#I just don't understand it is all 🙇‍♀️
elitadream · 4 months
What would you say to someone who finds Mareach boring?
Uh- Well I'd tell them this is quite unfortunate. 😶😅
Granted, people like different ships for different reasons. Some will prefer vibes that are either more ambiguous or more straightforward, have a sense of rivalry, or are playfully aggressive- and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that!
But I do get rather dumbfounded whenever relationships that are deemed stable, healthy and soft are also automatically considered less relevant or less interesting by default. What about gallantry, and kindness, and mutual support? What about loyalty, and selflessness, and heroism?? Classical qualities the likes of which are found in fairytales have a timeless charm for a reason, and I can't imagine how any of those things could be perceived as boring. On the contrary, I find that they are inherently epic and inspiring, regardless of gender or narrative context, and they have my whole heart. 💞
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yasu-1234 · 4 months
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friends with benefits with gojo satoru.
pairing: gojo satoru x afab reader words: 5,100 contains: oral sex, squirting, pronebone, choking, and gojo being unserious. mood: playful, sexy, sincere. author’s note: thank you for the kind reaction to lazy sunday morning 🙇‍♀️
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You squint at him as you take in his request, wondering if he’s just messing with you as usual. You’re sitting next to him in your apartment unit; the balls of your feet digging on the edge of your couch as you slurp on a cup of boba tea.
“Dude. That’s not funny,” you manage to reply after a long, confused silence. “Like, I know it’s fun when we mess with each other but isn’t this a bit out of line?”
He scoffs dramatically. “I’m serious! Do I look like I’m joking?”
“Honestly? I can’t always tell,” you reply. “Kinda feels like everything is a joke to you sometimes.”
“Well, I’m not. I’m asking you nicely here. Do you wanna do it? With me?”
You open your mouth to respond, but then you realize you don't even know what to say.
Satoru scoots closer to you and leans forward, looking at you from above his sunglasses, his voice dropping into his teacher tone as he explains.
“Look, okay?” he starts. “We’ve been teasing and flirting with each other since the day we met. And I know it���s all jokes but still, there’s obviously some chemistry here. Not to mention that you're fucking hot. And I know you think that I’m hot too. Plus, all your Tinder matches are assholes. And I don’t even have the time to date or meet new people. So you and I are like, our most logical, convenient choice here.”
You huff and smile in disbelief. “Did you just assume that I think you’re hot? Someone’s a little cocky.”
“Come on. You have eyes. Get with the program.”
Your eyes cast a flickering gaze over his body, taking in the chiseled contours of his muscles underneath his– Oh. Ohhh. So that’s why he came wearing a compression shirt. And sweatpants. On a Friday evening. With your favorite cup of boba tea. He shoots you an impish grin as you shake your head at him and set his bribe down the coffee table.
“Fine,” you say. “I won’t deny that we’re kinda, sorta, maybe, compatible. But here’s the thing. I like our friendship the way it is. Why complicate it with some dumb, meaningless sex?”
“No, no, no. But it’s not gonna be dumb and meaningless,” he replies. “Cause it’s you.”
His words snare you speechless, your cheeks flushing red.
“Wait. Dude, what do you mean by that?” You stammer, laughing awkwardly.
“I’m saying I care about you and you mean something to me. If there’s anyone I’d wanna fuck on the regular, it’s you.”
“Satoru!” You lean away. “You really don’t have a filter do you?”
“I’m just being candid here! I trust you.”
He scoots even closer to you, holding you by the forearms. “And you trust me too, right? I promise I don’t wanna hurt you and I’m not playing tricks. I’m just asking.”
“And am I the first person you asked?”
“You’re the only person I’m gonna ask. If you say no, my dick is gonna concave. It’s over,” he replies.
You laugh at his words, and he laughs from the pleasure of making you laugh. Then his smile melts into an unwavering gaze, his eyes soft and sincere, pleading like a touch-starved cat.
“But seriously,” he continues, his fingertips graze your neck. “I meant what I said. You mean something to me. I don’t wanna hookup with some random stranger or a girlfriend who might break up with me. It has to be you, okay? I just know that whatever it is that we have it’s definitely gonna last. Whether it’s friendship or… something else. Something more. I don’t know.”
You can’t help but lean into his touch, “Your logic is so weird.”
“You’re weird.”
“No, you.”
You huff and smile. And then your gaze falls down to his lips. Soft, glossy, and inviting. The air is suddenly warm and still. And the silence between you grows heavy and pensive. With the shared understanding that you are sitting with him on the edge of a crumbling threshold. You look back into his eyes and notice that he’s looking at your lips too. His breathing becomes shallow and heavy with longing.
“What if we just kiss and see where it goes?” you ask.
He swallows hard, his lips parting, “Yeah…”
Satoru takes off his sunglasses and you lean towards each other. Slowly. Seeking reassurance, offering permission, with every inch of space you close between yourselves. At some point, his eyelids fall shut. His silver lashes flutter as he moves closer and closer. You can smell his sweet breath, feel the warmth radiating from his skin, and the firmness of his thumb against your cheek.
You close your eyes and press your lips against his, softly, then with a swift gradation of hunger as Satoru grabs the back of your neck, pulling you against him, deepening the kiss.
“Mmnh… ” You hear a soft hum of pleasure from deep in his chest.
His lips feel soft like rose petals, puckering and relaxing as he relishes the feeling of your lips against his. He’s kissing you. You’re kissing him back. And you start laughing against his lips as reality cuts through that fog. He pulls back, surprised by your reaction.
“What?” he asks, laughing now too. “Don’t tell me I suck.”
“No, no, you’re fine,” you reply. “It’s just—I can’t believe I’m kissing my friend. On the mouth.”
He smirks, “You wanna kiss something else?”
You smack his shoulder, blushing and laughing, “Shut up!”
“Hey, I was quiet,” he yells, gesturing to himself now. “You’re the one who started laughing!”
“Okay, fine! I’m sorry! I just couldn’t take it seriously.”
“We never really took anything seriously. That’s what makes it so fun,” He says, placing his hands on your waist. “I like that we can laugh about everything. Even things like this.”
You smile, “Yeah. I guess you’re right.”
You lean towards each other and kiss once again. This time, you part your lips, and his tongue swipes softly against yours, gentle yet demanding, coating your mouth with a sweet, buttery taste. His hands are warm as it rests on your collarbones. And you feel his fingers crawl upwards to the back of your neck, grabbing you by the scalp to hold your head still.
The rest of the world starts to sway and melt into open water. And you cling to him as if he’s the only thing keeping you afloat. You break the kiss to gasp for some air, hoping to feel solid ground again. While Satoru presses his forehead against yours. His eyes shut and his lips trembling, hoping you would let him taste you again.
“We’re gonna keep going aren’t we…” you whisper, breathlessly.
“Hell yeah,” he whispers back.
His hands slide under your thighs and he pulls you to his lap. You lean down to kiss him once again. Satoru moans and grabs your hips to press you down to his crotch, craving some pressure against his aching, hardening cock.
“I just… need your weight… right here…” he mutters in between kisses. His hips press upwards to meet you, and you gasp as you feel his thick girth squeeze and rub between your legs. Shuddering as you wonder how he’ll cram all that cock inside of you.
“You feel that? That’s your fault,” he hisses, sighing in relief.
“Aww, are you that pent up?” You tease as you start rocking across his length, following the slow rhythm of his hips.
“You know it… It’s been a while.”
A strangled sound leaves his throat and his head hangs back from the couch as you grind on him. His eyes shut and his lips parted in relief. He grabs you firmly by the backside, keeping you pressed against him.
A moment later, Satoru tilts his head back up to look at you with a hazy gaze and notices your stiff nipples underneath your oversized shirt. He leans forward and nips at one of your buds with his teeth.
You yelp at the sudden prick of pain, “What the fuck!”
You recoil and cover your chest with your hands.
“Hehe, I've always wanted to do that,” he says. He takes your wrists and pries them away from your chest, holding them tightly behind your back with a single, large fist. “You never wear a bra when I’m coming over. Did you think I wouldn’t notice? Or were you hoping that I would?”
“It’s my apartment. I would’ve worn a bra if I knew you were gawking,” you retort.
He leans to press his lips softly on your breast, soothing the sting in your nipple through the fabric of your shirt. You sigh and bite your lip.
“You’re not answering my question,” he says, looking at you with a mischievous glint in his eyes. “So maybe I’ll just think however I want. And I think you wanted me to see it.”
Satoru starts kissing the base of your neck as his hand disappears under your shirt; you shiver as you feel his long fingers draw a smooth trail up your spine that turns into a light scratch as his hand pivots across your rib and towards your chest. You feel his cock jump underneath his sweats the moment he feels your breast.
“Damn, you’re soft,” he sighs. He bunches the hem of your shirt and raises it up, exposing your breasts to him. “Here, hold this."
He stuffs your mouth with your shirt to hold it up.
Before you can protest, Satoru leans down to drag a soft tongue over your nipple. Then he opens his mouth to suckle as much of your breast as possible. You bite down on your shirt, holding a moan as he flicks you over and over with his tongue, and then finishing with smacking kisses before he moves his lips across your chest to tease the other. Your torso twists and recoils from the raw, yet delicate sensation. But he pulls on your wrists to keep your back arched in his direction. The ache and heat between your legs become more and more unbearable, so you continue rubbing your crotch against the iron-hard bulge in his lap. Giving yourself some much-needed relief.
“Mmmh, that’s right, keep grinding on me,” he murmurs. “Make that pussy feel good.”
You shoot him a repulsed look. Though you're unable to snark at him through the makeshift gag he shoved in your mouth. Satoru laughs anyway, knowing exactly what you’re thinking. You’re such a sleaze.
“Oh come on. I’m how you like me,” he teases. “And if you keep looking at me like that I might actually bust.”
You roll your eyes at him and smile. And that only made Satoru greedier for any and all reactions he can coax out of your body. He grins and sets you back down the couch. Then he kneels on the floor between your legs and drags your shorts and panties down to the floor. You spread your legs for him, almost involuntarily. And he bites his lip as you show him the tender, sopping mess between your legs. His hands on your thighs feel searing hot as he raises your limbs up the couch, planting your feet on the edge of your seat.
“Play with your clit,” he tells you. “Show me how you tease it.”
Surprisingly, you obey. Your hand starts drawing languid circles around and around your bud. He leans in closer to observe you. Noting the rhythm, the pressure, how tightly or how widely you stroke yourself. You realize that he’s teaching himself how to make you feel good. And that only made you rub faster and harder in blatant, bare-faced need.
“Yes, that’s right. Keep going,” he encourages you. “Now put a finger in. Fuck yourself a little.”
You slip your finger and start gliding in and out. He nods and hums in pleasure as he watches you with unabashed lust and fascination. Like you’re the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen. You milk and ride your delicate fingers, stoking and tending to your own pleasure like a flame.
“Okay stop,” he says. He pulls your hands away. “I got the gist of it.”
“The gist, huh?” You taunt. “You think that’s enough?”
“You tell me.”
He parts your lips with his thumbs and glides a wide tongue along your slit. Your back bows and a moan escapes you as he licks you just like that.
Satoru doesn’t even take the time to gloat. His lips and tongue start to slurp and smack relentlessly. Making your toes curl and your stomach writhe. Grabbing a handful of his hair and nearly ripping it off his scalp as he somehow licks faster and sucks harder. With the rhythm and the consistency of a goddamn machine. You bite hard on the fleshy base of your thumb as he pleasures your pussy raw. Focusing your eyes on whatever random object you find in your living room to make yourself last longer. Cause you know you’ll never hear the end of it if you come all over his mouth within the first two minutes.
But then he slides in his fingers. Those fucking fingers. Smooth and long and dexterous as it moves in and out, over and over, curling to press that intense spot just underneath your bladder. You start to feel a deep sense of pressure, an urgency, somewhere inside your walls. That builds and rumbles and sears… and then explodes.
You grunt and arch as you feel a sudden release, something more than a climax. Your body grows taut and snared by euphoria, your eyes rolling to the back of your head, your hearing muffled as your ears start to ring. But Satoru’s voice cuts through the haze.
“Whoa there! I didn’t know I was in the splash zone!”
You snap your head back down and your jaw drops at the sight of him.
“Holy shit. Did I just– Oh my god. Oh my god, I'm so sorry,” you stammer, mortified. You grab your shirt to try to wipe him.
“Haha, hey. Relax. You didn’t actually hit me,” he says with a soft, reassuring laugh. He turns his body to an angle to show your watery spent hovering centimeters before his face. “See? All safe and dry. Unlike you.”
“Oh, shut it,” you sigh, panting heavily. “That… seriously never happened before.”
“Really? Never?” he asks with a smug grin, he starts wiping himself with your shirt before tossing it down the wooden floor. "Wow… I'm flattered."
Satoru kisses your thighs and leans down between your legs once again. You jolt and push his head away.
“Wait, I don’t think I-“
“Just a few kisses,” he says in a soft voice. “Just lemme get a few more kisses in there, yeah? I’ll be gentle with it.”
You sigh and slowly let go of his head. Satoru leans in to plant a few soft kisses on your outer lips, on your folds, your entrance–your entire body twitching with every touch of his lips. Then he presses his lips tenderly on your clit. And you feel it pulse and throb as his lips linger and your legs begin to tremble. He finally pulls away, wiping his mouth on your inner thigh.
“If that wasn't one of the biggest ego boosts of my life,” he says fondly.
“Yeah, cause the one thing you need the most is another ego boost,” you retort as you wait for your bones and muscles to feel solid again. “I’ll get you for this.”
He grins, “That a promise or a threat?”
“Maybe both.”
“Alright, bet.”
Satoru stands to push his sweatpants down his thighs. Then he reaches inside his boxer-briefs to draw out…
the prettiest cock you’ve ever seen in your life.
“What the fuck,” you whisper to yourself as you watch Satoru shrug off his bottoms and straddle you. Instinctively, you wrap your hand around his cock and start stroking.
