#I know neither of those are really internet-specific but still lol
tj-crochets · 2 years
have you made a t shirt quilt!!! if yes can you share pictures, theyre so fun!! im going to attempt my first one this summer :)
Hi! I have not made a t shirt quilt, because up until recently I really hated ironing and it's my understanding that you have to use fusible interfacing* to stop the t shirts from stretching**, but it is on my list to make! Unfortunately, when I do make a t shirt quilt, I probably won't share any pictures here. The shirts I want to make into a quilt for my mom are old theater shirts/sports team shirts/volunteer shirts from myself and my siblings, and that's too much identifying info for me to want to post on tumblr *or stabilizer? not sure if it's different **I'm not sure if that's a "needs to be non-stretchy for structure reasons" or "needs to be non-stretchy because so many people HATE working with stretchy fabric", but if it's the second I'm just sewing them as they are
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RotTMNT Headcanons
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Biology Headcanons
They still have their original turtle eyes! We just cant see them because the art style lol
They're (canonically?) warm blooded
Reptiles take a lot longer to heal than mammals, which is a trait that carried over after the mutation. When they were little they would get a lot of infections (its hard wrangling 4 children under ten, Splinter had a hard time keeping every single cut clean). They own a lot of bandages (specifically fun cartoon band aids) because they have to wear them for much longer periods.
They! Make! Turtle! Sounds! And they picked up some rat sounds from Splinter! Splinter knows what all the turtle sounds mean, but never makes any himself. The first time April heard the turtle sounds she demanded they teach her. She cant make them exactly so she'll make a similar enough sound and they'll joke that she's just got a thick accent
Like most reptiles they will continue to grow throughout their lives! Thats why future!Leo was so big
They've eaten plenty of questionable things growing up. And still will if bribed with enough money. One of the reasons they love Run of the Mill so much is they serve Yokai food aka food with some gross stuff (ex. that pizza with eyes the twins ate when they took April)
Splinter has no idea how old they actually are. Neither does Draxum he didnt exactly care what day his subjects were hatched he just needed them to be juveniles. They were mutated 13 years ago so in reality they are all (mentally?) 13. Splinter needed to put someone in charge while he was gone and the reasoning was because "he's the oldest" because how do you argue with that? And then eventually the kids asked who the second oldest was and Splinter panicked and just went in height order. He randomly picked birthdays and accidentally made Leo 20 days older than Donnie
Splinter's DNA is the reason they're such good ninjas. Somehow. I dont see how thats genetic but yep thats the reason. They pick up moves really fast, so growing up on Lou Jitsu movies and having easy access to youtube allowed them to learn moves visually. Splinter also gave them all a crash course on fighting before he ever let them start going off on their own
Growing up
Splinter named them after colors! Growing up he had to color code everything to avoid "but its mine" disputes. It took him a while to figure that out so they actually didnt have names for that time.
April was the one who started the twin debate. At the time (she was idk 10?) she didnt understand how two siblings born in the same year could not be twins.
Raph and his duty of older brother is essential for the family, but the most substantial role is held by Donnie. Splinter is the father but Donnie is the true provider. Before Donnie got old enough to play around with fixing things the family lived a very different life. Donnie is the reason they have a tv, working kitchen appliances, clean water despite living in a sewer, electric lighting and heating. He's the only one who regularly brings money in and organizes things like online shipping or grocery delivery (thank you internet!). Donnie looks at something and sees something entirely out of the box, and then makes it a reality. Leo found the area that became the lair, but Donnie is the one who made those concrete tubes a functional home. And he did it all just to see if he could. Splinter didnt think he could do it, but it kept the boys entertained all day so he let them have at it. Splinter feels guilty so much has fallen on Donnie's shoulders over the years, but he is so grateful that Donnie turned out to be so smart
All the brothers are really smart, just in different capacities. Donnie prefers engineering and computer science but also picks up other science subjects fast. Leo's is harder to see, it manifests more in quick thinking, puzzles, and people skills. He's also really good at math. Mikey is good at seeing patterns, in both objects and relationships. Raph is in emotional intelligence, particularly internally.
When Cassandra said "my friends call me 'Casey'" she meant that only to Splinter, and the rest still had to earn the right to call her "Casey"
Raph and Casey (Sr) somehow become best friends. No one expected it.
Donnie has scars on his shell, but most of them are from minor everyday things and not true fights. Raph has the most scars due to his tendency to use himself as a shield to protect his brothers
Leo, Donnie, and Mikey all feel like they didnt earn their spot on the team. Leo because he feels he doesnt offer much (canon), Donnie because if he cant make tech he thinks hes useless (canon), and Mikey because he's the youngest and his brothers are therefore forced to include him (headcanon)
At one point Mikey tricked Splinter and Big Mama into going on a date
Draxum and Donnie got stuck in a situation that forced them to bond. They both pretend nothing has changed but it has
Not only does Leo come to Sr Hueso to complain about his life like Hueso's a bartender (canon), but so do all the brothers. Sr Hueso keeps reminding them he's not a therapist
Their s2 finale outfits (gif up top) become everyone's mission outfits
Medic Leo Medic Leo Medic Leo
All the boys love the joey pouch (its basically a incubator and theyre reptiles). April finds it disgusting (its a very hot and tight space made of flaps of skin and you cant move without lots of effort)
At one point the boys all try to get jobs. Raph tries the Hidden City but gets run out by the police again. Mikey somehow talks Sr Hueso into giving him a job. Donnie attempts to work for Big Mama but in disguise. Leo somehow ends up helping Draxum out in the high school kitchen. None of them last the week. Raph doesnt make a day, Mikey gets into a argument with a chef on day four and quits "on principle", Donnie got discovered on day 2 but out of nostalgia's sake (being her exbf's son) Big Mama let him stay on but it got uncomfortable fast so he bailed also on day 4, Leo finds out he's outlasted all his brothers and goes in on day 5 solely to steal some ice cream bars and then told Draxum he quits when he was already on his way out
Theres a running joke that Piebald is always there but the boys keep forgetting about her. They dont know if her and dad are messing with them again or she actually was there and they just dont notice ("i mean... she can turn invisible. She could have been there")
Casey Jr lives with them! April and Casey Sr are at college and living in dorms. Plus, he's not quite ready for full emersion into a society thats never had the apocalypse
Growing up Leo had become a father figure to Casey Jr, a person who could do no wrong. After the movie that illusion is clearly shattered, but he still looks up to Leo and the others. Leo has now taken a role closer to Big Brother (someone who can be flawed) than Parental Figure. Leo on the other hand has fully embraced being a role model for Casey Jr and has basically become Raph whenever Casey Jr is around
Casey Sr takes her job as Casey Jr's mom very seriously. She's not the same as future!Casey Sr, obviously, but Casey Jr enjoys spending time with her anyways. If anyone asks they say they're cousins and as a inside joke Casey Jr calls her "mom"
Casey Sr drilled proper etiquette into her son. The boys are working hard to break that ("Master Michelangelo-" "woah buddy, you can just call me 'Mikey'. 'Master Michelangelo' is way too long and too many syllables")
Raph's got scars from being krangified (from when it ripped into his body and from when he ripped it out of his body). He's got some vision problems in his right eye now
Donnie's also got scars from being forcefully ripped out of the control console
Casey Jr is a avid pupil of Nap When You Can and falls asleep everywhere. Showing him a movie? Asleep. Dinner's gonna take another 15 minutes? He's already drooling on the couch. Leo's taking to long to get his gear on? Catnap on the kitchen table. As the new baby of the family everyone carries him to bed instead of waking him up
Mikey begins spending more time over at Draxum's now, learning about mystic powers
Leo being forced to leave Raph behind really left its mark on him. Watching Leo sacrifice himself really left its mark on everyone else. Its not surprising to wake up in middle of the night because someone came in to check on you after a nightmare
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transboykirito · 4 months
You’re emo. Help me. Is Strea emo or a e-girl?
first of all, "you're emo. help me." is the funniest way anyone has ever started an ask to me and i will think of it for a long time
second of all, she's... neither? i literally studied this and wrote actual papers on this lemme ramble and Education The Children TM
so going into this we need to remember strea was first made in around 2010, and then reworked until she made her official debut in 2013 in infinity moment
what people know as an e-girl now isn't what it originally meant. the term originated in the late 2000s (around 2007/2008-ish) as a derogatory term for girls who were looking for attention from men on the internet, especially by acting overly sexual and promiscuous, flirting with men, or doing anything percieved as being for men. these days it just means a vaguely alternative girl online (mostly tiktok) who likes anime and wears a specific style of makeup and clothing.
so immediately, no, strea isn't an e-girl by the new definition, and she doesn't really fall under the category for the old definition either - which is the way it was used when she was first created.
she's also not emo (though, emo is a subculture defined by music, so it's a little harder to pinpoint sao characters as being emo unless we have an idea of their music taste, like kazuto and elsa) - emo is categorised by music mainly, yes, but style-wise it was strongly associated with black outfits, skinny jeans, hoodies, vans, heavy eyeliner, black nail polish, etc. the stereotypical things. strea doesn't meet many if any of those requirements except for just wearing dark colours.
HOWEVER, emo spawned a similar (but still very distinctly different) style and subculture in the early to mid 2000s that ended up having the height of its popularity from 2008-2012 (right around when strea was being created and finalised) - scene.
scene was similar to emo, but a lot more colourful. the other noticeable difference is that scene also had its own language, in a way, and it was mainly marked by "internet speak" - you know rofl, rawr, basically anything ending in a z instead of an s To Be Cool? that was hugely popular with scene kids, as well as several of the emoticons that strea uses frequently.
strea's attitude and personality alligns way more with scene, and since a lot of scene kids were also heavily into gaming (think of them like the og e-girls, there's a lot of overlap) i think it makes sense that's what she was inspired by and based on.
also, as a footnote, i think strea also took a huge amount of inspiration from suicide girls (it's a whole thing don't look it up it's a mess) which was online modelling and... shit... that targeted alternative subcultures including emo and scene. it was a subculture in itself. strea also fits in there quite well, i've quietly wondered if that's the design reason behind her moles lol (it was very common for suicide girls to give themselves beauty marks to make them more unique??? there's a whole thing please be careful if you look it up it goes into sketchy shit very fast)
BUT if you would like some confirmed emo kids (based on music and style), kazuto and elsa both listen to emo music (elsa also listens to goth music), kirito's style is/was influenced by emo culture at the time, you (i) could make (have made, several times) a case for rika being inspired by emo and suicide girls style. i love this shit sm.
