#I bet fanfic writers are like *intensely taking notes*
alonelytinywriter · 4 years
Excuse Me?
Anonymous said to alonelytinywriter:
Can I have a Hawks x reader where she's in japan and she's homeless and she steals Hawks coffee outside a coffee shop and he just - "EXCUSE ME?"
Ooooooo, Darling, you better bet. I still don’t do readers, though, sadly. It just doesn’t flow well with my writing style and makes it where the stories just don’t sound . . . good? I hope you’ll forgive me! If you like what you read don’t forget to drop a big fat heart on this fic (Support your local fanfic writers!), and let me know what you’d like to see next.
Warnings: There be soft smut here. And Hawks actually being a soft guy, and some heavy language because OC is a 2 kool 4 skool. Very soft Hawks. Warm Hawks. Gentle ball of . . . feathers doesn’t sound as good. Lets be honest, this prompt got me feeling a certain kind of way, and I really just wanted some self indulgent comfort.
Soft Yandere! Takami Keigo (Hawks) / Original Female Character
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Playlist - Hitohira No hanabina - Stereophony
Name: Sato Ichika ~ Birthday: April 21st ~ Age: 19 ~ Hair Color: Blue ~ Eye Color: Green ~ Gender: Female ~ Height 5’0’’ ~ Quirk: Specter ~ Occupation: Subway/Train Musician
Appearance ~ Ichika is a fairly short girl with a rather full physique despite her willowy appearance. She has dark blue hair that falls just below her collar bones and crystalline green eyes that point slightly outward, which seems to resemble a cats. Due to her Quirk, Ichika’s skin is ghostly pale, almost stark white; using her Quirk causes her skin to fade to transparent at her hands and feet, while her hair begins to float about her head and face as if she has her own personal breeze. ~ Ichika’s appearance has always been a bit of a sore spot for her, making her an outcast at an early age. After becoming a teenager she began to dress to suit her appearance, adopting a punk/grunge style with lots of fishnets, oversized sweaters, dark colors and darker makeup. Now she wears next to no makeup, unless you count chapstix, but she still dresses the same.
Quirk: Specter ~ As her name-sake suggests Ichika, when activating her Quirk, can float, as well as permeate any solid object. - It should be noted that while she can permeate through another living thing, the effort is nearly enough to make her pass out. - She also has the ability to manifest and maintain ghostly images that have been known for their ability to produce sound, though not their ability to interact with the corporal world, something which many thought as the hindrance which held Ichika from becoming a Hero. Ichika uses the ability to preform on the subways and trains to earn money throughout the days and nights. As mentioned before, while her Quirk is activated her hands and feet become transparent and her hair floats - the longer her Quirk is activated, the farther the transparency will travel up her limbs. This can be dangerous for Ichika, as it becomes harder to control her Quirk and once 100% transparency has been archived, Ichika has been known for blacking out and even attacking those she considers friends. Due to this, Ichika refuses to use her Quirk for longer than 1 hour at a time, at which time the transparency will only reach her elbows and knees.
Power - 2/5 ~ Speed - 2/5 ~ Technique - 5/5 ~ Intelligence - 3/5 ~ Cooperativeness - 3/5
~Excuse Me~
~ The first time Ichika stole she thought she was going to throw up. Or maybe that had been the fact that she hadn’t eaten anything in four days and only drank stagnant water from a broken fountain. It had been three rice balls shaped to resemble cat heads from a small grocery market and when she had walked through the doors after slipping the plastic wrapped food under her sweatshirt, she had been sure that the nearest employee would appear and scream THIEF into her face before calling for the police. She would go to jail or worse - go home to her parents and their cross expression as she turned out exactly the way they believed she would. But they didn’t. No alarms sounded, no one tried to drag her back into the market, no one seemed to notice at all. They had tasted amazing - even the one she dropped on the sidewalk and had to fish from the gravels - and the glow of victory had stolen over her like a living thing. Each stole item felt lighter in her fingers as she took them, her natural dexterity and knack for misdirection making her a perfect pickpocket. The fact she could use her Quirk to preform on the train - simple musical sets as she danced and allowed her ‘Ghosts’ to make the music - helped to distract the silly sheep around her and she danced and slipped past. Fingers found wallets, watches, an elderly woman’s bracelet, a single diamond hoop earring, a cup of coffee -
~ “Excuse me? What do you think you’re doing?”
~ Now. Now, Ichika knows she’s going to vomit. She can feel the bile churning in her stomach as she turns towards the voice - Gods above, why did it have to be his coffee? - and confidently meet the bright golden eyes of the Number Two Hero - Hawks. Of fucking course. Of course there was a Hero on the train. But she stamps down the rising horror and smiles brightly. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” But the Hero isn’t stupid and he snags her wrist before she can skip away, turning it so that the hand hold the large coffee showed the name scrawled across the front - HAWKS <3. Him turning her wrist does something worst, though. It rattles to hidden pocket in her sleeve and makes several of the stolen items to rattle to the floor of the train. A man to her left quickly recognizes his wallet at the top of the pile and frowns, looking for all the world as if he might attack Ichika at any moment for having dared stolen his belongings. 
~ “Shit.” Ichika activates her Quirk without thinking, her hair whipping about her face so quickly that it surprises the Hero into letting her go and she rushes to go above the others heads, straight up and through the roof of the train and into the sky above. Her heart is racing painfully against her chest as she slips through the metal as if it’s no more than water, thumping so quickly that she can feel the pulse beating against her sternum when she lays her hand there to calm herself. There was no way the Hero wouldn’t know what she had been doing. He would come looking for her soon, if he hadn’t already called for the train to stop. She needed to leave, and fast. It wasn’t the first time she had been caught in the act of taking what wasn’t hers, and normally it didn’t bother her to know that people knew what she did but there had been something in the Hero’s eyes as he stared at her in disbelief that set Ichika on edge.
