#I don’t know how to do read mores on mobile tumblr anymore
faeriesquadmother · 11 months
I haven’t blogged like this since hs but I was just thinking my mom got mad at me the other day cuz I had to cancel plans with her kinda last minute and she was mad I didn’t give her a heads up. There’s a lot more to it than that but basically she made me feel terrible for having to cancel even though it wasn’t supposed to be a big deal. Maybe it was to her but I had to choose to say no because I had work the next day and I didn’t want to be out past dark when I live like five towns over. ANYWAY what I realized today is that I was crying over upsetting her when I could’ve totally pulled a psycho move and made plans just to cancel on her. Like if I didn’t have empathy or want her approval or just didn’t f*cking care about her feelings that’s definitely what I would do. I’m just saying I could be a lot worse.
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batshaped · 11 months
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twitter stop fucking up for one second challenge (impossible)
here’s the thing. it feels like social media is changing lately. every social media site seems to be fucking up or getting worse in its own special little way. i recently read and thought a lot about this article which coins the term “enshittification” and describes the process by which every social media platform eventually becomes so greedy as to become unusable. it makes me wonder if the social internet is due for a big shift in the near future. 
for a long time, twitter was the best place for me. for all its issues, it had the audience that i could reach the easiest, that was the most invested in my art. i got (still get) a lot of awesome replies and really great analysis of my work on twitter, which i didn’t receive on any other platform. i was able to encourage those readers by retweeting their comments and theories to show that i liked hearing their thoughts. i could use the Moments feature to organize my art and make my comic easily readable in order. and anyone could look at my twitter, account or no.
ever since the site was bought out, twitter is getting worse. i can’t use the app on mobile anymore because every reply section is drowned out by blue checks and choked with ads. the Moments feature was disabled and people couldn’t easily read my comics in order anymore. and this is without even touching on the bigger/more serious issues the buyout has brought to the app. these are just the ways it has made my personal experience of being an artist on there worse. and now, apparently, you can’t even look at my work unless you have an account.
it’s been pretty common in the past year for the new management to implement a bad feature and then undo it after backlash, and maybe this too will be reversed. but even if it is unimplemented, the platform will continue to get worse. all platforms are getting worse right now. all of them are becoming untenable to use without 7 bespoke browser extensions to block ads, hide specific unwanted content, force chronological order, and so on. on mobile i don’t even bother. apps are unusable. 
on top of that, i have the personal issue of not being the type of creator who is particularly good at staying on top of more than one or two platforms daily. twitter has been my main for years now, so i’m pretty good about updating it very regularly. instagram is trailing behind, i usually remember to post there daily (especially as i’m remaking mine right now and posting my entire backlog) but sometimes i forget. and that’s kind of my limit. every other site falls by the wayside because i just don’t want to spend my whole day or life updating platforms. i know there are tools that can do it automatically for you but i don’t want to do it that way and then i’d have to figure out a new tool and get yet another account on yet another app and install yet another extension to use it.
i just want to draw. i don’t know how we arrived at this place where we need to be 700 other things when we are just artists. i draw and write, isn’t that enough? if i wanted a presence on tiktok i’d also have to be a video editor who pays close attention to trends and makes sure to transform my artwork into something people on that app are interested in. even if i just wanted to have a strong presence on say, twitter/instagram/tumblr/tapas/webtoon i’d have to take on another (unpaid) job as my own social media manager, meticulously managing my uploads across 5+ apps and making sure everything is up to date and tailored to what “works” on each particular platform. i already have a day job—i’m a storyboard artist. the art i post online is supposed to be made and given freely for my own enrichment first and foremost, and for the joy of sharing with others as a close second.
i wonder if we’re due for a mass rejection of this increasingly draining cable-wars-style model of spreading ourselves thin across multiple platforms just to reach the exclusive audience each one provides. i’m starting to feel done with that concept, but i still want to share my art. i want to hear my readers’ thoughts. i want to create things that connect with others. i want to do it without these ever-mounting obstacles.
what i’m doing about it is creating my own website at my own domain that belongs to me. i doubt i’ll be quitting social media when it’s done. social media is still where the audience i cherish lives. but you can bet that when that website is ready to be shared, i’ll be talking about it on every social media account i own. i’ll be telling everyone there’s a place to look at my art where you don’t need an account, you don’t have to struggle through a morass of ads, and you don’t have to line the pockets of a billionaire who bought a social media app on a whim. it’ll just be you and my art. alone together.
by the way, to @whatthehelljake​ i apologize for writing a fucking SAT essay on a screenshot of your reply. any exasperated tone here is not directed at you at all. it’s directed at this sea of obstacles that disrupt the simple concept of “i made art and i want to share it with you.” your reply is how i found out today that twitter made this change. i cherish the fact that you want to connect with my art so much that you alerted me to this. i wish that wasn’t necessary. i want to make my work on my own terms—and want you to be able to experience it on YOUR own terms.
all that to say, i think the website is going to be the main answer to this issue. i don’t see myself having the energy to update tumblr that much more often than i already do, though maybe i’ll try to pick up the pace a little now. we’ll see. holy shit if you read all this go drink a glass of water or something get up and stretch. ok thank you bye <3
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twopoppies · 5 months
Hey Gina! I don’t exactly know how to talk about this so i apologise if it’s worded weird, but I wanted to talk about polari! :) Also want to quickly preface by saying A.) I am a part of the LGBTQ+ community, B.) while I’m not English, I am Scottish (Glasgow) and we use some of the same slang as (specifically Northern) England & C.) I have a lot of hetero English friends who know absolutely nothing about polari.
(Quickly before I start as u/ppl may find this annoying; I’ve said Scottish separately as a lot of Scottish ppl, myself included, don’t like being referred to as English/British as majority of us are currently wanting & trying to gain independence from the U.K. lol & I included British instead of just Scotland/England as I’m not sure if it’s used anywhere else in great britian/the UK - please say if it is! :D )
I’m not sure if you’ve seen this too but I see quite a lot of people saying that Louis solely knowing/using polari speech is proof/semi-proof of him being queer or knowing queer history - I have to completely disagree with this.
Polari is used very commonly (some examples I can think of off the top of my head are bevvy, lallies and naff as I use them quite a lot.) in day-to-day conversation in scotland/england (as I mentioned, I have hetero english friends and they use polari ALL THE TIME, like they use only refer to a alcohol/drinks as bevvy, and have no absolutely no idea that it IS in fact polari..). People use it without even knowing what it is, especially those who are lower/working class and/or neds/chavs (which Louis seems to use as? Or want to be perceived as?) and are more likely to use slang. I guarantee you that if you were to go down to England (especially the north) and asked what bevvy meant, they’d almost 100% be able to tell you what means - but they won’t know the origins of the word, they’d just think it’s slang (they probably wouldn’t even know it’s used in Scotland too LOL).
