#Hedwig would also be cool to show other people
waffle-bubbles · 1 year
I hope the LGBTQ+ club at my school will have a movie night so I can force them to watch either Falsettos or Maurice
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astagsart · 7 months
Gutenberg Recap
Okok so the pianist starts the show w an announcement it’s very funny, Andrew and Josh come out and start explaining the show, there’s a lot of funny physical bits involving stage crossing and kicks and an inhaler, and also repeated jokes like thatched roofs and stuff
Andrew and Josh interacted with the audience a lot, there was a lot of looking at specific people for approval which was super cool bc Andrew and I nodded at each other and I gave him a thumbs up and Josh waved at a lady whilst laying down after an inhaler bit too
There were a couple breaks where smth would make Josh laugh and Josh would make Andrew laugh, examples:
Andrew was getting some water upstage and Josh was downstage doing some lines and someone yelled ‘yes!’ to which he wagged a finger and said ‘no”, which people laughed and one man towards the back coughed and Josh stopped his monologue and asked ‘you okay there?’ and people laughed, and he started to laugh and it just became a mess bc Andrew came up laughing, and then Josh coughed and said ‘I think I’m catching what he has!” Cue more laughs, then they got back to the scene
There was also a strong choice by Josh where he said a line very strangely and it broke Andrew, “that was an interesting choice” and they did some improv a bit, very funny
Andrew is very flexible and explicit in the show, especially as Gutenberg. Lots of body rolls at a wine press, high kicks, and 3/4 of a split very very close to me which was honestly impressive
Josh was killing it with random kicks, hand movements, and gyrations
Bud and Doug both work at a nursing home, and have some interesting backstory tidbits through the show, and there were a couple moments that made me think: yeah, tony nominations
Both had some really stunning vocal performances including andrews beautiful tenor belt, Josh’s falsetto, and lots of accents. British, small children, and German, where andrew sounded like Hedwig
At the end, there’s a little call and response singing bit where they sing we eat dreams and have the audience sing we eat them to and they had the gentlemen and then the ladies do it
Not so humble brag, I was front and center so I had a lot of nods from Andrew and played along best I could so when he said now the ladies, he held a hand out to gesture to me
It was very neat and honestly possibly the best show out there right now, not to mention it’s incredibly funny. I could not stop laughing and was in tears at some points
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autismnation · 1 year
ok so i just watched the movie split. and wow. what a shit show.
like it had a strong start, it seemed pretty interesting. im very glad 2/3 girls werent idiots and actually did what they could to escape. but the other one casey (idk if thats how u spell her name but im spelling it like that) was SO ANNOYING. idk it was probably her trauma or something but why did she literally not do anything??? she was all like “oh its not gonna work” and then as soon as she was on her own she got her ass in gear. what a team player 🙄 /sarc
speaking of her trauma, what even was it? i think she was raped or sexually assaulted by her uncle and then had to live with him after her father died, and she started self harming, i think. i understand that through the flashbacks but what were the other flashbacks even about? i know it was about hunting but considering the fact she didn’t even use the advice her father gave her, what was the point? like you really don’t need to show her love for her father because it’s a fucking given. maybe to show how innocent she was? idk still a given fact. like every child is innocent, most children love their dads. unless you specifically show her dad being an asshole, we’re gonna know she loves him.
on one hand, (i might be reading too deep) but it is very interesting to read this in an abused/abuser way. like the beast in kevin’s body is the abuser and hedwig, patricia and dennis are the abused and cling to the abuser because it makes them feel protected, even though the beast/abuser is doing harm (by fucking eating people). and then ofc casey, despite doing everything to survive when she was kidnapped and also running away from home, still ends up with her abuser (rapist uncle). that’s a cool thing to think about. i wish they went down that road instead of ‘ahhhh people with DID are big scary beasts!!!!’
and also i knew that this movie would not be respectful in any way possible. i didnt even want to watch the movie because i knew it would portray people with DID as monsters (crazy how i was right! /sarc) but my dad forced me to watch it lol. and like not only is it so disrespectful and contributes to the stigma around DID, it was so…lazy. like i thought it would be interesting to have the alters inside kevin fight or whatever (like some alters send the emails) and then at the end, the girls escape and kevin gets help. which i know is too hopeful of an ending. but it’s way better in my opinion from having some weird ass beast. why was it strangely catholic? its like the writers didnt know how to end it and just were like hmmm ok supernatural beast it is. and i spoke to my dad about this and he agreed that the beast thing was too predictable because they spoke about the beast too much. and what even was the beast. it was just the same guy but had like black contacts and prominent veins and blood from his teeth. not scary. i had to try hard not to laugh at some scenes because they were just so ridiculous…
also what was that weird thing where they mentioned dennis was a pedo then just…didnt bring it up again. dont get me wrong i do NOT want a movie about a pedo kidnapper, but this whole movie seems like a mess so i had to comment on how strange this is. like theres a few more details that are just mentioned then left and ignored but this is the one that irks me the most. oh, also the beast only left casey around bc it saw her self harm scars. what if she didn’t have any scars ?? big plot hole or the beast is just supposed to be dumb or something? like its all like “oh yeah everyone has to suffer to be ‘pure’ but if it doesn’t leave scars ur not valid and ill eat u 🤬🤬”
idk weird movie. only good part was hedwig because he’s funny and i feel bad for him. everyone’s acting was super good too. overall i would give it a wtf/10. jk like a 4/10, maybe a 5. also i hope its not just me who thinks this movie is crap. it had potential and it was thrown away.
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swingxilly · 1 year
15Qs / 15 Mutuals
Was tagged by my lovely friend @euryalex thank you!
I tag @sapphicmadameumbralis @esewarai @theannoyingknowitall @hedwigs-art @bibaleen @feymaids @lvl1-cleric
1. Are you named after anyone?
I asked my mom and she listed a lot of things
The book by Roald Dahl, the waltzing Matilda song by Tom Waits, and another by Harry Belafonte. (THERE ARE TOO MANY SONGS WITH MY NAME, ITS IRRITATING) Also some queen apparently
2. When was the last time you cried?
Last weekend xndnnd was on a phone call with a friend and she asked me how I was doing
3. Do you have kids?
No, and I dont want any.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Hm, I dont think so. Here and there, but not a LOT. At least not that Im aware of
5. Whats the first thing you notice about people?
I have no idea! Never paid attention to it. Im too nervous for that
6. Whats your eye colour?
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings! I dont like scary movies and avoid them. Im also the kind of person who appreciates happy endings even if others think theyre cheap
8. Any special talents?
Not really, but I often guess the time right when somebody asks!
9. Where were you born?
10. What are your hobbies?
Video games, watching shows (at this point I probably should stop listing drawing and reading bc I really dont do those that often djdhd)
Although I could count music and dancing! And singing if I wasnt paranoid about my neighbours hearing me
11. Have you any pets?
No! And not planning to get any!
12. What sports do you play/have you played?
None! I used to be in some sports club tho, years ago. Idk was it gymnastics? Sth like that
13. How tall are you?
5'5, 167cm
14. Favourite subject in school?
Hm, towards the end I was good in English. German was nice too. Art of course. Our religion teacher was cool, so that was also kind of fun
15. Dream job?
Staying at home :p I really wish I had more time.
To actually answer the question, I dont have one. I work at the library tho. I think working at a public library would be more fun, but I dont wanna organize events and do public speaking. 😭 My university library is big enough that not everyone has to do that. But idk if its a FUN job. In summer Ill finish my training, well see if the position I get after that will be too boring. I hope not! Its not terribly stressful at least
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s1utspeare · 1 year
What productions has your theatre company done recently? Do you have pictures?
I sure do!
So the production I was most heavily involved in (so far) was a show called The Kornilov Affair, which was a two-act comedy written, rehearsed, and performed in under two months at the beginning of 2022. It was kind of one of the most insane but also rewarding shows I've ever been a part of. I wrote the book and lyrics and helped to compose the songs, as well as performed in the ensemble (that's me in the back left)!
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If you're interested in reading the play, it's available on New Play Exchange!
More recently, we did a production of Hedwig and the Angry Inch, which was super fun and very cool!
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We're a tiny theatre company, but we have our own space, which means that we do a lot of things other than theatre in order to be able to keep the doors open. I really like it because anyone can come in and use our space for a performance, so we've done comedy, music, play readings, benefit events, and so much more! Our primary education program at the moment is improv, but we're planning on expanding into playwriting, intimacy coordination, and potentially burlesque and drag classes.
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(This was from a production of the wish, which is a play about abortion rights, that we did in November to raise money for our local abortion access funds)
I'm especially excited for the beginning of 2023, because we'll be devising another show, and this one's going to be a full musical! I'm heading up the writing again. We're also putting on a production of The Fantasticks in February and have a lot more in store for the rest of the year!
I think our theatre stands out from other theatre companies because of our openness. If someone wants to do something, we'll provide as much space and support as we can to make it happen. We are also dedicated to paying our artists for every performance, which is where most of our financial need comes from. As of now, we're only able to provide payment after performances by taking out a percentage of ticket sales, but we would love to be able to pay people before they start the work so that they are able to have something to support themselves with while they make art.
Basically, it's a really special little place with a lot of new and original art coming out of it! If anyone is in the Iowa Corridor, please come on down and check us out!
