hinamikyoukachan · 6 months
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agoldenluckycat · 2 years
The 12 Different types of “Dere” in anime
I’m making this as a reference for myself because people use these terms and I always forget what they mean so I’m making this to help me. I may have incorrect info but this is based on how I’ve seen them used online and this article.
Gou Gou (Boisterous) + Dere Dere (Loving)
Tsun Tsun (Cold) + Dere Dere (Loving)
Yanderu (Sick) + Dere Dere (Loving)
Dere Dere (Loving)
Danmari (Silent) + Dere Dere (Loving)
Hime (Princess) or Ouji (Prince) + Dere Dere (Loving)
Baka (Idiot) + Dere Dere (Loving)
Kami (God) + Dere Dere (Loving)
Kuuru (Cool) + Dere Dere (Loving)
Sado (Sadistic) + Dere Dere (Loving)
Shun (Sadness) + Dere Dere (Loving)
Hiyakasu (Tease) + Dere Dere (Loving)
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moumouton4 · 1 year
There is also Darudere like Lenessia in Log Horizon but I couldn't put it in so put it in the comments😭
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bethesdaglitch · 1 year
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miikastarz · 1 year
Starry night~ ☆★☆
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vanlegion · 9 months
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Made this silly idea thing after someone mentioned BM Anime. Your average Angry trope from the -'dere~ after something upsetting happens.
I call this one 'Adventures in Babysearching'
Plot A- Matthew's parents make him watch his siblings for the day, which turns into a nightmare when all four go missing after getting McDonalds. Plot B - Jessi and Missy take Jessi's little sister to the store to buy her some cute baby clothes and get grossed out by the creepy messaging some have. Baby fashion show goes viral. Just slapped this together in an hour.
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yestrday · 5 months
hihi! may i suggest the 2nd years’ reaction to a teasing but easily flustered darling? they’re like a mix of a hiyakasudere (teasedere) and a dandere. long story short, it’s kinda like “oooo you want to kiss me so bad aha” to “WAIT WHY ARE YOU GETTING SO CLOSE” kinda thingy + don’t forget to take care of yourself! don’t forget to drink water and get some rest! :)
hoooly shit this has been in my drafts for so long and i finally had a sudden spark of inspiration to finally finish it. i'm so sorry anon you've waited a terribly long time
now, for the moments where your yandere harem is not-so-yandere and relatively normal-looking
you might like: yan! academy genshin second years
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you thought that you'd get to share a nice lunch with your dear friend albedo after he invited you to a nice secluded spot for the both of you to spend lunch together. the food was definitely nice— this is albedo we're talking about after all— but you couldn't help but find yourself pouting. all he had been doing all lunch was sketch away at his papers.
hmph. you think. shouldn't he give me a bit of his attention?
hoping to sneak some sort of reaction out of him, you inch closer to his drawings. he’s never had a problem with you looking at his unfinished work and yet his strong but gentle hand reach out and firmly root you to your position. “don’t move,” he mutters. and then a long period of silence follows, but this time his eyes study every inch of your face and body.
"don't you think you're starin' at me a bit too much?" you croon, flashing one of your mischievous grins at the ever stoic student with the hope of alleviating some of the awkardness you feel. "someone might think you have a crush on me.”
“maybe i do,” he hums. “what about it?” it’s so nonchalant that it’d pass through anyone’s ears as a joke, but you’re so hyper-aware of everything right now that the blush starts rising to your cheeks, gaping at him with an open mouth.
“wh– what?!” you hate how squeaky your voice is.
“oh nothing,” he resumes back to his sketching before he gives you a glance over and smirks at you. “don’t you think you’re blushing too much? someone might think you have a crush on me.”
“a– albedo!”
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no one knows how xiao lets you get away with how overly touchy you are. you’re not exactly what they’d imagine to be hanging around xiao. you smile too much, flirt and tease with people, and you drag the boy around to places almost embarassing to be seen at. but xiao follows anyway. one moment he’ll go: “hmph. and why should i?” but when you pout and just whine about going with another boy, he’s immediately latching onto your arm.
you’re aware of how differently xiao treats you and to be honest, you’re a little bit smug. you like to exert your power over him time to time. pushing a little too close or trailing your fingers up his surprisingly toned muscles just to tease him.