I’ve seen absolutely no other scottish/english/british person talk about this so I feel like majority of the people speaking about polari are Americans (not all & not only, of course, but I feel like they majority of larries are American? Haha) who don’t actually use it or understand it’s use in modern day England/Scotland/U.K. and that’s why they’re saying that he must be queer to use it because they think that it’s not used anymore when it actually is! :)
I’m so sorry if this is a complete jumble of words, I’m absolutely horrible at writing my thoughts down hahah! I pray you understand what I’m trying to say. I hope this isn’t coming across as rude or mean. I’m not meaning it that way at all. Also, this isn’t meant to be a dig at Americans/non-scottish/english/great British folk either, it’s completely normal that you wouldn’t know this! :)
Sorry again hahaha I’ve been thinking about this for a really long time and have been dying to get this off my chest !! + I haven’t used tumblr in years so if the layout/format(??) is weird, apologies for that too, I’m also on mobile :( Thank u (if u do) for reading my long ass ramble lol :D I just wanted to shed some light on this.
Hi, honey. I think assuming Louis’ sexuality only based on him being aware of/using Polari is pretty silly. As you say, straight people in your part of the world use certain words regularly without being aware of it.
As always, I think one has to take many behaviors and actions into consideration when wondering if Louis (or anyone) is signaling. There’s a difference between using certain words that have become common, and knowing what Polari is. Him wearing that brand goes hand in hand with many instances of him wearing clothing that sent a message (for example, wearing the All Out, Queen’s Surf, and Rainbow Apple logo shirts). At that time, he seemed to be very calculated about what messages he sent through clothing. I think Polari was one of many instances of Louis signaling being a part of the community. But I’d never look at that as an isolated instance and think that.
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slippinmickeys · 3 months
Hello I was wondering if you can give me advice to publish a Fic .. I am new on this and and I have no idea how this works or if I need to tag somebody... I also heard about beta's .. what Is a beta? Any feedback you can provide It will be much appreciated .. thanks!!
Hi! How cool that you have a story you’re willing to share. I’m so happy for you and those of us who’ll get to read it.
Before you publish, let me first answer your question about betas. A beta reader is kind of like an editor; it’s a person who reads your work before you publish it. Most betas will catch typos and grammar issues, as well as plot inconsistencies, etc. A good beta will point out instances when your characters are acting out of character, or when you’re not following canon (if you’re trying to follow canon). But fear not! Betas also highlight stuff they love and make you feel very warm and gooey. (There are also plenty of betas who will give you a read and just give you encouragement. When I beta — something I sadly rarely have the bandwidth for anymore — I tend to ask what kind of read the writer is looking for; deep dive pick-it-apart beta? feel good beta? typos only beta?) Beta readers are, in my opinion, absolutely essential to putting out good fic. And most of them are absolutely dear people who are only pointing out your mistakes because they want you to put out the best work possible. Don’t take anything personally. (A thick skin isn’t necessary, but helps.) If you don’t have a beta or two, get one. And if you don’t know where to find one and would like help, feel free to send me another ask, and I’ll reblog to help put out the call.
Now, onto your other question. How does publishing a fic work? I can only speak to how I do it, but goes a bit like this:
Once my story is finished and beta-ed, the first thing I do is publish it to AO3. (If you don’t have an account, get one! This process may take a few days.) I assume you read fic, so you’re familiar with tags, ratings, etc. Next is formatting. Use Rich Text rather than HTML (there are buttons at the top right). If you’re publishing from a Google doc, you will annoyingly need to remove extra spaces. You’ll get a feel for it.
Once it’s on AO3, I copy and paste from there to Tumblr. My advice is to use the desktop version rather than mobile—you won’t have to reformat. I don’t usually tag anyone, but blogs like @today-in-fic are great to get more eyes on your work.
From there I also post a link to the story on AO3 to Twitter, but that’s only because I have a fic/fandom specific account.
Let’s see, what else. I hope that was helpful. If you feel like I skipped steps or you’re more confused than when you started, I’m happy to clarify. Good luck and happy writing!
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nitrosplicer · 5 months
Dude the person you reblogged that gypsy rose post from rebloggs from a ton of TERFs and everybody in their reblog chain of it was a terf. You yourself often reblog from people that are openly gender critical and hostile toward trans women. I can't be mutuals with you anymore if thats the kind of shit youre okay with. Sorry.
You’re assuming I’m okay with that when I’m not. I don’t follow OP or that person, either. I would have appreciated you reaching out to me so I can unfollow those people, but now I don’t have any idea who you are referring to. I don’t read URLs owing to the fact that tumblr has changed their font size. I reblog from people who I do not know, and I do not go to the source of every reblog. I do not have that kind of time. I work a full time job and this is not something I can do. Sorry that you had to break the mutual, but you’re assuming a lot about me based on the fact that you seem to know more about who I’m reblogging from than I do. I do not live on this blog and this is completely cryptic to me. I responded to the content of the post, which had nothing to do with transgender women and everything to do with how Gypsy Rose Blanchard has been treated by the criminal justice system and by the true crime industry.
Edit: also, reblog chain? I didn’t reblog a reblog chain so I’m not sure what you’re referencing. If it’s the original Twitter account, it was PopCrave, which is a popular culture account. Also, if you’re expecting me to reblog a post and agree with the comments… I do not read those. Ever.
Edit 2: here is the post that I reblogged. I cannot verify that the op is a terf. The person I reblogged from is a transgender man, and not a terf either. Five minutes of examining the op’s blog on mobile shows she is a general blogger and I have no idea what evidence anon is using to verify this, so I’m not sure how anyone is supposed to fact-check this. It would have been nice to have some form of additional information, so unless I get some sort of evidence beyond “they have girl in the url,” I’m very confused and will remain so!
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crisiscutie · 3 months
I’m sorry you’ve been feeling defeated! I can imagine why but the lack of engagement definitely doesn’t have anything to do with your lack of talent. You have such a gift with writing! I can imagine it can have a lot to do with people being shy >\\< especially given the context of your writing. It’s raunchy but my gawd it’s the perfect level of raunchiness if you know what I mean. I’m super excited to read the continuation of the deviated fluffy AU and all ur future works. Don’t doubt your gifts as a writer I appreciate you
Thank you!
I understand the shyness aspect and felt it myself at times. But it feels like people just don't care at all. Read more for the rest.
I think the idea of "engagement" is often misinterpreted to be a tall order. No reasonable writer or blogger expects people to comment on every single thing they create, start conversations with them, or write an elaborate essay or even a paragraph about their works. It would just be great to receive a few words now and then or some feedback on how the content is delivered. For people like me, it's quite rare to get that kind of engagement. I just want to hear something, anything. Anon or not, I would love it.
It becomes so easy to start thinking that what you wrote isn't good or if what you wrote makes little sense when all you have is the void. Think about it, when you keep throwing things into the void and getting crickets in return, you too will start to think if it's worth the effort anymore. Believe me when I say it's a ghost town when it comes to the actual content. One of my recent fics/scenario I wrote has almost 100 likes so far, and yet only two reblogs as an example. Likes don't tell me much. For all I could know, people could've ACCIDENTALLY pressed the like button due to the nature of tumblr being mostly used by mobile users. Reblogs are great because they make a difference in gaining more visibility for the work. The same idea of giving a few comments also applies to reblogs; occasionally doing so is both appreciated and helpful for visibility. And no, I'm not talking about the "algorithm and how it devalues likes" doomer stuff, both likes and reblogs help it.
