#I blame taika waititi in particular
shhhsekkrit · 1 year
I think the problem now is that I’ve been watching too much unapologetically gay content
I’m thinking back to things I used to love because I scrambled to find that content and would pull it desperately out of the subtext
Now I’m spoiled like
It doesn’t have to be subtext
It’s text
Fuck all ya’ll I don’t ever wanna be subtext again
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uniiiquehecrt · 20 days
It's like the Prequels again. Everyone blamed the actors when it's the director who deserves the blame.
Now that I've gotten that out of the way: to put my full thoughts into words... I want to say first that Robert Downey Jr. has this to say about Chris (in response to Chris feeling like he's not as important or as cool as the other heroes):
"Thor as a character was super tricky to adapt [...] but he and Ken Branagh figured out how to transcend, make him somehow relatable but godlike. Hemsworth is, in my opinion, the most complex psyche out of all of us Avengers. He's got wit and gravitas, but also such restraint, fire, and gentleness."
And this is SO true. He took the words out of my mouth.
Reading the article.. and how and where Chris notes feelings of inadequacy, or feeling he's complaining to much (and therefore being narcissistic by complaining), the burning himself out, etc. Suffice it to say I was struck by one thing in particular: There's a lot of Chris in Thor. A LOT of Chris in Thor. It's not a surprise to me, in that case, that he felt down and out about his role in the Avengers, and the MCU as a whole when Thor is, inherently, consequently, alien. But alien in the sense of being SO important, SO regal, so otherworldly in sheer scope and in depth that where he fit in was ... quite simply grander than the others in the overall scheme of things.
It was the Asgardians who brought the Tesseract to Earth and safeguarded it, and the Aether. Two entire infinity stones within their protection. That, is Thor. Who was the one to have a vision about the role of the infinity stones? Thor in "Avengers: Age of Ultron". Who was the one to bring the Vision to life? Thor, also in "Avengers: Age of Ultron". Who was the one to realize as far back as "The Avengers" (2012) that someone was working behind Loki? It was still Thor.
And what I find most interesting is that Chris isn't exactly wrong about what he says here:
"Sometimes I felt like the security guard for the team," he says. "I would read everyone else's lines, and go, Oh, they got way cooler stuff. They're having more fun. What's my character doing? It was always about, 'You've got the wig on. You've got the muscles. You've got the costume. Where's the lightning?' Yeah I'm part of this big thing, but I'm probably pretty replaceable."
Ignoring for a moment that this is absolutely not at ALL the truth, it's not a surprise to me that he felt this way for... particular people and branches within the overarching fandom spaces I won't name for the sanctity of this post. And it is unendingly sad to me to have undeniable proof from the horse's mouth that Chris lost sight of how much depth and beauty he brought to the table as Thor. And how important Thor is as a result.
And yet, I honestly don't blame him FOR losing sight of that. There's a lot he had to - and still has to - contend with. And almost everybody sleeps on his portrayal of Thor in particular. It's depressing to see.
RDJ saying he's got the most complex psyche is so true. Gentle and gravitas, restrained but filled with fire. I love that about Thor. I will always love that about Thor.
I genuinely hope, with Chris seemingly realizing just how far out of touch he fell whilst chasing the high that Taika Waititi's dipshit behavior allowed him to chase, that he does do better. Performs better. But I mean that more in the sense of...
Chris, should you ever happen to read even a small part of this: I hope that you fall back in love with Thor. And I hope you see how lovely he is - and has always been - specifically because of your portrayal of him. You and Thor are not replaceable. You're not boring. At no point have you ever been. And I hope for your last foray into Thor's franchise you get to feel the energy you did when you first put on the costume in the first place. When the costume came on, and it felt like it just fit, and you were transformed into the character entirely. I hope your final goodbye to Thor is filled with all of the love that you first welcomed his part to play with; for you and for all of us.
– and sappiness aside, genuinely, I really do hope that Thor 5 can be a film that Chris feels proud to be a part of. A note he's proud to end on. He deserves it; we all do.
