#Holding back a lot of negativity here yall but i'm trying
filipofwoodsbeyond · 2 years
i have a lot of opinions about the sge movie. i don't know how much of it is biased because of how attached i am to the book version so i'm trying to remain positive
all i can say for sure is that the actors did all the characters complete justice, and i loved all the characterisations despite some of them being different to the books.
i especially love what they did with Tedros and Agatha (even though i think some of the positive changes with Tedros will effect the impact of world without princes that they seem to be setting up)
also the film was gorgeous, i loved the costumes settings and designs so so much. maybe some of the cgi was a lil crappy but in the best possible way (campy with a lot of heart)
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ikigaitsuki · 2 years
take your time, there's no rush! i'm just talking nonsense anyway hehe
friend stuff and being chilled about the grind is good. it shouldn't be a grind but i know it definitely sometimes does. i think tumblr in general kind of breeds that feeling in a, well, i don't wanna say toxic way but - that's kinda what i mean LMAO. i think it's easy to let the negative feelings and thoughts seep in without really noticing it. so, i definitely agree with your sentiment about removing oneself from the bad things! i'm quite cured now.
job and studies - i cannot imagine trying to balance both. i know so many of yall do it and still find time to write and that is just very crazy to me because even i can barely just balance work/life with what i've got on my plate. hoping the best for you, though!
i want to write something simple again, similar feels to a certain other series of mine i wrote but we'll see. i've got a lot of things kind of going on but i might drop one of them cuz i'm just not really feeling it. i just sorta don't like writing or reading pw/op that much anymore. we've talked about that briefly.
hello again!
yeah i feel you lol, i’m definitely just here and about but not as much as i used to be. i just have toooo much going on to really devote my time to writing. maybe once i settle back at uni and i’m not just working and working and working — maybe then there’ll be some creative output from me.
honestly i’ve always worked and studied, i can’t imagine not doing it. i will never make a sacrifice for one or the other, like i overload myself if it comes to it bc i must have everything. so far so good, i hope lol.
pw/op discussion - i kinda feel the same. i think bc i’m reading a hell of a lot more now, i’m taking inspiration from it. i’m doing a lot of world and character building. i can’t yet find it in me to venture to fics with chapters or anything too long, but i’m doing a lot more to try to make my writing feel a little more fleshed out. although i must admit that sometimes writing purely smut helps me to replenish
and honestly i do feel like my writing holds a little more storytelling value than just the sex but i suppose that’s for others to decide!
anywho, hope you’ve been well. i’m enjoying the turning of the tables with this anon stuff, it’s fun!
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clonehub · 2 years
there's no need to do anything more than like and/or reply to this post. you can certainly send an ask if you want, but remember that anon is off!
some examples of the strange or straight up incorrect survey responses I've received that attempt to call me out or otherwise hold me accountable for the things the respondent claims I said/did:
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To this day, I have no idea what this person is talking about.
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(back during halloween) people called me obsessive and then did this.
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people called me immature and then did stuff like this (I've gotten a lot of toilet humor since opening the survey. in the beginning, we got quite a few thirst/pornographic comments, although we didn't think to screenshot them)
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People also liked to jump to wild conclusions about my URL. A hub is a center of activity. I post almost exclusively about clones. hence clonehub. Tbh this isn't even the first person to accuse me of being a pornhub-inspired blog despite the near total lack of NSFW on here in general.
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I don't know if yall remember when I was asking if nonautistic or trans people could write trans/autistic OCs--it was because of this response. I've used the "Loveable Brute" term in reference to Wrecker because....that's the name of the trope itself--and this person clearly hasn't seen how Rau himself describes Wrecker. I never mentioned Eckstein for the duration of this movement, to my knowledge. I also never body shamed anyone??? And the front page of both carrds is filled with donation links to various Maaori mutual aid/gfm-style donations. Idk what they're talking about with 17 year olds. Idk this one is a mess.
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To the first point: By chance, I found the ask they're referring to, where I say I'd heard about complaints about sabine's LA actress. Besides that, I mentioned the issue once, and....it was actually mixed Asian/fully Asian people who were complaining.
The Angelina Jolie comparison? Also not me. The person who said that is Asian.
The essay they're referring to is one I'd posted here a little bit ago. Anon isn't aware that I was relying on Legends, which says the Ming Po are not human--and that I'd made that point as part of a series of species based on irl PoC who are considered non/nearhuman. Ironically, this information was brought to my attention by someone who, themselves, is Asian.
