#I like their snarkfests
eolewyn1010 · 2 years
"Incorrect Tatort quotes"
Bibi: Accept your flaws and you'll feel better. That's what I did.
Moritz: You accepted your flaws?
Bibi: No. I accepted yours.
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freunwol · 11 months
i need a dirkjake fic where the author actually remembers that theyre best friends
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lustfulcat · 11 months
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Yashiro tells Doumeki that he's surprised he's jealous over The Kido Incident when he doesn't have anything to tell Kido anyway. He didn't expect Doumeki to freak out about someone other than Inami.
Honestly, this is so adorable bc Doumeki is like ??? and you can see in his eyes he's wondering how obviously jealous he was/maybe he just got called out for being in love. Meanwhile, Yashiro brings it up and then goes silent like HMMPH I AM THINKING ABOUT YOUR ATTENTION AND MAYBE I WANT MORE BUT I WON'T SAY THAT. This is going to be a snarkfest I can feel it right now.
Hopefully Doumeki gives Yashiro an answer that makes him pause, like he did in volume 1.
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transingthoseformers · 8 months
One reason i really love the HC that RBA Whirl is mtmte Whirl's daughter is because they're juch such a funny matchup
Whirl Sr is such an asshole but he's an amazing parent. Whirl Jr is an absolute delight and you know upon mentally rechecking what Whirl Sr looked like before the Empurata makes sense as his kid.
but also like. just. Just imagine mtmte Whirl dropping her off at the academy for the first time and getting into a snarkfest with Heatwave.
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estinininininen · 5 months
i think that if hythlodaeus and haurchefant ever hang out in the aetherial plane they're going to be wild. the bisexual gremlin disaster levels are going to be off the charts. their love language when alive was already "cares for you unconditionally but teases/cajoles you into oblivion, until you and the world cave around them". there would be NO stopping them. they are both simultaneously good and bad influences for each other. within two sennights of meeting they are sneaking in and out of halone's and nald'thal's domains to meet every night and go prank half the star into being better people. they have the excuse of dying young ("young :)" hythlodaeus says) and have business to finish, ignore the shaving cream and bag of sequins. as long as they don't break any rules and don't get caught they're operating almost under saintly intercession rules. haurchefant already has his hall pass to go spirit-walk and nald'thal either can't stop hythlodaeus or doesn't want to. hythlodaeus was only staying there occassionally out of politeness anyway, and to scout out what design changes the twelve made in the aetherial sea.
sometimes ysayle and emet-selch tag along to either rate pranks or provide damage control. this is better than staring at each other in the aetherial sea feeling like the opposite tail ends of the azem/WoL polycule and getting into another snarkfest about morality. ysayle adores hythlodaeus and hythlodaeus has carefully introduced haurchefant to hades like you would a golden retriever to a cranky old cat. the old rat bastard puts up with haurchefant at first because it makes hyth happy and hythlodaeus' repeated reassurances to haurchefant come true: like a dad that didnt want a pet, hades does come around. but ysayle and emet-selch remain like oil and water unless they have each drunk a bottle of wine
anyway this explains how one night at like one in the morning the warrior of light sees a huge street brawl about to break out when a random temple knight on the back of an uncontrolled bucking chocobo interrupts the fight. a lilac-haired stablehand with a luxurious feather boa goes haring after the reins. an elezen woman with long silver hair pops up and flings chocobo droppings at the two idiots now crashing through the street. everyone laughs. the fight dissipates. the warrior of light cranes their head to get a better look. a tallish hyur with sunglasses at night, a sombrero and an oversize novelty alcoholic drink with a bendy straw steps out from nowhere and smoothly pulls the woman away into the crowd, grabbing her by her coat neck so he doesn't touch her soiled hands, choking what are her obviously furious protestations. the temple knight finally gains control of the chocobo, does some coerthan yee-haw audible from halfway down the street and the stablehand jumps on too, kisses the knight's cheek and they disappear into the night.