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uncloseted · 1 month
How can I start exploring my sexuality once I get out of a relationship with a man (I’m a woman btw)
I’ve always identified as bisexual and I look straight for the most part (I dress pretty feminine and nothing about me really screams gay). However, lately I’ve had suspicions that maybe I don’t really like men, but I want to gain some experience with women later once my boyfriend and I break up (that’s a whole other thing. we’re only together rn bc we’re in a lease). Anyway, how can I start looking / acting more gay? Where do I find other gay girls?? I’ve never even done anything to a girl sexually (they’ve done things to me but yeah). Please help
I think the best thing you can do is start spending time in queer spaces, either online or in person. How you do this will depend a bit on how old you are and where in the world you're located. If you have an LGBT+ center near you, that could be a good place to start. A lot of towns and cities have LGBT+ meetup groups or queer events that are open to everyone. A lot of campuses, both high school and college/university, will have LGBT+ organizations of some sort, so if you're in school, that's a great way to meet people. If the nearest city to you has a Pride parade, that's a great way to find out which organizations are active in your area and to meet some cool people. If your town/city has a regular midnight showing of Rocky Horror Picture Show or Hedwig and the Angry Inch, that's typically a great place to meet other queer people. You could get involved with LGBT+ volunteer organizations or outreach groups. If you happen to live near a lesbian bar (and are of legal drinking age), that's a perfect way to meet queer women, but they're few and far between these days. Basically, the more queer people you know, the more friendships you'll build organically, and the more likely it is that you'll find someone you might be interested in spending time with romantically or sexually. Having queer friends also makes it more likely that someone will introduce you to a person they think you'll like.
I wouldn't worry too much about "looking gay" or "acting gay". I know it can be tempting to try and signal to other people that you fit into their community, but in my view, coming out is a process of self-acceptance. And so I think that if you're trying to change yourself to seem gayer, that's kind of counterproductive to the goal of coming out, which is to live as authentically as you can. That's not to say that you shouldn't, like, buy a pair of Doc Martens or shave your head, but more just to say that your queerness is valid regardless of how you present yourself, and you don't need to fit yourself into a box of what a lesbian "looks like" or "acts like" in order to be accepted. When you're in community with people who share your same interests and experiences, they'll accept you as yourself, no changes needed.
If you are interested in jumping into dating right away, dating apps are probably the way to go. There's an app called Her that's specifically focused on WLW relationships, and I know some people who have had luck on Bumble and Hinge as well. There are some good guides to dating as a newly-out lesbian here, here, and here that I would check out. I think with apps, the most important thing is to be open and honest about where you are in your journey and what you're looking for. I think too often, people try to be as widely palatable as possible on dating apps, and then they end up being disappointed when what they want doesn't align with what the other person wants. If you're specific, you'll find someone who's on the same page as you, and it's less likely that you'll have a bad experience.
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Initial Doctorate Whomst've episode thoughts
I liked it. That's probably the most important part.
But just like previous episode, it just didn't feel like a 60th anniversary at all. Like... where was the anniversary part of this anniversary? The person I watched it with pointed out that The Power of the Doctor was more a celebration of the show's history than these 3 episodes.
Neil Patrick Harris killed it and it was fun to be reminded of the fact he can do magic tricks. The Toymaker's vibe was so good and I was legit at the edge of my seat during the cold open and the maze part.
Also his German accent made me miss his Hedwig a lot.
And the Spice Girls segment was so amazing.
I know that 14 was going through his sad boi era, but I found the moment where he embraced his title as president of the world very disturbing.
I hope we'll see more of Shirley Ann.
Honestly, I have Mixed Thoughts on the bigeneration thing. On one hand, it's fucking cool and I like the idea of 14 becoming part of the Noble family. On the other hand... what? What are the implications of this? Also, 14 is, unlike TenToo, still a Time Lord so he's still "immortal". And what if 14 gets shot or something? Will there be another 15? ALSO the whole point of regeneration is that's about moving on. Just... why does David Tennant get the special treatment again?
As in, it would've made more sense to me if 14 would become some hybrid again, with 15 taking all the Time Lord stuff. You know. TenThree.
I did love all the scenes with 14 and 15 together.
And I like the idea of 14 also checking in on other companions who are in the 21st century, like Martha, Bill (after she comes back to Earth, see side-canon), Yaz, Graham, Ryan and Dan.
Not gonna lie, I won't be surprised if RTD cashes in on this with another spin-off. I accept.
The addition of Mel was... bland. Like, it added nothing. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy she was there, but she was so forgettable in the grand scheme of things. It wasn't like the return of Sarah Jane, or Ace, or Tegan. Or Jo in SJA.
I did think it was kind of sad the Toymaker skipped over 13's companions, but also, they're all fine. What was it supposed to be? "Ryan? Went home. *snip* Graham? Went home. *snip*. Dan? Went home. *snip* Yaz? Brought back home. *snip*. Oh."?
Also, yeah, only these companions + Donna and Mel? There were so many people who mattered to them. I was surprised they didn't even mention all NewWho companions.
Aaaaand... The Master will return. That's fine. I kind of hope Sacha Dhawan stays on, to bridge the story. Classic Doctors shared Masters, so can NuWho Doctors.
But yeah, I am just only really saddened by the fact that no other Doctors were even shown. Like, I would be so fine with another bad cgi overview of all of them, like in the 50th, or the usage of archival footage, like in the 50th.
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cosettepontmercys · 9 months
Hi! I hope everything is okay and you have started to feel better! That really sucks you had to cancel all your weekend plans though. Hopefully you feel better soon!!!
But ya I really like the ice cream back cover and I like some of the pics from the cd that I've seen. Some of those could maybe be better cover choices though. My sister pointed out that why was she wearing the same shirt from the sunrise cover on the back of the pink cover too..like the outfits don't match and I'm sorry..but it bothers me now! Other than that, yes I'm excited! I will admit that 1989 is not one of my fav albums. Sometimes the songs just blend together and one of the eras I felt kinda disconnected to her at the time and my old friends always hated her. I never stopped loving her but she kinda became like the popular girl and I couldn't relate to that even though I was also hanging out with my friends a lot during that time..but by reputation I was fully back in and also by that time all my friends had left me lol..so weirdly it did kinda like up with my life actually..which is why I'll forever love Taylor haha. Thats so cute..I think I found the Teardrops MV on someone's Myspace actually lol! I knew Our Song and maybe some of her other videos but never actually owned the Debut album. Fun.fact..i had the biggest crush on a boy named Drew in high school too..so I really relate to the song and gives me memories of high school. Ooh I connected Is it over Now? To her fame and career actually similar to the Lucky One or Nothing New but I didn't think of the slut connection! But I also saw a lot of people say is it over Now is probably a relationship..and as a closer, maybe it's actually pretty similar to Clean and that's my favorite song on the album so I'm kinda excited for that one now too. Also..I have never been out of the country so I think it's so cool that you came here from Hong Kong! I can't imagine what that would be like.
My favorite show was probably Wicked..cuz that was the first show I ever saw..and I had a lot of excitement for it. I didn't know the whole story and seeing the costumes and sets was also cool. Rent was another favorite, which I think I told you. I also got to see Darren Criss in Hedwig as the second show I saw. I liked Into the Woods cuz I got to see Gavin Creel and Stephanie J Block and her husband. I saw CATS and Lucky enough to be 2nd row and see the makeup and costumes up close and it was my 1st show back since the pandemic..so it made me really excited. I got to see HP and the Cursed Child and I never saw a play before but it wouldn't be my fav cuz it didn't have any songs..but still liked some music. Hadestown was cool cuz it's all singing and the effects and i wasn't as familiar with it either. It would be so cool to see that show without knowing anything about it beforehand.. Dear Evan Hansen is one of my fav shows as well and that was the last show I saw. But i never got to see Waitress or Hamilton and those would have been favorites probably. I'm still hoping for Les Mis next month too. What about you? How many shows have you seen overall or estimated?
Ya it didn't feel like that much..obviously they added the two songs and maybe a few 5 minute scenes..idk. I am excited to watch Theater Camp later tonight. How was it? I hope it's good and that you liked it! For the books, it was a book called the Unfortunate side effects of Heartbreak and Magic..I just read the synopsis but it was a book about witches so that's why I considered it. The other one was called Running Past Dark and it was kinda a mystery and what happened to her twin sister. I read a snippet of it but was unsure cuz I think both of these books just came out too so idk. But that one seemed kinda similar to another book called Whistleblower that's on my list..I think I picked it for orange cover. It's just a maybe at this point though. I hope you're taking this time to relax and feel better!!!
thank you!! 🤍 i am still not feeling super great, so i might have to go back to the doctor's this week :( apologies in advance for 1) how late this reply is + 2) if i missed anything !! 🤍
i think the ice cream cover is so so cute! i just love how happy she looks in these photos :") and i didn't notice that until you/your sister pointed that out! i love 1989, but i connect more to some of her other albums/gravitate towards them more! the album i reach for the least is definitely reputation, but i also still like it a lot. i'm very curious to see how rep tv will sound, since it's the most recent one. and i sometimes find myself wondering how her 5th album would've sounded — or how different her career would be today — if she had won for red!! i was never on myspace, but i remember seeing things about taylor's myspace!! my first social media was facebook, and i was definitely far too young to have a facebook account haha. i feel like whenever my friends and i theorize about vault tracks and how they'll sound, we're wildly off, so it'll be interesting to see what we get!!
wicked is SO fun live!!! the costumes and the set and choreo is just so good, it's just a show and i hope the movie will be similarly impressive. i don't know if i told you that i've never seen rent — i was supposed to see the ... 20th anniversary tour a few years ago when they were in seattle but also had bronchitis back then (funnily enough, wicked was also here that summer and i also had to miss seeing wicked that time around). i'm so so jealous you saw gavin creel, SJB and seb arcelus in into the woods — i wanted to see into the woods so badly </3 i've been very lucky to see a lot of shows but i've also seen a lot of things repeatedly so my number is pretty high! i think my favorite show i've ever seen live is either: hadestown, newsies (first show on broadway, very sentimental to me), marie dancing still, waitress, or come from away but i think i also have a lot of very fond memories associated with specific shows/performances — like i met one of my best friends at oklahoma!
i really enjoyed theatre camp! it was like, everything i love and hate about theatre people and i will admit that i cried a bit at the end!!! but i do cry at everything! i love molly gordon <3333 and noah galvin is very, very talented. did you like it? what did you think of it? and ooh! you'll have to let me know how those books are! i haven't been reading much lately but i have been watching some tv!! i finally watched season 2 of heartstopper, and then finished watching why didn't they ask evans? (i watched the first ep and then never finished but finished last night)! i'm almost done with my audiobook though, and then hopefully i'll feel up to reading something soooonish.
