#I made this out of love for my characters but also partially out of spite from all those jerks complaining about black coding being
squiddcakes · 3 months
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Happy BHM everyone, here's a spread of some of my black/black-coded characters and their silly-little hairstyles :]
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vintagecandy · 1 year
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My personal reimagining of Jervis Tetch, AKA: The Mad Hatter.
So I noticed that it is really common for Gotham rogues-- but almost especially Jervis Tetch-- to get redrawn and redesigned! Which I just thought was such a fun exercise, so because I'm me and predictable my brain immediately leaped at the chance to imagine my own Jervis.... set in the 1920s. Now, the drastically different time period causes a lot of interesting dynamics. For one, I'm fairly certain Jervis Tetch's character originates from a time period of comics where people wore a lot more hats, so setting him in the past is very fitting for him. It makes a lot more sense for him to literally be an artisan hat manufacturer, as in a real hatter. BUT what's interesting is that hand made "hatter" style hats were actually beginning to fade out of favor, and one of the reasons is actually partially because there was a growing moralizing around the hatting industry's overhunting of birds for their decorative feathers, and so Jervis ( as you can see ) having this big, real peacock bird feather on his hat is sort of a defiance, a subtle expression of his bad intent. And I imagine his introduction to crime will be marked with the sudden unprompted rise of vintage style hats "regaining popularity". He's very much still a hypnotist, a master illusionist, and a scientific genius, and I was thinking- to shake things up- the hat is actually what drove him insane. Originally the hat band was created to counteract nerve damage he developed from mercury poisoning some years ago, but ended up also giving him heightened focus and an incurable bout of severe insanity. Then he later repurposed it for mind control. What insanity? Ok, look at the face I drew for him. This was on accident, but I've been looking at his face...... and I cannot shake the feeling he's a dad. Like, he has peak "wacky inventor father" energy in his face, but more sickly and evil. So I was thinking.... what if for this Jervis instead of his usual romantic Alice fixation... Alice was instead his daughter. And he loved having pretend tea parties with her, acting as the hatter. Some point after he put on the hat, his behavior was a little off but not worrying yet, but he lets his daughter wander off too far in this dangerous city and he just... never sees her again. He calls the police, they're kinda apathetic- probably corrupt tbh, he puts up posters-- nothing, she's just gone. Probably dead the more time passes. A senseless tragedy in a nonsense world. This breaks his brain! And so he decides he's going to take over all of Gotham and turn it into a game of Wonderland, part out of spite, and mostly out of total denial that his daughter is gone no matter how many years pass, in hopes that the little lost girl will find her way back to him or even that more puppets means more help finding her. But with time his insanity becomes so severe he doesn't even remember Alice was his daughter and not literally the book Alice, but he is slightly more lucid when without the hat. However, he feels sick and anxious when without it.
But as it goes in Gotham, by the time they consider you Arkham levels of insane, incurably so-- a 1920s insane asylum mind you! Which practically makes him more ill-- you sort of have no choice but to stay in the crime life forever. Which is where the tommy guns come in.
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donnerpartyofone · 2 months
Everything I Watched While I Was Recovering From the Plague
I have a fantasy that watching a bunch of movies of wildly varying quality and content in close proximity can really bend your wires out of shape, like being exposed to too much radiation. I like to tell people that I had to get all those eye surgeries because of all the deranged stuff I subject my eyeballs to. My criteria for this marathon were "movies I want to watch but it's never 'the right time'" and "movies my sick husband in the next room is not interested in".
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THE IRON CLAW: Pretty much the big, dumb, lummoxy movie that you might expect. The script is surprisingly weak--the girlfriend declares that everything is a matter of fate minutes before saying "I believe we make our own luck"??--but the family curse part is sort of compelling in spite of it all. I admit I was partially in it for the freak show of muscle mania; for various cultural reasons the way bodies were presented (and the kinds of bodies people aspired to have) in the '80s was so different than it is now, the exhibition of flesh had a very different kind of character that's hard to describe but this movie with its bulbous wrestler bodies filling the screen gave me flashbacks. Zac Efron should keep his He-Man haircut.
DARK HARVEST: I've been struggling to describe this certain type of movie that's very form over function, with a pretty specific form: there's like a really forced "stylized" nostalgia thing with a lot of humorless "weirdness" attached in movies like FINAL GIRL and KNIVES AND SKIN, and to some degree THE REFLECTING SKIN although that's a more sophisticated example (that I still don't enjoy). Anyway DARK HARVEST adds a Pumpkinhead guy (not pictured below) to the mix, and he looks pretty good at least.
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THANKSGIVING: Well it's the best movie Eli Roth has made in a long time! It's OK. I like that the inciting incident is a Black Friday stampede, but it's too bad he didn't have the means to make it look more convincing; it feels like about a 150 people running around yelling and there's conspicuous amount of breathing room for the victims getting "crushed".
ZONE OF INTEREST: A tour of the ogre's castle, creepy and effective. Łukasz Żal's spy cam setup cleverly establishes a sense of being trapped in forbidden chambers.
GODLAND: Danish priest makes the perilous journey to Iceland, is a complete asshole to everyone he meets. Interesting, but more beautiful than interesting.
LINGERING: Goofy K horror in which a handful of different neurotic women are relentlessly mean to a small child. I often wonder about this trope of like, someone who is categorically unsuited to parenthood gets saddled with an orphan, and they REALLY don't want to adopt the orphan, but eventually they turn against their own personality and rational estimation of means because the orphan is so cute and/or sad. The implication seems to be that every one of us can and should be parents, and maybe this is even related to the (usually comedic) trope of the solitary curmudgeon who just wants to be left alone, until they undergo some kind of forced exposure therapy at the hands of their nosy neighbors who insist that no human being could actually enjoy their own company. This is an ongoing concern for me.
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UNREST: Anarchist watch factory workers in love. Second movie in the list that uses early photography as a motif (also GODLAND). Pretty interesting formally, and I like all the stuff about the development and spread of standardized hourly time.
WITCHHAMMER: 1970 Czech allegory for Communist "show trials". Man, whether you're making an exploitation movie or a political statement, witch hunt movies are always tough stuff, huh?
HONEYCOMB: A woman unravels mentally when her childhood furniture arrives at her home, and she and her husband play out a series of weird infantile psychodramas as an escape from the pressures of their bourgeois existence. More interesting than enjoyable, and I'm not always sure how interesting it really is. There's a certain brand of European '60s filmmaking that involves a lot of improvised shrieking and laughing and crying and rolling around on the floor that makes me question whether it's really as hollow as I think it is, or if I'm just not a sophisticated enough viewer to understand the power of it, or if its original power was really dependent on its context in the development of cinema. Maybe the answer is a little of everything.
THE SWEET HOURS: A Spanish writer's latest play parses the Freudian mysteries of his childhood, and he fully immerses himself in the rehearsals to seek the truth by reliving his memories. It's actually not that deep but maintains a great air of importance anyway.
NIGHT GAMES: A young aristocrat brings his bride to his childhood manse where their surroundings trigger immersive memories of his debauched youth, in which--wait a minute, am I watching the same fucking movie for the third time? Not really but that was weird. Criterion notes that this is supposedly John Waters' favorite movie, which makes a lot of sense when you've heard him say that he used to force Divine to drop acid with him and go see Bergman movies, which Divine HATED. What's really funny to me is that if you basically do not want to drop acid and watch a Bergman movie then you'd think nothing could make you do it more than once! The idea of John Waters tricking Divine into doing this repeatedly is fucking hilarious.
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SAM NOW: Disturbing documentary made by some young dudes trying to find out why their mother suddenly abandoned them when they were kids. It's a decent enough movie but I was extremely unsettled by the blithe naivete of the young brothers set against the increasingly obvious fact that there's something pretty bad going on with the mom. Get ready for a lot of discomfort and unresolved questions if you watch this.
LIZZIE: Why is it that nobody has made a good Lizzie Borden movie? It's one of those overly familiar tales that's just sitting there in plain view still waiting for a solid adaptation, kind of like The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, but that at least has the great Disney cartoon in among all the so-so film attempts. You really want this to be good with Kirsten Stewart and Chloe Sevigny AND Denis O'Hare who I love to death, but it's just not that compelling. Actually it doesn't even dig into the most interesting details of the story in my opinion, I guess we needed to save time for extra lesbian makeouts. Also I hate to say it but Chloe Sevigny is really miscast; I love her but her whole thing is being really easy-going and natural, and that doesn't really work for this character (or she's not getting the direction that worked on AHS). Oh well.
