blazingblorbos · 6 months
The joke isn't funny anymore you guys /j
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Betrayal, I now realize, is thinking I had healed from the first Myriad Celestia Trailer (Fables About the Stars Part 1)-
I cannot BELIEVE that's supposed to be the first of a series with numerous parts, btw
-only for them to drop another video for TGA OUT OF FUCKING NOWHERE where Black Swan is narrating. Saying:
"Perhaps, on one of these pages, I'll appear in your story too?"
You guys, I don't know if you understand. I thought she was gonna be Star Rail’s mfing DAINSLEIF. THIS IS ASTRONOMICAL (pun fully intended) FUCKING NEWS.
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himemeika · 2 years
I cannot recall how I ever developed personailities for my ocs before.
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kandavers · 10 months
Kandavers Nation, I’m very sorry to say, but this Art Theft thing has been stressing me out a good amount lately... I used to feel very Happy and Safe being able to post artworks without the need to put a large/noticeable watermark on them, but now I’m embroidering my username onto the characters’ clothes and everything, and though it’s a Cool and Fun Idea, it really is actually out of spite. As a result, I feel like the Love I put inside my Art has plunged significantly because of it :(
I’m not saying I’m quitting Art or going to stop Drawing Welcome Home content or anything (Although I actually considered it for a second...), but, once again, I am Kindly requesting you to report this thieving channel. And one more thing you can do for me is go onto each of their reels/videos and comment asking them to at least give proper credits to the artists they stole from or take the videos down. Mention the artists, if you know them. For example, "this art is originally made by kandavers! this account is a repost account so please stop supporting them and support the real artist instead!"
PS. PLEASE DON'T ATTACK THEM! Just kindly tell them to take the video down, okay?
i feel like if a lot of people comment smth like that, the more likely for it to surface at the top of the comment section and more ppl will see
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The pure disrespect they have for me is unreal. They post shorts with no captions, no nothing, and get tens of thousands of views they dont deserve. And not to mention... the poor choice of audio... and overall extremely low quality editing... It makes me sad. There was no justice for me.
I would usually have no problem with comic dubs or edits, or anything, but please please please ask me first and have the basic decency of properly crediting me!
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And someone even had the gall to reply to my post about an art reposter and say I'm the bad guy for wanting to get the videos where someone stole my art taken down. I literally can't with these people.
"What did they even do to you" Umm... They stole my art? This person with the gacha life Wally x OC pfp wanted people to report me for wanting to take down a repost account. I can't do this anymore 💀 They probably don't realize that if I ever stop drawing, half of the repost channel's content will be gone. Literally. Imagine defending reposters and then insulting my emoji usage too. (This is why I hate minors /hj)
Usually I wouldn't pick fights or escalate things when I don't need to, but this is genuinely upsetting me and I literally filed a takedown to YouTube so that the reposts will go away.
In the meantime, I think I'm going to need a break for a couple of days to gather myself again. However I managed to cook some art for you to enjoy over this weekend! Hopefully that will fill your Kandavers Art Needs while I am away.
Thank you for your help! And see you soon.
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mblue-art · 2 months
Sorry for that question but I really curious!
What made you fell in love with Cross and Lust?
Tell us more!!
😳😳😳 hhuh what rreally,, , ,,, 😳 u wanna hear me yap abt my sillies, my beloveds,,, (i appreciate the enthusiasm tho omg 🥺🫶🫶🫶)
i want to have the yuris with lust and the yaois with cross I I MEAN HWHWAT 🧍‍♂️
haha anyWAY,, (oh gog this ended up long)
cross checks so many boxes for me it makes me go insane. too good to be true. versatile(??)— like it's somehow way too easy to put him in Situations. (he's bf and husbone material??? just -20hp me now; that already kills me) he's. hh. gawddamn there's reasons why he won a utmv sans sexyman poll.
he's like a crush that you can't get out of your head no matter what you do, i'm so freaking down bad for him it's not even funny anymore. ever since simping for cross i have not been the same since. the man has changed me. the attraction/simp feelings hit me like a bat out of nowhere and i don't understand why it's so intense— i. hh.
,,i like when ppl make him dorky. stupidly silly (absolutely love shitpost shenanigans and would absolutely LOVE to get into silly shenanigans with him and with/without his bestie epic). fun to be around when he's deemed you as a good friend. stars, he'd give good hugs. strong, solid, and warm, the kind of hugs u don't wanna pull away from so soon. a little endearingly cringe. fanon simp cross is adorable and fun to mess around with. tsundere cross is adorable and fun to mess with. cute anxious guy under all that intimidating aloofness. when i say his smile is an absolute treasure, i mean that. his blush making him look like a grape or a glowing bulb is adorable and makes me wanna tease him more. anime protag/character vibes so strong i wanna have a cute bl/shoujo manga romance with him type shit yk.
then there's times when he's The Hot Dude and i think it's illegal if he's all confident and smug and dom actually (/hj) cause that makes me wanna fucking fite him HELLO? SIR? ILLEGAL????? (<- the fight or flight response of a tsundere towards a milder tsundere LOL).
-hp every single time. mf gets successful d20 rolls w/ rizz on me and i get a critical hit every time. it's a 50/50 either i fluster to death and become weak or i wanna fite his dumbass
i'll. i can fight him. i'll lose but i can fight him for sure. (why is he so cool⁉️‼️💢💢💢RRRRRRR)
he makes me feel things. lots of things. (mostly fluster but when i'm feelin sooper soff i jst wanna shower his skull in keeses. ima kissy lil guy)
tired cross makes me just wanna take care of him. want him to come home to me without any worry because he thinks i'm his safe space.
when he's being stubborn i want to tell him to chill out for a little while, take a break and watch some funny stuff while drinking choccy milk or eating his fav foods and be cozy. bapping him if he's gonna try to get out of this too soon. he's gonna get the free time he deserves n relax n get cuddles n kithes.
the way he can gently hold my hand and look at me with a sincere look in his eyelights and say something genuinely affectionate feels like cupid shooting an arrow through my soul, but also feels like a balm. (a promise of loyalty and faithfulness.) (a kiss on the forehead? a cherry on top.)
well now i can't be mean to him with all the nice he's saying and doing. i just want nice things for him o(-< (even if he's a bastard sometimes lol<3 all circles back to the silly) (silly is always important)
i love lust. so so so much. the fanon interpretation of him, anyway.
(don't get me wrong, i absolutely adore the feminine slay content of lust; but am i wrong for yearning for more masc lust content?)
i like my lust sans respectful, goofy, sans-like, an absolute sweetheart, and a caring, wonderful life partner. under the flirty personality and charm(ing looks), is a sans behavior that made me fall deeper. (he makes me feel very gender too) (ohmygofd yeah no he actually makes me think of gender sometimes rauauagrrgh<3/pos). i don't have to worry about showing my cring, weird side to him, because he's also a gremlin,, o(-< he doesn't have to present himself all nice and pretty all the time (although he's always pretty in my eyes). he can be comfortably himself; with me 🥺
i want to be his safe space.
i want to see him heal and be happy and be happy with me and give him all the love i can give and care for him and make him soso happy i just want him to feel SO sosososo loved, he deserves so much more
he's the only one who's able to get a certain reaction out of me; to pull flowers out of my heart. to pull out words of love and devotion and appreciation, heart bursting with affection only for him.
for him, i would try. i would live for him. i wish someone like him (the him i've created from interpretations and headcanons) was real irl.
i want to not care i don't care if he's a gorgeous well-known person that people fawn over, or if he's a campus crush, etc.,
i want him to think i'm worthy enough to keep in his life. for him to know how special he is to me, for him to know how much i want him in my life as much as i want him to keep me in his.
my immediate reaction when i think of him is: 😊💕💜💜💜eeeee kicks and giggles and flaps hands teehee
i love him so much i get a heart-on for him (/silly but it is true sometimes; love him so much it aches (in a good way))
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retrobr · 1 month
Lazytown Shenanigans pt. 2
So this time I've watched two episodes in a row: "Sportacus Saves the Toys" and "The Lazy Cup." I can't say that I liked both of the episodes, but they weren't bad either lmaoo. And, well, I think I liked the "Sportacus Saves the Toys" episode more than "The Lazy Cup"
"Sportacus Saves the Toys."