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timelessbibliophile · 10 months
I wish I could fully escape the alphabet show on Twitter but that’s hard when I have moots still talking about it. Currently on Twitter and this post says “say something BAD about this show (hsmtmts) and the fact that so many ppl are saying Gicky stans just give me a sense of joy. Like I’m glad I’m not the only one who sees how toxic they are as human beings. One person joined and then left a week later because of how terrible they are. I looked through all the quotes and of course I saw people hating Portwell but there wasn’t many people saying the stans SPECIFICALLY which is good cause that screams that Portwell’s weren’t too much of a problem. Some of the people saying Gicky stans weren’t even full fan accounts, they just stated their opinion on Gicky one time and all hell broke loose for them as they got attacked by all the toxic fan pages. Feels great not having to deal with them anymore although my timeline is about to be hell when it releases. Hopefully after a month or two it’ll die down and I’ll never have to see this show again
I won't say every single one of them is, because I know I wouldn't want it if they generalized about pws, and because i also know a couple rinas with whom i can have an actual conversation with (love you if you see this lol), but my experience with 90% of the rina fandom has been negative. They either call me racist or mysoginistic or stupid or any other name for not stanning Gina to the end.
I know the pw fandom (at least on tumblr) has died down for 2 reasons. 1, obviously pw is no longer together and many people were disappointed, but also 2, because the rinas bullied them out of here. It's not cool to bully people when you don't agree with them, or call them names for not liking your fav (which is valid w/o a reason, but it's also valid WITH a reason, which i know every pw who dislikes Gina and/or Ricky HAS a reason. And btw, most pw stans are also Gina stans, idk where y'all get the idea that we don't like Gina).
I always say this when I answer these types of asks but i'll say it again:
I'm so sick and tired of this fandom being so divided that we even drive new people away with our stupid ship wars and online fights. It's honestly embarrassing for all of us who are still active in this fandom, and I include myself because I know sometimes I contribute to the ship wars that drive people away, although I really try not to.
I try to be a positive person, even when i'm critiquing the show for things they could've done better/things i think kinda sucked, i try to stay in my lane and not shame anyone who DOES like the things I dislike about it. I must admit, though, it's very, very hard to be positive when i'm constantly being sent anonymous hate. I know a couple more accounts who just stopped posting or closed their asks because it was getting ridiculous how much bs they had to deal with. Which again, I find embarrassing.
I wish we could all just enjoy this show without tearing each other apart. I wish we could be one of those fandoms that's known on the internet for just being super chill (The Lunar Chronicles fandom, The Dragon Prince fandom, the Renegades fandom, etc).
Most of us go online because we want to be a part of a community that loves and enjoys the same things we do, so why can't we just be that? Love and respect each other despite having very different thoughts and ships and fav characters.
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luvclimber · 3 months
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About me:
1: Hello there! Welcome to my blog! You call me by my username or for short Climber, but my real name is Alana but I will mostly feel comfortable going by my username! My pronouns are He/Him but I’m actually a female and I feel oddly comfortable with those pronouns than She/Her pronouns! I’m also quoisexual which means I cannot relate neither understand experiences or concepts of sexual attraction and orientation, but it could also mean I'm confused about my own feelings of sexual attraction and orientation!
2: I am a self-taught artist! I have had many moments in my life where I felt about giving up on art, but I have soon to realize that I started to get better at art the longer I continued to try and practice on my own and make more art! I was a little hesitant on showing my art work to the public internet community since I thought people would make fun of it! But I saw that people started to like my art work that I post and so that gave me more confidence to post more of my art work and improve!
3: There are specific stuff that I post on my blog, things such as DemJay, Law of talos, Endzone, Burning Avalon, Witches dimension! I will sometimes post some slightly suggestive stuff but I will mainly post normal and fluff art of my favorite characters! But I may take a week off here and there every once in a while but I promise to post daily every week!
☆Press keep reading☆
Random facts:
1: I have actually been through many sexuality from the start of a very young age! I desperately tried to look for the right sexuality that fit me! I went from thinking I was a lesbian, straight, bisexual, asexual, pansexual, aromatic, to finally finding the right one that fit me! Quoisexual!
2: I was a Lankybox fan for a long period of time until they started to post some stuff that I didn’t really find entertaining anymore? I guess that’s how you can put it? I mainly started to watch TikTok and other YouTubes more often now. I actually had a Lankybox TikTok account which one was Gacha and one was edits of them! But I did end up deleting them and changing my account entirely. I did have one other Gacha account on TikTok that I was famous on but sadly I got logged out.
3: I actually have a very old YouTube channel of me and my dad when I was young and they're still up! I won't tell you the account name tho- BECAUSE IT'S CRINGE.. But it's just kinda about my outside garden and me just acting like the child I used to be :P
4: Whenever someone new follows or likes my post I just take a look at their account and see what type of stuff they post! So I kinda stalk your account for a little while!
Interact if:
In the Law of talos, Endzone, DemJay, Burning Avalon, Witches dimension fandom! I love people who are in the same fandom as me! ♥︎
Climber lovers or kins! I'm a climber lover and have been for 3 years now apparently! Just please don't baby him.. I don't really like climber lovers who baby him-
Artists! I love to draw as well and have been doing it for 5 years now! Also don't worry- You don't have to be an artist to interact with my blog- but any small artist are welcome with open arms! Since I'm also a small artist, LOL
Do not interact:
Any problematic people.. I mean I won't interact with you but you could like my post or follow me or whatever. Just don't comment weird shit on my post and don't interact with me.
Homophobic people, you probably know the reason why- I post gay shit all the time on this blog so if you don't like gay shit then just leave because I post slight suggestive and gay shit-
People who hate on others for no reason.. I don't understand you people.. JUST LEAVE IF YOUR GOING TO HATE ON ME FOR NO REASON- LEAVEEEEEEEEEEE-
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gyokujyn · 4 months
Get To Know Me Tag Game
Tagged by @blackwood4stucky - Aspen, thank you for the tag, but I am breaking all the rules and changing most of the some questions to really get to know me (and hopefully you)! Pretend I tagged you at the bottom, too, cause it won't let me tag you twice!
1. How did you get your nickname (or url)?
I don't really have a nickname, but my url is the first long term OC I used to RP back in the day. I see a lot of hate for RPing OCs these days, but when the internet still screamed at you before you could logon, almost everyone RPed OCs--in fact it was looked down on to RP an existing character or an OC that was related to an existing character. Gyoku Jynnae was a Star Trek OC, but I also RPed Star Wars, D&D, and a few others in AOL chat rooms, forums/message boards, and email. I keep the name in case I ever run into anyone from that time in my life because some of those people helped keep me alive and I'll never forget it.
2. What's the last thing that made you cry?
Therapy yesterday. I'm trying to be less allergic to feelings. Go me.
3. What's your latest guilty pleasure?
I generally don't feel guilty about the things that bring me pleasure, lol, but I'm a little embarrassed that I realized my Stucky playlist on Spotify has long since exceeded 200 songs (sitting pretty close to 230 rn) so I created, I shit you not, a spreadsheet to help me most effectively split it into more specific lists for various timeframes or feelings and I am really enjoying listening to all the songs and organizing it.
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
I never did organized sports, but I did regularly get dropped in the wilderness with a map and a compass for "fun" when I was in high school--does that count?
5. What are your pet peeves?
I hate the sound of chewing/lip smacking/swallowing. I probably have misophonia because it makes me want to vault the table and punch someone.
6. What is the first thing you notice about people?
Hair and hands, usually. Eye contact is not my forte, so I am way more likely to remember someone by their shoes or something than by their face.
7. What is your eye color?
Hazel. I have a ring of brown around my pupil, then a ring of green outside of that like some kind of ridiculous YA novel.
8. What super specific trope or genre is your kryptonite?
Not sure how super specific this is, but I love psychological horror and body horror. I love the kinds of stories and movies where I walk away thinking I'm moving on with my life and then days later, something happens and my heart is pounding and I'm thinking about it again. I love horror that lives under your skin and in the back of your mind until it grips you out of nowhere.
9. What is your superpower?
I am very observant of details, which might be a superpower, but it usually feels like my villain origin story. It makes me good at reading people, but terrible at finishing projects because all I see are the faults and I get overwhelmed and it never gets finished.
10. Which fictional world would you be happy to call home?
You remember that late-aughts Bruce Willis movie where everyone plugs into an interface that lets them leave their bodies at home and navigate the world in an idealized, customizable body with no pain? Yeah, me, neither. I don't think about being able to have a pain-free body that reflects my personal image of myself everyday. Not at all.
11. What are your hobbies?
Reading, creating art, and video games. Between kids and COVID, my other hobby, tabletop RPG, is on a long term hiatus.
12. Do you have any pets?
We've recently lost a dog and a cat, so we're down to 1 cat and about 27,000 fish (not really, but we do have 8 running fish tanks, 3 of which are each over 50 gallons, so, like, there's a lot of fish).
13. What is your biggest toxic trait?
Oh, man, when I am in a relationship with someone, I want to be the center of their fucking universe. Which is weird because I am not monogamous and I am my wife's number one wing man, but it's not about jealousy. I want to know that I can trust my partner to have my back. That they're thinking about me. That they want me. I want to be wanted desperately. I will and have broken up with partners who weren't bad people or a bad match for me, they just weren't as mad about me as I wanted them to be. I feel like a narcissist typing this out, but it's the truth.