“you’re shameful,” he’d huff and look away, but you’re delighted at how his porcelain face turns into a bright cherry shade and continue teasing him anyway.
xiao is aware of this power you have over him, but he doesn’t stop you. he likes this warm and fluttery feeling you overwhelm him with. still, it’d be nice if he could change the tables for a moment and make you stutter and blush instead.
this musing of his is shelved away in his mind until an impromptu study date comes up. poring over your textbooks for the upcoming quiz, you snack away on some nuts to help you concentrate. when xiao looks up, he sees some crumbs on you’re too focused to notice. absentmindedly, he reaches over the table and slides a finger to wipe away the crumbs. you take this the wrong.
“wh- what are you doing?!” you squeak, face blaring red. “we’re studying, you know!”
he hushes you. “hold still.”
he brings the finger to his mouth and licks up the food, confused at your shock and embarassment but no questioning it. he sits back down and resumes his studies while you spend the rest of the session covering your face with a book and fanning your face. xiao remains ever oblivious as he focuses on passing the test, unaware that his wish has already been granted.
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kazuha takes your flirtatious advances seriously, because well, romance and love must be taken seriously. somewhere in the back of his mind he can sense that you’re just joking... still, let kazuha delude himself for a tiny bit.
all flirty remarks of yours are responded with sincere and genuine exclamations of love which has you blushing and running away with every encounter with him. you don’t even know why you bother anymore, but perhaps it’s the urge to see the ever so calm and serene kazuha lose his composure because of you.
it’s for the sake of blushy kazuha! you pump yourself up before pushing open the classroom doors. the boy idles by the window sill, away from the chatter of your classmates. your presence immediately has him perking up and smiling at you from across the room. you take a deep breath and close your eyes.
be still, be confident. you’re gonna get him today! 
“hi kazu~” you grin, sauntering over to him with brimming confidence. “your most favorite person is here!” you open your mouth, planning to pour out another set of cheesy pick-up lines and compliments, but kazuha reacts quicker.
“indeed, you are here right now,” he says in nigh reverence. he takes a stray lock from your hair and twirls it around his finger. “i’ve missed you over the weekend, you know?” he kisses it and smiles at you. the morning sun lights his face aglow, and the wind brushing past the window makes his hair flutter along with your heart. “oh, [your name]? you’re redder than a maple leaf.”
steam puffs out of your ears at being called out, and you stumble back, glaring at him. “i-i’ll get you one day, kazu! i swear i will!” and when you make a tactical retreat, kazuha only laughs to himself before fondly kissing the finger that held your lock of hair so tenderly.
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you honestly thought that thoma would be the easily flustered type, but he's really not. it's always the same reaction out of him: you flirt, he stops, stares, and his lips crack into a brilliant yet amused smile. your charms, that have flawlessly worked on both me and women, are received like an elder brother witnessing their sibling's antics.
it makes your blood boil! really! the audacity of this guy to just shrug off your remarks when you're already growing desperate to get a reaction out of him! you up your charisma, bat your lashes more, but no, nada! it makes you a bit insecure— juuuust a little. is your allure starting to wane?
you're sulkily poking at your lunchbox, too caught up with your little dilemma to actually eat. thoma notices from across you, and his brows pinch together in concern as he regards your expression.
"is everything okay, [your name]?" he asks softly, placing a gentle hand on yours to let you know he's there. "you don't seem to have an appetite today. is the lunchbox i made not up to your liking?"
you might be sulking, but archon forbid you make thoma think his cooking wasn't up to standard! you frantically shake your head, before settling down and letting out a sigh.
"thoma~" you let out a whine, grasping his hand on yours with both of yours. you pout as prettily as you can, letting the lips you meticulously glossed this morning do their job, bat your lashes, and doing everything and anything you can in your power to turn it up a hundred times more. "be honest with me. do you find me pretty at all?"
his eyes widen at the question. "o– of course, i do, [your name]! there's no one in this school who doesn't find you attractive." something dark flickers in his eyes for a moment as he mutters lowly. "believe me."
that shadow disappears as soon as it comes, and squeezes your hands reassuringly. "more than just being attractive, i like you for who you are." his soft green eyes crease downward in a fond look, and you think your heart is racing a hundred miles per second. "i'm here with you, aren't i?"
you do your utmost best to respond, but your tongue fails you. your brain has short-circuited, and you can barely hear anything than the pounding of your heart and the muffled worried calls of your name. you slump in your seat, steam coming out of your brain and dizzy from the heartburn. you are defeated at your game.
