#I chose them because they rhymed and now I’m like wow what the fuck man
fregget-frou · 1 year
Eeg 4 pages in less than an hour hand hurty
I sure do love the final weeks of the semester ohGOD I hate this shut
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walkerismychoice · 6 years
Whiskey Brothers
Book: The Royal Romance and Endless Summer Crossover
Pairing: Drake Walker and Jake McKenzie (Platonic)
Authors Note: Happy Birthday @lazychic28! She made this request a while back and it has been sitting in my inbox, so I figured what better time to write it than for her birthday! Also as a disclaimer, fraternities and sororities are not painted in a very positive light in the fic. I know that’s not the case for all, but it is for these particular people.
Word Count: 1357
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Drake stood outside the door to his dorm room ready to start his new life. He was excited to be away from the palace and Cordonia and to just blend in with with other "normal" people or "commoners" as they called them back home. He had no details about his roommate other than his name, but Drake couldn't imagine he could be any worse than the stuck up nobles he had to put up with for most of his life. However, as he opened the door and crossed the threshold, he wasn't so sure of that anymore.
"Hey man, it's about time you showed up! I was beginning to think I was going to get this room all to myself." His roommate appeared to be shorter and small-framed with shaggy, dirty-blond hair and a deep southern accent. He sat on one bed surrounded by piles of clothing. The bed against the opposite wall, which Drake presumed to be his, was piled high with his roommate's possessions.
"I can see that." Drake said flatly as his eyes darted toward his own bed.
"Oh, sorry about that. Like I said, I was starting to think you weren't going to show. I'm Jake. Jake McKenzie." He hopped out of bed to shake Drake's hand. He was as small as he had looked sitting down and was dwarfed by Drake's 6'2" muscular frame.
"Drake Walker." Drake shook his hand back firmly.
"Jake and Drake, that rhymes!" Jake noted enthusiastically.
Drake rolled his eyes. "Neat...Now could you please move your things so I can set my stuff up?"
"Sure thing, Big D." Jake replied with a smirk.
Drake glared down at Jake. “Do not call me that ever again. My name is Drake.” What was with this guy?
“Aww, come on. Nicknames are my thing. Fine, if you don’t want me to call you that, tell me more about you. I can hear from your accent you aren’t from around here. I’d say somewhere in Europe?” Jake guessed.
“Cor-what-ia? Never heard of it."
“Cordonia. It’s a small island off the coast of Greece,” Drake explained. “You don’t sound like everyone else around here either. I detect a southern accent.” Maybe if he got Jake talking about himself he would drop the nickname thing.
“Yep. Louisiana. But hey, how do you know that much about American accents?”
“My mother is from Texas”
“Hmm,” Jake tapped his chin thoughtfully. “I know! I can call you Walker, Texas Ranger!”
“What?” Drake narrowed his eyes. “Why the hell would you call me that?”
“Haven’t you heard of the show Walker, Texas Ranger? Chuck Norris? Ring any bells? Drake shook his head no. “That’s too long anyway. How about Chuck? Nah, you don’t look like a Chuck.”
“Really, you can just call me Drake.”
“Do you ride horses?”
“What the hell kind of question is that?” Drake spat. “But yes, I have spent a lot of time around horses.”
“Makes sense with this whole cowboy aesthetic you have going on.” Jake waved a hand up and down pointing out Drake’s jeans and button down flannel shirt. “That’s it! Mother from Texas...Rides horses...Cowboy is now your new nickname.”
“God no.” Drake shuddered. “I will not answer to that.”
“Sorry pal, it’s been settled,” Jake said with a smug look on his face. “I don’t chose the nicknames, the nicknames choose you.”
Drake wondered if this guy ever shut up. “I’m not your pal either.”
“Don’t worry, you will be in no time.”
If Jake had thought they would become fast friends, it was quite the opposite. Drake should have known what a slob Jake would be from that first day. If that had been it, Drake could probably let it slide, but Jake was far from an ideal roommate. He never shut up and continually refused to call Drake by his real name, always coming up with new nicknames. However, Cowboy remained the favorite, much to Drake’s dismay. Jake always stayed up late with the TV turned up too loud, and seemed to hardly ever make it to class. More nights than not Jake was bringing home one in an endless string of one night stands. Drake was relegated to sleeping on a couch in the common room lest he want to listen to moaning all night and risk seeing more of his roommate than he wanted to.
Jake was always asking Drake to come out to the bars with him. He even got him his own fake. Drake was committed to keeping weeknights for studying and preferred to hang at the dorms or go to low-key house parties with a small group of close friends rather than take Jake up on his offer. Drake found himself studying one Saturday night before midterm exams and Jake was not having it.
“Dude, you are always studying. It’s Saturday night! You should be out partying. Come on, Cowboy! I’m dragging you out with me.” Jake tried to pull Drake from his desk chair but he didn’t budge. “If you don’t join me, I’m going to have to bring the party to you.”
Drake sighed deeply. “If it will get you to shut up for five seconds, fine, I will go. But I’m only staying for a couple of drinks."
Jake grinned gleefully at his victory as he ushered Drake out the door. When they got to the bar, it was packed wall to wall with frat guys and and sorority girls.
Jake scoffed. “Shouldn’t these assholes be having an exclusive party at the frat house so we don’t have to see their stuck-up faces?"
“Heh,” Drake chuckled. “Looks like we finally have something in common. They remind me of the high and mighty nobles back home, living off mommy and daddy’s money and thinking they are better than everyone because of their status.”
“Yeah, maybe we should head to another bar with better company.” Just as Jake turned to leave, a large, redheaded frat guy came barreling through and stepped on Jake’s foot. “Hey Gingy, watch where you’re walking!”
“What did you say?” The redhead seethed.
“Maybe you need both your eyes and ears checked, Big Red.” Jake poked him in the chest.
“That’s it shrimp!” The guy pulled his fist back and started to strike out at Jake. Drake seeing it all unfold quickly jumped in and caught the punch in his hand and then twisted the guys arm until he cried out in pain. “Fuck, what was that for?"