In the first of the above-mentioned episodes, there were – holy moly – some new locations, even despite the fact that they weren't shown for too long. I liked that China and France looked somewhat identical to Lazytown, like they looked funky and colorful as well as Lazytown, u know
This episode made me feel a little bad for Ziggy tbh. I mean, Ziggy is one of my favorite characters; he has a very sweet (badum-tss) and kind personality. I live for this kind of character who is mostly cheerful and happy about everything in their life. And this episode was one of those in which someone ruined his mood, so that made me feel sad. I am sad /ref
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And it was Stingy and Stephanie again who did that, just like in the "Ziggy's Alien" episode. Bruh why are they doing that to my boy :(
OH AND ZIGGY'S AND SPORTACUS' "FAMILY BONDING." I fucking adore their interaction, and I fucking love when Sportacus tries to cheer Ziggy up. I just can't do it anymore why are they so adorable 🥺 But then Stingy and Stephanie (mostly Stingy. All the blame is on him /j) ruined his happy mood once again. DAMN WHY JUST WHY ARRERGH-
A few words about Stingy. My God, he can't even play peacefully without proving that things belong to him. BRO UM JUST PLAY NORMALLY, GODDAMMIT, WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?? Holy chimichangas, he even took all the sunscreen for himself, what the hell, seriously.... I just despise him at this point, but I can't help myself. He's just annoying.
Anyways. Milford and Bessie were adorable, as always. Can't help but smile like a dork when I see them interacting 🥺
And for goodness sake let Robbie rest and eep!! I can't say that much about him because, well, he was acting silly again as always, so yeah. But the machine that he built was a TOTAL MONSTROSITY. I would've shit myself if I saw that thing walking towards me omg 😭 /hj
And, finally, the "grab my hand" line. Nothing much to say because I'm shaking fiercely like a small pathetic chihuahua..... these dorks are going to be the end for me fr.
"The Lazy Cup."
Well, um, that was something I guess 😭 I don't even know what to say about this episode, except for some small things.
The Sportacus' "ball" shout from the very beginning set the mood for the whole episode, I tell you guys. (/j) I mean that was just very sudden, I just turned on the episode, and the very first thing I heard was "BOAHL" 😭
Won't say anything about Bessie and Milford again because I told about them earlier; they're just cute, like a married but not actually married old couple. Good for them
And speaking about old couples and stuff. There's no doubt to me from this point that Robbie is fucking obsessed with Sportadork. I mean, bro says that he hates him but at the same time HAS A GODDAMN MANNEQUIN OF HIM; bro says "ooohhh noo not him again" and still continues to watch him. Like dude, my dear, calm down 😔
But whatever. Robbie's disguise was pretty nice, I should say; I think his name was Sergio?? I honestly don't remember, but I think it's one of my favorite disguises of his.
And I would like to say that Robbie's team was SO FUCKING ODD I JUST UGH?? 😭 BRO GATHERED THE MOST CRINGE GUYS THAT HE HAS I SWEAR. And like, how did it even work? Did he just bring his own disguises to life? I don't know maybe I'm just stupid, but I didn't know that his disguise machine could do things like that
Finally, Stingy again. In this episode he actually did something nice – in other words, he helped Stephanie. Ok bud, that was a good act of yours 🙄
Well, I guess that's all.. It turned out to be a little longer than I expected, so I want to thank you if someone read this to the end :]
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twiixr4kidz · 1 year
Sup… can u cook up sum Scott Pilgrim x reader headcanons, thanks
oh, these are better than cooked. they've been sauteed in a pan with onions and peppers and poured over a juicy steak.
scott pilgrim dating headcanons!!
he does not like seeing you upset, so whenever you are, he tells you the corniest jokes imaginable
i mean, to him they aren't corny at all
but they're so stupid and silly that you can't help but laugh
and whenever you do, he goes, "that's my y/n"
he may not be in a band anymore, but he does still like making music
that being said, he's going to want to teach you how to play too
and he gets so excited if you come to him asking him to teach you how to play a specific song
he has a lot of local food joints that he's a regular at, and he's going to take you to them
he isn't very romantic so if you want like, a fancy date or flowers or something like that, you're going to have to tell him directly
he does try to surprise you with that kind of stuff though!!
one thing you should know about scott is that he unintentionally hides a lot of things
like he's weirdly mysterious?? he doesn't talk about himself that much
so you'll have been dating him for months or hell, even YEARS, and he'll tell you something about him and you'll be like "WHAT???" and he'll be like "did i not tell you that?? i thought i told you that, oops"
his love language is staying up late playing videos and eating junk food together /hj
it's like his favorite date idea
you guys try to do something like that every week
he has surprisingly deep, intimate conversations with you
he asks the real question, like what the meaning of life is or how fast do you think the universe is
he just wants to know your thoughts and opinions on everything
and if he's unsure about something, he waits to hear your opinion before forming his own
sometimes when he hears your opinion, he changes his mind
and it may be annoying or sound like he's trying to win your approval, but it's honestly just because he values the things you say and appreciates that the things you say make him think about how he feels
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rdngl · 1 year
hopeless romantic thoma as your classmate.
a very short hcs abt thoma! this is actually a another version of the hcs because the first one was too long! so in here, i'll try & keep it simple!
warnings: very ooc (i'm sorry), cursing, badly written, might contain typos and grammatical errors
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thoma, just what the title said—is a hopeless romantic. he falls in love easily, falls harder, daydreams about their crush, and because of that, he falls out of love easily too.
this didn't matter to thoma. he knows what kind of person he is and he's not the type to confess immediately because he knows that if that person shows something that immediately turns him off, that person is erased or scratched out from his crush list.
our thoma here prefers a serious relationship. and even though he falls in love easily, and sometimes feels the urge to confess to the person they're interested in—he won't.
if thoma somehow confesses his feelings for you, that might mean that you've known each other for a while now, you're very close to each other and so on.
thoma is in love with the idea of being in love. being able to care for someone, someone cares about you, being able to love them and they also love you, and all that kind of stuff. he might seem like he has high standards but if you do the "bare minimum" on him-boom! you're officially his crush.
speaking of crushes, he's had happy crushes too!!! actually, funny story- thoma had a crush on someone and well, that someone has a partner! guess what- he was heartbroken but that went away quickly.
oh, and he's also the type to pass by his crush's classroom just to look at them for a millisecond before turning around and giggling like a little schoolgirl.
enough of that, let's get down to business.
WHAT IF thoma fell in love for real? like- omg i have a crush on them to omg i love them type of way??? thoma lovers (me) here's your crumbssss <333
a transferee student (you) became classmates with him, thoma fell in love at first sight, oh and wait- there's more!!! you might look like you'll bite but you're very friendly, you care about your academic performance, smart (if you're a math and science smart congratulations you fucking won), that's a plusss 1000 points for thoma.