Honestly, I really enjoy discussing characters, the AUs, analyzing them or other canon things, and sharing my thoughts on the things I write when those rare asks come and I would love to see more of these... A lot of these things I write aren't made out of thin air, you know. It would be amazing to hear more stuff like your favorite Sephy or if you enjoy a certain type of story or darling I've written, etc. I want that sense of connection and community, but it feels like I'm just a writing machine most of the time. I was hoping for something more meaningful... And I've tried, with posts like the ask games, polls, blog updates or the musings, but nothing seems to work, really.
I do think most writers or bloggers want a feeling of community, which is one of the reasons why they post their works. And I don't think it's unreasonable to want that.
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gregoryshorror · 2 years
ON MOBILE SO I CANT ADD A READ MORE (tumblr please let us mobliers do this I can’t take this horror anymore)
Okay so I think that the Squid Sisters should end here. Like them showing up in game. And then leading you on your quest to save the zap fish and do other stuff. If they make a splatoon 4, I think it’d be really redundant to have them as your mentors AGAIN. They are kinda played out, and this speaking from someone who started with the second game. Like maybe all you splatoon ogs are salivating over the thought of having the squid sisters in another game but I think it’s best for all if they skedaddle. 
‘Who would replace them?’ I hear you not asking, well I’m glad you asked because we already know the answer if we played Splatoon 3 (Spoiler Section Below)
You know how the Squid Sisters employ Deep Cut at the end-ish of the game? They are your new guidance. Why? Well from a player perspective, They have a more interesting dynamic than the SS, are new and fresh to the story, can give new and interesting commentary because of their different personalities, and are generally more interesting to look at. (Sorry not Sorry Squid Sisters but y’all boring as HELL) From an in-game perspective, they can say that their bosses (SS) employed them to help train you/help you save the zapfish. I think it’d be really funny if they just had no idea what everything was. Like they have no idea how to mentor you since they don’t even know much themselves and YOU actually have to do all the heavy lifting/find out all the mechanics. Captain 3 could show up (Though maybe it’d be better if it was 4? We haven’t seen 4 in ages) and just silently watch and Deep Cut fumbles around trying to keep you from not falling into the void.
Anyways thank you for coming to my Ted talk.
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arthoure · 2 years
I guess with twitter falling apart, the logical step is to move back to tumblr, but I struggle with what to even post! 
Twitter is kind of the LinkedIn of game dev, for casual networking and commiserating about the seven hells of the industry, so it made sense for me to be there to make my little jokes and yell about unions. It’s also more mobile-friendly, so I could post cat pics and be on my way without a fuss. And I always used Tumblr more for fandom meta stuff, which isn’t something I really do anymore because being a narrative designer kind of changes how you engage with fandom and meta -- it starts to feel like your day job instead of your fun hobby, at least in some senses, or it uses the same type of brain energy and at the end of work you’re depleted. And it’s weird to be able to see the seams of games, and have a sense of where their budgeting and schedules and tech restraints were, in a way that completely changes your idea of what “good” is or what something “accomplished” and doesn’t always line up with the ideas of other players. It’s not a good or a bad thing, just different. I read books differently now than I used to, too. (Part of this is also about growing older and developing new neural pathways. Weird shit.) It’s interesting to think about how fandom got me into game dev (literally; the first writing sample that got me hired was fe13 fanfic with the names changed -- but also very directly through the support of the friends who read my writing for years ((often making it better with our discussions)) and encouraged me to apply and etc.) and yet game dev is kind of what keeps me from being in fandom (at least deeply). 
So I kind of had two different networks -- the twitter one of friends plus game dev peers, and the tumblr one of friends plus fandom peers, the latter of whom followed me basically for meta/fanfic/the stuff I reblogged. But friends also keep in touch on discord or other messengers, so I often wonder, what do I even post for, and why? All I really want to post about is my life, but that’s not even really a safe thing to do, and also, why do I want to, besides being a little human who likes to leave her little proofs that she was here? Like, would it be interesting to anyone here to know that I work in AAA now and the fam and I are moving to Germany soon? That’s cool news for me, but I can’t say much of anything about my work (and even the things I am allowed to say are dangerous, lmao. Telling the internet who you work for and on what game title always makes you a target. Target is doubled for every underrepresented identity that you have. But that was a LITTLE different for me in my curated twitter bubble because again, it’s more like LinkedIn on the gamedev side, and I have a small audience so my info doesn’t leave my bubble; my bubble is also small on Tumblr but feels more unfamiliar after I’ve been inactive for so long.). AAA can carry a lot more weight in the industry but it really shouldn’t (what some other VOW writers said is true: God works hard, AAA devs work harder, but mobile romance devs work hardest of all) and tbh I don’t give a shit about commercial game size--I chose this company’s offer because its team was really special (severely anti-crunch, pro-labor rights, inclusive, brilliantly skilled in storytelling and technical design and other things I want to learn from them, kind and warm). But some of you might be happy to know that I’ll finally get real health insurance and sick days and vacation time and I can’t just be randomly laid off at any time (something European game devs enjoy that US devs often do not), and it’s a huge weight off my shoulders, because you might remember how I had to struggle with that for several years. Always so much to say but so much fear around saying it. Rare to find the points where you can view your life as Back Then and Right Now in such concrete terms. Is that worth documenting?
TL;DR I want to use social media for personal things and chatting with friends but The Internet at large makes it difficult to do that. I am of course far from the only one who feels this way. That’s just the update on me while I ponder what else to contribute to this blog! I do owe you some cat pics at least.
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…. There is no way Taylor did not foresee that people who were only recently introduced to her would want to attend her concert. She saw the same number of likes on her post as we did lol 🙃 But because we have no way to know how she feels about that fact unless she tells us (she won’t), and because she has quite obviously been distancing herself from the unhealthy bestie relationship she began with fans when she was a teenager (as she should be), it makes sense to me that she would be fine with having new fans attend her shows (even if it might feel conflicting to her sometimes- humans are complex). [idk if I can put a read more on mobile sorry guys]
That said! It doesn’t sit well with me to presume that because someone is an og fan that they are more entitled to experiencing a Taylor concert than a newer fan. Didn’t we cover this hipster discourse like 10 years ago? I know we like to joke but y’all are literally being hipsters over Taylor swift who has been world famous for most of her career.
Marketing strategy tangent bc I have adhd: all her marketing has been effective at bringing the “locals” up to speed- likely on purpose bc the point of selling things is to… sell them. And she should not feel guilty for wanting to reach more people with her art! [insert nuance about capitalism and suspending disbelief bc we are on tumblr talking about our favorite rich lady] Bejeweled wasn’t just a treat for veteran fans, it was also a crash course in speak now lore for people previously unfamiliar. The eras Taylor commercial is a crash course in her career evolution.
I don’t think she wants to preserve the “perfect bubble of fans”… in fact, I think she’s trying to free herself of it. She quite literally said to stop using her as a guiding light. She does not want to be worshipped anymore bc suprise that’s fucking stressful! She can’t ever possibly please everyone, and she’s said as much a million times. She’s also said that she pays attention to fandom spaces, and that the things we say fucking hurt her. She is not an object to be purchased. She is selling concert tickets. Nobody is entitled to another person’s time/energy for any reason. Imagine what reading thousands of people saying that not being allowed to watch you do your job is the end of the world- how the fuck would you feel if you had to call in sick from work? I’ve had a literal mental breakdown over wayyyyy less pressure. Putting that kind of pressure on a person is dehumanizing.