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absolutebl · 1 year
so this might get me kicked out of the bl community but. what's the big deal about Bad Buddy? I really liked it and Nanon's acting was incredible but it's considered a must watch and a pioneer etc etc and I don't get it. I don't know if there's something specific I'm missing, but considering I only got into bl recently maybe I'm just not enough of an expert. I just feel like I've watched better stuff and BB is not on my rewatch list
bloody tumblr I answered this then tumblr ate it (I HATE the new interface SO MUCH)
short answer: because we were all waiting for Nanon to do a BL FOREVER
other answer: sometimes the zeitgeist latches onto a Thing and it's not your Thing (see me and KP) even if it IS your genre
I liked BB a lot but it was never my whole world
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pastamansta · 4 months
🔥Hazbin Hotel
I personally have a lot of thoughts on the show so far, most of them negative unfortunately, so I’m interested to hear your thoughts
My opinion is the same its been since the pilot released; people who use to be religious tend to combine the dual statements "if heaven was real, i wouldn't want to be with those hypocritical bastards anyways, hell seems like a party or at least i'd be in good company" and "i hope hell is real, that way all of the hypocritical bastards can burn for what they said about me," which is just so redditpilled it makes me want to die.
That is the logic these guys are working on. The show is fundamentally confused, because to take the universe they've made seriously, you have to have a serious understanding of religion, which not even the creators have, which means you can't take it seriously, which means the whole thing is just a snarkfest that manages to attack and offend absolutely no one and only appeals to those that aren't looking for anything of substance, which leads to a conversation as to why anyone would choose Hazbin Hotel over... anything else?
So, why would you? Because it's colorful? I've seen other media do it better. Because it's gay? I've seen other media do it better. Because it has Keith David in it now? I've seen other media do it better. Because A24 is making it? I've seen other media do it better. Because there's nothing else on?
Well, joke's on the fans, there's a LOT of other shit to watch. I'm not going to watch any more of it than I already have. Everything I've learned about ANYTHING related to Hazbin Hotel, Vivziepop, Helluva Boss, and all of this other garbage has been without my consent.
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lady-riel · 1 year
your blog makes me sooo happy💛 so glad you are a fellow Azris shipper (although it is a crackship)
So nice to hear this 💚💚💚 I'm v grateful for all my fellow azris shippers because there's so few of us.
I really can't get enough of Azris. It has so much possibility. Enemies to lovers. Slow burn. Hate fucking. Angry kissing. Snarkfests. Azriel giving the middle finger to the IC and joining Autumn (ok maybe this turned into my headcanons but still)
Now I would argue Azris isn't a crackship at all because it's not totally out of the realm of possibility. Like Rhys/Nesta is a crackship. Amren/Cassian is a crackship.
Azris is more of a rarepair. It's unusual but not impossible. They're well matched in magical strength. They had that highly homoerotic fight in front of the high lords where they rolled around on the floor together. Azriel's probably afraid of fire and Eris can help him overcome it. They hate each other so strong feelings are there already. They both came from shitty fathers and have daddy issues. They both have nightmares and lots of trauma. Fire and shadows aesthetics. The dogs and the shadows being bffs. Ugh I love them so much.
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sevarix-blogs · 2 years
the snarkfest will happen i was able to get 3hopes for a whopping $12 so even if all I get out of it is screenshots of yuri and b/yleth then it's worth it
I will use the tag #var's 0hopes run and i will also put a cut in all posts for those who don't want spoilers. and for those who are spoiled in some things and not others ill be putting the chapter of each post so you'll know what the content is.
i am going to snark on all aspects of the game and not take it seriously so if you love and adore the game you might find it a little off putting. stuff like naming sh/ez doofus and making fun of rufus for being a poorly written villain. and for felix's new hair looking like a wig lol
anyway for $12??? i think I'll get my money's worth and hopefully I'll entertain some of y'all
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emmeliamathews · 2 years
Reading Response For Class
I just submitted my reading response homework for my lit class but thought you guys might appreciate it too, since it analyzes the "enemies to lovers" dynamic in Much Ado About Nothing.
