#I just like and reblog cool things I like bruh
lovelyheartclover · 1 year
About me:
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Welcome to my blog💞
Hello! (♥´∀`)/call me Clover! Or Clo for short 🍀 I'm mostly of fan cartoons and animation, I just spend my time here rebloging posts I like and interacting with others who share similar interests to me. My DMs and asks are always open so don't be afraid to reach out to me!
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Fandoms I'm in ✌️💗
Murder Drones ☠️💜💛
The Owl House 🦉✨
Amphibia 🐸💚
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur 🌙💙
Omori 💡🖤
Little Nightmares 🟫🟨
Fnaf Security Breach 🔦🎤
Sonic The hedgehog 🦔💨
Inanimate Insanity (ii) 📱⚾
Heartstopper 🍁🏳️‍🌈
Undertale 🏠❤️
Deltarune 👾👉✨
Transformers 🤖📼
Barbie Movie (2023) 🎀💗
Madoka Magica 🌸🌟
Monster High 💋💅
Nimona 🐾 ❤️
The doll community 🧸💞
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USER BOXES  ♥(✿ฺ´∀`✿ฺ)ノ 
(User boxes by @sweetpeauserboxes)
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My beloved mutuals 🫡💗
@tommy1sdead @dorkynerd23 @vixxelle @royallydivinelesbian @milf-percy @hoolay-boobs @magicalmousey @mozzyspurt @mushiemooon @eyebex @weirdo09 @lilywily143 @uzibrainrot
People I look up to/admire and think are amazing 🫶🏼💜💞
@hiddenvhs @violettfae
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mira0000000-blog · 5 months
How the heck did that shit ass doodle get over 600 notes lmao
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py-dreamer · 9 days
Macaque is big spoon
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Lol the old men be snoozin and snugglin
(I was about to say sleeping but my mind is too dirty for that unfortunately-)
Y'wanna know why he big spoon?
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The sun and moon thingy they have going on and...
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Ehh, ehh? Y'see what I did there?
I hate fabric so god damn much.
TO QUOTE MY PAST SELF: "his true evil power is how hard he can be to draw"
Regardless, I'm still really happy with how the drawing came out like the lighting and stuff (just don't look at the fabric-)
Wukong couldn't give less than a flying f*ck if his pajamas matched. Like he's at home, let him be as much of a fashion disaster as he wants!
Heck, back in his day, he was prancing with a leaf skirt and that was acceptable, let the monkey be damnit.
But he would own something very funky like those peach shorts but specifically wear them on break days or in private
(Mac definitely made an inappropriate joke bout it; he has a mark you could read the king's fortune off of, on his right cheek-)
Mac loves his clouds cloudy king so sure, slap them on his pants I think he'd have those long fluffy or silky pajama pants and he like has a couple he switches out for every now and them.
Wukong struck me as a big shirt, short shorts guy
and Mac'doodles as a small shirt, big pants
On a more angsty note, after death I think he'd be a lot colder like its harder to generate body heat naturally so he'd be a lot more cuddly with his toasted marshmallow king cause he was literally toasty fried for 49 days in heaven (49 earth years if 1 year in heaven is a year belief is true)
I was really debating if they'd be in a tree like normal monkeys or in the stone palace cause like that's a whole thing.
Wukong is not only a king in name, he's got riches and a whole ass stone mansion, I want my boi to one day overcome his guilt and indesire for self care and move into the big boi house with his husbando...one day.
But until then, a girl can dream.
Cause come on, that'd be cool. I understand it'd feel real lonely without the stalwart generals and brotherhood but like he has new company and rekindling with his warrior might help with that.
I also think they'd rather sleep in a cozy lil alclove or like the beds in historical c-dramas that are kinda built in and they build a mini nest of sorts.
I was going to draw the monkeys but tbh, just wasn't feelin it...
Also wanted their tails to make a heart but the lil pointy bit always bugs me so I tried to make it into a more plausible scenario
And irl updates, I have been like formally rehearsing for a performance all week (as in a play) and practicing all day, just watched the 1st cast do it and its my turn tomorrow so wish me luck!
(btw I'm working with young kids, like 8-12 young and they all congregated around me when they saw me drawing like I was a glorified babysitter
And the amount of times I had to put the message on Mac's shirt on a different layer and hide it like bruh. The kids are lovely and all and I'd be happy to show my work but as you can see...not all of my works are...100% PG)
(pls reblog and feedback and stuff, I worked hard on this plss I beg...)
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chaotomatic · 1 year
TOTK Trailer things I noticed, the master post <3
Welcome back gamers today I will be going insane
Post 1 of (3)
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These towers?? They're not sheika towers. They look like they may be made of wood and are decorated?
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Glowing stuff. seems to be leaning up on a hillside. It's most likely this glowing grass we see later in the trailer here
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This grass isn't on a particularly steep hillside though, so it might be in patches everywhere. Also- these seem to be murals? Like, it's not in a pattern, it's like a giant something painted a drawing in the grass.