Idk how else to say this but you should not be taking a concert selling out personally. Devastating, yes!! Absolutely!! But not because Taylor doesn’t like tumblr anymore or because you’ve loved her for 30 years or because someone who doesn’t deserve a ticket stole it from you like????
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sadaolim · 1 year
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Rules and About/Muse for Mobile!
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Hello hello! This is an remade/ovehauled(original blog Nov 2022, new one February 2023) indie rp/ask blog for Professor Sada (a darker take on her/ Lawful Evil Sada) from Pokemon Scarlet, I am Rain (they/them), older than 20, have been writing on tumblr for 10 years almost :D Blog is not spoiler free! Please know that I am anti-harassment and refuse to partake in fandom drama. I am a tad slow with my replies/threads atm, but feel free to IM me if you would like to plot! Thank you so much checking out my blog :D (Also on @emmetrain & @ingovercast )
RULES AND MUSE/VERSES for mobile users down below;
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IC =/= OOC. What she says or does are her actions, not mine. Our opinions differ. I’m not my muse. //Also, my portrayal of Sada is that she loves Arven truly, however, due to her issues and her “ends justify the means” approach, she left his side in his early teens to focus on the project that will achieve paradise for her family, resulting in neglect. Especially when… the accident happened and Professor Sada could not return to his side anymore. She can be “Lawful Evil” in which she follows her own rules to achieve her dream for her family, and will disregard other’s safety in return.
If you want me to tag something, please tell me. There will be no graphic images and such on here. Only fanart regarding Sada and Pokemon and my art (with occasional aesthetic pictures) will be reblogged from time to time.
Take all the time you need to reply! Really, real-life comes first so don’t stress out. I don’t care if it takes months for you to reply! I can wait!! (And I expect you to show me the same patience in return!
I will not remind you to reply. Ever. However, I will not assume it’s dropped permanently so I will give it time to be picked up. (So feel comfortable and reply at your own pace!)
Hate will not be tolerated. I am just here to write some fluff and angst and have fun! I do not wish to partake in fandom drama. I also will block people who participate in callout posts, vague posts or are on witch-hunts. Please, let’s keep this drama-free.
I do not condone harassment over someone writing fiction, AND I do not condone muns being subjected to heavy content without prior warnings/consent. RP is a community activity in  a way so please be mindful of what you are bringing regarding to triggering content. –Real people come first. For both writer side and reactor side. RP is two-person activity and triggering subjects should not be brought up without prior communication.
I will not roleplay incest. I will not ship Sada with any character under 20.
Crossovers and doubles are WELCOME!! OCs and Self-inserts as well!
I would love to have my mutuals have rules/about pages so I can understand their muse better and know how they conduct their blog. I may not follow if I cannot see your pages, and I prefer roleplaying with mutuals. However, asks are welcome!
I usually draw for my threads and if the post is originally mine, feel free to like it! :D However, please do not reblog rp/headcanons posts you are not part of, and check if a post is ‘ok to reblog’ before doing so. ALSO, since my rp partners might have different rules regarding liking their content (since it may clog their notifications), please check their rules before liking threads originally theirs/posted by someone other than me.
Please tell me if you are not comfortable with any elements which we may rp. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable with headcanons and plots which contain gore or heavy angst. //Also, I can’t rp some themes if my mood is down so please don’t rush me for replies.
This blog might contain a few heavy/dark themes but nothing darker than these (it will be tagged appropriately and be under read-more depending on the content): Mentioned childhood traumas (emotional/neglect) due to the backstory. Parental Abuse. Violence and emotional abuse might be explored. As a general precaution, you may blacklist the ‘ask to tag’ tag. 
My threads tend to get long, so, feel free to blacklist ‘long post’ tag! I do trim my posts and put my monstrous 3k replies under read-more, but sometimes it gets loooong.
The sins of roleplaying are not acceptable. (Godmodding and all that stuff.)
If I roleplay nsfw themes (torture, gore..that stuff)  It will be tagged with [insert here] tw and will be under read-more. (I do not think sexual nsfw will be present on the blog, however, if this changes, it will be tagged appropriately and be under read-more.)
Do not force sexual acts on my muse.
Tag me in your replies with my tracked tag ‘sadaolim’. It will make my life a lot easier. You can also mention me!
IM should stay out of character unless we talk about it. But I’m cool with IC IM. Just ask me first.
The icons and gifs I use are mine. Please do not use my icons, thank you.
I don’t mind how you format your reply! Everyone is unique in their own way so don’t worry about it.
Multi-verse. Every character has their own universe which is different from others if it’s not talked between muns or specified.
Sada’s backstory may reference canon muses, but these mentions will be disregarded unless we plot and agree on these points. Sada can also come in a blank state to match her family, Arven and Turo!
 I reserve the right to not answer a message or reply to a starter.. It does not mean I do notcherish your message or the starter, however, I may not have the right mindset or energy to reply back! 
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FULL NAME: Sada Olim ❒❒❒❒
AGE: 48
GENDER: Cis Woman
PRONOUNS: she/her, they/them
ORIENTATION: Bi (Biromantic Bisexual)
DATE OF BIRTH: November 18th (Scorpio)
HEIGHT: 6'8 (2 meters :) )
SPIRITUALITY: If she had to follow a higher being, she would choose Mewtwo (man-made, FAFO-mentality…)
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BASIC INFO: Sada is a dreamer and a hard-worker. She has sacrificed her time with her son to achieve the paradise for her family, where Pokemon of past and present can live in harmony. The destruction of the ecological balance is a risk she is willing to take, and as a Lawful Evil character, she is ready to take a stance against anyone who would try to stop her from achieving her dream.
Arven is her pride and joy, and she truly regrets the neglect of her son, yet, she has sacrificed too much to go back now. She has to achieve the paradise to make amends to her son, she cannot go back empty-handed.
Sada adores her Pokemon team of Paradox Pokemon, and her two Koraidons. However, she does baby the first Koraidon she had brought to the present, which is why the passive Koraidon will be called "baby" affectionately by her and this page. 
Sada, even after her separation from Turo, still loves him so, and respects him as the father of Arven. However, she is also hurt by his decision of being uninvolved with Arven's life.
Other than Arven, people Arven might care about, and her Pokemon, everyone else is on thin ice. If Turo could leave her, so could you. She will not make the same mistake again.
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[Unless agreed or clarified beforehand, your muse will face the real Sada. However, Arven, Penny, Nemona and the Protag interactions may default to the AI Sada, since the accident had already happened.]
[My potrayal of Sada is darker, as someone who lost the sight of what's important; she will not be afraid of making questionable choices.]
Sada has been the biggest history nerd Paldea has ever known. She was also fascinated with the idea of Pokémon from other ages, especially from the ancient past.
Professor Sada and Turo were the high-school sweethearts, who went to the Academy of Paldea together, and later become part of the team that explored the Greater Crater of Paldea.
With Director Clavell's support, she had solved the mystery behind the terastal phenomenon and named the crystallizing energy "Terastallizing". Her research contributed to the making of Tera Orb, which allowed Pokemon outside of the crater to terrastallize as well (which was also offered to the Academy).
Her contribution in making the protype Tera Orb helped her get the funding needed for further research, and she set up her second lab in a lighthouse near Cabo Poco.
