#I love you Serennedy fandom!!!
I’m reblogging a bunch of older but super popular Serennedy Art And,,,;,,,,,,, OUGH my god,,,,,,,,,,,, I am feeling,,,,,,,,,;, S O nostalgic,,, meloncholy,,,, sad,,,,,,,,, all the words,,
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kaiserrr19 · 5 months
Happy New Year!!!
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Well, this year is over, and first of all, I would like to thank you, my wonderful mutuals, because although Idk you all, but you're already become like family to me. For your support, for your beautiful art, fics, etc. I'm very glad that I was able to find really cool people in this fandom who also love to talk about Luis and serennedy for hours, and not only that. I just want to give you all a hug and wish you all the best for the next year, love you all <3
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ecoamerica · 1 month
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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ugetelynx · 5 months
So Long, 2023
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Major rant undercut !!
2023 has been a very mixed year for me, a LOT happened that made my days just completely shit and horrible, but the last few months have been some of the greatest I’ve had.
I turned 18, something 13-15 year old me never thought would happen, I graduate next year too. Dani and I have been together for a year and a half, and I still become such a child thinking about Dani<33
I also met so many new people this year through a very small community of serennedy shippers within the resident evil fandom. I would like to say I am very, very thankful to have met you all this year and I’m thankful for those who have stuck around for multiple years. You may not be on this drawing (I mainly did people who I dm regularly/semi regularly) but just know I appreciate you so, so much <33
Getting into Resident Evil has genuinely saved my life in more ways than one. It’s become a franchise that I quickly held near and dear to my heart, I love love the characters, the gameplay, the lore, all of it. Some of you might already know that Luis has quickly become a top favorite character for me, if not my all time favorite character from how much I draw him and rant about him. Luis’ character is something incredibly special to me and through him I found myself in this really nice circle of friends who also love him as much as I do.
So all in all, the beginning and some middle bits of the year may have not been the greatest for me, the end of the year has really revitalized my motivation to keep going. To see my friends and family grow and most importantly—to see myself grow.
I wasn’t a good person a couple years back, back when I had just gotten out of a toxic relationship with someone who took any amount of self worth I had then and crushed it, in turn making me a not so great person on accident. But since then I’ve taken steps to improve myself and become a better person, I have found people I want around me—people who enjoy having ME around.
So long, 2023. May 2024 be better.
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skylitcreations · 11 months
Pssst, I'm an older RE fan who's been in and out of the fandom so many times over the years that it's kinda ridiculous tbh, but this blog is a bit newer for me and I'm looking for more people to follow and interact with and would love some chill people who don't bash on other fans. I'm a multishipper (with Leon being my main fandom bicycle) and I've been roleplaying him for over a decade off and on, which has lead me to see the potential of more ships than I would've ever imagined back in the day (I shipped Leshley and Serennedy before the remake was even a thought, believe it or not lol).
I would love to follow people who like:
Steve x Claire (I dunno the current ship name)
Pretty much anything tbh, but Leon and Steve are my main faves, so yeah.
I'm moving atm and struggling to have the time to go looking for people, so just like this post or reply, and I'll check out your blog when I get a moment to chill. I'm hoping once things calm down that I can draw more than just the emotes I made for RE soon to share with you all, too.
Feel free to say hello and/or direct me to more people to follow, if you like! And if you know of any discord servers to join, too, throw them my way! Thanks!
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illmetkismet · 4 months
Hihihi!!!!! I Hope You don’t mind yet another ask from me!!!!!!! I’ve already said this before but I absolutely adore the way you answer questions and analyse stuff, it’s such a breath of fresh air to see!!!! This is totally self-indulgent so I hope you don’t mind me asking, but do you have any personal headcannons/analysis thoughts on Luis perhaps??? It feels strange to admit but he’s a very big special interest of mine so I just wanted an excuse to hear somebody else’s thoughts on him!! I hope You’re having a good day regardless!!!!
Always happy to see an ask from you, and don't even start with the strangeness or self-indulgence of being really into or asking about Luis; just yesterday I was wondering whether I should wait for spring to get a splish splash fish ankle tattoo or just do it now and deal with an itchy ankle in my winter boots lol...