BUT HEY- the two of you got close, laughed and joked together, you helped him with his homeworks and stuff that he can't understand that's plus 5000 points.
NAHHH YOU TWO GOT PARTNERED UP FOR A SCIENCE PROJECT?!@?!? WOW HOW LUCKY imagine thoma staring at you, smiling so softly while you explain the instructions and shit (whatever you do in group works because my group members are useless asf /hj) ONG IM DYING FR FOLDING
and that project helped the two of you understand each other better!??!?!?! science never sounded this good in thoma's ears.
the panic, the realisation, that warm feeling, the feeling of winning- thoma felt all of that as he stared at you, figuring out the problems you need to solve for a math homework (i think thoma's ideal type is a smarty guys😥)
that's when thoma knew, he had to confess to you and well- his ideas and daydreams for confessing to someone saved him. all the romance books he'd read, all those scenarios in his head led to this final moment.
“i...i've liked you ever since the moment we met! you were so cool and smart and you managed to get past all the problems that were thrown at you. you're the bravest and strongest person I've ever met and i'm inspired! i-i thought that this feeling might not last that long but every time, every second that we were together that feeling grew and grew and before I knew it, i was madly in love with you.”
“y/n, would you like to explore this feeling with me?”
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© rdngl 2023. do not repost, copy, translate or claim my works.
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fitzs-space · 2 years
For this shape shifting Hermits, what all can they shift into? Does it end as just people? Can they do animals? Can they do mobs? CAN THEY DO BLOCKS? The last two would be amazing for pranks, imagine going to work on your build and some of the blocks start moving.
now a thing to consider is how each of them shapeshift, cause they all do it in their own ways. So get ready cause you've unlocked a headcanon rant
Cause I've got a lot of shapeshifter ideas when it comes to the hermits and I haven't had a chance to talk about them all over here. So pspspsp Im talkin about Etho, Mumbo, Gem, Ren, Grian, Jevin and Xisuma
Cause Etho? they rely on more illusion based shenanigans. Are they still able to physically shapeshift? of course, they have to look like a mandred (human/elf/fae/ anything mostly around that vibe) somehow as a kitsune. illusions just are easier. so would Etho turn into an animal to fuck with people? most definitely. They just like to stick to whay they are used to most times thogh, so sometimes a player would see just a random white fox wandering around Ethos base and brush it off like its just some pet, and they'll let people believe that, it's easier then explaining it all to players, and it lets them fuck with everyone more if they don't know that fox is Etho. The main victim is Bdubs, who is always ranting about this huge fox that's just always around his base that messes with him all the time, and all the other hermits think he's just slowly going insane because surely its just a normal fox what do you mean.
Grian most definitely shifts into animals to mess with people, why would he not? can he shift into blocks? no not really, but that does not stop them from not so subtly making blocks float like its moon big part two? the guy takes full advantage to fuck with players as much as he possibly can. Grian's just able to shapeshift cause they are able to alter reality, and have mainly chooses to use those ability's to mess with people. she also just likes to make subtle changes to his appearance just for fun, and helps him just look mostly normal by player standards. Its that whole "Grians a watcher" thing, He mainly just shifted to hide the affects being a watcher caused on their body, and nothing else, but as she leaned to be more comfortable with himself again he just started having fun with it. And so we het to have a parrot Grian one season then they will have a day where he's got Dragon wings instead just for the fun of it.
Mumbo frankly can't do anything other then just "Mumbo but in a different font". cant blame the guy, he's still fairly new to this all shapeshifting thing. He always keeps the mustache though, mainly cause its funny. Would he shift into animals? yea but its either a mumbo shaped pig walking around again, or you'll see a disgruntled cow walking around with a suit and a mustache. Can he become a block? yes, but he is not allowed to anymore, no one wants a repeat of Mumblock Jumbo. Scar is still traumatized about it, Scared for life if you will- Generally no one really wants to see the process of Mumbo shapeshifting because its just, a lot,,, the whole "You'll see the bones under his skin move" and "what in the great voids name is that". Mumbos fine with it all happening, no one else if fine after seeing it is all /hj
Ren and Gem are fairly similar in how they shapeshift, seeing as its just Mandred to moblin (sentient mobs more or less). Can they shift into an animal? yes, but only one basically. Both of them do prefer to stay in a more middle of the rode state with their forms though. Gem will tend to shift to a more elven appearance while on empires to help her look more like a different character, and sometimes with Mcc she'll choose to appear more elven when she doesn't want to deal with doing athletics with big horns in the way. She does enjoy being more deer like while on hermitcraft due to the amount of other hybrids on the server though, nothing to due to how she accidently traumatized Joe that one time cause good void if Gem doesn't look like human Cleo when her hair is down, nothing like that Ren's taken a bit to get comfortable with being a wolf hybrid, he's gotten there in the end though. The guy didn't even let himself show off his wolf ears willingly in public until the end of season 7 really. Ren does differ from Gem in how he is more a werewolf, so he's forced into a full transformation every month, and that's partly fed into him not being comfortable as a technical hybrid. He doesn't really enjoy that whole "not having full control of self" thing that happens, and it can bleed into him being worried about hurting other players even when he isn't in full transformations. Luckily for Ren, hermitcraft has plugins to help with that! so If he accidently bites someone they wont gain the same curse! can't say the same for last/3rd/double life though,,,
Xisuma can technically become any from he really want to, but that's the key word here in that they just don't really want to, you know. It takes time and effort to create a new form for ones self and they are frankly pretty attached to the one he already has. Can the guy shift to an animal form or even a block? not at all, and wouldn't want to if they could. Instead he's just got two states he'll stick with, that being what is probably best described as a nimbus cloud of sentient void, and the pathetic soggy wet cat of a man everyone has come to love. EvilX cant shapeshift, it's not really something that bothers them, it does feed into that "Hes just a failed clone in the end" redirect, now That's what bothers him.
And then Jevin, and the guy just doesn't really have a solid shape to begin with really. Sometimes he'll wake up with a good shape day, sometimes he sleeps weird and ends up in a Long Jevin kinda day. And yea he can really become any shape or form he wants, its just all blue slime though, just get a weird blue slime shaped sheep walking around sometimes, kinda like those bubble people form that one SpongeBob episode. And Jevin is one of the few shifters who can become a block and get away with it! and he chooses to mess with the redstones the most, but most times it backfires when he just sits as a block for long enough and ends up afk//asleep only to wake up in the latest redstone contraption of one sleep deprived Mumbo who couldn't notice a neon sign infront of his eyes, much less being able to realize a slimeblock is not blue. Or in some game breaking machine of one Docm77 who, though he wont fully admit to it, is a little bit colourblind and it is not his fault that the tone of slimeblocks is near exact to Jevin.
I just went off the rails a lil here, but I hope you enjoy the chaos thats stuck in my mind
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akiitos · 2 years
hi hi!! :) I'm new to your page but I really like your writing style and fics! I never really make requests on here, but I had this idea and wanted to see your interpretation of it??
Basically what if y/n was like the leader of a sekai at one point that was really famous, but then it split up because all the members kinda changed and couldn't get along anymore?
I just wanna see the pjsk bois reactions to hearing about how that went and maybe even like finding out that some of their favorite songs were sung by y/n's sekai, cuz it sounds fun
(Ahhh sorry this is really long dhdhd)
a/n: hi anonnnn! sorry that i didn't do this req aahhh .... please enjoy, anon!
project sekai males x gn!reader
can be read platonically, or romantically
(contains akito, toya, tsukasa, and rui)
;; hcs, slight crack
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+ tsukasa tenma
• when you confessed about how you and your group split up, he felt bad and hopes that it wont happen to him
• but, when he found out his favorite song was by YOUR sekai???
