#I didn't want to spend money on new products just for that one lipstick but this palette saved the day
strawberry-cowmilk · 1 year
kind of a crazy experience but I tried a new eyeshadow palette and literally every matte shadow matched a lipstick I already owned, perfectly, undertones and all
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Sephora (Jamie Campbell Bower One-Shot)
Summary: Y/N loves spending time with her boyfriend Jamie even if it means dragging the man to the mall to buy makeup.
Warnings: Major fluff
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She didn't understand the appeal of lipgloss. Sure, the scents could be absolutely delicious smelling and the shades could be rather pretty when applied. But she hated the feel of the slime that coated her lips especially since she is one of those girls who often licks her lips; FYI lipgloss doesn't taste good. But, it's not supposed to be eaten right? Plus there is the fact hair gets stuck to it so often during windy days and who wants to be picking hair strands out of your mouth every two seconds while outside while wearing lip gloss? Certainly not her. Don't even get her started on lipstick either. Pretty colors and bold expression sure but it either overdried your lips if it was a matte and made your lips look like the ground during a drought with it being all crusty and shit but if it wasn't matte well the color just wiped off on everything you put near your mouth. Eating something, throw that idea out the window. Want to drink something? Smudge the lipstick and stain the rim of your cup. Want to kiss your boo-thang yeah you're going to make a fool of both of you. So that's why she stuck with chapstick. Smelled good, tastes good if accidentally licked, and it wasn't always obvious whenever it rubbed off of anything like lipgloss or lipstick would normally do. So yeah, you can imagine that Y/N had a shit ton of chapstick of all brands and flavors just lying around in her house, in her car, and her purse.
So as she strolled through the make-up store idly browsing some nice new shades of lip tints in Sephora she couldn't help but pick one up and examine it. It was pretty in a shade of plum. Darker purple colors or natural is one of her favorites to check out when shopping for rare occasions lip products. But after a moment of thoughtfulness, she set it back in its little slot unaware of the man who came up behind her until a tanned arm reached over her shoulder to pluck the very same lip tint from its place and she playfully swatted at the hand with a playful click of her tongue.
"What are you doing? Put it back," she demanded softly not wanting to get more attention on them than they already had.
Being the girlfriend of rockstar and actor Jamie Campbell Bower certainly didn't make up for many private outings ever since he got that roll as Vecna in Stranger Things. They'd already been stopped multiple times during their time at the mall by some fans. Of course, he was always so sweet and gracious with them; allowing hugs, short chats, and pictures but at the end of it all he never forgot his beautiful girlfriend standing off to the side nor did he take long with his fans before returning to his lover to continue the shopping.
"Do you like it?" his accented voice spoke up thoughtfully as he looked at the small tube before those gorgeous blue eyes drifted over to the girl beside him.
"It's pretty. But you know I don't wear such things. The color just caught my eye is all." Y/N shrugged with a soft smile before she began to turn to examine some other makeup products.
The clinking of the glass tube in the small hand basket he carried for the Sephora store made her spin around in surprise. "Jamie! No! Absolutely not, you put that back right now mister!" she demanded reaching over him to grab the lip color from the plastic basket but it was pulled from her reach as he laughed.
"You like it, you would look beautiful with that color on so I'm getting it for you. No questions asked," he replied with a teasing cock of his eyebrow as if daring her to argue further.
"Jamie~" she whined softly and he couldn't help but smile at her pout. "Really. You know I don't wear that stuff. You're wasting money! You know I hate you wasting money on me!"
his brows came together and he leaned down slightly so their faces were close to each other. Those intense eyes staring into hers made her knees weak especially as he said in a soft crooning voice he knew would make her swoon
"It's my money love. If I want to spoil my baby then I'm going to spoil my baby." he gave her a sweet little kiss on the tip of her nose. "Now let it go baby girl," he told her before he straightened and wrapped his arm around her waist to carry on walking through the store.
Y/N wasn't anything great. Not a famous actress or a singer like her gorgeous boyfriend. Just a simple girl who posts shit on Tiktok. They'd met through the app actually after he'd seen her video; one she'd quite forgotten about and he'd messaged her through the TikTok app; from there it was history. They'd been together about a year now and she still never got used to his loving, goofy, and selflessly selfish attitude when it came to how he treated her. It was a dream any Jamie Campbell Bower fangirl could ever want in all honesty.
"You're impossible you know that?" Y/N looked up at him. She studied his beautiful sharp features, the way his blonde hair seemed brighter in the white lights of the makeup section of Sephora, and the way his blue eyes sparkled as they looked down at her with affection. God this man was perfection, and the smug man knew it too.
"I'm not impossible." his lips formed into a pout briefly before they curved into a smirk. "I just know how to get my way."
She laughed shaking her head before interlocking their fingers together as they walked. "You know, we should look at eyeliner."
"Oh? Did you run out already?" he asked absently as he followed her as she steered her way into a different aisle.
"No. I was just wondering what you'd look like with eyeliner on." Y/N teased but seriously was dead set on buying a stick for Jamie. Because every rockstar like Jamie Campbell Bower should wear eyeliner to make those gorgeous eyes more prominent
"I swear darling if I start wearing eyeliner I think the internet will finally explode, and if that's the case I might have to be bailing you out of jail, love." he joked back but he didn't stop her as she browsed the many brands on the shelves in front of them.
