#I love ballad of g and x
wifelepsy · 10 months
Man if I had my headphones rn I would blast doao rn
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ventismacchiato · 10 months
41 behind the lens — truth or drink !
scaramouche x g!n reader
you and scara get asked to go on the youtube talk show ‘truth or drink’, where you ask eachother a series of questions. if one of you decides not to answer you must take a shot instead.
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welcome to truth or drink! celebrity couples will ask each other a set of random questions. they can either answer the question or take a shot!
Scara immediately starts pouring himself a shot.
You: we haven’t even started yet!
how long have you both been together?
Scara: about five years
You: five long years
Scara: go fuck yourself?
how did you both get together? did you two secretly pretend to hate each other online? everyone is dying to know!
You start reaching for the bottle but Scara yanks it away from you.
Scara: go on, answer it baby
You: do i have to?
Scara: if you don’t then i will
You: fine. basically i fell for scara before i knew he was a popular streamer, he was just a classmate from my photography class. the day after our first date is when i found out he was the balladeer.
Scara: and you continued to date me and not tell me you were my mortal enemy!
You: he’s still petty about this as you can see
when did he find out you were stardust?
You: a month later i think? after we went to paris for twitch con?
Scara: i need a drink just listening to this
worst thing you both experienced after doing your face reveal years ago?
Scara: no more alone time, i couldn’t even go for a walk without people recognizing me
You: also college was so weird after, i remember professors would play my videos after and ask if that was me. like obviously it is?
Scara: also so many photos, couldn’t even go to a public bathroom without people trying to photograph my dick
You: thankfully it’s died down since then
how often do you guys have sex?
Scara: it used to be every other day
You: but then we got real people jobs like acting and directing and now it’s less
Scara: a shame
most public place you’ve have sex?
You and Scara both share a look.
You: okay, i’ll divulge one place that’s not too bad. his trailer on his most recent project
Scara silently takes a shot.
have you ever considered breaking up?
This time it’s your turn to take the bottle away from Scara.
Scara: i wasn’t serious about it, but i have thought about it
You: tell them how many times
Scara: not my fault i have commitment issues!
have you ever cheated on one another?
Scara: they cheated on me with my alter ego
what’s something about eachother the media wouldn’t believe?
You: he is so clingy, but it’s so cute
Scara: i am not
You: you’re literally playing with my foot right now
Scara: fuck off, and nobody would believe how kinky you are
You: i think you mean how kinky you are
Scara: and you’re into it so what does that say about you?
You: pour me a shot
how many sexual partners have you had?
Scara stares off to the side to count in his head.
Scara: 20?
You: the way you don’t even know
Scara: before you i just had a lot of one night stands, i was a whore
You: you still are
Scara: you’re into it
You: …unlike him i will be taking a shot for this one
have you talked about marriage?
You: tell them what you told me
Scara: marriage is a social construct, why do i have to host a big event and get down on one knee to prove i want to be with someone for the rest of my life? yn already knows i love them and now i have to get a ring and do paperwork too? society sucks
You: he’s insane, but we have talked about it
Scara: they will be proposing though
You: he’s such a princess
if you were allowed one pass, who would you sleep with?
You: wait, out of people we know?
Scara: Hm…say it on three
You: okay…1…2…3
You and Scara: Kazuha
Scara: honestly, i think he and Heizou would be down
something romantic your partner does?
You: honestly he has a lot…a recent one i found out about was when Scara buys me flowers he always keeps one for himself, so when it dies he knows when to get me a new bouquet
Scara: okay
You: awe look, he’s all shy now
how many kids do you both want if any?
Scara: i like kids but i want zero of my own
You: he compared it to a dog
Scara: that makes me sound bad! i said it’s like a dog because other people’s dogs are cute but if i had my own i would accidentally kill it
You: my blood line ends with me
if your partner was in a coma, how long would you wait for them?
Scara: a good year, maybe two if i feel like it
Scara: …yeah?
You: offended you won’t wait an eternity for me and never fall in love again
Scara: my water bill will finally be normal again without you
You: such a romantic you are
how often do you two get into arguments? and what about?
You: not as much as we used to, we’re better at finding solutions and communicating
Scara: it’s usually about how busy we are due to work
You: yeah sometimes we go weeks without seeing eachother and it makes him cranky
Scara: one time they ran towards me at an airport
You: it was romantic!
Scara: i had to drop my coffee to catch you
something about marriage that scares you?
Scara pours himself a shot.
You: hey, tell me!
Scara: no thanks
You: Please?
Scara: …fine. just scared you’ll get bored eventually or realize i’m not the one
You: i’ll ever get bored of you!
Scara: we’ll see
has anyone flirted with you during a project? any fellow actors or directors?
You: sometimes people hit on him right in front of me
Scara: you’re no better, people hit on you more. literally just last week—[censored]
You: can you guys bleep that so nobody loses their job!
first impression of each other?
You: i thought he was the cutest boy in class
Scara: you’re fun to listen to
You: i talked a lot during our college days didn’t i?
Scara: you still do
You: wow…
Scara: didnt say i disliked it, idiot
one thing you would change about the other?
Scara: nothing
You: okay i feel bad about my answer
Scara: fuck you?
You: i was going to say i wish you were less of a workaholic!
Scara: i can try
how do your parents feel about your relationship?
Scara: thanks for watching, make sure to like and subscribe and comment down below-
You: sore topic as you can see
last one before we let you two go, something you love about eachother?
You: he’s going to take a shot
Scara slowly puts the bottle back down.
You: told ya
Scara: theres so many fucking people watching me right now
You: fine, i’ll go first. i like how he shows his love for me in different ways like a lot of people think hes really cold but once he gets comfortable he can be the loudest and sweetest person in the room
Scara: thanks i guess
You: look how red he is
Scara: do you want to die?
You: okay, my turn!
Scara: i like…how you make me feel safe
You: you’re so cute
Scara: die
You: i love you too
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behind the lens !
masterlist — prev | next
author’s notes — i thought this wud be silly so hope u enjoyed 🙏 almost free 😭😭
synopsis — you, better known as STARDUST, and BALLADEER have always been in competition for the top streamer spot on twitch, which is especially impressive since the two of you have never shown your faces. you’ve never been on good terms, constantly one-upping each other in matches and getting into petty arguments on twitter, causing your fans to also dislike each other. that’s until BALLADEER does a face reveal that breaks the internet with his good looks…which makes you realize it’s the same guy you went on a date with last night. the type of date that made you crave to see him again. the only problem was he didn’t know you were STARDUST and he was way different behind the lens than he portrayed himself online to you. should you keep your identity a secret to salvage the relationship or just let him go?
taglist is closed — @captainzep @elysiumarchieve @plinkuro @sakkakuu-squared @eliqusgenma @vuvulia @kunikuzushiit @ins4nebish @stxrgxzxr @lilacponds @uma-umie @mitsukifilms @caesars-bubbles @wheneverthesunrise @its-like-twilight @kazuhalvrr @erosdevil @thenightsflower @p1utto @noodleshark420 @lxry-chxn @court-jester-stuff @lauragalliart @veyu002 @kaeyas-eyepatch-69 @leathernourishingshoepolish @courtneydefender @drunkwithfever @exhaustedcommunist @vincanzu @ainlaw @ovaliz @kitsuvil @whatamidoing89 @celestair @kunihaver @kazioli @xiaosoneandonly @cridtiins @cherrybeomgyu @asukahiriko @moon-320 @orionicchaos @cartierfiles [1/3]
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littlejuicebox · 6 months
A Midwinter Carol / The OneShot
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Pairing: Ascended Astarion x F!Reader/Tav
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Summary/Setting: Fifteen years post BG3 / You turned down Astarion's offer and went your own way after the ending of the game and you've just returned to BG. Astarion sees you again for the first time in 15 years and then has a surprise visitor that changes everything for him.
Rating/Warnings: M+ / Gore and Sexual Scenes / Spoilers for the game / Prob OOC Ascended Astarion
Word Count: 3K
Notes: This is 2/5 "Days of Star-mas!" "A Christmas Carol" but make it BG3 Ascended Astarion, of course!
I'm also entering this into the #BG3HolidayFluffle23 challenge under the prompt "new beginnings."
Click here to see my master list.
Fifteen years. The Vampire Ascendent hadn’t seen you in fifteen years, since you’d rejected his offer to become his loyal consort for the final time.
You two couldn’t reconcile your differences. You’d wanted him to trust you, to believe that your love was stronger than any desire for power, that you could remain a mortal or become a true vampire like him and still remain loyal. You didn’t want to be a spawn. You’d considered his offer a great disrespect, and ultimately, his changed behavior had driven you away.
“You’re nothing like the man I fell in love with anymore. I don’t know who you are.”
Your words had stung, though he’d never admit it.
It had been an awful, messy, seething breakup, to be sure… and the Vampire Lord almost turned you against your will anyway. But at the time, Astarion’s soft spot for you had reigned supreme, and he still thought himself better than Cazador and above such things. So, against his own wishes, he’d let you go.
Last the Vampire Ascendent heard of your movements, you were somewhere along the Sword Coast, playing valiant hero once again. So, when he walked into Duke Ravengard’s Midwinter Gala with some pretty little thing on his arm that he’d picked up for the occasion and would likely drain of blood and dispose of later, he was flabbergasted to see you sitting at the high table. Right. Next. To. Wyll.
Fifteen years and it still felt like the greatest betrayal, as if you’d staked him through the heart in that moment. It took every ounce of The Vampire Lord’s control to not to turn into a cloud of smoke and break The Duke’s neck then and there. Oh, but how desperately he wanted to.
But he couldn’t risk such a spectacle… many of his dealings were hanging tenuously as it was, and creating a power vacuum in the city was just as bad for him as it would be for those against him. No, Wyll helped to maintain the balance… and generally tolerated Astarion with some level of old-ties respect. They had an agreement: the pale elf would keep his business private and primarily drink from criminals, and Wyll would turn a relatively blind eye. So no, as much as he wanted to, Astarion couldn’t afford such a loss of control.
The Vampire Ascendent watched as you walked about the room with Duke Ravengard, hanging on his arm like a prize and chatting with nobles and old contacts. Astarion’s date — what was their name again? — tried more than once to steal his attentions away, but resigned themselves to drinking heavily and dancing with several other guests. The Vampire Ascendant watched you join the dance floor with The Duke and his blood boiled at the sight; he even bent the stem of his golden goblet while witnessing the vile scene.
No. Absolutely not. This wouldn’t do. Astarion had to do something, had to interrupt whatever game this was. How dare you and Wyll disrespect him like this! So, he stood and abruptly crossed the dance floor, the other guests parting like the Red Sea before him in their shock. Lord Ancunin never made his way to the dance floor for anyone.
“May I interrupt and have this next dance?” The Vampire Ascendent’s voice is honeyed and saccharine as the music pauses and the band readies for their next ballad. Everyone around the room is clapping politely. A gentleman’s smile is plastered across the elf’s lips, but it doesn’t meet his eyes, as he extends his pale hand to you.
Wyll bristles and turns to look at you, and there’s a moment of silent communication between two sets of eyes that must know one another quite well, because Astarion cannot read their nearly-imperceptible movements. Finally, the Duke relents and passes your hand to the Vampire Lord.
“No funny business, Astarion. My men and I will be watching your every move.” The Duke warns through a benevolent-appearing smile, a warning hand clasped on the vampire’s tensed back, before locking eyes with you once more and then turning and walking toward the high table.
You smile at Astarion, as if it’s just the two of you back in the center of that clearing, draped in moonlight and barren to one another, all those years ago. “It’s good to see you, my old friend.”
Old friend? Old friend? The words make the Vampire Ascendent’s mouth practically fill with bile as he spins you about the room. He can feel the steady beating of your heart and smell that intoxicating, tempting bouquet of blood brimming beneath your skin that he’d never quite forgotten.