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When the lightning flashes, there's a goddamn TYPHOON in the sky. It is STORMING
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MUSHROOM AREA?? Malice is EVERYWHERE. The enemies are covered in malice and the fungus seems to be releasing spores? I dont know what else that particle effect coult be. The blue stuff at the bottom looks...collectable. My personal theory is that these could be "tears" you could collect? They float around almost like how wax floats around in Sky Children of the Light, so maybe I'm just biased.
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That. That is a goddamn hydra. Dragon. Thing. Nothing like Dinral or Nayru at all, so not a dragon in that sort of sense. This thing is so fucking cool i cannot wait to kick its ass
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We get a really good look at this shield, he seems to have a new bow too, but I'm not exactly a weapons expert for BOTW so I could be wrong. This is definitely Sheika-esque, but it's not what we're used to. Maybe this is something from the Sheika 10,000 years ago? Who knows.
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The moon is shown to be almost exclusively red. (This blood moon is fucked up bruh) And it looks as though it will stay that way for the whole game, although again I could be totally wrong. The sky's normal (besides the islands) during the daytime. The whole "Night time is more dangerous" thing from BOTW has a chance to be intensified a LOT here.
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Especially when the moon is throwing hands and blowing Hyrule up. that's not good. In all honesty, the "blowing up" part is likely part of a cutscene, but its funny to think about. Also I don't think the malice is coming DIRECTLY from the moon, but the moon (or Ganon THROUGH the power of the moon) is summoning these rockets of calamity to fuck shit up.
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I. Don't know. What this is. Help.
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another glimpse of the glowing grass, but I don't know if this is the same hillside as the one at the very beginning of the trailer or not.
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Also the first little glimpse of a king bokoblin? Freaky.
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At first, I wasn't sure if the storm was going to be relevant but you can see it a bit here again in the top left corner. Maybe something is hiding in the eye of the storm? Maybe you have to appease an entity to clear it, like in the thunder trial puzzle in BOTW.
I will be reblogging with more BS soon so stay tuned teehee
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mazeinthemiroh · 1 year
Hello can I request a skz sleeping with there s/o for the first time 🙂
stray kids sleeping with their s/o for the first time
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genre: headcanons; extremely fluffy bruh
word count: 0.8k
warnings: me going through my feels, basically
pls like and reblog if you enjoyed! feel free to request anything <3
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late night talking
neither of you gets any sleep
his brain just never switches off, so talking into the early hours of the morning comes very easily for him
he always has something interesting to talk about
so you guys talk the night away. i feel like because channie doesn't always have time in the day for you, he makes it up at night time, when he can share these moments one-on-one with you
has his permanent, signature dorky smile whenever he looks at you
would absolutely love to cuddle you if you are comfy with it ;-;
it's just a very fluffy time, i'm totally not jealous 🧑‍🦯
lee know
he shrugs it off as no big deal
plays it cool
but really he is really excited about sharing a bed with you for the first time
he plans it all too
makes his bed up with fresh bed covers, makes sure it looks presentable and that everything else in his room is organised
if you notice this or point it out to him, he's likely to deny he did it just for that night
he doesn't say much. he doesn't want to disturb your sleep and just wants to enjoy your company like this
will probably cuddle you or touch you in some way because he's a massive softie <33333
he's on his best behaviour from the minute you walk into his room
oh you guys are definitely cuddling tonight
he just HAS to have you in his arms
"i made my arms big for a reason"
"what reason?"
"so you could use them as pillows! >;("
why is he so adorable, i can't handle it
and won't let you go, even in his sleep. his subconscious mind knows better than to not let you go
but before he drifts off to sleep, he just wants to talk about your day
see if he can help with any problems you might be facing :((
brb just gonna go cry now
has a very dreamy look on his face
being a romantic person, hyunjin has thought about pivotal moments in his relationship with you, especially your 'first times' in doing things together: first dates, first anniversary, and now, first time sleeping together
so he makes his bed look presentable, neat and tidy for you
his whole bedroom in general is inviting; he always has a sweet-smelling candle or a humidifier turned on. just wants to make it as relaxing as possible for you, but he doesn't have to do much for that
he's just super sweet, isn't he
wants to just cuddle you and take care of you all the time ;-;
lowkey likes to pamper you
like you didn't expect too much for your first time sharing a bed with him
but he gets so excited about it
so he gets a bit carried away
ends up getting you a cute little plushie, as well as setting up a whole skincare sesh for the both of you
because his ideal night involves the image of the both of you with face masks on, eating a takeaway and binge-watching the anime he's gotten into recently
so that's what you guys do
he's literally the cutest and he doesn't even try
literally wraps you up in all the blankets he has
compliments your pyjamas :<
he wants to make sure you're as comfortable as possible. like, that's his priority
overall, he's just so smiley and giggly
you could say the most unfunny thing in the whole world and he just bursts into a fit of giggles
it's so hard not to be relaxed with him because his voice is so soothing and calm. paired with his warm personality and the welcoming atmosphere his bedroom provides, it's safe to say that this is the perfect environment to fall asleep in
doesn't know how to act at first
sort of overthinks everything bless him 😭
does he let you do your thing? or does he engage in conversation with you? does he let you have your space? or does he scoop you up in a big ol' hug??