And finally, I'd answered an ask from someone who showed me whitewashed art by a member of the tbb creative team. my only response was "oh my god" or something similar. that's not an attack. I never targeted that creative team member, and I never passed commentary implying anything more than the art was terribly whitewashed. And since then, I never mentioned him again.
Whenever I talk about people crediting me with things I didn't say, or people putting words in my mouth, misrepresenting what I say/do, etc, this is what I'm talking about. All of this.
This isn't even all of the rude, misleading, or otherwise negative comments I received on the survey that were directed at me. This doesn't include the asks I've received or what people have said to/about me on twitter. The day I turned off anon was the day I received a rather hateful (and misleading) survey response, and it was also when I received a 5-page essay in my inbox calling me a bully, among other things. I didn't bother screenshotting it.
Anyways, these and finals is why I've been so slow recently! I want to say thanks to all the folks who've stuck by me, and the people who sent me supportive asks (I haven't answered them because I liked to save positive asks when I can).
People have been accusing me of bullying from the start. My memory is trash, but I remember the majority of the interactions I've had with people--and especially recently, I...haven't been talking much to folks about uwwtbb, or even about uwwtbb in general. These people never bring up examples. They never try to send links. And if they're concerned with what I'm doing, they never address it with me privately first--I say this because others (both mutuals and followers) can and have. Multiple times. And the issue is always cleared. It's clear that many of them misread and misinterpret what I write. It's also clear that people confuse me for mutuals (?? lol) and also straight up lie about what I'm saying or doing (hence why I got an anon asking if I was deleting a few days ago).
This is what I've been dealing with recently! Since it's only been getting worse, the survey is closed and anon is off. But again--thanks to everyone who's supported me and this movement thus far.
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saltydazeinnit · 2 years
I know some of yall followed me for my O.C encanto content so here you go! Also Reminder I know Abuela isn't a villain this is just my take on her and if you don't like it dni
Context on her gift:
She can basically summon Skeletons, it's normal to see Skeletons walking around the town helping people, carrying things and the such, she also works in the field a lot see other Luciana works or you probably won't understand this
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3rd pov
"Luci!" Is all that's screamed before Camilo's landing hard on her back. She catches herself with her shovel and places her other hand to hold him up. "Hello to you too Camilo." She mumbles and stands up straight. Her shovel is handed off to a skeleton and she jumps her little brother up to hold him with both hand. "Can you make me some arepas? Please?" Luciana chuckles and starts making her way to the Casita. "Let me guess, either you got caught by Papa stealing or Tia Juliata is still busy?" The younger grumbled but confirmed and flopped against her back, head resting on her shoulder. "Come on you sleepy head, I think I can find an excuse for you to sit with me to nap." He mutters something and Luciana can feel him smile into her neck.
Her hats been removed for work so he's free to do so and she finds herself sighing when Casita comes into view. It's not odd to see the two walking back together, they're siblings after all. However the towns people still stare at them as they walk by. She's not sure if it's gratitude, amazement, or something else. The door opens itself for the two and Luciana smiles. "Thank you Casita." She raises her eyes to look around for a moment. Isabella is decorating the railings with flowers and she can hear Abula talking to her Mama about the cloud over her head by the stairs. She slides up to her Mama's side, Camilo says something in his half asleep state and his arm twitches at the movement.
"Pépa, you know too much rain will flood the crops! What were you thinking?" Her Abula scolds. Pépa curls into herself and ducks her head. "I'm sorry Máma, I wasn't thi-" Luciana chuckles and shakes her head next to her Mama. "Oh Mama, it wasn't your fault. We all have bad days and it just so happens I've already fixed that problem so no need to worry. You're human, of course you have negative emotions and feelings. I actually think Senorita Majia needed your help with something, she's by the bakery." She hip bumped her Mama which causes the other woman to crack a smile before kissing her daughter's cheek and rushing off into the town.
She turns back to her Abula and sighs out her nose. Luciana stares the older woman down who looks at her in irritation. "We are human Abuela, you can't expect perfection. We are more than our gifts, please try to remember." She explains and starts walking up the stairs. She walks past the stunned Isabella then stops a few feet away. "Imperfections are what make us human, let's not forget." She looks back at her junior for a second then disappears into her own room with Camilo. Isabella stares at the flowers on the railing for a moment before looking over it to her Abula. The woman's already walking away, a clear frown on her face. Isabella sighs and starts to work again.