“As far as I can tell, you are the one that owes my friend an apology for barging into him,” Drake reasoned. “Now, do you want to cause more of a scene, or are you going to leave us alone?”
“No man, we were just leaving.” He gathered his frat brothers and they filed out shortly thereafter.
“Wow, Walker, I’m impressed! Where did you learn moves like that?”
Drake shrugged. “I took a lot of self defense and martial arts training back home. No big deal. And look at that, you kind of called me by my name.”
“One time deal for saving my life...Anyhow, since they are gone, why don’t we stay?” Jake suggested.  “I’ll buy you a drink. You earned it.” 
“S’pose I can’t say no to free booze.” Drake sat down on a bar stool, and Jake sat next to him. 
The bartender showed up moments later. “So, what will you two be drinking tonight?"
“Whiskey, neat” They replied in unison and then stared at each other in disbelief before both bursting out laughing.
 “Maybe you aren’t so bad, McKenzie. You do have great taste in liquor after all.” Drake clapped him on the back.
"You do realize you told that idiot we were friends, right? Looks like we are on our way to becoming best buds." Jake clinked his glass against Drake's.
"Yeah, yeah. Clean up your side of the room and stop kicking me out in the middle of the night, and then we'll talk," Drake said as he tried to hide a smile. Jake was by no means a perfect roommate, but he was turning out to be a decent friend.
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lizuouou · 3 years
NewYork NY
Today was interesting. I caught myself off guard by realizing how easily a person can get influenced by another. My cousin and I have been discussing family a lot and it feels guilty because there’s so many mistakes, mess and drama. I feel like I definitely over spilled the beans. I need to learn how to stay civil like this is not the best, I know this because it didn’t feel the best but also that my mom sent me a long paragraph explaining how I need to be mature enough to see a world through my win lens and not always be influenced by others, even if they have more votes, my opinion should be entitled to myself and not bias. Bias is a bitch.
I read about Poland springs and how the water they promise us from the springs of Maine doesn’t even have “a drop of fresh water” and Nestle got a lawsuit worth $5millll like bro serves you right we out here drinking tap water lmaooo are we kidding ourselves? Is it really false advertising? Because the last I remember ain’t nobody getting an entire carton of water for like $4? And the plastic, manufacturing, transport, and resources used to get the water itself probably costs so much more. And we’re being promised fresh water from the springs. But why would they give out fresh water from the springs? Who even are we kidding. Isnt water supposed to be worth much more? I thought there’s a war that’s going to happen on water. Shit’s precious!!!
Either ways, I was so bored that right after I actually opened Omegle. No not for any perverted business but because I just wanted to talk to someone. Anyways I came across an 8 year old who told me her boyfriend probably cheated on her and when I asked what? She said yeah haven’t spoken to him in 2 years. I had to control my laughter so hard and I just said “well if you haven’t talked to him in 2 years chances are he probably talked to someone else.” And now as I write this I realized damn, I just gave a little girl advice way too much for her maybe. She dipped faster than a wizard, b knows Whatsup, confrontational issues and shihhh. Then I came across this 19 year old girl from West Virginia who told me her parents left her with her grandmother along with her two younger siblings. They’re drug addicts. I felt kind of really bad because when I confessed I’m glad I saw her face and not a 40y/o’s dick she laughed and said “I just wanted to talk” and I felt that. We both reached out for our puff bars and simultaneously took turns to spill. She told me her dad doesn’t give a shit. We were so chill, no omg I’m sorry to hear that shit. Because let’s be real, you don’t need to be sorry. This is my life, if anything I just want God to feel sorry. Sorry as in, I’m sorry you is sad :( here are your dreams and goals in your hands ta-da. I wish. I felt bad for the girl, the internet kept twitching so I just closed the tab. An 8 y/o and a 18 y/o girl I’ll never speak to again. She told me so much about herself but we never told each other our names. Just our pain? Her boyfriend was a scum bag. Ex boyfriend. Well, I kept silent because I felt like she was being really open. I will never talk to her again. Feels so weird?
That is our generations summary of emotional connection. Short. Like all the fkn boys in my school in FPS like fam just grow up literally lmao jk. Am I? Nah. Anyways I also ditched a friend so brutally I feel bad. They booked an air bnb in front of Central Park and got food and zaza and everything but I chose to meet my best friend his mom and sister, he knew I’m no way interested in him at all. He’s actually always been this genuine. Man’s took the biggest L for us. While Yaldram, rhyme and i walked to his place, he took out a joint and lit it up. Mind it, ain’t legal. A cop literally took a u turn and Yaldram passed it to him cause he was shutting his pants and this dude said yeah give it to me nothings going to happen. BUT SOMETHING HAPPENED.
the cop showed up and asked if that’s weed and rhyme said yes. Holy shit at this point he stretched his arm out and asked for it again and he said no it’s just weed bro, then he reached out called 4 other cop cars by pressing a button (for backup) and I finally said “just listen to him man”. It was embarrassing, people walking past kept looking. Anyways he took all the blame, honestly I just took one puff and was not onboard with the idea to begin with, not even 3 minutes ago I was reminding them how that’s illegal.
He got a ticket, and then I met Yaldram’s mom for the first time and I think I made it so weird because of all what had just happened, was so anxious but whatever. Met his sister and will meet her again tomorrow even though he won’t be there. That makes me happy. I’m welcomed.
