#I just don’t like drawing him in a freaking hoodie???
thenocturnenarrator · 3 months
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Memories of a protector, my beloved UwU
Great fic guys, amazing fic :’)
There was no betrayal I was just throwing people off hihi, uncensored version so you can all appreciate Dust’s face at the greatest mistake in his life
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Dust and Ink trying to sacrifice themselves for each other XDDDDD One did significantly better hehe DX
I already screamed in the fix’s comments so y’all get spared XDDD
Dust: I failed so miserably:(
Ink: I won’t
Dust: what- *gets saved* Ink nooooo- *gets captured*
Ink: at least I succeeded UvU
Creators whispering: actually he was captured, loser
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suzukiblu · 5 months
Ko-fi thank-you sentences for resplendeo; Billy and Damian and the whole soulmate thing.
Batman pulls his cowl back up, because he’s Bruce Wayne and people would recognize him if he didn’t, and Billy flees as adult-ly as possible back to the meeting room. Everyone else is still there, including a very clearly tense Robin, and Billy has absolutely no idea what to say. 
“Um, so–” he tries to start, and Robin immediately bristles and draws himself up to his full height. 
“Silence!” he snaps, baring his teeth at him. “I want nothing to do with you. I have nothing to do with you.” 
“I mean, that’s not actually true?” Billy says, trying not to wince. “Like the soulmate thing is definitely a thing. If you don’t want me around, I understand, just first can I try to–” 
“I do not want you! You are superfluous!” Robin snarls, and, well, at least Billy knows why he’s picking the specific insults he’s picking this time. Though he doesn’t really know why Robin is so convinced of that even thinking that they’re familial soulmates. What’s wrong with having more family members? 
Like, ones who aren’t asshole uncles who’ll steal your inheritance and leave you homeless and destitute on the street just for kicks, he means. Obviously. 
Maybe Robin’s had an asshole uncle or two in his family. Billy can understand that. But also, like . . . that’s really not what’s happening here, so . . . he really needs to figure out how to, like, spin this or something. Or . . . something. 
“I would really like to talk to you first,” Billy says. “Like–just if you let me–” 
“No!” Robin snaps, clenching his fists as his shoulders stiffen. “You are unnecessary and I want nothing to do with you! I have a father, and he is neither dead nor derelict in his duties and I have no desire for–Father, I want nothing to do with him, don’t give me to some other–I am your son and I don’t want a different father!” 
“Oh,” Batman says quietly, and Billy cringes in guilt. Oh. Okay. 
He really, really didn’t mean to make Robin feel like his dad wouldn’t want him just because he had a soulmate. 
Batman opens his mouth and starts to say something, but the speed of Mercury and also guilt gets there first. 
“Please don’t freak out, I promise I’m not your dad,” Billy says with another cringe, half-covering his face with a hand, and Robin–pauses, and frowns.
“Wait, what?” Green Lantern says with a frown of his own. “You said you were the kid’s soulmate.” 
“I mean . . .” Billy winces, then drags his hand down his face. “I am? Just, uh–right, okay, so I maybe kind of joined the Justice League under pretenses that in a certain light might appear to be false and I am so sorry for how weird I have made . . . literally all of this, pretty much, pretty much everything ever? Also, um. Shazam.” 
The lightning hits in a blinding flash. Captain Marvel disappears. 
Everyone says absolutely nothing. A whole lot of nothing. 
Then Green Arrow falls out of his seat. 
“Marvel,” Flash says, just staring at Billy. “What the actual, literal, entire fuck.” 
“What the hell, Cap?!” Green Lantern yells. Billy, since he’s now not incapable of acting like a sassy little bastard with a heart of brass at best, just shrugs and stuffs his hands into the pockets of his hoodie. 
“Should you guys be swearing in front of the children like that?” he asks skeptically. Green Lantern makes a strangled noise. Green Arrow manages to fall out of his seat again without actually having successfully gotten back into it. 
“Is this your true form?” Wonder Woman asks, looking perplexed. Billy shrugs. Black Canary puts her face in her hands. 
“You–you are grounded, Mister,” she says. 
“No I’m not,” Billy says, making a face at her. “You can’t ground me, my parents are too dead for you to tell on me, and I’ll just Captain Marvel myself away if you try and stick me back in foster care. So there.”
Black Canary keeps her face in her hands and makes a very pained sound, for some reason. Superman looks very, very stressed out. 
Robin just tilts his head, looking much less upset than before. So that’s something, Billy figures. Like, that was what he was going for here, with ‘fessing up to this and all. He really was not intending to confess to this before Robin happened. 
“I see,” Robin says after a moment, narrowing his eyes assessingly as he looks Billy over. Billy resists the stupid urge to straighten his hoodie. “So you are a romantic soulmate to me, not a familial one. And you are also a nigh-unstoppable force of magic in possession of incredible godly powers.” 
“I . . . technically, I guess?” Billy says, not sure how to take that. 
“But you are also a literal twelve year-old,” Robin says, his eyes narrowing a little more. 
“Unfortunately, yes,” Billy says with a grimace. Robin frowns. 
“I really don’t know how I feel about this,” he says.
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frracturedjaw · 1 year
Can you do the sleeping with not pants hcs for Ghostface and Brahms? I think it's a nice idea since I just sleep in my underwear or in that and a hoodie if its cold like rn. Plus I love those dorks
Thank you!!
warning(s): mildly suggestive
a/n: u didn’t mention which ghostface, so i just did billy and stu because i love them <3 again sorry this took absurdly long
billy loomis + stu macher
* they’re normally very relaxed about clothes when you’re alone in the house together, especially during movie nights
* (stu in particular is absolutely the type to walk around in just his undies, so you’re probably matching. might buy you matching couples underpants just to piss off billy.)
* it only becomes different when you’re asleep, curled up on the couch between them
* stu wants to put whipped cream in your hand, draw goofy shit on your face with a marker, etc
* billy’s the one with the interesting ideas, though.
* disappears upstairs, only to return a moment later with his film camera. he’s a little freak, but he also loves himself some physical media. wants to keep a memento of that sweet butt
* of course, they turn down the volume on the movie and grab a spare blanket to drape around your shoulders so you don’t get cold. but not before sneaking a few creepshots.
* it’s unlikely you’ll find them, probably stashed away in one of their closets or tucked into a wallet. maybe in a conspicuous shoebox filled with their ghostface gear. who knows?
* until then, though, you remain sandwiched snugly between them until they also fall asleep on the couch and tangle you into their cuddle pile.
brahms heelshire
* PISSED!! you fell asleep before tucking him in?? or giving him his goodnight kiss??!! appalling!!!!
* AND in your underwear?? you fall asleep when you could be getting dicked down?? how could this get any worse!!
* he’s inches away from shouting you awake in the most piercing boy voice he can muster before he’s struck by something
* it occurs to him — for the first time in a considerably long time — that he likes seeing you resting.
* he’s absolutely going to hold this against you in the future, probably to get double dessert or something of that nature,
* but for now, he diverts his attention to scuttling around the house looking for comfy things. blankets, pillows, his cardigans, some stuffed animals, spare sheets, anything he can lay hand on.
* returns to where you’ve fallen asleep and starts constructing. layering sweaters over top of you. planting pillows around you, under your head, against your back, everywhere. draping blankets all over you, picking the softest ones to go against your skin and the thicker ones on top.
* his process is so particular, if you were awake to see it, you might have guessed he’s done this before for himself.
* then, finally, he burrows in beside you. he’s left just enough room to curl around you, drawing you close to himself.
* gives you a kiss on the forehead before falling soundly asleep.
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axelsagewrites · 3 months
kindly no pressure asking if locker room roy kent x reader will have a second part where jamie and roy finally talk/confront/fight? 🫣
Roy Kent*Apologise
Pairing: roy kent x f!reader
Word count: 1422
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Warnings: swearings, mentions of semi public smut and getting caught, mentions of masturbating, a lot of swearing  
Part one here
Masterlist here
The night Roy met you was the best day of his life but the day you sucked him off in front of Jamie’s locker. And the thing that somehow made it better? Jamie saw it. Roy had the next two days off from Richmond so best believe those two days were spent in bed with you, only leaving for food and water.
Roy was smiling as he walked into Richmond. A sight that truly unsettled all the staff and his teammates. “Alright Isaac? Nice weather the day innit,” he grinned at the boy as they walked to the locker room.
“Uh yeah captain. It’s nice,”
“Gotta love when the suns out. birds chirping. A breeze in the air,”
“Yeah, yeah,” Isaac muttered, looking over at Colin who looked terrified of Roy’s happiness.
As Roy walked into the locker room Colin paused to whisper to Isaac, “Wasn’t it raining?”
“I don’t know what’s going on,” Isaac said, eyes never leaving Roy, “but it cannot be good,”
As the rest of the team began to filter in Roy continued to make happy small talk, even asking Sam how his weekend had been. It was freaking everyone out. the other odd thing however just walked through the door.
“Alright Tartt?” Roy called over, wide grin on his face, “Hairs looking good,”
Jamie just nodded, muttering a quiet thanks as he began to get changed with a grimace on his face when he got to his locker. “What the fuck is going on?” Colin whispered to Isaac who was seriously considering taking up religion in this moment.
Jamie had never been so quiet during a practise. He did every drill without complaint, scored every kick, and even passed the ball. “I’m worried about him,” Ted sighed as he watched him play, “He just doesn’t seem himself,”
“His playing’s excellent though,” Nate said, before trying to joke, “Maybe this is the start of a mature Jamie Tartt,”
Beard crossed his arms as he stared out onto the pitch, “There’s a disturbance in the force. Besides. Roy’s creepy when he’s happy,”
“Great work Colin, nice foot work,” Roy praised, patting the boy on the shoulder before running to get the ball.
Just as everyone was about to call for a priest you walked out of the tunnel. Usually, your presence was first notice by Jamie who would give a loud wolf whistle but instead you were able to walk up to Ted without drawing much attention. “And what do we owe this pleasure?” Ted asked, a smile on his face.
“Hey coach. Roy forgot his phone, so I came to drop it off,”
As if on queue Roy jogged over to the group, ignoring everyone but you who he gave an unabashed public kiss too despite usually hating PDA. “What would I do without you?” he joked as you both walked to the side so he could put it in his hoodie.
“You’re in a good mood. Jamie’s still alive though?” you joked.
A wider smile cracked his face, “He’s growing on me. What can I say?” he said but you paused, crossing your arms to scan his face, “What?”
You glanced to the field only to notice Jamie instantly look away when it dawned on you, “You told him!” you whisper yelled, smacking at his chest.
“I did not,” Roy protested, trying to look serious when a smile cracked back on his face, “He saw us,”
All of Roy’s happiness flooded away when a look of pure thunder crossed your face and your hands went to your hips, “And you didn’t think to tell me? Have you been torturing that poor boy?”
“No but- “
“Don’t ‘no but’ me. Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Why are you defending him- “
“Does my face look like it cares?” you asked, dropping your hands from your hips only to cross your arms again, “Whatever you’ve been saying to him you better stop,”
“I didn’t say anything! I swear,” Roy said as he realised how much he’d fucked it, “I didn’t mean to upset you,”
“You don’t need to say anything to say something,” you said, rolling your eyes at the confused look on his face, “You better apologise,” you said making Roy scoff, but you were prepared to call his bluff, “No apology, no sex. Sorry I don’t make the rules,”
“That is so not fair,” Roy scoffed, “You can’t do that,”
“Try me,” you smiled as sweetly as possible before turning around to leave, swaying your hips a bit extra than usual to drive the point home. “Bye boys!” you called to the team, glancing back at Roy to send a quick wink before you left.