You two catch up, to some small extent, as you tell the Vampire Lord about your journeys along the Sword Coast and he tries to impress you with his growing influence and wealth, but before long the song is over and The Duke is, annoyingly, coming back to retrieve his prize. You smile so sweetly at Astarion before you depart that it almost hurts; no one else looks at him with that level of love and kindness… all he ever sees anymore are eyes filled with fear, mistrust, or hate.
“I hope you’re happy, Astarion. Truly. I’m glad to see you looking so well. Now go find the date you came with… they’re owed a dance, I believe.” You press a chaste kiss to his cheek, sending an electric shock through his numb heart. He almost gives into his urges and bites you right there, in front of everyone, claiming his love and his prize. But again, he lets you go, slipping through his fingers like sand through an hourglass as you meander back toward Wyll and continue the festivities.
Astarion can’t take any more of this. He goes to find his date, rips them away from whatever conversation they were having with whatever noble, and swiftly exits the party. Back at the Palace, the poor little thing is used for mindless sex and then for sustenance and then left to be disposed of by one of the staff with nary a thought. The Vampire Lord couldn’t even remember their name.
A week rolls by, and gods what a terrible week it was. Astarion’s grip had weakened on the city after a few poor calls. In his pride, he’d never admit they were his fault, and instead he quickly blamed his advisors and sent them to the dungeons. Furthermore, the meeting he’d hosted today with several of the Guilds had practically blown up in his face as the Guild Leaders came to blows in the middle of the Great Hall. Mortal creatures could be so… overzealous. The entire ordeal was giving him a massive headache. If the Guild Leaders didn’t come to an agreement soon, he would lose his monopoly on the shipping industry.  
The Vampire Lord settles into his bed, alone, after downing several goblets of wine, but sleep does not come to him. He’s awake, staring at the ceiling, and all he can think about is you. Gods, he thought he’d moved past all this. But as he remembers your face, your nights together, the way your body felt on his… he feels his erection growing. Astarion is about to stick his hand inside his trousers to provide himself with some relief when a familiar, annoying voice travels through the room.
“I’ve been watching you, Astarion.”
Fucking Gale. The fucking God of Ambition. The Vampire Lord shoots up in bed and sees the silvery form of his former campmate standing at the foot of it.
“What in the hells, Gale! A God and still an absolute pervert, I see.”
The God ignores Astarion, moving to sit his ethereal form on the edge of the bed. The Vampire Lord wrinkles his nose and pulls his legs as far away from Gale as he can.
The God sighs, “Astarion, you’ve rejected my help before, and the strides you’ve made within the city are falling… it’s beginning to seem that you are headed down a path you are not going to be able to return from. A few more bad calls and you won’t come back from it. You are wasting your potential because you refuse to become the master of your own ambition rather than a slave to it. I’m beginning to wonder… is this what you truly want? I can see many lifetimes of yours, with many choices you’ve made along the way, and I’m sorry to tell you this lifetime seems to be the most miserable.”
Astarion scoffs. The fact that Gale is the only prior friend that keeps in touch with him, albeit for his own peculiar reasons, is a sad fact that the Vampire Lord refuses to acknowledge. He’d pushed everyone else away years ago. The only other person he ever saw was The Duke at obligatory balls, galas, and political events… and obviously the last time had been less than fulfilling. But loneliness resided deep in the Vampire Lord’s heart, hidden away from even his own acknowledgement, so although Gale had always been his least favorite, the pale elf still engaged in conversation.
“What do you mean by that? That you can see several of my lifetimes? I find it difficult to believe that this is the worst. Surely there is a lifetime in which I’m still under Cazador’s control.”
The God of Ambition considers this, and then turns and looks off into the distance, as if he’s examining something Astarion cannot see. “Hmm. Actually, there is only one lifetime in which that is still ongoing. So yes, that one may be the worst. I stand corrected, this is the second worst. You’re dead in more of them, a spawn in most of them… and your Tav, or some other version of Tav, is in several as a friend or a lover, to both the spawn and ascendant versions of you. You might be surprised to know that in more than one, you and I are coupled… it’s quite interesting.”
Astarion cringes at the thought of being in a relationship with Gale, but chooses to move past the thought and acknowledge the only bit of information he actually cared about, “My Tav is in several of them?”
“Of course. Would you like to see it? Let me take you on a little journey.” Gale holds his hand out the Vampire Lord, and Astarion cannot help but feel the pull of intrigue. Gods… at least this would guarantee a more interesting night than one with his hand spent down his own pants.
The pale elf sighs and extends his hand to the God of Ambition, and just as their fingers brush, he feels himself enveloped in the warmth of the Weave. Light spirals around the two beings and then suddenly, Astarion and Gale are standing outside a tomb. The Vampire Lord hears himself screaming from inside the tomb and feels the panic and shame rising within his own body. This is from his own past, when Cazador locked him up for a year.
“Why the hells have you brought me here, Gale? This isn’t what I asked to see!”
“No… but I thought it might serve as a reminder of where you came from. You seem to have forgotten… and subject others to similar fates and tortures, nowadays.”
Astarion hears the begging and pleading, the scratching on the inside of the tomb, and his gut churns again at the memory. How something that happened years ago, that he’d shoved deep in his mind never to acknowledge again, could still rip such a reaction from an all-powerful Vampire Ascendent, he did not know. The elf felt himself shaking as he was flooded with the emotion of the memory. Had he really turned into an exact replica of his former master? Hadn’t he wanted to be better than Cazador?
“Had enough? Okay, onto the next one.” Gale snaps his fingers, and both beings are pulled through the Weave.
Suddenly they’re standing in The Duke’s parlor room… the vampire had seen the room just a time or two before, during some business negotiation or another. Then he sees you, bursting through the door with one hand on your swollen belly. Gods above and below, were you carrying Wyll’s seed in this one? The thought made his skin crawl and his stomach churn in disgust.
“Hurry, my love! We need to place the presents here for the others.”
Astarion’s eyebrows crinkle as he listens to the voice responding to you from down the hallway, joined in by the giggles of what is clearly a child. “We’re coming, darling. This little imp is just slowing me down a bit!”
And then he sees himself coming through the door with a silver-haired, giggling toddler wrapped around his leg… but it’s not himself. Pink skin, beating heart, a few more years on his face. Mortal… but how?
Mortal Astarion is carrying a bundle of presents that he places on the coffee table in the center of the parlor. The child grins and puts a hand drawn card on top of the small pile of gifts. The card reads: ‘For Uncle Wyll, Auntie Euphemia, and the Ravengard Twins. Love, the Ancunins.”
Astarion feels his pulse thrumming in his ears as the scene plays out. Mortal Astarion envelops you in his arms and plants a kiss on your cheek, before bending down and placing a kiss on your pregnant stomach.
“Let’s go and join the others, shall we? Auntie Shadowheart and Auntie Lae’zel have a gift for you, my little love!” The mortal pale elf cheers, bending down to pick up the drooling toddler.
“Yay, daddy! Go!” The little babe cheers, clapping uncoordinated hands together, causing both this version of you and his mortal self to giggle in adoration. He watches as you take this version of him by the hand and exit the parlor, headed towards a clamor of conversation filled with several familiar voices. The Vampire Lord tries to follow the little family, desperate to see how the scene continues, but he’s ripped from the scene and thrown back into the Weave with Gale.
“I wasn’t finished!” The Ascendent Vampire shouts in frustration, running his hands through curled hair.
Gale simply sighs and shakes his head at Astarion, before settling onto another scene entirely.
In this one, you are a vampire. Not a vampire spawn, a true vampire. Astarion watches as you don your dress, unabashedly taking in the familiar curves of your body before they’re covered up, and then turns to see himself entering through the bedchamber door.
“My treasure, we’ve done it! We’ve secured educational and apprenticeship programs for the orphans from the Guilds as a show of good faith for our support and protection.”
Your vampire self runs to this better version of Ascendant Astarion, enveloping him in a shockingly passionate kiss. It was enough to make even the Vampire Lord’s skin run hot as he imagined what it would feel like to have you on him like that again.
“I’ve just put on my clothes, my love.” You murmur, voice coy, as you slowly drop your shoulder out of the gown and focus on your Astarion. “But perhaps you won’t mind helping me back out of them… I think that announcement is cause for a bit of… celebration.”
The scene quickly devolves into something overwhelmingly hot and heavy. The Vampire Lord feels himself tingle with desire as he watches everything unfold. Just as the other version of Astarion is about to plunge himself into the vampire version of Tav, the Weave swirls around Gale and Astarion once more.
“You’ve got to be kidding me!” The Vampire Lord hisses as he glares at The God of Ambition.
“I know… steamy, right?” Gale responds, with a small chuckle. “Onto our final scene… this one is your… unfortunate future, if you continue down your same path, I’m afraid.”
The Vampire Ascendent soon sets his eyes on possibly the most gut-wrenching scene he could ever imagine. There you are, standing before him, holding a stake that’s driven straight through his heart. Blood pools around the wound. He’s trying to reach for you, to touch your face, to choke out something he cannot say. And then he’s gone, slumped on the floor, as you hold him in your arms and let out a bloodcurdling wail.  
The crying goes on forever. Your body is wracking with sobs as you turn the corpse onto its back and throw yourself over it, almost desperate to have his body close to yours. After what feels like an eternity, your trembling hands come to his face, and you plant a surprisingly tender kiss on his lips. Astarion notices, with some level of shock, bleeding wounds along your arms and neck. Some bites, some blade slashes… had he really been the one to do that to you?
“I really loved you, you know, Astarion… I wish it hadn’t come to this. How dare you kill The Duke and throw the city into upheaval! My city! Our city!
There was nothing between Wyll and me. Just two old friends, catching up… I’d wanted to be back home, I’d fled from my city for fifteen years after what happened between us. Wyll offered me a soft place to land and a kind transition back into society.
I was sure everything would be okay after all this time. That we could at least talk. It had been fifteen years! But you didn’t come to speak to me, you ignored my scrolls, and then—why?!”
The sobbing returned, and you were slamming shaking fists into the corpse version of himself over and over and over and over.
The Vampire Lord sucked in a breath and turned back to the God, “I’ve seen enough, Gale! Take me home right now.”
“As you wish.” The God of Ambition murmurs, and with a snap of his fingers, Astarion is back in his bed in the Palace.
“So?” Gale asks, lifting himself from where he is still sitting on the edge of the bed.
“I need to talk to Tav… I need to speak with her. Tomorrow.” The Vampire Lord murmurs, his head still reeling from everything he saw. He pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs. What would he even say to you, after all this time?
“I would agree. It's far past time for you to pursue a new beginning, Astarion." The God responds as the Weave starts to swirl around him in bright flares of azure, “Oh... and Astarion? I know we were once friends, if you could really call us that… but don’t think this little show and tell was for free. I’ll be asking something of you, when the time comes.”
The Vampire Lord nods. Of course. It could never be that simple, could it? And just like that, Gale disappears in a spray of light, and Astarion is left alone once more.
No. It could never be that simple. The only simple truth in Astarion’s life was this: you were and would always be his saving grace.
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flem17ng · 5 months
Pretty girl: KCC x reader
keep on pretending, pretty girl
note: here it is! I may have made myself cry writing this
summary: Kyra is straight. She has liked boys since she was little. She had boyfriends all through high school. She is straight. At least she thought she was... but then she met you.
warnings: internalized homophobia kinda, Kyra being a cutie, angst (Sorry), the effects of the lesbian master dock, happy ending (Because i Ilove ya'll)
word count: 4.8k
"Kyra!" you yelled from across the dance floor, "come dance with me!" She hesitated for a second before moving towards you. It wasn't normal for her to think twice about dancing with her best friend but recently she had been getting weird feelings every time she saw you, or was near you... especially when she was near you.
The club was crowded with sweaty couples, all twirling together in time to the pounding music. Kyra finally reached you and you danced. some mindless pop ballad that neither of you knew the words to. You watched her dance, one hand in the air, grinning like a maniac and giggling. She was absolutely gorgeous like always.