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there are advantages and disadvantages to flirting with the scaramouche. when you shoot him one of your teasing remarks or sidle a bit too close to his side, the people around you look at you like you're crazy.
and you are. you're crazy obsessed with his reactions, how sardonic and dry-humor they are but so cute and feisty. so what if his glares keep getting scarier and scarier, if his lips curl up in a sneer whenever he sees you. you don't waste a single moment in trying to get a reaction out of him!
"hey, scara~♪" your head pops out from the corner while he's busy with his locker, and glances at you before resuming with his work. "you're as cute as ever as always!"
"and i can see that you still insist on being annoying," he says plainly, before slamming his locker shut and fixing you with his signature dirty glare. "when will you stop bothering me, or do i have to put up with your nonsense until graduation?"
"only if you'll have me~"
"idiot," he scoffs. "to be disturbing me like this day in and day out. you have some nerve, [last name]. are you really that keen on breaking my peace? or—" he studies your face carefully, before a smug smile breaks out on his lips. "are you really that obsessed with me?"
your mind blanks out at the sudden accusation and you can feel the heat rising in your face. "o–obsessed with you? don't be absurd! i– you– you're not the only one, you know! don't get too full of yourself." your face reddens further as his smirk only grows, and you stomp your foot childishly. "believe me!"
"tut, tut, [last name]. you won't get further in this society if you wear your hearts on a sleeve like that. but don't worry." he lifts your chin up with a slender finger, and as much as that knowing grin of his is humiliating, you can't help but appreciate how alluring the expression is on him. "since you're so obsessed with me, i don't mind letting a commoner like you live under my care when the time calls for it."
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babiebom · 10 months
What Kind of ~dere the bachelorette's would be
A/N:it's the girl's turn<3333 it took me 5ever to finish this for some reason. I'm only writing it now because i'm watching doctor who and need 2 different kinds of stimulation and i have no snacks tbh(doctor who started buffering so now im watching the little mermaid Im not trying to give play by play of me writing this but Im so hyped rn and its 2 in the morning)
TW: maybe some spoilers, maybe some cursing, idk yet nothing that bad! There is some brief mention of childhood trauma and abuse on Penny's part but nothing graphic.
Genre: Headcanons
WC: about 10 bullet points per person
Described as light-hearted and flirtatious, often mischievous and playful on the outside and constantly teases their loved one as a sign of affection.
Would playfully bully you to try and make her crush on you not obvious
Makes it painfully obvious to everyone but you
"This sunset is cool but you know whats cooler?" "What?" "My sword collection"
Probably smacks you when laughing
Smacks you when you do something funny
Laughs extra loud
"Lmao I'll fight you idiot"
You two probably get in trouble to playing around in serious situations
Invites you to the mines with her
Or to the woods past the wizards tower
You two probably get into trouble together and think its funny that you were attacked by slimes
Does make fun of you even when you get together
"Ew you have a crush on me that's so embarrassing"
described as a "yes-man" to their loved one no matter what the consequences are their devotion doesn't allow them to betray their loved one easily and is an extension of the Goudere characterization.
A Kekkondere
Which is described as some who believes in love at first sight and wants to get married right away. They have a deep desire to remain close to the person they meet for better or worse and this can sometimes evolve into them becoming a yandere type
So I could not choose which she fit more so I will try to fit everything within 20
I feel like due to her being a more submissive type in my mind that she would 100 percent be a yes man
Especially with a woman like Pam as her mother.
She has probably learned that disagreeing with her led to consequences that she does not enjoy.
So due to her childhood trauma she is more likely to just agree with whatever you say
And even if you try and get her to actually say her own opinion I don't think she fully grows out of it but it develops into a more shes a yes man because she feels safe.
