#I have a really unhealthy coping mechanism
lilybug-02 · 1 year
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Humans are weird
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I love to think this happened separately 
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controllerofthemist · 6 months
My thoughts on Skirk
With the way Skirk treats and talks about him, its no wonder Tartaglia turned out the way he did. A bright and naive 13 yr old boy with no combat experience falls away from the comfort of his home into a world full of monsters with no sun or safety and the only psuedo-caretaker he has won't even speak to him properly because she says him as too weak to bother with, and after 3 months of fighting his way through hell and losing his humanity, he returns to that home he was longing for, only to find that 3 days have passed since he left and he tells not a single person what happened to him. No wonder he lost his mind down there.
I miss the Skirk that I had made up in my head, the one I patched together from different fic writer and fan artists ideas for her, the one that had that same rambunctious and bloodthirsty personality that Tartaglia inherited, the one that took care of a child the best she knew how while hardening him to survive the abyss' dangers, the one that at least *tried*, because she *wanted too*.
I just feel disappointed, and I think a lot of other people are as well.
I think that, until we see her again, I'm just going to keep pretending that the one in my head is the real one.
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argentoheart · 7 months
I don't know if any of you remembers the show huntik, I don't know if it was ever aired outside of Italy, but it's from the same animation studio and director of winx and I was obsessed when I was 13 so naturally when I found out it was free to watch on raiplay I decided to rewatch and now I was reminded of how much I ship the main two couples (zhante mostly but lok and sophie too they're cute) and I want to scream because iirc the show only has two seasons with an open ending because the third one was never made and none of the pairing end up together canonically
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lastoneout · 1 year
like idk how else to say it anymore but there is a REASON that a lot of terfs are sexual assault survivors and it's specifically BECAUSE those women come pre-loaded with a severe and easy to exploit fear and distrust of men
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jamboreeartsupplies · 8 months
clown doll listings are unexpectedly abundant on mercari lmao
also i kept getting an offer for one (with the same like, maker/brand as acorn anne and fruitloop freddie) and each time it got lower and this time i just HAD to omg i HAD TO!!!!!!!!
they have no hair !!!! they have a JESTERS HAT and they are YELLOW AND PURPLE AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH i love clowns i am having a time. i love collecting things and these ones are like. gotta collect em all!! ahsnghdhtjd they are so CUTE ok!!!!
im so excited
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jaypgartifacts · 9 months
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october is coming. which means, of course, that it is time for the horrors. tfw the dream self must confront the Nightmare Self
#body horror //#homestuck#YES i am invoking tarot symbolism and YES i have reasons for choosing the cards i did and YES i AM just making things up as i go. im normal#symbolism runthrough real quick. consider this an Artist's Statement of sorts.#The Tower: ambition built on a flawed premise. guy who always thinks he knows better than you in dire need of a wakeup call#strength: the journey of the self vis a vis finding the courage to act & tapping into latent potential that always existed#& simply needed to be accessed. note: dirk in this card is brain ghost dirk specifically.#(an illusion constructed by jake because he didn't believe in his own repressed abilities - drawn here as The Horrors.)#the devil: you are maybe not the CAUSE of all of your problems but DAMN you are making them worse for yourself.#this card is SO heavy on unhealthy coping mechanisms. symbolism here - very literally holding self down#sure it feels comforting in the moment but eventually you are going to drown.#the chariot: this one's not super clear visually but i do have a method to my madness#the chariot is the card of willpower; control; forward motion; resolution.#by the same token i think it is also a card about being really really stubborn - blinded by a goal.#holding onto the reins and refusing to let go even when holding them hurts you & others around you.#honestly i think some of the minor arcana fit better for a few of these cards but i wanted to stick w majors#for the sake of Icon Recognition i guess.#anyway [putting the alpha gang in the Narrative Wiggler to work through their problems]#they are going to the Dream Realm to meet their weirdest selves (and friends) in combat. unless...?#(it was never about fighting it was about healing. SYMBOLISM)
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thefirstvessel · 10 months
I have always believed the House to be a metaphor for trauma and I've always believed that Navidson surviving at the end is him finally coming to terms with Delial and his role in it and being able to finally move on in life in a healthy way.