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meerawrites · 8 months
Rules: List 8 tv shows for your followers to get to know you!
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In no particular order, with explanations:
Harlots on Hulu (2017 - 2019): a colourful, well-acted, diverse period drama set in middle 18th century London, featuring prominently a canonical bi lead character -> Charlotte Wells (it’s confirmed in the written script of the show and Jessica said so in multiple interviews). I watched this show perhaps a bit too young given that the subject matter is… 18th century sex workers. But, Charlotte Wells was one of my early “she’s so me” characters and she was played wonderfully by Jessica Brown Findlay, also, Charlotte Wells at least her outward demeanour and appearance inspired my original character, Audrey.
AMC’s IWTV (2022 - ongoing): I am the target audience for this show, enough said.
WWDITS (2019 - ongoing): it’s about that messed up vampire found family/polycule the comedy edition. Also props to Taika Waititi and the writers for knowing pop cultural vampires.
TURN: Washington’s Spies (2014 - 2017): it is about that messed up found family/polycule — cause I said so, and, they’re spies and it’s the 18th century and American revolution this time. A new-ish edition to this list, I blame @musicboxmemories (affectionate).
Bridgerton (2020 - ongoing): I watched season 1 during the pandemic out of sheer boredom, I wasn’t terribly into it until season 2. It is of course, not perfect, but I love seeing South Asian women stay employed, also I love the aesthetics and soundtrack even if it’s not remotely accurate. It’s fun escapism and not as hefty as the other tv on this list, and that’s okay.
Hannibal (2013 - 2015): a new edition to this list, but, predictable, given how much I like horror and Anne Rice’s work. I fell down a tumblr rabbit hole and now Alana Bloom is another character on my “she’s so me” list. A win for the bisexuals.
Good Omens (2019 - ongoing): I read the book first, purely because I wanted to. Then I watched the show for David Tennant, then I related too hard to Anathema Device and Crowley, also… as a bi, I’m holding them both very gently.
Jhansi Ki Rani (2009 - 2011): I learned most of my early Hindi through this show! A Hindi tv show covering the life of anti British imperialist Rani (Queen) Lakshmi Bai of Jhansi, from cradle to funeral pyre. It makes this list purely based on the mental nostalgia I have hearing the theme song and because I wanted to be gender norm breaking sword wielding, Calvary bound, badass anti imperialist Rani Lakshmi Bai so bad when I was younger. It is half the reason I initially did horseback riding and spent a decade fencing.
tagged by: myself.
tagging: @iamthemaestro, @grymoria, @selkiewife & @musicboxmemories (if you want). 💕
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laila-rk · 4 years
Taika Waititi’s Jojo Rabbit
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I will admit I went into Jojo Rabbit with reluctance and in an already bad mood. I was planning on watching Little Women which I was very excited for but didn't make it in time, so it kind of felt like 'settling' for another film already. When the film began I was annoyed when the blatant rip-off Moonrise Kingdom aesthetic that I had expected from the trailer came to fruition. I don't personally see why a director would desire to rip off another's aesthetic and how they could be so conspicuous about it, but hey ho. So the entire first forty minutes or so I will admit I spent sitting in my seat silently pissed off and trying to talk myself out of my terrible mood. The film did nothing to assist me in this task. I ended up actually having to tell myself to try to see the film from a child's perspective, because frankly I don't see how anyone beyond the age of about ten could really take much from this film. Other cinema goers didn't seem to have the same issue — seemingly every person in the theatre was in hysterics at all the really badly written, juvenile script/ jokes. I despair.
Where to begin really? Rebel Wilson manages to be unfunny throughout, with every line seeming to be delivered with too much surrounding silence as if in anticipation of audience laughter. It felt like Pitch Perfect and all the jokes fell flat. The lead boy (Roman Griffin Davis) is strangely angered throughout, without any real impetus. I don't assign any blame to the twelve year old actor for this, rather the script and character writing was really badly done. Sam Rockwell, though one of the better performers, seems to be a tacked on character with no real point beyond serving as a vague father-figure to fatherless Jojo and as a precautionary "not all Nazis were bad people" add on. Scarlett Johansson I frankly felt sorry for throughout.