Does not matter what will happen to her you are her main priority now so it is whatever you say goes because this is her fairy tale ending
On the other hand I think she is on par with us fanfic girlies on how delusional she is
Spends time constantly reading romance novels and imagining herself as the female love interest or heroine
So when she meets you and is immediately attracted to you
It turns into oh yeah this is love at first sight
This is meant to be because look at how i feel
This is like in the books I read
And she wants to get married very quickly
Brings it up maybe once at the beginning of your relationship
If you dont agree she doesnt say anything again
Just tries to manipulate you into marrying her quickly by doing wifey things
She will put it on you and make you wanna marry her
Will have you forever and ever just don't try to leave because she will enter yandere territory
Deredere(explained on Emily's part because I did hers first)
Honesty I thought none of these fit her thoroughly
Shes too....normal I guess?
At least to fit these categories
She's literally just an artsy girl i don't know
Like shes a creative but not delusional like Elliott so yandere is out of the question
Especially because her last relationship moved at a pace she disliked and was going to restrict her and what she wanted to do
So obviously shes not going to be the type of partner to hold you back in any aspect
But shes not going to let you run over her
Shes just a stable adult
Love that for her tbh
Could never be me where can I learn to become a Leah?
Described as someone who is energetic, kind, and caring and while they show their affection to their loved one they can still hold normal relationships with others.
The sanest one here
Would not let herself get swept up in romance to the point of where its her whole life
There are other things she has to worry about
Like her sister, the wellbeing of all of her friends, being the chilliest woman on the planet
Emily tingz
Is the least likely to do something deranged because she knows that your relationship is stable and she doesn't need to do anything special
Because you love her for her and she loves you for you
Like yeah shes a weird(affectionate) person in general
But I also think she's the oldest out of the bachelorettes(hcs maybe?)
So she does have a clear head most of the time.
Amd she has probably been around and knows that she doesn't have to be crazy because trust is a good thing and luckily she has trust in you
Was probably insane in her younger years and its why shes chill now
Tbh overall a green flag
Described as someone shy and nervous around their crush and can socialize with anyone who is not them. Usually blushes or gets flustered at them making the first move
Gives me vibes like she will become super clumsy in front of you
And 100 times more socially awkward
Will stutter and trip over her words
Or drop things
Is the definition if the shy anime girl tbh
"O-oh Farmer! D-did you s-see that?"
I cringed writing that pls
Like it isn't very apparent in the game she just gives me these vibes
Especially because she does sort of go on about her sciencey stuff but i think that's just her being a nerd
I feel like she would be fine before she has a crush
But the second she realizes her feelings it becomes a problem
Obviously you notice but I think you would be too nice to say anything
Unless you're an Abigail type then ofcourse you say something
Becomes dumber the longer you are in her space because you're so attractive and now she cannot breathe
described as someone who is usually the antagonist who switches sides after falling in love with the main character. Usually first appears hostile or intimidating but a change of heart allows them to reveal their true feelings later on
Mostly this because I think she's a butch
But then she becomes cute after getting to know the farmer
Honestly I did not really like her and wanted to fight her up until I actually started gaining hearts with her
So I feel like this fits totally because like
She was the antagonist of my story at least
And she became cute and lovable the second she started feeling feelings
Like with one of her heart events
You literally take pictures with animals
She gets mud in her hair and doesn't even complain like
How she got me on her side Idk
Would probably be the type of girl to be like
Oh farmers here? And then very loudly say things like
"Oh yeah i could TOTALLY grow a few crops no big deal AT ALL"
"Did they hear it? You think they want me to move in yet? Do you think they're in love with me yet? Of course they are i'm Haley duh."
Not quite tsundere because she wouldn't do the whole "its not like I like you" thing
She would make it clear that she likes you but that she's the prize and not you
Sometimes is still hostile before she remembers she can let down her walls.
Its a journey to get her to say what shes actually thinking about certain things but you get there!
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pinkwavybubbles · 8 months
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Batlyn and her alts!!!
Meet Batlyn and her AU selfs. These feisty and playful bats can’t wait to spend time with you and have all kinds of adventures
Now heres their names and small informations about them in order from top to bottom. Note that these girls are based on different types of deres too!
Batlyn (Undertale)
This one is the original Batlyn from the original Universe. She has a Tsundere personality, she’s definitely the grumpiest Bat but is super sweet when she wants to be. Batlyn has a lot of value in life, she finds a lot of value in everyone and is scared to lose those she loves and cares for. Batlyn grew up alone after losing her parents during the war as she kept herself away from being near anyone due to her fear of getting close to someone and losing them to experience the same pain as she did with her mum and dad. However she’s grown better and has friends now, she’s extremely close to Sans and Papyrus specifically as they were the ones who approach her first with no hesitation or wanting to fight her. She’s happier now thanks to them. Same can be said for the other Batlyns.