The thing was he'd do almost anything for the girl. As long as she kept that beautiful smile on her face; no matter how often she would complain that he spent too much money on her, what could he say? He enjoyed spoiling her and when you're someone who makes millions of dollars what's a few hundred spent on the woman he loves? Their attention was pulled away from the make-up to a shy-looking girl who had been in the same aisle as them and the glances she gave Jamie was one the couple had seen many times before and not just today.
"Hello love. Did you want a picture?" Jamie turned to her with a warm smile that only grew when the girl nodded "Alright then, c'mere!"
After a few pictures were taken with the musician, the girl was turning away before grabbing Y/N's arm lightly and leaning closer to whisper with red cheeks of embarrassment as she said. "I think he'd look so good in eyeliner."
Y/N's brow raised before she was giggling along with the girl before the fan walked away. A strong arm wrapped around her waist from behind and Jamie's chin rested on her shoulder gaining her attention back to her pouting boyfriend.
"What was that about?"
Y/N leaned across to grab a black eyeliner before tossing it into the basket in her boyfriend's hand as she grinned up at him. "That's 2 votes against 1 for the eyeliner. You lose." she squealed as his long fingers dug into her sides lightly as he tickled her.
"That's alright. I can rock anything." he grinned down at her before grasping her hand. "Now come on beautiful. We still have to go visit Bath and Body Works. I used the last of your body wash" he stated as he dragged her away to pay for the products ignoring the little giggle of amusement coming from beside him from his girlfriend who was imagining him smelling like peaches and cream.
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twistedmusings · 3 years
How the dorm leaders react when they catch you kissing someone from their dorm [Part 2]
A/N: AND HERE IT IS! Oh my god I still can't believe I managed to get this done! I actually stayed on task! Honestly these three were probably my favourite from the original post, I've had far too much fun writing these bois.
And what can I say? Playfully flirty MC is a good MC u wu
Warnings: Heavy smooching, possessive talk, and the reader just really pushing the dorm leader's buttons~
Part 1 here!
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“How dare you...?”
Vil was more than happy to be coming back to Pomefiore with all the stuff that had happened today. Classes were more annoying than usual, he had to chase Leona down to tell him to get his work done and there had been some problems in the modeling studio that caused the lights to be brighter than usual and now he had a headache that only a nap could fix.
Thing was, if he wanted to keep his schedule as tight as possible he would need to stay awake for...another 6 hours.
One good thing was waiting for him though. Rook had greeted him at the entrance and let him know that the Ramshackle prefect was in the dorm today as per his request.
This would keep him awake. He remembers promising you a lesson in proper skincare in order to remedy whatever you did once you woke up in the morning. Deep in the back of his head he remembers you telling him that you just splash cold water on your face but he preferred to think that you at least put some sort of moisturizer. Maybe.
He rushes to his room to freshen up and makes sure that he has the materials he needs. Vil had decided that his own brand of face cleansing products would be a good start for your skin. The tingles in his fingertips went ignored as he thought of you thinking about him in the morning. It wasn’t that sort of thing at all, he reminded himself. Dorm leaders were supposed to help each other out, despite how often they were at each other’s throats, and he was just fulfilling his role not just as a dorm leader but as a...friend.
Vil takes one last look at the mirror and makes his way down the row of rooms in Pomefiore to reach the Lounge, only to stop when he sees you being pulled into one of the many rooms by what was clearly a Pomefiore’s students hand.
Wait what?
It’s almost alarming how quickly he approaches the door and puts his foot in it, choosing to stay quiet as he sees that the two people in the room didn’t even bother to wonder why the door hadn’t closed all the way. The student was pressing kisses against your lips in small intervals, choosing instead to talk as you run your hands up the expensive purple robe and taking in the little designs.
“I had a new lip scrub I wanted you to try out.”
“Really? Then why aren’t we in the bathroom?"
“That’s rather forward for a dorm leader. Is everyone in Ramshackle this daring?”
Vil couldn’t even pinpoint the student’s name. That was your first offense. The only thing he remembers about him is the man’s caramel brown hair and how it contrasted beautifully against his dark skin. After that, nothing could pop into his head that would make that student even remotely interesting for you to be hanging off of him like that! Of all the people to be with, it just had to be a nameless potato, didn’t it?
The hairs at the back of his head stand up as the potato hands you what he believes to be the best lip scrub in the business, which only makes the alarms in Vil’s head go off even louder. That brand wasn’t even known for doing lip scrubs! In fact, they once put out a three in one shampoo/conditioner and the fact that the student even had that brand in the dorms and you just blatantly accepting it was your second offense.
And as much as he wanted to focus on that being the thing that truly bothered him, he felt the alarms deafening him as he saw the potato’s hands wrap around your waist as he kissed you again, your lips parting to let him inside.
He shouldn’t be looking at this, he should be leaving and just leave you to your own devices. The lesson wasn’t important, you weren’t that important to him--
Amethyst eyes widen when you tilt your head as the student starts kissing down your neck, already choosing one spot to make his own as he licks and nips at the skin while you dig your fingers into his robe.
Vil didn’t really know how to describe the sudden surge of energy that caused him to fling the door open and grab the student by the back of his robe and pull him backwards, eyes glaring at you the entire time as you whisper his name, as if suddenly remembering that you had a previous engagement before this whole ‘sticking your tongue down a Pomefiore student’s throat’’ business.