Jojo is a young member of the Hitler Youth. He is sufficiently indoctrinated but is small and cowardly. Some older Nazi boys tell him to kill a rabbit and when he can't do it, they call him rabbit as a joke. But Jojo confides in his imaginary friend, Hitler, who tells him it's okay because he would have his people be comprised of all 'animals' so to speak — the courage of a panther, the cunning of a fox, something something... you know, because Hitler was well into diversity. None of this matters though, because where the film is set up initially at the Hitler Youth training camp, and we feel as though we are in for a long slog of trying not to detect Wes Anderson's Fort Lebanon in this camp, the film bizarrely turns into another film when it randomly changes its mind and decides to set itself largely in the boy's home. It feels very much like the opening is from another movie and just stitched on the beginning.
Actually, despite the Wes-rip off, I would've preferred it to remain at Not-Camp-Ivanhoe, because what it turns into is Boy in the Striped Pyjamas meets Tracy Beaker. It has all the cheap tactlessness of a BBC film, including cheap looking costumes and predictable cinematography. There's a bit where Johansson tells Jojo (her son) that love feels like butterflies and soon after we get a camera pan down to Jojo's stomach where, yes, cgi butterflies reside. It felt like that bit where you go inside Tracy Beaker's head and see her 'famous' mum stepping out of a limo. It was embarrassing to watch.
Jojo falls in love with a Jewish girl, which feels like an unnecessary thread of the story, partly because it seems to be assuming the audience is also in the Hitler Youth and needs teaching that Jewish people do not in fact have horns and hang upside down like bats — actual line from the film— and partly because the girl is established as a stand-in for Jojo's dead sister. So that's weird.
Scarlett Johansson has to try to carry a scene off in which she impersonates Jojo's father who is said to be fighting in the war and has been absent for two years, therefore suspected as a deserter. Johansson awkwardly smears her face with ash from the fireplace and with this 'beard', begins to mimic Jojo's dad in such a way as to paint him as some kind of angry drunk, or rather just a stereotype of a 40s German father? We aren't sure. There's a lot of horrible awkward dancing in this scene and throughout, because Jojo's mum equates dancing to freedom and... well, that's about as profound as the film manages to get. The scene is really hard to watch and it just feels like the camera remains too long on an actress who isn't totally convinced of her role, and who could blame her really when the script is so embarrassingly flimsy?
The Hitler character, played by director Taika Waititi, has his moments. The performance is flamboyant and self-deprecating which does make for the occasional funny moment, in particular a part where he feigns confusion at public perception of himself as a 'psycho' as if he has no idea why this would be. The problem is that this should have been woven throughout and actually the film strays from this character too much in favour of following the Jewish girl who Jojo's mother has been hiding. This doesn't work because for some unknown reason, the girl is made to be frankly a smug brat. I'm not sure if this was in some kind of attempt to imbue the character with some form of liberation (she immediately grabs the Nazi boy and physically shoves him around a lot). It doesn't really come across as liberated though, if anything it makes it hard to empathise with the character as she behaves like a robot. She just comes across as an unbearable character who seems to have literally zero gratitude for the person who has been hiding and feeding her. That's not to say the Jewish character doesn't have EVERYTHING to be angry about, but human nature does dictate that one might be a little more emotionally nuanced and experience small moments of joy when everything else is bad. Instead, Elsa is perpetually angry to the point of essentially bullying the German child who is far younger and smaller than herself. This might make sense if she was even awarded some kind of emotional liberation at the end beyond her predictable escape when the war ends, but all she is permitted to do is another stupid dance on the doorstep (signifying Jojo's mother's idea of freedom, not even her own).