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MAIDSTONE: See my notes at the end of HONEYCOMB. I found this almost totally unwatchable. I've never read any Norman Mailer. Is Norman Mailer still cool, or did he just seem cool to some people at the time? Was Norman Mailer sort of like an adolescent rebellion phase that American literature had to go through in order to get to wherever it is now? A cursory review of his legacy seems to indicate this. Or maybe it's just really hard for me to sympathize with someone who goes way out of his way to piss off women, and then his defense against the inevitable backlash is "SEE? Feminism is fascist bullshit because look how I'm being treated!" I still see men do this on the smaller scale of their personal relationships--you know the drill, drive some poor woman insane, and then when she acts insane, invalidate everything she says by calling her insane--and they don't even need the excuse of clumsy satire to keep doing it, so forgive me if I don't find this approach very radical. And that's all setting aside Mailer's fetishization of the American Negro for whom it is not my place to speak, but you can imagine what that consists of if you don't already know. In any case I did not enjoy this movie, but I was on the edge of my seat the entire time waiting for the infamous Rip Torn hammer attack. I developed this whole fantasy that Rip Torn must reach a point where he just can't take it anymore and he tries to kill Norman Mailer. I mean *I* sure wanted to kill Norman Mailer, somebody has to do it, right? There are several moments in the film where it seems like someone has finally snapped and the cathartic murder might take place. What actually happens is that Rip Torn wanders up to Norman Mailer with a claw hammer, totally wild-eyed, and declares that he has finally understood that this great work of art can only be resolved with the death of the character Mailer plays. He really seems to believe what he's saying, and the sequence is extremely disturbing. In a way it's even disappointing, there were perfectly good, sober reasons to kill Norman Mailer without putting an unstable person in a chaotic and violent situation where he might naturally flip the fuck out! If MAIDSTONE has anything to tell us about the myth of the cowboy auteur, it might be that somebody like Norman Mailer shouldn't have free reign to abuse large groups of people even in the name of social critique or whatever, because one of them might turn out to be fucking crazy.
WANDA: I love movies that are made in Pittsburgh, I find them all totally fascinating. Or even just Pittsburgh-adjacent, like contrary to everybody else my favorite part of THE DEER HUNTER is the very beginning with the wedding, it's totally captivating to me. Anyway this is an odd, grimy little drama written and directed by Barbara Loden in which she plays the most incompetent woman in the world. It's a good time for a bad time, and if you're watching closely you'll see a poster for THE BRAINIAC in one of the scenes!
KISS DADDY GOODBYE: Obscure psychic kids movies starring Marilyn Burns and Fabian. Marilyn Burns is the nice teacher and Fabian is the cop who try to solve the mystery of the psychic kids, so they inevitably have sex because we have time for that I guess, but man Fabian's like roadside bachelor pad is SO SCARY. It has to be somebody's real hoarder house and it looks like it should be condemned, I felt nervous for Marilyn Burns! Marilyn Burns do NO eat or drink anything that comes out of that kitchen! Have you had your tetanus shot Marilyn Burns? Please run screaming, this is not a normal bachelor pad mess and it is not a good place for you to be naked!
The End.
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angrylesbianstereotype · 10 months
Can I just say I relate to Chuck McGill so much? It’s so sad, cause while, yes, he is a shitty brother, as far as morality goes, he’s doing better than most characters in brba/bcs. His primary sin, which he identifies, is being unlikable. Jimmy has a lot of pathos, but the fact is the character of Saul Goodman gained enough popularity to get his own show because he’s funny & charismatic.
We see this too with Lalo, who is popular with fans despite being pretty much just, “a soulless pig.” Gus & Mike are liked for their cool professionalism; Jesse & Nacho are both great, but they both get a lot of mileage out of be young & good looking. Shit, I know you don’t like him, but even Walter has a certain magnetism. He’s an abusive monster, but he’s intense & passionate, which clearly draws a lot of people in.
Chuck doesn’t have any of this. He’s not exiting, cool, or particularly charming in any way. He’s not the sort of character who gets “fans.” I’ve never seen anyone geek out over him the way they do for the rest of these guys. He’s shrill & fussy & demanding; made even worse by his condition. And ultimately, these qualities are what make people dislike him.
It doesn’t matter how desperately Chuck tries to be good (though I think his moral framework is very flawed) because people will never love him the way they love Jimmy. And that resentment destroys their relationship, the only true love & dedication he had in his life, but I can still deeply emphasize with that resentment.
Accepting that it doesn’t matter how good you try to be, cause that’s not what people care about, is so painful. & then accepting that you just don’t have it. That you’re not the sort of person who makes friends easily. That you’re not easy to love. That people will prefer actual monsters over you. It’s so heartbreaking, & it’s definitely made infinitely worse by mental illness. Poor Chuck man. :(
anyway srry this so long, u don’t have to respond to it, i just was struck by chuck. also, i know this was a shallow read of those other characters, i was just trying to make point lol
Sorry to get back to you so late when you put your whole pussy into this ask but bc of that I knew I would have to wholeass my pussying as well and I just haven’t had the time as of late 😭🐈 but fr as someone diagnosed w BPD I always saw too much of myself in Chuck to fully hate him, but also, that’s kind of why I hated him, bc seeing your worst attributes laid on screen and read for filth doesn’t exactly make for an objective viewing experience. What a lot of neurotypicals don’t get ab Chuck’s character is that he doesn’t resent Jimmy in spite of Jimmy tending to him so diligently, but because of it, at least partially. Chuck does not feel that he deserves to be loved and cared for, he doesn’t feel like his emotions and his love are worth anything because his parents loved Jimmy best and Rebecca (he thinks) loved Jimmy best and everyone loves Jimmy best bc of Jimmy’s personality, whereas Chuck has only ever been lauded for his intellect. So it feels unsafe for him to be so dependent on another person’s genuine love, he feels unsafe being cared for, because Chuck feels incredibly threatened by any sort of change or anything that doesn’t align w the world as he’s come to perceive it, hence his “allergy” to electricity, an allegorical stand-in for modernity and progress. And so being cared for w/out that sense of worth that he hinged entirely on his career makes Chuck feel not just impotent, but like he owes Jimmy. Chuck feels as though he and Jimmy are now on unequal footing, bc while Jimmy still has his charisma, his “value”, Chuck no longer has a distinguished law career. And Chuck can’t owe Jimmy anything because he has to feel superior to Jimmy in some respect or he’s worthless, because no matter what Jimmy does he will always be loved, he will always have worth, as Chuck sees it, and Chuck derives all of his self-worth from his law career and his sense of moral superiority. Chuck knows he’s “different”, but his proficiency as a lawyer let him believe that maybe “different” is for the best, maybe other people are the ones doing something wrong, maybe he isn’t missing anything that other people have but has something that other people don’t. And it’s not Jimmy’s fault that other people like him better, that their parents loved him more, that Chuck associates his brother with that feeling of worthlessness, but if Chuck can vilify his brother, then he can justify that ugly, misplaced hatred he feels toward the person he owes the most to. And the idea of Jimmy becoming a lawyer, of taking the one thing Chuck had going for him, is unbearable, intolerable. Obviously I’m not a psychologist, I can’t do an official diagnosis of a tv show character, but it is pretty common conjecture within the fanbase that Chuck is somewhere on the autism spectrum. He’s averse to change, he experiences sensory overload, he struggles with social cues, he has niche interests that he is knowledgeable about to a very precise degree, and he has a very, very strong sense of justice. It’s not fair that Jimmy gets to become a lawyer when that was the only thing Chuck had going for him, it’s not fair that everyone loves Jimmy and not Chuck when Jimmy is a conman who stole from their sweet father and Chuck tries so, so hard to be good, to adhere to society’s moral standards as strictly and literally as possible. It’s not fair.
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oven-thermometer · 2 years
Listening to their heartbeat
A/n: exams arent finished but my spite is greater than the education system. anyways it’s about heartbeats AND pulses don’t come for me I needed a snazzy title lmao. part 2 with the rest of the alive hashira and inosuke??
Characters: Kyojuro, Zenistu and Tanjiro from Demon Slayer
Warnings: little bit of angst
Kyojuro Rengoku
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• You had been visiting with his family while he was away on a mission.
• He came home to you and Senjuro playing card games and talking about him.
• For once, he didn’t need to carry everything. And he was overjoyed to see you getting along with his brother – even if his dad still needed some work.
• At the end of the day, you sat next to him in peace. You lay your head on his shoulder and felt content.
• His soft, shallow breathing matched your own. You took his hand in yours, inadvertently feeling his rushing pulse.
• You were aware Concentration breathing made the Demon Slayer’s hearts beat incredibly fast, but that was supposed to be reserved for battle. Especially a pulse this fast.
• You frowned, “Kyojuro? Why is your heart beating so fast?”
• As you looked up to him you saw the brightest smile spread across his face. You were almost blinded by the sheer happiness it emitted.
• He took your face in his hands, his smile softening.
• “Thank you for being here, my love.”
Tanjiro Kamado
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• He had gotten gravely injured on his last assignment, even Insokue and Zenistu had to be carried out by the Hashira rescuing them.
• But he was by far the worst, as always.
• For days he had been asleep, only partially waking for minutes at a time.
• Everyone at the Butterfly Estate was worried for him, and they were doing their best to help him.