Much Ado About Nothing, oddly enough, had me reexamining my feelings on the "enemies to lovers" trope in fiction. I love to write, and in some of the online spaces I frequent, I have seen people express their love of this trope, which I have been unable to understand. I have wondered how someone could fall in love with a person they hate, and found that some "enemies to lovers" romances could actually be toxic, which turned me off of the trope. (An example of a toxic "enemies to lovers" romance is "After" by Anna Todd.) Personally, I prefer the "fake dating" trope, in which two people pretend to be a couple and over time fall in love with each other for real. Writing this explanation, I realize that Shakespeare could have gotten a lot of mileage out of the trope and probably would have used it in one of his comedies (assuming he hasn't already).
I think Benedick and Beatrice fit into enemies to lovers because of a presence of passion--they care about each other, even if they could never admit it. They had already been a couple prior to the play's events, and Beatrice seems to have had her heart broken by Benedick, which would place them in the "enemies" category. Whenever they see each other, they exchange insults and bicker; if they didn't care about each other, they could have just as easily ignored each other. I believe that the two had never stopped caring about each other, which allows for the bridge from "enemies" to "lovers". Beatrice in particular shows this because she talks about Benedick a lot. Even though she is insulting him when she talks about him, he is still clearly on her mind.
I think what makes this a less toxic example of "enemies to lovers" is that they are on equal ground. Both are witty and sarcastic, and are both exchanging jabs. Also, Benedick doesn't want to change Beatrice and in fact likes that she's not mild-mannered like her cousin. One could even say that he gets an enjoyment out of their snarkfests. Furthermore, Beatrice has a backbone and was willing to go to bat for Hero when she was disgraced at her wedding, so we know she wouldn't have allowed herself to be mistreated by someone. There's also the declaration on Beatrice and Benedick's parts that they didn't want to fall in love. Personally I think what they're saying is that they don't want to be in love with anyone....else. They don't want to marry anyone...else. They would rather be with each other.
In reading this play, I think I've come to understand why people like "enemies to lovers":  the passion displayed by the couple, seeing how everyone around them knows the couple is in love (while the couple is oblivious to it), and watching the couple realize they love each other and come to terms with it before finally getting together. I think Much Ado About Nothing is an example of "enemies to lovers" done right, and it has made me much more open-minded about this trope.
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the-golden-ghost · 7 years
I’m forever going to remember The Lion in Winter as ‘the stupid video that I had to watch for class but it wouldn’t buffer properly so I had to miss like 45 minutes of it and nothing made sense’
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valc0 · 3 years
The doctor who group i'm in like to do what ifs. like what if a different doctor was in a different story recently we've talked about what if it was 13 in midnight if things would be different would her personality have the humans turn on her like they did 10? would 13 have lost her temper like 10 did? and would she have lost to the midnight entity like 10 did? would you have any ideas for what ifs you'd like to see
Midnight is aGREAT episode to do that because it’s a very Doctor-centric and the results can definitely vary from Doctor to Doctor.
I am now imagining 8 in Midnight...not because I’m obsessed, of course.
Human Nature/Family of Blood with another Doctor would also be very interesting. Utopia too...basically all episodes of s3 would be great for this purpose.
Vincent and the Doctor with 12? I cry ç_ç
And The God Complex with 10, just to give him hell.
I was about to say Heaven Sent too, but that’s such a specific episode and it’s SO 12, I wouldn’t want to take it away from him. But if there is one Doctor I would put through all of that it would be 13, just to make her admit how she’s feeling, cause baby doesn’t bloody know how to communicate her feelings!
Another What If I really like is switching companions and Doctors.
I’m pretty obsessed with the idea of either 12 or 6 with Donna, because it would be a snarkfest and I’d love to see the ways writers would force them to stick together. There is no way neither 6 nor 12 would have the patience to keep Donna Noble calling out their BS around for long.
I’d love to see Martha with 9 too, I think 9 would be less of an asshole and could appreciate Martha way more than that little shit of 10 did. Also, the Ponds with 13? What a concept.
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snarky-badger · 2 years
Have you ever wanted to write Crossover AU's? If so, for what fandoms?
OMG yes. I have one in my brain that won't leave me alone. (though it's on the backburner. It's just an idea, not a fleshed out fic. Yet.)
It's an Ultron x OC. But like, Marvel/Supernatural AU. Ultron thinks he knows everything, until he stumbles upon OC exorcising a demon (or something along those lines)
Like the snarkfest between Ultron and Bobby would make my soul sing.
