#Harper and Alex
secretly-small · 1 year
Gotta love throwing y’all stuff I blurted out in the middle of the night 👍🏽
Here’s a new OC. This piece was based off a dream I had the other day.
Description: Harper, a teen girl with very weak sizeshifting abilities, is caught alone is a toy store with two equally curious little kids. This couldn’t end well.
CWs: assault, struggle, attack by children, non-sexual forced removal of some clothing
Word count: 960
Disclaimer: I haven’t edited this yet XD
Living Doll 🪆🧒🏼
“Oh, please!” I chuckled into the phone, “I’m right next door!”
The line went silent, and I could practically feel my mom’s worry. It was understandable, of course. The absolute longest I could hold a human form was an hour or two, and most of the time I lasted mere minutes. But we’d both agreed it would save time if we split up, and it wasn’t like I was incapable of handling myself anyway.
“All right…” she finally sighed. “Just promise to be quick.”
I smiled, going through our usual routine before hanging up and pocketing the device. My eyes scanned the shelves, each lined with different toys. Most of my cousins were rather young, so the seemingly-infinite number of cars and dolls told me I was in the right section.
My hands slipped onto my hips as I considered which ones would be most suitable. It didn’t take long to pick them, despite the number. By the time I’d grabbed the last, my cart was filled with about eight different gifts. Three of them would be for the new cousins who just married in. They were all boys, and even though we’d never met, I felt confident in the assortment of trains I’d collected.
I allowed myself a triumphant grin as I took the first step to the cashier. Almost immediately, though, a sharp flare emanated through my  body, and the beat of a second passed before my view of the store shifted drastically. 
I groaned as I pulled out my phone, speed dialing my mom. It rang a few times too many, and my heart dropped at the sight of shoes clomping in from the neighboring isle. 
It wasn’t the first time something like this had happened. In fact, it was common. But normally my mom or sisters were here to help.
Rather than running like I should’ve, I stood frozen as three people rounded the corner. Two of them were little blond boys, perhaps no older than four or five, and the third was a nearly-identical woman whose arms were… way too full.
The woman bent down, dropping all the items from her grip to the floor. Before I could even process, she’d darted out of sight, leaving the children unattended in a toy store. 
I grinned. I didn’t know her, but that woman gave off some dang good vibes.
Before I could think, the boys’ eyes landed on me. I stifled a curse, darting to hide under the nearest shelf. It was mere paces from me, but I was still too slow. Grubby, little fingers wrapped around the length of my body, yanking my hair and limbs into horribly uncomfortable positions. 
I gasped as my phone fell from my hands onto the tile floor. He didn’t seem to care, though, as he lifted me up to his curious eyes. 
My mind whirled as I attempted to come up with something, anything, to say. With just the right words, any child would put down a toy. But any hope I had was immediately crushed when his brother waddled up and blabbered something unrecognizable. He responded back in the same language.
Not good.
My fists banged against his fingers. It was harmless, obviously, but his clear blue eyes immediately fell from his brother to me. They widened, and his jaw fell open in astonishment. He squealed a few more incomprehensible things to his brother, pointing at me.
“Put me down!” I demanded, using a loud voice and strong tone. Words weren’t needed with children, anyway. As long as they knew you meant business.
Or maybe that was just dogs.
His grip tightened, and all the blood fell to my head as he twirled my upside down. I wrenched, squirming and kicking in his hand, but as my eyes landed across the shelves before me, it became overwhelmingly clear how this would turn out. I was a living doll. 
The boy squated, then dropped me ungracefully onto the floor. I didn’t even have time to get my bearings before they’d both leaned over me, four hands tugging at my limbs and hair. 
The younger boy seemed to find particular interest in my clothes. He pulled my jacket, ripping my arms out of the way when I attempted to stop him. In seconds, he’d removed it completely, and seemed to take great pleasure in the action. 
I screamed and fought, but to no avail. His hands moved down to my jeans, and this time he wasn’t as gentle. He fumbled with the button, his frustration causing him to tear them in two. This made their removal much easier, apparently, and my legs were suddenly naked against the freezing tile floor.