“Prefect. My room. Now.”
You put your hands up and walk out of the room without looking at him, Vil letting go of the student’s robes and walking out after you. He didn’t even need to tell him that he was in trouble, the student would realize it soon enough once Rook delivered the chores that needed to be done by tonight.
A list only that student would be getting instead of the entire dorm.
Vil closes the door of his room and turns the lock rather harshly, looking back at you sitting at the edge of his bed still staring at the window. You weren’t trying to defend yourself, you weren’t even looking at him.
“I hate to be kept waiting, Prefect. Not just that, it is extremely rude to keep someone waiting just so you can fraternize with someone in my dorm.”
No answer. He grabs his desk chair and sits down so he can face you directly.
“What made you go and pick that potato?”
“Why would that be any of your business Vil-senpai?”
It was very much his business, if you asked him. He would have been okay if it was Epel or even Rook that you had picked to make out with but he wasn’t just going to stand around and watch as one of the student’s whose name he didn’t even know threw all of his work out of the window! So he asked the question again, this time getting a chuckle as an answer which only served to upset him even more.
“Out of anyone in my dorm you could have picked, you had to go with someone who offers you such a low quality brand of lip scrub?”
“That is your problem with this? What he offered me? Me and him just started hanging out, we know nothing about each other! I just wanted to change that.”
His headache was coming back again.
Vil put hard work into everything he did. That was his work ethic and people be damned if they thought it was too much. Maybe they couldn’t handle it but they still respected it, respected his craft and the work he put into it.
So why do you, of all of his recent projects, disrespect him so blatantly?
It was clear you weren’t ready yet, Vil wasn’t done working with you yet. After doing something like this, and right inside his dorm, he knew that you had just taken all of the careful brushes and strokes he had decorated your canvas with…
And burnt it right in front of his eyes.
Which is why he didn’t necessarily feel any guilt when he grabbed your cheeks and pulled his own lipstick out of his back pocket, ignoring your protests.
He applies the shade quickly and before you have any chance to protest, pushes his lips against yours.
The kiss is anything but sweet. It’s almost punishing. Vil was reminding you that you were a work in progress. He still had so much left to teach you, so much left to work with you and if you kept rushing things you were going to make him mad. Once he was done with you, you could go about your pitiful little life and kiss whoever you wanted and he wouldn’t even bat an eyelash.
A hand grasps at his wrists as you press his palms on your cheeks, your tongue gently pressing against his lips so you could slip inside--
Nevermind. This sort of impatient kissing would also have to go.
He pulls away and pushes you onto the mattress, your eyes hazy with eagerness and confusion as Vil removes his jacket and gloves and leans down to trap you below him.
“Were you this greedy with him? Did he also get this treatment from you? No, don’t answer. I fear I’ll only get angrier if you do. Now be an obedient little potato and stay still, the first thing I’ll fix is that messy kissing of yours.”
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“ :( “
Snacks runs had to be the most annoying and heart pounding of his usual daily life quests. If waking up was a struggle enough, especially when no special loot such as new anime or manga was available, it was hard to complete such basic tasks without some sort of incentive.
Although Idia guessed that not dying of starvation was enough of an incentive.
He walks down the corridor of his own dorm, humming a quiet tune to himself as he looks down at all the snacks he had acquired. Which, score! They even had a limited edition chip flavor that came with the card of one of his favourite idols! It took everything in his power to not just spend all of his money on more than one bag but he had such a good day today that he knew his gacha pull luck just had to be good.
The door to a room behind him opens, Idia quickly picking up his pace and hiding behind a corner as he looks at who it could be. He isn't against anyone in his dorm but...he didn't have the means to engage in any conversation that wasn't about his current FPS game or Gakemo so--
"Thank you for the help! I thought my phone was beyond repair!"
His hands tighten around the chips pressed tight to his chest, eyes wide in surprise as he sees you stepping out of the room.
Of all people...why were you here so late?
The student laughs as he scratches the back of his head, handing you back your phone and looking away.
“No--No problem! I...I honestly didn’t think you would come to me for help. I integrated the newest magical technology on it as well as voice activated features and a--a brand new messaging app that sends messages faster!”
Idia clicked his tongue as he heard the student speak. Look at him showing off. You didn’t know that he was taking advantage of your naive mind! You didn’t know anything about magic so, of course, all those features would sound fancy!
When it was literally taking your phone and just downloading some fancy new apps on it!
Yet there you were, marveling down at it as if you had just gotten the latest version.
Well maybe he shouldn’t complain too much, even from here he could see your smile. A part of him worried that all this luck he was suddenly getting would affect the luck he would get on his chip bag but...you were worth it.
Such a rare event shouldn’t be left unnoticed.
Maybe...maybe if he stayed here you could walk by and he could open up the ‘bumping into each other late at night’ event?
“So how can I repay you? Do you need anything done?”
Idia tunes back into the conversation as he frowns, looking back at the two of you as the student looks at every single corner of the ceiling instead of looking at you.
Payment? The guy had just downloaded a couple of apps that wasn’t good enough reason to offer some sort of payment. He frowns and taps his foot impatiently as the guy stutters out a few excuses before finally giving you an answer.
“A ki--A kiss? Would that be alright?”