So yeah, Luis is my love my turtledove the light of my life and I would LOVE the chance to talk about him!!! He was one half of why I got into resi in the first place (serennedy had me like 'hmmmm maybe horror games are not too scary for me if they have cuties in them....'), and every time I think about him my brain does that thing where you put your head in your hands and sigh while cartoon hearts float up above you...
He's just..... So good.... And despite that, he's made SUCH shitty choices. I love how painful that is for him, but that he's got enough self awareness to understand when he fucks up. He doesn't try to blame anyone else - he faces his mistakes and his own shortcomings (pride, willful ignorance, cowardice) head on, and tries so desperately to make up for them, even as he keeps making them.
I love that he's not some perfect angel, that he hangs on to the amber and intends on handing it over to Ada at first, in exchange for getting out of Valdelobos, despite knowing full well that no good will come of that. The part in Separate Ways where he tells her he doesn't care who she works for, could be the devil himself, so long as she gets him out of there was so shocking for me to hear at first, but then I realized that's the core of his tragedy - that he's a good man trapped in a horrible situation, and he's scared, he wants out, he wants to live so badly! Unlike Leon, he's got a healthy dose of self-preservation, and honestly, if I were in his shoes I would probably make the same choices.
But still - he runs into the burning lab, he risks his life to get the suppressant to Leon, he tells Ada he won't leave her, he picks up his 'lance' and says alright, let's go rescue the princess! He's so full of regret and fear and he keeps making shitty choices, but he also keeps doing the right thing.
The way he's written and acted is so rich and nuanced. Watching him, I understand exactly where he's coming from and every single one of his choices. Out of all the characters in re4r he feels the most real to me, the most human. Every second he's on screen is a joy, even the horrible painful seconds at the end.
I wanted him to live so badly, and not just because I like him, but because he wanted to live so badly... All the re6 AU's I've seen floating around where he meets up with Leon again are among my favourite things to come out of this fandom!! I know Capcom is never gonna do that, but in my head it's canon: when Ada told the helicopter pilot to change course she actually went back for Luis, gave him a little first aid spray, and then they joined forces and lalalala everything is fine!!
Ok I'm gonna wrap it up cause if I keep talking about him I'm gonna be late for work, but thank you so much for the chance to gush!! I love Luis so much and I think about him all the time.... My sweet bisexual disaster man..... Going to his death with a smile:
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theprestigegirly · 7 months
it’s me that’s sappy tonight (shocker i know) (i have had a drink) but i gotta say you guys are so so cool and so nice like no matter how yeesh my day is if i go on my phone i know i can talk to my mutuals about luis or serennedy or anything and u guys will always make my day fun thank u for being my internet friends it means sooooo muchhhh u have no idea— i was so scared to get back into fandom spaces but i’m here and it’s so lovely and now i’m more confident as a writer and stuff and i’m so happy!! you’re all so great!!! <333
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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colesabi · 1 month
20 Questions for Fic Authors
Thank you @silvercap for the tag!! :))
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What is your AO3 wordcount?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Resident Evil exclusively but do have a couple for Pokemon.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I don’t have a whole bunch and most of mine are relatively new (posted within the last year)
I. When Time Runs Out with 155
II. Fragment with 70
III. I’d Remember You Fondly If You Hadn’t Betrayed Me with 34
IV. The After with 25
V. Under The Skin with 25
5. Do you respond to comments?
Absolutely! I love and cherish each comment I receive.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Haha umm okay probably, ‘I Will Haunt You Forever’ - MC straight up is sacrificed so… I’d put Fragment here if I had posted it with the alternate ending…. 👀
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I’m an angst queen so happiness is a relative term lol but I guess ‘When Time Runs Out’
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I hope I don’t ever. Haven’t gotten any yet.
