#I am so invested in this show
queerhoodies · 1 year
i’m finally caught up with succession this is so exciting but also upsetting why didn’t i start this show sooner
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kennyomegasweave · 1 year
I'm finally starting Episode 4. I've put it off cause I know Nueng yells at Palm and I didn't want to have to be hateful about him being rude to my man, but I know I must. Onwards to my live thoughts. 
Oh this fucking asshole dad. "Look at my son's condition, he was in the hospital!" Well your son is a bitch and he only has one bruise. What a weak ass bitch to need to be in the hospital after that.
Again I ask. Why doesn't Palm have a tie? Is it cause he's poor? Can he not afford a tie? Nueng get him a tie!
SORTA HANDHOLDING. Whee. It's been two minutes. I'm already overcome.
Not Chopper and Nueng both looking all cute when hearing about about Chinese I love you. Aww Nueng is really out here like "I wanna do this project with Palm." Who is currently suspended and not even present. That's so cute.
Chopper babe, your dad is shady as hell, and possibly killed your uncle, but if he didn't, I'm guessing he wants you to learn to shoot cause you MIGHT be in danger. Your uncle was straight up murdered in an alley and no one knows who did it.
NUENG CREEPING WHILE PALM WASHED THE CAR. I SEE YOU. Once again, I know Nueng because I am Nueng.
My bestie has said many times she wants to get business cards that say "she gay dude stop it lol" to hand out at the bar when she's with me. This is relevant because I feel someone needs to slide one to Maggie and just cross off the s.
Not Nueng doing a threepeat with his eyes looking at shirtless Palm. As always, same bestie. NOT NUENG PASSING INTO PALM'S ROOM TWO INCHES AWAY FROM HIS FACE.
NUENG. Your room is small, my room is big, you should move upstairs. First, you may as well have said "my bed is a California king." Also you know Palm's dad would never let him move upstairs. He's downstairs with the help baby.
Nueng really just keeps trying to blur the lines between employee and employer and Palm is trying to keep his place while also being thirsty as hell. My poor baby. Pour one out for Palm because he is in a hard place, no pun intended.
I do not like this "your number is dead" possible foreshadowing. I swear I thought the director said this wouldn't have a happy ending but they also got an Our Sky episode? So now I am all confused.
Aww Chopper and Nueng having cousin bonding. Let's be honest, neither of these kids want the family business. This is the tragedy.
Maggie is so cute and sweet and I know she just has a crush but baby it's not gonna work out. We need to continue playing Jonny McGovern's Don't Fall In Love With A Homo (A Song For The Ladies) for her until she understands.
So the song of this episode is gonna be Jealous by Nick Jonas because Nueng is already starting to act like an ass because he's mad about Maggie, who again, Palm don't want.
Oh this story is cute but again I don't like the possibly foreshadowing about lovers being separated but still in love. Nueng really puts his face all up in Palm's. Sir. Calm down. Talking about giving a reward while two inches away from another man's face. Sir. Sir please.
Chopper is my right hand arm man, my everything, my best friend, my confidant, my silly rabbit. And he's looking a whole clown over Ben. This is not endearing Ben to me. "I like those who are similar to me." OH GET FUCKED BEN. You've said that twice now and it's not cute. "Who wouldn't like you?" Chopper I want you to love yourself, I want you to want more for yourself, I want you stop caring about this boy and the fucked up part in his hair.
Palm is really praying over their paper. Baby just wants to get a good grade for Nueng because, let's be honest, he doesn't care about school. Was he even in it before? He was working on a boat.
I cannot stand Ben. And I need Nueng to do better. Nueng's face when Ben gave him that paper? How the fuck did Ben push past that? Why the fuck did Nueng let him? This is just embarrassing for everyone. I'm embarrassed. I can't decide if Ben is just that much of a cringefail 17 year old with a crush that he's just pushing ahead or if he's shady and I don't like that.