Dolores walks out of her room a few moments later and looks at her Prima, only a few months older then herself. "I'm starving, do you know where Luciana is?" Isabella points over to her door and smiles. "Yeah she passed through a bit ago, wait you didn't hear?" Dolores shrugs and starting walking over to the necromancer's door. "My room is sound proof, I'd never sleep otherwise." She explains and knocks on the door loudly. Isabella hums and walks over to stand next to her. "Finish your chores yet? I did a bit ago." Dolores asks in the silence.
"Yep." She makes known in turn. The door opens quickly and the oldest walks out, shutting the door softly behind herself. "Hello my princesas', what'd you need?" Luciana asks and the two beam at her. "I'm really hungry and Isabella just finished her chores so we wanna hang out with you until you're called to help." Dolores answered for them. "Well then, to the kitchen I suppose." She walks past the two and they follow. She flows around the kitchen, chatting quietly to the two. Suddenly Dolores perks up slightly and looks to the doorway. Luciana quickly flips the last pan luca with her finger tips and turns as Camilo stumbles in.
His own ruana replaced with hers. "Well look who's finally up." Dolores teased. Camilo sends her a weak glare and attaches himself to Luciana's side as she backs away from the stove. She smooths his curls over and smiles down at him. "Hey, Muchacho. Look over there." He turns his head to the side and looks over to the table. A few different types of his favorites already sitting there waiting. His lip wobbles dramatically and he turns his eyes up to his sister.
"Vieja, you're too nice!" He whines and hugs her tightly before speeding over to the table. She chuckles and turns back to the stove to start cleaning. "Don't call Luci an old lady! It's rude!" She hears Dolores scold and the sound of Camilo's muffled apology. "It's alright Dol', he's just being a teenager." She reassured her sister as she scrubbed a plate.
A snippet, I'm not sure if I'll write an actual fanfic I'm only writing bits and pieces atm
Also if you don't want to scroll through my page I made a tag
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graceritsu · 3 years
Anyone following me and seeing this don't mind me but i really need somewhere to say this things out before i explode and just become crazy somewhere.
I'm here somewhere familiar, where I'm the most comfortable being at, where most of memories are, my childhood were, where the good and the bad were experienced but this time away from the crowd by the corner. I just want to express all of this down because I just feel like i needed to type all of this down. Read it if you want to.
Well like its been like 1 year since I've quit the job at SATS, at that time i thought it was the best for me physically and mentally. Injuries and negative thought all that I've had it with me ever since the first day i was sent down to ramp. I've told this to the GB geng and some of you peeps at flyer and hey some of you tried to understand so yeah. So, like maybe a change of environment, maybe just doing something more similar to tourism would help me and myself trying to recover from my mental trauma which being down at ramp made it worse.
Oh how I was wrong.
Started out fine yes. New job, new environment, new surroundings, and new friends to be made. No issues in the beginning and I did think hey i can totally see the improvements in mentally, its picking up and getting better. I've made new friends, friends that I can trust and cherish. Until one day, I don't know what exactly happen serious I don't. I ended up having diagnosed with vertigo. I've fallen sick and taken MC way more than I did than when I'm at ramp. I found myself having not enough to pay the monthly loans and skipping 1 month. I'm like spiraling out deep into something which I've felt during my days at ramp.
This past few weeks I don't know how many times i had anxiety attacks. I cant count at all. its like happening way too much.
constant panic
I don't know how to handle this yo
this is coming back to me wayyy too much and too fast
I need to like hold it in even more longer until i can see my friends once again. (ps thanks covid)
You, my friends are all i have left so like once i see you all again maybe i could feel hopeful again.
hahahaha man I've typed a lot. never did since poly days. having a outlet sure do help.
Dont worry guys this is just me venting and letting it all out aight. i really need to say it out somehow
Here's a playlist for yall to listen just for to gauge my head and what's going on inside
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sunshinexlollipops · 5 years
Man whomever reported you can go suck an egg. Just because you're an amazing writer and have fans and orobator who want to donate to you because of that, they just have to try and make it difficult for you...I'm glad you got it resolved, anyways! Keep doing you, you beautiful bean! ~ 💚
I mean technically they weren’t wrong in reporting me. I WAS breaking policy. I just didn’t know.
But overall the complaint said that I was begging for money and trying to get money from people, when I explicitly stated all of it was voluntary and only if you wanted to support me.
Even then per Archive policy, that isn’t allowed, but it’s not like I was banging down yalls door screaming for money, all while holding a charity bucket with my name on it.
Me on Archive like:
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Honestly, I don’t even care in the sense that it happened, only that I was accused of begging for money. Which I wasn’t and never have or will.