14. Is there anything you're afraid you won't accomplish?
I don't know that this is really an accomplishment, but I always wanted to have lots of kids and I always wanted to foster and adopt some of my kids. I knew kids growing up that needed safe homes and never got them (I probably was one, but I was afraid to get into the system, so I just kept my head down and dealt with it) and I always wanted to be the safe place I never had. But, it's expensive. Not the kids--I know kids are expensive (I already have 2). I don't understand why fostering and adopting is so expensive.
15. What's number one on your bucket list?
I want to go back to school to become a teacher, but I'm really finding it daunting right now.
Tags: I'm just tagging a dozen recentish mutuals that I don't know so well, yet... no pressure, but I'd love to get to know you better! @winterscrump @basnatural @eloquentreverie @vellicore @milarca @the-kestrels-feather @iceandironbars @sarahowritesostucky @natashadied4oursins @thepiper0fhameln @hypnxrchy @shurisbedroom If I didn't tag you, but you want to play, please feel free to jump in and tag me anyway!
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michals · 2 years
About your Luther tattoo design (which is amazing), how did you choose some of the details (the bird the scales the swords etc.) do they all have meanings or are they more designs that you think he'd like? ( I am also a bit confused by the roman numeral on his chest. I assumed it's for their birthday but then the year doesn't make sense to me? So, is that what it is?)
If the date is wrong it's simply that I looked it up on the internet because I haven't thought about Roman numerals since elementary school lolol. So yeah, that's supposed to be their birthday.
But thanks for the ask! I do have some reasoning behind most of them and you actually got quite a lot right here and in your tags. Here's what I was thinking:
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My thought was he'd think of the blackout arm tattoos first, as a method of covering up the gorilla skin, but that turned from a kind of blunt, extreme approach into something artistic. The plants on the left arm are umbrella plants like what he had on the moon. And yeah, the umbrella imagery is him reclaiming the matching tattoo with his siblings. The rocket on the right is the Spaceboy logo from the comics. (I totally fucked up the white in the design which is something that kept me from finishing this lol)
The astrolabe with the stars and constellations on his chest are continuing the space theme, but the 7 stars are for the siblings with Ben's #6 being the brightest (also Luther's star is opposite Five's and the needle points at both of them as a nod to them being twins - which never came to fruition in canon, alas).
Vitruvian man as like a symbol of the "perfect human" which he just isn't ever going to be, so it's kind of a spit in the face of the idea of one.
There's the record with 'I Think We're Alone Now' on the opposite shoulder, which I couldn't not do.
'Neither repeat his past nor leave it behind' is a minor bastardization of an Auden quote, a poet I always figured Luther would like plus a good "sum up" quote for him.
It’s hard to see cause I hadn’t fixed it yet but it says “ashes to ashes” on his right side above a scar, which is specifically in reference to a Bowie lyric.
After that, with the rest, they turn less significant and "meaningful" and become more "tattoos for the sake of tattoos" lol. I figure at some point, after the first how many and with all that skin to cover he'd get more into cool looking stuff for the fun of it. Like, if you're getting tattoos you kind of have some sort of anchor/naval imagery. The 13 book tattoo is one of those Friday the Thirteenth tats that shops like to do, and the heart with the crown and swords was just something cool I thought of haha.
(I kind of like the idea of him going to the first shop kind of awkward and not sure what to ask for but over time he becomes a regular and everyone knows him and he gets more comfortable branching out and letting the artists choose some designs. I also imagine them all as like 50+ year old dudes who've owned the shop since the 70's.)
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The back's where this fell apart really. I just could not figure out what to do in the middle, which is why it's still in red.
You're right about the moon design on the back: it was absolutely a reclaiming thing. "Ad astra per aspera' means "through hardships to the stars". For all that he went through for it to happen he still did it, he still lived that dream. Bu the moon being on his back means that those 4 years are behind him though.
The scales are the Libra symbol, which I imagine was one of the first and that Klaus has a matching one. I think he'd find out Luther was getting tattoos and insist on adding one to his own collection and I love the idea of them going together to get it. (Klaus's is a tramp stamp, natch lol)
The sparrow is another "typical" tattoo but also sailors got sparrow tats for every 5000 nautical miles traveled. It's carrying a key as a representation of the key to the actual house because I just love that house and romanticize the connection he has to it.
(Oh and the scars are all ones that are actually on his body, at least as much as I saw from season 2.)
So yeah, that's as far as I got. If I had gotten the whole shebang together and came up with the right idea sooner I would have posted it before the season aired but at this point I just can't make it work like I wanted to but I spent so freaking much time on it I kind of owed it to myself to post it. Thank you for asking, I really appreciate you liking it!!
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burniingup · 1 year
1. how do you feel about reblog karma?
I get it! I don't have anything in my rules about it because I don't think it's too big of a deal. But it's definitely disappointing to see a notification and it's just someone reblogging a meme from you. I always just reblog from the source anyways, and I definitely try to always send something in if I think it works for our muses or something!
2. is it hard for you to write with characters you don’t know/don’t know well?
A little bit I suppose but not so hard that it matters much. If it's my first time interacting with a character, it's my muses first time too so it's not like there's a ton of pressure to know them. I always pour over people's about (and rules) pages when I'm writing replies anyways to make sure I don't mess anything up.
3. whose writing has impacted your writing style the most? (you can choose anyone! famous writer or not.)
Probably just fellow writers here over the years. I can think of two specific people off the top of my head, but neither are active anymore and neither would know this blog of mine anyways. STILL I always just wanted to make sure my replies were of the same quality as my partners'! So thanks to people who were nice enough to give me a chance when I was new and learning I pushed myself a lot to be able to write better!
4. which muse of yours is your all time favorite? if you stopped writing them: why?
Blue over on @absolut-blue has been fun for me, so he's definitely a close contender. I'm unfortunately very connected to him so I find writing for him a bit easier than most other muses, which is nice. BUT really out of everyone I've played here for forever??
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I have this old old ancient OC that I really treasure, Mandy. I used to play her for years over on @mandythereaper (this blog is old and not very pretty ;;) and it was the most fun I've ever had on the internet like ever. I learned to write on that blog and made so many friends. I am sitting on so much gift art from friends and rp partners from those days. A lot of what I did there was just silly little things and interactions as opposed to actual serious threads. But it was so much fun.
I miss her and I'd like to bring her back maybe one day. I originally stopped writing for her because I thought I would be better off writing for an OC that was more human and less of a fantasy kind of creature. Now I don't write for her because I know her blog will never be what it used to be and that makes me sad. ALSO she's just a really old OC you know? I made her like 11 years ago, her story is over like from beginning to end, I just never think about her anymore. I consider her kind of retired.
5. is there a muse you really want to try? if yes: what’s stopping you?
Literally any canon character for BSD lol. I'm so into the series right now and it's what I really want to write for. Particularly I would like to write for any of the DOA trio. Unfortunately I don't do well writing characters who; are smarter than me, are complex enough that some of their intricacies are lost on me, or whose backstory I don't know well. All of them fall into at least one if not more of those categories.
There's definitely OC's I'd like to add to this blog as well but I'd rather not start adding more to this blog until I have more regular interactions and friends and such. I'm not sure why, that's just what I feel like I should do.
0 notes
I have been so damn confused about my identity for most of my life, even before I knew that being trans was a thing. I remember saying to myself “I don’t think I’m a girl, but I don’t think I’m a boy either”. I even remember as a kid that I would refuse to use any of the public bathrooms at my elementary school except the single stall bathroom outside the nurses office, simply because it was gender neutral. Luckily my teachers let me since they thought I was just liked the privacy tho.
I remember this one time though, that honestly haven’t bothered me until recently. I would only used the bathroom during lunch, since it was right outside the cafeteria. And usually one of the teachers would wait outside the bathroom, since they didn’t want anyone wandering the halls. But I remember walking out and looking at the sign on the wall. It had a male and female bathroom person on it (idk the right word for it but you know what I’m talking about) with “gender neutral” written underneath it. I just remember looking up at the teacher and saying “I wish I could be gender neutral.” The teacher just kind of made a weird face and shrugged it off.
Now as an adult, I’ve struggled with my identity. So many labels, definitions, and so. Much. Discourse. Some people say I’m probably this identity, while others say I’m that. Neither ones really fit. Awhile back I decided to push others opinions to the side and focus on how I felt. What felt best to me and what makes me happy. My friend sent me a few articles that he said helped him, and one of them said to think about my childhood. If there were any instances where I was questioning myself, or wish I was a different gender, and I thought about that day at the bathroom.
Because not only was that a one off thought or comment. For the first time in my life, I see a phrase that perfectly describes how I felt. How I wanted to see myself and how I wanted others to see me. “Gender neutral”. I wanted to be seen as neutral, neither male or female. I wanted to simply be a kid who collected Pokémon cards and climbed on playground equipment, who experiments with their mom’s makeup and looks for bugs under rocks. And I realize that as an adult, I still want that feeling of not being perceived as a specific gender identity, but simply a neutral person with a neutral gender.
So I decided to identify as gender neutral. I feel the term itself best describes how I feel about my identity. I tried using terms like “non binary” or “agender” and while those are great and valid identities, I just don’t feel like they fit me. The only term I see best fit me is the one I read on a bathroom sign when I was eight years old. Which is weird to think about honestly lol.
Sorry this was kinda long lol. I just haven’t officially come out to anyone yet, even to my trans friends. I just wanted to tell random strangers on the internet anonymously before I tell my friends I guess lol.
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desidarling123 · 3 years
FACT CHECK: Did JKR sue people for writing Wolfstar fanfiction? [FALSE] [with sources]
So, if you're at all active in the HP fandom, and ESPECIALLY if you're on TikTok, you've likely come across a post or video claiming the following:
I'm not sure who first started this claim or how its various permutations grew, but it spread at the speed of light across social media. This widely-circulated meme summarizes it:
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For the LONGEST time, I didn't know what to make of it. The claims were vague enough that they seemed like they could be true -- after all, JKR is a megacunt and a renowned TERF. You don't need to fact-check either of those things.
