#I Wanna Queue Bad Things With You { SCHEDULED }
chaosbled · 4 months
@vulpesly said : " i'm helping you, and that's final . i'm not taking no for an answer . now . where's your kitchen? i'm making us some comfort food . " [ jono to ara , he's taken a few pages out of ara's book about pushy shows of affection ]
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“ Jono - kun is … almost as annoying as Chuuya when he frets . ” The mumbled complaints about the god of petulance calamity would’ve been inaudible to a human being , but there’s no genuine irritation or malice in it , rather his tone is soft & almost puzzled . As if he couldn’t understand why Jono would put in the effort .
Yes , Ara had called the two of them friends on more than one occasion , but it didn’t mean he really had any idea of the weight such a title carried . To him it meant something like people whom speak to me on a regular basis without running away screaming , or asking for favours . He certainly hadn’t expected the Hunting Dog to come across a woozy Ara , covered in blood & leaning against his front door without the energy to look for his keys . Yes ! He can get dizzy from blood loss ! He just can’t die from it .
“ Uhhh … it’s … hmm ! Down the hallway , if you make a left at the tacky little couch thing — yeah , you got it . ” The couch , aka the Ottoman , smelled strongly of alcohol from the incident Ara had taken to calling the Unfortunate Sake Bombing Mishap of Three Weeks Ago . Note to self , never try chasing sake with hot sauce . Ever . “ I dunno if you’ll find anything useful here , I usually order food or go to Chuuya’s . He doesn’t trust me with the appliances here . You microwave one can of baked beans … ” his head hits the kitchen table as soon as he sits at it . He’s quiet for a rare few minutes .
“ … I had a really shitty day , Jo - kun . ” he mumbles into his forearm . His breathing picks up slightly & he sniffles nigh inaudibly , ruby eyes squeezing shut against the treacherous sting of tears .
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oh hey you write for helluva boss!!! could i request something platonic for blitzø? (had no romantic ideas in my head atm)
+ just being blitzø's favorite person to be around and the crazy things you'd both like to get into together
ty 🤍 ;)
yes. omg yes.
i love blitz, and helluva is my other favorite show LOL
platonic headcanons/ficlets coming up
we all know this disaster of an imp cares about people… but he has a funny way of showing it.
like he once brought you in this fucked up looking license plate, you guessed, but it said princess on it.
you both had been talking about royalty the night before and you said you always wanted to be a princess
thus the fucked up license plate
he also once brought you a rock
said it reminded him of you
you still have it
you both have shit sleep schedules too, so he’ll call you for late night shenanigans
the phone on your night stand was ringing and as you looked over you saw it was Blitz.
“Why are you up this late?” you ask answering the phone.
“Why are you up this late bitch?” Blitz snarks back.
“Touché. Whaddya want?” You ask, turning down your TV.
“Whatcha watchin’?” he asked.
“That damn show you told me about a week ago.” You sighed.
“AH! I told you you’d love it!” Blitz gleefully lets out.
“You wanna come over don’t you?” Your voice deadpans, knowing what was happening.
“What episode are you on?” Comes the sly question from the other end.
“Season 2 Episode 4.”
“Damn, what are you doing binging that shit?” Blitz exclaims.
“Why? What are you on?” You ask.
“Episode one of season two!” he says.
“Come over, I’ll queue it up and I can rewatch.”
“Fuck ya! I’ll be right there.” Blitz says and you hear movement.
“Bring snacks! I got drinks.” You say, getting up to get the drinks.
“Yeah, yeah whatever. See you in 10.”
loona loves you though.
blitz loves this because there aren’t many people he can trust to help him get loona to the doctor. you can help though.
and when you go on missions with them
blitz has told you they are jobs!
they’re missions to you
but when you work with him yall are bad ass.
you naturally have eachothers back without even thinking.
you both once ended up at an overlord meeting…
don’t ask but the overlords of pride somehow think you’re both new overlords.
you tell him blitz he’s a dumb ass when he talks about stolas and how their relationship is just transactional
you call him out on his feelings and you are the only one he tells how he actually feels.
you both do dumb stuff together, but you’re there for each other.
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detectivewoof · 3 months
HIATUS 2/26-3/1
When you read this it's either still Sunday or I actually remembered to schedule this to coincide when I'm probably getting shitfaced on a boat. We'll see.
Anyways: I am gone. For my birthday. Birthweek. Yep. Everything reply wise has been shoved into queue that should run through either Friday or Saturday, I dunno I'm bad at counting.
Anyways, the internet on the boat I'm gonna be on is absolute dogshit so if I'm here its probably dms only and that's it. But like if you wanna idk do little things on discord or let me be drunk at you or want photos of towel animals or something then hit me up on discord: densebunny
Mutuals pls, let me know who your ass is, yadadada, I'll see you nerds after the massive birthday hangover.
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How did rex and hooktail meet each other, let alone get married?
(I decided to turn this into a scheduled post since I didn't have anything else in the queue for Friday)
>18 or 19 years ago, shortly after Hooktail got her ass kicked by Koopley...<
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Hehehe, time for a bit of Broodal family lore...
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Venus: "... WHY???"
Vanessa: "Because!!!" *Pulls out a huge wad of cash* "Money!!! That bitch is LOOOADED!!!"
Venus: "Now, 'Nessa... What have I told you about hiring clients with... Bad publicity?"
Vanessa: "I-"
Venus: "It's bad for business. Even if she doesn't hurt you, she could hurt your reputation... People won't want to hire the company who planned the wedding of a MONSTER!!! This is why I told you not to accept any jobs without my permission!!"
Vanessa: "... Well, in case you've forgotten. This is MY company. I am in charge. I can do business for whoever the hell I want!! You don't get to boss me around anymore!!! You may be older, but you work for ME!!!"
Venus: "Oh come on—Think critically here! Do you WANT your business to fail??"
Vanessa: "Talk to the hand."
Venus: "........."
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Vanessa: "I-... Wait, you're pregnant???"
Venus: "...... Stay focused!! I know you're proud of yourself for starting your own business, but you can't run the whole thing by yourself! You don't have the experience. You NEED help. And I want to help you!!"
Vanessa: "You don't wanna help me—You wanna be in control again! And that's too bad, 'cuz I'm not going to let you take everything I have away from me!! Why can't you let me have anything??"
Venus: "What are you even talking about?? Is this about when we were kids?? I was SO nice to you!! Mom and Dad gave you EVERYTHING!! Sure, maybe I borrowed some of your things without asking from time to time, but you make me sound like some monster! Some creature worse than your client!! And why?? Do you have any clue how SPOILED you are?? How privileged BOTH of us are?? Not many people have the ability to just START a business like you did. And not everyone can afford to be so FOOLISH with it!!! Oh, and that doesn't even cover all of the-"
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Venus: "........."
Vanessa: "........."
Venus: "........."
Vanessa: "........."
Venus: "........."
Vanessa: ".........."
Venus: "..."
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-And that was the last word Madame Broode had ever spoken to her sister. Seven and a half months after that incident, Spewart was born. Roughly four years later, Venus and her husband would tragically pass away, having never spoken to her sister in all that time.
Madame Broode had assumed the baby did, in fact, not make it, and would not find out that her sister died and that she had four orphan nieces/nephews in the foster care system until MANY years after that.
>Present day<
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thesparklingwriter · 7 months
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22: ngl i dont think he's looking for your approval
gif banner signifies that you should read the written portion
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Zhongli finally returns to you, wiping his hands on his apron. You’re sat cross legged on his bed, pulling your hair up into a ponytail, your phone banished into a room neither you or Zhongli have access to. You slid it underneath the door, and haven’t regretted it, especially because of the happenings of the past few days.
“What is it that you needed me for, love?” He asks as you pull him into a tight hug. He smells of sandalwood and eggs and the long nights you used to spend at the harbour, talking until the sun rose.
“Thank you,” you say simply.
Zhongli seems surprised by your words, looking down at you. “There’s no need for thanks. You would have done the same for me, I’m sure.”
“There is. I came barreling back into your life at thirty thousand miles an hour and now there’s all this drama surrounding you. I know you’ll say it’s fine, but I still feel bad.” 
Zhongli chuckles at that, gently stroking your hair. “I don’t begrudge a single second of the past few months. I’m lucky to have you with me, whether that means I get photographed and posted all over the internet.”
You sigh softly. “I love you. I hope you know that.”
Zhongli smiles. “Oh, really? I wasn’t aware. You should repeat it, just so I can be sure.”
You scowl at him, pulling him into a kiss by the collar of his shirt. He obliges you, wrapping his arms around your waist. “I love you too,” He whispers against your lips, before going back to kissing you again, his smile not fading. The sound of the doorbell separates you and you feel your face heat up. 
“Itto’s back.” He says, smiling down at you but making no moves to get the door.
“It seems he is,” You reply. “Aren’t you going to let him in?”
“I’d rather stay here.”
You kiss him, smiling slyly at the way he tries to avoid parting from you.
“He has my Starbucks. Let the man in. We can finish this later, hmm?”
Zhongli sighs, adjusting his shirt and as he goes to open the door.