9. Do you write smut? If so, which kind?
Yep. Not a whole heck of a lot. I try to keep it plot relevant except for my prompt based one-shots, those just are self indulgent. lol.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest crossover you’ve ever written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
God I hope not…
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
So my very first is Serennedy but Chreon has overtaken that. I also enjoy Metaltango and Nivennedy. ClaireJill is awesome too. I’ll also scope out OT3’s in the form of Nivennedyfield and whatever the ship name is for Leon/Luis/Ada.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I don’t have too many WIPs because it stresses me out to be working on so many things at once but probably the Leon one-shot I have where he wakes up in a morgue. I keep thinking I’ll get back to it and will write a little every now and then but then lose interest.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I've gotten the most compliments/comments that my characterizations are good. I think my dialogue is pretty passable. Lol.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Probably just going for it and not fully fleshing the plot out. Sometimes I’ll find myself re-reading something after I’ve posted and think I should have done more there.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I’m mildly familiar with Spanish and can pass with French but I am too chicken to even attempt it in writing which is why I won’t write Luis… even though I would love to do a Serennedy fic. Also, his is more Castilian so that’s different than the Spanish I’m used too.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Very very first, probably Yu-Gi-Oh but I have no idea where those are on the internet. That was SO long ago.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Fragment, no question. I put my heart and soul and a piece of me in that one.
Tagging- anyone else who wants to participate!
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hamartia-grander · 1 month
20 questions for fic authors!
I was tagged by the lovely @ugetelynx and @wisecrackingeric-2 <3 so sorry it took me so long to do this hfsgjhdj
1. How many works do you have? - currently posted on ao3 I have 57 works total. However I have almost twice as many wips it's bad
2. Ao3 word count? - 395,068 ..... I've got a wip that's almost over 100k but it's also been there for years so I doubt that'll change anytime soon
3. What fandoms do you write for? - of the fics I have on ao3, I have written for detroit become human, star wars, resident evil, assassin's creed, and the last kingdom. The fandoms I've written for that are not on my ao3 include lotr/the hobbit, bbc sherlock, bbc merlin, marvel, voltron legendary defender, percy jackson universe, and whatever the Carry On by rainbow rowell fandom is called. Most of those I will never ever write for again lmao
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? - In order:
Sapphire Moonlight (Tequila Sunrise) (Serennedy)
We Look So Good (Reed900)
Hold Fast, the Suns Will Rise (Stay) (Dincobb) (also, my first fic ever posted, and still the fic I hold most dearly in my heart to this day)
We Are Home (Hank and Connor family content)
Tomato Soup (Serennedy)
5. Do you respond to comments? - every single one. I'm obsessed with comments. I have them all saved and stored so I can reread them at any time. Thank you everyone who has ever commented I love you
6. What fic did you write the angstiest ending for? - I only write angst with a happy ending. But I did write You Should Have Killed Me for a friend's dbh x hunger games simulator result and it had an angsty ending by result of being a hunger games simulator.
7. What fic did you write the happiest ending for? - I write many fics w happy endings, but I personally think my fic series Din and Grogu | the Clan of Two Trilogy has the happiest ending because it happened against all odds. It's a fic about Din and Grogu's found family (before BoBF and Mando s3 came out, so it's not canon accurate) and it ends meaningfully to me.
8. Do you get hate on fics? - I have before, but it was all bullshit that showed me the person commenting didn't actually read what I wrote but chose to get mad at something that didn't exist. So it was discarded easily. Otherwise, I've had people try to tell me how to write things, but I ignore them all
9. Do you write smut? - yes. badly.
10. Crossovers? - I wrote a dincobb fic that was set in Assassin's Creed: Odyssey, with Din as Kassandra and Cobb as Anais. I also started a serennedy fic set in the detroit: become human universe but never got anywhere close to finishing it.
11. Ever had a fic stolen? - not that I know of lol.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? - I had someone ask to translate one of my fics, and I said yes, but I don't think they've done so yet, which is fine. Other than that, no. But I'd be honoured!
13. Ever co-wrote a fic before? - I started a dincobb fic with a friend years ago but we never got around to finishing it. Someday I still hope to.
14. What's your all time favourite ship? - that's genuinely impossible to pick tbh I've had so many that rewired my brain. top three are probably bagginshield, simarkus, and shadowzel, not in any particular order.