See this kiss is godawful and Nueng doesn't seem into Ben at all, but they did the heartbeat noise when they held hands that they earlier did when he was checking out Palm in a towel and so I genuinely think I'm supposed to think this is a real triangle*. And I don't understand. I DON'T UNDERSTAND. * - I want to say quad for my boy Chopper's sake but I don't feel that's going well right now, lol
Nueng you cannot mack on Ben and then be mad Palm doesn't want to talk to you. You don't get to do that. Oh mY GOD. Palm's reaction to that kiss. The boy is in deep deep. NUENG HOW CAN YOU BE UPSET PALM SAW. Palm is breaking my heart. Straight up. They are both dumb but I understand Palm, he's the one at a social disadvantage here and Nueng is just straight up refusing to acknowledge that.
Oh Nueng sitting up in that bathtub with that expression thinking about Palm. I know my man had ~fun 🍆🍆🍆~ in that tub.
Ben said "I thought you wouldn't talk to me after that day" about kissing Nueng. And he said that earlier to Chopper. If this means Ben made a move on Chopper and he reacted poorly, I will scream. I will stand with my cancelled wife Chopper but I will be prepared to soften on Ben. lol
Nueng is just getting white girl wasted and that never ends well. Where did Ben go? Like genuinely why is he letting his boyfriend get white girl wasted in a jealous rage? Oh Nueng don't do this in front of Maggie. In front of everyone. Oh see I'm not as mad at Nueng here now I'm like absolutely sad for him. Although my heart hurts for Palm too. 
Oh this shit escalated like really fast? Dear lord. Isn't this a party for the olds? Palm is straight up coughing blood. Nueng is having a panic attack and puking. They're reaching for each other and like I just genuinely don't understand how this happened? The party seemed chill? It wasn't even a house party? Thailand is wild. Again though I ask, where did Ben go? Did I miss him saying bye? I might have, but if I didn’t, this is one more time Nueng has got his ass beat while Ben was MIA. Suspicious.
Okay the preview. Ben def has a homophobic dad and, coupled with how I think Chopper might have acted a fool in the past, I'm feeling bad for him? I still need him to understand that Nueng Does. Not. Want. Him. But like damn.
I am genuinely so into this show, but now I’m like well damn maybe Ben isn’t like 100% terrible? And ugh. But also he may still be? And I just really need Palm to just straight up yell at Nueng. Like just let it all out baby. I know he can’t, but ugh. Nueng really needs like several reality checks, but he’s wealthy so I’m not sure how that’s gonna happen? I’m so ready for tomorrow and the next episode. Bring it on. 
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potatoaficionado · 2 years
Goncharov this Goncharov that, someone talk to me about Warrior Nun
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some tumblr post (2023?)
"trans people are models! #mattress"
submitted by @pastelwolfy
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paradoxlemonade · 1 year
Why you should play the game Soul Void:
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[art by @/kadabura, the creator]
So some of my followers already know that I'm going absolutely insane over Soul Void and I want to get other people to play it like I'm a pied Piper dragging people into my interests. But it's so good! I'm going to lose my mind! I've heard other people describe it as a cross between OFF and Yume Nikki, so if you like those games then you should like Soul Void too!
Note that those who do not like body horror (even when non-graphic) will not likely enjoy this title as it is a consistent theme. But if you do like me, then that's just bonus points lol
It's free and launches in your browser (link to itch.io page), so there's no monetary or technological barrier to play
It's about two hours long, so it's not a huge time commitment
I absolutely love all the characters. They're all so unique and varied from each other and other popular characters
The setting is so dreamlike and fantastical to explore. It's creepy but not overly horrific (and although it does have its creepy moments, there are no jumpscares and any horror/gore is non-graphic due to being a pixel game)
You get to make friends with the monsters and help them
It's an emotional gut punch, but it has a happy ending with some of the best catharsis I've gotten from a game in a while
The message and themes are very positive and relatable to those who struggle with mental health issues
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feelingthedisaster · 3 months
nothing hits harder than when that character who always wears suits wears something non-formal
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cloudelix · 20 days
I sometimes wonder is Arthur ever felt enormous pressure in those few moments where he truly saw the depth Merlin believed in him
How would Arthur react to seeing just how far his most trusted friend would go and has gone for him?