The Ignihyde dorm leader almost falls down as he hears that, retreating further into his corner as he glared daggers at the guy who had just dared to ask for such a bold request.
A k--kis--kiss? A kiss...from you?
This guy was starting to piss him off! He should just be content staring at you! You were a SSR character all on your own! That guy should be happy he even got to talk to you at all and shouldn’t ask for more than he was given! He already rolled for such a life changing event why would he even want more!
His eyes soften when he sees you mull it over. It was okay, you could reject him. Such a guy wouldn’t even be worthy of a kiss from you so you so all you had to do was say no! Go on, [Y/N], just reject hi--
Idia can feel his heart breaking as his muscles stop working, dropping all of his stuff on the floor with a thud as the sound echoes. Yet it went ignored, the other two people in the hallway too busy with their own activities.
When...when had you even kissed him? Idia only remembers you putting your phone away and the moment he blinked you had already pressed your lips against that other guy--!
He should be leaving, why isn’t he moving?
The student’s hand goes to your waist as you deepen it, his face turning a deep shade of red as you pull away and tap his lips.
“Was that your first kiss?”
You were smiling and giving him such a rare, almost ultimately rare item and Idia didn’t know how long he could stare until he combusted.
So all he could do was turn around…
And run as fast as he could.
He ignored the familiar voice calling out his name, footsteps quickly following him as he started to run out of breath.
Making a poor otaku like him run, even now you were still being so cruel to him!
Idia’s door slides open as he bursts inside, ready to bury himself in his bed and never come out again--!
Only to stop when he hears you hiss in pain.
Blue eyes turn around to see your foot jammed into his doorway, not allowing the electric door to slide closed. A part of him wants to immediately go to you and ask if you were alright but he stops himself as the image of your kiss flashes through his mind again.
“[Y/N]-shi! W--What--!”
You rub at your foot and sigh, walking in with a confused look as Idia presses his back against his bookshelf. He knew it. If a SSR character could be brought to real life, this is the sort of power they would have over him.
The kind of aura you were emitting was enough for him to want to get on his knees, but he chose to remain strong.
“I was calling out to you…didn’t you hear me?”
Idia turns his head and looks at the floor, the pain still raw and emotionally taxing than what he was used to. Disappointment was one thing but heartbreak was a complete other monster!
“Shouldn’t--Shouldn’t you be with your boyfriend?”
He spits the word out, annoyed that a guy from his dorm could unlock...no...could get someone like you. You were open to every single activity Idia gave you, you gave him good feedback and didn’t get scared when you two disagreed on something. Every manga he gave you, you read and every anime he told you to watch, you would watch it.
You were receptive, you were attentive, you were what Idia wanted in a real life friend!
He hadn’t dared hope for more!
That still didn’t mean he couldn’t fantasize when he was all by himself.
You tilt your head in confusion before chuckling as you realized what had happened.
“Oh so you saw that.”
Is that all you were going to say?! You had just taken his heart and crushed it into tiny little pieces and you were just going to talk about what a pervert he was being!
Someone just KO him now, like right now!
“Yes...I saw. So what? You were just ki-kissi--doing that thing from everyone to see! So you should just go back to him instead of bullying me in my own room!”
Please just leave, he wanted to cry in peace.
Yet you stubbornly remain, just like the first time he met you.
“Idia I don’t know what crazy assumptions you are making but that guy isn’t my boyfriend.”
You put up one finger.
“He fixed my phone…”
Another one follows after.
“And he asked for a kiss for payment. Simple as that. You shouldn’t act like you caught us doing something major. It was just a kis---”
Large hands land on your shoulders as Idia now stands in front of you, head hung low as he mutters something to himself.
“Just a kiss….just a kiss.”
You jump as he gets close to your face, eyes staring at you pleadingly as he cupped your face.
He shakes you back and forth.
Idia’s eyes fall on your lips, the rush of adrenaline mixed in with his built up desire for you all culminating in two choices popping up in his head. And for the first time, he knew that hesitation was not an option.
So he dives in.
His lips met yours roughly, not really moving them or anything but just pressing them against you. You put your hands gently on his chest but he takes it as a protest, which only causes him to push them onto yours even more.
This was...disastrous.
He had never kissed anyone before. How in the world did he think that he would be able to kiss you? Ah, maybe this was a dream? Right! He had just dreamed all of this up and you didn’t really force your way into his room to confront him!
His hair flares up when you cup his face, pushing him away slightly and tilting him in such a way that your lips would meet in a much softer fashion. He looks down and sees you closing your eyes, following in your footsteps and melting inside your kiss.
You both pull away slowly, Idia opening his eyes and blushing when he sees you licking your lips and sending him a teasing grin.
A rare sight...made only for him.
“I feel like I just spent all my stamina on this one event...so I don’t want to go unrewarded. Can we go further? I want to go further. What option do I have to pick for you to do that again, [Y/N]?”
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“Don’t touch them.”
Malleus sighs as he looks on at the Diasmonia students gathered around the outskirts of the school, smiling as he sees Sebek directing them each and every way. Sebek really didn’t give up, did he? One of his classes had been canceled and he was eager to see the gargoyles around Ramshackle in a much better light but he figured Sebek would cause up a stir when he didn’t find him in his classroom.
As much as he appreciated him, Sebek didn’t have to walk him to every single class.