After a breakthrough in her research she moved back to the Zero Lab in the Greater Crater of Paldea, though she would still work at Lighthouse as well. Sada succeeded in developing a time machine that would allow her to reach out to Paradox Pokémon, Pokémon from the ancient past, by transporting Poké Balls to different points on the timeline to catch them and bring them into modern time.
Arven, her dearest son, came to her life, and shortly after, Professor Turo had left their life. Sada still loves him so. In her pursuit of a paradise for her family, Sada continued her research.
After an incident where her first, precious Koraidon was seen by the others around the Lighthouse, Sada had to spend most of her time at the Zero lab, since she could not let Koraidon be seen by the others. (This did not stop her baby Koraidon from visiting Arven lots, though he would start to blame his mother's disappearance on the dragon and start to resent him.)
Sada was determined to make her paradise a reality, and had to achieve it fast without missing any more years she could have spend with Arven. To hasten the process and keep the secrecy, she made an artificial intelligence of herself.
Sada and her assistant, AI Sada would also bring the more powerful Koraidon to the present through the time machine. To her dismay, the Koraidons did not get along, and Sada found herself deescalating many fights between the two.
Sada also developed the Poké Ball Lock System, an ID-based defense mechanism for her lab. After the sacrifices she had made, she could not let anyone stand in her way. (This makes her unafraid to take some cruel actions if needed.)
Sada dreams of past and present Pokémon existing in harmony, however, she is ready to take the risk of ecological balance being disrupted. Destruction is a natural part of life. 
A territorial battle between the two Koraidon would take place, where Sada would misjudge the situation and her strength. She ended up taking a mortal blow from the stronger Koraidon while protecting the baby Koraidon from the other. This also led to the destruction of Research Station No. 4, and Sada eventually passed away.
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Pokemon team (Will match with the Pokemon RPer if needed**)
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Apate the Scream-Tail: Her favorite Pokemon for sure. Scream-Tail and Sada’s bond could rival her and the baby Koraidon’s bond, almost. Both tricksters, they had fun whenever Professor needed time to unwind. With her fairy and psychic abilities, Scream Tail would help Sada sleep when an intervention was inevitable. Apate was named for being a trickster, and the daughter of the night :)
Athena the Slither Wing: The fighter pokemon who is wise enough not to fight unless necessary. This also is why she was selected to be in Sada’s team, when she did not attack Sada but only defended herself.  Named Athena for being a goddess of wisdom and war. A pokemon of few words/cries, she is more fond of being present during Sada’s research. Due to Sada and Apate the Scream Tail being inseperablle, Athena ended up learning Zen Headbutt as well. (Apate’s bad influence.)
Janus the Brute Bonnet: The Pokemon from the ancient past who saw the future he never though he would end up being a part of. As a Brute Bonnet tied to nature and the dark forces, he was gifted with the power of Precognition. This gift meant that he knew what would become of Sada when he befriended her, and his resistance to being her friend to spare himself the heartache. However, even the pokemon of two faces (the red and white both foreseeing the Pokeballs of future and also symbolizing two faces that look into the past and the future) could not save himself or defy the fate.
Aglaea the Flutter Mane: Joining the professor out of boredom, Aglaea is the most competitive of them all: a pokemon of various moves, all a different type, except Fairy. Though the fae origin is not denied, Aglaea leans more into its ghost nature. She and the Professor enjoy each other’s company, and Sada’s fashion choices can be partly blamed on this Flutter Mane’s influence.
Aite the Sandy Shocks: This grumpy Pokemon has lived for thousands of years, before being snatched by Sada's time machine. He is known for his mischief, despite being grounded enough to control his impulses... for the most time. Enabler of Sada's most reckless plans, he got his name due to being a god of mischief, blind folly, rash action and reckless impulse. He is basically the shoulder devil of Sada.
Achlys the Roaring Moon: Perhaps the strongest pokemon and almost ace Pokemon of the professor, Achlys' and Sada's relationship is of respect and deep trust. Though not affectionate and outright cold toward each other, Sada loves the dragon more than anything, and can be found wrestling with the roaring moon as a part of her training regime. Achlys is indifferent toward humans, and acts almost like the leader of the team, keeping everyone in line. After Sada's accident, he barely accepted his position to remain as a part of the Paradise Protection Program. He had returned to the ancient past, but can be summoned by AI Sada into the present during the final battle.
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verse;; lighthouse and shattered mirrors
Before baby Koraidon was found out, Sada would spend her time equally between the Zero Lab and the Lighthouse where Arven stayed.
verse;; paradise: someday this pain will be useful
After she had to retreat to the Zero Lab to shelter the baby Koraidon, and focus solely o finishing up her project for her family /to return to Arven's side soon.
verse;; AI bad bad bad person
Because you love love love, when you know that she can't love. AI Sada's takeover after the professor's accident. Default verse for Nemona, Penny and protag interactions.
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:( so tumblr mobile does this thing where when you click the read more, at the bottom there are related posts. I go down a rabbit hole of those and now I'm finding out this might be the reason a blog might block me if they don't like "spam likes". idk this is a weird concept to me and makes me kinda want to find a different place for fics. Sorry if you're not on this topic anymore, I just read your asks and saw it. Do you read a person's blog info from the search page before reading the fic?
mmm, it might be but it’s hard to tell. I personally wouldn’t know how you found my works anyway lol 
when I want to interact with a blog, I check out their BYF or DNI on their pinned post -- mostly because i am older than a lot of blogs and I don’t want to cause them the big uncomfies if they don’t want to interact with someone my age -- I also check and make sure they are 18+ if i’m going to read anything spicy (it’s far safer for me) 
it’s sad to think about, but in a few months I’ll be too old to interact with most blogs that I love ... T>T 
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rpreview · 1 year
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now presenting a review for PITTSQZHQ !
@pittsqzhq​, a 21+ dystopian survival rp based on tumblr
first impression
ok based on the name alone i had no idea what to expect, so i’m excitedly heading over to your page! aaaaaa the aesthetic is very apocalyptic which gets me so giddy tbh, i am obsessed with apocalpytic plots, and the presentation is lovely, so you’ve got me so far! 
you may be fooled by the cutesy theme i’ve got going here, but horror is literally my favorite genre lmao
the plot
i already love the last of us so much (despite not even finishing the game yet because apparently i can only Do Things when the hyperfixation is fixated), so i can’t help but be a little biased here in just loving the concept alone. but you did amazing with setting up the plot! i think you’ve given solid information for anyone who has never seen the show or played the video game, so that it’s not entirely necessary to have that media consumption to play in your plot!
not only that, but you’ve provided details on so many things i’d normally have questions about, lol. i’m such an overthinker, i feel like i need to know everything i possibly can before joining a group. your plot even covers how the infection stages work, etc. so good on you, seriously. i really appreciate this as an overthinking bitch who needs to know every minute detail in order to feel safe to apply lol.
overall, the plot feels hefty and complete. it wasn’t a boring read, which sometimes long plots can be. i like that you’ve broken it up into multiple sections in which the sections aren’t too long either.
the details
i love the detail on your rules tbh. it feels very much rp once upon a time lol. rules are usually so simple now, which is ok! i just love this. 
i think you could use a location page (nothing fancy, even just a bulleted list with a little description could do!) to bolster the places mentioned in your plot! 
i can’t continue because i think your jobs link is broken :(
i’d also look into a navigation page, especially for those who are mobile, if you don’t have one! (i don’t think i’m seeing one) on that page, i’d normally expect to see like a checklist, a masterlist to follow, things like that, but i’m not seeing anything? and on the “more” button on the theme, it just refreshes the page.
i love the organization, it’s very simple to look around, which makes me feel totally chill. if i was an applicant, i definitely wouldn’t be too scared to apply. 
well you have kat graham and sarah michelle gellar as your mascots, and those are literally two of my all-time favorite faceclaims somehow, so im happy lmao. from what i can gauge on the main, you’re very friendly, and you want to run a tight ship with this roleplay, and i totally admire that.
i immediately struggled to find the navigation. i opened the page for my first impression, and i was really excited to find the plot, but i legit could not find the buttons for a good minute, aaaaa. it’s also really hard to read the text on the buttons. ok now that it’s bigger in this screenshot it’s easier but slkdfjsd it was very hard to see on the page. if the theme doesn’t allow you to change the text without changing another important aspect, check the html!