The force was slowly being restored since Roy was now back to miserable and angry but unfortunately Jamie’s mood hadn’t changed yet. Ted had tried pulling Jamie aside but he just shrugged it off. The team was back in the locker room, getting ready to leave.
As Jamie turned to leave though Roy sighed, “Tartt,” he called through gritted teeth, “I need to talk to you,”
“Maybe I don’t wanna talk to you,” Jamie said and the tension in the room could be cut by a knife.
Isaac went to whisper something to colin but before he could even start Roy’s head whipped around to glare at them, “Everyone out,” he barked and instantly the boys sprang to leave, “Everyone but Tartt,”
“Hey I think it might be best if I stayed-“ Ted tried to say but the low growl from Roy and glare from Jamie had him exiting just as swiftly.
“What?” Jamie asked, huffing as he crossed his arms.
“I’m,” Roy started to say but the words tasted like sick as he tried to force it out, “Sorry,” he eventually managed.
“What for?” Jamie asked, cocking his head to the side.
“You know what for,” Roy huffed, “Not stop taking the piss and take the apology,”
“That’s not how apologies work ya know?” Jamie said, dropping his arms, “Ya big creepy weirdo you,”
“Hey, you’re the one that was watching!”
“Was not!”
“So, what were you doing in your car then?”
“None your damn business!”
“Uhuh sure,” Roy said, drawing out the words as he chuckled, “See if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were the pervert. Watching me and my girlfriend- “
“Fucking in my fucking locker? Like a pair of fucking fuckity weirdos fucking- “
Roy couldn’t help but laugh a little, “You’re starting to sound like me,” he said making Jamie huff like a child. Roy sighed as a horrible feeling set in; maybe he had been wrong, “I’m sorry. I crossed a line. Won’t happen again,” he said, actually sincerely for once.
Jamie eyed him up and down before finally nodding, “Okay but just you know. Don’t tell anyone about well…”
“I wish I didn’t even know,” Roy joked making Jamie roll his eyes. The pair were silent for a moment, “We good then? You gonna start being a prick again?”
“You’re terrible at apologies,” Jamie rolled his eyes as he grabbed his bag, “but yeah, we’re good. don’t know how she puts up with you though,” he said as the pair headed out the locker room to finally go home.
Roy couldn’t help himself, “Not just her who goes down- “
“We are not that close,” Jamie cut him off, holding his hand up to Roy’s face and making him cackle laughing.
The pair actually walked out of Richmond joking and laughing together. A sight you saw while you waited to pick Roy up. “See you tomorrow?” Roy said, sending you a quick wave as he walked to the car.
“Yeah mate. Hey you never know,” Jamie said, tapping Roy’s shoulder making him pause, “Maybe next time it’ll be me and Keeley in your spot,“ he tried to joke but Roy’s smile dropped into a harsh glare, “On second thoughts I think I’m late to something bye!” he half yelled as he jogged to his car, never turning his back on Roy.
As Jamie sped out the parking lot Roy finally climbed in the car, “What did you do?” you asked, squinting at him.
“I apologised! Honest,” Roy said, holding his hands up in mock defence, “You can ask him yourself tomorrow,”
“I will text him,” you warned as you started the car up.
Realization dawned over Roy, “How’d you have the pricks number?”
“He gave it to me ages ago,” you shrugged, “Encase I ever needed it,”
“That little fucker,”
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laundrybiscuits · 1 year
(wait for the season to come back to me tag)
“We still on for dinner this Thursday, or are you gonna reschedule again? Because I swear to god, Steve, I will break into your apartment and set up camp if I have to. It’s been years. Centuries.”
“It’s been a month, Henderson.”
“I barely remember who you are anymore. What’s your name again? How do I know you? We’re actually very happy with our current cable provider, thanks.”
God, that kid is such an asshole. Steve loves the shit out of him.
“Listen, I’ll see you on Thursday and explain everything, okay? Actually, uh—I’m kinda calling to give you a heads-up. Got some big news, so you should, like…brace yourself.”
Dustin’s quiet for a long, worrying moment.
“Steve. You have got to know that that’s the least helpful thing you could possibly say. You’re not even gonna give me a hint, man?”
“Wish I could. It’s not a bad thing, okay? Just big. Like…Upside Down big.”
“Okay, for my own peace of mind, I’m going to pretend you’re completely overreacting about the fact that you, like, got a dog or something.”
“I’m not—”
“Peace of mind, Steve! See you Thursday at my place! Don’t cancel or I’ll kill you!”
Steve’s left laughing into the dial tone. Honestly, he’d mostly called so Dustin couldn’t complain afterwards about not getting an advance warning. There’s just no way to hint at the whole Eddie thing without Eddie being present and accounted for; it would be the worst kind of cruel.
Steve can’t imagine what he’d have done to anyone who tried to tell him Eddie was alive without any kind of proof. It wouldn’t have been good.
“So we’re telling Henderson on Thursday?” Eddie jostles Steve’s shoulder. Steve thinks he’s been doing that a lot more lately.
“Seems like,” says Steve.
They take the train to Dustin’s place in Wilmette as soon as it gets dark out. Eddie’s bundled up in a nondescript hoodie and one of Steve’s denim jackets, looking like every other Chicagoan braced against the cool evening air.
They haven’t been going out all that much. Robin keeps asking if Eddie wants to do any tourist stuff, maybe the museums or something, but he always shrugs off the offers. Steve would’ve maybe expected him to want to get out and explore, now that he’s not cooped up anymore, but Eddie mostly seems to want to sleep, read, and watch TV.
Robin’s been on a campaign to educate Eddie about the ten years of pop culture he missed. “It’s essential for rehabilitation,” she says. Steve is pretty sure it’s just an excuse to make them rewatch all of Robin’s favorite movies, because some of the stuff she brings home was definitely already out in 1986.
Eddie draws the line at letting Robin show him music, though: “Nope, nuh-uh, no freaking way. I wouldn’t have listened to that shimmery synth shit if I’d been alive and free every single day of the last decade, and I’m not gonna listen to it now.”
Steve does have a few metal cassettes, but he feels weird about bringing them out. It feels like he’s crossing a line, somehow—admitting to something. So instead, they’d all traipsed over to the Tower Records a few blocks over, and let Eddie roam around sampling things.
To Steve’s surprise, Eddie hadn’t actually picked up that many metal albums. He'd grabbed the new Accept and some Alice in Chains, sure, but he also picked up Nirvana and Soundgarden. He had gotten into a conversation with a very helpful clerk that ended with the clerk scribbling a number on a business card and handing it over with a grin and a promise to make Eddie try some local act called Wilco next time.
Obviously Steve’s happy that Eddie’s making friends and charming people. He’s legitimately fucking thrilled that other people are finally seeing how great Eddie is, because Eddie deserves that. Eddie deserves the world, and if he wants to date some random clerk, he should get to.
It’s just that if Eddie Munson comes back from the dead to start dating some random clerk, Steve is going to have to go live at the bottom of Lake Michigan. That’s all.
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Wednesday x Brother!reader - fear striking
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do you think you could do a platonic (sibling or best friend type thing) with Wednesday and a male reader whos like a carbon copy of her but yk, male lol i think itd be funny cause theyd talk all morbid and shit like that or like in a secret code they came up with so no one bothers them and no one has any idea what they are talking about and why they're talking about it in the first place idk just feels like a fun idea yk? - Anon💜
Trudging into your sisters dorm, you looked around with a scowl on your face.
“(Y/N)!” Enid beamed.
She ran over and went to jump on you.
Before she could, you stepped to the side, watching as she fell to the floor and rolled over with a small grin on her face.
“Still not a hugger.”
She sat up and looked around.
“Wednesday isn’t here, but can I help you with something?”
You shook your head and walked over to Wednesday’s desk, pulling a lock pick from your pocket your crouched down and started to pick it.
Enid walked over and stood over you, watching in curiosity.
She didn’t think to question it, since Wednesday had done the same to your dorm not long ago.
After a few seconds it clicked and you slid it open, standing up as you held your hand out.
“That’s what I was hearing?!” She yelled.
“Yes, Wednesday locked both your phone and thing in the draw because he kept mocking her and your phone kept ringing.”
You handed Enid her phone and walked out of the dorm, telling thing he could hide in your dorm away from your twin.
It didn’t take long for Wednesday to figure out you freed her captive and she came storming it’s your dorm.
“Where is he?” She snapped.
You shrugged.
“Don’t ignore me.”
You carried on doing so while she started to look through your stuff.
“You won’t find him.”
“He deserved it.”
You rose a brow as she suddenly flicked language but you siding think twice about it.
“You know what he’s like.”
“Well he deserves to pay.”
Rolling your eyes your stood up and pulled a hoodie on, gesturing for Wednesday to follow you and she did, still arguing in multiple different languages that she was right.
You simply just ignored her until she finally changed the topic.
“Where are we going?”
“I have a meeting with Weems, apparently people don’t appreciate being tied up from stair rails.”
“I knew that was you.”
You shrugged a little bit, stuffing your hands in your pockets as you glared at some people in your way, making them jump back.
“They have a tendency to cry, and I do enjoy watching annoying people cry.”
“As do I, I watched him cry for ten minutes before someone helped him.”
You flicked your eyes to your sister, nodding towards her friends where they were talking in the quad.
Weems was busy talking with another student so you decided to wait and you all walked over.
“Hey Addams duo.” Ajax grinned.
“I’ll string him up next, maybe I’ll add some spiders at the bottom.”
“Please do, I’ll even help.”
“Seriously what language is that? It sounds like you just mashed a bunch of different ones together.” Xavier chuckled.
“We did.” Wednesday said.
“Yes, it is at least twenty different dead or near dead languages we learned when we were children.”
Enid, Ajax and Xavier stared at you both in disbelief.
“And you did this because…?” Enid asked.
“We wanted to plot against our family without them knowing.” You said in a bored tone.
Everyone nodded, they weren’t surprise really, so while they carried on their conversation you and Wednesday spoke more privately.
“If it isn’t the self appointed goth.”
You and Wednesday looked over the the siren.
“Bianca.” Wednesday said.
“(Y/N).” Bianca grinned.
You stared at her blankly.
“So I heard that the little freak next to you strung someone up and is going to be expelled because of it.”
Everyone went quiet.
“That wasn’t me.“ Wednesday said, “though I wish it was. Maybe I should do it to you? Hang you from the ceiling instead, and lay spikes underneath so when you fall you have a painful death?”
You smirked a little.
“You just are a little freak aren’t you?” Bianca snarled.
You hummed, rolling up your sleeves as you stared directly at you and took a daring step forward.
The entire quad went silent and Weems called your name.
“Wednesday didn’t do that, I did, and I have no qualms about doing it again to a self entitled siren. Perhaps I should start with a pretty rope around your neck, hm? Make sure you can’t use that siren song of yours.”
Bianca stumbled a few steps in fear as your hand reached out, cold skin trailing along her neck.