But then -- for the first time ever -- I came across a video on TikTok claiming that what was being said was NOT true, and that it was being used SPECIFICALLY to stir up drama. Which was... crazy, to say least.
And that led me, well, to do my own research & fact-check. I've taken the original video's structure and added some exposition as well.
So here's the truth:
That 2003 case the above meme refers to? Not even REMOTELY what the situation was about. Hell, not even CLOSE.
In 2003, JKR sent a cease-and-desist letter to an explicit adult HP fan fiction website, called "Restricted Section". Here's the letter:
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As the above letter states, the site was sent a notice because of overarching concerns that minors would accidentally stumble onto the sexually explicit content the site hosted after searching up 'Harry Potter'.
The hand-wringing over minor safety probably seems dated now, but it was, in fact, standard practice in the early 2000s - sexually explicit fan content was being removed across the internet for those exact concerns. In fact, just the year before, in 2002, fanfiction.net was purged of NC-17 content (which would happen one more time, in 2012).
I feel ridiculous stating it, but just to be clear -- in the above letter and all my subsequent research, there's NO evidence she went after Wolfstar -- or any ship, for that matter -- directly.
In fact, the letter goes an extra mile to declare that "our clients (JKR) make no complaint about innocent fan fiction written by genuine Harry Potter fans", but that, "there is plainly a very real risk that impressionable children... will be directed... to your sexually explicit website".
But that leads in nicely to the next point -- the website DIDN'T shut down, as per the letter's request. Instead, they added password protection to ensure only members older than 17 were accessing it.
OK, but why did JKR and Warner Bros go after this site in the first place? Most believe it was because of a widely-publicized article in THE SCOTSMAN that talked about the website. But, once again, this article doesn't go after Wolfstar in particular -- it only goes after Harry x Draco and Harry x Snape. The inclusion of latter was arguably what generated the biggest controversy -- the pairing of Harry, a fictional minor, with an adult character, in slash stories largely written by adult heterosexual women, was not one that could be cast in a good light to the general public. It's hardly a surprise JKR's lawyers sought to do something before the controversy got out of hand and worried parents started to make calls.
What I said before still goes, though. The legal core of the issue was ALWAYS to do NOT with the ships, but the EXPLICIT NATURE of the work -- and the (very real) concerns that the series' then-mostly-under-18 readership could find said works with very little as far as guardrails were concerned. (I know, because I was one of those kids)
TLDR; JKR did NOT sue people over Wolfstar fanfiction, she sent a cease-and-desist notice to a website that was not taking adequate precautions to prevent minors from accessing the explicit adult content on the site.
To be clear -- this is not meant to be a statement on what to ENJOY in your fandom ships. You can ship Wolfstar, Remadora, both, neither -- it really doesn't matter. I think the fandom is critical enough of the author to have reclaimed her work on our own terms, and people should be allowed to just, idk enjoy things.
But propagating straight-up falsehoods is dangerous, especially when it comes at the expense of 1) a safe fandom environment (see: the current fandom ship wars between Remadora and Wolfstar, which are difficult to watch) and 2) serves as a distraction from the ACTUAL garbage JKR engages in (of which there is plenty -- no need to make it up lol).
Also, truth be told -- inter-fandom ship wars don't generally add anything productive to the necessary conversations that need to be had about her works. The thought that dashing fan ships was a key motivator in her writing rather than, I don't know, plot concerns, is ludicrous on face, and gives fans a level of control over the original writer that just... doesn't exist IRL? And certainly didn't back then?
And again -- the books would have been VERY different series, plot-wise, if Sirius Black HAD lived. Him being in a relationship with Remus, confirmed or implied, has no relation to that decision.
If we have talk Harry Potter, I'd rather talk about just about anything else -- the racism, the misogyny, the lack of any sort of organic queer rep and JKR's inability to just own up to the problems in her works. But the minutiae of ship wars -- and the inevitable stream of disinformation that comes with it, sans any kind of concrete evidence -- is one I'd prefer to pass on.
Cease-and-Desist Letter Copy: http://archive.is/HTLsq
THE SCOTSMAN Article: http://archive.is/VdEaY
Restricted Section Updates Page:
BONUS: The original TikTok video I came across whose structure and sources I shamelessly stole to read and build out my argument. I copied a lot of their wording because it explained it better than I could, you just get some bonus snarky commentary from yours truly
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maraudersftw · 3 years
This is weird. My dialogue is awful. I've been writing for over eight years now. I've barely improved. I feel demoralised every time I reread something of mine because it's just plain terrible. Like, there's no way anyone is actually ever going to say that. Let alone two super witty people, you just know would be great at bantering / flirting. I've asked people to beta, they're just too nice to actually tell me the very apparent issue with my dialogue. I'm not exaggerating. What should I do?
Hey, anon! First of all, I'm honoured that you thought of reaching out to me for this question even though I'm definitely still learning a lot of things about writing and what feels right to me myself. But I understand where you're coming from, and I'll do my best to help you out in whatever way I can. If any of my lovely writer mutuals have more to add, please feel free to do so!
1. Before I even start talking about anything else, it's important to remember that we're our own toughest critic, so it's possible (and quite likely) that your dialogues are not nearly as terrible as you think they are. When you've been writing and staring at the same words you've written multiple times, even the most interesting of dialogues can feel lame and try-hard to you. Whenever I write a fic and proofread through it before posting, 9/10 times I feel like it sounds boring or too dragged out. And it's because I already know what's going to happen, what the other person is going to say. Even if something is meant to be witty, I no longer find it to be so because I've written them. Return to your fics a year from now and you may feel differently.
2. Your betas are there to help you. I know it's difficult to broach that awkward boundary where you want them to be brutally honest about your writing vs wanting strangers on the internet to shower you with validation, but if you really, genuinely, want to improve your writing and make the maximum use of your betas, try talking to them about it. From what you've told me, they seem like very nice people, and if you tell them that they should just be as critical with your writing as they are with theirs, I think they'd understand. If they find that uncomfortable, that's fair. You can always ask someone else. I find that having different betas for different fics is always a good idea because you get to see how differing perspectives work.
3. Ask your betas to leave you comments when they're editing. It's easier to just pass on the doc and have them fix your typos and grammatical errors, but ask them how you can improve the dialogue and pacing as well! Tell them to leave some tips for you as they go over your work. This way, it doesn't have to be an one-on-one conversation (so neither of you feel awkward), and you can just return to the doc later and go through the suggestions slowly and imbibe them into your future works.
4. This might sound very simple, but it's important to remember when you're writing fic that these characters are normal humans who talk and behave like normal humans do. Sometimes, the whole flirting/bantering feel of the conversation just comes through from their actions and not their words. For eg. instead of writing something like:
"Hey, Potter! Are you free this weekend?" asked Lily.
"Why? Wanna take me on a date, Evans?" He smirked.
"Maybe I do."
You bring the scene to life through the same words, but more actions. Like so:
"Hey, Potter!" Lily called, her fingers tentative as they fell on his arm. James turned around, one eyebrow cocked. "Are you free this weekend?"
He looked at her silently, a smirk pulling at his lips. "Why? Wanna take me on a date, Evans?"
Lily's eyes glittered with the thrill of a challenge, and she pressed a little closer. "Maybe I do."
5. Make sure that you let your characters talk and breathe like normal humans, too! Let them take those heavy pauses for tense scenes, let them break off in between sentences because they can't finish a thought right or they're laughing too hard or they've just suddenly remembered something that froze them on the spot. Let them fumble and sigh and repeat words like we do IRL conversations. If your character is having an argument, and they're red in the face, they're probably not gonna say: "Why not?"
They're much more likely to say: "Well, why the hell not?!"
You can throw in a couple of "um"s and "uh"s and "er"s for those unsure few milliseconds. Em dashes are your best friends here. Sometimes, even saying that they're pausing to think or breathe or collect themselves can help bring your dialogues to life.
But yeah, don't overdo them either coz then the flow might break lol
6. Read! Read! Read! As writers, we sometimes forget to really read other stories or appreciate different characterizations and writing styles, which can make your writing growth halt. Not saying this is true for everyone, but reading more definitely doesn't do harm. And especially for us fanfic writers, this works even better, because we're writing about the same characters again and again. If you read another writer's take on it, you'll slowly start to hold onto the pattern of how a certain character speaks, or what they're likely to do. This is extremely useful when writing a dialogue. For instance, I know how headstrong and stubborn Lily is, I've read so many takes on this trait of hers. So when I write my dialogues, I know I can't have her backing down easily. She will go red in the face, she will yell, she will be in denial, and say harsh things she probably doesn't mean entirely when she's mad. But at the same time, I also know she's unflinchingly kind, so you know you have to write that she speaks in soft tones when comforting someone. She probably smiles really kindly, tucks her hair behind her ear when she's shy, confesses things with a lot of bravery, watches James from the sidelines with the softest expression (sorry, got lost in the feels for a sec)
Similarly, you've gotta make James be the loudest one in the room, the one who's voice carries over to everyone, who's absolutely unabashed in his dialogues and whose confidence shines through his words. But the same boy then turns unsure and tentative in moments where his heart is on the line. I always write his dialogues as super vulnerable during such scenes (much more than Lily's would be). A lot of desperation, pleases, promises, etc. etc.
I know this got really long, and I'm not sure if any of it was at all helpful. If you're looking for something specific, please do send in another ask! I don't mind helping out!
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Paint My Spirit Gold
Dukeceit Week Day 2: Green/Yellow
Fans of the YouTubers "Deceit" and Remus "The Duke" Sanders start to suspect that maybe, just maybe, the two of them are more than simple internet pals.
AO3 Link: [here]
Word Count: 2187
Warnings: n/a
@dukeceitweek <3
[ID: A screenshot of a Twitter post by user @CallMeDukie. It features a watercolor-style painting of a snake. The snake appears to be made of melting chocolate, and there is a large bite taken out of its tail. Cherries and jam are leaking out of the snake at the bite wound. The snake's expression of horror is overly-exaggerated to the point of comedy. The caption reads: "liked your snake boi, @SerpenThyme. thanks for the inspo." /end ID]
A notification ding cut Janus off mid-sentence. 