“I’m okay, seriously.” You repeat to Itto, sipping your drink as the three of you sit around the kitchen island. He doesn’t believe you–keeps asking you over and over, as if you’ll slip and tell him the truth. “Thank you for standing up for me,” You smile, taking his hands in yours. “I truly can’t thank you enough. And don’t say it’s your duty as my friend and self announced older brother.”
“Alright.” Itto smiles brightly. “I won’t. In that case, you owe me for that Starbucks cause I spent half an hour in the queue and I could have bought a whole meal for what that drink cost me.”
“But you’re my older brother, how could you!” You tease, pulling him into a hug.
“Hush.” Itto says. “Anyway, what did you want my opinion on?”
“To get me out of the drama, Ei and Zhongli had to say that I had an urgent project. Ei says I should drop the project in a few months and ride out this storm.” 
“I suggested that she shouldn’t do that unless she truly wants to drop out of the industry.” Zhongli says.
“Dropping out was an option?” Itto sits forward. “Not to be that person, but do you even 
 know how much of a chokehold you have on the internet right now? You’ve been trending for the past few days. Now is not the time to drop out.”
“Which leads perfectly onto my next point. Maybe I release something and make it like a last hurrah. Like an album or something. Maybe I won’t drop out completely, maybe I take on less things instead. I mean, I always wanted to go on tour but my schedule never allowed for that. And I’ve been enjoying not being under people’s scrutiny all the time.” Itto looks at you with understanding. The first time he convinced you not to quit, he knew you were tying to escape. But this time, he can see you’ve thought about it.
“So you wanna know what I think?” He says, leaning back on his stool before realising it doesn’t have a back and catching himself before he falls. “I think… I think you deserve to be happy. And if that’s being with money bags over there or laying low, I think you should do it.”
“I agree,” Zhongli says, smiling at you.
© 2023, thesparklingwriter. please do not copy, edit, repost, or translate.
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notes: this was supposed to go up yesterday but my laptop decided she didn't like shortcuts or copy and pasting anymore :3
taglist: @shadowheads-shitshow @sharkiestory @roxie-miya @starbbearie @luminescent0 @kay-stryker @auraficial @whatamoodhoney @gautier-lei @medusuu @aixaingela @theblueblub @kika-a @je-suis-argent-miel @loveperfectionchaos @vanitasbrainrot
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theprice-cffreedcm · 4 months
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Name: Illy (she/they)
Age: 30+
Time Zone: PST
Erratic sleep schedule due to a sleep disorder so posting hours are all over the place.
More than twenty years of roleplaying experience, and almost as much experience in writing in general.
Most posts are done on mobile which may result in me missing weird autocorrects. My apologies!
I have no particular skills with graphic design so I prefer to write simply in text.
If no plot is pre-planned I will often try to guide towards something, though I always encourage open discussion if we hit on something and you have ideas!
Multiship, polyship, and kink friendly.
You can also find me @zemothethirteenth (Zemo, my main) & @ashadowinwhite (Yelena)
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I am incredibly uncomfortable writing with OCs most of the time due to bad experiences in the past.
If your formatting is very extravagant I may struggle to read it and therefore may simply choose not to interact - I'm sorry. I understand people preferring certain aesthetics but if the aesthetic interferes with my ability to read something easily, I may simply pass.
Because I prefer darker and more adult-themed content, I would highly prefer not to write with underaged characters and it's why I prefer to write with those who are 21+ - both Mun and Muse.
I have ZERO interest in writing with characters who are children - this includes both underaged, and characters who are children of Steve regardless of their age. I have no interest in playing a parental role to anyone in or out of character.
I apologize to Peggy Muns but I am incredibly uncomfortable writing with Peggy.
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While I don't mind threads being dropped, if I'm the only one who is ever starting them and you are continuing to drop them, I will assume you're not interested in writing with me and I may break the mutual to keep my timeline clean.
I will tend to do alerts every couple of weeks where if a thread hasn't been responded to in two or more weeks, I may archive it. I encourage you to reach out if you'd still like to continue it, but me checking in isn't meant to guilt anyone; if you want to drop the thread it's all good! I just want to make sure we're communicating that.
I do actually enjoy reading other peoples' threads, so it's very possible that I'll follow you just to read along with your threads; there's no pressure for a return follow or interactions, though if I'm following you then you're welcome to shoot me a message etc.
Because I read along with threads, I may choose not to follow back MuMus with many characters or characters from various other media; it can make my timeline really messy and may result in me losing threads I'm reading along with.
There are some characters I find easier to figure out a dynamic with than others due to in-canon connections; if I'm taking a little time to respond it's because I'm taking the time to think over a response or waiting for my head to be in the right space for it.
My comics knowledge is not up to date, but is also not nothing at all. I may need some updates on recent storylines, but I do have a general gist of 616 and am happy to be corrected on details or more updated info if we're doing a 616-MCU thing. Just note that I write MCU Cap exclusively - even HYDRA!Cap is based on headcanons more than the storyline (cuz phew I do not wanna think about that storyline thanks)
If it's taken me more than a week to respond, feel free to shoot me a message! I always do my best to draft things I can't respond to immediately, but sometimes I'm a dummy and queue them instead, or just miss them!
While I don't write other languages with any comfort or fluidity, I think roleplaying is a fantastic, fun way to learn English and I encourage those who may still be learning the language to interact if they like! I'm happy to be a mentor or just a play partner.
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kagejima · 2 years
alright so i've noticed an uptick in followers recently because of the latest ushi fic, and to those i say, welcome! i think you made a mistake following this chaotic blog, but glad you're here!
second of all, i wanna say some things about the next few weeks for moots and old followers and new followers so you aren't in the dark! 💖
okay I'll say this up top so no one panics. I'm not going anywhere!! No worries!
lately i have experienced massive burnout on and off (i think that's because I was posting something like every fucking day when i started this back in may) and i have like ten thousand wips (mm, an exaggeration, but it's probably like 50 to 75 now and i got five collab pieces too i need to work on hahahahahahahha 😵‍💫. literally the reason i don't take requests is because keeping up with my brain is hard enough fjdjjfjejfne)
AND SO i will probably be going a little silent fic-wise as i prepare and queue up fics for y'all! i really do enjoy writing but the pressure to be relevant is starting to-- woooooo it's starting to get to me.
I want to make it very clear to moots and followers that I am not going anywhere, I will still be on here pretty much every day bringing chaos to the dash and you can still send thirsts and headcanons and things but as far as my fics, it will be a little bit before I post anything new 😌
also @ my beta readers, i'm not gonna drown you guys in fics in these coming weeks, its still low commitment like i promised, i'm only gonna be sending you like my bigger projects 😋 👍🏻
also!! i want to get better about reading fics! my "to read for later" tag got out of hand so I'm going to rectify that during this time xnenjfjejf i have been slacking on it, im so sorry everybody. you guys deserve better but i got such bad adhd, please forgive me 🙇🏻‍♀️ okay anyways! my point!
TO MUTUALS ONLY: i see the frustration you're having of minimal interaction (it sucks, i get it. i face it too 😮‍💨) so i wanna be tagged in your fics starting today!! this is my permission for you to do so, you'd never be bothering me, i promise!! you got a tag list? add me to it. you wanna just slap my handle in the comments to let me know you got something new? i got you! I'll read anything, even if I know nothing about them, you can still tag me. Tag away. Tag me in any and every fic, i don't care if i know them or not fjdnjfdjfnej. Or send it to me. Whatever is most comfortable for you! I wanna see it! Wanna display it like the little masterpiece it is! Because of my weird schedule, i miss a lot of things but i desperately wanna see what new things you guys got! The only thing I ask is to not be tagged in angst! I don't handle that well 🥲
okay I think that's everything.
ok, thank you!!
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running-in-blind · 2 years
I'm fucking pissed and will be putting my rant under this here readmore
I'm in Australia for the first time in 4 years for a wedding and decided to meet up with a group of friends from highschool and well... I found out one of my friends is a fucking transphobe n isnt even trying to hide it. So like we were all just talking about things n the topic of one of everyone's mutual friends who now lives in a different city and how he is now a she. Then one of my mates spoke up n said something along the lines of "it's messed up" and "I won't call him that till he chops his balls off". Now I, as a pre-T trans guy, had to bite my tongue and not rip into this guy for saying this shit in front of me of one of our friends cause I didn't wanna make a huge scene about it, so I basically just said "lets agree to disagree." and just continued to hang out with everyone.
Now heres some details to keep in mind about this whole situation to make things worse:
We had discussed and made plans to meet today (sunday) on thursday. I was getting in contact with everyone who agreed to meet up and this guy was radio silent and I, as someone who likes to keep to somewhat of a schedule due to anxiety n shit, was already aware this guy had the biggest distance to travel (beyond me obviously) to meet up at the agreed location and he had stated that he would more than likely be late due to this fact. So after radio silence I decided I should drop buy this guys place as it was on the way and offer to give him a lift like... 15 mins before the agreed meeting time to just simply make things easier.
He was still asleep.
Now my parents were the ones dropping me off at the meeting spot so they could go off n do their thing so now they are waiting while I awkwardly deal with the whole situation and usher this guy along so we wouldn't be too late and not keep my parents along.