“Maybe I should tie you to some bricks and throw you in a lake, drowning, a fitting death for a siren hm?”
“You’re a monster…” she whispered.
A grin slowly spread across your face.
“I’m insane…”
Wednesday stepped forward, blocking the annoying siren from your view.
“Enough. You’re in enough trouble.”
“Come now, it’s a bit of fun sister.”
Wednesday scoffed and pushed you back a little, giving a warning look.
“It wasn’t fun when you threw Tyler across his dads car.”
“It was for me.”
Wednesday gave you a look and you raised your hands as you slowly backed away, stuffing them back into your pockets.
She turned to Bianca.
“I won’t stop him next time.”
With that, she walked to your side as Weems approached, arms crossed over her chest, giving you a disapproving look.
“Why is it always you?”
“Because he has no impulse control and has a real talent for striking fear into the weak.” Wednesday said.
“Let’s go. Both of you.”
You and Wednesday shared a look, and while she followed the woman you went in the opposite direction, not wanting to listen to another lecture.
Students could only watch you in fear and awe.
How could you be so monotone yet so deal that terrifying at the same time.
Weems chased after you and Wednesday just sighed as she shook her head at you.
A true psychopath at heart, that’s what you were. And she loved it
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httpscomexe · 7 months
Small Town Freaks Pt.1
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Summary: Lee Bodecker, the alias of Bucky Barnes after he’s gone lowkey to be a sheriff in a very small town in Massachusetts, slowly begins to have a liking for this girl who just turned 18. But by God does he need to train her.
Parings: Lee Bodecker/Bucky Barnes x Reader (Mentions of Y/N)
Warnings: (Individual warnings) Mention of OCD, skipping school (Stay in school, even if skipping is fun), vandalism, implied smut (Squint a little, Y/N is kinda down dirty), using God's name in vain more than a few times, pet names, (Muffin, darlin’, sugar, princess, dollface, pumpkin) I think that's it. (Butterbeer Starbucks drink order at the end)
Word Count: 2121
Wow, they're stupid.
Was all I could think of while I continued vandalising every vehicle I could with my friends. Was it a stupid idea that could get us in trouble? Yes. Did I really care? No. Well… Sometimes.
I watched as MJ used a can of white spray to mess up the back of some dude's truck, she was spraying on a smiley face, as she's done with literally every other car. I, on the other hand, am currently making some graffiti of random words on this guy's mercedes. Luckily, the sound from the drive-in theatres speakers draws out the sound of the spray cans. Unluckily, we caught an officer's attention. Great.
Peter was the first one to notice it. I could feel a rock being thrown at me which caught my attention, at first I was mad that he would throw a rock at me, then I looked at where he was pointing. Uh oh. The sheriff's vehicle. That's not good.
I was the first one to start running, squeezing between cars and running towards a hole in the fence. When I got to the fence I turned around to see two officers putting my friends in their car. Luckily this is a small town, they’ll have the option to either get picked up by their parents, or stay the night behind bars at the station. I don’t want to do either of those.
Oh crap. That officer saw me, I gotta go.
The next day, everyone was fine. All of my friends went to class, but I preferred to do my work online. I would sit at the park while everyone else was at school, and I’d sit on the swings, then use my laptop to do all of my work. Which all took no more than an hour.
Then I could hear a vehicle come up.
“Hey there darlin’. You look too old for a playground, but a bit young to be out of school.” I looked up from the book I started reading not even five minutes ago, which I quickly closed, not wanting anyone to read my little fantasy smut. “Hey! Sheriff!” I yelled back awkwardly as he approached me in the playground. “You’re supposed to be at school princess.” His voice deepened into a more serious tone, its like I felt something active inside of my stomach when he called my princess and wow did it feel good.
“Oh I uh-” Dammit why am I stuttering? I have papers that say I can leave school to work online.
“Oh you uh what? You’re skipping darlin’, come on, lets get you to school. Detention for you.”
I didn’t know what to say, as a matter of fact, I couldn’t say. I just stood there frozen in place, then my legs finally started working again. I got off the swing and put everything of mine in my bag, then I felt a strong hand wrap around my forearm. “What’s this?” He turned my hoodie to point out a stain of white paint from the graffiti I was doing yesterday. Oh my God could this get any worse!? “Looks like I’ll be picking you up later to have a conversation with your parents as well, unless you’d rather stay the night in the cel-”
“Yes. The cell sounds great.” I cut him off quickly, I absolutely can not have this guy call my parents.
He gave me a suspicious look before leading me to his car. “Get in.” He ordered. Another round of butterflies. Get a hold of yourself Y/N.
“Here’s another troublemaker for you Mr. Morita.” He had a strong grip on your arm as you continuously tried pulling away.
“Oh thank you Sheriff Bodecker I-” The principal froze when he saw your face, God you were a trouble maker, you could only grin when you saw the look of terror on his face. “Uh she can sit here. We get her a lot.” He pulls out a chair next to the door when ‘Bodecker’ makes you sit. 
“I’ll be here again after school to pick you up, don’t you go anywhere.” and with that, the sheriff quickly makes his way out of the school and to his car.
Not even five minutes later, while Mr. Morita does some work on his computer, you stand up, gather your belongings, and make your way out of the school. “Miss!” You hear him yell after you which only makes you walk faster. Only when you reached the doors of the school did you finally slow down and make your way to the nearest coffee shop, cause wow are you addicted.
“Yea can I have a uh…” You stared up at the big screen with all the coffees and drinks in starbucks. “Can I have-”
“Creme frappuccino, whole milk. 3 extra pumps of caramel syrup and 3 pumps of toffee nut syrup.”
“Topped with-”
“Drizzled. The word is drizzled. With caramel.”
“Actually I usually say ‘top it with caramel drizzle’.” He chuckles a little. Your best friend. He graduated last year and now he and his boyfriend, your other best friend, work at Starbucks part time when they aren’t in college. “You know me so well.” I add as he puts in the total.
“Your total is-”
“$6.75” I handed him a $20. “Keep the change I guess.” He chuckles again, he looks like he’s had a long day. 
“I’ll go make it for you, Muffin.” He turns around after putting the change away, then goes to make your Starbucks order. As you wait, you scroll through your phone to look into the sheriff, you’ve never seen him before so naturally you assume he’s replacing the last sheriff, who was put in jail after attempting to murder a middle school student for talking back to him. He was a damned psychopath.
“Y/N!” You put your phone away with a smile on your face, reaching for your coffee, you can feel the coldness come off of it and it feels so good… You can never explain why, but the cold feels so good, everyone looks at you like a weirdo when you’re dressed in shorts and a tank top outside while it’s snowing. The cold just doesn’t affect you.
“Thanks jerkoff.” You watch as he gives you a painful side-eye, while you walk out of the Starbucks, straw in mouth, drink going down your throat. Thank you pinterest, you’ve saved my beautiful coffee needs. You praise as you walk down the street.
Meanwhile, in Bodeckers POV
“Here’s two more for you, they were in your office shredding papers.”
“What! They were what?!” Mr. Moritas’ voice booms in anger as sheriff Bodecker brings in two kids who had guilt written all over their faces.
“Yea. Why I don't know but they were- Wait… where’d she go?” Bodecker lowers his voice as he realises you’re no longer in the detention room.
“Oh she left, she does that. Ms. Stark doesn’t like detention so she just leaves. One second she’s there, the next? POOF! Gone! Like no one was ever there!” God he never shuts up, just says she left. Bodecker tunes out a majority of what Morita says. 
“Any idea where she is?”
“Oh I could have a list of where people have found her. The last sheriff used to find her at the playground, on top of some roof, at a hardware store…” A hardware store? “Sometimes she’s at Starbucks ordering a special coffee, or under a bridge drawing in her sketchbook. One time he found her in a theatre watching some movie she didn’t even pay for. That girl is trouble!” He pauses for a moment, Bodecker takes the opportunity to speak, but barely gets his mouth open before Morita speaks again. “I’ve actually found her before. On cold days like these, she’ll grab herself a cold coffee, then she’ll sit by the frozen lake under the bridge and draw, or graffiti something down there, she’s very strange I-” He turns around only to see Bodecker has already left the room.
Okay back to Y/N’s POV
That doesn’t look right. Wow I’m stupid, I swear I have OCD, but I continue to try drawing. Anyone else would say this piece of paper I drew on looks amazing, but I hate it. That’s why I don’t like drawing, it always turns out to look like crap in my eyes, but treasure in another person's eyes.
“Hey there dollface.” Dollface? You squint your eyes and jerk your head up but don’t face the voice. “I thought I told you to stay at the school…” Ugh, this guy again. Okay, just act like you didn’t hear him, maybe he’ll leave. Nope. You move your eyes to see him sitting next to you on the edge of the lake, both feet hanging over the edge of the log you were on.
“Sorry, I got bored.” He chuckles lightly. His smile is so pretty… What? No! Shut up! You’re so stupid, he’s like 40, you’re 17! For a few more days… You look up at him, giving his face your full attention, then you see him staring down at the drawing in your hands.
“That’s beautiful.” God his voice is so… UGH! Like you could punch his nose into his skull, but he’s too pretty to break.
“Thank you.” I’m gonna strangle! With my thighs. JESUS!
“You look like you’re fighting a battle in there” He laughs. This jerk is laughing at me??? But it’s such a sweet laugh. “What’re you thinking about?”
Uhm? How do I tell him I’m thinking about how cute he would look between my thighs and with my fingers tangled in his hair? “I’m really worried about my science exam, I don’t think I’m gonna pass.” Really? A science exam!?
“What kind of science? Maybe I can help. Is it anatomy?” I wouldn’t need help with anatomy, I know how to dislocate every bone in someone's body, including the nose, wanna try it ‘Bodecker?”
“Sex-ed.” Brain? What are you doing? I blink a few times, like what if he asks for the papers to the work I’m doing? I already passed sex-ed, I’m such an idiot!
“Wow, really?” He looks at me all stunned.
“No, not really. I’m just joking. I honestly don’t know what I’m thinking about. It's kinda blank up here.” I tap my head twice with the tip of my pointing finger. Gaining another beautiful smile from him. Are a God cause wow I swear I’m in love with you. I shouldn’t be, but he’s too cute.
“Alright, let’s get you to your parents-” He stands up and is about to reach out to help me stand then I smack his hand away.
“No!” I scream. Why did I scream? I don’t want to go home. “I uh… I’ll walk home.”
“Pumpkin, it’s in the negatives and it’s snowing and…” His voice trails off into the air while I watch his lips move. I mean wow what architect created this thing? It’s absolutely gorgeous… Pumpkin… I think that's my favourite one so far… “Are you listening?”
“Mhm, something about it being too cold to walk home, I’ll be fine.” I sounded like a robot, now he definitely thinks I’m a weirdo.
“Shut up, and get in my car. I’m taking you home, whether you like it or not. If you don’t get your ass in my car in the next 30 seconds, I’ll handcuff you in the back and put you in the cell for the rest of the night. Got it?” His voice grumbles a little as he speaks so authoritative and I swear my knees almost cave in. How can I be good and respectful and all then when there’s a literal God standing in front of me and threatening to handcuff me? “Ten seconds left, Pumpkin.” I hold out my wrists to him with a smile on my face, he responds by shaking his head in disappointment, then reaching behind his back and taking out a pair of handcuffs, which he quickly puts on my wrists behind my back, a little too tight for my liking. “Let’s go sugar-”
“I prefer Pumpkin.” I cut him off.