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? - ehhhhh probably the klance fic I started when I was like 15. I don't go to voltron anymore and literally couldn't care less about it. In fact I actively hate it.
16. What are your writing strengths? - I've been told that I'm good at characterisation and plot. I think I suck at plot severely. As for characterisation, I study characters really hard and take a long time to write fics so they remain in character so I'm glad people appreciate that. I also prefer writing dialogue to anything else.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? - Writing. haha I mean exposition.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language? I have before, I find it fun but also intimidating.
19. First fandom you wrote for? - The Hobbit :') my first ever fic was a bagginshield fic I started when I was 13. I still mean to finish it someday.
20. Favourite fic you've written? - *sighs* I guess I should say Another Time. It was the most fun to write, and everyone's responses have made all the difficulties of writing it endlessly worth it. It took me months but I'm so happy I finished it, and I'm working on p3 rn I PROMISE. But again the fic I hold most dearly in my heart is still Hold Fast, the Suns Will Rise (Stay)
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wisecrackingeric-2 · 1 month
((Redoing this cuz TUMBLR FLAGGED IT DAMNIT))
20 Questions for Fic Authors !!
Thank you S O SOSOSOSOOSSOSO MUCH @sunhatllama & @courtofparrots for tagging me!!!!! :DDD
1. How many works do you have??
2. What is your AO3 word count??
202,659!!!!!!!!! God fucking damn!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3. What fandoms do you write for??
Just Resident Evil!! :D
4. What are your top 5 fics by Kudos??
1. All You Have To Do Is Ask
2. Your Drunk Words Are Sober Thoughts
3. Leon (Finally) Gets Top Surgery
4. Anemoia
And Love Me Like There’s No Tomorrow in that order!!
5. Do you respond to comments??
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending??
OOOOOUGHH this is hard because I am ALLERGIC to writing angst BXBDHENSJ I don’t know why I just struggle to do it!!!! I always feel too bad for the characters!!!!! But if I HAD to pick I’d proooobably say It Was Only Yesterday for @aquarelacosmica because old age is sad I guess BXNENNEDJ
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending??
Literally all of them HDBEHENDJJ happy endings are guaranteed with all my fics but if I had to chose my favourites, they’d be, in no particular order;
1. Marido
2. Matteo
3. Beautiful Boy
4. New Years
5. I’ll Help You Pray
And 6. Save A Horse, Ride A Cowboy!!
8. Do you get hate on fics??
Not so far thank god!! I’ve definitely received WEIRD or overbearing comments but no hate!
9. Do you write smut??
My only NS f W fic is Feeling Loved, and it’s more a piece on Luis’ chronic pain and self esteem after RE4 than it is smut I’d say!! It’s very near and dear to my heart <3
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest crossover you’ve written??
I’ve never WRITTEN a crossover HOWEVER I have PLENTY of AU’s in my art tag!!! I’d love to write my Warriors Serennedy AU out someday though!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen??
12. Have you ever had a fic translated??
I’ve actually been asked by somebody before if they could translate my fic one time!!! I don’t remember which it was, but I had to politely decline since I didn’t know the language and wouldn’t be able to crowd control the response, but they were super duper polite and kind about it!!!!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before??
I’ve never co-written a fic per se but I’ve definitely had my friends bounce ideas between me and help me with proofreading!!!!! Ily guys <<<<333
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
leans on the suspiciously serennedy-shaped box standing in my room Why do you wanna know?
15. What’s a WIP you’d wanna finish but doubt you ever will??
I have quite a handful that I’ve started but unfortunately lost the momentum for and can’t find it again.
Writing is a lot like art for me- if inspiration strikes I have to do it THEN AND THERE or else I’ll lose the groove for the kind of style/inspo I wanted to do it in, and unfortunately I had to give up quite a few fanfic projects this year to focus on art and also mainly cuz the beginning of this year has been VEEEEEERY tough and I always prioritise my art over writing unfortunately!!
I’m proud of myself for finishing (I’m Just A) Sweet Transvestite though- that one was made through blood sweat and tears :,)
16. What are your writing strengths?
UHHHH NO CLUE!!! I’ve been TOLD it’s how I characterise my characters and how I write dialog, but I think the easiest thing for ME is describing scenes so I dunno!!
