizz even matter? He's just reaping what he has sown. He deserves being abandoned.
You're completely right. Here is the thing though.
It isn't what Fizzarolli wants
Ummm Mithmints were you deaf or somethang? The fuck you song?
I won't beat around the bush this time, because I've already mentioned this. Asmodeus spends the entire episode trying to supplant the relationship between Fizzarolli and Mammon. He has every right to hold disdain for their incredibly toxic situation, but he goes behind his boyfriends back for this and even contacts his bestie for sabotage. So when Fizzarolli goes onto the stage ready to scream fuck you I quit (as he should) at the asshole who made him rise to fame, the asshole who was his idol from five, the asshole whom he wanted to be perfect for just minutes ago; right after an incredibly vulnerable moment where his sweet hunky boyfriend told him how he was just perfect the way he is and didn't need anything, after which they had a cute little dance.
For some reason, I don't think Fizzarolli is going to be very proud of his incredibly rash decision once the adrenaline goes down and he feels hesitation and guilt towards a deed done. If Fizzy had a rational moment to think about cutting things off with Mammon, I don't think he would pick the method he did, even with his love for performance. Because years of obsession and care don't go away with a two minute song. Don't worry though, Asmodeus will make sure he's more than happy with the path he picked.
Uh... What "so?"? Are you asking me if I was going anywhere with this? Well, definitely not anywhere specific! I kind of just wanted to examine their situations!
Okay, so, here are my direct thoughts based on what we established.
Fizzarolli loves both Asmodeus and Mammon (feel free to pick how for the latter) but he is very anxious and dependant. He makes a completely justified yet rash decision to cut Mammon off, something he will personally regret. Both of these people hurt Fizzy, but the former is a lot nicer about it.
Asmodeus loves Fizzy, and I don't think he was exaggarating when he said he was the best thing that happened to him during that scene. As a result, he cares deeply about him, and can't bear to see him get hurt. I think Asmodeus thinks that as long as Fizzy is safe and happy, everything is just fine. So he takes the initiative to keep Fizzy from harm, cut him off from assholes from his past, and even go behind his back to do these things. He doesn't trust Fizzarolli to lead his own life, but I don't think he realizes he even should. As long as he's around, Fizz can always stay with him and depend on him. As a cardinal sin, it's not like he's going anywhere. And with that other guy out of the way, Fizz doesn't have anywhere else to go to, even if he for whatever reason wanted to. (I do not think Blitzo could support Fizzarolli in such a way, don't get me wrong, he would definitely try, but I can't imagine it ending well. Their lives just contrast a little too much.)
Mammon just lost out on his favorite clown, and he's very upset about it. I don't think he can parse out why he's so bothered, exactly! It's just Fizzarolli. He just cut him off and quit. It's not like the king of greed needs a clown imp for anything. But I think he's going to feel that vacancy in his life. Like something has been removed and he just can't fill it back up. I can't imagine him being accustomed to loss with all of his avarice. I think he'll find he hates it more than anyone else could.
See Asmodeus and Mammon are like perfect opposites to each other. Asmodeus gives, and Mammon takes. Lust is two sided, while Greed just has one. They're both manipulative, but Asmodeus' nature makes him not even realize it, while Mammon revels in it. I think that's really fun.
So time to get into epic headcanon/scenario making time!
You know how Asmodeus used to think love sucked? Well, what if Mammon and Asmodeus were exes? See, Mammodeus (especially before and without Fizz) would be a complete disaster. The previous opposition would just completely drain Asmodeus as a person, while Mammon would grow spoiled and unsatisfied. I think it would be pretty traumatizing. But I can't really stop thinking about a post-Fizz version of it, maybe set sometime after canon in a universe where Fizz elects to dump Ozzy after noticing his agency being taken away. instead of reconciling with him. I think it would start out as hatesex disaster, but it would quickly evolve into something more substantial. I think Asmodeus would be able to build something great there, having learned how to be a better lover from Fizz.
To be honest any of the pairings or a throupling has massive potential with these three characters. I'm also a big Flitz(?) fan so it was good to see all the scenes between them too. But maybe that's a post for another day.
Feel free to tell me in the comments or reblogs how hard my takes suck and how fizzaozzy or fizzmodeus is 100% healthy. If you can convince me you get a gold star and a big kiss on the cheek!
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Ok so I have had the self imposed misfortune of witnessing some of the "very missed the mark" takes on Nine or just the show's character portrayal in general and, how can someone be...so mISGUIDED. OUGH!!(snapcube sonic 06 voice)
I do realize that no one with these opinions is probably gonna read this (I mean. I am the Nine The Fox blog basically, what are you doing here if you hate the guy) and also won't change their minds but, I don't care. I'm not making this for those people, I just enjoy writing about this guy and been given the prompts to do so. You may enjoy my uncontrolled ~1,500 words long midnight rambling (yea that's like, a whole one-shot what the fucck)
I should wait until morning to edit this before posting but I just need this out there now I cannot argue with a tired self
> So as I've come to find out, people hate Nine because
A) no drip (he's 8, leave him alone <-summary of this whole end of year middle school essay btw)
B) for "betraying Sonic"
And C) for "being a selfish asshat" (paraphrased from one of the tweets I've read)
> Point A, is one that I agree on just cuz I can. But I find him.much easier to draw than Tails so there's that his overall drip I'd say is 6.3/10 (I do not need to bother with the leg placement just draw the pants!! Three rectangles for the base of the body wohoo) And as said, he is a child. Show me the clothes your 8 year old self was wearing and than we can talk.