Yes, he's irreparably changed and not necessarily for the better, but he's finally able to not be held down by his past anymore.
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biillys · 2 years
oh ohhhhhhh ohhh wait. wait a fucking minute. listen. listen!!!!
flayed!billy and neil having an run-in a few days before The End. flayed!billy not scaring as easily, actually not scaring at all, compared to actual real!billy. turning right back on neil. except the mindflayer has a soft spot for his host becos the mindflayers fucked like that, so instead of just killing neil, the mindflayer decides to play with it's food for a bit.
real!billy doing his Thing and managing to get that one tear out. becos his dad may be a piece of shit but surely, surely, out of everyone, he would be able to figure out something's wrong. that billy's not billy. the desperation and the hope that maybe this is it, maybe this is only option, maybe making him just that little bit stronger. maybe him getting a 'dad, help, please' with a few more tears out before the mindflayer takes over again. but neil's a fucking coward at most and a piss poor excuse of a father at best, so he takes one look at billy crying, begging, and shakes off any doubt's and worry's, and treats him like he always does when billy turns to water under his weight.
he makes his voice harder, his grip tighter. his words crystal fucking clear.
and then flayed!billy is shoving him off, stronger than neil's ever felt him, and he's laughing, but not in a way neil's ever heard him laugh. and then he's turning to walk right out the door, camaro keys in hand, even though neil just grounded him for the entire fourth of july weekend, except he turns around just before he makes it outside, face completely blank and familiar, but neil's never seen this person before in his life, and says 'when billy and i have finished what we started, i'll come back for you.' and then he's gone.
and neil picks himself up from where he was crumpled against the kitchen counter, shakes himself off, and denies everything that just happened in the past 15 minutes. grips the bench to stop his hands from shaking, and promises himself that next time he sees billy, then he'll really let him have it. that just because billy thinks he's old enough to throw his own weight around, doesn't mean he's gonna get away with it under this roof.
except billy never comes home, and then it's the fourth of july, and neil and susan are trying to enjoy a nice dinner at home, a dinner that both their children were meant to be home for but aren't, but at least him and susan are having a lovely night. they enjoy it right up until the phone rings late that night, and then they're speeding to starcourt mall, and there's smoke and flashing lights and fucking military everywhere, and max is distraught, hugging susan like she's the only family she has left, and no one will tell him anything about billy except for a brief 'billy didn't make it, we're sorry for your loss.'
they won't let him identify the body. won't even release the body to be buried. won't tell him why all those people were in the mall after opening hours, what max and her friends were doing there. what started the fire. why there was fucking military clearing the scene. won't even give him a cause of death.
and every single time he closes his eyes, he hears 'when billy and i have finished what we started, i'll come back for you.'
he starts hearing it when his eyes are open, too, when he's trying to put together the funeral. when he tries to go back to normal life, back to his job, where his boss pulls him aside and gives him time off until his current family situation can stop effecting his work, back home, where there's no longer loud music shaking the doors, no car flooring it up the street, no fourth place set at the table for dinner, no shitty attitude and lousy excuses and brave backtalk.
everything's suddenly so fucking quiet.
so he fixes it. overcorrects. takes his sleepless nights and his workless days out on susan, is loud and brash and a constant immovable object. makes sure it's never quiet again. susan kicks him to the curb within a month, threatening police involvement if he doesn't leave quickly and quietly.
so, he leaves.
(then, susan and max leave for the trailer park, becos neil Left. and that's all susan will say on the matter. and then the upside down comes back with a new big bad, and max is right back in the thick of things in a way she never was before, but then suddenly billy's back. billy's alive, and he's back, and he's pulling himself with his bare fucking hands out of the upside fucking down before reaching around and helping her pull herself out and he's covered in blood and black goo and scars and injuries for days and, honestly, she probably doesn't look much better, but he's coughing and bleeding yet his heart's still fucking beating. and they somehow fucking found and saved each other.
and max is sitting by his bedside in hospital after every single surgery, and she keeps him company and puts headphones over his ears to listen to music and picks out the comic books that she knows he likes to read and she does her best to just never mention anything home related.
billy makes it a week after being back from the dead before he asks about neil.