He sighs and goes deeper into the woods behind Ramshackle, the small broken path there leading him down a familiar terrain.
This is where he usually walked with you, after all.
Seeing this place in bright light was so very different. Instead of it being illuminated by his lights, the sun peeked out from over the trees and provided a sunny trail instead of the usual moonlight. He took a deep breath as he breathed in the smell of flowers all around, all of them growing wildly around him and defying any human to try and tame them.
His fingers trace some of the thorns he found on some of them, the flowers attracted to his touch and moving closer to his hands as a small vine wrapped around his finger.
All with his magic’s help after all.
This was his safe space. Malleus would come here during his first and second year and lose himself in the wilderness. In here no one would fear him. Here every single thing was responsive to his touches and even dared to touch back. Some of the wild rose bushes also reminded him of him, Malleus adding a bit more thorns around the flowers as in to emulate the very home he missed.
In this lonely place, he flourished.
But it wasn’t so lonely now, was it?
His third year had brought one big surprise. A human. A child of man who did not know who he was or what he was capable of. They looked at him as if he was just any other stranger roaming around their dorm and not the next ruler of the Valley of Thorns.
And Malleus, being the very curious person he is, found himself pulled to your inattentiveness.
He had dropped many hints that he was eager to get to know you more, relishing in the fact that you two were starting to get closer. And while he had hoped to keep his identity a secret a bit longer, he found it almost unbearable for you to not know who he was.
If you were so open with who you were, then he should show you the same kind of respect.
How wonderful that you were now on a first name basis with each other.
Malleus could walk over to Ramshackle dorm now and knock on your door without hesitation, smiling as he sees your excitement at just what places you two would discover in the dead of night.
Bummer you couldn’t be with him now.
He had seen you come out of your dorm and ask Sebek if he needed any help, to which the fae replied rather rudely that no human could ever track down his young master, so he was a bit reluctant to discover any more places without you by his side.
These walks were something you two did together, after all.
So he remained at this spot, touching everything and anything that would strike his fancy while going deeper and deeper into a small clearing you two had found. A large tree decorated its middle, the leaves falling gently upon the ground as the sun shone down on the large pond that provided this part of the forest with the water it needed to balance out the sun’s gentle rays.
“Shhhh, don’t make too much noise.”
Malleus stops as he hears your voice, his head immediately turning towards the sound as he hears rustling behind him. He smiles and turns to where he thought you were coming from only to be struck by a sudden idea--and immediately hiding among the trees and bushes so you couldn’t see him.
Would you be surprised to find him here?
He hoped so. Malleus had the habit of appearing to you suddenly so this wouldn’t be breaking any traditions between you two. If he played his cards right, you might join him on a walk all the way to the edge of the island.
“Prefect do you know where you are going?”
“I do! I’ve been here so many times. Now come on!”
Another person’s voice. No...he had heard that voice before.
Malleus retreats back into his hiding spot as he sees you rush by, holding by the hand a Diasmonia student as he rushes to follow you. You smile and turn around, still holding his hand while the other looked on in amazement at where you had led him.
“Prefect...this is…”
“Like it? Me and Malleus found it a while ago. This is how we know we are close to the edge of the forest.”
The Diasmonia dorm leader smiles as he watches you show the student around, pointing out different sights and sounds as the other watched on in amazement. That student probably had never gone anywhere this secret and while Malleus was glad you were showing off the place you two shared…
There was a feeling deep inside his chest that flared up angrily as he caught the student looking at you more than his surroundings.
Green eyes watch as the student’s hand clenches and unclenches, seemingly working up the courage to do something as you continue speaking. Which was rather rude, in Malleus’s opinion. You were explaining some wonderful things about the flora here and he was just staring at you without engaging in the conversation.
And how did you two know each other? Malleus had never mentioned you in Diasmonia except to Silver and Lilia, had he known you before him?
Malleus hands grip the tree bark tighter as the student takes your hand, stopping your explanation as he gets you to focus your attention on him.
“I’ve been eager to find some time alone with you.”
The student clears his throat before pulling you by the hand gently, your surprised look turning into one of playfulness as you follow along with his movements. He leads you to the edge of the pond, spinning you around as you allow him to position you in such a way that you are now closer to him than before.
Which only makes the angry feeling in Malleus’s gut flare up even more.
“Have you now? What for?”
An answer Malleus wanted to know as well.
Blushing, the student smiles and leads you into a dance with no music which only served to make you laugh and make Malleus’s fingers dig deep into the wood of the poor tree.
In the dragon fae’s eyes, you two are dancing for hours without caring about who was around. Why had he even brought you here? This student was part of Sebek’s surveillance crew and yet here he was not doing his job. But he wasn’t the one who brought you here…
You were.
Your actions were lost on Malleus as the dance finishes up, the student dipping you low before bringing you up.
“So you brought me here to dance? Who knew Diasmonia students were so charming.”
Malleus didn’t like the way you were smiling, nor how your hands rested on the student’s shoulders. He hadn’t seen this side of you before, you were playing along with this student and his motives.
Had you always been so playful? Malleus had only seen you during the night and whenever you two spoke it was a conversation worthy of two friends sharing experiences together.
But not this...never this…
“Well, not just a dance. I’ve wanted to state my intentions outright.”
The tree starts to crack slowly as Malleus can feel more thorns growing out of the rose bushes around him.