• Kneeling by his bedside, you watched his peacefully sleeping face. His face was calm and soft. You wished he could look like this without having to be nearly killed first.
• You gently placed the side of your face on his chest. Breathing slowly to hear his heartbeat.
• The sound was warm and innocent, exactly what you thought it would be. A steady drum of hope.
• You felt a hand on your head, and as you shot your head up you saw Tanjiro’s kind eyes finally open.
Zenitsu Agatsuma
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• He had been whining the entire day about you listening to his heartbeat.
• His reasoning was that he could always hear yours, and that you should also hear his.
• “C’mon Y/n-chan! Just listen for a little bit!”
• He had been pouting all day, and unfortunately his puppy-dog eyes were starting to get to you.
• “Fine then, come here." You said as you were fighting off a smile.
• He squealed as he ran to you, giggling hysterically.
• You pressed your ear to his chest, instantly hearing his pounding heart. It sounded like it was going to leap out at you.
• Gazing back up at him, you smiled. he really was just that excited.
• You pecked him on the cheek.
• “Do you understand now Y/n-chan?? My love is so powerful for you!”
• You scoffed, “Sap.”
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overobsessedfanboy23 · 5 months
Top Ten Arc V Characters (Updated)
I was doing another Yugioh tier list and noticed that my opinions on this changed drastically since I first watched Arc V. So here's an updated top ten Arc V characters. Some of these picks may be partially motivated by spite. Also, I'm definitely gonna go back and forth between sub and dub names. Arc V is about even in dub and sub for me and some of the dub names are easier for me so just bear with me.
10 Dennis Mackfield
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Dennis is kind of just funny to me but he does also have a complete character arc that isn't botched or cut off in some way, which is more than I can say for some other Arc V characters. He's a naughty bad guy but an enjoyable one who was kind of just a brainwashed kid with a redemption I can accept.
9 Yuto
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The only Yu boy I can comfortably say I still like. He's got a sympathetic backstory that realistically shaped his current personality and while he appears scarcely, I enjoy the times he does. I like his dynamics with Yuya, Ruri, and Shun.
8 Shingo Sawatari
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He's a cringe fail boy. I like the cringe fail funny characters that exist to be laughed at. I do wish Sawatari had more of an arc or development but at the end of the day, he's entertaining and that's all a character needs to be sometimes.
7 Sora Shiunin
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Rushed as shit redemption arc aside, I find Sora's energetic hyper personality of season 1 entertaining and Sora vs Shun genuinely felt like a huge betrayal. On paper, the reasons for his redemption work and are sympathetic, I just wish more time was dedicated to fleshing it out. Still, wanting more of a character is generally a good thing.
6 Shinji Weber
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I like villains/antagonists who have valid reasons for being upset. If anything, they actually made Shinji too valid up until they pulled the "he wants to oppress the rich" thing out of their asses but that's a can of worms on its own. I think Shinji's motivation is understandable, even if, for the writers' intentions' sake he "went too far", and those are the kinds of antagonists I like most. Also, he's canonically good with kids like Crow is and I just really like that. It shows he's got a sweet centre beneath all the gruffness and anger he displays. I like that.
5 Riley Akaba
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Talk about wasted potential jesus christ. "This character has known nothing but being a vessel for other people's desires. So let's end the series by forcing her to once again be someone's vessel!"
Horrific treatment aside though, I still enjoyed Riley as a character. I relate to her anxiety, I liked her arc while it lasted, she and Declan have such a great sibling bond, she's still a good character. But yeah... the way the narrative botched her did drag her down a few slots I'll admit.
4 Zarc
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One of the only saving graces of the fusion arc as far as I'm concerned. His escalation of wanting more and more violence in his duels as the audience pressured him into harsher duels was interesting and felt narratively cohesive with the better parts of Yuya's arc. And the way he's eventually stopped, not by defeating him but by Yuya understanding him and reminding him why he was duelling in the first place, that's really touching. One of my favourite Arc V moments for sure.
3 Serena
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Yeah, I like Serena more than Yuzu. Even putting aside the fact that I loved her Duel Links event and her fusion based deck, Serena stayed a good character. The narrative treated her as badly as it treated Yuzu but her personality, when she was in her right mind, remained the same: headstrong, stubborn, and fierce. Plus she was the first to defect from Duel Academia and she did it best in my opinion.
2 Shun Kurosaki
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I like Shun for all the same reasons I like Yuto: his genuinely tragic backstory that damaged him and turned him into the edgelord we know and love him as. He's also just way more badass and has more character development than Yuto. The way he's able to regain some form of happiness and stability over the course of the series despite all the horrors he endured, thanks to his new bonds with characters like Crow and Yuya, was really endearing to me. I'm probably the only person on earth with this opinion but as dumb as the bracelet girls and yu boys fusing together was, I think the one good thing that came out of it was that Shun had to just accept that Yuto and Ruri were gone. I get why people found it unsatisfying, but I think the fact that he was able to move on showed a lot of strength that I have to admire him for.
1 Declan Akaba
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Declan is my favourite because I relate to his family situation and I refuse to explain myself further.
....Okay fine. I'll admit, Declan isn't the most well implemented character in terms of Arc V's narrative. I think we can all agree his change in character was out of nowhere and Sawatari made for a better rival to Yuya. But dammit I don't care I like him anyways. I think his moral ambiguity is fascinating. He's fighting on the "right" side and has good intentions and goals but some of the things he does to accomplish that goal range from morally ambiguous to just straight up evil at times and I love that. It's one of the best examples of one of Arc V's core themes: "war corrupts both sides." And while his switch to being a better person is sudden, I can accept it to a degree because in my mind, he always wanted to do the right thing and genuinely cared deep down. It doesn't excuse his early actions but it does help me understand and identify with him.
Also, no, I wasn't joking or exaggerating about relating to Declan's family situation. Without giving away too much, I have an intimidating father who's not around much, a manipulative mother who's around but in all the wrong ways, and a younger sibling who I've had to watch be treated poorly by my mother for years. Declan's situation is more extreme but the similarities are... they're hard not to notice. Declan is number 1 on this list because of how much I relate to and look up to who he is by the end of the series. He'd probably still be on this list either way but he's at number 1 because of how much he personally means to me.
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m0on-shro0m · 1 year
Before you read, this isn’t mentioning the content creators, but, their characters with the Life Series. It's just my way of viewing these two from a lore perspective. I also may have forgotten moments or partial events that have happened within the series, since I haven’t watched every single pov in the series and neither did I rewatch a whole lot of the events. This is open for shipping or non-shipping so go wild, but please be respectful.
Within Limited Life, it’s known that the members remember their past lives and most of them have moved on from the past seasons, since none of them are actually holding grudges against each other, or at least not constantly reminding or thinking of the past seasons, meaning they are moving on. Everyone but Martyn and Scott. Well there’s Scar but this isn’t about him, it’s about the Mean Gills.
Starting with Scott, which I will say first that I haven’t watched all of his POVS through the series but watched so far of his Limited life, so this will be half assumptions and from what I’ve seen and heard. Anyways ever since the marriage of Flower Husbands were separated by Jimmy’s first death of the series, which had been during the battle of the Red War. Scott had watched his flower husband die on the battlefield and that will always stick with someone when their lover has died under their gaze in battle. Scott has made his efforts to get revenge which I’m not sure he achieved but I believe he has.
From then on, Scott made it out of his way to hint at Flower Husbands into Last Life, which was the gift of a poppy right in the beginning, for Jimmy. After that I believe he also gave another gift which was the Pufferfish of Peace, but please correct me if I’m wrong since I’ve only seen Jimmy’s pov. Words from a Scott Enjoyer, it was mentioned that Scott and Jimmy weren’t gonna partner up together yet, neither Scott or Jimmy try to attack each other during that season which pretty much proves my point on Scott still might hungover 3rd Life.
In Double Life,I really don’t know much from Scott’s pov on this season other than Martyn’s and Jimmy’s take on the whole situation. I would assume that Scott, as he teased and dubbed heads with the Ranchers, is jealous because he has to deal with Pearl and see that his Flower Husband is happily with somebody else. I don't think I’d be surprised they made that ranch that was supposed to split soulmates apart out of spite of the Ranchers just from Jimmy’s pov and what I’ve read from or just come up with to explain.
Limited Life has probably been the season where Scott is now more vivid on the whole Flower Husbands ordeal, as you can see in the beginning of the first session, being Episode 1, Scott comes over to Jimmy and handing him another bucket of the pufferfish of peace; Jimmy taking said gift and storing it in his chest and never spoke of again until Jimmy hangs it up in the Grain house bakery. Episode 4, Scott comes by again to see what Jimmy’s up to after the fact he had just been during the hunt of the green lives as he is one of the last ones. Jimmy starts to ask for Scott’s time politely and beg but when Scott offers for Jimmy to kill Tango and for him to be spared into being the last green, he gives him his own time. This leads to Jimmy going back on his words and threatening Scott to leave, where Scott backs off and tries to say “I Love You” while leaving. Jimmy doesn’t respond and only goes further on the threat.