“Wow, someone left their cell phone on, so professional,” he said, giving the camera a dramatic eye roll. That someone was him, of course, because he was the only one in the apartment- just him and the running livestream- but that was no excuse not to be a drama queen about it. He finished wiping flour off his hands and grabbed his phone to silence it; but the notification made him pause. He flicked his eyes up toward the camera and gave a slight smirk.
“My goodness, I’m famous,” he drawled. “The Duke himself has graced little old me with some fan art.”
Most of the comments in the chat wanted him to show it, so Janus opened up Twitter to see the full post he’d been tagged in. It was a watercolor painting of the coiled-snake chocolate sculpture- lovingly named Jake by his viewers- he’d made for his YouTube video last week; it was wearing an expression of such comedic horror that Janus had to stifle a laugh. He flicked his phone screen toward the close-up camera on his counter so his viewers could see.
“How kind of you, Remus,” he said. “All of you should go scold him for what he’s done to poor Jake here.”
Most of his viewers would know he was joking- after all, they were the ones to nickname him Deceit when he provided neither a real or fake name for his online persona. They knew full well what he was like by now.
The oven timer dinged. Janus silenced his phone and set it aside.
“And our first batch of cookies is done. You know, why don’t we show the Duke some appreciation?”
[ID: An Instagram post by user @SerpenThyme. The photo is an artistically-framed shot of a stack of sugar cookies with green, yellow, and pink icing. Propped up against the stack is another cookie, with an intricate icing-drawing of an octopus. The photo appears to have been color corrected to have high contrast, low saturation, and a dark vignette at the edges. The Instagram user @OctoDukie is tagged. No caption. /end ID]
“You know, I have often been accused of actually being a little old lady, what with my fondness for knitted jumpers, rocking chairs, and incredibly fucked up murder mystery books. Today I am doing nothing to dispel this accusation, by making soup.”
The studio was dark and empty aside from Remus' workspace. Everyone else had left long ago, even his own brother, which meant that it was officially ass-o'clock in the morning (or, as most people called it, somewhere between 1 and 2 a.m.) But Remus was stuck in hyperfocus, honed in on putting the last touches on a commission that he'd been putting off for weeks. It's not that it was a tough painting- once he'd gotten started, it was actually a very creatively satisfying piece- but man, executive dysfunction could go suck a dick
“French onion soup, specifically. Because while I do like to pretend I am a classy bitch, I am also, regrettably, a lazy bitch with a distaste for anything that takes longer than one bottle of wine to make.”
Remus hated working in silence. It was stifling, almost suffocating. His brain needed noise like his lungs needed air. So when the studio had grown still and silent, Remus had flipped open his laptop and queued up some YouTube videos. 
“So we have here three pounds of onions that we need to slice up, pole to pole. You’re going to cry no matter what, so if you have any memories you’ve been repressing since middle school, now is an excellent time to dredge those up.” 
And if it happened to be 90% SerpenThyme videos, well. Sue him. 
“Now the first rule of caramelizing onions: fast and sloppy is always better than slow and thorough… at least, that’s what every man I’ve ever slept with tells me.”
Remus choked and glanced over to his laptop screen just in time to catch Deceit's trademark smirk directed at the audience just for a moment. It was the deadpan delivery that always got him. Remus could barely hold onto a joke long enough to get through it without cackling mid-punchline, but this fucker could say the funniest shit like an off-hand comment. 
He wiped his hands off on his jeans (what use were clothes if you couldn't use them as paint rags?) and pulled his laptop across the table.  He typed out a quick comment, citing the timestamp of the joke, and after it was posted, he shut his laptop. 
'Cause ass-o'clock was short for "get-your-ass-home-or-I’ll-kick-it" o'clock. 
[ID: A screenshot of a YouTube comments section. The first comment is by user TheDuke, and reads: "10:42 wow, rude." The second comment is a reply by user SerpenThyme, and simply reads ";)" /end ID]
Janus plopped down on the couch with a slight groan. He didn’t need to stream today, but he really hated missing days. Besides… he was fine. Really. 
He adjusted the camera until he was happy with the framing, and then checked the settings on his streaming software. Satisfied, he started the stream, and watched as his usual viewers rolled in. 
“What do you mean I’m not in my kitchen?” Janus drawled, addressing the chat. He glanced around with an expression of faux-shock on his face. “My goodness, when did that happen?”
He chuckled, and then gestured to his surroundings. “Yes, we are in my living room today. If you must know, my closest and most trusted friend tried to murder me today- yes, Virgil, it was attempted murder and nothing less- and I survived with nary a scratch… and a broken foot, but that is beside the point. Anyway, I’m not allowed to stand for long periods of time, and I may or may not be somewhat inebriated by pain pills and couldn’t stand even if I wanted to. So we are cooking from my couch today.”
Janus paused for a few moments to read the chat messages as they popped up. A few get well soon’s, a few theories about the “attempted murder,” Virgil- who moderated his chat for him- vehemently denying the “attempted murder” but otherwise refusing to clarify the event, and a large volume of wtf why are you streaming today, take care of yourself comments, which made him smile. But one particular comment caught his eye, almost lost amid the torrent of an active chat: wait this kinda looks like the Duke’s living room?
“Oh, VampSuga,” he said, addressing that commenter in particular with a slight smirk. “I haven’t the faintest idea what you’re talking about. Anyway, since I can’t reach my oven from here, I thought some no-bake cookies were in order. For these you will need-”
[ID: A screenshot of a Discord conversation. The text reads:
“VampSuga: Ok ok hear me out. Dukeceit. 
Starstruck96: who?
IneffableSnek: lmao
FeralBeauYasha: lol
VampSuga: Deceit and Remus Sanders! They’re totally dating. I will die on this hill. 
FeralBeauYasha: Isn’t the duke w/ PatPat?
IneffableSnek: no thats his brothers bf
FeralBeauYasha: ohh
VampSuga: Did anyone see Deceit’s stream today? I swear that’s the Duke’s livingroom. 
StarStruck96: idk that seems like a stretch
IneffableSnek: no wait i kno what u mean
IneffableSnek: im watching the duke’s old videos and that one where he shows off all his old weapons he’s in a living room kinda like deceit’s 
FeralBeauYasha: They were acting all cute on twitter too
VampSuga: DUKECEIT”  /end ID]
"Hey guys, been a while since you've seen my face and not just whatever my hands are busy with, when it's within YouTube's terms and conditions I mean. They used to be way more lenient…" Remus trailed off for a moment, then shook his head sharply and plastered on a grin. 
"Anyway! In June me and a few other creators did a fundraiser for the Trevor Project, and y'all smashed the goal, so I let you decide what video I'd make this month." He paused, and gestured to the mountain of clothes piled behind him on the bed. "And you had so many juicy ideas to choose from, but you decided to dress me up like a Barbie instead."
Remus paused to scroll through his phone for a few moments. "Ah, ok, here we go. Twitter user YoonIsMyCat- oh, BTS, nice- sent in this first outfit. Uh… future Remus, put up the post here somewhere." He gestured vaguely to his right. "Y'all went with either a fuckton more clothes or a fuckton less clothes, which I respect. Apparently this outfit is called…” He squinted at his phone. “Amish chic? I take it back, no respect at all.”
Remus cycled through the outfits his viewers sent in, which ranged from the aforementioned “Amish chic” to “2008 rave attire” to “ok now you guys are just fucking with me” (which consisted of one of those big puffy snow coats, lime green in color; booty shorts with the shrug text emoji across the ass; fuzzy pink boots; and a yellow cowboy hat to top off the whole thing. It was awful. Remus loved it.) The mountain of clothes on the bed gradually became a mess of clothes spread across the floor instead, until there was just one outfit left. 
“Ok so Twitter user VampSuga sent me this outfit that I’m gonna call ‘sexy librarian.’ I couldn’t find this exact sweater online, but-” he paused for dramatic effect, before brandishing a sweater toward the camera like a bullfighter. “My boyfriend had something that was close enough.”
Remus hopped up from the bed and switched off the camera so he could change.
“They’re going to lose their minds,” a voice drawled from the doorway. Remus threw his shirt at him.
“Shoo, I’m getting naked.”
[ID: A Twitter post by user @CallMeDukie. It features a selfie of YouTuber Remus “The Duke” Sanders, a Hispanic man with his hair dyed green and styled into a spiked mohawk. He is wearing a yellow knitted cardigan over a black button-up shirt. He is grinning widely at the camera. The caption reads: “my viewers pick my outfits! now live on youtube. go see what i look like as a sexy librarian!” /end ID]
first and only dukeceit shipper ig
wow there’s so many of you now! Hi!!
i want this to be canon so bad omg
i mean just look
[ID: A series of three gifs featuring Youtubers SerpenThyme, aka Deceit, and TheDuke, aka Remus Sanders. Deceit is a black man with long, dreadlocked hair, and vitiligo patches along the left side of his face. Remus is a Hispanic man with green-dyed hair styled into a mohawk, many ear and facial piercings, and tattoos covering both arms. Each gif is edited so that the highlights are tinged yellow when Deceit is seen, and tinged green when Remus is seen.
The first gif depicts a close-up shot of Deceit’s hands as he carefully decorates a cookie with green and yellow icing. The cookie art he is working on appears to be a half-finished octopus. The gif then fades into a mid-shot of Remus, with his back to the camera, facing a canvas. The canvas is blank, and Remus appears to be laying out paints on a table to his left. 
The second gif depicts Deceit seated at his couch, facing the camera. He has many ingredients spread across his coffee table (including oats, cocoa powder, and butter) and appears to be in the process of laying out several more. The gif fades to show Remus seated at a similar couch with a similar coffee table in front of him. The camera is angled slightly downward to better show the myriad of knives spread out across the table. Remus is gesturing wildly with a morning star held in his hand. 