"how much have you had to drink ky?" you asked with a smirk as she moved closer to you.
"huh? nothinggg" she slurred, proving her point moot. You knew she was drunk, she only got touchy when she was drunk and now she had a hand on your waist was was slowly dancing into your personal space. Maybe if you were smart you would confront her about this, but you weren't. On the contrary, you were utterly and completely in love with her. So instead you pushed her off you gently, grabbed her hand, and subtly started pulling her towards the door. You weren't smart but you were wise enough not to let her get ahead of herself. Your best friend was straight, you knew you had no chance, it would be torture to let yourself pretend while she was like this.
"come on ky ky, let's get you home" You opened the club door for her and let her walk onto the street.
"it's so pretty tonight!" she exclaimed, looking up at the Sydney city lights before turning to you, "you are so pretty tonight" she giggled. You tried to ignore the way your heart stuttered at her words and her drunken smirk. It helped to remember that she didn't mean it. Kyra walked towards you with a cheeky grin, placing her hands on your shoulders.
"you are the prettiest girl in the world! you know that right" she laughed. you just frowed and looked at the ground.
"come on. You're drunk. I'll get you an Uber." You took out your phone and started typing when you felt her lean forward and press a quick kiss to your cheek. You wished it was easier to fall out of love with someone, but it wasn't. Especially when that someone was Kyra. Kyra with her perfect teeth, her tanned skin, and her warm eyes. Kyra who sent you 'good morning texts' and knew your coffee order off by heart. Kyra was standing on a street in Sydney on a Saturday night with the prettiest smile. Kyra who was straight.
When the Uber finally arrived Kyra pouted. "I don't wanna leave you," she whined and you smiled at her before paying the Uber driver and giving her a quick hug.
"I'll see you tomorrow. Text me when you get home ok?" She nodded and gave you a drunken wave before getting into the car and driving off.
Kyra woke up with a headache and three text messages.
Y/N: Get home safe?
Y/N: hey ky. I dropped some painkillers at your door! I hope the hangover isn't too bad :)
tinder: you matched with Tom G! Message him to get a conversation started.
Kyra groaned. The odd feeling in her chest was back. It was like a flipping fluttering feeling that seemed to appear only with you. It would be a pleasant feeling if it wasn't mixed with the plummeting sensation of dread, confusion, and (weirdly) guilt. She clicked on the notification from Tinder first. The guy wasn't bad-looking, he had similar hobbies. But as Kyra looked through his photos again, she couldn't help but think he looked a little bit like her best friend... she closed her phone. She didn't have training that day so there was no reason she would have to bump into you. It wasn't that she didn't want to spend time you you! But she knew she got ahead of herself when she was drunk. She says things she shouldn't, and she gets touchy. She knows this because she does it on purpose: always acting more drunk than she is, leaning into you, batting her eyelids, and knowing she'll get away with it. She knows you won't call her up on it.
Maybe she would meet up with that Tom guy anyway. Why the hell not? She was young and single, and straight and so was this guy. She was sure of all those things! So why did she feel so horrible when she opened up her phone again, ignoring your texts and tapping on the Tinder app?
Kyra: Hey x
Tom G: Hi :)
"Y/n you can't just let her do this to you" Ellie groaned as she took another large gulp of her coffee. It had been a few weeks since the club with Kyra and ever since, she had been cold and distant, making up lame excuses about seeing some new guy. It was a cycle that was familiar at this point: Kyra was your best friend, you were her pretty girl, she gets drunk, she flirts, she gets cold, hooks up with a few guys, and then comes back to gossip about it. Unfortunately, Ellie had been there to see it all.
"Look I know! but I just can't help it ok! When she wants me I..."
Ellie's expression softened with understanding. As much as she wished she could snap you out of it and point you in the direction of literally any other woman, she knew it would never work.
"you know my opinion on this. Drunk words are sober thoughts and all that." she shot you a sad smile.
"Yes well. her sober thoughts right now are all about some guy called Tom." you rolled your eyes. Stupid Tom and his stupid XY chromosomes. You chewed your muffin with an aggressive frown. Ellie shook her head letting you finish your bite so you could continue.
"And besides. Yes! maybe she is gay. but she certainly doesn't know that does she. What's the point Ellie?" you sighed. "she only wants me when she's drunk. in the morning it's like nothing happened"
"Look I don't know what you want me to say! You need to get your mind off her. Go hook up with someone" Ellie rolled her eyes. She was terribly supportive but there was only so much delusion she could take in one morning.
"See I would... but she's asked me to come round for a movie tonight" Ellie just groaned. You could never pull yourself away from Kyra, no matter how much you tried. It wasn't like you did try though. you drank the rest of your coffee, feeling suddenly like a bum on a bar stool.
"You're too young to look so hopeless! You're attractive, and queer in Sydney for god's sake!" She laughed, giving you a playful slap on the arm. You knew she was right even if you would never tell her she was. Your phone buzzed.
Ky 🤍: can't wait to see you! I have to tell you about Tom ;)
"Jesus Christ I'm pathetic" You covered your face with your hands dramatically.
"Correct! Now finish your muffin so we can pay and leave please."
Kyra rushed forward into a hug when you arrived at her door a few hours later. She was dressed in a loose pajama top and shorts and her hair was in a messy bun with strands out to frame her face. You wished you could greet her with a kiss, or run your hands through her hair... Instead, you returned the hug, handed over the bag containing ice cream and snacks, and walked into the apartment like a friend would.
"I missed you!" Kyra shouted from the kitchen as she put the icecream in the freazer, "I feel like i havnt seen you in forever"
You swallowed back a remark about kyra ignoring you for days and choosing some guy over you and instead followed her into the kitchen with a grin.
"I missed you too Ky! How have you been?" you knew better than to bring up your last outing to the club. She would brush it off with a joke or get cold like she always did.
"Well... Tom took me Bowling the other day! It was so romantic" She giggled, grabbing her phone to show you a picture of the two of them at the bowling lane. You swallowed hard and nodded supportively.
The night wore on relatively the same: you talked and laughed and gossiped about your friends. Kyra was only about 2 wine glasses in when she started feeling weird again. Maybe it was the way your hair was sitting or the way the light was hitting your face... Either way, she needed to be close to you. On the couch she cuddled up to you, resting her head on your chest while some movie played on mute in the background. When she closed her eyes and listened she could hear your heartbeat under her head, slow and steady. The movie, a rom-com, must have been coming to an end as the two characters finally got together in a scene that might have been heartwarming if either of you had been playing attention to the plot.
"Y/n?" Kyra asked suddenly.
"hmm?" You had let yourself relax a little into the sofa as the night wore on and now rested a hand on top of her head gently.
"I dont want Tom to be my boyfriend" she whispered, so quiet you almost didnt catch it.
"I thought he was romantic? and smart and handsom?" you asked, looked down to were kyra lay with her eyes squeezed shut on your chest.
"I don't know i..." Kyra opened her eyes and looked up, your faces suddenly very close together. "I don't want him to be close to me like you are" She admitted, her voice sounding vulnerable.
"He woldnt be! It would be different. He would kiss you and all that." you responded confused. Kyra had had boyfriends before, she knew what that relationship entailed.
"But I want to do that stuff with you!" She smiled moving her face even closer so your noses brushed. You felt your heart drop. You had hoped the evening wouldn't take this direction mostly because you wanted to save yourself the pain.
"Kyra..." you breathed. You knew this is when you should pull away, push her off you, and tell her to sort herself out. Instead, you just squeezed your eyes closed in hopes that she could sober up and stop playing with your feelings. "You know it hurts me when you do this Ky..."
"I don't want to hurt you" She whispered and you could hear the cheeky smirk on her lips. You could feel her wine breath on your own mouth. God why was it so hard. You opened your eyes, only to find her still close enough to touch. Her eyes sparkled and her cheeks were flushed from the alcohol. She was looking at your lips and you knew the kiss was coming before she even leaned in.
It was sloppy and one-sided. You refused to kiss her back despite how much you wanted to, despite the way your heart raced at the feel of her warm lips on yours. She tried to deepen it when you placed a hand on her shoulder and pushed her away softly.
"Enough. Time for bed"
"But you taste so good" Kyra giggled with a pout pulling on her rosey cheeks. You swallowed and shook your head. You had let it go too far, you needed to stop, you needed to leave before you did something stupid like let her kiss you again.
"Tom wouldn't mind me kissing you silly" She laughed finally rolling to the other side of the couch to let you stand up. You felt your eyes sting a little. You wouldn't cry in front of her, you wouldn't let yourself be comforted by her.
"I don't want you to kiss me Ky. Just go to bed now" You didn't wait to see her pout at you because you knew your resolve wouldn't last if you did. Instead, you turned on your heel, grabbed your bag, and headed out of the apartment.
Ky 🤍: Oh man I drank way more than I thought last night! I can't remember anything from after we turned on the movie lol
You rolled your eyes when you saw the notification. At this point, you could predict the fallout of every possible flirty Kyra situation based on her first text of the day. She wasn't a lightweight, she knew how to hold her liquor so the part about not remembering anything was nothing short of a blatant lie and you knew it. Maybe a year ago, hell maybe even a month ago, you would have let her get away with her bullshit, but not now. Yes, you loved her but you loved her when she was just being herself, not some character she pretended to be. Maybe that's what made it so painful: not because of what she did when she was drunk but because deep down you knew that she knew exactly what she was doing while she was doing it. She knew what she was doing when she kissed you, she knew what she was doing when she told you she wanted to be with you...
You needed space, no matter how much it hurt. So you ignored her text. And her call that came later. And her offer to get coffee the next day.
Ky 🤍: I miss you pretty girl ;)
That notification was soon replaced with:
Ky 🤍 Deleted one (1) message
A few days latter and kyra stopped trying to call. Part of you was thankful... But most of you just wanted to cry. It was self preservation mostly and Ellie agreed it was the right thing to do. But you couldnt help but feel you would loose your best friend if carried on ghosting her.
10:30 am
Ky 🤍: Tom asked me to be his girlfriend btw.
That was when you really did cry: Hot heavy tears that seemed like they would never end. The tears brought with them a horrible emptiness and you mourned not only your friendship but that delusional part of yourself that still believed that one day Kyra would realize you were there for her all along.
11:00 am
Y/n: Thats great Kyra! sorry I've been off grid for a while :)
You hated yourself as soon as you pressed send. But it was Kyra, and no matter how bad it hurt you were there for her. It wasn't her fault you had a silly crush on her after all. You bit down another sob that threatened to break free. here you were again, making excuses for her.
11:05 am
Ky 🤍: SHE'S ALIVE!! come to the bar tonight to meet him? pleaaseee
Y/n: I'll be there.
"Y/n I didnt think we'd be seeing you here tonight" ellie called from the booth that was already very full with the rest of your group. Ellie shot you a knowing look as kyra shot up from her seat to great you with a bear hug.
"Well... I needed to meet the mystery man didn't i?" you tried for a smile but it came out all forced and wrong.
"Come on! Sit next to me. I already got you a drink" Kyra shot you a winning smile as she turned back to the table. You couldn't help but smile at the spring in her step.
Tom sat on her otherside seemingly unaware of the subtle tension between his new girlfriend and yourself. Maybe the tension was in your head you bagan to think...
But then you felt a cool hand rest on your thigh and you knew it wasnt. Kyras hand was hidden by the table but you could feel it: Resting on your bare leg, slightly too high to be friendly. You ignored it at first, taking another sip of your coke, laughing at something sam was saying.
But then she gave your leg a squeeze and you felt your breath hitch. Her fingers absent-mindedly began fiddling with the hem of your dress. You shot her a look but she wasn't even looking in your directing.
Already you caught yourself making her excuses: she was nervous, she was a little drunk and did not realize what she was doing, and she was a touchy person by nature (this was true).
"You are my favorite. You know that don't you" You flinched when you felt her hot breath tickle your kneck. You had been so engrossed with your thoughts that you hadn't even noticed her leaning towards you to whisper in your ear.