I also have a Predator/The Forest (video game), crossover that lives rent free in my brain. Pred crashes on the island, gets saved from mutants by a semi-feral human that doesn't put up with any of his 'I'm better than you' shit.
OH! And Star Trek Voyager/MCU Ultron crossover. Crewmate loves old superhero movies. Things go sideways one time in the holodeck when she's interacting in the movie's storyline and the Ultron character goes off script, looks at her, sees her, and suddenly asks 'who are you?'
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dangermousie · 3 years
how did you fall out of love with american/ british dramas? There are plenty of TVD and PLL tags so you clearly had your share of obsession modes on them that you now devote to asian ones (for which I am very grateful, of course. your posts are my evening tea) But i am curious. Tastes evolve all the time, yes. But the fact that you use "this show is like an american drama with an asian cast" as an insult does make me wonder, how DID you fall out?
Going to parse words first, because I am that kind of pedantic - "this show is like an American show" is not really an insult, it's merely an indication of something that is not for me. I don't think American shows are terrible per se, they are just not my thing. It's as if I described something being a procedural and noped out. There is nothing wrong with procedurals as a genre and they are enjoyed by a billion people worldwide - they are just not for me. A drama that is "an American show with an Asian cast" may be high quality (and many do very well) but it is utterly not what I want in my fiction, since this is not a thing I want to watch regardless of who's in the cast.
And now on to the substance - your ask sort of answers it. If you look at my tags for e.g., TVD or PLL (or Reign or Doctor Who or any other American/British shows), you will see that I bail and lose interest long before those shows conclude. That is if they don't get cancelled in the middle of their story leaving it dangling.
And that is because the bulk of them do not have a fixed start and a fixed end, they just keep going and going and going without any planned endpoint until they have too many ridiculous stories and twists and god knows what to keep it going or just get yanked leaving the story untold. I never watched any tv shows as a child and so my main frame for reference in fiction growing up was novels. Perhaps that is why I need my stories to have a beginning, a middle and an end. And dramas give me that. Until very recently, only a vanishingly small number even planned or hoped for a second season. I could be safe in assurance that the story has a narrative arc - if it's a kdrama, it could be a little shorter or longer than planned depending on the ratings - but while a 16 ep drama could turn into a 24 one, or even like Jumong expand from 50+ to 80+, it had a story it was going to tell in a sane amount of time and end (and in cdramas, because they have to be prefilmed and reviewed by SARFT, the ep plans are even more rigid. I love that in so many cdramas, the eps don't even have individual arcs and just randomly end when they reach 45 min arc - it really is like a really long movie.)
Anyway, I got tired of that stuff in American shows. I was never a huge watcher of them tbh - before I discovered dramas in 2006, I liked anime for a few years and before that I basically never watched anything on TV. I just read and watched movies, with some rare exceptions. (Farscape is the best show ever made by anyone and I will fight people who disagree.)
And honestly, this is still the case - most Western shows don't work for me but rarely they do grab. The last American show I loved from beginning to end was Spartacus, which ended in 2013, eight years ago. Just not often and I don't look for them much any more because I don't need to, I have other things more to my taste.
When I say a drama feels like an American show, I am not saying it feels like Farscape or Spartacus or Battlestar Galactica. I am saying it feels like one of those neverending soaps or a procedural or a cynical afraid of genuine emotion snarkfests and none of them ending properly.
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agent-cupcake · 3 years
anything for three houses boysss in the distant futur 🥺
I have a story with Claude outlined that'll use the quote "You're so vulnerable right now." and includes the ole bending over the knee and usual Claude snarkfest.
Someone requested Jeritza with the quote “The next time they touch what’s mine, I’ll cut their fucking arm off.” and I'm not the biggest fan of his HOWEVER exceptions can be made.
Idk when or how, though. Tbh, my most recent story was not at all planned nor did I have any intention of doing something like that so when I say I cannot make promises, I mean it
I think, since I keep getting asks about it, I might make a WIP/about post and pin/link it? I saw someone else do that (granted, they had, like... dates.... to publish stuff... I can't imagine being that organized) and it seemed cool.
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