“Excuse me?” He squints his eyes in confusion as he walks me to his car.
“I prefer Pumpkin. I don’t like sugar and dollface and all that.”
“Okay, well, Pumpkin. Get your ass in the car and shut up.” So authoritive… I smirk a little as I get in the back of the car, my hands still in cuffs. I stare out the window the entire drive. 
Isn’t tomorrow my birthday actually? Oh my God I can legally let this guy into my pants…
Part 2
Creme frappuccino, whole milk. 3 extra pumps of caramel syrup and 3 pumps of toffee nut syrup
Topped with caramel drizzle. Trust me, it’s completely worth it, it’s so good :)
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exosmutfactory · 1 year
Only Forever 007
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Originally posted by byunvoyage
How long could you wait for the love of your life to decide you are his as well? How many times could you witness all his best moments of winning over agencies and the amount of clothes left overnight from his daily one night stands?
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Main Masterlist | Bookclub zone | Chapter 7✓
networks — @/superm-net @/bbh-net
pairing — Baekhyun x You
word count — 1.6k
genre — model! baekhyun, playboy! baekhyun, friends to lovers! romance, angst, fluff, smut (eventually)
[ This chapter contains: the start of something more 😇🤭✨ ]
⏰💋 Only Forever Tag List: 💋⏰
@to-all-the-stories-i-love @you-n-me-e-e @insta1010 @bellamendoza @bbhflrt @weirdoome @marovekian1 @pearliejoy @loey0491 @__jxnnx3 @soonvivi @jairahxelle @dynqstyna @xuxibelle
Chapter 7
Let go of any hesitation
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“After all of that,” Shea’s patient voice drifts through your computer speakers, “he asks you on a date?” She raises an elegant eyebrow.
“A date?” May repeats and freezes mid paint stroke. She turns to face the webcam with a loud gasp, her gray eyes sparkling in delight. “He asked you on a date?~”
Even at your big age, you manage to blush as you nod in agreement with their words. Their surprised expressions do nothing to help the steadily climbing heat of your cheeks.
“He did,” May claps with glee, her squeal too high-pitched to carry properly over the call line. “Oh-M-Gee, he did! He totally did!”
“Are you going?” you hear Shea ask as you move to reorganize your closet for the tenth time today. Not like you are nervous about how the date will go per se.
Ha ha ha…
Okay, maybe you are freaking out.
“Yes,” you throw over your shoulder, elbow-deep in the secret box you keep at the back of your closet for occasions like this—
You pause at the butterflies fluttering around your stomach. Then again, you have never had an occasion like this. None of your past relationships were with people who knew you for more than 2 months, let alone anyone else who managed to reach best friend status. At this point in your life, you are content with the close-knit friend group that you have right now. Resilient Shea, reliable May, and (relentless-) Baekhyun are all that you need.
Maybe that’s why they never last…
On that note, you carefully pull out the lingerie set you think Baekhyun would like the most and hang it up inside one of your zip-up hoodies as discreetly as possible, tuning back into the conversation.
“Day? Time? Place?” Shea asks in a rapid session, forever the most organized friend of your group.
“Friday, 10pm,” you pause, your heart racing faster when you don’t have an answer for the last question. “I… have no idea.” Just where will Baekhyun be taking you?
“The three C’s,” Shea reminds you, stopping your rising panic right in its tracks.
May nods seriously, her paintbrush drawing a smooth curve down the length of her canvas. “Comfy, Casual, and Classy~” she chimes in.
A grateful smile and a look of relief form on your face. God, you love your friends.
You arrive at the designated place Baekhyun told you to meet him at—a small park tucked behind a quiet shopping district. There are barely any people on this side of the city at this time of night, the sun has set hours ago. You smooth down your clothes while waiting for Baekhyun. After an hour of a heated debate with your friends, all three of you chose a two-piece, peach-colored outfit that complimented your skin.
Comfy? Mostly. Casual? Debatable. Classy? Well… your ass isn’t hanging out so—
The top is a lace-up, backless, corset-style crop top and the bottom of it is a matching, double-slit mini skirt. The outfit makes you feel pretty, especially with the single leather garter belt strap that Shea convinced you to add for a finishing touch. The way the strap attached to the leather band around your upper thigh can only be seen from certain angles under your skirt is just that little extra touch of daring confidence that you need to see Baekhyun tonight. You wrap a light, cream-colored jacket around yourself as you wait for him though. The weather is warm, yet standing alone in this outfit makes you a bit anxious.
What’s taking him so long…? You wonder, checking your phone for the time. The bright light illuminating the screen makes you flinch, squinting to read the small digits. 10:05. Okay, not too bad. He’s ‘fashionably’ late. You inwardly roll your eyes with a fond smile, remembering that time Baekhyun told you about the habits of everyone in the fashion industry. Your normally super punctual best friend has developed this habit as well, apparently.
Best friend… you wince as that phrase echoes around your mind, a sense of unease washing over you when you remember your… current situation. You still haven’t managed to have that important conversation with Baekhyun—but that’s fine, right? It’s alright. Baekhyun is your best friend; he knows you. You trust that man with your life. Surely, you can trust him with your heart as well. More than 15 years of friendship has to count for something, right? Right.
You check the time again, tapping your high-top sneakers on the ground. Has it been 5 more minutes since the last time you checked already? Well, this definitely narrows down the options of where you will be going with Baekhyun tonight. You can list on one hand how many places will be open at this time of night, considering that Friday nights are usually the start of the weekend.
A gentle breeze blows, cooling down your overheated skin: the result of your nerves more than the warm August air itself. You look up at the few stars visible in the sky tonight, squinting against the city’s smog to admire the twinkling balls of lights hundreds and thousands of light years away. The sight brings a soft smile to your face while the wind blows through your hair, carrying the scent of rich cinnamon.
Wait a minute.
“Hey,” A familiar deep voice floats into your ears. Voilà! Baekhyun is finally here! He stands across from you at the entrance of the park with his hands shoved in his pockets. 
“Hi,” you smile a bit shyly, tucking a rebellious lock of hair behind your ear before accepting his hug. His warm embrace and his familiar hint of vanilla scent make your heart race. Oh god, please don’t tell me he can feel that. If he knew how down bad you are already, you would never live it down. You follow Baekhyun to his sleek black Audi, smiling bashfully when he opens the passenger door for you. The way his brown eyes reflect the red interior lights makes your heart stutter, especially when he flashes you that million dollar smile. You quickly slip into the passenger seat and strap your seatbelt, watching him close the car door and walk around the front of the car to climb into the driver’s seat. 
“Sorry for the wait, our meeting ran over schedule,” Baekhyun explains over the ding of the car door. He left the key in the ignition and the engine running while he came to greet you, it seems. Baekhyun clicks his own seatbelt into place before resting his left hand on the steering wheel and driving away from the park. Now that he is focused on the road, you can admire him in peace—until he reaches a red light, anyway.
Baekhyun is wearing a black button down shirt that emphasizes his stunning shoulder to waist to hip body ratio. He has the first few buttons undone, as per usual when he is off of work. You can just see a flash of a thin silver chain around his neck. His shirt is tucked snuggly into a pair of navy blue slacks, the same navy color as the blazer you can see hung up in the back of the car from the rearview mirror. His normally messy black hair is parted in the middle, smoothed down by a hint of hair gel.
“How was your week?” he asks, glancing over at you. The passing city lights cast stunning colors over his sparkly brown eyes. The warmth within his amber gaze makes your cheeks flush in the air-conditioned car.
“It was good,” you smile, smoothing down your skirt as you shift your legs to the side. Your heart jumps when you catch his brown eyes tracking the movement. “I finally got the hang of balancing school and work this semester. How was yours?”
Your question makes Baekhyun groan in exaggeration. He stops the car when he reaches a red light and leans his head back on the headrest of his seat in a dramatic manner. You listen to him recount the frustrating photoshoots and dragging commercials he had to complete that week for the rest of the ride to your destination, the soft tunes of quiet R&B music accompanying his soothing voice in the background. These are the moments that you love the most; just you and him as the rest of the world fades away.
“We’re here,” Baekhyun perks up after what seems like 5 minutes later, turning off the engine of the car. You look out of the window at the building in front of you with wide eyes. It’s an upscale lounge; the one that you have had your eye on for the past few weeks. The high reviews spoke of live music, heartfelt poetry nights, and plenty of drinks to enjoy around a comfortable sitting area. This lounge in particular has a VIP section on the top floor as well.
You look up at Baekhyun in awe when he opens your passenger door. He looks at you with those amber eyes, holding out his hand to you. Your heart flutters at the invitation. As you place your hand in his, all you can ask yourself is one question: are you ready to dive in?
“You ready?” Baekhyun asks as if reading your mind. His brown eyes sparkling brighter than the scattered stars above and his little smile warmer than the sun.
Your eyes light up before you softly squeeze his hand, stepping out of the car to join him. “Let’s go.”
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | PRE 7 | Part 7✓ | Part 7.5 (M) | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 |
I have a very important question for you loves: how adventurous is our OC feeling in this chapter? Inside or Outside? 🤭😇
Aff Infinity team, feel free to vote in the chapter poll below. Tumblr Infinity team, feel free to cast your votes anonymously in my ask box. If you read this story on both platforms, go wild my friend 💕
Trust me, the votes will determine what happens next in the story  🐝💨✨🌻
Did I stay up late the weekend before school started back up to finish this dang chapter? Yes, yes I did.
The reason why it took so long, you ask? I went through the 5 stages of grief trying to figure out how to continue the rest of the story. But now I got the plot by the neck so we are good!
Updates will be random as usual because school + touching grass + sleep + I want to build a natural steady update schedule again one day. So for now, I will say that Only Forever will get another chapter(s) before the year is over 🌊💝
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bougiebutchbitch · 2 years
Okay so I saw this summary from a fic from another fandom, and just couldn't help but think of obikaka:
“Before you scream, I’m just gonna go ahead and tell you that I have the rest of your family tied up in the other room, so maybe don’t.” The man’s voice had him blinking awake. Which was concerning. There were actually a number of concerning things right now. Not least of which being the stranger in black jeans and hoodie sitting beside his bed staring at him with a knife in his hand. Then, of course, his brain caught up to what was said.
“I live alone,” he mumbled, dumbly.
The man frown and his eyebrows scrunched up in confusion. “You live a- then who were all those people walking around your apartment?”
So Kakashi waking up to Obito threatening him, having tyed up other Ninja trying to kidnap or hurt Kakashi. Or maybe it's just his cute little gening that broke in to sleep at his place.
oh my god khjdsdgfzdfhjsdftkjfdtkj
Okay but imagine Obito stalking Kakashi on his off days, sort-of like in canon. He gets off on seeing how fucked up his life is, but also desperately doesn’t want him to die (because he wants Kakashi to see the new world he's building, and even if a tiny part thinks Kakashi deserves this suffering, he knows deep down it isn't his fault).
One night he's Tobi-ing around Kakashi's crappy little studio in the middle of the night, as you do when you're an undercover criminal boss and you're bored of hanging out with your loco evil flatmates. Kakashi's flat-out, exhausted after a solo S-rank, sleeping it off. He's sleeping so heavily he doesn't even notice the door to his appartment swing open.