Because of Scott and his hints and gifts from 3rd Life, it really got me thinking that maybe he is stuck in the past, that he can’t simply just move on from it. You can tell Jimmy has moved on from 3rd Life long in the beginning of Last Life. Yes, there are times that Jimmy accepts these gifts and comments about the first season but it’s not never as much as Scott. But Scott is always the one who engages the subject.
Now moving onto Martyn who I have watched, he's the same, but only shown differently as shown. In 3rd Life, He was fighting in the Red War along with Ren, who started the war by asking Martyn to do the honors and to chop off his head to spill blood. As they fight side by side, Ren is to be killed by Scar, which leaves Martyn devastated and immediately having his emotions carry him into battle and die in tragedy.
Ever since 3rd Life, Martyn may have moved onto a different group in Last life, being the Southerners, but he never has recovered from the first series by how often he visits and talks to Ren when he can come across him. He had started an alliance with Ren and the Fairy Fort, which became some sort of cult with him? Honestly I don’t remember much from that forth than pure chaos to the point Martyn couldn’t get a grasp on what lore he wanted to push in, but it's fine.
Onto Double Life, Martyn lost his soulmate by traveling without curiosity of who is Soulmate, as if he gave no care who it was. Pearl was along the ride which in the end was what caused him and her to be accused of cheating by Zombie Cleo and Scott. With episodes of off and on rangements between him and Cleo, Martyn had come across Ren and eventually when the two lost their soulmates to someone else, they started another alliance and a rebellion with him along with inviting Pearl in the alliance. It was until either Pearl broke it off or Ren died in the process of Grian’s huge stunt of drip stone that the alliance between the three broke. (It’s only if Pearl didn’t break it off and Ren just died, I can’t remember, so you may correct me.)
So far in Limited Life, Martyn has had a couple flashbacks and hints of 3rd Life, such as one memorable moment, Bdubs gets killed and respawns, immediately asking anyone to kill him so he can become red. In Martyn’s episode, he specifically has a flashback to when he chopped Ren’s off or technically slay Ren and turn him red. That’s all we have been shown of flashbacks or conversations that Martyn has or at least to my knowledge.
So to sum up Martyn’s relations to 3rd Life, is the fact he always ends up teaming up with Ren against anything they vow to fight against. Although Double Life was a bit different, they still fought together against the others because they were unloved by their own soulmates, which pretty much goes with martyn teaming up regardless of the situation.
With all of this in mind, Scott and Martyn are both still stuck in 3rd Life, despite always moving on in different fractions through the seasons, they never seem to give up the memories of the past. The two are always around the ones they used to be with during 3rd Life.
Martyn and Scott now being a pair, this could be a potential plot for angst, hurt-comfort, fluff? or however you see it; The two could be relying on each other to forget about the past, to comfort one or the other in need to remind them that they are there for each other. This could open a lot of cans of worms as they build trust over the time they spend together. This pairing/duo can be an amazing dynamic that’s added to the Life Series.
Another point to add to the discussion of how this duo could be great for the lore! If you were to watch Martyn or Scott or both, we know that Martyn is serving under the Watchers by listening; Scott on the other hand, never actually follows with the rules of the watchers, as you can watch Last Life where he doesn’t spill bloodshed after being cursed with the boogeyman at the finale of the episode, winning the game, or when Scott chose his own soulmate rather than actually working with his tied life soulmate. (even if the reason was because of a misunderstanding.)
It’s the fact that Scott is known to the Watchers as the one who rebels and Martyn as the one who obeys. The two are quite literally the opposite in the eyes of the Watchers. Of course, this is all speculation but I choose to believe that these two could really have something.
In my opinion, Martyn and Scott are the perfect duo in the name of lore and for their dynamic that’s given by their content creators. With everything I can imagine with these two and the endless possibilities of angst or hurt-comfort is just limitless! So now that I explained my entire brain rot of these two- Thank You For Reading!
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literaryspinster · 2 years
Kory’s style analysis (s1-3 and beyond)
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I fell down the biggest ModernGurlz rabbit hole this morning (always been a fan of the channel but it’s been a while since I’ve binged it like this) and it made me want to do a costume analysis for Kory, including s1-3 with some speculation about what we’ve seen so far of s4 and personal hopes for s5. In spite of my long term interest in costumes, this is my first time doing an actual full length analysis, I had fun with it.
Kory’s character traits: Smart, maternal, tough, kind, sexy, playful, emotionally mature
Constants in Kory’s wardrobe: Leather, purple, black, armored looks, high heels, distinctive belts
Season 1: S1 is all about self-discovery and experimentation for Kory. Unaware of who she is, her identity as an alien warrior princess is conveyed only through her ostentatious clothing, including her iconic fur coat and purple mini dress, fur and purple being styling choices that are often associated with royalty and called back to at different points throughout the series. While her bright curls, pink nails, and heavy make up give off a confident “look at me” vibe, her initial outfit also hints at a sense of guardedness that is present at different points throughout the show. This is fitting, as Kory is still somewhat grappling with who to trust and let in in spite of her sweet and accepting nature.
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The dress has a fragmented pattern reminiscent of armor, while the coat offers coverage and protection that she doesn’t shed for the first time until her initial sexual encounter with Dick, a notable moment of openness for both characters. After this encounter, you see Kory without her coat more and more, and a switch to lighter, flowier, albeit still metallic fabrics.
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s1 also includes the first appearance of Kory’s partiality to black, taking Donna’s clothing without permission (lol), Kory suits up for her first mission upon discovering her identity. This choice highlights her serious, tactical side, but also foreshadows her ongoing struggles with her identity and place in her chosen new home world.
Season 2: Is about self actualization. For the first time we see Kory away from her found family, and figuring out what she wants for herself. More sophisticated and streamlined, Kory’s new fashion sense denotes an air of independence and cosmo girl chic. With a greater emphasis on dark color palates than the previous season and darker, straightened hair, Kory takes on a less flashy, more “human” appearance, while still maintaining the strongest sense of style among her peers. Kory has fallen in love with Earth and wants to claim her place here, thus eschewing or toning down her royal aesthetic, wishing to leave behind that part of her life or at the very least, unsure of how it fits into her new life.
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Her first outfit after the three-month time jump maintains hints of the armored pattern that her initial dress in season one had, highlighting her image as a fighter, and the sense of self-protection she once again adopts when she’s away from her teammates.
Notice when she goes to the tower for the first time, the armor patterned top is replaced with a lighter, flowier one, as seen in her conversation with Dick in the tower. Later on in the house, we see her in a fully relaxed outfit for the first time, a cropped hoodie and satin cargo pants, a decidedly domestic look that highlights her sense of comfort in these surroundings.
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There is less of an emphasis on sexuality in her s2 outfits a well, while still mostly covered in s1, there were more provocative details showcased, like her short, slitted dress and thigh high boots. In s2, her overall look is more modest, with the exception of a midriff baring outfit later in the season that follows a severe emotional blow for Kory. The fact that she’s showing more skin in these sequences could be an indication of her feelings of vulnerability in those scenes.
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Season 3: Is about conflict. Here we begin to fully understand and appreciate Kory’s sense of personal style as defined by her competing life experiences. An amalgamation of her past and present, the royal elements of Kory’s style are back in full force, including a return to dresses, brighter purples, the inclusion of corsets and --as seen in one episode, and a blink and you’ll miss it moment in another-- fur. This shift makes sense as it’s the most we’ve delved into Kory’s auspicious past. Her supersuit in particular practically screams alien warrior princess, brimming with purple, jewels, gold accents, and a rich print evoking fantasy afro-futurist themes.
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However, the influences of her time on Earth are still visible, with darker curls, the occasional appearance of black clothing first fully adopted at the end of s1 and the odd casual (for her) get up. This range in style choices and alternating between dark and bright colors drives home her sense of conflict between two worlds.
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This is also the most skin Kory has shown so far, appearing in very short dresses, cleavage bearing tops, and high slits. But these outfits never feel exploitative or as if they’re wearing her, there’s a sense of high class and elegance to every outfit she rocks. Additionally, this is one of the first times we see Kory in a print (aside from her supersuit), I’m hoping for more of that going forward.
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Season 4 speculation: I know very little of what’s happening in this season, but a few different things can be speculated on according to the outfits we’ve seen so far. Her hair, while straight again, is brighter than in the previous season, with more volume and length than in s2, signifying her versatility and continued embrace of bold styling choices. Like s3, we’re seeing Kory in both bright and dark colors, sometimes worn together and sometimes worn separately. Her overall sense of style seems a bit more covered up than in s3 as well, electing instead for very form fitting silhouettes as seen in at least two outfits spotted on set.