17. What are your writing weaknesses??
Can saying ‘everything’ count HFNEHENDJ I’m more of an artist than a writer!! But I think the thing I struggle with the most is stretching out important emotional beats. And also commas.
18. Thoughts on writing dialog in another language??
I do it all the time for Luis so Hell Yeah!!! Thank you Wilfreeeeeeeddd for helpiiiinnngg <<<33
19. First fandom you wrote for??
Also Resident Evil!! Serennedy has a violent chokehold on me
20. Favourite fic you’ve written??
(I’m Just A) Sweet Transvestite !! I am S O proud of myself for finishing it man!!!!! I went through HELL and back writing it and I made something that means a lot to me!!!!!!
Tagging @blveherb , @geddy-leesbian , @leonsbunny , @hamartia-grander , @ugetelynx , @theprestigegirly @mooseonahunt and anyone else who wants to join!! :DD
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eggo-tistical · 5 months
happy new year everybody!! the big ol 2024... i wish i had something finished to share here but it’s still in the oven (as i've been yammering about) ^^
joining this part of the resi community and especially meeting all you fellow serennedy fans has been nothing but pleasant, and as someone who hasn't really been active on social media or fandoms all that much before--thats super duper terrific!!! thank you for a wonderful 2023, the support and love my art has gotten really does mean a lot. i hope you’ll stick with me for more and whatever the future holds in store!
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sparkchemy · 8 months
sliding in to ask you some of those artist ask questions!! ♥
5 (especially after you admitted to almost not posting your serennedy nsfw art lol), 8, 19, 25, 30
5. Estimate of how much of your art you post online vs. the art you keep for yourself
Oh man.. xD Listen, between perfectionism, ADHD, executive dysfunction and shyness, I'm surprised I've posted anything at all.
I'd say that it's 90% now (but a lot of it in small circles like Discord) but before I shared maaaaybe ⅓ of what I drew? 😅
I'm much better at sharing now because the things I draw now are 'finished' in my mind, or as good as. I practically never share studies or WIPs and there are a LOT of WIPs that I've abandoned because of not being satisfied with them or not having the skill level to execute whatever I started. And I haven't shared the naughtier stuff either.
I'm getting over a lot of these hangups, so here's some studies and old wips to prove the point. (Lust x Riza was a zine piece that I forgot to post oops, but the rest I haven't shared before. Ignore the hands).
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8. What's an old project idea that you've lost interest in
See previous question. xD I want to say that I never really lose interest, rather I lose motivation and energy. I still hang on to hope that I'll finish all of my WIPs someday..
As for Projects with a capital P, a lot of them are writing/worldbuilding related instead of drawing. I've had quite a few over the years, fandom and original and I still love them dearly, but I realise that I'd need 10 lifetimes to execute them fully…
19. Favorite inanimate objects to draw (food, nature, etc.)
Nature for sure! Flowers and leaves, trees, organic stuff. Because it's not really inanimate. I struggle with anything that requires straight lines. xD
25. Something your art has been compared to that you were NOT inspired by
I wish I had a funny story related to this, but I don't get a lot of comparisons like that and nothing comes to mind at the moment.
30. What piece of yours do you think is underrated
I can tell you which ones are Overrated. xD
It's hard to judge these things because smaller fandoms understandably get less exposure, but I'm happy as long as someone likes my art, even if it's one person.
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Introduction post!!
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Kia Ora!!!!! My name is Eric! My main account is @wisecrackingeric-2 where I am most active and post art!!!!!
This is a side account dedicated to all things Luis Serra Navarro- I’ll be posting my own analysis, theories, character explorations and other general goofy posts!! I’ll also be reblogging posts about Luis I find informative or insightful, and some art as well!!!
This blog is meant to be a space to share theories, headcannons, and general positivity around Luis Serra Navarro, but also serves as a bit of a place to house any popular analysis/headcannon posts!!! So if you’re looking for something in particular, you’ll probably find it here!! Otherwise if you have a post you really enjoy but haven’t seen here, please please please feel free to send it to me!!!! I’ll also be posting about the ship serennedy quite often, and I’ll post about trans-related stuff every now and then!!