"Please get off me Kyra," you said, a little loudly making Ellie and Sam look at you with concern. Kyra's smirk dropped into a genuine frown.
"What?" She didn't sound drunk now. You turned to face her, a knot forming in your throat. You couldn't hurt yourself like this, not when her boyfriend was sitting at the same table. Not when you had spent every day since you were 14 falling in love with her.
"I said, Get off me" You pushed her hand off your thigh and stood up suddenly. It was too hot in the bar, too crowded. You turned and almost ran towards the door, needing to get away from Kyra's shocked face, Tom's stupid smirk and drawling voice, and Ellie's pitying expression. No sooner had you exited the bar did you head her run after you.
"What the fuck was that about Y/n?" she shouted, looking disheveled and shocked. You could have laughed.
"What was that about? I could bloody well ask you the same thing. Has it ever occurred to you once, that I'm more than just your drunken experiment" you yelled back, "I mean really Kyra! We're experts at this little dance by now."
"What are you talking about?" you really did laugh then, only to stop the hot tears waiting to burst.
"you get drunk and you want me. I'm your favorite, I'm your pretty girl, I'm the most beautiful person in the world. And then the next day I'm what? nothing? your best friend?" The tears start rolling now, making it hard to breathe but you need to get this all out. It's been welling in your chest for years, building pressure and heat and now you need to let it go.
"So what is it ky? Do you love me like you say or is it just the wine? or sorry, is it Burbon today I didn't ask." you knew it was cruel, especially as you saw the understanding in her eyes. "I'm done with this. I'm done with you. I can't keep wasting my love on you when you can't even return it." Your cheeks felt hot despite the cool breeze and your heart raced.
"Y/n he's not my boyfriend... he asked but I said no," she said quietly as if that was a balm.
"Who cares Kyra? because if it's not him it's some other man. It's anyone but me. or at least until you get a couple drinks in." Kyra was definitely sober now if she wasn't before. Her expression was somewhere between guilt, anger, and hurt. You wished you would hold her, kiss her, and make it all better but it wasn't possible.
"I do... I do love you like I say when I'm... drunk," she muttered to the floor. "I just- I need to figure it out. being with Tom it's like-"
"pretending. It's pretending Kyra." there was no anger left in you now, just sadness. Kyra loved you but she wouldn't face up to it without being knockout drunk and what was worse? you had wasted all your love on her.
"Y/n I love you though"
"Stop. You're being mean" a sob escaped you, "Just keep on pretending. I can't wait around for you to figure yourself out." You took a couple steps backward, suddenly feeling deja vu from the last time you found yourself outside a club on the street with Kyra. She must have had the same thought because she looked up at the city lights, the colours bouncing off her wet cheeks. Before she could look back at you and break your heart more, you turned and walked up the street, hoping she had the sense not to follow you.
You didn't talk for months. 3 Months and 2 weeks to be exact but who was counting? Kyra broke up with Tom that night without hesitation. She knew what the weird feeling she got when she was around you know. She had been so scared so so long it felt weird to put a label on the emotion. She loved you. Was in love with you to be exact. And as far as she knew, you hated her. All she could think about was how broken you had looked as you shouted at her. You looked so tired and hopeless and it was all because she hadn't realised how she was affecting you. It was just fun, drinking a little as an excuse to be close to you. She knew kissing you at her house that day was a mistake but it's all she wanted to do.
"Kyra you messed up mate. You're really in the doghouse." Sam stated from the other side of the couch while Kyra cried yet again. All she seemed to do now was cry.
"Is she dating anyone?" She asked. sam just shook her head and didn't answer. She had already told both of you that she wasn't going to be the middle man of this mess.
"I know it's hard to face up to these feelings ok? But remember what she told you? You need to figure yourself out before you try to make things right."
"It was hard for me too" Kristie rubbed her back as she entered the room, "I mean things are pretty uptight where I come from and I just wanted to fit in. I know that isn't quite the issue for you but-" she shrugged "For me it helped to remember that life is too short to give a shit about whether you like a boy or a girl."
"I like girls" Kyra stated (It had taken a long time and a lot of girls in red music videos to realise it but now she was dead certain), "But I don't just... I love her." She deadpanned, looking up at Kristie. "That's so scary..."
Sam shrugged again, "It's scary sure, but from the sounds of it she feels the same"
Kyra snorted, "Well maybe she did before I fucked it all up."
"Look man, she isn't going to be the one to reach out to you. No matter how much she loves you, that girl is stubborn as hell. You need to be the one the make amends." Kyra nodded.
She loved you and she knew that now. She loved the way you teased her for her bad jokes, she loved the way you smiled and sang in the shower. She loved to way you squinted your eyes when watching a movie. She missed you. And she knew now that she was a damn fool for thinking any differently.
The past few months had been rough to say the very least on the matter. You had taken Ellie's advice and gone out to a few clubs, hooked up with women whose names you can't remember, and tried your best to forget about Kyra. Every other morning you seemed to be waking up in a bed that wasn't yours, and every morning without fail you felt a deep hole in your chest like something had been wrenched out of place. You wanted her, yes, but you needed security more and that was something she wasn't able to give you. Not if she wasn't even able to admit she was gay.
That morning, exactly 3 months, 2 weeks, and one day since you last saw Kyra you felt as though you might finally have forgiven her. Sure you were upset and hurt and embarrassed, and you were sure as hell done making excuses for her; But at the end of the day, Kyra was your best friend and, if your recent escapades had taught you anything, she was also the love of your life.
The knock came at your door when you were halfway through your third cup of coffee for the morning. It startled you enough to leave you swearing and rubbing your hand where you spilled the drink.
"Coming!" you yelled, dropping the cup off in the kitchen before padding barefoot towards the door, expecting the mailman or a delivery. When you opened the door to see Kyra you were glad you had already put your mud down or you would have dropped it again.
"Kyra?" her name felt weird on your tongue, "What are you doing here?"
"I came to see you," She said simply, stepping in and shutting the door softly behind her.
"You could have texted"
"No, I- I needed to talk to you"
"Well. You're talking now" You couldn't help but be a little aloof, you had no idea where to conversation was going to go. Kyra took your statement as permission to continue.
"Can we sit please?" You nodded and led her over the the kitchen where she sat on one of the bar stools. You stayed standing, leaning your hip on the counter.
"I'm sorry" she blurted before you could say anything, "I'm sorry for treating you like shit and for ignoring your feelings, I'm sorry it took me so long to figure myself out. I'm sorry I pushed all these guys in your face like I had something to prove to you. Most of all I'm sorry I didn't tell you how I felt sooner because maybe we wouldn't have gotten into this mess in the first place." She took a breath and rubbed her palms on her thighs nervously.
"The truth is that all those times I flirted with you and stepped over the line... I was not drunk at least not like I acted to be. It was a confidence boost I needed to say what I was thinking, what I am always thinking. I've realised now that I've loved you for years, maybe longer. I knew I felt different towards you than I did others but it was so scary."
You nodded, feeling a knot of emotion form in your throat. Here she was, after months of not talking, saying all the things you had been longing for.
"And I know that it's going to take some time to trust me again" Kyra looked into your eyes now, feeling more confident, "But Y/n I love you so much it hurts. I'm done pretending ok? I'm yours." She smiled softly, "If you'll have me that is."
You watched her fiddle with her fingers for a second before opening your mouth.
"Kyra you have no idea how long I've been waiting to hear you say that." She smiled at you and your heart skipped its familiar beat at the sight. "You're right, I'll need time but..." You stood up straight and walked towards where she sat, "I want this so bad Ky."
You stepped in between her legs and cupped her face between your hands. You watched her eyes go a little wider and her cheeks go pink. You felt her heart speed up under your fingers and for the first time, it was you leaning in to kiss her. Her lips were soft and warm and minty. Her breath was hot and clear against your skin. She wrapped her arms around your waist and sighed against your lips making you giggle. You ran your fingers through her hair like you always wanted to and pulled back slowly. Kyra's eyes were still closed, a small smile on her swollen lips.
"You're the prettiest girl in the world Kyra. You know that right?" Kyra opened her eyes and smiled her perfect smile and your chest filled with a wave of warmth. You would take it slow with her, careful... but in that moment it was everything just to be near her and she felt the very same.
You leaned forward and wrapped your arms around her tightly. You just needed to hold her, to keep her there so she wouldn't leave. As if she read your mind, Kyra moved your hair and planted a small kiss on the side of your neck.
"I'm not going. I promise" she whispered and pressed another feather-light kiss under your ear. Maybe you were a fool, maybe you were an idiot, maybe you were just stupidly in love with this girl. Whatever it was you knew she was telling the truth. Kyra Cooney-Cross was done pretending.
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the-s1lly-corner · 5 months
The Amazing Digital Masterpost, Volume 1!
Here you can find the first volume of my TADC writings! You guys already know the drill, this is one of many lists + if theres anything wrong with any of the links please let me know! It should be noted that, at the time of writing this it says there are exactly 300 posts within the tag, so please bare in mind that there is a chance of me forgetting to link a post </3 As of 1/20.2024 this list is complete! For more TADC posts you can find the other volumes at the end of my pinned!
Tumblr media
x reader who is like Jessica Rabbit
x hacker!reader
x child!reader (platonic)
x menace!child!reader (platonic)
x ghost!child!reader (platonic)
x reader who can shapeshift
reaction to reader singing a ballad
x reader w/ a heavy southern accent
x puppet!reader
x emotional anchor!reader
x demon!reader
Hugging hcs for the cast
x cowboy!reader
x reader w/ a sweet tooth
x male!ballerina!reader w/ dysphoria
x reckless!reader
x reader who came back from abstraction
Kissing hcs
x reader who doesnt want to leave the circus
x comic book hero!reader
x reader w/ a detachable head
x supportive reader
x mime!reader
Random thing #7/taking bugs from Ragathas room and giving them to Kinger
Caine, Pomni, and Jax x reader who remembers the real world
Caine and Jax x reader who comes back from abstraction
Caine, Pomni, Ragatha, and Jax x ENA!reader
Caine, Jax, and Pomni x stand user!reader
Mutual pining w/ Zooble and Kinger
Caine, Ragatha and Pomni x bird/bat!reader
Jax, Ragatha, and Pomni x Jane Doe!reader
^the rest of the cast w/ a Jane Doe!reader
Kinger, Zooble, Gangle x ENA!reader
Pomni, Ragatha, Gangle x caring!magician!reader
Caine, Jax, and Kinger x reader who doesnt speak english
Jax and Zooble x kitsune!reader
Caine, Pomni, Jax, Ragatha x Ballora!reader
Kinger and Gangle comforting the reader after a panic attack
Caine, Jax, Kinger x reader who loves giving affection but hates receiving
Caine falling for the reader
Caine x Cheshire cat!reader
Caine x reader w/ body issues
Caine being down bad for the reader
Caine x reader w/ a tail
Caine x autistic!reader
"Do you really wanna leave?" Pomni x reader
Two losers in love
Ragatha x mute!reader
Mutual pining w/ Ragatha
Ragatha x bug loving!partner
Ragatha x fem!reader who does trapeze
Ragatha x caring!reader
Big sis!Ragatha x child!reader (platonic)
Jax x claustrophobic!reader
Jax x ballerina!reader
Jax x princess!reader
Jax x Cheshire cat!reader
Jax x menstruating!reader
Jax x clown!reader
Jax x fem!sheep!reader
Jax x reader who has a nightmares
Jax x six armed!reader
Jax x reader w/ odd interests
Jax x two faced!reader
Jax x reader w/ a tail
Jax x Funtime Freddy!reader
Sweet n Sour
Random thing #8/Kinger kisses
Kinger x reader hcs
Kinger x reader w/ a tail
Zooble angst hcs
Zooble x weaponologist!reader
Zooble cuddling hcs
Gangle x envious!reader
B, D, C, K, I w/ Ragatha
B, C, D, E, G w/ Caine
B, K, M, V, U w/ Caine
I for Kinger
C, I, K, L, Q, Z w/ Jax
B, C, D, G, I, K, L, O, Q, R, T, V, W, X, Z w/ Pomni
A and H w/ Jax
O, Q, X, S, W, X w/ Ragatha
H, J, L, N, T, X, Z, w/ Caine
B, C, N w/ Jax and Ragatha
D, X, Y w/ Kinger
Full fluff alphabet w/ Gangle
Remainder of the alphabet w/ Kinger
Karaoke in the circus
Halloween IHA
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Sorted alphabetically by band. Please click through to original post to see full list. IF IT'S NOT ON THE LIST, PLEASE SUBMIT IT. NO BAND IS TOO NICHE. Multiple bands from the same media are permitted.