• he's literally like "WHATWHTA NO WAY???!!"
• his eyes sparkle 10x more and i'm not even kidding
• his reaction is enough to lighten up the mood already,,
• "*chokes on drink* YOUR SEKAI SUNG MY FAVORITE SONG!? *uncontrollably shakes your shoulders*"
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+ rui kamishiro
• when you told him about your group disbanding, he wrapped his arms around you in hopes that you'd feel better
• you then talked about some of the memories you and your group had, when suddenly you mentioned that your sekai even made his favorite song of all time
• his eyes literally WIDEN
• "you're joking right" "no, i'm not-" "and you didn't TELL ME?"
• he's happy, and compliments you so much it's insane.
• but he doesn't go crazy like mr. tenma over here..
• "[name], i can't believe you guys' really made that song! ah, how should i have known,,"
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+ akito shinonome
• he feels bad for you that all your other members felt different feelings.
• he insists on going somewhere to cheer you up, which is nice of him (really rare!!! /j)
• "oh akito, what's your favorite song again? i'm pretty sure my sekai even sung it-" "WHAT."
• he is bamboozled that your sekai even sung that song. he thinks he's terrible for nt even recognizing your voice in the song at all 😭
• "i guess i really- REALLY i like that song now."
• he is shocked for days /hj
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+ toya aoyagi
• you tell him about your sekai disbanding? he listens closely
• he lets you talk about it for as long as you wish, and even that calms you down
• he feels bad about the disbanding (as like the others), and hopes that the same wont happen to vbs
• you tell him that your sekai sung his favorite song, his mood will instantly perk up
• ^ it's like a little dog and it's cute
• "would you like to talk about it anymore, or are you feeling better?"
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cottoncandysprite · 1 year
God ok. So I rewatched the season 3 finale right. This was my first rewatch since bingeing the entire show in 2 days with no breaks except sleep last spring so obviously this was my first REAL watch of it that wasn't over emotional and sleep deprived. And I still cried my eyes out.
That finale (and the third season as a whole) is such a perfect piece of television for so many reasons but I'm just gonna be rambling about some of my favorite details for a second so just hang tight
Guillermo interrupting himself at the beginning with "and I deserve it" is SO UNDERRATED I'm obsessed with him
Laszlo draws such a realistic line of putting up a front of apathy even though we as the audience know how close he and Colin got that season. Like obviously he's mourning but it's not cartoonishly obvious that he's lying like we would see from Nadja. He's just unusually quiet.
Colin's pictures being torn out jumpscared me. Not a fun thing to forget about when you aren't emotionally prepared
I miss the Nadja doll. Where was she in season 4 fr
It cuts to Guillermo when Nandor talks about being reminded of how eternal life can be snuffed out in an instant. Camera guys ily
"You're running away from your feelings!" vs. "You're one of the things I need to get away from!" I never forgot about this moment I just can't believe it exists
Do y'all think Viago is gonna be confused when Guillermo shows up as a guest judge on drag race this season
Guillermo's little grins as he ran around trying to manipulate the house into staying. I love this little shit
Laszlo's speech legit got me choked up. WITH NADJAS THEME IN THE BACKGROUND I LOVE THEM SO MUCH
Ok. Fuck. The fight scene. GOD.
Wouldn't say Guillermo cheated, fought dirty yes but cheating is a bit of a stretch Nandor. I thought you were a strategist
"You're just scared of me right now" I mean, that and one other thing probably
I know it's been pointed out on here a million times but I wonder if Guillermo realized that Nandor wanted to share ancestral soil. He must have realized right
The hat. Maybe it was packed and that's why Guillermo had such bad luck (/hj)
Do y'all think NADJA will recognize Guillermo on drag race????????
The lighting on the scene where Laszlo discovers Baby Colin had no right being that cool
That kinda just devolved into recounting the events of the episode through screaming but like. It stands. That episode. God.
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pommunist · 1 month
i admire you for continuing to be somehow positive about this whole situation, cuz i cant anymore. i gave quackity the benefit of the doubt after his first stream but after the contradictions and the admins speaking out i can't, i'm just too dissapointed and also a bit mad. i understand people trying to be positive but at the same time it kinda feels like they're choosing to be ignorant about the whole situation. i guess there's a chance of things getting better but i don't see how. the fandom has been divided by the people that believe in quackity blindly and the people that want proof things are actually better. im tired of waiting. i want proof that the admins are actually being treated with respect. i want proof that the labor laws are being respected. and even if we get that proof i dont think this fandom will ever be how it used to be. i don't know if its because of the fact that the labor laws are pretty similar in brazil and france so this two fandoms can understand each other pretty well, or because of the xenophobia that they both went through, but it kinda feels like they're the only one's having each other backs. from what i've seen the last few weeks the brazilians dont want to watch it anymore or support qsmp because it just feels wrong. we might watch our streamer if they decide to play in the server but i dont see anyone excited or wanting to interact with the fandom anymore and its sad.
thank you anon but idk if i would call it being positive 🥹 more like trying to see how things can still improve and focusing on that rather than on my personal feelings of doom regarding it ahahaha /hj
it’s either "i believe the project can still goes on and the admins can have the respect they deserve" or "this is doomed to never get better, server will fail and admins will eat dirt" so the choice is easy for me ! maybe i’ll have to put my clown makeup on because of that but oh well
tbh there are things that parts of the fandom have said and done regarding this that will forever irk me but lets focus on all the cool aspects instead ! the way everyone was able to interact with people from all over the world who love the same thing they do, share languages and culture.
i love the solidarity between french speaking and brazilian communities so much. Maybe it’s because we share some similarities on the way we view these kind of things, maybe it’s a "you and me against the world" thing after we both got a lot of shit and maybe it’s both ! so thankful for it in any case. it’s sad to see these two communities who were so active both leaving one after another though, what a waste…
and i still can’t believe i went from no knowledge of portuguese to being able to read and understand it pretty well in a matter of months just by watching brasilian streamers and reading tweets from the brasilian fandom 😭🫶 impeccable sense of humour from you guys btw i saved so many memes….
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1moremilgram-enjoyer · 9 months
With the knowledge that I can send as many asks as I want, be prepared for me to never shut up (/hj) Anyway, like I said in the comments of my previous question, I would like to hear a few words about Haruka, because he is also one of my favorites All of my favorites have at one point or another gotten unforgiven and I don't know what that says about my morality
Oh, don’t worry, I love receiving asks! And I wouldn’t worry too much about the guilty thing, like half the cast has been voted guilty at one point or another. Or maybe I’m just coping because my favorites are Amane and Mikoto, maybe Fuuta and Muu, so I’m on the same boat. At least Es can’t be voted Guilty, right?
CW: Murder, animal death, suicide.
Anyways, Haruka. This physical manifestation of mommy issues is really quite cool. I really love his MVs, and his songs slap, hard. His need for attention is a very unique motivation, and I love how it plays off Muu’s own issues. Their dynamic is super interesting.
Haruka: Muu is my mother. (2nd VD)
My guy. What.
But he’s still a really intriguing character on his own. I’m really fascinated by the way his character tackles untreated mental illness, there’s a lot to be said about that aspect of him. And I am a big fan of the “suicide theory” by moibakadesu, I think it makes him an even more fun-to-analyze character.
His interrogation questions are some of the most interesting too imo.
T1 Q17: Is there something you regret?
H: There is.
Ooh… What’d you do Haruka boy?
T1 Q18: What are you most scared of?