'he left,' she says, because that's all that matters.
and billy fucking remembers. he remembers how hard he fought, how it took everything within him to overpower the mindflayer, even for those brief few seconds. how the only thing on his mind was this is it. this is my only chance. this is all i've got. and he remembers neil's eyes, wide, scared, fearful, but the second billy broke through, the moment billy shed a tear, fucking begged for help, his voice cracking over the word 'dad', neil went from speechless to loud. his eyes going from uncertain to cold. how the one time billy remembers asking his dad for help, probably the first time he's asked his dad for help since he was a kid, neil didn't even take even a moment to think about it. just took one look at him begging and crying, and steamrolled right over him, fucking sentenced him to death. all because he asked for fucking help.
billy closes his eyes and nods, doesn't think he could ever face neil again without falling apart for good.)
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ocdhuacheng · 9 months
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Knives Stans do know u can like a villain character without excusing their actions right?
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thethingything · 2 months
local man discovers he's gotten into the habit of using DBT techniques without actually being taught them because at some point he realised that the things we get the urge to do when we have strong emotions often aren't healthy and that he doesn't like how he feels afterwards so he started noticing when that was happening and going "fuck that shit" and doing the opposite instead
#personal#thoughts#Lucy post#talking to 🍬 about various stuff we do because of our social anxiety and what are probably undiagnosed BPD symptoms#and we realised he's gotten himself into the habit of paying attention to how his emotions affect his judgement#and trying to take a step back when he's experiencing an emotion that he knows gives us the urge to do stuff that's not healthy for us#and he said he felt bad about having those emotions and urges to do unhealthy stuff#at which point I was like ''okay but you're choosing not to act on that and to take a step back and do something healthier instead#which is what actually matters here and is also something that takes a hell of a lot of self-awareness and self-control''#this is shit they teach you in therapy that's difficult specifically because you're going against your brain's instincts for a situation#and we were never taught how to do it so you've just fucking taught yourself to do it instead#without actually knowing it's a specific technique that has a name#I was aware of it but had never actually looked at the instructions properly because when I stumbled across it#it was at a point where being told to go against what my emotions made me want to do felt invalidating and upsetting#I've literally just pieced together that ''oh right that's what that is and how it's supposed to work#and how it's meant to feel when you do it right''#anyway all this is to say that I keep being impressed with the amount of progress 🍬's made on learning healthy coping mechanisms#including things I could never seem to get the hang of when I was fronting more and handling more stuff#and I'm really proud of him and 🦋 and everyone else who's been handling stuff within the system and keeping things running#but also nobody in here seems to realise how much progress they've made with anything until someone else points it out#I just realised I should tag this as#happy posting#because I'm talking about stuff that's going well and where we've actually made a lot of progress
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tinyelephentalchaos · 2 years
I’ve been reading His Dark Materials, somewhat slowly, after having watched the show. I also saw the movie when it came out, what, 12 years ago, maybe?
Thinking about the guard and what their dæmons would be. Also what gender/sex: it would make sense, with most if not all of the guard being queer, and Andy… possibly being older than the concept of gender as we know it (are non-binary dæmons a thing? Also what do we know about neolithic conceptions of gender?) for them to have dæmons of the same gender… Though, would this go against the theme of them being the same as everyone else, since same-gender dæmons are rare...? Plus, the intersection between dæmons and sexuality is murky re: gender, given Pullman's answer to "could a character's dæmon being the same gender as them mean they're queer?" was "maybe", iirc.
Anyways, we know that they were born several centuries-to-millennia apart, so it wouldn't be that strange if they all happened to have same-gender dæmons, but it might make them stand out in public...
Anyways, here's a list of the guard and their dæmons, Lykon's is unnamed as of now because I have very little idea of where he could be from, or what language he would have spoken, aside from the Greek name he took.