hope you're doing well and having a good monday! 🤍
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yououghtaknow · 3 years
NEW CLIP: “A Theatrical Hermit Crab”
#skam brighton#hello bestie here's another late morning clip because i slept in <3#i do love the Vibes of this clip it's very aesthteically pleasing in my mind's eyes#also the title is a reference to a line from hedwig because i found a super high quality boot of it last night <3#me [holding hands] hedwig [holding hands] al - being failboys and failgirls and just wanting to vibe in gender without being seen as lesser#everything! is! about! me!#i've also been considering going by two names instead of one...... but i'm incredibly nervous to idk why#and i am really preferring ae/aer pronouns lately. i do like he/they/xey as well they're very fun but. yeah.#i just have too much gender in my me. that is simply it.#i know what other name i would want to go by but the trouble is that it's a family name and i'm terrified of getting doxxed or something#but i do go by two names and many different pronouns in my head. and when i meet people again irl i might mention it#gender is something fun to play with. i know that in my head. but i also just desperately do not want to be seen as Girl.#because a lot of people have started to see being nonbinary as Girl Lite and i fucking hate it#like i'm not a boy i'm not a girl i'm every gender under the sun at once. i'm a tree. i'm a flower. you don't know me.#also my gender is my nonbinary lesbian romeo from my musical i'm writing..... they mean so much to me they're so cool#they play guitar and write love songs and make bad jokes and hate their parents!!! and they skip school they're a Bad Boy!!!!#yes it's set during the 90s yes two of the main characters are nonbinary in the text. fuck you it's my show.#the other canonically nonbinary character is my mercutio <3#they're an immigrant to ireland who isn't catholic or protestant and just wants to have a good time with their friends#they're gay. they have no gender. they're theatrical. they tell old irish folk stories because they think the culture is cool.#i love being a writer of musical theatre and just creating trans roles wherever humanly possible#every role i write is trans unless specifically stated otherwise.#every person is trans unless their cis-ness is relevant to the plot. and even then it's on thin ice.#anyways. sorry. clip.
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klaineownsmysoul · 3 years
i saw your june 1st post and im just gonna ask.. do you even like darren as your bio states?
Since I have no idea what specific post you are referring to, I am going to answer with a general yes. Yes, I do. I adore him. HIM. The goofy swears like a sailor sex on a stick and sings like a dream brimming with intelligence and overflowing with talent fanboy who loves music and Broadway and Star Wars and his parents. The guy who appreciates his fans and once stood outside after Hedwig in the pouring rain to happily sign "soggy Playbills." The guy who made that heartfelt Instagram post a few months back talking about violence against Asian Americans. Having said all that: just because I support him and want all the good things for him doesn't mean that I have to unilaterally like all the things he says and does. He's a person with faults just like all of us are. If he says or does something that I personally don't agree with, I am under no obligation to support it. My fandom is not unconditional and I am allowed to be critical of things within reason. You don't want to live at either end of the fandom spectrum: blindly supporting every word said and treating it as gospel or flying off the deep end over the tiniest of things as you spend all your time posting nothing but negative comments and judging others who choose to remain a fan. This isn't a hate blog. If I didn't like him, I wouldn't care what he does or who he does it with. I would have washed my hands of him after glee ended and moved on. I wouldn't buy his music or have gone to see him in Hedwig and on the LMDC tour. I wouldn't have been over the moon excited for ACS and then sat here and dissected his amazing performance each and every week and been thrilled and so proud when he deservedly won all the awards for it.
What I don't like is the circus that surrounds him. You mention June 1 so I assume that the post you're speaking of has something to do with Pride? I feel like we have this same conversation every June. His supporting Pride and going to Pride events is not the issue. No one's annoyed that he's showing support for the LGBTQ community. Its the way its done that leaves a lot to be desired. For 5 seasons, he played one half of one of the most ground breaking, influential, and beloved tv couples ever to exist. A couple that just happened to be 2 boys. And as long as glee is airing somewhere on some platform, people will be reminded of them or discover them for the first time. He will always be connected to Klaine and that's not a bad thing or something to hide or be ashamed of. We know Blaine is a fictional character, no one needs clarification on that. What we also don't need are the constant reminders that while Blaine is gay, D is straight. Like super super duper straight, as his press has endlessly reminded us for the past couple of years. What annoys people - myself included - is that it looks like his support of Pride is conditional upon that straight image pushed forward with either an appearance in person of the wifey or a tactile reminder of her overbearing presence in his life. It looks awful and sends a terrible message: its ok for him to drape himself in rainbows at a Pride event and been seen as an ally as long as his lovely lady of many moon is right there next to him to reinforce his straightness. Because that is more important than anything else. Like that workout video from last June: there she was next to him all decked out in her rainbow warrior finest as heaven forbid he promote something without her. And you'll see plenty of people who called him out on it in the comments because it looks like he's cool with making money off of a community he says he's not a part of but still wants to dip his toe into as long as his ball and chain can be there. Who is a woman in case you didn't know.
Authentic D is eminently likable and that's who I stay for. I have oodles of posts where I wax poetically over him and all his many qualities. I tolerate all the rest of the bullshit but that doesn't mean I have to stay silent when it ticks me off.
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mediocre--writing · 4 years
Safe With You (Headcannon)
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Harry Potter X Ravenclaw!Werewolf!Reader
(also like kinda Harry’s family X Reader lol)
Summary: You and Harry met in your first year and when he invites you home for the summer, what will his family say about your blooming relationship?
Word Count: 3318
i wholeheartedly believe that harry potter would have been an awkward, gangly boy regardless if he grew up with the dursleys or not
so in this, harry gets to grow up relatively normal
except peter’s gone because nobody likes him
but when harry gets to go to hogwarts after he turns 11, he’s a little bit more confident but i still think he would be a little shy and anxious
he would still be friends with ron on the train ride there
he would get to know hermione well, too
and he would get to know you as well
he first sees you at the sorting ceremony, when you were put into ravenclaw, which really isn’t the reason harry becomes interested in you
the reason he becomes interested in you is because you have large scars on your neck and face and, from what he can see, your hands, too
he’s only ever seen scars like that on one other person
his uncle moony
and of course he knows about moony’s furry little problem and he’s heard the stories of what his dad and uncle did to help him
and so the next day, when you have your first class together, he comes up to you with no intention to let you go without a friend
and from that first day on, you're both inseparable
of course around second year, you tell harry your secret because you disappear every month and come back beaten and bruised with more scars than before
and he tells you about his uncle moony, and how his dad became an animagus 
“but you can’t tell anyone because nobody’s really supposed to know about his furry little problem”
but you feel so touched because he knew the whole time and never felt in danger around you
and of course you’re close with ron and hermione too 
because like of course you would be
ron makes sure that you get a weasley sweater every christmas because nobody should ever go without one
hermione does research on all she can to help you, along with making her own wolfsbane when you reach 4th year because she’s upped her potions skills
i also feel like mcgonagall, even though she’s not your head of house, would totally hang out with you in her cat form on full moons 
or at least watch over you
harry talks about his family to you and vise versa
he writes about you a lot in his letters to home
james and lily feel like they know you already and remus is proud of harry for taking initiative for making you feel safe
you also tag along with the trio to all their wonderful adventures
you're not the greatest witch, despite being in ravenclaw
you show people that stereotypes aren’t always true
because not all ravenclaws are smart in class
you can always figure out the riddles to get inside the dorm
and you have the most sarcastic humor and can always get your friends to laugh
and most ravenclaw’s brains are always running so fast that they often forget homework, classes, and can often be seen scribbling down final paragraphs to essays they forgot to do the night before
you also daydream a lot
like a lotttttttt
you, ron, and hermione are invited to the potter/black/lupin household somewhere around 6th year
and yes the boys all live together because with the combined riches of james and sirius they bought a house with like ten bedrooms and decided that it would be easier when they began raising harry and also taking care of moony on full moon nights and the days prior/after 
all in all it would just be easier
back on topic
you, ron, and hermione spend the last month of summer break at the unrealistically large house that you never would have guessed harry potter lived in
because the boy wears the same three shirts every week so how was his house so big because you look homeless, harry!!!
but the three of you come to harry’s house at separate times
hermione arrives first because she’s punctual like that
ron’s next because his mom was on his tail about leaving at the right time
you arrive last because the full moon was the night before and you were asleep for most of the day
you only wake up because of hedwig pecking gently at your arm with a note from harry asking where you were
and you quickly pack a bag and get yourself presentable, but the new cut that has yet to scab over on your cheek is kinda sticking out and just…
you floo over soon after 
and you land in their fireplace in the living room
a really large living room that has like three couches and everyone’s there
ron and hermione are next to each other but they’re also ignoring one another???
ahhh the wondrous world of denying your feelings 
james is talking to ron
lily is eagerly talking to hermione about the new curriculum and how nice it is to finally be able to apparate and that she’ll find it easy when she learns
sirius chimes in a time or two
remus is dozing next to lily, who’s rubbing his back comfortingly
there’s an instant sense of warmth that just kinda envelops the room 
it puts you at ease 
they all turn to the intrusion in their fireplace and you smile a bit awkwardly
harry is the first to stand up and greet you
with a hug
a big hug
that lasts a little too long
you kind of collapse in his arms
james and lily share a little look
and they know that harry’s in love with this girl
as if they didn’t know that from the obscene amount of times he’s mentioned your name
james and sirius stand up next 
james hugs you tighter than molly weasley and you wince
because he’s totally the momma bear
sirius lightly hugs your shoulders because harry’s more than mentioned your condition and based on remus’ snoring on the couch, he knows that you would be just as equally tired and sore
hermione and ron smile at you and wave because you all have been talking all summer and you’ve gotten with hermione a few times already
you sit on the other side of lily, who gives you a sweet hug as to not jostle remus, who’s leaning on her shoulder asleep
you all fall into easy, quiet, conversation
you scratch a bit at the new scar on your face out of anxious habit
lily leans towards you while sirius is talking about the motorcycle he had while he was in hogwarts, and the one he has now
“honey, your cheek is bleeding a little bit, if you ask harry he can show you where the bandages are,”
even though she’s pointing out that there’s blood dripping down your face, you feel loved and wanted and welcome
so lily catches harry’s attention and he walks you into the bathroom where they keep bandages and alcohol to clean the cut
it’s a bit of an awkward walk down the hall there but once you’re in the bathroom, you sit on the closed toilet and harry grabs the alcohol and a cotton ball and leans down to your face
you look into each other’s eyes because he’s holding your chin to angle your cheek towards him
“was it bad last night?”