Candy (Underswap)
The shyest and sweetest girl out of the butch. Her personality is the Dandere type. She was so timid and scared of everyone until she met the right people and gains confidence though their support and love. Despite her timid nature, she will approach a deadly situation and try to defuse it. Candy actually enjoys puns, she’ll literally laugh at any pun even if it doesn’t make sense at all. Her sense of humour is broken but she has a nice laugh according to Stretch. She likes pastel colours a lot and anything cute. She definitely has a bed full of cute plush toys.
Ruth (Underfell)
Rude, Inappropriate and just down right nasty. Ruth is the Kitikudere of the group, a bully who picks on those who are weaker or even stronger then her. She loves to pick a fight with nearly everyone. Her wings are destroyed due to her challenging wolves and they “tore” her a new one. But she can have some softer moments like Batlyn, but she lowkey hates it. People tend to tell her that it must suck to have lost her ability of flight but she tells them that she doesn’t need her wings as long she has her claws to destroy her enemies. She’s a extremely messy eater too.
Bane (Swapfell)
The one who rarely changes her expression. This one is a Kuudere, she’s calm and collected and shows little to no emotions. Bane spends most of her time playing video games and snack. She also has attachment issues, she likes being with those she feels safe and comfort with. Bane has a high alcohol tolerance and has drank extremely high levels of it, it’s a wonder how she hasn’t gotten poisoned from it, it could be because Bane is the only Batlyn who does actually spit out acid on command. Gross but powerful. She rarely does it though since she’s pretty chill and doesn’t care half of the time.
Twinkle (Outertale)
Fun, fun and Silly! This bat is the DereDere one of the group! She’s full of energy and just loves to play! Twinkle’s hair actually lost gravity from being in space for so long that it’s always floating. This Bat is the happiest and positive one out of everyone and she just loves to see the good side of everyone and situation. She will pick you up and spin you in the air if you are very close to her. Just ask Orion. Twinkle is a sucker for sweet candies like star candy or rock candy, give her a piece and she goes crazy for it. She can also summon cosmic clouds to lay or sit on and even ride them. This Bat is just full of surprises and excitement for every day and night.
Ginger (Farmtale)
The newest addition to the group. Ginger is a Hiyakasudere type, Meaning she’s a teaser and likes to flirt. Ginger is extremely charming and caring to others around her. She owns a chicken farm and is pretty proud of her girls but she also has a small apple orchid where she likes to take breaks and munch on some apples. She rarely speaks sometimes and speaks only when she’s spoken to or if she’s along with her chickens and talks to them. Just like Oira, Japanese is her primary language but she does speak good English. She’s also taller then the other bats and has more muscle then Ruth as Ginger can lift 600 lbs of hay.
Annnnd that’s all of them!! Of course I have other OCs but some of them need some working first. But just have these girls first! I hope you enjoy them
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hellcatinnc · 8 months
Get To Know The Amnesia Boys
I thought would be cool to have alot of the amnesia boys info in one place to come back to and share. This is for all the amnesia lovers.
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Kento (Kent) ケント
Age: 25
Birthday: September 23rd
Height: 190 cm (6'3")
Blood Type: B
Western Zodiac: Libra
Occupation: University Graduate
Likes: creating math puzzles and observing things
Colors Associated: Green & Black
Architect Type: Kuudere
Best Friend: Ikki
Voice Actors: Akira Ishida & Tyler Galindo 
Fav. Quotes:
“Argument and logic are not always the right path to take. Honestly expressing emotions is important. You were the one who helped me realize that.”
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Ikkyu (Ikki) イ���キ
Age: 22
Birthday: June 1st
Height: 183 cm (6'0")
Blood Type: AB
Western Zodiac: Gemini
Occupation: University Student
Likes: Darts, Pool, Table Tennis, Math Puzzles
Colors Associated: Blue & Gray
Architect Type: Flirt/Teasedere/Hiyakasudere
Best Friend: Kent
Voice Actors: Kishō Taniyama & Blake Shepard
Fav. Quotes:
"If you lose your memories again , I'll tell you everyday i love you, no matter what happens I'll protect you"
“There’s always been something heavy in my heart that’s made me suffer. But when I hear your voice or see your face, that something starts to melt.”