Andy has a saker falcon, called Nyx (Νύξ "night"). That's not their first name, just as Andromache isn't Andy's: they remember the starting sound of each other's name throughout the millennia, bits and pieces of PIE which they speak amongst themselves and Quỳnh. Well, now, with her dæmon.
Quỳnh has a blue krait, named Tâm (from 心 "heart"*), who coiled herself around Andy's shoulders after Quỳnh was lost and never let go.
Nile had thought, at first, that Andy just.. had two dæmons. Why not? Here's this immortal warrior who claims that they lead an army of four people, has been a god, etc. They can have two dæmons, it's fine.
Nile's just... trying not to let her mind break, thank you very much. So, she's just accepting whatever at this point.
Lykon had a painted dog, who alongside him in, uh, whatever-post 331 BC/pre-1099 AD. (I'm begging, Greg/Victoria/Gina, give us a more concrete timeline.) When they disappeared, that's when Andy and Quỳnh knew he wasn't reviving.
Joe has a lion named Mahaad/Liyana (مَهّاد/لِيانَةٌ "comforter"/"tenderness"**) who preferred a rabbit form when he was a child.
Nicky has a wolf with a winter coat because fluffy wolves are adorable, named Concetto/Rossana ("Conception (of Jesus)"/"Dawn/Bright Star"***).
The two have long abandoned any sense of taboo around touching each other's dæmon: brushing past them on missions, cuddling with them during downtime: Mahaad/Liyana will often laze around in the kitchen while Nicky cooks, stretching their neck so Nicky can scratch their chin as he passes by their sunspot, and Concetto/Rossana'll rest in Joe's lap while he draws. As it was, it took Nile that entire first weekend to figure out who's dæmon was whose, not helped that they respond to each other's names. Nicky explained it like this when she asked: "Over the centuries, we've become intertwined, our souls bound together as one. Why shouldn't we call our dæmons by the same sounds, or touch them with our own hands?"
Booker has a polecat with white-ish markings on their face and body named Jules/Chloé (French form of Julian/French form of Chloe****).
Nile has a fox sparrow with russet feathers named Seth/Lucy (from Hebrew שת "Appointed"/Latin Lux "Light"*****). I feel like both are appropriate given Nile's probably Protestant background.
All of the immortals, minus Nile and excluding Quỳnh as an outlier since she's been separated from Tâm for centuries, can separate from their dæmon to some extent. Andy often asks Nyx to scout for the group, and while they tend to slow down for the duration of separation beyond ~ 20 meters, they no longer experience pulling (separation from one's dæmon) as everyone else. (But Tâm'll coil closer around Andy's shoulders, regardless, whispering soft nothings in whatever language she can think of.)
Joe and Nicky, meanwhile, if they can help it, will go with one another's dæmon if they need to separate. So that they can take comfort from the other shape of their soul, and know their first soul-form is protected above all else. When other circumstances arise and they're separated from both their dæmons, they look to each other for comfort through the pulling.
Booker ( like Ms. Coulter), can go the longest time apart from his dæmon without a shared goal or someone else to rely on. It's... not great, and he tries not to do so often simply because it's noticeable and he's trying to pretend, at least, that he's relatively happy, but it's a useful skill especially when there are tight spaces or small openings in a structure.
The first time this happened, actually, was while he was dying his first deaths. Jules/Chloé left to find some kind help, after the first few days. Ended up finding Andy, Joe & Nicky, and lead them all back to Booker. Of the others in the guard, Jules/Chloé is the closest to Andy and Nyx, simply because the pair were the first the dæmon had seen in weeks.
Lastly, as to Quỳnh, Tâm and separation: when Quỳnh was taken in the iron maiden, both Tâm and Nyx were held in another part of the dungeon, as the captors thought that would weaken their powers. So, she's been apart, not only from Andy, Joe and Nicky, for the past 400-500 years, but from her dæmon, too. The Pulling alone was excruciating, halfway down to the bottom of the ocean, she died from it alone. Yet, coupled with the drowning, the riviving, the snippets of dreams... when she finally escapes, Quỳnh's barely clinging to the last shreds of her sanity, and that's only because she knows Andy's been looking after Tâm-- their bond, though stretched to its last threads, still exists and she just knows Tâm's been safe 'til 1812, when she first glimpses her again. She goes peacefully to death that time. What should she care of her own suffering if her dæmon is truly safe? And then she revives, again and again, and she recalls her rage...