Finally, they seemed to have enough of my noise. The older one pressed his thumb against my mouth and nose, cutting off my airway.
I shook, tears streaming down my face as the youngest picked me up by one leg. 
Every kid did this. Every kid peeled the clothes off a Barbie to see what was underneath. Every kid would feel around the unspoken part of the doll to see if the underwear was real, only to find out it was just painted on. 
They didn’t know what they were doing. After all, I was just a moving doll.
His finger brushed between my legs, trailing down my spine. He eventually made it back to my hair, which he made sure to give a strong tug.
When they once again dropped me to the ground, this time leaving me banged up from the impact, I knew. Their faces peered over me, looming like an unsatisfiable force above, and I knew I would die. 
I drew in what would likely be my last breath, closing my eyes. I’d always liked kids.
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swpdz000 · 11 months
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they're like bugs
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dailydccomics · 23 days
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Justice League of America by Alex Ross
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highladyofterrasen7 · 6 months
Ana huang: writes any man
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lighthousepigeons · 7 months
Rhys: Christian, we want you to be the godfather to our baby.
Christian: You know, I'm not really a kid person...
Bridget: You don't have to be the godfather if you don't-
Christian: No, that's my godchild. Back off!!!
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pro-royalty · 1 year
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Halle Bailey x Who What Wear Magazine
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pink-mask-06 · 10 months
Alex: *standing outside holding a sign that says "marry me?" *
Josh: oh my god YES!!
Alex: no, tell Ava!!
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bookishpedia · 1 year
*Ava and Jules sitting in jail together*
Ava: So who should we call?
Jules: I'd say we call Alex, but I feel safer in jail.
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angrelysimpping · 24 days
Soul Mate AU
Soulmarks: tattoo like in appearance, soul marks form on all involved parties when the youngest member reaches their age of majority. Touching someone's soulmark without their consent is considered incredibly taboo and violating. Touching someone’s soulmark when baring the matching mark is supposed to be incredibly pleasurable for all parties involved, more so if it is the two marks that are touching.
ref link, tho I'm gonna put the same soulmark descriptions under each character anyway 
Contents: DoL relationships; Avery's anger issues; public stuff; doctor/patiant, mildly; talk of cutting (Kylar's section); teacher/student, mildly; farm fuckery (aka, Remy's whole fucking section); cat Bailey AU; FUCT Robin AU; Yandere Avery AU; Eldritch PC AU
Words: 2608
Geometric shapes. Bold, dark lines. Elbow to shoulder on their right arm. 
Loves touching your soulmark. Loves you touching their soulmark. Loves all of it.
Higher dominance Alex is likely to brush their hand down your soul mark whenever they have the chance. Even if it might be considered “rude” to do so in front of others. 
Lower dominance waits for more private moments. A teasing stroke over your mark while shielded from prying eyes, shivering if you return the favor and ghost a hand over their mark. 
Loves cuddling in the morning, pressed against each other, absentmindedly tracing the lines of your matching marks. 
Thin, delicate, lace like lines across their collar bones. Ends in thick, jagged lines going down their sternum 
God, there’s so much pressure on you to act absolutely perfect if you actually want Avery to let you walk around with a matching mark. 
That said, they like touching your mark.
At low anger, they’re tender, tips of their fingers gliding over the marks. 
They may even let you touch their marks, though not often. It’s very rare for Avery to allow it. Something about you touching their marks makes them feel out of sorts, out of control. So, it’s only when they’re drained from work that they indulge in the lazy pleasure of allowing you to take care of them in this way. A hand tucked between their legs and your tongue tracing their marks. 
High rage Avery presses down on your marks hard enough to make your vision blur, pain mixed into the act that would normally bring pleasure. But, you won’t make them do that too often, will you? 
Thin lines that crisscrosses their lower stomach in an intricate pattern and circles around their upper thighs. 
It’s a stupid situation, trying to wrangle one of their brats in their own fucking office, it that’s Bailey’s life: stupid situation after stupid fucking situation.