The third gif depicts Deceit in his kitchen. He is pulling on a bright, yellow knitted cardigan, and smirking toward the camera. The gif fades to show Remus in his bedroom, seated on his bed. He is holding up a similar-looking cardigan toward the camera and grinning. /end ID]
“Remus, it’s almost two in the morning. Come to bed.”
“I’m coming, sorry. Twitter distracted me.”
“Mm. I can’t believe the bird app is more distracting than I am.”
“You should try harder.”
“Come to bed and maybe I will.”
“Ok, ok, I’m coming. Hang on though, is it cool if I post this?”
“Sure. They figured it out anyway.”
“Sweet. Ok, Jannie, I’m coming.”
[ID: A screenshot of a Twitter post by user @CallMeDukie. It reads: “Dukeceit is canon.” /end ID] 
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homosociallyyours · 3 years
Your last post about the ideal stunt girlfriend! I have some thoughts on this as well. I think first of all as you said the preference is that they just do not exist that is essentially why anything and everything they do seems to be picked apart. I am not sure what it is that someone can do then if their existence is the problem. (This is only in context of the 1D fandom because I have no idea how stunt girlfriend might be treated elsewhere). The blame for the closeting is placed entirely on the shoulders of the stunt girlfriend as if she is the one forcing a closeting whereas we do not know anything going on behind the scenes. (Just want to add that there is nothing wrong with someone choosing to be closeted in order to navigate a homophobic industry and world and to protect oneself.) I know the common story told about larry is that external people are forcing things upon them or are sabotaging them and there may well have been times where they were advised strongly (or manipulated and mistreated when they were younger by those who should have tried to help them in the industry) to stay in the closet but that does not mean that they do not have any agency at all for anything especially not in the present day. Perhaps in an ideal world they may choose to disclose their sexuality and their relationship (but even if they did not they do not owe that to anyone. Anyways the problem is heteronormativity and assuming people are straight by default). I do personally believe that both Louis and Harry want to at least be recognized as part of the LBTQA community for as long as they do not state things publicly (and also show that they are together to those that recognize it. I am a larrie so that is my belief lol) and possibly do want to come out at some point (both about their individual sexualities and their relationship) but until then they do have to perform heterosexuality for many numbers of reasons. And while they do that there is a need for a stunt girlfriend whether as PR or just for the purpose of appearing straight depending on their career needs. I know people who will speak out against attacks on Olivia might still have issues with Eleanor because one is PR and one is not (this is a simplified version of the reasons and I don't want to go into comparisons or reasonings people have for anything. At the end of the day neither attacks is justified to me.)
Okay this is already quite long and I haven't yet got to the point sorry about that. I think at the end of the day the purpose of the stunt girlfriend (when there is no PR involved) is to help maintain the closet until the closet is required. It doesn't matter who the person is tbh. If it were not Eleanor it would have been someone else so people who say things about Eleanor's personality, looks, character, mistakes she may have made do not make sense to me. None of these people know her yet they have made their own head canon version of her which is always a negative version. It would be the same no matter who was in her place. I think Louis' purpose for Eleanor specifically has to do with the story he wants to tell with his music and in interviews (a story that could possibly be most similar to his actual relationship perhaps even if not entirely the same) and I do believe Eleanor specifically helps tell it (as his longest public relationship). It allows him to mention a girlfriend that has "helped him" through tough times and give anecdotes about his "girlfriend". I think Eleanor probably does other things behind the scenes like a personal assistant as well we just do not see it. But the Eleanor we do see is the image that we are shown, the image that tells the story that Louis wants told. And that story in itself is so interesting and to me just confirms things that I believe about his actual relationship. So its more intriguing to me than something to stress over or look at negatively. I don't know Eleanor but what I know is this is her job and she will do it. It is work and I don't know why it has been villainized. I understand being frustrated by the situation and feeling like Louis (and Harry) may have not been happy through stunts in the past (potentially) but that does not translate to hating the stunt girlfriend. Disliking a situation you are in does not mean you dislike everyone who is part of it. But yeah anyways the end point is I do not see any situation in which people would be happy with a stunt girlfriend.
It doesn't matter which song she posts there will always be some criticism over it. It doesn't matter if she just posts herself with dogs or doing influencing there will be a problem. It doesn't matter whether she posts about Louis or not there will be criticism in either case. Lastly it doesn't matter if she talks with Louis' sisters or not either way there will be arguments that they are not on good terms. So I am not quite sure what it is that an ideal stunt girlfriend can do for fans. I don't see any situation where people who have already decided to have a problem just based on the concept of her being a stunt girlfriend will suddenly stop. But talking about these things might help at least some people understand the bias? I just think the best approach is that she keep doing what she feels is best according to the story that she has to tell and ignore the criticism (which can be tough I know because of the immense amount of hate you can get for it). I think if I were to find and guide someone my focus would be on guiding them on how to navigate the hate and I guess general tips based on the story that needs telling. And I think when it comes to finding someone it is probably a mix of finding someone who would look like what the ideal image of a girlfriend to a popstar should look like (which has its own problems and really we need to reevaluate standards of deciding these things) and also someone who can do the other behind the scenes work too?
Idk I have done a lot of rambling (and still probably haven't got all my thoughts down lol) but it was definitely an interesting post that led to some thoughts I felt like discussing. I hope you do not mind my sending an anon with all these thoughts. You do not have to post it if you are afraid of the reaction and can instead reply in tags?
I just want to end with agreeing with what you said about considering bearding to be like sex work. And also thankyou for your post.
hi nonny! thank you for your long and thoughtful response :) i hope you don't mind that i'm publishing it-- i think you made some good points and i appreciate that you really tried to answer the question of who to pick and what to guide them to do. image would definitely be key, as would an internet presence of some kind. i imagine celeb pairings would mean more frequent but less involved appearances while a famous/not famous pair would be able to get away with fewer public spottings but maybe more in depth/intimate scenarios.
and i really think there's just no way to please everyone, but you're right that the blame for closeting seems to fall on the shoulders of the woman who's bearding. :/// that often goes hand in hand with the narrative that they're (still) being forcibly closeted instead of looking at the very real history of ex-boybanders and performers who came out, which is relatively bleak/unsuccessful and making a decision to try to gain more credibility as solo artists.
meanwhile i share your perception that they want to be seen/read as LGBTQ+ by those of us who are part of that community. signalling is real, and it's not based on stereotypes like "oh he wore makeup! he has a limp wrist!" i mean as a queer femme from the south, when i go home i tone myself down quite a lot, but i still wear/use symbols that other queer people are more likely to notice, tell stories about myself that indirectly mention my gender and sexuality, and engage with queer history when possible in ways that straight people just. wouldn't perceive.
but of course you can do all of that and STILL want or need to be in the closet!
i really appreciate you responding to my question, even though i think you're right that there's no answer that would make the hatred these women get any less virulent. i do hope that, like you said, talking about it is at least useful in getting more people to realize that maybe it's undeserved? beards don't build the closets, they just stand there to make sure nobody walks in on the person they're working with while they're half naked, basically.
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zhansww · 3 years
Is there a huge difference between shippers in China and outside of it?
Almost every fandom has rpf shippers and they're not seen as a serious threat at all. It's just part of fandom culture. Everyone knows it's all fake unless there's official confirmation.
But I've seen so many c-fans saying that fanedits and fanvids are a form of slanders. Candies dropping are spreadig false rumours etc. At first I was wondering if those people are new to internet😣 or to fandom culture, then I wonder if c-shippers ARE invasive in their shipping and if the pearl clutching is justified after all? I mean, I've never seen anyone treating shippers like a serious threat, usually they're just treated like some weirdos in the corner. So why is c-fandom is different? Or is it not c-fandom as a whole and is it just our fandom that is bonkers?
Ps. Sorry if I'm a bit all over the place trying to explain whats in my jumbled brain 🙏🏼
To be clear, I'm not the best person to ask cuz I don't really know other rp fandoms. I've pretty much always stuck to stanning fictional characters (until I fell in love with BTS in 2017 and ggdd in 2019, lol). Also, I try my best to stay away from any fandom drama b/w solos and cp fans. I think I may know what this is about but just fyi, I’ll be mostly guessing here.
From what I do know, shipping in c entertainment is usually bound to whatever drama it is that the idols in question are playing in. Take Lang Dianxia for example. Fans who ship XZ and LiQin started doing so since their roles got confirmed or since they started filming. Once the drama got released, they gladly made the most of all the XZ/LQ content they got. Maybe they'll be shipping them for a little while longer now, after the drama finished airing but then that's it. They'll move on to the next cp with their idol in it. YiZhan is already different in that way. The hype around their cp has not died down at all after ChenQingLing ended. On the contrary, they got a lot more fans after the last episode aired. By now, it's been about 14 months since the last time ggdd attended a CQL related event. The bj-x supertopic has only grown since then. So many people can't all be wrong... right? They wouldn't have such a dedicated following for this long if there wasn't indeed more to that cp than just their roles. The probably most damning thing is that neither Yibo’s nor Zhan-ge’s companies have made any statements denying bj-x or trying to close that supertopic. Given how much traction is still gets and how it even led to negative news at times and how they no longer need to promote a drama they co-star in anyway, you should think that it would be safe to do so, i.e. they wouldn’t lose too many fans from it. As many cp fans as they have, the number of their solo fans is still way more. My point being that maybe on some level, everyone knows that ggdd are in fact together. And that’s why to certain people (mainly solo fans, I assume) any info that cp fans share is dangerous. To them, all of it, even the most ridiculous theories, are possibly harmful cuz they might expose their idol’s (queer) relationship status and they are simply trying to protect their idol from the inevitable negative repercussions to their reputation and career that an involuntary coming-out would have. So, I don’t think that c fandom as a whole is necessarily different but rather the ggdd fandom specifically. But you can’t really fault those who consider ggdd cp fans a “threat”... they are being sort of over-protective, I guess, but they mean well.