~ She landed three miles away panting and covered in sweat from the effort of keeping her Quirk active for so long. Her vision was blurry, and she could feel the Earth swaying beneath her feet, rocking like a ship during a typhoon. She was still holding the damned coffee. Sighing, she allowed the transparency to fade from her skin, until she was whole again, until she was her again, and then she took a long draft from the coffee quickly cooling in her hand. It was intensely sweet, chocked with sugar and caramel until it reminded her of a milkshake instead of a coffee drink. Crinkling her nose at the intense taste of sugar on her tongue, Ichika forced herself to take another swallow before she started walking. She was only a few blocks from the grate that would lead her to the abandoned platform she used as a hideout, and she needed the energy to make it on foot since she had pushed her Quirk so far. Her heartbeat was still beating in her ears, a steady thwump thwump thwump . . . that didn’t match the beat of her heart at all.
~ This is all the time Ichika has before a dark shape hurtled from the sky above her, a laugh as dark and rich as honey sounding through the air. Hands clutched the back of her shirt and her feet her jerked out from beneath her as she was lifted forcefully into the sky. “Well, well, well, look what we found here.” Hawks voice is just as smooth as his laugh. “What do you think you’re doing, kid? Taking things from strangers is dangerous stuff, don’tcha think?” Ichika screamed, her Quirk flaring to life and sending her slipping from his grip. But it was too much. She had used her Quirk too much, since first thing that morning in fact, and the transparency had already been working well up towards her elbows and knees and she was too tired and she really hoped the Hero would at least take the time to make sure she didn’t die when she fell. Between one heartbeat and the next she slipped unconscious, her eyelashes fluttering to hide her sea-glass eyes and putting and end to the chaotic string of thoughts racing through her mind. 
~ She has no clue how long she’s been asleep, how long she floated in the inky darkness, but when she opens her eyes she finds a ceiling above her head that for certain wasn’t the ceiling of the abandoned subway station. And there, next to her, laying in the soft bed with nothing but a pair of boxers was Hawks. He wasn’t ugly - not by any means with his  smooth skin and thick hair and his muscles . . . But why had he taken her? She tried to scoot away but Hawks mumbled something in his sleep - something intellagable - and pulled her closer, forcing her front into his side.
Ichika jerked away so hard she fell from the bed, landing in a heap of blankets and sheets hard, making her cry out as her hip connected with the hard wooden floor. Hawks is up in an instant, looming over her, laughing softly. “What’s the matter, kid? Isn’t this a whole lot better than the place you where heading?” Hawks was already unwrapping her from the blankets and Ichika was trying to desperately separate herself from both them and him. She had to get away, get away, get way - why and the fuck was she in a bed with him and not in jail?? - but then Hawks hands are on her arms, hoisting her up, pulling her against his chest. “Don’t bother trying to use that Quirk of yours, kid. I’ve got a Quirk canceling cuff on your ankle, so you’re not going anywhere.” Ichika wants to speak, wants to ask exactly what the hell is going on, but he continues before she can. “I’ve been watching you for weeks, you know. Letting you get away with picking those peoples pockets. Watching you dance and trick your way into getting away with your loot, kid. It was hilarious watching you, knowing you thought no one knew. And you’re damn good, kid.” Ichika was shaking, pushing against his chest, trying to get away, but Hawks just held on tighter. “Awww, c’mon, kid. This is much better than a jail, isn’t it? I might have taken you, but I also made sure you didn’t turn into a pancake on the side of the road, you know?”
~ Ichika could barely remember her encounter with the winged Hero, and as her eyebrows furrowed, her sluggish memory trying to piece together what his words meant, Hawks wings curled around them both, encasing them in the soft red feathers. “It’s not so bad. I can feel your heart beating, you know? So hard, and fast against my chest. You don’t gotta worry, I’m not gonna make you do anything you don’t want to. I have plenty of time to make you change your mind.” His fingers where running across the skin of her back - she was only clad in her bra and panties - and he allowed his nails to drag across her spine, making her shiver. “But I can already tell you, I decided weeks ago I was gonna bring you home, kid. I knew I wanted you. I just had to wait till I could catch you and guess what, kid - I did!” He hugged her closer to his chest, his cheek resting against her hair. “And I’ll keep you here as long as I need for you to want me the same way I want you. See, not a lot of people know this, but I’ve been working both sides for a while. I’ve got enough saved we can go on a nice long hiatus and it won’t bother me a bit. Pus, I’m raking in loads of cash for all the wrong reasons, and I have all the time in the world to be able to shower you with enough affection and attention, and I can make you love me.”
~ Hawks voice was low and rough, like gravel and Ichika couldn’t stop shivering. She was still held against his chest, desperately trying to move herself off the Hero’s - Villain’s? - lap, but the more she moved the more pronounced Hawks attraction became for her. He was still talking, whispering dirty, senseless declarations of love and affection against her ear as his fingers continued to skim across her skin, but Ichika couldn’t seem to find her voice. She was in shock. What was going on?? what was going on?? What was going on?? What was -
~ “I’m sorry.” Hawks cooed into her ear, his beard scratching softly against the soft skin of her cheek before he forced her to look into his eyes. “Didn’t I make it clear enough? You’re mine now. You’ll be staying here with me, until the unforeseeable future, and you’ll be paying me back for that coffee you decided to steal this morning.” Ichika was already thrashing in his arms before he finished, and he allowed her to tire herself out, panting in his arms before he continued. “It won’t be that bad, kid. Look kid, I’m a mess, but I’ll take care of you. I’ll make sure you’re safe and feed and you have a roof over your head. And I won’t hand you over to the police. How does that sound?” Hawks sat there, waiting for her response, knowing that she didn’t have a choice. But for the moment he allowed her to mull over the supposed ‘choice’ he had given her.