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Shin シン
Age: 18
Birthday: November 30
Height: 179 cm (5'10")
Blood Type: A
Western Zodiac: Sagittarius
Occupation: College Student/Law
Likes: Dogs, Melon Soda, & Sweet Tamagoyaki
Colors Associated: Red & Black
Architect Type: Tsundere
Best Friend: Toma
Voice Actors: Tetsuya Kakihara & Houston Hayes
Fav. Quotes:
"I'll protect the sweet, silly part of you, and the hard working part of you...I'll protect everything"
"Please go out with me, I can't see you as a family member anymore"
"It was you who showed me that surrendering to misfortune and giving up is just running away"
"I will definitely protect you. I've decided not to let you get hurt a second time"
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Tōma トーマ
Age: 20
Birthday: April 12
Height: 181 cm (5'11")
Blood Type: B
Western Zodiac: Aries
Occupation: Maid's Sheep
Likes: Spicy Food, Basketball, Cycling, Reading, & Cooking
Colors Associated: Yellow & Black
Architect Type: Yandere
Best Friend: Shin
Voice Actors: Satoshi Hino & Christopher Ayres
Fav. Quotes
“I don't want to see you cry. I don't want to see you sad or see you suffer, either. I always want to see you smile and I want to make you smile.”
“If I can't protect you, should I break you?”
“The truth is, I want to look after you more than anyone. But I can't.”
“I only want to keep you from crying, but even that wish, I couldn’t grant.”
“I love you… I always have, and always will…”
“I always want to see you smile and I want to make you smile. So for that purpose, I don’t mind if you hate me, that’s what I decided. But IT HURTS.”
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Ukyo ウキョウ
Age: 24
Birthday: March 3rd
Height: 185 cm (6'1")
Blood Type: O
Western Zodiac: Pisces
Occupation: Professional Photographer
Likes: triathlon, cheerleading, hula dance, soccer, lacrosse, rugby, kabaddi, dance, art, riding, debate, braiding hair, collecting underwear, and photography(also cleaning other personality likes)
Colors Associated: Green
Architect Type: Loner
Best Friend: MC
Voice Actors: Kōki Miyata & Patrick Poole 
Fav. Quotes:
“While I was traveling, searching for you, I died again and again, and I finally realized: a world where you and I can both live doesn't exist.”
“Even though I knew I had to give up, I wanted to see you. I wanted you to smile for me one more time.”
“I've lost count of the number of times I've met you and lost you. But I still… still love you.”
“There's only one way to save you. I have to disappear from this world. Let my wish for you to survive come true.”
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hinamikyoukachan · 10 months
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sunenjoyswriting · 3 months
My White day AU
Writers note: Technically writing so it goes on here. Please note that this may change in the future, and the post will be updated as so! And it took me too long to finish this lol…
Warnings: Idk any that would go on this! It’s really just an explanation of my white day AU…
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Light Kingdom residents:
Kanade (Royalty, heir to the throne), Tsukasa (Prince), Emu (Royalty), Airi (Knight/Bodyguard, designated Kanade knight/bodyguard), Len (Knight), Mizuki (Knight/Bodyguard, designated Tsukasa knight/bodyguard), Akito (Knight), Shiho (Knight/Bodyguard, designated Emu knight/bodyguard), Minori (Assassin, out for the royal siblings), Ena (Normal Citizen, painter), Haruka (Normal citizen, popular singer), Rin (Knight), Kohane (Normal Citizen), An (Knight), Nene (Normal Citizen)
Dark Kingdom residents:
Mafuyu (Prince, heir to the throne), Ichika (Princess), Saki (Knight/Bodyguard, designated Ichika Knight/Bodyguard), Miku (Runaway from the light kingdom, just does whatever people pay her for), Rui (Knight/Bodyguard, designated Mafuyu knight/bodyguard), Toya (Knight), KAITO (Assassin), Honami (Normal citizen), Luka (Runaway from the light kingdom, assassin), Shizuku (Normal Citizen, popular singer), MEIKO (Assassin)
Cards for all of the characters:
Light Kingdom:
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Dark Kingdom:
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Romantic ships:
Kanade x Airi (Royalty x Bodyguard, forbidden love), Ichika x Saki (Forbidden love, royalty x bodyguard), Ena x Haruka (No particular dyanamic, due to being unimportant.)
