#Home Movie: New York
tina-aumont · 1 year
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I found this beautiful photo and is new for me!
Here is the article in french language:
🌟Thank you very much for these great findings Andrea, you are great!!🌟😍💜
A new Home Movie by Frédéric Pardo has been found and it will be shown the 9th March 2023 at 19:30h at Cinema Reflet Medicis
                        Home Movie : New York
Frédéric Pardo
France 1968  / 20 min  
With Tina Aumont, Nico, Jackie Raynal.
Jackie Raynal and Tina Aumont in Central Park. Views from an apartment, from a car, Nico at the window above Tina Aumont. Jackie Raynal, pregnant, gets dressed in an apartment, Tina is lying down in bed. Walks in the streets of NYC at dusk.
2K digitization at the CNC laboratory by the Cinémathèque française, from the 8 and 16 mm copies kept in the collections.
Three Home Movies, from a collection deposited at the Cinémathèque. Three previously unseen films, which show, in their simplicity of family films, an artist in love: Tina Aumont is permanently at the center of Paris Home Movie With Tina, a candid poem shot mostly in the alleys of Luxembourg and Pardo New York, where the couple joins Viva and Michel Auder in Central Park, and where we also see Nico at the window of a room in the Chelsea Hotel. Here again, Tina magnetizes the painter’s gaze. What he does with her and the light has no other aim than to translate into images an intimacy that obsesses and delights him. Different, because devoted to the group – in this case the Zanzibar band, Philippe Garrel, Serge Bard, Patrick Deval, Jackie Raynal, Michel Auder, Daniel Pommereulle and Sylvina Boissonnas – Home Movie Marrakech begins in Venice. Tina contemplates the Grand Canal from her room before continuing in a boat, then it’s Morocco, crossed in a large American car. We recognize Sylvina Boissonnas, producer and patron of the group, Caroline de Bendern, Auder, and others (it could be, it is to be confirmed, Jean Mascolo, Babethe Lamy and Pierre-Richard Bré). It is a prolegomena to the Home Movie that Pardo will do in the wake of the filming of Garrel’s Le Lit de la Vierge. It is notable that these films were not listed in the catalog of Zanzibar productions. Pardo obviously had no intention of showing them. Discovering them today, however, leads us to place them (all things considered) alongside certain films by Pierre Clémenti, Warhol, Mekas or Garrel: a whole crest line of a cinema that fuels the intimate, the couple, to the band, and to the meeting. In the psychedelic paintings that Pardo was doing at the same time (from his initiation, by Klarwein, to the ancestral tempera method), the princes, the sponsors were replaced by friends, loves. It was an idea he held dear. When we know the influence (aesthetic in all) that Pardo had on the Zanzibar group, we understand better in what perspective Garrel, at the time of Le Berceau de Cristal (where he films Pardo at work) needed in turn to gather his “ family” in his films. To repopulate an imaginary in exile, caught in a perpetual flight.
Philippe Azoury
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stydixa · 6 months
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Home Alone 2: Lost in New York (1992) Dir. Chris Columbus
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theyuletidecarols · 8 months
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𝐵𝑒𝓁𝒾𝑒𝓋𝑒 𝐼𝓃 𝒯𝒽𝑒 ꩇׁׅ݊ɑׁׅ֮ᧁׁꪱׁׅᝯׁ 𝒪𝒻 ℭ𝔥𝔯𝔦𝔰𝔱𝔪𝔞𝔰
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lokiprincess · 1 year
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12 Days of Christmas Gifs - Day 10
“You can mess with a lot of things, but you can't mess with kids on Christmas.”
Home Alone 2: Lost in New York (1992)
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✨merry christmas!✨
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arielkrupnik · 1 year
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spideymjlove · 1 year
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The trio 🏙️
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Home Alone 2: Lost in New York (1992)
Director: Chris Columbus
Cinematographer: Julio Macat
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random-jot · 1 year
I love how when Kevin talks to the Pigeon Lady he tells her ‘I’ve done a lot of bad things’ and she reacts kindly and understandingly, but she has no idea that what Kevin means is “I’ve committed credit card fraud”
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whattraintracks · 2 months
30. Wrestling - TMNT 1990s
"You are unique among your brothers, for you choose to face this enemy alone. But as you face it, do not forget them, and do not forget me. I am here, my son."