The film's redeeming quality is actually the performance by Archi Yates as Yorki, unfortunately perpetually referred to as 'the fat kid', as if that's a funny enough line to repeat throughout. His performance is naive (the actor is eleven years old), but it works because his timing is great and he delivers the lines as if he is familiar with the intended style of comedy; he actually delivers his lines with wit, where all the adult actors around him fail. He also seems to speak with a British accent where everyone else flits between a half baked German accent and their own real accent, which in between seems to fall into some kind of Welsh accent. Just do the German accent properly or don't bother with it! A scene in which Stephen Merchant arrives as Gestapo begins with a lot of 'Heil Hitlers' and ends with Merchant seeming to forget what he's doing and falling into his usual west country voice.
I don't have much else to write about this film because it's not enjoyable to bang on about the bad qualities of a movie and I do think there is something to be said for the director/writer's bravery in making a film about Hitler as a boy's imaginary friend.
I think the film would've been better off with less of a comedy vibe and by following in real earnest the experience of a member of the Hitler Youth; what his psyche would've been. Unfortunately the film is too babyish for any adult (Dukes at Komedia crowd notwithstanding), which means it is really only funny to kids, and I'm not sure what it does for a child without real prior knowledge of Hitler's Germany. The termination of the boy's friendship with Adolf manifests in his literally kicking Adolf out the window and telling him to 'fuck off', but actually this doesn't do much to negate the established charm/ charisma of the Hitler character. You don't ever really get that sense of revenge or satisfaction at Hitler's expense, if anything you feel a bit sorry for the neurotic clown incarnation of Adolf, who after all is a figment of the boy's imagination. I don't demand any kind of moral lesson from art, but it would seem that this film would be obligated to contain one, and yet it remains dubious as to what it even is... are we allowed to like this Hitler character? Are we even happy when he's gone? Wasn't he the only funny thing about the film?
The movie ends with the Rainer Maria Rilke quote “Let everything happen to you: beauty and terror. / Just keep going. No feeling is final.” Which left me with the final reflection that indeed I did have to let this film happen to me and was rewarded with the beauty of the final credits rolling and the liberating sensation of being able to leave the cinema to go get pizza.
Sadly this film immediately goes to the bottom of my Oscars nomination list (nominated for Best Picture. Ouch!). Interesting to note that Ra Vincent of LOTR/ The Hobbit fame (anyone else watch all those making ofs?) did the production design for this film. At least his name in the credits left me with some feeling of warmth towards it.
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So...my favorite DC villain is Poison Ivy. I find her character to be relatable and sympathetic in many continuities. My favorite quote of hers is from Secret Origins where she says, “If nobody’s going to bring you roses, you’ve got to grow your own.” As someone who works on self-love every single day of my life, I like to carry this quote around and remind myself of this when I start to tear myself down. Poison Ivy is confident and she doesn’t need validation. She knows her worth. That’s why she’s not only my favorite villain but one of my favorite fictional characters period.
Her hands are not clean. She is not innocent, and she deserves to face consequences for a lot of her actions. You see, with villains, you have to be able to balance what you like and what you don’t like, and you have to ask yourself, “Would I excuse a real-life person for the same crimes?”
Another villain I admire is Fish Mooney from Gotham. This character was introduced to me at a time when I was still figuring things out in regards to being a Black woman and being a queer Black woman. I was just starting a new job where I would be required to regularly address groups of people. I admired Fish for the way she demanded respect and got it. I didn’t have a lot of Black women to look up to growing up, and I didn’t realize it back then, but I kind of took inspiration from Fish in how to carry myself even if I wasn’t as confident as her character...I just acted like I was. Still, there are things she did in that series that I would never dream of modeling or suggest someone else do. Again, it’s a no brainer to me: “It was a powerful scene to watch Fish break Oswald’s leg for betraying her in the first episode, but is that a healthy way to handle betrayal in real life?” The answer to that question should be obvious.
