i vote that Coming Out Cakes should become commonplace.
when, for instance, a teen confides in their parents about their gender/sexual identity, that act of self-discovery and trust should be celebrated with a cake. or dinner out at their favorite restaurant. or both. show queer loved ones that you don't just love and support them--you also celebrate them. you celebrate them with cake.
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majimasleftasscheek · 7 months
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y2 went like this yeah
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barissoffee · 1 year
me waiting for Kallus to show up with Zeb in The Mandalorian 3x05
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book-girl4eva · 15 days
10 y/o me: imagine caring what people thought of you! So stupid... Ugh, romance is so boring... Wait people make friends online? I know I'm weird, but that's too far, even by my standards
Me now: .... You shut your dumb mouth-
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jellogram · 6 months
The first time I saw glass blowing in person was at the Tacoma Museum of Glass and we spent maybe 30 minutes watching these guys make the cover to a cake tray and then right as they were taking it off the pipe it shattered and they just went "Welp, that happened, let's start over" and it was in that moment I realized I lacked the mental fortitude to ever become a glass blower
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I loved iii13 tbh, and bots new design. Amazing.
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statementlou · 4 months
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deathtriangles · 2 years
can you imagine if we got the codyverse during forbidden door lmao Cody probably would have gone to Dominion, pointed at some huge ass sign he brought himself, set fire to a bag of money and then bumped on it to call out okada, okada doesn’t give him the match so he fakes his retirement, malakai steals his shoe, cody uses his evp powers to get added to a big title match, somehow we get iwgp champ toru yano at the end of it
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Ughhhhhhhhhhh I am so upset and confused. Okay so I tried to post this earlier but for some reason it only posted half of my writing so I am very sorry to the anon Viv! 
Thankfully, I had already uploaded the writing and the prompt to A03 so I can get it all back. 
I do apologize I don’t know what happened. 
Prompt:  Ok so Keith and Lance slowly get more how -do I put this- visible with their feelings for eachother. Everyone else can see Lance's blush when Keith calls him Prettyboy while being 2 inches from his face but Keith ignores it. Same way reversed too. The team watch as Lance runs and hugs Keith after a battle while trying not to laugh at Keith's very very visible "AHH MY CRUSH IS HUGGING ME" face.
- Viv 
They say two people pinning for each other can be the most painful thing in the world. Whoever said that had obliviously never had to watch two people pin for each other.
At first, the team thought it was cute. Watching their fellow blue and red paladins try to hide their feeling for each other through nitpicking and arguments. But as the days turned into weeks, and the weeks turned into months it grew a bit redundant.
Coran had even started collecting bets of when they would eventually confess, if they would share a kiss during battle or another dumb argument, who would confess first, etc.
But, no bets had been collected since it became quickly known how clueless they both were.
“Lance! I’m supposed to cover the right side, you’re supposed to cover the left!” Keith threw his bayard on the training deck floor.
“Blah blah blah, you were slacking! I just stepped in to help,” Lance deactivated his own bayard, crossing his arms over his chest.
Keith stuttered for a moment, “I WASN’T SLACKING!”
“Look Keith, sometimes that mullet of yours gets a bit hotheaded and your swings become sloppy.”
Keith marched towards him, his body nearly pressed against the other boys, his face only a couple of inches from Lance’s.
The team held their breath, was this finally the moment?
“Do you want to one-on-one pretty boy?”
Lance’s face went beat red and he choked on any words he was trying to say. He eventually turned away, clearing his throat a couple of times, “like you could beat the team sharpshooter.”
The team exhaled in unison, Keith didn’t seem to catch on to Lance’s panic moment. Grumbling something about how he could beat Lance with his eyes close.
Similar things happened almost weekly for the two boys. Lance would get Keith riled up over something and Keith would respond by calling him a pet name.
Shiro nearly choked on his food goo when Keith decided to call Lance “babe.” He said it so casually that it took Lance some time to register what Keith said to him.
“WHAT?! What did you just say to me?!” Lance stood up, his hands pressed firmly against the table.