he doesn't know what to do
but he does well to ask you all these things. i think because you make him so comfortable, and the fact your relationship has brought you to this point, reassures him that he's not going to mess anything up
ends spooning you from behind because he's cute like that
he is nervous about spending his first night with you
goes on his phone and scrolls through it a couple of times while you're getting ready for bed
suddenly his usual social skills leave his body and he's just sitting there trying to think of things to say
he gets through it though
once you both are all tucked up in bed he starts talking to you about literally anything... just something to get his mind off of panicking
i don't think he realises how charming he can be and it's frustrating yk 😤
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sungbeam · 2 years
HEY !! HEY YOU, YEAH YOU!! remember to give these authors and the fics all the love they deserve! if u liked what u read, reblog it or comment or send in an ask !! cool, ty <3
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a/n: hihi everyone! again, i wanted to extend my appreciation to all my fellow writers with this post (ik it's not a lot compared to how much all y'all do 😔), but if you'd like more fic recs, pls do check out my other blog @luv-beam!
**NOTE: lol 🤡 i do apologize if my bias(es) show per group !! i love every member of every group but some rot my brain a little more than others 🤧😭 i also haven't done a lot of reading lately ,,, this is an accumulation of like three months
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his same, old, safe bet (jeong jaehyun) ��� @jaehunnyy
not finished just yet but it's off to a brilliant start !! we love yn's "bitch who r u" attitude toward jae lmaoo
swiper no swiping (lee donghyuck) — @/xosimo (linked my rb bc they deactivated 😭)
I WAS SWOOOOONING like omg hyuck is so attractive pls and just the unfolding of events and the build up? yes.
inevitable (na jaemin) — @korijime
dude the vibes r so immaculate in this piece, like the soft sort of atmosphere and the low-key confession style mwah
11:23pm (kwon soonyoung) — @xuhuihuis / @.maiademia
okay i admit i'm a little obsessed w this (maybe cuz it was my request so i must promote) but it was also written so well and hoshi is so nOm
love on the air (hong jisoo) — @suhnshinehaos
joshua hong 😔✨ ugh such a romantic,, both of them r two idiots in love but isn't that one of the best tropes?
pocket money (choi seungcheol) — @ethereal-engene
found this realistic in a good way!! cheol would be so cute all flustered and he *would* catch non-carat eyes too no doubt 👀👀
the way seventeen breaks your heart (performance unit) — @moonsolie
broke my heart </3 into seventeen+ pieces </3 if i love angst, then this was my ride or die
i less than three you (xu minghao) — @junshine (they deactivated unfortunately :( but i'll link my reblog!)
although op deactivated, pls do continue to read and enjoy their work :') it was so well written and i loved it so much
"i'm here. it's ok. you can cry. i've got you." (kwon soonyoung) — @holdinbacksecrets
comfort to the max ; i cannot tell u enough how much i loved this like ,, oh god i found this when i was not in a good spot and it just made me feel ,, seen?
order up (yoon jeonghan) — @leejungchans
my love for trickster jeonghan is thru the roof 😔😭 this was so so cute (and funny watching jeonghan not get the reaction he wanted skcjdj)
vernon heist au (chwe hansol) — @freakyfriedrice
i LOVED the uncharted movie and to be blessed with this au ?! like dream come true omg i loved this beyond words ; flustered vernon >>>>
TXT : i'm sorry txtblr i was and am in a beomgyu crisis.
nap of a star (choi beomgyu) — @blue-jisungs
omg literally mE WHEN?! (´Д⊂ヽ soft moment to the soundtrack of clownery, my favorite </3 u know u like them gyu õ_ó
8:55pm (choi beomgyu) — @4ure2
dUUDE the imagery in this one? i felt so many things, and this man goes and says this 😔 denial fr but sighs ,, that's love ig
balance game (choi beomgyu) — @yeonjunszn
low-key down bad for this trope, like /bruh/ u like ur best friend?? own it?? ; also this is funny asf even tho beomyn r lichrally dumbasses 🤕🤕
2:37am (choi beomgyu) — @ijhyo
now THIS was simply UNCALLED FOR my heart cannot take this like goodbye. this is all i want.