~ Ichika’s mind was racing; she could fight - without her Quirk she would loose. She could play along and try to escape but what would she do? What would he do? He would go to the police, tell them everything, and then where would she be? In a jail cell, and there would be no one there to bail her out. Her body drooped as she came to her decision, every muscle in her body going lax as tears pooled at the corners of her eyes. Hawks nearly felt bad as he watched the girl deflate in his arms, and he nudged her cheek with his nose, a teasing smile spreading across his lips. “Maybe you should tell me your name?” It falls from her lips easily, and Hawks repeats it, rolling it across his tongue, enjoying the way it tasted in his mouth. He’s still saying it when his lips begin to brush across her neck, her hair falling across her shoulders like a waterfall. His nails dug into her skin as she shivered, the tears finally spilling. Her skin was so soft, her hair like silk between his fingers. There were freckles scattered across her body, freckles that shone against her skin like fragments of opal when Hawks laid her back on his bed, her bra discarded to the floor. His fingers dipped across her skin, her voice raise’s and falls in sync with Hawks movements, and by the end the blush spread across her cheeks matches Hawks face perfectly.
~ “You’re gonna stay here with me for now on, kid. No ifs, ands, or buts about it.”
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alisinchainmail · 3 years
More from the crossover fanfic no one asked for but everyone's getting...
Kylo + Quinn: The Last Harlequin: Ch. 1.2
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[Gif sources: Part 1, Part 2]
Writers' favorite excerpt from Kylo + Quinn Chapter 1.2 of The Last Harlequin:
He exhales sharply through his nose and straightens. "My Knights of Ren detected you in our no fly zone. You didn't respond to our warnings we sent, so we mistook you for a threat."
She rolls her eyes, annoyed at the jab. "I guess I'm going to have to forgive you and your little Space Knights of Ni for not knowing who I am..." She does a flashy roundoff back handspring and flips over him so she's between him and her bat. "Harley Quinn, nice to meet ya." She extends her now uncuffed hand to the dark knight.
Overcompensating with stillness to hide that he's impressed with the stunt from an Earth girl, he looks down his nose at her hand. "Kylo Ren," he says quietly, giving her the decency of a reply. 
Harley withdraws her hand, slightly offended he still doesn't seem to have heard of her, "Never heard of me? The Cupid of Crime? The Maiden of Mischief? Princess... of Darkness." She trails off on that last one, unsure if she recently lost that title. "Formerly..." she corrects it quickly.
Kylo plays her game, "Leader of the Knights of Ren, Champion of the First Order, and Apprentice to Supreme Leader Snoke." He takes a step towards her, towering over her. She tilts her head acknowledging she has no idea what any of that really means, either.
"You're not part of the Resistance," he states more than asks. "However, the vehicle you stole has connections to the Rebellion. How?"
Clearly there's a lot of space politics that is not public knowledge on Earth. Why would Bruce Wayne be involved in space wars? He's probably friends with that Elon Muskrat. He's pretty sus with all that Space X shit.
She responds innocently, "Look, I just saw the thing in some local billionaire's driveway, and thought, 'Why not go for a joy ride?'" Kylo steps closer studying her expressions. Harley squints, "What?!" 
Kylo shakes his head, "The Empire has no use for you then. We'll decide what to do with you, or what remains of you, when we're done searching the vehicle."
Harley squints at him, gathering a pretty clear psychological profile from that golden threat of a response, his list of self-important titles, and his demeanor. It all screams of daddy issues.
If he wanted to kill her, he would've done it already. Is he her enemy or a potential new ally? How far can she push this guy before she finds out the hard way? 
She smirks and fires off, "So...you're building a crown-rule empire because daddy kicked you out. And you think this is a big fuck you, but in actuality it's a very misguided attempt to win back his respect." Kylo grips his helmet, and narrows his eyes at her.
Harley slowly steps back towards her bat, she looks at his mask grinning, "Daddy wanted a son, so now he has to hide behind a mask...I get it!" Kylo slams his helmet down on a sidetable next to him. This was too easy!
Harley continues, "Awh it's ok! I bet your mom still loves you. Mom's usually do... if they have the time to notice you through your desperate attention-seeking behavior." He looks in shock. 
She's really hitting a nerve with this guy. How is he so easy to read? "Or maybe you're trying to destroy the very thing that distracted her from you in the first place. Classic only child syndrome. She's part of this rebellion thing isn't she? Gotta love a rebel girl." Kylo lurches at her.
Harley lunges for the bat, but Kylo quickly raises his hand at it, sending it flying across the room. Harley looks at her empty hand, then across the room where it landed. What is he? Some sort of space wizard?
Harley shakes off her confusion, "Won't let me play with your toys? What would I expect from an only child with deep-seated father issues?"
Kylo yells, "Stop...TALKING," as he grabs at Harley. She dodges. Time to go all in.
"Tell me, what did dear old dad do to you? Or was it someone else? Got an uncle who paid some unnecessary visits to your bedside when mommy and daddy were away?"
Kylo clenches his fist and rolls his eyes. That was a hit. Harley taunts, "Awwhhh did I sink your battleship?"