I know I’m probably annoying people who follow me with my continued criticism of the Loki fandom, but it’s just something that’s been on my mind lately (and frankly, it’s become really difficult for me to sift through the tag and separate the quality content from the irrationality of the fandom). I just don’t understand why other villain fandoms seem to be able to grasp this important balance, but they don’t. Finding Loki fans who are able to enjoy him as a character without coddling him and blaming all the characters around him for his actions has become almost impossible, and the lengths I’ve seen them go to excuse his actions (even being downright racist towards Heimdall and Taika Waititi) are quite absurd. I’m sure there are other fandoms that have been this vicious, but...this just amazes me.
I mean, I’m just so confused. Loki is not the first interesting villain to exist. He’s not the first villain to be played by a fairly attractive white man. I mean, what is it about this particular villain that the fandom doesn’t think they can enjoy him without mischaracterizing him?
Loki’s Army: Do Not Interact!
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tafadhali · 5 years
Top 6 celebrity crushes:
I was tagged by @witchqueenlilith, and invite, uh, anyone who would like to to play along, I’m bad at tagging folks. Sorry.
I don’t really have any long-standing faves when it comes to celebrities (I’m usually more into the fictional characters they play), but here are a few I’ve been into lately, in no particular order:
1. Taika Waititi
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2. Michael Sheen
(Not just as Aziraphale, in pretty much any incarnation, I just liked this gif)
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3. David Tennant
I’m actually mortified to put both lead actors from Good Omens on this list but while GO is 100% to blame for my knowing anything about Michael Shannon at all, the David Tennant resurgence is more from finally watching all of Broadchurch. Love when he gets to be Scottish.
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4. Keanu Reeves
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5. Kate McKinnon
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6. Jeff Goldblum
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THIS LIST IS SO STRAIGHT, ahhhhhh, and a lot of backups were dudes too. (It is also very basic lol.) But when it comes to celebrity crush my criteria were 1) currently rather invested in them, 2) will watch them in almost anything, 3) am somewhat tickled by them as people, and 4) mayyyyybe want to cadge their personal style, and that always narrow category includes more dudes right now. If it were “I think they’re gorgeous and save dozens of pictures of them but don’t know too much about their vibe” Lupita Nyong’o would always win hands down.
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katiekeysburg · 6 years
many many many thoughts on Infinity War
i’m not sure this will even make sense.  spoilers
why does the read more not work on mobile
last chance
My favorite thing about the movie, by far, is the role the Guardians of the Galaxy played in it.  They are my favorite, so that’s not surprising, but I honestly expected they’d be more like guest stars.  They will probably be benched for most of the second film tho, so I guess this makes up for it.
Everything about meeting Thor is absolutely perfect.  The crew’s fawning over him, Peter’s jealousy, “a pirate and an angel had a baby”.  Thor assuming Rocket is in command because Peter is being so childish.  I was laughing so hard for the whole thing, but my favorite moment was when Rocket goes to leave.  Peter has a short aside with him, not unlike their aside when Peter, Gamora and Drax leave Rocket behind on Behar in GOTG2.  Except they part on better terms, indicating how much both characters have grown.
Canon Starmora caught me a bit off guard, but then it’s been a couple years since GOTG2, and now the unspoken thing is now spoken.  That’s an area rich for fanfic to fill in.  I think my main issue was that tonally that seen just careems all over.  Gamora’s flashback, begging Peter to kill her, then they’re kissing.  Then Drax interrupts.  Of all the moments in the film, this one need to breathe a little more to let it happen more naturally.
My favorite part of the movie might be the bit on Knowhere: Gamora’s grief when she thought she killed Thanos, and Peter’s attempt to kill her.  The first GOTG shortchanged Gamora’s decision to move against Thanos and why; at that point she’s just made up her mind.  So I loved seeing a bit more of their family dynamics.  Peter’s attempt to kill her went on a bit too long IMO, but I loved the whole concept.  I didn’t think he’d be able to do it, but he tried! My poor baby.  He’s grown so much.  I can forgive him his ultimate actions, they are understandable and there’s plenty of material to support him.  