“Ever since you arrived, you have been an enigma to me. You are always so helpful even to those who do not seek your aid. Even now, you didn’t have to help me search for our Young Master."
He wasn’t searching for anyone, he was too close to you for Malleus’s liking and he needed to learn how to respect your boundaries.
“Yet you still offered me your help...and I…I want to...”
The student was leaning closer as his hands slid down to your waist, Malleus staring as you started to tilt your head as you placed your hands on his chest while his lips were dead set on meeting yours--!
Your face is tilted up as cold lips meet yours, your mouth opening in a surprised gasp as the hold the student had on you was no longer shy and timid but angry and possessive. These lips were pulling you in closer and closer, greedily eating each and every sound you were making as the air was slowly stolen from your lungs.
A string of saliva is left hanging as you two separate, your eyes fluttering open as you think of something to say to such a ravishing kiss.
Only for them to open wide in surprise as you see who you had really kissed.
You turn to look behind the fae’s back, the Diasmonia student looking at his Young Master in mild panic and surprise while Malleus presses you close against his chest, clearly hiding you from view.
Right before the student even had a chance to taste your lips, Malleus had rushed out of his hiding place and pulled him away by the collar of his shirt.
For a dragon to watch on as something that was his was so close to be taken away, the surprise must have gotten to him.
“Go tell Sebek to head back to Diasmonia and call off his search. I will be there by nightfall.”
The student tries to stutter out a response but Malleus glares back as he keeps you pressed firmly against him.
You watch the student leave in a hurry, following the broken path you had led him in with. Your eyes peek up to look at Malleus but the dorm leader waits until the sound of footsteps is long gone before tilting your face up again and leaning down to press his lips against yours in another rough and dominating kiss.
Hands push you forward as your back collides with the huge tree in the clearing, Malleus making sure that the back of your head meets the bark gently as his lips never parted from yours. You wrap your arms around him as best as you could and let out an involuntary squeak when the fae decides to pick you up so that you could pull him in even closer.
He is the one to pull away first, hands firmly on your bottom as you wrap your legs around his waist to support yourself.
The fae presses another kiss to your lips, effectively silencing you so that all your attention would be on him.
“Don’t ever bring someone else into this place, child of man. Do I make myself clear? This place is our haven and I will not have someone else come steal both it and you away from me. Well, even if you don’t understand, I’ll make sure to explain it to you thoroughly. Now...kiss me again.”
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Dating and priorities. 1500, 18 Mar 2021
"Priorities" has been such a key word these days, because as much as I had been experimenting with a specific type of dating, I'm glad that I'm able to clarify to myself the good things among any else. This time I'll record what happened with my 1st few trials with said certain type of dating. Try to guess what kind of dating I went for, though they all took place online.
In retrospect, the first profile I made was the best. I could rejoice ironically how much of a regret I had after deleting it, but I'm not someone who goes with guilt and remorse. I always move on, though this time it felt more emotional, and I felt I had to carry an extra sack from where I'm walking away from, like this was a souvenir from the experience I went through.
My first profile picture was really elegant with a tinge of sultriness, but just a teeny tiny tinge of that. The background was a pale pink with a light tiffany green accessory cape, a few dark wooden-like ornaments on a sort of mantel. At least that was the impression of the profile picture, because truly it was just my bookshelf and my bedroom wall and a random piece of sheet I threw over to cover my sort of library collection.
I was wearing my bob with my bangs pinned up so I looked clean, tidy, well kept, classy, simple, no-nonsense. My make-up was a simple blush pink lipstick, some mascara, some compact powder to cover my undereye circles, brow penciled. The compact wasn't really covering the deeper shade of my undereye fully, combined with daylight it seemed too transparent, but that warrants my no-need to do any eyeshadow.
In the profile picture I'm in a half smile, but really it's just a matter of angle because I don't have to smile at all, I just seem like I'm smiling politely. My eyes looked downwards at the camera lens. I looked really classy.
Anyways the description and the photo was a boom because I received messages as soon as I put them online and they got approved.
There's this guy who offered a pay per meet but they gave off an off vibe so I deleted the message.
Over those kinds of inboxes the 1st guy that caught my eye did exactly this: he wanted to meet over coffee and offered a monthly allowance of 3000. That caught my eye because he meant business. I later caught on with him by texting outside of the website only to come to the conclusion I wasn't able to meet him because I won't be around until the middle of April. He told me to let him know when I'm back in the city.
Maybe he was the 1st person I reached out the furthest, I was interested and sent a message of a song recommendation from spotify to him but he didn't reply. It felt like dangling on a cliff. 1 week later I got another message from an overseas number offering a job. I knew the only way was through this person because I only used this new number of mine to communicate with him.
That gave a suspicious feeling, because this proved he might give any info of mine to anyone and the key thing was Without My Permission, I don't care if he did it out of what kind of intention. It was wrong and crossed my line, and as much as the offer of 3000 monthly seemed attractive to me (a 1st timer) I decided to delete their contact on my phone.
I had another place where I kept account of our chat details so if I ever (but highly unlikely) want to reconnect to this person whom I had researched online and found out he is a carpet businessman who looks I have seen via photographs of him, I decided it was done.
My principles.