H: Betraying people.
Muu and him were always going to form a unhealthy codependency weren’t they.
T1 Q20: What’s the most expensive thing you’ve ever bought?
H: Cotton candy.
From this we can gather that cotton candy is extremely expensive in Haruka’s world, which implies a shortage of the elements used to create it. In this essay I will
T2 Q2: What’s your opinion on the Guard?
H: Guard-san is not my mom.
My guy. Please.
T1 Q14: What’s an event that sticks to your memory?
H: Fireworks
T2 Q4: Tell us the origin of your name.
H: It seems like she wanted a girl. She had already chosen this name.
Like the girl in Weakness? Oh, theorizing go brrr…
T2 Q11: Are there any prisoners you can't deal with right now?
H: I'm fine with Amane-chan now. I'm not scared of small children anymore.
Objectively hilarious answer. These two need to interact more.
And I also just think it’s really funny how the most recent timelines dialogue we’ve gotten outside of character birthdays are him begging us/Es to inno Muu, and then we gave her the widest Guilty ratio in Milgram history. L moment.
(I really hope he doesn’t manage to kill himself or that is gonna age horribly)
On the topic of verdicts, I do think the Guilty this trial was probably necessary. Not because it’s somehow gonna stop him from hurting himself (because I’m pretty sure that’s not how that works), but because we need him to realize he did something real bad at some point, and putting it off until the Third Trial is dangerous when we don’t know what the final trial will be like. Sorta the same reasoning as Muu funnily enough, we can’t let the Trial 1 inno be misinterpreted. Though I do wonder how he’s gonna react to both his own and Muu’s verdicts. I have a feeling the answer will be “not well.”
Anyways, yeah. He ranks a solid score on the Silliness Scale. He’s cool, I like him. Thanks for the ask! Hope this was a satisfying answer!
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sinofwriting · 7 months
honestly, kind of a crime because pda was soooo good like i downloaded it and im not ashamed to say that. like they were so cute and i just love them and the fact that they're so affectionate towards one another even after 2 years. which is something i really like in your writing is that all of your couple (at least the ones i'm thinking of) are just so love-y towards each other and they're in love and they support one another and just i love them.
i love max being a menace, it definitely shows especially in like private professor where he just handed them invitations at the perfect time to stop the questions which was so slay of him. needed to see some more of the drivers reactions but i was just so happy with the fic. also the max fic with the princess impersonator ((?) i think that's what they're called but maybe not cause like they're not real people but i can't think of what they're called rn) was so good. i really appreciated the fact that he still was there for p even though he wasn't with kelly anymore. him falling in love at first sight(basically) was so cute and i love that!!!
i could definitely see charles being a touchy person, like one of his love languages being physical touch just makes sense. i think he'd be like more comfortable being touchy near people he feels comfortable with like his friends and family especially. but he's not afraid to show his love ya know? im really excited for the charles w ferrari reader too. (tbh im just really excited to read more of your writing)
i mean most of max's braincells are focused on driving so that one braincell is all he has left (i know he's smart) but he's also just babygorl /j. at least he's got great tits to make up for it /hj. oof, i'm nervous about the angst bc i just want him to live his best life and yeah but i am ready for it (i think)
i would love a nickname!<3
TLDR: i ramble, use the word like too much, love your fics, am happy to be here, am excited for what's next, would love a nickname.
I’m a whore for established relationship fics hence why I write so many of them. And pda is like my baby, either and or the written fic or the smau companion piece to it. And I try my best to write relationships as supportive/good (i won’t use the word healthy because healthy is different for every relationship). The affection between them was my favorite thing to write. PDA is regarded as fairly gross or immature, if it goes beyond holding hands or a quick peck on the lips and I’m just like… why? I too am like Logan in PDA, if I want to kiss or cuddle my (hypothetical) partner I’m going to do it, I don’t care if I’m in public. Also you downloaded it??? Brb need to cry. That is so sweet.
Max being a menace is canon in all my fics, I don’t think I’ve written a single fic that either is for Max or has Max in it where he isn’t somewhat a menace. In Made For Each Other, we have Max causing issues with PR. In Private Professor, we once again have a bit of PR and then also him just handing out invitations and the universe rewarding his chaos with the FIA official coming in before anyone can ask any questions. And then in Causing Problems we have Max being a menace but moreso in the assholeish sense and doing what the title suggests, Causing Problems. (also that fic, I don't know what my brain was cooking when it came up with that idea, but damn. I’m messy)
I know what fic you're talking about with Max and princess impersonator! (I literally just reread it last night), that isn’t one of my fics but is a fic that I think I reread about once a week. Honestly though everything by @dilemmaontwolegs is god tier and I can't rec them enough. 
Also, Max strikes me as the kind of guy that no one expects to believe in love at first sight (he doesn’t) or for it to happen, but in fic verses, I can see it happening to him. I can see him hearing his friends talk about it and him rolling his eyes, scoffing, telling them not to think with their dicks too hard, but then it happens to him (like in Made For Each Other) and he gives no fucks, that is the love of his life and love at first sight is real thank you very much. 
The angst won’t be that bad for the Max fic! I promise! It will be fairly brief (I believe) and will mainly be due to him and his one brain cell that isn’t dedicated to all things racing.
The Ferrari!reader fic, oh Figlia Mia (the name of the fic), it’s going to something. I’m actually going to be posting it in a few hours and I’m hoping people will like it considering some decisions I made. 
If you ever want a different nickname let me know! But I shall declare you as ramble cell. Thank you so much for your lovely asks!
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bitchkay · 1 month
"Whatchu doin' wit all dat ass lemme touch it🍑"
CoD consorts giving backshots😈 Pt. 1
Rating: Explicit(18+ mdni)
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Sex headcanons/scenarios.
What else do you even know me for? I'm either writing sickly sweet fluff to the point of a toothache or the dirtiest raunchiest smut you ever read and if it's neither of those its outta pocket and unserious. How long's it been since I posted an actual list of headcanons so be grateful🙄✋🏽/hj
*random order*
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First of all
Guy's a hair puller-- you did not hear that shit from me😶😶
Guy doesn't know how to keep his hands to himself I think he should do back to kindergarten--
Bro is banging you like BAH BAH BAH BAH BAH BAH--
Watching the ripple of ya ass cheeks upon contact
The recoil on that thing😳
Guy is PRESSING your back into an arch like bro it can only go so far what you tryna do crack my spine--
Guy is 100% blowing your back out like hes trying to break your back.
Don't even think about running from it cus that man is pulling you right back on the dick
If yall clapping cheeks but yall not clapping cheeks you not really clapping cheeks
You gripped the sheets below you until your knuckles turned white
Guy kneeled behind you, hands pressed firmly against the curve of your back as he fucked into you at a fixed pace. The sound of your sex echoed off the walls as your skin clapped together at a fast rythm. Your body bounced forward with every hard thrust of his hips; your surprised the headboard wasn't slamming against the wall
"Mmph--!! Slow- slow down!" You cried out throwing your head back.
This was entirely too much all at one time. Although you didn't expect anything less from Guy.
Your arms reached forward almost attempting to pull your body away unsure if craved more or had enough. Your attempt proved futile as Guy yanked you back onto him, gripping you one hand on your waist the other ankored on your shoulder.
"Come back here."
With your back in a deep arch he pulled you back into his thrusts as he tugged your body up, tipping your chin back to kiss your lips upside down with a gentleness that contradicted the rough assault on your pussy.
"Too... too much... can't take it.." your breathing laboured and your eyes glossy and wet. You can't count how many times you've cum already tonight.