"ENOUGH," he roars, grabbing a handle from his hilt and firing out a massive red flaming greatsword.
Harley stares at the new weapon in disbelief. "Come on! Lazer swords?! At least let me use my dinky baseball bat. I'm Little League compared to that!"
Co-Writer's (Brian) Notes:
I love this as an introduction to their relationship. Harley always has to get the last word in and Kylo is always struggling to keep his composure. Both their characteristics make them butt heads, and also is why they work.
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They’re always gonna have a back forth with their personalities. A yin and yang basically where he’ll constantly try and stay level and she’ll try to trip him up.
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Writer's (Alisin) Notes:
I like this part of the scene for their chaotic, impulsive energy playing off each other in different ways. Also for her first exposure to the world of Star Wars, which her inexperience with the world helps me get away with the fact I still haven't seen all of the Star Wars franchise yet and am newer to the fandom. We're sort of figuring out the world together.
I wanted them to be fairly evenly matched, which — much like with Rey— is Kylo's first experience with someone on equal ground like that, so it throws him off at first.
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Harley is skilled with getting in people's heads from a psychoanalytical standpoint, whereas Kylo uses more of a brute force approach later in the scene. Luke criticized the way the Knights of Ren use the dark side of the force as being unskilled "like a hammer". I bring that characterization into Kylo.
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Kylo wields his emotions and fighting style with a lot of intensity rather than precision and agility. In spite of his bloodline making him a more powerful force wielder, he can be quite clumsy with it. As though his power is greater than himself and the conflict he carries disrupts his clarity in his actions, while also fueling the power of the dark side through his raw emotion.
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With Harley, I like to keep her dancing in between both, since as a character she is more morally gray.
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Her weapons of choice are sometimes literal hammers but her fighting style and wit can be very fluid and agile, similar to the fighting styles of those who utilize the light side of the force. Her actions are impulsive, but not clouded in self-judgements. Without the Joker's influence, she knows herself well enough to have some faith that her impulses are in alignment with her fluid morality.
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And to bring it all back ti Brian's point:
Kylo is brute force like Harley’s weapon and she’s skilled and precise like a sword, his weapon. Neither will admit it but both could run into situations where the others methods work better. Harley has been forced to be chaotic in her approach for so long she’s sort of rebelling against it in her style. Kylo has been wielding the force like a hammer for so long that everything looks like a nail. This further adds to their yin and yang relationship dynamic and how they’ll be able to survive by adapting the others' strengths when they need them.
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[GIF Source: Part 1, Part 2]
Check out the full chapter on Wattpad: The Last Harlequin. For mature audiences only.
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Kylo and Harley's first meeting was originally going to be more simple, but then it just took a life of its own. This whole chapter was originally 4 parts for the Tiktok series, and now it's pushing 16 on Wattpad...and I'm still not done writing it. I have a drug trip scene in the works where they take an intense hallucinogen called Jabbawaska. Yes, this is how ridiculous the Wattpad gets. They're fun characters to write for and it's interesting to see how they bring new characteristics out of each other.
Episodes are currently being posted daily on Tiktok: @KyloQuinnCrossover. Chapter 1 exists in full on YouTube.
Part 1: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMePNHnKH/
Part 2: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMePNAJAE/
Part 3: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMePNGWTx/
Part 4: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMePNGwEn/
Ch.1.10 WP Promo: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMePN4pAy/
Ch.1.11 WP Promo: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMePNPmUS/
Ch.1.12 WP Promo: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMePNsnY7/
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shijiujun · 5 years
Oh wow we start off with the Tang Yi + CWH and wow Tang Yi is just totally smiling in a friendly manner towards CWH while Jack is all brooding and cautious - CWH is going on and on in a spiel about how being loyal landed him in jail for 24 years - Tang Yi sarcastically replies and hints that CWH bribed some of the men under TGD that year and secretly killed TGD - LOL this scene is intense man both Tang Yi and CWH all are speaking veiled threats under each ‘friendly’ barb it’s amazing - FINALLY THEY LOOK AND SOUND LIKE GANGSTERS
Essentially both Tang Yi and CWH are harping on an eye for an eye - in terms of both grudges and favours - and okay frankly this entire exchange is pretty boring for me but i know why they have to have it
LOLOLOL we get TGD AND CWH running around when they were younger this is damn hilarious HAHAHA - And here we see CWH is loyal to TGD and they’re obviously brothers and friends because they’re running away from bad guys and CWH tells TGD that later if they are caught, he should run and CWH will try to fend the bad guys off - He also talks about his girlfriend who’s about to graduate from university and also talking about his son, and how TGD will be the kid’s godfather (WOW OBVIOUS MUCH?!)
Okay I feel like this scene was kind of unnecessary LOL it’s a backstory ep of CWH and TGD - so here we find out why CWH went in to prison - he did it for TGD because TGD would’ve gone to jail if someone didn’t take the rap, but CWH is a loyal bro and knows that if TGD goes to jail Xing tian Meng is done and over, so he sacrificed himself in a sense - And asked TGD to keep the truth from his girlfriend/wife who I assume is Li Zhen Jie? And just personally wondering, what kind of frickin crime did they do for CWH to end up in jail for 24 years?!!!!!
And then CWH and Jack’s eyes meeting across the garden?!
