#He's soft
rawdough · 3 months
Three questions: does Giant Clam likes hugs, does he want a hug, and may I give him a hug?
One: Yeah kinda (he will not admit this)
Two: Yeah kinda (he will not ask)
Three: Sure thing, but he's real fucking confused why.
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tervaneula · 1 year
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I needed the comfort and somehow I think, so did Leonardo. He finally got to catch some good z's!!
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crikey01 · 9 months
me: i love reading everyone's thoughts and theories on season 2 :)
*reads a post about how Aziraphale has been a dick*
me: but not this one :(
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agu-doodles · 1 year
The Samurai Triptych
The Hues of Goe
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The background photos are from Unsplash
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gaybroskissing · 8 months
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I love him 🥲
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mumrikberry · 3 months
Today, I woke up for ballet class and went to get dressed. My boyfriend made me a cup of green tea with one spoonful of honey, the hard honey, in my lilac mug with the blue spoon, the smallest one. He passed me the black tote bag before we went out. On the way there, he pointed out that one of the clouds "looked like a columbine" - he is not interested in clouds, or in columbines, or in plants at all. He laughed when he saw I was wearing the purple socks with green dinosaurs on them, "because those are the ones you wore when we first hung out" he said.
I went to uni today proudly wearing my green backpack. "It's green, you love green" He said when he gave me the gift bag containing it during our beach holidays. I looked into the bathroom mirror in between classes and smiled at my dragon earrings, they look just like his necklace.
The thing is, I like my green tea with one spoonful of hard honey and I love the smallest blue spoon. I wear the black tote bag to ballet class and I love clouds and plants and columbines. I collect funny socks, and he knows the stories of them all. He knows my favourite book is Demian. His sister tells me he's taking notes while reading it. He remembers all the space facts I've told him and all the constellations I've pointed out. He says my lips taste like blackberries (I wear blackberry lip gloss, but he argues that it's because that's my name).
He knows and he listens and he remembers. And he tries. He always tries.
And god I love him.
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finnieduh · 10 months
No no wait i have another season 3 prediction:
We're gonna find out what happened in the war of Heaven vs Hell (this is a given I think) and we know crowley fought in it, furfur says, but aziraphale? it's implied he did the halo thing in that war, and that God gave the flaming sword to guard Eden to him because he knew how to fight. My bet is that he killed a whole bunch of demons back then, supported by him getting this warning in furfur's book (+ a badass drawing and the cute detail that crowley tells other demons to leave azi to him)
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I'm guessing aziraphale has the mentality of a soldier, even today. He tries to justify the goodness of heaven because the alternative answer would mean all the trauma he went through was for nothing.
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therelentless · 2 months
where your soul rests
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among the pages of an old book
if your body wasn't made of flesh and bones, your soul would live among the pages of an old book- perhaps your favorite, maybe lost in between shelves of a library, or just a forgotten one collecting dust on someone's bedside table. i think you're attached to the things you like, to your hobbies, and you can hardly focus on whatever surrounds you once your mind is busy daydreaming. you're such a soft, endearing creature; you make candy taste sweeter, you make a song sound better, you make colors look brighter. to someone, you feel safe, like home, like that old soup that would bring your childhood memories back. if your soul had a color, it would be a golden-ish beige, like scorching san, and it would smell like vanilla sugar.
tagged by;; stole it from @moralpuppet tagging;; @helreginn + @threecardtrick + @notimminent + @lotuskissed + @vyrulent + you!
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citrus-woman · 1 year
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Soft Red drawing Not colored in or anything, i just thought it looked cute so i rarely ever line any of my drawings, i like the sketch-y look
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waitingonavision · 2 years
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An angy Bruno for @seanettlles, who needs a break! C’mon, universe!
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umbral-archives · 2 years
Don't think about Murdock dancing slowly while your favorite song is playing in the background
Don't think of Murdock taking you to a fancy restaurant
Don't think of Murdock spending a ridiculous amount of money on the finest bottle of wine they have
Don't think about Murdock taking you home and leading you to the backyard
Don't think of Murdock having another ego come decorate while you two were gone
Don't think of Murdock getting down on one knee
Don't think of Murdock saying that you were the one to make him realize there's more to life than just trying to get revenge for someone killing a loved one
Don't think of Murdock then getting a small box out of his pocket
Don't think of Murdock opening it and it being a ring
Don't think of Murdock proposing to you then
Whatever you do, don't think about that scenario
- 😼
Now, I don't personally see Murdock as a guy who is gonna be dropping to one knee anytime soon.
He's a murder man, kinky nasty lizard hindbrain while also being possessive, mayhaps absolutely obsessed with reader. Not exactly marriage material.
But then I thought about it.
Something Sleeplessinspace/Nine brought up: Obsessed!Murdock creating a false identity for that gets a little bit too real, going so far as to give them his last name.
Murdock... wants to keep reader at his side. He is fuckin stinky and desperate for them, wants to own them, wants them addicted to him.
He works actively to make reader need him.
If his ass gets deep enough into this twisted, obsessed love he has for reader- specially after they learn of his true nature, if they don't run- he'd propose.
The collar around reader's neck, any marks they let him etch into their skin- a ring on their finger would be just another reminder.
A reminder that they're his.
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thekidsfromyestergay · 8 months
Just saw a video like "um actually rocky horror isn't good queer representation because frank sexually assaults janet" girl he kills and eats people. It's called the rocky HORROR picture show not the rocky cute gay rep tw t-slur picture show
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plumbum-art · 8 months
Can I watch?
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idea: Crowley convices Aziraphale to start a tiktok channel ("Just for funsies, angel. To show your ah cooking skills!"), but then edits the videos to make them look as lasciviously as possible. You know...like That foodporn guy.
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greykolla-art · 3 months
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Alastor: “Now, let’s talk about literally anything else please!”
Me: “Good! Cause I don’t know where you went so I can’t go further with this!😂”
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doomed2repeat · 18 days
I feel like so many people get catered to with the bad boy archetype being everywhere in the media that they can not even imagine that some people think the sexiest thing a man can be for a woman is a down bad pathetic loser. Just weak and desperate. Colin Bridgerton was on his knees, tears in his eyes BEGGING for chance.
Less bad boys, more soft men, thank you.
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pseudopigeons · 8 months
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unhinged caffeinated koby let him cook
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