"Yes you can. I know you can." Guy pecked your lips one more time before pining you to the bed picking up an unrelenting pace slamming into you with more energy than before.
You moaned loudly feeling that familiar feeling inside your pussy as you felt Guy pull and push inside you. The fat of your ass cheeks rippled upon contact, his balls slapping your clit; you felt so sensitive feeling every detail of Guys cock against your walls.
"You asked for this so take it."
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Rio sees the curve of your back, the very arch of your spine
and his eyes roll back--
Bro thinks he died and went to heaven
Just the sight of you face down ass up he felt his cock twitch
Rio always seems to deal with this inner turmoil in his mind when you get intimate
"I wanna ruin them😳" "I wanna love them😚" "I don't wanna hurt them🥺" "But they're so sexy😳" "they deserve to be cherished🥰" "I wanna see them absolutely mindless with pleasure at my hand👁👁" "Stop, I need to be gentle with them😥" "I'm at my limit😶"
He's always torn between making sweet love to your body and fucking like mating rabbits
His brain short circuits when you throw it back on him.
What ever happens next is between him and god now, he's out
He apologizes in advance for what he's about to do and promises to give you a back massage and indulge in a warm bath when he's done cus he's about to be really fucking you now
You have the sexiest back he's ever seen.
Rio is so painfully hard at this point. The way your back arches beautifully and the way your plump ass cheeks bounce off his lower stomach as you grind on him needily. He's not thinking straight anymore.
He let you do your own thing for the last little while and fuck yourself on his cock. He couldn't get enough of you. Suddenly he found his hands on you ass cheeks kneading your thick flesh in his big hands.
"... Rio?"
"Forgive me."
"Forgive you? What are you apologizing for-- Mmm!!"
As if on cue you felt the full length of Rios dick roughly fuck into you. You felt it twitch inside you as it kissed your cervix, reaching your deepest spots.
"Ohh... fuck..." you gripped the sheets beneath you as you felt the familiar drag of his cock as he pulled out, thrusting back in with as much ferocity.
"Urg..." Rio hung his head, moaning out as he repeated the action, already loosing himself to the feeling. "Dear creator..."
You moaned as he tugged you back into his thrusts, your body squirming beneath him. Moaning his name as he fucked you, the lewd wet sound of your bodies clapping echoing off the walls.
"Oh my-- oh my god! Rio!" You moaned loudly wanting to bury you face in the pillows.
"Ah... oh... you're to- you're too good--!" Rio moaned fucking into you, your pussy gripped him like a vice, it was hard not to get addicted when you're always so warm, wet and... tight.
Your brain was turning to mush. You couldn't help but cum on his dick, your overstimulated body shuttering as Rio pushed you over the edge.
"Ah... that's... you're so pretty... so pretty when you finish..." Rios hands ran up and down your back softly as he sped up his pace. "More... need more"
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Toa would much rather see your face but shit he like this😈
I feel like Toa like switching positions a bit
Like I said he would much rather look at your face but a little booty never hurt no one😋
Toa is one that's always holding you around your waist
Enjoying the hot drag of his cock between your folds before he needs to feel his skin against yours
He'd lean over you and pull you up so your back is against his chest, arm draped around your middle, the other anchored on the head board as he fucks you from behind
The skin to skin contact makes it 10× better
You both ignore the way sweat sticks to your skin as Toa kisses your shoulders praising your sweet body
Don't expect him to let up anytime soon
You moan hotly as Toa fills you up, your back flush to his chest. He hushes you as he kisses the side of your face, holding you around your middle reassuring you.
"Shh... you're doing so well pretty... so good..." Toa kisses your ear as he buries himself inside you, his pelvis flushed to your ass.
He thrusted in with such purpose if he wasn't holding you up you're sure you would've fallen face first into the pillows. Toa with one hand gripping the headboard, fucked into you kissing the back of your neck trailing kisses down your back as your moans rung throughout the room.
Good thing he used that soundproofing spell.
"Hah ahh... fuck... Toa, please..." your head hung as your back arched feeling a trail of drool rim your lips. You didn't even know what you were begging for but you know you need more of him.
"Yes..." Toa picked up your head with the arm that was wrapped around your middle, turning your head to kiss your lips, licking up the drool before it fell.
His pace increased; with your body now ankored from your chin your back arched deeper making him feel like he was in your stomach.
"Ah-! Oh my--!" One of your hands went up to cup his cheek pulling him to your lips needing to occupy your mouth muffling your moans.
Toa kissed you back, his tongue exploring your mouth groaning as he felt your pussy clench around the length of his cock.
"Mmm... that feel good?" He panted in your mouth, his arm going back around your waist pulling your body right up against him.
"Yes! Yes! Yes! Toa! Please... more.."
"More? How could I ever say no to you~♡"
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This man is a freak.
Bro also dosen't know how to keep his hands to himself like they always on the move, like stay in one place boy!
Roy will truely make you crazy the way he has you like this
He's holding your waist, holding your hips, he's kneading the thick of your ass in his hands while he goes at it with you
Bro is holding your thighs too his hands are everywhere!!
If its permissible his hands are in your hair too and he's not opposed to tugging on it a little bit
wraps a hand around your neck to pull you back for a kiss--
Will hold you flush against his chest with one hand around your neck and the other on your clit while he coos in your ear--
He's gently pressing your back into an arch with one hand, holding and kneading one of your ass cheeks with the other while watching himself disappear inside you
And he's moaning too
Like bro is moaning
Saying shit like how good he feels, how good you feel, how pretty he thinks you are
Bro won't shut the fuck up💀
And he loves when you look back at him😩
But dont get it twisted you a freak too
"Ohhh~ right there baby~ right there~~"
You threw your head back, letting out a pornographic moan, your back arching as you moved your hips back against him.
"Mmm... creator..." Roy groaned as he felt you tighten arround him, his hands situated on the meat of your ass, pulling you back into him.
You felt heavenly, he could barely contain himself. Your pussy hugged his cock like a sleeve, pulling him back in every time he pulled back. You were so slippery... so warm... tight. Roy could drown.
"You feel so good Heartspell... taking me so well~"
He thrusted forward savoring your wetness as you dripped down his shaft, the wet clap of his hips meeting your ass sounded delightfully filthy as he sped up almost as if he was looking to peirce your heart with his sex.
"Oh~hh mmm... Roy... so good..." you slurred gripping the sheets below as your pressed back against him meeting his thrusts. Your delirious moans echoed throughout the room as your pussy made the most wet obscene noises.
"Oh you're so wet~ 'love me so much don't you?~" Roy caressed your thighs up and down as he lengthened his thrusts pulling almost all the way out before pushing to the hilt in a fluid motion.
"Ah-! Yes...! Yes, I love you so much! S'good to me..."
"Yes I am~ Winsome thing you are~"
His praises punctuated with a long deep thrust, shaking your body forward with each movement. It was hard to describe your pussy as anything if not soaking wet. You coated Roy's hard cock in your sticky translucent fluid making it easy to slip in and out of your lurid pussy.
"Oh... you're so good Heartspell~ I'm making you feel good?~" his eager thrusts grew erratic, holding your waist as he deep dicked you into the mattress.
In his pursuit his cock accidentally slipped out of your pussy, rubbing through your folds against your clit in attempt to slip back in inside dick dripping in your essence.
"Oops i--"
You reached back grabbing his dick as it slipped out stroking it as you teased your folds pushing it back in. You turned your head back, looking Roy in his golden yellow eyes blown out by lust as you fuck yourself back on him, slowly, almost teasingly.