What’s this? An assassin? Someone dares think they can take Kakashi from him?
Anyway, that's how Obito, three years too early, long before he ever intended to make an appearance, winds up pinning Konoha's jinchuuriki to the floor with a knife at his throat.
Meanwhile Kakashi is freaking the everloving FUCK out because who is this man and why is he in his house and how did he get past his wards and oh god there is a BLADE at Naruto's NECK
He's slowly drawing his own emergency under-the-pillow kunai, glare fixed on the intruder. "Don't worry, Naruto. I won't let him hurt you."
And Obito, panicking to hell and back, blurts in Tobi's voice: "Haha why would Tobi hurt him? Sorry Naruto, Tobi didn't realise it was you!" He stands up and tucks his knife away, tilting his mask like he's smiling behind it (he absolutely is not.) "Naruto's right! Tobi is Kakashi-kun's boyfriend!"
Naruto immediately is all smiles, hopping to his feet and sizing Tobi up. "Oh, awesome! Hey, nice to meet you! Kakashi-Sensei's a weird old loser, but it's good that someone likes him, y'know?"
Meanwhile Kakashi is screaming get the fuck away from this creep in his head, but Tobi's body-language has switched to entirely non-threatening, and right now, his tired brain can only process that Naruto is here and this stranger is obviously dangerous. So long as he's not actively looking to hurt Naruto, that's a good thing.
"Yeah," he says, staring the guy down. "He's my boyfriend. And sorry, Naruto, but we'd like some privacy." He needs the kid out of here and far away, now. "Can you go to Gai's house? Or Iruka's?" He knows neither of them will complain about a little blonde ball of hyperactivity showing up in the middle of the night. At least, not much.
"Sure, sure!" Naruto shoots him a cheesy wink. "Have fun with your boyfriend, Sensei."
Then he's gone, ambling out the door like he didn't almost get his throat slit. He'll tell the others and they'll tell everyone, and probably tease Kakashi about this for the rest of forever, but that's the least of his worries. As soon as the door shuts behind Naruto, the kunai is out, brandished on a clear throwing line to the mystery man's vitals.
"Who," growls Kakashi, "the fuck, are you."
To which Obito (still panicking, but unable to resist the opportunity to fuck with him) lets just a teeny hint of his own deep, menacing voice infiltrate Tobi's tone, as he clasps his hands and wiggles back and forth. "Oh, but didn't you already say to Naruto, Kakashi-kun? Tobi's your boyfriend!"
He vanishes into kamui, the kunai striking the wall where he just stood.
And... scene.
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nikaizkool · 1 year
Hello! Do you write drabbles/fics or something like that? If yes, can I ask for a little sketch with the cc!Ranboo and their s/o, who's suffering with depression and obsessive thoughts? They are my comfort streamer and I'd like to see something like that if you're comfortable. And if no, then just ignore me, have a nice day! :) And sorry for my bad english <:"D
Where’s the bad English 🫢 (I’m a lil sped so I didn’t know if you meant like sketch as in draw or sketch as in like writing but wtv) also I’ll be using his real name (mark)
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Here for you
Ranboo POV
Y/n hadn’t been back home since they left a couple hours ago, though they said they’d be back in less than an hour—either they ran into some trouble or they got lost. We live rather close to their hangout spots so I went off on my way.
I hopped in my car and went on my way to the café—then the gym—then the gas station. Nothing. I started looking around driving slowly in our neighborhood. That’s when I spotted her f/c hoodie on the ground near the park. I parked my car just behind a corner next to a boutique. Immediately I ran to the hoodie picking it up and wrapping it around my waist, I went into the barriers of the park and—there they were, red puffy eyes, and a dripping nose playing with a stick.
I looked up from my stick and saw him. “Mark?” I wipe some of the tears rolling down my cheek “hey—sorry I didn’t come home in time I was busy” I turn to his direction and give him a weak smile
He returns the favor by walking closer to me sitting infront of me. “Are you alright? What happened?” I shrug
“I’m pretty sure someone was following me around at the mall and I kinda freaked out and ran.” He lends me his hand to hold and once I place my hand in his he squeezes it gently “I ended up shoplifting and i feel really guilty about it and-“
“It’s alright dear” he holds my face in his hands and kisses my forehead pulling me up off the ground “let’s go home,yeah?” I nod and he guides me to the car. As we’re driving home “wanna get ice cream later? I know you love it”
“No not feeling like it today—I’m tired”
“Oh right,” he nods as we pull into our driveway. “I love you and I’ll always be here for you my love, don’t be afraid to talk to me alright?.” I nod and He grins kissing me.
(This was bad sorry)
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zenmom · 7 months
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@jestierabbit’s day 28, 29, 30 and 31!!!!!!! Date night, Rabbit, EPIC and Halloween! Last batch!
Day 28: Date night! Oswald and Ortensia decided to watch some rugby as it’s at the finals. He is rooting for New Zealand and Ortensia just enjoying the game. South Africa one by a stressing one point and Oz is now disappointed. I don’t care about rugby as it’s not interesting. Video games are.
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Day 29: Rabbit! Oswald must be grateful for the many kids he has (why do you think some people cannot draw all of them?) and he takes care of him at times. The one in the corner is Fanny and I’m pushing her away because I do not know what she’ll do to them.
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Day 30: Epic! I decided to make some poses that look epic, this time Mickey isn’t stepping on Oswald’s foot like the last time he did. Yeah, not much for this day lol
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Day 31! Halloween!
I decided to dress up as a Land Of The Lustrous character. Sadly no one in Wasteland will get the reference nor recognise what the character is. Oswald is dressed up as Jax from The Amazing Digital Circus and Mickey… he nearly dressed up as the character from the past and I’m glad he instead dressed up as Sans from Undertale. It’s because Oswald gave him a warning about when he dressed up on Day 5 of Oct that I freaked out a little and that if Mickey dresses up, I’ll get a worse attack. Where on earth… oh, I see why he said that. So yeah, the only thing for that character is the red hoodie and totally white gloves.
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silverstarfics · 1 year
Virgil’s day of @thunder-pride !! Here, have something I wrote at 2am because who needs sleep schedules? (I’m joking. Please get some sleep, guys. Yes, this is directed at one person in particular). It technically follows on from my fic for Day 3, but it can be read as a stand alone too :)
AO3 link
Virgil hesitated in the doorway, quickly backed away before he could be spotted, then began pacing back-and-forth along the corridor again. At this rate he was likely to wear a hole in the patterned rug which Grandma had brought back from holiday, lying in pride of place at the foot of the stairs. He’d taken off his sneakers in an attempt to reduce this risk but even in socks it was still a distinct possibility.
“What’s wrong with you?” Gordon asked, knocking the front door shut with his heel. “Yo, Virg.” He kicked his shoes under the coat rack and peeled off his sweaty socks, tossing them at his brother’s head. “What’s up?”
Virgil slowed to a momentary halt. “What are you doing here?”
“Um…” Gordon shot him a weird look. “I live here?”
“Don’t you have swim practice?”
“That ended like twenty minutes ago.” Gordon’s voice grew muffled as he disappeared into the living room on the hunt for his hoodie. “So? Why are you acting like more of a freak than usual?”
“Thanks for that.”
Virgil propped himself against the wall and knocked his head back against the plasterwork with an inward groan. Gordon’s practice finished an hour after school, which meant he had officially been pacing in this corridor for seventy minutes. It was official – he was a disaster.
There was no reason for this to scare him so much. He knew his entire family would love and accept him regardless of his identity. And yet the idea of telling his grandmother that he had a boyfriend seemed comparable to holding a fully grown Huntsman spider in his bare hands which was saying a lot given his fear that was fast becoming undeniable arachnophobia.
God, this was so stupid. He knocked his head against the wall again, this time with an audible thud.
“Uh, Virg?” Gordon peered around the door. “I know I was giving you shit before, but, like… are you okay? Because pacing in the corridor is usually Scott’s thing. You don’t have to take over just because he’s at Yale now. This house doesn’t actually need holes in the floor. There are already enough in the walls.”
“That’s because you keep kicking soccer balls indoors.”
“Really? That’s the part you focussed on?”
Virgil slid down the wall to land in a sorrowful heap.
“I’m…” He flapped a hand vaguely.
“Annoying? A total dork?” Gordon grinned. “I’ve got a whole list, I can keep going.”
“I don’t know how to be a functional person,” Virgil corrected, drawing his knees up to hide his face.
He wrapped his arms around his legs and willed himself to become invisible. Or maybe sink through the fabric of reality into a universe where conversations didn’t fill him with dread and ordinary, everyday things such as speaking in class or getting a lower grade or holding a boy’s hand in a corridor didn’t terrify him.
It was so, so dumb. Sometimes he wondered if Scott had stolen all the confidence genes and left none for the rest of them, only Gordon seemed to flourish in any environment which sort of disproved that theory.
Steps creaked on the broken floorboard to his right that no one had gotten around to replacing. He didn’t lift his face from his knees. It was easier to keep his eyes shut and just focus on breathing, which had suddenly become a lot harder than it should have been. Someone flicked him on the head but he only registered the sting as background noise.
At fourteen, Gordon was now steadfast in his belief that he was ‘basically an adult already’ but every so often a very childlike fear would creep back into his voice. This was one such instance.
“Um, Virg? You need to breathe. That’s an actual thing humans have to do to stay alive.” He let out a nervous laugh. “Dude, I’m not kidding. You’re kinda freaking me out here. Do I need to get Grandma? Or we could call Scott but he’s probably busy with annoyingly cool college stuff. I mean, we could try ringing John because he’s a nerd with no social life so everyone at Harvard definitely thinks he’s a weirdo, but I’m not sure what use he’d be.”
It was easy to tell when Gordon was nervous because he started rambling. And yeah, he’d recently undergone a transformation into a bit of an obnoxious, rude teenager, but he still had a kind heart and behind closed doors he was still a good brother too, even if he refused to let the rest of the world see it yet. So, it wasn’t really too much of a surprise when he plonked himself down next to Virgil and shuffled close enough to press their shoulders together.
“So,” Gordon declared with a healthy dose of fake cheer. “How’s your day going?”
Virgil choked on a damp laugh which made him cough. This had the bonus of resetting his breathing rate even if it was fairly gross. “You know, shockingly, I think I’ve had better.”
Gordon elbowed him lightly. “Do I need to murder someone?”
Virgil dragged the back of his hand across his eyes with a sniff. “Yeah, right. How are you gonna murder anyone in my grade, short stuff?”
“Fair point. Why are all juniors so freakishly tall this year? Apart from you, obviously. Anyway, I could totally take out their kneecaps. I know a girl on the lacrosse team and she’d lend me a stick. Just… whack, you know? Or I could publicly humiliate them. I’ve still got stink bombs left over from last summer. Just say the word and I’ll ruin them.”
Virgil exhaled in a rush. “Nobody did anything.” He twisted his hands together. There was still paint dried under his nails and he longed to return to earlier’s art lesson when he’d made up his mind to come out to Grandma and had felt so certain about it. “It’s just… me.”
“The thing that’s bothering you is… yourself?” Gordon tilted his head with a confused frown. “I know I’m the family idiot, but that doesn’t make a lot of sense, Vee.”
“Hey.” Virgil thumped him on the arm. “Don’t call yourself an idiot.”