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i know how crucial activity is to a roleplay, especially these days with everyone flitting about without sticking around anymore. however, as a disabled person, the activity feels just a tiny bit too tight-leashed for someone like me to maintain. i know i’m not the average person, but it’s worth keeping that in mind!
i can’t find the forward/backward buttons on the pages, either.
i do see diversity in the cast, which makes me happy! i do see a handful of problematic faceclaims though that might scare a few people away if they are feeling uncomfortable about things like that.
UPDATE: the admins have reached out about this, and have assured they’re working on it!
tumblr: theme/graphics
i personally LOVE the scheme and the graphics, but due to how difficult it is to read the theme, find buttons, etc, i would consider changing it up a little. if editing it doesn’t work, maybe a similar theme? i know that always hurts to even think about, but you definitely want potential members to navigate with ease!
i love it!! i’d consider looking into the faceclaims that are being applied for, but i love love love an apocalyptic roleplay, and you’ve got a great plot here. i would just tinker with some of the minor details, and i think you have an incredibly solid group here i could see lasting for a good long while!
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duskvsdawn · 1 year
MLQC Fanfic - Gavin X Reader Smut
AN: I’m still figuring this whole “posting on tumblr thing out”. I kind of have to combine using my pc with mobile, because for some reason I can’t add mature tags on desktop and the “read more” section seems to move around when you post between pc and mobile... Bear with me! If anyone can tell me how to add a mature tag to my post on desktop, and make the “read more” section stay in the same place on both desktop and mobile, I would really appreciate it!
CW: Alcohol use, mentions of feeling depressed, and sex obviously. I think that’s about it.
You lay on your couch, curled up into a ball. You left work early because you fainted and felt sick. Your boss told you to go home and get some rest. So now you’re lying there, feeling embarrassed and like a failure. You decide to watch some tv to try and get your mind off of things.
“One week off of work. I guess I really needed a break after all. Gavin warned me so many times already to do that. I’m just not like that.” You say to yourself with a sigh.
 As you browse through the channels, you eventually find one with cooking shows and such. You love watching that stuff. As you watch the chef cut different products with skill and explain all kinds of tips and tricks, you start dozing off.
“Hey [y/n], I’m home!”
Gavin’s home, it seems. It woke you up.
“Where are you honey?” He asks as he walks in to the kitchen, usually seeing you there around this time.
“I’m here…” You meekly answer as you roll yourself up into your blanket.
“Hey honey, didn’t expect to see you here. Hey what’s wrong?” He asks as he notices your unusual sad face.
“Nothing, it’s fine.” You answer as you make room for him to sit next to you.
“Yeah, you’re definitely not fine. What’s up, come on tell me.”
“I… I got sent home for a week for a break.”
“Is that so… What happened?” He asks, thoughtfully.
“I fainted right before a meeting. When I woke up I felt sick.”
“I’m sorry to tell you this, but I told you so baby.” He says with a sweet smile as he puts your head onto his lap, gently stroking your hair.
“I know… I know… So I guess I have a sort of vacation now.”
“You really needed one. You’ve been working nonstop for months now. I barely got to see you anymore.”
“I know… I’m sorry.”
“It’s ok baby. Well, I don’t have anything scheduled for this weekend so we can just chill and relax. Doesn’t that sound nice for a change? The two of us, doing nothing special and just have some us-time.”
“That does sound nice…” You say as you entangle your hand in his, softly kissing it.
“How about I make dinner for a change? Or would you prefer some take-out?”
“I’m not really hungry.”
“Come on honey, its dinner time, you need some food.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t cook today…” You whisper as you feel tears welling up in your eyes, feeling like even more of a disappointment.
“Ssshh, it’s alright baby.” Gavin says as he pulls you into a hug.
 And then the two of you just sit there for a while. You can’t help the tears that are flowing at this point, all the built up emotions finally escaping. And Gavin just hugs you, kisses you and shushes you to calm you down. After a little while, you feel a little better.
 “Why does crying make people so hungry?” You suddenly ask through your tears, which are getting less and less now.
“Not sure. Feeling any better?” He asks as he wipes a tear from your cheek.
“Yeah… Thanks.”
“For what?”
“Just being here I guess.”
“Anytime, sweetie. What do we got in the fridge? I’ll make some dinner.”
“There’s some leftovers from yesterday we could eat if you want.”
“I meant actually cooking, but fine with me.” Gavin says as he gets up, kisses you on the forehead and disappears into the kitchen.
 You just sit there on the couch, rolled into your blanket, thinking about how strange life can be. How did you ever get lucky enough to even hook up with Gavin in the first place? He is way too sweet for this world. Drowned in your thoughts, you are suddenly snapped back to reality as a hand waves in front of your face.
 “A penny for your thoughts.” Gavin says with a chuckle as he puts down two plates and utensils.
“Huh, what? Oh.” You say sheepishly as you take your plate and quietly start eating.
“Are you alright? You still seem out of it.”
“Ah, give it a day… I’ll be fine.”
“Alright sweetheart.” Gavin answers as he kisses you on your cheek, browsing through the channels on tv.
“Hmm? What’s up?”
“Is it bad that I kind of feel like drinking tonight?”
“I can’t blame you. Do we still have anything in the house?”
“Not sure.”
“Hold on.” Gavin says as he walks over the liquor cabinet.
 “We still have some vodka and whiskey. Wouldn’t want to drink them mixed though.” He says with a chuckle as he brings over the vodka and two glasses, knowing that’s your favorite drink.
“Yeah, that’d be bad.” You say as you finish your dinner, filling up your glass.
“Don’t try to overdo it, for your sake.” Gavin warns you, worried about your previous struggles with alcohol.
“I’m sorry, I can’t promise anything tonight.” You answer as you quickly take a big sip, coughing at the burn in your throat.
“Guess I’ll just have to take care of you then. Not that I mind…” He says as he fills up a glass for himself and pulls you into a hug on the couch, blankly watching tv.
“Hmm… Gavin?”
“Yes, [y/n]?”
“What have I ever done to deserve you? Why are you with me when there are so many other cute girls out there?” You ask as you take another sip.
“Well, because I love you, silly.”
“That’s not what I mean. Why do you love me?”