He looks at you with a smirk, “Gorgeous, right?”
His cock is long and proportionally thick from crown to root, shaped with a graceful upwards curve. His skin is glossy and flushed pink—wrapped tightly and smoothly around his organ without an inch of loose flesh. It’s almost uncanny how sculpted and elegant it looks. And the idea of his cock sinking past your throat makes your mouth water and your pussy pound.
“Go on, taste it,” he coaxes you. He doesn’t need to tell you twice.
You lean in and wrap your lips around his pretty, pink head—your tongue swirling and catching each leak of precum that drops onto your taste buds. Satoru moans and the neediness in his voice emboldens you to take more and more of him. You start swaying your head in deeper and deeper strokes; relishing the smooth underside of his cock. The thick scent of lavender on his skin and hair. The sweet and acidic taste of his precum. Satoru tries to breathe in deeply, only for his breath to shudder each time you sink your head.
“You’re pretty eager,” he teases, breathlessly. He runs his fingers through your scalp to hold your hair back, wanting to see more of your face as you work on him. “Do you want me to cum that badly? You want me to shoot my little babies down that throat?”
He yelps when you slap his inner thigh, your brow furrowed as you look at him with a flustered and reprimanding gaze. Though Satoru finds it pretty hard to take you seriously with his dick in your mouth. So he chuckles fondly instead.
“Or you can do that. I like it when you try to hurt me too,” he says.
You grab him by the back of his thighs, nails digging into his flesh, and you sink him deeper into your mouth. Satoru hisses and starts moving his hips, meeting your head downstroke. His cock starts to edge towards the back of your tongue, testing your gag reflex with every thrust. But you relax your throat and match your breathing with the swing of his hips, and soon you manage to bury him down your throat to the root. Your nose pressed firmly against the fluffy, white hairs of his crotch. Screw it. You let him hit the back of your throat over and over and over.
"Fuck," he moans. "At least try to make me last."
His hips pick up the pace. And you feel his muscles contract as his cock pushes towards release. You moan and pleasure him with the vibrations in your throat, wanting desperately to fill your taste buds with his cum.
But then he stops moving. His hands holding you stock-still against his crotch. You feel his cock twitch and throb in your throat, threatening to burst. And you can hear the strangled noises and whimpers coming from Satoru’s lips. You look up to him and see the look on his face; his brow is upturned, his eyes closed, and his jaw tight as he bites his lower lip. Looking like an angel in ecstasy. His eyes flutter open to peer down on you.
“Just a little more. Bear with me here,” he sighs. Then the twitching stops and he pulls his cock out. You gasp, forgetting you were holding your breath.
You shoot him an accusatory look.
“Did you just edge yourself?” You ask.
“What if I did?” He asks back.
“That’s not fair! I was winning!”
You lean forward towards his crotch but he holds you by the shoulders, laughing.
“It’s not a competition! I didn’t come all this way just to cum in your hand. Or your mouth,” he says with a smile. He reaches behind him to slide two fingers between your slit, gently caressing your inner lips. “I wanna cum here."
He starts gliding those long delicate fingers, up and down. Parting as he stretches you open. Your eyes glaze over as you feel that familiar heat building between your legs. Perhaps he’s right. Perhaps you would rather feel him burst inside you instead. You start moving your hips to rut against his fingers, your hands rolling your breasts as you gaze at him with cock-starved eyes. Satoru twitches as he relishes that look in your face. Wanting nothing else but to thrust and wring that neediness away.
“Bed?” He asks you.
“Bed,” you answer.
You yelp and giggle as he hoists you up and jogs to your bedroom. He doesn’t want to waste a single second. He flops you down on top of your sheets and takes his shirt off. His naked torso tightens as he notices you admiring his body. Taking in his broad shoulders, his square chest, his tiny waist and those grid-like abs. Eight packs… How many abs does a person need?
Satoru aligns his groin between your legs and lays his cock across your stomach like a ruler; measuring how deep he's about to go inside your body. You shiver as his tip caresses your belly button. Your pussy throbbing in equal parts fear and delight.
"You think you can take all this?" He asks you with a devious look in his eyes, with his lips curled into a smirk.
You bite your lips and mirror his gaze, almost provoking him to try and split you apart.
"Come and find out."
He rubs the tip of his cock against your clit and pushes it inside you. You moan as his thick head stretches you with just enough hint of pain to compliment the pleasure. He leans down and sticks his tongue out, prompting you to suck it and caress it with your own. The sensation of your soft tongues circling each other sends you into a fucking frenzy. You feel your inner walls contract and his groan spills straight into your mouth.
“Shit, you’re actually sucking me in,” he pants. He grabs you by the hair to tilt your head down, making you watch the way his cock sink between your legs—one girthy inch after the other. “Look at it go. Watch how well you're taking me right now.”
You both groan in relief as his cock disappears inside your soft cunt, his tip pressed flush against your cervix. You both take a moment to stare at your interlocked groins in fascination.
And then he looks at you to flash a nasty grin.
“Hey bestie…” Satoru purrs, his voice dripping with mischief and lust. “Guess who’s inside you?”
“Oh, come on!” you groan, smiling deliriously as you turn your head away from him. You try to cover your face, but he pins your wrists to the bed.
“No, say it. Who’s inside you? Who’s fucking you right now?” He insists, giggling. He tilts his body to face you again, preventing you from escaping his gaze. He withdraws his hips and drives his cock upwards with a rough thrust, knocking you backwards. You tilt your head back with a moan as he hits you in the womb.
“Say it,” he urges.
“Who else am I supposed to say? Jesus?” you reply, laughing as he does. “You are. You're inside me. Happy?"
“What am I doing?” He asks again. He starts rolling his hips, fucking you slowly. His crotch rubs against your clit in languid strokes.
“You’re fucking me,” you gasp. Your breath catches as you turn dizzy and nearly cross-eyed from ecstasy.
“That's right,” he replies, now caressing your face. “I got you, okay? I’m gonna make you feel so good.”
“You better,” you reply, wrapping your arms around him.
Satoru withdraws and flips you to lie flat on your stomach. Your legs pressed closely together as he parts your cheeks and aims his cock towards your entrance.
"Try not to gush all over your sheets, okay?" He teases. Then he nibbles your ear and plants kisses on your shoulders.
You sigh, “I just knew you were gonna bring that up.”
Satoru slides inside of you and you squirm and groan against the pillow instantaneously. The friction between your legs feels heightened as your muscles squeeze around him. He starts gyrating his hips, the tip of his cock hitting all the right spots with each downstroke. You grab the sheets and groan as you start kicking your feet from the raw, unadulterated pleasure.
He braces his hands on the small of your back. Then his hips move faster. Harder. Deeper. The slap of his skin nearly echoes inside your bedroom as he fucks the sanity out of your brain with each thrust. Your senses are overwhelmed by all things Satoru–the powdery scent of his skin, his pretty little moans in your ear, his smooth skin against your back, his comforting weight, and his thick cock pumping inside of you. With an angle so perfect and a rhythm so right that you wonder if his body was made for you. You squirm and writhe underneath him as the pleasure engulfs you like a flame. That he stokes and tends until it’s wild and uncontrollable.
You know it’s just sex. You know you’re just friends. You both just wanted to try something fun. Let off some steam. And yet you never felt used for a single moment. And despite all his teasing and provocations you’ve never felt insulted or uncomfortable. Satoru makes you laugh. He also makes you moan. And if he keeps fucking you like this he might actually make you cry.
Satoru collapses on top of you and starts groaning and whimpering against your neck, his abs flexing into stone as he stokes an impending climax.
"Fuck, fuck, I'm so close. Take me there, baby, take me all the way there, please," he rambles. “I want it, I want it, I want it. God, I wanna cum so bad."
He grabs you by the neck to tilt your head up and shoves his soft, sweet tongue inside your mouth. Kissing you with open lips. Saliva dripping down your chin. Then his hand starts to squeeze you, choking you gently and tenderly, and your body dissolves into a pleasurable haze. Your inner walls clench and your stomach tightens. You know you're getting close, too.
"Yes. That’s right. Good girl," he whispers into your lips. "Stay with me, baby. Stay close to me, I can't do this without you."
The pleasure builds, and builds, and builds, and then it shatters you. You start thrashing under his body as your climax rips through and seizes you. White light dances before your eyes and your hearing weakens from the strength of your pulse. Your pussy clenching so hard around his cock that he explodes inside you as well—his cum hot and searing like ignited oil. Satoru’s hips begin to stutter, helpless against the strength of his own spent as it shoots out and fills you straight to the womb until it leaks past your plugged entrance. He cums inside you in choking whimpers and grunts… that fade into a long, satisfied sigh.
“Hah… fuck… holy shit,” he pants. “What was that?”
“I never came so hard in my life,” you whisper, mindlessly.
“Me too… I thought I was gonna shoot my balls out.”
Satoru remains flat on your back, kissing and nibbling your nape as you unwind from the strength of your orgasms. Your bodies stay suctioned together, as still as the air that surrounds you. You seek comfort and grounding from his crushing weight and the heady sweetness of his scent as your mind slips into that blissful, post-orgasmic headspace. He tugs at his dick to pull out, but you’re still clamped and wound up tightly. That’s fine. He didn’t want this to end either. Your walls are just too soft, too warm, and too plush for him to just leave. He smiles and rolls your bodies to the side to spoon you; his arms wrapped around you like a blanket.
Satoru starts rubbing his face against your neck like a sweet, satisfied cat.
“So what do you think? You wanna do this again sometime?” He asks.
You could only hum in approval, your mind and your body feeling weightless and malleable.
“How long have you been meaning to sleep with me?” You ask. “Just curious.”
“… A while,” he answers after a pensive silence. “Does that bother you?”
"I guess not… But we’re still friends, right?” You ask. Wondering if you should even bring this up while he’s tucked inside you to the hilt.
"Friends with benefits, I guess," he shrugs. "But really, we can be anything you want. You already know how I feel so… ball's on your court."
He raises his head to look at you. "Why? You wanna get married?"
You laugh, "Maybe not that!"
“Why not? Lots of people marry their best friends.”
You turn your head and smirk at him, “I let you hit once and now you’re thinking about marriage. I must’ve been such a good lay.”
He smiles fondly and nuzzles your cheek, “You are, though. Seriously, who else can bring me to my knees like that? You’re the best I ever had.”
You roll your eyes and smile, “Now you’re just glazing.”
“It’s true,” He leans back down to kiss a trail from your ear to your shoulder. “I don’t care how you take me as long as we’re together. I like being with you. And now I know I like fucking you too. You’re not getting rid of me now. And like I said before. Whatever it is that we have, it'll definitely last.”
You stay silent, wondering where this all leads. Will the friendship really last? Will it fizzle out? Would you prefer that over a certain, bitter end? Is your friendship now contingent on sex? Will he be worth the heartache if you ever get attached?
Satoru laughs softly at your brooding.
“You don’t have to decide right now, you know?” He says. “Let’s just feel this moment together. Just feel me here with you. We don’t have to worry about anything else.”
He starts rocking his hips gently again, thrusting inside you with a pace so relaxing that you feel your consciousness sinking. He whispers softly against your ear; telling you secrets and sweet reassurances. Promises and high praises.
Satoru has leapt from that crumbling threshold. That boundary. That made you seek forgiveness whenever your fingers touched his hand. Or worry if you’ve taken your jokes too far. And he has opened his arms to you, beckoning you to take that leap and sink into that limbo between friendship and beyond. Promising you that he will catch you when you fall.
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i wanted to capture that 'you cryin'?' energy of his and stretch it to a whole fanfic. though i hope it wasnt too much of a tone whiplash (•᷄- •᷅ ;) i just think annoying people is his love language. and he probs gets a kick from your reactions. pls let me know what you think! ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و
and thank you for giving this fanfic a chance!
originally posted on ao3 title is based on blurred lines by lauren layne. art by blooneey on pixiv
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leviscolwill · 6 months
— dad!trent headcanons !
req: dad!trent headcannons PLEASEE. i am on my knees, begging 🙇‍♀️
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trent is giving boy dad in the best way possible
it's like having a mini trent around the house
imagine having two sassy boys around tho
he is stressed.
like actually stressed, you had hundreds of talks about your son and his education but he's dead scared of messing something up
like he would overthink and put his diaper the wrong way or sum
so he'd go to his brother for advice
plus, going on vacation with his brothers and his niece so they all grow up very close (crying at the idea of this tbh)
now... since he basically never uses instagram
i don't even know if he would make a proper pregnancy or baby announcement tbh
he'd just drop the baby announcement out of nowhere full peeta style
orrrr, he would do THE thing
aka putting the ball under his jersey when he scores (pls tell me you know what i mean)
and when your son is born you bet he's celebrating with his initial (like he did for his niece 🥹)
now... why do i feel like he's the type to talk to kids like they're full grown adults 💀
like he'd talk about his day and how training went even though the boy can't understand yet
also yk how trippier's son wanted psg to win that ucl game against newcastle and walked out with mbappe ?
trent would genuinely not take that
there is no way on earth HIS son is gonna support another club than liverpool tbh
he would physically condition him to support them
making him watch the corner taken quickly moment on repeat
he wouldn't actually do that but... close
as soon as your son learns how to walk you bet he has a football in his feet
not in a project mbappe kinda way but he wants to bond with his son over something he loves yk
you know that video of gavi playing with little kids ? yeah same
he doesn't care if your son is nine, he's playing like it's a ucl final
tbh he seems like the kind of dad to have beef with kids if they mess with your son
fully side eyeing them in front of his school and cussing them out at home
you would absolutely NOT let him close to your son's wardrobe
no way on earth he's passing the bad fashion taste genes down to your son
i don't rlly know how to end this but honestly i think after being a stressed dad, he just learns how to vibe with his son and want to make him the happiest ever
and he would go to every length to make his family happy
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aethelwyneleigh27 · 7 months
hiiii pook :))
can i please have ghost reacting to someone making fun of his s/o's trauma?? happened today and I just need comfort ☹️ I understand if not take care of yourself heheheheh 💗💗💗💗💗🫶🙇‍♀️
How CoD characters would react to someone making fun of their s/o's trauma
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I'm so sorry to hear that Puff, you don't deserve that and neither does anyone. I hope you don't forget that you can talk to me anytime and I do mean it, don't be scared that you will be judged because you won't. People sure have a way of making us feel shitty. I included other characters just for you :3
Characters included: Simon Ghost Riley, Kyle Gaz Garrick, König.