His reason for being asleep 15 mins before the agreed meeting time?
His teeth had been hurting really badly and it kept him awake all night. So i was like, aight thats fair n valid cause thats a thing that can happen. Then i notice just how bad his teeth were... he basically had no teeth left at the ripe ol age of 24... now you know me, I aint one to really judge but like... his teeth are far worse than my fathers teeth and thats cause of accidents hes had thats done bad damage to em and he's like... 64 this year so yeah... so of course i'm bein polite n say nothing while he's complaining about his sore mouth n shit, blaming their terrible condition on epilepsy. I dont know enough about that condition to comment on it but I was hitting x to doubt at this point.
I had to rush him outta the house, asked his lil sister to please finish up the chore he decided he HAD to do before going and thanked her profusely for agreeing while i rush him to the car. Now earlier his lil sister commented on the fact that he never brushed his teeth being one of the leading factors to the current state they were in.
Aight great now we're on his way but he had commented on how he was really tired and needed a coffee but he couldn't afford one so I was like "aight, I'll get him one in compensation for rushing him outta the house like I did." And he was absolutely no help while i ordered him one from a coffee shop, i had to basically coax a coffee order outta him which was kinda annoying but it is what it is. Great now he had his coffee n we just needed to wait while the others rock up, the two others were being held up by both one of their fathers n traffic which they informed me about and apologized and i was all chill with that cause you cant fix that shit.
So to pass the time I decided to bring up our friend who couldnt make it, the trans friend, queue his comment about it being messed up, i raise a brow and opt not to talk too much more about said friend cause like now im uncomfortable.
Reason he couldn't afford the coffee?
He didn't have a job. Now i could understand him not having a job cause times are rough, but like he's commented on how he doesnt intend to actually get a job and plans to live on wellfare. Usually i'd just roll my eyes and be like "aight, ok u do u" but like... not only is he an Australian citizen, hes got aboriginal heritage (funny cause hes the whitest bastard amongst us) which gives him access to all sorts of things I really needed before we were basically told fuck you by the government and hes just wasting it all. He has access to things for proper dental care n stuff that makes it much much more affordable.
But now here he is hating on her when she's taking steps to both improve herself and her life in general while he lives a deadbeat lifestyle and lets himself literally rot away.
I refuse to involve myself with him and will only talk to him if he talks to me first out of courtesy as not to cause drama with the friends I want to keep contact with.
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meandmyechoes · 1 year
Ground Rules about Celebration 2025 so I can stop thinking about it until tickets go on sale ~June 2024
honestly if any of you tumblrinas happen to be going i'd love to be buddies
What we know so far:
Date: 18-20 April (Fri-Sun, Easter) 10am-6pm
Venue: Makuhari Messe, Chiba
How long should the trip take?
Probably 1 week ~8d7n if not longer. Ideally 16 (Wed) - 22 (Tue) for cheapest tickets, subject to rearrange if i have a proper long-term job then, and if partners.
Which day(s) am I going?
19 April, I hope. I don't think I can afford going all 3 days financially so the meat is the first choice. But I guess 18/Fri is agreeable if tickets are easier to get for a work day. I know there will be a group discount but I honestly don't think all 3 days is necessary. Pretty sure there'll be plenty happening outside the event hall as well. Likewise probably will be saving on the panel guarantee pass.
What/Who do I want to see?
Well, I don't really have a set goal --so let's sort that out! No celebirty's schedule is confirmed so far in advance and no shows are scheduled for a 2025 release so we're really in the dark here. 2025 is expected to be similar if not smaller than London for being an overseas event. I thought Japan is further but turns out both London and Tokyo are about 11 hours flight away haha. I don't even know what they're gonna announce seeing there's not much this year. Perhaps updates on the three new movies - which I'm have no interest towards whatsoever. and a Visions vol... 4, maybe?
2025 is ROTS 20th anniversary so I really hope Hayden and Ewan will be there. Hayden's probably free but we will have to see Ewan's schedule. Either way I'd still be subjected to panel lottery so it's out of my hands. I'm content just seeing them from far away as is.
Ashley, of course. I'm fairly confident she'd be there, and I'm preeeety sure the #Ahsokalivesinallofus meetup doesn't require a ticket. The thing is, I don't know what to do if I meet Ashley. I THINK I'd give her a letter and some small gift, and I could've done that if there's a present box like your usual Japanese idol, but I'm not sure if I should book at least an autograph session so we can have a little chat. I have NO idea what to let her sign (okay maybe the back of the custom animator baybsoka), or what I should SAY TO HER FACE. Handshake/hug/selfie is out of the window and I- if I have anything to say, i KNOW that I won't be able to boil it down to three sentences. It wasn't like that time I met Kishi and I can only say what I rehearsed in broken Japanese. I actually KNOW english and I won't be able to control my brain and mouth then.
I don't have my hopes high Matt or JAT would be there, it's not a TCW anniversary after all. But if they do I'm SO booking a group photo with them. I'm so jealous of the deal this year. Otherwise I'm fine not getting a photo or autographs. Seeing them in real-life is magic enough.
Sure I'd love to meet the Andor cast, but I don't think many of them would be there? There'd probably be an Andor S2 recap panel, but if I met anyone from Andor it'd be a bonus.
What do I want to see?
Like I said, I'm not actually as big about the panels as I am just being there to feel the event. I know expectation and reality and fall short and heard no little of this year's poor management. I'm not big on merch either exclusive or otherwise (unless they bring out dolls of course - but those would later become available anyway)
I'm more interested in meeting other fans and seeing the non-streamed fan panels. I found this souvenir-exchange group 'SWAG' (something we call get) where people trade patches and stickers. I'm captivated by the idea but I think for now the best i can do is made some polaroids with my toy photos. well, i'll need something to make friends in queue anyway. phew it's a long way, we'll see. Maybe I can bead some padawan braids, maybe i can make DF's skyguy and snips drawing into a patch/mini tshirt.
I wanna see the cosplay SO BAD. Because it's Japan I think we all have unrealistic expectations of how good the cosplay and (fan)merch would be. I'd lose half my liver there (on top of the thrift trips I WILL BE GOING)
Am I going in cosplay?
HA I'd love to. I'd love to go as at least Pav-ti if not TCW Adult!Ahsoka. HOWEVER, the very practical reasons of: how tired it is to walk in cosplay all day and how do i transport that to Japan and carry it around for 10 days, before i even think about making the props. I might get away dressing as Pav-ti with the smaller headpiece but I'd still have to paint myself orange. Maybe I can make use of queueing time to make up.... I could also carry a sturdy satchel (with a cute baby) to store all my stuff...
okay... I'd put Pav-ti as my goal first because I really want to make the most out of it.
Otherwise I'd so wearing an itabac lmao
Am I scouting a partner?
*sigh* I know every SW fan in HK will be going but technically I still don't know any one irl? Not even very close online? Also they're mostly a bunch of old men...? I know... thus this is the perfect opportunity for me to find a fellow fan like me...
I mean, it'd be cozier and probably easier to have a partner. I could share a proper hotel room and make a queue partner and photographer. But then I'd probably have to cut the trip short because no one with a steady job will just take a week of vacation.
When the time rolls around, there'd probably be a FB group of HK dispatchers and maybe I can find some one there. Then we'd have time to get to know each other better before the trip.
On the other hand, I don't know, I'm not really good with this planning for another person thing. I also figure one would meet plenty HKers on site anyway...
What's the budget?
plane, stay, food, ticket+shop, transport & misc. = 2k x5 = >10k HKD
if i save $1000 per month for a year we'd've more than enough
Other logistic details?
Yeah well, I had this delusion that I could just sleep outside the hall to save accomodation AND early access. Not sure... might still work haha. The official hotel blocks would be crazy expensive and the next nearest affordable rooms would be ahead at Chiba city rather than back at Tokyo. There are net cafes around Messe but you'd still have to take a bus probably. Well 6pm isn't very late yet so walking is plausible. Besides comments said they upcharge for the weekend so we probably won't be saving much, might as well book a proper hotel room/hostel space if we're staying for consecutively nights because we're gonna be so tired walking around all day. The key is to book Chiba city early.
Roughly goes Wed flight in Osaka, Thu Kyoto?(night bus CHIBA) At least from Friday to Sunday I'd be in Chiba. Might go back to Tokyo Sunday night if hostels are cheaper there. Then I'd have Monday to go around Tokyo (nightbus OSAKA) if the flight is Tuesday Day. (experience-wise i might have to enter/exit through KIX to save money but let's cross fingers for a direct tokyo flight)
If I fly direct Tokyo this time, I can even store luggage at the tokyo hotels and just head to Messe/Chiba on backpack!
Seeing '23 repo, I don't want my time to be wasted in queues. I'd have to prepare my own food and make friends while queueing. Bring a mini-fan and stay hydrated (but not too much that you need the bathroom) Choose a reliable network service and up my Japanese game.
I expect to pick up some items when I get into Japan. a trolley perhaps, or a foldable chair. not sure if i need a camp lol. too soon to speak.
What else to look at?