The next person I dealt with just recently. He was such a friendly person who seemed genuinely into the game. And by game, I'm sure with his experience, he's a player. He's married but still looking, and from what we talked about on phone (he was the 1st to call me and the 1st guy whose voice I had heard since I started dating like this) he had a partner once for 2 years, she was a student but she ended her studies and things moved on but they kept being friends, this guy is someone who really manages his time with finesse, I must admit. He is a professional engineer, he says, and in his messenger account he put a name that I could easily research online and find a construction company director position linked to it. From there he is said to be a graduate from the University of Melbourne a long time ago. From there it tells me about how old he is now. His children (since he said he is married) if any, I figure could probably be older than I am.
That aside, he seemed genuinely interested to have a long term relationship. He seemed chemistry. He is very friendly and I could totally be friendly too, but I was guarded and cold compared to my usual self, especially when I was on that 1 phone call with him. He said he was driving, and he liked to hear about people's voices when he drives back home from dinner with his friends.
The next day I was greeted with a picture of a rose from him and a wish. The day after it was a quote and another wish for productivity as I mentioned my occupation too. This guy really knows how to converse. I admire his manners and conduct. In fact, he matches 89% of my description of "what I'm looking for". Save the married part.
He asked me if I'm allergic to married men. No, I'm not. I see them as humans all the same. I actually see him as a patient. It has only been 1 year and 6 months since I've enrolled in my professional academic training, and for that part of mindset, I was intrigued by myself to be honest.
Like I said, I was interested also because I was curious why he would had such kinds of affair after marrying a woman. I researched online for a consecutive 3 days regarding this matter. The reasons were humane enough.
I was reckless and threw this connection away. Because I was trying, too hard. I had a favourite guru on this sort of dating and she was successful. In her videos she said it was never too soon and about how we keep our standards up high so that people we date are on par and we don't waste our time. Be focused on the aim. There's nothing wrong with that. Anyone who wants something has to set their intention on it.
I wanted a book so I texted him about it and he read my message and never ever replied. I was filled with guilt I removed my simcard so that I never EVER reconnect with this person however the chemistry or friendliness existed for the first 2 days.
I recall a tarot reading because I'm into these stuffs. The reading said this person "will prepare you for your true connection". I couldn't agree more. I felt on one hand I disrespected him, on the other hand he taught me to be respectful of time and mannerisms. It was a sort of transaction with no money involved. I'm grateful I met this person, he really reminded me of that.
He also showed me how high my standards should be.
The day after I watched my guru online and she reminded to keep it as a date, not some job.
Of course. I just went off track for a time. See how it affected everything. Impressions are so important.
I started to date because I wanted to spend my time on guys who can afford and are good in management, well in conduct, respectable. I was grateful I met them. It felt rare. I wouldn't have met these people who are multimillionaires, entrepreneurs, CEOs, Directors, if I only mingled with peers. Plus my peers suck.
What an experience. I'm thankful for these gurus. Eventhough I will most probably NEVER meet them ever again. But I will remember their names, they have touched me without knowing (it's not that sentimental, just stating) and if I ever come across them in real life, I will send a wish for their general well-being. Like putting it out to the universe and the universe will take care of everything else.
I took out my profile and deactivated it. Nothing remains except if you're a hacker you may retrieve the deleted info. It was like a summer fling to me. Although everything IS like a fling to me. I take things less serious than I seem to be, and as much as I'm warm around, my heart isn't as so.
All in all, it was my 1st experience with sugar dating. Yep. Meeting successful men who keep their private life so private people assume they're gay? Interesting as heck.
I'd love to redo this again in the future after I level up. Ah, such are the beginnings of and afterthoughts for my dating choices. Imma try to write a book in the end as a memoir. Cheers!
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nctaezen · 3 years
Happy valentine day aka both the lovey dovey holiday and our bday bpy himself, I saw your gifset and 100/10!! Amazing work, please frame that gifset in a museum pronto!! It sounds like your valentine's day was fun ^_^
But yes I am from Chicago haha, it doesn't seem fancy to me being in Chicago with how expensive downtown can be at times (but then again, when is downtown in ANY big city not expensive?) But it is a lovely place nonetheless, granted don't come now because its cold like the northpole xD but very much recommended the spring time personally! I do hope you have the chance to come to Chicago when things calm down
Ooohh same lol, I can do my nails like a pro but eyeliner ??? I struggle lol. I watched videos on tips but I still can't figure how to not stop my hand from shaking =/ (if any of your followers know a trick do share! Help this noob anon out, i will pay with cookies!) I can do it decent line but its always thick for some odd reason lol. It starts off good in the beginning with a nice thin line but then I go full raccoon mode xD I have big eyes as well so technically not good for my eye shape but it is what it is haha. I do prefer pencil since its easier but I do enjoy the liquid eyeliner look. My current makeup look is eyeliner, mascara and some lip product. I do eyeshadow if I want to be fancy haha but for sure need to look into getting some better products. The ones I do have my eye on are nyx because we love a good mix of free of animal products and cheap, bare minerals is nice as well as well as color pop! For the pricier end fenty and rare beauty are on my list (especially rare omg the lipstick shades are so, so pretty! Especially the color you mentioned ^0^) but ooh we love pinks and orange shades! We love the soft, spring romantic vibes! For me. I like a bit of everything but i do find myself leaning into red, pink, orange shades with a mix of dark tones like a dark wine shade or even black djaksja. My favorite lippie i own is this beautiful orange/brown color? Idk if that is the right way to describe it but it is a pretty color! Jdkandks @ that large lipstick collection, respect haha. I enjoy the old school lip gloss look because i like pretending to feel like an Bratz doll lol.. bb creams are good and I may go with one in the future since it seems a good product to use if you don't want to dive into foundation and such c:
Now skin care wise, I agree! Not all pricey products are better. You can find good products for half the price that works for your skin! It is a trail and error sadly but eventually you will find something that works best for you c: and ooohh i think i have heard of those brands! I'll look at them later to see what they have so thank you for the suggestion!! Lol maybe that's a good thing the brand isn't around where you live xD but true, it is best to not continue with using the products so I will sadly throw them away. I feel bad since I did spend money but if it isn't doing me good skin wise well why ruin my skin more? Garnier is great for sure! I love their micellar water so I may invest in some of their other products! When I will do that, not sure because my parents are a bit strict when it comes to makeup/skin care stuff *sigh*
Oof I do feel like there have been alot of romance plots so we do need a break with some other plot ideas like a good mystery drama for example like let me feel like Sherlock when watching the episodes haha. But ahh it be like that xD sometimes you start off watching a video or two and then you are spending half the night watching funny edits of nct lol and idk how he can be calm like jaehyun is so calm in the most chaotic moments. Like he didn't even flinch when the boxes exploded in nct world!! Teach us your calm ways jaehyun. But I do love his dad ways from the humor he has or his dad sneeze (I will admit some fans do take the "jaehyun dad" narrative a bit too far sometimes or maybe its just me? Thoughts love?)