However, it was 11:35 pm and I really had to leave cause metro closes at 12am and I realized now it’s too late to go to the air bnb. I didn’t go for two reasons. 1) it’s an airbnb with one guy and stoned? Yeah kinda not the best situation to put myself in. 2) 1
But I felt really bad, this guy rhyme said nothing. He went full MIA for more than a year and doesn’t speak to anyone and didn’t even get back on social media but reached out to me and met me and actually did all this and at the end said bro it’s no worries I’ll drop you, paid for my metro djdnt even let me Venmo (or give me his # or Venmo) only contacts on insta. I didn’t tell anyone I met him because I have to respect his privacy. I apologized a few hours ago because lastnight I said sorry and just that sorry about the food. Because he ordered food there already. But in the morning he told me that I’m a gem of a person and don’t realize that. Like why are you being so nice to me? I can suspect he has a soft spot for me and I have made boundaries and this friendship completely platonic the moment it happened. And he then told me remember the first time we met? ( I didn’t )
It was 2 years ago at a party where I was crying talking to my ex after 2 years of the break up. And this guy randomly walks upto me asks me if I’m okay and gives me water. Mind you no one in a party gives a fuck. Especially that party. And especially my tears against his. It was politically warm? I don’t even know. So that guy who saw me then, came to surprise me on my 21st birthday from NY with the goodies (so illegal) and then ended up meeting my other ex and Yaldram him and I roamed around Boston. It was fun because of my friends. And I was fkn stoned. But yeah and then he looked at me yesterday at the metro and laughed saying “you’ve grown beautifully” I get ceeped out super fast but with this dude I dont. Everhone (including me) thought he’s bi or gay because every time there’s a good looking man he’d say “wow he’s beautiful” but he’s straight he said and also I realized maybe he just speaks his mind. He asked me of the rumors I heard and I told him it was 1) stealing 2) gay and he was like who tf said I’m gay bro, and then he said the guy in front was cute, and then he said “that’s so gay” and laughed. So see? This is a very unusual man. But I had to be home regardless because a) arham b) 12:35am was a perfect time to be home. I don’t like staying out too late anymore? It feels weird. Unsafe perhaps.
However I apologized properly finally. Explaining myself. Saying that I get defensive when I’m high and that the metro closes at 12am but even though the original plan was Yaldram him and I meeting at the place he booked but Yaldram couldn’t show up so I made us go to him instead and we used the time up in getting him his first ticket and in letting me meet my friend before he goes.
I will never forget this man, he told me two of his best friends died that’s why he’d never want his friends to be in any type of trouble. And you know what’s weird about it all? He literally took all the blame in a heart beat with a calm smiley face and I know he’s the one who’s the real gem because not once did he complain or remove that smile off of his face. There was also supposed to be a surprise there but I won’t know anymore. I didn’t ask either.
Writing this made me realize, I want to live harder. I want to be a gem ( no tickets ) but I want to be a gem in my own eye where I can adore myself and allow others to too, and adore them back. Oh and there was also a drunk girl after the whole popo incident who was so sus she acted drunk and said I look like Ariana grande “petit, long hair, big eyes, trust me girl you’re good” and in my head I thought yikes these are the beauty standards in her head which are normalized and thst made me realize oh no she thinks she isn’t good enough does she? Well I hope she does. But also she was sus just weird, walked with us for so long then disappeared then 14 minutes later found myself again running into her at a grocery store by his house?? And she acted as if she never saw me before so I was like oh...
Anyways it’s 1:54 am and I’m glad I wrote today. I’m glad for today, today I was a little less sadder. Particularly because I complained less, tomorrow I’ll try harder.
The end
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The collab of the century
By the fricken amazing and beautiful and talented @fandom-jumper01 !!!
Warnings: cursing, implied death threat
‘Ugh how can his body take so much to manage?!’ It was the only thought going through Anti’s head as he was sitting on the bed in 'his’ hotel room exhausted from spending too much energy. He groaned as 'his’ phone began to ring. He put his head under the pillow hoping to block out the noise. “I definitely do NOT have the energy to fake his voice again,” he said into the pillow. The ringing and buzzing quickly got annoying causing him to almost rip it out of his pocket to read the screen.
“Mark?,” the simple name brought more questions than the green haired male would have enjoyed. “Why the fuck is he calling?” Was all that passed his lips before he cleared his throat. Attempting his best to mimic Sean’s voice, Anti quickly answered the phone with an energetic 'Hello’.
“Jaaack!,” Mark’s sweet voice rang through the small speakers, “Hey dude. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out again since you’re not too far now!” Anti was at a loss for what to say. He wasn’t expecting to hang out more than what was already planned. The dominant question in his mind, 'Do I have enough energy for this?!’
“Well- uh I think I should nap a bit seeing as the jet lag is hitting pretty hard now…” Anti was frantically searching for an excuse but wanted to smack himself for only coming up with that.
“Aww come on dude! I thought your motto was 'Sleep is for the weak’?” Mark whined a bit. Anti could practically see the pouty look on the other males face. Before the glitchy demon could answer, Mark took a sharp inhale and with newfound excitement said, “Oh! How about this!” Anti’s eyes grew wide as he didn’t like where this could be going. “You can come over for a bit, nap here, and we can finally do a collab together in person!” Anti could practically hear the man jumping for joy in his spot through the speakers. 'Whelp… I can’t get out of this one now…,’ Anti thought.
“Sure dude! That sounds amazing!” Anti said back, he could feel his energy draining already and he was only on the phone with the man! Facing him would be a whole other challenge and inconvenience.
“Great! I’ll see you in a bit dude.” Mark beamed. Anti took the phone for his ear to sigh when he heard Mark speak again. This sounded a bit different though, it wasn’t as cheerful or warm as before. “Oh before I forget. I have a small… gift for you. I’ll explain it later.” And with that he hung up.
That voice left a cool shiver up the males spine. Anti’s mind began to race, 'That- that couldn’t be him right?’ 'I thought he was being kept at bay?’ 'How the hell did he get out?!’ The panic soon subsided as the answers hit him all at once.
“The fans…”
The answer hit hard and he couldn’t have been more pleased. “They did it again,” was all that left his mouth. The fans must have not realized what they were doing, not like they ever did. A swarm of new theories and art had been showing up on Anti lately thanks to Jack and that’s how he was able to take control. The same must have occurred for his 'friend’ as well.
Before he could even get up, a knock was heard at the door. Anti let out a soft groan, 'That monochromatic mother fucker! Can’t he let me just rest?!’ He got up and walked over, opening the door still doing his best to keep himself a secret until he was absolutely sure.