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smoak-luthor · 3 months
I’m finally watching The 100 ~yes it’s a bit late I know but when Clexa was a thing I still thought I was straight so I kinda didn’t care about them. But a few weeks ago I was talking to a friend and she said I should watch it cause it’s part of the “sapphic culture” .. 😅
I have to admit overall the show is way better than I thought it would be but today I watched the episode that Lexa died. GOD IT WAS SO FRUSTRATING. Of course I knew she would die but the way they decided to kill her was so stupid. A stray bullet?! Really?!? I thought she was going to die in battle or something!!! Lexa had so much potential and she’s more interesting than like 90% of the characters! And I love her relationship with Clarke. It made me so upset that they didn’t have more scenes together.. Did they really killed her just for shock value? Is that one of the reasons why people were so mad when it happened?
I have so much to talk about this show but it’s 2024 and I’m pretty sure no one gives a fuck anymore.. 😅
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sabertoothwalrus · 2 years
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the way this baby show (affectionate) makes me go stupid
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m4ruk4ts · 1 year
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-throws these and runs away-
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gothic-mothic · 9 months
Psst hey Stanley... I think the narrator is fond of you...
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Narrator just grabs onto Stanley sometimes, always has, so why does this one feel… different?
Full page under cut
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gunsatthaphan · 11 months
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"why do you even like me?"
↳ requested by anonymous ♡ 
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critter-of-habit · 9 months
Another brilliant episode but you're telling me I have to wait another whole week to see what Sabine is up to
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Just curious what the average level of personal investment in these sorts of things is. Like, how much do people usually get into silly stuff like this their friends ask of them? etc. etc. Which I know, only surveying a small sample on a very specific website means I'm not getting an exact average idea lol, but.. curious nonetheless .. Maybe reblog for bigger sample size but also this is not very serious at all/not worth a call to action gbhjbhjb
#which I know this could be context dependent like.. maybe you'd normally dress up but on a week that#you feel sick you wouldn't or etc. etc. - but I mean.. GENERALLY. in the most general average scenario#where you have the average amount of health and free time that you always do. etc. just based on your personality#and level of investment in these things - what on AVERAGE are you most inclined to do#also of course assume they communicate with you ahead of time and are not like planning a part last minute#like 'throw together costume in 5 hours and show up tonight randomly' or etc. I would hope that if we're going with the#AVERAGE of things - most people's friends have better communication skills than springing entire parties#on people last minute lol#assume you have like.. a few days-a week or so to prepare. however ealrly people usually start talking about#birthdays. In my experience it's usually one or two weeks ahead of time. Like 'oh next weekend' or 'oh two weeks from now' etc.#ANYWAY.. feeling a little Sick again of course but still trying to get some photos or something posted#AGAIN i promise I am not going to exlcusively post polls and ntohing else forever hgkjgnekj#I just really really love the ability to post polls and have always my whole life been obsessed with surveying people#I used to think I wanted to do that as a career somehow like.. be one of the people that does psychological interviews#or produce interview asessments for a company or etc. etc. I am always the one friend in the group thats giving out custom made#surveys or asking for other simialr stuff (did you ever take an mbti quiz? how about enneagra#m?? oh yeah I know they're not really scientifically valid or antyhing but like... DID you take them?? huh?? did you??please?? ghjj)#I simply cannot resist.. posting a little poll every once in a while.. as a treat#whilst I still fall behind on like actual content and costumes and stuff gbjhbjh#New poll adventure should be not as much of a wait as the last one was though since I already have the writing#for it really. I just have to do the ms paint sketch. hopefully no unexpected other health issues will get in the way#*** *** ***#< (anytime I do these three star patterns it is an ocd compulsion not me bleeping out words or something just ignore it lol)#(it means something secret in my evil brain just pretend you do not see it. significant only to me)#BUT YEAH.. ... poll... what type of costume party atendee are you?#:0c
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panevanbuckley · 1 year
last time eddie nearly died he announced that buck is christopher's legal guardian so this time he almost dies he finally confesses his love to buck in this essasy i will-
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quietwingsinthesky · 16 days
people are saying he « led her on » because he did. the fact that he kissed her in the first episode set the tone for the rest of the season and if you can’t perceive the flirting I’m sorry but how?? he didn’t make anything clear he sent the craziest mixed signals in the world. there’s nothing revolutionary about claiming that Martha was being pushy toward someone who was clearly not interested it’s 1) weird to claim in what it suggests about her 2) factually not true.