Gamora’s too make sense.  I am most upset about that particular death, as her character arc is REALLY NOT COMPLETE.  In my GOTG2 meta I discuss how she’s just barely begun to learn to deal with her emotions.  She’s apparent come some distance since then, since she can tell Peter she loves him. But if this is really the end for her, she won’t ever get to complete her arc and I hate that.  I assume she’s bound with the soul stone and will be back, but I HATES IT PRECIOUS.  FUCK YOU RUSSOS/MARKUS AND MCFEELY IF YOU RUINED THE ARC OF ONE OF MY FAVES.  It would be a really poor choice to fridge her like that, for fucking Thanos and Peter. FUCK.
Anyway, all the Guardians are used to absolute perfect effect within the larger story and with perfect characterization so bless James Gunn for co-producing. Mantis and Drax could have been easily sidelined, and while they don’t really have arcs of their own, they are used to great effect.  
Thor is my second favorite part.  He zings with everyone, although I didn’t expect the team up of him and Rocket.  It makes perfect sense to send him on a quest, which mirrors his quest to be worthy of the hammer in the original Thor.  It even requires a trial.  And his arrival on Earth with Rocket and Groot is one of the greatest moments ever put on film.
Kinda pissed about Loki tho, even though what we did see of him was perfect.
Other than the Guardians, Thor and Hulk are the only characters who haven’t been in character stasis since Phase 2.  Which is thanks to Ragnarok so BLESS TAIKA WAITITI
The Facial Hair bros are not my favorite, but I do appreciate the Stark/Strange pair up.  Their friction is immediately believable and it works. This is Tony’s worse nightmare - not only was he worried he was going to die in space, but now Peter Parker is there too.  It’s really the only climax they could do for Tony at this point, although I’m pretty pissed his character has basically been in neutral since The Avengers.  We’ve seen him try to overcome his fears, try to compensate for them, try to protect against them, and he hasn’t really grown much as a character since then.  He’s struggled, but it hasn’t gone anywhere and it leads him here anyway.  Worse, rather than just be responsible for the Avengers who are at least powerful adults in their own rights, he has Peter who is there because of his actions.
Just cause Tony is a popular character is not a good reason to leave his character spinning until they could get to this movie.  BAH.
Thank goodness for Peter.  I died at his Aliens references.  He lightens up the two Facial Hair bros who would otherwise get too dire.  This group gets a lot better when the Guardians show up tho.  They all get to zing off each other.
I just want Peter and Peter to talk more pop culture.  I really need to write that fucking heist fic for the two of them.  SO MUCH. Fuck.  Anyway, Tom Holland was pure perfection and also used really, really, really well.  
I saw praise for developing actual motives for a villain and making him understandable.  Overall I feel pretty meh about Thanos though - he works excellently as a foil for both Avengers and GOTG but independently I don’t think he’d be that interesting.  He’s certainly no Loki or Ego.  It made sense to make this movie his movie, his quest, given where it ended, but I still feel it was a little underdeveloped.  Why go after the stones right this second? What’s he been doing since the Avengers, besides having the gauntlet made?
If this movie makes one mistake, it’s who they choose to leave on Earth.  The problem with sending all your funny people to space is that everything on Earth after that sort of lagged.  The only relief was really Bruce reacting to everything he had missed while he was gone, plus whatever lines they could scrounge up for Rhodey and Sam and Oyoke.  The sidekicks do all the heavy lifting but the Earth scenes lack the cohesion of the rest of the movie.  It’s mostly set up and dreary exposition.  If I cut anything out of the movie (besides making every battle shorter) I would cut out Rhodes talking to the Colonel.  That whole scene is WAY too long to establish that Cap is still a criminal and Rhodes was on the other side. 