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Simon "Ghost" Riley
❥ If Ghost was there to witness it himself, I don't think he'll be able to keep his cool as much as anyone thinks he would.
Ghost steps in almost immediately upon hearing what the recruit just said to you.
"Watch your words" He warns in a low dangerous tone of voice, giving them the most intense glare you've ever seen him give anyone.
❥ However if he wasn't there to witness it himself:
❥ You know I don't think he takes it lightly at all when he finds out from you. He's observant, so much so that he noticed the small little things that you didn't do in the manner you usually would.
❥ Heaven forbid he actually finds the person who did it, that recruit will more likely be on intense cleaning duties for the rest of their career.
❥ I think everyone in the base knows the fine line between Lieutenant Riley and L.T. Ghost, nobody ever and I mean ever wants to cross that.
❥ Ghost has been through a lot, he has traumas of his own and he's aware you have yours. That being said, he definitely is trying his best at comforting you like you do with him.
"It's alright lovie, they won't get to you again"
Simon whispers, holding you in his arms, your head on his chest while you sniffled. He gently wiped your tears away and did his best to help you with your headache from the amount of crying by gently rubbing your head.
Simon kisses your forehead, rubbing your back to help you sleep while he found himself staring at your beautiful sleeping, tear stained face.
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Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
❥ If Kyle was there to witness it himself, he'd let his protective instincts kick in. Usually he'd be calm and collected, but when it's your feelings and we'll being on the line? I think the fuck not.
He looked at them with the most "Excuse me?!" type of look as if they just disrespected his whole damn family tree. You know what they might as well have since they were so bold as to insult his future spouse, in front of him no less. The fucking audacity.
"Show some respect" Kyle says with the sternest voice you've ever heard him use, you'd swear you heard him mutter "fucking ignorant" a little later when the recruit ran off.
❥ If he wasn't there:
❥ He damn well takes it personally, first of all who the fuck was bold enough to do that to you? Behind his back too, like Kyle gets along with almost every single one of the recruits because he's popular and a casanova for a reason.
❥ Kyle would probably get them back and make their lives a bit more miserable, more likely that he'll try to get Soap in with everything. That's not his first priority though.
❥ His first priority would be making sure you're okay, he'd be supportive and comforting. The kind of person who makes it so easy to open up and immediately understands what your little body languages mean.
❥ He can tell when there's something you aren't too comfortable telling him and he'll reassure you that you don't have to tell him and that he's just there for anything.
Kyle didn't need to say anything else, you knew he was there and he made that clear. He held your face in his hands, kissing the corner of your eyes making you let out a small smile. He kissed your tears away.
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❥ Usually, König hates getting involved with unnecessary conversation with other people. He's not one to interfere with other's businesses, when it comes to you though, it's a whole different story.
❥ Yeah if he didn't have the self-control, somebody would've been bitch slapped that day.
The silence was absolutely deafening, he stood protectively in front of you by pure instinct.
"You'll regret that"
❥ Yeah I think the recruit pissed themselves after that, how could they not? They lost their job not long after anyway. (König definitely pulled some strings, he might as well use his rank to good use. If it's for you then it's worth it in his eyes.)
❥ You know damn well that whether he was or wasn't there to see it for himself that the recruit was basically asking for a death wish the moment those words came out of their mouth.
❥ Trying his best to comfort you, he's your shoulder to cry on and will listen to you if you ever decide to tell him about your trauma. He won't promise anything about anyone who has ever hurt you their safety and or their life.
"Mein liebling.." You heard him call out his nickname for you in the sweetest tone he could afford.
He held you almost effortlessly, kissing the top of your head before resting his chin overtop.
❥ Yeah you knew he did something... (Yandere König? I kinda like that)
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moonydustx · 2 months
Law or Zoro (maybe both separately 🙇‍♀️?) with their s/o secretly being a kunoichi 🤭
Thank u 🙏
Hi Hi! I'll start with: I'm sorry. I didn't know much about the term and I tried to research it, but to be honest, I don't think I got the best of it. I used the point of view in which the character actually became an ally. Maybe I got a little carried away with Law.
After all, how can you disappoint them? (I mean, look at these two happy just seeing Raizo)
requests | one piece masterlist
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Warnings: blood, use of swords, the two like each other but are unable to deal with it maturely.
"Leaving friendship aside" you shouted, dodging the blow. "You're too slow, Zoro."
" What did you say?" He tried to attack you again, but it only took a few steps for you to dodge his attacks. "What the hell!"
"I said: slow." You stopped the sword with your forearm, turning it and letting it rest against the swordsman's skin. "And sloppy."
"How can you do that?"
"A lady doesn't tell your secrets." You laughed, letting him go.
The sun streamed through the crow's nest windows, illuminating the entire space.
Occasionally you and the swordsman would take time out to train. Your excuse was always that you needed to improve your skills and his was that he needed a punching bag. You knew there was a lot behind it - the hours wasted together, the accidental skin-to-skin touches. Those workouts were your favorite part of your schedule.
A crash caught the two of you's attention as well as the uneven rocking and some screams coming from beneath you.
"We are being attacked." Zoro looked out the small window seeing the reason for the small chaos that had formed. "Stay here."
He disappeared from your field of vision in a few seconds. You were determined to follow his orders, not that you owed any kind of obligation, but returning to fight seemed like a distant choice.
Your eyes narrowed at the edge of the window, trying to understand the scale of what was happening. Three pirate ships surrounded the Sunny, each with a flag. Probably a group has allied together to try to overthrow you. Ignoring it no longer seemed like an option.
You practically jumped halfway down the stairs, finding the ship full of enemies. Everyone fought as best they could, but the number of people interested in taking down the Straw Hats seemed too much for you.
Using the same technique you had used in previous training, you dodged each attack, trying to take as little damage as possible. On the other side, you saw one of the men suddenly throw Nami's Clima-tact stick away. Your eyes quickly searched for the best and closest alternative within your reach.
Dodging two guys, you didn't bother asking for permission to take out the third sword that Zoro still kept in its sheath, only seeing him look at you sideways without much room to question.
Before the bullet hit Nami, you positioned the katana blade and watched the fragment turn into two. Ignoring your friend's screams, you threw blows at the first man who had attacked her. A cut in the middle of the chest was enough to knock him down and make room for other enemies to find you.
The sharp blade paraded across the deck of the Sunny, arms fell around you, enemy blood splashed on your clothes and the floor. The presence of the other companions was a memory in the fog, you just needed to help everyone get rid of the little problem. Losing your balance when you saw the ship accelerate in the opposite direction to the enemy ship, it wasn't long before you were just contemplating the blue horizon in front of you.
The absolute silence took a few seconds to bother you until you realized what it was. All your companions looked at you curiously, probably the blood that dripped from the katana and that also stained your clothes was what attracted most of their attention.
The words came to the tip of your tongue and died for a few moments, you were fully aware that you owed your friends satisfaction, it was just difficult to bring the story to light.
"Since when did you know how to do that?" Nami was the first to ask, without any type of ceremony.
"There's been a good, good time."
"But you weren't just an expert in languages, I mean, for someone who has their face buried in books translating those strange things, you know your way around a katana very well." Usopp pointed out, making clear all the curiosity - which was probably in the others' minds.
"I was trained for a long time, longer than I would have liked." you declared, walking to the edge of the ship and leaning against it.
The crew's swordsman did the same, stopping next to you and the others practically circled you. Your hand nervously squeezed the blunt end of the sword in your hand.
"I was taught to infiltrate, to go unnoticed, to kill. I never had much of a choice in the meantime."
"And how did you end up here?" Chopper asked almost adorably, his curiosity leaning more toward admiration than anything else.
"I had a mission." your eyes found Robin in the background. "I needed to infiltrate and take Robin away from here, a high price for someone with high qualifications."
"This is getting interesting." the archaeologist smiled almost understandingly. For some reason you seemed to have given up on the plan and she had already found herself in a similar position. "What made you stop?"
"You, all of you." the answer sounded obvious coming from you. "You all welcomed me so well, I felt like part of a family. So I never answered the calls again and decided to stay here, to be honest, if I had any other choice I wouldn't have done all this." you gestured towards the blood on your clothes. "I understand if you want me to leave, a secret this big..."
"No." Luffy responded immediately. "You're not going to leave."
"The captain decided, you're still a Straw Hat." Sanji completed, leaving room for a brief drag on his cigarette. "And with all that blood you're still beautiful."
"Shut up idiot" Zoro grumbled. "But I agree with Luffy, it's decided, you stay. Now everyone, let's get these scraps out of here." the man pointed to the downed enemies.
Without much desire to continue arguing, one by one you saw your companions move away and begin to clean the deck. Zoro however remained there, standing a few meters away.
"I bet you hate me for my petty theft." You turned to him.
"Are you feeling good?" His calm voice broke your expectations. "You didn't seem comfortable telling all that."
"It's a past that I wanted to leave behind, you know? Being a linguist is much cooler than having to scrub clothes dirty with enemy remains, but now I don't have much choice."
"What do you mean by that?"
"I've already proven that I can fight, I believe that in the next battles it won't make much sense for me to try to escape." a dejected smile crossed your lips as you approached him.
"Only if you want." Zoro replied as you parked yourself in front of him, your feet aligned with his. "If you want to fight, I'll be happy to help you get a katana. If you want to continue just being you, I promise I have enough strength and swords for both of us."
The promise implicit in his voice gave you goosebumps, as well as warming your cheeks in a certain shyness.
"And leaving friendship aside?" he started and you just nodded. "You look beautiful using my katana to take out idiots."
"Leaving friendship aside..." you replied, taking the opportunity to reduce the small space between you.
Without taking your eyes off Zoro's eyes, you slid the sword back into his sheath, completing the trio that now rested after the battle.
"I'd love to be able to do both. Maybe you can help me." your faces were just a short distance away, ignoring the entire world around you.
"Meet me tonight, upstairs. I think we can take some time to train."
"You two make this mess, come help!" Nami's scream broke you both out of your little trance, but the promise still hung in the air.
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Warnings: cute, brief hint of something hotter at the end, pre-established relationship. Law is a super nerd in this one.
Something was out of place. Something felt like it was about to go wrong, you just didn't know what. Following the corridors of the submarine, you made a point of looking room by room, corner by corner, in search of what you didn't even know what you were looking for. The Polar Tang, despite being moored on an island, was occupied by all the crew. Almost all, the captain was absent.
"Bepo?" you entered the room he was in, hitting the switch sharply.
With nightfall and no longer sailing, there weren't many tasks left to be carried out inside Polar Tang. The bear - who was apparently taking a brief nap - rubbed his eyes, trying to understand where the call was coming from.
"Sorry to wake you up. Did you have any news from the captain?"
"He just said he was going to leave for a few hours and that if possible, we would be ready to leave." If it weren't for the worry you would definitely be teasing Bepo and his habit of making mini roars instead of yawns.
"Taking a nap is being ready, mister furry?" the bear's grumbling filled the room. "I don't know Bepo, I have a bad feeling."
"About the captain?" he rose to his feet, more alert than before. "He said he had things to sort out."
"I don't know." you murmured, thinking about possibilities, perhaps the worst possible ones echoed in your mind. "From what I remember, Law was alone for a long time before he went, am I right?"
"Yes! He said he needed to focus on something."
"Okay, let's go through his desk."
Papers hung on the wall, notes spread out on the table, a large web connected the information he had gathered so far about Doflamingo. Occupying his chair, you didn't hesitate to turn over some pages, finding names and positions written down and a map of the island. An X marking a specific point next to a photo attracted your gaze, making you search your own memories to understand the familiarity with such a situation.
"Flander..." you brought the photo of the man with white hair and a black suit closer. You remembered the man but even so, your brain burned trying to remember why and it gave you a bad feeling.
"Do you know him?" "An idiot tycoon who's also a mobster. Last time I bumped into him it was to recover a stolen devil fruit. He craves power, so he uses the black market to sell them and also use... oh, shit!"
"What happened?" the bear tried to keep up with you as you ran back to your room, thankful to find it empty.
"Get everything ready for us to escape. Also prepare the defenses." you pulled out a large hidden brown box. "Law may have been ambushed."
In other situations you would even ask him to leave, but while the bear screamed and ran from side to side you didn't hesitate to throw your overalls and in seconds put on the suit. The minutes lost in getting dressed would certainly be recovered with help in camouflaging.
"Wait, what is this?"
"No questions Bepo! Go now!"
You adjusted the cloth that covered part of your face. Ignoring the curious stares, you crossed Polar Tang in seconds, finding a full moon shining all over the pier that night. That costume, that story, you had chosen to leave behind, but the thought of someone hurting your captain was too much for you to ignore.
Following through the trees it didn't take long to find Flander's compound. Trying to avoid the presence of the security guards, you followed their movement pattern, finding a small gap to climb onto the first floor of roofs. Even though the rooms that were within reach of your eyes seemed empty, you still chose to go outside. Leaning on the gutter and avoiding any noise as much as possible, you didn't have much difficulty finding the next floor.
This time, coming across some lights on in the indoor area, you could feel closer to your goal. Using the noise of voices and the distraction to your advantage, you managed to peek inside the room.
Flander was sitting in one of the chairs, three huge men accompanied him and Law was sitting on the floor. A trickle of blood ran from his eyebrow and his hands were tied together. You hated being right in your suspicions.