I wasn’t gonna respond to this at first because the top half of this ask is pretty much just individual interpretation and I don’t really care about it. Like, no, to me, the Doctor doesn’t seem especially flirty towards Martha. He’s just sort of Like That. That’s his damage, you know, Mr. I need to traumadump on anyone who tolerates being around me for more than five minutes. Mr. If I don’t develop an intensely codependent emotional bond with the companion I have currently I’ll die. It doesn’t read to me as him trying to lead her on because that bit’s honest, and he does it with damn near every companion he’s ever had.
And if nothing else, because we do see Ten when he tries to flirt intentionally and he’s a fuckin dork about it. Kind of guy who looked up romance in the dictionary and took notes. Kinda guy who draws diagrams to maximize kissing potential. It would have been obvious even to me (<- romance-blind as all fuck) if he was flirting with Martha on purpose because he’s not smooth at all; he flirts like he’s gotten lines in a play and he’s super excited to be the main star.
But anyway, as I was saying, that’s just how I see it. And if you see it different, no skin off my back, I just disagree.
But I take umbrage with you putting words in my mouth. I never said Martha was pushy towards him. Because yeah, she’s not. If I implied that she was, then it was a result of poor phrasing on my part. Martha’s not at fault for what she feels, for wanting there to come something of it. No more at fault than the Doctor is for not returning those feelings. It’s a bit weird that you’re assuming that I think one of them has to be the bad guy here when that was the opposite of what I was saying. My point was: When it comes to their romantic subtext of their relationship, it’s weird to pretend like either of them are to blame for them not being in a relationship at the end of s3, and even weirder to assert that as part of why Martha supposedly wouldn’t like the Doctor afterwards when they’re. friends. they continue to be friends into s4.
Martha’s not pushy. She has a crush on her friend. It happens. He doesn’t return it. This also happens. Both of these facts are pushed to the extreme because he’s a time-traveling alien with poor emotional skills and she’s put herself in the position of needing to help him from minute one of meeting each other. That’s why it’s fun to watch, because the Doctor is both so open and so unavailable in turns, because Martha’s feelings for him grow and change as she knows more about her Doctor until she decides to step back.
I don’t know, man. You seem to be coming at this as if one of them has to be The Problem™️. I don’t think either of them is, not so definitively. I think boiling their relationship down to that is reductive and an insult to the way they both grow over s3, to Martha’s choice to continue to be his friend while also establishing her own boundaries, to the fact that the Doctor is able to let her go without immediately trying to kill himself afterwards when she’s not there to catch him.
#the thing about the doctor is that if you want to tell me that he’s Extra Special Flirty With This Companion.#i dunno. feels like something that requires a lot of proof lmao. because the doctor is a freak who latches onto people like a barnacle and#gets way too invested way too quick and holds on like he’ll die if he even thinks of letting go. he’s just like that. he’s just like that.#he’s like that with rose he’s like that with martha he’s like that with donna amy clara bill!!!! these relationships are all different but#the common core is that the doctor is a freak! the doctor clings on too tight!!! the doctor will fuck you up he loves you so much!!!#idk! is it more leading on for the doctor to kiss martha to pull off a plan than it is for him to reshape amy’s life around him on accident#and then show up when she’s an adult to finally whisk her away. or to let clara do emotional infidelity with him for months while#insisting that he’s not her boyfriend. i don’t think ever he is. i think he’s just like gravity. mavity. you’re gonna orbit him because he’s#something cosmic and unknowable. and he’s also your best friend. he’s always too much and too tangible all at once.#am i making any sense here.#ask#martha jones#the doctor#tenth doctor#doctor who#idk man its like 7 in the morning where i am im not awake enough to talk martha/ten semantics. personally i think they should have made out#on screen even more without ever clarifying the nature of their relationship so that they had even weirder and more complicated feelings#about each other.
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