king candy (han jisung) — @petrichor-han
how can i not put this hanji fic on here õ_ó READ IT, it's so cute and a holiday staple for me atp
poisoned fangs (kim seungmin) — @petrichor-han
i have so much to read from rain's m.list and i don't often read like horror-ish things? but i thoroughly enjoyed this one (i also have a weird thing for morbid reads 🤡)
probably up (bang chan) — @loveliestfelix
why we love christopher bang chan (´Д⊂ヽ ugh there was something so warm, mellow, and comfortable about this one and the ambiguity of potential lovers was also super refreshing
6:26pm (bang chan) — @daydreaminskz
i've actually never seen this kind of situation written before, and tbh i'm so here for it like the domesticity and chan being cute as always (i'm sorry but i might have laughed when he fell 😭💀)
10:43am (lee minho) — @cleyellow-wood
i honestly really love how this was written, like there was something abt op's style and the way lino was portrayed as well that hits the spot
tag, you're it (lee felix) — @loveliestfelix
read the warning so u aren't too surprised, but u will still need a box of tissues ; literally sHivers from this one
ENHA : lmao let's not talk abt my jungwon brainrot either 🤡
you're mine (yang jungwon) — @goldenhypen
em's stuff always makes me like 2489292x more delulu that's a fact like it's short but too sweet i 😔
bookmark (park jongseong) — @crystalsoobin
so so dang cute — even if he did call reader a nerd ig 🤕🤕
kisses nonstop (yang jungwon) — @goldenhypen
this woman posted this on my birthday as if it would not sHOOT ME THRU THE HEART ?!? LIKE U EXPECT ME TO BE OKAY AFTER THIS??
closer (yang jungwon) — @palajae
tbh read this during physics and i am not ashamed bc it was so cute and the pacing was mwah and oh god yANG JUNGWON (´Д⊂ヽ
midnight kiss (kim hongjoong) — @i-write-some-stuff
i love whump aus part 28472993 OP U WROTE HONGJOONG SO WELL AND SO AHHHHH
11:54pm (choi san) — @stayarmytinyzenmoa-l
i will say this again and again but this lives in my brain rent free and i need to stalk crys' masterlists once i have the time 😔
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june+july fic recs
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saltycaramals · 5 months
I have a question for my fellow ISWM fans, what do you guys think The Captains eyes look like? The only time we ever get to see or hear about their eyes is when noir mark talks about The Captains “baby grey eyes” and the one scene where The Captain is waking up in their cryo pod. And in the Noir universe, everything is in black and white, but it would also make sense for The Captain to have baby grey eyes if it’s still the DA, but then in the scene where they wake up their blue? But that could also be just from the power of crystal making their eyes blue, and maybe grey’s their natural eye color, but then you could argue that then their eyes would have always been blue through AHWM too because of the crystal and other stuff including time shenanigans that I’m too tired to explain. And you could also argue that because of time loops and time warping that their eyes would have always been blue since they were a kid. Or maybe there really is two versions of The Captain that became one/simultaneously exist and might be both us, and one had grey and the other blue, or maybe they change based off of the universe that they are in. The only thing that can be confirmed is that sometimes their eyes glow blue. Like. GLOW BRIGHT BLUE. Maybe it’s stress. Idk. Anyways I need to shut up now. Im gonna make a poll but feel free to reblog your opinions under the post.
Cool photos of eyes I think would fit The Captain under the cut my besties.
Some photos of eyes that I think could fit them! Sorry there’s only one grey one I couldn’t find any that felt like they gave off the right vibes. Also, if anyone knows the names of the people who made these photos please tell me I got them from Pinterest but none of the links where working/none of them had links to the OG creators :(( I love Pinterest so much but I hate how hard it is to find the OG creators of pins on there. Anyways. Here’s the photos.
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holybibly · 4 days
hi thank you for creating a blog which is so safe. i never felt comfortable with my sensuality and my environment has always shamed me from being too feminine and express my sexuality. ur posts are so memorable that i keep returning to them and then i end up scrolling thru ur answered asks and i just feel so sleepy and safe and so inspired to be like you? btw we both have capricorn moon so maybe i can relate the way u think?
my surroundings have always slut shamed me for even existing but you as a stranger whose works i have read and reblogged and never interacted with you has made me feel inspired to be this much confident. so heres this note for you, me thanking you. i didnt know if i should reveal my blog but i cried halfway thru the pretty flushed matz smut. i never thought i would...
the world has always unintentionally or intentionally kink shamed everyone. you call someone mommy daddy? oh ew. you like being called kitty pup etc. oh god ur a furry. but here seeing u using bunny as a pet name for ur beloved readers and not making fun of any asks or answer any of them rudely. i really am inspired by your energy. i am a witch(?) (i am beginner tho because my environment doesnt let me thrive) and when i first discovered you, i couldnt believe u interacted with ur readers like that and i almost felt envious of how proudly ur comfy with yourself. but lmao look at me here writing paras abt how much i felt like accepting my self even if it was 0.01%
ps. god i would love to talk to you abt everything and share evrythung ur so cool !! 🫂🫂 i wanna be off anon so bad but damn my shyness bruh T-T
Oh bunny, you should never be shy about your wishes and dreams. As I always say, all my bunnies literally live in my head.
My blog is a complete reflection of me, reading my work you can see what a mess my head is in and how different I can be.