Shao Fei is displaying his FINE POLICEMAN INVESTIGATIVE SKILLS and searching for files - Poor boy looks so conflicted and frustrated - AND THEN SO CONVENIENTLY HE FINDS A HIDDEN LAYER - GUYS IT IS CONFIRMED
so shao fei is driving off (did any of you like know that shao fei can drive in the first 14 episodes?!!!!!! i didn’t!!!) into the dark misty night, and tang yi calls him (tang yi is in his kitchen) and shao fei is BRUTAL AND SAVAGE DUDE he goes: “hey, i’m busy catching a lead on a case and i’ll call you back later” and then HE FUCKING HANGS UP LIKE DUDE THAT’S YOUR BELOVED BOYFRIEND THERE
And LOLOL Tang Yi calling Shao Fei voluntarily and Shao Fei hanging up on Tang Yi it’s fucking hilarious to me it’s like Tang Yi wanted to call his boyfriend - AND OMG HE CALLS AGAIN AND SHAO FEI SWITCHED OFF HIS PHONE AND AHAHAHAHAHAA TANG YI TEXTED HIM - TANG YI IS SERIOUS ABOUT THE BOY FRIEND THING AHAHAHAHA
jealous boyfriend I love THIS!!!!!! AND TANG YI POUTING BECAUSE HE IS A JEALOUS CLINGY BOYFRIEND I LOVE IT I LOVE IT - FANFIC TROPE!!! OMG WHAT THE FUCK i love that we see jealous and worried and concerned and pining tang yi he’s like a highschool boy and it’s the most emotion that tangyi has ever shown oh godddd
tang yi goes from - confusion to worry to pining to highschool teengage frustration to like grudging anger and deadliness and then at the end, tender worry OMGGGGG
AND I LOVE THAT WE GET TO SEE HOW TANG YI TEXTS SHAO FEI - AKA TANG YI’S ONE SIDED CONVERSATION DEMANDING SHAO FEI TO RESPOND TO HIS TEXTS AHAHAHA - now we get the opposite i really liked that they put this scene in to kind of contrast shao fei being jealous of tang yi scenes?!!!!
anw tang yi turns up AT THE FUCKING POLICE STATION AFTER A SLEEPLESS NIGHT and IM JUST LAUGHING BECAUSE POLICE CHIEF IS IN A MEETING with everyone else and is the only one facing backwards, but everyone else sees Tang Yi and goes like GOBSMACKED YOU KNOW?!!! and police chief is like: “what do you want? here to report a case?”
tang yi, bluntly: “where’s my shao fei?”
police chief: “why should i tell you-”
helpful zhao zi: “-he’s on MC today!”
tang yi stares for a moment, then spins around on his heel and leaves the police station (I take it that zhao zi is damn loyal to shao fei and knows that shao fei’s boo will wanna know where he is so decided to let it slip because otherwise ZHAO ZI WHY U KEEP GIVING OUT INFO VOLUNTARILY LIKE THAT) - downstairs, tang yi texts and leaves another message again - he’s about to yell but then considers the venue then forces his tone to be TENDER i love it dammit
and then we get the scene that reveals where shao fei is - he went to find tang yi’s adoptive father - adoptive, ABUSIVE dad is regretful that he let tang yi run off like that then, and he seems all apologetic (BUT SRSLY, YOU WERE AN ABUSIVE DAD?! IT DOESNT JUSTIFY YOUR ACTIONS!!!) and explains what happened during the years when he and his wife adopted tang yi but anyway the point of this scene is that shao fei more or less gets confirmation that tang yi is LZ jie’s son (although it wasn’t exactly spelled out in this scene, so either there is an extended scene tmr or we just assume he got the clues he wanted somehow, as always with this script)
next scene, we get TANG YI AGAIN!!!! OMGGGGG I LOVE HIM - okay yeah so hong ye opens the door to his room and manages to catch tang yi leaving the last, TENDER VOICE MESSAGE FOR SHAO FEI: “if you don’t want to call me back, that’s okay. you’ve been awol for a day, and at least text me or something so that i know that you’re okay”
and then hong ye comes in and is like all “bro, are you serious about this dude?” and tang yi is basically saying that he knows what her concerns are about him and shao fei, but he’s finally found someone he wants to spend his life with and he can’t let it pass by him - and hong ye because she’s finally happy with dao yi, gives him her blessings (although wow this was quite a quick switch like sis you got him shot like only 4 ep ago) - and anw she’s leaving in apparently 2 days with dao yi BUT WE ALL KNOW THAT AINT GONNA HAPPEN BECAUSE CWH GETS TO HER FIRST
next scene is JACK AND ZHAO ZI - okay i was really excited but i know it’s not enough a scene for you guys, but AT LEAST IT IS A SCENE WITH MUCH DIALOGUE OKAY THIS IS PROGRESS WE ARE STARVED OF JACK/ZZ CONTENT - he turns up at the police station just as zhao zi and jun wei exit, about to go for lunch, and jun wei’s arm is around zhao zi’s - zhao zi just says hi cheerily as if jack didn’t try to kiss him before, and then jack pointedly looks at jun wei’s arm around zhao zi’s shoulders and LOLOL jun wei totally gets the hint and he’s like: “uhhhh, zhao zi, i think i can’t go lunch with you today yeah, bye” - THEN RUNS. SMART BOY
so jack is trying to bargain with zhao zi - zhao zi is desperately trying to snatch the lunch box and jack is trying to ask where shao fei is AND U CAN SEE HOW DISAPPOINTED ZZ LOOKS: “ohhh... so you made me a lunch box today because you wanted information from me”
and jack is all: “no, i’m doing this as a favour for the boss, i made this lunch for you of course”
and then jack somehow asks if zz likes him, and zz panics and hurries off back inside the station to avoid jack, but then he PAUSES, AND THEN HE RUNS BACK, AND GRABS THE LUNCH BOX FROM JACK’S HAND. ATTA BOY. (writers are we going to like... idk deal with the jack/zz relationship?!!!! come on man what is this?!)