Using the point of illumination to your advantage, you opted for the lack of it, throwing your dagger towards the lamp. The sound of breaking glass attracted the attention of everyone there - including Law.
"Where did that come from?" one of the men bent down picking up the small gray object.
The moonlight might still be an advantage for them, but it wouldn't be a problem for you. Rolling into the window, you took advantage of having fallen in a crouch to cut the ankle of the first man within your reach and joining a trip, he soon found the ground.
The other two gathered around you and using the ratio of size to speed, you managed to dodge them, reaching Flander and putting your other dagger through his leg, leaving it stuck between his thigh and the upholstery of the expensive bench he was sitting on. One of the other men managed to hit you, making you lose your balance, but it only took a few kicks and both he and the other man were on the ground.
"Who are you?" Flanders shouted, probably not only trying to clear the doubt but also trying to get the attention of more henchmen.
Before he could continue shouting, you slammed his head against the expensive wooden table in front of the man.
"Cap... Trafalgar." you corrected yourself almost at the last second. "Do you know where your handcuff keys are?"
"In my left pocket." your eyes - which were one of the few things discovered on your face looked in pure disbelief at him. "I knew he would try to trick me, I changed all the handcuffs here to regular versions."
"I do not believe that." despite the relief in knowing that in a way, he already knew what awaited him, it didn't stop you from staying alert.
"You're Shadow Moon, right? The konoichi who helps Sora in magazine 147 of the regular story. From Yushe Island?" He stood up, approaching the table and picking up a small brown notebook, leafing through it quickly. "Am I right, Shadow Moon?"
"Law, we have time to sort this out later." you pulled the cloth away, revealing your face. "Is this the only notebook you need?"
"Are you Sora's Shadow Moon from the Yushe Islands?" for the first time you saw Law's voice rise a few decibels in pure surprise. A slightly more serious version of a child who just got the doll he always wanted. "You?"
"We really can... Shit!" you felt your arm burn as more men appeared in your field of vision. Before you could prepare to fight, the blue dome enveloped you and the bodies lying in the room were replaced by the trees of the island's small forest, the same one that had helped you camouflage your arrival.
"Well, it was a graze." you checked your own arm and it didn't take long for Law to take the job for himself.
"Yes, you almost don't need stitches. A bandage should do the trick, Shadow Moon."
"Are you really going to call me that all night?" Law decided to back off the subject when he noticed the irritation in your voice, but you knew the subject wouldn't remain quiet for long. "When we arrive at Polar Tang, I'll explain. I've already got everyone ready for us to set sail."
You were never so happy to be back in the little metal cocoon, or at least that was the affectionate way you called the yellow submarine. After reassuring everyone, you followed Law to his room, knowing that he must have doubts about everything that happened.
"How did you know I was there?" he asked as soon as you slammed the door behind you. Taking advantage of the small peace to catch your breath, you leaned against the wall.
"I had a strange feeling and when I found Flander's photo, I knew something was wrong. I already knew his history with Devil Fruit users."
"I understood." Law seemed distracted by something on his stand. "I knew he would try to catch me, I wanted to make the most of my time to extract information."
"Next time, please let your girlfriend know." you murmured, crossing your arms and watching him walk towards you. "No way."
Law placed a small doll next to you and you knew what it was without even looking.
"Shadow Moon, I knew it!"
"I'm sorry I kept this from you." You asked and saw him nod. The same hand that held the action figure pulled you closer to the bed.
"How did you end up in Sora?" he sat down, giving you space to sit next to him or in it.
"Long story short, I helped one of the comic's editors, it was his way of thanking me." Law's eyes sparkled as you adjusted yourself over his hips.
"My girlfriend is Shadow Moon. Do you have any idea how badass that is?" he again looked at the doll and placed it aside. "Although you look a lot hotter in the real version."
"Is this serious? I took down several idiots at once to save you and you're impressed by this?" You pointed to your own clothes.
"This? You mean the legendary Shadow Moon responsible for taking down enemy armies and who can disappear into the shadows?" Your loud laugh also brought a light laugh from Law. "Shadow Moon herself came to save me. Where were you hiding all this?"
"Kind of wanted to put that story behind me." you bent down and pushed him against the bed, using the gap to lay on his chest. Just a few hours apart along with the adrenaline in your body made you miss Law's contact. "It was really lucky they left my suit in Sabaody."
"If you don't want to talk about it, that's okay." Noticing the hesitation in your voice, Law tried to steer you away from that subject. But his presence was comforting, it was as if the old memories were just that: things left behind.
"After my parents died, these women took me in. They gave me a home, food, but in return they trained me. They did this with different types of girls."
"You know why?"
"A lot of us went on missions for them, but the purpose was always to teach us how to defend ourselves." You smiled when you felt his fingers caress your skin, encouraging you to keep talking.
"I started to stand out, taking down many of the enemies until the mission where they discovered me infiltrated. I was pretending to be a doctor for one of the pirates who stole them."
"So that's why you already knew how to deal with everything here."
"Exactly, it was almost like a vocation, or destiny" a provocative smile dared to cross your lips, soon disappearing. "After finding out, they locked me up for a while. When they got tired of my presence, they sold me into slavery."
"You're lucky that a guy with a good heart was there, right?" Law's cynicism was something almost immersed in him. You quickly took the man's lips.
"They say he was very handsome." you murmured, catching his kisses.
"Babe, please." his tone was strangled when he felt your hips press against his. "But it's okay if you say no..."
"Trafalgar!" You lightly patted his shoulder when you saw him blush - like you hadn't seen in the time you were together. The way his gaze roamed your body made it clear what he wanted. "Okay, the costumes are still on my body."
"Hm.. my beautiful little konoichi." he turned you over on the bed, pinning you beneath him. "This time you won't be able to hide."
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mysacredmuse · 4 months
hi muse! your black swan smut shot was so good, i can't get enough of this woman like pls 😫😫 i need her carnally too
if you have the time, can i req for a black swan smut? mayhaps a continuation of the one shot but this time it's fem!reader taking control and spoiling our favorite memokeeper ? pls and thank you 🙇‍♀️ (bonus if it's sweet, wet, and messy 😋)
~ ♠️ anon
hello my dear! we actually think alike, I was planning to do 2ndish part of that first writing where the reader is more in control :D so, of course I can. I hope that you will like it and enjoy it <3 also, thank you for the compliment, I am glad to hear that you enjoyed it :) <3
I hope that I will be able to satisfy, especially sweet, wet and messy part 🫡🖤 (i need this woman to sit on my face I SWEAR)
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reader: gender neutral, no specific descriptors or pronouns used
cw/tw: nsfw - mdni!, top!reader, bottom!black swan (for the most part if we count face riding as a top behavior), vaginal fingering, face sitting & face riding, slight marking, slight praise
word count: 2k
I hope you enjoy! :)
dividers by @/cafekitsune :)
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note: You don't have to read the first part in order to understand this one or anything like that. It can be enjoyed on its own, but it just makes porn without plot :) (hence why they are naked and wet already LOL)
also, I wasn't sure should I add usage of a strap-on and thigh riding...but if you'd like a piece like that - just let me know! :)
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Black Swan • Round 2 •
"I want you to sit on my face." you state boldly, earning an initial expression of confusion from Black Swan.
"Sit...on your face? I have never done that exactly, I am a bit worried, to be truthful with you." she replies calmly, but there is a lingering worry behind her tone.
You give her a bored gaze, gently pulling her closer to you by her hips in the process. 
"It will be okay, I promise. Just don't overthink it." you respond in a reassuring tone as you move her hair away from her neck, instantly placing gentle kisses in order to soothe her nerves. She lets out a soft sigh, her hand trailing on your lower back, pulling you closer. You smile into her skin as your kisses move upwards, finishing right behind her ear.
She shivers, sight quite amusing to you as you slowly move to the other side of her neck in more tender kisses. You slide your hand between her thighs in the process, two of your fingers slowly circling over her entrance, gradually soaking from her precum.
She lets out a shaky breath out as you slide your tongue over the side of her neck, in a soft zig-zag motion, going all the way up to her ear. You remain still, your lips barely brushing over her earlobe as you feel her cunt twitching underneath your fingers.
With a soft chuckle, you slowly slide them back to her clit, drawing wet circles over it in a slow pace and earning a sudden whimper of hers. Her pussy keeps twitching underneath your fingertips as she slowly rolls her hips into them, eager for more.
"Forgive me for being so bold with you, but I can feel you twitching, you know?" you whisper into her ear, following with a gentle lick over her earlobe. Black Swan shivers slightly, a silky moan slipping past her lips. 
"I am aware…" she confirms as she speeds up the pace of her hips just a bit, matching the motion of your fingers on her clit. You slowly slide them further down, once again soaking your fingertips on her leaking entrance. She lets out a breath of dissatisfaction as you slowly lean your face away from her neck, bringing your wet fingers up to one of her nipples. You begin rubbing slow, semi-firm circles into it, enjoying how the area gradually gets more wet and slippery as Black Swan lets out a few sharper breaths.
"Wouldn't it be a shame to waste such a pretty pussy on my fingertips?" you whisper slyly, sloppily kissing her cheek afterwards as you move your fingers to her other nipple, keeping up the semi-firm circling. She lets out a trembling whimper, breath catching in her throat as her gaze grows surprisingly needy. A woman like her is so used to being in charge that this is certainly out of her comfort zone, but she doesn't mind it one bit. You gently slide the fingertips of your other hand down her waist and over her lower tummy, sneaking them between her legs.
"Pretty please?" you continue in a sly tone as you begin circling your fingertips over her clit once more, matching the pace of your fingers that were on her nipple.
She lets out a sharper moan, slightly arching her back to press her boobs into you more, hips mindlessly rolling into your touch. You slide your hand away from her nipple, moving it further down her waist, all the way to her hip, gently guiding it while she keeps grinding them. You begin placing soft and agonizing kisses over her boobs, gaze shamelessly looking up at her.
"Pretty...pretty please?" you whisper between the kisses, slightly speeding up the pace of your fingers on her sensitive clit. You gently suck in the portion of her skin between your teeth, earning a soft gasp of hers as you begin making a small hickey on one of her boobs. Her lips part as you slowly let go of the bruised flesh, placing a kiss on top of the hickey. You continue making hickeys all over her boobs as her hips twitch underneath your touch.
You slowly slide them between her inner lips, teasing her entrance as you end every leftover bruise with a soft kiss.
She lets out a muffled whimper, leaking more over your fingertips as you slowly slide the two of your fingers inside her inviting pussy. You steadily pull away from her marked boobs, enjoying the crimson marks that you left behind as your fingers reach her g-spot, curling ever so slightly to pressure it.
A sharp moan escapes her throat, her hips tensing up as you slide your fingers in and out of her with ease, keeping a steadily slow pace. You give her a low gaze, placing another sloppy kiss on her cheek as you speak into her skin.
"I promise my tongue can do a much better job for you." you whisper in a seductive, borderline needy tone as your fingers speed up, rubbing against her sensitive spot more frequently. A chain of muffled moans escape her lungs as she nods, clenching around your fingers and becoming more needy herself with every passing second.
"Is that a yes?" you question in a mellow tone, slowing down your fingers.
"Yes, please." she confirms, slightly breathless.
"That's my good girl." you praise with a soft smile as you slide your fingers out of her. She gasps at sudden empty sensation, her gaze messy as she awaits for you to make a move.
You lay down and she follows, hesitantly positioning herself above your face, but not quite sitting down yet. You chuckle as your hands fall on her hips, keeping her in place as you begin to place soft kisses all over her inner thighs - as far as the current position lets you reach.
You can't help but notice how pretty her marked up boobs look, urging you to suck a small portion of flesh of her inner thighs, gradually making another mark there as well. She lets out a shaky breath out of her nose, looking down at you with neediness in her gaze.
You let the crimson flesh slide out of your teeth as you move up, closer to her groin, giving her another mark there as well, but in a slightly rougher manner. She yelps, one of her hands falling onto her thigh, fingernails slightly digging into her own skin. 
"Sorry, my dear, you just look so pretty like this." you speak into her bruised skin, placing a kitten lick over the mark. You slowly move your attention to her other thigh, leaving a few less noticeable bite marks, earning a few more of her whimpers.
You let your tongue slide from furthest it can reach on her inner thigh all the way to her pretty cunt. You stop your movement right next to her clit, using her not-fully-seated position to kiss her outer lips and groins, sloppily sliding your tongue over them in the process as well. Her thighs become a bit shaky, tummy flexing and relaxing as she sucks in sharp breaths. 
You finally pull her in more by her hips, forcing her to close up her thighs around your face in the process. You give her puffy clit an experimental kitten lick with the tip of your tongue, earning a soft moan of hers as her hips relax, inching her cunt closer to you. You begin slowly sliding your tongue over her pussy in a soft zig-zag motion, all over her inner lips and her clit.
She lets out a louder moan, throwing her head back as your hands readjust, finding their way under her ass and helping her to keep slightly up and steady. You focus your tongue on her entrance, slowly sliding it inside her wet cunt; precum immediately coating it.
You gradually speed up the movement, sliding your tongue in and out in a faster manner, forcing a chain of deep moans out of her throat as her thighs squeeze your face. You let out a soft moan of your own into her cunt as your fingernails dig into the flesh of her ass, leaving mellow marks behind.
She gasps for air as your tongue slides out, swiftly falling on her clit, moving at a fast paced left and right motions. Her thighs clench around your face even tighter, hands falling above your head, back arching slightly as she starts rolling her hips, eager for more. She tries her best to keep up, matching her grinds with the pace of your tongue; strained moans filling up the room. You gently guide her by holding her ass in the process, tongue working faster as her filthy moans become louder and more broken.
Her hips twitch on top of you from time to time, becoming a bit unsteady as you swiftly switch between licking to sucking on her clit. You swear that you can hear her curse under her breath as her hips tense up completely, her clit at your mercy as your sucking grows more rough, more stimulating for her.