Oddly enough, I'm quite shy in life and used to being a real princess, but at the same time I can easily take a dominant position. I can be completely different and adapt to whatever you want, but one thing I am one hundred percent sure of is that I will never love anyone more than I love myself.
Loving myself and accepting who I am now has not been easy for me and I really wish someone had been there for me in my time to tell me that: I will always be with you.
We choose who we are and society has no right to impose standards and labels on us. I want my bunnies to know that I will always be there for them, day or night. This is a safe place for them and I will never tolerate humiliation or insults towards my bunnies.
Pretty Flushed is really special, isn't it? I know it is one of your favourites of my work and I intend to expand this universe. So expect a very special morning with my adored MATZ soon.
And remember, bunnies, I love you the most and I don't want to share you with anyone else. All bunnies are mine and mine alone ~
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inkandpaintleopard · 1 month
Look at that, an Introduction Post!
Good morning! And in case you’re staying up like I am, good afternoon, good evening, and good night.
I am ████████, I draw so much I have a wrist brace now.
As anyone could tell from one quick look at my blog, I love Spooky Month. It being my main fandom on here was not the plan, but I’d be surprised to see something change that now. However, any piece of media, be it shows, movies, games, books, or anything else, that I even so much as mention, PLEASE FEEL FREE TO ASK ME ABOUT IT. If I bring it up at all that indicates that I am willing to talk about it, bordering on desperate to, please I’ve been alone for so long-
Old Things
Anything I have ever done, anything I have ever drawn, any idea I have ever had is totally up for grabs as long as I’m credited. You can go into my old archives, please go into my archives, please reblog my age old posts, PLEASE build on my ancient ideas. I give my thoughts specifically to be built upon, to spark new concepts, to one day be turned into drawings, and if you can do any of that, DO IT. It’s not like once it’s old it’s gone, that’s what an archive is for. It’s still there, use it.
I’m gonna say that you can use my stuff for anything. Again, as long as I’m credited; but even if I’m not, what’s mostly important to me is that something I made is out there being enjoyed by someone. Also, please put my posts on Pinterest if you want because I didn’t even know it was its own social media until like a few months ago and I sure as hell won’t be doing it myself.
As for a DNI list, I don’t really have one. If you do identify with anything on a standard list (proshippers, looking at you mostly), let’s just agree to exist around each other as Minecraft wolves, ok? As long as neither of us attack each other for no reason, everything should be fine. This is a blog run by a child and is mostly about children and children’s media, keep that in mind. Honestly even if you are problematic, I likely won’t care unless you do something bad to me personally.
Don’t betray me or you’ll be integrated into all my stories through allegory characters and when you die I’ll search your grave for cool stuff.
I try to remain as neutral as I can on most touchy subjects and am generally pretty sympathetic, which may or may not be my downfall one day, but for now you can rely on me to just be your funny little art poster and AU flesher-outer.
Asks N’ Stuff
I look at every single notification/ask I get and I love receiving them. If you send an ask and I don’t answer it, chances are:
I just can’t think of a response (may be answered when I do, could be insanely old by then but eh)
It sprouted an idea in my mind that made me go “Ooo, I should draw that!” and then I never did
I am specifically keeping it in my inbox for quick access
I did have a response and I just. Forgot. I think about it constantly but only when I can’t actually post anything
I may have legitimately just missed it. Trust that I’ll eventually look in my inbox, go “Oh BRUH I NEVER SAW THAT ONE,” and then one of the above will occur
Sometimes I also just look at ‘em smile cause they’re nice
So Uh, Yeah
Interested in characters, interested in people, interested in the future, and interested in the past. Too much is on my mind at any given time. You need fandom stuff? I got it. Something drawn? I got it. Someone to talk to? Sure, I’ll try. But for now, I’m going to bed man.