and then just as jack is leaving, CWH’s lackeys find him and invites him for a meal - jack turns up at the restaurant and CWH offers wang kun cheng’s drug deals and territory i think to jack in exchange for jack giving him detailed info on xing tian meng’s and shi hai (the legal company under hong ye)’s financial flows and info. - jack picks up his damn knife and just shakes and flips it in front of CWH 
in any case at the end of this scene, jack doesn’t drink the alcohol that would symbolise their cooperation - but we end there so we dk if there is a continuation to it BUT I BET MY EVERYTHING THAT JACK DOES NOT BETRAY TANG YI
also i realise that adam uni’s page is down, and @florbexter​ very helpfully pointed out where you guys can still get subs - for the purposes of beautiful jealous, worried and high school teenager bf tang yi, i will sub the tang yi/shao fei scenes & jack/zz scenes as videos by tonight! hopefully someone gets it out earlier for you guys, way before me, but just in case - i’ll still gif the thing ANYWAY hahahaha - hopefully it’ll be done in like... the next 4 hours plus?
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drakewalkerfantasy · 5 years
Tastes like Sex on the Beach (Ethan Ramsey x Diana Haynes)
This is part of the @blackcatkita margarita drabble challenge. Somehow this got out of my control and got itself into full-blown fanfic. Honestly I have no idea in which category to place it. As this is kind of not smut, but also I would this call fluffy or angsty. Somehow this probably all from each of them. Thank you for @fluffy-marshmallow-heart​ for letting me to set this in Flames of Yesterday universe, I tried not to give up too much of what may happen in there. And I hope you will love it. I tagged everyone who originally tagged in Flames of Yesterday tag list, but if you don’t want to be tagged in nothing else except of series themselves please let me know. 
Word Counts: 1723
Author’s Note: I’m so thankful to my friend and co-writer @fluffy-marshmallow-heart​ for writing Ethan’s memory for me as this was part of one scene that will be later in Flames of Yesterday. To not reveal too much here will be small part of it only.
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When Ethan entered the pub it was crowded as never before. Before leaving the hospital he heard that some surgical intern has a birthday party there. And he also knew that Diana will be here. Against his better judgment he went to the pub all the same in hope to see her, in hope to finally be able to speak with her. Ethan knew already that all this years Diana was free and maybe… just maybe she also reciprocated his feelings… the once that inflamed with renewed power since the day she seen her again. He also knew that this never meant to be as she was still his intern. But all the same here he was. Sitting at the bar, drinking his fours glass of scotch, neat. His eyes fixed on the blond girl playing the pool. Her short skirt running up her tights and some intern’s hands unceremoniously landed on them, pressing into her too intimately for his liking. One hand sliding upfront grazing the skin of her flat belly, while another taking her hand in his setting a precise aiming angle for shot. In the dim light of Donahue’s their eyes met… and in that moment… in that exact moment he knew that he cannot resist her anymore. His blood pumping in his ears, and his lips are dried out as is his throat. He watch her unblinkingly making a shot, her eyes not leaving his, her tongue running along her upper lip, her breasts pressed firmly to the table grinding her ass against the guy’s crotch. He can bet everything on it that the guy is hard as rock from the way her little body writhes on the pool table before she raises up. He can feel how his own hardness stretching the material of his pants.
Lost deep in thoughts, he fails to notice how Diana make her way across the dance floor toward the bar, leaning on the counter near to him.
“Can I have a tequila, please,” she shouts to the bartender trying to out voice music. Her eyes shoot toward Ethan, mischievous smile spreading her lips, before she continued. “Make it two.” Pushing the bouncy blonde waves of hair to one side she turns to face him. “Soooooo… Dr. Ramsey, will you just sit there and ogling me or you will do something about this.” She moves closer to him, her lips brushing his earlobe and Ethan can feel her hot breath on his cheek. The subtle scent of ocean breeze mixed with the sweet fruity wind and a hint of vodka enveloped him making him drunker than he was already. Subconsciously he starts to wonder, how would she taste if he would kiss her.
“I thought…” Ethan’s voice low and laced with desire failing him for a moment. His hand brushing her tight not able to resist the temptation to touch her. He clears his throat before continuing, “I thought you were quite enjoying yourself already. Or did you not?”
In a moment her eyes widen and realisation hitting her, making her laugh loudly, throwing her head back. Her eyes sparkling in the dim light.
“Did you… did you thought that something was going on between me and Bryce?” Diana asked incredulously placing her hand hesitantly on his tight. 
“Isn’t there?” his eyes wandering from her hand placed on his tight to her luscious lips finally meeting her cement grey eyes. His gaze is intense burning deep inside her soul, the blood roaring in his ears.
When the bartender places two tequila shots in front of them they both simultaneously reach for them: their fingers brush lightly and their hearts speed up in unison. Ethan could see the sparkles of mischief forming in Diana’s eyes while they still were burning with flames and her lips curled in a smirk. The small dimples forming on her cheeks the once he noticed all this years ago across the dance floor, while her body was brushing against her best friend. The once that fascinated him and mesmerised every time when the smile reached her eyes. Ethan breath hitched and he swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat.
“I have an idea how we can make this much more interesting,” she purred, her body leaning closer to his and he could see the contours of her firm globes through the neckline of her blue top. “Or are you too afraid?” she murmured her hot breath against his ear, lips grazing the earlobe.