Her pussy leaks all over your chin, precum sliding down as your grip on her ass tightens, squeezing more sharp moans and whines out of her. Her thighs tighten around your face, urging you to keep going as her breathing becomes more erratic, lean tummy flexing with sharp gasps. 
"Is my pretty lady going to cum for me?" you ask a bit breathless as you take a break from sucking on her clit for just a few moments.
She nods, eyes low and droopy as she gazes down on you, silently begging you to let her cum. You give her a gentle smile before your lips wrap around her swollen clit once more, quickly picking up the pace and building up her orgasm in a vigorous manner. Her hands claw at the bed as you continue inching her to the edge without mercy, her pussy dripping even more over your chin as she lets out broken whines.
You feel her thighs twitch around your face, hips more tense as she holds a breath in, barely keeping her eyes open. You let your tongue slide over her clit in-between the sucks, feeling it grow warmer as it quivers under your touch. Black Swan finally lets out a breath she was holding in, a guttural mixture of moans and whimpers slipping past her lips as she reaches her release, cum sliding down her cunt and dripping all over your chin and bottom lip. You let out a shaky breath through your nose as you continue sucking on her clit, letting her ride out her orgasm.
She starts moving her hips, senselessly and mindlessly, completely driven by pleasure. You let go of her clit, letting your tongue sit still and letting her use it as she would like. Her hands grip the sheets of the bed as she leans over, mercilessly grinding into your tongue as her orgasm reaches its peak, desperately trying to make it as long as possible. You let go of her ass, resting your hands on the sides of her thighs, letting out soft moans to send vibrations through her clit, earning sharper moans of hers in return. She finally slows down the pace of her hips, sliding her pussy over your tongue a few more times.
Her body twitches and quivers when her clit reaches your tongue, very slightly overstimulating her. As she completely stops, trying to catch her breath, you use the moment to suck on her inner lips, enjoying her taste on your tongue. She shivers above you, a few whiny whimpers escaping her lungs. Once you finish tasting her properly, you place a soft kiss on her cunt - silent praise of a sort. However, she doesn't move, eyes lustfully gazing down at you, a small amount of hesitancy behind them.
"Would it be a problem if I asked for more?" she asks in a tender tone, slightly lowering herself on top of you.
"I was hoping you would ask." you smile between her legs, lowering her even more by her hips, enjoying the rest of the night by pleasuring a beautiful lady. 
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mkmas · 5 months
Take Me, My Beloved Villain - Jude Jazza
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sorry for any mistakes 🙇‍♀️ also everything is owned by cybird, i only translated
Kate: Ju-Jude, please let go! I can walk on my own!
Jude grabbed me by the scruff of my neck and dragged me down the corridor.
Jude: You’re going to run away as soon as I let go. I have to be cautious.
Kate: I won’t run away! I will pay back what I owe you…!
Today is the 31st of December.
I had been helping Victor make preparations for the countdown party since this morning.
However, Jude suddenly appeared in the kitchen.
“Have you forgotten that you owe me for saving your life yesterday? I will have you pay me back in labor.” …….. Then, he kidnapped me.
(I’m grateful to Jude for saving me from almost getting shot last night. He saved my life)
Kate: It must be hard for Victor to prepare alone…..
Jude: Ha, you’re worried about him? How kind of the princess.
Jude: But it’s useless to try to measure someone who is the Queen's aide by ordinary standards.
Jude: No matter how much you complain, it's already decided that you're going to help me with my work. Shut up and follow me.
And so, I was forcibly brought to the common room.
On the desk is a familiar typewriter.
Jude: Use it to transcribe the handwritten documents. The format should be the same as the sample.
Ellis: Jude, I got what you asked for.
Ellis, who came into the room after us, had his hands full of papers.
Kate: Thi-This many…..!?
I trembled, and Jude gave me a cold glare.
Jude: Can’t do it? Was your life so light that you didn't deserve a job of this magnitude?
Jude: Sorry….. I must have overestimated.
Kate: Life isn’t light, even for me. But….. It’s too much, I don’t know if I can do it alone.
Ellis: It's okay, Kate. Jude wouldn't ask someone who isn’t capable.
(….. Ellis and Jude are like carrot and stick)***
Kate: ….. I understand. I will do it wholeheartedly…..
Jude: Don’t put your heart into it. All I want is speed and accuracy.
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Jude: If you miss even 1 letter….. Do you want to know what happens?
I began work with a twitch in my cheeks, sensing that it was more than just a threat.
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Jude: ….. That’s enough.
Jude stopped my work at 7pm, a few hours after we started.
Kate: Eh…. But it looks like there are still some paperwork left to do…..
Jude: No matter how much progress you make, there's no point in reviewing if I can't catch up.
(But I think Jude's revision work is well on its way….?)
Jude: ….. What’s with that face? I told you to stop, but you’re not happy?
Kate: N-No. It’s not like that.
(….. That’s right. Jude said so, so let’s call it a day)
I've learned from experience that pestering him will only make him grumpier, so I decided to clean up my desk.
Kate: What kind of year would you like to have next year, Jude? Do you have any resolutions?
Jude: Resolutions? I have nothing like that.
Jude: The year changes, but in reality, there’s no actual real effect. It's just an arbitrary boundary decided by humans.
Jude: Last year, this year, next year, nothing I do will be any different.
(If I recall correctly….. Jude needs money to fulfill his promise to someone)
(That’s what you’re working so hard for, right)
Kate: Jude is pushing forward towards his goal.…. It’s amazing.
Jude: Flattery will get you nothing in return.
Kate: I’m not looking for anything in return, I really do think so.
It didn't mean anything, but Jude frowned as if he had eaten something he didn't like.
He waved his hand as if to tell me to get the hell out of the room.
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Victor: Kate! Are you finished with the work Jude asked you to do?
Kate: Yes, he doesn't need any more help today.
Victor: The best timing, we were just about to eat.
Victor: I'm glad Jude kept his promise to me.
(Oh, by the way…..)
It was when Jude came to the kitchen to take me away.
Kate: Sorry, Victor.…. I have to help Jude.
Victor: Don't worry about it. I'll prepare everything for you too!
Victor: But….. With all these delicious food prepared, you have to get Kate back in time for dinner, okay?
Jude: It’s up to her to decide when she can go home.
(….. Jude, I guess you let me go because it was time for dinner.)
The timing of the work being stopped seemed unnatural, so it must be it.
Then, time passed as everyone gathered in the dining room to eat.
However, Jude never came to the dining room.
(I guess his work isn't done yet…..)
Curious, I kept looking at the door, but there was no sign of anyone coming in.
Roger: Kate, could you do me a favor?
Kate: Yes, what is it?
Roger: I want you to bring Jude some food.
Roger: Jude hasn't eaten anything since lunch, has he? If he dies, we'll have a lot of work to do starting in the new year and it will be troublesome.
Roger: He would get annoyed if I nag him so I would be grateful if the young lady can encourage him.
Kate: …..! I understand!
Having found a good reason to visit Jude, I put some food on the plate and left the dining room.
Alfons: ….. Saying you’re worried when you’re really not, how shameless.
Roger: It’s not really a lie, is it? Well, the biggest motive was that the young lady was worried.
I came to the common room with a bowl of hot soup and a loaf of bread.
(Huh…..? Jude isn’t here. He left his papers here, so he’ll probably be back soon)
There, my eyes fell on the desk that Jude had been using.
(Ah….. I knew it, it was a lie that the revision process couldn't keep up)
The paperwork I had finished producing had long since been reviewed, and another new set of work documents was spread out on the desk.
(From the moment we met... Jude has been mercilessly and arrogantly cornering me.)
(So why does he sometimes give me kindness that is hard to understand?)
Is it just a whim, or is it to win me over and use me.…. or is it something more?
(….. I don't know what Jude's true feelings are, which is why I'm so curious and want to know)
But, even in the midst of uncertainty, there are certain things.
I hope Jude’s dream comes true one day, those are my feelings.
(That's right! Let's make a wish for the New Year!)
(I think I'll use.….. this wooden desk that Jude used)
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Kate: Touch wood…..
While whispering, I tapped the desk lightly. It's a spell that has been passed down in England for a long time to ward off evil spirits.
Jude: ...... What are you doing?
Kate: !?
I heard a doubtful voice behind me and turned to see Jude standing there.
Kate: Wh-When did you get here…..!?
Jude: Just now. …… So, what’s up with the princess?
Jude: Muttering to the desk with a grim look, were you trying to put a curse on me?
Kate: It’s the opposite! I brought dinner, and gave Jude a good luck spell.
Stuttering my words, I explained that I had no malicious intentions.
Jude: I don't need silly wishes like "I hope my wish comes true".
Kate: N-No! I didn’t wish like that.
Jude: ….. Oh?
Jude raised an eyebrow in interest. I felt like he was urging me to continue, so I opened my mouth again.
Kate: ….. Jude says if you owe something, you should pay it back.
Jude: Loans exist to be paid back.
Kate: If the loan is to be paid back…..
Kate: In that same sense, I hope your efforts will be rewarded as well.
Jude: …..
Kate: That’s why….. I wished that Jude’s efforts would be rewarded.
Jude: ….. What a childish wish.
Jude's reaction was as cold as I expected, but that was okay.
Whatever I wish in my heart, is my choice.
Jude: And yours?
Kate: What is?
Jude: Resolutions, resolutions. I'll have to pay you back for your questionable spells. It's a pain in the ass, but.
I never thought that he would give back what I had wished for on my own.
This kind of discipline may be one of the reasons why Jude has been so successful in his work.
(My resolutions for this year are…..)
Kate: ….. I would like to get to know Jude and spend more time with him.
Jude: Spend even more time with me? Come on, you don't have to make that your resolution.
Kate: Eh…..?
Jude: You owe me a lot, remember?
Jude: You don't think you can pay back in a day what you owe me for saving your life, do you?
Kate: Eh, it’s not right!?
Jude: You said it yourself, life is not light. It's not even close.
Jude: Don't even think you can leave me until you pay off all your debts.
(Then that means….. I can spend a lot of time by Jude's side?)
Jude was probably just stating the obvious, that I owe him and I should pay him back, and that there is no special meaning to this.
(It bothers me that I'm treated like a labor force, but still... I don't know why... I'm happy)
The fact that I wanted to be by your side and was allowed to do so even for whatever reason warms my heart.
Jude: ….. Respond.
Kate: Ye-Yes…..! Next year too-
At that moment, as if timed perfectly, a bang sounded.
When I turned around, I saw large fireworks going off in the distance from the common room window.
(….. Oh, it's the New Year already)
Kate: ….. Let’s get along well this year too, Jude.
Jude: Haha, what a gentle and polite bow….. Hopeless.
Jude removes his gaze from mine to resume his work.
It was a new year that came without a countdown, but that didn’t bother me.
Maybe it's because I'm looking forward to being by Jude’s side this year.
***carrot and stick (飴と鞭) or candy and whip = combination of reward + punishment.
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lovehotelreservation · 2 months
Self Love
Summary: Bound by bestowed duty, burdened by the fate of countless, it only made sense that you, Meteor, and Clive would share not just many things in common, but a bed together.
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Clive/F!Reader/Meteor
tfw i've been cooking up this double penetration since the fanfest london announcement 🧍‍♀️
sorry to wols who don't main smn i hope you and everyone else still enjoy milking clive and meteor 🙇‍♀️
As a Warrior of Light, it was a wonder how you were able to constantly find yourself trapped between a rock and a hard place.
To which your roguishly rugged handsome companion would grin and cheekily comment something along the lines of “Well, my name is Meteor after all.”
And it was by this you would test his mettle and knowledge of Paladin as you called forth the fierce might of Phoenix in response.
Though, then again, you did have to be very mindful of mentioning the likes of “Phoenix” and “eikon”, lest you cast your other rugged yet sullenly handsome companion into yet another frenzied existential fit.
Clive Rosfield.
Poor man had just barely dragged himself out of the storm of having to comprehend how he managed to find himself plucked from his motherland of Valisthea only to be unceremoniously flung to the world of Eorzea, where he would cross paths with you and Meteor.
Thankfully, he was in the company of those who were well familiar with the concept of traveling dimensions. Meteor was the one to give Clive a reassuring pat on the back as he affirmed that it would just be a matter of when until some means to return him to his universe was found.
For now, as he cheerfully suggested, Clive could tag along with the both of you, joining your trek to venture to lands yet to be visited by either of you. The world had just been saved and the realm beckoned to be explored.
While understandably conflicted at first–what with thoughts of home, his brother, his friends at the Hideaway and across the Twins, and more weighing on his mind–Clive eventually relented and agreed to join. In such a foreign yet strangely familiar world, any lessons, techniques, and even powers he could acquire here to bring back to his world to bring forth needed revolution and change, then so be it.
He just had to quickly get used to you calling forth vastly different versions of Ifrit, Titan, Garuda, Bahamut and Phoenix with a mere book and a glowing foxdograbbit.
Similarly, while you and Meteor had seen your fair share of madness across your journeys together, you both couldn’t help but be in awe whenever Clive drew forth power from the eikons of his world that mirrored so perfectly with the primals of Eorzea, to even witnessing him prime into the infernal behemoth that was his Ifrit while squaring off with foes and hunts alike alongside you both.
Sharing tales of triumphs and losses over a campfire within the Black Shroud, offering knowledge that could only be learned in the heat of battle while sailing through the azure skies on an airship to Radz-at-Han, keeping watch of one another while treading treacherous ground through Coerthas, unwinding in the comforts of a local izakaya in Kugane after a hard day’s effort–this in turn had the three of you to bonding ever so closer together. After all, each of you had borne the burden of being savior in your respective worlds, carried forth the hopes and dreams of friends and allies present and past, maintained the balance of using your bestowed powers responsibly and striving to not allow self-doubt and greed corrupt your hearts so, and much more.
Beneath the warmth of the afternoon sun, your days together would be spent in glorious adventure.
Whereas underneath the dreamy glow of the evening moon, your nights were bathed and adorned in absolute euphoria.