Gordon just looked at him.
“You’re not an idiot.”
“Yeah, okay, tell that to my Physics paper. Anyway, that is so not the point right now. How are you upsetting yourself? Seems kinda dumb to me. Unless this is a new thing you’re trying? Tortured young artist, some crap like that.”
Virgil fought a smile. “No, it’s not a thing. It’s just…”
Gordon slid down the wall with a loud groan. “Virg, you’re killing me here. We’re going in circles. I feel like I’m swimming laps again. Just tell me already, jeez.” He shuffled to sit in front of Virgil, propping his chin in his hands with a mischievous smile. “Tell me, tell me, tell me. Are you getting annoyed yet? Because I won’t stop until you tell me, tell me, tell me, tell-”
“I think I’m pansexual.”
“-me. Wait, what?”
Virgil stared at the flecks of dried paint on his jeans. His voice sounded embarrassingly small as he repeated softly, “I think I’m pansexual.”
“You think or you know?”
“I know.”
“Huh. Cool.” Gordon frowned. “Wait, is that what’s been bothering you? Because you know none of us are homophobic asshats. Also, like, have you met John? No way he’s straight. And I made out with Robby at Taylor’s party so I’m definitely not- I mean, uh, I made out with Robby at a place that was totally not Taylor’s house because of course I didn’t go to a party when Dad said I was grounded.”
Virgil wasn’t sure whether to laugh or cry. There were too many emotions crammed into his chest. He ended up making a humiliating broken noise that was partway between a sob and a laugh.
Gordon awkwardly wrapped his arms around him, uncertain whether a hug was welcome, and Virgil melted against him, trying to pretend as if his eyes weren’t welling. He tucked his face into his little brother’s shoulder and fought back tears.
“Hey, Virg?” Gordon sounded uncharacteristically genuine. “It’s okay. You know it’s okay, right? Like, you’re my brother and I support you and, I dunno, love you or something. So, um, you don’t need to worry about that.”
“Thanks.” Virgil drew an unsteady breath. “Really. Thanks. That… helps.” He withdrew to wipe tears from his face, ducking his head to hide his expression. “You need a shower, by the way. You stink of chlorine.”
“Dude, I just spent an hour in a pool. What did you expect?” Gordon moved to sit beside him again, stretching his legs across the corridor and cracking his knuckles just to see Virgil cringe. “So… have you got a girlfriend? Boyfriend? Partner?”
“Oh my god.”
“What? I’m curious.”
“We’re not having this conversation.”
“Oh, but we are.” Gordon fished a celery crunch bar out of his pocket and tore the wrapper open with his teeth. “So?”
“I might have a boyfriend.”
“I knew it!” Gordon let out a delighted laugh. “I’ve always wanted to threaten someone. Like, if you ever hurt my brother I will hunt you down and destroy you.”
“I’m officially never introducing you. Anyway, I feel like you’re forgetting the part where I’m the big brother here. It’s my job to threaten your dates.”
“Yeah, but you’re… you know?”
Gordon gestured vaguely. “You have soft feelings.”
“Okay, we’re done here.”
“Aw, Virg, c’mon…”
“Bye, Gordon, see you later.”
“Don’t you mean bi Gordon?”
Gordon hauled himself upright with a sigh. “Never mind. Go tell Grandma about your boyfriend. She might get distracted enough that she forgets to make dinner and we can order pizza.”
Virgil hesitated. “Hey, uh, Gordon?”
“Nope. I don’t want to hear it. I know that face. Don’t go bringing all your gross emotions into my space. You’ll ruin my vibe.” Gordon pushed him towards the kitchen. “Go!”
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sanjoongie · 2 years
Late Night Rendezvous
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ღPairing: Hongjoong x Me, I (1st POV)
ღGenre: non-idol au, friends with benefits au
ღWord Count: 1,658
ღWarnings: dirty talk as foreplay, exhibitionism, fat cock Hongjoong agenda, degradation kink (calls me slut), breast play, pull out game cuz it’s hot (not safe though, do not recommend), f&m orgasm
ღRated: 18+ mdni, smut with no plot 
ღSummary: Hongjoong always calls when the sun is down and the moon is up and I can’t say no to him. this is what happens when you put two Scorpios together
ღDedication: @mejuii @downtoamagicalland my brain would be a useless heap without you guys. thank you always for beta-ing and entertaining my ideas
Part Two ↭ Nightclub Affair
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I avoided stepping into a puddle on the asphalt as I walked through the parking lot of the convenience store. My eyes scanned the cars until I settled on a run-down, 90’s two-door Coupe. I pulled my phone out of my hoodie pocket and texted Hongjoong that I was here. Last time I had scared him knocking on the window. 
I opened the passenger’s side door and slipped into the car. His hair had been bright red since the beginning of the summer and I was slowly getting used to it. Our eyes met and we both exchanged an excited grin. “Hey,” Hongjoong greeted me.
“Don’t you hey me,” I pretended to frown. “I was in the middle of streaming the Avenger’s with Yunho and San. Do you know what kind of lies I had to pull to get out of that?”
Hongjoong rolled his eyes. “I’m sorry, would you rather do that than do me?”
I huffed at him, “Jealous much?”
Hongjoong narrowed his eyes down at me. “Do you want to cum tonight?” 
I looked at him with disbelief, “Do you want me to leave right now?”
Hongjoong sighed, “No.”
I sighed after him, “It’s fine. Yunho and San just think I went on an emergency trip to the convenience store, so we gotta be quick.”
Hongjoong stuck out his tongue cheekily, “I can do quick.”
I pffted at him. “As if. You’re too much of a sadist to do quick.”
Hongjoong scrambled to get into the backseat of his two-door, lying down and motioning for me to follow. “Come on then. Let’s test your theory out.”
I managed to squeeze myself through the two front seats and straddle Hongjoong. My paranoid self looked around but we were in the darkened part of the parking lot, no one could see us. 
“Hey,” Hongjoong smoothed his hands up my thighs until he reached the hem of my thread-bare shorts, “No one will catch us. It’ll be fine.”
My anxiety made me word-vomit. “I swear to God, if anyone does, it’s going to be like Wooyoung and he’ll never be able to keep his mouth shut and then--”
“Pretty Baby.” Hongjoong dug his fingers into my ass harshly, drawing me back to reality. “Why are you thinking about anything else other than me fucking you right now?”
I laughed nervously. “How right you are.”
I bent down, tucking my hair behind my ears and kissed him. It was just supposed to be a starter kiss but Hongjoong apparently had other ideas. His tongue licked my bottom lip and I let him in. Our tongues played lazily against each other. When we separated, there was saliva all over both our mouths. "Quickly!" I whined.
"Gotta get you wet first," Hongjoong shook his head. One of his hands abandoned my ass and his thumb pressed against my clit through my shorts. 
I moaned loudly and grinded myself down on this digit. "More. Talk to me, Hongjoong."
He turned it on like a light bulb, I swear, if there is any pro to fucking Hongjoong, it's that he can wax poetic like a freak. "Gonna fuck you good with my fat dick, huh? Must be pretty damn good if you're coming here every time I text you, regardless of how scared you are that we'll get caught. Or is that a part of the fun, huh, Pretty Baby? You wanna see the look on their faces when they find out I'm fucking you so damn good that you'd risk it all? Dick that good that you'd let me fuck you around the corner from you place. Dick that good that you come multiple times around it. Dick that good that you could come undone and I haven't even put it in you yet."
"Fucking Jesus, Hongjoong." I grabbed his head with both hands and started to desperately make out with him. 
He chuckled into my mouth. "That easy to get you going?"
"That easy?" I squealed in disbelief, "Do you even hear yourself?" The smile that split his face told me that I had fed Hongjoong’s ego. "Besides, you know how much I'm slut for you, Joong." 
This time it was Hongjoong’s turn to groan. "Fuck, get your shorts off, I need to be inside of you right now."
I wiggled out of them so quickly while Hongjoong shoved his jeans down to his thighs. He fisted himself, eyes hot on me. "Come on. Come sink down on this fat cock, slut."
I whined and pushed my panties aside in impatience. I lined his cock up to my dripping hole and attempted to sink downwards. But that thick cock is something else and I had a hard time. Hongjoong began to run his mouth again, he couldn't help himself.
"Awe, is my cock too fat for your cunt, slut? What's wrong?” His words were abrasive but his thumbs rubbed my hip, encouraging me along. “Pretty baby struggling with what I’ve given her?”
“I can do it, just give me some time,” I insisted. I was slowly but surely sinking down on him. The feeling of him filling me up balanced out the stretch he was pushing my pussy to do. 
“You’re so fucking good to me,” Hongjoong gasped as my ass met his thighs, finally bottoming out. “You take me so well and you let me fuck you whenever I want.” My core started to throb some more as Hongjoong started to sound a bit desperate himself. “Bounce on me, I know you can do it.”
I did so experimentally and we both groaned at the friction. Hongjoong leaned up to bury his head in between my breasts, one hand reaching around to undo my bra. 
“It’s gotta be quick, there’s no time!” I slapped at his hands and he pouted for a moment. Then he simply shrugged and started mouthing the mound of my breasts, avoiding my nipple in retaliation.
For a while, all that could be heard in the car was some lewd wet noises and the slap of skin against skin. Hongjoong was going to leave a love bite on my boob but that was nothing I couldn't hide easily. My thighs were burning and I was getting impatient with my release. I threaded my hands through his red hair and tugged slightly to get his attention. “Harder, Joong, I gotta go!”
“Goddamn Avengers,” Hongjoong cursed but did what I asked. He flexed his pelvic muscles so that I could bounce more efficiently on him and it felt amazing. Both of his hands went to my hips to pull me harder down on his cock. Within a few minutes he was angling himself to hit me exactly where I needed and I could feel my climax coming.
“Gonna cum, gonna cum, yes Hongjoong yes, just like that, fuck, feels so good, feels so good inside of me, your fat--” The rest of my praise was cut off as I gasped and my climax ripped through me. I whined as Hongjoong continued to drag his cock inside of me until he pulled out and we both watched as he fisted himself until he came on his stomach. He let out a long moan, head tipped back and back arched as he reached his own pleasurable release. 
“Fuck,” I swore again. I felt lazy and did not want to walk the one and a half blocks it would take me to get back to my apartment. 
“I’ll drive you,” Hongjoong offered, still panting from the sex.
“No, you can’t, someone is going to see,” I declined immediately even though I knew he was just trying to help.
Hongjoong’s eyebrows creased in worry. “Let me buy your snacks then. You can crunch in San and Yunho’s ears.” Petty much, Hongjoong?
Then my phone started to vibrate in my back pocket. When I pulled it out, it showed that San wanted to Facetime. “Shit, shit, shit!”
“Don’t answer,” Hongjoong dismissed my two best friends.
“I can’t!” I whined, “They’ll think that’s more sus than not.”
I fixed my hair as best I could and then accepted, still straddling a half naked Hongjoong with his dick still out. “What?” I demanded irritably.
San pouted, “Get me something too!”
I rolled my eyes, “Why would I do that, San? You’re at your place, not mine.”
I could see Yunho in the background getting his shoes on and got sick to my stomach. “We’re coming to you. We got tired of waiting. We’re gonna pick up some pizza, what do you want?”
“Uh, pepperoni, duh, that’s my favorite, you know that!” I replied.