“Hmm, let’s see. You always care a lot for others, you are very honest… And you’re just a damaged person trying to make the best of her life, and I admire your constant courage to go on. Those are a few of the reasons.”
“Not the answer you expected?” He asks as a takes a sip of his drink.
“Not really, no.”
“Well, too bad. It’s the truth.” He says as he puts down his glass, pulling you into a kiss.
“I- Mmm!”
“I just really wanted to do that.” Gavin says with a dark chuckle as he casually takes another sip.
 And the two of you just sit there for a while, cuddling, drinking, watching tv. After what feels like an hour, you put down your glass and pull him into a hug.
 “Honey, what are you doing?” He asks you as he puts down his glass, about as tipsy as you are.
“I just…” You finally say in a whisper as you hide your face in his neck.
“Something wrong?” He asks as he softly strokes your head.
“I’m just… I think I’m getting horny.”
“Is that so?” He asks with a husky voice as he moves your hair out of the way to kiss your neck.
“A-ah… N-no… Not there…” You whimper.
“Don’t be like that. I know how sensitive this spot is. As I’ve kissed it millions of times. And I’d love to kiss it a million times more.” He says in a low whisper against your red glowing ear.
“A-Ah! Gavin! Stop being so fucking romantic.” You say in a sweet moan as you wrap your arms around him, basically pressing your body into his.
 For a moment, he stops and looks at you. His eyes seem to mirror what you feel right now. Love and lust. Deep desire to please the other. You can’t help but just slam your lips on to his and kiss him for what feels like ages. You move your hands under his shirt to touch his warm skin as he starts doing the same to you. He quickly undoes your bra to touch the naked skin of your breasts, gently pinching your nipples.
 “G-Gavin… I want you… Please...” You beg him with a soft moan as your wrap your arms around his neck.
“Mmm, I’d love to. Hold on to me.” He says as he moves to pick you up bridal style.
 You tighten your grip on his neck for support as he carries you up the stairs. He carries you into the bedroom, softly laying you down on the bed. He then lays next to you, pulling you into a hug and kissing you. The kissing soon enough changes into a full-blown heated make-out session. Clothes disappear every now and then. He then pulls you into another hug.
 “I fucking love you.” He finally says as he kisses your cheek.
“I love you too… Please… Show me how much you love me.” You beg him in a desperate whisper, wanting nothing more than him inside you right now.
“Don’t worry love, I will.” He says as he moves in between your legs.
“Please… I need you.” You say as you wrap your arms around him, pulling him closer to you.
“I need you more. And I need you now.” He says as he slowly pushes inside of you, pulling your upper body up so he can hug you properly.
“S-shit!” You his as your body adjusts to his size, burying your face in his neck, smelling his scent.
“Are you alright baby?” He asks worriedly as he kisses your cheek.
“Y-yeah… I’m fine… It just feels so good to have you inside of me. It’s been too long…” You say with a happy sigh as you kiss him.
“It has been. Is it ok to move?” He asks as he entangles one of his hands in your hair.
“Please do. I can’t wait any longer.”
“Me neither. I love you.” He says as he starts thrusting his hips.
“A-ah! I love y-you too!” You moan as you instantly feel in utter bliss, your body enjoying all of him after such a long time.
 For the first time, the sex between you two feels more focused on the love for each other than the sheer lust. Since it has been so long that the two of you had sex, all the two of you tell each other is how much you love them. But of course that wouldn’t last forever. After a while, you want more. Your body demands more friction.
 “G-Gavin! Please! More!” You beg him, shivering and whimpering in his arms.
“Anything for you babe.” He says in a low growl as he speeds up, deepening his thrusts as well.
“S-shit! Oh my god! I needed this so fucking much! Oh god, yes!” You moan out loud as you tighten your grip on him.
“You feel so goddamn good… Fuck…” He hisses as he leaves love bites along your neck and shoulders.
“S-so good!”
“I love you so fucking much.” Gavin growls as he moves you slightly in his lap, his pelvis now rubbing against your clit as well.
“A-ah! G-Gavin! If you keep this up, I’m… I’m…”
“Are you getting close, love?”
“Y-yes! S-so close!” You whimper as you feel the familiar pressure build up in your lower body.
“Wait for me baby… I’m close too…” He answers in a low moan, then proceeding to slam his lips onto yours.
“I can’t hold it!” You beg as you break the kiss to take a breath.
“Me neither… Cum for me sweetheart.” Gavin whispers into your ear, this instantly sends you over the edge.
“A-ah! Gavin!” You scream out as you orgasm, digging your nails into his skin.
“Damn, [y/n]… I’m gonna… Oh fuck!” Gavin growls as he releases inside of you.
 “Hah… Hah… Oh gosh…” You finally manage to bring out as you pant, trying to catch your breath.
“That… I needed that.” Gavin whispers as he kisses you while he pulls out, moving to lay you down.
He then lays down next to you and pulls you into a hug.
“Mmm… Me too…” You whisper as you move strand of hair away from his forehead that is now stuck down with sweat.
“And now, let’s sleep.” He says as he pulls the blanket onto you both, then moving back to hug you.
“Mmm, good plan.” You say as you lay your head close to his chest, listening to his heartbeat.
“I love you sweetheart.” He whispers as he kisses the top of your head.
“I love you too…” You answer with a happy sigh as you tighten your grip on him.
 Soon enough, you drift off to sleep.
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roleplay-today · 1 year
Hi! I’m Briar, a 25+NB looking for any 21+ who are interested in any of the below plots or AUs. Full disclosure, some of the characters listed are Fandom tied, but I am looking for specifically non-Canon AUs for them. The personalities are very close to the same. I am interested in darker dead doe themes, but I would like to refrain from any explicit spicy themes (though romance is welcome for a few of the muses.) even though all of the muses are 18+.
🟊 A small-time funeral director finds someone either not dead or suddenly resurrected on his table. (Bonus points if the wake has already happened, but the actual funeral is less than 36 hours away.) (Be aware that this might be dark, but it doesn’t have to be, other than the previously dead thing.) Muse: Ruth from Ancient Magus Bride (pre-Chise personality, so a little sad and has a small aversion to people with a heartbeat.)
🟊 A 1920s-1930s Mafia AU where a high ranking Caporegime is supposed to “retrieve” a person who crossed the Family. (Bonus points if this turns into a f// love story.) Muse: Magma Admin Courtney from Pokemon Ruby (a mixture of manga and original Ruby in personality)
🟊 A modern day real world AU with an eccentric and easily distracted woman who has oodles of trauma where a chance meeting lets her make a friend. (Just, let my weird little child have a weird little life in a big city and a friend.) Muse: OC named Kitten (Very forgetful, but is cheerful and wants to make friends, even though she doesn’t quite know how.)
🟊 Urban fantasy. Just, in general. I have a total of 6 muses to choose from. (Though, two of those muses could have a companion apiece if we include their canon counterparts.) F// or FxNB is the option if we want to choose a romantic subplot. Open adventure where magic or supernatural people are celebrated, underground magic to keep users from being killed, a mundane open market peddling magical items. The possibilities are endless!