I made a ko-fi because someone asked me to bc they wanted to support me, and I linked it because they asked me to as well.
And I got support from people and it was great! I actually got more support from my writing than I did as a clique artist trying to sell prints for 2 years. That should show how amazing you all are for being amazing to the creators you pt your back against!
But nevertheless, like I told Archive, I’ve had this account since 2012/2013 (my tumblr was made in 2012/2013 as well!) so I don’t remember the policies that I agreed to since it’s been so long.
Seriously— that is about to be 8-7 years ago!
But still, breaking policy terms is breaking policy terms.
I fixed all of the affected works and I’m just not going to mention or link my ko-fi page, even if it’s compliant with policy.
But thank you for coming to my defense anon, and trying to reassure me.
I don’t think it’s a jealous thing exactly, but something went on there for sure— and there was a notion of malice strong enough to report me and make inaccurate claims.
I’m not exactly freaking out though. I fixed the issue and it shouldn’t happen again, so what’s done is done. 🤷‍♀️
Otherwise, thank you to everyone showing and sending me love the past few weeks.
A lot has been going on — from my fic getting stolen, to my car stopping, to this complaint ordeal — and even further than that when I had a few rough patches.
I try not to complain on tumblr nor overshare with what’s going on with me— at least in the sense that I’m not here to treat this like a diary for myself. I mostly want to let you all know what’s going on bc it affects my writing and other escapades on here.
That being said, I haven’t gotten much writing done the past few days. I’ve been so busy looking for a new car and dealing with that (which has been so fun— being an adult that’s poor sucks), so unfortunately writing fell by the wayside.
I’m gonna try and write some today or continue fixing up ACW chapter 1. I don’t think I’ll manage to do a lot, but I can do something, you know?
Sorry for all of the negativity here the past few days. Hopefully things will perk up soon!
And ofc, all the love to you guys for being so awesome. :)
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debatenarutooocs · 2 years
Sup y’all it himeygi, and imma just be anonymous bc of the fact I don’t want this account found and I can put this on my granny head and two it’s my cousin account. I left bc the anime fandom is monkey see and monkey do . If your talking about oriiwu account I left bc I made my own discord because of the fact I don’t need to be surround by weird ass anime sensitive people (not just the discord anime art oc fandom in general) . And no shade to oriiwu but I’ll talk about it orii never had a reason to dislike and YES I HAVE OUR MESSAGES! The mfk quote “I MADE A REASON TO DISLIKE YOU” just as many more weird ass adults on here that I already name! But unlike other mfks ORII SPOKE TO ME AND ACTED LIKED A FUCKING ADULT RATHER LIKE a weirds ass mfk. And FYI to mfks I don’t do shit for someone to dislike BEFORE I EVEN SAY shit I let that shit build UP BEFORE I FUCKING BUST! For prime example Meg! Me and Meg was friends Ik that stupid bitch was the one who made them fake ass message AND HER WEIRD ASS FRIENDS! AND YOU WANNA KNOW WHAT I DID I CONFRONTED THAT BITCH AND VOICEMAILS AND I STILL HAVE THE MFK VOICE MAILS CONFRONTING HER GOOFY ASS AND HER FRIENDS (since they goof ass block blocked me, I made sure to tell her ass to tell her weird ass friend or shall I say group)! And you wanna know why we stop being friends was bc meg was a ass eater and I already knew that shit but I WAS KIND HEARTed ! I didn’t give no fucks what her friends did etc! And if she was to ever bring up I brung jade up! I was literally complementing jade how smart the mfk was or let me know when she post chifuyux the tiger dude headcanons! And then hold on IT WAS NEVER NO NEGATIVE ENERGY IF I DID BRING A MFK UP! And then (YEAH MY FUCKING MOUTH IS OPEN NOW! Cause AINT no mfk YALL bringing me up and I’m literally gon from fucking anime art for a while! Cause adults and adults are weird asl) as a 18 year how tf is my generation way fucking better in respect and aspect??? Y’all are adults including myself! But legitimate I’m still a fucking kid. But going on from the Meg shit , never dawg her fucking friends like I could fucking have! And again TO ALL YOU MFK bc you make me want to see people be dawg / down so bad. I'm not finna try and fucking put any of my words in respect or “i can't read what she saying” I don't fucking care y'all weird asl. Leave my fucking name outta y'all miserable ass life! IM FUCKING GONE! I'm not simping for no danm child / I'm not In people business / in people asses leave me tf alone! Cause while y'all sitting there trynna ass kiss y'all friend in Anonymous how about you talk to me like a fucking adult. Oh wait! You know I'll make you ass feel fucking miserable. not in no aspect of treating but in a way of you repeating your own fucking words and reasons as to why you did what you did. Mfk I still have my discord/ ig messages HOW I WAS INSPIRING MANY OF YOU MFKS! But you can't like it or except it bc you put a danm illusion in your mfk head. THAT WEIRD! YOUR WEIRD YOUR WEIRD YOUR WEIRD! Leave me tf be if you ain't Gone 1. SHOW PROOF! 2. SHOW REALL FUCKING PROOF AND NOT A FUCKING EDIT! 3. Talk to ME LIKE A FUCKING HUMAN. Y'all sit here and talk shit with no proof! FUCKING SHOW IT!