All because Meteor couldn’t help but grin the very instant he noticed the way how Clive’s eyes would linger on you whenever the moment allowed for it, the shift from morose uncertainty to shy yearning reflected in those deep cerulean irises of his.
And with how long he had been adventuring with you all this time, he would be much too ashamed if he failed to notice that dreamy, awestricken stare of yours every time you marveled at Clive whenever he demonstrated his beastly prowess in battle.
The visitor and the host.
Experienced in combat yet naive with romance was the former.
Always thinking about the bigger picture and much too used to putting the needs of the world before one’s own desires was the latter.
Meteor, however, stood right in the middle and was ever eager to bridge gaps.
In this particular case, he did just that by keeping you sandwiched right between him and Clive as the three of you were tangled together in bed. Clothes and armor were long discarded and strewn across the floor of your inn’s suite, ensuring that nothing would get in the way of your two rugged companions and their wandering hands along your body.
As to be expected, Clive was curious with every touch as he lied beneath you, his fingers basking in the warmth of your bare skin as they sought to find which spots pleasured you most. Every moan you let you had his breath caught in his throat–a precious action soon followed by a burning need to elicit as many mewls of his name from your lips as much as possible.
By contrast, Meteor was ever proud as he quipped that he knew your body best–even better than you when he felt more daring. Maintaining his position above and behind you, he boldly grabbed at your breasts and gave your ass a few good slaps, with each gasp he earned in response being demonstrated as a reward that Clive could also earn were he to handle you in a similar way. And while stepping in as teacher had its own unique fun, he relished in being able to make you melt and crumble underneath him with every knowing stroke and plunge of his fingers.
Despite their different approaches towards you however, both were in absolute agreement in ravishing you thoroughly. With you caged between two broad and sturdy physiques of divine, chiseled muscle, you were kept perfectly in prime position to have Clive and Meteor plunge their thick, long cocks inside of you in tandem, leaving you crying out in sheer bliss as your core and your ass were subject to their relentless pounding.
“You’ve gotta find it rather humorous, mate–” Letting out a breathy laugh, Meteor pushed back his sweaty bangs away from his eyes as he peeked over your shoulder to glance at Clive, a grin plastered on his lips. “–you used to keep your distance from our lovely summoner every time that book was out, but now you can’t even stand to be a step away!”
At once, Clive had his eyes shut firmly tight, far too overwhelmed by the sinfully sweet sensation of the dripping wet velvet heat of your core continuing to squeeze around his cock. Yet at Meteor’s words, his eyelids fluttered open as he hoarsely responded with, “Could you blame me?” all while his hands reaffirmed their hold on your hips.
His cheeky grin now more of a wicked smirk, Meteor remarked, “Not in the slightest! After all, I speak from experience…!”
Upon the last word he uttered, his posture hunched forward as he proceeded to ramp up the pace and intensity of his thrusts, barreling his dick into your ass with feverish frenzy.
“And what’s that supposed to mean, Mete–!”
Though you were made to squeal all the more, you were ready to turn back towards Meteor with a stern questioning look, were it not for him already prepared for your reaction. Before you could complete your sentence, you suddenly found yourself pressed further down against Clive, the gentle yet heavy weight of a hand on the back of your head urging you to lock lips with him instead.
“Now, now, love–while I’ll never get enough of having your eyes on me, you’ve got a primal to master! Focus!”
Meteor’s laughter filled your ears while Clive’s tongue clumsily found its way into your mouth.
While you were eager to get back at the former, it was as your eyes found its way to the latter’s that you truly found yourself speechless.
The pure adoration held for you that was reflected in Clive’s eyes had your heart flutter and your hands quickly cupping his grizzled jaw as you hungrily reciprocated his affection.
And as the two of you kissed, you felt the stubble of Meteor’s chin scratch against the nape of your neck as he kissed your skin, making sure to press further down against the points that made you shiver most.
Stuck in the middle between the two men who cherished you most, you knew you weren’t going to be leaving the bed anytime soon tonight—especially when they had so much love they wished to pour inside of you over and over.
Even so, you were more than delighted to be in your current position. From this day onward, regardless of where your paths may lead as they split and twist, you would find your way to back to them, even worlds apart. 
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newkatzkafe2023 · 5 months
Monkey Queen meets Male Y/N, she is constantly flirting and teasing him and they did the do and a few months later she comes back to male Y/N with a very noticeable belly bump.
If you're screwed and you'll know what clap your hands😨😨😨
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(Lmk Wukong) You were a male celestial monkey who territories in a jungle biom And you were relaxing. Until the great sage equal to have been showed up, the monkey queens been flirting with you for months. You didn't understand why but she just had a very unique interest in you and will not leave you be. She once again came to your jungle island to Woo. You once again and that's when you finally had enough. Yup, you decided to throw the immortal monkey a bone and spend a day with her. And one thing led to another apparently your mate's now, according to her. But after the day do you went back to your island hopefully she'll leave you alone now that you gave her what she wanted.
But in a few months later, you weren't suspecting. Mk and the gang came barging onto your island demanding to see you. You came out of your tree house home to see what the commotion was Until you finally see the group It's Glaring at you with Anger and disbelief Even what appears to be a female Macaque is their.
Monkey (M/N) I'm sorry who are you and what are you doing in my territory
Female Mk: Forget your territory we need you to look at what you did!😠😠😠
Mk moved out of the way to See a blushing monkey queen With a belly that was not big like that before. Well aren't you screwed😂😂😂
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(Mk Reborn Wukong) It all started when you were challenged into a fight. The monkey Queen had apparently felt inferior to you and came to you and challenge you to a battle. Of course you guys fought And totally kicked her ass. This enraged her to the max and she came every other day to challenge you to a rematch. You're wondering what's the point of any of this before you saw how she would move her body a Certain way. Or how she would wear nicer clothes or the blush on her face That's when it hits you like a freight train. She is in to you, she wants you And dare you say she is in love with you. Don't get it twisted. She is attractive herself, but you didn't think she would ever give you a second thought. And so finally neither if you couldn't take it anymore and release your passion, Rage, and desires in a very explosive but enjoyable way.
A few months later, as you were hunting for food. You came across a rather familiar monk and a group of pilgrims. The monk gave you a stern expression as the pilgrims looked at you dumbfounded.
Mistress tang: Excuse me are you (M/N) The boy any chance🙇‍♀️
Monkey (Y/N) That's me what can I do for you
Mistress Tang: Well my disciple has something to tell you or rather Show him Wukong 🤨😮‍💨
Sunny Wukong The great sage equal to heaven approaches you with a five Months pregnant belly bump. Oh what a world
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(HIB Wukong) Okay so this time you approached her. You notice how clearly lost her and the little girl named Liuer.She's with so you thought you would give the two some directions. While you were leading the two out of your jungle territory, you chatted up with the monkey queen and fell when you have some similar interest with her. When you both got Got them through you said that they can call me. Visit you anytime and that's exactly what they did. One day the Wukong came by herself Ask you a very personal question. If you can help her throw her a heat. Because apparently she's been struck with it and And the only one that can help her was you. You were shocked as she trust you with this A hundred percent so you had no problem helping her.
A few months later after the defeat of Dun Hun And his demon army the Wukong and Liuer Came to visit you again. Apparently the little girl had some exciting news to share with you.
Liuer: Monkey queen has a monkey baby in her tummy!!!🤩
Your jaw touched the floor as you look towards the monkey. Queen with a very noticeable belly bump and a rather light blush on her face. Well this is interesting
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(NR Wukong) Okay this woman is a whole new different breed of Whore. You always have a Blush and a look of horror on your face whenever she shows up. She spotted you in your Jungle territory and she would not leave you with a hell alone ever since. From very x-rated pick up lines to very inappropriate hand gestures You obviously know what she wants from you, but you Still avoid her like a plague. But she keeps coming back Like a girl scout or worse covid. One night she came over with alcohol To share with you and you're like you know what whatever because well You happen to like Bourban. You really wish you could take back the last few hours back because the next morning You woke up in her bed. And you speed it out of there like a bat out of hell.
A few months later There was loud banging on the door of your home. And when you open that you came face to face with a human girl??? Well, you think she's a human with? Because the ribbon on her wrist looks very familiar. She then introduced herself as Li And she said that somebody owes you an apology and an explanation. Being mad confused, you listened to what she had to say before she Dragged the monkey queen In your home and put her right in front of you. It would be even more confused if it wasn't for Belly bump And it hit you like a truck. Your immortal life just got a whole lot more scarier.
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(Netflix Wukong) She was so innocent. She is innocent cute naive you name it. And very very young At least to you. You didn't mind having Her around your territory just as long she doesn't break anything. She came every day just a attempt to rizz you up or something Like that but her cheesy pick up lines just make you laugh like crazy. She's also pretty curious and has asked you some pretty bizarre questions. But other than all of that you genuinely enjoy her company. And over the time of being together, she shared some rather heartbreaking news to you. She feels that she's always gonna be alone and stuff. But you didn't want her to think that because she's got you. That's when you shared your guys's first kiss And then she told you that she trusts you with her first time as well. You discussed a little more But she claims that she's ready so you decided to give it a go.
You haven't seen her in a few months. And you're really beginning to miss her. Then again, she has told you about all the demon attacks in her village. So she's probably caught up with that. It's not far fetched to you so you just went back to your business. One morning there was a loud banging on your cottage door and apparently You came face to face with a little boy. The boy introduced himself as lynn And he says that he's friends with the monkey queen. You wonder what brought him here and then he calls over Wukong. The little monkey girl approached you shy leave While hiding something behind her armor. When Lynn told her to remove the armor you both saw a unusually big Bumping her mid section. Well that is Explains almost everything.🫥
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mrhowells · 9 months
Smallville 5x06
"How you ever had a crush on Richie Cunningham, I will never understand."
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I'm actually so easy to please
"And Lois... *laughs* I'd do anything to get rid of Lois."
but thinking about how annoying she is makes him laugh, soooooo... she's a good influence, I rest my case😌😌
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Jonathan knows too, like-
Chloe & Lois as an investigative duo are actually really fun
Lex really lives in Jonathan's head rent free💀💀
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"She's here to dance."
Chloe really threw Lois under the bus like that I'm cryingsjakjsha
the struggle is real💀
SOOOOO let's see if Jonathan actually apologizes when it turns out Lex didn't do anything
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Lois x bisexual lighting I LIVEEEE
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they did that for me😭😌
"I'll have a coke😇" ... "S- straight up, on the rocks.😤"
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I just choked on my ice cream
LMAOOOOOO bless his heart
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I'm really not ready for what's about to go down here😭😭
Someone needs to go to jail for that music choice💀💀
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this is history in the making. absolutely iconic.
i do wish she was my girlfriend actually they're so right
aaand she's getting into it
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he's kind of giving me:
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it's okay bb, we're all looking respectfully right now
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kshadjwka his fight or flight is kicking in😭😭
"What are you doing here?" "What are YOU doing here?"
story of their life fr
the struggle has never been more real, pray for Clark💀
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they did that.
smallville writers really did that.
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legend behaviour if you ask me
i would like to take this moment and say thank you.
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"I've never been in a position where people look up to me."
This is such a silly statement, Jonathan is literally the person Clark looks up to the most. His bigger personality flaws clearly come from Jonathan's influence💀 (not to say he didn't also learn a lot of good traits from him -he absolutely did- but you know)
I'm really curious what Lex's (and Jonathan's) politics are actually, don't be shy writers tell me👀
creepy mf
"Hey 007. Nice of you to show up." "I'll start assuming that means thank you?"
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giggling kicking my feet
"I can't touch him." "Well, I can."
pls his face😭
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he knows he could never be as cool as her
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my parents🥹
(listen the shit i went through to upload this last picture tho, i hit the upload limit and had to delete stuff, then i accidentally deleted the whole post for a second🤡 my whole life flashed before my eyes💀💀)
Lex talking about a guy falling in love with his best friend's wife uh oh, no thank youuuuu😬😬
He was making a good point though.
"The thing I always try to remember is, no matter how much le lays on, he never expects more than he expects from himself."
Clark really grew up didn't he😭😭
"What are you doing, you just moved back in."
from the guy who said "I'd do anything to get of Lois." at the beginning of the episode, what in the clownery🤡🤡
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All men do is lie.
she's such a menace, I LOVE HER😭😭
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they're secret bffs your honor😭
"And you didn't have to come after me but you always do. So I wanted to say thank you. You're a really good friend."
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well. stay normal challenge failed again but that's exactly how i thought this would go, sooo
Question for the people: should i even tag Lex in posts like this? I don't think twice about tagging characters like Jonathan because I don't expect fans to look through his tag for him specifically, but i know people do it with Lex and I feel bad at the thought of them having to scroll through me losing my mind over Clois with a few Lex mentions in between. Lex fans lemme know
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coeluvr · 17 days
So I just read the demo for the first time and… are you okay? Like do you need to talk to someone? Cuz holy shit, that was depressing. Don’t get me wrong, it was great, but I am just mentally, emotionally, and physically drained now (don’t ask me about that last part). All in all, I really enjoyed it, but I do have some thoughts.
Firstly, I don’t understand how anyone from Rosea (except for Hunter, Fadiya and her mom, and maybe Helios) has any fans. Like did they just forget that everyone else (including Lancelot) contributed to the total destruction of our family? Everyone’s over here shipping Lancelot and Luceris, and to be fair, if this was a different story I would too, but like… they’re the enemy? Speaking of Luceris…
Dude is on some shit. Like I get it’s the point, but everything about our relationship with him just feels weird and wrong, and I’m counting the days til we can kill him. Until then, I guess I’ll have to make do with disrespecting the memory of his dead wife at every opportunity. Also side note, but as a Straight Male tm it does feel a little weird having to fake a romance with another guy, especially a guy that’s like fifty years older than me lol (Luceris really isn’t beating the Catholic Priest allegations)
The rest of the cast are a lot of fun, and I’m glad they all at least have sympathy towards MC. I think Hunter is the coolest character ever and I want to be them, and Fadiya can do no wrong in my eyes. Vincent sucks, but I haven’t really spent much time with him so maybe that’ll change. Helios I feel sorry for. He’s a nice guy and I do like him a lot, but he’s unfortunately collateral damage in my crusade against Father Luceris. I hate that we have to hurt him to get revenge, but it feels very realistic and gives your decisions a lot more weight.