“I’m not afraid of anything,” he retorts. “And you are too drunk…”
“I’m not drunk,” Diana interrupted him, placing her finger on his lips shushing him, before he could finish the thought. “Tipsy the most. So I want…”
“What do you want?” Ethan asks in a low hoarse voice. His eyes almost black with lust. His fingers itching to touch her, to grip her hips and move her on his lap grinding her against his hardness, to kiss her deep tasting the sweetness of the cocktail she drunk. But instead of this, he grips the tequila glass firmer trying not to be tempted by his desire.
“I want you…” Diana smirked watching how his eyes widened from her confession before continuing to speak. “to do a body shot with me.”
“Diana…” he growled, warning lacing through his voice. He could see the boundaries were slipping from them, he knew how dangerous it becomes. He knew that this… this can ruin her career and less than anything he wanted to do this. But somehow he couldn’t find the willpower to say no. The voice of Diana’s friend slipping inside his mind, the one he tried to ignore all these weeks, but somehow now his voice was louder than ever.
Ethan chuckled lightly. “I guess I wasn’t paying attention.” Beckett rose an eyebrow. “Yes, you were. You’ve had jealousy written all over you since we started at the hospital. You assumed we were together, and therefore didn’t pay attention to anything else.” Ethan opened his mouth to argue but Beckett cut him off before he could. “I’ve seen the way you look at her. I’ve seen the longing, the respect, the passion, the…” Beckett paused a moment. “The love. My advice? For what it’s worth…don’t waste time denying your feelings. If there’s anything I’ve learned today…time is precious. You’re not going to know how she feels until you say something, do something. I wasted three whole years not introducing myself to Oriana. The two of you already know each other. There’s still chemistry after five years of not even knowing each other’s’ last names. Tell her. She may be more receptive than you think she is.”
“So… what would you tell?” she asks breaking him from the haze of memory to the present. He nods hesitantly, taking the lime in his hand and gently giving it to Diana, watching her take it between her teeth.
“Collarbone?” Ethan spoke, watching Diana shake her head, taking the shot in her hand and placing it between her breasts. Her eyes never leaving his, and her hand brushing along the firm velvety skin of them, showing the place for him to sprinkle some salt.
“Diana…” he breathes out, his voice barely audible in the loud atmosphere of the club. And he is thankful for the dark corner in where they are sitting, the one that hides them from everyone’s curious glances. He moves closer to her, his eyes lingering on her breasts before looking her in the eyes. “Are you sure…” he whispers, his breath brushing her neck.
“I’m sure… just do this. Please…” her voice more like a moan, her eyes pleading with his. And he knows that he cannot resist her anymore, at least not today… at least not at this moment. His ocean blue eyes met her crater grey ones in the dim light before he bend closer to her. His hands resting on her hips and his tongue lightly flickering over her breasts at first one side, than the other before sprinkling some salt on them. Despite the fact that the pub was loud he could hear a soft moan escaping Diana’s lips and his eyes meet hers again not letting go of her gaze deliberately slowly licking off the salt from her breasts. After he done with this he grabbed the glass from between Diana’s breasts with his mouth. Finishing the shot by tipping back his head before meeting her eyes. He swallowed hard, his eyes darting to her lips holding the lime, his face moving closer to hers. His lips closing on the lime brushing hers, feeling how the tangy fruit disappeared inside his mouth and they lips meet. When their lips met everything seems to stop existing around them. And before they knew it their lips where pressed firmer to each other, deepening the kiss. He could feel the mix of smooth salty mixture with notes of butter, caramel, and spices with a subtle hint of sweet taste of the Sex on the Beach cocktail. One of his hand run along her back cupping the back of her head, his fingers woven into her hair moving her closer to him. The other hand gripping her hip firmly. Diana could feel how his kisses quickly became eager and demanding. Pleasure zigzagging through her, pooling in the warm pool of desire. Their tongues massaged each other in frantic caresses, deep and impatient. They both groaned with desire pulling on each other making the space between them non existent. Moaning and groaning between kisses before finally breaking apart for an air. They breathing is heavy, their lips swollen and bruised, and their eyes clouded with desire.
“Di…” starts Ethan, his voice hitched in his throat and he feels soberer than he was moments ago.
“I know,” she whispers before taking her shot of tequila quickly, their eyes locked on each other while she emptied the glass and bit on the tingly flesh of the lime. 
Hitting the glass back on the bar with a thud she stands up from the stool. She put a fake smile on her face, the one that never reached her eyes, the one that never put the dimples on her cheeks. Winking at him she moves quickly toward the dance floor not saying a word to him before disappearing in the crowd.
Tags: @annekebbphotography @gardeningourmet @zigortega4life @eileendannie @alesana45 @thequeenofcronuts @friedherringclodthing @mfackenthal @coffeebeandragon @drakewalker04
@emerald-bijou @feartheendlesssummer @elainew13 @the-soot-sprite @brightpinkpeppercorn @paisleylovergirl @dottie-minerva-mikas @emichelle @symonde @kendrasgue @pbmychoices @flyawayboo
@elles-choices @lilyofchoices @boneandfur @queen-among-writers @walkerismychoice @hopelessromantic1352 @confessionsofabrokegirl @msjpuddleduck​ @desiree-0816​ @lapisreviewsstuff​
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Hello!! You're my favorite fanfic writer on tumblr, you made me love Tim💕 can I get one with Timmy where the young justice team is hanging out and playing twister and he gets flustered when he's in a position practically on top of the reader? Ahh tysm!😍
Note: this has been sitting in my drafts for two months...y i k e s. Hope this is okay, thanks for requesting!
The game was slowly creeping towards its culmination— the excitement and air of intense competition had petered out Cassie’s soft departure. She lay across the cushy sofa, spinner resting on her stomach and a litter of empty take-out containers at her feet.