Yunho stole the phone from San, so that San could slip his shoes on too. “I don’t know what I want for snacks, can you turn the camera… where are you right now? Why is it so dark and you look sweaty?”
“Um, I’m outside, and it’s dark. Look, I was already halfway home, I’ll just share what I bought, okay?” Fuck, I was bad at lying.
San took his phone back, looking like he wasn’t believing me. “You never share your snacks, seriously, what’s going on? Did someone kidnap you? Blink twice for yes.”
Hongjoong bucked his hips upwards and I had to bite down on my lip. That bitch was half hard again at the chance that we were actually going to get caught this time, nudging my swollen outer lips. “I’m hanging up now. See you in a few.”
“Hey…” Hongjoong hadn't even cleaned up the cum on his stomach but he was leaning upwards to tug my shirt up so that he could put a nipple in his mouth. 
My lower half was heating up again. “Joong, no! The one time was risky enough!”
He smirked, nuzzling his nose against my chest, “Your pussy says otherwise.”
I groaned in frustration. I had to learn to say no to the men in my life.
Part Two ↭ Nightclub Affair
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itsyourstarboy · 2 years
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✨Cutie OC✨
Furthering my quest to draw my redacted listeners! Here we have Cutie, and though I’m still a little mad about his last video, I love him.
Also, I’m sure it’s pretty obvious by now, but all of my listener ocs are gnc icons lol. Otherwise they’d all be cishet and that’s boring /j
Info about him under the cut!
Behold my kidcore love child >:)
My Cutie is named Harper and uses he/him pronouns (big shocker at this point, I know)
He is, yes, you guessed it, trans
He wears whatever he wants, clothes don’t have gender ✋🙄
His closet is mostly comprised of multicolored articles of clothing
He definitely owns one of those multicolored Teddy Fresh hoodies.
He definitely got it in an XL, and Geordi definitely steals it sometimes.
Always a bottom, but not always a sub ;)))
Usually calm and reserved, but forever internally screaming
Can’t fight for shit, but can and will blackmail you
👽autism coded👽 (fight me, you won’t)
Very shy around new people; very open and loud with known people
He tends to be a bit of an open book, not exactly afraid of expressing himself
Not to mention he can hear everyone’s thoughts, so he doesn’t really worry about what people think of him. Besides he’ll just tell your wife you’re sleeping with her mom if you make him upset
He grew up with zero privacy, practically raised without shame.
“Did you just wipe your greasy hands off on your pants?”
He talks A LOT to fill in the dead air. If there is silence, he is FILLING IT
Only time he doesn’t talk is when others are speaking. He listens carefully to everything, spoken aloud or not.
Most of his brain is just other people’s thoughts to be honest.
40% cute (obviously); 30% affectionate; 30% horny
Don’t give him candy unless you’re prepared to put him on a leash.
This boy runs on skittles and energy drinks and sugar packets he steal from local coffee houses, which he then proceeds to practically snort throughout the day like its some sort of drug
He’s chaotic, okay?
His bloodstream is mostly composed of artificial flavors.
Kind of an over thinker, and his way to cope with that is to listen to someone else’s thoughts in favor of his own.
Geordi is his favorite channel to tune in to 👌
They’re both messes
He struggles to form relationships (he’s usually too closed off or too forward), so it’s a wonder he and Geordi ever made it this far
Geordi probably met him in a grocery store
He saw Harper contemplating if he should start eating the pack of Swedish fish he hadn’t paid for yet, and he was in love.
CW: self harm mention
He has a problem of unconsciously hurting himself when he’s upset.
He won’t even realize after the fact, until Geordi starts freaking out because, “Jesus Christ you just slammed your arm against the corner of the wall and it’s already bruising”.
He also has OCD, which doesn’t help with his self harming tendencies.
Geordi once had to stop him from banging the left side of his head against the wall because only the right side had a headache.
When overwhelmed, he gets loud; like raised voice, fists hitting table, throwing something at the wall
Anything to overpower the noise in his head
On the basis of pet names, he usually just calls Geordi his name, but sometimes calls him “Pretty/Lover Boy” (and on rare occasion, “Punkin”)
He basically doesn’t sleep.
It’s like he’s battery operated or something, cause he could go without sleep for 42 straight hours and seem fine until he faceplants on his way to the couch
Because of this, he usually falls asleep as soon as his head hits the pillow.
Caffeine can only do so much for ones tired body.
Though sometimes he’s able to stay awake and cuddle Geordi as they both drift to sleep, which leads to slurred conversations in his half-asleep state.
Which is when he starts calling Geordi “Punkin”
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megreads22 · 1 year
Snippet 1.2
I’m quite nervous to be posting this. I hope you like it.
Bright. Everything is too bright, is my first thought when waking up. The next is: Holy shit! I’m so screwed. 
I jolt up before the ground sways underneath me. Good thing I haven’t eaten anything in a long while or else I would be best friends with the toilet. I screw my eyes shut as I cling to the closest thing to me, which turns out to be a bed frame. When I feel like I’m on solid ground again, I open my eyes.
I’m in a bed with a forest green comforter. It’s the only piece of furniture in the large room. Even the pale green walls are bare save for a brown cork board that reminds me of the conspiracy theory boards you’d see on T.V.. Newspaper clipping, papers, and photos fill the board. My heart drops as I see a picture of… me? There’s no way that was right? It’s too far away to tell, right?
I throw my legs off the bed. I have to double check, just to be sure I’m not hallucinating. My legs shake as the ground sways again, but I keep going. Each step takes a lot longer than I want. By the time I make it to the wall I’m breathing heavily. Whatever that guy gave me must still be wearing off. That has to be the only explanation for why I’m seeing this! The board not only has pictures of me, but it maps out my entire life. Everything is there, from newspaper clippings about my hero life, report cards, medical reports, childhood drawings I left at the orphanage, even a copy, or what I assume is a copy, of my adoption certificate. What’s most disturbing are the reports about The Incident.
I feel like I’m going to be sick for a completely different reason than the drugs.
“Maggie, what are you doing up? You’re not supposed to be awake for another thirty minutes,” a voice behind me says. 
I whirl around to see the man dressed casually in jeans and a hoodie, standing in a doorway that wasn’t there before. The sudden movement causes black spots to invade my vision. The ground rushes up to meet me, but strong hands grab me, holding just tight enough to hurt.
“Let’s get you back to bed,” the man soothes. “The sedative will wear off soon.”
He picks me up in a bridal carry before setting my back in the bed, even pulling the covers up. He cocks his head, a sincere expression adorning his face. “You’re shaking. I’ll bring you some more blankets.”
“Shaking?” I murmur. I look at my hands to see that they are, in fact, shaking. Huh. I guess he’s right. I’m shaking, which is fine. Totally and completely fine. What’s not fine about having a stalker with super powers who's been watching me for gods know how long? Absolutely, 110 percent fine!
I try to sit up again only for him to push me back onto the soft sheets. “You need to rest. You over-exerted yourself with that tremendous display of power.”
“Excuse me? You drugged me!” I yell before thinking better of it. “You attacked me and my best friend! Of course I’m freaking tired!”
His eyes widen just as my brain catches up to my mouth. Ra-roh Raggy. This is why I don’t speak that often to the bad guys.
Thankfully, he just laughs, an oddly lyrical laugh. “I knew I was going to like you. You’re amazing from what I observed, but meeting you face-to-face makes you that much more amazing. You’ve got spunk.”
Why did that compliment make my stomach roll more than if he had shouted? That’s not a good sign. Though, he doesn’t seem like he wants to hurt me… yet. Maybe he can be reasoned with? My hopes aren’t high.
“I’m sorry.” I try (and fail) to sit up again. “But, please let me go.” 
“It’s okay, Maggie. You’re safe.” 
“Who are you? What do you want from me? How come you’ve been wa-watching me?” I hate the stutter that comes out of my mouth. 
“I’m not surprised you don’t remember me. It’s been so long and you were so young.”
“Still not an answer.” I mutter. “What do you mean? Who. Are. You?”
He blinks like he’s shocked that he had forgotten that part before smiling. “I’m Will Anderson. Your brother.”
“My what!” Executive function of my brain shuts down. I surely misheard him. That’s the only explanation. There’s no way he’s my-- my--
“Brother. Older brother to be exact,” Will says. “That’s-- that’s impossible.” I’m really starting to understand how Luke Skywalker felt.
He raises an eyebrow. “Oh, come on. You must see that it’s very possible with a brain like yours.”
My stomach clenches with his words. As much as I hate to admit it, it’s very possible. I was in the system before I learned how to talk. I don’t remember anything about my biological family. They could’ve had twenty kids for all I know.
“You see, don’t you?” His eyes, such a similar bottle green as my own, gleams as if he’s staring at a hoard of treasure instead of a person. 
I look past his shoulder. “What happened?”
“Well, our parents weren’t what you would call ‘good people.’” He narrows his eyes. “They were shit, actually. They made Bonnie and Clyde look like Mr. and Mrs. Brady. They were supervillains to put it lightly. Dad had super strength, Mom had weather manipulation. I was an accident, as they constantly reminded me. They were cruel. They’d ignore me, hit me, and call me worthless. They’d spend their time focusing either on their criminal empire or boning each other.” His downcast eyes suddenly brighten and he smiles. “And then you came along and I thought things would be different. That they’d actually be parents for once.” Just as quickly as it appears, the smile vanishes. “I was wrong. They gave you up, saying that a girl was no good to them. At least I could carry on the family name.” Contempt drips from his voice.
I swallow bile and tears. I’ve always known that I had been given up, yet, I stupidly held on to some hope that maybe my parents had a good reason; that maybe they didn’t think of me as some piece of furniture that must be thrown out because it served no purpose. How utterly naïve of me. The sick, empty feeling in my chest that I’ve tried to hide my whole life rears up. 
I stare at the ground, hoping Will doesn’t notice the wetness in my eyes. “Of course they didn’t want me. Nobody ever does.”
I don’t even realize I’ve said this out loud until I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up to see Will smiling softly. 
“I did. I do,” Mas says. “I wanted a baby sister so much, you have no idea. But--” he swallows-- “they didn’t listen to me. They dropped you off at a fire station and drove away. That’s the last time I saw you in person.”
Gods. Why does he have to sound so sad? Almost against my will, empathy pushes against my sadness as I imagine him as a little kid losing the sibling he had always wanted. “I’m sorry. That must’ve been hard.”
He blinks. “Why are you sorry? You’re very much a victim in this story.”
I shrug. “That doesn’t mean I don’t wish it never happened. It’s still terrible that it happened to you.”
He opens his mouth before shutting it. “That’s… that’s very kind of you. But, don’t worry.” His voice grows cold along with the features of his face. “I punished our ‘parents’ dearly for what they did to us the first chance I got.”
The small bridge of empathy and connection that was building between snaps as a shiver goes down my spine. “W-what do you mean? 
“I took care of them. They’ll never bother us, or anyone, ever again,” he says with careful consideration like he’s afraid that he’ll spook me if he said the outright truth.
Nausea builds. He killed them. Just like that. I know he isn’t the wholesome big brother he’s pretending to be, but he literally just admitted to murder. Yeah, our (it’s weird saying our) parents were terrible supervillains, but he’s showing no remorse. And, if what he said about their criminal empire is true, then that would mean… “What happened to their empire, then? Did it go to you?”