Except when you headbutt their stomach, shirt having ridden up from the physical activity, and your skin brushes over the marks that had only recently bloomed across their skin, it somehow gets worse. 
What do you mean that the pain they brace themself for never comes? Or, it does, but mostly covered in strange euphoria. 
But, Bailey knows what that means, new anger sparking within them and fueling their ability to pin you down, to tear at your clothes, to expose your mark. 
Your mark that matches Bailey’s.
And they press down on it, thumbs digging into the soft of your thighs as you squirm under them. They hope you feel more pain than pleasure.
They have to keep you, they think. Who knows how you could be used against them if others find out? 
And what are you to them, anyway? Important, one way or another, apparently.
So, fuck you. 
Varey rarely touches your marks after that and forbids you from touching their’s.
Yet, sometimes, you’ll wake up with Bailey’s hands pressed against the mark, palm flat and fingers splayed, dark eyes fixed on that point of contact.
One thick line running over the knuckles on their right hand. 
Oh, new lil star walking into Briar’s lovely establishment with marks that match the one that just recently bloomed across their knuckles. How interesting. 
Enjoys taking your hand in theirs, ringed thumb rolling over the mark on your knuckles, watching you shiver at such a simple action. 
Especially likes touching your marks in public and letting others see how it affects you. 
That said, not keen on you doing the same to them. When especially tense, they don't mind the pad of your thumb following the line across the ridges of their knuckles while in their office. Lets their head tilt back, eyes shutting as their muscles relax. 
Black Wolf
Jagged marks under their left eye
It's actually quite easy to overlook their mark, looking almost like a scar. 
Brushing your thumb over the mark has Black Wolf relaxing, regardless of if they’re the alpha or not.
When they’re the alpha, they’ll climb on top of you, rutting against your thigh as you trace the mark.
When you’re the alpha, they roll over, wanting you to straddle them as your fingers linger.
As for them, they like licking your mark, regardless of how close to your eye it is.
A thick ring around their left pinky
So nervous when they realize they share a mark with you. 
Covers up their own mark and it takes them a while to build up the courage to tell you that you have matching marks.
Very gentle the first time they touch your mark, asking if it’s okay in a voice barely above a whisper, fine tremor running through their hands.
Nervous when you first touch their mark, but doesn’t regret it a bit.
Likes hooking your pinkies together, a cross between holding hands and a pinky promise. 
Looks like the letters of a dead language encircling their right wrist. 
Will not let you touch it in public, and that goes double when at school.
Also won’t touch your mark in public.
Well, they might if it’s to calm you down if you’re having a particularly rough day, though behind the privacy of a closed door or secluded corner.
Very gentle when they touch your mark, brushing over your wrist like it’s something fragile, breakable. 
Only really allows you to touch their mark when at their apartment, though if you’re holding hands then it’s easy to pretend that it’s an accident if you press your marks together and make Doren stumble a little.
Thick, almost painful looking lines over their left breast and going up their neck. Stops under their jaw. 
Don’t touch their marks. 
Don’t do it.
Even though you bare their match, their mirror, do not touch Eden’s marks.
At least, not until they trust you.
Even then, you’re risking your ass to touch Eden’s marks.
They like it, though it feels incredibly vulnerable, thus, don’t do it.
You can get away with it during sex, usually. Unless they’re punishing you. Then you’re gonna get slapped. 
Also more likely to get away with touching their marks when they’re falling asleep, little shiver of pleasure running through them as they drift off.
All this said, they’re touching your marks whenever the fuck they want.
Especially loves grabbing you by the chin and rubbing their thumb along the marks under your jaw. Double so if you’ve been acting like a brat. A good reminder that you’re theirs, no matter what. 
Great Hawk
Small intersecting circles under their right eye.
Please touch their marks.
So proud of their marks now that they’ve come in and they adore you paying any attention to them.
Chirps every time you touch them, all puffed up.
Often nuzzles your marks. Loves brushing against them with their feathers. 
Favorite time to have their marks touched or to touch your marks is when flying together.
Very complex markings running down the length of their spine. 