Personally, I think that ggdd cp fans are being ridiculous at times but making theories that are blatantly reaching aren’t exactly harmful either. I think c fans intentionally share the more harmless/stupid/cpn theories publicly, and share the more serious theories only privately. That way, outsiders can easily dismiss ggdd cp fans as dumb. And it “only” becomes too intrusive when cp fans make use of stalker info. I myself used to have this attitude of “well, that info is there so I might as well use it”. I don’t think that way anymore, though. I try to stay away from that kind of info and also from all those “candies” or w/e they call it.
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dearmrsawyer · 3 years
J A M I L A please i must ask you supernatural asks and NO I WILL NOT limit myself to just one. Please can i ask you! 12. what is your most memorable episode (and obviously WHY) and 26. Best side Character. ALSO free question because i want to PLEASE JUST TELL ME SOMETHING(ANYTHING) YOU LOVE ABOUT SUPERNATURAL PLEASE THANK YOU
LE you’re so indulgent thank you ;__; (edit to say this is so long i am just... well. it was inevitable i suppose, ty for your patience lol)
12. what is your most memorable episode (and why!)
AAH this is hard because obviously there are so so many memorable episodes over 15 years!!!! but i think i‘d like to pull out the season 8 (or as i like to call it, season gr8) finale, Sacrifice. midway through season 8 my brother and i moved into our grandparents place while my parents were separating and i used to sleep in their spare room. they had this old tv in there that pre-dates flatscreens and i lowkey used to loveee watching it. anyway during that period i would use up all my grandparents’ bandwidth downloading new Spn episodes and destroy their internet until it reset at the end of the month LOL, but Spn was one of the few things that really kept me going at that point in time. i think God was like ‘jamila’s having a hard year, let’s make this one of Spn’s best seasons ever’ because truly i cannot explain to you how much i love that season. how much thinking about it pushes everything else out of my heart so i can feel the love for it as fully as possible. i have this extremely vivid memory of sitting on the single bed in that spare room watching the season 8 finale on that little fat tv, and feeling SO much, like feeling so many feelings about everything that was happening in the episode, and forgetting everything else in the world because that episode swallowed me whole, and i remember - i remember SO clearly - the last scene of that episode, when the angels started falling, and being completely awed, like jaw agape, heart pounding, just full of wonder, because that scene was so beautiful and shocking and like, just an unbelievable moment? i just REMEMBER how it felt to watch that episode more clearly than the watching any other moment in the show, it was so powerful to me. i think it was a combination of factors, like the intensity of life at that moment, the build up of this unbelievable season of a show that had carried me through 8 years (including this hard year), the fruition of a storyline focused on Sam, a character i’d loved so much for so long, and a really staggering episode. 
26. best side character?
oh NOOOO howwww how how can i choose. i’m gonna pick 3 because I’M in control! and i’m going to pick these based on the value i believe they added to the show, and to Sam and Dean’s lives. 
1. Bobby. It’s crazy to me that Bobby died literally halfway through the show (mid season 7) and yet he still feels like a core part of the show to me? Like it’s been 7 and a half years lol but i still feel like he’s a foundational block! I love Bobby SO much, for many reasons but most especially because he was really a dad to Sam and Dean. Like no disrespect to John (some disrespect) but he was their DAD. He took so much care of them, talked them down from so many ledges, showed them so much love (even if it was in his own gruff way!), and felt so much pride over who they grew up to be, like i truly think we owe Bobby for who they are. and he really acted as a home base to them for those first 7 seasons! Spn was always supposed to be a road show, 2 brothers driving across country, staying in bizarre hotels, no home base. But Bobby really WAS the home they could come back to anytime. And they needed that so badly. 
2. Mary. How many times can i explain how AMAZING it was to have Mary become a fixture in the show 12 YEARS IN. Like!?!?!?! And the reason i think Mary is such an incredible side character is because for those first 11 years (and all the years pre the show) the memory of Mary shaped Sam and especially Dean in very specific ways. Like she was this phantom known mostly through Dean’s vague, 4yo memories, so insubstantial and so dream-like. And that image of her was so extremely formative for them. And then all of a sudden BAM here she is in the flesh! And she’s not that dream-like figure at all! She’s fully formed and complex and has a lot of issues and neither she nor Sam/Dean know what to do about each other, because they’re all adults! And watching them figure out how to be a family was the most INCREDIBLE thing, watching Mary figure out how to be a mother to 2 adults (missing the opportunity to be a mother to growing boys) and also not being sure she even wanted to be one?? watching Sam get to know a mother he had NO memories of, and knew only by proxy threw Dean’s infant memories, and watching Dean have to reluctantly scratch out that image he’d been carrying around for 35 years and let Mary be her own self, not the self he’d been projecting onto her all this time, was justttttt <333333
3. Jack. I can’t miss out on our collective son ;__; listen listen listen, this idea. to have Sam and Dean spent 12 seasons learning and unlearning all the traumas of their parents, to face every challenge imaginable, and then to round out their story by giving them the one extremely human challenge they’ve not yet faced (being parents) is so... unbelievably beautiful. like to give them this character, who was presumed to be the doom of all creation, and have them end up seeing him as a son, and loving him, and fearing losing him, and wanting to do anything - anything - to save him, to break whatever cosmic rule it took (exactly the same way they’d do anything to save EACH OTHER these past 12 years btw) is JUST!!!!!! IT IS JUST!!!!!!! THE MOST INCREDIBLE STORY!!!!!!!!!! AND the fact that all their doubts and fears about his ‘potential’ for darkness were mirrored within Jack himself, and for him to try to combat that fear by modelling himself after Sam and Dean as much as he could, because HE believed that THEY were his salvation, and if he followed in their footsteps he would only ever be good. LIKE THAT MAKES ME INSAAAAAAAAANE. AND THEN HE BECAME GOD. SAM AND DEAN RAISED GOD. HE DECIDED ON THE KIND OF GOD HE WANTED TO BE BASED ON EVERYTHING HE LEARNED FROM THEM. NEVER COULD THIS SHOW HAVE FOUND A BETTER WAY TO GO OUT IT DRIVES ME CRAZYYYYYYYY
oh my god i’ve been writing this post for over an hour because i have to keep stopping and feeling emotions lol 
special le question: tell you something i love about the show!! 
god okay!!!!! so many things to choose from!!!! let’s try not to be an emotional mess this time lol. something that i love about the show is the fact that it had the time to experiment. the gift of long-running scifi shows is that they have time to find their feet, and then they have time to find their voice, and finding their voice allows them to play. and playing is how you get some of the best moments in television. and my god, did Spn play. episodes like “Changing Channels” where Sam and Dean were sucked into satirical versions of other TV shows like Grey’s Anatomy and CSI Miami. or “Ghostfacers” which was a found footage episode from the pov of a group of awful paranormal investigators, and Sam and Dean were basically the side characters LOL! or “The French Mistake” where Sam and Dean were sucked into a universe where they were actually the actors PLAYING Sam and Dean SJKJKD or “Baby” when they had an entire episode from the CAR’S perspective, or when they’re in a black and white monster movie!!!! something i love about the show is that they had the time to play and they USED it! so well!!!! it’s been 15 years of wonderful stories, i am just so grateful for them all
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ariesnicolo · 3 years
spencer if you’d like to do 13 i’d thank you for my life <3
kallen i was hoping someone would ask for this one tysm ily<3 
this really got away from me lol and it’s over 2k words so i’m putting it under a read more, i hope you like it!!! 
13. This wasn’t meant to be a date, but we’ve had such a good time and now it’s 2 a.m. and I should really go home… | andromaquynh, 2k+
Their day had started casual enough, just Andy and Quynh running errands together, first stopping at the library to return a textbook Andy needed for her research (I don’t know why you just didn’t download it off the internet, Quynh had complained as they waited for the older woman in front of them to find her library card from her purse, but Andy only shook her head and said, You know it hurts my eyes-- the words are always too small. Andy had bent down and picked up the women’s library card that had fallen out of her purse at some point and onto the ground, and then they were stuck there even longer as the woman profusely thanked Andy and wouldn’t let go of her hand.), and Andy felt bad about the holdup at the library so she lead them slightly out of the way toward a coffee shop so Quynh could order one of her too sweet coffees (Andy had to hide her smile in her own coffee far too frequently, Quynh’s enjoyment and excitement over a single drink infectious.)
Then Quynh needed to stop at a grocery store to pick up broth for a soup she was making for the monthly dinner she hosted with her mom, dad, and grandmother (You could just buy this in bulk, you know. It would probably be easier than coming here every few weeks, Andy said as Quynh handed Andy a carton of broth and then immediately turned left away from where the cash registers were and toward the snacks. Andy was prepared for this though, because Quynh always came just for broth and ended leaving with three bags full of groceries, so she just put the broth in the basket she quietly picked up when they walked in and followed Quynh. I know, but I like coming here. The people are nice, I like talking to them.)
After that Andy needed to buy flowers for Joe and Nicky’s daughter’s dance recital, since it was apparently customary for the family friend/aunt to bring flowers to those kind of events, (They just want you to bring her flowers too. She’s spoiled rotten, she gonna have all the other kids jealous, Quynh muttered with a fond smile as she thumbed over the petals of a light pink carnation. Andy had to physically resist the urge to pick one out of the bunch and hand it to Quynh, like in the movies where the two leads lock eyes and brush fingers and swelling music plays over them before something breaks the tension. Instead, Andy picked up a bunch of purple flowers and walked to the counter to check out.)
They stopped at Quynh’s apartment next to drop off the broth and flowers so they didn’t have to carry them around for the rest of the day. Even though they had no more errands to run and no set plans for the rest of the day, they both knew they didn’t want their time together to end so soon. They never needed anything concrete to have fun anyways, all Andy needed was Quynh around and she was set, could walk aimlessly with Quynh for centuries and want for nothing else.
“So,” Quynh turns from her kitchen sink with a vase half full of water and puts the flowers in the vase, “what do you want to do for the rest of the day?”