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A return to the occasional lighter, flowier pieces, as seen in s1 and 2, appears to be a thing in s4 as well, possibly foreshadowing a focus on her softer maternal side, while superhero mainstays like powerful shoulders, chevrons, and vaguely capelike shapes can be spotted in other outfits (which I could not find photos of), foreshadowing her fully embracing her superhero side.
Notably missing is her iconic jewelry, and while we don’t know the story reasons for this yet, or even if there are any, her replacement of a three-strand necklace and several rings with bright green gemstones, feels lighter and freer, perhaps an indication that she’s fully ready to rid herself of her Tamaranean obligations.
One of the most striking elements of her s4 fashion though, are the assortment of motorcycle jackets, which could be a sign of her changing dynamic with Dick, who’s iconography includes a motorcycle as a vehicle of choice. It’s worth mentioning that the first time we ever see her in a moto jacket, during s2, coincides with a pivotal moment in her relationship with him (saving him from Slade Wilson)
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In general her s4 style has an ‘on the move’ quality to it, I can imagine it being a more physical, utilitarian season for her, while still incorporating the glamour and femininity that is crucial to her character.
hopes for season 5- I’d like to see her in brighter colors and romantic silhouettes that are still sexy, but with a greater emphasis on comfort and lightness, denoting a positive, happy, and carefree turn for the character. I’d also like to see her curly hair return, while it looks great any way she wears it, the curls have a sense of freeness and fun that I can see working well for the direction I see her character going in.
I’m ready to see her fully embrace her quirky hot mom era, complete with crop tops, mom jeans, ruffles, nature prints (give me Kory’s garden!) and dangly jewelry (a nod to princess Diana, who wore such jewelry for kids to play with while she held them).
However, I still want the harder, darker elements like leather, biker jackets, sunglasses and stiletto boots to stick around, maintaining the air of toughness and protectiveness that defines the character as well.
Some examples of the type of outfits I’d like to see her wear in s5
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What do you think? Do you believe Kory’s outfits tell a story? What type of looks would you like to see for her going forward?
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mangoisms · 6 months
Im just soso obsessed with figuring out tim as a character rn i cant stop thinking abt it (ive always been a jason todd girlie but i read ur fic and that angsty twink latched onto me and refuses to let go)
I think u have a pretty good hold of him, especially bc in present comics writers are so intent on elevating tim in spite of other characters (barbara and her hacking skills for example, or any comparison made btw him and any robin, really) that most portrayals of him are so boring it makes me cry, while you on the other hand took the approach to write about his flaws (which are MANY) while still making him charming and handsome (he is so... !!!!)
To me flaws are also tied to not only the good traits of characters but also their core beliefs and ideals so what can you say abt tim?
I know he can be stupidly arrogant and patronizing at times, that he's always idolized the position and legacy of robin and constantly fights his insecurities with this role and his abilities for the job, that he can also be incredibly selfish or outright mean when it comes to being mindful of other people's feelings for the sake of logic (re when he didnt tell tam abt his dad not being actually dead), but at the same time i cant figure out exactly what he wants to do with his role as robin (or red robin) or why he would want to keep going when his main goals first were just making sure bruce wouldnt go down a dark path, im pretty sure he mentioned not being a vigilante forever but his actual goals remain unclear to me
(Im in the midst of reading his solo robin run but ive read red robin so give me a little room for this, you are definitely free to talk abt more of his comics bc i havent read everything yet and everything im saying should be taken with a grain of salt, video essays and the issues ive read can only get me so far)
He could have gained an inherent desire to help people after all his time as robin and the so fucked up shit that happened to him, maybe as a ways to channel his grief (much like dick and jason and bruce, im thinking abt identity crisis here) after he isnt "needed" as robin anymore, but at the same time that would be so tragic because he was supposed to be different to them, he was supposed to remark the importance of robin's role in helping be "batman's light" and not becoming like batman himself, its just so interesting and im still trying to really understand the extent of his character so id just. Love to get ur thoughts and musings on what fuels tim as a character and how you see him
(I dont have this problem with jason bc his moral conflict is very crystal clear to me and also so freaking juicy, his actions are logical and so understable, granted he also hasnt had as much screentime as tim and i can see when writers just Dont Get Him, misunderstanding the original intent of his character coming back etc etc etc, tim has grown and evolved throughout his tim as robin so this might factor in too)
Anyways sorry for the long post i hope this is alright !!! Loved ur fic to bits and ur writing is a blessing mwah
okay HI i am not exaggerating when i say that i have been thinking about this ask since you sent it HAHA tim is just a parasite in my brain he won't let go...
that's the funny thing about portrayals of him today... i feel like people want to elevate him as a potential batman or a character closest to bruce in terms of intelligence and detective skills, which isn't true at all, i think (because, exactly, you have babs Right There), and of course, narratively, this is all a good thing (this post covers it well, i think). it's in the same vein of people making tim out as the most dangerous person in the batfam, should he ever chose to go down the path, which i can partially blame red robin (2009) for with this panel....
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(and i don't think that's true either. he has the potential to be dangerous just like any of the others but i think the ones to really be scared of are babs, dick, and cass but ANYWAY)
in general, red robin 2009 was a bumpy time for tim with bruce's death and his spiraling, but it seemed to really inform what they were going to do with his character. no more time for the civilian life, committing himself much more thoroughly to The Mission like bruce. which is, if you ask me, a negative progression of his character, which isn't bad, exactly, in terms of storytelling, but it feels like all we get are the 'good parts' now -- the intelligence, the status, the resources, and then we don't get to grapple with the consequences.
there were some in red robin 2009 but it was more tim accepting them and making no move to change his actions, which is fine, but now... idk. but i also don't touch modern comics with a ten foot pole so this could just be. Wrong. but that seems like what's going on. so i feel like that's where people get the idea of him being... idk not the Perfect Robin exactly but. you know?
no no yeah i totally agree!
re (because i want to break this down i'm telling you i have Been Thinking About This): at the same time i cant figure out exactly what he wants to do with his role as robin (or red robin) or why he would want to keep going when his main goals first were just making sure bruce wouldnt go down a dark path, im pretty sure he mentioned not being a vigilante forever but his actual goals remain unclear to me
exactly this. he did say that and i've reblogged this at some point i think, showing a panel from robin 1993 where he mentioned he wouldn't be a vigilante forever, then paralleled with that panel i put in earlier from red robin 2009. (there's this post, which touches on another thing about tim trying to set himself apart as having friends and thus not being bruce LOL which is another topic entirely)
i think that was what red robin 2009 was - a negative progression of his character, one that, again, we never really grapple with, especially as dc shoves robin back onto him now.
his motivations are an interesting thing to me, because he did start out coincidentally, saying batman needed a robin but he didn't assume he'd be that robin, it just kind of happened because he was there (well much more went into it but you know?).
but aside from that, i've never gotten the impression tim really does it for people. i mean batman in general has been about the detective work but i think towards the 80s/90s/00s there was a shift to focusing on the people but tim has never really struck me as a hero of the people. he's more about fighting crime than he is about helping people. i think it is partially informed by the genre - re detective comics, etc - but still. he's not like, say, peter parker/spider-man, who is a hero of the people, of the working class. the people are inherent to him as spider-man. tim does it out of duty and responsibility i think, being the light to batman's dark, of course, but he's also very much a teenage boy about being robin - the cool factor, pointedly mentioning he wants to let off steam by knocking around 'criminals' that kind of thing
which doesn't mean he's unfit for it but he operates in an odd grey area as far as his motivation goes, which i think is where we get red robin? he was defined by being robin and he did his job, then he got the boot. so it is very much an identity crisis but we're seeing that negative change as he changes for the worse, for something darker. i mean, yes, red robin 2009 was again bumpy because he was at a very low point in his life but in general, that run was dark for him.
editorial wise, we'd never get to see what they made of it because they did the reboot and started new-52 a few years after. but whether he'd continue being red robin/going down this path, or if he'd shed the identity and go for something lighter... it's hard to say.
i kind of like the thought that he'd change his identity and try to take a lighter approach, try to pull himself from bruce's influence, though with how it's all set it up, it seems fated that he'd end up there. there was red robin 2009, but then there was his sixteenth birthday incident (which sounds bad here and i'd read this before reading it myself but god when i read it it pissed me off so bad... really what turned me off bruce as a 'good' father figure, i can't lie). he ultimately ends up going back and becoming robin and this is the turning point for him where he agrees to enter this mindset that bruce wants him to be in. (this post talks mainly about timsteph but it is also a point to the end about the shift in his character and how that affected his relationships as well)
i mean i know red robin 2009 is marked by the grief of bruce's 'death' and a bunch of other Very Bad Shit but even when we got past that and he had his little 'Let me let in the people who love me because i am Not batman' he then proceeded to go a little surveillance crazy and make a hit list (something like that, it's been a while..) but. yeah.