“Hey Mark! Wow you got here pretty fast.” He tried making small talk with the other man as he let Mark in. Mark had a smile on his face as he walked in and sat on a stool off to the side of the room.
“Hey man! Yeah I just couldn’t wait plus traffic is kinda clearer at this time.” Mark gave a small chuckle at Anti who was on the ground searching for something. “Dude what are you looking for?”
“I can’t find my other shoe! What the hell room!” Anti waved his fist in the air looking at the ceiling as Mark laughed. After a few seconds of helping, Mark walked out of the hotel rooms bathroom and handed him the shoe. “Thanks man! Ok let’s go.”
After a quick drive they reached Mark’s house and went inside to see barely anyone home. It was an interesting detail but Anti just brushed it off. They walked into Marks recording room, Mark setting things up as Anti sleepily sat on a chair in the room. “Ok dude what did you wanna tell me? The 'surprise’.” Anti said, adding air quotes to the word surprise.
The simple question changed the entire atmosphere of the room. Everything went cold and Mark stopped moving around almost frozen in his position. A large smirk graced his lips as he turned to face Anti and walking up to him. His voice boomed and sent shivers through his back, “Oh. Why that is quite simple… The 'surprise’ is me bringing you your demise.” A small silence was heard as 'Mark’ got closer.
Suddenly, Anti burst out into a fit of laughter and fell out of the chair onto the floor leaving the other male stunned. “Oooh of all- the times to- say a rhyming pun- you chose NOW!” Anti coughed out between laughs. Anti decided to drop his impression of Sean as he got up and wiped himself off.
“W-what? I thought-” The other began only to be cut off by Anti. Letting his voice go free, he let out a glitchy chuckle, “Ya thought wrong buddy! Hello Dark. Long time no see.” Dark stood in confusion until his mind clicked. He returned to his previous work of setting everything up.
“So, shall we continue with the collab? It’s what the fans would want.” Dark said with a smirk, fixing his hair and shirt. Anti took note that Dark looked very strange in casual clothing but elected to ignore it.
“I’m down to give them the shock of their lives!” Anti giggled and glitches as he was almost jumping for joy. The fans don’t know the shit storm they brought upon themselves. Anti and Dark already make a deadly combo, but with the new strength from the fans, it was as if nothing could stop them.
Dark let out a deep chuckle before starting the computers and camera, “They best have enjoyed the calm…,” the computers whizzed to life as a smirk grew on his features, “Because the storm has just arrived.”
(I hope it’s good! Enjoy! -Angel)
Heck heck heck angel this is amazing!!!!! I really love how you wrote them oh my gosh ^-^ it’s so good!! And aaaaa oh my gosh I want so much for it be true please let it be true please
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5hfanfiction · 7 years
The Maid - Chapther 1
A/N: So I thought of this  idea two days ago and since I was bored af I decided to write it. It was supposed to be a one shot, but I got too excited. That rhymed, oh damn. lol
Omniscient Narrator
Lauren Jauregui was one of the most well-known business women not only in Miami, Florida. She owned a company named after her last name that made millions and millions of dollars every month, making her one of the richest people in the United States.
All of this wasn’t handed to her by God and it wasn’t any kind of luck like some people would say, she was able to achieve all of this power by working her ass off while she was in college and if you add to that her intelligence and her innate ability to make business her success was pretty much understandable. As if all of that wasn’t enough she also possessed an undeniable beauty that didn’t go unnoticed by the media, earning her a lot of first cover pictures in several renowned magazines.
But there was a side of Lauren Jauregui that nobody really knew and that was because she made sure to hide it deep within her. When people first encountered her they would feel intimidated by everything that that woman emanated, her power, intelligence and beauty. She could have any man or woman she wanted in her bed, but she didn’t. She didn’t go to parties and beside the hours she spent at work she barely left her home, she had always been like that, an introvert. In college, when her friends, yes she actually had friends, would hang out they would’ve to literally insist for her to join them for approximately 20 minutes before she finally accepted. It’s not like she didn’t know how to talk to people, in fact some classmates found her funny because she would always make silly jokes in class or at launch time, but it was the fact that she neglected going to social gatherings what made her not have social experiences.
Regardless her cold personality when interacting with people, she actually managed to have a boyfriend her first year of college only because he was the one that approached her and asked her out, Lauren accepted since she felt like she needed to experience being with someone, at that time she still hadn’t even had her first kiss yet.
 Despite of her inexperience in that department she had always been a really sexual person, ever since she turned 14 and discovered all the pleasure her own hand and touch could bring her. Her relationship with Brad didn’t last more than three months, she got bored of the fact that he was being too clingy and constantly pressuring her to go out with him. She felt like she never really loved him, she had first agreed to be with him to experience her sexuality but her desires were far from romantic. Since that relationship she hadn’t had sex or been in a relationship with anyone and she was almost 26 years old.
Lauren was the type of person that felt more comfortable alone than with people, even her friend, but when she was alone there was still a part of her that wanted to get out of that loneliness. She desired to be alone, but still she hated being lonely.
Lauren’s POV
I had just moved into my new house three days ago, well… it was more like a mansion than just a big house. It was placed near the coast since I always loved the beach, it was really modern and its architecture was certainly unique, it had a huge glass windows in the living room allowing you to enjoy the beautiful view of the imposing sea.
It was Wednesday night and I was at my home’s office room working on some stuff for work and arranging details regarding my new place. When I finally finished I stood up and checked my watch, it was almost 11p.m and I hadn’t eaten anything since lunch. It had only been three days since my beloved maid Maria had renounced because of health problems, it wasn’t anything serious she was just getting too old for this job. However, I was already going crazy, I needed someone to cook, wash my clothes and clean the house because I didn’t have time nor clue on how to do that.
I decided to go out and buy some pre prepared food, I chose lasagna and was really excited because I fucking loved lasagna. After following the instructions and serving it on a plate I brought a spoonful to my mouth and after tasting it I literally shed tears. “Oh my god that shit is disgusting. People eat that? Why would you do that to lasagna?” I said to myself with a look of displeasure plastered on my face. I really couldn’t last one more second living like this. I needed a maid as perfect as Maria was and since I trusted her to death I decided to call her and ask her if she knew someone who could help me.