Keith looked up at him from his seat across the table. “I said ‘if you just wanted to be around me all you had to do was ask.”
Lance shook his head back and forth quickly, “no you called me ‘babe.’ You said ‘babe, if you just wanted to be around me.” Lance’s face was getting redder by the second, his voice jumping up in pitch as he quickened his speech.
Keith scooped up more of his own food goo, “did I?”
How Lance did not explode, the team will never know.
Now Keith wasn’t the only one making Lance flustered; Lance had his own unintentional ways to give Keith a taste of his own treatment.
While Keith tended to use words Lance was more physical. He would pass Keith in the hall, bumping their shoulders together. Conveniently Keith’s hand would always be “the easiest to grab” when they were trying to run off a Galran ship or move through an alleyway to get out of the line of fire.
A couple of times they would still be holding hands when they regrouped with the others. Keith was either holding his breath or only staring at how their fingers intertwined together. Lance never saw Keith’s expressions, or if he did he didn’t realize the gay panic Keith was feeling.
One particular battle left each of them feeling a bit more shaken up than usual. They started the battle in Voltron but the Galra had a new weapon that tore their lions apart with one blast.
They ended up flying solo with their lions, a battle that would be over in half an hour turning into a nearly two-hour fight.
The lion took some damage, the paladins were thrown around and slammed into things, and they all walked away with some bruises. They had lost communication with each other halfway through the battle so they were relying on visuals.
They didn’t know who was injured, what damage had been done, only to find out when they began to land back on the ship; the red lion missing.
Coran and Allura immediately began to track it down, Shiro in his own lion; waiting to fly out and get him.
The lion eventually flew into the castle, sliding on its side, the metal grinding against the castle floor. While the lion was still operational it had taken some heavy damage and everyone rushed down to the red lion's hanger as soon as they heard the noise.
Keith stumbled out as soon as everyone reached the hangar, taking off his helmet in the process. “That battle was bullsh-”
He was cut off by Lance rushing at him, wrapping his arms tightly around him. “Thank god you’re okay.”
Keith’s brain was short-circuiting, his eyes blown wide as his helmet clattered to the floor. Lance didn’t seem to notice and tightened his grip on the other boy. Keith eventually got his brain to move his arms up to wrap his arms around him; trying to control his breathing.
“I’m going to tell them.”
“Pidge no.” Shiro looked down at the green paladin.
“Shiro! Keith is dying over there!” Her voice was a hushed whisper, gesturing at the hug that was still occurring.
“They’ll figure it out...eventually.” Even Shiro didn’t seem too confident.
The team collectively sighs, leaving the hangar without the boys noticing.
Now, I hope you like it 
Do they ever figure it out? Idk! 
Thank you <3
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t-t-p-d · 9 months
last night i dreamt lorde was going to perform in singapore tomorrow and i was freaking out because my exams start tomorrow and i was so stressed about whether i should go see lorde or stay home and rest before my exams start
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voiddemon · 1 year
thinking about how the one piece of skirfluff fanfic I posted has 666 in it's ID.
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cowboyshit · 9 months
thank goodness hangy didn’t wear the ugly pants that match the bucks gear
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avidya-musings · 1 year
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Hoyoverse decided to be nice and spare you guys the pain of hearing me whine about losing the 50/50; Hu Tao is home at last!
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vote2 · 2 years
pulled pizza box out of fridge top shelf so at my head level. Knocked out almost full container of tapioca pudding. Landed on its side. Did not open somehow god loves me xoxo
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hello0person · 8 months
i almost just cries bc I thought I wouldn't be able to log into my account again but luckily I was able to.
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whoachillbro · 8 months
Today I FaceTimed my mom and was telling her some work drama and how this client was being shitty to me and said I suck at my job. And she said “I know it sucks to be told that but you’re not bad at your job, you’re good and I know you do a good job, that’s why your manager had your back. Clients are always going to be terrible and shitty and I know you feel wronged and it’s unfair to you but you know you did well and it’s okay.” I wanted to cry. I love my mom.
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