Sources on names that I'm pretty sure are accurate, but again, please correct me if they're not:
**https://quranicnames.com/liyana/ and https://quranicnames.com/mahaad/
***https://www.behindthename.com/name/concetto (masculine form of Concetta, unrelated to the Italian word meaning concept or the English word meaning conceit. Spelled the same though, and is a cognate of Concepción) and https://www.behindthename.com/name/rossana and https://www.behindthename.com/name/roxana
**** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jules and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chloe
***** Gen. 4:25, New Revised Standard Version and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucy and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucius
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eosofspades · 2 years
alright. hot take time
as someone who both loves Cayde-6, loves Forsaken, loves the ongoing Destiny plotline(s) and the themes therein, and absolutely Does Not Expect Nor Want Cayde to come back to life, i think the way a lot of this fandom treats Cayde-6 is. uh. incredibly fucking unfair.
as a disclaimer, again: i do not want Cayde to come back to life. i know it is not going to happen. i know the ongoing story of Destiny 2 is MUCH more impactful without him here, and i plan on making an in-depth post about it later.
now. that said. please for the love of god stop dragging his character through the mud to prove your point.
"Cayde had no reason to be in TTK" "Cayde was a weak character" "Cayde is a Nathan Fillion stand in" just say you have no grasp on this character and go!! Cayde was an INCREDIBLY well-written character, with an insane amount of depth and lore and emotion hidden behind a careless, aloof mask and it's so obvious if you look at him for longer than two goddamn seconds??
Cayde wasn't a bothersome idiot, and he wasn't incompetent, and "disruptive" wasn't his main quality. he was the optimist. that was literally his role in the story. the comic relief and the optimism. the entire reason that he had to die before we got into the darker storylines like Shadowkeep/Beyond Light/Witch Queen etc. is because, by the nature of being the optimist, he wouldn't fit into the darker narrative that Destiny 2 was about to steer into.
just. say that you don't like him and go. you don't have to like him. stop SAYING that you like him and then dragging his character through the dirt. he has an incredibly interesting story (and backstory) and boiling him down to nothing more than a disruptive asshole is a huge disservice to his character and to Bungie, who made a point of giving him a well-developed backstory, motivation, goals, lore, and a spectacular DLC that they clearly put a lot of time and care into!
(not to mention that whenever anyone tries to point out flaws in Zavala or Ikora to talk about Cayde, at least 2 dozen people will go up in arms about how disrespectful it is to put down another character to talk about the one you like, then will turn around and say Cayde had no narrative purpose or impact when they're trying to garner sympathy for Eris or defend Uldren.)
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Reading a bunch of @the-wheatley-core's analysis I'm eating really good right now
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julesnichols · 9 months
The irony is not lost on me that while my RSD is still Very Much A Thing, it's something I'm slowly but surely struggling learning to push past and learning to walk away from a situation when it's getting to be too much and accepting it's a me problem but that also rejection is a part of life and I can't just shut down and reject other people and things before they reject me etc etc
That the Thing tm I'm having an anxiety attack over the possibility of being rejected here involves somebody who was like a mentor and who knew me at My Worst and Most Cringe (14-18, undiagnosed bipolar disorder, even worse RSD and misunderstanding of boundaries and had yet to learn coping techniques for any of that), and who still was in my life for a While after the fact before we both got busy, so presumably they'll want to help, and if they can't it won't be because they secretly hate me
Here I am, having anxiety
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violetbloodmoon · 1 year
jai!!! so happy to see you back! i was actually thinking about you the other day! i hope you've been well and things are ok 🫂🫂🫂
HIII SUKI!! tysm djskdj things have been a little all over the place lately to be honest, but i think im starting to find my footing and i'm holding up ok!! hbu my love how have you been? 💜
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closeted-goth · 1 year
i am once again being asked/made to see the aunt and i am once again asking [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] bc of it.
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