I most likely won’t be responding to anything on here, so if you URGENTLY need me for something, go to my main account!!!!! I also do NOT give permission for my posts to be screenshotted and reposted on other sites such as twitter or TikTok!!!!!
Please don’t interact with my account if you are a t3rf/here to try and “disprove” headcannons or erase important information, super hardcore pr0sh!p/fandom discourse blog/ship discourse blog/anti queer/race discourse, if you consistently whitewash Luis in any way shape or form and/or ignore POC voices, call Luis a ‘predator’ or a creep, or if you’re just going to be racist/transphobic/bigoted in general or if you’re only here to try and ‘prove me wrong’ or start and argument!!! And most obviously, if you come here and try to spout negativity about Luis, I will simply block you!!! This isn’t a discourse/meta analysis blog, this is just for fun!!
Also very important to keep in mind, I am a minor! So please don’t follow me if you’re an 18+ blog!! I’m not comfortable with sexual jokes!
Tl;dr: I love Luis a lot and he is always on my mind, so I made a blog dedicated to posting silly stuff about him!!!! Please don’t take my stuff TOOOOOOO seriously!!!
Hashtags I use for navigation under cut!!
#othersposts: other peoples posts!
#luisposting: my own posts/text posts!
#sillyposting: posts that are lighthearted or aren’t meant to be taken seriously!
#ericsart: Art reblogged from my main account!
#othersart: Art from other people!
#reblog: exactly what it says on the tin!
#serennedy: all things Serennedy-related!
#trans: for trans related stuff specifically!
#asks: for posts answering asks!
#important: important posts!
#to do: stuff I plan on responding to!
#Don Quixote 1957: for things about the 1957 Soviet Russian film Don Quixote by Orson Wells!!
#otherstags: for tags other people have added!
And finally, if you’re looking for a good end-all analysis video on Luis, I can’t reccomended HeroFatBrett’s video ‘Luis Serra — How RE4Remake Transformed Him Into The Series’ Most Tragic Hero’, And The Sphere Hunter’s ‘Resident Evil 4 Story Analysis’ enough!!! Unfortunately it won’t let me add links but you can find it on both of their YouTube channels!!!!!
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sapphire-weapon · 11 months
I used to draw for other small/rare ships (apparently I'm drawn to those kind of ships lol), only one of them got huge enough after they were given some time alone in the manga which got the ship more talented and known creators and amazing fan art.
Unfortunately it also got more hate on since it was a ship that "got in the way" of other huge popular ships and going through the tag got annoying bc the haters tagged every post shitting on the previously rare pairing, plus if you reblogged or made content for it they would harass you. I just blocked everyone sending me hate lmao.
Lots of people now hate Leon/Ashley but I think this increased hatred also shows how the haters can see that it is a thing now unlike before. They see it as a real threat. You can see the insecurity in some of those antis, it's too obvious and also just sad imo. I don't get why antis take shipping too seriously like they're not even having fun anymore and that's supposed to be the point, no?
Truth is I've seen so many Leon/Ashley fans online and even irl, Reddit for example loves it and Remake Ashley is a fan favorite now. A lot of them are more casual fans that maybe don't engage that deeply with fanon (which tbh is the smart thing to do).
Finally I have to say your blog and the amazing fic writers have inspired me to go back to drawing fan art and just creating content for Ashley/Leon or EagleOne. :)
Since this is my new otp and the only thing I love shipping rn I'm also just creating a new blog for that purpose. I'm not an amazing artist I'm just an amateur but I'll try to do something soon when I'm less busy. I'll absolutely tag it as EagleOne. Hopefully I can motivate others to do the same.
anon what the fuCK i got all emotional reading this wyd 😭
i know that the antis are coming from a place of insecurity, which is why their arguments are so disingenuous (i finally found the "the devs went out of their way to make sure that leon and ashley weren't seen as romantic" tweet and hoo boy the desperation is stinky) -- and that's also why i don't engage with them. as easy and perhaps fun as it would be to just QRT it and be like "oh it makes sense now, you're all using text to speech because you don't actually know how to read" there's no point in doing that.