On the flip side, Soarine is perfect and has never done anything wrong in her life ever. If Soarine has a million fans, then I am one of them. If Soarine has ten fans, then I am one of them. If Soarine has only one fan then that is me. If Soarine has no fans, then that means I am no longer on earth. If the world is against Soarine, then I am against the world.
All in all, I love what you’re doing with this game, even if I do have to take a twenty minute break after each playthrough just to decompress lol. I can’t wait to see where this goes and am gonna stare at a wall until the next update drops. Thanks for making such an interesting story and give Soarine my love 💚
Lol hi, anon!
First of all, I'm fine 😭 I'm like that one happy guy that writes horror whose name I keep forgetting but I bet someone knows who I mean.
Regarding the characters from Rosea that are not all that great having fans, I don't know why that's unexpected to you if I am being honest lmao. In every fandom I've ever been in, there have always been people that like the antagonists. I enjoy Lancelot and Luceris' dynamic but I feel like that's to be expected since I literally created them. 💀 The day I write in all of the side couples you'll combust. /j
But also you don't have to fake a "romance" with Luceris? 😥💀 I can only think of the husband comments MC can make and those are entirely optional so...
I'm glad you like the other characters! Soarine is indeed everything. 🙇‍♀️
Thank you for your kind words! 💗
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kanmom51 · 1 year
Hi. I know you've talked a lot about the jikook number theory, and I MAY have found something? Emphasis on the MAY because I was bored and my delulu mind became active for a little while(sorry, not sorry🙇‍♀️).
Anyway, I stumbled onto a k-army's post on twt, according to which, one of the posts made by JM on June 15th at 23:23 about waiting for 2 more hours, meaning the 16th, means it would be 1108 since still with you was released(5th June,2023).
Now, as I said I was bored and it was past midnight here so I checked and it wasn't 1108 days since SWY. 1108 days from that date would me 18th of June, 2023, the day JK posted two selcas on weverse.
But I did find a couple of coincidences and I maybe totally out of my mind, but hear me out for a sec!
1. JM's post on the 15th was at 23:23 KST. It contained something about waiting for just 2 more hours. Which would mean 1:23 KST. (Reference to the infamous 123 jikook theory)
2. JK's selcas on the 18th of June marks 1108 days since still with you and it was posted at 11:39 KST. The numbers are a combination of various things. 11, their speculated anniversary month, 13 JM's birthday and both of their fav number and even JK's birthday can be found.
Was I so bored that I just overanalysed it? Was it all just a coincidence?
I'd honestly love to know your thoughts as well!
Ok, @beardedcolorduck so let's see where we are with this.
JK's Weverse post was posted 18 June 2023 11:39 am KST or 17 June 2023 7:39 pm or 19:39 LA time.
Still with you was released on 4 June 2020 or on June 5 2020.
See, there is a question mark regarding the date of release, or more like difference I am assuming that arises from the difference in time zones.
In any case I can't explain this:
When I share this link the date that shows is 4 June 2020.
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When I go into the link the date that shows is 5 June 2020.
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I can't explain it, maybe you guys know why (seeing that both of them are me writing from the same IP address in Australia).
Anyway, I digress.
If we count the days from 4 June 2020 to 17 June 2023 or from 5 June 2020 to 18 June 2023 (see, I'm assuming that the differences are due to the time zones) we get this:
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It works.
Interesting indeed.
Another coincidence do you think?
So yeah, not JM's post, but JK's post the one landing 1108 days after Still with you.
As for the numbers working otherwise, let's see what we can get.
If we look at the date alone as 17.6.23 we get 1+7=8 and 6+2+3=11
7:39 gives us 7+3+9=19
The next one is a bit far fetched I think, but then, again, I'm not taking this all too seriously (just to clarify - there are numbers that I do, this specific calculation I don't).
With the 19:39 we ate the 1+9=10 and we have the 3+9=12 bring that down to a one digit which will be 1+3=3
Now to your first insight.
JM's 23:23 post telling us to wait another 2 hours. I have to tell you that on the day that one puzzled me. I thought maybe something was coming, an announcement maybe. And when that didn't come I was baffled as to what was JM telling us. Was he waiting a couple of hours for JK to wake up? But then why mention it? JM is very precise as to what he mentions. Super calculated. There is always meaning behind it, even if we don't understand what that meaning is.
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His 23:23 comment: Let's hold on for 2 hours. Just 2 hours.
Very specific, and repeating the 2 hours.
What you are suggesting is very interesting, you know?
23:23 plus 2 hours will bring us to 01:23, which is definitely giving us the 123.
The whole thing with the 123 theory is that we think we know where it originated (might have meant something to them way before but that's the first time it's mentioned) - Festa 2014 JM's profile Just one day MV at 1:23 min. represents him best. JK was by his side while filling out that profile. Since then we have had song recommendations ending at 1:23 min., posts timed at 12:30 or 1:23 am, posts on January 23rd etc. We know there is very possibly something going on with that sequence of numbers, but what it is exactly or more so, what it means to them exactly, we don't know.
Anyway, 123 is a very interesting result, and I definitley wouldn't put it past JM that this is what he was aiming for.
Another path with the numbers is:
1:23 16.6
We have the 1 from the time.
If we take the 2+3+1+6+6=18
You end up with:
Or the simpler path:
1:23 is just that: 123
And the date: 16.6 which easily is 1+6+6=13
123 and 13
I'm sure there is something I'm missing. Him repeating the 2 hours twice kind of makes me think maybe he was aiming for 3:23 am, but I can't seem to get the math mathing. Or maybe it is? Not sure how legitimate this one is with Karmy, but I'll put it out there anyway:
3:23 16.6.2023
Like I said, no idea if this is legitimate mathing, but it's fun and the numbers work.
End of the day, I have zero idea what JM was aiming for. All I am sure of is that he doesn't waste words with his posts, and he was clearly hinting to something.
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otomes-and-tears · 1 year
Hello,I hope you had a good day! I have an OL2 request if that's alright!!
In step 2,with Qiu,GN-Reader,Best Friend status with both Qiu and Tamarack and Qiu is just pining over their best friend,MC. How would Qiu realize their crush on MC? How would they act around MC who shows their love thru physical affection towards their neighbors?
Basically what im asking is 'the brooding,pining one x the oblivious,affectionate one' but it's with Qiu and MC :D!! (A LIL SIDE NOTE/ASK ADDITION : Maybe MC is also insecure abt themselves,thinking that they're not that lovable or smth,maybe cuz of their looks if u know what I mean?? THANKS FOR WRITING FOR OL2 BTW IT MEANS A LOTTT <3)
(side note 2 : sorry if this isn't that understandable,english isn't my first language 🙇‍♀️)
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♦ Qiu having a crush on a physically affectionate and oblivious GN!MC ♦
► tags and warnings: -
► words: 861
► A/N: Please don't apologise! Your english is great, anon ♡ I'm also not a native English speaker!
► Masterlist
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I think they’ve always been aware that MC was different from their other friends;
As a kid, they remember other friends complaining about Qiu’s giving MC special treatment, and as someone preoccupied with fairness it used to annoy them to no end;
Because they knew it was true, they just didn’t understand why they felt so compelled to treat them this way;
As they grew up and the idea of romantic love became a less threatening, more concrete concept, it didn’t take them too long to piece it together;
MC was always there for Qiu, always ready to show them support and kindness and to look out for them, when Qiu was used to other people relying on them to be like that;
They’d watch them laughing at something Tamarack said and would just feel this… warmth in their chest;
Like this was something they’d need to protect;
The world could be a cruel place, but MC’s kindness and their laughter was the one thing Qiu wanted to preserve;
I don’t think Qiu had this grand moment of realisation;
It happened one night, right at the beginning of autumn, when the leaves started falling and the nights grew colder;
They both agreed to meet in Qiu’s backyard in the early hours of the evening to look at the stars through a telescope together;
Mc managed to bring their favourite tea in a thermos, and gave Qiu the biggest hug once they saw them;
They were just… so happy. Being awake at odd hours of the night trying not to be too loud to not wake Qiu’s parents from their slumber;
Watching the stars and talking about mythology;
Mc started rambling about something they had read and stopped in the middle of it, apologizing about speaking too much;
And Qiu found that they didn’t mind it;
Not only that, they welcomed it. They loved how passionate MC was, how happy and comfortable they had been all night;
Qiu didn’t want them to stop at all, and they realized that they wanted to be the person that MC went to when they wanted to talk about these things;
Well… when people described love it always seemed so overwhelming, and in some aspects it was;
But it mostly just felt right;
Their name is Qiu, their friends call them Autumn, and they are in love with MC;
It’s been a part of them for a long time, and was just nice to finally understand that part of themselves;
Not too much changed after that, only that perhaps their affection and special treatment became more blatant;
In their teens, MC is one of the few people Qiu can stand to be around, and after they’ve realised their feelings they started relying on MC a bit more;
Because Qiu trusts them with that!;
Honestly? MC’s affection is one of the things that keep Qiu going;
MC, despite their obliviousness, ends up noticing and making sure to support them whenever he needs it most;
When Qiu is having a bad day MC will just… Wrap them in a hug and stay there for as long as Qiu needs;
If MC noticed how fast Qiu’s heart beats when they hug, they never mention it;
There are also more subtle types of affection;
Like linking their arms together while walking, grabbing their hand to lead them somewhere or just leaning against Qiu when they’re tired;
Even with all their angst, MC’s affection is always a sure way to soften them;
Qiu will often pinch their cheeks or pat them on the head and lightly tease them for being touchy;
I’m pretty sure Qiu’s love language is acts of service, but knowing how important physical affection is to the MC, Qiu will make sure to initiate it too;
Honestly, I don’t see Qiu as a very jealous person, and knowing Tamarack for years and being close to her, I don’t think that they’re jealous about MC showing her affection too;
Instead, it makes them happy that MC is surrounded by good people that care about them as much as Qiu does;
Tamarack ends up noticing their crush eventually;
I mean… I’m sure everyone knows about it except MC themselves;
And even if she seems a little too invested in it and will sometimes give Qiu a hard time about it in private, she’s very supportive;
And it means a lot to them to have MC’s other best friend support them like that;
In regards to MC being insecure… Qiu doesn’t get it at all;
How can someone that amazing be insecure about themselves? How can they worry about not being loveable enough, not interesting enough? Not beautiful enough?;
And they’re fucking pissed at anyone who would ever make MC feel that way;
MC is a person that Qiu cares about deeply, even if they’re colder at that age, there’s no way they just let them think so little of themselves if they can help it;
So… MC is one of the few people that Qiu will make a big effort with;
They make sure MC knows how special they are, and how beautiful of a person both inside and out!
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rosalind-hawkins · 1 month
I'm harassing you to talk about your favorite rare pair. Nothing specific. Just info dump or something. 💗
Since you're asking for an info dump, I'll let myself be a little disorganized with this. Keep in mind, this is ofc based on my interpretations of the characters.
Also, thank you for asking. 💜
Mumbleshipping: the rarest pair that I very seriously ship, so ofc this one has to come first. Me even discovering this ship at all was a fluke, and now I've dedicated tens of thousands of words to it. I think it's a great example of how people do not need to be the same or similar for a relationship to work. There's a lot of surface differences between Ryou, Duke, and Kaiba, and they all have very distinct personalities from each other. They do have similarities (dad trauma, game obsession, broken families) but they have way more differences than similarities, and that can be such a beautiful thing, because they're always challenging each other to look at something in a different way. For me, it's a ship based on personal growth: it only happens when all three boys have decided to Do Better and are supporting each other in that mission, which is why it's so helpful for them to challenge each other. Seto is all cold intellect and power, Ryou is all empathy and understanding, Duke is all charm and sass. (All three of them are creative types, and I'll fight anyone who says otherwise.) They learn to modulate themselves and incorporate each other's perspectives into their worldviews, which is really healthy, because Yugioh is full of extreme, unbalanced people. Just look at Kaiba and tell me I'm wrong. They have to learn to mellow out esp Kaiba and they're a good influence on each other. Duke is sometimes a naughty influence, but even so. They need each other and they make each other better people, and they also need to KISS for the love of Ra. Ryou shows his boys such deep, accepting love, Kaiba is fiercely protective of both of them, and Duke is always reminding them both to relax and have fun sometimes, which is something they both need to hear because they are anxious babbies.
Like, if you look at my blog header rn, I picked expressions for them in that commission that specifically demonstrated their different personalities, but even so, they're still linked together. Nobody is pulling away and nobody wants to. Kaiba needs to feel loved, Ryou needs to be protected, they all need acceptance and validation even if they don't think they do. I love them too much.
All of that said, am I tied to a pretty specific interpretation of this ship? I mean yeah, I've got a longfic for the way I see them. If I saw someone with a different interpretation of this ship? I would just be so excited to see someone else talking about this ship and want to hear their perspective on it also. Because it's good for people to have different ideas and opinions.
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk. 🙇‍♀️
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psychewritesbs · 7 months
Maybe I'll regret sending you this ask but it's like a thorn in my side and I need to get it out because I can't stop thinking about this so here I go 🙇‍♀️
If I don't see the romantic subtext in Gojo and Geto's dynamic, does that mean I'm not really understanding what Gege is telling? I like their dynamic, they're complex characters and so is their dynamic, but not because there is romance there. Of course, if I read and look to see romance there I find it... but I'm looking to interpret it that way. So when I see "the subtext is there", "the dynamic is ambiguous", I start to question my interpretation... I don't know if it's because my reading comprehension has already been attacked when I said their relationship isn't canon. I really tried to see that ambiguity since I started reading the manga but in the end I felt like I was reading too much... that I was actively searching for something that was supposed to be in plain sight.