It’s rare for their marks to be visible and is at a loss for words when they find out you wear their match.
Doesn’t really like them touched, to be honest. It’s weirdly intense, with it being along their spine and all. 
Only really likes it if you run a feather light finger down their spine. Not too much pressure, just enough for them to feel it. 
Also not big on touching your marks, either. 
Thin, barely noticeable spirals on their tongue.
God they're so fucking ecstatic to touch your mark at all fucking times. 
Every time you see Harper, they wanna check your tongue, rubbing their thumb over the marks. 
You're really lucky they haven't yet found a way to do away with the gloves yet when in the hospital. 
If you're ever in the asylum, they're not wearing gloves.
Would adore you touching their marks if they weren't on their tongue. Makes it kinda hard to remain “professional.”
That said, when they get to kiss you or coach you into kissing them, they nearly cream their pants from your soul marks touching. 
Soft, faded looking lines that weave up their right arm like tendrils. Starts at their wrist, ends at their elbow. 
Touching each others marks calms them down so fast.
Aggravates their jealousy like nothing else if you refuse to let them touch your marks. 
Always gets a soft look in their eyes when touching marks. 
Babbles about it when hysterical, rubbing your marks almost painfully hard. Why are you acting like this when there's proof right here that you are meant for them?
Maybe they should make sure your marks are deeper, more prominent, with their knife…
Bands around their right knee
They’ll know you’re soulmates long before you do.
And they’re not telling you, either.
Likes the spark of fear in your eyes when their hand first cups your knees, the confusion when pleasure runs up your spine when their thumb brushes the mark. 
Lets you stew, thinking something wrong  with you, like you’re a pervert for feeling pressure when Leighton, someone who isn’t your soulmate, touches your mark.
Would probably let you go on like that for a while, only revealing it as a power play. 
Doesn’t want you just randomly grabbing at their mark, but likes when you place your hand on their mark when giving them head.
Looks like gills on either side of their neck. 
Don’t touch their marks.
Don’t touch them at school. 
Don’t look at them.
Don’t acknowledge they’re your soulmate.
Their authority as a teacher is already undermined by their age and now this? One of their students is their soulmate?
Please say this is a bad joke. 
But, at the pond, when they’ve gotten to know you, maybe. 
Lets their eyes close as your fingers brush over them.
Hesitant on touching your marks but will if you insist. 
Small, dark spots behind their left ear. Some might say it's a cow print pattern. 
Fuck you.
They’ll never notice it if you drop into the riding school. Nor if you’re just Alex’s silly little partner.
No, the only way Remy finds you’re soulmate is during new cattle intake. 
And they’re pissed.
They’re always wearing their gloves, so at least you don’t react when they find it.
They’ll keep you in the dark about your matching marks. 
And then they keep you isolated until they figure out what the fuck to do with you.
Obedient cattle will find out eventually when they tug their gloves off, cupping your face and letting their thumb brush over your marks while you eat an apple out of their other hand.
Disobedient cattle find out when Remy has finally had it with you, ripping off their gloves and pressing their thumb against your marks so hard that it's more pain than pleasure, making your knees buckle and your will to fight flicker. 
Regardless, they won’t let you touch their marks. 
Thin, soft, intricate swirls in the middle of their chest. 
It’s so comforting, their best friend sharing their soulmark.
Huge boost of confidence anytime one of you touches the others marks.
Very flustered the first time due to the placement but gets more comfortable with it as time goes on.
Not big on touching soulmarks in public but only because of the placement. 
Low confidence Robin might be persuaded to touch soulmarks in semi public areas.
High confidence Robin might try to persuade you to touch soulmarks in semi public areas. 
Two thin lines starting at their shoulder blades and ending at their hips. 
Even though soulmarks are considered a divine symbol of love between partners, Sydney is hesitant to touch yours or let you touch theirs.
The higher their purity, the more likely they are to wait until you two are bound by the temple before touching soulmarks.
The more corrupt they become, the more likely it is that you can coax Sydney into taking off their shirt and letting you trace the marks on their back.