ultimately, at the core of his character, i think he is good and compassionate and kind, so, even aside from all that (like the birthday incident), i think he would've made his way there eventually. it could maybe be why we see him returning to robin, if we wanted to try and pretend dc making him be robin is a completely normal and logical decision that they actually thought through. like a way to return to the bases and feel it out from there. though i still think they could've just. idk. given him a BREAK from vigilantism to figure it out. i'm a big proponent of civilians and their place amongst vigilantes and superheroes and i feel like tim's due a break, which is why i put that stuff in my fics. i do want to see him step back and try to figure out his life, because at one point, though robin 1993 was arguably defined by the balance between robin and tim drake and had plenty of civilian friends to keep things interesting, we don't see much as far as what he wants to do. which i suppose could be part of his relatability factor that tim drake, the character, was conceived with
but idk at this point they have to give us something 😭 anyway. this got VERY long i am very sorry.. i don't mind long asks either but i might've overshot my response... alas. i also hope i more or less answered your question??? if not feel free to slide back in here and talk to me! i rambled a bit here and it's like. 3am rn i'm scheduling this to post because i wanted to get it all written Now and. yeah.
thank you SO much very happy to hear you're enjoying everything <333 hope you continue to enjoy :**
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forsakenruin · 1 year
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#𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐒𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐔𝐈𝐍   —   an  independent  ,    private  ,    &    semi-selective    FANDOMLESS    original  character  ;  𝓶𝓲𝓬𝓪𝓱 𝓬𝓻𝓸𝓯𝓽   :   daughter of world-renowned tomb raider ,  member of the secret society   DAUGHTERS OF ARTEMIS   ,  &  on the run treasure hunter .   |   est.  in  april  ,    2023  .    all  fandoms  are  welcome  to  interact    &    are  highly  encouraged  to  !!    rated  21+  .    minors  DNI  .    extremely  low  activity  currently  .    written  by  R.Z.  (  she/her  ,    25+  )  .
𝐀𝐍 𝐄𝐗𝐏𝐋𝐎𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐈𝐍   —   navigating hostile environments when you’re just a child ,  enemies wearing the face of a motherly figure ,  refusing to let history repeat itself ,  taking control of your own life  &  survivor’s GUILT .
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[ LINKS ] prompts . character study . headcanons . wishlisht .
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@gunchamber / krissy chambers , spn based muse , medium activity , partially uses icons
@hdgcrft / devon ambrose , oc witch , extremely low activity , rarely uses icons
@forsakenruin / micah croft , lara croft's daughter oc , extremely low activity , might not use icons
Hi ! Welcome to my new OC blog , thank you for stopping by . I'm on the EST & i've recently come back to this hellsite after a nearly 9 year long break from writing . Lou from @tobeblamed unintentionally inspired me to come back so here i am !! i hope we can have fun & write together .
This blog is pretty much friendly everything !! I'm open to everything & i hope you will be the same . I won't tolerate hate of any kind , this is my blog . my space that i curate as a positive hub for me to escape my real life for a bit . i won't allow for it to be dulled . so be nice, just be a good egg !!
I will be on my main rp account most days !! ( @gunchamber ) so activity here will probably be sporadic . i also work a full time job unfortunately . i also believe i'm undiagnosed ADHD so i could very well be here shitposting but not replying to things , so patience is appreciated. please don't rush me on replies . if it's been a while feel free to shoot me a message to remind me , but continuous heckling will cause me to not want to write with you . i'll ask you politely once , if you continue then i will unfollow .
I am loosely a mutuals only rp blog , i'm only semi-selective . i also rarely follow first , and it's not me being a snob it's me being a pansy ass bitch that has social anxiety . if you see that we have the same mutuals , then i probably have already lurked your blog and i'm waiting to make the first move . it could be within thirty seconds of discovering you or several weeks . i am trash i know . i'm sorry .
the best ways to reach out and get things started is sending me some memes or tagging me in a starter !! if you are more into plotting , and we are mutuals send me an IM or ask for my discord !! i LOVE plotting some background for our muses to have a connection it's my favorite part !!
Shipping . it's one of those things that back then i would be like , shipping with all the muses that mine interacts with . but now i really enjoy and appreciate even the non-romantic relationships my muse gets into . i enjoy the slow build of our muse and based on their chemistry we will see if things become romantic!! world building and plotting is beautiful like that isn't it ?
Soft Blocking is new to me, but i like the concept . with that being said , if you soft block me and i end up refollowing you . i'm not doing it with ill intent or out of spite , i would just think something with tumblr happened that made me unfollow you . i apologize in advance .
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hurremshiv · 1 year
hi! could you analyze Bayezid?
Bayezid's side in his rivalry with Selim is very interesting to me. He's clearly written as the more worthy brother who gets sidelined by Selim's ruthlessness and dishonesty. For example when Selim swaps his and Bayezid's work when they're children. And he gets the praise that was meant for Bayezid. So Bayezid is a character who is determined to prove himself and win over a father who he sees as not loving him. As can be seen in the fact that he feels sldelined by how Selim is allowed to go on campaign but he isn't and ends up running away. Which gets him and Hürrem in trouble and get a servant killed. Something that she berates him for. This is a pattern that continues into adulthood.
I see a lot of takes that blame Hürrem for being too partial between her sons and having favouritism, but she just didn't. Her reaction to Selim and Bayezid is how any decent parent would react. And especially in season 4, we see her consistently refuse to choose between them. They're both her sons and she will not abandon either of them. Even when she sends Selim to Manisa, it's a manoeuvre to protect both Selim and Bayezid. And while it ultimately makes their rivalry worse, it makes sense in the context of Mehmet's death. Although it is worth pointing out that this is an example of how the show conflates miliary ability with ruling ability. Because in spite of his unpopularity, Selim seems to be a fairly good diplomat. Especially when working with Hürrem.
Bayezid joins the alliance with Mustafa and Cihangir. And while this was mean to make them look noble and good, to me it made them all look very naïve considering the existence of the fratricide law. It's an example of the way in which the show whitewashes it. That said, it's telling that while he criticises her, Bayezid also defends and supports his mother. And even while doing so, he still tries to financially suppot Mahidevran. It shows a side of him that is willing to see the human side of he conflict and view it outside of this black and white 'good vs evil' framework.
Bayezid's biggest flaw is his recklessness, as could be seen in running away to join the army, secretly going to Manisa to confront Selim or going to Persia. These are all decisions that backfire on him, and it's especially apparent after Hürrem's death. As she is no longer around to protect and cover for him. That safety net is no longer there for him. This contrasts with the clever and careful dishonesty of Selim. Who uses the same strategy as Hürrem of playing the part of the mos loyal supporter while his rival is disloyal.
Bayezid also has early Hürrem's sense of humour. For example, they both do impressions of other people (specifically Sümbüi). Which is interesting seeing as Hürrem was pregnant with Bayezid when Leo died, and so the last living tie to her past was severed in an extremely traumatising way. He almost represents that side of her that she tries to repress (but never fully loses) in a way. So when she's defending him, it's like she's still defending that part of herself as well. And both Hürrem and Bayezid have a warmth and affection for their families. Not only that, but the scene of Hürrem on the slave ship and Bayezid with his children in prison parallel each other in the way they are shot and the music. So that link between early Hürrem and Bayezid is significant.
My main issue with the way in which Bayezid's fall from grace and eventual death are presented, is the way in which it's writen to be more about him as Mustafa 2.0 than about Bayezid himself. When he gets sent to Amasya, the show beats you over the head with the Mustafa comparison. And while it is there and worthy of acknowledging, it feels like it takes over from Bayezid's own arc. Especially considering the enormous amount of favouritism that the show gave to Mustafa in comparison with Hürrem's sons. Mustafa was presented as the rightful heir while the show essentially viewed Hürrem's son as acceptable cannon fodder and little else. They are seen as extensions of her, rivals to Mustafa, obstacles, parallels or foils to him and nothing else. And Bayezid is both a parallel to him and a foil. They're parallels because they're both the militarily inclined rightful heir and a noble hero fighting the 'evil schemers'. And they're foils because where later Mustafa is presented as a flawless martyr who should have rebelled, the show makes it clear that Bayezid's flaw is his recklessness. So we get nothing more than a re-hashing of Mustafa's arc with Bayezid, and it ultimately does Bayezid a disservice.