"We're... we're not finished... I haven't gotten my fill of this dick yet...~
Oh you definitely have his heart under a spell alright.
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Lynt can be insatiable sometimes however👀
Lynt will drive you CRAZY the way he stroking you
Lynt is truly making love to your body man
Slow purposeful strokes as he enjoys your body knowing your just aching beneath him
It's like you're both under a spell, stuck in a trance as you moan in sync
He's holding and kneading and touching on the thick softness of your ass cheeks while he do it
The way Lynt slowly thrusts is delicious, you're clawing at the sheets below you
This can go on for hours and you still can't get enough
"Mmm~ fuck!"
You gripped the pillow tightly, your brain turning to mush off of the slow drag of Lynts cock in your pussy. The man gripped the thick of your hips as he pushed into your pillowy wetness.
"You're so warm~..." Lynt sighed as he pulled you into his thrusts, your cunt fluttering around him. "So good~..."
It felt like he was going deeper each thrust, the tip of his cock kissing your cervix with every drag. You wiggled your hips as you pushed back on him meeting his thrusts, feeling yourself drip down your thighs.
"O-ohh~" Lynts hands moved from their place at you're hips, massaging your back and waist affectionately before going back, holding the sweet fat of your ass.
"Mmm!" You buried your face in the pillow arching your back further as you felt him twitch inside you.
Your cunt pulsed and convulsed hugging Lynts cock so nicely he couldn't help but moan. You left a wet sheen on his shaft, a white ring left at the base of his cock, the sight making him groan; proof he's making you feel good.
"Augh~ ... creator you're amazing~"
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Don't let that pretty boy smile fool you this man is a demon!!
Dia is beating your back in.
Your face is buried in the pillows while the wet slap of your sex echos throughout the room
He loves the sound it makes, proof of the intensity of your fucking
Dia will lean over your back, one hand on your waist and kiss your back spewing a mixture of filthy words and praises all while hitting you from behind.
*moans loudly*
He's gently holding your back in it's pretty arch as he goes at you like he has no intention of stopping
Arms wrapped around you like he loves whispering sweet nothings in your ear while he fuck you from behind like youd done something to personally offend him.
Let's not forget hes handsy too
Kneeled behind you, Dia holds your hips steady as you ease back on him, impaling yourself on his cock.
"That's it... don't hurt yourself~" he caressed your waist and thighs as you pushed down all the way until your thighs were flush. "I'm fully inside lovesong~"
He kisses the back of your neck, wrapping his arms around your middle letting his hands wonder your naked skin.
"Dia..." you sigh his name, calling out as his hands cup your breasts paying them attention
"Yes? Something wrong?" He says teasingly, knowing exactly what it is you want.
You move your hips, a needy whine leaving your lips at the stimulation. If the way your pussy gripped him was any indication, you were wildly horny.
"Why don't you tell me? Say it outloud." You're reactions fueled him, your embarrassed face was adorable to him.
"Give it to me... please move."
"So demanding~" he cooed "Not that I mind~"
Dia held you firmly by the waist looking down the curve of your back, his eyes moving towards the fat of your ass, one hand moving to grip it moving it around to watch the flesh jiggle around his palm.
"You needn't do a thing, lovesong♡. Hold fast for me."
Even with his warning fresh in your mind, nothing could've prepared your for the absolutely mind fuck that followed.
"Fuck! Ah--!"
One hard thrust sent you falling face first into the sheets a loud moan crawling up your throat. It felt like he had your g spot on a target hitting the bullseye with perfect aim. You instantly felt yourself get wetter and your moans increasingly growing in volume like his dick hit the shut off switch to your brain, reduced to your baser instincts.
"Ah! Ah! Mmmm..." you buried your face in the pillows, gripping the sheets so hard your knuckles turned white.
You writhed beneath him, unconsciously fucking back on him meeting his thrusts, moaning out profanities and moans of pleasure.
"Relax love... relax..." Dia caressed your back soothingly cooing sweet words in contrast with his hard pace.
"Mmmm... Dia..." you moaned out his name turning your head, wanting to see his face.
"Yes love song... you feeling good? You can tell me if it's too much," Dia leaned over, kissing your shoulder before kissing your cheek lovingly.
"More..." you whispered, whining as his pase slowed.
"Need you... wanna be filled with you... with everything you have to give... keep going please~"
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A fan favorite this one
Fenn also likes switching positions a bunch cus duh
But hes still gon beat your back in
He really feels like he can do whatever he wants like this
Like he can start banging you real rough, shoving your face into the pillows and you can't do nothing about it
Or he cann go at it real slow and sensual, massaging your back, shoulders and ass cheeks while praising you on your pretty arched back
If you tell him to stop he will in a heartbeat so he can and will go crazy if you let him
If you throw it back on him he'll freeze
You just threw him in a loop hold on let the man regain his composure
He'll let you do your thing like yes fuck him back
Eyes glued to your ass cheeks
But even still hes still like👁👁
Gets a lil possessive when he deep in it lowkey
You lasted longer then when you're riding him that's for sure
Bro is in love💀
"Yes... just like that treasure..."
Gripping the edge of the mattress you eased back on him moaning as he reached your deepest spots. Fenns dick curved just right to have you writhing beneath him almost wishing it can pierce you through.
"Mmh..." you ducked your head into the pillow muffling your sounds as you wriggled your bum desiring more friction.
Fenn caressed your sides, rubbing your back from your shoulder blades to the soft mounds of your ass. He was in a lovey mood today, and as much as he loves to see you're face as you fall apart, he couldn't deny he liked the view.
With a deep thrust forward Fenn watched as your ass bounced off his hips.
"So pretty... You're really pretty." Yup he was pussy whipped.
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No, more than that, he was enamored with you and your tight cunt.
You fucked back on him meeting his thrusts, gripping the sheets as you both chased your climax
First of all Lance eats your ass first
Licking it from the back strong grip on your thighs as you put it in his face
Gotta make sure you ready for him after all🥴🥴
*moans loudly*
One of his favorite positions😈
Especially when you get into it like😩
He got his hands all over you, holding your waist as he pulls you back into his thrusts
Kneading your ass cheeks watching himself disappear inside you
Don't you dare hide your moans, he wants to hear you
Yeah moan extra loud just for him
He looses it when you fuck him back, the sound of cheeks clapping bouncing off the walls
Leans over to kiss your back spewing declarations of love before getting back to it
Banging your back in the way you deserve
Worshipping your backside as it should be
"Oh my god!"
With a tight grip on the edge of the bed you threw your head back, a loud moan flying out of your lips. Lance leaned over kissing your shoulders as he pulled you back into his thrusts.
His wild pace almost made it hard to breathe as your ass bounced off his lower abdomen. Both your bodies were slick with sweat as you fucked, the bed groaning under your weight.
"Yeah~ that's it~♡" Lance said through gritted teeth kneading the fat of your ass as he speared you on his cock enjoying the sight of you beneath him loosing your mind at his hand. A ring of white gathered at the base of his cock with every thrust, your thick fuck cream making this even more filthy.
"Mm mm mmm!!" You bit your lips moaning as you subconsciously fucked back against him chasing the pleasure. "Ahh!"
"So good~ moan more. I want to hear you."
"Ahh!" You nearly pulled the sheets off the bed in your iron grip tossing your head back again, your back in a perfect arch as you moan loudly, any regard for your volume thrown out the window. "Yes yes yes!!"
Lance leaned into your exposed shoulder again nibbling on the skin, not slowing his pace as the sound of your sex echoed off the walls.