His smile is sly as he shrugs. “I wouldn’t call it an empire anymore. Let’s just call it a group of highly motivated individuals that do whatever it takes to get the job done.”
Oh yeah, that totally doesn’t sound like a cover-up for a criminal empire. “Oh,” is all I can say. I don't want to start debating his actions when I’m at his mercy. He still doesn’t want to hurt me and I don’t want to change that. He could easily take me in a fight right now and I’m not about to let my powers get away from me again. 
“But you don’t have to worry about any of that. Leave that to me.”
Sensing the conversation is over, I turn my eyes back to the creepy board. “How did you find me?” I ask.
“Hurricane David,” he says casually.
My veins turn to ice. Nothing he just said to me comes close to the amount of fear I feel from those two words. Hurricane David. The hurricane I caused when I was 10, just barely discovering my powers.
I stare determinedly at the floor. “I-I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
He scoffs. “Come on, there’s no sense in hiding it. I know what you can do. You’re extraordinary.”
“No.” I shake my head. I can’t even think about that horrible, horrible, power.
“Hmmm,” was all he said. “Anyway, I knew enough information to guess you were in Willow Springs, and when a hurricane came out of nowhere on the west coast, I knew you were there. I found you after a few tricks but then you disappeared. It’s only when I heard reports of two vigilantes cropping up here did I finally track you down.”  
To hear him talk about “The Incident” so casually hurt every bone in my body. I clamp my eyes shut as memories of that fateful day fill my brain. The wind, picking up so suddenly; the water rising faster than I could process; the panicked yells of people as they searched for shelter. I shiver as phantom raindrops pelt my skin.
“Hey, it’s okay.” He puts an arm around me. “This is something to be proud of. You have so much potential. You caused a hurricane when you were just a child. Imagine what you could do with some training.”
“Cause another disaster!” I wheeze out. My breaths come out in gasps. Panic consumes me, just like on the rooftop, but I feel no power. Not even the normal amount. I jerk his hand off and draw my knees to my chest. What the hell is going on?
My brother-- no! Will replaces his hand on my shoulder. This time with a harder grip.
“You’re scared.” 
No shit, Sherlock. I curl up tighter. I know that this isn’t helping anyone, but gods, I so don’t want to deal with this. “Please, just let me go.”
“Maggie, breathe,” he soothes. “You’re fine. You can’t use your powers right now. I put a power dampener belt. You don’t have to be scared when you’re with me, baby sister.” 
I jerk up. “What?” As if that made me less scared. I look down to see a white, metal belt around my waist, the weight suddenly becoming much too noticeable. Stupid. How did I not notice it before? I’m even more useless than normal. 
“It’s only temporary until you learn to take care of yourself and control your powers until the right time.”
I fidget with the sleek, metallic belt, pulling on the release mechanism. Great. It needs a key. As if this couldn’t get any worse… wait. His wording pulls away some of my panic. “Right time?” I don’t like that one bit.
Will cocks his head, eyes gleaming. “Can’t get anything past you, can I Maggie?”
I open my mouth to respond but he plows on. 
“Are you hungry? You look like you haven’t eaten in a week.”
I narrow my eyes. He’s dodging the question. That’s never a good sign. “No, thank you. I’m actually not that hungry. What did you mean--” 
My stomach chooses this moment to grumble. Traitor.
Will cocks his head in a “really?” gesture. 
Heat floods my face. “Um, besides. You probably don’t have anything I can eat. I’m glut--”
“Gluten and dairy free, right? Don’t worry, I know. I got you all the food you’ll need.”
Horror twisted my gut. “H--how did you know that?”  
“I’ve been watching you to make sure you were really my sister. It’s a lot less creepy than it sounds.”
Sure it is. How closely had he been watching me to know my dietary habits. A lot closer than I want to think about. I had gone on the boring diet a couple of years ago when my stomach decided to hate me. It’s been hard to stick to on a beggar's budget, but not impossible. I just avoided any bread and became an expert at reading food labels. There's definitely been times where I haven’t eaten enough or I’ve eaten something that pissed my stomach off, but I manage. Mark helps a lot by scouting out any “fine dining establishments” (read cheap delis). 
The fact that Will found out is just plain unsettling. The fact that he bought anything for me before meeting me had me almost panicking again. But that clearly is getting me nowhere. “Look, that’s very um, kind of you, but--”
His smile widens. “Flattery will get you nowhere, but I appreciate the effort.”
“Will.” I release a breath. “It’s amazing that you found me after all this time.” Amazing and a tad bit creepy. “But, why go through all this trouble of kid-- bringing me here if you just want to help. Why not explain everything to me when you first saw me?”
His smile drops faster than my stomach. “You wouldn’t have listened. Not with him around. I needed to talk to you without distractions.”
Him? “What do you… oh, Mark? What are you talking about?”
“That piece of shit is a bad influence from what I observed. It was his idea for you to be ‘heroes.’ Putting your life at risk every single night for so little reward, because of him.”
“It was actually both our ideas and he’s not a bad influence. We protect each other.”
“He’s scum, that’s what he is!”
Without thought, my hand meets his stupid face in a slap as rage fills me. How dare he talk about Mark, my friend, my savior, my partner in crime? 
Will’s eyes widen, mouth forming an “O” of surprise.
Oh fuck. Terror replaces the anger as my brain catches up to my hand. I just slapped someone with questionable morals who’s got superstrength. Not my smartest move ever. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to do that, but Mark is kind, brave, and he’s the only one that’s ever really given a shit about me,” I say, my voice surprisingly even considering the torrent of emotions inside of me. 
Will cocks his head, a calculating expression painting his face. “Oh, baby sister,” he says with a voice that’s  oh so caring. “This is worse than I thought. He’s tricked you into falling in love with him, hasn’t he?”
I blink. Surely he didn’t just say what I thought he said. “Wait, what?” 
Will throws his hands up. “You’re in love with him!”
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wooahaes · 2 years
one step together
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pairing: non-idol!vernon x [implied!fem] reader
prompts: n/a (i really need comfort.)
word count: 1.1k~
warnings: allusions to reader having gone through sexual trauma. intimacy (of the sexual variety). attempt at said intimacy (getting undressed with the intent of more) after said trauma and it does not go well. intentional lowercase + no proofreading at all.
daisy’s notes: turning off reblogs for this one. purposefully being kept out of the tags. sorry to anyone who can relate: you guys don’t deserve this, either.
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“do you trust me?”
vernon asks this every time the two of you take a step in your relationship. after the first few times of dodging his kisses, the two of you decided to take it slow. that’s where the question started popping up. every action is prefaced with a “can i?” before he takes your hand, or drapes his jacket over your shoulders, or presses a tiny peck against your forehead or cheek (areas that you tell him ahead of time will always be okay, but he asks nonetheless). the first time he kisses you, he asks if you trust him. it lasts for barely a few seconds, but he smiles at you afterward.
“see?” he says. he knows its your first kiss. “not scary, right?”
“it was still bad,” you say, self-conscious at your lack of experience.
he smiles at you nonetheless. “aw, babe,” he says, “it’s with you. i liked it. we can always practice later if you want.”
he laughs when you get flustered by that. you think you love him a little more.
the first time things go a little farther, he asks you again. you had been the one to initiate, yet his hands still stop at the hem of your shirt instead of tapping or tugging at the clothing. he tells you that you don’t have to go too far. it’s just one step out of your comfort zone, and no more unless you’re ready.
you trust him. he takes off your shirt, and goes back to kiss you just as hungrily as his hands explore every inch of your bare skin. that’s as far as you go, just as he said, and you’re okay with that. 
the next, he tries to take one more with you--always with. if you say no, he stops there and asks if you want anything else instead. if you want to be held (you do), or if he can still kiss you (sometimes a yes), or if you want him to leave (once: but only because you had been particularly freaked out, and he never took it personally). you take steps together.
“do you want to go farther?” he asks. both of your shirts are off. he’s toeing that line, yes, but all it takes is one word to stop him and turn this into a movie night.
do you trust him?
you do.
he helps you out of your jeans and you already feel a tightness in your chest. but he kisses you, and you try to let go a little more. his hands are roaming your skin, taking in every single inch now. he’s confident everywhere you aren’t, your back hitting the couch as he hovers over you. you try to let go, to focus in on vernon’s hands as he explores this new territory. he draws one back enough to reach for his own belt, the other grazing your jaw. you think you hear him mutter a soft “god, so fucking pretty...” against your neck. his belt gets unbuckled.
you can’t do this.
your chest is too tight, and you can’t breathe. you manage a quiet “vernon--”, but he’s already drawing away from you. something about the way your voice cracks, or maybe the fact you stop reciprocating (or the fact you’re about you’re close to hyperventilating) and he realizes it a moment later. he draws back, watching you, looking you over to make sure he didn’t hurt you.
he’s afraid. he’s afraid he hurt you. that he crossed a line and didn’t hear you sooner. it’s... new. he gives you space, not touching you.
“what do you want me to do?” he asks, and it’s genuine. “do you need space? do you want my hoodie? water?”
he has the hoodies he always buys in the biggest size just to wear and get his scent into draped over a nearby chair. he abandoned it earlier. your gaze lingers on it a little too long, and he already reaches for it. he drops it into your lap and gives you more space, already reaching for his abandoned shirt.
he watches you pull it on, hugging the fabric close to you as you try to calm yourself back down. he reaches out, gently taking your hands in his own, and he starts counting and breathing with you with the patience of someone you think has done it too many times for you. but if it annoys him, he never shows it. you don’t think it does. you think he might actually, fully love you.
once you’re breathing normally again, he lets go of your hands. he smooths down your hair as best as he can, not getting too close. the sight of your boyfriend, bare-chested and looking kinda hot would normally fluster you. instead, he still just looks worried, too preoccupied with your own well-being to consider putting on a shirt.
“too much?”
you nod.
“that’s okay, baby,” he says, pressing a kiss onto the top of your head. “i’m sorry i didn’t notice sooner.’
you shut your eyes, and let him pull you into his arms, cradling your face against his chest. “it’s okay,” you mumble against his skin. “you still noticed. i should have said something sooner--”
“you weren’t into it,” he says. “it’s okay.” he pulls you a little further into his lap, holding you tight once you melt into him. you can hear his heart beating, and you already know it was racing earlier. it’s calm, now. you almost want to fall asleep listening to it. “which part was too much? do you wanna talk about it now?”
you’ve told him before: the vulnerable part. the part where he sees you and the idea of him still wanting you afterward. that’s the part that’ll always scare you the most. being seen and thrown away hurt like hell, but what do you do with someone who sees you and still wants you? how do you cope with actually being loved?  it always chokes you up worse.
“is it... the actual sex part?” he says. “we don’t have to do it. i just....”
he thought you were ready because you thought you were ready.
you wrap your arms around him a little tighter. one step forward, even if it felt like you took steps back by panicking. why can’t you just be nor--
“stop it.” he says. he knows you too well at this point. “you’re hurt,” he says. “i told you i’d wait for you as long as it takes.”
“but what if i’m never ready?”
“then i won’t be, either,” he tells you. “i love you. okay?” he presses another kiss onto your forehead. “i love you.”
you believe him. one step forward is still a step forward, you decide. even if you took steps back, you were taking them together. that’s all that mattered.
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