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missingn000 · 1 year
not tpg speaking or anything but i wanna know your honest thoughts about toji 🤔
oh man, where do i even start with this. it's a great question! honestly...i have a lot of thoughts about canon toji, not all of which are coherent, but here's what comes to mind first.
toji is largely a product of circumstances -- the awful abuse by the zen'in clan, being cast out by society, straying from his path then finding his way again by marrying mamaguro, then losing her and essentially forfeiting all hope. i do think he loved megumi, but not in any way that actually helped him, or any way he truly showed. he wanted megumi to have a better life than him, but the way he went about it (trying to sell his son into the SAME SYSTEM that fucked him up) was clearly an awful choice.
what people often don't discuss is that toji had agency. yes, his circumstances were horrible, and a lot of his mentality was shaped by abuse and trauma. but in the end, it was his choice to become a hitman who didn't ask questions, and to abandon his family after the death of his first wife. there's a quote i always think of when analyzing characters like him: "bad circumstances explain bad behavior, but they don't excuse it." he undeniably could have made better choices. look at maki! though their circumstances were a bit different, they still were at the bottom of the barrel of the zen'in clan and horribly mistreated. but maki emancipated herself from that and chose to channel her spite into becoming strong in a profession that helps others, while toji chose the opposite.
toji is one of my favorite characters because he's just so interesting. there's so much about him to analyze. that scene in shibuya where he stabs himself in the head to avoid hurting megumi wrecked me beyond all imagination. his last words were so significant: "not zen'in, huh? good for you." what's important to notice is this: at that time, he had no idea that his sale of megumi to the zen'in clan hadn't gone through. it's probably impossible to say he knew that gojo, a kid he'd known for like, 15 minutes solely through a death fight, would actually end up adopting and protecting his son.
it's very indicative of their relationship overall. toji was glad megumi didn't turn out like him -- not because of toji, but in spite of him. he knew he failed megumi, and tsumiki too. stopping his largely uncontrollable body from hurting his son by taking his own life proves it. he couldn't be there for megumi, but at the very least he didn't want to take megumi down with him, in a physical and metaphorical sense.
tl;dr: toji deserved better, but it was partially his own choice that he never attained that. megumi got the father he was meant to have, and it wasn't toji. it could've been, in another life. but not this one.
wow this was rambly lol. i have many more thoughts i'm sure i'm leaving out. there's a whole possibility to analyze the toji vs gojo fight, toji's disregard of riko's life and his lack of compassion towards her also not having a choice in her fate, his spite towards gojo and wanting to overcome it for his pride, thus putting his pride over everything he'd tried to break away from. exploring his character and what could've been through tpg has been one of my favorite projects i've ever pursued in my life. i just. GAH. okay. im gonna lie down
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tangirlisfangirl · 2 years
Alright @the-lavender-creator , here’s that Fleur deep dive I promised! Also for anyone else interested since I’m proud of this character and think she’s super cool and intricate <3
For anyone who doesn’t know this is just a post about my EAH oc who’s the daughter of the Fairy Queen from A Midsummer Night’s Dream, so keep reading if that interests you n whatnot
Under the cut because, as always, I don’t know how to control myself and this got longer than it should’ve 🥴
For simplicity/clarification, the Titania we see in Cedar’s opening part of Suzanne Selfor’s “The Storybook of Legends” is the same Fairy Queen that we see hosting the Blue Moon Fest in the animations.
My character, Fleurencia Monarch, Fleur for short, is her and Oberon’s daughter (although she’s much closer to her mother). Appearance-wise she has gold eyes and dark curly hair inherited from her father, and, unlike the other two fairies we know, has much larger and more complex wings akin to her mom’s. Also, she has the same flower powers so that plants grow whenever her hands or feet touch the ground, although she’s almost always flying so it’s not like overgrowth is a problem.
Because the story requires Titania and Oberon to have an air of otherwordly mystery and elegance, they grow up secluded in the forest with limited interactions before being thrust into Ever After High to fulfill their roles. Although with age they’ve been able to improve their social skills and engage with the outer world as they please, from selling flowers in town square to competing in carriage races, Fleur is still entrenched in the loneliness caused from being restricted to the Enchanted Forest, only just being introduced to popular trends and social media in her first year at school.
In spite of all this, she’s just as kind and loving as her parents, just with more of an untouchable air. She’s in charge of both Fairy Club and Enchanted Gardening club, but these are the only times anyone can find her, since she unintentionally spends most of her time in the forest; she has to keep in touch with her future subjects after all (but I like the idea that she can be summoned in a pinch with a fairy ring made up of all her favorite things). Her main circle is with Ashlynn, Farrah, and Nina, since they’re the kindest and share similar interests, but she has nearly none of the popularity. It’s not like doesn’t get invited to parties or get-togethers at all, just not as often since… she doesn’t get it, you know? Doesn’t know the popular bands, doesn’t know the slang, and she’s probably too busy running the realm of fae, anyway.
But she desperately wants to connect with others, have fun and foster relationships, feel the warmth that comes with laughing and spending time with people you care about and that care about you. She cares so much, all the time, and wants to experience the joys of life with everyone else but just can’t quite reach out, partially because she doesn’t know how but also she also has to keep in line with her destiny (you could also make the argument that the powers behind destiny cursed her in a way to be easily forgotten so she can better play her part without distractions).
It’s not like she’s totally lonely, though, she still has her destined king. Aurelius Viridian (introducing him since he’s important to Fleur’s character but I care about him less lmao) was the male fairy chosen to be the next Oberon when he was born, and though the two didn’t exactly grow up together they still have an intimate understanding. They’re not exactly ’dating’, they don’t share any physical or romantic affection, it’s just an unsaid thing that they’re spoken for.
However, Aurelius is much more… ‘kingly’. Stuffy and arrogant, he doesn’t interact with anyone at school but Fleur, and that’s the way he likes it. Whenever she’s left out or otherwise disheartened by the people of Ever After, she always comes back to lean on him, the only person she can truly communicate with. They’ll slow dance in the air or cultivate sections of the forest like a shared art project with their similar powers of growth, any low energy activity since it’s in line with the natural floatiness of fairies; but being around him elevates her poise and elegance, which strengthens her untouchable air, the last thing she wants. This kind of puts her in a difficult position— does she stick with him to validate her desire for intimacy, or branch out to others that might not understand her, but still feed into her need for social connection?
She meets someone that changes things, though. When accompanying her mother to the Top of the World to discuss seasonal matters with the Snow King and Queen, she gets to talking with Crystal, but they don’t exactly click; she’s way too spunky and Fleur is way too gentle and soft spoken. No, it’s a little frost imp she sees messing up his duties, clumsy but still laughing and enjoying himself, that she can’t help but find endearing. His joy is infectious and she finds herself laughing, too, waving to him down below before catching up with the others in the icy throne room. His sister notices this and, still spurred on despite her last plan’s failure, concocts a new one.
Fleur is on the balcony of her dorm late at night (despite her light aesthetic she loves the evening, being surrounded by stars and fireflies, and is actually most active at night), but is visited by Northwind, on a mission to get close to her to take advantage of the magic of the forest and gain power (not Jackie’s best plan but she’s desperate). He’s… forgetful, and is more so focused on just having a good time, like he does all the time. Fleur isn’t used to it, but she’s more than happy to come along, and so he shows her all the fun of winter she’s never gotten to experience (she always used to hibernate during the winter since everything else in the forest would, too). Every chance they got they’d sneak up to the Top of the World together to have snowball fights, make snowmen and snow angels, even go sledding (on him as a penguin specifically cause I thought it was cute), and she cheers him on when he shows off all his animal forms.
The thing is, everything would always be his idea; Fleur always asked for his opinion, what he wanted to do, which he’s not used to, especially because he thought all princesses gave orders. She’s so genuine and non-judgmental that he starts to feel guilty, and tells her the truth, but sadly enough she already knew. It’s not like she didn’t hear about the two twin frost imps trying to overthrow the royal wintry family, and it’s not like anyone would go out of their way to spend time with her unless it’s for a grasp at power (Faybelle would do that sometimes), but she didn’t raise any alarm because for fairy godmother’s sakes she just wanted to go out and have fun for once! But she does wonder why someone as funloving as him would do something so devious, and he explains that all he wants to do is support Jackie since she’s so sick of being an unimportant, nobody imp.
So Fleur gets to talking with Crystal, and they come up with a compromise that the twins will come to Ever After High for Jackie to fill the role of Jack Frost (Northwind’s in a similar situation as Poppy (also sidenote why can’t this happen in-canon?? they did about as much treason as courtly and faybelle and the latter barely even had to apologize, i might actually make a separate post about it cause im so invested in the concept but anyway back to clean professional writing)) and Fleur is ecstatic that she’ll get to spend more time with North. He’s absentminded and doesn’t think about social conventions, while she’s more open-minded and fair to everyone no matter background or intelligence, so it turns into a positive feedback thing where they care for and pay attention to each other when others don’t.
But Aurelius doesn’t like this. He’s not jealous, more so annoyed since he sees Northwind as beneath both him and Fleur, undeserving of either of their time (I can also imagine that they’d be forced to room together since North is new and Aurelius was roomed alone for destiny sake but now they have to worry about saving space :P so North’s need for cold affects the prince’s general need for warmth and general ability for his plants to thrive, which doesn’t help his feelings towards the imp). This further puts Fleur into a torrid emotional situation where she wants to be with North—someone who brings out her inner bubbly spirit, who exhilarates her and helps her become the more easy and welcoming person she always wanted to be—but she doesnt want to leave her long-time anchor Aurelius behind, someone whos been there in a way no one else has despite how it keeps her closed-off, and who she still loves and loves her in his own way, not to mention the whole destiny angle (ignoring the fact that the book was destroyed, I forgot about that when I figured all this out let’s not talk about it lol).