“it’s never good”
“that was a bad attempt at a joke, sorry. it wasn’t really any worse than usual, ya know?”
“i get it.”
“so what have you been doing over summer?”
you don’t really know how to answer that
you don’t have any siblings and your parents are both busy most of the time so you just chill at home
“i watched movies and read a few books that i hadn’t gotten to before, i don’t know i didn't do much, really.”
“yeah we haven’t done much this summer. we spent the last like week cleaning because you guys were coming over”
*awkward chuckles*
harry put the bandage on your cheek and you both walked back to the living room talking quietly to one another
remus was awake now
he was still leaning on lily but his eyes were open
“hi, professor, how are you doing?”
“i imagine about as well as you are, y/n”
you and remus had gotten close during your third year because of your condition and you would spend time together in the infirmary 
he shared his chocolate with you often
which harry mentioned was a pretty high praise from him
he let you slip in class during days around the full moon because he was slacking too
you also had similar senses of humor and talking points
so you were already comfortable around him
sirius kinda intimidated you just because he had a very confident aura around him that kinda reminded you of the slytherins who would tease you for your scars in first and second year
but you kinda eased up around him as everyone got more comfortable
the adult’s friendship reminded you of your friendship
lily and hermione were both like nagging mothers with a little dark side
ron and sirius were both kinda overshadowed in their youth and found shelter in their friends
obviously james and harry are like the same person through and through
you and remus have a very similar personality 
as well as the whole wolf thing, ya know
and seeing the marauders and lily last so long gave you hope that your friends would stick around for you as well
everything was free and easy until dinner
everyone sat around a large table eating take out chinese food because nobody could be bothered to actually cook tonight
james and sirius were directly across from you 
and they both knew about harry’s not-so-secret crush and they were beginning to think that you shared at least some of those feelings
“so what do your parents do?”
“my mom works at a car shop, she’s a mechanic, and my dad works at gringotts,”
“so your dad’s a wizard and your mom--”
“yeah she’s really cool though. sometimes she brings home projects or brings me with her and we work on cars together. i’m still trying to convince her to let me buy a used bike and fix it up but she thinks it's too dangerous,”
sirius fell in love, you were immediately accepted into his heart
you were friends with harry, had a good connection with remus already, and you wanted a motorcycle???
james was still iffy about you, just because he was protective of harry, but he saw how kind and sweet and real you were
“what do you plan on doing once you leave hogwarts?”
**que alarm bells ringing in your head
“i’m not really sure, i don’t really know who would hire me in the first place but i was pretty close with fred and george, who just opened their joke shop down in diagon alley, and they were thinking about opening one in hogsmeade during the school year and said they may consider me to manage it if i wanted since i helped design some of their products,”
the boys were kinda (superduper) impressed by that because harry wasn’t really involved with pranks, and now they finally had somebody to talk to about them
then they moved on to nagging hermione because they were already close with the weasleys and knew all about ron
and his budding feelings for hermione
the first week or so was a little strange, just getting used to the way things worked around the house, but everyone was comfortable after that
harry and ron shared a room and you and hermione were together
james had made sure that the boys and girls stayed separated at night and the invisibility cloak was in his possession
oh he saw the sparks between you and harry and the blooming relationship happening with ron and hermione
lily tried to convince him that nothing bad was going to happen and let you guys have a bit more freedom
but like i said before
james is mama bear
as the weeks go by you and harry get closer 
and more comfortable
and you sit closer to one another on the couch 
and at dinner
and when you play quidditch in the backyard, you always playfully tease one another with little glances back and forth
and when you go to the lake behind their house you jokingly tackle one another into the water and dance around
as the days go by, the month comes to an end and starts again, which leads to another full moon
the week before you start to slow down and become more out of it
the last two days before, you start to gain lots of energy, whether it be from nerves or just your body knowing that it’s going to be in pain later that causes it to give you more energy before
none of this bothers harry because remus goes through the same thing and he’s kinda used to it
when you slow down, he slows with you, continues to alter what you’re doing to accommodate your energy level
when you become more hyper, he matches your energy, which usually includes giggles, tickle fights, and more competitive quidditch matches
he also makes sure you take your wolfsbane the week before
“ughhhh ok dad!”
“stop calling me that! i’m being fucking nice!”
the night of everyone eats an early dinner because you, remus, james, and sirius have to go to the little shed in the backyard that’s not really too tiny, but it’s smaller than the shrieking shack
james and sirius try to ease the tension with lighthearted comments, but you feel more tense than usual because you’ve never done this with anyone before
besides remus in your third year and mcgonagall occasionally popping in during your first year at hogwarts
when the transition began, james and sirius transformed into padfoot and prongs
remus’ transition was quicker than yours, something to do with age and his body being used to the transformation after so many years
yours took longer
and even though you took the wolfsbane, it was still extremely painful and took almost 20 minutes to finally transform
james and sirius had flashbacks to their first time with remus and how painful it looked
and they had a whole other respect for how lively and extroverted you were because even when he was your age, remus was always so mellow and quiet
but they hang out with you and remus for the night, distracting you both from whatever discomfort you may have been in 
eventually the sun came up and you and remus transformed back into yourselves
but james and sirius made sure they pushed you into another little room so when you transformed back you wouldn’t be exposed to them
you found a robe on the back of that door that you slipped on before you collapsed on the floor from exhaustion
sirius walked remus’ limping body back to the house while james came to check on you
he knocked on the door and when he didn’t hear anything he slid the door open slowly, seeing you against the wall, on the floor, in the robe they left you
your hair was tousled from the transformation and you were still breathing heavy, even in your sleep
james gently picked you up off the ground bridal style and walked you out of the shack slowly, and when he got to the front door, he saw harry anxiously wringing his hands together 
a small smile spread across james’ face as he saw his son being so completely whipped for you
harry let out an audible sigh of relief when he saw you with his dad
“she’s ok right?”
“did you notice any new scrapes or cuts?”
“was it a rough night?”
etc, etc, etc,
they made it into the house where lupin was laying on one of the couches and lily was looking over his body, making sure that he didn’t have any severe injuries
james laid your body on another couch, hermione coming to sit by your feet on the end of the couch 
harry sat on the floor right by your head, stroking your forehead and hair and staring at you with the sweetest worried expression
it was sweet
once lily finished looking over remus and he went to his room, she came over to you
“do you know if  she usually sleeps this much afterwards?”
“yeah, she usually sleeps through the day, but she’ll probably wake up between lunch and dinner then fall asleep after eating or drinking something.”
harry responded without even looking up at his mom
lily had a sweet smile on her face at her sons’ obvious affection with you
she still checked over your body for any serious cuts that wouldn’t heal themselves within the next day or two
harry made sure you were comfortable on the couch
he stuffed a pillow under your head and draped a fuzzy blanket over you 
and he sat on the floor in front of you for the whole day
he would occasionally talk to ron or hermione or whoever walked in
but he didn’t move unless he had to use the bathroom
you woke up around 3pm
and harry had his head resting on his arm, which was resting the couch
you lifted your arm and stroked his arm from his elbow down to his hand back and forth
he looked up at you quickly and you gave him a gentle smile
he smiled back
“how’re you feeling, want coffee?”
and that was in his softest, little, tired voice
of course you nodded to the promise of a hot cup of coffee
because after transformations you always felt extra cold and had to cover yourself in blankets and consume hot drinks to feel like you’re at a normal temperature 
when harry returned with your coffee you were sat up on the couch, the blanket resting over your lap
he took a seat next to you and handed you the mug
you smiled at him and rested your head on his shoulder as you rested against the back of the couch
you took small sips from your mug as you relaxed and tried to ignore any lingering pain in your body
“your shoulders hurt?”
you smiled lightly because you always complained how bad your shoulders hurt after full moons and he always asked the question with an affectionate, teasing smile
“only all the time,”
“hold on”
harry moved himself to be laying down against the pillow that you were using before, then gently pulling you down to lay between his legs, your back to his chest
he rubbed over your shoulders lightly as you closed your eyes and took the occasional sip from your mug
it only took a few minutes for the both of you to fall into a light sleep, your grip loosening on your mug, but not enough to drop it, and harry’s arms wrapped around your torso
and that’s when lily, james, and sirius walked in
they were going to the kitchen to make dinner, but stopped to check on you
and you can bet that sirius took at least eight pictures
and they were all happy harry found you 
because it never mattered if you dated or not
and it never mattered if they liked you or not
because harry loved you and made you feel safe no matter what
and when sirius and james made a bet for when you would get together, remus got all the money cause he’s good like that
needless to say, you were together by the time you got on the hogwarts express that september
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nlights37 · 4 years
2, and make it soft, bitch!
EXTRA SOFT, just for you, bitch!
2. “Come take a shower with me~”
Jon and Dany, set in the universe of Something Stupid
“Is your brother okay?”
They were standing at the kitchen island, together, watching as Dany’s older brother Rhaegar walked the length and breadth of the living room, proclaiming shortly after entering that he needed to ‘check the aura of the space’ before he would sit and explain what, exactly, he was doing there.