“Ya se quien le puede servir señorita Lauren” (I know who can help you Miss Lauren) Maria said over the phone after spending some seconds thinking.
“En serio? Quien?” (Really?Who?) I answered excitedly. If Maria was recommending her, she must be good.
“Se llama Camila Cabello, es mi sobrina. Escuche que necesita dinero extra y es muy buena en las cosas de la casa. Su mamá le ha enseñado de pequeña ya que tenía que cuidar a su hermana menor.” (Her name is Camila Cabello, she’s my niece. I heard she needs some extra money and she’s really good at housework. Her mother has taught her how to do house work since she was young because she had to take care of her little sister) Maria explained.
“Bueno, si usted dice que es buena, la acepto. ¿Sabe cómo la puedo contactar?” (Well, if you say she’s good then I´ll take her. Do you now a way I can contact your niece?) I replied expectantly.
After Maria gave me the new maid’s phone number I decided that it was too late to call her, its better if I wait till tomorrow.
It was 11 a.m. the next day and I was at my company, sitting in my office chair working nonstop, I’ve been there since 8a.m so I needed a break desperately. As I threw my head backwards to try and rest for a second I remembered that I needed to call this Camila girl and ask her if she was willing to work for me and be my new maid.
I dialed the number I had saved the night before and waited for someone to answer. After some seconds a slightly raspy but feminine voice was heard. “Hello?”
“Hello, Camila, right?” Lauren asked.
 “Yes. And I guess you’re Laur- I mean Miss Jauregui.” Camila replied.
“Y-yes actually, I am” I said a little taken aback by the confidence present in the girl’s voice. I wasn’t used to it, people often felt intimidated by me. “How do you know my name?”
“My aunt told me you were going to call. She said it was a great opportunity and then she started screaming at me in Spanish to not fuck it u- oh sorry, to not mess it up for like an hour.” She confessed and I slightly chuckled due to her attempt at covering up her cursing.
 “You know what I need then?” I questioned as I played with a pen in my hands.
“Yep, basically housework and cooking. I’m super good, trust me, I’ve been helping my mom in the house since I was eight so yeah, I’m ok with the job.” Camila said confidently, trying to convince me that she was suitable for the job.”Emmm, I need to know the schedule though, like the days and time you need me to be there because I’m in college and I can’t skip any classes.”
“Wow, you’re in college I thought you were going to be older?” I asked surprised by what she had just said.
“Ah, yes. Do you have a problem with that? I mean, were you looking for like an older lady or something?” Camila asked and I could sense she was worried or disappointed.
“No, not at all, I was surprised that’s all. I don’t care as long as you are good and hardworking, that I’m sure you are” I explained myself. “Oh and in relation to the working days I only need you to come three times a week, I think that’s reasonable. And regarding the time, I really don’t care as long as you do your job so you can decide what schedule is best for you” I explained as I stood up from my chair and started walking towards the large glass window that gave me a wonderful view of the city.
“Ah, thank you. I need this job, but I don’t want my grades to be affected. Wait, let me check” Camila said and went silent, I assumed she was revising her college time table. “Ok. What about Tuesdays and Thursdays from six to eight p.m and Saturdays in the morning. Is that okay?”
The fact that she was worried about her grades made me believe that she was a really hard working person which was just perfect and everything I wanted from my workers. “That’s great. I’m usually at work at that time on Tuesdays and Thursdays but I can give you an extra key for you to get inside the house” Lauren replied and internally celebrated because she would no longer have to eat those meals that tasted like paperboard. She felt like this girl would do her job right.
Lauren’s trail of thought was cut off when her secretary entered her office. “Lauren, Mr Callender is here, he says it’s important.” Normani explained with a wary look on her face because she wasn’t planning on interrupting Lauren’s conversation over the phone.
Lauren made an ok sings with her hand. “Sorry Camila, I got to go. I’ll text you all the details later. Have a nice day.” Lauren apologized.
“No problem, see you soon.” Camila replied after ending the call.
Camila’s POV
It was already Saturday morning, two days have passed since my conversation with Miss Jauregui. I knew this woman was rich as hell, but my aunt had also told me that she was a really nice person, she was really humble and always treated her kindly.
I was on my way to Miss Jauregui’s house, it wasn’t that far from mine, but not close either. I took the bus my aunt suggested because it dropped me off only two blocks away from Lauren’s house. I was super nervous since it was my first job as a housemaid, but when I thought about all the money my billionaire boss was willing to pay me all my nervousness would disappear.
After getting off the bus, I started walking towards what I thought was Miss Jauregui’s house according to the instructions she had sent me the night before. “Well, holy shit” I whispered to myself as I studied the house. “That’s not a house, that’s a freaking mansion.”
I started walking to the main entrance through a garden path that was surrounded by some beautiful and colorful flowers, the whole front garden was just gorgeous. When I reached the door I took a deep breath and rang the bell. I waited for more than 20 seconds and when I was about to try again the door swung open and I almost fell on my ass because of what I saw.
“Oh, hello Camila. You’re right on time” the goddess in front of me said. I was just speechless, this girl was the most beautiful girl I´ve ever seen and I wasn’t exaggerating. Her eyes were the first thing that called my attention, they were strikingly green and so penetrating that I had to avert my gaze down. That wasn’t the best thing to do either because when I looked down I caught a glimpse of her body and realized that she was only wearing a sports bra on and some tight leggings, she was probably having a work out session when I rang the bell. Her body was just as attractive as her face, I could see a hint of her abs and I felt like I was dying. She was just fucking hot, I don’t know why I was expecting a thirty year old cat women that just happened to be rich. But now that I remember I did find her voice attractive when we talked the other day. I was so fucked, oh my God. 
A/N: Hey Guy I’m going back to college in like five days and I’ll prob not have that much free time, but if you enjoy this I’ll try to continue. Sorry for any mistakes Englich isn’t my first language. Have a nice day.