Splinter breathes deeply, allowing the flow of air to guide the outside world to the forefront of his awareness. Stale subterranean scent, cushioned armchair beneath him, dim candlelight, footsteps. Someone has drawn him out of meditation. Perhaps his sons are home earlier than expected.
"You may enter, Raphael," he offers to the hovering shadow. The turtle creeps inside, halting but a moment before bowing deeply.
He smiles warmly, "Have you and your brothers returned?"
"The guys are still out." Raphael's shoulders hunch; from what emotion, he cannot tell. "I, I didn't go with them."
The scattered candles flicker. A great darkness seems to cross Raphael, and he glimpses someone very much unlike his passionate son. Someone exhausted, worn down, nearing the brink of collapse.
Raphael's voice brittles, "Can I stay with you?"
Splinter's not sure what is more alarming, that Raphael has declined an opportunity to go to the surface—with his brothers, no less—or this weariness so evident in him.
"What troubles you?" He implores.
Raphael shakes his head mutely.
He insists, trying to keep his disquiet at bay, "I cannot help you if you do not tell me what is wrong."
A coarse whisper, "It's nothing."
"This is not nothing," he creaks to his feet, "You must—"
The sudden plea stills them both.
"Master Splinter." His heart wrenches at the self-conscious amendment. It is not one he needs to make. Not about this. Not ever.
"Please, can I just," Raphael cuts himself off, breathing shallowly. Another flicker of candlelight and Splinter catches the sheen of tears in his eyes.
"Oh," he breathes. What a fool he is. His son has come seeking comfort and company, not interrogation.
"Yes. Yes, come." He beckons, reseating himself. "Sit with me."
Raphael shuffles deeper into the train car, kneeling stiffly. Splinter clucks softly, reaching for his arm to pull him against the chair. He curls forward without resistance, breath hitching.
"My son," he says, soothing with hands and words. "I am sorry. You may always come to me. You need not tell me what is on your mind to do so."
He is unsurprised but nevertheless heartbroken as Raphael releases a heavy sob, giving in to whatever weight he has been carrying. Tears prick in his own eyes at the openly hurting sound. He internally chides the parts of himself that demand answers over acceptance with open arms. Wrapping them now around as much of Raphael as he can, he mourns with his son so clearly wrestling with a great burden. He sends a prayer of gratitude to his Master Yoshi for guiding Raphael to him when that weight grew too large to bear alone.
Much time passes before the rest of his sons return. Long after Raphael cries himself past exhaustion into sleep. At some point, concerned at the angle of his son's neck, Splinter maneuvers out of his chair to rest them more comfortably on the floor. His ears prick at a whisper of movement. Ah, three movements.
Michelangelo peers into the train car, his brothers close behind. "Oh," he blinks, "he really did stay here."
Protectiveness flares within Splinter. "We should not begrudge Raphael's need for comfort or rest," he reproves.
Michelangelo's eyes widen in dismay, "Of course not!"
Donatello shakes his head, "No, we're not— We don't think Raph—" His eyes dart as they do when he's searching for the most precise explanation. "We're just worried about him."
"He's been having a rough week," Leonardo murmurs.
Oh, his sweet sons. He should not have been so quick to assume they meant anything uncharitable when they are but concerned brothers. As with Raphael, he wishes they had come sooner instead of struggling and worrying alone. He can be grateful they are here now.
"Tell me," he invites, resting a muffling hand on Raphael's tympanum.
They glance between themselves as they kneel, silently urging one another to speak first. He is careful to display only calm patience despite his inner turmoil.
Michelangelo finally bursts, "He's not eating." The other two look at him, befuddled.
"Okay, he's not, not eating," he revises, "but he didn't even finish a whole pizza at April's on Monday!"
Splinter trusts this is a remarkable incident, given their identically serious nods.
"I think he's having nightmares," Donatello contributes. "At the very least, he's not sleeping well. I keep finding him awake at odd hours, and sometimes he's pretty freaked."