Oof until april!? Oh no D: I hope the numbers slow down during then, sending good vibes to your family as well during these times! You also stay safe! As for me, yeah just have been staying inside. Not much to do sadly but I'm being well fed with kpop so not complaining haha
Hey hey! How was your week/days so far since Valentines? 
Well I had a lot to do and I was mainly busy with work (once again). I am remodelling/redecorating my room as well and I still have lots of plans on it, let’s see how the things end up because I will do it all alone (wish me luck).
Happy you loved that set and I hope you will anticipate my Ten set as well (it’s a secret, not secret anymore but I still haven’t started with it yet I have lots of notes and ideas saved, I just need the courage and time for it).
Oh yeah I knew it hehe as far as I know Chicago looks very modern and seems a bit luxurious, indeed should be a bit expensive in the downtown, but even in my country, downtown is something I usually avoid for hanging out because it’s super super pricy. 
I came across a few fun videos on tiktok and there was a girl doing her eyeliner in one go, like less that 1 second and I was like?? she’s not from this world. I had the chance to try my new bb cream and corrector from nyx and so far I love it, it doesn’t feel heavy or itchy on my skin, also knowing it’s cruelty free, it’s something that stands on my top buy makeup brand list. I used to love lipgloss when I was a child/teen, but not anymore, I wear my hair down and if go out. Forget about it, especially since I live in a windy area. And now with masks I can only wear a no-transfer lipstick or simply lip balm. A brand I think I will try soon will be Cerave, I heard only good things about it and Wayv also promoted it in the past. At that time the brand wasn’t available in my country, now it become quite popular and if the lockdown ends next month, I’ll go to a pharmacy to test the products and (hopefully) buy some. 
As for my drama experience, I started to watch Vincenzo since it’s on Netflix it’s much easier to watch but I didn’t expect the whole comedy twist, I thought that drama was based on a dark-crime-mafia plot, yet I was once again fooled by the trailers. Anyway he looks sooo good for his age, I thought he was in his twenties, just wow! We’re a decade apart, and man! he looks so young, maybe even younger, insane! I should drink more ginseng tea for infinite youth haha Anyway the drama is a stay because I love him so much, he is a very talented actor and hopefully the plot will change as the history will go on.
About Jaehyun and that dad narrative, well yes. Things go out of hand for everyone else not only for him, especially in cases when these words are shoved right into their faces, I would never dare to comment anything like that under their social media or even on personal-interactions, it just seems uncomfortable on many levels. If someone looks hot and sexy, this is what he is and this is what we call them for, magazines and articles describe idols a lot these days with these words and that is ok because it means they have an attractive image that everyone wishes to have or achieve, yes I do get jealous sometimes even if they are men so 😂 but those type of whatever role-playing words, no, niet, nein, não, non. Out of question.
Meanwhile a few comebacks happened and I was excited for it, Shinee’s title song is sooo good and I love the savage lyrics. The rest of the album is also amazing, I have like 3 top favorites. Now I am waiting for Wayv comeback that will happen soon, hope SM won’t disappoint with another low-budget MV, I know we are in a pandemic situation rn but even inside the box, a MV can look stunning. SM take notes from “Make a Wish”, that was simply beautiful and almost everything was shot indoor, stunning effects I want to see again.
And I don’t think I had the chance to ask you, how did you like 127′s Japanese album? I love all the songs and there is non I skip when I play the whole album. I love how different hits from their Korean albums, there is something alluring about it, well the lyrics also suggest that so- I couldn’t miss that huge album that looks like an A3 portfolio so I already ordered one, hopefully by the end of the March I’ll get my hands on it, I can’t wait because the pictures are simply stunning!
Hope so far you have been fine, stay healthy and take care of yourself, and hope to hear from you back soon ❤️
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