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age regressors: omg dni if you post: ed/thinspo/self harm. cause those aren't good coping strategies (okay true... But I'm feeling like public age regression is also NOT healthy at this point.) Age regressors: omg don't reblog bras because like those are sexual cause they go on your sex parts! (um...? my what parts. So.. are you saying then mammograms are sexual? ultra sounds? breast biopsies? breast surgeries...? bruh wtf) & also they are scary and they totally heighten my experience of age dysphoria!! So please don't!!! I'm a baby! protect me! Age regressions: oh yeah! we should totally normalize smoking, vaping, weed, drinking, tattoos and piercings! cause cute babies need this stuffs! (the only reason why I highlight this one is these are things adults legally can do, however they have fucking hissy fits over BRAS, which is something people in their teens and preteens wear and need.... but like, omg one is for sex parts! there for its sexual! but like yeah nipple piercing? cool uwu thats totally a baby thing! you do you baby! its baby safe! uwu; we need to normalize all the baby things!) Age regressions: WHAT this is healthy! okay! Unlike junkies i'm not like shooting up& wasting money on drugs!! and like unlike people who self harm I'm doing so much better!!! and I don't have UGLY scars!!! ... BUT I'm actually coping! oh but don't you dare critique me, I'm actually a baby and I got trauma! & if your say anything mean to me, I'll tell you i'm crying, experiencing *ACTUAL* panic attacks and its not fair and i have trauma! So don't YOU dare. (... you realize that there's maladaptive coping... right? Like this isn't to say its healthy or good, but it's to say there's a term for this& a therapist would point this out to someone who might feel ashamed. Just like if someone went to a therapist and said 'I keep spending money when i'm sad, i've spent over $1000 this month, on things I don't actually want or like or need, i want to stop." - a therapist would say something delicate like: 'okay... well have you heard of maladaptive coping? *Explains what it is* You said you do this when your sad. Would you be curious in trying other methods to emotional regulate...? Lets do this and also can you keep track of the urge to spend and how you emotions are when they pop up okay...? *home work*" - Your also belittling people society has enjoyed belittling for a long time. And these same people are actually aware of the harm there doing to themselves and there bodies, and they feel guilt and shame but it's also hard to stop due to different habits& emotions like fear, not to mention prior treatment from therapy might frighten them off.... Equally those same people, also have trauma. The same word you enjoy yeeting around. They actually *have* it. And those same people, they deserve a lot of respect and more respect then your giving them. These are still people at the end of the day& have families. And your extremely ignorant and fucking rude. So maybe don't use your trauma to kick down others who are unable to defend themselves. Cause trauma isn't an excuse to be an asshole. Thanks.) Same age regression blogs: *reblogs childrens underwear and will go on and on about age dysphoria and how there just coping& age regression is just oh so beautiful& super duper pure and super duper healthy and super duper adorable* Hey! WHY ARE DDLG/ERS FOLLOWING ME! I don't understand!?!1 don't you get it!1!1! there's a BaBy running this blog! I demand baby safe blogs only!! (your 24 years old, posting you 24 going on 2, reblogging kids underwear, and speaking about needing a cg, sfw "spankies" when your "naughty" & you say your a "baby brat", and you need someone to lead you around this 'world'... etc. wtf do you expect? your showing off in the very least is kink, its also borderline fucking uncomfortable stuff like reblogging kids underwear, & Is extremely triggering and wonders into areas I shouldn't have to fucking mention. But oi, your a "baby".)
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reynaruina · 6 months
(hey it's the same anon then last time) by angry people content I mean people being angry about stuff in general, it's not a code for anything. You really seem like a cool person and I don't want you to feel sad and helpless about stuff you can't control because feeling bad is not good ?? (Bruh I'm so sorry English is not my first language, I don't want you to think I'm mean to you or treating you like a baby, but I think I should go before making anything worst 😅 maybe my speech will solve world hunger who know lmaoooo) anyway, take care of yourself and have a great day :)
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Aweee no offense taken!! I was legit not reblogging anything angry on purpose? Like, if I you ever thing I do you should check my tags, if I'm not tagging shit in an angry manner it's not specifically angry stuff, if it's all tagless it's just me going on a mindless reblog spree as I sometimes do. Like, a couple days back i was angry about a Twitter situation and started rebloggin stuff of mine w angry tags, THOSE were angry reblogs XD and don't worry about the non native thing! I'm non native either, you doing good :P
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softwarmfur · 2 years
bruh tiktok keeps showing me peoples drawings and animations of eddie munson resurrected as like a vampire or some shit. which is a fairly cool concept in of itself i love when things come back wrong but whys he always gotta be in steves room biting on his neck all romantic like n shit i dont care for that tbh. truly i want him to come back as a slightly malignant ghost...i want dustin to wake up in the middle of the night to something quietly glistening and murmuring at the foot of his bed...he thinks its a nightmare or just guilt and doesnt tell anyone about it. eddie is technically undead and whatever fragment of his consciousness that was absorbed by the upside down is still faintly active...eddie doesnt remember much of anything, he doesnt know who or what he is even, all he has now is the faint memory of dustin's face, and he still isnt fully aware of who dustin was to him. hes in pain all the time and is generally very confused and disoriented. he cant do much but appear in dustins room at night at the hour he died and just stand there and look at dustin and make quiet noises to himself.
EDIT - all of you reblogging this post, you do know there's accompanying art, right?