The last she’d heard from her mother, Rhaegar had moved Elia and the kids to some commune in Dorne, where clothing was optional and they grew their own marijuana strains, and judging by Rhaegar’s somewhat haphazard appearance, got high off their own supply.
“I’m so sorry about this,” she replied, nudging closer to Jon’s body and molding herself against his side as he threw an arm over her shoulder.  “I didn’t know he was coming.”
She could feel his laugh as it rose in his chest, a sweet vibration against her own.  “He probably didn’t either.”
Dany snickered.  It was hard to disagree with that.  After his whole emo phase in High School Rhaeger had gone full-tilt free spirit, never in one place for too long, even after he and Elia had gotten married.  Much to her mother’s distaste his current side business allegedly involved playing the lap harp in a Dornish folk band, but much to Dany’s relief, it didn’t appear he’d brought it along.
Her brother stopped, suddenly, standing tall and straight in the middle of the living room and letting out a slow, steady exhale.  “This is good,” he said in a serene voice, then his face split in a broad smile.  “Okay, come and give your brother a hug, D.”
She did, sheepishly, tossing Jon a wry smile as she embraced the brother she hadn’t seen for at least five years.  It was nice to see him again, it really was, but it was also really annoying how he insisted on things like not owning a phone, or calling first before you showed up somewhere.  Normal people things.
She pulled away, grinning up at her brother, a little trepidation racing through her when she noticed the way his attention shifted to Jon, his purple eyes, their family trademark, narrowing slightly.
“So,” Rhaegar called out, a little less friendly.  “You’re the Jon I’ve heard so much about.”
For his part, Jon also looked a bit worried, but he brushed it off quickly, striding forward and extending his hand.  “Aye, that’s me.  Jon Snow.  Nice to finally meet you.”
A scratching at the back door distracted them all, and Jon smiled politely at Dany’s brother before shoving his glasses a bit farther up the bridge of his nose and walking past to let in the pair of dogs from the backyard.  
“Is he Northern?”  Rhaegar came to stand beside her as he watched Jon carefully.  When Dany nodded he pursed his lips thoughtfully, his gaze oddly keen for someone who was, in Dany’s approximation, stoned out of their gourd.  “That’s cool,” he finally said.  “I can dig that.”
Hedwig scampered in first, a yapping bark filling the air as she spied someone she didn’t recognize.  Dany snatched the small dog up, scolding her lightly until she stopped, her eyes straying for the door for the other member of their little doggy duo.
And then Ghost arrived, chased by a cool fall wind that made his white fur sway lightly, and Jon uttered a quiet command for the dog to go and sit as he shut the door tightly.
It was almost embarassing, how well-behaved that dog was, no matter what slander Jon tried to level about what Ghost had done in his puppy days.  As far as Dany was concerned that dog was an enormous shedding angel.
In her arms was a frantic, squirming little devil, and she frowned down at Hedwig, whose tiny paws were scrabbling against Dany’s chest in an effort to free herself, no doubt to continue her tiny reign of terror.
She turned back to Rhaegar, ready to be teased about both her dog’s appearance and temperment by her older brother, only to be brought short at the look of awe on his face.
“Jon, dude,” Rhaegar said, his voice full of reverence, “Is that your dog?”
Jon’s handsome face screwed up in mild confusion, and he checked his eyes to Dany’s quickly before answering.  “Aye,” he said, smiling down at the massive white dog as he scratched a fond hand behind his furred ears.  “His name is Ghost.  He’s friendly, don’t worry.”
Dany didn’t think Rhaegar was a bit concerned about an attack; Instead he was staring at Jon’s dog like it was a God.
“Okay,” he started, running a hand through his shoulder-length silver hair, his voice much warmer than it had been.  “This is gonna sound weird, but,” Dany could see him look at Jon, almost imploring, “Can I talk to your dog, man?”
Jon looked as flabbergasted as she felt, and she searched her mind, desperately, for a way to explain that maybe it wasn’t the time or the place to ‘commune with animal spirits’ or whatever it was her spacy brother was up to now.  Somehow, Jon managed to sound as though this was a perfectly reasonable request, and led Ghost up to where Rhaegar stood.
“Be my guest,” he said, and quickly made his way towards Dany as Rhaegar sat himself on the floor, in the very center of their living room, and gazed at Ghost.
She kept waiting for him to say something, anything, but he just stared into the dog’s eyes, his lips slightly parted, like he was in some sort of trance.  Ghost glanced at them both, as though he found this entirely weird, but eventually decided to be a good sport.  He lay down on his stomach, letting Rhaegar cradle his face and hold his head up, so that the man could still maintain eye contact.
Dany knew her face had to be flushed crimson by now; in a family truly filled to the brim with members that ran the gambit of the embarassment scale, this was definitely up there.  A top ten, for sure, top five if she didn’t count the time Viserys had stolen a bus from one of the local high school and gone on a three hour police chase that had been broadcast on every station in Essos.
She pulled Jon into the kitchen, ready to beg his forgiveness, to ask if maybe he’d like to change his mind about the whole wedding thing now that he was learning that her entire family was certifiably insane.
But when they rounded the corner and could no longer see Rhaeger’s silent, holy commune, Jon finally couldn’t contain his laughter, and he held her close as his shoulders shook, quiet rasping laughter making her relax against him even though she was at least mid-range mortified.
“Your brother is high as hell, Dany,” he gasped into her ear, and she gave in, as well, her eyes beginning to water as she smothered her own laughter into his shoulder.
He really was the best, just everything about him, but especially the way he’d put up with first her mother, and now, well, whatever THIS was.
“Jon,” she whispered, and leaned up to press a kiss just beneath his ear, “come take a shower with me.”
He pulled back, surprised, but she knew she had him from the dark interest that flared in his eyes.  “Now?”  Bless him, trying to sound scandalized, as if she hadn’t fucked him in the supply closet at work three days ago.  “Dany,” he hissed quietly, “Your brother is literally right there.”
Jon clearly wanted her to talk him into it, and she was more than willing to oblige.  “Please,” she said, lower lip sticking out in a pout.  “I’m so dirty, Jon.”  She trailed her lips up the line of his throat, and nipped at his earlobe.  “Am I supposed to wash my own back?”
He made a considering noise, as if there was a single doubt he’d agree, and dropped a hand to her hip, squeezing.  “You have to be quiet.  Hmmm?”
She scoffed quietly, wrapping her arms around his neck, swaying slightly as afternoon light streamed in through the kitchen window, surrounding them.  “Like I’m the loud one.”
“Dany, please.  I’m practically mute compared to you.”
Lowering a hand, she swatted at his ass playfully, and grinned.  “Come and take a shower with me, Jon Snow.”  She leaned in and kissed him, his lips instantly parting for hers, his hand rising to cup her cheek even as the other tugged her by her hip, bringing her in closer.  “You know you want to.”
“Okay, fine,” he said, with false resignation.  “You win.  Happy now?”
She clapped quietly, bobbing on her feet.  “Yes,” she said smugly, and grabbed for his hand, tugging him along behind her as they walked towards the stairs.  “Rhae?”  She stopped, seeing her brother still holding some quiet conversation with Jon’s dog.  “You good?  Jon and I are gonna go freshen up before dinner.”
“Yeah,” Rhaegar said absently.  His eyes flicked to Jon.  “Your dog is so wise, man.”
Jon tucked his face against the back of Dany’s neck, his snort of amusement barely hidden as he shuffled up the steps right behind her.  “That dog used to eat entire rolls of toilet paper.”
Dany gave him a cross look and shoved him into the room that had been his, once, and was now theirs, already reaching for the buttons of his shirt.  “You stop those lies, and take off your clothes.”
There you go, @ashleyfanfic
Extra soft - Charmin soft!
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spaceskam · 4 years
wicked little town
for day 6 of @malexweek : music! song in question is wicked little town from hedwig (special thank you to @celiabowne​ for the song suggestion!) this takes place in my Touch Me universe
“Oh my God, you’re so negative.”
There were few things that said “soulmate” quite like having gifts practically made for each other and Michael loved it.
That being said, it somehow made Alex extremely insecure. Michael could have anyone, Alex could only have him. It made him scared that he would be left and lonely. What he didn’t seem to see, though, was that there was something so goddamn incredible about him and being with him. Every simple touch made his heart race‒literally. And that was just the physical part of it. Alex was smart and sweet and they genuinely meshed well together.
That wasn’t the only thing that messed with Alex’s head, though, and Michael knew it. He knew his existence didn’t magically cure years of being ostracized. It didn’t fix parents creating petitions to get him thrown out of school or his name being added to a national list of people who are deadly with his address publicized so that people could avoid him like a plague. He was treated like he wasn’t human. That meant Michael did his damnedest to remind him that he was.
“I’m not negative,” Alex insisted, pouting like he always did, “I just don’t think we should go to a drive-in.”
“Alex, baby, darling, sweetheart, my love,” Michael said, ignoring the way he rolled his eyes. Michael placed himself firmly in Alex’s lap, squeezing his cheeks between his hands. Alex smiled like he always did when Michael touched him. “Let’s go, it’ll be fun! And harmless. You need to get out of here and do something.”
“I don’t like going out,” Alex said, peeling his hands off and trying to not smile anymore. Michael shook his head and rested his forehead against his. 
“This town has so fucked you over,” Michael told him, pressing their noses together. Each time he touched him in a place where he could also feel his breath was unreal. Alex’s body was designed to kill, and it kept trying to kill him, but then Alex would breathe life right back into him. Sure, that’s not what was actually happening, but it made Michael smile.
“What is that supposed to mean?” Alex sighed. Michael moved his hands to his shoulders and pulled him forward as he leaned back. His back hit the mattress and Alex was above him. He flashed a smile to soften the blow of what he was about to say.
“I mean,” he said, pulling Alex in for a soft kiss, “They’re hateful as fuck. They’ve spent your whole life telling you that you deserve to be hated until you believed it.”