Doll stuff, toku spots, Kishi.
Kishi should still be easy enough to find two years later, don't know if I could happen upon his roadshow or better yet a concert.
Toku spots! Pretty much covered the classics my last two trip and don't think I'd go too far out this trip... Well, Messe itself is already a toku spot! I might round up a few new ones the last few years. However!!! mid-April is right when FLT goes!! jury's still out if I'd like the '24 Sentai but I hope this time I can see a hero show! finally!
Doll stuff. I'm actually not sure where to see doll stuff in Tokyo. I'd have to really dig blogs and videos for it. Would be more learning than buying with that price tag lol.
I had this 'ADVANCE BOOKING' list when I planned for the olympics that might be of use this time. Not sure if the timetable allows and terms would've changed... but I'll keep an eye out on places I want to visit (esp if bringing friends) hEY, i haven't even seen the imperial palace yet.
What to Do Now
Haha there's not much I can do right not for the actual itineary. New hotels, shops and transportation could open up next year and uproot everything. For now, sub to the newsletter, study japanese, get in shape and make a cosplay. I am thinking of a preview/test run trip but maybe save that money for shopping on the real thing. I need to put my mind off this trip and into the present so I can find a job and raise money for it lol
1 note · View note
taisssaturner · 4 years
48 notes · View notes
chaosbled · 1 year
10 notes · View notes
luvdsc · 4 years
mark lee sucks at technology.
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tap the heart if you have a big, fat, embarrassing crush on your best friend!
pairing :: lee mark x reader genre :: fluff / best friend + social influencer au word count :: 5,883 words warnings :: none playlist :: dumb stuff (lany) ⋆ feeling (coin) ⋆ so far so good (gabrielle aplin) ⋆ electric love (børns) ⋆ love by mistake (bad suns) author’s note :: i was debating if i should post it on his bday instead, but i decided to drop it earlier, so uh, happy (approx. one week early) bday to mister absolutely fully capable (except when it comes to tech stuff) !!!! thank you for blessing us with your god tier raps ♡ ↳ part of the not clickbait series.
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In your required upper division business course aptly titled “Essential Marketing Strategies,” you had learned about a concept called personal brands. A personal brand is explained as the first impression a person wishes to perceive based on their own experiences, qualifications, and achievements. Your professor had told you and your classmates to pick three words to define your own brand. For instance, you chose to label yourself as charismatic, fun, and creative.
Your best friend’s brand would be awkward, endearing, and technologically challenged. 
Okay, so that is definitely more than three words, but who’s counting? You might as well tack on “Y/N’s big fat crush” at this rate because everyone and their mother knows that you carry a torch—or more accurately, a blazing wildfire that can easily be spotted from Pluto—for your best friend.
Well, to be more precise, you should probably say everyone, except Mark, knows. And that’s not for lack of trying either. You completely dropped the art of delicate subtlety months ago already. Maybe you should add “hopelessly oblivious” instead.
The rolling end credits to the sixth Harry Potter film are playing on the screen in front of you, signaling the nearing end of your magical movie marathon. You’re seated on the worn down couch in Mark and Donghyuck’s shared apartment, watching the former make his drink with the fancy, gently used Keurig newly settled on the scratched countertop. Johnny dropped it off a few days ago because he had splurged on a better coffee machine (“It even makes Instagram worthy whipped frappuccinos!”) and didn’t want his old, but still perfectly functioning caffeine provider going to waste.
“What’s wrong with this thing?” Mark slaps the side of the machine, and it starts to emit a low whirring noise. “Oh, that’s good, right? That sound is good, you think?”
His question is immediately answered by the sad squirt of hot water speckled with coffee grinds falling into his mug for a few seconds before the machine shuts off.
“What the hell?” he mutters angrily, carding his hand through his hair in frustration, and you finally decide to take pity on your best friend. Getting up from the comfy spot you know you sadly won’t be able to recreate perfectly again later, you stride over to where your best friend stands and flip open the top of the Keurig.
“Hyuck didn’t take out his used coffee pod,” you say, pulling out the incriminating evidence of your best friend’s roommate and disposing it in the trash can next to the refrigerator. “Where’s the espresso one you’re gonna use? Why didn’t you put that in?”
His jaw slackens, and he sheepishly rubs the back of his neck, avoiding your gaze and mumbling, “I thought I’d just open it later and pour it into my hot water.”
“Mark,” you start, placing your hands on his shoulders firmly and staring into his eyes with a serious look on your face. “Please know that I’m saying this in the most loving way possible, but you are an absolute idiot.”
You release your grip on his shoulders and grab the espresso pod dangling from his fingertips before slotting it into the Keurig. You remove the mug he placed underneath the spout and wash out the accidental coffee water before placing it back in its original position and pressing the start button on the machine. With a sigh, you lean against the side of the counter, glancing at your friend who looks like a child being scolded for stealing from the cookie jar.
“If you pour the pod into your mug, are you just going to chug all the loose coffee grinds, too?”
“... I didn’t think that far ahead.” His lips start to unintentionally form a tiny pout, and your eyes (and your heart, too) soften.
You’re very relieved that Donghyuck is off filming with your friend because he definitely would be making fun of your heart eyes that frequently make an appearance around a certain Mark Lee. Which you always deny. Because you certainly do not have a gigantic crush on your technologically inept best friend.
You glance over at him again and have to physically fight yourself to resist the urge to kiss his cute pout away. Okay, so maybe you harbor a very respectable, medium sized crush. But it's no big deal. It’s completely under control. Unless you’re counting the fact that your best friend is still unaware, and you’re running out of ideas to try and see if he likes you back before you actually shoot your shot. Then it’s very much not under control because you’re losing sleep over it and you don’t know what to do to be any more obvious without stating the, well, obvious.
“Well, now you know. If you forget, you can FaceTime me and I’ll give you instructions on how it works.” You pat his shoulder reassuringly before pausing. “Wait, you do know how to FaceTime, right?”
“Yes!” he exclaims, sulking even more before confessing in a quieter, defeated tone, “Hyuck showed me last month.”
Mark grabs his finished drink and follows behind you, settling back onto the couch next to you. The streaming service already has Deathly Hallows Part 1 in the queue and ready to go, and your best friend is ready to click play until he notices your attention being focused on the smaller screen in your hands. He wonders if you’re about to post another one of your popular cooking videos on that app that shares a name with the most iconic song of the 2000s (hint: the name of the song’s singer is made up of four letters and a dollar sign).
“Are you uploading one of your videos?” he implores before taking a sip of his drink with a satisfied smile. Somehow, it always tastes better when you make it, and he can’t figure out why for the life of him. When he went to Johnny’s place, his older friend uses the exact same pod and water ratio for his espresso, and yet, it’s never as good as yours.
“Nah, I’m ordering my grocery delivery before I forget. Do you want anything?” You select the option to load your usual grocery items into your cart before debating on whether or not you should splurge on buying several packages of those seasonal Pillsbury sugar cookies that only come in stock during certain holidays. It seems like such an insult to the entire premise of your Tiktok account based on baking and cooking, but you’re an absolute sucker for those soft pastries.
“Yeah, can you get me a Shin Ramyun ten pack? Hyuck ate the last one two days ago and didn’t tell me.”
“You sure you don’t want ten boxes again?” You decide to get those Pillsbury sugary delights, happily adding three boxes to your cart. Everybody has a weakness, and yours just so happens to be a premade one way ticket to diabetes. You’re here for a good, delicious time, not a long time.
“No! That was an accident!” He objects, flailing his hands around, before falling back against the couch cushions in defeat. “But Hyuck does all the online grocery shopping now.”
“Thank god. You guys finally have quality toilet paper again.”
The past month of bathroom occurrences was plagued with scratchy tissue that felt more like goddamn sandpaper from the horrible depths of hell. To be honest, you probably would have rather used actual sandpaper, given the choice. You even made sure not to drink too much water any time you came over, but today, you decided to splurge on a venti passion fruit iced tea with sweetener from that very popular franchise sporting a mermaid logo and fiscally cosmic name. To your pleasant surprise, your trip to the toilet this time was wonderfully padded with Charmin Ultra Soft, not that absolutely awful off brand one with the gross texture of a dried pinecone from inferno.
“Hey, that toilet paper was a good steal! It was a three for one deal,” Mark protests, and you narrow your eyes at him.
“Wow, I wonder why it was priced so low.” You deadpan, and Mark blanches, recalling all those restroom incidents that were rather rough. Literally.
“Anyway, do you think my viewers wanna see me make chocolate crinkle cookies or mochi doughnuts?” You bring up the two recipes you managed to perfect and add your own spin to on your phone, eyes scanning the ingredient lists.
“Both. And tell me when you’re making them, so I can come over and eat them.” He gives you a wide grin, and you let out a snort at that. His smile only grows as he says happily, “I love your job.”
“You only love it because you can freeload off of me,” you jest, but nevertheless begin to start to add all the ingredients for both recipes to your shopping cart. You always film cooking videos on Tuesdays, edit on Wednesdays, keep Thursdays free for last minute touch ups and emergencies, and post one every week on Fridays with other various random videos uploaded whenever in between. With that in mind, you schedule your upcoming grocery delivery for Monday.