Right now she’s straddling the line between both boys, and though Northwind doesn’t pay it any mind, Aurelius is a steadily boiling kettle, only tolerating it for the moment. After some time it climaxes to a point where Fleur and Aurelius fulfill their destinies in a way, with North filling the role of the boy Titania becomes attached to that causes Oberon to attempt to hex her, this time with the motivation of “use a spell to make her fall in love with an animal to show how frivolous her emotions are in hopes that she’ll give up the imp.” It’s toxic, sure, but that’s how the story goes, and as everyone knows, fairytales are not the kindest…
But yeah that’s about it! Beautiful but sad/lonely character trope but I feeI like thats everyone in EAH afsbdsjfks. I tried making the writing all pretty but it took a lot more work, oh well it’s done ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ Some other fun tidbits I will include is that Fleur loves violin and will listen to covers of pop songs, has pointed ears like Faybelle (and assumedly Farrah), and loves fairyberry candies and anything else with the flavor, and will visit Book-End bakeries and cafés to stock up on treats. Her favorite memories are the few times she was invited to go to them after school with a group of friends. I’m also trying to design outfits for her to fit in with the specials (Spring, Wonderland, Dragon Riding, etc) but idk if I’ll ever post them, so instead I’ll include this messy digital drawing from a while back ‘cause I drew her traditional and scanned it but was still trying to figure out her color palette, plus a vibe playlist cause I do that for all my major ocs :)
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jams-sims · 1 year
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
Omg- this is gonna be a rough one cause I have current favs and old favs.
In no particular order-
1: Buddha (ror/snv/ records of Ragnarok)
Reason: He is the first God to openly say fuck the other hods and fight for the human. His style, his attentuide i could marry this man i love him so much.
2: Alucard (hellsing)
Childhood crushes goes hard and I never stopped loving this character. It's also partially because of his voice actor both the original and the abridge version. Shout out to Taka and Crispin Freeman.
3: Gojo (jjk)
Here man hate this man but I am in love with him. It's his everything! It's the way he is going to lose everyone he loves. I foam at the mouth over this guy.
4: Denji (chainsaw man)
I firmly believe I could bully fugimoto into marrying me and that why I like Denji. Nah but fr it mostly because I love like sad pathetic character and have a bit of a savior complex. Denji just a wet noodle of a boy and I wanna hug him!
5: Hisoka (hunter x hunter)
This one is pretty contentious because everyone has something they want to say about this character. As if they haven't misinterpreted both him and illumi. I just like a character who doesn't give a fuck but is full of spite. Like this bitch so so full of hypocrisy, we love to see it.
6: Naraku (inuyasha)
This one super old crush, I wish there was a reason. But their not I just remember really likening him as a kid so it's just followed me into adulthood.
7: Gaara (Naruto)
Again another childhood crush that followed into adulthood. This one stems from the fact when me and my friends would make OC. They would always pick the main guys and I wouldn't have anyone cool to pair up with besides the lame side characters. So I became more aware of what side character did because I wanted them to be just as important that the main character my friend picked. It's the favor of childhood trauma.
8: Rin (texhnolyze)
The only female on the list and she does a horrible death and spirals the main lead to die as well. Rin is just the stand it for the whole cast in this anime. Don't watch it unless you are in the right mental state. Cause I wasn't :D
9: Medcine seller (Mononoke)
Just- watch the anime and and the movie this guy comes from. It's hard to put into words what I like about him.
10: Naota (FLCL)
This one was hard to pick because I have a lot of old character I like. And someone were fighting for this last spot. But I decided to pick Naota simply because I invested so much time into his story. Into the world. It's how I met one of my best friend. This character holds a dear place in my heart.
Honorable mentions: Kyo from samurai deeper kyo, Kuzuma (S-Cry-Ed), Shinji (EVA), Ibrau (kuuchuu Buranko I also bought the book) imma just put the name of the anime cause i love it (Abenobashi Mahou Shoutengai) that whole cast. This made me go down a wild ass rabbit whole in search for this ome fuckin anime i can not for the life of me find.
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tuiyla · 2 years
santana - 4, 25, 26, 30 :)
Thinking about Santana is like coming home. Thank you!
4. How many people I ship them with
Making me sweat right off the bat haha. Uhmmm let's just go with two. Two and a half? Idk whether to count Quinn as half as my ideal Quinntana situation is s4 midgame. Okay, I've made up my mind. Two. I'm sure you can guess who those are lol.
25. When do you think they acted the most ooc
This is difficult because Glee's continuity sucks soo. I want to say IKAG out of pure spite, especially her getting emotional at Girls Just Wanna Have Fun. Just disrespectful towards the character, really.
Thinking about this question made me realize I have a lot of thoughts regarding this (and relating to the next question) because Santana is a character who is canonically often not what she seems and so I think there are certain moments, especially the flawed ones that get dismissed when they shouldn’t be. But might also just be my willingness to make most of everything work in Glee and doing the writers job for them. I mean, if I can argue for season 1 Santana? I can make it work. Except for IKAG because fuck that.
That said I’d say the moments in which the show needed her to be the undisputed villain and just a shallow bitch. And whenever her friendships were put into question - how dare they. Santana Lopez is a lot of things: petty, even cruel at times, sure. But she’s also a hardcore friend so jot that down. I also don’t think season 5 knew how to utilize her well until like, the very very end, but let’s move on before I go on a tangent.
26. When do you think they were being “themselves” the most?
I think there are two ways to interpret this, the most straightforward one is as the opposite of the previous question. So most in-character? Most like where her trajectory should have been? Season 4 didn’t have as much Santana as it should have but at least what they had was right. Girls and Boys on Film feels like a good example, where she meddles and crosses boundaries (partly because she doesn’t know what to do with herself) but, at the end of the day, is kind when someone needs her the most.
In the other sense, like in.universe when she was the most herself, allowed to express what she wanted to without those classic Lopez walls of sarcasm and other defense mechanisms? Alfie.
30. The funniest scene they had?
Like every single one? 😭 Girl is the comedic highlight of an already funny show. I'm partial to Santana Claus in PUC and Silly Love Songs as a whole (mono and the fight with Lauren) but I also think her comedic timing during the "teen gay" scene is underrated. But I could really just sit here all day listing all the times her delivery was impeccable. Okay one last one, shoutout to Girls and Boys on Film for the Brody rant and the rummaging through the loft montage. Loml.
Character ask game
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celestial-lions-den · 4 months
Unpopular Opinion, but FNaF is a series I enjoy in spite of it's lore.
Now. I'm the kind of guy who actually liked Security Breach. So maybe I'm not the best judge of quality. But I genuinely think that FNaF's story is it's biggest weakness. I love the characters, the art direction, the environments, and the gameplay. But the neverending jigsaw-puzzle that is The Plot makes my brain shut down to prevent it from giving me a stroke.
I remember when the first FNaF game came out, there were so many creative and interesting theories out there as to what the real story of the game was. Was it a ghost story? A sci-fi slasher with killer robots? The guilt-ridden nightmares of a serial killer? Said serial killer's punishment in Hell? All of these and more were possible explanations, because the clues at a Bigger Plot were subtle enough to allow room for interpretation. You didn't need to know The Lore to enjoy FNaF (I'd argue you still don't), but it was there if you wanted to explore it.
But then the second game came out. And suddenly The Lore WAS one of the big draws. And it started providing additional clues and hints to The Truth. And it seemed like FNaF was actually going to be a mystery with a real answer that would provide a satisfying payoff to the series.
But fastforward to modern day, and the lore still hasn't been solved and it's never going to be. FNaF wants to be a game about Big Mysteries but it never has the answers, nor does it have the grace to allow the audience to have their own explanations. Any popular fan theory that has been made has debunked, or will. Scott and Steel Wool very clearly retcon things in reaction to how the fanbase reacts to previous installments. It's the same problem that plagued things like Voltron and Lost, but stretched out over about a dozen installments.
It's gotten to a point where I now avoid FNaF Theories, because watching people try to explain The Current Lore always results in concepts and plotlines so ridiculous I can't take them seriously, which is a shame because that used to be fun for me. And normally I'd be willing to disregard obnoxious fan theories as irrelevant. But this is FNaF. And they've conditioned their fanbase to act like this for years. And they also are cleary theorybaiting their audience without explicitly stating what Is or Isn't true. Meaning those stupid theories somehow matter, but will soon be proven to be inaccurate once the next retcon comes out. And that just isn't worth the hastle.
If your writing has become so messy that people are forced ro rely on Alternate Universe Tie-In Novels for lore, and previous games have been retconned into in-universe video games with only Partially Accurate Lore, than there isn't any reason for people to pay attention to your plotline anymore. Because there isn't one.
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