Alex sighed, pulling up and out of Michael’s grip. He seemed to not quite understand that it was the town that made him so isolated. Sure, other people in other places would be just as horrible, but Michael had been a lot of places. If you’re smart about it, no one cares.
“Wouldn’t it be cool to show off that you’re not just put on this Earth to be scary?” Michael asked, sitting up again. Alex looked away. “You’re not dangerous, Alex.”
“Yes, I am.”
“Okay, so what, maybe you are. So am I. Do you know how many banks I could get away with robbing because I can’t be killed? I could do so many bad things, but I don’t. And neither do you. You aren’t bad, Alex,” Michael insisted, “This fucking town has made you think you’re bad.”
“I kill people on accident, Michael. I am bad,” Alex told him, voice weak. 
Michael slumped forward until his face was pressed into the crook of his neck where it belonged. He knew a few little words about how great Michael thought he was wouldn’t cure his thought process. Honestly, he didn’t know what would.
“I bet, one day, there’s gonna be something to make you less deadly,” Michael whispered against his skin, “A pill or a special kind of fabric or something. I know it’s gonna happen. But for right now, you can’t let yourself be miserable. There are ways you can enjoy yourself without endangering other people.”
“Like how?” Alex sniffled. Michael wrapped his arms around him and rolled them both over. He tucked Alex’s hair behind his ear and dragged his thumb over his cheekbone.
“Like going to the drive-in,” Michael suggested. Alex let out a disbelieving laugh and rolled onto his back. Michael was really having a problem with him continuously moving away, so he stayed put this time. “I’ll drive, I’ll buy the tickets. You don’t have to interact with anyone, but you still get to do something. I swear, all you’ll have to do is look pretty and we can feel each other up instead of watching the movie.”
Alex squeezed his eyes shut and put his hands over his face to hide the fact that he’d gotten a smile out of him.
“Come on, Alex,” Michael said, “Stop letting stupid fucking people dictate if you can leave your house or not.”
Alex’s chest rose and fell with each breath and his shirt had ridden up a little bit to reveal a strip of skin above his sweats. He had fluffy socks with bees on them and watched romcoms and sang ABBA to himself regularly and Michael didn’t understand how everyone only saw him as a threat. He was so much better than that. He was human and he was lovable and he was more than his gift, just like everyone else.
“Fine,” Alex caved, letting his hands drop off his face, “We can go. By if something bad happens…”
“You gotta live your life without fear that something bad is going to happen. You’re going to be in my truck. The only person who will be within touching distance will be me and I, personally, plan to touch you on purpose,” Michael told him. He didn’t have to see it to know that Alex rolled his eyes. “It’s going to be fun.”
“I hope you’re right.”
“I am,” Michael insisted, pushing himself up to rest his head in his hand. Alex’s eyes went to his face and it was clear he was scared to go outside for things that weren’t school. 
The town was small. Touching people on accident was such an unlikely thing to happen, especially when everyone knew who he was. There was nothing to be scared of. But, of course, there was no way to say that without sounding like a dick if it actually did happen.
Instead, he placed his hand on his face and leaned in close. Alex tilted his head up and their lips stayed merely a centimeter apart, an unbridled sense of patience that only Alex Manes was capable of.
“One day, I’m going to get you out of here and take you someplace worth it,” Michael whispered into his mouth, “Someplace where everyone is treated like you by their own stupid environments. I’m gonna find you a safe place no matter what. You trust me?”
Alex took a shaky breath and nodded, reaching up to pull him down for a kiss. His back arched to press in closer and his fingers slipped into his hair, tugging gently as he held him close. Michael melted into him.
They missed the drive-in that night.
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d-criss-news · 4 years
Darren Criss acts as playwright when he writes songs. He’s far more confident, and certainly more vulnerable, when he allows himself to play the part. In such a way, songwriting opens up a whole new world that pulses with untapped potential. So much of what he has accomplished in 15 years resides in his willingness to expose himself to what his imagination and intuition have in store. He steps into a playwright’s shoes with considerable ease (just look at his resume), and always one to put on plenty of bravado, especially during our Zoom face-to-face, it’s the natural order of things.
“As I get older and write more and more songs, I really recognize that I’ve always preferred to write for another context other than my own,” Criss tells American Songwriter. He speaks with a cool intensity, gesturing emphatically to accentuate a sentence, and when you let him go, he’s like the Energizer Bunny 一 “I can tell by just how quiet you already are that you’re fucked,” he jokes at the start of our video chat. But he remains just as engaged and focused when listening.
He soaks in the world, taking astute notes about behavior and emotional traits he can later use in song. His storytelling, though, arrives already in character, fully formed portraits he can then relay to the world. It’s not that he can’t be vulnerable, like such greats as Randy Newman, Tom Waits, and Rufus Wainwright, who have all embroidered their work with deeply personal observations, it just doesn’t feel as comfortable. “I’ve always really admired the great songwriters of the world who are extremely introspective and can put their heart and soul on the chopping block,” he muses. “That’s a vulnerability that I think is so majestic. I’ve never had access to it. I’m not mad about it. It’s just good to know what your deal is.”
Criss’ strengths lie in his ability to braid his own experiences, as charmed as they might be, into wild, goofy fantasies. In the case of his new series “Royalties,” now streaming on Quibi, he walks a fine line between pointed commentary on the music industry, from menial songwriting sessions to constantly chasing down the next smash, and oddball comedy that is unequivocally fun. Plotted with long-standing friends and collaborators Matt and Nick Lang, co-founders of Team StarKid, created during their University of Michigan days (circa 2009), the show’s conceptual nucleus dates back more than a decade.
If “Royalties” (starring Criss and Kether Donohue) feels familiar, that’s because it is. The 10-episode show ─ boasting a smorgasbord of delightful guest stars, including Mark Hammill, Georgia King, Julianna Hough, Sabrina Carpenter, and Lil Rel Howery ─ captures the very essence of a little known web series called “Little White Lie.” Mid-summer 2009, Team StarKid uploaded the shoddy, low budget production onto YouTube, and its scrappy tale of amateur musicians seeking fame and fortune quickly found its audience, coming on the heels of “A Very Potter Musical,” co-written with and starring Criss. Little did the trio know, those initial endeavors laid the groundwork for a lifetime of creative genius.
“It’s a full circle moment,” says Criss, 33, zooming from his Los Angeles home, which he shares with his wife Mia. He’s fresh-faced and zestful in talking about the new project. 11 years separate the two series, but their connective thematic tissues remain striking. “Royalties” is far more polished, the obvious natural progression in so much time, and where “Little White Lie” soaked in soapy melodrama, the former analyzes the ins and outs of the music world through more thoughtful writing, better defined (and performed) characters, and hookier original tunes.
“Royalties” follows Sara (Donohue) and Pierce (Criss), two struggling songwriters in Los Angeles, through various career exploits and pursuits. The pilot, titled “Just That Good,” features an outlandish performance from Rufus Wainwright as a major player in dance-pop music, kickstarting the absurdity of Criss’ perfectly-heightened reality. As our two main characters stumble their way between songwriting sessions, finally uncovering hit single potential while eating a hot dog, Criss offers a glimpse into the oft-unappreciated art of songwriting.
In his own songwriting career ─ from 2010’s self-released Human EP and a deal with Columbia Records (with whom a project never materialized) to 2017’s Homework EP and Computer Games’ debut, Lost Boys Life, (a collaboration with his brother Chuck) ─ he’s learned a thing or two about the process. Something about sitting in a room with someone you’ve never met before always rang a little funny to him.
“You meet a stranger, and you have to be creative, vulnerable, and open. It’s speed-dating, essentially. It’s a different episode every time you pull it off or not. All the big songwriters will tell you all these crazy war stories. Everyone has a wacky story from songwriting,” he says. “I slowly realized I may ─ I can’t flatter myself, there are tons of creative people who are songwriters ─ have prerequisites to just put the two together [TV and music]. I’ve worked enough in television as an actor and creator. I can connect the dots. I had dual citizenship where I felt like it was really time for me to go forth with this show.”
But a packed professional life pushed the idea to the backburner.
Between six seasons of “Glee” (playing Blaine Anderson, a Warbler and lover to Chris Colfer’s Kurt Hummel), starring in “Hedwig and the Angry Inch” on Broadway, and creating Elsie Fest, a one-day outdoor festival celebrating songs of the stage and screen, he never had the time. “I was lucky enough to be busy,” he says. “As Team StarKid’s star was continuing to rise with me being separate from it, I was trying to think of a way to get involved again with songwriting.”
At one point, “Glee” had officially wrapped and his Broadway run was finished. It appeared “Royalties” may finally get its day in the sun. “I went to Chicago for a work pilgrimage with the Langs. We had a few days, and we put all our ideas on the map: every musical, feature film, show, graphic novel, and animated series we’ve ever thought of,” he says. “A lot of them were from the Langs; they were just things I was interested in as a producer or actor. We looked at all of them and made a top three.”
“Royalties” obviously made the cut.
Fast forward several years, Gail Berman’s SideCar, a production company under FOX Entertainment, was looking to produce a music show. Those early conversations, beginning at an otherwise random LA party, showed great promise in airlifting the concept from novel idea to discernible reality. Things quickly stalled, however, as they often do in Hollywood, but Criss had at least spoken his dreams into the universe.
“I finally had an outlet to put it into gear. It wasn’t until two to three years after that that things really locked in. We eventually made shorts and made a pilot presentation. We showed it to people, and it wasn’t until Quibi started making their presence known that making something seemed really appealing,” he says. “As a creator, they’re very creator-centric. They’re not a studio. They’re a platform. They are licensing IP much like when a label licenses an indie band’s album after the fact.”
Quibi has drawn severe ire over the last few months, perhaps because there is a “Wild Westness” to it, Criss says. “I think that makes some people nervous. Being my first foray into something of this kind, Quibi felt like a natural partner for us. If this had been a network or cable show, we would’ve molded it to be whatever it was.”