“Hey, you need me. I’m the best taste tester.” He puffs up his chest proudly before hastily tacking on a more genuine reason. “And because I’d starve without you. I can’t live off of instant ramen and frozen chicken nuggets forever. Gordon Ramsay already confirmed my shitty cooking skills. I need you to survive.”
“Oh my god, when I uploaded those pics of your scrambled eggs on Twitter, I lost like a hundred followers in less than a minute.” You confirm the delivery and place your phone on the coffee table, picking up the opened bag of Cheeto puffs before settling back in your seat. “My cooking credibility was completely shot. I had to explain to my fans that I didn’t make those.”
“Yeah, but now everyone calls me Eggy Boi online!” he whines, and you laugh. You have to admit, it’s quite a funny play on the whole “edgy boi” terminology. You wonder if Mark will find it amusing if he discovers his roommate is the culprit behind his new online persona (He probably won’t, and you reckon Donghyuck enjoys living in a safe space where he doesn’t have to sleep with one eye open, so you stay quiet about it. You’ll use it as leverage some other time).
“Okay, Eggy Boi, come by on Tuesday because I’ll be baking in the afternoon,” you say casually, grabbing the remote control from your best friend and pressing play. 
You very narrowly avoid a green gummy bear to the face. It lands somewhere behind the couch, lost forever to the dust bunnies and other snacks that missed its target. You know for a fact that it’ll stay there until the boys decide to move to a new apartment. Mark grumbles at the miss, biting off the head of a red cherry flavored gummy bear perhaps a little harder than necessary.
“I hate you. But I’m still coming over next week because I want a doughnut.”
“No cookie?”
“... and a cookie. Maybe two.”
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Wednesday comes faster than you expected, and you’re currently holed up in your apartment’s second bedroom—which you had transformed into a snazzy office space—completing the edits to your second video on mochi doughnuts. You already finished polishing the one about the cookies earlier, thank goodness. If you had to stare at your computer screen for another three hours, you would rather eat those pastries Mark tried to make two months ago, but had mistaken salt for sugar. Adding a cup of salt to any baked good is an extremely effective way to make anyone who tasted your best friend’s brownies experience a trip to the beach. Because they essentially just swallowed a mouthful of sand and ocean water. Because it’s salty as heck. Just like Mark was when you told him.
Speaking of your best friend, he’s currently puttering around in your kitchen doing god knows what. He knows better than to try another recipe and possibly blow up your number one moneymaker—your prized oven—in the process. Your heart nearly drops when your ears pick up the faint chopping sounds of a knife against your wooden cutting board. Is he going to try to temper chocolate again? He nearly burned through your entire stock of dark, milk, and white chocolate last time.
After much contemplation and deciding that you deserve a good procrastination break and a fully intact kitchen, you’re about to go out and see what he’s up to when Mark timidly appears in your doorway, clutching onto a white bowl of watermelon cubes with a fork tucked neatly in it. He shuffles in, dropping the snack on your desk before turning to walk out without a word, not wanting to disturb your work mode. 
Your heart warms up at the sight, and you speak up, a small smile slipping into your face. “What’s this for?”
“Knowing you, you probably haven’t eaten anything since breakfast.” He pauses in the doorway and adds on sheepishly, “And I can't cook anything, so this is what you get.”
Your heart swells tenfold, and your smile widens even more as you spear a piece of fruit with the fork and quickly pop it into your mouth. “Thanks, Marky.”
His cheeks flush with a pretty shade of carmine, and he fails to suppress the little giddy smile that appears on his face at your nickname for him. He walks out of your office, reddened cheeks still rising up higher than ever. “Y-Yeah, of course. No problem.”
By the time you finish adding the final few touches to your edited video, the bowl of watermelon has been picked clean. You save your video and transfer both of your completed projects to your phone, making a mental note to schedule their uploads and add them to your account’s posting queue later. Shoving your phone in the pocket of your sweats after ensuring the successful transfer of your videos, you pick up the empty dish and walk out towards the kitchen, the silver fork clinking against the side of the bowl with every step.
As you wash the dish and utensil, Mark wanders over from his spot on the couch, leaning forward and casually placing his chin on your shoulder. Almost instantaneously, you feel the heat rising to your cheeks as you briefly fantasize about your best friend wrapping his arms around your waist and how domestic and sweet the two of you would look, like one of those cheesy couples the two of you always made fun of.
“What’s up?” you ask, making a conscious effort to hold your voice steady and not waver over the fact that Mark is basically draped over you. After you place the dish on the drying rack, you turn around to face your best friend, sorely miscalculating the distance as mere inches separate your face from his now.
“I—” Puberty decides to make an ugly appearance in the form of an ill timed voice crack, and he internally curses as he takes a step back, willing the incoming blush to go away. Letting out a small cough, he tries again, scratching the back of his neck nervously.
“I, um, Jisung sent me some kind of dance video. He said it’s a challenge? I kinda don’t know what to do with it? Like do I make a new dance, record myself, and send it back? Actually, isn't it easier to just do a dance battle face to face?”
“Can I see the video?” You already have a good idea on what the video will be, but you want to confirm it. Mark fumbles with his phone, pulling up the video in his text messages. He angles the phone towards you for you to see, and you grab his hand, bringing the device a little closer to you for a better look and clicking play.
“Oh, it’s a Tiktok challenge! He’s doing the Say So dance!” you exclaim, recognizing the song almost immediately as your eyes follow the fluid dance moves, completely enthralled. “So a challenge isn’t going up against someone, like a battle. It’s just some kind of trend or concept that you try to copy yourself. You’re supposed to learn the same dance and record yourself for this one. I can show you some other challenges and help you practice and record this one tomorrow if you wanna drop by after work!”
“O-Oh, okay, sounds good.” Mark stumbles over his words, attempting to focus on what you’re saying and the dance Jisung is doing, but all he can think about is the way your body is pressed against his side, hand comfortably wrapped around his. He freezes up as the tips of his ears grow redder and redder with every passing second, and his face sports a similar color. He silently prays for the telltale crimson to go away by the time the dance is over.
When the video ends, you once again realize the close proximity between you and your best friend. Your face burns at this revelation, and you awkwardly take a step back. Clearing your throat, you hastily release Mark’s hand (He inaudibly lets out the breath he’s been holding in this entire time, yet he also already misses the way your hand felt grasping his).
“Uh, anyway, I’m gonna make a latte. Do you want a drink, too?” You walk towards the other side of your kitchen with Mark trailing behind you. You take out a floral, peachy colored mug from your cupboards before pausing and looking at your best friend. “Wait, do you remember how to use a Keurig?”
“Yes!” He says, slightly exasperated as he picks out his own cup from your cabinet. He always uses the same one—a cerulean blue mug with squiggles all over it—and all of your friends and guests know not to use it because it’s unofficially officially Mark’s mug (And perhaps, you did indeed buy it from that overpriced kitschy tableware shop down the street two years ago with your best friend in mind).
“Really?” You select the latte option and press start after you had already positioned the mug beneath the spout and inserted a green tea matcha pod. He finally relents, shoulders sagging and a defeated expression on his face.
“... No.”
You chuckle, taking the mug from him and carefully putting it on the counter. You grab the espresso pod you know he likes from the drawer below and place it next to the cup. “It’s okay, I’ll teach you again.”
Mark tries. He really does. He tries very hard to concentrate on memorizing the simple process, but he keeps getting distracted. His eyes are focused on the correct button to push before they start to trail up to your fingertips. And then, they go from your hand to your arm, then up to the elegant curve of your neck, and finally, to the way your lashes frame your pretty eyes and how the tip of your tongue sticks out slightly as you concentrate until all he can focus on is you, you, you.
Suddenly, in what feels like a blink of an eye, you’re done and handing him his finished drink, complete with a perfectly whipped milk foam on top. You ask him if he knows how to make it now, and all he can do is lie and nod with a barely convincing smile.
After all, how can Mark tell his best friend that the reason he never remembers is because you’re the biggest distraction?
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Mark should be here in five minutes, according to his most recent text message. And in the text message below that, your friend had sent you a challenge. More specifically, it’s the one she completed with Donghyuck a few weeks ago. When you said you wanted bold suggestions on how to figure out if your best friend feels the same way about you as you do about him, you didn’t want one this bold. 
Yet, the video link to your friend’s “today I kissed my best friend” challenge along with a winky face from her is staring mockingly at you. While you aren’t one to back down from a challenge, the mere thought of kissing your best friend causes vast colonies of butterflies to erupt in your stomach and your ears to feel as if they have caught on fire. You’re already tongue tied with your head in the clouds, and he isn’t even here yet. How utterly fantastic.
However, your mother definitely did not raise a quitter, so you spring into action when you hear the faint jingling of a key being inserted into your apartment’s door (You had given Mark a copy of your key almost immediately after you had moved in). You move the pretty indoor fern given to you by Jaemin as a housewarming gift last year closer to the edge of your towering bookcase, leaning your phone against it. You quickly position the device to capture a good view of the couch area in your living room and press the record button, arranging a few of the leaves to hide as much of your phone as you possibly can without obstructing the lens.