Putting this under the cut because it's getting too long!
4*town - Turning Red
About Gardens - ROGUEMAKER
The Ark - I Was Born For This
ABXY - Splatoon
Arno van Eyck - Disco Elysium
The Band With Rocks In It - Discworld
The Beets - Doug
The Best Ever Death Metal Band in Denton - The Mountain Goats
The Bettys - Phineas and Ferb
Black Stones (BLAST) - NANA
The Blues Brothers - The Blues Brothers
Bottom Feeders - Splatoon
Boys In The Sink - Veggietales
Boys Who Cry - Spongebob Squarepants
Boyz4Now - Bob's Burgers
Boyz 12 - American Dad
Bunk Bed Junction - No Straight Roads
Cheetah Girls - Cheetah Girls
The Clash At Demonhead - Scott Pilgrim 
The Covey - Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes
Crash & The Boys - Scott Pilgrim
Daisy Jones & The Six - Daisy Jones & The Six
Damp Socks - Splatoon
De Bois Band - & Juliet
Deep cut - Splatoon
DETHKLOK - Metalocalypse
Dedf1sh - Splatoon
Decibel Jones and the Absolute Zeros - Space Opera 
Dingoes Ate My Baby - Buffy The Vampire Slayer
DJ Octavio - Splatoon
DJ Stylbator - Samurai Jack
Dr Teeth and The Electric Mayhem - The Muppets 
Drive Shaft - LOST
Evar Orbus & The Galactic Jizz-Wailers/The Max Rebo Band - Star Wars
Fig and the Cig Figs - Dimension 20 Fantasy High
The Flaming Creatures - Velvet Goldmine
Fran-Shou-Shou - Zombie Land Saga
Gallifrey Academy Hot Five - Doctor Who 
Gem & The Scotts - Secret Life SMP
Gillion & The Tidestriders - Just Roll With It
Girls Dead Monster - Angel Beats
Gorillaz - Gorillaz
Grifters Bone - Magnus Archives 
Hatsune Miku - Vocaloid
Heaven Seventeen - A Clockwork Orange
The Hectic Glow - The Fault In Our Stars
Hex Girls - Scooby Doo
Ink Theory - Splatoon
Jem & The Holograms - Jem & The Holograms
Johnny Casino and The Gamblers - Grease
Josie & The Pussycats - Archie (Comic)
The Juicy Fruits - Phantom of the Paradise
Julie and the Phantoms - Julie and the Phantoms
Kessoku Band - Bocchi the Rock
Killer Boy Rats - Horrid Henry
The Killjoys - My Chemical Romance
Lacus Clyne - Mobile Suit Gundam Seed
Lady Parts - We Are Lady Parts
The Last Days - The Last Days
Lemonade Mouth - Lemonade Mouth
Leningrad Cowboys - Leningrad Cowboys
Lincoln Hawk - Gossip Girl
Little White Lie - Little White Lie
Loded Diper - Diary of a Wimpy Kid
Love Burger - Can't Hardly Wait
Love Händel - Phineas and Ferb
LumberZacks - Milo Murphy's Law 
Mad Gear & The Missile Kid - Danger Days, My Chemical Romance
Maxwell Demon & The Venus In Furs - Velvet Goldmine
The Mechanisms - The Mechanisms 
Milkcan - Um Jammer Lammy
The Misfits - Jem & The Holograms
Muppet Orchestra - The Muppets 
Needy Beast - Hatchetfield
Octoplush - Splatoon
Old Gods of Asgard - Alan Wake
ok, kids - Andre and Karl
Off The Hook - Splatoon
Pink Slip - Freaky Friday
Plasmagica - Show By Rock
Proto Zoa - Zenon Sweep 
The Rainbooms - Equestria Girls
The Rats - Velvet Goldmine
RIP - Ruby Gloom
The Risky Fix-Ins - Buzzfeed Unsolved Franchise
The Rutles - All You Need Is Cash
Sadie-Killer & The Suspects - Steven Universe
Sadgasm - The Simpsons
SCÄB - Home Movies
Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band - The Beatles
Sev'ral Timez - Gravity Falls
Sex Bob-omb - Scott Pilgrim vs The World
Sing Street - Sing Street 
Soundcheck - Odd Squad
Spinal Tap - This Is Spinal Tap
Squid Sisters - Splatoon
Squid Squad - Splatoon
The Stiff Dylans - Angus, Thongs, and Full Frontal Snogging 
Sunset Curve - Julie and the Phantoms
The Superconducting Supercolliders - Designations Congruent With Things (Pacific Rim fanfiction)
The Three Lights - Sailor Moon
Trapnest - NANA
Turquoise October - Splatoon
The Vampire Lestat - The Vampire Chronicles
Wonderlands x Showtime - Hatsune Miku Colourful Stage/Vocaloid
The Wonders - That Thing You Do
Wyld Stallyns - Bill & Ted franchise
Wet Floor - Splatoon
w-3 (omega-3) - Splatoon
Yoko & the Gold Bazookas - Splatoon
Ziggy Stardust & The Spiders From Mars - David Bowie
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leftduck9986 · 3 months
Mr Brown's "Dick Turpin"
A mega tribute to Mr Brown, meant for Valentine's Day, (belated... Deadlines? What are they? A Very Merry Un-Valentine's Day To You) In a giggly mood and might just have a tiny weeny pash on Mr Brown,
The local heart-throb of Whickber Street
Oh no! Did you hear that to the melody of "The demon barber of fleet street," as I did just now?
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[above image: original final phrase of The Ballad of Sweeney Todd, transcribed in the key of G minor and slightly modified for alternate lyrics.]
No no no no no, I cannot have that and must fix it immediately. Mr Brown is to have an easy-listening, jazz-hands version. A fun and cheesy theme tune, but for added silliness, I'll keep the melody, arrange it for four-part closed harmony and change the key from G minor to B flat Major...
Stay tuned, but for now, time to be getting on with it.
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In Good Omens Season 2, episode 2, we are introduced to the delightful Mr Brown (portrayed by Tim Downie), of Brown's World of Carpets, Whickber Street, Soho, London. He is also the current president (?) of The Whickber Street Traders and Shopkeepers Association and seems to have been so for several years.
On first impression, Mr Brown is cheerful, energetic and highly social as he zips about the pub. He claims not to be a superstitious man, unassuming (with no hint of passive-aggression) when it comes to appearing to be avoided by others.
However he does have a particular skill in coercion (and coercion might be too strong a word): "Mr Fell has just been telling me how much he's looking forward to hosting our monthly street association get-together." I don't know how to describe what kind of a statement this is, for it's not a lie, it's definitely truth and fits perfectly to cover any and every possible version, no matter what Aziraphale did, or in this case didn't say. It's masterful. Also, there's something about Mr Brown's tone, is it...
Firm, but maybe in a good way? Does he himself have an intuition about people who need a little more than a gentle push toward civic obligation, or bringing someone else out of their hermit shell, to participate in social situations?
But underneath all that, is he himself a lonely person? When he's not trying to find someone to host the next month's meeting, does he really have a hard time keeping a conversation going and needs to carry with him, a lifeline of sorts?
Book quote in the X-Ray trivia for episode two: "Daily Mail. 'Letter from America'. Um, August the third," said Newt. "Just after the story about the woman in Worms, Nebraska, who taught her duck to play the accordion."
If this isn't only an Easter egg from the Good Omens book, then it seems to have been given a purpose that may or may not have a follow-through in season three:
The front-page headline of the newspaper attached to Mr Brown's clipboard is his conversation piece! It is to him, as the "Dick Turpin" was, to Newton Pulsifer.
He so wants for someone to ask him - everyone's eyes dart to it, but they have a feeling, that they know better than to ask!
Still, Mr Brown makes every effort to keep the sensational headline in full view of anyone he hopes to have this conversation with, while somehow avoiding permanent injury to his left elbow!!
Does he not have any friends (making friends as an adult is hard) and has difficulty engaging in small talk?
Is it just an article Mr Brown loves and desperately wants to talk about it with anyone? Someone he could also vavoom with? Awww.
He's just a person, in front of another person, silently asking them to please mention the newspaper headline. (Thank you Richard Curtis.)
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Episode Two:
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Aziraphale and Crowley enter the Dirty Donkey. Mr Brown is standing at a table and talking with the people seated there. Is he only really at the pub trying to find someone to host the next Whickber Street Traders and Shopkeepers Association monthly meeting? If so, he's not having any luck, especially talking to three people at once - they have the advantage of strength in numbers, and can all turn him down, supporting each other if need be.
Then, seeing Mr. Fell sitting alone, he POUNCES!
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Startling Aziraphale, who, while typically recognising and helping a human in distress (he did want to help Maggie that morning, he was just literally "a bit out of miracles" and wasn't being mean), he's also "just enough of a bastard" and is not going to indulge Mr Brown's subtle cry for attention. Mr Brown isn't in great distress in this moment anyway, though behind his smile, I don't know, he might be a tad desperate by this point?
Aziraphale has no memory of saying that he would "be delighted to host one of [the] monthly get-together's" - it's either a straight-up lie on Mr Brown's part, a lie that Aziraphale doesn't even remember making himself, or, it never happened but IS part of Adam's history reboot and his cheeky contribution to The Ineffable Plan.
If Mr Brown was ever previously in the habit of asking nicely, I can imagine that over time, unfortunately, being nice just became less effective. People being people. He's assertive here, well in control of this one-way conversation, his decision to have Mr Fell host the meeting already made.
I wonder how different his carpet sales technique might be? I'd love to see him comfortable in the sanctuary of his domain.
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As Aziraphale and Crowley are leaving the pub, Mr Brown can be seen holding his clipboard high and close to his face, while speaking with a person wearing a tiger striped outfit at the bar. Earlier in the scene she is happily conversing with another, directly behind Crowley as he ordered drinks for himself and Aziraphale at the bar.
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Her now non-smiling expression while briefly glancing down to the newspaper says that she has no intention of falling for it either!
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It's going to take someone truly kind to give Mr Brown's "Dick Turpin" the time of day. And even then, will that person suffer instant regret?
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Episode Five:
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As he is entering the bookshop, does Mrs. Sandwich instantly recognise and turns away to avoid Mr Brown, as his reputation proceeds him? Could it be that the two ladies in the pub were Mrs. Sandwich's Girls / Mrs. Sandwich's Fine Stable of Ladies on break, or on the prowl for customers, introducing the "new model (with, or known as) friendly hands" to the community? Maybe that's why Mr Brown was speaking with the lady wearing the tiger stripes, because she's a new face in town and was just introducing himself as "The President of the Whickber Street Traders and Shopkeepers Association." Had they given Mrs Sandwich fair warning about him after that?
Mr Brown opens the bookshop door with his right hand and not even the teeniest hint of the clipboard or newspaper is seen in frame, as he has both arms held at length by his sides. Though he must have been holding that blasted clipboard in his left hand, because sure enough, even with his conversation under the influence of the Jane Austen Ball-spirit-miracle, there he is, hoping Nina will take the bait.
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Ah, the one time he is clipboard-less, not just because of the Jane Austen miracle in effect but also likely because everyone is being musically queued to grab a partner and hit the dance-floor.