Format-wise, “Royalties” works best as bite-sized vignettes, charming hijinks through the boardroom and beyond, and serves as a direct response to a sea of music shows, from “Nashville” and “Empire” to “Smash.” “Those shows were bigger, more melodramatic looks at the inside base of our world. I’ve always been a goofball, and I just wanted to take the piss out of it,” he says. “This show isn’t about songwriting. It’s about songwriters… but a very wacky look at them.”
“30 Rock,” a scripted comedy loosely based around “Saturday Night Live,” in which the focus predominantly resides around the characters, rather than the business itself, was also on his mind. “It’s about the interconnectivity of the people and characters. As much of the insider knowledge that I wanted to put into our show, at the end of the day, you just want to make a fun, funny show that’s relatable to people who know nothing about songwriting and who shouldn��t have to know anything.”
Throughout 10 episodes, Criss culls the “musicality, fun, and humor” of Fountains of Wayne’s Adam Schlesinger and Max Martin, two of his biggest songwriting heroes, and covers as many genres as possible, from K-Pop to rap-caviar and classic country. While zip-lining between formats, the songs fully rely on a sturdy storytelling foundation ─ only then can Criss drape the music around the characters and their respective trajectories. “I wanted to do something where I could use all the muscles I like to flex at once, instead of compartmentalizing them,” he says. “I really love writing songs for a narrative, not necessarily for myself. I thrive a little more when I have parameters, characters, and a story to tell.”
Bonnie McKee, one of today’s greatest pop architects, takes centerstage, too, with an episode called “Kick Your Shoes Off,” in which she plays a bizarro version of herself. “She has her own story, and I’ve always been fascinated by it,” says Criss, who took her out to lunch one day to tell her about it. Initially, the singer-songwriter, known for penning hits for Katy Perry, Taio Cruz, and Britney Spears, would anchor the entire show, but it soon became apparent she would simply star in her own gloriously zany episode.
In one of the show’s standout scenes, Pierce and Sara sit in on a label meeting with McKee’s character and are tasked with writing a future hit. But they quickly learn how many cooks are in the kitchen at any given moment. Everyone from senior level executives to publicists and contracted consultants have an opinion about the artist’s music. One individual urges her to experiment, while another begs not to alienate her loyal fanbase, and then a third advises her to chronicle the entire history of music itself ─ all within three minutes or so. It’s absurd, and that’s the point. “Everyone’s been in that meeting, whether you’re in marketing or any creative discussion that has to be made on a corporate level by committee. It’s the inevitable, comedic contradictions and dissociations from not only rationality but feasibility.”
Criss also draws upon his own major label days, having signed with Sony/Columbia right off the set of “Glee,” as well as second-hand accounts from close friends. “There are so many artists, particularly young artists, who famously get chewed up and spat out by the label system,” he says. “There’s a lot of sour tastes in a lot of people’s mouths from being ‘mistreated’ by a label. I have a lot of friends who’ve had very unfortunate experiences.”
“I was really lucky. I didn’t have that. I have nothing but wonderful things to say,” he quickly adds.“It wasn’t a full-on drop or anything. I was acting, and I was spreading myself really thin. It’s a record label’s job to make product, and I was doing it piecemeal here and there. I would shoot a season [of ‘Glee’] and then do a play. I was doing too many things. I didn’t have it in me at the time to do music. I had written a few songs I thought were… fine.”
Both Criss and the label came to the same conclusion: perhaps this professional relationship just wasn’t a good fit. They parted ways, and he harbors no ill-will. In fact, he remains close friends with many folks from that time. So, it seems, a show like “Royalties” satisfies his deep hunger to make music and write songs ─ and do it totally on his own terms.
“I still say I want to put out music, and fans have been very vocal about that. I feel very fortunate they’re still interested at all,” he says. “That passion for making music really does come out in stuff like [this show].”
“Royalties” is Darren Criss at his most playful, daring, and offbeat. It’s the culmination of everything he has tirelessly worked toward over the last decade and a half. Under pressure with a limited filming schedule, he hits on all cylinders with a soundtrack, released on Republic Records, that sticks in the brain like all good pop music should do. And it would not have been the same had he, alongside Matt and Nick Lang, not formed Team StarKid 11 years ago.
Truth be told, it all began with a “Little White Lie.”
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backslashdelta · 4 years
okay becky, you asked for an ask and posted a cheryl gifset so riddle me this: glee characters as riverdale characters - gender and relationships dont matter. go.
I sure did and you sure did deliver and wow this is a tough one oh god here we go (thank you so much for asking, this was a super fun thing to think about even though I have gotten Very Sick of Riverdale lately lmao)
Archie Andrews as Finn Hudson. I feel like this one is obvious. They’re both kind of the “main” guy, they’re both jocks with a musical flair, they’re both kinda dumb at times and get into fights they shouldn’t. This one was easy.
Jughead Jones as Kurt Hummel. This might just be because Jughead is my favourite Riverdale character and Kurt is my favourite Glee character, but I also kind of see the resemblance. They’re both introverts, they’re both sarcastic and quick witted, they’re both smart and really passionate about the things they’re interested in. Kurt would hate that Jughead always wears the hat, though (or at least, he’d outwardly hate it; eventually he’d probably grow to love it, though he’d never admit that out loud).
Cheryl Blossom as Santana Lopez. Both cheerleaders, both can sing, both don’t take anybody’s shit. They’re ruthless and will do what they need to do to get what they want, but they also care deeply and fiercly about the people they love, and would do anything for them. All that without even considering gener and sexuality, and I don’t think we need to get into that because if you’ve seen the shows the resemblance is right there.
Veronica Lodge as Quinn Fabray. They’re both much more palatable than Cheryl/Santana, but can be just as cut-throat when they need to be. They’re also a little more... conniving? I’m not sure if that’s the right word They’re good at putting on a nice face and acting like everything is fine when really they’re secretly plotting. This all sounds negative, and to be fair I’m actually not the biggest fan of either character (is this an unpopulat opinion? I definitely think it is for Quinn, oops), but I think their good traits line up pretty well too. I think at their hearts they’re both good people, but are a little fucked up because their families are Not Great.
Toni Topaz as Mercedes Jones. I know you said relationships don’t matter, and this isn’t a relationship, but Santana and Mercedes are amazing together, so I think it works out nicely that Cheryl and Toni are a couple. Both of these ladies are great people, they’re very smart and talented but they don’t rub it in your face. I think they also are good at sort of grounding people in reality? I’m not sure if this point makes any sense, but what I mean is they’re both no-nonsense type of people.
Betty Cooper as Blaine Anderson. We’re getting to the point where I don’t have as good justifications. But both of these people come off as very nice, sweet, and bubbly at first glance, whereas getting to know them better you realize they have some deeper things going on underneath the surface. Blaine has a lot of insecurity issues that come up in later seasons, and Betty has some struggles that she’s dealing with as well that she does a good job of hiding from most people. Also, we don’t get any of Blaine’s family life, but I headcanon that his dad really sucks, so that’s a nice parallel. And I know you said not to care about relationships (again!) but this does give us Klaine. :)
Kevin Keller as Sam Evans. They’re both fun and generally happy/upbeat guys who are just... very nice and wholesome and don’t seem to really care what other people think. Sam was fine singing a duet with Kurt (although it didn’t happen :( ) and Kevin did the whole Hedwig and the Angry Inch thing at school, so that’s cool.
F.P. Jones as Noah Puckerman. Really grasping at straws now here, people. They’re both pretty rough and tumble, have a criminal history, but they shape up and end up going in similar career directions (sheriff/army). Not afraid to punch someone if that’s what has to be done.
Alice Cooper as Brittany S. Pierce. Still grasping at straws. They both are generally nice and good hearted but also a bit nuts and when they get their mind sent on something they go for it and don’t really care too much about the consequences of their actions.
Reggie Mantle as Artie Abrams. I do not have a good reason for this. I feel like they’re both kinda dicks who have a little bit of a superiority complex but really aren’t that great lmao. I don’t remember enough about Reggies, and I don’t care that much for Artie. They both have good moments though.
Jellybean Jones as Tina Cohen Chang. They’re both quiet and spunky and I dunno, they just give me the same energy? I don’t remember that much about Jellybean to be honest and maybe that’s also a reason, I feel like she’s a great character that deserves more screentime, just like Tina.
Hermione Lodge as Rachel Berry. Both think they’re great people and think they’re hot shit but really they kind of suck and only get the great things they get because of the people around them or because they got lucky.
Principal Honey as Sue Sylvester. Because they both try to ruin everything. No further explanation needed.
Francis DuPont as Will Schuester. He kinda runs a club and he sucks at it? Idk.
Jason Blossom as Matt Rutherford. Because they both were, like, kinda there in the beginning, but never actually got to do anything LOL.
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ridemedaddyjames · 5 years
Split - Part III
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Split - Part II
Pairing: Kevin Wendell Crumb x reader
Warnings: angst, stockholm syndrome
Words: 2,500
There was a split second of fear that rushed through you when Dennis returned to your room with Claire. He was carrying the tools needed to repair the hole in the ceiling, and you dared not ask what had happened to her. Of course, you almost immediately assumed the worst, but you knew she’d brought it on herself. She was the one who wanted to escape.
When Dennis finally spoke, his voice seemed to carry a note of anger at what the girl had done. How could you blame him? She was only making things more difficult in the end. Busting a hole in the ceiling, forcing him to chase her down, and then him having to find a new place to put her while also repairing what she’d broke; he deserved to be angry.
“You will not see your friend again, she will be kept separate.” He told you and Marcia, being upfront. When he finally looked the two of you over, his hand instinctively went to the back of his head where he seemed to be rubbing out a quickly forming headache. You wondered what could’ve caused it until you noticed the flakes of drywall scattered across your clothes from your attempted escape. “You, take off your skirt.” Dennis demanded, pointing a finger at Marcia’s dirty clothes.