“Bart,” she sang, a devilish giggle clinging to her words. “Right foot….red.”
“Oh man!”
“Conner, you can’t use TTK to hold him up,” you warned.
There was about a foot of space between Conner and Bart’s amusing tangle. Tim was at your side, occupying most of the middle of the colour dotted mat as he balanced on his hands and legs in an awkward crab-back position. You were lucky enough to be on both feet, hands hanging freely at your sides.
“$10 bucks he falls.”
You grinned, sticking a foot out to nudge his muscled calf. He was an enrapturing picture when he spouted mischief and you were more than helpless to the sharp smirk he wore— all brilliance and spite and pretty pink lips.
“$20 he sneezes when he inhales Kon’s body spray and they both fall.”
“You’re on.”
“Okay, (Y/N),” Cassie called again, “Your turn and…. left-hand blue.”
You swallowed the impotent lump of fear that clawed its way up your throat. The nearest green laughed maniacally at you from where it shined eerily under pale industrial lights on Tim’s other side. To get to it, you would need to lean your whole body across his and the thought of his body in such close proximity to yours lit a fire through your veins.
“Bet you wish I could use that TTK now, huh?”
You flipped Conner off as you gingerly leaned down towards Tim, his face was a clean mask of no emotion— forever Batman’s kid— and that did nothing to calm your frazzled nerves. The cloying scent of his cologne floated up into your nose as your hand met plastic, thighs straining as you pressed most of your weight on to them, trying as best as possible not to lean into Tim’s flat abdomen.
You didn’t notice it, but a high flush of heat had seeped into Tim’s cheeks. With each brush of your body against his— your hips to his stomach, arm to his side, leg to his own— he grew a bit more breathless. His heart stuttering over his ribs, lungs failing him as he tried to keep as still as possible.
“You ok?” you asked, not daring to meet his eyes for fear of giving yourself away.
“Yeah,” he bit out, craning his neck back to glare at Cassie, who had gone surprisingly quiet all at once. She merely chortled at him, fingers toying with the spinner once more. “You?”
“Kon— right leg yellow.”
Conner groaned and Bart whined as their tangle of limbs headed further into an inconvenient direction.
Your little bubble of worry burst long enough for you to joyously whisper to Tim, “Their gonna fall.”
“Totally,” he agreed, his bemused laughter managed to both startle and captivate you.
They lasted a full minute before collapsing into an intertwined pile of teenage superhero. What you and Tim had neglected to consider was the abrupt momentum with which your friends would fall with and your resounding laughter was cut short by the grunts of two bodies smashing into you.
Tim dived into a roll, seamlessly, hands catching your own and tugging you with him. He effectively shielded you from damage and in doing so, found himself pressed against you— your back flat against the carpet, his hips digging into your own. He choked on his words as he gazed down at you; your neck arched back, lips parted and hair spread around your head like a halo. His thoughts were ravaged by flickering images he usually kept tucked away for the dead silence of the night.
“Thanks for saving me,” you choked out, the heat in your veins burning every inch of skin that met his.
“Always a--ahem--pleasure.”
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buffpidgey · 5 years
Do you have any adivce for someone new to writing fanfic?
Ok, first things first: Fanfic is as serious as you want it to be.
If you just want to throw something up that you typed in a redbull-fueled haze at 3am that hasn’t been beta read, or even proofread, go right ahead!
Many people (myself included) take fanfiction Very Seriously. Personally, I take it seriously because that’s how I enjoy it. Other people enjoy fic in other ways.
Now, if part of how you want to enjoy fic is honing your craft, then I can’t overstate the importance of someone who will listen to your ideas. Almost every idea I’ve had for a fanfic has been discussed for literal hours over chat or in person or both with at least one of my friends. Having someone who who is also excited about what you‘re writing really helps, I find.
Even if that person isn’t exactly in your fandom, sometimes just explaining what your plan is helps clarify it. (Or helps get rid of writers block...)
If your friend can help you with characterization, or finding exactly HOW indulgent is TOO indulgent for the rest of your audience, that’s a bonus!
Next part: actually WRITE.
No matter what you do, no matter how many days you spend hashing out all the details of this perfect au, nothing will happen until you actually write the fic.
Figure out what method or motivation or habit gets you to write, and stick to it! There are tons of tips on “how to get writing” out there on other blogs. (If you‘re really stuck, I do have a ‘writing’ tag that has some of these)
Final note:
If you‘re writing expecting to get hundreds of kudos and thousands of hits right away, I have to tell you the only way I can think to give you a shortcut that MIGHT work is to do market research. Figure out what the hot pairing is in a huge fandom. Filter for kudos on AO3 for that, then see which aus/tropes/story ideas are the most common and do your take on that, and update it often, or write more stories often.
Or even genfic... I bet if I could be bothered to write some kind of ‘Izuku sees ghosts’ au in Hero Academia I’d have a pretty popular fic pretty quickly. Or ‘Izuku has a dangerous/scary quirk’.
Some kind of FFXV fic where Prompto needs to be taken care of because he gets sick or something would work too. I mean, that’s saltslimes’ entire genre. That’s all saltslimes ever writes, and it’s great.
Though it’s late and that last bit is me being slightly cynical, and is probably way more intense than you probably wanted.
1: Find where your Fanfic Fun Level is.
2: Figure out what you‘re going to write. (A buddy is helpful for this)
3: WRITE IT FOR REAL. Do the writing thing.
4: Fame is a fickle thing, and fandom goes through trends like everything else. Sometimes you can exploit them.
(5: I think about fandom analytics way too much)
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