Platonic Ships/Important Friendships:
Kanade & Mafuyu (Forbidden Friendship), Emu & Shiho (Overly expressive & Cold, Royalty & Bodyguard), Tsukasa & Mizuki (Royalty & Bodyguard), Emu & Saki (Forbidden friendship), Ichika & Saki (Royalty & Bodyguard, unexpected friendship), Mafuyu & Rui (Royalty & Bodyguard, unexpected friendship, Cold & Tries to get them to show emotion), Miku & Luka (Runaways together), Rui & Mizuki (Forbidden friendship, knight & knight)
Familial Relationships:
Kanade, Emu, & Tsukasa (Light Royalty), Mafuyu & Ichika (Dark Royalty), Len & Rin (Siblings), Ena & An (Cousins), Tsukasa & Saki (Siblings seperated from birth), Toya & Rui (Siblings)
Character Intros (Only important characters):
Light Kingdom:
Agender (They/Them), Aroace.
Shy, quiet, affectionate, secretive.
The oldest of the light royal trio and the heir to the light kingdoms throne, and also the “golden child”.
Can use minimal magic — though, theyre very bad at controlling it.
Demigirl (She/they), Aroace.
Confident, a little teasing towards Kanade, untrusting, secretive.
The first out of the three (important) light knights, she seems prim and proper at first but once you get to know them, they’re a little childish.
Can’t use magic.
Boy (He/Him), Gay.
Confident, loud, trusting, open (perhaps too much).
The middle child of the light royal trio who would become the heir to the throne if Kanade were to die, often the forgotten child. And some of the people in the light kingdom believe he may be originally from the dark kingdom… it’s unknown to anyone except himself if this is true.
Can use minimal magic, and is okay at controlling it.
Transfem (They/She), Lesbian.
Teasing, can be childish, protective, secretive.
The second out of the three (important) light knights, they makes clothes for the royals when she’s not on duty.
Can use minimal magic, but prefers not to.
Agender (She/they), Pansexual.
Overly expressive, hyperactive, easy to excite, open.
The youngest of the light royal trio, and would become the heir to the throne if both Kanade and Tsukasa were to die, loved by all the citizens of the light kingdom.
Can’t use magic, and probably shouldn’t…
Agender (They/Them), Bisexual.
Calm, the most skilled knight in the light kingdom, quick, secretive.
The third out of the three (important) light knights, was assigned to Emu since they’re basically the only one who can properl protect her with how hyper she is…
Can use magic, and is the best magic user in the light kingdom.
Transfem (She/Her), Aroace.
Seems sweet, good at manipulation, sometimes remorseful for killing people but ignores those feelings, secretive.
An assassin who’s after the light kingdoms royals — Nobody knows if she came from the dark kingdom or if she was always from the light kingdom, except herself.
Can’t use magic, but she’s good with swords to make up for it.
Dark Kingdom:
Demiboy (He/they), Aroace.
Cold, doesn’t tend to express his emotions, prefers to be alone then around people, secretive.
The older of the dark royal duo and the heir to the dark kingdoms throne, and the golden child.
Can’t use magic, but makes up for that with his swordsmanship (?).
Demiboy (He/they), gay.
Teasing, tries to get a laugh out of Mafuyu (always fails), very serious when it comes to his duties, secretive.
The first of the two (important) dark knights, he is quite… unique, for someone in dark kingdom.
Can use magic, and is the best magic user in the dark kingdom.
Transfem (She/her), Aroace.
Can be quite remorseful when she has to decide to approve an execution, can be irritated by small things, is better at forgiving then forgetting, secretive.
The younger or the dark royal duo who would become the heir to the dark kingdoms throne if Mafuyu were to die.
Can use minimal magic, and is quite good at it.
Transmasc (Any pronouns, no preference), bisexual (no preference).
Affectionate, not the strongest but very good at strategizing, would be the most likely to be able to blend into the light kingdom if needed, secretive.
The second of the two (important) dark knights, some of the people in the dark kingdom believe he may be originally from the light kingdom… it’s unknown to anyone except herself if this is true.