You run full speed to your bedroom, letting out a sigh of relief when you’re safely inside and hear Mark finally unlocking the door successfully and shuffling in. When he calls out to you, you try to even out your breathing, walking out of your room with your tripod and laptop in hand.
“Hey,” you greet him in the most casual tone you can muster. You place the tripod down and sit before opening your laptop and setting it on the coffee table. “I thought we could watch a few challenges for fun before trying the Say So one. Have you watched Jisung’s videos before?”
“Um, well, no, not really,” he confesses sheepishly, taking a seat next to you on the couch, leg pressing against yours. He squints at the YouTube video you pulled up earlier before he had arrived, reading the title before clicking the space button to start it. “Savage Tiktok dance compilation part two?”
“Wait, hold up.” You pause the video and then turn to face him with an incredulous expression on your face. “You’ve never watched any of Jisung’s dance Tiktoks?”
“No… I don’t even have an account.” His cheeks are dusted with the lightest shade of pink as he quietly admits, “I watch all of yours though.”
Your eyes widen at his confession, face heating up as you stammer out, “O-Oh, well, I can help you make an account later to upload your video.”
“Sounds good.” There’s a few seconds of silence as you mull over his previous words before he speaks up again awkwardly, “Should I, uh, play the video?”
“Oh! Yes, right! Of course, hit play,” you laugh nervously, twisting and playing with the hair tie around your wrist. He starts the video again, and the two of you watch the compilation, slowly relaxing once more as you tap your fingers to the rhythm of the song and he bobs his head to the beat.
“Do I have to change outfits like that?” he questions a few minutes later, eyes growing round as he sees the girl on the screen switch between four different outfits throughout the dance. His closet basically consists of the same five black shirts that he stole from Jaehyun. Even if he did do an outfit swap, there would literally be no difference at all.
“You don’t have to,” you assure him, clicking the enter key to play the next video that’s recommended: another Tiktok dance challenge compilation. “All you have to do is copy the dance.”
Mark nods, taking a glance at the laptop screen before his hand shoots out and he pauses the video, leaning forward to take a closer look at the little recommended video title banner at the top. “Wait! What’s that one?”
He clicks on it, the new video now loading up. The two of you wait patiently for it to begin, waiting for the spinning disc to stop. But it doesn’t. In fact, the whole chrome page goes blank and then, the little pixelated Google Chrome dinosaur pops up on your monitor, announcing that you have no internet connection. Furrowing your eyebrows, you try to reload the page before trying to re-establish your laptop connection to your wifi. Unfortunately, you cannot find your appropriately named “drop it like it’s hotspot” wifi anywhere to connect to.
And that’s when it hits you. Your landlord had sent out a notice to the entire apartment complex last week about the electricity being powered down today from 4 to 6 p.m. for a maintenance check, and a quick glance at the digital clock on your laptop shows that it’s a little past four.
You groan, closing your laptop and flopping back against the couch cushions dramatically. Mark cocks his head, slightly confused, before he pokes you in the arm. “What’s wrong?”
“I completely forgot about the scheduled electricity shutdown for the entire building. We won’t have any wifi for the next two hours.” You pout, your bottom lip jutting out in the slightest, and Mark doesn’t think it’s fair that you get to be this cute and have this much of an effect on his racing heart rate.
“That’s okay, we can… play some board games?” he suggests offhandedly, pushing away the embarrassing thought and nudging your leg with his, and you smile before a sudden idea occurs to you. 
“Or we can still do some Tiktok challenges! What was the challenge you clicked on?” You quickly sit upright, turning to face your best friend, eyes sparkling in excitement. “I memorized a few of the dance ones already! Was it Renegade? I can teach you that one. Jisung showed me how to do it.”
“Um,” he starts, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. His eyes dart everywhere, except you, as he lets out a feigned cough. “It wasn’t a dance one. It was about, uh, going up to your boyfriend… and um, hugging him... when he’s playing video games.”
“Oh.” You answer lamely, not knowing what to say. You unsuccessfully try to push away the image of you attempting that challenge with your best friend. “Those are really cute.”
“Really?” He says doubtfully, wrinkling his eyebrows and fiddling with the frayed sleeve of his sweater. “Wouldn’t the dude get mad?”
You don’t know what suddenly possessed you to do this (you’ll have to ask Renjun and his paranormal loving ass later), but you thank whatever demon did for that split second because you find yourself gently grabbing Mark’s arm and slipping your head underneath it. You swing one leg over his lap and settle down until you’re securely sitting in his lap, bent legs on either side of his hips, hands curled around the soft fabric of his sweater on both sides and resting on top of your thighs. His arms instinctively go around your waist, wrapping around you securely.
You tilt your head to the side slightly, studying the flustered boy in front of you with a teasing, albeit a little anxious, smile on your lips. “Are you feeling mad?”
Splotches of red litter his cheeks and decorate the tips of his ears, but your best friend furiously shakes his head at your question, bashfully ducking his head afterwards and muttering a soft “No.”
You swallow hard, heart pounding erratically in your chest as you timidly ask, “Would you be mad if I do this?”
Mark looks up at that, confusion written all over his face. His arms start to loosen around your figure, hands now resting on your waist. “If you do what?”
You take a deep breath. “This.”
You lean in and gently press your lips against his. Mark freezes in shock, and you quickly retreat soon after, gnawing at the inside of your cheek as you wait anxiously for his reaction. Your heart feels like it’s about to fall out of your chest and be buried six feet under.
A tiny noise of surprise belatedly escapes from him and crimson spreads across his cheeks like wildfire. His doe eyes are wide and sparkling, staring at you in bewilderment. Your best friend lets out a small laugh of disbelief before a full blown smile breaks out across his face. He gazes at you adoringly, breathing out softly, “I’m not mad at that.”
You perk up at that, draping your arms around his neck as you lean forward, beaming. “Really? You’re not?”
“Definitely not.”
This time, Mark meets you halfway, his lips slotting against yours perfectly and making you feel tingles up and down your spine. Your eyes are closed, and you are so hyper aware of the way his hands grip your hips, how he tugs you closer, and how his lips chase after yours. The number of butterflies from earlier multiply in your stomach, and you have ascended past cloud nine by now.
When the two of you break apart, your eyes flutter open, and you nudge your nose against his affectionately. The brightest grin blooms on his face once again, and he buries his face in the crook of your neck, muffling his little giggles and hiding the awfully vibrant cerise that rapidly blossoms on his face.
“Is this a good time to tell you congrats for completing your first challenge?” you say, resting your cheek against the crown of his head. You pull away when he lifts his head up, surprised.
“I wasn’t playing video games though,” he says slowly, processing your words and thinking back to the challenge that started this all.
“It was a different challenge. It’s the one that Hyuck did a few weeks ago,” you confess, and realization dawns on him, his face lighting up for a split second before a look of horror takes over.
“Oh, no. Is that why you had your phone recording on the bookshelf?” Mark asks, dread beginning to cloud his mind.
“Yes…” you say slowly, a little perplexed. “Why? What’s wrong?”
“Oh my god, I ruined your video,” he moans, dropping his forehead onto your shoulder. “I saw your phone when I walked in and thought you were filming earlier and forgot to turn it off, so I turned it off for you.”
When the words finally register in your mind, you can’t stop the laughter from bubbling out of your throat, and he raises his head up to look at you with wide doe eyes at the pretty sound. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to!”
You can’t stop laughing at the situation, and he looks at you worriedly, gnawing on his bottom lip slightly. You force yourself to calm down, a soft chuckle leaving your lips before you beam at him, leaning in and placing the softest kiss on the tip of his nose. “It’s okay, Mark. I’m not mad. That video wasn’t important anyway.”
“But still,” he whines before letting out a groan and slapping his hand against his forehead when the realization sinks in even further. “I’m such an idiot.”
“But you’re my idiot now, right?” you say teasingly, albeit a little shyly as well, as you reach over to tug his hand away from his face and lace your fingers with his.
“I mean, I kinda thought I was always your idiot,” Mark laughs softly and a little embarrassedly, eyes averted and cheeks turning pinker than ever. The largest grin spreads across your face at that, and you turn away slightly to hide it. You didn’t think your best friend can possibly be any more endearing, but he manages to prove you wrong every time.
“Well, then now you can add ‘Y/N’s boyfriend’ to your resume,” you say, and he fails to suppress the pleased smile appearing on his face at your remark, his rosy cheeks rising even taller than skyscrapers.
“So, uh, what sort of job description does that have?” He gazes at your intertwined hands in wonder, still completely giddy at the reality of you being his best friend and something more.
“Sharing hoodies, giving me attention, kissing, holding my hand, going on dates, you know, the basics,” you answer, squeezing his hand tenderly, and his doe eyes instantly light up. Mark feels a little bolder than before, and it shows when he grins widely and says:
“Can we do number three again?”
“Yes, we can, Eggy Boi.”
He wrinkles his nose at the name, disgruntled and unimpressed, as he crosses his arms over his chest, sulking. You let out a laugh before leaning in and crashing your lips against his. He immediately relents at that, enthusiastically responding and hugging you closer to him, and you can’t help but smile into the kiss as you feel his own smile appear as well.