They met when they were kids, at the school playground, each alone and looking for someone to play with. Quynh was sitting on the swings, alone and trying to catch someone’s eye to push her, but eventually giving up and trying to kick off the ground with her feet. Andy was wandering around the playground looking for something cool to climb when she spotted Quynh, and before she knew it, she was running toward Quynh and offering to push the swing for her. Quynh accepted Andy’s offer with excitement clear in her eyes, and Andy smiled and rushed behind the swing to start pushing. They have been inseparable ever since.
They end up at the mall. It wouldn’t be Andy’s first choice in activity, but Quynh said she needed a new winter coat and it was always better to go shopping with a friend. Quynh stops in a million different stores before they even make it to where she likes to buy her coats, and if Andy drags her feet a little more than necessary, it isn’t because she knows Quynh will eventually grab her wrist to pull her along faster, and it certainly isn’t because she thinks Quynh is cute when huffs after her to get her to walk faster.
“Andy, c’mon, what if someone gets the coat I want before me?” Quynh tugs on Andy’s wrist one more time, and Andy falls into step beside Quynh. Quynh leads them to the escalator to the second floor, and Andy tries to remember if Quynh has mentioned a specific coat this entire time.
“How do you already know which one you want?” Andy asks as they step off the escalator, Quynh dodging through the people ahead of them and creating a pathway for Andy. Andy can’t help the little smile that forms as Quynh stops a few feet from the elevator and turns around, waits the few extra steps for Andy to catch up with a smile of her own.
“I saw it in a magazine at the dentist. It’s this really beautiful red coat and you can tie it in the front-- I’ll just show you when we get there. You’ll like it, though, I’m sure.”
“Yeah, I’m sure.” Andy already likes the coat if Quynh is this excited about it, Andy already loves the idea of Quynh getting to her store and finding the coat with a smile, Andy already has the mental image of Quynh wearing something she loves, something she’s comfortable in, locked in her mind.
Quynh gets invited to Joe and Nicky’s daughter’s dance recital when it occurs to Andy that Quynh is still with her as she walks to the recital with Quynh next to her, that Quynh never stayed back at her apartment after Andy picked up the flowers and Quynh put away her coat. Not that Andy wasn’t already excited for the recital, because she does love that kid, but now that she knows Quynh will be next to her, the idea of sitting through a recital full of five year olds becomes a little more appealing.
Andy and Quynh meet Joe and Nicky inside, sliding into two empty seats next to them. Joe manages to wiggle his eyebrows at Andy before the lights dim and the curtain draws across the stage, and then his attention couldn’t be further from Andy. Andy rolls her eyes and tries to be normal about the fact that Quynh rests her head on Andy’s shoulder five minutes into the recital and doesn’t move until it’s over. Because it is normal, it’s perfectly normal for Quynh to lean on Andy or link their elbows together while they walk or for Quynh to twist her ankle around Andy’s foot when she wants her attention, but just because it happens doesn’t mean Andy ever gets used to it. It doesn’t mean Andy’s heart still doesn’t skip a beat whenever Quynh touches her, doesn’t mean Andy can’t feel like a little girl again whenever Quynh touches her.
The recital ends, Quynh takes her head off Andy’s shoulder, Andy gives her flowers to the kid (These are from me and Quynh. You were perfect up there, way better than all those other kids, but you already know that, huh?), and Andy and Quynh leave the recital hall together. The sun is starting to set, bright oranges and pinks and yellows mixing together in the sky, and it might be the most beautiful sunset Andy has ever seen, but she can’t take her eyes off how Quynh is staring in awe of the sky.
“Let’s walk through the park.” Andy suggests. “We can see the sunset better from up on the hill.”
Quynh shoots Andy a closed mouth smile before they start walking, her mouth scrunching toward the side as she glances at Andy. Andy knocks their shoulders together once they cross the street, and Quynh repeat the gesture toward Andy. Andy can’t be one hundred percent sure what Quynh means when she returns it, but Andy knows what she meant.
Of course I know you wanted to see it better. I know you, I see you, I’ve been in love with you since we were children. It feels like I know you better than I know myself.
It’s late by the time they get dinner, much later than Quynh would like to be eating if the jealous looks she keeps sending the people eating next to them are any indication.
“You can’t keep glaring at the people next to us just because they have food and we don’t.”
Quynh tears her eyes away from the table next to them and shoots Andy a glare that would have been effective on anyone but Andy. Not only has Andy known Quynh much too long for the look to have any effect, Quynh has also known Andy too long to keep her glare free of fondness. “That’s rich, coming from someone who practically burned holes into the the back of Nile’s date last week.”
Andy just shrugs and takes a sip of her drink. She doesn’t regret it, and Nile’s date got over it pretty quickly, which was a good sign. “Do as I say, not as I do.”
Quynh scoffs and rolls her eyes, but Andy sees the little smile on Quynh’s face, even if no one else would be able to. Quynh’s eyes take her back to the people next to them and their food, and the longer she stares, the more Andy can see an idea forming in her mind. Andy just waits for Quynh to share what she’s thinking, knowing it’s going to be something outlandish.
“What if I asked them for a piece of their food?”
Their waitress arrives at that exact moment with their food, and Quynh’s focus on the people next to them is lost. Maybe they should stop drinking, or at least get the food in their stomachs quickly. “Thank you.” Andy tells the waitress after she checks that everything is good, and Quynh mumbles out a “Thank you” of her own through her noodles.
They both got a little drunk at dinner, so when they left the restaurant and ended up on the boardwalk, every gamestand seemed like a great idea, and the cotton candy on the way out seemed like an even better idea. Neither of them were very successful in any of the game stands, but they each managed to win a few games, and they carry their trophies home proudly.
Andy has a stuffed black cat tucked under her arm and a flashing necklace hanging from her neck, and Quynh is wearing an alien headband and carrying a purple dragon by the tail.
“Can we take a cab home, Andy? I’m tired.” Quynh leans harder into Andy as if to prove her point, and Andy moves her stuffed cat into her other arm so she can wrap her left arm around Quynh’s shoulders, keeping her close. Andy does everything in her power to not overthink how Quynh called her apartment home. It’s late, probably close to two in the morning, and it’s been a long day for the both of them, so it’s best to just let it go.
“We’re one street over from your place. Just a little bit longer.”
Quynh’s responding groan is good enough for Andy, and she carries most of Quynh’s weight down the last street to Quynh’s apartment. It hits Andy then, seeing Quynh’s apartment building in the dark, that they’ve spent all day together, just wandering around with no plan other than to spend time together. It’s probably one of the best days Andy’s had in a long, long time. When she started the day running errands with Quynh, Andy didn’t think the day would end with them hanging out all day and getting dinner and laughing through games at the boardwalk.
If Andy didn’t know any better, she would think today was a date. But it wasn’t, and it isn’t, because Andy didn’t plan today and Quynh is just her friend. Her best friend, and that’s fine. It’s good, great even. Everything is good.
“Oh, I love you.” Quynh whispers, and Andy almost drops Quynh onto the front steps of her building in surprise.
“What did you just say?” Andy whispers back, not trusting her ears or her brain.
“I said I love you.” Quynh says, untangling herself from Andy’s arms and adjusting her headband. Andy can’t figure out if she’s having trouble breathing from how cute Quynh looks right now, goofy headband askew and a sleepy look about her, or if it’s because Quynh is finally telling her everything she’s ever wanted to hear. “To my apartment building. I’m so fucking tired, I guess it just slipped out.”
“Right.” Andy swallows and looks away, hides the emotion on her face before she looks back at Quynh. Quynh doesn’t love her, and Andy knows that, but she’s so tired and has had such a fuckign good day that it was easy to let herself believe for a second. “You gonna be okay to get upstairs by yourself?”
Quynh looks at her like she she just said the stupidest thing ever. “You’re not staying here? It’s late, you don’t have to go all the way back to your apartment now.”
Andy waves the suggestion away, knowing she shouldn’t tonight. “No, I’m going to go back to my place tonight. You have your dinner tomorrow, I don’t want to get in the way of your cooking.”
“You could never get in the way, Andy.” Quynh says that with such conviction, so quickly and so seriously that Andy’s breath gets caught in her throat. Before Andy can respond or process, Quynh is talking again. “Listen, Andy, I…”
Now it’s Quynh’s turn to look away for a moment before she can face Andy. Andy searches Quynh’s face for any sign of what she’s about to say, what she’s feeling, but Andy can’t tell. For the first time in her life, Andy can’t get a clear enough read on Quynh to tell what she’s feeling, and Andy hates it. They had such a nice day, what could Quynh be upset about? “What, Quynh?”
Quynh steps closer to Andy, gets right up in Andy’s personal space, and looks up at Andy from under her eyelashes. Andy stares back, fighting to keep her arms at her side and not reach out and touch Quynh, to not run her thumbs over her cheek bones, to not tuck a piece of hair behind her ear, to not wrap her arms around Quynh’s waist. Andy would be impressed with her self restraint today if it wasn’t packaged with longing and regret.
“I want- I just- you are-” Quynh gets frustrated and cuts herself off with a huff and a determined look, and before Andy can open her mouth to ask what’s wrong, Quynh is closing the remaining gap between them and kissing her. Quynh’s hands end up framing Andy’s face, pulling her down a little to meet Quynh on her tip toes, and once Andy’s brain clicks back on and understands what’s happening (Quynh is kissing her Quynh is kissing her Quynh is kissing her-), Andy wraps her arms around Quynh’s waist like she’s always wanted and kisses her back.
They kiss and kiss and kiss for what feels like forever in front of Quynh’s building, and eventually Quynh pulls back to breathe. Good thing too, because Andy probably would have kept kissing her until one or both of them passed out. Holy fuck. Andy closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, processing the last minute or two. When Andy opens her eyes, the first thing she sees is Quynh looking back at her, and the only thing Andy is one hundred percent sure of right now is that she wants to experience that for the rest of her life.
“You took me on a date today.” Quynh is looking directly at Andy as she says that, breathing a little heavy and biting her lower lip.
“Not intentionally.” Andy says, pulling Quynh back in for a kiss before she’s even finished talking.
“You’ll stay the night now?”
Forever. I’m staying forever. “Yeah, I’m staying, Quynh.”
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