Honestly, of the many failures Civil War had, one really evident one here is the lack of my ability to care for Vision and Scarlet Witch.  Neither of those characters nor their romance has been developed enough for the importance the plot tries to place on them.  It was present in Civil War but never really clicked.  I think it’s partially the ridiculousness of the very young-written SW in combination with the ridiculous purple android.  The relationship never manages to feel real.
The best part was Black Widow, Scarlet Witch and Oyoke all fighting together, and I want my female Avengers movie.
Cap is given basically nothing to do but show up and look cool.  I’m assuming he will therefore have a bigger part in the next movie, but FUCK if I’m not still pissed at the Russos/ M&M for continuing to kick the Stucky can down the road.  As far as I’m concerned, they’ve never reached and real emotional catharsis or resolution that was promised in Winter Soldier.  Poor Bucky literally keeps getting PUT ON ICE as they used CW to set up this movie, and used this movie to set up Avengers 4.  Deeply uncool. 
The ending sucked.  I hate walking out of a movie theater on a down note.  I get where we are in the structure and why they did it and it will ultimately be fine, but it’s not a great place to end the movie.  It was almost as bad as walking out at the end of Deathly Hollows 1.  It would have been worse, had we not known pretty much everyone that dies has another movie scheduled.  I am kind of glad most of the Guardians are gone actually, since if Gamora is gone at least the others aren’t there to mourn her.  Pretty harsh to leave poor Rocket alone tho, as he’s the least capable of dealing with it. He’s going to make a good foil for Tony in the next movie. 
The stinger at least helped.  The nerd boys in the row behind me thought Fury was calling Nova and I had to correct them that it was Captain Marvel.  They were like “Oh, her.” Fucking sexist ass nerd boys can’t get excited for Captain Marvel.  It will be a great move into Phase 4 to have her show up and work with Gamora in the Soul stone to save all these emotional constipated male superheros who just can’t seem to deal with their issues.
Putting Avengers members with the GOTG crew really just highlights how much of Phase three has been treading water to get here, for every Avengers character but Thor and Hulk.  I absolutely blame Markus and McFeely and Civil War for this too.  Poor Tony has been stuck since IM 3 but Civil War could have done a lot more than look cool and manufacture conflict to get everyone in the right position for this movie.   
TLDR: Infinity War is better than Civil War but suffers for the lacks in CW, just as it’s buoyed by the strengths of the other franchises.  And fuck Markus and McFeely.
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I mean, I love Harley Quinn as a character but can admit she’s done some pretty shitty things. I love how her character has evolved from villain to anti-hero, but that doesn’t mean things in the past are erased. I think most of the fandom has this same mindset. I watch Gotham and absolutely adore the villains of that show, but as much as they can be relatable, that doesn’t mean the bad things they do should be excused. Again, I think most people who watch the show have the same mindset. I think most fandoms have this mindset.
I just cannot wrap my head around why the Loki fandom should be different. I don’t know what it is, but it’s like his fandom doesn’t think they can enjoy him as a character unless they mischaracterize him to be some “poor little bean” and blame the people around him for his actions instead of holding him accountable. I mean, maybe it’s because Tom Hiddleston is considered by a lot of people (myself included) to be an attractive man and they can’t separate that from his character...but even so, Loki is not the first attractive villain to have a strong following. So...yeah...I’m at a loss.
To be fair, part of me gets it. I know what it’s like to feel so passionate about something I like. I understand the need to defend something or someone I like in a series, but what I’m seeing in this particular fandom are people who can’t stop at “defending” him. I’m seeing people criticizing people like Taika Waititi as a person rather than sticking to just criticizing his work (even stooping so low to bring up his ethnicity/background into the mix). I’m seeing people mischaracterize Thor into being some bully who gets off on picking on his brother. I’m seeing people use the fact that Loki experienced emotional abuse in their arguments as if being an abuse victim makes it inevitable that a person will do the terrible things Loki has done. I mean, it’s a real mess, and there’s no room for any rationality.
Seriously, if anyone has any idea as to what is different about this particular character that makes the fandom act this way, please shed some light for me, because I’m at a loss.
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