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I love how he ends up dancing with the lady wearing leopard spots - we don't see him giving anything in return for her polite encouraging smiles (How can he have such a poker face while also looking gorgeously tender? Just look at him turning with Maggie, above. Is it more to do with the overwhelming situation of experiencing human touch after everyone going so long without such closeness?).
He could be incredibly intimidated by such a confident-looking woman with excellent posture (oops, I think I'm jealous and want to be her, hopeful to vavoom with Mr Brown, or just to tease him with smiles, daring him to smile back) and in awe of her wearing an animal [faux] skin pattern - the original carpet!!! Well, the man does have an eye for carpets.
Did he marvel at Mr Fell's carpets earlier in the day when delivering the seats for the meeting? (There's also the carpet on Aziraphale's chair, which may be similar in design for Nanny Crowley/Astoreth's carpet bag?)
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If everything is to happen in three's, then will Mr Brown vavoom with the next person to wear the spots or stripes of a large wild cat?
Then, finally (my favourite reaction) *cough cough* "Madam" Shax - the last to see the newspaper fully intact, slowly turns and looks him down and up.
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It happens to be the second reference to ducks Shax has been exposed to within a week aaannd in addition to Mr Brown being nothing but a "poultry human," maybe this is enough to really p*** her off?
Ducks again! What about storks, huh?!?
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Episode Six:
Crowley escorts Nina and Maggie back to the coffee shop. As an afterthought, he gently returns Mr Brown to Earth and kindly so, without the memory of detainment and likely taunting by his demon captors.
(I'm having too much fun right now, imagining a missing scene, right after Justine asks, "Is he alright?" and Crowley answers, "not likely." Cut to a scared Mr Brown somewhere in the basements of Hell, being circled by demons. No no, wait, there's no choice but to take the stairs back down first, bahaha!!! So, a couple of demons are each carrying Mr Brown by his elbows. A third demon, tasked with carrying the clipboard, makes the mistake of asking about the newspaper - maybe trying to read what's left of it - and then Mr Brown easily manages to switch from his frightened state, to story-telling mode. Do the demons become the tortured? Or are they ... impressed? They snap out of their demon facade and suddenly they're all having a grand time, all the way down to Mr Brown's cell, where they continue to have the best chat of their lives and there are no hard feelings. A gazillion points for team humanity and a win-win.)
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Even now that hungry hungry demons have taken a couple good chomps out of it, Mr Brown shows no sign of wanting to get rid of his clipboard and newspaper, for it has added interest now!
Even so, Mutt knows better than to comment on its new state, instead asking Mr Brown of his whereabouts, which is the best you can hope for from a fellow human being right?
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Will it be revealed that he is somehow related to the woman in the newspaper article, Janelle Keene, whether as close as a family member, a very distant relative, or someone completely unrelated, via 6 degrees of separation?
Here I'm reminded of Mel Brooks' 1987 film, Spaceballs (predominantly a Star Wars parody) -
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Dark Helmet(portrayed by Rick Moranis): I am your father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate. Lone Starr(portrayed by Bill Pullman): What's that make us? Dark Helmet: Absolutely nothing!
Though I can imagine it would involve a much longer explanation on who's who, if he wants to, a-hem, witter on (Is "6 degrees of separation" basically, "I know a guy, who knows a guy, who knows..."? Remember "6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon?" seems much easier to do with film actors..) but Mr Brown seems like the "get in, get the job done, get out" efficient kind and I can hear him delivering a concise and likely well-rehearsed-in-front-of-the-bathroom-mirror-every-morning one-liner like above.
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(Am I entering fan-fiction territory now?)
Season Three Speculation
So who would be likely to take the bait, or better yet, have the ability to recognise someone in need of connection and taking the time to listen, really making their day?
I can think of one person kind* enough, who may have already met Mr Brown sometime during the unseen portion of episode 1, perhaps in a lonely moment where, say, Mr Brown was considering throwing away the newspaper, for his shy attempt to connect with people wasn't working.
He may have even considered giving up on asking others to host the monthly meetings and it may have been for a while, that he was hosting most all of them himself, with barely any attendees, though Maggie was always there. If Maggie has any vices at all, let it be that while she claims to never miss a meeting, she actually just dawdles around in the record shop taking her time to lock up, then sneaks into meetings late, in time for the end! Maybe that's why she was the last to arrive at The Ball perhaps?
This kind person shows up in Soho and has some free time to himself before needing to catch a plane, so he wanders about, ending up in Brown's World of Carpets. Coincidentally, his home (might it be in Tadfield? No.6, Hogback Lane?? phone no. ending in "668"??? Might he go by "Mr Johnson"????) may be in need of some new carpeting too …
Then, seeing the lonely shop owner, he kindly reaches out, having a lovely conversation about the article in the newspaper that seems to be on its way to the recycling bin, and is genuinely interested in Bridget, the accordion-playing duck.
With Mr Brown feeling warm'n'fuzzy and valued, a renewed sense of hope and a spring in his step, results in the version of him we see the next afternoon at the pub, in episode two.
His "Dick Turpin" had finally worked - surely it can work again?
The ineffability of it all! He finally sees Mr Fell in person again after several years!
Mr Fell, who that very morning was concerned about being "a bit out of miracles" and has just used a miracle to free up a table (were "those 3 nice people" angel doctors? Does Heaven have an excellent health plan, even for former angels?) he may currently "not have enough spoons" for the kind of miracle necessary to keep Mr Brown away this time.
Meanwhile, the kind person arrives in America, but then chooses to abandon his original plans: "What the hellaven, I have GOT to see this accordion-playing duck. Worms, Nebraska, here I come!"
*a.k.a, "hand-on-face-guy."
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When you go will you send back a Letter From America?
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Now, that was me having a great old time letting my imagination run wild and I hope that it was an entertaining read :)
But wait, there's more! After asking the internet, "Does Route 66 run through Nebraska?" I've learned the following tid-bits:
In Nebraska there is a State Highway 66, not the same as THE U.S Route 66. (Might this be how he gets lost, or where he will be while an American decoy is on route 66?);
Worms is found about half-way down the very long 2nd Road;
Places in Nebraska aside from the small village of Worms, include: Archer, Bee, La Vista and Wahoo. (imagine Crowley turning up and asking the town-folk, "Can I get a Wahoo?" and finally getting the feel-good moment of a decent enthusiastic response; Hastur having some kind of moment in La Vista.)
And the more time spent on google maps, there are bound to be more Good Omens-related places to discover!
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I was today years old (sometime during late Feb 2024) when browsing photos in X-ray, to find that this image (hidden in episode 3's x-ray, which makes no sense... swapped, for episode 2 newspaper clippings I suppose) is the FULL front page, and not just the photo with headline. The portion that was always folded under, out of sight (and therefore out of mind), it includes a legible story. A story expanded from a single line in a book written over thirty years ago and modified slightly to be relevant to near-present day events. How amazing!
by S. KING
THE challenges of having to stay indoors over the course of this past year have caused a multitude of unique and strange occurrences the world over. From social media challenges to the rise in popularity of rare indoor plants, we've come to expect the next big trending topic to arrive in the form of something entirely baffling.
Most recently, a Nebraskan woman used her time during the lockdown order in the United States to do the unthinkable. Janelle Keene, twelve-time Beaver County Accordion Association Champion and owner of Bridget, a domesticated duck, decided to take on an impossible challenge. Janelle decided to teach her duck, Bridget, to play.
"She took to it like a duck to water," said Janelle, who claims to have invented an intricate system of pulleys and levers to allow Bridget to press on the keys of the accordion. "She hasn't quite got the hang of reading sheet music yet but she's practicing her scales and it's starting to sound more like music."
Janelle's been uploading footage of her teaching journey with Bridget to a video sharing site and the response has been very supportive. One commenter wrote, "I had no idea ducks could be so emotive and create such poetry with their feet. Bridget's cover of 'Don't Stop Me Now' by Queen brought a tear to my eye. Freddy Mercury would be proud."
Continued on Page 4 >>
Well, I gotta know what's on page 4 now!
And wow, what's the likelihood of Crowley being the one taking to social media and making that particular comment? Sitting in the Bentley, watching on his smartphone, a little sniffle, sobbing-singing along to the speed of Bridget's playing, "Don't... Stop... Me... Knah-ah-ah-ah-ah-oo-oo-hoo". Later in the bookshop, sharing with Aziraphale, keen to see his reaction… And if Crowley were to know that Freddy Mercury would be proud!?!!
Of course Mr Brown is just as likely to be following Bridget's progress on socials - the quoted comment may be his and all the more to share, with fellow humans, hopefully with Crowley...
... and possible demon pals???
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As always, please no asking or tagging Mr Gaiman as this blog post contains theory, wishful thinking/fan-fiction(?) and speculation, thank you.
Let's go out on a song:
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*jazz hands*
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kpoptimeout · 4 months
K-Pop Debuts and Comebacks for the Fourth Week of January and 2024 (Jan 22 - Jan 28 2024)
Jan 22
Talented boy band AB6IX shows their seasoned stage presence in this smooth track!
Popular BOYS' PLANET contestants EVNNE return to slay in this powerful track!
Popular girl group (G)-IDLE teases their comeback with this edgy pre-release track!
Super Junior's 6th sub-unit returns for some chaotic good fun!
TWS - plot twist
PLEDIS' first boy band since NU'EST and SEVENTEEN debut in this sweet song which screams nostalgic and innocence!
Jan 23
I.M - Slowly ft. HEIZE
MONSTA X's I.M drops a mellow collaboration with top RnB soloist HEIZE.
IU - Love wins all
IU croons sweetly in the post-apocalypse with BTS' V in her pre-release single!
SEOLA - Without U
GWSN's SEOLA goes solo in this confident dance-pop ballad.
Jan 24
CIX - Lovers or Enemies
Dark-concept boy band CIX returns as android lovers in this smooth track.
KIM JAE HWAN - Ponytail
WANNA ONE's main vocal Kim Jae Hwan is back with with funky and vibey performance!
Jan 25
No releases.
Jan 26
No releases.
Jan 27
No releases.
Jan 28
No releases.
What is your favourite release of the week?
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List of kpop songs I associate motogp riders with for some reason idk
1. Pecco - Punch by NCT 127
Courtesy of Anna and that time we were discussing which songs we would play for riders
5. Zarco - Villain by Stella Jang
The vibes really
10. Luca - 28 Reasons by Seulgi
Screams main character, anti-hero getting his revenge
12. Maverick - Drama by Aespa
He IS the drama and I love him for it
20. Fabio - Tail by Sunmi
Sexy song for a sexy king
21. Franky - Lo Siento by Super Junior
Fun, chill vibes like Franky gives off
23. Enea - Genie by SNSD
If I had a lamp I would wish for him to win a championship
25. Raúl - Vengeance by Bibi
I want him to have a reputation era
30. Taka - Keep Your Head Down by TVXQ
A powerful song about staying strong and overcoming hardship, sums him up pretty well imo
31. Pedro - Super Tuna by Jin
I could imagine him listening to this while he plays with his legos
33. Brad - Kiss of Fire by Woodz
RnB just reminds me of Brad and I have no idea why
36. Joan - Snapping by Chungha
Low key but really stands out once you start paying attention
37. Augusto - Rodeo by Monsta X
Powerful and strong, can’t not listen or turn your eyes away from him
41. Aleix - Tomboy by (G)I-DLE
Amazing tough song until you get to “fucking tomboy”, which I can’t take seriously and which serves as a reminder he’s a big softie at heart
42. Rinsy - Eyes, Nose, Lips by Taeyang
A beautiful ballad, and it was inspired by Taeyang’s wife Min Hyo-Rin, and it seemed fitting seeing how much Rinsy loves his family
43. Jack - RBB by Red Velvet
I literally couldn’t think of anything else
49. Diggi - Growl by EXO
His symbol is the wolf, he’s an Roma fan, and it has the same smoothness he does
72. Bezz - Zimzalabim by Red Velvet
They are both weird and fascinating to me and I don’t know if it’s in a good way or a bad way
73. Álex - Wannabe by Itzy
88. Miguel - Drunk-Dazed by Enhypen
Everyone focuses on his marriage but he is incredibly talented and should be talked about more
89. Jorge - Regular by NCT 127
See above the note I have for Pecco
93. Marc - Abracadabra by Brown Eyed Girls/(G)I-DLE
👁️👅👁️ (help)
Honorable mentions:
26. Dani - Into the New World by SNSD
Iconic song that’s well-loved and legendary for a reason
32. Sava - Psycho by Red Velvet
46. Vale - Dr. Feel Good by Rania
Cause he’s the Doctor and my sense of humor is nonexistent
99. JLo - Mic Drop by BTS
Icon, legend, menace, and forever the moment
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getoolover · 9 months
⋆ .˚ 𖤐 – ; G E T O S U G U R U !