Now, for the more technical shoptalk. I tend to put out responses that can be anywhere from 250-750 words, more or less depending on the situation. (I have been known to put out starters that clocked 1200 words. It doesn’t happen often, but it has.) Tumblr is my preferred platform, but I can be persuaded to Discord. For Tumblr, I do not use icons or fancy text/formats, but if that is how you prefer to do yours, I do not mind. I am a medium activity blog, meaning a reply should come twice to three times a week. If I am going to be longer than that, I will let you know. (Work can sometimes just drag me down.) However, if you catch me while I am still awake and have just posted, there is a chance you might get a second or third reply before I fall asleep. We will see!
I do like to get to know my partners a little before we start and I like to think communication is key for any kind of working relationship. If we don’t really mesh as people, I worry too much about our compatibility as roleplay partners. And if at any time either of us aren’t feeling the roleplay anymore, I hope that we can talk through getting it back on track or break off amendably. I am adamant on parting civilly and not being ghosted.
If you have read this far, thank you! It means a lot. My RP side blog is @wanderlust-rp. You can DM me there if you are interested. I have a lovely pinned message with a carrd, all the mobile-friendly bios, rules, and otherwise if you would like to look at those as well! I look forward to plotting with you!
(I hope you have a good day, too, Mods. You are wonderful and we all appreciate you.)
0 notes
findingroleplays · 1 year
Hi! I’m Briar, a 25+NB looking for any 21+ who are interested in any of the below plots or AUs. Full disclosure, some of the characters listed are Fandom tied, but I am looking for specifically non-Canon AUs for them. The personalities are very close to the same. I am interested in darker NSFW themes, but I would like to refrain from any explicit sexual themes (though romance is welcome for a few of the muses.) even though all of the muses are 18+. OCs are preferable, but Canon-divergent characters could also be discussed!
🟊 A small-time funeral director finds someone either not dead or suddenly resurrected on his table. (Bonus points if the wake has already happened, but the actual funeral is less than 36 hours away.) (Be aware that this might be dark, but it doesn’t have to be, other than the previously dead thing.) Muse: Ruth from Ancient Magus Bride (pre-Chise personality, so a little sad and has a small aversion to people with a heartbeat.)
🟊 A 1920s-1930s Mafia AU where a high ranking Caporegime is supposed to “retrieve” a person who crossed the Family. (Bonus points if this turns into a f// love story.) Muse: Magma Admin Courtney from Pokemon Ruby (a mixture of manga and original Ruby in personality)
🟊 A modern day real world AU with an eccentric and easily distracted woman who has oodles of trauma where a chance meeting lets her make a friend. (Just, let my weird little child have a weird little life in a big city and a friend.) Muse: OC named Kitten (Very forgetful, but is cheerful and wants to make friends, even though she doesn’t quite know how.)
🟊 Urban fantasy. Just, in general. I have a total of 6 muses to choose from. (Though, two of those muses could have a companion apiece if we include their canon counterparts.) F// or FxNB is the option if we want to choose a romantic subplot. Open adventure where magic or supernatural people are celebrated, underground magic to keep users from being killed, a mundane open market peddling magical items. The possibilities are endless!
Now, for the more technical shoptalk. I tend to put out responses that can be anywhere from 250-750 words, more or less depending on the situation. (I have been known to put out starters that clocked 1200 words. It doesn’t happen often, but it has.) Tumblr is my preferred platform, but I can be persuaded to Discord. For Tumblr, I do not use icons or fancy text/formats, but if that is how you prefer to do yours, I do not mind. I am a medium activity blog, meaning a reply should come twice to three times a week. If I am going to be longer than that, I will let you know. (Work can sometimes just drag me down.) However, if you catch me while I am still awake and have just posted, there is a chance you might get a second or third reply before I fall asleep. We will see!
I do like to get to know my partners a little before we start and I like to think communication is key for any kind of working relationship. If we don’t really mesh as people, I worry too much about our compatibility as roleplay partners. And if at any time either of us aren’t feeling the roleplay anymore, I hope that we can talk through getting it back on track or break off amendably. I am adamant on parting civilly and not being ghosted.
If you have read this far, thank you! It means a lot. My RP side blog is @wanderlust-rp. You can DM me there if you are interested. I have a lovely pinned message with a carrd, all the mobile-friendly bios, rules, and otherwise if you would like to look at those as well! I look forward to plotting with you!
(I hope you have a good day, too, Mods. You are wonderful and we all appreciate you.)
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roleplayfinder · 1 year
Hi! I’m Briar, a 25+NB looking for any 21+ who are interested in any of the below plots or AUs. Full disclosure, some of the characters listed are Fandom tied, but I am looking for specifically non-Canon AUs for them. The personalities are very close to the same. I am interested in darker NSFW themes, but I would like to refrain from any explicit sexual themes (though romance is welcome for a few of the muses.) even though all of the muses are 18+.
🟊 A small-time funeral director finds someone either not dead or suddenly resurrected on his table. (Bonus points if the wake has already happened, but the actual funeral is less than 36 hours away.) (Be aware that this might be dark, but it doesn’t have to be, other than the previously dead thing.) Muse: Ruth from Ancient Magus Bride (pre-Chise personality, so a little sad and has a small aversion to people with a heartbeat.)
🟊 A 1920s-1930s Mafia AU where a high ranking Caporegime is supposed to “retrieve” a person who crossed the Family. (Bonus points if this turns into a f// love story.) Muse: Magma Admin Courtney from Pokemon Ruby (a mixture of manga and original Ruby in personality)
🟊 A modern day real world AU with an eccentric and easily distracted woman who has oodles of trauma where a chance meeting lets her make a friend. (Just, let my weird little child have a weird little life in a big city and a friend.) Muse: OC named Kitten (Very forgetful, but is cheerful and wants to make friends, even though she doesn’t quite know how.)
🟊 Urban fantasy. Just, in general. I have a total of 6 muses to choose from. (Though, two of those muses could have a companion apiece if we include their canon counterparts.) F// or FxNB is the option if we want to choose a romantic subplot. Open adventure where magic or supernatural people are celebrated, underground magic to keep users from being killed, a mundane open market peddling magical items. The possibilities are endless!
Now, for the more technical shoptalk. I tend to put out responses that can be anywhere from 250-750 words, more or less depending on the situation. (I have been known to put out starters that clocked 1200 words. It doesn’t happen often, but it has.) Tumblr is my preferred platform, but I can be persuaded to Discord. For Tumblr, I do not use icons or fancy text/formats, but if that is how you prefer to do yours, I do not mind. I am a medium activity blog, meaning a reply should come twice to three times a week. If I am going to be longer than that, I will let you know. (Work can sometimes just drag me down.) However, if you catch me while I am still awake and have just posted, there is a chance you might get a second or third reply before I fall asleep. We will see!
I do like to get to know my partners a little before we start and I like to think communication is key for any kind of working relationship. If we don’t really mesh as people, I worry too much about our compatibility as roleplay partners. And if at any time either of us aren’t feeling the roleplay anymore, I hope that we can talk through getting it back on track or break off amendably. I am adamant on parting civilly and not being ghosted.
If you have read this far, thank you! It means a lot. My RP side blog is @wanderlust-rp. You can DM me there if you are interested. I have a lovely pinned message with a carrd, all the mobile-friendly bios, rules, and otherwise if you would like to look at those as well! I look forward to plotting with you!
(I hope you have a good day, too, Mods. You are wonderful and we all appreciate you.)
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