As for actual character design aspect (which is something I know nothing about so I'm definitely an authority on this subject /lh sarcasm) I think it conveys the basics of him being a moraly gray character by being literaly dressed in gray. His gloves are black and white with his shirt having small splashes of yellow god damn it. He's not nice or a selfless hero type but also not rotten to the core
> moving onto point B because I really do not want to embarass myself by not knowing caharcter design color theory 101. 🅱️oy oh boy I find it so goddamn silly the more I think about it because Nine is literaly the only character from the entire shatterverse cast that has not used or deceived Sonic once for his personal gain.
All of the characters used Sonic to some extent (exept for Nine, my perfect little guy). The resistance tried to recruit Sonic because he's "fast strong and hates the egg", but they did so out of desperation to save their city. Thron used him to get the shard to "protect the jungle" and Prim sent him after Thorn because she probably didn't enjoy starving to death.
But than you have a certain other character that yall conveniently forgotten about, you know, the one that actually in 4k got caught and displayed openly on screen betraying (using the actual definitionnof the word) Sonic because of nothing but pure selfish greed, and for some reason got away with it.
Dread? The one who figuratively spat in Sonic's face just to get the blue shard for no other reason other than having it in his possesion? He had absolutely no quams about throwing his own crew under the bus (or water ig) lie and manipulate them, death threat and blame them for any of his own mistakes and than abandon them when it was the most convenient for him. (How in the ever loving green hill forest did all of this selfishness get redirected at Nine I cannot—)
Nine did not ever betray Sonic for any reason, actually. Instead, he was the only one to genuinely compliment him (even if not to his face or even in his presence but it was said out loud anyway) and If anything, he made constant little sacrifices in the hopes that once Sonic is done playing around a hero they could finally chill at the Grim.
Nine genuinely admired him (were that opinion stands as of the first teaser of the third season is probably not as high as it used to but it still might be burried under all that percieved betrayal) and felt the affection given was genuine as well. He cared enough about Sonic to offer him a place in his own paradise in making ffs, he also cared anough to leave him to the decision whether he wanted to stay or not (until his better judgement got a bit clouded with all the sudden love Sonic kept throwing his way but more on that later)
So no. I have literally no clue how y'all arived at the conclusion that Nine was only using Sonic for- what exactly? To steal the shards? I guess? But that was never his end goal. Sure he needs at the very least one from the Grim but it was Sonic that wanted the rocks in the firts place, and Nine merely helped him get them. He willingly played prisoner so that they could snatch all the shards at once together likenwhsghsgd how do y'all act as if the finale of the second season was some sort of Nine's evil Master Plan to make Sonic cry huh.
And I've been going on for two and a half hours and should probably sleep so point C) Here's where the gray part of his character comes in again because for people who's only expectation for such characters is that they commit crimes but are hot, when that is not the case it becomes a struggle to comprehend an actually moraly ambiguous character that isn't a generaly nice person that cannot be sexualized (because he's eight goddamn years old)
I mean, he is a complete selfish asshole for abandoning the rebels that weren't even there for him to begin with, seeing as Renegade went on attack before Nine himself stopped him. And he is also an irredeemable monster because he didn't care about finishing a fight in a city that he later and multiple times over made abundantly clear he doesn't care about, obviously, the most selfcentered ass there is. /sarc
I guess those weren't the nicest things he could've done but it were definitely the most logical ones from his perspective.
Was it selfish? Yea, and kinda sorta no? Most of his actions in the show were taken because of or for Sonic, in blind faith maybe, but by definition it's not selfishness if you're considerate of another person's interests and feelings
And the fact he took the shards at the end of season two is a completely different story
Just ough, putting one's self in Nine's perspective. Your whole short life, that also just so happened to be in a tyrannically ruled and industrial hellhole, you've been both physically and emotionally tormented and ostracized for being Different, to which you learn that lashing out and then self-isolating is the best defense you can fall back on. Some time passes and a random blue guy breaks into your house, calls you a slur, talks the most out of pocket shit youve heard but for some reason is also the first person to treat you nicely (+saved you from certain death).
Then one thing lead to another, you end up discovering a void and in it an entire empty universe; a plain desolate desert, but to you and the brand new powers in your possesion, it's a blank slate, new start, a safe heaven you fantasized about since you could remember. All the room and power to create anything that your broken child heart could desire, the wildest shit you could think of, whatever you want, you could make it happen, never having to look back ever again. And for an even better change of pace, maybe even have your first friend around as well. It almost doesn't feel real, but it is.
But uh ohs that very tangible fantasy is threatened(was it real after all? Were you?), suddenly you could loose all of it and be miserable again and by god do you not want it to happen, will you not let that happen, will you snap and bite an anything anyone daring to pose a threat to it. Even if it's that suposed friend that served as a catalyst to all of this.
And wanting to defent the little solace you've finnaly found is somehow.. a betrayal on Nine's part.
And I could do a whole another book on Sonic and Shadow's perspective but it's way too late and I have school in three hours so adios
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