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╰┈➤ you had a really bad day.
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✎ tags ; fluff, healthy relationship, kissing, hugs, dancing together and slight sfw (flirting part)
✎ pairing ; Geto suguru x Reader
✎ notes ; lol it's been 2 years since the last I posted! I'm back with a fluff fanfic about suguru geto comforting you when you had a really really really bad day! (^3^♪
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୨⎯ "POV" ⎯୧
You had a particularly rough day at work, with clients and coworkers alike getting on your nerves. By the time you arrived home, you was exhausted, both mentally and physically. You didn't even have the energy to change out of her work clothes. Instead, you sunk onto the couch, defeated, and let out a deep sigh. Geto, who was in the kitchen making dinner, noticed your demeanor immediately.
"Hey honey, what's wrong?"
he asked, setting down the knife. You sighed again, rubbing your temples.
"Work was awful."
You admitted.
"I had a client yell at me for something that wasn't even my fault, and then my coworker accidentally dumped coffee all over my work papers and I was like where the fuck is your eyes?. It was just a really, really bad day geto.."
Geto's brow furrowed.
"Wait what? that sucks.. but it's okay my love... I know today was really rough for you. But I just want you to know that I am so proud of you my honey ! You're an incredible, strong, and talented woman I believe that you're strong enough to forget about what happened today alright? You're not alone in this, and I am here for you, no matter what."
Geto hugs you then kiss your forehead gently
He stood up
"Wait for a minute okay? I'll be right back. Go take a shower stink."
He said while giving you a warm smile
He rushed to the kitchen and quickly finished his cooking before you finished showering. After you finish showering he quickly brings the plates to the table, serving up plates for both of you guys.
You managed a small smile of appreciation.
"Thank you very much darling, you never failed to make my day" you mumbled, taking a bite of the food. It was delicious like very very delicious."
Geto sat down beside you, sliding an arm around your waist. "You know, there's nothing that can't be improved with a little bit of love. I could give you something better than this to cheer you up you know~" he said teasingly while winking at you.
You laughed, feeling your tense muscles relax.
"Oh? I wonder what it is!"
He smirked
As they enjoyed their dinner, Geto put on some music to help set the mood. Slow dancing in the dark by Joji. Soft, emotional ballads played through the speakers, lending a melancholic yet romantic air to the room. Your tension slipped away entirely, replaced by a sense of safety and tenderness.
Geto saw the tension in your shoulders ease, and smiled. "That's better, isn't it?" he said. You nodded, leaning her head on his shoulder. "I feel so much better."
Geto smiled, and without missing a beat, he stood up and held out his hand to you.
"Shall we?" he asked, giving her a grin.
You felt her heart skip a beat at the sight of him.
"Of course,"
You replied, taking his hand and rising to your feet. As you guys walked out to the floor, You and Geto's locked eyes and began to dance, moving to the rhythm of the music.
"You smell nice"
He said while placing his head on your shoulder
You chuckled a little
(After dancing)
As you both caught your breath, the music swelled to a crescendo and faded away. The silence descended like a curtain, a rare interlude that allowed you both to take a moment to appreciate the joy of being together, dancing in the night.
Geto held you close, your cheeks touching, your hearts beating in sync.
"That was amazing," he whispered, his voice soft and warm.
You smiled, feeling your heart swell with happiness.
"I feel so lucky to have you in my life, Geto. You always know how to cheer me up."
Geto's eyes lit up, his smile bright. "And I'm the lucky one to have you by my side. You're my soulmate, my partner in crime, and my love. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."
You leaned in to kiss him, knowing that as long as you were together, everything would be okay. The warmth of his arms around you, the beat of his heart in your chest, and the feeling of love between you were all you needed to know that you were in the right place at the right time, with the right person.
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sleepless-nxghts · 2 years
Proposal Headcanons
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➤ (Modern AU; Diluc, Scaramouche, Xiao x G!N Reader) SEPARATE
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Diluc would definitely not go with something expensive even if he has the money since he understands that you’d probably appreciate it more if he set up something rather than hired others to do it.
And so, that’s what he did! He set up a picnic blanket with some fairy lights attached to some poles and the thing is, this area was near the little lake in front if his mansion.
When you were picked up by him, he acted like the usual gentleman he is, walking hand in hand with you, kissing your knuckles, and gently letting you sit in your desired spot.
You both chatted and laughed while eating the food, just enjoying each other’s company, before there was a sweet moment between you two. The food was all eaten, the sun had set, leaving a beautiful glow if the last few rays of sun in the night sky.
You turned to your boyfriend as he sat up straight, you taking your head off of his shoulder in the process.
Diluc took a deep breath as he held your hands out, palms facing up, as he instructed you to close your eyes.
He then reached in his coat pocket, opening the little velvet box before placing it in your palms. When you opened your eyes, you couldn’t help but look wide eyed at the blushing redhead.
“Will you marry me..?”
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Scaramouche wouldn’t even know how to do this. Like yes he loved you, VERY MUCH, but proposing? He’s never done that.
He was about to just go and ask you until Childe cut him off.
“What?? That’s the worst way to propose, Balladeer. Even I wouldn’t do that.”
“Well what do you suppose I do, huh?”
“I don’t know, do something special for her.”
Anyways, Scaramouche would probably think of doing to a more secluded place where no one was around. So much like Diluc’s he would take you up to the roof of Zapolyarny Palace and would wait until the sunsets completely to get down on one knee, and do the traditional, open the box, and give out a loving speech.
“I know this may be sudden… well it is. But Y/n L/n, you know I love you more than this whole trash of a world we live in, but being with you makes it not as bad. I hope we can continue our journey together, not as coworkers. Not as friends. But as one…”
“Having you by my side completes me.”
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The last two ones had something to do with going outdoors into a secluded place, but even as much as Xiao hates the Lantern Rite festival due to the amount of people, he went anyway to make you happy.
The two of you would walk hand in hand as people passing by would widen their eyes, seeing the Adepti here to witness such an event. You smiled when a young girl walked up to you and asked to see your weapon as you summoned your claymore to show her to which Xiao smiled.
Anyway, the two if you would be leaning on the railing of the sky bridges above the large stairwell as you were watching the sun go down. The scenery was beautiful with all of the light and before you knew it, the lanterns and fireworks had just started when Xiao cleared his throat.
You hummed in response, smiling as you turned to your boyfriend.
“Understanding that we are adepti, I wanted to try a mortal tradition with you.”
“Like eating the food down at the stalls?”
He shook his head before getting down on one knee.
“I’m not even sure if I’m doing this right, but I saw Rex Lapis do this with his own spouse, and I, General Alatus, would love to spend the rest of my life with you, General Y/n.”
“I have loved you for a millennia now, and I’m prepared to make it forever.”
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You’ve reached the end!!
I hope you enjoyed this fic since I loved writing it, and stay hydrated, darlings &lt;3
Reblogs, likes, and replies are appreciated!
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chuuyasfanboy · 7 months
currently in class, and I have a request to work on later, but I just wanted to share bsd music headcanons... you may notice my music taste is dominated by a certain William woodiam, it's okay guys don't mind that
If you haven't heard these songs listen to them right now they're so bsd coded, I might write fics based off of em someday..
Not nearly as many as I could, if someone requests it I can go back later and make a whole post with even more of em cuz omg
Ofc the classic Skeleton Appreciation Day in Vestal, NY by Will Wood. I like this call this one the Dazai love ballad. "All love starts as a scheme", "Some of the best liars only want the truth", "If I come home baby will you show me your bones". Also, " A selfish book is always open" is SO Beast Dazai coded it's UNREAL.
Speaking of Beast Dazai, Yeah Yeah Yeah (V2) by Jack Conte. "I knew it all along", "I felt it in my heart, if theres even one to feel".
And for dark era/15 Era dazai, Haunt Me (x 3) by Teen Suicide is my go to. "I want a lo of friends and a lot of drugs", plus the speech at the end about self esteem guys it's such a vibe too it FEEEEEELS like dazai.
I can probably fit any Will Wood song to Dazai actually...
LEMONS by Brye and Cavetown is SOOOOO angsty one sided skk. Like it feels like chuuya ranting abt how horribly dazai treated him? Such a mood, he listens to it every day.
I also feel like chuuya would listen to jazzy phone? There was one I knew a while ago but I forgot the name but I swear guys it is so vibey.
Also it's so iconic, but those power boost songs. The ones you find in edit audio Playlists yk? The one in mind rn is Taking Over the World by Coyote Theory.
ALSO I can't remember the song, but it's by the Crane Sisters or something? All angsty feeling, and all like fire feeling. I think it's called Curses or smthn? Really good.
just one thought cuz it came on, but Bugbear by Chloe Moriondo. The music vibe feels a little too modern for him, he's definitely into classical music, but guys it is literally him simping for Ranpo I LOVE this song its cute asf<333 "I feels braindead next to you" ughhhh gay
Advice by Alex G. It feels so angsty and kinda like the vibes of when he dies? As well as Momento Mori by Will Wood just cuz of that same reason </3
LAPLACE'S ANGEL BY WILL WOOD GUYS. GUYS i love this song. "The only ones in need of love are those who don't receive enough so evil ones should get a little more", "run your diagnostic tests it's positive nobody dies agnostic but we still dial 911", "from up here you look like ants in a row" GYSSSS this song is my favorite.
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ventismacchiato · 1 year
O3 behind the lens — get out of my notifications !
scaramouche x g!n reader
notes: more filler before the face reveal
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behind the lens !
masterlist — prev | next
sorry not sorry for the filler i love writing filler for slowburn 😭 it’s still the same day cus the face reveal is the night after the first date
synopsis— you, better known as STARDUST, and BALLADEER have always been in competition for the top streamer spot on twitch, which is especially impressive since the two of you have never shown your faces. you’ve never been on good terms, constantly one-upping each other in matches and getting into petty arguments on twitter, causing your fans to also dislike each other. that’s until BALLADEER does a face reveal that breaks the internet with his good looks…which makes you realize it’s the same guy you went on a date with last night. the type of date that made you crave to see him again. the only problem was he didn’t know you were STARDUST and he was way different behind the lens than he portrayed himself online to you. should you keep your identity a secret to salvage the relationship or just let him go?
author’s notes — i actually wrote this last night before bed cus i cudnt sleep then forgot about it 😣
taglist is closed — @captainzep @elysiumarchieve @plinkuro @sakkakuu-squared @eliqusgenma @vuvulia @kunikuzushiit @heehooyeslol @stxrgxzxr @lilneps @uma-umie @lynnforever @mitsukifilms @caesars-bubbles @wheneverthesunrise @its-like-twilight @kazuhalvrr @camiluvsreading @cloudxemoji @thenightsflower @p1utto @noodleshark420 @lxry-chxn @orbitscara @court-jester-stuff @lauragalliart @veyu002 @kaeyas-eyepatch-69 @leathernourishingshoepolish @satowaluverr @lexlapis @drunkwithfever @remiikoe @exhaustedcommunist @vincanzu @just-here-reading @amoguz @ainlaw @ovaliz @depressedwhore @kitsuvil @whatamidoing89 @celestair @kunihaver @kazioli @xiaosoneandonly @vinskypuff @cridtiins @cherrybeomgyu @asukahiriko [1/3]
name in bold means i can’t tag you! will replace if not fixed
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eyesofshan-if · 1 year
Hi, I just wanted to say I just found this if today at 7AM. It’s currently 10AM (I need to get ready for work soon </3) and I read through your entire blog. Your writing is simply incredible and the characters are very likable so far as well. Also I really like your personality Noot. I saw that you like kpop as well, so in a modern setting which groups would the characters be more likely to stan? Also good luck with school and everything!