Yes if a mfk want to say That I said my support suck yes it fucking did! WHY ARE YOU ONLY STALKING MY PAGE AND JUST LIKING IT! GRANTED EVRYONE CANT FUCKING MAKE COMMENTS BC THEIR EXCUSE IS “im shy or a mfk uhhh REALLY IM FUCKING SHY” but make comments and reshare on famous people art ( even answer ask box, comments, reshare) instead a lot of you mfks had me comment reshare like and FUCKING SAVE YALL ART (the ig lil flag thing) to help y'all boost y'all shit but it couldn't be received back?! And yes my comment be the size of this paragraph and even fucking longer! So who tf finna deal with that if we mutuals??????????? Granted it didn't really matter with followers bc shit tbh idk bc why bother them if I'm not following them back. But y'all weird asl, but if I was famous y'all would've been up my ass with many of these mary sue ass ocs (I reframe some saying that but it's the truth). Granted I'm glad I'm not famous bc I couldn't treat y'all asses how I am doing now. But you mfks think I'm finna be quiet cause I'm mature or I'm surround by famous artist but guess what Sherlock NOT EVERY ARTIST TAKE PEOPLE BULLSHIT NOT EVER INTROVERT TAKES PEOPLE BULLSHIT! Shit I lose my job FIGHTING A 29 year and beated to outta her and yes I posted that shit on my mfk story and ill post that shit again if I have to. So if you think fucking clout and your age gone stop me you sure asl got a rude awakening. Cause now that I'm gone (FOR A LONG ASS TIME) ion gotta hold shit back! Artist breaking down anyway. Since 2019-2022 YALL GOT THE RIGHT FUCKING ONE. And I'm starting to think my haters is fucking perverts cause why tf you bring me up to dawg y'all ass knowing imma speak up?? Y'all weird or y'all thought I was gon turn in a bitch with it's tail behind it legs no! One thing about you mfk (not the blog) y'all talk a lot of shit but majority of you mfks know y'all can't fight so y'all sit y'all nasty miserable musty ugly fucking face ass hoes on this app and talking shit. now many of you bitches could fucking never from beauty to mfk creativity! Could fucking never.
Now if you the hater on orii discord and you bring my name up you a bitch and I may know which one of you mfk was bc you know you ass should've gave a more detailed ass description how to download a jailbroke app but if not ignore this. But whoever tf got something they need to say of they chest, say that shit to my mfk face. Orii discord was never talked about on my story, and if you wanted to be stereotypical (may be using the wrong word). But all the shit I was sharing on my story was reshared of spiritual awaken or fucking um quotes. It was until the last moments I was tired of my danm following. Not every gonna accept what you do just as much you don't have to except wtf I do.
Simple as that keep my mfk name out you mouth (again not the blog but the haters) I appreciate that the blog been smart and not dick riding like many people did I appreciate that and thank you showing support. Idk which admin it was but thank you ❤️.
And as for orriwu, if you see this I'm not throwing shade at you but I'm showing the disrespect that I received from you that is put into many of these artists. Like I texted you before you ain't a villain but a mfk human just like other mfk on this internet shit. Everyone makes mistakes.
But in general you mfks (haters not the blog) need to stop making me a fucking villain because you have this illusion or your fucking jealous, or you got some pent up ass energy. The reason y'all won before was bc I had a issue of second guessing my own danm self. And another thing y'all get it twisted, the only really y'all make these so call illusion is bc OF THE FACT! I tell my emotions and not other business bc why td you in my business or have my name in your mouth? I fucking dislike actually hate robin and shay but them weird ass bitches ain't in my mouth. Good day and keep my shit out y'all mouth! (to the haters not the blog).
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