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baezdylan · 2 years
for every 🥝 i get, i’ll recommend a blog i love
OOOOOOO I LOVE!!!!! ten emojis -> ten blogs
everything's under the cut ⤵️
@a-dash-in-the-middle resident holden caulfield (just kidding, dash is todd anderson 🥰) you can't NOT like her blog because it is genuinely the most interesting, fantastical, versatile place on earth. it's like if the maze from the shining was starring in a fantasy or sci-fi film instead of a stephen king adaptation. the award for the most original tag essays goes toooooooo. dash always has something thought-provoking and brilliant to say. (even though she doesn't see it that way, but that's why she's todd) maddeningly creative. book recs are her weapons. if you check out her blog you'll probably encounter a bunch of dragons she adopted. (also her son is logan huntzberger 👀)
@brian-ur-bruh THE LEGEND!!!!! steve the hair harrington has nothing on jules. fiercely unique, KILLER MUSIC TASTE, wonderfully artistic and all in all an exceptional person. i call jules jules because of julian casablancas, need i say more? worships the only band ever aka the clash (here's the famous side blog: @capital-radio-three) fantastic guitar player!!!!! (did this amazing cover of "someday" with his band which he should brag about waaaaay more than he does)
@all-seeing-ifer JO MARCH OF TUMBLR!!!!!! the only person who i would trust with jo and laurie. talking with isabel is like sitting on the porch of your childhood house with your best friend, sharing a drink and feeling content with how everything turned out in the end. poetic watching the orange orange orange sunset kind of thing. just pure comfort and all things theatre. never fails to bring a smile on my face and continues to amaze me with their indescribable kindness and cleverness.
@paradigmx soooo easy to talk to. real cool (XTC FAN!!!!!!) and insightful. crazy smart. understands my detail-oriented craziness. will probably end up enriching your watchlist. you thought fox mulder was a fictional character? no, it's @paradigmx
@nightofthelivingpoet THE ROBERT TO MY ZOË!!!!!!! once accidentally bullied her into making a little women side blog. we are both rory gilmore-coded and will probably be crazy about academics all over your dash. say weird stuff like 🌌i love studying🌌. gracie's blog -> an enchanted forest. 99% sure that my rob pattz here is a time traveller. (it's ok i am too 🤭)
@quaffles-with-syrup MY PARTNER IN FANDOM CRIME!!!!! you might be familiar with stephen king's it, but only the two of us GET it yk? the ben hanscom to my stanley uris. immaculate energy. can change the world just by existing naturally. made out of bookish-ly real magic and correct opinions.
@wilsoncology UNDERSTANDS MY LOVE FOR MEDICINE, I AM SMILING SO BRIGHT RN!!!!! i just think of our likestorm-ing sessions and my day is already made. showers me with pictures of lisa cuddy which is the most you can do for tumblr user jochase really. wonderful artist, wonderful scientist, makes amazing edits, reblogs amazing content. don't think they realise how cool they are, but no worries i'll make the entirety of tumblr write poems about my fellow rsl enthusiast so it's fine <3
@crystalclrs is into everything i'm into, i make a profession out of stalking beth's blog (it's not my fault it's basically an art gallery????) could singlehandedly fly the tardis, i'm sure of it
@jonismitchell just thinking about arden's writing is making me tear up :") (check out her substack) every single word that she's written and i read is a part of this captivating, relatable, heartfelt mosaic of all things exceptional i keep in a special brain pocket of mine.
@freakwiththeknifecollection my daily dose of comfort is completely dependent on emily!!!! brighter than a sunflower, kinder than peeta mellark and as cool as jo harvelle. 🥰
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kaiobeast · 2 years
Bruh your tags on my reblogged gif post. Deadass I would cut a bitch for more Wanda/Kurt content. I ALSO DEMAND TO SEE ANIMATED NOCTURNE 😭 who do I have to fight to make this shit happen?
It is definitely my oldest and dearest OTP.
They just have?? So much in common??? Both have parental issues stemming from having a psychotic parent, both were ABANDONED by said psycho parent, both have roots in eastern europe, both have ties to the mystic arts, and both have mutations that are feared and extreme even by freaking mutant standards.
They just have a lot of chemistry together idk. They have personalities that balance each other out pretty well, Kurt's outgoing and playful nature balancing against Wanda's more introverted and aloof personality. They're very aesthetic together too, not to mention that they canonically make beautiful babies together lol. I'm still mad that WATXM ended before TJ made an appearance because everyone knows they were building up to it.
Geez, I remember when I used to lurk on Nightscrawlers back in the day looking for Kanda and Kurtty stuff to read (RIP basically a dead forum nowadays). Even tho they don't talk much, I also shipped them pretty hard in Evo too. They had similar feel to the whole Kitty/Lance thing, except Kurt and Wanda would have actually made it interesting because of all the above listed reasons on top of being on opposite sides AND because Evo Wanda was pretty loyal to Mystique, whom Kurt had a lot of complicated feelings about. There could have been a lot of subject matter and drama that could have been milked there.
I'll admit that I haven't picked up the comics in like... uh... a few years haha, so I'm admittedly a little out of touch with what Kurt's been up to lately but I still have a whole drawer full comics that feature Kurt. The Nightcrawler backissue collection from 2004 are still some of my most prized possessions. I really wish they hadn't dropped the idea of Kurt being a sort of supernatural detective (almost like a John Constantine-type character) because that was a really, really cool idea.
Sorry, went on a tangent there lol.