i said it a while ago, but i want to say it again for good measure -- i don't want us to become them. my humble goal for eagleone fandom is to be a haven for ppl. we've been the black sheep of this fandom for so long, and aeons are still accusing us of being predators or someshit (idk i'm only semi-fluent in delusional) that i feel like we all have an obligation to stay humble now that capcom's given us a fairy tale version of RE4 where our ship is the front-and-center romance and people are finally actually being drawn to the ship. no one knows how bad this fandom can get better than eagleone folk, so it's on us to not do unto others what has been done unto us.
idk maybe that's just my whole jewish "because you were slaves in egypt..." mindset coming out but
i want us to be a place where people can just come and hang out and make friends over our shared love for resident evil. i know that i have serennedy and cleon and chreon and metaltango people all following me, and i love all of them dearly and i'm happy that we've all found each other. i feel like that's what fandom should be.
that's why i don't fight with aeons out in the open. i don't want to become them. i'll swing back if they ever come here (though i hope valuable lessons were learned the last time someone tried to come in here swinging and i took them out in exactly two responses LMAO), but i don't want to go out picking fights and i don't want any of y'all to do it either.
so it makes me feel really warm and fuzzy and happy to hear that i've inspired you in some way. i know that our little corner of the fandom over here on tumblr is small, and i know that i don't exactly have the kind of welcoming personality that will give me any sort of real platform in this fandom (at least, not like the one i had back in the day when i was a fake ass bitch LMAO), but to know that i've made at least a little difference is everything for me.
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ugetelynx · 1 month
20 questions for fic authors!
Was tagged by the lovely @wisecrackingeric-2 thanks eric <33
1, How many works do you have?
I only have 12 posted for now mainly cause I’ve been struggling to finish fics but I PROMISE I have a TON of content when I get around to finishing them :)
2, Ao3 word count?
94,524 lmao 😭 didn’t think it’d be that much with only 12 fics considering most are only around 1-4k in length with the occasional 6k (with 28-29k from my two multi chapter fics)
3, What fandoms do you write for?
Resident evil mostly, with the occasional genshin thrown in :)
4, What are your top five fics by kudos?
1. It Starts With Love (And It Ends With You)
2. We’ll Be Alright
3. Wake Me Up When It’s All Over
4. Blissful Body Worship (NSFW) (You need an account to read)
5. Tension (NSFW) (same thing, sorry but I try and limit the people who see my nsfw fics lmao)
5, Do you respond to comments?
Not at all the time!!!! 90% of the time I don’t know how to reply but TRUST I see EVERY SINGLE ONE <333 I may not respond but I can guarantee I’m probably giggling like a kid over it
6, What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I’m gonna have to say Love Me Like We Have It All on this one, while one fic has canonical character death in it, I’d still say this one is more angsty cause the other one is grief focused and this one is just ouchie at least to me!!
7, What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
It’s gonna be We’ll Be Alright but it’s still a W.I.P so I’ll say my re4r rewrite (It Starts With Love (And It Ends With You)) has the happiest ending instead lmao
8, Do you get hate on fics?
Surprisingly no! Even when I wrote trans luis sex I’ve gotten nothing but support lol. One day though I’ll get to frame my first hate comment 🙏
9, Do you write smut?
Who do you think I am? Of course I do lmao. My only two published/finished nsfw fics are Blissful Body Worship and Tension, but I do have an re6 serennedy smut in the works along with a Great Gatsby x Serennedy au smut (same with some scaraxiao smut)
10, Crossovers?
Never done one, never plan too 🙏 I’ve made aus and such (points at my great gatsby x resident evil au) but i’ve never done crossovers nor plan too. Too much headache for me lmao
11, Ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of
12, Have you ever had a fic translated?
13, Ever co-wrote a fic before?
Yes actually! My friend and I have been working on a genshin au fic but its currently on pause due to our irl lives
14, What’s your all time favorite ship?