I’ll post this on my wattpadd too. @sofiasbangtan
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cafecitowriter · 7 years
Heartstrings (Lin-Manuel Miranda x Reader)
A/N: So this one is based off a request that I unfortunately can’t find (sorry omg). That being said, it ended up changing a lot from what the request actually was. I’m not sure if I’m completely satisfied with it, but hey, here it is!
Summary: You’re asked to be a part of the Hamilton orchestra, and then some. Of course, that means spending a bit of quality time with one Lin-Manuel Miranda
Word Count: 2,918
You made your way downtown, your violin in hand. You hummed to yourself to calm your nerves. It wouldn’t do well to look as anxious as you felt on your first day of work.
You were to be in the orchestra for a show called Hamilton. You were still in shock as to how you got asked to be a part of a show whose intentions were to go off-Broadway just freshly out of university. Sure, you had been playing several instruments since the age of 5, and had attended Juilliard, but you thought there would be a lot more of the clichéd “starving artist” period before you would make anything remotely big. Not that you were complaining, of course.
You just had to work harder not to fuck this up.
A friend of yours had been recently in touch with a man named Alex Lacamoire, who was working on Hamilton. Upon being asked if there were any openings for the orchestra, Alex had said that there was still a lot of work to be done before an orchestra could even be incorporated, but if they had anyone in mind he would definitely give them a shot. Not even a week later you had had a one-on-one audition with the great man of music himself.
“It’s nice too meet you, Y/N,” Alex said upon greeting you.
“You too,” you smiled brightly and shook his hand.
“So for this audition, you’re gonna play some things, and then we’ll jam out. However, before we begin, I’m just curious, and please answer honestly, tell me what music is to you.”
The question had caught you off-guard. You were expecting to play for the man, maybe talk about your previous experience at most. You took a moment to think it through.
“Music to me is… is the soul of the world. It bends to what we will it to bend to. Its different genres give us endless potential to create and can be used for different purposes. It’s this… this unique force that can lend itself to creation, to healing, to love, to destruction, and so many other things. Without music, we couldn’t convey so much of what we do. It forces us to listen and to understand and to empathize. Without it, expression would be so stifled and limited. Music makes us as humans better. It enhances and enriches our lives.”
Alex looked at you for a solid few moments and you held your breath. You had gotten a bit carried away with yourself, but upon seeing a smile grow on Alex’s face, you figured your honest answer hadn’t been half bad.
Alex then led you through a few simple songs that you had to cold read, to which you played on your violin. Then he challenged you to play by ear and match him as he played on piano. After a few melodies of those, he told you that you could continue playing the same notes he was, or you could get creative. Deciding on the latter, you two began what could have resembled a casual jam session had this not been an audition. After playing a few different melodies, he gave you a curious look.
“That was an interesting choice for the last one.”
“Well I chose to compliment and not overpower. I felt that I only really needed to come in at the end of each section, therefore highlighting the beginning and giving the piano more importance. Music is about give, take and balance, and knowing when to highlight certain sections and instruments in order to create the most impact.”
Alex couldn’t hold back his grin, which gave you hope.
“Well spoken… Y/N, out of curiosity, how many instruments do you play?”
“Um, well violin, viola, piano, cello, guitar, flute, and clarinet. So seven. Oh! But I’ve learned a little bit on the trumpet too, so I can manage fairly well if I practise a song enough.”
“Y/N, how would you like to be a part of Hamilton?”
You were stunned at the offer, but accepted readily. What was even better, Alex had not only offered you a part in the orchestra, but also a part on the creative team. He told you that you looked at music differently than most people that he knew. You could listen to something and see what it needed to be the best version of itself, depending on what the intent was. It was exactly what Hamilton needed, and he would love to have you on the team.
Alex, or Lac, as he told you to call him, explained to you what his role as the Music Director was. He then went on to tell you that after getting permission from their Production Manager to do so, he was searching for an Assistant Musical Director to shadow him and assist him so that he could spend more time with his wife and newborn child, while still being able to work on Hamilton. In other words, he wanted you to be the right-hand to the right-hand man.
This was why you were on your way to what he had called a “Cabinet Meeting” with himself, director Tommy Kail, and the mind behind its conception, Lin-Manuel Miranda. You had heard of In the Heights, and in fact loved it. You loved the infusion of both salsa, hip-hop and rap being incorporated into a musical. Lin and Lac were geniuses, in your opinion. Now you had the incredible opportunity to work alongside them. You really didn’t want to fuck this up.
You took a breath before you entered the building and looked for the right room. You heard voices close by, and peering in, you found Lac standing with two other men by a piano, so you walked in quietly. Noticing your arrival, Lac waved you over.
“Hey! Y/N, this is Tommy and Lin,” he said as you shook their hands respectively.
“Guys, this is Y/N, and she is incredible,” he grinned at you.
You let out a small laugh, the tension you had been holding slowly releasing.
“Wow now that is the best introduction I’ve ever gotten.”
“Well you deserve it,” Lac said, grinning.
“So you’re the illustrious Y/N we’ve heard so much about,” Lin said with a smile. “I must say, the only thing Lac didn’t tell us about you was how beautiful you are.”
He then took your hand and kissed it. You felt your face burn with a blush and you remained speechless. Tommy hit Lin upside the head, breaking the moment as Lac laughed.
“You know that’s not what I meant by, ‘you need to practice being more of a flirt so you can characterize Alexander better,” Tommy said with a playful roll of his eyes.
“In all fairness, Tommy, you didn’t give me parameters on who I was allowed and not allowed to flirt with,” he joked.
You then realized that he hadn’t let go of your hand and you blushed a little bit. Lin seemed to notice the same thing you had, and gave your hand an extra squeeze before letting it go.
The rest of the meeting went by in a blur. Everyone caught you up to speed on where the script was at, giving you a copy, including sheet music for the existing songs. More than once your eyes held Lin’s gaze for just a fraction of a second more than what was considered appropriate, resulting in your fumbling responses, to which Lin only smiled fondly at you.