At that moment, you decide that you want to change Mark’s personal brand. Because his should be “absolutely wonderful, positively amazing, a cute kisser, your boyfriend, and your bestest friend.” And yes, that is most definitely more than the allotted three words, but again, who’s really counting?
Certainly not you when you’re too preoccupied with kissing your best friend. Correction: best friend and new boyfriend.
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One new notification: donutkillmyvibe uploaded a new video!
moominjun commented:
so you’re saying the reason why we didn’t get the highly anticipated best friend challenge video is because @ marklyrawr turned the camera off?
donutkillmyvibe replied: yes 😔 I’m sorry to disappoint everyone 🤧
nanaislove replied: omg no bby it’s ok 🥺🥺💞💓💓💝💗 you didn’t have to make an apology video for that 🥺💗💓💘💖
goofys.chuckle replied: yeah it’s mark’s fault. he’s the disappointment here 🥴
morklyrawr replied: hahahahaha stfu hyuck
tytrack commented:
mark is going through puberty. I apologize
dobunny replied: @.@
goofys.chuckle commented:
are we getting whip(ped)lash pt 2 by eggy boi?
morklyrawr replied: YOU’RE THE ONE WHO STARTED THAT NAME?????
goofys.chuckle replied: uh gotta blast 🚀
showmethemonet replied: @ goofys.chuckle does this mean you’re staying over again?
goofys.chuckle replied: @ showmethemonet yes if you want your super cute, mega talented, very handsome boyfriend to still be alive 🥺
showmethemonet replied: @ goofys.chuckle oh my god I didn’t know I was dating bts jin???
moominjun replied: LMFAOOOOO
goofys.chuckle replied: heart 💔 been broke 📉 so many times ⏰ i don’t know 🤔 what to believe 💯 mama 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 said 🗣 it’s my fault 😢 it’s my fault 🤦🏻‍♂️i wear my heart ❤️ on my sleeve 💪 i think it’s best 👍🏻 I put my heart ❤️ on ice 🧊
jenojam commented:
why am I not surprised……
itsmebetch replied: just mark thingz 🍉
suhprisemf commented:
mark your head looks flat af
jungjaeprince replied: 😂😂😂
10vely replied: @ jungjaeprince be quiet don’t cry
letswonwon commented:
whoop whoop
junguwu commented:
takoyaki_prince commented:
MARK!!!!! you look handsome !! 😘
jisungpwark commented:
rip to @ donutkillmyvibe ’s future videos that mark will ruin. press f in the chat to pay respects 🙏🏻
bigheadking replied: F ✊🏻😔
peachyangel replied: f 🥺🥺
yoitslucas replied: F 🤪🤪🤪 but glad you’re happy, man ❤️
donutkillmyvibe replied: F 💔
morklyrawr replied: @ donutkillmyvibe wtf babe????
officialgordonramsay commented:
didn’t i tell you to get back on tinder ?
apado_god commented:
nice 😎👍🏻
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eternasci · 2 years
BOLD : applies to you. ITALICS : only applies to you sometimes. STRIKETHROUGH : does not apply to you. elaborate on any points you’d like with an *
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TYPES OF ROLEPLAY / HOW I DO THREADS: I don’t. I just do whatever is on my dash when I’m online. mainly asks. I do little short things mostly. I do my threads on discord. *long - running threads that slowly build upon the muses.     ( * i like to hold onto my threads; i don’t usually drop them unless completed! )
PLOTTING PREFERENCES: *wing it. **get a general idea ooc, run with it and plot further if need be. long expansive thought out arcs.      ( * i think it’s even more fun when literally neither of us know wtf is going on ) ( ** i love improv i just wanna rp man )
TYPES OF THREADS I DO / PREFER: one - liners only. whatever dash shenanigans I’m online for. para or multi - para. literal novels.
REPLY SPEED FOR THREADS AND CONSISTENCY KEEPING THREADS: I lose threads all the time and usually get back to them. I tend to lose threads but please tell me if I have and I’ll reply. I drop threads pretty quickly. *I’m really slow but I will get back to you. I reply on a schedule / queue. I usually reply within a week. I reply every day. I reply almost instantly. ( * currently goin THRU it irl with work so it’s definitely a slow pace rn. )  
ROMANTIC OR SEXUAL SHIPS: I don’t do these ships. I’m not against them happening but it is not the main point of my blog. ships will have to be discussed a lot ooc. *super chemistry based. I love doing ships, hmu I probably already ship it so just ask. I ship really quickly. autoship or ship within a few interactions. I mainly rp for the cute ship fluff or angsty smut. ( * please don’t be afraid to reach out! i won’t be. )
SMUT: I do not do smut at all. *I’m very selective about it. I only do it on a separate blog / on discord. I mainly only do asks relating to nsfw headcanons on Sundays. I write it a medium amount. I write it all the time and love to. I am comfortable with foreplay and fade - to - blacks but nothing further.  ( * i have to be comfortable with you. which isn’t hard, but uhhh bad prev experiences, so )
ACTIVE HOURS: mornings, 8 – 10. midday, 11 – 1. afternoon, 2 – 5. evenings, 6 – 8. night, 9 – 12. ungodly hours of the day, 1 �� onwards.
ACTIVITY SCHEDULE: super slow and sporadic, like once a month or so. slow and sporadic, week - long gaps between activity. bi - weekly ish. weekly activity. daily activity. I’m online nearly all the time. 
STARTERS: I don’t do starter calls. I want to do starter calls but often don’t have time. I do selective calls. I don’t do calls but always feel free to ask me for one. I post calls rarely, regularly, often. 
AUS: I don’t do aus. my blog is an au but outside of that I don’t do them.  i sometimes do them but only with a lot of plotting. I have a couple of aus already, feel free to request them. I have aus coming out of my ears, please interact with them. I love making aus, hmu to plot if you think of one. there are some aus I won’t do. 
CROSSOVERS: I don’t do crossovers. I’m selective with crossovers. *I love crossovers. ( * i’ll literally read all ur lore just to rp w u bro, )
Tagged: @ofgentleresolve​ !! thanks my love 💖 Tagging: i’m sneaking this in the middle of work steal it n tag me!!
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noatpad · 2 years
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Hey there!
The name's Danny and this is my archive/gallery thingamajig. I've been meaning to start one for a while now, so I'm gonna be making an effort to put together my stuff here, both old and new. This page is purely going to be used for that reason (and chances are I won't use Tumblr for anything else, but hey, we'll see).
If you're curious about me, I have a Twitter where I also put up my drawings & every once in a blue moon, I upload an animation or something on YouTube. I also have an abandoned DeviantArt page & my old Miiverse backup in case you can't wait for me to post the really old stuff.
And yeah! Hope it's easier for y'all to find my stuff now. If you're wondering a bit more why this page exists (or the status of my backlog queue of ancient art), you can read more right below:
Let's try ya out, Tumblr...
Backlog queue progress: All done! Everything is archived...
This is gonna be an interesting thing to play around with. As a hobbyist artist, I enjoy sharing stuff around and seeing how peeps & people take it. But on the other hand, Twitter, the main place I post stuff in nowadays, is essentially a dumping ground for me. So I didn't really care much about how long it'd stay "relevant" or how far it'd reach. I just did whatever I pleased.
However, I did wanna have a sort of archive or gallery for the things I put out; so that it's easy to find it all in one place, as well as to use it to look back and such. I also understand a few people actually like to see my stuff, but it's tedious to go scrolling through the Media tab or searching for something in particular.
Twitter is not at all designed for art preservation; in fact, it's pretty bad because the site's goal is "to be in the know". So content goes "stale" really quickly & searching for something in the site can be difficult and fruitless most of the time. It's great for sharing things in the moment, just not afterwards. So in search of a place to archive things again (and I sure as heck ain't going back to dA), that's where this tumblr blog comes into play!
I'm gonna experiment with this place! You'll likely find more and more posts pop up prior to this starting one and maybe a few of 'em will have some meta commentary, I dunno. Apparently you can "backdate" posts here and schedule an automatic backlog queue; so I'm gonna post some old stuff overtime using that. Overall, I'm gonna play around with this site so I can have a nice ol' gallery of sorts.
So yeah! Pleasure to meet ya, tumblr~
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thepixelelf · 2 years
helloooo i was wondering if you have any advice for someone who wants to write a social media au?? i'm only used to written stories and i wanna try writing a smau for once but lmao i'm finding it so hard to not get lost between tweets, messages and so many screenshots 😭😭 and also finding a balance between not letting the characters talk too much about things that are irrelevant to the story but also making them sound natural when texting each other
Alright! *cracks knuckles*
I'd say moving from written word to smau isn't TOO hard if you just keep your dialogue tone relatively the same! Most of my characters text/tweet how I'd imagine they'd talk, and I don't think it bothers and readers too much 🤔
A lot of reaction/personless date-like images, if that's something you want to incorporate can be easily found on pinterest (but a lot of pictures there are stolen without credit so be aware!) I usually grab most of mine from google images... which is honestly just as bad credit wise so who knows!