"Mmm... always responding so beautifully to me~"
You could barely form a coherent reply. Using one hand to reach back, you grabbed around for him until you found his arm. Lance taking the hint curved his hand around yours, lacing your fingers together, then pinning your hands to the bed as he sped up his pace.
"Oh- oh fuck! Mmm!!" You squeezed his hand as your body nearly jumped forward, your free hand scratching the bed. "Lance~♡... I'm so... mmm shit... I'm so happy... keep loving me... keep loving me~♡"
"Oh love~...how you entice me... I'll give you what you want~♡"
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manofmanymons · 9 months
I have concluded, based on an incredibly small sample size, that Ryo x Minoru is not too weird to talk about on tumblr dot com, and that at least one other human being on the face of home, planet earth, not only tolerates but ships it as well.
So I'm gonna be annoying about them for a minute!
I think they're cute as hell! I constantly think about the fact that in non truthful routes, Ryo takes Minoru's teasing to mean that he hates him, but in the truthful route he knows Minoru's antics are his way of cheering him up! + Minoru getting embarrassed about getting called out for it is silly and adorable!
I totally hc that over time they do just have a very specific dynamic with each other that only they understand. Minoru bullies Ryo and Ryo calls him a dick but really that's just their version of "hey how ya doin" "alright"
If Minoru's not messing with him, Ryo will check in and make sure he's okay. If Ryo is ever quiet and doesn't snap back, Minoru will check to see if he's okay.
Except the catch is that literally none of their friends have picked up on this. They all just think "why does Minoru always single out Ryo to pick on" and "Wow Ryo really can't stand Minoru, can he?"
They're genuinely considering talking to those two about their behavior and getting to the bottom of why they hate each other in hopes of getting them to get along better, only for them to rock up to the next friend hangout like "so we're dating now."
Everyone has the most overexaggerated sitcom-esque "WHAT" moment. Except Miu and Kaito who gave up on understanding other human beings so long ago that nothing can surprise them anymore and they're just like "oh cool congrats." Saki is surprised at first but very quickly is like "ohhhh that's why Ryo never shuts up about Minoru." She thought he was just complaining about him a lot but no that idiot had a crush the WHOLE time.
Oh oh oh hc that like on the first day or so of camp, when they first becoming friends, Minoru and Takuma were just talkin about boy stuff, and at some point they got on the topic of like "What's your type?" And Minoru with 0 hesitation was like "definitely a hot girl who's calm and gentle and would want a guy like me to take care of her" while picturing some classic comic book damsel in distress (delusional teen boy moment).
And now finally, FINALLY Takuma can make fun of Minoru for something. Minoru goes too far sharing an embarrassing thing Takuma did at school and Takuma just interrupts him like HEY WANT ME TO TELL YOUR BOYFRIEND WHAT YOU SAID YOUR IDEAL SIGNIFICANT OTHER WOULD BE
And it shuts him right up ksksnf
Minoru is the only person other than Saki that knows that Ryo only actually means "leave me alone" about 20% of the time, and the rest of the time that just means "I'm not feeling great but don't want to/don't know how to talk about it" and will do the OPPOSITE of leaving him alone (coming over to keep him company).
Boyfriend who doesn't talk much x boyfriend who won't shut the fuck up beloved dynamic
Once in a rare while Minoru gets a little overwhelming for Ryo to deal with, but he never takes it personally. He knows his bf loves him, he can just only take so much LOUD at a time. He has other friends he can hand out with while Ryo is in recharge mode.
...Minoru taking advantage of no longer being a single pringle to torment his friends with the "no bitches" meme. The first time Ryo is the one to send it in chat, everyone is like "NOOOO THE MINORUFICATION OF OUR BELOVED RYO HAS FINALLY HAPPENED, IT'S RYOVER."
Bc that's how youths today talk, I believe. /hj
Ryo...surprisingly sappy. Minoru thinking he'd have to remind him of their anniversary only to show up at his place and immediately have flowers shoved in his face. RIP Saki and Shuuji for being the main victims of Ryo talking about Minoru for an hour. The bastard can pretend to be totally normal about his bf in front of the others, but those two know the truth. He is very strategic about NOT telling Takuma jackshit. Both because he's a respectful little lad and knows that there are some things no one wants to know about their best friend, and because he doesn't trust Takuma not to share any cheesy thing he might say with Minoru.
Minoru, surprisingly, also doesn't tell Takuma too much in the way of his love life. School life, home life, fandom life, sure. Love life? Absolutely not. Too much of a "that's not the kinda thing guys talk about" guy.
Famous last sentiments before Takuma becomes an annoying guy who won't shut up about his own bf 24/7 but that's beside the point
I think neither of them would be big on pda. They both get embarrassed too easy. Even then they're dating Ryo still calls Minoru a jerk. Minoru increases the frequency of which he obnoxiously calls Ryo "senpai." They are both, however, allergic to petnames.
Minoru tried saying "sweetie" once at Takuma's behest, and Ryo made him swear to NEVER do that again.
..despite being too embarrassed to hold his hand or kiss him in public, Minoru WILL make random excuses to touch his bf. Stupid things like "your headband was crooked" or "there was an eyelash on your face."
I don't have a good conclusion to this post, just know that I think about them a lot.
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15 questions for 15 friends:
Thank you @missamyrisa2 for the tag :3
1. Were you named after anyone?: Yeahh, if I remember well, I was named after my grandmother on my mother's side.
2. When was the last time you cried?: Last night, while watching La La Land for the first time😔
3. Do you have kids?: Nope, and never thinking of having any ever☝️ I can barely handle myself so I don't wanna imagine myself dealing with kids too😭
4. What sports do you play/have you played?: Pretty much all of them I think. I've done swimming, tennis, soccer, dance, badminton and the list goes on. But I gave up all of them eventually lmaoo.
5. Do you use sarcasm?: Guilty as charged, I can't stop using sarcasm sometimes, it's too much fun.
6. What is the first thing you notice about people?: Honestly the first thing I try to notice about people when I first meet them is wether they like me or not, how they text and such.
7. What's your eye color?: A mix of green and grey, sometimes a tad of yellow in there if the light hits my eye, I don't even know exactly😭
8. Scary movies or happy endings?: Ooohhh hard choice, on one hand I love when things end up well in movies, on the other, I'm a sucker for when things end up horribly in horror movies. It's a tie I'm afraid 😔
9. Any talents?: I can make the best breakfast sandwich ever, hit me up guys, I'll make one just for you🙏 Oh I also have a knack for drawing, not much anymore but I still got it I think :3
10. Where were you born?: In good ol' Canada, won't specify further.
11. What are your hobbies?: Mostly playing video games and drawing. (If any of you speak to me about red dead redemption 1 or 2 I'll love you forever, the rdr brainrot is real🙏🙏🙏🙏)
12. Do you have any pets?: Had one last year, a beautiful (big) tabby cat, though he passed away 2 years ago, rest in peace big guy😔👊
13. How tall are you?: 5'10", 11 ish
14. Favorite subject in school?: Not even gonna lie, it was either art or P.E. I loved both equally. (I only liked art cuz my crush was in the same class as I was/hj)
15. Dream job?: Working in a car shop w my lil brother, working on it actually, gonna start my car bodywork semester soon enough :3
Join in and pass it on if you can. Don't feel obligated!
@calicole22 @zeetickles @avg-tummy-enjoyer @an0nymz @anticklee2 @serial-tickler @cutelittleswitch @dirtbagswitch @echo1321 @fluftickles @fine-feathered-tickles @foot-tickling-fetish @gigglyloser @hypersensitiv3 @lawoftickleswitches
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