Splinter huffs fondly. "Should I ask what you are doing awake at 'odd hours', Donatello?" The turtle shrugs cheekily.
He ponders these insights, soothing Raphael as he twitches. Do dreams haunt him now, even surrounded by loved ones?
"Leonardo?" he prompts, drawing his final son from deep thought.
Leonardo begins slowly as if unsure, "He's been more focused during training." As they all have. With their many hardships, each of his sons has increased their dedication to learning ninja, whether they realise it or not.
He listens keenly as Leonardo continues, "But when we're out, he hesitates. I've never seen so much slip past his defense."
He hums, "You are concerned he is a danger to himself and your brothers?"
"Never," Leonardo swears.
He tilts his head, not unkindly.
"Well, yeah, I guess," Leonardo concedes. "But not like that. Raph usually loves fighting." His eyes resonate with confusion and grief and fear. "He doesn't seem to enjoy it much lately. And he's always so tired, Master Splinter. It has to be more than him not sleeping."
"Maybe they're connected," Donatello suggests, "Maybe whatever's going on is affecting his sleep, and improper sleep is exacerbating the symptoms, on and on in a vicious cycle of—"
Michelangelo groans, "We get it, Donnie."
"Shh, quiet," Leonardo hisses.
They shush each other back and forth as Splinter watches Raphael slumber with a heavy heart. Holding up a paw, they fall silent. "You are right, my sons. Raphael is wrestling with something very grave indeed."
He reaches out to them. "My turtles, you have been through so much in your young lives." They lean in, allowing him to rest a hand on them, one by one.
"How do we help him?" Michelangelo asks.
Moved as he always is by Michelangelo's generous spirit, he is loath to admit he has no answer. He is stopped before he can.
"By following Master Splinter's teachings," Leonardo pronounces, looking at him eagerly. "Ultimate mastery comes not of the body but of the mind. Through mindfulness and unity, we draw each other up."
He is humbled to hear his own words in his son's voice. Warm with pride, he inclines his head.
"A break certainly couldn't hurt," Donatello rubs his chin, "A little downtime to focus on rest and healing together."
Michelangelo brightens. "Like family time!"
Donatello and Leonardo share a fond glance. "Yeah, Mikey," Leonardo says, tucking the turtle under his arm, "like family time."
"You guys are the sappiest suckers I've ever known." Splinter chuckles as Leonardo and Michelangelo startle at Raphael's sudden utterance.
Donatello laughs, "Please, you know like seven people."
"Yeah, an' the other three are normal," Raphael grumbles. Yet he unabashedly proves himself equally "sappy" as he shifts to nuzzle Splinter's hand.
Recovering from their shock, Michelangelo exclaims, "Raph!" as Leonardo yelps, "You're awake!?"
Raphael yawns widely, opening one eye briefly to check the room. "Hard to sleep with the lot of you yappin'." He appears, if only for this moment, at ease. It is a gift to see him comfortable and unguarded. More so, Splinter acknowledges, because these things have been absent in him for too long.
"I won't say no to a break," he mumbles. He lifts a hand to swat at Leonardo blindly, "But I refuse to participate in anything called 'family time'."
Leonardo evades the wild arm, a mischievous spark in his eye, "Fine then, we'll call it team building."
Raphael scoffs, "No. That's worse."
And as the four bicker good-naturedly Splinter knows they will find peace, as surely as he knows the love that binds them. However much healing Raphael needs, he will not do it alone. His family would not let him if he tried.
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taxi-davis · 6 months
Going to the movies in 1992
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byler-is-endgame7 · 1 year
babe wake up new ship dropped
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harry x marv y’all
marry endgame
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sometimes i randomly wonder what christmas movie characters are like year round
like, what would kevin mcallister be doing in the summertime bruh???
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strawberrybyers · 16 days
the urge to move to new york city and make a friend group where we attend fabulous parties and drink cosmos and smoke cigarettes and wear cute clothes and be slutty on saturday nights and have debriefs during sunday brunches. but unfortunately i live in a world where the economy and mental illness exists so i’ll just have to suffice with rotting in my room
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