As for organization, I personally write smaus part by part, so I don't often get lost with all my pictures because I save them in respective folders generally right after I take them. But! If you're writing your smau ahead of time, I highly recommend writing it all in a document beforehand and THEN putting it together part by part. That way you always know what you want in each part before you have to take the screenshots. You can make the tumblr post, schedule/queue/save it, and then throw the screenshots in a folder in your images app in case you need them for some reason later. I definitely suggest writing the messages/tweets/fake posts in the fake social apps, taking the screenshots of one part, making the part, then going back to the fake apps again. If you write it all at once and then try to go back and take screenshots, or take all the screenshots at once then try to go back and separate them into posts, you'll probably end up with way too much stuff on your hands. Build parts in manageable bites!
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(I mostly use these folders below as archives because I'll post parts as I make them, but if I need to look back, I can)
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About balance.... I think it's important to have silly stuff in smaus! Honestly, I often find myself needing to fill up space with stupid quips . If you're worried about "irrelevant" topics, then I think it's fun to have these strings of conversation end before the plot-driven conversation, or start right after and get cut off because it's not important to the story.
Like in Hood pt. 3 Titanic, Sunwoo enters the groups chat right as MC is finishing up a TEDtalk about why Mator from the Cars cinematic universe altered the space time continuum to prevent the sinking of the Titanic. Clearly this has nothing to do with the story, but it was something two characters were talking about before the plot happened.
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Or in Shoot Your Shot pt. 14 I May Be Stupid, right after the golcha boys' discussion about moving too fast, Jangjun comes in saying "Aye wait did I hear that Son Youngtaek is TUTORING?" before the screenshots move to a text from Grapes to Jaehyun. It's assumed that golcha/Jangjun continues on to roast Youngtaek in the group chat, it's just not seen
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I think that doing things this way can keep your tone natural and keep the pace for your smau!
I honestly think I don't have any more tips at this point.... but I hope these help 💕
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kumoriyami-xiuzhen · 3 years
Hakuoki Yuugiroku 2 - Okita Chapter 5 English translation
This translation is of the 5th Okita chapter 《记忆ノ五》  from Hakuoki Yuugiroku 2 as viewed through the extras menu... translated it because well... just look at the CG lol. 
unfortunately, unlike yuugiroku 3, which i have CN tl for pretty much the entirety of the game, what tl i have for the main yuugiroku 2 story content is all over the place (missing chapters for hijikata [1, 2, 4, 8, 10], souji [4, 6-9], saito [6, 7, 9, and 10... i think? can’t be certain since the translations I found for his route were the only ones not divided by chapter], harada [1-4, 7, 9, 10] and kazama [4, 7, 8, 10, and possibly part of 9]. also, i never found anything for heisuke, yamazaki, sanan or shinpachi as copy-able text, so I just ended up translating whatever I felt like doing... which is what happens when my only goal is to simply fill up as much of my queue as possible. 
also, sorry but what translations i’ll be posting for yuugiroku 2 won’t really be in order since i schedule my posts in the order i translate... and i didn’t exactly go from from one chapter to the next. 
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anyway, enjoy~ all images in the post were cut from my screen captured video via vlc.
Hakuoki Yuugiroku 2 Okita Chapter 5
Translation by KumoriYami
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After receiving the mysterious vial from Sannan-san that was to be brought to Okita-san, I immediately went over to Okita-san's room to give it to him.
Yukimura: Okita-san, are you there?
Souji: I'm here.
Yukimura:......May I come in?
Souji:  Go ahead?
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Yukimura:......Excuse me/Pardon me.
His voice sounded somewhat dispirited, and as I went/entered into his room with these doubts......
The first thing I noticed was the bundled futon/bundle of blankets [sphere of blankets is the tl and i can't think of how else to reword that right now].
Yukimura: Okita-san? Were you sleeping?
Souji: Yeah. I was hiding under the blankets and crying since I couldn't do what i want [or something like that?].
Did Okita-san want to go to the festival that badly [what i have translates more to "that much"]......?
Chizuru: Um/Well, Sannan-san had something for me to give to Okita-san/gave me something to give to Okita-san——
Souji: Sannan-san did?
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Jumping out from beneath the futon/blankets, Okita-san sat up.
Yukimura: Yes. I was asked to give this to you.
Souji: ?
Once he saw the mysterious vial I handed to him, he tilted his head.
After/Once he read the attached letter, he immediately understood something. 
Okita-san spoke with a bitter/forced smile.
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Souji: Sannan-san is quite interesting——
Yukimura: Interesting?
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Souji:......No, rather it's amazing how ruthless/callous/cold-hearted his way of thinking can be.
Seeing how Okita-san was still smiling, my suspicions/doubts grew.
Yukimura:......Is it something bad?
Souji: It's nothing like that. Rather, it'd be better to say that this is Sannan-san's kindness.
Yukimura:.......But, that ruthlessness referred to/meant......
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Souji: Hey, Chizuru-chan.
Yukimura; Y-Yes.
Souji: Is it considered a kindness if you do something that simultaneously has the potential to hurt someone else...?
Okita-san spoke with a very serious expression......
I wonder/ed why?
Now, my heart felt full of/My heart now felt full of uneasiness/unease/worry......
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Souji: Anyway, can you wait a bit for me? There's something I have to do.
Yukimura: A-Ah/Ah, uh, Okita-san......!?
Ignoring how I called after him, Okita-san left the room.
Where was he going......?
[after a while....]
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Souji: I'm back, Chizuru-chan.
Yukimura:......Welcome back, Okita-san.
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Souji: Then/Well, it's about time to go to the festival.
Yukimura: Eh!?
As soon as Okita-san came back, he said that/those words [reword again later?]. 
Yukimura: But, Okita-san still hasn't been given permission to go out/leave......?
Souji: It’s fine, there's nothing to worry about. We're wasting time, so shouldn't we go now? [reword again later? gave up for now]
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Okita-san left the room with me while I was feeling/still feeling/ still confused/bewildered/dazed ——.
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At that moment, I couldn't see Yamazaki-san anywhere/Yamazaki-san couldn't be seen anywhere /.  
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As he watched me warily look around, Okita-san laughed.
Souji: You're going to trip if you wander around so much......  Look.
Yukimura: Eh————
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Souji: Come here, Chizuru-chan.
He said to come here/Come here, is what he said...
I repeatedly shifted my gaze between Okita-san, with his gentle smile, and the hand he extended towards me.
Yukimura: Um/This, perhaps......
Souji: It's dangerous, so let's hold hands. There will be plenty of people at the festival so you might get lost if you’re not careful, right?
If I didn’t want to get lost, we could just do that until we reached the shrine at the festival.....
While I was still contemplating this, Okita-san however just smiled, and did not retract his hand.
My heart felt like it was beating faster as I pressed a hand against my chest, while my other hand reached out towards Okita-san——.
Just as I was about to put my hand in his.
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I suddenly noticed that there was something odd behind the smiling Okita-san.
( The one) Lying/collapsed over there, wasn't that......?
Run up to that person Look at Okita-san <-
Somehow I should have expected this/I don't know what I expected/why I had any expectations, and fearfully looked at Okita-san/stared back at Okita-san in horror.
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Yukimura: Um. Could it be that, that just now you......
Souji: How perceptive (of you?). You're very sharp, Chizuru-chan.
Although I was praised by Okita-san, I couldn't feel happy right now......
Souji: The vial from Sanan-san seemed to contain medicine that makes people have good dreams.
Yukimura;......In other words/That is to say, sleeping pills.
I couldn’t help but furrow my brow at Okita-san, who was still smiling.
Yukimura: Okita-san, did you use that sort/this kind of thing on Yamazaki-san......?
Souji: It's fine, there shouldn't be/it doesn't seem like there are any side effects.
That wasn't the issue I was concerned about, and I fell silent as my worries lingered.
Then/After, Okita-san bitterly smiled as he grabbed/caught my hand, which I hadn't extended towards him.
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Souji: While/Although I don't intend to ask...... that medicine, perhaps Sannan-san is also taking/using it.
Souji: I think life is inconvenient now if you can’t sleep. 
Although I did think that Sannan-san was a very gentle and kind person when I first met him.
Recently, I feel that he has been slowly descending into madness/slowly losing his sense of reason......
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Souji: What's wrong, Chizuru-chan. You look upset. The festival's today, so you should be happy/more spirited/cheer up.
I felt speechless while Okita-san smiled as he feigned ignorance/As Okita-san smiled and feigned ignorance, I felt speechless (reword?).  
Although I was worried about Yamazaki-san, who was lying there on the ground, I was pulled away by Okita-san.
I'm sorry, Yamazaki-san......
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After Chizuru and Okita left headquarters, Yamazaki woke up shortly after.
Yamazaki was staggering as he sat up, and held his head as he spoke regretfully.
Yamazaki: To be caught off guard/I wasn’t careful......but I didn’t expect for this type of forceful method to be used......!
——end of chapter——
alas poor yamazaki. tis this kinda of treatment that makes me wanna translate a certain drama... but since it’s +20 min, that unfortunately won’t be a priority in the foreseeable future..
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