It's been a hot minute since I've really been in the Xmen/Kurt fandom for a while, but man, when it gets brought up I go off like:
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autogynocrat · 1 year
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I posted 42,662 times in 2022
That's 15,209 more posts than 2021!
7,992 posts created (19%)
34,670 posts reblogged (81%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,911 of my posts in 2022
#me - 37 posts
#omg - 27 posts
#king - 14 posts
#fav - 14 posts
#bruh - 11 posts
#:( - 10 posts
#😳 - 9 posts
#goals - 8 posts
#nao - 8 posts
#queen - 8 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#im too disorganized to do things like that so i always think its cool when people take the time to make huge spreadsheets of every nitty gri
My Top Posts in 2022:
much conflict on the internet stems from the fact that there are no longer multiply webbed sites so catholics do not stay on catholicforum.com or whatever and become enraged over having to interact with jews and heretics, harry potter nerds and adults who really like Disney do not have a containment zone and spill into where they are not wanted, 13 year olds who should be on club penguin and roblox instead share websites with undergrad social scientists and amateur erotic models and develop brain poisoning from porn and theory they dont understand
1,360 notes - Posted January 24, 2022
Trad marriages are just watered down BDSM relationships
hey thats not true BDSM has safe words for when you're uncomfortable and consent ethics unlike trad marriages
1,607 notes - Posted July 8, 2022
my boyfriend is a femboy, im a bear and people sometimes think we are in a straight relationship. Like a neighbor of mine was like "yeah its wholesome to see a cute straight couple, theres so many gays in this neighborhood" and i just stared at him and said "well this is my boyfriend" he just went silent from awkwardness and went back to his house, he hasnt talked to me or my boyfriend since lmao
we are going to need 2 crowns for these kings
13,430 notes - Posted July 16, 2022
i love boss battles where the boss is Just A Guy
13,952 notes - Posted July 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
the 2 saddest answers a white boy will respond to "hows it going" with
its going
hanging in there
these are signs the white boy is in distress and should be removed from the source of distress immedietely!!! white boys only say this when severely stressed
108,033 notes - Posted June 19, 2022
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denizenhardwick · 1 year
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I posted 5,707 times in 2022
That's 4,556 more posts than 2021!
931 posts created (16%)
4,776 posts reblogged (84%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,255 of my posts in 2022
#twewy - 524 posts
#dusty plays final remix - 286 posts
#joshua kiryu - 240 posts
#neku sakuraba - 194 posts
#cats - 134 posts
#neo twewy - 115 posts
#shiki misaki - 113 posts
#personal - 97 posts
#princess tutu - 95 posts
#joshneku - 83 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#bruh my dumb ass misread this as 'why is shooting ur friend (friendship edition) so much harder than shooting ur friend (romantic edition)'
My Top Posts in 2022:
my favorite thing in sky is when you become friends with someone and then they take your hand and just start taking you somewhere. where are we going? idk, but this is my bestie now, and i trust them. if we run into a dark dragon and get attacked, well, at least we're doing it together!
138 notes - Posted November 17, 2022
it’s about being bitter and alone for years, isolating yourself form the world and other people because you’ve learned that friendship hurts, connection hurts, and no one would understand you anyways, right? so why bother? no one gets it.
and then! then you meet someone who does understand you. who does get it. and you fucking hate him. he is the most callous, selfish, insufferable asshole you’ve ever met but he fucking understands you better than anyone else ever has and you hate it. you hate that you see yourself in him because you don’t want to be like that anymore. you’ve grown, you’ve changed, is that really who you are? or who you were? because underneath all of that cruelness, you hold similar ideas about the world, but where you’ve started to look up and see the good in that world, he’s firmly stuck in the opposite direction.
this is what you could have become, and you realize it’s not what you want to be.
hnnnnn i’m going to shred a log between my teeth like i’m a woodchipper.
220 notes - Posted May 4, 2022
for a game from 2007 with no explicit rep, twewy sure is queer as hell. one of the main characters is heavily gay-coded and literally every other mc can easily be read as queer in some way, from rhyme being referred to as “gender non-specific or something in the middle” during an interview, beat having a deadname and being considered a disappointment to his family, shiki’s insecurity manifesting in her inhabiting a body that literally isn’t hers, neku... okay, i actually can’t explain why he comes across so strongly as bi, but he does. and i think that’s all really, really cool.
also the fact that joshua’s character still holds up, even in 2022, is pretty fucking incredible. like, "gay-coded villain who constantly hits on the main character” is just straight-up a homophobic trope, but he’s not a homophobic caricature somehow. despite being very enigmatic, his character is handled with the same respect as everyone else’s and, importantly, he’s never portrayed as creepy or predatory. not even when we find out that he is the villain and he did kill neku.
idk. i guess i’m just glad that i can still enjoy twewy in 2022 without a blatant homophobic elephant in the room knocking shit over.
247 notes - Posted June 19, 2022
it’s me boy i’m the ps5
403 notes - Posted February 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
don’t you hate it when that happens
464 notes - Posted January 17, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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