The meeting ended with the promise of attending the next day’s rehearsal to sign your contract, meet the cast and get a feel for what the process was like. Lac and Tommy left fairly quickly soon afterward, leaving you and Lin to pack up your things.
“You know I’m really glad you’re joining our team, Y/N,” Lin said enthusiastically, to which you smiled brightly at him.
“I am too. I mean I was glad to get any job, but knowing that I get to work with the genius behind In the Heights still has me pinching myself to make sure it isn’t a dream.”
“You’re a ‘Heights’ fan?” Lin looked at you with a curious expression.
“Are you kidding me? You incorporated so many different genres that are thought to be unconventional for musical theatre into a musical, and not only that, don’t even get me started on how well it all blended. Like it just flows, you know? There was so much attention to detail, like creating a melody with things like Usnavi’s celebratory rap in “It Won’t Be Long Now”. At a glance, it can seem very separate but it’s all just distinct beats that are repeated in sequence but emphasized, and the flow was created due to the stress on the rhymes, which are accented by the Spanish words most notably. But yeah - yeah, sorry, I didn’t mean to get carried away…” you trailed off, feeling a faint blush creep up on your cheeks as you realized Lin had been staring at you dumbfounded.
“Hey don’t apologize! Never say you’re sorry for getting passionate about things,” Lin said earnestly, grabbing your hand and giving it a squeeze. “And if I’m being honest,” he continued. “I could listen to you talk about music all day.”
“Well, we’re gonna be spending the next few months, if not more, together, so be careful what you wish for, because that’s exactly what you’re gonna be getting.”
“I can’t wait,” he grinned genuinely at you.
When you joined the next day’s rehearsal and signed the contract you couldn’t get the smile off your face. Lin had caught you off guard by greeting you with a hug the moment you set down your violin. You giggled as he literally picked you up off your feet. When he placed you back on the ground again, you had immediately been bombarded by the cast introducing themselves to you. Throughout the greetings and occasional hugs (some of them were very affectionate, you could tell), Lin had stayed by your side, watching you with a tender expression on his face, unknown to you of course. You were struck by the fact that everyone had been so kind to you, and it made you even more excited to be working at Hamilton.
Throughout the rehearsal you stayed quiet, wanting to observe the dynamic that the company had already created in order so that you wouldn’t disrupt it. Counteracting that, of course was Lin, who would jump at any chance to include you in discussions or conversations. By the time the lunch break had rolled around, you felt like you were part of the team.
“Y/N, you have to play us something!” Jasmine grinned at you when she saw that you had perched yourself on the piano bench, as though you were in your natural habitat.
You blushed at her words.
“Oh I don’t know…”
“Awe come on Y/N!” Oak pleaded.
“You know they won’t let up until you actually do it,” Lin added with a hopeful grin.
“I don’t know…”
“What if I sing along?” Lin suggested
“What is this, Glee?” you retorted, causing him to laugh.
You couldn’t help but think to yourself how you would love to hear that sound more often.
“Okay then, smartass, we’ll play a duet on the piano instead,” Lin said as he sat beside you.
Since it was clear that you weren’t getting out of this, you rolled your eyes playfully at him.
“Fine, but remember, you asked for it.”
You could feel Lin smiling widely as you began to play. After a few seconds, he joined in with his melody. You didn’t know how long you played for since you always had a tendency to get lost in music when you played. You tried not to focus on how well you two had been playing together, as though you had always been improvising piano duets with him. Letting your instincts take over, you allowed your eyes to close as you continued to play along with Lin.
After what you assumed to be another minute, perhaps two or three, you realized that Lin was no longer playing with you. You opened your eyes and stopped playing abruptly, only to be startled when everyone began clapping, causing you to blush under all the attention.
“Y/N that was so good!” Jasmine exclaimed cheerfully.
“Oh, you know, it was nothing. Besides, I had a great duet partner,” you smiled at Lin, hoping to take some of the attention off of yourself.
“No way. The last two minutes were all you, and they were two minutes of pure beauty,” he said, reaching up to brush a stray hair away from your face and tuck it behind your ear.
“Although,” he continued in a quieter tone than before, “I believe that with you, every moment is beautiful.”
The cast’s “ooooohs” and subsequent commentary fell on your deaf ears as you took in Lin’s adoring gaze.
Lac played another melody on the piano, and you sighed.
“No,” you both said in unison.
You had been working on Hamilton for just over two months, and were currently in one of the rehearsal rooms with Lac trying to perfect one of the songs that Lin had sent you.
“There’s just something missing,” Lac said.
“I know, and I’m determined to get it right before Lin gets here.”
“You know it’s not like you need to prove yourself,” Lac said, a knowing look on his face.
“I know… I just - I want to-”
“Make him proud?”
You could practically hear Lac’s smile in his voice and you blushed.
“Well I mean… Yeah…”
“If you ask me, he feels more than pride when he thinks of you,” Lac winked at you and you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion.
“What do you mean?”
Before Lac could respond, you heard Lin’s voice as he approached.
“Hello, hello, hello! Now what are we cooking today? I mean, besides you, Y/N, because you look smoking,” he winked and you let out a laugh.
Lin had taken to flirting with you consistently since the day you met, claiming that he still needed to master Hamilton’s flirtatiousness.
“You know I think I’ve heard better pick up lines than that,” you retorted.
“I’ve definitely heard better ones,” Lac said with a roll of his eyes as he discreetly hid the music you were just working on in favour of the ones for the song you had finished an hour ago.
You and Lin smiled at each other for a few moments before you looked away, clearing your throat as you realized you had been staring for just a moment too long.
“So, this is what Y/N and I came up with for The Story of Tonight,” Lac spoke up when neither of you said anything else.
Lac began to play the sequence, and you joined in on your violin. The only real thing you did was to add some more violin to the melody, but otherwise you had left it untouched. However, Lin looked at you with such caring and happy eyes that you couldn’t help but blush under his gaze, forcing yourself to focus harder on the task at hand. When you and Lac finished, Lin was grinning at you.