P.S: I have seen ships with ambiguous dynamics in SNK, HQ, Naruto (NARUSASU, I don't even ship them but I understand 😅) and I never saw this war between shippers and non-shippers...
Nooooo anon 😭. Please, I promise I don't bite too hard.
So, first of all, thanks for sending this. I'm ngl, it makes me sad to think that I might have contributed to someone feeling like I would make you regret asking about something you don't see.
Second, I'm going to make this answer about perception because the purpose of my blog is psych.
Third, as a lead up to the psych stuff, it goes without saying that one of the reasons I don't talk about shipping in jjk is precisely because shipping is highly personal, and a lot of people in this fandom take their interpretations about the story as absolute truths, to the point that they gaslight anyone who doesn't agree with them.
It's like we're all just deploying domain expansions and the one person with the strongest sense of self wins. Right?
But this is a HUGE irony because Gege has gone on record in an interview saying that one of the themes at the core of jjk is that there is no such thing as an ultimate truth where someone is right and someone is wrong.
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And to me this gets at a much larger issue that I taco'bout under the cut.
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So this is the thing, right?
If you don't see the subtext in stsg, there are a lot of factors affecting your perception. Gender, sexuality, background, etc etc...
The thing to keep in mind is that you don't see the world as it is...
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So I love that second angry anon brought up the idea that someone who is straight would very likely see gjhm as a romantic pairing, because it's true!
This is really complicated because, yes, heteronormativity is at play here, AND that doesn't mean a straight person is being homophobic for not seeing the stsg subtext without putting on pink-colored fujo glasses.
That said, I have seen the jjk dudebros be total dicks because they think that, because they are straight and the target demographic, the only way the story should be perceived is as if most all characters are straight and you are delusional to think otherwise.
And I'll be honest here, I'm a bi/pan woman. I am also a fujoshi. I've read quite a bit of bl/yaoi, and I think that has influenced why I don't see the romantic subtext without looking for it.
Basically, I've read really long threads by stsg fans that were meant to provide evidence for why they are canon that I was just like "this is all a subjective perception" and that is not to say they are wrong.
More like, YES. I couldn't agree more with you. It's there if you look for it. I am not sure if you saw this, but someone else came through sharing the same sentiment as you.
For me, little details like the battle taking place on December 24th, and Gege recommending bl before, point at a certain ambiguity that Gege might want to create without confirming anything.
It's funny that baity anon said stuff like "Gege is throwing irrelevant breadcrumbs at these shippers" when the same could be said about stsg according to many, many, MANY people.
Who is right? Who is wrong? If a group of people can see it and another can't, who owns the ultimate truth?
If Gege doesn't explicitly say "stsg is the other dynamic that is canonical along with mechamiwa", then who gets to have the authority on how to interpret the story? And who gave them that authority? And why are they ignoring subtext that doesn't suit their agenda?
I'm asking both sides for the sake of being a devil's advocate btw lol.
The thing is, it's all subjective, and there is no such thing as an ultimate truth where someone is right and someone is wrong--what there is is people arriving at conclusions based on their own logic according to who they are.
In the end, we're all looking at jjk through our own subjective lens, which is inevitably made up of many different factors.
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That ramble aside, I hate that your reading comprehension was attacked because you can't see what someone else can see. That's just lame af because it tells me this is someone arrogant enough to take their opinion as absolute truth, and insecure enough to make someone else feel bad for questioning their interpretation.
As someone who has been internet-mean and who has wrongfully thought she owned the truth about something in the past, I apologize that someone has made you feel this way.
The reason this is a bigger issue than just shipping is because this issue is prevalent across fandom.
jjk dudebros will have you believe that if someone reads jjk for anything that is not battles is wrong.
Others will gaslight people and call them dumb for being open about how they don't understand how Gege explains certain things.
By the way, Maki is better than Toji according to some, but not to others.
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I'm telling you, for jjk being a story about how there is no absolute truth, we sure are attached to our interpretations as being the ultimate truth.
All I know is that I don't want to be part of the problem and that starts with me making space for understanding why someone would disagree with me or think differently than I do.
Here's the last thing I'll say, anon.
If you don't see the stsg subtext as romantic, then you are indeed missing out on a romantic interpretation. If that's not something you're interested in... that's no one's "problem" but yours.
As long as you aren't seeking to minimize someone else's perception, then it's your interpretation and yours alone.
For me, I see this:
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And I fucking love this spread because I see deep and intense longing. I get the sense Gojo is looking really hard for any semblance of Geto in this body.
Do you see something romantic? Yes? No?
It doesn't really change anything, does it? It just means someone reads into something you don't see.
The fact that you are questioning whether you are "really understanding" the text "right" tells me you have the humility to look to adjust your perception and be open to other ideas.
There's a difference between saying "I don't see it" and "I don't see it and neither should you because I don't see it, and if you do, you are delusional!"
Which one are you?
Which one will you be moving forward?
Thanks for coming to my TED talk looool.
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I went on a raaaaant bahaha.
I just... man... this is the kind of problem that shipping in this fandom creates. As you said... imagine just wanting to mind your own business and someone who ships a certain pairing comes and tells you you are an idiot for not reading the same way as they do. OR viceversa, you're shipping along, minding your own business and someone tells you you are delusional for enjoying a ship.
Come on....
It really is a matter of perception and we're quite literally spamming domain expansions on each other as a way to impose our personal truth on others as absolute. It's really ironic and funny ngl.
This reminds me...
Idk if you've seen any Gundam shows, but at least the ones I've seen, usually the plot revolves around how war and conflict is the result of two sides of the same coin being unwilling to accept a different point of view.
So anyways. As I said in that baity ask... I'm at a point in my life where I'd rather focus on holding the tension of opposites. It's just where I'm at.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts anon!
Don't let others define your perception! If you do, you've already turned your back on the only person whose perception matters most--you.
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sillysnack · 2 years
nurse you back to health
💟 (x reader, romantic)
pair: camilo madrigal / reader
prns used: she/her (3rd person)
requested, masterlist here (for screenreaders click on the 1st mention of the word masterlist)
dt @kissingharu @kuhmeelo
a/n: back from the dead 🙇‍♀️ knocks on the camilo madrigal x reader tag... also i dont speak spanish! all spanish sentences are translated with google translate
— — —
Pepa sighs as she holds up one of Julieta’s arepas. “Ay, Camilo. Deja de ser tan terco. (Ay, Camilo. Stop being so stubborn.)” Camilo shakes his head. “You said there’s a first for everything.”
Pepa rolls her eyes. “Not for stuff like this! You need to eat your tia’s food to feel better. Y/N’s worried about you.” Camilo’s eyes light up. “Where is she?” Pepa answers him, “She’s just outside your room.”
“Tell her to come in!”
The door swings open and Y/N enters, holding a sunflower with its stem slightly cut at a length appropriate to tuck a flower in one's ear. “Hola… didn’t know what to bring because I assumed you’d already eaten one of your Tia Julieta’s arepas.” Pepa clicks her tongue. “Even soy novia wants you to get better already!”
Camilo stays quiet for a minute, his eyes widen as if a light bulb appeared above him and then he talks, “What if she takes care of me?” Pepa furrows her eyebrows and it starts to get windy in Camilo’s room. “¿Quieres que ella haga de 'doctor' para ti? Dios, ¿así es el amor en estos días? (You want her to play 'doctor' for you? God, is this what love is these days?)”
Julieta walks in Camilo’s room, overhearing the conversation and taking any opportunity to tease her hermanita. “Atrevido de tu parte hablar así del amor juvenil como si no hicieras lo mismo con Félix cuando éramos más jóvenes. (Bold of you to talk about young love like that as if you didn't do the same with Félix when we were younger.)”
Pepa’s cheeks turn red as she glares at her sister, the wind in Camilo’s room is getting stronger. “¿Qué estás haciendo aquí? ¿No tienes comida para hacer? (What are you doing here? Don't you have food to make?)” Julieta winks at her. “Estoy tomando un descanso del trabajo. (I’m taking a break from work.)”
Julieta turns to Camilo. “I heard you want Y/N to take care of you.” He nods. Y/N takes a quick breath before talking, “It’s fine with me. I think it’d be fun actually.” Julieta smiles at them. The wind in Camilo’s room starts to die down as Pepa takes deep breaths. “It’s okay too, si estoy siendo honest. (if I’m being honest.) You just didn’t have to be so stubborn a minute ago if all you wanted was to be spoiled by soy novia.”
“Mami!” Camilo tries to stop the blood rushing to his face and fails. Pepa grins. “I’m not wrong, am I?” He reluctantly shakes his head. Y/N smiles and tucks the flower in Camilo’s ear. “It’s okay, it’ll only take a few days since it looks like Camilo only has a small fever.”
Julieta crosses her arms with a nod. “Si. It’s worse than the other things I’ve seen that needed to be healed. Por ejemplo, las picaduras de abeja de mi marido. (For example, my husband's bee stings.)” A smile makes its way to her face as she recalls Agustín’s multiple encounters with bees.
Pepa sighs as she turns to Y/N with worry on her face. “What if you get sick too and both of your conditions get worse?” Julieta answers for the young couple, “I’ll give them both something to eat. Don’t worry, Pepa. We’re here to take care of them from afar.”
Y/N quietly calls for Julieta and Pepa. “Hola… is it okay if I spend the night here while I’m taking care of Camilo?” They both nod in response. Pepa adds on, “We’ll tell your family all about it, I’m sure they’ll understand.”
“¡Ay, muchas gracias!”
Pepa pats Y/N on the shoulder. “It’s nothing. Thank you for taking care of my son.” Y/N smiles at Julieta and Pepa as the two walk out and hears them whispering to each other.
“Your son has a nice girlfriend, doesn’t he?”
“Si. Ella y Camilo son una pareja hecha en el cielo. (She and Camilo are a match made in heaven.)”
Y/N leans on the door after closing it, heat rushing to her face. She smiles to herself as she not-so-discreetly repeats Pepa’s statement about her and Camilo, “She said we’re a match made in heaven. Oh my God, I think I’m going to catch a fever too.”
…Y/N wasn’t so discreet about her excitement.
“Mami’s right, you know?” Camilo approaches Y/N and pinches her face. Y/N notices how the corners of his eyes wrinkle up as Camilo smiles. Her eyes widen in realisation and she quickly places her hand over her mouth, covering her whole face shortly after. “Was I too loud?”
Camilo shakes his head, a different smile tugs at his lips, this one’s playful, it’s teasing her, and it brings butterflies to Y/N’s stomach; different to the soft and affectionate one her boyfriend wore earlier– but nonetheless brought butterflies to her stomach.
Camilo plays with Y/N’s hair while talking, “You weren’t too loud, but I heard you. We are a perfect match.” He removes the flower she gave him earlier and admires it, twirling it in his hand.
Camilo clicks his tongue before talking, “Okay, maybe you were kind of loud. Well, I don’t know, I was able to hear it…” He clears his throat before transforming into Y/N. He mimics the way she repeated his mother’s statement with an exaggerated sigh, “She said we’re a match made in heaven.”
The shapeshifter tucks the flower in Y/N’s hair, “Now you be me. Pretend I’m sick.”
She nods and starts coughing. “Woe is me. I don’t want to eat free food because I want my girlfriend to take care of me.”
Camilo turns back into himself and furrows his eyebrows, placing his hands on his waist. “I don’t sound like that.”
Y/N does the same and mocks his voice, “I don’t sound like that.”
Camilo rolls his eyes before he and Y/N burst out laughing as they make eye contact.
“Are you sure you’re sick?” Camilo nods. “Check the forehead.” Y/N raises her eyebrows before placing the back of her hand on Camilo’s forehead. “Dios mío, ¿cómo sigues siendo tan enérgico? (Dios mio, how are you still so energetic?)” He rapidly shapeshifts into multiple people in between words, his father first, “I,” then Antonio, “don’t,” and his sister last, “know!”, before turning back into himself.
Y/N sighs. “Okay, now what? I don’t think you’re allowed to go out or to do any strenuous activities…”
Camilo groans. “Bed rest? That sucks.” Y/N shrugs. “You need it. Plus, there’s tons of indoor activities we could do that I’m pretty su–” her sentence is interrupted, “I’d enjoy doing anything as long as it’s with you.” Camilo smiles at Y/N.
The girl stands still, and speechless. “I was… I was going to suggest we paint the view from here…” Camilo smiles smugly and says, “Then get ready to see your face painted by a master artist.” He winks after. Y/N stares at him in disbelief. “Whatever! I’ll ask Dolores for her painting materials.” She walks away from Camilo’s room and makes her way to Dolores’s room.
Y/N taps the door three times with one finger. “Dolores?” She whispers, “I’m not sure if you’ve heard but, I was thinking that Camilo and I could borrow painting materials to… paint?” She doesn’t hear much from the other side of the door, but she’s sure that Dolores is gathering stuff for Y/N and Camilo to use.
Y/N’s right. The door opens and Dolores hands a bag of painting supplies to Y/N. “Enjoy, you two.” Y/N smiles at Dolores and replies, “We will. Gracias again to your family for letting me stay.”
Dolores chuckles. “It’s nothing. You’re part of the family now.” Y/N physically stops herself from squealing. She takes a deep breath. “Thank you.”
Y/N gradually dashes to Camilo’s room. She opens the door and quickly closes it. “Are you ready to paint?” Camilo nods. “Anything to do until you’re better.” Y/N kisses Camilo on the cheek. The two sit on the floor, cross-legged.
Y/N takes out the contents of the bag excitedly. “I’m going to paint flowers. Like the one Isabela makes.” Camilo smiles and looks for paintbrushes he could use. “Nice. And I’m going to make my favourite flower.”
Y/N’s raises an eyebrow, “What’s your favourite flower?” Camilo caresses her hair, and the flower tucked in her ear. “You.”
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