At their most corrupt, Sydney will slip their hand up the back of your shirt in somewhat public places to stroke over your marks. 
Fluid, swirling lines on the inside of their right thigh. 
I hope you like wearing skirts ‘cause Whitney wants you in one at all times so they can hike it up and grab at your marks. 
And they will do that wherever they feel like.
At low dominance, they’ll stop if you tell them to at least?
Also, if you don’t wear a skirt, they’ll try to get their hands down your pants whenever they feel like messing with you and your marks.
And hey, Whitney is your soulmate. Shouldn’t you want to do shit that’ll make ‘em happy?
That’s what they’ll say, anyway.
As for touching their marks, they’ll only let you when alone. 
Even at low dominance, they’ll try to smack your hands away if you try to touch their marks when out public. 
Small swirls on their left ankle. Easily mistaken for an actual tattoo instead of a soul mark. 
Likely to kick off their shoes and press their foot against your mark under the table while playing blackjack as a way to distract you.
Gets flustered if you do it back to them, but tries to hide it behind wide smiles and low laughs.
Does sometimes daydream about having you laying under them, holding your foot, thumb brushing over your marks before dragging your leg over their shoulder and ducking down to give you head.
But, as your relationship is, it’s limited to playing footsie during card games.
Cat Bailey
A bit better about touching marks but still isn't big on it.
Purrs every time you brush against their marks but don't ever mention that you noticed. 
It's really when they go into heat/rut that things change. They're more likely to grab at your marks, to press you against their's. 
Don't ever mention how sometimes you'll wake up to find Bailey resting with their cheek against the marks on your stomach, eyes closed, purr rumbling in their chest and tail flicking lazily. 
Fuct Robin
Less into soul mark touching, really.
Sure, they still like it, but it makes them feel out of sorts, like they’re still the fresh 18 year old in a cramped orphanage room fumbling around with their partner they were when you first got your matching marks. 
Though, they’re much more touchy with your marks. Likes sleeping with a hand pressed to the marks on your chest. Stops nightmares.
Yandere Avery
Hope you don't get cold easily because Avery isn't allowing you to wear anything that covers your marks when you're home. 
Out and about, they make you cover up more, but any passerby can tell your marks match. What, you didn't think you were leaving the house without them, did you?
Touchs your marks all the time: right when they wake up, when they first get home after work, before falling asleep. All. The. Time. 
Also more likely to touch your marks out in public, but only very rarely. 
Eldritch PC
The soul marks have added tentacle motifs now, lol.
More intense for when your partner touches you.
Doesn’t mind the intensity: 
Great Hawk
Pure Sydney
Cat Bailey
Yandere Avery
Less likely to touch because of the intensity:
Black Wolf
Fuct Robin
Likes the intensity: 
Corrupt Sydney
Black Wolf
Great Hawk
Fuct Robin
Yandere Avery
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book-lover-forever101 · 7 months
* Twisted couples at a barbecue hosted by Christian and Stella *
Jules: * grabbing a hot plate * Shit! I burned myself.
Jules: * placing her hands on Alex's chest * Ahhh so cold!
Alex: Listen here you little shit-
* Josh, Christian and Rhys choking back their laughter *
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severe-kitty · 6 months
Stella: I like murder mysteries
Christian, trying to impress her: I've been a suspect in four murder cases
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swpdz000 · 1 year
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chewing toy repost and update!! now with the shady bastards (∩`ω´)⊃))💥💥💥
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mellowwillowy · 8 months
Yandere Reader × DOL
Warning: Extreme Content, unsafe sex, Crazy Reader
Bailey - Eden (M), Sydney, Ivory, Whitney, Kylar - Mason, Avery, Harper, Alex, Wren, Great Hawk, Black Wolf, Robin
Bailey's boobs! Eden's boobs! These 2 squeezeing your face! DIE! HAPPILY!1!1!
"What are you doing? I'll be charging you for this." Bailey spat as he watched you sucked his tits, hands groping it like a squishy. Eden on the other hand lets you use his tits as some sort of pillow. Ah... heaven... bless.