“That was incredible!”
“Thanks. I mean, we didn’t even do much to it-”
“But you added what it needed for it to be the best it could be,” Lin assured you.
You smiled at him and found yourself lost in his eyes. The moment was lost when Lac cleared his throat, startling you both.
“Right. Yeah. Okay. So um, anyway, Lac wrote up the new sheet music for this song,” you managed to say, even though your mind was clouded by thoughts of Lin and his gorgeous eyes.
“Of course he did. You know, I’d be so lost without him,” Lin grinned.
“You’re not wrong,” Lac replied. “Though now you do have Y/N as a contingency plan should anything ever happen to me,” he smirked.
“Nah, she’s more than a contingency plan,” he said softly.
You blushed and smiled at him.
“You know a bit more practise, and you may just have this flirting thing down,” you teased.
As Lin let out a laugh that was more melodic than any music you had ever heard, you realized that you were really getting in too deep.
“Yeah well the day that happens is the day I finally manage to sweep you off your feet,” he said with a wink, causing you to giggle.
“You’re ridiculous,” you replied.
Of course he wasn’t being serious. This is just how your friendship was with Lin. He would flirt, you would get flustered, and you would both laugh about how silly it all was. After all, it’s not like he would ever feel the same way toward you as you felt about him.
“Ridiculously smooth, you mean.”
“In your dreams,” you teased.
“Duh. But in my dreams you’re the one who’s telling me that.”
You couldn’t help but relish in the way that Lin reached for your hand and kissed it. You thought to yourself that you really didn’t mind being in so deep. After all, it’s not like you could dig your way out at this point.
If you were being honest, you really didn’t want to.
Besides, when had a little celebrity crush ever hurt anyone?
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forgiven-whimsy · 7 years
Get to know me
RULES: Tag 7 followers you want to get to know better. Repost, not reblog.
Tagged by the lovely @im-not-great-at-making-up-names  <3 Thank you. 
Name/Nickname: In real life: Lou, lou lou, weeze, weezamina, wife life, mama bear, mommy. On tumblr: exposed, ex, mama. 
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Favourite Colour: I’m really into Royal blue these days (years)
Fictional character I’d like as a sibling: Prompto Argentum from ffxv. Boy looks like he could use an older sister. 
Number of Blankets I sleep with: A duvet and a sheet. 
Dream Vacation: man, all the places I want to go, I want to go cause I have friends and family living there...so it would be a world tour of sorts including, France (good friend,) Scotland (cousin,) Japan (aunt and cousins,) Australia (bff,) New Zeland (second cousins,) Singapore (cousin,) Mexico (Uncle,) Argentina (aunt.) 
What I am currently wearing: black yoga pants, a royal blue New Day t-shirt (yes the wwe New Day,) and a grey cardigan. 
What I post:is there any rhyme or reason to what I post? not really. things I enjoy, things I feel are important, games, bitching, with a dash of sj awareness, and cute animals. 
Do I get asks on a regular basis: Nope
Aesthetic: hot tea and cozy cottages
Why did I choose my URL: Oh boy.....So the year was 2009, I’ve just found out I am pregnant, it was an unplanned pregnancy, but I’v decided I’m going to keep the baby, my bf (at the time) is supportive, and we buckle down to prepare for our lives to be irrevocably changed in a few months. Me being the anxious noodle that I am join a multitude of parenting websites, one of them being babycenter.com. Having been an active member of the WoW forums (RP forums to be exact) I decide to join the online community on babycenter to connect with other new parents to ask questions and make connections. I give myself the moniker Earthmama, because I had dreams of being a very earthy crunchy organic everything, cloth diapering, breast feeding, mother earth hippy mom (HA!) 
Fast forward to 2011, I now have a second child (also unplanned...and I’ll go on a rant about how the birth control pill becomes less effective the fatter you get and how this isn’t common knowledge another time,) and the MMORPG Star Wars the Old Republic has just been released. Having fond memories of RP from my WoW days I join the online game forums, hanging out mostly in the fan fic, rp, and art forums. I keep the moniker Earthmama by pure accident, I didn’t realize the account name and the forums names stayed the same, but I was too lazy to change it. These forums are where my earliest fan fictions can be found. I wrote and wrote, and made some very dear friends most of whom I am still friends with here. Some of the younger swotor writers suggested migrating over to Tumblr as there are less restrictions for fic content, and you aren't obligated to be subscribed to the game in order to access the forums. 
So it is 2012 (I think?) and I’m creating my tumblr blog, and I want my friends to be able to easily recognize me, no matter how cringe worthy I feel my known moniker is. So I name my blog Exposed-Earthmama, Exposed because...shock and awe, I felt like I was exposing myself to the wider world and web (apparently Facebook doesn’t count.) Brand recognition mattered, and I didn’t want my friends having a hard time finding me. Around the time Dragon Age: Inquisition came out I  rebranded myself to Exposed-Mama dropping the Earth part because after 2 kids and living in a two bedroom apartment, I was not living up to those early first time pregnancy dreams, with the exception of breast-feeding and baby wearing I was most certainly NOT an earthmama. It was when I started writing for the DA fandom that I went from 12 followers to the 450 I currently have. I’ve toyed with re-branding myself a few times, I’m thinking of matching my blog with my Ao3 account name which is simply exposedma....I’d like to go in an entirely different direction but I want to remain recognizable to my followers and mutuals, Exposed-mama paired with the surprised kitty has become my brand, and I personally know how annoying it can be when an unknown name shows up on your dash and you’re trying to figure out who they used to be. Also it would involve changing tags...and fuck that noise.
THAT is why I chose my URL, a string of bad choices. I still don’t like my url.....
Average hours of sleep: 6-7
Favourite Character: I can’t choose a favorite child be they real or fictitious. 
Dream job: published author
Following: 215
I’m going to tag: @thesecondsealmuses @drhu0806 @more-aoe @brightephemera @sneauxfo @razzmatash and @frank-a-lank
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