Your breath hitched in your throat, wondering what piece of clothing you would be forced to remove. “You, take off your shirt,” he ordered, making you sigh in relief. The last thing you wanted was to be walking around in your underwear. Sure the man intrigued you, but it was a bit too soon for him to see that much of you just yet, and at least you’d been wearing a tank top underneath. Of course, you knew you’d be lying if you said a part of you hadn’t wanted to comfort him. To take him into your arms, and soothe away all the stress he was going through.
In the flip of a switch he’d managed to pull himself together once again, though, taking on his dark demeanor. This made you wonder why he always seemed to put up such a thick wall between him and anyone else who may try to get close. You assumed he must’ve been hurt in the past, but that only made you want to be there for him even more. Without saying another word, Dennis turned and left the room, clothes in hand. Should you have said something? Would it have made a difference?
It had been hours before you’d been visited again, this time by Patricia. To your surprise, she slipped a bright blue flower into your hair, complimenting your delicate features, but rejected to do the same for Marcia. Part of her was jealous, the other relieved it hadn’t been her. To you, it was a sign. A sign of worth, a sign of beauty, a sign that you meant something to someone, and you wondered if you’d ever take it out.
Finally, she took your hand in hers’, sending an immediate rush of euphoria to your brain, and you attempted to mask the way your face began to burn bright red. Patricia was leading you both into another room where you’d never been before. It was a quaint little kitchen, big enough for one person to cook while another sat at the table behind it. She’d made a set of sandwiches, requesting that you eat up before continuing to make more. The longer you were here, the more this place was starting to feel like home.
After several bites of your food, you noticed the way Marcia was starting to look at you. She was attempting to mumble some sort of plan behind Patricia’s back, and you tried to stop her from going along with it, but it was too late. Marcia was on her feet, raising the chair over her head in an attempt to swing it at your captor.
Without thinking, you opened your mouth, saying something that surprised everyone in the room; including yourself. “Patricia, look out!” You screamed, moving to defend her when you caught hold of Marcia’s arm. The chair flew into the corner of the room, colliding with the wall as it broke into several pieces upon impact.
Marcia looked at you horrified before throwing you to the ground and taking off out the door. Patricia had not been far behind, though, and you watched her turn around, nothing but admiration in her eyes at your sudden reaction. “Please, dear, go back to your room. I’ll take care of this,” she assured you before rushing out the door.
You did as she said, having no trouble finding your way back through the maze of rooms. Anyone else would’ve felt defeated to be stuck back here once again, but all you managed to feel was relief.
If any of them were to ask you to leave, you couldn’t help but believe that you would beg them to let you stay. ‘Surely you must be losing your mind,’ you thought to yourself, lying back against the cot as you stared up at the ceiling. But oh what a beautiful mind this man must have. You’d spend the rest of your life here if it meant catching a glimpse at what was inside.
The thought of moving in came across your mind. You silently laughed at all the redecorating you would have to do in order to give this place a more feminine touch. How would they each react? Patricia would be pleased to have the company; someone to cook for, and to talk to. Dennis would no doubt make a few complaints; you couldn’t leave dirty dishes in the sink, you could never wear your shoes in the house, and please don’t leave your clothes lying around your room. Hedwig...Hedwig would beg you to move into his room with him. He’d always be showing you the cool new things he’d find, and he would always know how to make you smile.
Coming up with this imaginary world must’ve calmed you because, without even realizing it, you’d fallen asleep. It couldn’t have lasted long, though, because, before you knew it, you felt a heavy weight brush against the side of your leg. The springs on the cot creaking with your combined weight as you looked up to see Dennis sitting at the edge of your bed.
“Is everything alright?” You instinctively asked him while you watched him stare blankly at the floor. His head shook furiously, refusing to look at you.
“The dark-haired girl, she’s gonna be kept in another closet.” Dennis confessed, keeping his gaze locked to the ground. “You might as well know at this point.” He admitted, letting the words spill from off his tongue. “The Beast, he’s coming for you. All three of you, you’re gonna be kept separate.” It felt as if a weight had been lifted off his shoulders until his eyes met yours. Slowly, they drifted to your hair before he spoke again. “Where - uh...where did you get that?” Dennis questioned, and it took you a second to remember the flower that was tucked behind your ear.
“Oh, Miss Patricia gave it to me,” you blushed, looking up at him with your soft, doe, eyes. “Do you like it?”
“Forget me not’s are my favorite flower,” he breathed, letting his thumb brush against the smooth petal. It took him a minute to realize what he’d done before pulling away and bolting upright from his spot next to you.
For a second he wondered if he had overstepped his boundaries, even went so far as to question why you were so comfortable with his close proximity to you. You always seemed to convey a sense of maturity that the other girls had lacked. Which is why you were the one who intrigued him the most.
“Why did you protect her?” Dennis managed to ask, still trying to figure out the feelings that always developed when you were near.
The way he said it made you feel as though it had been weighing on his mind. Which is why you hesitated before responding, trying to come up with the right words to say. “I couldn’t bare to see her get hurt,” you realized, coming to terms with it after saying it out loud.
This was your chance for you to open up to him, and you were going to take it. “You all have been nothing but nice to me. You’ve made me feel as if this were my home, and I couldn’t see her in pain. Because, I think...if you got hurt, it would hurt me too.”
The emotions inside your head were flowing, bursting, crashing into each other as you tried to understand what this feeling must be. It were as if you’d been touch starved your entire life; a bear confined to their cage. People would stop and stare, but no one was ever brave enough to take on your dark exterior. If they had, they would’ve found a beautiful creature that was both broken and lost. Still you wondered why this man had come to care enough to see past the glass, and reach inside for a closer look.
Had you been paying attention, you’d have noticed the way Dennis seemed to be looking you over, doing his best to assess his thoughts. In the process, he tried to remain in control of his mind while finally deciding on his next statement. “I’m glad you feel welcome here, even after all we’ve done.” Dennis said, nervously rubbing his head before heading back to the door. Before leaving, he turned one last time, eyeing you up and down once again. There was a brief second where you thought you saw a smile form on his lips, before he hid it once again in its shadowy depths. Could you be right? Was Dennis starting to feel the same way about you?
A handful of minutes had passed by, and you noticed the knob on the door began to jiggle before someone else came in to greet you. This time, it was Hedwig, and your face lit up.
“Hey, it wasn’t nice what you said about Miss Patricia.” He reminded you, making the smile fade. “You lied.” There was hurt in his eyes to know that his trust in you had been broken, and you gave up trying to hide your feelings.
“I’m so sorry, Hedwig, I just wanted to help Marcia and Claire. They were the ones who wanted to leave, not me.” You admitted, moving closer to him as you tried to calm him down.
“You guys lied to me, made me scared, etcetera.” Hedwig panicked, falling apart like a small child, and you wrapped your arms around his waist. It didn’t take long for him to gain his composer, forgetting all of it, as he melted into your touch. “Mr. Dennis, he talks about you a lot. He says he really likes you. That you make him feel comfortable.”
Your stomach fluttered, butterflies taking off at his words, and you blushed uncontrollably, coming to a loss for words. “You think he likes me?” Your heart was pounding in your chest, growing lightheaded at the possibility.
“Yeah.” Hedwig said, flatly, head stuck in the clouds just as much as yours. “Can I kiss you?” He asked, randomly, making you wonder where all of this was coming from. “I’ve been wanting to for a while. I don’t know much about kissing, though.” He finished, less than confident.
Something shifted, making you wonder if you should. It almost felt like taking advantage of a child, but, technically, he was a full grown man. “Sure,” you agreed, looking up into his eyes. They were a beautiful bright blue, so soft and innocent. If you hadn’t known any better, you’d have assumed Hedwig cared for you in the same way Dennis was starting to. The thought made you wince, wondering how all of this could ever work if they decided to fight over you. Although you made that a problem for another day, tending all of your focus to Hedwig.
He leaned in, muttering a countdown as he moved closer and closer. “One...two...three,” Hedwig whispered, opening his mouth completely to take yours in. This wasn’t even a kiss, only part of his lips were actually touching yours; the rest against your cheek as he closed his eyes and pushed further into it. When he finally broke the “kiss” he looked you dead in the eyes, not an ounce of expression on his face. “You might be pregnant now.”
That was it, you had to stop yourself from snorting with laughter, instead choosing to smile, awkwardly. “I think we’ll be okay,” you promised him, rolling your eyes, playfully.
“Am I a good kisser?” Hedwig questioned, curiously. He didn’t like it when you lied, but this was one of those times where you couldn’t afford to break his heart. He was so sweet that it would pain you to tell him the truth and shatter his all of his pride. Plus, you technically wouldn’t be lying because he hadn’t really kissed you, right?
“Of course you are Hedwig,” you ensured him, watching a childish grin come across his face. He stood up a little taller, trying to act cool.
“You know, I like dancing.” He said, changing the subject again. “Do you like dancing? I like dancing to my CD player in my room. Kanye West is my main man.” He gloated, throwing his arms around in his best impersonation of a rapper.
This newfound swagger made you chuckle, and you took his hand in yours, feeling a confidence of your own. “Maybe we can go listen to music in your room?” You offered, joining in his excitement. “We can dance together! I mean, I’m not very good, but you could teach me!”
There was no hiding his huge grin, until he gave it a second thought. “Wait,” he stopped, looking at you closer. “Are you trying to trick me? Etcetera.” He worried, hoping this wasn’t a clever scheme for you try and escape.
“Can I be honest with you, Hedwig? I never really wanted to leave.” There was a slight pause, both of you taking in what you’d just said. You were pretty sure you’d lost your mind at this point, but you wanted him to know that you weren’t the one who wanted to go. It was Marcia and Claire that wanted to leave, not you.
This was it, you were finally going to gain his trust. Sure, maybe your days here were numbered. Maybe he might still feed you to this ‘so called’ Beast, but you didn’t seem to care. As long as you never had to go back to your old life. As long as you got to stay here with him.
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