*Looks up from my fifty serennedy drawings* Huh
15, What’s a wip you wanna finish but doubt you ever will?
My mermaid au that was supposed to be for @hamartia-grander’s serennedy week :(
I lost so much motivation during that time and despite being SO excited about my mermaid au I just couldn’t push myself to finish it and whenever I go back to try and finish it my mind blanks on where I wanna take the fic :(
Really sucks cause I adored the concept and my initial thoughts for the AU
16, What are your writing strengths?
I have. No fucking idea my friends can answer this one for me they read my fics before BAKCNSKC
17, What are your writing weaknesses?
Not knowing when it’s.. too many words. Or too little words 😓
I love have long descriptions cause they’re fun to write but I’ve been told it gets too much, but I also get told if I don’t write descriptions and such it makes it feel too short
So I struggle to find a medium if that makes sense
18, Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
I’m learning Spanish for this exact reason :) I love having Luis speak Spanish in my fics so I’m learning both to better write it and to be able to communicate with my friends easier!
Big thank you to @mooseonahunt for helping me now and again with it!
19, First fandom you wrote for?
Resident Evil :) my first ever fic was my resi4make rewrite
20, Favorite fic you’ve written?
Not to toot my own horn but my current favorite fic is my how to train your dragon x resident evil au :) it’s a wip right now, and might even turn into a multi-chapter fic who knows! But so far I’m really proud with what I’ve got going!
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courtofparrots · 1 month
🌵 🍬 ❄️ for the asks
🌵 ⇢ share the link to a playlist you love
I did not make this playlist and I don't have any other socials for who did if they are on Tumblr, I stumbled across it while searching for Serennedy inspo and now I want to kiss this person as romantically as possible
🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
oh my god uh, the only thing I feel like I really disagree with people on is the way Chris and Leon look in Death Island. Like, I feel like we started with justifiable outrage over none of the girls being allowed to age and then that got applied to the boys too? and people draw them with grey hair and wrinkles as a correction and I'm like... they are 38 and 42. Do we not know what people look like at that age? Am I just getting old?? Chris looks pretty 42 to me. But definitely let Jill age fuck you capcom for that. but stop focusing that energy on the men they don't need it. Ok.
Which is also not to say you CANT draw any of them looking older, it's totally chill for head canons but we just don't need to be angry on Chris or Leon's behalf.
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
I answered this one just now, so instead I'm gonna say if I could force YOU to write anything it would be like, a forbidden love fic. Like Luis actively working for Umbrella and Leon working to investigate Umbrella and they fall in love but they have to sneak around... idk you could probably make that more creative than me, but I looooove plots like that and I know you'd do it well
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kerfanna · 1 month
20 Questions for Fic Authors
Thank you for tagging me @courtofparrots
1. How many works do you have?
2. What is your Ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Fenders and I have one lonely Serennedy fic
4. What are your top 5 fics by Kudos?
A Spirit of Snow and Skin
A Spirit of Sun and Shadow
Unexpected Visitor
One More Night
Berry-Sweet and Dangerous
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes! I love comments!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
A Spirit of Snow and Skin for sure, I almost never write sad endings
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I almost forgot to answer this question! I think the happiest ending is probably A Spirit of Sun and Shadow just because the one before is angsty
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I haven't and I hope I don't ever :(
9. Do you write smut? If so, which kind?
Yes, I write a lot of "first time" smut, now that someone's asked me.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest crossover you’ve ever written?
Not yet!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have done it a bunch of times! I love co-writing, when you have the right partners!
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I haven't worked on my longfic in like a year and a half, i want to but it has to be entirely rewritten and
16. What are your writing strengths?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Emoting lol I can tell you what a character is doing, but my betas are always like: why is the character doing this thing? Well, I know, don't you just know too?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I love it! I've used it a couple times, but I really only use it for pet names and things that are easily translatable.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favourite fic you’ve written
The one I am currently writing is always my favorite, but out of the ones already written, my favorite is Love From The Other Side
tagging: @sulky-valkyrie, @only-slightly-terrified, @glowing-blue-feathermage, @sunnygalaxyfox, @dismalzelenka
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