Sydney's anal bead, I'll squeeze it down your throat instead of using it as a rosary!
Sydney's hand gripped yours tightly as you used the anal bead inside their throat, fuck, they didn't expect this at all. Please, don't stop. Better yet, use your hand or your cock/strap-on on their throat now!
"Mwooh... mhoreeee....!"
Ivory's Necklace, right, fuck you wanna do if I swallow it whole?
"Get it out..." Ivory throatfucked you as their hands and tentacles choked you, "get it out right now, fuck, get it out!" Actually, you doubt they were throatfucking you to get this shit out. They were just trying fuck their cum out.
Walking Whitney
Whitney and a leash on your hand, no, not a leash to you but to them! Crawling the school hallway naked, how did it feel like to have the table turned now? Oh... look at how turned on they are, "fucking slut, you like people seeing your sex hmm??"
"Shut up..." they growled back but the trail of cum they left said otherwise ♡
Kylar and Mason the undies sniffer
Look at them. You understand if it's Kylar but Mason? Really? Sniffing your undies while you were swimming?
"K-Kylar did it! He did it first!"
"That still doesn't change the fact that you are a teacher. Oh, aren't you a perverted one? Just how down bad are you to the point you are caught sniffing with this," you pulled Kylar by his hoodie, "damn fucking loser who jerks off to my picture?"
"Uuu... you look so cute in that jacket so..."
Avery and alcohol
Fuck, you are sick of them raging at you every now and then. So? What to do? You eyed on the alcohols they got for the two of you and...
You hit their head with it. Just before they could say anything, you forced the alcohol down their throat, burning it. Just as you noticed they were wasted from the hit and burning sensation, you stripped them down and,
"I think you'll look great with your hole stuffed with this," you showed them a bottle of alcohol, "I don't give a shit about safe sex, feel free to have a check with Harper soon."
Doctor Harper...
Harper groaned as you plunged yet another syringe into their arm, the content? It's empty. Better be empty than fill it in with the drug they would use on you right?
"I bet it feels good, getting injected here and there right you fucker?"
Wren the smuggled
"Ehehe~ look at you~ so adorable in my bag, all tied up hm?"
The smuggler had been smuggled. Fuck, you were so going to enjoy fucking them while charging everyone fortune just to watch you fuck them dumb.
Milking Alex~!
Oh, the farm was growing. Look at it, the milk production got better in both quantity and quality! As expected of Alex! Now, it's time to milk Alex with your mouth and hand again!
Great Hawk the terrored
"Come on now, walking is better than flying right?" Great Hawk whimpered as you handed him his daily food. You caressed his bandaged wings that you broke with your own hands. "Good boy~ now eat, you'll need the energy to mate."
Black Wolf, awooooooo
Black Wolf did so as you fucked him dumb. What a pack leader he is, a great breedable alpha all along.
Robin, burn your fat down.
At this point, they were probably either traumatized or suffered from the masochist traits. Look, look at those marks ♡ how many times have you whipped the fuck out of them? It'll help burning down some of the fat they had.
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highladyofterrasen7 · 7 months
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Idk what happens in the if love series tho
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lilyysilvaax · 11 months
[At Eldorian Royal Hospital]
*All the Twisted men and girls waiting outside*
Rhys : *while passing around the room* God… I want my baby to be safe but my princess to be safe too.
Alex : Calm down Larsen. It is a normal thing.
Alex :
Christian : Rhys calm down. Have the royals polished away your gruffness?
*Everyone hearing Bridget shriek again*
Rhys : That’s it I am going in.
*sees the baby’s head out between Bridget’s legs and faints*
Everyone :
Jules : *clicking a picture* OH NOW THIS IS A STORY ALRIGHT.
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lighthousepigeons · 1 year
Jules: Don't you just hate men sometimes? They can be so useless!
Ava: Right? They're terrible!
Stella: 100%
Bridget: Definitely.
Alex, Josh and Christian:
Bridget: Not you Rhys, you're perfect!
The other girls: Honestly, he is!
Alex, Josh and Christian: Wh-
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