Can use minimal magic, but they’re really only good with bursts of magic.
Transneutral (She/he), pansexual.
Only herself and Luka know much about her, mysterious… it seems there was nothing else in his files about his personality.
One of the two runaways. Wanted dead or alive.
Her magic ability is unknown.
Transfem (She/they), pansexual.
Only herself and Miku know much about her, seems to be more open than Miku… it seems there was nothing else in her files about her personality.
One of the two runaways. Wanted dead or alive.
Her magic ability is unknown, but has been seen using it.
[Nothings here. How unfortunate.]
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wordycheeseblob · 10 months
Yves - tsundere, no, oujidere (haughty prince personality dere), actually no... Nyandere!
Leon - kireidere (to bring out the inner beauty of your loved one dere)
Rio - megadere (no°1 fanboy dere), the 'yes-man' Undere, or kekkondere (we just met, let's get married dere)
Licht - shundere ( depressed :c )
Nokto - Erodere (the 'lets have intercourse' but if I fall in love I'll get embarrassed), charaodere or 'frivolous playboy' dere
Jin - Hiyakasudere (teasing dere), Oniidere (Big Bro dere) ...get it?
Sariel - sadodere (nope, just a sadist actually) bosudere is more likely, sagyodere (workaholic dere)
Chevalier - maybe a mayadere/kuudere??
Gilbert - dotodere ?
Axel -kamidere or kamiyandere (i am god dere)
Luke -darudere (lazy dere), kumadere (bear dere)
Clavis - youchinadere (acts playful and childish even tho he isn't a child anymore)
Keith - utsudere(depressed because of a traumatic event dere), kyoukidere (múltiple personalities.... Most likely because of a traumatic event)
Silvio - bureidere (tsundere but very rude, curses a lot. Not necessarily to provocate, it's just in their vocabulary)
anyway this was slapped together pretty quickly and I don't exactly do anime so feel free to correct or add stuff
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yuikomorii · 2 years
Heyy! I havent seen a post about this, so i was kinda wondering what "Dere" type do you think Sakamakis are?😊 or just diaboys . So far ive read articles that claim that Ayato is an Oujidere and Laito and Kanato are Yanderes.
(And thanks for making Diaboy content for us💜)
// Oh, thank you!!💕
Ayato- He used to be an Ōjidere but then we found out that he’s actually a fake narcissist and a good boy, so now I think he’s more of a Deredere?
Kanato- Yantsun; combination between Yandere and Tsundere.
Laito- Hiyakasudere and Yandere.
Shu- Used to be a Darudere, but he’s not really that lazy anymore, for this reason I’d call him a Kuudere.
Reiji- Kuudere, I guess?
Subaru- Tsundere (obviously xD)
However, they all have Yandere tendencies at times. Also, I apologize if I got some of them wrong; I'm not particularly good at dere types. 🥲
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kimaisalloren · 10 months
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So I made a Saiki and Mikoto fan child. Saiki Kurai. Her symbol is of Neptune, her name means dreams. Neptune is the planet of dreams, picses represents dreams, in reality she just kind of manifested on accident and now is a manifestation of dreams and nightmares made into reality.
So basically the idea is after school, miko and Kusuo move in together. (This is based off an rp) and like it’s a poly relationship that’s like akechi and Kusuo, then kusuo and mikoto, where it’s semi romantic(more on the others side and Kusuo is just “I will protect you with my life :| you’re annoying tho” but not sexual, and Miko and Akechi are besties. One day this child just, as a toddler, manifests in the living room, and the police and fire department won’t take it. Because she’s from a dream/reality where they had a child.
Very Bellacore to be immune to powers.
I’m like obsessed with her design. Anyways Saiki who’s boring core, Akechi hipster, miko gyaru, so she’s yankii (yankee?)
If Saiki Is tsundere, akechi yandere, mikoto is a hiyakasudere, what Dere would she be? Kuudere? Kamidere?
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neroli-arancia · 7 months
I assigned -dere types to Joker Out because I'm a very bored, closeted weeb:
Bojan - Hiyakasudere
Jan - Kuudere
Nace - Deredere
Kris - Himedere
Jure - Nyandere
Martin - Jendere
Käärijä/Jere - Erodere
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