thank you!! i'm glad that you've joined us on this train ride hehe <3 as for the ROs and kpop groups...
hansol - btob, mamamoo
likes their ballads
small number of members, easy to keep track of their names
danced badly to hip once when drunk and nearly smashed his head into a table
asked why seventeen doesn't have seventeen members
insu - twice, red velvet
listens to their songs when he's doing work with a completely straight face
randomly goes "shy shy shy" with the most deadpan voice ever in the library before returning to his work
refuses to acknowledge zimzalabim exists
yongsun - shinee, chungha, sunmi
too busy to keep up so he stuck with the first group he found and just went with it from there
female soloists are just a different kinda vibe
can do the whole choreography of snapping
wooyoung - super junior, itzy, (g)idle
watches super junior for the comedy, eventually got into the songs
likes energetic and bright music
nearly dislocated his shoulder trying to do ryujin's shoulder dance in wannabe
dalhwa - monsta x, dreamcatcher
looks soft and delicate with reading her books while listening to music on her airpods max
but get too close and you'll hear rock hip hop pop being blasted at max volume in her headphones
purist about stable live vocals
???? - seventeen, exo
loves seventeen's very very very clean choreography
likes exo's songs for the sexy vibe
purist about stable live vocals pt 2
creates different accounts to argue on twitter
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flavorita · 2 years
Troublesome Bard
A/N: ngl, this feels cheesy
Venti x G/N Reader
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You let out a gasp and then a sigh.
It seemed like the wind was always bothering you as of late.
First, some apples you had bought had been mysteriously blown away by the wind to never be seen again. Then, the bouquet a kind bard at the plaza had given you got whisked away. And now, your bag and favorite hat had flown away as your hair wildly whipped you in the face as if though you had wronged the anemo archon himself somehow.
"Hello my dear Cecilia," you heard a chipper voice call out for you and almost groaned in annoyance.
"Looking for this?"
You turned around to see your bag... and Venti holding it.
The insufferable bard that would constantly follow you around town and try to win you over with his numerous love poems and romantic ballads was now here, in Windrise, and holding your bag. How the Archons must truly loath you.
"You know, I don't really see anyone else come here to Windrise besides adventurers. So Y/N, might telling me what you're doing here?" His face continued to curve into that infuriating smile that always got on your nerves.
"Nothing that concerns you! Now give me my bag back, Venti!" You desperately tried to snatch your bag back from Venti, but he swiftly dodged each and every attempt, almost as if he were having fun with your silly little game of cat and mouse.
Seeing as how this was going to get you nowhere, you decided to simply ignore Venti and continue whatever you were doing. You turn on your heels and continue closer to the base of the tree and that's when you hear rustling.
You turn around, but see nothing.
Wait, where did Venti go?
Venti drops himself in front of you almost scaring the lights out of you.
"Did I get you?" He asks, sending a wink your way.
By now you're furious, absolutely fuming to the point that even Venti can feel the steam coming off of you.
"Uhm, you can have your bag back."
You immediately snatch your bag out of a leaf-covered Venti's hands and continue what you came here for.
As Venti plucks leaves off of himself, for once not using his anemo powers for everything, you start climbing the tree.
"Hey Y/N, don't you think that's a little dangerous?" Venti calls out to you in concern with a worried look on his face. You triumph over getting that smirk off of his face for once.
"What? Worried about me because I don't have any anemo powers like you?" You continue to climb the tree.
"Y/N, I'll help you find what you're looking for. I don't want you to get hurt is all."
You ignore Venti and grab at the leaves in your face as you ascend the tree and try to get a better view of your footing. And that's when you spot it, your favorite hat! The one gifted to you by the beautiful librarian herself. It was a little out of your reach but you still tried to grab at it and that's when you lost your balance and fell.
You closed your eyes and waited for a hard and painful impact. But, it never came.
You squint your eyes open and see Venti holding you bridal style. Venti had saved you?
You finally realize you're in Venti's arms and start trying to struggle out of his grasp.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you. We're still a good fifty feet in the air."
You look down and out of sheer terror grip onto Venti and curl up into him even more. He lets out a giggle as you both slowly descend to the ground.
When you both finally land, you jump out of Venti's arms and immediately trip from having jelly legs due to all the stress and adrenaline. But Venti doesn't let you fall. He grasps both your hands from behind you and helps you stand, letting you lean your back into his chest as he waits for you to calm down.
When you finally calm down, you let go of his hands and turn around to confront him only to be met with a weight on your head. It's your hat.
You look up at Venti in confusion, respect, admiration; an amalgamation of emotions course through you as you look at your infuriating anemo bard.
"Hmmm? Cat got your tongue?" And he's back to normal. Of course.
"No, of course not." You look away from Venti as your face flushes in color while your mind tries to process everything that just happened.
"Hehe, it's always nice to see my beloved cecilia's face darken with the color of embarassment."
You open your mouth to say something back, but seeing the pure adoration in Venti's eyes for you... You lean into Venti, surprising the troublesome bard for once, and wrap your arms around him.
"Thank you, Venti."
"Y/N." You feel Venti place a hand on your face and meet his eyes, only for him to lean in, letting your lips meet.
Venti leaves you breathless as you two pull away from each other. From your glossy lips to your flushed face, everything looks beautiful in Venti's eyes.
"Wow Y/N, you look even easier to tease than before." Venti exclaims with a smile. You smile back because even though he was an infuriatingly, troublesome bard with a knack for teasing you more often than he should. He was still your happy-go-lucky, troublesome bard.
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neozhelps · 1 year
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vi que mandaram uma ask para a rinn sobre um rp de idols, e como eu sinto falta de criar meus grupinhos (sim, eu já fiz parte do lado do wattpad que faz grupos de idols e etc), decidi compartilhar com vocês as ideias que eu tive a algum tempo. se tiver interessade em usá-los em um rp, só peço que me dê os créditos direitinho.
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inspirações: 2ne1, brown eyed girls e t-ara.
WICKED (hangul: 위크드, rr: wikeudeu) é um girl group sul-coreano composto por quatro integrantes. O grupo debutou em 23 de junho de 2010 sob a empresa X Media. Em 18 de setembro de 2016 foi anunciado o disband do grupo e um processo contra a empresa, porém as integrantes voltaram a se reunir em 2019 sob uma nova empresa, Y Entertainment.
Elas ficaram conhecidas pelo conceito mais maduro, além de um pouco misterioso. Atualmente todas as integrantes tem carreiras solo e se reúnem ocasionalmente para lançar novas músicas. Elas tem entre 26 - 30 anos.
ideias de músicas:
midnight circus, sunny hill.
touch, miss a.
fire, 2ne1.
wonder woman, beg.
day by day, t-ara.
lonely, sistar.
hate you, ladies code.
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inspirações: red velvet, le sserafim, itzy e (g)i-dle.
Destiny! (hangul: 대스티느, rr: daeseutineu) é um girl group sul-coreano composto por cinco integrantes. O grupo começou seu projeto de debut em dezembro de 2020 através do reality show Our Destiny Starts Here!, com uma apresentação especial de seu single pré-debut no Mnet Asian Music Awards. O debut oficial aconteceu em 5 de maio de 2021 pela empresa Y Entertainment.
Atualmente as integrantes do Destiny! são conhecidas por seus vários talentos e a discografia impecável, sendo consideradas as novas princesinhas da indústria. Elas tem entre 18 - 24 anos.
ideias de músicas:
not shy, itzy.
psycho, red velvet.
antifragile, le sserafim.
nxde, (g)i-dle.
love dive, ive.
spicy, aespa.
no, clc.
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inspirações: nct, stray kids, ateez e seventeen.
lucky7 (hangul: 러키새벤, rr: reoki saeben) é um boy group sul-coreano composto por sete integrantes. O grupo começou seu projeto de debut em outubro de 2022 através do reality show Lucky Road. O debut oficial aconteceu em 17 de janeiro de 2023 pela empresa Y Entertainment.
Seu estilo é experimental, podendo mudar em qualquer comeback, e os integrantes estão sempre participando da criação das músicas. Eles tem entre 19 - 24 anos.
ideias de músicas:
90's love, nct u.
s-class, stray kids.
deja vu, ateez.
hot, seventeen.
kick it, nct 127.
phantom, wayv.
now or never, sf9.
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inspirações: 2pm, b1a4, beast e winner.
Harmony (hangul: 하모니, rr: hamony) é um boy group sul-coreano composto por cinco integrantes. Sua estreia aconteceu em 15 de janeiro de 2012 pela empresa  Y Entertainment.
Eles ficaram conhecido por suas ballads emocionantes e os vocais que fazem jus ao nome do grupo. Tiveram um curto hiato desde 2019 por todos terem se alistado no exército juntos, mas seu comeback está previsto para 2022 em seu aniversário de dez anos. Eles tem entre 28 - 31 anos.
ideias de músicas:
adtoy, 2pm.
fiction, beast.
like a movie, b1a4.
for life, exo.
empty, winner.
i'm in trouble, nu'est.
haru haru, big bang.
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inspirações: xtraordinary heroes, txt, rolling quartz e day6.
SKULLZ (hangul: 스크즐스, rr: seukeujeulseu) é uma banda sul-coreana mista composta por cinco integrantes. A banda teve sua estreia em 31 de março de 2017 pela A Records, mas foram descobertos pelo público geral apenas após vencerem um concurso de bandas independentes em 2016. 
Suas músicas com grandes influências no rock dos anos 90 e o emo dos anos 2000 marcaram a empresa, e o SKULLZ começou a crescer cada vez mais entre o público internacional. Eles tem entre 23 - 27 anos.
ideias de músicas:
blaze, rolling quartz.
shoot me, day6.
happy death day, xtraordinary heroes.
anti-romantic, txt.
pray, ftisland.
deja vu, dreamcatcher.
ring ma bell, billlie.
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— WYF.
inspirações: wjsn, pristin, iz*one e fromis_9.
Wonder Youth Faith, também estilizado como WYF (hangul: 와이프, rr: waipeu) é um girl group sul-coreano composto por dez integrantes. O grupo foi formado pela Y Entertainment, e foi anunciado em 24 de maio de 2022 através de um concept trailer. Seu debut aconteceu no dia 12 de julho de 2022 com o single Fiesta.
Seu conceito é fantasioso e alegre, separando as integrantes em três units, sendo elas Wonder, Youth e Faith, com a center sendo a junção de todas. Elas tem entre 18 - 24 anos.
ideias de músicas:
panorama, iz*one.
we like, pristin.
love bomb, fromis_9.
save me save you, wjsn.
mago, gfriend.
feel special, twice.
where are you?, clc.
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inspirações: exo, everglow, enhypen, kard.
Polaris (hangul: 포라리스, rr: polariseu) é um grupo misto sul-coreano composto por seis integrantes. Foi formado pela Y Entertainment e anunciado através do reality show Opposites Atrack em julho de 2022, mostrando a dinâmica entre os integrantes enquanto se preparavam para o debut, que ocorreu no dia 25 de setembro de 2022.
Assim como o WYF, Polaris é dividido em duas units, mas o foco é como os seis integrantes de gênero oposto formam um grupo poderoso e inovador.  Eles tem entre 20 - 26 anos.
ideias de músicas:
first, everglow.
love-dazed, enhypen.
monster, exo.
gunshot, kard.
unforgiven, le sserafim.
ptt, loona.
because, dreamcatcher.
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